* CHDCLE®, isnn at 2y ue "" W NLEE & CO me every Â¥r +7 at 18.00 »°°T A W A, KEK, Postmesker, bies, Carrizages, . Leonard, sparture of Mails, =d, Wroul Eie agd seviuge un pusibere re Reveers * *PPSBHE ra Stables ails. 1A YLOorR. thin. A Ni cw A5 B e P lao (Aiz®e Guné 4101c 3 TABLES Livery Etables. «very & RICR. OTTAN «*4 Oy mowlseai ies *A «Poecinky pouite Woensens w.:.m Nt â€" 6 A 0 m £D storg AKRLA xp al 2l boure by en PRO0UTE, harct, M.P.4, cod 4 ovinl. port ud altentivg 5l &# use they had, as before stated, no ‘correct idea of whatâ€"Constitutional Govâ€" «ament was. !t was very different witr woupe of the ex.Councillors. Both Mr. Baidâ€" win asd Mr. Hincks knew what they were about, but driven 10 doan ungoustitutional Seciaration of tzeir upinion upoo this e Hrnng. t fas sns se suitutonal question, and the.efore most "m' gider cartied by a vote of 60 to mhmufldww"lhnflw Sepereign, and = utmost respect for the exaiteu stotion and high charneter of His Exceliency is most anzsous to guard agrinst any misconstruction which possiâ€" biy might be placed upon the aftirmative bumbly beg leave io discmim, in a nega~ tive form, any desire that the bead of the Government should be called upon to enter into any stipulation as 10 the terms upon which a Provincial Administration -qdu.n;mdntuunuom'oycd P in office ; that mutual Lm,. which in essential to the well being of any Government, no cessarily presumes that they are underâ€" stood, while a due respectfor the preroâ€" ï¬:dmcmn.-dprlwm deiicacy towards lier Majesty‘s the fpllowing sides Thus was the * antagonisim" vistuaily compmpmised. .n t paiched resoluâ€" h-“nz Governorâ€"Genera. was based, which kxcelliency cour tequsiy receives und thenâ€" began 10 look sbout him for new but liberalâ€"minded advisers . Much as Sir Chas. Metcaile distiked the Impetuosity of Mr. Hincks, the domineerâ€" ing spizit of Mr. Latontaine, and the wunâ€" :‘Mu&h-u- of Mr. h:im was uo ‘Fory in say scteptition term, but a man in whom the the sense of jpstice predominated, and who was cotise: quently as just to Tory weakness as he was to the rashness of the innovator. There was somethigg about tir barles Metcdltes the warmest sympatiy. He had sagacity enough to perceive with Solomon that he who would have friends must be triendly, and he extended his friemdship, without ®stentation or parsde, to all who needed the «id error of simply opposing the Governer, forgetiing that the oahrbof i been entirely changed uw.m dco-{ i before stated the 2 mot Te Toud mot somprebcnd, bo antrBritish "prejudices of the French Cansdians, with whose aid it was not diffi oult to cacry Mr. Price‘s resolution when representative forbid their being ex alsove. There was an affectionate regard Numdï¬.ï¬.n Charies which the greatest and the meanest alike perceived. 1t is not thereâ€" fore at all wonderful that out of doors even «s yet bound to Jeciare their opinion h’:n-u-ou::ihsho said claim of the Executive w may not be held to ortibein of responsible Goy c mont @ ed in the resolomwons of the ;:: 1941, to which this Houseé frmly adheres. f pepropes m nhey nuvenbiediy wong «ad as undoubtedly were, couid be -nod.m?h F : ancoâ€"Conadian -n-dthoh&;‘ndouly iqnorant ef Constitational rument fell into ine busipess of the counmitry was now conducted without a Ministry, the hmuuumm won, seconded by lr. Lafontaine After considerable disocusaion as to the propri¢ty wtus ds us P i L 2 ®° ganting any supply "0:'_‘2: bottle was used I was cured. 1t is a most «roumstances, it was at last remarkable medicine. that twentyâ€"one thousand three hundred Sold by all medicine dealers, price 25 and sixtyâ€"poumds should be grunted t0 | cents. . # Her Majesty"to meet the necessary and inâ€"| â€"_...â€"â€" . $ N. TH [ :-N.-:;.-«uhmd;um‘ n Ge O Province, £1/407 o defray certain Bole agents iems of expenses of the Civil Governâ€" Ayru,~Alescirio~â€"Selected and Kleoâ€" pont ; and an address was adopted prBy~ wiged, . _ _ _ ___ _ _ _ _____. Ronesty that secured respect. Great as was his intellect, his beart rested on his an address to the (»ov~rmor Generai on the subject of res; »us.ole Government. The Honourable ! nry Black movei :â€" Thet an bumble =idjress be presentgd to His Excelienty whe Governor General, humbiy representing to liis Excellency, lhl..hnunhnxuudu. of the late Executivee Council to beâ€" solely that of ing cogsulted and beerd u al Tok or Snpormnte 10 the Aoviaes and of being icformed of ltis Excellency‘s determination upon any such question before it become public by acy other chaanel, without any claium to control Mis Ercellency in the exervise of the unâ€" doubted prerogative of the Crown upon a8y such ques ton, or to prevent his aot 'z'--'hmubo might see best weighing their advice and hearing their reasons, this House, without feeling itself called upon to express any opinion wouli be a degredation of the royal effice and most seriousiy impair t=e. Conâ€" sdituton, which it is lhoï¬loryu the Fyo vince to possess. . Mr. Viy»â€": moved a resolution to the e€feci that u« document or question had on the psent occasion, came before the liouse .= a soape in which :t could, accordir, .o Parliamegtâ€" «ary usage or practice, =:v» as the basis of or with any other person, or persons in the Province, respecting the future ex erase of the prerogatve, and Jrdiy. Thai the wellâ€"known pracuce nln&o Brith Constitution recogmired on!y one effectual means of securine the obserâ€" vance of the aforesaid prhcxt,.wl’, the resignation of. the mem of the Executive Courcil, whenever on an oc casion of sufficient importance to â€"warrant the application of ‘that legitumate check upon the exercise of the prerogative, the Governor General shall have (mled to ask or refused to follow their advice in some partucuiar caso ; but thst a>y general -nn.-.uu::z the head of the Governâ€" ment even with the House of Assembly ment for the exercise ef every royal preâ€" rogatve within the Province ; and that consequently, in as much as it would be most unjust to subject any man to reâ€" sponsibility for acts in which he bad not participated, _ :t _ was . indispensable that the royal prerogative . be exrercised ty His Exceliency the Goverpor Geperal, with the advice of his Executive Council: 2nd. That the Provincial representaiive of the ~overeign could not be responsible {;r or in anywa sccountable for the eutcinduyhrunl of the Roya! ; ~m~ogative to any Provinâ€" cial autbority whatever and coulkl not therefore constitutioually enter into any pledge, engagement, or assurance with the members of the Executive Council, to exist in this 1 the Executive are question of their right to be consuited eoa . what _ this _ House _ avows _ to be the prevogative of !he«‘uo-nâ€"qm'm- mwents to office ; and that ihe ex amâ€" ters‘ advocac; of this principle entitled them to the confidence of the House. Nn Wake€eld moved three resolutions m amenmdment â€"The first that as the nauples of the British Constitution had Ltn geclared by the resolutions of 1841 to exist in this Province the members of the Executive are responsible to Parlia 4 Te# LUKE TRAYERS. »lere were sudlening [rowm . w namentary iDdiscretions , d «i with busines« which } m avaze. [0ok an Oppoituâ€" ; w a nuai rupiu e with the | j retreating back to their ; m r of the duet they â€" ad | 1 pthtical priaciple. They | ;p »me of their own bills | * r Cana is Mumerpal Bil, | d ul to ecame law ; they | c the Customs Amendâ€" | th bey couid not then deâ€" | is iege, v .ich M:. Draper | n {ende.. at the bar of the | w re oversem, and ears in | "€ committed swmewlie. ' in _ ha i . conswleftibiy , Mr. Price, on the a resoiution to the se deeply regretted eriain members of inistration, on the M Howix Ha®z. â€" ow _y“f-n- abuse this delicate and beautiful orma MMb’ in with grmms, Shish Ses ne flhlb:;n.ul --;.w aCoqd-n.s'::‘pand&qu.- 2:.‘:‘.5..‘32'.".‘.3,....?..:...“."’ proten. hflhl._h‘wlm’. in haaihy goat, * * *‘ ten Bills tor the siguification o( Her | Majesty‘s pleasure Sir Charles M‘slkl proveeded to the Council Chamber in state and ptm-d Parliament with a speech remar for tbow’ ot its tone and for the -funu and conâ€" ciseness of its wording. in consequence | | of the interruptions which the Pariiaments | and bis labours bai undergone, entirely : against bis inclination, an i from causes | over .hnnboh.dn»mud.bomtï¬.‘ genilemen of the Legisiative Council and of the Assembiy to relieve them from further attendance in Parliament. He ces is Of ther l C session which been so unexpectedly shortene, and trusted that the measures which had been passe« and to which he bad assented would prove beneficial to the country. He â€" had _ reserved some . i.lls for the _ consideration lof H! : Majesty‘s Government, either from the impracticability of their being carried into execution, owjnz to their depending upon ’otufl' :ouuru which have ant passed into laws, or fram their ..“1 the prerogative of the Crown, or being a character that, under the roval instrucâ€" tions, rendered that proceeding imperâ€" Frzass leave your orders for stove piping now at E«monde‘s. 30401( Fauss Movsstr.â€"ror peopie to allow 1is» . to become seaied upon themn rather cousult a physician, or to suiler as _az:hâ€-n nï¬h“ï¬&lmfl a¢ without goung at once to «Arulg get for Fowle‘s Pile and Humor Cure which:s an infallible cure. Fre } Wauar Tusty Sar or Iit! A Faw Facu rox us Puoriz.â€"There are but few pre parations of mdicines which have with uoozlbm ial judgment a7 d&op:-‘ time. . One llme ‘a Lo. thotem. Rroguns o. â€" Rond bottles of Eclectric Oil, and it is n mn_e-dbythom'-.‘.odlh medicines they ever used;‘ it has pain, sore m.d.-* l‘h':-nhbhq writes : "1 was persus ded to try Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil for a iame Tor curing lntuences." 1t in & #r0RE public ‘I have been afflicted with rhoumatism for the last ten years, and have tried man‘y reme.lies without any relief, until 1 stitution. Full directions in tbp-ebtm each package, which should carefully For full particulars, obtain free, of the «gent, a pamphle, or refer to advertise ment. _JOoB MOSKS, N$W YORK, SOLE PROPEIETOR, $1, and 12 cents for mm ~ Northrop « Lyman, Ontari, »*~» a bottle, over 50 pills, by :« im mmail â€" | or sale by all druggists. writes : * F Fatigue on exertion, Palpitation of the H ios and those e omm means . have failed ; although a powâ€" erfuil remedy, do not contain iron, calomel, antimony, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" -m-dlxn-d&thnuipod tion, bit a and safe remedy for Foâ€" cause whatever ; altongh a In all of nervous and A+â€" houuet Pand in the Shek 4d un ‘ ther inends reminded Sir Charies nemlfe that he wus governing without a, full Minisiry, and at last, the fHoodrates of opposition be‘ig opened, the lhdic-ll press poured out ypon the head of the tovernor Geners! a perlect torrent of Aabuse. The Montreal 2ilot o?on-l i'." colums for Mr. Hincks, and with a bitterness of spirit that has never been | m.d‘.kltbo exâ€" Minister seated himself in the torial chair. . Mr. Hincks was decidedly the mt abie of the ex Minis â€" ters. He had not the brilliancy of : Ay! â€" win, nor that Billingsgste flow of wor is which the cxwkim-demr:iwd; mor had be the polish, if he even the reading, of Mr. Nullivan, He m‘gt have been less obstinute than Mr. uln-a.‘ and not so honest as Mr. Baldwin ; but his tougue was like a twoâ€"edged sword | which nothing could resist. _ His very was wollish. ttooping someâ€" m he seemed, as hbis eyes glared fiercely, to be ever ready to spring upon his prey ; and bating with an intensity that ve sharpness to his onset, bo, I.p-rupo- one whom he was pleased to term an Indian despot, as if he woulid have torn him to pieces. Griffintown, aroused, began to take an int rest in the fight. Day after day party excitement became stronger. . ~Nons of Liberty ranged themseives on one side, L. P. 3. on the other, In the eyesof the Conservatives Lord Metcaile was looked r as a champion, not of the right, but their rights, while the of the exâ€"Ministry sa~ in him flv that "Nero" who fiddled while all about him was in a blaze. 1t soon became necessary io bring the â€" session _ of _ Parliament :o l’ close, _ and accordingl on‘ _ the Ith of December, dhr’hii-g given the ruyal assent to 55 Acts and Wl’!‘l J0B RMOBKS PYMALE PLi4*. [To be Contitnued.} â€" To:in! â€" who ate #18e0008 froy FNLPÂ¥. | deocsy. L us of 1w D , | that wii = + uh. a sqlfâ€" h:n-: :z a _‘uu_:’.‘:":-% n.:;'un Tno thon . All for $5.5% m“g‘ "usis * * n nevitaavnay. ï¬â€œâ€"-j&l‘fl,"‘ wangt P J <â€") it * subovaalalemel Jn tenganpeiee â€"00~ Resiges ibout Â¥wo tncurand poonds, steriing 1t ie cocinnan? and h To bo cpened this CHAMPION SHINGLE â€" MACHINE ! TY rpid thots reg oirine, w meay Fent as. sured t wan ts be -; and for the patronage stowed upon the mh-r-: w «-un-:: "'K ‘ly soli¢ited. +d L aae oT Sa ied o omeâ€"maker requirt Tu#u LIMITS FOR SALE fl'd%uï¬. hereby ho:no , that the r.‘ dlhc... t_l::d'-‘:'nnn-d sexâ€"the busines* will bereafter be excinsively mWhrmbwut 493 SQUARE MILES enter into the composition of many of the factitigur tr wit dhm now in the market. ‘They are not only 1ue to but prepared from L‘L%..-.“‘?...".‘.m._: that a 4 amail quantity only noe® be Pure pountry sir and freedom from excite» Tevimuimerivly o, ererarsel.senenbeg ï¬:‘w.u?'u- Mmeral water loses pef:â€" “‘..‘2.‘."......""‘.""_"5_,"'..5".3 SnTbot fninht the Springh Ths "whied" Pun ho t m?iuww- perfect and great strength. ‘They ate witâ€" ranted from the polsonons olls and acids which withihE us Avall vhomeatves Ir The bernnie ts v\-â€.-:â€"ru";l:. the uss of the best llln: -pngq-' weeks in the m thase) Sprir ge. s we‘l used in sheir own l-o-\?h\n-b. ut t we reach of all. Le parts of the ciiy in 3 galion jars, »*. 00 ots. perâ€"gailon, in 3 gallon barreis at $2 barreis exur®. ï¬t"t‘:ï¬ï¬‚ch the * und other informatinn, #p, 1y to aced «Bal ult «bsecandy e eibenioed oo ‘tt CVt ie wa, 1 A linfited number of boarders can be accom» SHOWER AXO QTHER BATHS, _ THE DOMESTIC C[CJMPLETE IRONS IN ONE. lts the best, Borthwick springs. Great Provincial Fair. MARY DAVIS & 80N & LAWRENCE, * | Agents tor Dominion of Canada, JDeEPu BURNETT & CO, B0BTON, Burr;gt_t_’g_ Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts o igernronns d'g_mg‘t‘t's‘ E;Ea:c:ts Burnett‘s Extracts (Frimping lron in the Market T. H. HARRISON‘S, IBER LLMITS, #) & 82 "A.-lnlï¬" W. & T. HORTHWICK, .3 F ithoias s:tct. & 148 50« tom â€"Purker House, Baston. THE TIMES ; OTTAW A, THORSDAY..sEPTENP®= (Qamomile Pilis.‘ _ Kugsne .Rmme!l, ; Parfomer 25 H i. H ioointstaaaots. loee P ns ant 70 Kinghs Boad: Brighton p***° .r“.‘wfl! which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA ti$ PERRINS have adopted _ e P Pemieg The Royval Exchange Hot WELLINGTON STREET, A First Class Family and Commercial Ht In consequence DECLARED BY CONN s TO BI THE ONLY GOOD flUOl. ND 16 E8 T 10 N. A Cen aurth Qpating!\â€"A Namat wath mang SAVE YOOR. EY Cz dearing their Signature, A New Label, R iC it EDL NS are PAIX KILLER. g Reial Chemists ; . and w*:fl'&‘,ï¬"-s_ï¬!g"“ d enuine prepared oply> SavORY & MoonE, 1ss Bond street, Lonudon. ISs NOW OPEN. YÂ¥ ontreal and Toronto, Te en reot Morson‘s Effectul RuimaQles meuee, o o m%m __-_‘- he * The Tiimareusal Departments of, Lostrhotion t Wumm PILEK 4AND HUMOR CURE, teroughout the worl FOWLE‘s tel, ol, OR. ~SR,80; 18756 6 pring Goods, Siothp MnA ornndrerten o .. . uio il ; Argans and pelebruted Orga uc .o&'fr.:m“;mm"""m:'ï¬.‘@mn H»riman.‘ / 1 be & Oots. Plazos among the very best mad« <> .\ qurion. ; ,mm Pianoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs,; Org Music e t vavis %B??kl.ï¬w:; baulp atewin y “JMMW ' °°"" "' ZB@" A good Fit March.11, 1876.: | | BROADWAY _ TAILORINCG 5 @#12A5%im..1,., . Y+. [8,,¢@ & 11. 444b g> &mmum&%gmm&_m wilt! STRIPED AND CHECKED ‘JAPANESE 8iLKS, FRENCH.FLOWERSâ€"&â€"FEATHERS umhMMnmmuummu.,“ \*** saat 1 + 1 ancs, Engiandt Hollapd and Spatp, | BRANDIES, PoRrRCf & sHERRY wixt," | thorow jusinted" wisl. the .chemical, compound of the ~pigments: used in inï¬ a ons n CRemipremern T mt MIP Ret bane rasiccenaston As the unJesijned is out of the Room Paper Business as soom as his mm..wimm-muwuumuhâ€"-nu These rmwmmmuwu -..M M%M and United . Htates. Great care has been taken in selection rn;l to caolou:., The ground tones : are soft and pleasiny to the eye, especially toned with silver mica;, but above all, they are tree from the mineral poisons tha, m:anv of the tawdryâ€"coloured Paperhangings of the ï¬mww"mg:wum;.hwew-.m-dwq Painting, m‘wr«m 6 «chemical, compound of the â€"pigments: used : in W ALL_ P APER. A O( >P¢rexsuvinxrawus PoRTER, l0 andiqugrus, put up to order, ' â€0 Cares CLARET, Jas. Vioie‘s, «pecinl order, very fine. | ‘fl 5“... SHERBY WINE, Y.P., to flavour, fue®Drands. OTTAWA~MARBLEAND GRANITE WORKS. Ottawa, Sept.‘11, 1876. es â€"A Large Ogftigntent ofâ€"â€"* "_ .. ... NEW LINEN UOS'I’UW“, FROM 3 won Suncl aw zul »o.pfihe Choicest Lot ofâ€" in Sooteh, 1 and â€" Oe S en Meltons, Fancy: Vestings, Diagonals, Wist of England 6rogidcloths, &¢., &¢ , &o., Which he is prepared to wake up in the latest and most fashionable styles. A large Lot of Gentlomen‘s FURNISHING GOODS. L O ND:o. N. _A O U SE . HANEY & FORCIE: â€" in Marble, Scotch Granite, or Sandstons. The newest desigin in CEMETEEY FENCLNG, suitable * ** . .. | icus Cummeteries. Their â€" Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin., General â€" OUTFITTING . Establishment, â€" wWELLINGTONSTREET, 8T. ANDREW‘S CRHUROKâ€" . ; P. C. AUCLAIR,â€" ESTABLISHED 1854. THOS,. PATTERASO®~ ; Purvatvon ro His Exourtaxey m_:_mdm,hum Direct Importations from the Pr5ducers , 13 ... . â€" Phe Latgest and Hestâ€"s;:moted nesprument of 4 Monuments,;~â€"Headstones;: Obelisks P 5 movom | mhaet WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotol. CHOICE A WIJIOLESALE®" & RETAIL. D. 8. Ils JOSEPH DIMBLEBY, P. A.TAYLOR,â€"Proprietor. NOW ~OPEN AN â€"â€" wNA! Has received and is opening out % large stook of Marble TWorhs. T8, SPARKS STREET,JOTTAWA, ©, WMalt Paper. Kailies‘ UXare, ULTERAPED, tor. Famijly u«e and Medicinal Purposes. Kry WGoods. @lip oC i, (All Goods warranted Shrunk. At ~ CHAS. BRYSON‘S, 53 Sparks Street. KINNON & CO., s WBE T ids ues sirrndtÂ¥ 00 hoii sn comuit ut bccingne Tavilgmak ons onemnttF onl ns on ons c nc Digestive Riscuits, and CB lidx 4 d1 THos: ‘PaTTHERSON8, No, ®@, Ridean St, Ottawa. OTTaAWA 1875. Je 81 Warpea WA4l aue Mpy (hatt o rrelltdarns PnsP ut + 3 NONE IS GENUINE! A MAN OF A i‘“l.‘-... CommURP . houi‘des noutyrompartes nul uoerenpitine n t mek j J ( s Cureu pOW . c l Â¥ou . Awbogy * B. 974 PHD MYRTLE NAVNYN, TREES,. SHRUbS, &c | ts $T. LAwilith oE 1""OTTAWA Railt ay s 16! t2 Â¥ ard, Â¥ £ fome ce he Puton Ts Diamond Yeast â€"Cak . OJt CANADA: Cc i@xTRAL Thk. $ Uibbes beily +°% B'OCth. $ VR x« | yeare | vevesaing uie Toh e l t 4 8 © a® m =:| " "Tom:! f'fl:.'....,."fl‘ 100 v.m it YOU WAXNT 6008 BEEAD i'ri‘m-ym m * $Kvexy ue oc ie ane s ®y @® Unt %TBB o Tou i Phrie, Sole se Aud UNLESS STAMPED Mailot4ne 9 w*o 49 Wanted. YR §a