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Ottawa Times (1865), 29 Sep 1875, p. 2

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«x$ ¢ 4 % }x 1} #t { Upwards of twenty years have elapsea ainge the late Emperor Nicholas of Russia dubbed his Turkish neighbour the "sick man," supgesting at the same time, with A §904 deal of Lumane propriety, that the and communicate the result of their deoâ€" liberations to Mr. Kennedy in the course of a day or two. near the city, which would be necessary, as the cost would be at least $250,000 In answer to the resarks of the Premier, Mr. Kennedy said the people of Winnipeg were willing to do their part in defraying the cost of the bridge, and if"a sum were named by the Government as being likely to beâ€"sequired, no effort would be spared to raise it. The Premier said he would THE HBERZEGOVINIAN INSURR Euo. We understand that the Gevernment | have at length came to a desision in the matter of the tender, of Messrs . Denison, Beiden ‘& Co., for Section No.! of the Welland Canal. An order in Couscil has passed over, and the work awarded to the next lowest, provided it huuphlul the figures of Deaison, Belden & Co. The desision is a very just one, and one that, we have no doubt, will meet with general those that the line of the road would b= lengthened about two miles by taking : west side of the river from Winnipeg north, and would entail an extro outlay of $30,000. He did not consider this a River at Wiunipeg. The Hon. Mr. Macâ€" kensie, after listening to the statements of Mr. Kennedy, replied in effect that he had examined the reports of the various engineers on the matter. It seemed by several Departments. been awarded to Mr. John Cunningham. The contract for the construction of Lock gates for the Culbute Canal, has been awarded to Mr. John Stewart of this city. . Mr. Kennedy, the Mayor of Winnipeg, had an interview with: the Premier yes terday morning, with reference to the running of the Pemmbina branch of the from the fact of the works in question being of private rather than public utility. Nearly all the Cabimet Ministers are now Mr C. J. Brydges, iste manager of the Grand Trunk Rai)way, has arrived in the city The Hon. Jo‘hn HÂ¥lyard Cameron, and Mr. Parkin, of Quebec, are +t present in Sir A. T. Galt bas arrived in the city, and is staying at the Russall House. UuTTAW A, WEDNESDA Y, SEPT. 29, 1875. wowan‘s Qpers House â€"Shaug? raun Com pany Oystersâ€"Noonan. Change of Timeâ€"® . L. & 0: K. K. Tonâ€"ers Wuntedâ€"W P. Lett. Concert and Socialâ€"@. . F. G THE WEEKL Y TIMES wme t ‘:~m~n‘v.m-o~"| iwen iy in, GDoé + o&fi; tWice a wees $17, and every day. 18, word over twenl » ue sme proportion. .u-u:-umw 5:‘ Subsqription Kates for the Daily Times war id , is publismed every Friday moruing, and conâ€" ains news of the week from «l parts of n hen act ersseding nty We TW f Tok are * ho e adl o a Hal) 0 ZNTH *rearh wornd over wenty . A dver ln."&‘”'?' nre as followe ; Auy one apect Â¥er Hale of W <s <~ M Mr. Duplessis, of the Intercolonial Rail The Hon. Messrs. Blake and Hsuagions Vacamt, Uaitle Straped or Rtolem. Â¥rezs Waâ€"tred. Fauruss for Ssale or to Remi. Live Stock for Sale or to Hesq, it enses fo: W hen pasd weekiy, Tweive and aâ€"haif Cent W hen peid yeariy, Nt Downre in advabce. Bi* Nee Goode just‘ arvrised. â€"_ °P W. LENNY} 14ND 8ONS, UWRTMS, MARKLAGES, DEATHS. i editoriai articles of THE i alLY TLMRES . §1.0 per annum in avance mpiere asd trustworthy Market Report â€". Telegraphic Despaiches, Pariiamentar; Ats and «.\ ouber matter incadeni to a Are â€" weesls pe«spaper. MANITOBA MATTERS Merchant Tuilors 86 Sparke Strest, Ofiawa. '*mflh_flhcm“-mo.-flu.z-. 'k--‘d-. It will be seen that the Chrisâ€" -'% A.:h-u-i“- tiams stand i proportion of about | to an officious : $ i memnrage Turks of [ Wtot the policy uf «ho Canadien Premian four â€" to | ones 1nd ‘w“ conclude our review of his â€"|ecourse hate each other cordially, and | fife and charnoter. â€" We think, however, _|even between the Groeok and Roman | that if thrown amid tha malitical Aataill Lat the Servian e heated; and . we shall ~%"‘iflm of Moslem troops, and all European Turkey will be up in arms.. Already Bosnia has foined the fray in carnest, and the conâ€" Loox Hunu.â€"For the Exhibition. For sale or to lend, one hundred dozen Knives and Forks, very cheap, at "Variety Hall," "“ m’vibfl"‘ 777. highway robbery originated the outbreak, but the rebels have aspirations beyond the pillaging of caravans. They seek the @sta blishment of a Sciavonic empire, with Servia as the sentral state, and Belgrade as the capital. Prince Milan, of Serviw has promiged to observe a strict neutrality in the struggle, but he will find it easier in ie siraggle, but he will find it easior to promise than to perform. A short run Constantinople. They returned to their own country, and, viewing the clemency m’th!d.---tdmhqh sslused to pay taxes, flew to arms, and has since been made it is somewhat dfiâ€" is added to the other causes o( discontent, it is not surprising that civil war is the result. The accounts of the cause of the recent outhreak aro varied, and not much to be depended upon. It would appear, however, that hostilities cccurred in the first place over the pillage of a caravan which was conveying merchandise into the district of Nevesinje. The pillagers took refuge in Montenegro,‘the Prince of which procured them a pardon from Catholich Churckes there is consizerable animosity. It would be a credit to any ruler or system of government to be able to maintain comsord and gooil will among elements so ‘essentially antagonistio in their constitution ; but with the Suitan it is a huge impossibility. There is no country which cannot bear witness by dear experience to the mischief which is the jealousies of race, but when oppres course wildly fanatical. ‘The entire popuâ€" lation of the Province numbers about 290,000, of whom 180,000 belong to the Greek Church, 48,000 are Roman Catho lies, and the remaining 62,000 Mohamâ€" medans. It will be seen that the Chrisâ€" tiams stand in the proportion of about has never been perfect peace within her borders, and never any sttempt to instiâ€" tute such an order of things as would make the people either tranquil or modâ€" erately happy, were they ever so well disposed. Rebellion is chronic, the latest instance of revolt against authority being the Hersegovis:ian insurroction, the details of which from day to day cccupy such a large proportion of the space allotted to Foreign despatches. Hersego vina is one of the European Provinces of W,M&omup& pouderates very greatly over the Mohamâ€" medan. It cogupies geographically the country east of tho Adriatic, is bounded : e-thunhbyll-h.-th.nh,l Servia, on the south by Albanis and Monâ€" tenegro, and on mmumâ€"u‘ Servia and Montenegro, like Roumania » possess a sort of semiâ€"independence, hayâ€" umm«um-fl‘ calle« statesmen have proved themselves perfecily incapable of the task. There put life and heaith into Turkey. The Crimean war may therefore be said, with all its waste of money and blood, to have been worse than useless, and at the preâ€" sent day every one of the objects for which it was undertaken and carried to a con lusion are non esft. The Baitio reâ€" stored to Russis, the indian possessions ol Great Britain menaced by the aggres sive policy of the C:ar in such a way as to daily threaten the peace of Europe, and draped im mourning, blasted househoids, lonely widows, fatheriess children, childless parents. It was a terâ€" rible ransom for such a poor returu. But the efects of the improvemeni in the condition of his ‘Turkish Majesty were expected to be excellent in so far as the future peace of Europe was concerned, and the Allies were not without hope that he condition of his subjects would also be very materiaily altered for the better. He was like almost every unwashed sinâ€" mer in the immediate and awful presence of dissolution, profuse of promises that his ways would be mended if only life were spared him ; and, the request having been granted, he has carried the similiâ€" tude out to the endâ€"he has returned to his vomit like the dog, and to his wallowâ€" ing in the mire like the sow that is wasbed. Indeed, the condition of Turkey is worse today than when the Russian Emperor proposed the coup de grace. The Allies destroyed Sebastopol and reâ€" pressed Muscovite insolence in the Euxine, but they did not and could not preach themselves, in connection with the Crimean war. No race or creed within the bounds of Turkey is satisfel, and it has been a feature of her policy more marked than creditable that Christians, who shed attended him could do was to put an «nd to his miserable existence. The sickness with which the patient was then afflicted, as subsequent events have proved, alâ€" though nigh unte death, was not fatal. A constitution as tough as a tinker‘s, with the skilful dosing, and leechoeraft of Docâ€" most wonderfully restorative effect, and it was geperaily believed that he had gotien a new lease of life. The cure cost his physicians a heavy priceâ€"millions of momey, humdreds of thousands of precioiis â€" human _ lives, . populations «ympathy than ever, it would really seem as if there was nothing upon which the tors Enitain, France and Sardinia, had a Powers could be congratulated, and every soid low for cash." Remembe %‘fi.fimfii George street, second b& n W omimatal s m ht catiraat fi"fi“‘w Climate Nurseries of Auguste, Dupuis, E. Village des Auluaies, Porn mopt ty lt tnd "Tatratie," ba shall not attempt to discuses, there bas been nothing in his past â€"which ‘d.i give roo n or colouring to certain attacks of which he has been made the object, -‘WOM themselves. > 1 .‘h B & is not to the Hon. Prime m«u'éz}: we desire to homage, Mr. A‘h-hr &im-,:b;m mesoimmoant der of his adopted country." bgectsanoe spaied, "Jou Ee femieun, 08. No 4 0:-. street, Lower Town. Mr, Mackenzie was called upon by the Governor General of Canada to form a rred the ":“:-:. b,h an ; we must conclude our review of his hife and character. . We think, however, that if thrown amid the political details of Colonial Constitutional Government in which personalities sometimes perform a most iwportant role, Mr. Mackensio has rebuffed certain parties, whose vailu> we Ts P oemint ibs? o it eP vinhis dm-y‘h:t.dlhw& vious twenty had â€"to retire hz PS'M majority, to be one of the best debaters in the Assembly ; so that in four years after the House, when a cvalition ministry, several of lhis political colleagues, was about to be formed, he was requested to accept a portfolio. He formaily refused the offer, ! The visit o. Mr. Mackensie to Great 'Btiuhh-hmuoc&c'.. which every true Canadian must regar<\ with pride and satisfaction. Canada, at well as the perâ€" sopal history 0i the gentleman who in the meantime holds the leading position in her Government, bas been brought betore the public of the mother counâ€" try with a prominence which has already been productive of much good. To Mr. Mackentie himsel! the attention which he received at tho hands of the public and the press at home must not have ben a little fattering. <But his remarkable carser and woaderful talents have attracted notice in other quarters than his native country. So far as the .l-nd'w" soon earned fi.& hlul,LMd-Un«M :finmwhn'&ht:.u’:‘t lizment of Canada. The new member soon made his merk and was acknowâ€" He was scarcely twenty old, when he j&d.mflmdmm men who had made up their minds to mms-mmm in company for Canada. His new were not slow in flizont and ; ating the worth of the future DECEICCOl "HOU Cuon Cvemng Jw qowh his hesvy mason‘s hammer to ply into studies which < the MJ&NMM severance, supplemented by a. correct Dunkeld, Scotland. Tupoclo{n him a classical education, his father had. him and friendship were at all desirable. But Mr. Mackenszic has been the/ subject of attention in other countries. and by except the inherent worth of the person under notice to demand it. For example, this is what M. Paul de Cares, of the Paris Monde, says of him :â€" " Of Scotch extraction, the Prime Minâ€" ister of Canada, who left his native land a simple stone mason, scarcely years ago, has raised himseif .fly and nowelessly, by the sheer force of talent, n&-d-dwpdiw position he now fills. the poor mechanic of the past is welcomed and feasted at the most aristocratie Court in Buzope, while, for the proud nobles who surround him in honours which were paid to him, during his short visit are concerned, he was the first Canadian statssman who had been similarly honoured, which wa* a peculiar compliment to himself, and the inguguration of a new era in the history of his adopted country. ~From Great Britain this was but the beginning of a course which was a very necessity, although it had been tardily adopted, of stature very |ittle over the a the gilded saloous of St. James, the ple Canadian statesman. Dry.nbd. in his manners and simple in his attire, of the Dominion has nothing about that smacks of parvenu. Notwithstanding his deep blue eye, well developed brow, ”“ m‘t:{ birth, but on _ the dhrghk it _ bears THE FRENCH PRESS oN THE PRE MIER OF CANADA. * es can be obtained" Jos: E. Lamieua; 4, Ottama streoi, Lower Town. TTAWA, WEDNESDAY. SEPTEMBER ) ~o.. Vooal Mukc..,; smy MHKSB. 4 recetve m sustained ty 2 . " ho‘ wl aiso Sorais se myfim P Proâ€" Th f mh l. J L Mn iee, teortagin 1 .om'A o yous; adt ai gabliey | lall olaval 1 nmovon‘t ill © | prtso® 4« co8 HOTEL COOKING RANGEsS! HOTEL.CARVING , TABLES : _ HOTEL PASTRY OVENS 11 HOTEL IRON BEDsTEADSt HOTEL LAUNDRY 8TOVES HOTEL HOT Alr® FURN FAIIIAI kL®* WILSON & ORR, COarvers &CGGkilders aHOW C2MER MADE TO ORC: March 12, 1874, ., 3+ Aemeraa uki Caruers & Gilders BLYTH & School Music Books. Manufactured only by the Original Invantors. Ottawa,; Sept, 16, 1875. Railroad, Hay, Coal AVOIOING HEAT 18 THE l?SL RIDEAV STREET, _ CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STRAET COOKING . STOVES, Drug _Sotore. T. T. SHEPHERD. U A NUPAOT URKRS | w# 80 fAnatrksacst. . MONTREAL, s FAIRBANKS & CO; 214 Riend Chemist & Druggist, Jounary Hird. 149. DOMINION WAREKHOUSE, PICTURE FRAME Hardware, &t. S AVING FUEL SCALES, PLATPORM AND COUNTHR 40328T. PAUL STREET, LOOKIN3~GLA88 and Aruggists ALL -dl-.'_ BON in (yecphea 10 B1 (1ATs or PRZSCOrT) Corner of Sparks and Bank 1 ‘the -3:-2 io \nform the axixens of Otte Tum Have réceived of their Spring Inyportations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTAINS. Embracing ali the povelties, out for the season, o which the confidently | Â¥I fa: ho wey s [‘ THOMAS SHORE & CUMPANY, ‘m'hbll arlourfioh.i t . , Ba# leave to call the attention of the Public to PIANO â€" FORTES, ORGANS, &c. ____C@ANGER, &o | . 119 wioriet notioe, And t 6 work pofati s atyie: »Xs d ies -:‘m;m or 3W parices, Opposite the [Post Office, Elgin Street. mow warrzr® _ Buus# DKoorA noie B xg 09 : t f2 o 0""‘ CARPET HoUSE SHOOLBRED & CO. Sherifft‘s Sale of Lands. T.m Jâ€"h' No. 8 Adslaide Strest," Ottawa, Sept. 9, 1576, T OrPICK:â€"Ka. t91, first ‘floor, ‘Sparks H{tree ue oo‘ Haloe Lipk Hol®! : ...... > qoegens nposint Vatee in Lase Ca riains. SAUSAGES,. JOHN ‘s3a4Togrt. AM& PRINCE ‘ORGANS. ) Invite MATHUSHEK and everything in connestion with their CaALLANp W‘F"’i‘?;" i4 ME Z Ne Noc e can olz n#gar *4 tnac 29, 1875. IN OHANOXRY, 104 is on ie Worcestershire Sauce. l”fin MATL LINE | | imow rowery~tey"s uxigwar e !onrt:WdWh”“ll- DV CHESNE LAKE.~.~=â€" Sopt. 18. 1875. Bur. Pllu.‘af ie rt hvieiminte *# PB W in C mokr an oouizal Raiiway *b bany nxcarmonist "b7 BPECIAL TRAIN TO BRITANNIA, when they embark fon board of a steamer, _ Por particulars apply at the Office, Aparks & hag h Aromrigtgpueciny e it OITAWA _ RIVER HAVIEATION CPY, 5 Aaad® «5 ROYAL MALL LAXF aTEAXERS mmcg. :;?‘â€"fm-mâ€"a] rhh'a"vuho‘ufid «e en mm s mese c Unlon Forwarding & Rallway Compaiy, Ottawa "Rhver ~ Aavigation‘ "Couipiby? | w&m.&_&. rigipal on the lith inst., leaving Oblawa OTTAWA a*p MONTREAL 14. LEA & PERBINS of Worcester, DAY LINE, 1O d iw Y a‘y the‘main | lead to the deteotisn £20 conviction v the C l Anatiis do o ;“’, ‘q' Efi' i. Bs ‘si, râ€""‘;oo'..' 'QTT . on the & + made K .....;"."L‘!.;‘.'.‘."...&.m._ “'""&‘h"" «4 subscriber having another RY afl»m.:m g-mi ols, on the Dome inlon "of "Cawe Piesen.r ied the wi <Abe Footpaths in P Ed asphrite (det Insurance Co All ordersfor Toqu‘ring prinied neadings Wasr§ly anteoded "to" fls ! BPARKS BTREET, OFTTAWA. Ruling, Perforating, Numbering Te ‘lst Auj('f » J 3 Citizens Insurance Co‘y. CAPITAL, % % #2,000,000. ©5600 REW ARDA Accouat Book:+Manufacturer, C'fl; r"nll& o e oltere se ghrelty or Maminos. ~ p,. THO: :.g:.', t naade CHAB, D, CORY, Erq., Manager. / a "“'k':.'-‘ia:f&«vm. OFFICE:~ Russell House Blook, KTHA LIFE INSURANCE COMPARY, And other sgods at proportionatoly, low prices, BOOTs & sHOrs. Lamb‘s â€"Clearing Sale, CANADA 4 Fire and Marine Insurance Co. Jan. 8. 1475, for cash in order ot i before receivit cm BOOKBINDER, _ PAPER RULEE, AmD PYRIMOUT "SEYSSEL ASPHALTE N. B. ~Residence north side of Albert, webt of &h! h i'. uastern Ootae Diecriet Agpper Omee, Active canvalsers Wanted To# territory not Mamtye lot of slippors, mt cost and nnder, all BOOTS & SHOES Utiawa, Rept. 16, 1875, ncoerporated 18741. /+ @» RMGORTIMER, JOHN WINER, Keq, Hami\ 9."""'*'!:1?“1&: o Book bindirs. W. E. BROWN, General Agent Koong Hubner Hpvili ut s1iee, Ensurauce. O% . â€"â€" + + Hamiiton, Ont, CaAPIT AL, §1,000,000, ‘ Rubbers at 85 ors. R. C. W. M100U4 Agent, Ottewa and V * * + PABRPAF D intfiot. Charter Perpetual 15 Bussex Street. Wellington Street, Near Pooley‘s Briligts OM | PO®T OFRICE pv HANK : ARigenmane bes n ounties, meprar Are no longer sold ‘@t this oflce, but wonine canlencil ue it M inie oi pae Vin New 'fi close Pef _&fl- Pm d-E-::: ; Chatlbs . W.: Teonard, cheings Dipas / Departmagt * st Ofes, Viiewa, June i. $M70. BROWN & ®R Livery Btnbles, Wideau ‘ttn td ing ‘onjofe ait §h" be had at all ho Centre Town Livery 8 o is OB0ts mt us paint RIDEAU AND wfl =<BKkKKTE Hihend M ma y ON Pawven axD cnalyus, 186. SUMMEKR A [ {4 OE N.B. â€"Morses BANK OF OTTA ttews smy #, I§ es Was alb 11. 1494 Livery Stables, LIVERY STABL 1149â€"78, FLOUR AND FARM P Flour & Feed The Victorta Bantkt D Carriages, _ B TeE( | wl uns o BROWNLEE & TOWwn t HHee ePA tiit $ tigei §5F A Fale of and .he To e Egl'“-! of opinion ments to nity af his all their

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