BRAN ," EY, ATR OAUALTy yop. YHL NO ember Next, PtA‘S DHELLMG mag Cunifa6bA . I o uho Qusersiqued io . "Lend4; J0f 1re0k MILLS XTRA Qualit IT ACHINp en Away y + Ap4uee, of + -:.,"â€": ?."-:L:;"“* nurgeon and Acconchens Apstccth UuTawa, T ~â€"~>â€"â€" P ATENTS. ne Sewing y this Depatta out °_ FRFFE T T PHA "up u; as goudh J s en s _.~________â€" aphhen , Oy â€" awlilie ons W c w o. 0. Weep, eas e 2i b> seen a, 1D® hedc umaen a¢ Uhe $.35, cunp «iving hetp w# d OB tm @ Lo RAG is * ®ay s NKA Mabk RbGIST+ iRrL.) sccame (HARBEE®, WELLLLG roa SHEEHT. @11A RA as. U d U U ,'.q"'ï¬ U . Agent‘s Qutht Free! Largs Commission & Cash Premiums 1 er N6R & Jewely of imaginative Literature: ‘s Progress, Vicar ol Hakefcid, UCrusoo, . Faui and Nirginis, ‘s Lenrels, . BHizebetB, Phe esuime Tale Lom Asabtcs Rights» » QNE NQ. Uk k ut ove r 1M0 page»s Udhaueales Â¥ ib 44 ul jage Aigiay in retiring im m the pr=clice of my professics i. e wï¬ Wlb y 4imef Ase stam , A+ gaprintt r= Ufflee. as home: }, ovel Manu‘s Hardwer JdakBY of fAROUS FICTION, | b. um irvey® ue o+ #ieibe WORLD® STukY £0ub, and all BP r»ived i% _ Agtut‘s VGHLM hee to as ww wen business uho . bil fâ€" Mibfuicy qubÂ¥eat, boag rfedrr Lownks isb 1iLBS & COURSOLLE, BULLMLATURs OF atents of Invention, .u..- wenme. oGP 4 P KIRCRâ€" 3. q.f;-r .Aï¬ll FICEKâ€"Na 1,to0 Sl,, %, Oviewa, uin ues Provincial Land Ssurveyer and T LAiARBLRT ons Barrinier, . Advsr ers awd euweors. * w aRs 30 aA d w a T H Fxe % BaY*L!®R, p.¢@t 1J EF. R.6€.4 \-"Tl:l"â€" ;)' ¢ ae ge db corde «. un tâ€"tte We ow vif ibit}, agt uete Bruo 0 femBemee:@ag bim as Bmy soC â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" Draug brximae. PDamsseus w W\ is 1 iieue & CO solictiors. . Attormeys, Com emEISTDF & HHll, & 4 hn mme ) * anorecy FORD & Co,, attorney. Retary . &¢ l Aiterme yeu "" 19 wuyey amerrm & 4 44e ComMissiu® MARCHANT, o Ihss @ ~udeit Wiesk selteitore. &€ thes d ve l1 y « «t 8 w i en Atrters &p* 1 aw. Nel 3917 3re 24â€" y Com 200 ‘ 1i Angloâ€"Amer can Hotel, choic st Wines, Liquors, Cigars Dinmer is provided trom 12 * ! t'.l.. wa o veu J ++ mnese abbe ra tem. Hass® Pale Abe and Guiness‘ Extra Stout Frhibirten Visitora witl be well accome» us daied dering bxabibiâ€" thon Week. 11 ..‘Jt The "Feathers" Hotel. « beatiful and ‘urvi»beu with the chofeest b mie of ciquers, Cig T. 1e Your cail wis be a‘noly olirfted. _ E. J. H+NRY, ihe Dufferin House » @o o Bow cbor Qmail us to and m:-mcu-n-llnu_l‘l;o R bctemen winx | whi 10 Lel «P 6+# L quory Wine» ane Cigare A +. H. CHALK KK. «a _ «= KR HkhinT uRAHAY * = Corper 3Â¥ak and Wellin«ton sts., %i k NISH ED bekv i vis waxrEn® â€"( F & € bis ca ta d N E W S FOR EVERYBODY e LET. T. *bove popuier Ee~tsurant bas be*n lmiwed +y (he sudileo of +â€"v ral > paciogs® »â€" wel fu. ojubed ree me on the »ec td *bay. T‘e Buest Luncbeoe aid liniig Ronimne in se saty tie: liemen bonorng this Extabitâ€"! with ncur ie rw age masy ie<y on stmcl altbuon HOUSE & LiXD AGEXTS, Advertising, Registry & Gene ral Commission Office. Lupebeen served a) al) bours he Roval Oak Hotel, COMMISSIONS UNDRTAKEN, idean Atreet. near mapper‘s Bridge.} FKEDV FuuKS â€" â€" â€" Propristor, © ‘wHOLESALE A>D RETA!L Jeweller, Watchmaker, â€" «_ bâ€"S®P°4Rk3 Ati£FT~â€"B8 m Bouks preted and bai»need, and debts awliecpd in the suft=t a0d mosh --ï¬rf.-‘-n' - Housss and Storee To Let in all Farte o the City, A y 1 o inid «ns B:ilver Watrhes, 1e depe nc vanieaargaye A % w wd Joweite y .f every *5.9__ abed "he ouen of tirtem ol ths sivvee of fos Cag of Aiznwa Province uf VDarEy al ies ledl cum» n jur 4 are, Llocks, #c. al Loo iâ€"#est prices. The .ï¬....‘v-.a&. \n:DhUOOc- Let their t wÂ¥ as chear tm m be a6 any chher NHS. AL#X, ®OrKKTBRON is ptypared to *rp-.a'_'iE '“"W'\': If you have a beuse to rent or want a hruse 1| you have inud or t+oâ€" & prope ty «f saie f U y6u uave auy -nd-uam SOF ts ht ; 1i you waul a so Yaqt or meaisteam i CALL AF HOUsSE TO RENT. J E W 6 L LE R Y THE "LONDON," itouses to Lct. NICHOLLS & CO., A.3I0N HAOTFEL, A wi‘l be made t y the ( .!L"p',; !»15:9%3!9-...1";;:_'" E Wellâ€"ngion ~treet. near Bank. CG + 19 5 0‘Co K N OR 8 TR EET, Next Victorin t hambers. rvddl N_ Aodquimtq 34 to 37, Â¥IJ LiAM ST +ajeu se HOUR! ES WANTFER ‘mme . na UUNERXME®T W ouk BA4oP +n for busiue«s afer bring renc d n wiy 8 ed ( ribe comfartand n of se Laveiliag commaity. "Mants. Hâ€"<e! i» we | suopiled w th t o M ALWAYs 0% 8AaXD, Â¥ocal Music. OTT A W A, Ont. @BHaUDikRE® Hotcls. i. LETCH, Proprietor. us ed y MroRredlry recepiicn of Guests. This 1â€" id bew tbrougbx ul, re W Â¥, ALEX A NDER. P‘ro râ€" tor nors, cigurs, 46 ) .. pr@ai wile Lict be pobd €OLICITED. a ta l e pler im i Ap. is um mï¬ ste‘y â€"cC(tr ge sut »blo for a * teul d cheap. A«â€" MRS. FORM TDt »w6s, . bd on 19| rorms Airst » k st eet®s @nw ibe Parnamen Pers wiu. P. L&tt, l!‘.‘.’\" to ann ~Gnge i Wktine i ss 46 at> e CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Managors. O No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! H ouse Mills‘ Supplv Agency HOTEL COOKING RANXGES! HOTEL CARVING TABLES!! HOTZL PASTRY OVEN8!!! WIL=â€"ON & ORR, Carvera#k Ct¢ilder» BLYTH & KERR‘S. C svuctsâ€" & CGilders. Na PRBA N t %* SsCALTS (Ote wa, Rent, & 1975 _ Are, Judenn‘s Stapdard Goverbars and _ (Muw Vdv.:tt- Pmmp8, Aiso, Ageney of l&mll sAb LIGHT OUMPANY &o. aHOW C)8ER MauE TO ORLER Wareh 12 1974 yat Railroad, Hay, Coal, Ortawa, April ;Ith, 278, AVOIDING HEAT 1 THE HOUSE, CcoaL OIL COOKING STOVES Myrtle Navy Tobacco. SROO ND, Each Plng Weigh« j of a Pound. T HIRD, w o e ie hi ue Sace from‘ Come ODTEL IRON BEDSTEADS HOTEL LAUXDEY STOVES!! HOTEL HOT AJIR FURNACES !1! NONE IS GENUINE! CE ue _ J The subscriber offers nis Timher Timits "f ©0 ~quare M1 : extens, »+ituated on b0‘h »#obers «l -h-':-:l Rover, a 1 ibutary to the Mawe, camm®:. dvan‘a ons form® _ _ _ , 'l!llll.l LIMITS FPOHR SALE A Rare Chance. wMite PWK â€"Tmnnest rowible doerrip von; »ud .-..'- J:.r “d% Brnk dawâ€"ing" Cme + are in their PBIMITIVE _The :imils are in their PEIRIN CE ATIVBN, only of oo se raone . "P & frep mete, and DOMINION WA<EKOUSE, B |___ Shs.i_ dIL, B SB3¢ . atromate Abobd * lh:m being ust ucbhed. wn nesse arv :0 ad l.‘"’: pining Amite the Queoâ€"s Market is about wwtaraby, cafly in Ju 3. For hateer apety to &A W. 10 + K MOoNTREAL. FAIRB\iNKS & CO. MANUPACT URKRR w60 Snark s â€"st. 2 MOKER® : ANXY SIZES of the above, supplied to It is made of the Fimnest Virginia Leaf. RIDEAU STREET. COPRKFE OF DA BOUSIE P HOTOGRAPHE R. PICTURE FRA ME On cach Plug. Q‘tew=, Oct. l8th, 16. o.-.un.l.'n‘;.a"“" ..b:o: AST EXD Chemist & Druggist, Hardware, &t. Drug __Store. . T. SHEPHERD. PLATFURM AND CUUATER S AVING FUEL «â€"A NDâ€" 403 ST. PAUL STREET, COAL LOOKIEJâ€"GOLASS and J A BR V L 8. Jruggists. 60, SPARKS STREET.__ _ cmd @4 22 wAts JaAsvIs & A8Luge.) ALL UNLE#S =TANPED ST AXDA RD yiw 4 i9 H. MEA DWR & CO, J, Â¥, HeRALS, 3 Hussex 8: reet. Arn; “4| same * e e i i wa~m¢m¢m| m-m-u-; + ï¬n en s 4 goags Abe rapit *‘*’H‘u pomadls _ + 20 hn Lieut. Col. the Hon. E. Lyttleton, Miliâ€" tary Secretary to His Excellency the Governor (ieneral, with wife, family and servants, arrived at the Russell House yesterday. Col. MceLeod4, +t present commanding the Mounted Police at Belley River, near the United Stats boundary. is to be apâ€" pointed one of the ~tipendiary Magistrates in the North West. and it is underrtood that Major Irving will succeed him in his Hon. Mr. Mackensie intends leaving during the present week for the Maritime Provinces, passing over the line of the Intercolonial Ra‘lway, both in going and returring, with a view to seeing for him self the state of the road, and enquiring generally into the candition of the pulic works in these Provinces. He will likely command. The young Nizam of [Tyslerabad dechines tn meet the Prince of Wales in India, on the ground of ill health. Petitions are hbeing cironlated in Roâ€" chester, N.Y., Toronto and Hamilton, asking for the commautation of the senâ€" tence of death, prouounced again=t Mrsâ€" OTTAWA, TUESDA., OCTOBER, 26,; 1875. leave on We‘nesday. The Russian Centennial Commission have decided to Amit the number of articles to be exhibited by their countryâ€" men to such speciaities peculiar to Russia as are lit:le known abroad. A Madrid~ despatch intimates that a new Spanish {‘nistry is soonito be formed, under the Presidency of Senor Canovas de Castello. member of the Tammany Ring, under the Tweed regime in New York city. in his reply to the papers of the $6,010,000 suit institu‘ed agrinst him, boidly denies that he entered ;nblmpimy to defrawl the city, or had anything to do with the issue of frazdulent warrants while in York have erected a monument racreâ€"l to the memory of the late Secretary Stanton, who, during his lifstime, helâ€"l the office of Grand Master of that Order. The re:ent heary foods in England have‘very much impeded the gat ering of the autumunal harvests. ‘The crops in France are about an average, but in Holâ€" land, Belgium and _ Germany bcPo' the usgal average. The Spanish Government is eending larg» re inforcements of troops to Cuba, for the pu: pose ol innugurating a vigâ€"rous and active campaign against the Insurâ€" p-ummmmw.w;m The Frince of Wales reachedl Cairo, Egvpt,jyesterday. o se distinction of persons. TELEGRAPHLIC. wu'flmm- Lowvbox, Oct. 25.â€"A special meeting of the Court of Commn Council, was beld in Guildbelt today, and Princa Leaopold, upon the invitation of the Corporation, formaily took un the freedom of the city ulm&-,n-huh is ent tled by his rimony. _ After the ceremony, the: EL..-M.;.M Newmarket Races, Loxbox, Oct. 25.â€"â€"The race for ths Criâ€" terion Ntakes: at Neemarknb io se ) and won by Clanronald : Springficid, 2n4, and La Tamise, 3rd. The Mark Lane FEzpress to day hi the uw.:z:niulonhr weekly review of the British corn market : â€"Another week of storms an‘d floods with a great extent of damage, has further retarded the autumna] savings. Nothing could have been much wors: for the conditions of samples, and our al«mpdance of hvflr old wheat seems to e the chief security trom wholesome dread. The more wa know of the crop of 1875, the 1:ss satis faction it gives. France about maintains nmh.n»l'loudfldludmm deaser. Gormany generally is very poor. The Kizam of Myderabad Deciines to Meet the Prince of Wales. A special from Bom‘ay says that the Nizam of Hyderabad, after all, exruses himself from meeting the Prince of Wales. The Oddfellows of the State of New ETHMâ€";?EGSIWW the journey himself, but will send a depuj on e Oe en en o e ced on the Americ»n Centennial has deter mined to limit the list of articles to be ,mwuluh-opehmamu‘ litile known abroad, but nevertheless they join the Northern Army. A telegram from Mad:id reports Senor Cunoveas de Castillo will short y form a cow Mimistrv. and that Gen. Jovellar will mm’-..;;lom““ Philade phin Centennial. Lo«pox, Oct. 25.â€"The Cologne Gaztic reallizmis {ie statement that (the Crown P rinc» of Germany will visit the Centenâ€" nial Exhibition at Philedelrhia, and says the ]8â€"gun corvetie £& will con: vey him to the United States. Y unnan toâ€"morrow. 4 Gheku ioâ€"morron, _ _ . &W Feitrontli, s?ai1X. ‘‘For full particulars, obtain free, of the | . ~~â€" u palaphiny or" reter to advertine |, |, . Reâ€"tnforerments for (uwbaâ€" Dishonest »"" 3 “m @81 inis to be Punished« in XEW YORK, SOLE PROPRIETOR., A _ Mavmn, Qot. 25.â€"The Apocs rays in || 408 M08Eh NU TORl 5 °0. 00 encioged | SROTMAD Mavmu», Qot.. 2%.â€"The Apoca says h| dfl-uhmuvrudbhh .=.iho .mt-u ‘:M" hnmufl a further jorce of 1,}00, which forms a tenth part of the last levy. : he executive authorities of Cuba bave received instructions to purify, the Cuban Administration by the punish= img of the authors and participatore of frauds without distinction. j Russia and the Centennial. The Post says the Russian Commission 1TELEGRAPHIC SUMXYARY. The British q Snuaxona1, Oct. .l-.!mm. nis (George FO R ElG N . Corn Market Review. GEEOT BRIT\YE. servcliar. «HINA. Formed Cities Inundatedâ€"â€"Railwuys Swept Away. OISASTROUS FLO0DS I!t ENGLAND! Loxpo®, Net. 25.â€"An Evening Stan dard special from Fheffield, sys thit alarming ramoaurs prevail there about the fAnods at Gainsborough, County of Linâ€" ooln. The Kiver Trent overflowed its banks during the night, washing away the railways. It is reported that the dagage to proâ€" peity is enorm Jus, It is also feared that there has been some loss of life Loxpox, Oct. 25.â€" Consols hnnz' 94 5 16 : fonaecount, 94 7 16 Consols money, 94716 ; for the mecount, 944 ; U 8, bonds, new fives, 103 18; Erie, 14f ; do. prefemed. 82 «0_ .000 oc Tallow, 47s per owt. _ The amount of bullion withdrawn from the BRark of England on balance toâ€"day is Kew Yorr. ‘ot. 25.â€"Cotton quiet and steady at 14 3â€"16 for middling uplanis. Flour in o4ly limited demand. and ‘ pricés without decided changé; receints, (28,000 bbis.: ..u-"mw bhis ; quotations un change1. #ye flour steady at $4 25 to O»w‘:‘or bbi. W;o:&nqmfl un changed; receipts. tushels; sales, T72.u») bushels. No. 3 dm_ml:; 3) to $1 3!; No, 2 Milwsukee $1 35 to #1 364 ; No, 1 mn'lu $1 23 to $1 42; sound â€" ew and winter red weetern. $1 24 to $1 46 ; do. amber westerm $1 32 uo $1 57; «0. white vestern. Hmuht. Corn lirm; receipts, 152.00) nels ; sales, 5%,(0() bushels; at 690 to 70 per bushe!; steam western mixed 7Ojoq; sâ€"il do. Tic to 120 hbigh â€"mixed and yellow. Burley dull and unchanged ; receipts, 8F/XX) bushels ; sal s por e. Oats steady: regeipts, 123,000 bushe s; sales,. 51,000 bushels; at 360 to 464c per 'Mm‘d wertern and State 49s 10 52¢; do Posk firm at $21 75 to $22 UV per bbi. Lad J4s pet Ib. Botter 236 to 31 per Ib State and Pensyivannia. Petroleum crude Gic to 61c ; sefined 1346, Wu ht got over (he workt of 16.w5 ShiPped a tremendous sea abuft the starboatd foreâ€"riguing, driving in the fore part of tha ous . passage, From: the morning of the 5th inst., he ll"l. "we had nothing but gale after gale with a heavy head sea. All went well, however, until 9‘& m., 0n the Oth, when a sea struck upper bri.ige of the starboard si le, broaking the rails and stwting the planks. On the Q@uzsec, fxt. 25.â€"The captain o the â€" steamship â€" Lake A;?'M re ports hbaving had a fearfuly boister 2o l soges Cov s 9 i t ts C chart completely :guiting it and tha little side Zc-m. ll'lhf lh:'tn the bridge deck about nM’Q-rn * ingaway theâ€"two foremost boat«. witer went down one of the stoke hole ventilators and bn90%e two of thé Tfuanel it«ys. (Oa the mwning of the lith we encountered a xorfoot h'uo{luu. beginâ€" cing at weset south west) and rapidly veer ing to north wes!, with a high, dangerous sea ruuning." in this g»le the captain ap mfueg the remit " Beping whe gale the recting Juri reag ol mare ins hape Aeok to not » oont'in' of the companion :l?:d,uuh }‘m‘k.:d b‘o:kk..:slling into |b:;;wm daok. o was p died yutrwmm.‘ a FiAd C 0 M M ER C I A L. Rough Passage »crosn the Atianticâ€" Aarrivain. Tiverpoor, ct. 25.â€"Corn, 30s to 80s 6d r qvarter, for mixed western. Bacon, s per cwt. for short clear middles. to the constitution. 'll'::ll cases of nervous .‘J‘lfl“‘ fections, P‘ain in <the Back :and Limbs, +$G erful l-ï¬ï¬‚lv antimony, or anything trartfulâ€" fo the ©0bâ€"_ was cauch} putting obstruotions on F56 ~ oud ‘u‘,\ v-‘e\ #‘m y % \ht\h‘\‘ ‘\nuot_cmddl(uud mmwgns_', Te * mopecmtinantems "RE Th puricuias. comte mecartie| .( Coteeite agent, a pamphlet, or refer to advertise. | , s‘f Fatal Mistake. f XEW YORK. SOLE PROPRIETOR.. | ... 'm“‘t‘d’â€"‘m“m’ f 8, KB Bherman and . who 2Â¥1, and 121 cont for M‘flw-&-““m%& in §2r oX Afttotice and Whins, thoe Pills will e€ect a cure when..all other means bave failed ; and although #@gowâ€" ~$1, and ‘12} cente for enclosod ..s'cï¬vpu& l;â€".m Untari® general agents for the Dominion, will in eorqryste reving sotige. anonos cn epch wasksn ; . A You will save time. and . trou ure a bottle, containing qver 50 pills by Many Lives Reported Lost. For sale by all druggists. A Danish War Galley. Liverpuel Markets New York Mark ets. Lendon Markets. QquébiC. 114 89617 The $6,000,000 «uit Agaiunst Poeter New Y ors, Oct. 25.â€"â€"Peter B. Sweeney‘s attorney filed his answer on Saturday to the papers in the suit for $6,198,957 85. Sweeney denios that he conspired with the late Jas. Watson, or with any other person, to de‘rand the city, and furtherâ€" more he denies that he received any part of the $933,710 44, mentioned in the com:â€" plaint, as having been drawn on six warâ€" rants for the payment of fraudulent The folhwinfl grades of corn under the new grailing rules have been established ;., the Com...ittee on Grain of the New ork Produce Exchange:â€"(1) White corn; (2) yellow corn ; (3) mixed corn ; (4) low mixed corn ; (5) steamer corn ; (3) no grade corn. White corn must be sound, but &l:‘lmp and: well cleaned, but an occasional coloure‘d T-ln shall not deprive it of this grade. Yellow corn must be dry, vlump and well cleansed:; mixed corn must be sound, dry and reasonably clean ..J low mixed corn must be mnd,dr{ reasonab‘y cléan, but in colour, unsuitable to graie mixed corn; steamer. corn will include corn of the first four grades in quality and condition, and may be slight~ Iv soft 0° damp, but : must be coo! ; all soft damp corn, warm or inferior to quality, dam» corn, warm op inlerior to qual a..e‘.:u,_ed'&mmom,-wwfufl no grade. . | _ Menument to the Late Seerctary | Stanton, The monument of EAwin M. Stanton, Past Grand Master of the Oddfellows of the State of New York, was unveiled in Greenwood Cemetery yestertlay in the presence of a large number of spectators. The Labours (f the tireat Rovivalists. Moody and Sanke i their morning prayer meetings at ‘:slnn ‘Tabernacle this morning, and the building was crowded beiore eight o‘clock, the hour for ovening the services. ‘Yesterday it took twentyâ€"five minutes for the people to get Awentyâ€"five minutes for the people to get out of the m.-pd@enanofw!ng- that provision quicker egress. The evangelists held forth to another: immense audience in the Brooklyn Rink this evening. The large building was filled in ovey part, and none were so unforâ€" tiumate as to be turned from the doors. During Mr. Sankey‘s singing the audience was 2o quiet that the dropping of a pin eould be heard. Mooiy took his text from Romans ii}, 8, and delivered a vigorous wddress. ‘ At the close a young men was held. _ i anmnn-,“pu 25.â€"The detective force engaged‘ in the arrest of counterfelit: era ‘at Centralia; Marion County;, HL, last week, arrived hug this m..:r.iu -\'Ioboflmm,wlb,ad a brother of Mrs. D;yu. All excopt Driggs are \Gormml. antine and his wife speak no English . _ The officers with them the complete impleme ts used by the counâ€" terfeiiers, and about $150,000 in counterâ€" feit money, The plates on which it was printed were not secured. .The prisoners are in jail here. The thirt‘eth annual mflln& of the semoeD O. McBoskey;Oishop af Michigan, mue! e presiding. The -3'“'. report n":"q that the mi-lauuY r-rbotm October 1874 and October 1875 has been one of great prosperity. ‘Theré bas ‘been an inâ€" grease <in the receipts for general work of tâ€" | confessed to set to the Southard i.lur-um.rwmm He j Wae t i4 Cogcondâ€" and â€" Monivedt nearly $14,000. Dren 4t ‘Tast Serom, Regaiher mith ont ®, w ; :tl:gï¬;r, was blrrm yesterday. Loss, enly" Asenciationy Which like geney w mdy ‘Jone an extensive business in the North west, has failed, and its effects will be disposed of at Sheriff‘s sale,. © * Filed a Bill. g RoserLs, Oot, 25.â€"M. Hough filed a bill intlnSug;ï¬orOouflbdqukh that a Receiver he appointed by the m the‘defendant in the care being Thomas 8. Povbins© and others, who, as Hough asserte, have him of his share aof the e of the road which are mh in virtue of his. being a stook= to the amount of $20,000. Incendiarism+â€"Paper Milis Burned. Gztrrsavure, Oct. 25.â€"Conewayâ€"s paper mills, six in number, north of Gettysburg, were burned Saturday ‘night. Loss $383,~ 000. The firs is believed to have been cause* by an incendiary. \ Hotier Explosionâ€"Ten Mon Injured. Autrooya, Oct 25. â€"The boiler in the waper mill of Morrison, Barr & Co., at ied ooony m on +â€" Â¥ a@‘ém injuring ten men. Loss, _ Board of Misvious. ‘The thirt‘eth annual meeting of \___ Dorth of General Barber. New Oruisaxs, Oct. 2%â€"â€"General A. E. Barber (solored),a prominent politician, is 'IW-M Denis Réady found lutnlfl of th: wkï¬";owy cl:::-u: h. a crushing his skull, Charles Gleason has 12 years of sge, has been arrested and donleaed" to Sptting fige to the Squthard mare, J o preatle setd aot) whinver ty mixture of prussic scid ‘and whisker by The New Grading Regulations at id mpiuine mafobmnad ne arel: lery continues every evening. _ ‘lhe shop lery continues every n::: 1he shop crowded, and good are is crowded, and good, bargaine are being ieeo ww ul ho a ‘mage stook has se seoet af oo und purabise by pé, | bundred.. The torn and county taggtbar m#fl% 44 ) Save us grve da0aoh ‘_ Christoms goxis, now on the way from Europe. Don‘t fail to call ‘in passing : TN8 _"° °/ mwydwn‘mum I“m“ ces soe 25 w and purdiigs by ut | bundred. . A MERICOA N. Woopviris, Oct. 2)â€"Ass Chase, a PEXNSYLNYANIA, KEW HIXPSHIRE. NEW YORK Mote!l Burned. Timnts ILLINXO!8. LOUISTANA. CoLORADo, es tm n seamme & Returos thus far reâ€" to ‘ call ‘in passing. Sugar Re@ueryâ€"Lachine Canal Buâ€" largement~â€"Messrs. Morgan & Coâ€" â€"New Canadian Loanâ€"Money Market. Mom&.Oct. 25,â€"Wm. Markland Molson, of Moisic Iron Works Co., has failed, with liabilities estimated at a quarter of a million dollars, _ _ _ Failureâ€"Guibord Burial â€"Robber of JSolictte Mail ‘Arrosted â€" Selzureâ€" _An e paper says the Guibord bnflnl_wl'm place in about a week from Thursday or Friday ne ar mrmh are now oompbbdnbr%- ing it out. On Thursday night last a successful robbery occurred near Joliette, by which the mail was robbed of registered letters 3. the d.l'?r‘lm‘ o.ft:a,aoo.hhu the time mi ver stop express on thnondsndpmud':idbtbo store of a merchant to transact some business he. had with him. On returning he found that the mail had been broken into sand & large number of money® letters abâ€" atracted,. He ~immediately telegraphed to Chiel Inspector Klmnd a detective proceeded _ to _ Joilette and . this afternoon the thief _ was _ fortuâ€" nately : nabbed in : the © California hotel, He was taken to the Central Police Station and searched, when on his person were found $3,154 in money.. ‘The pris oner is about 25 years of age, and looks very much depressed. Since his arrest, hor‘u con the suspicion that one of the guilty parties wasa young man named EAmond of this city, a relative of Dr. Ever. | Acting mhlzumm from the Cusâ€" toms‘ au! Mr. Barry last week visited a number of points on both sides above Oomwdm made seizures in diff. erént stores. 50 barrels of coal oil were seized, which will not stand the fire m&:nd is exccedingly dangerous. SBome of the oil had been smuggled. _ _ _ _ ‘(‘h mcrnh'.'rpor states the Bo:ld nery was to ?\I.nou ffluxmowmum nlhdgtfl- Gummthvt:g.uuollod the recent order reducing the drawback on the export of ol refined sugar to $3 21 per one hug?l:d pounds, n:erMrnodpt:tho $3 75 rate, pending investigation into the matter; the opening may be further Caind Snwagrinent but been avaided 0y the Doum'u;ovmnt to luu:’. McNamee, Gaterty & Freehette. The section ~lies between the Wellington Bdmmdmmm'lfll:hn the St. sns shenren rae y w commenced as speedily as possible, which ml.lmswboon to many poor men in %De CltY. _. .0 0 . _ c In addition to the silks and laces Sorgko & Co wacveral ies Paisiey shants , Bevi ne were taken. The police are energetically nrkinflupthouu. but believe that the thieves have left the city. Itis supposed Mhiam umm"m-m Lane, and ao‘godl from a hole in the wall down into the yard, and thense out to a vehicle. ‘The bank watchman on duty on St. James streoot, states that about one o‘clock this morning, a man saying ?:\:m l?:.n bunb: r:..d" nnd'ulhn onieniodren ama in Atentice J.t08. % M ‘ “0 Silor s tngs reward for "the recovery: of *** . overns~Foundered at Bes, "! * Haurix, Oct 25,â€"â€" Hon. Alex. Maoâ€" kenzie has promised to be here about the “:%“H:Ymtl ht re a on d.e?d the Surpdnm manufactory _ of Israel â€" Horton &‘ Joseph W. Crowell‘s‘ store, and : loft ‘of \&: Aduws, all in‘ Water street, The firestarted in a blacksmith‘s, and is said to ï¬ow«tdn,lggv diary ; loss between $15,000 and $20,0u0 ; 'K"’“' mer Bete, from 8t. ‘.â€"-mm avanin Bermuda, arrived last evening. Bermuda was ':‘d.;d by a terrific storm on the Oth inst. Three or four bouses had their roofs taken away, fruit and ornamental trees wore destroyed, and in some omses early planted ones suffered. The tents 00â€" “W“MMM'I‘MIW ou byqu‘rthull were all blown At mdookwxm* aï¬;hhrumm onhxm hundred feot of the ontseway bridge was washed away. A number of boats were destroyed. elfects of the storm were felt t $ the whole coclony, it being the most severe gale that has visited there for agairet Rev. doim Cansidy, for treapart in por!ornlnguf%lmh‘ at lmh the cometery, befote the of General and the jury failed to ca N aA D 1 aAa N. to Killed by the Cars. OGct. 25.â€"Yesterday mornâ€" ing, between ‘ndt«hmo'doukb‘l;:: Deyell, Southern Kailway, reported a station that bis train bad run over a man about a mile west. at a place called Smith‘s Crossâ€" b-»s A bhand car was sent for the body, ltmhw;blndlddlnihwél house. 1t proved to be that of an In of about thirty years of -m named Frederick Tahwah ; a broken boitle that hid containgd whigkey, was found near were made for taking to the bos m.....i..'-“"....':..“.:,::?...":. beyond the personal effects of the captain from blame. _ ii'.'ï¬m"â€".'m-ï¬i"n hand were out off, skull fractured. Death must have been instantancous, him. _A jury returned a verdict of mooiâ€" dental death, exonerating the traiv men "‘Pemtasen; Uot B6 â€"The mobrly (on Perersoro‘, =â€"â€" 7. on â€"law . w to t“ ‘ ; loss DeLween . l‘ubluuuu. creow were saved. MONTREAL. HACERSVILLE, PETERBORO‘ HALIFAX, The Assiseeâ€"A Reomourâ€"The Davis Prisonors â€" Kurcked Downa and Robbedâ€"The Suspended City Eoaâ€" gincer~â€"The Last Day of the Wood: bine Mcetingâ€"A Mass Meslivg. Toroxto, Oct. 24.â€"At the Assizes this uomln; Edward Beliwas tried and conâ€" victed of stealing $20 from W. Myles & “R.““':‘:’i"“.i.." Jouin ced Sher case Shields, charged witl: stealing $210 from Jas. Connolly, and who were arrested at Quebes, en route for England, is in proâ€" the late Yonge street fire,will be arraigned on Thursday. Sentences will not be passed till next demeanour of the Davises. m visited daily by Rev. J. Gardner and Revy, Dr. Castle, and several Christian n oo in r= e Peo huhstuthdro\im the Parin ws in suotlslite is Recheriey are rou N.Y,, Toronto and Hamilton. Aâ€"man named P. Muldoon, a shoeâ€" maker, was returning home by Vistoria street yesterday morn wbon‘h seventy dollars. fm&b and illâ€"treated. No arrests, * ‘The case of Mr Johnson, the Oityhslm,wmu by the County Judge on Friday. This was the last dg:flho Woodbine meeting, which has an unqualifed success. The steeple chase for a purse of $225, m-fl.mbylï¬}'.,lmphd.&m Thunder Colt also started, but was never in the hunt. Prince Edward refused at the second hurdle and could not be got to take it, It was a beautiful race, the horses being rudnwithmjnd.n-undtha ~dulating course, as the horses rose fell, showed to a great advantage, _ _ Mr. and Mrs. Miller, with causâ€" lng the Sento of ty o Tinr Prile ie other even! m mw Prinee Edward anli lslander started. mhmm Kelso close up, It is reported that a Turf Clubis to be tormed here, and that they have secured the renewal of a ten years‘ lease of the new Woodbine Park. * A nnmdudvul?.hul- ed for on Thursday e take into oouldmflonthopm of em n\oymt.sndto determine which party most deserving of support in the conm test in Toronto West. i _ Dr, and Mrs.: Schults, of Winnipeg, are The Grand Jury today brought in a true bill the corporation of this clty for a nuisance to exist hoopln# Yonge street in such a to give evidence in the case _ _ _ _ A nn‘ddn‘ ‘of residents of the streat was also ‘toâ€"«day, and a resolution was passed to the efect motion be T pel‘ them to Company, to compel‘ then that an _ Mr. ) potnied hi Eugover at a meeting of the Little alteration is moticeable in the ?ho new line d‘m MW mm uu:hv.a: hï¬omd%flw s m?’-'flm k .‘thubundmm-oï¬u-l-- ment of 1875 for voters‘ lists for Woronto West election. :: } Thanksgiving Servicesâ€"Funeral of the blessings of an abundant s 4 mlmvu:‘wm.ï¬mm of England in this city and a collection taken up in aid of the mission fund of the funeral of the late ‘OCaptain John n“.:n who died from the effects of wmï¬hmmwuum treal, place this afternoon. ‘Fize large concourse of citizens who formed the mournful cortege testiied bm esteem in which the deceased was Hon. Wis in |‘his speech ‘m. at North wmm on WMMM measures ho to introduce uflm whether were pleasing or Kn.l.“:éâ€"nuqz“‘cd the * ‘The Abolition of the anrs of Chanâ€" scery," and "The Fixing of the Exapt Daie of the Bession of Parliament," pastoral letter issusd by the Most Rerâ€" Sunday School Teachers‘ Convention. Qumvu.: Oot. 25,.â€"The ‘annual Convention of the North York Bunday ::.m&ml“..."’*‘.., among the delegates an: m out . in blr“:u-bon. "l‘:: :.unl w&hhu were unh:: in con Convertion by Hev. W. Millard, General Convention bLlw W, Millard, General Becretary of the Provincial Association, and Rev. Dr. Kennedy. ‘The meeting then adâ€" journed t» the town hall, """“';"‘.'"‘ Nomination for North Grey. Owsy Sovxn, Oct. 25â€"â€"The nomination for North Grey mkr»umm House on Saturday. David Orighton was nominated by James H. Burnett, Mdhm .a-ld:y.-ldn miamad u4 °0. MoFayden, secondéed by , being set mpart as a day of thanksgiving by the was kept up till evening. special services were held in the Churches, the collections being in aid of the new diocase of Algoma. These Churches will also observe next Thursday, the day fxed by the Lientenant Hamittox, Oot. 25.â€"â€"In pursusahos of & PRICE 8 CENTS. TORONTEO. QUEENSVILLE. OWwWEN SOoUND,. HAMILTON. LONDOn. of Woodbr ving for the