¥¥% i# £q al P 54 $4 Treasury Board, has returned from Prince Kdward isiand, whither he has been for the past two months on w Urgemtogai apd b«« .~ > Qurde inserted <> the Arst page fr «. . oa: wLtn sot exceedi~ pwenly wonls, once . «ick, $5; twice a wess. .M'L:fluqm.h.r_n wond aver Lwesl) t salle propori.on. RUEYTHS, RARKILAGES, DEATH®â€" Noyees of Biruns, Martings« and Deaths, %** THE WEEKLY TIMES Mr. Broder, Conservative, = supposed 10 be elected for Dundas. Winchester is the only towuship to bear from, and in that diviemon he is !ikely to be sustained and deaihe with i\ into the Nooks and Corners of the Do in every ul soue of the weee "hrom *4 farls °Of ty nâ€"bscripgion Raics for the Daily Times. minion," and it isnot improbable that he may repest the lecture in (ttawa on the cccemon of his approsching visit to this Loral Moticeâ€"Jas. Hermingbam. Looal Neqiceâ€"Burneti‘s Cocomine Auction Saieâ€"Jas. Hermingham pmoe $1.0 per anputt in advance. u-g-\o aod trustworthy Market Meports, Neports, aud «:) other matter incudent t a dre Loca) Noticeâ€"Ja«. Berm ingham. 30 Lapourers W antedâ€"Roger, Keily & Co. lusoivent Act 0: 1M@â€"W . H. Cooper. Loan Noticeâ€"6. Jacabs. city tiom. $Everythingâ€"live stock, produce, of Canada, but to the representatives of all the civilized nations, who will be keen to -b-.dvhu‘hnbd,-“. will assuredly become our customers if we can make it appear tothem that it | will be to their advantage to do so. In order to Tasilitate competition by the payment of all charges for transportaâ€" mote the representation of the Dominion at the Philadeiphia Centennial Exhibition are making exertions which as they go along ought to recéive approbation, which Ahe Aiimcs. eanest put to himseif, and then set himâ€" walf o assist the Advisory Board so that an snewer could be given that would do us credit. We should remember that i, is not now a question whether we shali be represented at all, bat, haring d mined that point in the affirmative, ~. . Every industrial department should be represented in the Canadian quarter at Philadeiphia. Exhibiters will hare the widely we or our productions are known the greatcr the necessity that rests upon us to make the most of the occasion. OTTawWa, MOXDAY, SEPT. 7, |74 * oh W W hen paid weekly, Tweiveand aâ€"hbail Cent. v!..._u_y,n,'_g‘l Dowuare in advance. Mr. J M:. R. J. Haliburton lims consented to Mr. J. W. King, ex Penitentiary Duwec MP" _ New Goods just. «wriecs. T. W,. LKENKNY 1ND A0NS, The Advisory Board appointed Phera on rer pore q rvint e T9 ~p THE TIMES o SBMUS 88 Sparke Strect, Ottaws. ilsaciments. allaghed $4.9 Comp ny of the policy and the duty of making a representation that will be worthy of the common ground with representatives of Indis, China, Japan, the South American Ntates, in fact every country on the globe with which profitable trade relations might be established. _ No argament can all hands on the success which has atâ€" temded this year‘s Provincial Exhibition. It is the fact that they are well deserved. The Province has been justly congratulatâ€" ed on the excellence of the specimens of country. The possible benefits may be incelculable. _ The Advisory Board, Toronto, will readily give all required in bition has had the effect of dissolving, too, a goodly number of the failse impressions which the people of the West have hitherto entertained regarding the Ottawa Valley as u«n agricultural district. The properâ€" tion of prisss which remained in this vicinity convinced them of their mistaken pleasure aod satisfaction from the knowâ€" laiige gained, although it has been at the expense of same pet prejudices, and a proâ€" minence in the honour roll which former rHE PROVINCIAL EXHIBITION. Ottaws but saw logs. Happily they and he have lived to see how thoroughly misâ€" were their disparagements The Exhiâ€" Eastern counties of Untario towards the West, and they have been partially sucâ€" cessful. The rivairy whichâ€" will be the resalt of Kastern as opposed to Westeru success 1t the Exhibition will be of a very ambition on the part of the one to mainâ€" tein a pre eminence which has been justly the part of the other to regain lost launâ€" reie. To this friendly emulation we may well look with satisfaction as the means by which sectional feelings shall be eradi ested, and the people of all portions of the Province taught to judge their everything that was necessary to a favourâ€" able imsue, and the list of entries as wel; as the award of prizes proves that dis, tawn was in all respects equal to the 0oâ€" large influx of visitors was found to be ishment hfl-*.oh.-vq well prepared for the emergency, but thoy gave no proof of that condition. if a man became so drunk that he could not siand, they showed themseives capa bie of carrying him to the station, &b--.‘&-“ centented. 1t is only due to the the latter in their turn to say that they conlu ted themselves with almaost unexâ€" a«mpled propristy. It was wonderful to note how sober and pesceable everybody wus, and the record of crime during the week,aithough there was what appeared to be a concerted attempt to make it appear tormidable, was truly of small dimensi >ns. have bean offered from will class of depredators made their sppearâ€" ance in our midet ? . We have no desire to be censorious in dealing with "the preâ€" servers of the peace," and we would fain give them the credit of having been such a terror to ovilâ€"ioers that: evil was not done ; but it would be more than could umuns a few days ago that Ottawa ousht to and very likely will come in for her turn in the regular rotation which it is hoved and exysetel wil: take the place of the system of selection which has so tar obtained in the location of the Show . It will thus be seen that we have not been put to expense neediessly, and that the worey spent in roads, buildings, &0., will in the future prove one of the most proâ€" fitable investments. We repeat, that the city of Ottawn, the Ottawa Valley, and the whole Province have reason to congratuâ€" late themseives upon the success of the Pair of 1875 . changes in the justiciary of Canade as may thereby be necessitated, has not yeot been settled, but rumour has been busy with the names of several more pro ninent lawyes and judges in that counection. So varied have been the speculations, and so numerous the rumours, that the right to be verified by the actual result, says editorially in its issue of Friday :â€" has been rife for some time Jylï¬.mdb the judicial appoint cessary the constitution of the new â€-L‘htbdeu- ada. R.ohomh-“bu- _‘lâ€"“' current rumour will be 1d to be preity nearly correct with regard to the following names :â€" PFrom Ontario : Chief Justice Richards, Mr. Justice Prom Quebe: : Hon, T. Fournier, Q Mr. Justice Tascheâ€" reau. â€" From New : Chief Jusâ€" 94. Juign will "wmke ie position of Chiar Jlflod &m&t _ t was cssential moâ€"t the intellest and judicial standing of its â€"h-&o“h,m.: the country. At the time it was abâ€" tinction and to legal should .. be kept in view. ls-md that public opinion £o with “.*lhd‘i-hly suggnsted be uitimately approved by His u&umd-um.“-ru- out Eamere io which by mepert (e is ce mnud-'-ww at the appointment of Mr Justice Strong to the position of Senior Judge of the Onâ€" tario Court of Error and Appeal foreshadâ€" l:b-*.h&'m of Jusâ€" tice, is a man of sterling ability, and entiâ€" ted to a seat on the Supreme Bench by E with Mr. Fournier, will give the‘ Province a most efficient represenâ€" tation in the new Court. : Iflu'l y his ripe n:uI-. on the: td isï¬ ge hn na Mr. Henry .&?mudw profession in Novea Scotis, of which Proâ€" vince he has twice been Attorney General. lov-ï¬-buflw-ih"& lis_life, but hm as a Union candidate in 1876, has not since app eared h:flï¬dm "h P e im ming ad Ee 1_*&&’%_“ -roâ€"-hz' in the Cabinet, and the ~h~lr do:-‘:,‘ua_. Te Mir 5o rage No hetiesnise * bwd-fl:?-hdc-h.:: mrinamien it PiPns u*b-u&-onr-ï¬h rndd-l.r;l . Harrison, (‘: *'r".'_-'..“-'!.:'l-' E_ hign the leading barrister in active practice at b.(h.-.-(_-lah â€" wum«:-m:‘:ï¬ mwï¬.-&p litieal vacancies created by these arrange~ ments, ifcarried out, will be the Postmasâ€" PROVINCIAL EXHIBI FIONâ€"GOLD MEDALS % ce “ ‘The Council of the Agricultural Associas tion yesterclay by an unanimous ““b‘hmâ€"fl-da ade Plumbago Company, (limited)" and to " the Ottawa Iron and Steel Company " hhw*-floh&- of their respective minerals and the manâ€" ’l.lp*u thereof at the Exhiâ€" Thm.qd--.ï¬-drw deserve the honour econferred, which honour is all the greater from the faot that these are the first medals ever awarded by the Associatin. We most ecordially comgratulate both companias on the success achioved. I ‘lb-lwu“..,.'hj ests involved in the development of our wast mineral resources, in the:opinion of the Council, warranting that body in susâ€" peading its ordinary rules. s $ THE SUPREME COURT. The question of the appointments to Justice Tascherean is a judge of ex ol voing oxpestnnbty ded, especially in COarvers&CGilders Caruers & Gilders. March 1%, 18974. HOTEL COOKING RANGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLESH > HOTEL PASTRY OVENB!!! ~_ HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS:! HOTRL LAUNDRY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AIR FURKACES :1! OHA'A OaALDWELL & 00, â€" â€" Mills® : Supply Agency Neo. 11 Aparks Street, Near Russeli House, Morson‘s Effectual. Remedics \ io opemile ond Drvagets TTAWA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1875. (pare or rrscoorey | ~>‘~ Corner of Bparks~and Bank Strects. Bega to inform the citizéhs of Otis/ia that Tagmas monrson &4 sqn. Atamufactured only by the Original Inventors. CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRRET BLYTH & KERR‘S. Railroad, Hay, Coal, MANUFAOT URERE 1 w60 Bvarks‘st. Ottawe, Sept. 16, 1875. AVOIDINEG HEAT 1N THE. HOUSE, January Wed, 12 COOKING STOVES, Drug _§tore. I. T. SHEPHERD. Chemist & Druggist, PIOTURE CFRAME AST END DOMINION WAREKOUSE, FAIRBANKS & CO. ‘VAe . weapows 400. . WILSON & ORR, SHOW C+8KS MAUVE To sgow 04 0"" Hardware, &c. SCALES, Manufacture of Sausages. SA VING FUEL Lof st. PAbL STREET, Mgi’t‘o SIGN : WRITERE HoUSE DHCORA 'non.rn-ug. PAPRRâ€" HANGER, &o m.w‘tâ€"ï¬o‘w: T.mlh Junr., noifiiriarts, Shist vevarres, aud now on view Opposite the (Post Office, Eigin Street. Notice is herety 41. (n _ r! eal!l of ’nnn-um&d- ï¬ f the ies y c3 U Â¥RST DaYvCor OcotTosrs NExtT. NP uP o PE TCO ï¬gg:g’: 4 $8910m1 m bracing ali the novelties, out for the season, o which the confidently SHOOLBRED .& CO;, Have received of their Spring Importations, Nm -.ml.l’ :-.ll to LEE & THOMPSON.) «on io to roi fog sudenlucs o the uie to Sheriff‘s Sale of Lands. Ever Instrument Warranted Five Years, APPRAISER FoR THE CANADA PERMANEST LQAN & SAVINGS COMPANY TORâ€" oxToâ€"FIRE AND LIFE Indun» ANCE AGENT. OFFICE:â€"No, 121, first floor, Sparks Htroot, Special Yalue in Lacse Curiains; s 3882 insyument warranted Five Years, Descriptions, Prices . & Testimonials (Made for Norris & Soper.) w.-h-u * Makers Retail Price. io. A 1.2.-‘\'_.‘ o * e TTAWA LADIES‘ COLL A TTAWA CARPET HoUSE. THOMAS SHORE & @WMPANY, «* \Bidl Biddelaide Street, Ottawa, Bept, 0, 1096, â€" _ ,w"l The Fischer Piano. Agents. Wanted In every City, Town and County of the PRINCE ORGANS, La Belle Piano. sEwT pane on Arrurcaribx. Oldest and bestâ€"64,000 in use, NORRIS & SOPER, idoiel| h Eifmirsiit Our retail Price E TYJVKE Union Forwarding Ratiway Oo7, mnfl;:‘d.dn- ot visiting the points of inâ€" when they embark on board of a steammet, ‘ For particulars apply at the Office, Sparks nfl“ MAIL LINXE : l;n‘“:.h‘ Day Qresp‘s Whart 'Jn-'ir.z,-ï¬:m M‘l'fl!l. * s a. w0 y yluroitA, 7 Oapte Maagenal \ DOWNWARDE, â€" QIATWA RIVER AAVICATION 604. y on io dore ohen, va. Apmpsuenses por" . . paraeg on eace DU CHESNEIE LAKE. â€" ie badintul Aat bt molle i thn ie se ucssc h mt c n’;rifl JÂ¥ OHANCKRY, CAUTION, Worcestershire Sauce. Ottawa River Navigation Company: SPEC1At TRAK To 881tAXKLA, Ottowe July 22 1875 BHept. 11, 1876, PIC NICS AND EXCURSIONS hi o. . onlRA Nee 00 > OTTAWA a>o MONTREAL DAY LINE, veas io nees neusanns saee o o6 on 0444 soat «#ee renses aeen08 00000 * ane sees besese n e80n 0008 000 avaee BOOTS & SHOES. Arefgly adenaed ied o " o Brinted mandings Account Book <»Manufacturer, ETHALIEE : 188U RANCE ComPAuny, ___ General Agent Citizens Insurance Co‘y. BOOKBINDER, Insurance Co. Khod y TT wmnj n fweraace ‘ ead ""i hhik ! Sahnhs muk allan..A NB | &:g dered Edward 1n this city on aikg " “ of. As pue" P Frrs, Lirs, Aocoipaxt axo Goaraxtus. * ‘E“.:.‘:..._..."'..-fl."""t" icwixe E. J. RODDEN, _ _ Ottawa, Jan, 22 Jan. 9, 1476 CiaPITAL, PRIMONT SEYSSEL ASPHALTE 8500 C REWARD ' “w *Oty the 1Cit hemonrung 4 on ms HAND IN â€"HAND MUTVUVA L Dooh bindgrs,| PAPER RULER, AND a . RORTImER, Tusurance. Temporary ©Mceo: NOTTICE. '. mui A.o'-g'.mnuj O@TTAWA. £b. $, SPVITETRE Manager of District. morth side of Albert,: west of TinbrgiG itr canaie, } OTTAW A. ALLER, A m v .. :'27 Davees ‘siweys in f-?'m'a".ï¬.m of his patrons aad tos poni on l- i E L ( e «b ma~~ Centre Town Livery _ PuÂ¥T OFPIOE SAVINGs BAWEL, _ Deposits will be rece!ved at this office. - d eposits cas be Wilhdrewsb al Ay ume. _ 1 ____ _ , mMpnaÂ¥ OngERE _ a Mn plementary bag sor MareÂ¥ 11. 194 BANK OF OTTA e viuge CROCEo" Ottawa, July ®, 18 wa Arrival and Departure of LIVERY STA Flour & Â¥eed 11«8â€"78, The Victoria 8 TOWwn I old away, as aoter to that the brought Urou®"" while were the Act never