26,000,000 Y LOR, puired on rea HRAUN, Sworels.ry. &a-u-uu RLAXD _ STS the coutirm t. matures of | two ctmunion, snd be due peris. â€" ASPHALTE ioh sacuh â€"twh sser *treei PROOUCE neutt, ver, bind | ho elpense O ces or damag» ton AND e«f 1%78. week, day »TORE My G6) fa ce Co petwad i0on. A y 0 V AA Waar id@y may pou rus IrorLzâ€" parstwons of mdrx stood the im partial enous subslane pie for auy great iength ol tune. . (me of these is iit. Enomas‘ Eiectric Oil. _ Kead the folowin, and be counviaced.:â€"Thos. Robinson, Fambam Centre, PAQ, writes, *i have been aflueted with rheumatiem for the last ien years, and have tried many reme bes without any relief, until 1 tmed Dr. Thomas\ Lieciric (il, and since then had no aitack of it 1| would re cotmmend :t t> a‘l,"â€"J. }i. Earl, Hotel Keeper, West Sbefford, P. Q., writes, * 1 have been woabled with liver laint for severai y..n.mm.umm: medicines with little or no benefii until 1. cried bit. ‘Thomas‘ Eclectric (ii, which gave me immediate relief, aud | would say that 1 have used it since with the best !‘e& No omne should be without it. 1 have tmied it on niy horses in cases of cuts, wounds, etc., and think it is equaily as pood tor horses as for man." â€" w. _ Maybee, â€" Merchant, â€" Warkworth, Amâ€"s, "i have sold some huwdreds of botries of Eclectric (n:l, and it is r: nounced by the public, ‘one of the t medicines they have ever used;‘ it has done wonders in hea‘mg and relieving pain, sore throat. &c., and is worthy of the greatest confiience."â€"Joseph Rusan, Towuship Feacy, writes: "I was persua ded to try Thomas‘ Keiectric i for a lame knee which troulled me for three or four years, and | never found anything like it for curing lammeness. 1: is a great public benefit." A Mr. Haguiton, Warkwofth, writes : "For weeks } as troubled with a sweiled ankle, which an oye. me Yery much. Mr. Mayvee, of this p ce,. induced me to try Kelectric (@l, and tbefore one botile was used 1 was cured. 114 is a most remarkable medicine, Boid by all medicine dealers, price 25 cenis. & X. THOMAR, K, Y. And FORERH HOP A o tn n iovecany t Boie A geuts for the Dor Nork Leloqrngâ€"Selected and wer ol repair may Le cafvebled organization, ow=‘ Hy pophospbites. or It! A Few Facr There are but few preâ€" nes which have with vramilia beans used o‘ Extract Vanila, are being thrown rpoâ€"ting to be pure as sUcoéessiu of ure kinl has uie e i CANADA ~\~©. _ Agricultural Insurance vo‘y. 3973 pre with ‘ Ottawa B.ranch â€" Thoe Royal Exchange Hotel, wWLELLJNGTON STREET, A First Class Family and Commercial Hotel, Fall and Winter, 1875. e 70 SPARKS STRRET, OTTAWA. Yanutacturers® Agents and Dealers in lron and Wood Working Machinery UF ITnEK HKNT CaRAFIAN, ENGLISH aND AMERICAN MAKE 4 qee ENG[NES AND BUILEBS. NBW MILL MACHINERY OF SVERY b§sCRIPMON RUCK LLA,BELTINQ@JFILES, AND uxnmm mu.hurm% «=â€"(djâ€"â€"â€" we. SPEC AL \AOKENC!FAâ€"Cameron Special Steara Pamp; 4. . .w W. od 4 orking Machines; American Saw O=apany, Treato®, ’.". ;'JA-oï¬ S mall £EXGINXEERsS AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR Prospectuses may be obtained «t the Office of this Journal. Plumbers, SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, P R A CT ICAL PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTER. Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, 0 SPECIAL NOTICE. is heraby gived to cur pats -""’â€â€"""8&..2“ se t Hoiie ircititne ns . ag hm t hemagne tamcih Euleat segh 1us 9 9¢, We Giom ie mpagrrment af Metem Ch0 99 w uew ly appotuted General agen Ottawa, Bept AT THE Lamos & Chandeliers Waterworks Pipes, =.-' Et “w.'w-' ere Just Nv.ol a »ph sssort ment of A Complete stock of maeterial in any of the above lines. $ne Trade supplied. @#~Estimates on application. pPp**"***#*A het. 17, 18 % * TOVES. TELLA K p1G E8 T 1 o oxsSUNMPTIONX, all Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOCD, IRON OR STEEL x Clenatars and Cataingnes, OFFICK 18b W aARE cdOUSE MACHINEEKY CON<FRUCTKD FOR Soafs BUILF ABRQAD, BUTFERWORTH & CO,, «rarie, aprare*, ASA Y A RROW‘S *L & 6. M%‘ 4 M "u‘-â€"._ N uo A 1( A ND S NOW OPEN. nur t<he $occecn 4A ecGarpreved *CM EDL S are Y A R R O W 4& W ranch â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 88 Sparks Street. c1 ‘IFF & MILL, GENERAL AGENTS. TO MEET, SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. CROWX JEWEL, . *¢ , &¢ y carecal wor mem -.nwm-.nu-‘.um -uhdmmmnch.-dm' Agents for the) Improved* Hot Air > urnace. No. Jii a ver Vice President. The Largest Ass ers compicte In e it HALL, "ARLOUR and CO:® ‘KLNXQ *R ids NACriUINKER,"q â€" new "aod beau‘ifal Hail M (Late Yarnow & Hsoust,) ZLite Assurance. T H & KE R R , 25 RIDEAU STREET, and Steam Fitters, Ga Tran Ranaterse. 0 T T A W A. . Ferguson, Rimke, Clonetn, &eâ€", fited op on the aBortest notice, lt aclnmuery d BÂ¥ Wwllington Mtrget Coal Oil. TRIUMPH, rber ertment in th COit», RADLANT LGHT, kinds of Piis k ADIAMNL LPGR T MAGEE RANGE, 4C. > toves, Far our Frankiing, Coal Hods, EDW ARD A. GOEF, JAMES A. w'r'__ 19 BPARK 8ST, 3OTTAwWA. AND SBCOND Hnm * FOWLE p. TLE AND HUMOR OURE, v w Internal and External Une. . GEORGE T, SUSSEXâ€"ST . SHAW & CO: S TOVES. ay 1. is boon faithfully tefted, And e 9 PROPRIETOR. that this Cont WS1 The proprietor of the (ity General: Lai or Agency and Female Servants le‘uz'hnm-, hereby informs the ruhuo generully, that the busivess of the office bas this duy b en resumed at No, 28 Clarence «treet.â€"a fow ‘nnnï¬n- > ue sexâ€"the busines« will here»fier be exciusively .-n:'-‘dht:: ‘;hon branches .umnn ong> ployers and requiring work, may re«t asâ€" sured that their waots '.luu promptly wnd Reeturni u:un"t:rnn past patronage ‘be op'-d__up: the e~tabiishment, a continuance TTXWA,‘SATURDA\. OCTOBER, 23, o m mac n sinfolout arong td No M ons wt y on FWWNBER LINXITS POR SALE 493 SQUARE MILES TIMBER LIMITS, Nituated on the Fotew ol B awa, Kippowe and Hiver E. MGILLIVERAX. Ottawa, Sop: em ber. 81875. * S ‘ DOMEsTIC‘ Also a Band and Gaster Tron, composed of ~no Iron a {d + aitachmen s, a divestion regelpi wcâ€" com pavies each iroi. ‘l‘banolr.hmol-\ i in the money. All for $2.5, eatra lrous $1.5) eaoh Ne SFPLIXGS to get ont of eRBEN hm‘;‘-l..omlwkmfl- Ouuv it -lnx shortly." Can be * S ranidh o ve an good «" rey! exented. ols Agents hof Oftare PA RHd dow iy, and Gene orai A...‘nnu-hdmh-: Agents Wanted gverywhore. _______________ CHAMPION SHINGLE ~MACHINE ! SELFFEEDING & SELFSETTING The undersigned is prepared to negoclate for T-l en tobks 1 D00 ; TREES, SHRUBS, &c ‘Ji Em. 'mm"g des Autnets. Proviznee of Quebeq, ha s AN AGENOY |a UTTAWA, .. _ For the supply of Frait _ sand Orn aments !.".‘.n- being |raised in Lower ada, CE EMBE C id being aect mattzed. alng! pH am mJ « use to tig anderaigned: anals aow roaug. to 1 3 wastusg ie mre e i SUW P all the World, rm lcade, "Vhode â€" B »amtinrimitlet fia stt petrnn %’m "°r Water, distilled from Mitcham T®% _: " 'llnd.-lrr.'b:m.vm tor yse li-oul.td of Lime Julee and Giyee» stmws tha wronapation for the Hair, espe -â€"mu-d'!;' C3otg OM Bup.m(u-d'm Australian #yï¬u Conmaq aod pi:‘m’ very ‘amustng for Bails and mmels V\umill-o. Leaf, Rice, and other Tollet Powd. r®. A b-r-ulw'nmouuuawoh. 'm Rmmei, | Porfumer_ to H. it . the of W ales, 95 4traid. 12% Resent Htreot d‘unlfl\ %uwu ‘.“' e Parie Sotieont Pbndote. * _ ___ = After thirtyâ€"five yours trinl, 1t is stllt reoalvIng Tne most unquali To orines ie niginey totnes famas * . © Phy at the fimt resyed "« ty recommend it 24 & ration for the P best dy ever k pominsamea dnastidls peneremont o In the groatest eities reatent €es o0 en ancdory medfome [fey t an wol an fos is %wm &.’:% ihostadiniin, Lanag blsad COMPLETE IRONS IN ONK. Its the best, A fngionn in tn tÂ¥ 16 te socd tntersiilty dod Extermali®» Buold) uveryWhere. Price Dats _ ~. Great Provincial Fair. IMMELIS CHOICE PEXRYFUNES. Crimping Ilron in the Market o Tor tme extinct on Cane, en e ons ons esthertain paranipe e a* it has become the standard meditine 6 C 1 io io e dred, Svave. 200 in Use in Canada. . H. HARRISON‘S, A CARD. PAm.‘- Y DaAV CH E6 U & 82 SPARKS STHREET, <Dtm w PAID KILLER. L____ L B be P P from American No rus« ;.nell-h't and beuwe! Winters of this district . lees can be had on rAppHO â€" s‘ a*~~, ile Propricfogn. grh'â€" e Bte f 182§. Partice me in orddring. WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, PECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BE In consequcence of Spurious Imitations of Lea & Perring Sauce, which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA i3 PERRLNS have adopted LEA & PERRINS after this daté, and withou! which none f *_ is genuine, Nowember 1874. j *,* This does not apply to shipments made prior to the date given. 1 Ask for LEA i8 PERRINS Sauce, und se .vame on Wreyper, Label, Bottl ~ and S‘atper. s Wholesale and jor E.xgfl by the Propri®tors, Worcester; Crosst$ Blackwell, London, Ge., c.; and by Grocers and Oilmen throw{kou! ie Weld._|_ _ __. _ THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. Worecesiershire Sauce, ‘The supertovity of these Extracts consists in eW »{ot purity and great strength, ; They aro whke mi~d free from the poisonous olls and a«id« which m i1.to the composition of many of th : {nciitiOtt :cult Aavors now in the market. ‘They are not ouly 1ve to their fames, but are prepared from. fraits Jmhnq-flty,n‘mww that a comparatively small only now* NB which u‘x;'l.f)â€"!//"atfd on tt;cr)/‘bllh of LEMOR, VaNILLA, ___ ROSE, *Upquestion m“mm -;:":mm' y ï¬- ‘ e ud jer Pestage tvee tocBf} Sbinteemete in the | «ied titert N of the Press. mw&w*‘nm ‘of this excel« en ï¬f,.:"m"' Heuds c we m{'ï¬u nulhy bome» t é': month, we must consider it as fre of t h s w l 1. Panad wath Beag SsAVE YOUR EYESI t ‘,'.K"‘ |§):=.% Of W . postape 17 the w on ie n t ons Rddrimt iycond .ï¬i particnlars 'DD. +A ; sent t'i-z â€" Write tmmediately, '-"' + "o C C ugl-%h LL hmm-un'i; Postmastsr General, Mn y arer on oay ApR i shore) from the close of N vighâ€" n ipnlnin it ptomiiiie en vann 4, o. d iatae e in in imedopate “""'“?..... 5e The Northern Ooioâ€" Huted noticos containing . furtba" inform:â€" e origg srgag. it ts Pealcaion of, ohie ty e ‘ araite on on sractie doim o. nb 40801 bearing their Signature, thus=» puneits, en acs ‘s ~Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts Â¥# Rgunts Yor Dominion of Canada, H08EPH BURNETT & CO, 80870M, Apaninptatmips T TCO COs 5 S Burnett‘s Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts PERkY Davis & B0N & LAWRENOE, g and Carl‘Jon seck a? the hiad to the warld." A New Label, HARPER8 MAGAZINE. f ILbUBSTRATMAU. ho 4 MAIL CONTRACT. CBLEBRATED ce UE Niotel, Phite to $10 a mm. by ounwe, J "Aie & T..P. FRl harpibers in the P tntnod Norwich ~Egg <~Powder, Â¥ E(J:Gsmm all kivds of (hlg- WITHOU! ECl vai; ] nists and all othor 0t A4, OiLb/ Ameereatoa â€" who, have bétn troubled In the past with ummied or hok« ted arbore, and Journals | nd have been paylug ftney price, use Oraven‘s Atéic And Eogine Ofls aad so avolds those com plaints for the fms Gre. Au-mmwwmhr;mw ‘ . J. ORAVEY & 8818 i wm&nlï¬rm Ts m hoi Pb+ O7 vam c ondco + troim 1 al INEâ€"Tho and protasdionn! P o in ie on Tndegeaiing teudronaal‘s Morson‘s Effectwal Rurectes InomaAs Mons?t. 4800 81, 848 & 124 Southampton n icoknn sepane noublon Sole Agents for Ontario. tyz For sale by al! Ollmen, Dec. 4, 1874 _ OJ g‘j’mnw to oure a)) oo ( P . &&» nney Organ®) in tlther es e due ol nolo 19 i» cents per boltle, vBok! ntomi!! Live Agents Wanted. ie n ennnls | sv crent," 10 calk mM apeoge o â€" td wonPn!mï¬- ity. it sells Wrnms«qï¬ ever offered to us, Mample sent by Mail post paid for §2. ~Kxolusive i paY MAAAE NA dirahisd add Suiguingy ontard) nesitind 10 be had of all Em Pn ®0 CCR T O PCIs WA sds where building stone and posts 0; «1 deseription will ha Ordera Pyï¬ " S e mA d WORLOD . FAMED 8L000. MIXTURE The Great Blood Purificr and Restorer. nsing and ‘the blood wl S irmnieact wad t Decrorenl wee &c‘&nmuhn neverâ€"flilng und pers angBt * It oures old A * ; ... * (aves nieemieit sores on the neoks ~> * m‘““" r soliclts eufferers to give Jt n irinl to tout Tuousands etgit:mun- -‘n': parkt, nres CanOerous U}cor feleyt g from all tm pure mantior, As this .E?:m «4e iaste, and nmm A i the muw?q@,gegfl?'Emm * Hooiianie P ag bapyl® e ad . Monkrs ‘Murcér & 0o., Waholct Clare & Co. * _ï¬.fly_mm Druggiste OTLCI Haihictayer, Baov n a co. NE BOX OF CLARKI‘5,. B al PILL® mpus wornowine 1b * | os a «_ Rxtract froim aâ€"Listien | °*‘ "Abth : May, 1873 mm‘ | Tt pootenreanney, voar We Trade Markâ€"*BLO0D MTXTURE,® eipy for indigegi«; rf_’-y{..mm x Umel the quiutily, 1ix cachâ€"6WiMe ?.wm:oï¬t:’%mï¬ pt medicine vendors throughout Ahe T" rï¬"'_l n Wisuatare 14 lenxes *n o.« winotesite Tnus J =|, idASNT © Mushin /C ~Oll as 4 " Muchtn :‘ ~Of! has for the last 12 yeare beet ’-oliv the leading Mauuâ€" metaring | establislzmrenis Of the Domm(nion. Camormaile Pills. Londou TORS & BUILDERK. & wen, GUEER %R T K TTOE â€"to| | MiBDb owners, Machi« wout" Afinctibn * Tri0e ( &’ub'.ï¬a'ï¬?ï¬ on the i,MlE.,f POAt ‘&â€"»â€"BHERRY® â€"WINE, GIN â€"â€"PORTAR, ¢c fiou POn® An ‘.mm'uuuzmwnnnyq-pumwï¬r}:r;_ _‘ T HOS, PAXATTERSON . 2#3 10 to These â€" Paperhangings "are imported=direot from the best l‘n“\fl Batablic b â€" monts in England, : France and United States. Great care has im their selection wmnï¬ to goleu: : ‘The ground tones are boft and"> to‘the eye, especially toned with silver mica; ‘but above‘ all, from ‘the milneral poisons that tiany of the tawdryâ€"coloured of the day are surcharged with. ‘The Subscriber‘viong us a being thoroughly ooquhh&':l&‘fln chemical ‘"‘the â€" ‘Rsed in enables him mhadwd C with m terious to health. ‘ure \ invited to examine his STOCK of WALL PAPER before purchasing ol C iomik Ree ovbdeGhedtinee Pou s Au BROADWAY ©TAILORING FRENCH FLOWERS â€"&â€" FEATHERS KepanyBlack, the finest im poried,;Green, do. «> Mi@dÂ¥ee â€" Â¥ ery su perior, freais roasted and ground dai ly. g Aywin ps+Mapis, Amber,; Goiden, &c , vory Ons. : MaugHriâ€"MAll grades, for présorving very stroig. Atm_,hhd well seloots d StooK‘OFfancy groseries too numerous to detail «iways on inand GilnegoW Peas Moal, Mackensio‘s Digestive Biscuits, and Augastora Bitters at Apags THOS. PATPRERSOR‘S, SELLINGâ€"OEJ ~â€"ST MMERâ€"GOODK. To select from, all of which we are selling at the, lowest prices in the clty. ... 3827 ESTABIASHED 1854, Their Excellenciesâ€"the Earl an Countess of Dufferin f SmA good Pit March)1444875 4 L.O:Nâ€"PD O N ~HOU:S:E . HANEY $â€"FORGIE® Pianoâ€"Fortes, Cab l espdapiendcra Rerons io Oit. ‘wa, Rept.ll, 87B As the undersigned is going out of the Room Paper E~iness We #008 as his Puavray »s to His Exoni: xyoer tuns:Govanxon Ganuaary, Kane Dovreant. Pirect Importations from the Producers + 1 rames, Jinpland; Holiand and Bpaiv, * Oiro-f BASKS‘ Fine ALES, ploly and quarts, per order. Hog: hends Fine Old BRARDY\, 10,yeare old, direct order. [ 2 Wadb. i ine Uid PORTWENELnrivaled in quality, some ® years old différent proos â€">,.«. m Scoteb, lEnglish, endâ€"Canadian Tweods," Meltons, Fanuy . Vestings, .Diagonals, W. OTTAWA MARBLE ANDGRANITE: WORKS. afts S©SIBRBDY WIXE, Y.2., (no fiavour, fine brands. General:~OUTFITTING Establishment, WELLINGTON S#TREET, o â€" in Marble, Steotch Granke, or BanA#ON® * ENONNG, sultablefor the varions Comeberies: ~m~-m- C t 2 20 o euetfied onene oitticnted t ȴ)2. Which ho 1t prepared to tii@ke ap in 10e datest and most Barrels GVINNERN‘% «PORWTER, piow and quarts, put up to order, INCLUDING THOSE DEDICATED bY THE MANUEAGIULKEHK STRIPED AND:; CHECKED JAPANESE SILK®,, Cason CLARET, Jak, Â¥iol@‘s, +pecia! order,. very Ane. the undersigned is going out ~of the Room Paper Ew«iness «h‘ #008 as his Biock is di-pudm‘gm will ‘be Sold‘at wwh-:& WilOLESALE: & RETAIL, CHOICE AND BEAUTIEUVL f uo is w WM. ;WY' Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. . _ pring QGood‘s, above; 4A large Lot of Geintienan‘s FURNISHING GDO0D8. JOgSEPHU DIMBLEBY, NOWâ€"OPEN 8T. "ANDREW‘S¢~ORUROH. McKAY Hus receivediaw! |= onening out a large stock of yaltug Th Uye Cify va pillt Warped" DitioHH GOOPK s ow Sitk W urned Harble Célorks. HKuauilies‘ CTltars, THall BRaper. .. PCLKINNON . &4â€"CO., 78, SPARKS STREET,AOTTAWA, |_â€" BEALERE 18 Cabinet:Organs, Organettss, Music The Largest and Hestâ€"selected amsortment of vOSTUMES,* FRONXM °82 viug a superior lust t4wevery reapeok, .oo»t" J, & O.F1 «o0‘ yABBMAN a 098. TB s &-â€"«M u7i n uht _ .0. â€"â€"The Dhaicsst Lot ofâ€" Bry.Soods. TAYLOR, { ESTABLISHED 1880.1 ‘S4GRe oto., &t© .CHAS. BRYSON‘S, .. : ts Suarke trrest Al Goode warranted 8hrank. OPPOBITE THE Ad D No, ®@, Rhleaa #1. 0 t« wa TAWA 1875 Weet of sdDVU+ 3819