@ s T § information we have on the subject, in ‘common with the rest of the rau-paym,‘ is founded merely on rumour, and being entirely in the dark as to what the plan is which finds most favour and is likely to be aecepted, it may not be out of *ofgive expression to what we telieve to be the prevailing opinion of the pnb‘ an the matter. The Government bave promised to bear one half the expen:e of the work,s0that a comparativel y small part of the burdemâ€"falls uponâ€"the citizens, Without at all entering the selfish plu‘ that, because some part of the expendiâ€" turc:comes out of the nationa‘ exchequer, we should have sametiing more than or‘ dinarily expensive, it may very fairly be urged that where the outlay is thus di sistibleâ€"argument of necessity "does not interferg, the structure. ought ~ to be * sufficiently â€". strong _ ‘to .: be enduring, and handsome enough to ‘be s éredit to the Corporation "thd the country. If the question of cost be that which is to decideâ€"in fsvour of a truss as against a girder, we should thi ecost of construction is consiâ€"lerably less than a girder, but it was surely not neces sary to send a deputation to the other® side of the line to find this out, We have also been informed that at the last meeting of the Board of Works a sort of comâ€" being that a hybrid structure, half truss and hailf girder, be adopted: Whatever It is now some time since the return of the deputation appointed by the Council to examine the bridges of the United States, for the purpose of assisting our City Fathers in coming to a conclusion as to the best system to adopt as regards the new structure to be erected over the Chaudiere, and citizeris have a right to learn what suggestions they have been enabled to offer in the premises. We have no ° particular favour for ex= cursions of this nature, and . we can see no very powerful reason why a suitable bridge .could ~not have been constructed in this instance without any such preliminary observa tions. But the expense of an examinaâ€"~ tion having been incurred, we have a right to be put in possession at onee of the information which was the:cby elicited: We are told that a truss bridge has been recommended, on the ground that the The Managing Director of the St. Lawâ€" rence and Ottawsa Railroad courteously provided for their night journey to Monâ€" treal in the Directors‘ car, their business qualifications, and their social qualities have brought them into plessant dontact with, many of our citizens, who will be very glad indeed to welcome them baek agrin to Canada. 1 nccesssrily elapse before the arrangeâ€" meonts cun be completed for the formaâ€" tign of the Commission, it is not probable that it will meet at Halifax before next sprinz. In the meantime Her Majesty‘s czent and his assietant have prepared the c~se, during their residence in Ottaws, on the ; art of the British Government, and will > ,bmit it, on their arrival in London, to the imperial Government, through Her Majesty‘s Secretary of State for Forgign Afairs, and it is to be hopad when the case has been duly considered by the Commission, that a substantial award will hthv-nh.,\ip\hvout of Great Britsin and Cansada, as compensation for the great benefits which the Americans are Mr. Ford and Mr. Bergne will be accomâ€" panied, as far as St. John, by Mr. Whit cher, the Commissicner of Fisheries, who has been engaged for the last feow weeks in sssisting these gentlemen to prepart their case. We may also add that during the visit of these gentlemen here they have created a very favourable impression of THE NEW CHAUDIERK BRLDG E. We have appointed Mr. S. N. (*warcu, of: Port Hope, Ontario, Sole »«‘gent in the Dominion of .Canada, for Tus Tru®s and Tus Desates or Parâ€" tramz#2, Orders and Subscriptions . for .~ ith he is authorized to receive on| our 1. Ford, Her Majesty‘s agent on the Fishry Commission, and his secretary an‘l assistant, Mr. Bergne, of the Foreign wiBlâ€"«, left Ottawa on Saturday evening las‘, .y~train for Montreal, where they wi" :»â€"main till Monday evening, for the purpose of consufting with Sir Alexander Gal+, the British representative on that Commission. They will then proceed to &t.. ‘oun, New Brunswick, where they will rxot the Minister of Marine ‘and the 1â€"sa. : »ntlemen who will act as counsel l eio: : the Commission on behail of Great i2ita‘~ and Canada. . After conferring wi:h these gentlemen, they will leave St. John next Saturday, for New York, where mey will embark on board thé Cunard steazer of the 10th inst.,for England. As t.ere is mno prospect at present of the Lumâ€"ussion sitt ng for some time yet, the Cnited States Commissioner not having ween officially appointed, and until he ;3 appcinted the third Commissioner canâ€" Â¥0 OLD ADVERTISENEXTS INSERTHD iN THI$ "he Times. t 3"Pure Irish Friese always in Stock, T. W. KENNY & SON8, _ Aerchant Tailor?, â€" Notice to the Public. iTaWA, MONDAY, NOV. 1, != & ul d Qpera Houseâ€"Mrs. Mortison.; Waatedâ€"A. M. Burgess, ? >â€"D. 8. McKinpon & C3. tadial Exntvitionâ€"W . M. Sometvilie â€"John Invatcesâ€"J. Imauston. . | FISHERY COMMISSIO N. To MAacLEAN, ROGER & Co. Aducritsements. {Sparks Street, Ottawa. 57 ® _ The concoction and publication of the story known as the "steel rail slander‘‘ was) of itself enough to ruin even a stronger man than Mr. Whité, No doubt there are people who believe the story as Mr. White told it, and who would insist upon believing it in spite of direct proof that it: was absolutely false; but: those are prople who would vete for the Oppoâ€" sition at any rate. "It may safely be said that Mr. White did not make one yote by this vile effort to injute the character 0 a better man than himself.© We think better of the electoral body of Montreal than to believe that the "stecl rail siander" either made a single: convert or decided one â€"waveringâ€" vote, unless and not ~‘improbably in Mr. Workman‘s favour, 1t would be & pity indeed if such ® rascally effort in playing the role of the effect. Its deserved failure in I-nt:ï¬ happily will not encourage those who otherwise might be disposed to follow Mr. White in his vicious, tactios.: .In this not| be the true â€" remedy for the difficulty if it existed. Mr. White knew very wellit70, which is another eviâ€" dence of his want of candour, that no maftter what Government might be in powier it could|not be within its compeâ€" tengy to ‘provide against the state of ings which he constantly laid to the :% of the Administration. He was perfectly aware that a system either of avowed protection or of unqualified ‘free trade was an impossibility in this coun. try. . What Mr, White knew in this re specst was likewise: well known to the electors. While, however, he, contrary to his knowledge, sought to make them lh;jflï¬lll of deception, they resolved to h:wh counsel as was more in accord ance with common sense ; hence, we believe, the result of Saturday‘s polling in Montreal, a result which cannot fail, we think, to bave as an aécompaniment the effect of shewing Mr. White and" his friends, with their futile factios, in a 'm.t that will insure them the contempt of honourable men. | communication with the electors by & kmowledge that the country was in the last stages of ruin, that the remedy was obvious and had been accepted by the world as, well as by the wise amongst thoroughly protective ‘taviff. {le, howâ€" ever, was not honest in the riding of this hobby . He, knew that the country was not in the state which he: would have people believe it | was, and the people : knew . that protection would hihbo‘istwukurï¬plo;iti-npow imitation of sound ry ing ; and its application to the work of influencing so intelligent a body as the of West Montreal expages a rer misappliâ€" cation of to an end. m'.mbyd . White and his dustry. Il.wo*ldnppehr_{toflumow looker that Mr, White was moved in his upon _ which the | Upposition in Montreal went to LLL eâ€"nvass, and ultimately to the â€" _ The ~result has shewn that the of Montreal are more intelligent Opposition politicians took them to It generally, nowâ€"aâ€"days, turns out thus, ~Opposition " various causes that will operate to our * benefit ; times are bard, n anufacturers "are Obu::dmii‘ shutting up their * mills ; trade is dull, every interest is @ depressed and complaining ; all this * we can make appear to be the fault of " the Governnient." This was the ground avery fine specimen of the girder, but we e ns sigres it the Claktiere Bridge | Corvrcspondeuce. _ pould be constructed on the same plan at $ A â€" a much smaller|cost . The great objection * uigo 4 tjls toperting thg enammnntaationy mt to the girder, however, appears to be that rmepomibe iof The" opthions erpremfed it would probably interfore more or less . ‘"**‘* : with the water way. If therd is any good youp ground for this fear, we are "bound to say Ajr.'E:".L_' & serious difficulty is involved. The water , To {A¢ Editer of the TIMKES. way at the Chandiere is a consideration [ Srayâ€"I hope, Sir, that you will allow not second in importance to any other. e through your columns to invite the The public have a very great interest 25 the stato uf the law as 1t at presont in the matter,â€" and it is perfectly | exists in regard «owim....mmm.: inexcusable that they should be kept so | to attend Courts in criminal cases. entirely in the dark as to what .m-t *Th'i:;;-ln thmd-unn l:hl.no,lvil & k “fl, course ; s0 aro prosâ€" tions have been made by the dePUâ€" | cuting attorneys, and all the servants of commercial riding in the Dominion from the hands ‘of the Administration, and _ their | efforts were _ evidently stimulated by| the prospect.© There will not, we belieye, be any exaggeration in the statement that on the Opposition side f:'m'“'“' than perhaps ever witnessed before in this counâ€" tryiouh‘m{m Aund there. were ulhumnt;xognhmlmm that encouraged them to hope for the best. They sgid to themselves in effect : “Wo-nnoiï¬-oth‘ this‘ great “l‘{ ‘Mirn.bd' there is disaffection ® amongst French and the Irish from have been received by the Board of Works. At agy rate, let the bridge be one thing or another, not a hybrid ; and unless there is likely to be .any interferâ€" enge with the purposes of the mills and tinmber business of the Chaudiere, the diï¬reuuiaoatou;htnotto prevent the choice of a girder. ' fluCa-pontbqinc":lbaingtbounï¬ghuy and ‘cumbersome truss. The latter, it appears, can be built for $8,000 or $10,â€" 000 less than a grider. If, however, as the best authorities seem to think, there ’nnvbtdim«iq durability, and the truss after the first year or two requires a continual application of expensive repairs which would not be required were the girder adopted, the excess in the present . outlay would be a very misâ€" leading basis of calculatio=. . We have in _ the . Duffeérin _ Bridge if not very large majority of 59.; while the candidate of the Opposition: hbas made his fourth unsuccessful attempt to get into Parliament. The retention of Montreal Weekâ€"by the Government is a fact that tells signifcantly in their favour, just as the gain of so. important a con: stituency would considerably strengthen the Opposition. ‘The latter especially nwthomupyoundwhicï¬thywouli reach, if they could but rescue the chief «lt is with great pleasure that we this morning convey to our readers the result of this election. ‘The Government can didate has leen elected by the decisive, that under the circurnstances the ground of decision is not a sufficient one. The difference in the price, when the compar ative beauty and durability of each are taken into consideration, except in a ©ase where a bridge was a necessity, and the means of providing for it restricted THE ELECTION IN WEST MONâ€" s TREAL. wh inâ€" t"rmmnmmmmm, " He caught such a cold that he con a jnot a‘ng +* .. Poor, uniortunate Batrachian | | In what ‘a sad plight you mustâ€"have ‘been.> {And {::.lï¬;ll ~misfortune was one: that d‘ï¬-fl ‘ . singers. xany\. Once tune! voice among those who belong to the aoiih tartne" a m us fre, U in the " ‘or on or bochmbfnoï¬am. ubove E&m_ ed *sroaker " weare not aware any gmodywutnrdwbdi but we rejoi Mudlhn--mu.yr“p Mhuktn:d::v ..ï¬inm Golden Discovery, both ofâ€" which are sold by drugg us Ig@@gpda CIROULATION AND @sPEOIE, The circulation for .the week is put at $11,027,223.70. The aseou held at difâ€" Fives reggu i far un be nds io specie y law s 6‘1):? Erzgulof specie, $99,887 . 20. Aevorgszeips (or Piues) are permanent ty ou';& «by 'flm?ou'. Pile.Ointment, or on m? refunded. Price $1 peur‘xot,o! six pots vr.;’: Sold wholesale retail fnd yould 'b by all druggists, on hnu*'.‘""x warded address onâ€" price y Dr. E'flthou, 198 N&'M will uccomplish, if faithfully used. ‘There is & stimulating rty in this prepara» tm,whiah‘gn-tf;m the m«* the fibres, at ‘the ‘same time‘ g them smooth, silky and élastic."‘ 3973 month ended 30th September, ‘1875, nlgmgy '“Wv’%’{“ Rxcie, ©175,. io amernitorna n : 1044 ‘Bill® Stampi, ‘$18,507 :93 | â€" Miscellaficous: $59,080.96.." Tosal, $2,005010.95." Re‘ penditure; $1,179,505.53. THs HUxax Hair.â€"To give it strength and lustre, to improve its texture, to prevent its falling out -u: ‘ quicken its growthâ€"â€"in short . to make it.as intended, the cmning'.ï¬rwnl cln.rm*of both sexesâ€"this is the work Burnett‘s Cocoaine The statement of the Revenue m Exâ€" penditure, on account of the ted Fund, of ‘the Dominion of Canads, for the NOTLICES. § . The rncnl regulations for the governâ€" ment 0j tht:fl. Military College, at Kingston, are gazet a * f | :I?uoount on American invoices, 14 per John‘ W, ‘M.‘ Ruel, to be Inspector of gun.“d ‘Gas Meters, for Frederi¢ton, im Landnt it 8 "Weights an easures for the Division ‘of Bmi%tivillo. o The Gazette of Saturday conâ€" ’himdumww:â€" Ednard George P 3‘0.2.., Grenaâ€" t dier Guards, wu?ï¬m Secretary to His Excellency the Governor General, J. G. Hoyh:ï¬ of Ottawa, Ont, to be l::gocmr of Ponfliï¬ent.iuari:,., Auld of such ‘other Prisons, Hospi ums. and such other ‘g:lka in-titution-Ag may from time to be designated by the Galz.aht‘poasd;?dodctou, N.B., to be .B., to Deputy l-upoï¬-' ‘of Waights and Meas orel:ufa- the vidmof%cï¬m Wm.H.Im? tment cancel James Mc of St. John, N.B., to be Dopu? Inspector of Weights and| Measures for the Division of St. John. Armh-ld Millér, to be Inspector of Gas and Gas Meters for Halifax, N.S + Aréhibald Rowan, to ‘ be Inspector of Gas and Gas Meters, for St. John, N.B. _ , George Hoison, of Innerkip, to be Deâ€" ?my Inspector of w.mu?.ï¬â€™: Measures or Division of Oxford, Ont. i. character and practical tendencies that effect, may by thus humi himâ€" fllpibm.mpc“mdï¬nh%fly, receives reimbursement of his expenses, "i&un:- of hfu. n I b.u.'., ane of our !s; did a short dnohrhnh‘:?th-mw forward, but it was dropped without any result. Ithtob’obondthntbbm sensible individual, if he is still in the Legislature, will again revert to it in the proaching session, or, if he is not now :L-,munmwmu taken u; by ~some other sensible and purlot& member, and pressed until the law is alâ€" tered. ’Imniyn. dr.m ours, Lo y * AlBaorwoopsÂ¥ax. candidite by the people upon whom he sought to palm off his vile allegations, will be a lesson to the world, which will teach that slander, however worthy it mayâ€"be of the cause in which it is em= ployed, will not succeed as an electioneerâ€" ing agency. ; ° i _ By the election of Mr. Workman the House of Commons bas acquired a member who will be possessed of peculiar qualiâ€" fications for the representation of the chief ‘commercial constituency of the Dominion. We feel that we may console ourselyves for what we have lost in the exclusion from the House of Mr. Thomas White‘s great talerits by what we have manifestly gained in the acquirition to‘ the counsels ‘of the nation of a pnilo“ man of Mr, Work man‘s representative struggling, backwood‘s farmer, or the working mechanic, or day labourer of a town, be expected to leave his home and his work (work <by daily and dlli(t:‘w tention to which he is perhaps ly ;:m.hoflw pvo:i.t}e- b m shpeise, travel at Lis own expense, uullqiga, at his own expense, in a strange place for several days at atime, while attending these Courts according to peremptory summons, â€"without com« pon:&n a-rddbumfluz is a gross outrage continued against the poor those whom ‘the people at large have in power, and in a position to reâ€" medy sach practical cruelty and injustice, nypoorblb'olznhghï¬lrflu(hoz Attorney _ (an . officer‘ whom taxes _ paid by-thh..soor felâ€" low help to support) and making a.p'mounni the â€"amendment of the law. attorney‘s also, as the law is, are onâ€" couraged in recklessness as to the sumâ€" monin;ofparths,bee::ieno oxponseiln incurred in doing so ; uently mumgnwmodo- tention from to partics w the result shows, weres not ;:mh:l any information of the least momeont in regard to the matter of the trial. â€" .. dam, wrariee manles an »hinmn‘ is son, or perhaps making an * vit "to ecuting attorneys, and all the servants of Owen Sound, Ont., Oct. 28. h« while inserting the communications of tomryigas; gru-nl.l, b&.h in no way to be held mm‘s, e sor opiuilons . expressed uérein ; REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE, OFFICIAL GAZETTE THF TIMES OTTAWA, MONBDA&Y, NOVEMBER 1, 875. Application wi‘l be made ty the Corporation of Sw Chy of or: LTegisiature Province ".c"’onm%c',."-i“ Whem et-tn: ". an Act to enabie the sakd torporation uw ie ee btmantintunf thnainethof ‘ WA mtb 7. x1 ... WM. P. LETT, _ Parties reqbiring a â€"nrstâ€"0tass article i dGuigetiing it aneveryining cosurain se on td omgetting #1, A6 01 vel Pad hort qalits. TEIMBER LEMITS, g\lflmfl on th;ï¬in;uvi, Klpinwl and River Corner of Sparks and Ba Eegs to inform the citizens of Nlfl‘lc'l. 493 :SQUARE MILES .v' u ® 8 â€mhw m!.-..; *# â€" PEA , u 961 4 wHSe % 'fl"mm The which will be opened to the um‘k. us the nwek!L Mm WBube Semes: Phess [Successors to LEE & THQMPSON,] Beg leave to call theâ€"attention of the Public to their large ed assortm tioss of ; “?_'Lm < â€" <OU mout of $11 dotofip At ashade over first cost, at ] Bale, In fuct you can :ave lc buying your feet Wwear at ‘ Laig which will be opened to Lhe pu }South Sea Seal, ~, Persian Lamb, : Astrachan, _ l Baltic Seal, | e us English Rabbit. 9 Â¥e > at 4 Ҡ& 8 ,m' Long l-u.mg..‘u_‘q.n.g Aund other goods at proportionately Id# prides, ie napan t ons femoieiegiaget is Lamb‘s Clearing |Sale, Li dengo uit Drers at oodt and ander, ait BOOTS & SHOES | WThe subscriber.offers his Timber Limits of 100 Sqnars Mr‘cs i1 extent, situated ouboth &h«: lom:zs'l River, a tributary: to tie Thrst Eimin ao Sovored" with "RED® ana WHITE PINE of the finest possible daseripâ€" wlag:d,omdnl mmiliions of Mo(:.’flnbu "cAag ATiMts: * are . in " their PRIMLTIVE CON DITION, onlvia very few c mern en iinee uied every / ug un It mqy?b‘o Ifl’d to add« Ounva, Sapt, 2 1875 , Tmumn FOR SALE. C) |MOTH Ottawa, SBeptember 21878, |~|) «*0T% Felt, Silk and Straw HWats and Caps, Waterproof Coate, Umbrelins, &¢., AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES! ut yO C O~ * RLANNEL SAIBTSR, And a Large Assortment of Men‘s Furnishicys JOHN SMITH & Cu., (LATE METCALHE‘s) Are now prepared to show a very large stook of OvERCcATD . poa JACKETS i Fall and , Win: And every «um&t and, Winter TO ALL WHOX IT MAY oonlc;gm GREAT CHEAP SaLEF HAT! HATS! HATS ! {.n order to clear the Stock"as soon as poss!ble I have decided to seil all the : assortroent of Hats, Caps 40. at cost for éash,. ; . . "e00xâ€"2m : March 10, 1875, Hatters & Furriers. FRANCIS CLRMOW, F Ottawa, ‘CLOTHING HOUSE, ntaws Oct K tibk 18 APARKS n'%gr Hats! Hats!! 1Iats !!! NAUSAGES. JQHN SATCHELTL, A‘l ourlown Manufagture, and _ ty of Fur unrauteed. I R. J. DEVLIN, | _ THOMAS SHORE & QMPANY, EASONABLE. II.â€" H 0.D GE S , JUST RECEIVED THE NEW . STYLES Pnï¬l‘{hfln..‘ FUR JACKETS 56 SPARKSST, . > Opposite the British Lion Hotol. ANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. UNDERCLOTHING, ® |fldrfu l-l“bou:: 8‘2 ote. 0. COTE‘S, Eyumms Â¥Ur oxeor. * _ LADIEY AND CPILDBEN S MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. A Rare Chance. ORDER DEPARTMENT. COMPARE® THE PRICES At Te i FOR THE MILLIOX. [LATE or PRzScoTT] RIDE UV STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. 5, 18 76. o atlemith O n uty ies ine hites) or ery fow : plecesof ith ‘:.‘.':»E&nï¬ asper®s AT E. M.oittiVRay. neve un on preas mmat the Out Pore: ot Reriotans gore p e ie mapr snn on eï¬ LC C take effect trom the Fi of October, 1875. .. ow sa .can â€"be had at 211 hotrire by loaw.. ite »nlop mss 1( M onl hn kent Centre Town Livery § table g. of .his o cie ie o tavies miobion siijere Atctonappontse 10Q Syrevevuixxzesys rorne®, piaw and quarts, put up to orden » 4 1' Cases CLARET, Jas, Violet#, #pécia! order, vory fine, M o o-(q-wywi(xu.r.?..}wum.mm s [J Cases #AsS‘ Fine ALES, pints and iquarts, per order. 1(Q 20wheats Pine 014 BRARDY, 10 yours oig, airect order. i lï¬â€™xï¬gmuuunmmum quality, some 20 yéars old different prices | Weasâ€"Black, the finest imported, Greek, do. . . . CoffeceÂ¥ery superior, fresh roasted ‘ahd ground dally, x Syrupsâ€"Maple, Amber, Golden, &6., Â¥ery fine. | Bugarsâ€"All grades, for preserving vary strong. ; | Ahm-ndwmw-mmwâ€mwonnnomtodmuvmu'-n‘d. Glasgow Peas Meal, Mackeonsic‘s Digest1VÂ¥o Biscuits, and Angastora Bitters at ; , amfgms ’7“?,‘.' n?_:mF; f“..i.;'x. |_ Direct Imnmpm Jons., _ the.Pr 3 | i cate N hm}z}?mmmml & 4i%§ BRANDIES,. .PORL: :& ~SHERRY | WINE, GIN _ _P Firs â€"class norsesraaid cspitaiâ€"velicles at! n moutent‘s notlos, and. on eesespabieermans (1" ‘Bpedlatly MaraiNedared for ass on the . SEWING . MACHIN®. im se es in tehrice witopeiraeretied As the o are .severali «L J :L.f‘a"u‘._-:' <ANCHOR.BRAND®.. . . Best SIX CORD EXTRA Quality ‘Kept by allLegding Dry Goods Housés. | â€" all the quailites requicité for|,, ; .;.;,â€" BQLEOGN ASâ€"â€"Hlam, Ublexon and P oogus; fath am eto. | § ;?HW&Q}:. u?tgg’xgbz&mdncfvsdm &mlzs.n%n'ï¬a?,'m LA 5. 5 DSâ€"Ko Beots) ; , corned, and C | g:‘?’m .et:r:lny:'&’ t dg::', lfl&l 'ï¬â€œâ€™ Sheep g Tongues,. % 4 About 76 Cifferent kinds and varieties at half the prices of Imported Greods, and much E*r sher. ¢ mmmmnnzlm A ‘vall is solicited to examine Pnpu_u'-wnhlu The Canadian:Meat Canning Co.‘s Fresh Goods, BOOKS & STATIONERY BEST SX "CORD Cuank «e co. Ottawa, July 2, 18756 | ‘ i ARTHUR t.â€"HOLMES, Drgencral Litefatitré: as weil &4 ‘Col _ "Publisc Sohool â€"Trat B ok6 s "* *Taaoin Bibl o fote sA tor ie L C 1 \\Gtsawa, s ht N trokmo m o 4. 300 es Ooieahs NBen tors to draw the atuention Livery Stabtes;® Carriages wuit bema'&v&ry‘q.:l‘?m;a‘mpupuor THE PUBLICATIONS OF PHE LIVERY ‘STABLES WESLEYAN CONFERENCE, _qnï¬n:yngnqï¬_n. OTrAWA.. { © FRinay, Sth day of Ootober, 1815. ESTABLISHED 1854 First Class Machine Sewing, 3 Siwape n etigniance whent segunte ANCHOE 38â€" Sparks Stroet, z. vmvu.pn FOR ® 4 % LUNCH, BREAKFASTS and SUPPERS. withia complete assortment of *BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, * * es opened at Wonld call at PU Â¥ u3 4 uc x L & BE AN)! JNACGULTRRATED, tor Fanilly ds6 and Mediéfaal Phrposés, Carringes. ‘A NID WHOLESALE & RETAIL. ef PAIS ATIONERY i. MILLS, ETBA UVULUT, intion to their ieiireatan l _ c s s ole mt i e mfwmwlmm se Years. a Setolans 148 ot No. e en p m ou . e t PM TLE e . wl .4 4 Have received of their Bpring . Imjortstions, 48 BALES CARPETS and OORTAIYS. mmthmmnm-..‘, "PRUNEA T WHITinâ€" Ho 0‘ »Uou 1 4o .. the {Post Office, {I 7 i \Bighn Bex pposite Office, {Bign‘ Bavet. La Belle Piang. > (,d-l-brh-ï¬op-m ' ‘ "Makefy Prige.. / " _ ~Oor Betill Pige. BA“‘W"“PH’M § ,:.(,,,_' ¢ BQ: mâ€_-“A mguy.andm w‘ , and now on.vie t u... t PC l‘"yv " PMaR Ns diess, ty aoe d 2oms Ain N lt k + o h: % ?ï¬mm% J a«bd Bdid, _ .and “hnm!’-bw Jai ; O 2 Victoria Wesves °um='m::&f Suildings,"";" & ud ‘bestâ€"66,000 in 2 42 Opt e O i aimak {â€" \usé'"*%gï¬iâ€f:’“" h aj io f Bavings BANK OF OTTAWA. PRINCE :ORGANS, 11475, Agents ‘Wanted CATALOGUE WITHâ€"FPUOLL i2 nJVE PJV V NORRIS~&â€"§OPER, ~No., S Adelotite Stroct, 'wnl;.w Butlgg Du.(nn‘ "HANGEE: &s ___ â€" â€" Bamhk Rotices dctibedl 4i2â€"] M ,} zl € ais §3E?§§s¥§§§§§§ hawurar, Rane Dorrenm. ® j i""‘-.‘: R, Oburch, M.P.Â¥F. OTTAWA 1874 #¥¥4+% PATRIOK RoBKRTSON®, Out retail . Price Buildings. New r“.' lov!“:.:lc‘:q‘l-ln and Pera® 'ï¬;ch-gmï¬gunu.« esaanere =â€"x m?-‘â€%ffl-“-‘-‘a' "Tebogd o0Fithe ’m‘ C .i‘«'im' 'â€"“...a..q,â€"'*aa..‘ N PZRRRRE CCC C O0e Semeeneroomat ons The ol * OTTAWA RAILWAY Of uniform gusg» with ‘he Grand\Trouk @1 Prescoit Ju Puilman or 8 Bure connécti and from voun Time faster t $@"lW0.4a m. T ain from (‘%iaWa smm cluse oonn:nr wich Grand~Trunk m Train umw .i: * 240~4.05 ) m. Train‘roimâ€"Brockville nak 4 CANA J UitSwa t oolt, lhe « T. nin from the Weal wiriting duidewe of 1 ho Fwflj TWO £3¢ west wiAith <t perbent. peray On‘and after 1 195. AUTUMN ~~ARKANGEMENT. 1875 8 minutas fastor than Ottaws time. Trainé Fun qe[ Monlmal Sead * ‘â€" _ A.B. PUSTER, Brodkvite, June 7, ns 44045 ns Direcior, Oot. 8, 1875. PusST OFPICK sAVINGS BAKE, â€" ~ sits will be recelved at this office; Luterem Amuï¬ï¬‚owagâ€" e of Mails, and â€" Mas : Sour ue Saltpanee, post paid., ~Rainimays. ai Sand Point with boate g_mu BHen{row with stages CRESS Tâ€"WAINS WAURb. 4....._@‘% i Aiacae ¢Joatl+ ie A CEN T RAL & Ubawh Railways ~ spicc~ * cbenparesAd JOING BOUTHL: Sirenince acrl, Oriaws ""_"' vo 7 :.iu 2 KER, Postmester. "-- ' v .. 'V vmm.’:: i( t °§:.‘v2‘ |anaoeg ho Saap. s Coke, lir arese (Pbvams age comeie tien wein t 6 Y s ns gir iz 4* d ttepiich CA# hâ€: :V.I’{“"'â€"' e iss "Tevsd â€"'â€"'-- Beli 10 2062pt tiie lowest or un to e Western Elock, Departments . t Pn eubin‘sf Rereacet Nee pen en iss ?:_-4- to be in accordance with printed °_ beiinfactory secarity wili be required on real rg‘o coxrnacrons. ceni. on the of Uihe l.\omwhvtm of two Ton 4romkarr cna ie us bempron, tos : 4 BOOKBLNDER, | > Otiaws,. Bopt. 2%, GEKERAL KRuling, Pm..-‘.... Kocoynt Book" Manufacturer, Citizens Insurance Co‘y. York .Stect,. near . Sussex Street, [ . â€" ~Be Bank sireet _ ;. Uitawa .Rept. T. KTXA TFE_ IMSORLNCE :@, QFFICE: Russell Houge Hlock. e es o e o t Ottawn, Jan. 28. Equitable Life Assurance Company, +/ Active CaPITAL, Cash Assets Over $26,000,000 t awa, Rept, 16, 176. General Agent Hastern Ovene apeecaittetet O00k ) ‘Grarkks dtiaxxt, Orrawa AGENT for OTiLAW A and vianity HAND IN 4‘AND â€" Mook bindcrs. a. MORTIMWER, 1 Wt T A P & O@TEAW A. reguy ing printed nestings wariled for lerritory ‘bet rG side of 4ibert, weskot T% came to fish, ally boy, But it so friend who, kW TY3 to think I * Itis a