1LOR, s510L0 i N I CgG. y artmm ns t KS Uhe ; (Late Yarmow & Hseoust,) i _ csxemEERs aXD SBIPBUILDERS, ISLB OF DOGS®, POPLAR Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal. ‘ _‘ Ottawa Branch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 88 Sparks Stroeot. i CLUFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. Manutacturers The Roval Fall and Winter, 1875 Exoings 1®p Boisrs, Nsw Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL 25 RIDEAU STREET, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Trimn Ranoterse. P R A C T I 0A L . . PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEER. Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, CANAvA Agricultural Insurance vo‘y. tead tor C\c...are and Ostaingues. or>|0# 2 ND WARSHUUSE Warerworks H’..hlh.mfw Just Recetved s spiendid assortment of Giang A Complete mock of materia! in any of the above lines. The Trade supplied. B# Esttmates on appileation. peuy Owe® AABEReM PB BPAATNIO PR LA C PE ue writons stope butlding. occupled by Messme. Angus 4 Co., :hy have OPENEL + m *ï¬â€â€˜dlfl new iy appoinied General ageuts for the Otiawa SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, AT THE OIL DEPOT, SUSSEXâ€"ST 8. SHAW & 00 ' Lamos & Chandeliers owe express my g"\ us joan soaoh‘ | pate Henfres J maing Comonsite Pule." 4 applled to you wrockn en Bertanerk Aetreaees fan ‘ a stomect, wmen i No wisdin ie ‘etemmens Inam weses 1 suilernd | â€" WELLINGTON First Class Fumi‘y w sTOVES Â¥ anes APRGC1A AG ENC I DA orking * .~ chines; Amer TO MEET SPRCIAL REQUTIREMENTS Horew Stoamers with specds{ranging apfte 290 milesgan boar, ie Rieamers, with draaghts ranging do#wn to 8 Inthes of water, Contracted for. _ Prices from £300 upwatds. n|;NEXY UF SYBET DBSCRIPTIO®, ROCK DRILLA, BELFING, PILEBS, aXD & J aMBRAL m LLL BUPPLLI . CaAPIIAL, â€" _ $1,000,000. . weamugume Cul. a. C. DL MARWOOD, BDWARD A. & WILLIAM aMk ; _ '_""_ â€" ul-A.nuE_' waCHINERYT CON®TRUOTED FOR BoATS BUILT AaABRQAR. Y A RR O W‘S BUTTERWORTH & No F4 and F#y Weollingtaon Street. 18 A R â€"____ 70 SPARKS STREST, OTTAWA. ‘ Agents and Deaiors in Iren and Wood Working Machinery tu® BWAT Ca®ACIA®, KNGQLISH aA®D AMBRICAN MAKE * Hoards, &o . 40 auizg by careful Y A R R O W & C G A ND . B. Ferguson, in bed Americas Saw Company, Trento®, Agents for the Improved" Hot Air > ernace. ROW N Y T H & K E R B , NOW Yiss. Presidant. P#lumbers, &c. _Oamerin Special Mteam Pamp ; Lite Assurance. AMlachinery 0O T T A W A. work m * JEWEL, whe pubiic generally Exchange â€"â€"=4{0}â€"â€" Coal Oil. TRIUMXPH, A se N STREET, d Commercial Hotel BA L1 (_K kx RADLAMNT OPEN 19 SPARK ®T, OTTawWa Sited vp on the shertest notise. PARLOUR and COUKINu@ a new and beautifal Haii Far wur Frankiins, Goal Hods, STOVES LIGHT, MAGRE RANGOE, AC. SNOID h AND u. * 9 Hotel PROPRIFT *» Water on the ontinent, â€"&â€"m'â€" shing to m::"v weeks in the ahould uu:"'m""-nl:;m'-'qfl-â€" Peqments tor * **‘ A limited inoun of boarders can be te u'u.'grumn,-.. lnvailds wishing to avail themseives of the benefits to b* derived from the use of the best Minorai moon Pinpttos m (Provuarned seerpeg. The ofthe reader is .uu-nn_a- yon, and that ----_'5-3:_'19}.-:_ business of the office i ““'â€"- at No. 2 Clarex.ce »treei, â€"A fow from "usâ€" sexâ€"the business will hereafier be exciusively canfined to the above therefure ce .7 attended to. T-u-mm.n.l mw-:n-ub-h-u TLMBER 493 SQUARE MILES Situaied on the Poetewa «id BRi on wa, Kippowa ver * K. MoGILLIYVRAY, ‘ DOMESTIC‘ Pure country air and freedom from SHINGLE .. MACHINE ! 200 in Use in Canada. _ °.. SBLF.PEEDIN ;_:_-mg' a. "oeniternana t required for operations. _ SHOWER AKD QOTHER BATHS, erssah £ is , _ * sELFFEEDING 4 SELFSETTING, Em xn ngflmw This is the test shingle machine for biock T-l This is the test %--hou DIO€ sawing ever introduced Canada. wooâ€" im * i e otcs,, Borthwick springs. “E'.'E,:'.'.& Whater, distilled from areak Meeaimoeniiee m Boap, perfumed with Floral Crackers very amusing for w-mmmu-r-m rom pereons of the higbest =“" to~ 54e Crates of Crockery. 6 Barrels of Tumblers. INMELS CHOICE PERYUXES. _‘ Patronised by all the World, _ Orimping Tron in the Market : Stand and Gaster Trom, com posed of ene Great Provincial Fair. 19 cretca o. Whesi Patiorn Dinner Pintes A\\3 â€" e d # # o msld * F l LC N | A P 4 Â¥ R t 3 * * j «/ §a y id M 8 4 e C a d a * R ) Ly" P\ S D y k. ~"AM TA _ {a _\ igâ€"at + 3 m | 7. 4*# . > x 1 , GI 'l ' a. 4 4"’) T a c r 8. m ) ; ;:‘ s J â€"«’ ® F *_» * ‘ t t 4 & ’* . in ' \ ‘\ A '\' ) "*, Â¥ m \ ht â€"» i "( j «F3 ‘ + M l L e ’v» W â€"1“'. * )' # _ 3 in C ho C ar* t it‘ ~apmatd C , mc ob o c ow oc Wb : N old ,."' h . CC S 4 yE Ue i i3 +/ R 8t ~ :‘\.’% ie tw yllâ€â€ /4 x \»(L "ik . 7 E l Â¥ A PU & \“‘, | w < ;- N~ ® B a C s 4 1‘&‘ 4. P C lee o2 e d tAR tS P S hss ‘ _ e j No hi m «3 Â¥ & /)‘ We ¢ M\ C as € + 1 | [ & m i3 rghe tu» riast or ot‘r LADY CusToxenrs who will ; h sopd us a Cofrec, salut‘on of tuis rebus, we will ive a hand~ ‘ § some WHA 1â€" NUT; ant for the second correct «ojution so recel ved we will give a beanuiful WALNUE TCA®*â€"NY,aswto the third . $Z an elegant LADY*3 WORK TABLE, . Answers uo be sent in sealod ‘ envelopes, which will be numberesd as ‘eceived, and on the Znd MJ LECEMHEG they @ill be opened and tz pricgs awarded, and on the Z5rd the priges will beâ€"given, out _ / pit~ iN FPHE MEANTIME CALL AND S#8 HAT ' Na s i rak rUkaar Te L4 Nn wA Harris & Campbell. « CcHAMPION T HE Its the best, o# THE TIMES : OTTAWA, MONDAY, OCTOBER, 18, 1875 v, and Geus WORCESTERSHIRE DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURs rg{i THE on;?gogp saUo Inm comnsequence 0, S)«r:n'u:.lm'l‘lnqj.t of Lea & errins Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA & PERRINS have adopted after this date, and without which none |_ November 1874. _ -"h.r L0 | t m I *** %flhfzaam | LEA & PERRINS Ask for LEA i4 PERRINS Sa and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Wiketsale and Fue" Export ty\ the Proprictors, %rmkr:Cmg;l«lLd. London, i3 ¢., t8c. ; and by Grmwers\and Burnott‘s Extracts Fur c «»Wing borpusest. Burnett‘s Extracts which will be placed on every bottle of Worcestershire Sauce, uds > >â€" Li WOs, A en euth Tamai woth Preng SAVE YOUR A Ts â€"~< Positively No Postponement Agents Wanted, OF DENXISON, TEXAS, WILL GIvE A } . 8K0eX 2 RAND GIFT CONCERT NOV. 30, 1875. Drawing Positive, Gifte in proportion amoun{ing in all to will cutitle the hoider t~ admission %'m m*azï¬ m i Lowest Gift To a Whole Ticket, â€" $50 bearing their Signature, thusâ€" A. &R COLLANS, BHeo‘y, Burnett‘s Extracts Price of a Whole Ticket, $5, which consist Burrett‘ Burnett A New Labe/, oupe y non hy <f $250,000.00. o9 9 y# COUPON TICKETS, $1, LEGALLY AUTHORIZED FORTUNE F OR $1 i ie Sot es & L "% 4 {AWRCHCLk amoun C <tracts E «tracts «2 nf Canada, ; CO. 80%10M, xtracts 10.A §1+ ol. 8 » somelate in .4 0€i 4R #vie wC onl n been troubled in the past with . ummed or heaâ€" ted arbore, and journals : nd have been paviug fuancy price, use Craven‘s Arctic and Engine ils aad so avoids those complaints fnr the future. All* Olls guaranteed and orders solicited; W . 4. VEN& Co,, 3818 oo ,!“!!-&!;!gï¬-l-, h Norwich Egg Powder, For making all kiods of Qakes wiTHOUT ’°""‘}.f'fl°."‘_"=. f "Yhe Winter Ression of this Institation wili commence on the sourth of October, when twenty additiona! stadents can be A0comoâ€" ractios t sid, the Live Stook, mm n._m_-gu ie amisted in, the forrnor, bJ ;::l.uflfll_.- 4 Te *ert dnc â€".râ€" B2E w&w _ ecvadasol bhemreny o oeet Aret + . 10M C o. . andenikiadiemidaion P O Perticaiars regaring terms of adantaston; Morson‘s Effectual Remales Afe â€" soid by Gbeminte _ and Drigulet PUBE COHEMICALA ANV NEW MEDIOIS E Sergount, and !H# arders sxeccoled : â€" Tnomas mMoRson & SQN;, The Theoretical Departments of Instruction 81, 88 & 124 Southampton Row, RIHSSELL 8QUARE, LONDON WORLO FAMED BLO00 MIXTURE Vel The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer, _ For cleunsing and cleart blood trom all rtnereniraieanarens, :If ;u kinds it 18 a and peraâ€"anent “&'m sores on the neek, | Guelpa, Hept. 20, 1876â€" -‘ 18 .'â€" 4 d mathaye cl=nt to effect a permamacht oure in \Je TUCE wwmmu’llm‘: is vaime. oft s i fl& ï¬a‘.’.’*-‘:-"é!.éim gnd despateb Barclay & So ~s, 95 Farringdonâ€"st., London, > 'A:mm' Montrealâ€" or & Oo., WanolesiJe *‘%’15 «0o . _ A ug. ET e e L LARKE® Trade Markâ€""BLOOD MITXTURE,‘ Cptenrie a fhage = nome ] uists and allt other ;“ï¬)w who have th* Outarto. _ $iBtel uk shto discates. the last 12 years been d by the leading Manuâ€" . 10HNB8TON, | sranoies loo CasenCLARET, Jas, Violets, special order, very fine. ’50‘ mmr.’.mhm.umm. "00-.-“-' Fine ALES, pints and quarts, per order. l†Hogehâ€"ads Fine Old BRANDY, 10 years old, direct order. lamruoummmn quality, some 20 years old different prices _‘ Weasâ€"Black, the Auest imported, Green, do. Ceffeecâ€"V ery sguperior, fresh roasted and ground dally, ‘ Byrupsâ€"Meple, Amber, Goiden, &0, very fine. Bugareâ€"All gradea, for preserving very strong. A large and : well selonted siock of favey groseries too numerous to detall always on haud . These T imported direct from x Manufacturing Establish -uh'agh-u“ mummm'emu'mmmmn their selection lï¬heglur. The ground tones are soft and pleasing btbcyo,qndfl_ toned with‘ silver mica;. but above all, they are free thoroughly scquainted"with the‘ cheffiical compound of the pigments used in Tik poionous plments oo deintoem 4o feaiih nrhch io commubtns HHobK of PALE PAPRE io cinch B Poiine ESE SOw o. t Siks® Secrary the neven sn i7 \bebamen. =."* STRIPED AND:: CHECKEDUJAPANESE 8iLK2. W A L L. BTheir Excellencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. FRENCH FLOWEERS~& FEATHERS To select from, all of which we are selling at the lowest prices in the city. 38% NOW OPEN BROADWAY TAILORING SELLING OFXF SUMMER GOODS. Glasgow Peas Meal, SA good Fit Gunrantood, March 11, 1875 L O ND O N. H O U S E. HAN@_! & FORCIE n ce ngw snowiing the bust yoine U the Clly in eur Wirnes prpas GOOb8, new Silk Wary Pianoâ€"Fortes, Cabinet Organs, Organettes, s m Mu € Ottaws, Bept. 11, 2075 Ageats for HALLET, DAVIB a oi ttaradh And assure the purchaser 4 his recaiving a superior H«rdmao.* ‘The ESTABLISHED $ p ring ‘ _ ... In Sootch, English, and Canadian Tweeds, °* Meltons, Fancy Vestings, Diagonals, W t of England grogdcloths, &¢., &o , &0., â€"â€" Whick he is prepared to smake up in the litest and most fashionable styles, A large Lot of Gentlemen‘s rwnn_tyo O_OOM. 2s bfentamipted 1 gplcg onl of ty hocme d WpP Li Pooms ag mow ns ie as soon as ent Stock is disposed of, the Goods will be Sold at the Lowest Remunerating THOS. PATTERSON,© Porvrran to Hi Exou:®xor tuz Govennon Gzaxzarnar, Kane Dorream. Direct Importations from the Producers i I‘â€"ancs, England, Holland and Spain. General OUTFITTING Establishment, wWELLINGTON STREET, Prvted price lin sont on OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. l ult <somanPy ‘Marble, Btotch Graniue, or Eandsione. wmm@&ptfljnmq“um various Cemeteries. A l anneet se i n c o inany Un tios PoCadtrceaing or Project Barrels GUINEESS‘N POBTERE, pints and quarts, put up to o:der, YNCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTUREE IES, PORE & SHERRYâ€" WINE, GIN _ PCRTER, â€" &c PURE AN â€" ©NADULTERAYE]\ tor Fam{ly use and Madicinal Purposes. NV HOLESALE CHOICE AND BEAUTIFUL . WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. "‘"limes Larges and ‘Bestâ€"sslscted assortment of Monuments, . Headstories, Obelisks l g Dh uy EB B4 ampUalinkteoRtpautfertm; wo Euit & ob Cabinet _ _ * _ we out & Pianoâ€"Fortes, and the W ;sh s been 'n"g ?v?,?'i'.'m n-;d“ * Hallet, Davis& ‘Oo‘n. * auges at thoo a1 "ereot Exhintions : JOSEPH DIMBLEBY, 8T. ANDREW‘S t a premsar s we aser x bis recaiving Has received and is opening out a large stock of McKAY‘ Marble Ciiorks. Kadies‘ Utare, 18, SPABKS STREET, OTTAWA, _ RNJKINNON & CO., THall Paper. ry Goods. TAYLOR, Proprietor. At (ESTABLISHED 1860.} Digestive Biscuits, and Angastora Bitters at THOS. PATTRRSON"B, All Goods warranted Shrunk. P. C. AUCLAIR, s PROPRIETOR. CHAS. BBXSON’S 58 Sparks Street. & RETAIL ,FROM #2 .. HARDMAN & CU8, THE No, @, Rideat Bt. Ottawa. " TtaAWA 1875 o ecDPU+ Music 3819 * (EKeoty uny Ialading Handey $Kvery auy ino Bunday ALTERATYJON ~OF RUNNING TIME, And aecsleration of *raing. TYF 87. LAWRENCE CANADA CENTRAL one of the of punday sehoo! Fingieg «6 o0k8 For Ainging Bohoold, Ane famogn .. | . . ~|â€" No, Prescoit| Connerting with. |Armve in * Juuuon' ‘0‘0‘ Brockville &2!!'0 Railways For Ottawa wie Brookvilie Song Monarth. .8 to inleres; Singing Classes. o % .For i evotlonal Mcelings, [Just published.] Living Waters. ®.1*4, * Music Books Autumn. Hojge ; a r ch treasury of the awegtest 11yni0s .luhl‘- ) IWO £¥PLKESST tatNs YALL The Leader. *W%., csast,.*"*" Chorus Choir. ***.}:a%" Perkin‘s Anthem Book. $1150. . sury Aotheme. Trial by Jury. t# *A pr voking Upsrelta, w.ui hee Mu B at, po lâ€"paid, tor aetail .price. OLIVER Jt PDSON Un and arter FRIDAY, Ja UCOTORNR, 4s76, ME 4 I C p. 4h » . orend ponk Raxpresms TREES, SHRUBS, &c Diamond Yeast Cakas. mmw'm .@';.‘!.‘.‘ W " PhoSt t old ioancs ons‘ * ioes ons be fiadl on apRIHD + Roch des Auinets, Provinces of Quebes, ha s @8 "e o y wigltho x D OTPAW A, HWor the supply of #*ma â€"â€" rand Urn a m eiffe Hiate orden jon ie aprine o Te . bartes m«umfl io orderidg» Dirawes B :. bet ‘and Nelnos #in. Orl ® C Nedfu uie otoe moee onl wenie inpe peoies regrage m tA B foerith Brockville, June T, is " t086""* * For Subb.t tchoos,Ouf bea amending the mou, 0) 69 o 40 fe of said Asociation to rlle6 & 00â€" neyâ€"by way of loun, for the sls o o w o o ole ns other toan m‘&ï¬.“&._ ‘__fll.l..a For Oboruses, Conventions aad Ohoirs, Liberol Discounts to Bocietirs and Conven» the members think propef to 400. . t o 308 Mm of thi» excel uie . mm w tors as well ms O i io taruinn uty ben epen ghon 2p to t gibtizoindes paymen of 0) ®. postage y the w uies enitnnadtan in s wl 20, cwe of Harpers Perlodicals, 10 r YoU WAXNT GO0D BREAD Live Agents ‘Wanted. .. 5 @yien s â€" bat "Aoimg mnd boolh s inï¬ mennt tos (tire s s ts in papraat en o e e on oi cpces Bleativ 1 rint» 1Oo@MIGH W ....._L2_lele ces onicansinnaitenns «nc ry10 CONTRACTORS & HULLDERS 1“ undet T9k o ’...“*"3"2‘::"'% Mc o on s THAWA RALLW AY. uniform Geuge #ith *»« Grand Trunt vor nest and mosl direot eurrepor » Phre Samphane haree 4ss ty potnith Loo vo %5. ».Â¥ . \Grand W‘ RMRanmays. DrHWASES NEW RECHPCR P TT +‘ & ~J3,11 No No# ound Gnntpies ies B A. wost Bebseribors in the SA (Ky M P B supibd