if [g 1 13 § WÂ¥ J6 W . TuzRge have been 20 Gurney Hase Surnâ€" ts sold to one of any other stove, and we never had to take one back. Esxono® Baos. ue 39176 num. ‘The proceedings throughout were o{tb‘natummm "'f chair, and upon the platform were also the Rev. A. A. Cameron (the lecturer for next Sunday) Messrs, E. McGillivray, H‘.'m’n,,ï¬nhu__, and J, M. T. Hanâ€" â€" Ecupay Temperaxcse Mesiryo.â€"Yestér .day afternoon the Temperance Hall, Riâ€" deau street, was crowded by a number of persons who expected to hear someâ€" thing said about the recent defeat of the Dunkin Act in. the township of Nepéan. ‘They were disappointed! nothing was said about it, the only |£uker bui:‘l & Mr. Blythe, of Toronto, who deiiv & most im ive discourse upon the prinâ€" ciples oJ total abstinevee, illustrating his remarks with some nust aptly ;eJuo“d amecdotes. ~Mr, Taylor occupied the in the most frightful*manner. Some o! the fingers were also badly mutilated. Thea.man suffered the most intense agony from his wounds.. He was at once re movéed to the Grneral Ho-riul, where surgical aid was soon procured to alléviate his sufferings. He is a married man, and his family will feel keenly the misfortuné that has befailen the head of the house hold. _ Much sympathy is fcit for the injured man in his affiiction. A Setiovrs Aociogxt.â€"A man whose names could not be ascertained, met with a very serious accident at the Main Sewer on Georgerstreet on Saturday atfterncon It appears" that while working at at one of the derricks, the unfortunate man had bis thumb toru from his hand Aurrceo Forexrr.â€"A man named Robert Lnddi.n;tnn, a bookâ€"keeper in the employ of Mr. P. B. Ferguson, has been atrested on the charge of forging two cheques in. the last gentleman‘s name ; one he got eashed at the store of Mr. A. L. Hoimes, and when the latter presented it for payment at the bank on which it was purported to be drawn, ‘the reply was * no funds," for the good reason that the cheque was drawn on a bank with which Hr.%o&mu did no business. ‘The cul phs. will be brought up for examination 10 day . * Turksr Snoomsno Maroa.â€"Today will see the last of the shooting on the Rideau kifle Range for the season, and Sergt. Cawdron, the céreâ€"taker, has provided some good sport in the shape o? turkey shooting, the distance to be 300 yards at either target or bird, at the option of the marksman. Some capital sport may be looked forward to, and as Cawdronâ€" bas always been, since he has been in charge, most obliging to tlie volunteers aud the members of the press,it is only meet that he should receive good pationaze upon this occasion. _ f "trippirg the light fantastic toe." ‘The composition can searcely fail to become a favourite during the forthcoming season of balls, &e. The music is really a credit both to the author and the taste of the ;;'ubglbon, C. H. Ditson & Co., of New ork. Loox to It‘!â€"Thâ€"re is an obstructiion in the sidewalk on the north sive of Albert street, between O‘Conror and | Bank, where a drain has been in progress of construction for the past four or five days. A couple of mounds of earth and a danâ€" gerous cavity exists, and no light is 1isâ€" played to Tuark the whereabouts. Add to this some broken planks, &c., and in a short time to come there will ‘n plenty comp‘eted through the enterprising xr seyrrence of Mr. Donald Masson, the cor: tractor. The first joists were being put in on Saturday, upon the completion of which, the superstructure will be at once proceeded with. If the weather proves adl favourable, the: roof will be on by Christmas Day. I o¢ work for the surgeons, and the City Treasurer in cashing cheques for. damages. Grand Tronk Raiiway. % Leares Prescott Junetionâ€" j Coing west.,.............1.35 p.m., 2.03 a«.m. Leavres going east.....445 p.m., 4.40 am, Protestaxt Hosritar â€"â€"Visitoos this weekâ€"Directors, Messrs. Robert Blackâ€" mischievous urchins were preveuted from carrying om their accustomed pranks and midnight prowlings. They will, doubtâ€" less, make up for it, iy observing the festival this evening. . > \ Tns Boaro or Trape.â€"The Board of Tradeo will hold & reguiar meeting toâ€" night in their rooms, Victoria Chambers, Sreartmoe Laap.â€"A larzo quantity of the lead used in tightening the joints of the coping stones of the Parliamentary fence on Wellington street, has been stoien by some unknown parties, of late, ‘The theft is a contemptible one, for whicl the perpetrators deserve to be summarily dealt with if detected. R | vuin and Isagc Moore. Clergyâ€"Revds. W. Moore and F. Codd. Ladies Commitâ€" teeâ€"Miss W. H. Walker and Miss J. W. Tussell. Doctorâ€"H. P. Wright. tiaccows‘r~.â€"Yesterday was the anni versary of Hallowelen, but being Sunday Leaves.....11.00 a.m. 2.00 p.m., 10.45 p.m. Arrives .......".25 a.u1, 4.00 p.l;-. 7.00 p.m. Canaila Central Ratiway . I eaves Ogdenaburc...8.00 a.m., 225 p.m. Arrives in New York.10.00 p.m. 7.00 a.tm. Lesvres New York.... 600 p.m. 11.00 p.ro. «2d as some matters of importance to the mercantile community -iilro be brought up, ‘t is most important there should be a «morum. . s Arrives in Ogdensâ€" burg from boston 7.00 a.m., 1240 p.m. $.10 p.m. Citawa River Navigation Company. ~teamer Peerless leaves............... 7 &IG. d w * . RETIVBB...s.sssus.sc+ T D: leamer Queen Victerialeaves...... 5 p m Aylmer every morning at........7.30 am. Returning arrive at............... 1.30 pam. Stages ‘leate the Russell, Union gnd Windsor Houses at #.30 a.m., to compect with her. â€" ~ Porice , Martszs.â€"The calendar thi morming will be a light one, there bein;g nothing in the cells last night, except a eauple of tramps, and one of them had a wooden leg. The present system 6f hous: ing homeless people in the Police Station should be a sufficient hint to the authori ties to provide what are termed in thtz uid Country "Vagrant Sheds." | New Br Waro Markzt.â€"The founda~ tion of the new market building has been Tz Huxt Stkercs CHasss. â€"On acâ€" coumt of the unfavouratle weather, the huntâ€"steeple chases did not come off on Saturday. burg................. 1.15 am. 745 pm. Centsal Vermont Hallway. i eavea Ogdensburg Yor busson...4.â€".6.05 2 m., 1240 p.m., 6.10 Reoyal Mail Line, Steamer â€" Jessie Cassels leaves " Exow.â€"JLast night, a smart snow storm, ccompa: ie l by a stiff breen-“xsm. in, and o aspect as a late hour seemed to pre ‘se the fact that winter was setting in 51 mome, Watortown and Ogdenaburg Railway. vives in Ogdezs«â€" 81%, Lewrenes and Oitawa Railway. %l Locaul Butelligcuce. ravéllers‘ Cuids. o++ re000smeesa0e earnest. 1045 am, 4.45 p.m. .1.20 p., 1.15 pp..:. a.m | and they are now running off the stock i recently in the poseession of Mr. Russell, They are selling at a great sacrifice. Par | ties wanting turniture should give them a : call â€" . : 3976 th | Mussas. Fows & Ezratt, auctioneers, have secured that large uné commodious stcire recently ooomk'b‘ Mr. W.. F. R=ssell, in btuart‘s Block, Rideau street, Lxaptxo sewing | machineâ€"makers reâ€" cotmmend Crark® & Co.‘s best sixâ€"cord eatra qrelitv sewing cotton. â€" . Notice the axpuos cn each epool. $ 896)y1 Three legged raceâ€"â€"1st, set chess men, J, McKay and W: Cutry ; 2nd, 2 napkin rings, J. B. McLaren and Hugh Cameron. Mile rece â€" Cariuthers prizes â€" lst, clock, G. Thompson ; 2nd, student‘s lamp, g:‘"}liggim; 3rd, dressing case, C. Mcâ€" ell. m > | A Running high jampâ€"1st, chromo preâ€" sented by Mr. Stacey, D. Phelan; &d, collar box, E. Higgins. ° > _ ~|200 yards hurdle raceâ€"1st, . Inkstand ipresented by the FPrincipal, E. Higgine ; 2md, chromo, W. Curry ; 3rd, pencil case, Dyck‘"l’:' ledgoâ€"1st, I kl'u“ ind | wi eavy s st, In 3{ Chisboim; and, thermometer, _ J. ite. $ Fhrowing light sledgeâ€"1st, magnifying ‘}:‘u, J. McArthur ; 2nd, paper weight, 5.{(.‘hisholm. > Half mile wulk-â€"h;i case mathomatical inktruments ‘srennt by Mr. Michie of Tgronto, L. W, Shannon ; 2nd, statuette, Clias. McDowell, 8rd, paper weight, G. Bell ‘Futtng light stoneâ€"Ist, chromo, D. Phelan ; 2nd,â€" paper weight, C. Mo Dowell. Putting heavy stoneâ€"1st, opera gla C,. McDowell ; $nd, Austrian Obelisk, Chisholm. | 100 yards ricoâ€"1st, Diohoufl' resentâ€" ed by Mr: Henderson, | J. Xrthur; Jnd, checker board, presented by: Mr. Marvell, D. D. Phelan ; 3rd, inkstand, . McDowell. j ,‘R-rnninibop, step and jumpâ€"'lflg-‘kl pen, D. Phelan ; 2nd, watch stand, E. Higgine. | _ 5 |Standing hop, step and jumpâ€"1Ist, i:é;ar_ case, D. Phelan; 2nd, date rack, E ggins. _ _|Standing Long Jumpâ€"lst, pocket book, 1 McArthur ; 2nd, cane, Wuw. Curry. . _ Mr., P. Cassidy‘s case was again ad journed till to day. _ _ _ _ _ © > \Rutpusxt or Lowazk.â€"The Maggie Bel!, with eleven b‘;f“ laden withâ€" lumber bobnginf to Messrs, Bronson‘s . and l?um, eft on Saturday evening for Burâ€" ngton. t Maix Sewse.â€"The labourers omp-lglyed on this work in Lower Town have reached as far as the middle of Rideauâ€"street, where a fence has been erected to guard against accidents. Aus Sammts‘ Day.â€"This will be observed as a holiday by the Roman Catholic porâ€" tion of t{o oommupitr, and services commemorative of it will be held in the different churches. it will also be a holiday in the Government Departmonts. BeyevoreXkt Fuxo or tus Figs Brâ€" cabs.â€"Mr. F. Graham, Treasurer of the Fitemen‘s Benevolent Society, deposited #215 in the bank on Saturday to the credit of the institution. ‘This is a good commencement for an association which has only been in existence for a couple of months. | * a_ jr., charged with assaulting Walhodf were cach sent to gaol for a week at hard _ *M. Riley and| J. Morriso :, both drunk, were fined $2 each and costs, or one week 4 Tus Compostke Stick.‘‘â€"We have received from Messrs, H. H.lhorp& Co, of Clomlflndfll.c, the first nuthber of the Oo-mng Stick, a quarterly magazine, dev to.the interest of printers and manufacturers of machinery connected with the craft, [The typographical apâ€" pearance of the production is really artis tic, and the information contained therein maost useful to all engaged in the printing business. ( j labour. The alder Cowan waxed wroth at the sentence, an( narrowly escaped an additional term of iniprisonment for his vehaviour in Court. Retorx or a Portrar Astists.â€"The lovers of the drama in the city wil learn with pleasure that on Wednesday and Thursday wening.of the present week, Mts. Morrison (nee Clar otte Nickinson), will q:ï¬e‘r at the Grand Opera House, and will introduce for the first time in Ottawa Mr. W. E. Rowe in hisâ€"inimitable impersonation of * Mr. Micawber" in the dramatization of * Little Emily,‘"‘ the plot of which is taken from Charles Dickens‘ noyel of " David Copperfield." The stars will be supported | by | a company oï¬ ac knowledged talent, and the scenic effects will be such, as have never been seen in Ottawa before., Mr: Rowa‘s acting of the always happily, always half contented, balf desponding man who was continuâ€" ally waiting for. something to " turn up," has been spoken of in most unqualified terms of praise, both on this side of the Atlantic, and. in Great Britain, thgrefore it is safe to predict good houses for, so excellent a.company. John Wallage,;charged with ste pair of pants froâ€"n Charles Cnis. & at the Florence Hotel, was disci thore being no evidence adduced ently strong to convict the glflinone * Thomes Cowany ar ; and "Ihgs. Before M. O‘Gari, PM @UEEN‘S COLLEG.â€" ATHLETIC SPORTS. . F.om the Kingston Whig. Oct 2 POLUTCE UCOUVRT THE SHOOTING Oast Satvapar, ( owan, ling a parder eX et. 29« S x Pm ' veil from that ex lamn pubs it deva Baldersto Montreal head offi We understand that Renfrew will be represented at the Centennial, Mr Bart lett bnvigg on Wednesday received notice that his Potato Dlgg.:dboen approved of by the Advisory as an u‘&lo to be sent. The Potato Digger was manuâ€" factured at Smith, Rennie & Co.‘s Upper Otitawa Foundry, in this village. From the Perth Conrier. On Friday last Messrs. Steadman & Stanley, of ‘the North Elmsley cheese factory, shipped ‘to Liverpool &0 boxes fall cheese. On. Friday evening last, Mr.| W.. Macâ€" kay, Postmaster, met with a rather gerious ac¢ident. He was returning home from his farm, and was in the act o jumping out of the waggon (which was being driven into Mr. G. Eady‘s yard), and gh‘a foot on the wheel, when the team ed and ::row him off l:il:db-lnnoo...dflo fall tgn.inbbst e gateâ€" post, received a w on tg: face and head. | * Divine service was held «in the W. M. Church in the morning of Thanksgiving Vay, and in the Scotch Church in the evening." The Thanksgiving ‘sgrmon in the St. Paul‘s Church was hed on Eunday evening by the Rev. ]Er rout, of Carleto® Place. » The A%ud cattle fair, whi plase on Wednesday, the 3rd of ) next, will be held this year on the of the: South Renfrew Agrien{ ciety. . | A skating rink is in contempl has decided to put one up We observe that Messrs. Frost are again filling up their shops w men, over lOl)gbemg on this mon roll. They have commenced t facture of ‘a large number of and rakes for next season‘s busi We announce with ‘fegret Wyatt, formerly a resident of ship of Kitley, died &t Bny Cit on Saturday last, typhoid fe the cause. His remains were b Easton‘s Corners on:Wednesday aud buried with Masonic honou logs, nmount.inq it is said, to $ havingâ€"been paid. From the Smith‘s Falls Ne Mr. E. Caswell, of this place, hb assume the business of the Hote erson‘s Corners. ; The ratepayers of Kitley vol the Dunkin Bill on Thursday, instant, by a majority.of forty. Lhe ration of Perth is b for t.bemco of the famous F ver‘s) Bridge, amounting to q Rowe & Kyle. ; A Government Aï¬:: has se lumber at Mr. Jas. Juan‘s m sold by the Assigneé, and fort chasers taking it .away. This on acoount of i‘-ho Government di along the Madawaska, good sugcess in deer shootin, killed two fine bucks on the Mr. W. Bannerman, ha limits again, has resumed lm tending to take out two rafts on River this season, in company eleven deer, Gold Vrograsizsâ€"The ‘supply of vegetables was not so great, and prices were un changed. Potatoes sold at 286 and 30c per bughel. _ _ _ _ _ __ _ ~ _ _ Msanâ€"Beef so‘d at $5 75 for fore quar ters, anfl $6 and $6 20 for hind qilarters Pork sold at $8 50 and $9 00. Mutton sold at 8c and 96 a pound. Lamb brought To on ap average. .. Dairyâ€"Priut butter sold at 256 per round ; tub butter averaged 20¢. Cheese, 5¢. égp. 18c a dozen. s Pouit@r Turkeys brought 75c each, and geese 50c. Fowls averaged~ 50c a pair. â€" Chickens, 40¢ per pair. â€" _ _ _ _ awaska limits this season. | / _ | _ _ Mr. Wm. Harvey has from Point Lake, on the Bonnechere, whither he had been on a hunting excursion with the Mesers, MceLachlin. 'ï¬n y bagged Saturpay, Oct. 30. â€"There was a fair market this morning, but the demand was not so active as on previous days. _ _â€"Furuâ€"Hard wo@ sold at $3 50 and $5 per cord _ ___ ; o2 ie t The Messrs. MoLachlin are thking out three rafts of square timber on thei itd- MoxtrEAaL, October 30.â€"FREsu Msarâ€" Stenks ‘aud rib roasts, 10c to 14 per pound; chuck ribs, To to 10 do‘f mut ton and lamb, 8c to 12 ‘do. ; vul1 8c to 12 per pound ;‘ suet, 10c do. _ |_ Pork â€"Whole hams, l4c to 15 per pound ; briskets, roasts, leaf lard and sausages, 12ic to 14 do. ; lard, in pails, 16e do. ; do. retailed by the pound, 180 to 20c dp. ; pig‘s feet and h& 5e per pound. | _ ooo **~ W _ Pouutey, Gaxs, &¢c. â€"Turkeys, $1 30 to 1 60,per couple, or 10c to 11 per pound ; geese, $1 each ; dead geese are 8c to 9 é)or pound ; ducks, 600 per couple, or jcto $%c per pound ; spring chickens, 40cto 60 percouple or 10c per pound ; woodoogk $1 per couple ; partridges, 40c to 50c PS_ snipe, 30c do ; teal, 40c do ; black duyéks, T40 do ; hares,° 25¢ do deer, 80 to 15 per pound. _ Foopgrâ€"Hay ‘ was _ plentiful, ; and averaged $15 per ton. Straw, $8 a ton, FisH.â€"Maskinonge, 15c to 20¢ l;:el' lb ; halibutg mackerel, smelts, French carp, doree, and smoked salmon, 15¢ per lb ; salmon trout, 12%c do; saited salmon, 120 do; small mackerel, sturgeon and pikee, 10p do ; codfish and haddock, 7¢ to do; herrings, 25¢ per dozen ; suckers, New Yorr, Oct. 30.â€"Imports for the week, $5,130,977 ; produce $3, 983,536 ; epecie exports, $4 ; Money closed at 3 per cent. quiet at «77 to 4824. Gold closed at 16}. . State bonds quiet and nominal ; | Railroad bonds quiet; Governments steady ; in mmmmm,‘r. and higher, with an advance “z to 2} per cent. | per dozen ; eggs in baskets, 250 per dozen; maple nug,ar,&%.Oc ‘per lb ; honey, 12¢ to 150 per Ib. Ti s . 20c per bunch Dilnranowil:.â€"Bg.tu? in tubs, 17:: to 20c per lb ; small tubs of yery good butâ€" ter sell [qr,2lo per lb ; do retailed by the nOR‘er eÂ¥ a0¢7 ; prodMUd ©97 983,536 ; epecie exports, $4 ; Money closed at 3 per cent. quiet at 477 to 4824. Gold closed at 16}. . State bonds quiet and nominal ; Railroad bonds quiet; Governments steady ; in the foremcon the stock market. was s and higher, with an advance .v.p.i _ London Markets. _9 Loxnox, Oct. 30.â€"On Monday next the Bank of England will be ozo:i,iz being the day for striking the regular halfâ€"yearly mnoq. Consols, 94 3â€"16; U. Sâ€" 65s, Liverroor, Oct 30.â€"Cotton quist; up lands, 74 ; (Orleans, T}d Nt 2P Frour axp Gramâ€"Flour wes quoted at revious rates. Jate were sold at 340 and erior Mr. James Mcintyre McNab, has C O M M E R C I A L. From the Rentrew Meroury | 4« ovewart, lormeriy of th ‘;ahaol,' has ...m.f for th: h_udmuun:ï¬of the Pakenâ€" ‘school, and will probably reâ€" spring. o x disease: of â€" two or three years tthews, teller of the Bank of here, has been removed to the e in Montreal, his place here n by Mr. O‘Harp. A Jam . re Ap in this neighâ€" ul in repraly shroudoet "lth: New York Mevey Market. From the Aruprior Review, OTTAWA MARKETS. bBJISTRICT NEWs. Montreal Markets. Liverpool Markets formerly of the Dr. W. town , Mich., ch takes ovember grounds er being rought to evening, t" work: th‘s payâ€" e manuâ€" hined tion for A. Inglis THE TIMES ; OTTAWA, MONDAY NOVEMBER 1, 1875 ized the 11, lately action is es on thie ,00), not ed down the 2lst ing sued rry (Oliâ€" 3,300, by & Wood is left to at Bald ering, inâ€" the f)oep with Mr. Fo , having runway 8 16 com \let;!i eradicated bé the use of OW‘L"I and Humour effect /s vterelions &r Guroiels, Soft Ahinnt eampletel Bii g cut some potatoes for seed, and while there had capped the gun. . On Saturdag : _morning about = one o‘clock he had gone into the stable and loogened a horse in order to make a noise to draw Finlay out. Tho'lnterwunwm heard the noL,md went out ; she heard the gun immedhtol&nslnflwqd.; & moment or so afterwards Smith had come to the door of the house and kn and on hersoiu to the door told her the deed was done; Smith then gone back to bed ; after allowing a minâ€" utes to elapse, she had gone and Smith and the hired boy, Shanks ) they had got up and gone to the and shejshortly afterwards went to the outer corner of the house and asked was the matter ; moflbon,ug‘.d "hewas dead ;" the neighbours then Bee spocial notice.) .. _ Signed a full confession of the murder. She stated that the crime had been comâ€" mitted by Smith on the Saturday mornâ€" ing He told ‘her that he had .runfd for the murder on Thursday evening, but theve being no cap on the gun, he had failed to carry out his intention, although he| had laid in wait. © During Friday he} had. gone into : the stable to vlered man. He .swore positively to having been on one occasion a witness to crim. con. betweer. Smith and Mrs. Finlay, and also to having seen them together junder very suspicious circumstances at pther times ; he also testlfied to having heard Sl'l‘linntl:, ut{ler mumm:nnnmd threats against . . He was cross : vegominntoly and at: length; but without ieliciting mK;m tending. to throw doubt h:ip“ strict veracity. The inquest had not concluded when it confession morally guilty of her husband‘s murder,. . § It mauy be mentio: ed fluu:. :’t.;hofp::- iminary investigation on of the murder, Mrs. Finlay had in her evidence lendeavoured to create the impression that Ele_r husband had committed suicide, but together apart from the subsequent reâ€" velations, no one at the time put the least confidence in her testimony. â€" Her perjury was almost conclusive in the im robability of any man who contemplatâ€" Ed suicide, selecting so unlikely an occaâ€" ion for its commission as the qone ‘Mrs. Finlay herself described, viz., going out to the baru to investigate the cause of poises there, which had just awakened both of them. > | After the arrest of Smith the enquiry (was resumed.. The most important eviâ€" ‘dence was that of a man named James Hebnry Buchanan, who had some time before worked during a considerable period for Mr. Finlay, at the same time that Smith was employed with the murâ€" SArNIA, Oct. 20.â€"On the morning of Sat ,t.hczzndmhn.thmm committed in the pdm‘?omh‘lu Coubty of Lambton, about four miles from CoOuuly uJ MMIHTUWT SRSWS SCME AMOE the | village of Wallaceburg, one‘of '3: foulést and most coldâ€"blooded murders known in the annals of Canadian crime. The Fiotm was & respeotable and wellto® deliberate murder ; his only offence was that he stood in. the relationship of husâ€" band to a woman whom his murderer had made an ‘:dultorou. B:f "‘i'lhm impediment to the gratification of an illicit pasâ€"ior, and was also flty of having ponsiderable property w his assassin covetedâ€""the head and front of his ofâ€" fending had this extent, no . more." Ehouxh the term murder is ong muod onltlpthevilul:‘i:b:bodid the , it is, as will afterw o apparent, just as a) plicable to the Adulte‘rguq wife of the v& tim, who was the subject of Smith‘s unâ€" hnlfgwo.d embraces, and was by her own The Sombra Tragedy do férmer, named Ralph Spence Finlay. He hu’x_miqdlme,lp educated for h‘: clasgâ€"having in y r days taugh so for some time m towmhi&of Doverâ€"was a married man, and the father of séveral young children.. He was about fortyâ€"five years of age at the time of his du{%. On the morning in question he was found dead in his orlmb.rnk;bdl from a gun having entered behind his ear and passed out through his cheek. _‘ _ T}‘f; rumour of his death caused the most intense excitement in the quiet country neighbourhood where he was so well known and so generally respected on account of his superior intelligence and quiet, unassuming, and at same time obliï¬ngadi-pouiti‘on. For a very short time after the first hurried whisper of the event, the public mind (was uncertain whether suicide or murder had been comâ€" mitted, but the position and surroundings of the body soon silenced the scarcely uttered suspicion that Mr. Finlay had ended his own life, and established beâ€" yond a doubt that he had been the victim of a deliberate and dastardly murder. !Je was found very early in the morning,lying upon his left side in a log barn or stable & short distance northeast of his house, holding the lock and keiv.:f the building in one hand, while a tern was lying beside the other. Au ordinary shot gun was found two or three feet from the body. ~These circumstances rendered ‘it a moral impossibility that Mr. Finlay had committed suicide. [ ; Mrs. Fiplay‘s first story was that about one in m: morning, her husband, while sleeping witu her, had been awakened by nent place in this one. 3 The suspected motive for the crime is the next thing which readers will desire to fathom. It is one only too commonly met with in cases of the most atrocious murders in this and other countries. The viectim had committed no wrong upon his assassin, hadâ€"so far as known â€"%ivon him no reason for spite, much less for a sounds proceeding from the barn, leading as the services at Finlay‘s oï¬". had _ been _ concluded, an cer of xth,l‘:o arrested th':‘h hired man, Smith, who was present. 0 8 tators were not much mrpr«indm tlnmtwnt.h::{ybrmdoonflmthn of suspicions which had previously exâ€" character which may be recalled as figurs ied in most ‘of tWelr nuuds that the in several unportm t murder trialsâ€" ‘i‘nsu hired man‘‘â€"would occupy a promi him to think either that some of his horsâ€"s had got loose, or that there was some ome in the building. He arose and went out for the pu. pose of investigating the cause of the disturbance, taking a lantern with him.. His wifeâ€"according to her own storyâ€"becoming alarmed beâ€" cause he did not return in ‘a reasonable length of time, awoke the hired man, named Win. Henry Smith, and a boy namedRichard Shanks who slept with bim, and sent themo ut to the barn to ascertain the cause of her husband‘s prolonged absence. _ They: found Mr, Finlay‘s body in <the barn in the posiâ€" tion above described, the boy ‘having stumbled across it as he was entering the building. @"Who was the murderer ?" was now the question which ‘every one asked himself, and n&a«d to. every aone élse. Buspicions, at first dim and. uncer® tain, began to be whinx:nd about, but an inquest, held on the day on which the body was discovered, was adjourned withâ€" out these lus&lcionl having become sufâ€" ï¬c,ien'.l{ tangible to justify the authorities in placing their h.n&p upon the suspected parties, ‘The funeral was held, and conâ€" mtg}homnflmn_ï¬oqln._hnl_nynqï¬_ only did no:.l &tundâ€"abunting heml" fl1‘ on the groun/ & not very a « nuoâ€"u‘,but the grief whilz: mm n‘:;:rslly be expected to fmnis::‘l:ntger such circumstances if not er wanting, . scarce‘y 'mnog_mnbh. Just ascertained that Mrs, Finlay of Willlam H. Smith and Mrsâ€" ‘â€"would occupy a promiâ€" Students may em.a;â€"u'. any time. Address ï¬uou/-mnu,v«.. D. Mo * @ . A NEW WRITING MAisTER, A NEW COUR3K OF x'smpouou. YOUNG ‘MEN PREPARED for BUSINESS Also the uncollect~d hook debts, notes,â€" . .. : â€" | swot,ï¬dummr' Store... .... . /; $6,331 Fln_urumemn..... pitrt stnns edee 64 5e a lbl.ll) Stock, Hussex street Store.....;....... $11,408 67 ___,.__ X. & A, GROULX, of ow!.;am“ The undersigned will offér for sa‘e, by‘ public scirosinngy us n in tat 9 op otgen qenend ty 2508 Wholt CC Shagted entarted.and fl\ldvnt m m.m‘nzmm .: F YOUV WANT GOOD BREAiD those who wish to get a practical educa~ tion. They hnmï¬nutluitofmms, Qhoabluth.ohen,nndthomw course of training in Canads. See thei souiggrmace prumdl _ Auctiou Sates.. 1. [ o 0. tmme s / 904 / By Rowe & Erratt, I!wmnotgtm{oute%entm“hng:‘t up a or Jugxrmmmqum they best. Try one! Eswoxp® Bros. ° Orrawa Business Counmex.â€"This popuâ€" lar institution offers superior facilities to In the matter of q;.niumoï¬ in another column. . cpune omm d & w 3980. dmm- hfl:nm-â€"'l‘ho'l.l;el of thofl:nds horses have been sa dllqlï¬ ear, and the credit is due to Dnrw: éundition Powders and ‘Arabian Heave Ottawa, Oct. 27, 1875, extensively used, and exacts from all the highest Fnho. Nothing of the kind has ever before beenâ€" half as successful, or given such universal satisfaction ; it canâ€" not be°:3unllod. We can confidently recommend it, and would advise all who own horses to keep & supply of it on hwudâ€"it may be the means of saving your horse‘s life. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, Toronto, Opt., proprietors for Canada. Bold by all medicul «ealers. 3796. 1@~, 85â€"SPARKSâ€"~â€" SPREFTâ€"S85 â€"an wa B: Orara. S it { : DIED. « HAYE®S.â€"On the 30th inst., at the residence of WV dows, stack firewood, ete. Apply to A. M. BURGESS, Richmond Ro#d, oprosité Bridge street. s08BLC The 'l'mnlferâ€"flï¬n will he closed from the l6th.to the 80th wenoerâ€"hmdg inclaâ€" sive. The anouat ral mee of the H..areâ€" horiers will be Hril at the Hank in this Oitys on WHOLESALE ‘AND RETAIN,~ Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c A NEW SUITE OF ROOM®, . Notice is hereby given that a aividend of aven per cen T Annu u .fl' tal Btodk of this Bank, for the current yoar fas nuOu The above named Company having refused, a‘ter frequent remonstrance with the Munager and Ago:t, to deliver express parcels aqdressed w me at my residence, on s.mï¬.un 1 within ‘he clty l-nmbex-g:ly one mile from their office, and dirtent about o;hg;'ym- fom ne-rnnourlng houses at w rmessenger de.ivers other paroels,â€" this notice is to ,request eorrespondents to I;.\l. discontinue sending further |packages by express untli such time as a more enterprising and lcoomodmn‘hoom- pany shall be induced 10. compete for the exâ€" g‘f&u business of this important and thri been declared, and wili be payable at the office 97 thi Bani, n tads Sity, on Snd ahist Wednes. day, the First day of ecember next Notmbem of mis Shaba Onag Aouats Roronty T of rhe will give Two Gmnflm,ï¬ï¬‚nmonu as Gtreet. > :; l [ Ottawa, Nov. 1, 1875. W ed ae WEDNESDAY & THURSDAY, Nov. 3rd & 4th _Of the Grand Opera House, Toronto, has the honour of nnnounoln‘ that witi MR. GEO. F. ROWE, WAmnâ€"A mwan to put up winter win WV dows, steck firewood, ete. Apply t« p»rs rorawa. MBRS, °C. MORRISON â€" his son, F, B. H'] [ayes, Esq., Gativeau Point Ott::g' Consty, a:’ef‘}ohn H%u, Esq.: M. D,, formerly of Toronto, aged 85 years, Funeral to take place toâ€"day, at 2 p.m New Advertisements. :'P'-‘:"'r:'- ETTE “’"-‘" T‘ LJ m_‘.l"x"m e mw d‘, C + u‘l;:'m'm To tndt at TWBWE bcicos By Orderof the Board, â€" . _ NSOLVENT A0T OF 1975. 6 i W. F. WHITCHER, Rideaun Bauk, 20th Oct. 1875. 30831( For particulars see Posters and Program mes. ®é~Box sheet now open at Gowan‘s, Sparks HEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! 4&0., amounting t0 AbOGt. ..«...«»++ .. The Canadian Express Company. 2@ NIGHTS ONLY 2 EWELLERY, CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT. Oitawa, 10th Seiotember, 1875. UTHORISED PISCOUNT on American .. luvoices untll rurther notice: 14 per cent. J. JOHNSTON, Commissioner of Customs. RAND OPERA HOUSE. DVERTISEMENT. NOTICE. hh ad nn dnc ud 6n n nn00s e 04 h s ne uk he ve ced s on a se eeale A NEW PRINCIPAL, P. ROBERTSON, s 'm? T781.5 ..'M .'" .*â€"I' f"" "."'"'U'-U l..' TD ahy Bauce other than tnat m fn-n_. -I,-;AM-, 'M&‘i:' use au Â¥ Solictto T'%"Mu Worcester, & l.hnhl-g =“-.n-‘-l:.i~.... Porrins, o * e o tt, â€"Take Notice that on the $0th July, 1875, a Perâ€" io earmect it Rete a o tne "Worecestershire, "or aay word only "colourshly :.uo- man &:N%W Wrapors reseimbling tnase nsex by the Plains C e Td & 2. U as 5‘; mm& to sell; . _CAUTION, _ Worcestershire Sauce _ <: $400,000..=â€" > > 73 ddress all orders, letier f A'l'he Uâ€"jon Pocket Boo:':)&m. y Buuta East Uorner 6b and Locust RiR, P, 8.â€"Drawibg absolute ou wm,, '." eimber 2ith. No postponment i1 «heâ€" remote compng uneonl a snn of dus Book t comten S t % may be ‘made proportionztely rom the prices. ... _ y OHawa, ‘ct. 14th, 1895, TWP Ond n cee urtater se atiendis es Briboc hss ders Iâ€"mmediately »hnich will prevent disap pointment and rrce.ve proi p{ aliention, A ltelhl:;_mbe;, zwr‘:n’e thwinuadu‘ OnE Lor AR before Novem reco: es .. A MoRROCCY Lur?x?u Pock®T Book . Of the value oi from $3 10 $4 a d a CoUPuXN, givâ€" 1. y hom a snare o the dr«wing of ‘ REMEMBEE THIS IS NO LOTTEEY, Buta bona fide busiress a m foundedâ€" on a true finsncial tasis 'Ma{‘:auln- the Comâ€" pany to convert into money an olherwise surâ€" &g:‘oex. and this too with qutu Asredy clearance stock which in ï¬ dull times is the great desfsteria 1a no o.her way can be successfuily attained. “‘V‘omm‘h‘m book to be of the +t manufacture ; of pure moroceo jeather and m:lndddu;o'zt&mrflumn the lowest r® from g ‘This is an that should‘hot ‘be lot peass by; one and should ewbrate tuls chunée; we afford every one an opportunt of réalizing a share m‘mu.am n:x cn: outlay ot $1 (one d iir ror which «hy 1.+» © ive value three ivid and those who let til~ lortutituous chance excape them wi.i have ouly thomselves to blame. All letters repli «i to s<me day as ived. We advise intenctrig purchasors to Ofe Inteils batnonberss. 4 Suivbdidysmem sns SclA 3 wnllbom’lll;nm greenbacks, or by Wllcoml-rnregmna letter, by. Mon m" morning mails, November #, or if preâ€" tonndpfl:unnhomhymc in any otmhor wnm by them IMM order for pocket books, ember 2ith, 1876, and _ _‘ ___ . â€"</ *‘ * THE WINNLNG NUMBERS V{m?uvmmm&.lgu?u:ldmpfln c humu,m.m ew York newspapers #flm, ovember 27th, io enernl u’i:m ager) Post Ufice orders to be draws on the firs! Nationa! Hank, t $il, is Prace, ts Gapriatis Rpripetge Office, 630 Street P o State of Pennsyivania on %-dnauu.hut: METCALFES ‘Wholeshle:. READY MADS CLOTHING Estab Toâ€"lay, at 2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clock, p.int. ROWE & ERRATT, at; notwithsianding that T-'r"nï¬' was one taird l&ngum:m mta‘.“m..““;... 4ure of I no ve B_?ï¬â€˜ï¬‚em .-.Lt-.g( the bankâ€" The rale will elose on MONDAY, the 21 day 0; NOV EMBER, 1875 and orders for pocket shouid theref re /A h% al onceâ€"no by let« :ar after «y, November Y can be en ew. %. i 3 _ 1000 of the Pocket Books are of the paténted Mo!'l‘ IMPORTANT rupts in the in:eresis of ithe râ€" he nad MN&%M&MN%«: cur ~w» price, Dyiubm A-onm†uum.u;mn me time en xeulnuflrmudnalpmnuu#nuvu;ml 3 ou%.lnlluly goubie the valae 0f she amonut you forward us, and it depends on your lnck what amount you gain of the ONE HUNDEED THOUSAND DOLLAR MONEY HOW CAX THIS BE ACCOMPLISHED? Is a question many doubtiess ask |hemselves ex « ‘mm anxious to se of and Mm'_uquu,mâ€mmm in realize on the enti‘e suock of the bankrupts in one sale, m%oaer W cash for the iot} after ad ug na for rale ior one ::mh..udno;.mflu&nn‘h d’d'l;“"h total stagnation of trade hm-m On Friday, the 29th Inst., at 2 o‘clock, rence, i'uTy: t"o'ioTl'b" 'Fflél'ifm‘ tion atâ€"hbis Commencing on Fridag next, at 2 o‘clock, ‘The subscriber is instructed by <# P aouag 3 oo wagtare jucpiantronitem Pleg: The most i ment of rare and Tnteable work ormt everitonn tnt o oonaisting iu: part of beautiful marble patiour and vasee, a fine assortment of marble »n:1 alabaster figures, equestrian group.vnn card receivers, and. numgrousâ€"otherâ€"articles of art and ver:u, This 1« the finest assertment of the lbwe,podl ever offered by wust/on, On exhibition, r:g worting <Raleéâ€"Friday, at 2 ociock, and evaning al 7:30, without reserve, untll all is aoid. c-ul;au.o‘:lon F%. p 1 & Signor Pan will‘be present at each LC VEâ€" ECmy Rdmy 81‘“; m"mfl#lfl DOLLARS . The Company yus MBtes % retarn 1o each And &t mese same evenine, sad dhop day at sal â€" 400,000 PORTMONIES OKET BOOKS. af the bos. inauningiars Au0 supp‘e unnilly, THE UNION POCKET BOOK COMPANY having Ssecured by cash purchase tha entite bankrupt stock of Messrs. H. Mortond & Co. of the best manufaeture and -g:b aualuy, each pocitet book being made of 1 Merosso Leathor; mefl\»;t & wm-&r god havi g in view the old moitoof the ho ««s, rgmux rlornl:u WITH.QUIOK :‘nun!s on e company have decided on giving eac! individual purchaser â€" : â€". Olithr r s nerativ f gt wa URNE RUNDEED TRoUsaND Donbank THE 'rmï¬mm&z CABK o 21 i w w is ; 6 8rd w a * C ?QEP%S o_r’;h_g‘ai:sï¬ï¬â€˜b * ud E.-p‘»«’!*â€" l &n%g ’M! a! s is * * AUCTION. SALE, Lon‘t fall to attend the aucions. Private s2le at augtion prices, Ottawa, Oct. 27, 1875, 100,000 Given Away. TRADE SALE. RBEAT CLEARING CHANCE FOR ALL, BY J. BERMINGHAM, LEA & PERRINS of Worcester, vour of Frank stewart (the Comâ€" SPARKS STREET. : Remember thejsaie J. BERMING TAM, Auttioneer, N* xe«mxos, au 2CÂ¥ S ep and Rbonmatic difficulties. it has been prove ::c‘::m and convincing m 1t is nsed Internaliy and Externality. + Bold everywhere. : Price 2 ots. x . |. TIEBB&Y DAVIS 20@ *, Sote Proprictors. tatite Ior the extinence of haks. 4s man i the best ever know? tor Bruises, Outé Nee oo En mae #tpMten: thace or uce and efver bovon for all gackh "‘wï¬'ï¬ { Canker, Asthma, and 7 After thirtyâ€"five years it is still recetving OFFLOE;â€"No. 121, first fioor, {Sparks Street, fReetooe y e m " Liguors at unuseally LOW PRICE®S to _ make room for their Spring Stock. 5 lbs. of sound Tea for $1.60, vaine warâ€" [ eA ognarjaln." Hierrings, from 80 ots. to $1.00, aocording t UIG H‘ WLNES, PROOF AND RYE tion of $1.25 per bbl., dry ‘Codâ€"fish, Onarse : Western Apples and nions, also on > which are selll ug at a requction for 0 As From Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distillery,; SOLD LOW. & Is hereby . given to our patrons and the pubiic ' q m h‘“mbwl in m?flé‘wg.l-! as & Oo, they have OPENED 'll or@L under -m‘-:f-m-mm newly appointed Generai Agents for the UWaWa pomans 10BA0008, F.CKLES, BALL BLUE * COL. A. C. O,L I&}BW}’OD. BUWARD ‘-'l)_,",‘ "ok '.""‘M % o 9 winigat amou _ _ Poml®" _| santes w hn MOMe t( P â€" Car | o ts + 1 pogk, a + 1â€"Amedy ab ie v3 Ottawa Branch â€" > â€" â€"~*â€" + 38 Sparks BP W \ CLUFF & MILL,| contras acernts"=~>= || C Prize for MARBLE MANTLERPTRO First Prise for MARBLE MANTLEOIEOC The Royal Exchange Hotel, fls WELLINGTON STREET, _ > A ‘First Class Family and Commercial Hotel, Agricultural Insurance vo Fall and Winter, 1875. vhaste designs, GBAT «tas Platu :.' «Cooutes Parel W.-am'a:m%&,%%f i Sumeu mNTSRTSEAE mat C s new io CONSTELLATIO! [ l ABéAND, PA A d ] a 8TARCH, RICK, RAIBINB, CUBRANTS, NUTS, CIGARs, PAILS â€" and BROOMS, also, Baskerville & Bros., ‘~~ No. 86, Rideau St., Ottawa, 0. D. PEASE & O0O‘8 PIANO FORTES. | _ _ _ uwrmâ€"IMNyuth'Tub- aâ€"hlm..‘:?“.“ 4 Ottawa, llov.?w.'l[t‘.“‘ atsuse 0 hite “..:'â€.h ""‘";: . v Suwoas We coge in e aunith anne enc evat i t P say~186 & 188 RIDEAU STREET. "we _: W . M ~BOMERVILLE, as sole Canadian 4 an codieetistel Enons KB 04 and bast rigg for Irou Ralling," maamuia OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITE WORKS. mz:gwcy‘wm c::c'...:.u Also, Box toves, Pariour T iï¬gm All kinds of Jo Sbirg by careful workmen. f <..‘..~: 9 BUTTERWORTH & CO.,8,â€"=*_ The newest desigin in CEMETEKY|FENOLNG, suitable for the various Oom & a. weu srmnged stook of Mantot, in | Amencan, Jimhen and Colgored | | ) uo u8 a m nc t 0e 1875â€"PROVINCIAL: EXHIBITIONâ€" T6, Sparks Sreet, â€" â€"~ ~ â€"<~~~â€"â€"_ â€"> ._z.~ OWm TB wekk TtiakEx EY * f ._â€"~ W, M. SOMERVILLE, MARBLE & GRANITE WORKSs, 8STOV ES. Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s PALN KILLER. .__ She Larges: m'hï¬m;’-flgd Monuments, Headstones, .Ob Grocers. %"fnï¬?"x"g;&ï¬kn ?AM * tonbe: Eeiton . coodibmantes *~**~" for 1'01".?},"& is NOW OPEN. P. A. TAYLOR, Proprietor. . 8. MKINNON 4& CO,, HEAD® ~OFFICE, MONTREAL. CROWN JEWEL g} AX “}' veiorlis, Te Assurance. CAPIVAL â€".~ $1.000,000 °_‘ AND ORGANETTES, . * No. 2}i and B4} Weilitgion Btreet. ~** (E8STABLJSHED 1880. ) SPECIAL NOTIC K. AGENTS FOB THE TIMES (Daily Edition) as pemin of 2ouis Dpoat ao., at 6 ete on the BOOTS & SHOKES. c Eis &# Â¥ ance of the time, tor $1.00, or s of L&nterns and Biides with dineeâ€" !%%mg . ~ Ottaws, Oct. 2, 195. * WIkia® _ A new caliscton of most i I{‘ %'-i\ ï¬%m“ !".u.".ï¬â€˜ LiAÂ¥s 'u m in cgnk o Pentemts on en es oc copes t r onl i ht 1ng o Oteme The High School Choir, . snn io Fmtanie uies . rountmrce sonoonn .. _ THE SHINING RIVER, 8CHOOL LANTERN MILCROâ€"SUIENTIFIO = P & ""Ne ies Kach style being the best of its kind Sn the ':I’o“mmhmh.. l:;â€" Stereapticons ‘and Magic Lanterns, _ PHOTOGRAPHIC MATERIALS. “‘(?,',',':w"fl l:ufrx.v f Manufacturers, Importers & Dealexs in Stereoscopes : & Views, The former is by H.#. A",r»p HIGHEST MEDAL at FOR HIGH ANvGRAMMAR BOHOOLS L tA L llmnli“u ALBUMs, GRAPHSOOPES aud SUITARLE RADLANT LIG nr-ml ®€:" ‘, Livinewaters] >*~ _ _| 4A CeNTERN ) 1 ) s abler ss&nés mi NOW REA VY , ,*Inanuimcares by § "p Pm sSTOVES. 15 Bussex Street GHT, d + 2a0es masts 4o | gryTH t mrs t + 3 1‘ YÂ¥OL. HOTEL {RON Mills! . . NICH Myrtle March F OR Ollawa, Oot. COOK! CONMI! It is made of #° 6 18476. U soubeit h 1 you h 17 8 A V