FH i} Â¥3 Schoo! Trustees will be beid in the City limil, this eveming. The pripcipal bus o«» is the reengagement of teachers for Extrux. â€" The fmemis of Mr. James ~« k will be pleased :o learn that that .60 Lo man wese much better yesterday, amu recesved the visits of severail of his aoquaintances. . le is, bowever, still in 1 vory weeak condition. ated from the position. Dm-oorl‘r-nmhcm?:A \F‘Imfllhl.ldn( Public whool Trustees will be beid in the City imil, this eveming. The pripcipal bus o«» is the reengagement of teachers for 0 ensuing year. Extrus. â€" The frmemis of Mr. James so< ck will be pieased ‘o learn that that e a‘l wm-‘:ï¬"’ af / puk 1NNUAiL CONYENTION -olorâ€ï¬‚lbtualbbh-“ â€"â€" : wae with diffécuity she was extmâ€" RNecond Pay‘s Proceedings ated from r'-‘. 22. uon now in the city, will be the guests of e (Mtaws Society this morning, under whase auspices they will be driven around h--nlbyhand"l.':."*"‘ the Capital The party will leave St l’-tnck-lhlln-o'h'-m- that have been secured for that purpose. TGiner lence is being d-.nhp:r-“.d lvv:llill.':â€"-hi' the preseut improvements, and adds maâ€" "Victoria Park." The work of laying out the grounds, in the hands of Ir.‘bqn w A every aay whin s mareed Reqrrimaen n ts peneral appearmuce. ove terially to its . it will be a saleguerd for Er-m....-- dan pere bMa’n’-v.o-â€"l{yot paosed, of talling over the hill. The new mane lence along the line of street, as a l..-luibo'-.nfl:u-b-- pleted, and looks well. erection of a agi of :n'.u-.-duuvu::-a.wh u. compele the sewer im sbout en Jlaya. !1 is No. 3 in size, and will be â€"ufllcent to amply drain Sendy HH, which pours its great srea of water in this A Niumaxce.â€"The attention of the| _ illow me to e prees the hope that the Health Inspector is called to a uuirance | day may pot be : . #~taut, when through exsting on the / ast side of Nichoins street, | our unitesl effor: â€", w..is r bhappy neer Thecwiore street. _ |t seems , that | land, may be freesi ftrom terrible and â€"me o( the tenants of lhhâ€";-'}hv | unpitying tyranny of intespperance, and ae in the babit of emptying and | | can assure you that everything in our throw ung refuse on to h“ï¬t.«-«vfllhdmbw.fln& to the anpoyance otf their more oleanly | ences in the great cause for which we are nrighbours, and also to the danger of $Â¥ | contending. fws 4 few evenings ago, an eldâ€" T. P. OBomiva®, 7 lady, proceeding to ber home after | President Catholic Total Abstinence -ut.zdd-u-lh flth,â€"and not Union of Onterio. anly sailed ber a guments, but also burt | ntaw., Bth ‘etober, lfl:’ her right side most painfully. The mat Address of welcome the By er should be «een to at once, and the O | youn Divissgn sons of Otâ€" Ig-aq-_pn-p“l in the -d'“.“.m"..c‘:‘_ above mentioned to some of the Depart mwents here, as souvenir of his visit *mon _I\o"“â€"'- "'l"'-“ & Il“ W apoms "-'-'-"'"':"“'tfl'" mith several highly intepesting ecientific "‘I-'«'::m:-!".:‘... fuse: tmg thum or. ublications, and a samber of mape, *Pme caduing, yes, ‘de caoom * eparts, &¢ , comnected with a topocraph With temperance and probibition in al aurve y now beifig made of the United | scribed on your banner, our forces will tnive, wost of the |i#ith meridian, have | ever u-um-“-’b wen brought from Washington by Mr.| sire abundant success to the flag of the '.I“Mdlï¬-fmflm C T A. Union of Ontario â€"ng hes been for souse time in Enâ€" Ymhkzpumldw novuts‘ Burean of the War Department 3. K. Alâ€"hfl. . P, * Washington, and is now on a visit to P. D, Melxrra®, W. P. ui» fmends in Otitaws. We understand Mecron Mousa®, K. '.}.A hat he intense presenting the views, &0., bevopete â€" > uw Dismcrouy. â€" The new Ottawa insectory and Dowinion Guide for 1876 has just been issued from the office of the publisher, Mr. A. ~. Woodburn. The wwk--nqm-rddflï¬.lh Leen compiled with much care. its typo othled pod sRternton‘s sport wat be sontdentiy fl‘ forward to. M1 events, there » suve to be a large Seld . hoalsoms always are. The more exact .um-l-uhlh“ being -u-:"d.‘;“-‘ ‘:fl advan Ada * “' wl ve much prized by the community. A great doe! of information pertaining to a-â€".'mt ur readers 3 which . alkes the work of interest to other than residents of Ottews. TWe directory wlso contains the names of people residing .-u--h-h-m-â€"-m: city such as New _ Kdinbu had this directory a very lnvummamoxai Covnturizsa,â€"We -t-:* Ibwlh, series a ry MW‘L &é 4 mldings belonging to Unitet wornipent in the different cities of the | W + »â€"o abiv eduducted it, and played t anpaniuments, was accidently omilte ‘hat gentleman‘s skill much of t o« of the entertainment is due. hine NTRekT Nawsn.â€"lbe new sewer th:is thoroughtare is similar in design the mein sewer, and connects with it York street. The men have reached I way to Ridean street with the work, i1 should the fine weather last, they | ‘complete the sewer in about en Tus Houru« â€"The Ottawa fox hounds o! yesterday aftermcoon at the Kide imge, and there was a capital Geid. Ti m Wike \v’lmm!ï¬ t.«-kolnr.uucn'nh-lm ~‘iU iin» of country, The hounds ran out half down the rang», they got .u..m':f.u.u:-un.- o much to break cover, the houn\« uki not get at him. He either got to rth or els« lay perdu in the underbrush, hich is rather thick in that particular age. Mdlm‘.i:um‘u-fl'--o U, and taking up scent t nl.-mwâ€"hl. Nea: : «l1y the meeting will take place at Ayi rred during the past few week Favremu says this wholesale destru« ol iaumps does not add much to the to to be derived from the lighting =p> * section of the city . © a .l:r, but when near the 1t !-zdumhr-.n he scent of a fox, but Reyn ocal Auntelligence. muso‘ Lawrs. â€"(‘n Tuesday nig xo tuz Sueursâ€"The in unce at the l‘-‘:mm aving been complete| as rweei. . The work apuears ost substantial cbatacter ®awz«.â€"The work o: tbe m Grorge street has proâ€" râ€"puily during the last few wir w o lail on Tuesday kind that bas "®PU W. H. Milis »f m evaged" at Hurk ! the joyous str=ins of triumph lmuflmm. perapce couw munity lbat we represent mpet corlially welcome you to our city, and also the delegates of the society of which you are the bonoured President. irxwu.uu..'.fl. 187 % ho Treasu To J P. Tayler and others of the United Total Abstinence Society of Ottamwa. Allow me in {the name of the Catholic lTotal Abstinence Unio=» of Untario, to return you our «incere thanks for the kind and fattering address you have just It afforis me the most supreme satis factwon to know that a kindly feeling cxâ€" ists between the Association repreâ€" sent aud the irish Catholic l{“ Society of @ltawa ; and | trust that the pne-LA,cu have this day established by meeting us with so congratulatory an address may be productive of very great good, and that the example you have this day set, mny bflhn*h: We desie, with you, that a feel of unanimuty should always «xist between the Protestant and Catholi¢ advocates of a cause, «) good, so sacred, and so bene aill aid in alleviat; ommon bumanity We, theretore, i a cause, «) good, so sacrei, fimal 1o mmunkined as that of 1 might notice the fact (and congratuâ€" ns ourselves upoun it) thit temperance -â€"--ld-l-: “.'-t- ent creeds of this great and country. Rev. T. J. O‘Sullivan and delegates, in anmual convention now assesmbled in St. Vincent De Pau! Hall, Ottawa. Friends and Brethren, coworkers in the cause of temperance, we most cordi creed. CATHOLIC TEMPERANCE URIOK, d:yï¬m‘_{â€"'ho.-&l. You are met in il to «devise the most e€icient means whereby in your deliberativeé judg: ment, intemperence, with its wiftold inâ€" de P you in your to victery Your cause is our cause We have a mutual interest in the cause of Total Ab Guxrizuu®.â€"| have {)-‘M -hohlfdflLC.T'.',A. nion of On tario, in accepting your address of welâ€" come t this city. . Our .‘u-‘buan Wyn , in your cause cause of uu-::.-llh.nflym your sentiment ; l:t we may all be united creed or or mmp&o'-dm- +i unu®i $ix,â€" We, the undersigned, ‘ommuitce of the (Miewa Unitei Total stinence Nocieiy, have been appointed the purpose of presenting to you an dress of congratulation on this your MNr. Costz110, Vice President, made the allowing reply :â€" h.lbl..ll.-..l';q.:-‘.. P...r.- Lean, Keqg., P. W. 1, Committee from f temperance e are here, gentieman, 10 aid you in Jhulo to which you allude, and we with the blessing of Heaven on our that some good witl result from liabours. this the proceedings the tb::dbm:‘hnbb* :w..‘mw to meet m- * whwwhm'& l he Convention: reassembjled yesterday ming at }0 o clock, and immediately The Pressiest made the following nion m«&--i:-»..â€"-nn-.m Committeo rose wm The first motion was as follows :â€" _ Rusolved, Thet the thanks of this .M m the ‘kind interest he has taken in the iabou:» of this Convention, and his active exertions in the holy cause of Temporâ€" :.n;.'w. A« u.L next submitted from of the Catholic Temperashce Union of Qnizrio, now assembled in convention in our Society of this city, for the kind and hosâ€" 'h-o-:. the steep cf ‘tme, AOJ biue old warld is growleg b.ughier s ap tm ob e lie d awin ol bane ol high nop«e make the h art thrst . m y be «]sapliag in the un und, you Lavwakes the world in won ‘et we nave is I Its g= hor ag « ud An t beart ie vosse o ks jag the *Iis comiung, yes \Js on m " t e ihat your eflurts in Ulhis a«nnual meeting will have « wivance the real interests of which you are engaged, and Ansdiiens . submitied the Auditore‘ stuted that the books of were examined and found M n the name n W 1rs08 Megniry®ay, zu- Doxarpsox, Necretary id 14 th eived and placed Purst Vice z. Presilent ferimgs of our e Union ef of of of F:m'wi the w xi | of local societies in haring repâ€" * m prove 'h:v:‘nu to l B U‘Remnir sail the principal object 3 | o io rmebatine wee e y uit on Counci! beid in Toeranio J â€" |\_ Nr. ‘Rmury said the main object was lnmth-ukhgdlhm | Union to the immediate ufl: meet once or twice a year. The Cnu\lldvunu-nthï¬lnl points like Ottawa, Taronto or tom, and be represented by diocesan delegates. m,uâ€"amuc.q-_â€" incurred now in Unions. principle y -.hd :b“.m try. instead of tweny or | you would have a hundred by this means | muce the mss primsinie as thet thoe same as upon would prove of infinite benefit to the temâ€" :::bn.,ï¬-nm The resolution was carried Rrseived, That we, the Catholio Temperâ€" ance Union of Ontario, have great cause 10 c-z:-bb ourselves on the notiom by the Fathers of the first Provincial Council of Ontario, recently held in Toronto, in recommending the establisbing of T. A. Bocietids in any Parish in the Jrovince, and we hope xmo-udi-.dhucz‘wmhhk- w carry the same into « The motion was carried. socieiies established in each diocese througlout the Province, with a view to the aivancement of the cause we are engaged in. Bro. Auwour was of opinion that the establishment of Diocesan and Provincial Unians would prove of incalcu‘sble adâ€" The was next submitted for u--mcnhmz #Kesolved, That in the opinien ol this Convention, it would advance our object that local Unions be formed of all the vantage. This syster» had been tried in the United States, and was very success lissent. It was ne‘t t:h Dusscou:, of Almonte, "'o M‘ contemplated arrangement of enlarg> ing the echeme of operation, would prove detrimental to the objects of the Union. mitted and carried :â€" _ . Resolved, That this Union looks anxiousâ€" rth time when Unions similar to is shall be established in all the Proâ€" vinces of the Dominion, with a view to our ultimate union into one grand body. Carried. lc-h:.'l'huhhcud_dubq- courage the organization of cades societies in connection with parent ones, and that the -““I’:Jâ€"‘-i.“ Diocesan and ial Convention of the Province. Carried. A resolution, giving a vote of thanks to Tus Tiwzs reporter, for the able ani exhaustive repo.t of the first day‘s proâ€" ceedings, was also passed. The Couvention then sadjourned till 2 o‘clook p m The Convention met, pursuant to adâ€" journment, at 2 o‘clock. The following motion was submitted by the Committee on Resolutions :â€" fegiee Sermolle Toist Abuticence Duice Iv.w-'dul-dim of great benefit to have the Union , Nr. R. O‘Ruuzr thought ack ami all its branches, Diocessn or . Mr. T. J. m‘a-uam necaes sity there might exist for an incorporation .dx---u-u socisties, there was none for the General Union. They would have no real estaie. . ‘ Mr.T.J. Lex thought the resolution -ï¬&bmuhh constitution no com pulsory measure could be enaoted, forcing memhers to take the badges. _ Mr. W. A. Lan presented the followi draft of the aidress to the Catholics To the Ontholics of Ontarie ; The Delegates to the Annual Convention of the m Absti nence Union of Ontario, in council assemâ€" .‘W‘:.hvo-.::l“hot-d&m Province, purpose of sonâ€" sulting together as to the best means of forwarding the noble cause of total abstiâ€" nence among our coâ€"religionists. Tt is not necessary for us to remind you of the many n&bdw,fl are always but too well aware of the effects of this S aev uu-,' “-â€". cu.;::uu': server the in«d. Drunkenness is one of the family at the present day, and being one of the deadly -'UJ“Iblb&o a-:uodl-:-h-“fllh It leads io poverty, wretchedness, suffering, orime, the gaol, and even to the insane asylum. The majority of the inmates of our Peniâ€" “’u-'-mum to the inordinate use of L-t-dmihh. 1; effects all classes, the rich and the poor, the and the old, and has @-uhh :t hmily in the land that has not felt The following resolutions were subâ€" ï¬â€œ liow many young of all s of society, has it o‘dâ€"n-: the bloom of their youth. How many w-‘la-.-“hbl- children has it made ‘Ot tell the â€"mmh-m nholss Chinch his simegy proothed the %vh-d:_â€" Itis as old as the } -1‘"::':::..-& virtues vice, that ;A- she places on the Mr. Downpar: had no desire +0 press neversity of totel abstfhente novietios. "If all men were temperate there would be ADDRESSE® TO THB CATHOLIC) OF OXTARIO, no necessity for addressing you on the EXTENS!OX oF UXION®. APTERNOON Sk8810X. Human nature is weak, and the temptaâ€" tion to drink intoxioating in strong. Many find it »ifficult, yea, to keep within the bounds of For such as theso total abstinence, with the of God,.is the safe remedy ard must have been a moderate drinker ut some period of his lite, and had be re his s un‘:lm‘b:a"n-o.:,.b m: is ease, y, a -otnuboflnniokly dingusting object m&nyrl with 'i:mï¬.g:“fl P towns, s A..mm’"m tluo-vbom ready members, we here present a few of o-m,-d:‘:mwhwm Ist. Our Total Abstinence Union is seitent Speration. 0y moure of woreh means whi transfer and travelling cards are issued to members who wish w:“'“'hr\'-'? or change their place of business. hn a feature of our Union which we would especially recommend to your earnest consideration, as it is of great convenience, â€i-.b-pallgi.ld'ifl,hm working man who fin‘ds it necessary to founded on a Catholic h-h.:::hhï¬o indi t batl hi ':ehy and clergy of the Province, and, we might say, of the Catholie world. m-‘hh place of residence, also to ‘emperance Union is being spread » tave the Preasure o. knowing ite usorur ve te n ness is being felt and rea‘ throughout the Dominion of Canada, one of the most favoured lands of the universe, wer» it not for intemperanée. £, These are a few ol the reasons that we would respectfully present for your favourable consideration, in order to inâ€" «duce you to enter the Union. But there is another reason, beyond that of temâ€" poral welfare, and which should be of the mmm Catholics. 1t is the spiritual tages which are to be doâ€" rived from connection with our organiznâ€" tion. Each of the members are obliged by provision of the constitution, to apâ€" Mmunmhumhw& m“d: whiclln e'nnnn howohlghluz we rely for s 100ess upon grace of God, communicated to us through the Sacraments of the Church. in conâ€" clusion, fellow Catholics of Ontario, we earnestly appeal to you to unite with us in alleviating the vast amount of miserv and suffering inflicted upon our fellow beings, by the destructive vice of inten:â€" _ Mr. R O‘Reiuy suggested an amending of the first section by adding a clause conâ€" p-unhuLol the assistance . already given by the clergy to the cause of â€"temâ€" _ Mr. J. C. Haxisy would like a sugges tive clause to the different Dioceses to hnvlfl- measures for the suppres â€" sion of low groggeries. After some further discussion the draft of the address, wae on the motion of Mr. O‘Runmir, seconded by Bro. Azrxoin, »pproved and adopted and instructions :'nv'::'to cireulate K),000 copies thereol, throughout the different organizations in Mr. Daiscou gare a verbal report of the condition of the =~ i~ty in Almonte He showed that :ts »Wairs wore in a very prosperous comd:iti i. s Mr. Monu:xâ€" nex: gave an account of the newly organiz«] Society in March. On motion of Mr. W. A. Lzz, the 8e retary was instruct>d to bare 200 forms of the report printed for of the different Societios rith the PLiOX of XrxT conysXtiox. Bro. Arxoi» mov ~‘ by Ald. Huxuy, that Bellevi;;/ 4 apigcted as the place for the nex! of the Convenâ€" After «1souss:i0n as to the Lime Of reso!ution wasâ€"carried ' P dm. W, A. lLas the Secreâ€" tary instruc write to the diferâ€" railway and s&nlm com| nniee, a view to nulna'ndu.a.-ll fares for delegates attending annual : Convenâ€" tions of the Union. M(;. A mnmhgt ‘onvenâ€" ï¬-m God Speed in their Ist *Viceâ€"Presidentâ€"Mr. R. Costello, of Belfeâ€"ille _ _ _ â€" 3 it > End Viceâ€"Presklantâ€"Mr, W. A. Lee, of Toronto. 3rd Vieeâ€"Presidentâ€"Mr. J. Dow lall, of 4th Vice Presidgntâ€"Mr. M. Gerin, J â€" 2M . M of Cobourg. « Treasurorâ€"Mr. R. )‘Reilly, of Ottawa. Hecretaryâ€"Mr. T. J. Lee, of Toronto. O'Ih-dtb_l-. . 5 ELECTiOX or orFicERS The afficers were elacts | : â€" Pn-:u.-iv. Father Suilivan, of Thorold (reâ€"elected.) â€" _ > _ _. _ of Tyendiga. The rd_ of the ex« penses of the three mclnn of the Union while in Convention each year, was next taken up. s On motion of J. C. Haxtey, seconded by T. Huzizt, that the expenses of the Proâ€" dhs:m and ~ freasurer of the gd. defrayed at the expense of (b e After a tedious discussion, the resolu: tion was withdrawn, it being left‘over till “.‘l‘ht before closing the mmwh&.& him President of the Union for the enan that had been conferred upon them. Un motion of T.J . Lax, a vote of thanks was accorded the oflcers and members of :blrhi Catholic Temperance Society of ment expressed, by an appropriate speech Atm' was recvived at this from Iquh.dm1 mm&*:a“.nt members and their families and their laâ€" n?*mmm i the delegates in 8St. Patrick‘s Hall, at which were a number of prominâ€" W on one aide was the Reov. Sullivan, President of the cuv.m&oo&ul!b'-ï¬ Mayor Amonget others on Cameron, D. J. O‘ M. P. P., MJ.IT.H% Ald. Heaey, M. Battle, H. 8. Watson, O‘Reilly, and other leading citizens ; also R. Costello, Viee Presiient of the Conâ€" vention, Bro. Arnold, of Toronto, and the Alter G and before to Afocuse the merits of the good things proâ€" Un _ the u:vd“.d' the Rev. m&uhfl.-&u nal “rvuh?ug.mga & After Grace, and before procesding to M.FP, Rev. Father Collins, Rev. Father Crumblebome, Rev. Father _ Stenson, A-l‘d.:'dhr:nd..&odmd&m of Montreal, * mzx...:. H. r.mui-hsa Dubamel, Hon{A. Mackensie, Dr. St. Jean, character of the edibles â€" The tea hd-&lzh‘ufl“:d Mr. O‘Rutiy reciprocated the senti THB BiANqUET. In the evening a banquet The Ruv. Faruze Morsor oTrtawWA, THURSDAY. OCTOBER, 21, i875. INOIDENTAL EXPENSES PURTHER REPORTL wus received from Bishop weak, and the temptaâ€" was a great suocess in the as to the time of usual vigorous style, a firm belief in the pm::’ulo.d of h-pnu-.'ml::urpd. °-HisWonmrm flroa,lpllond in a ry eloquent and ob, i Jlsn ho nssy ieuaed t se o 1J ihs exertioes “dm‘mm. mir ::uiouo& PB i £ _Wli;fl"';:.ln Svmuva®, rma.oun Convent being next called nvnl&mdthiutsm&_- vention for two days during which its deliberations had lasted. He trusted good results 'â€"b:ltbf:lko'h:hmh labours. He ance Sceiety of Ottawa for their very corâ€" dial entertainment of the delegates. _ Mr. J, M. T. Buln:b'.,'. P. of the Sons of Temperance of Ontario, thanked them for the honor ‘done him as a repre® sentative of a lesding order of temperâ€" ance, in i:viting him to so auspicious a m'v and “‘ifllldl’ ~ Mr. J. M. T. Haxxun, E W. P. of _ Mr. B Suure being called upon, made a very pleasing and intelligent address, setting forth the progress made in the temperance movement in Quebec. â€"â€" Hon. Marmotx Caxsrox, M. P. was loudily ealled for, when he made a powerâ€" ful and telling speech on the subject for which they were called together. He adverted to the increasing sympathy of hc’h&ommd temperâ€" a1n06, cited Archbishop Manning and ance, and cited Archbishop Mauning and other prominent churchmen as examples to the fact. 'Bo '-al::j-d to see so many muflï¬o delegates as staunch advocates of the with pleasure to the decrease of invem ce in the British Army, and attriâ€" m.lbnlu-tomo:-{‘mhu Havelock and Wolsley. ‘The Hon. gentle man resumed his" seat amid loud ap_ plause. Masters _ St. Guniud Wixormu, members of the band, lhhn,m 'mdl-hm-_.r. a duct Mesers. J. P. Taylor, J. Dowdal!, of Almonte; Bro. Aruoid, of Toronto, and E. McGillivray, of this city, followed in very interesting and instructive addresses, d%ï¬rmdï¬.nflww are to even give a synopsis. _ _ _ A song from Mr. Costello, Vice Presiâ€" dent was well received, as was also a song from Mr. Ciarke, entitled * The hatmy father wore." mm !inh.:ou returned thanks to gards of the Society which he represent a.†M"m#'. entertainment to a close. ye4. A special and informal meeting of the %‘Oundlw-hdd ln t at it was decided to take . m.; sary steps to accord a reception His the kor General, on nm»-u. following were s«ppointed a Commitiée w carry out the necessary :«â€"â€"His Worship the Mayor ; Waller, Birkett, enness, but was let off with a reprimand. W!u':.ut-ho:luplbo Arpuaxax Biacerr, J. P. presiding. inebrinte habite. Charles Degjardins, who brings the n.-tbhddmh,w-ht:wiï¬ the usual caution. iz BUSSELL UOURE~~ VC Bs wâ€"r 1900 â€" land ; A U Murdoch, Toronto ; J Jackson, Thec. 5_ Musro, Witiam: H Comes 4 Euagst) T hlack, amprioc) A A Hum® phrey, Quebes ; hP ‘Melatyre, Con ‘Tus Avrorxsey Gaxsras os. Sraunms.â€" ‘The hearing of this case in Chancery has been ordered for toâ€"morrow. Convarsscant.â€"Mr. Thomas McGarity has so far recovered, as to be able to d‘ive out. He was on the streat yesterâ€" day, and received the hearty congratula tions of his many friends. Brewart os. Barowiz.â€"This im portant case will be called up at the opening of Rr. Rusit #«ng in excellent voice * ‘The Paris ; J B Soott, Nicholet; A Hagar, n thy mm botk of Yuintls aho Ghobne the action presents features of hwuï¬.l,l:a The Hon. Joh» O‘Connor the and the Hon. J. Cockburn and ‘Mr. W. . Wright, M.P,, fomthe defendant. _ ~. "he Court this morming. An the quertion Dismupvranus Famaus or the femaies at present in the gaot be m by u%h :.:-t of ‘n‘-h-‘ C silorday evening about five priook, is : number of pers T un‘“n....w Ing charngier, ~ From the strength of hor lungs it seems somewhat strange sho was A Posamaxt M-ï¬o number of the employees of the a James shd dined u...lhn at the h.hth-:-.-ï¬o -BIM-’.:- last Friday, Mesers,. Stevens provided a u‘#flflï¬mm. Te ht of fare was provided and" ample setur ts was not, as sité hept up her is. rintiy eonduct for n comidemble time. ‘The authorities -ï¬mhp.lbnu m stated as a endeavour to some means to check the practice. flmfldhd&omh* dpbo-l‘u‘.lnd l evening ":mdthgu. Jm were drank, some exsollent songs sang, and stories told, and the company broke 3".'.‘:;.';3‘.. en i whitk mine host whose health € .â€"=Y esterday afternoon, George wurm“d Dalhousic, was enlivened by a row, which the timely arâ€" rival of a couple of policemen only preâ€" vented h-'nhï¬la&bb'n.' A respective mothers seeing the row, each ed forth puiocuintdvm.q-ï¬u." on (hodlh.ow.q‘lh:ndu up‘:z verbal cudgels then, and another man standing by and bad nothing to do sundry were w..'& One of the mothers, a woman 10 m n erenny wrom makn y ca W,ï¬m-ym\o‘oï¬m » M“m m‘ iA sihew thight have been catried" by used on both sides was quite the reverse Wt CCAE AZ --'lq. “FT:;'†Job Goslin was up on a charge of druakâ€" Michael Coonin, another ho&l: & ving $2 and coste,went to durance .t:r THE CiTY COUNCIL. HOTEL ARRIVALS. He referred other snd pour mwopu::tundhm ::’.nuh&o blm ; ns wl Brawart us g::uu- was resumed. ‘The jury gave a verdict for the plaintiff. Gruex ub, rir Comrporario® OF TBE Crrr ?O:A'Aâ€"m'--ï¬ ï¬‚n pawich siaimninedly in leged negiigence of the d orendaot‘s Pansgse 4(54 servants. Hhul:‘:‘ue-(hm,‘mug posed on Sunda une, wugmï¬mmu o‘ am, iile proceeding along the east side of Hugh street, hetween Albert and Queen, she fell through a hole hubmhuddnlllundw& right ankle, and she suftered from the effect of the accident ever since, being lame at the present time. â€" . _ _ _ Mr. Taillon appeared for the plaintiff and Mr, O‘Gara, with whom was Mr. case involved some technical points and of Dr. Wright who attendiif she plantitfs . Wriight went to show the suvere character of the injury she had received, and stated that hmld‘h]:oh‘blyh.edm.dflhh before would regain perfect or even casy use of her foot. As she went into the witness box she moved ‘wï¬ difficulty, and her misfortune the l]qptL_offllinM» s yories. ?'AM'tlwb:’am.gon both sides had addressed the jury, His Lordship summed up, explaiving the law upan the subject, up, expiaiving the law the subject, and the jury retired, .x:h a lengthâ€" ened absence f Jourt, returned a verâ€" d@fa»p@s%__ & Laromr® os. Basgezviuu®.â€"This was an action to recover the rent of a store. Mr. O‘Gara was for the plaintiff and the Hon. John O‘Connor for the defendant. The case was tried without a jury, and did not t features of pu Terest."The care waa notsoveladed the Court rose at six o‘clock. :. i Before His Lordship CuayeRu1or Spracos. The Court opened morning shortly after ten o‘ . The following members of the were present when !lhladdils his seat on the Bench : The Hon. Ed Blake, Hon. J. Cockâ€" H;z‘.:-u.l-‘moauï¬bâ€"t. J. Christie, whom was + attornuey {;un plaintiff, and X.Hg'-hth defendants. This was an action of eject: th«numhrw' belonging nonym it resulted in a verâ€" dict for the plaintiff. f Muexey os. “m%'. & and A.J.mhpu.,qz.cuh-a- deft. This action was brought under a in to the price agreed 40 bo paid ty the ® m adint. * dhares io io aitinnd Fimox . vs. MoCavmuâ€"â€"Hon. E. Blake and Mr. McDonald for the pitff. ; and Hon. J. Cockburn and Mr. for the deft. ‘The action was the yhbdlwlmlhomd.l f for machinery supplied by him to the deâ€" fendant for a mill. The defendant was subjected to a most rigid crossexaminaâ€" tion by Mr. Blake, and the hearing of the uwmmwaum he would give judgment toâ€"day. * The Court then adjourned until halflâ€" this morning shown a of a crab qtm ‘Ill of buds m‘::un looked likely, H&oh%ï¬&qu T oune of% Je dags«" The cusionty is “:III.Gâ€"AI dm;olhwuw;:gdfll at 3 o‘clock, from h-%hnmuwl:l' by Mr. Curran, a hackman, who resides lnn.rdthk-nnllm\hak‘::&- bank of the canal. . The cause of fire is attributed to incendiarism. ‘The prompt any done is xery slight. in Mr. Kilby‘s,. garden, on Nicholas Mr. N ‘s wen ip on the mfl%&m%%u bo-’hpd A .:hmw:‘ :’t.nh,of ome ; w cou: every attention will b‘o to it. l‘iz dmbtbopmwhonmï¬dyul cruelly deserted it, has been found. In her last letter from P-lz.l‘noy' Hooper notes it as an odd the :ebbfdn-ghn ‘N Wunï¬. at work e his palace of feshion ropt, opening out of a wide, woll Tightid rooms, & corridor, will shortly give apace for the Tatbet intoreating to sit quietly waiting in one of the show rooms, and t'omv every detail in this vast establishment owes its completeness and fnish to his hand. Here, there, and overywhere, atâ€" advice to Third, Sivting in judgimont on the toilefts akirt, fastening on a waist trimming for .dress, and . lace in . graceful urves fur ahothers 11 is taey to Mos hOn to" that qualifention infleddet untiring ao woree thas hh photion To diess have attained to such worldâ€"wide celel rity. One als:.::mu-u bm e a pice of on At ntlanchy and he has won his reputation and made his fortuns. There is no doubt but that in hwnl'pndnl{n-ifh,' " Ab, | you bought that a-.t&:ï¬;"xl was then in a pale blue ailk, the skirt of which was out soâ€"and=wo and trimmed in such a way, and it was looped at the side modmdunhmthnxmu and five buds to the cluster." Absurd as the above may sound, it is not one whitnnuud.ndyulhmbud drosses are annually sent out from his renowned atelier amount to several thousand. From the queen to the ooâ€" nuo..tlohuudhaoulwo* his power and bow beneath his huhm‘lflohh the wide range of dressmaking. Antoine Dupre of Freil Qwitsorâ€" land, who had mmm. mt-ha,uhh in a ration by the at Freiburg, that she been induced to disobey followed her to the church, and tore off her neck a medal d&ovn"lawhh which he found her ment and five years‘" deprivation of civie te. Wï¬hhor.hdb the Ffl:i:nl@ovmt, the case came from it to the Chambers in due course, AM.IQ&:N. the House ::&u' the ..3‘....‘ under the canton -ow&-zï¬nh-. The deba‘e which folâ€" lowed on the same subject in the Council of Cantons showed more ¢v1.: ; but in the end the upper , the view of the lower one by 19 nbb,la:dho“dhï¬qb .*-d, the judgmenmt of its court bis own line he is a real genius, and when for blasphemy under an old cantoual law and sentenced to a month‘s huh-' COUNTY . OPF CARLETOX FALL Tus W amw.â€"The poor CcoURT OF CHANCE&AY. FROM COMMON PLBAS li # l | VI â€" thu.uJit resulted in a verâ€" The Great Work. little child that of pubte Gold & Silver Watches, Â¥INE JEWELLERY, &o., &o. Goop nmmwz TO BE HAD! «mmfl.m-&qm monln ud unies io make tooh P iatel ds EACH EVENING, Commencing at 7:80 pym., 1t consists of GOLD & SILYER WATOHES, A large stook of fine Hilver Kieotro P'l:"u'!% Fr uch, ï¬'-g-n .,'a'_'_w Silverware, Ladies‘* Gold Watches, Oi Paintings,‘ Chromes, ? Vases, Wool Mats, Writing Cases, ~ l Dressing Cases, Work Extensive Auction Sale BERMINGHAM‘S SALE ROOMS 7:30, and cach e at same hour, until all io roldo ie aiirer aate it from one of, he afat setis, epergnes, “"""n‘.""mâ€_'“_-lv‘ re, urays, fruil baskets, card recaivers, cruets of the : mokice dotign Aud foes! voremagahip batter Eiver plated knives, Siiver plated 2irk», apooun eto., oltc., and a large and well assorted stook o. otc., and a large and well assorted stoock t vther good®, 2120; must by sold Wwithout any JiC pints, Sompricioe hammores bncand qodie reservé, 1 > make room for the other extensive cousignmen s to arrive. ;rlnh-':.m lh‘o“flhuvhï¬- ous !.Iï¬lm Ottewa, Oct. 19th, 1875. * _ g‘v‘ uanut>, or No, % i..irador ‘ Herring, reduc» aondtl.lur dry Couâ€"fish, Ooarse Sale in large bags, Fine §3 los. per Good Western Apples and whions, also on w » which are selll t, al a reauction for C & ( T ! Jnvhrelegme tayor u‘? is .EW n pntanin Haninnan decvese in me + 16 los, OF upwnards â€" & recuction. n Mo,. i Labraior "** Private Sales during each day at Auction Are Qfl: General Aud Liquore mm make room for their Bpring Stook. _ 5 tbes. of sound Ten for $1.60, value werâ€" ue y M oo t $M Aeooraint o Livery Stables, pâ€"4$â€"~_/ aA«» vENKICLES,‘ which be beaten. Carefu umn'ï¬':o'y. in Centre Town Livery Stablese. five per cant. an tha Las C2u _ $ mU@INOURL Of %.wnn.umm of Tuu«% -g.'mdho&.-“ the due wwwwwï¬qm'&t Mod it» IIIGH WINES, PROOF AND RYE T'o coxtracrors 10B10008, F@CKLBS, BALL BLUE STARCH, RICB, RAISINS, UURRANTS, NUTS, CIGARS, PAILA and BROOMS, also, Dope‘ ‘zaent of in From Gooderham and Worts Colebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. se PINE SET TBR OP JEWELLERY IN BROOCHRS & EARâ€"RLNOB, LOCKETS, RINGB, Buirisit Lion HoraL. Ottawa, July %, 1876 Kigin Htreet, opposite the Russell House, Bu_kervfllo & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, W. CRAMPN 88 draw the his patrons and m .-m N m win Â¥4. 49094 LIWory Stabl@s, Carriages, Charles W. Leonard, LIVEkRY STABLES OTHER VALUAELE GOOD8 wa, Oct. 0, The Victoria Stables DAaY EVENING, OCT. 12th. SIGN PaXTER AXD ORAIXER, Warriages. NUTICE. BROWNLEE & CO lavoreotys. TOWwn BASKERVILLE BROS. 'w"".i 34. AC _ _ 86e 3. (VN _'z\h-n“- taking 10 o. | «iess '-i“-.;..%z _ hss cullooo-. BEST SX C080 EXTRA OAMY, sEWING MACHINE u. RissoPrerohitaien dsc enc Cotton ie P & ¢ Heruppanl ie ninves al: the quallites requisite flm ce 88 es nick n ©0‘s COTFOR;, aah M C * "ANCHOR BRAN." â€" â€" Best SIX CORD EXTRA Quality 2s n noth Tans boong made of hont Sauoth wm“:‘r:ewn:-. | havi: g in view the old moito of \‘he a s CERTAIN PROFITS WITH QUTOK â€" The company nave decided on g!Â¥ing ench THE UNION :;X“.‘.F BOUKX COMP S ies tPues poe +400,000 PORTMONTE® (POCKET BOOK®.) ~ 0 oi e t s1000 OA L). i AID . _____ _ @IVING THE PURCHABKERS 4 is viniinateng on to, bave ut mc doentiice "wo 1 4 wal f mesiaek uis B aiotiondoy cicatnik . Paskistes: 1‘%.. 16 S OB moW OAN tm*i-‘s‘;h:' PLNBIED*? _ â€"_ . “m&"n*mm â€" The Trade anxious to dispose of and Ts aicadonten as 50800 Poael havite ie * rexy Reekl ol Reitice) is Ppinots 100,000 Given Away. the lot; after adverusi uy same ToF smle i0f «o8 month, aud not m- singio offer, m io ihe bresent aepressicn of bu. incus o‘ atmont amufaotare, superior in value to the roma the of ihe mamme venangarean puce oo ‘bemniee C Sh e .T.*.ï¬â€œ*::-;.:::rw: s eelguners tm ue reviie t dn i On m&u#;uo:m':;.x the Disti®1 .0f i. "Resuiantioue aney h seen 4 the g.-&.'“zw’rag wb Il.rs:.:‘u-o. P "Ppoin tp be Bodneand B bacuidersimes ol it‘ 1 ./ wing .':'&’..... mn:-unh.nu uuite on the first Nauopal rawunkk. _ . _ _ _ _ Will take , mb the Orfice, 830 &--. iiwiu"?.(:iâ€"* 5 ertustmme * Ape Wi be RdÂ¥smnets in uhn doutnal and the prine dny s morning mais Aorambnt $y ‘or ar pae day‘s morning mails, Aovember #, or if pre ferred ‘nl‘:. Can R:qu or in thass :@%1;2-' nï¬â€˜ï¬ ym 'dw....::-.'.“:.: m mools Tho This o eith wond proftin ommb Sit R6 bostpontent Ts the Fomole of P etmement in on sromage in tiaien oo ts uons muu@unï¬-u l N23 E i o W-::'“‘_. _A nunz. e e t oo m on the vaiue ut prom $5 to #4 mid a dere i w t e Pftarmmnt hok oo ohetem, i dioe CcAUVTION, Worcestershire Sauce. purxokn*s, LIGHTHOUSE & KcEPER‘$ DWELLIMNG yeskiesttates s intrinaically Workt in reiai! brade at the jowest "&‘:?-'Efluu thet should not W 16s NT EC ud mil whould embre _ "â€" Lnde ; Trihoe? e amand afford ever â€" ery K. ‘gng_u..ilâ€";lr oo tenins 1Â¥ OHANOYRY, oï¬ t ies ... ob . â€" .35 The a zon with uo adverticing * um xu“-.-:"t +A c e e e m_:@ urchaset webl¢ 1 1000 uf the Pooket Book#jnre of the patented ANCHOR MILLS, PAISLEY, Would call aitention to their . en hope. l femen: Kept by ail Leading "‘ry Goods Houses Specially Manufactured for use on the Till the 1st November Next, tor the contruction of a OHANCE FPOR ALL First Class Machine Sewing, 1 * "M4: LHA & PERRINE of Woromtwr t i1 Rpâ€"â€" y eâ€" 580 uarmntee w return to M \nb-.t: The Taile Iof B6 money, x , C164 Minister of ND DOLLARS and i isheorion. IvyOL O. Coue o y, adottsge Pn U ".":,2.."'3{ w Provne © Wl NavtPutor Ad t# . FÂ¥ \HOR A® w)a NLHNA Aa ts " +# A s1 D., 106A 4, t oni e patiiic Physician Has op® w30R & So 1 gyarriuterm, _A 5 4* N NOR & W‘\m‘ P i6 & sloam and Piem bor, ( Corper & wiling w * 9. NW. w A Bt nnounritiei, OFPWRâ€" Blook, Ut\# E. LOGANX, Mosgruve‘» G1+£BS8 Fatent Kegda aARCOHAME wétary P# Atledt {1 MAd N dvrawntA t# Agent‘ «407Â¥ LiBakRY Boyrrint®r , Comiki ven‘s GUSL N6 A BE NB A «awry k33 0 lt 0. _ oD M A 07 11 is the wuD: 10# to% to UR M*MX TR . q4A ©uuny, h# 66 1=00.%, V II 5 4 PP3 raily # wTEW A Adver Us WReT sb