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Ottawa Times (1865), 12 Oct 1875, p. 2

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* % $ U a* i4 4+ juugment, and merely write for approbaâ€" tion, without regard for justice, " Cathoâ€" lis" may depend ypon it that the cases in which he can commend their conduct, as heis uble to do with regard to the Toranto riote, will be fow and far between. Perhaps it never struck the Globe corzesâ€" pondent, but it is the fact, that his proâ€" pd--hmfi‘o.]* He was prepaikd to give the Ontario press’--n.u-n- s0 longus their views and his own agreed, body‘s consideration, they ought, unâ€" doubtediy, to regret the part they took. The arguments, however, which have been advanced in defence of those who resisted unliawfully the edict of Her Majesty‘s highest aud last Court of appeal, at Monâ€" treal, liract reference to which the apoioâ€" yists of the rictous mob have contended for as a sacred right, and a bond of unity whivh have condesmmed the Toronto ri ts, and have forfeited the good will of the extremists on both sides, by condemnâ€" ing the Montreal riots, also havre done something for which they ought to be sorry. If 1t could be shown that they had thus been guilty of an injustice, even if those against whom their denunciations were directed, ned no claite upon anyâ€" would be equally forcible in the mouths of thoseâ€"and they are few, induodâ€"who would excuse the Toronto cutrage 1t is easy to lind an excuse for such proceed: mgs, but it is just as logical to say that the riot in Toronto was justified by the ov~s..entious objections of Projestants i. public procéssions on Sunday, organs, which are supposed to, and gener ally do, disouss public questions on what they believe to be their merits.. That they did their duty in a difficulty which par .&d&o“dum-n\ is proubly creditable to them, but not to that estent which deserves any special whici would have been their lega! and to all careful observers â€" that their condemuation of the canduct of the Toronto rioters were based upon reasons which would have been equaily applica‘}~ had the rioters been Ca<bolics, and woubd have been applied wi.~ .e same but no greater sevarity. The faot that Protestâ€" ants aro very> generally the conductors of Untario newspapers, does not make these newspapers in any sense Protestant. They stances, independently of the relation in which they might stand to the rioters. The other failucy to which the Globe‘s Montreal rioters were justified in setiing law and order al defiance beea~>>> they objected to the burial of Joâ€" Gmbord‘s remains in consecrated ground. The " couscievce" argument is ecually Globe in respect of the latter, " Catholio" inquries :«â€"â€"* Was it intended merely as #2 sop 10 the Orange Cerberus of Toroate, " for which, uéiieve me, that hydraâ€"headed * amuml won‘t thank you ?" When public Loen) Noticeâ€"J. Hermingham the press of Ontario gemeraily hbave apâ€" prosched the subject of the Toronto riots. He even goes the length of praising Pro test .nis and the newspapers they control â€"altbough in an indirect way â€"for their hbermiity in that instance. The Montreal ~us, in an artiole, an extract from which was reproduced in these columns a few days ago, does the same thing in a more direct and poipted manner. The assump . tion that the journalists who controi the press of (niario approuched the #«bject as Protestants, isa great and somewhat dangerous fallacy, which ought not to be permiited to obtain currency without contradiction. Whatever may be be the religious proclivities of those who jnl Lwae to the utterances of the newspapers of this Province. it â€" is â€" avidemt Altractive Austion Saieâ€"J, Bermingham. Club Waiters Wantedâ€"4. H. Harrington. Loca. Nutigeâ€"Caution to Huosekespers Grest Clearing Saleâ€"J . Bermingham Local Noticeâ€"Dr. warvey . Loeai Notc.â€"J. Bermigham. Local Notitoeâ€"Feiuow»‘ Syrup of Hypophosâ€" A correspondent of the Toronto Globe, signing himself "Catholic," and hailing from the county of Glengarry, says a word or two in regard to the Toronto and Mon treai riots, respectively, which deserve altenton, if only for the purpase of car reciing one or two popular errors,of which Lhey are an expression. . "Catholio" adâ€" mits at once the spirit of justice in which THE TORONTO Ai4ND MONTREAL RLOTS. Notice to the Public. K New Goods just errived. T. W. KENNY & SONS, Aerchant Tailors, Ts A W A, TUESDAY, OCT. 12, 187& 86 sparks Street, Ottawa. ROG lmCcs claim that will be recoguis=d in the future amonget cendidates for that preference will be their ability to do justice to the parts assigned to them. So far, the Society has fhirly established its title to public favor and sympathy, and there are few intelligent and patriotio citizens who will refuse to accord to it that alight pecuniary aid it must necessarily like the Choral Union, where no emoly ment attaches to the services rendered, whare honor is the only recompense, and whare the aspirants after distination are always more numerous than talented, the wenwling out process is one that, to be justly and impartially performed, requires no ordinary amount of juigment on the keitle drums are an indispensible item in the archestra, and those used at the con verts here last winter were kindly risonu presided very efficiently at the drums last year. Owing to his departure for Australia, the Society has appointed as it was a stil _ greater proof of their impartialitythai disagreeing with bim as they did on another point, they were equally ready to express their convictions. The soomer, therefore; that Catholic® Bank of Commerc«, a gentioman of whose ability to make a*‘noise in the world" there cas‘ be but little question. The leoted vunilla beans, and is d enâ€" tirely Tree ‘troum Tongua or other delet part of him who selects, and no ordinary amount of moral backâ€"boue and courage to give effect to the course distsated by that judgment in every instance. _ It is neadiess to recapitulate here the difficul ties which interpose between gentlemen in the position of the Committee and the selection of thosewho are in their un biassed estimation best Stted to sustain the pro minent partsâ€"under no ciroumstances an easy task, and usually a most thankless anciety is desirous of purchasing the handâ€" «~mo pair of drums now onvriew in the Willian:s and his mission to public counâ€" tenance and support. j | the imcresasing ont of 1 ins . used in the manuifkcture :m-‘?m obou t e markeo purporting to" be pare twentioth part us much as the genuin ig Te adan." 1t i ned piitunadanrtes Committee _ wher~, in _ anticipation of public appearances â€" at a future time, it became necessary for thein to perâ€" torm the dificult and delicate task o ; supplanting those who constituted the wrukness by others more competent for the task. In a voluntary association Tongus beass. This -H&a' ting substiâ€" tute costs the manulacturer less oneâ€" window of Mesars. Nordheimer &"Co. if there is an organisa.ion in this city deserving of support from all clusses, it is that which, formed here a twelvemonth ago, after the fashion of the choral soâ€" cieties of Great Britain, has since so strongly recommended itseif to public recognition. The Ottawa Choral Union, like others of its kind, had to fight its way into life against beary odds in the shape of private jealâ€"usies, as well as that public indifference with which similar orâ€" gamizations have almost invariably to contend at the outset. Thanks to the exertions of a few earnest and resolate men, its formation has been successfully accomplished; and, placed on trial before the public last winter, its eminent useful~ at the tim , not because, we had the slightest sympathy with the carpers, but because we believe. it to be in the inter eat of the Choral Union, and likely to be ness is now everywhere admisted. in view of the absense of any institution in Canada in the nature of a national academy of music,such as is to be found at the capiâ€" tal of almost every country in the civilized pensing tuition at rates within the means of all, it was felt by these gentliemen that an institution like the Choral Union, through whose medium instruction dould be effectively imparted in the higher been invariably rendered in a manner to critical audiences in attendance at the winter concerts. Some of the soloists at these concserts were undoubtediy below the average. . We took cccasion to say so and more classical works to large numâ€" bers, was imperatively needed. That their efforts have not been without avail, but, on the contrary, have been aitended with wonderful sugcess, is a fact for which there is every reason for congratulation. command, and the shortness of the period during which the vocal parts had been under practice, that these works havre There is in every city a certain class of cynics, who, true to the promptings of jeal ousy or prejudice, busy themseives in fore seeing failure and disaster_ in every useful attempt. Such were not wanting bere. Professor Mills, we were toid, had placed in the hands ot members, works like those: of _ Mczart ‘ apd Haydn, to tally beyond their powe:«. If we. are to judge by results, iize Professor formed the more correct estimate both of the character of the music and the abili ties of the members. And it must be pleasing to him to know, notwithstanding the mesgre orchestral materials at his Cavmos ro Hocescs«rama~â€"Owing to QTTaWA CHORAL UN10N ks is ptorared fom i6 To TEX MILES AND a qUaRKTER IX TWo HOUR4 aAND TWENTYâ€"FIVE MINUTES mwu-c.,‘ %fiy L‘L-n...m *d*:n& one of the wik members of the University Court and its secratary, â€"Dr. Kirkwood issenior part ner of the legal firm of the West ot es imenarimen se :l“!a‘l:‘.-%mh He paid a nout 20 ols sountry 37 years ago, and is Miss Emily Parker‘s swimming feat in the Thames on the 4thâ€"inst, created an enthusiaam ammng the professional gwiwmâ€" mers of London that |«d them to bvz.: gold inedal in the form of a Mal cross, at an expehnse of $52, to be pre sented to her in Woolwich Gardens oa Ragurday, the 18th imst. On receiving the messazo Miss Parker turned to hei broth=: and said :~â€"* Harry, shall 1 go?" " Ceriainly," said her brother ; " go by all means." " Then [‘ll swim down," said she ; "it‘s only ten miles and a quarter, and 1 know 1 can swim it,." ' mmw-m pt Over persons stood on the banks in Woolwich Gardens to greet us, and as mwmmtlhnw bout a wag yelled out, " cheers for the litâ€" bm&ufihh ol the Sicily istamds." were given with entbusiasm. . Emily went wita hersister into the hoi« to dress, and a few minutes afterward Manager Holland led her on to the stage of his theatré; and in the préâ€" sence of over 2,000 parsons. im ‘Ihhhrbfiomdt‘ children. â€" ‘Two years and a half ago she As the ebb tide was just commencing ; its backward trip ‘o the sea on the 13th inst., | reached London Bridge, and found | on it over five tho:mand porsons anxiqusly | awaitiny the start. Promptly at five o'elockpn..-hmohu&,hlhoh:&d; experienced oarsmen, shot un the bridge, an«l at three minutes past five | little Emily threw off a loose ..IIO.M‘ in a closoâ€"fitting costume ‘of fine wool, t.rimmodwuhuilk.plnx“.o Clri rent. | was favoured an invitation to Lecome a member of the party that accompamed her. in bow of t.l:oboa-mluox s watermat, who was {amiliar w i eddics, vigilant and atheletic Harry his bluck frock cost emblazoned and left with a score or more of and silver meda!s that he had won awige ming, In the centre sat H. D, Mort Esq., Secretary of the Atlantic Swimming Club, who was l.lnohnE; and in the :;:l:l..ouerd < Parker and into the boat !" Mr. Park«r, who is about 24 years of age, is the winner of was fourteen s of on the 224 of P-brwy,’l.;;& g is about :.' usual height of girls of her nglnfll plumpness she rivals the fattest of Berks county, for she weighs 140 po-LA‘l‘bo a light har eyes are a mild blue, and her & brown, she fastens up at the back part of ber head in a little coquettish knot, while the ends bang down in natural ringlets. Her nose is slightly Roman, her lz esweetly expressive and childlike, and the 1 don‘t wish any wine, but do, I water : in 1"" The Hak z .nuauy"a:u the last dnp-'."r‘ fow minutes afterward he was lifted into one of the boats exhausted. M&.u‘:’fi.dr-h-nd&oo quarters we had made 7} miles, and at 1 sister here exolaimed, *Emily, | know you must be caold! let me give you a glass of port wine." look»d back gv:hor%nwwmdl mer in the rear, and replied "No, I thank tpression of her face is that of she makes the " breast stroke," putting th’.l-elou'mhu as far out in front as she can Mfi:ll:-lg the palms out,and drawing the bat as far us the hips. Shhthod&o:_nl heing that I ever saw swim without apy apparent effort. She uses no oil or say other medicinal mixture on her body, but trusts wholly to ber mw‘-‘& to keep her warm in tho . Captain Wabb --Imofl'h.haund the English hdchgh:od ud“dmw‘q uies wit I ing apeciatots, followed, preceeded and surrounded Miss rame mae the vebng bf Yoon Requrtils oars t ereated such commotion in the water that large dirty breakers sormetimes broke view . She always came up with a smile, however, and sometimes with a pl word or two about the Thames at high tide not being the best water for washing a girl‘s face. We were frequently met or overtaken by steamers, and the passen: gers waved their hats and handkerchiefs and greeted the fair swimmer with che hnm»mmm her hand to the and bent anow to the task before her. Her sister in our bou&oqu::t‘bmnhd her whether she was cold, reply mvariably was that she was as " lively as a cricket." When wo started from London »Bridge, a large muscular, but spare fleshea man wook to the water, . At the expirsation of one hour we had made four and a haif miles. ‘The man had keptâ€"up in the race, Mhhl'noullnkm‘fiqcfllb teath chattered with cold. Miss Parker‘s ENGLAND‘® SWINMETIXG GINL MISS EMILY PARKER ONH PLASK OP WIXE METCALFPES ‘Wholosale â€" READY MADE CLOTHING Rstab« Horigo i 4 FToh treasury Gf the swasies "Aymas The Leader, *138," To: as. pr, voiki: E ?'"" 8 nt, po tâ€"pald, forretail© price; || se _ ldberoi Discounts to Societirs and Convenâ€" sPARKS *TREET. Btr, | « , foâ€"day, at 2 o‘plast and 7 oelock, p. m. * MaEeifene TOntb,‘| OnptMbcgebali â€"_., Bqware srrarr, _ _ _ DOWEwARDK _ ‘ * , 9 cazaers . . / _ Ressongers by Day Bontleave Q+séti‘s Wharf one ~f the buat of Supminy Schoo! #1 © For Ainghig Wahoois, the fammou> ULIV KBR UiTRON FUR J-AGKETS South Sea Seal, Persian Lamb, Song Mona@rch ‘‘or "siadin d Hedinee Trest Zaxtanca 1 For | €¥oilon J Westings, Tjust published.] Shining ®l 4 : RiV cate f thip Buptde yor THE “:n.q.ul To ALL WHOXM iT MaY CONCERX | GHEAT OHEAP SaLE AT â€" A8STONMSHINGLY wwmcu.l Music Books : Auturmn Oarvers & CHildera PIODPUDWR E: ~PRA ME HAT . HATS | HATSY ! 1 t us & 3i ooo o io i mes moceny ut H»t#, Capt x Pm Otta wa, Sept. 2 1876 Hatters & Furriers. ‘.mfl MADE TO ORb Caructs & OGilders. Ouawes, un-mmmma Fur R‘J. DEVLIN, Hats! â€"Hats!! rAats !!! 86 SPARKSST., Oppostte the British Lton Hotol. March 18, 1878,. i TRADE â€"SALE. MANURPAOT URRRA «60. Ssn0ark sâ€"et. Dru« Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. sv8t AsOHLYEDP ALL LE ® *"*" Evrtx‘s Â¥or prxeor. ' LADIEY AND CPiLOKREN» ap~ "-sj o. go tE AST END MAILâ€"CONTRACT: BMution Sales. WILSON & ORR, TTAWA, TURSDAY, OCTOBER, 12, 1875 _ HODGES , Baltic Seal, English Rabbit. Orugatsts, UKION BANK ‘BLOCK. â€"iprâ€" AND OTTAWA, + QITAWA RIVER MAVIGATION CK‘Y, Of general Liter nto. Out. ARTHUR L. HOLEME§, BOOKS & STATIONERY KLEY,, Mopt., 180D, ~ Gozt io n ateiameranl agouy B7 en Borkss eaiet ht mteve tm sor whau in the stompnct iroth ,‘(.»; m euress 8 \‘:1 ealt. vse Artmare. :. ‘In the p ~¢ Worion ("- Pffl' - 6 itoi RIVER W iLE 00 , 10 King Hire0t; hou 0 ii E !*"‘T"EE:E . W id pastate ho 2P pry y c Moe he m “ m ooheeiee is foee ons t 4 did wl a 3 4 L 4 -Mlujm J‘"W "ory Thutsday _ and {rom Quebee ayory . aurdays .pailag ol â€" Lo » d land Malle i+ aro iNter eaparohed _ Lhe mb Ladd Shutpéalt t se Vn OiweIben " you «W Dhasond PA ROYaAL KAIL LiN® sTEAKERS linto«of Passige from i Qnebed t=: Suaiaee o n e in crvemmmmenn +A MAG Pol reas s deesnes ce reeds alei o w td v n ajnale w q n e t n n n +0 + a wwitale o ated th a wale hi 6 0 Hhersith T Yied h ABTY wl oo eb n w ue maie #0 +0 00 00 'i..hpu.\“qfifinh IN STATIONEHYX. 88â€" Sparks â€"Stroot; OTTAW A xo e Ei!!:, .la? ~"utfl N[‘m Public # sonngl Ds ©0J 04 BOOKS : . DAY LINE, EB 4 STATIONER, New sly19] 45 Lromp Jncttwmedt(Watianted i Bve iVelrs. Destriptions, Prices . & . Testimonials BANK OF OQOTTAWA. PIANO:«â€"FORTES, ... ORGANS, &o.. . .~. mmmmi Makers Prices, No.: ’ m‘ ‘.‘g,. § 7 VGfi'U: d ‘?i':.: .gi”\. JOHNâ€"S&TOHELL, NORRIS & SUPER, in every Cay, Towa and Oounty of the PRINCEORGANS. Bank Hotices. h Mipe m wos, = > TORONTD::| CaTaLO@UoORwIitk #oun Oldest and best~84,000 in mae, wodu sprvve + t s4# Our tounit Pribe RETAIL. opportenity or baving outa sond and = Ladics® Long Rubber Rootsa, at $1.8¢. in Sh §0 OM f "2l es ie '-‘@“!b*'fi;mm ' u“ ob wJVUO} Apowraak‘stAiPs â€"~!‘ *n oleendod t o( on Pnd _ vendors throug!tUt The wiuy, . in New !ffl"f_l&"". Monday and %“'M WKC on uk A large |othl Aippors, at"dodt aud under, all §051m 1 5.. !: I. 'l,u.'_d saAve m DLE EASONXAKLE BOOTsS & sHOES ce ® 7'#1*0- this twenty second day of Heptember, 28 «> @ a# ) mubbers as 45 280 TMails, AyAlik P oi‘uuu“u WV% &'m.u & i Â¥ Account Book: Manufacturer ALEX "TAYLOR, Tll HFRTFrORD, COONNâ€" â€"â€" f} Insurance Co. BOOKBINDER Jub. 6. 1478 FLOUR AND . Fkep FLOUR AND FARM PAODUCE * JO r‘ m“‘ ttor .‘ haâ€"£ t MEMHA L smm Bookbmders, BPARKS STREET, Offawa &, Porfornling, Nemi ’m‘m AND «€ a. MORTiINEE, Numbering ND W# Â¥4 homme, o piivate dwelli conventa, Yallier stroet, ing embers by the win( Thus of safety ie ‘1{'. ‘:odl driven progrem < wo Pegomials arrested by : about 6 o‘cloc blowing up of Lonion, "I sal and the rmagom d on h'l:-.h: 1 seemed like a all for the ib shantios, that upon with sur New Yorl Teg Sat a C wind and ment fuel ber ; the the 6i alde walke fire losses ; altima ‘The loss wi Luke Travers ideas of men : proocr qo A sale or to len and Forks, v do for of wit) tor Fow whichie an is mary /ed iisol z'qofl is cosedl a are of and retail i s ¢ ht

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