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Ottawa Times (1865), 2 Nov 1875, p. 1

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he IP R cLNING ESE MEDAL at ATERIALS. ta 40â€"0 e oddâ€" & Dealers in RAMES, | k Views, ). Porkins, and‘ â€"ounded everyâ€" 180 BivE®" of E BANGE, &C. NORKS. ae ) is kind in the TTAW A, )tders by Mail, *» «ko money with ©RIVER. It & [0., 1 Choir. ROPRIE NOR OES. CRES, astiful rans l’rw.u,lon- ulitied LAÂ¥V» idee with direcâ€" *3 LANTERN inat this Com pnrgo-l comm U ".:1' whad Mi d. SUITABLE (‘H.M :;‘- R. Ives a s Streoot. 1875, RGANSY BOHOOLS. rdol otel, Hotel, D76iaW TRAP3 ‘_ ?‘;!ilts’ ‘upply 'Aga\ncy 1 Myrtle Navy Tobacco. I NICHOLLS & CO.,â€" f HOUSE & LANXD AGENTS, { Advertising, Registry & Geneâ€" $ ral Commission Office. [' N Eo w S FOR EVERYBODY THIRD, The Itailations Welgh bout } of !’-!m_uunrhc.-::m omm Cas UCnrverse & Gilders t all deecriptionsfat * CALCWELL & CO. . â€" Â¥ar hk s o4 A 36 ragers. | n\ arCHAMBAULT, BOTEL COUKING RANGES! [ 1E C CE ol | Advocy te, Solicitor, &¢. > HOTEL CAR\;I.NG TABLES$ !,! | sSar -n.Jwéuuw. . . MONTREAL HOTEL PASTRY ovxx*-m ' ie ataiiuiseni d Rmiadl of sorst imox BRDsTRADs ! | ‘Z,ucdficnl Cards. > HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVEs!! onmmmmbrrmane n ~ | p= . comme®, mop in hn mt Rion HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACE8 !!! |{®uke? imorly geevpied by the Hon. P., Mit« SMI Ba 17 yoL. VIIIL, NO:. 3944. _ sHOW C+ \KS MADE TO ORLE® Wareb 12 1974 2 (% RIDEAU STREET, ‘ CORNEER OF DALHOUSIE STERET GOIIAISSIONS UNDRTAKEN, ; ’““m'“‘“ufl".'a':;:":"-':‘.“" "Siertiinat a2) (reditors Mouses and Stores To Let in all Parts o gg}'qcrs & WGilders. WILRON & ORR, Each Plug Weighs } of a Pound Hmufactured only Ottawa, Revt. BLYTH & PIRST , I% is nfade of the Finest Virginia LeaL â€" pardware, &t. Oftaws, April ;115, 78 |COAL OIL cOOKING STOVES, w6G6Q =narksâ€"st. old HEAT 1t TXE HOUSE, Railroad, Hay, Coal, Drug_Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. NE IS GENUINE! POMINION WA _ CHOUSE, FAIRBANKS & CO. "" PEq SWVE RREE TL TT U se dar a it you have land or Louse prope: ty for sale ; 1. you have any kind of propurty for sale ; 1. you want a servunt or tore assistant & f +o0_ CALLGAT pw. Seiting. Flles, Packing, Files reâ€"cut, 23e . Judsot‘s Atandard Goverbors and Mfln“‘ Vaives, Steam Pumps, : asstey i the OLDUSE uai" LIGHT e M COMPANY &c. 1875. | COAL !lmhn.h.o'ountor'MIm & BORBO C TUD® T7 _T tw anle s ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to erder by _ p PICTVRE FR A M 6 A8ST END Chemist & Druggist, 7 sperks Street, M ear Russe!! House 0‘CoN N OR TR EET, SCAL S sAaAVING FUEL pLATFORM AND COUNTER wb ST. PAUL STREET, Trree Reasons for Using the , Ont. 18th, ;‘ MONTREAL. LOOKINGâ€"GLA®® and M aNUFACT URER® Next Viet ria< hambers. ez m{ Qe j 29 UNLEFS STAMPED ALL SIZES, TTAW a OxY., STANDARD *a each Picg. by the Original Imventors. â€"ATâ€" H. M EA DOWS & l IN-.:%?@ ',]ube!..-nb N-t:l'.- J. W. MeRAF‘3, COAL Waeilingt‘n Stre > 1875. 20 im I 3874 InM4w Rarristers, Solicisors, Attorneys Conveyaucers, &¢. ye. heil‘s Biock, Eigiuâ€"st. 1%05:1.:. &. W. 2cort, Q. C. wol.sop STEWART. J. 3. Gor» vet_1> 1874 4 o‘;:rrl-u;n and| Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &c., OfTAWA, ON1. 000000 _ .0 O ‘v MARSHAL MATHESON, o KEarrister, Attorney, Notary, &¢. OHca â€"Master in Chancery CHa m be r3, Houg~, . MaWA (.‘\ma&dl sarristers, Solicitors, Atiorneys, Conâ€" veyancers, Notaries, &¢., &c., . Cfficeâ€"sell‘s Block, opposie ,?uneu House, _ W. H, Warke®®. | P. PaNROOK. . _ _ ghell V barrrie ter (b-ve{.mr &¢., Sol citor * J 'h-«;r,. . ( fMiceâ€" Jpposite the Russell House, over i son‘s «onfectiquary, £@~M~ney io lend on Real Estate; _ _ _ POMRMEC C7 1 e t Een mtc ne I i Notaria) a~d Leal business, eitherâ€"in the "rovin~e of Qu@bec or )ntario. Special care ven to the colleg¢ticn of accounts in botb P10â€" Pbysician, “l'..l and Aor-om Orrawa, ONT. | ~â€" Day (Office brrn @treet, Centre Town Night ! mu-;n is residence, Maria Street Centrs To«n, } Caucers= cured without the use of the knife, by a rew but c6r a‘n s eedy and olmast painâ€" !eâ€"s nrocess. &fenn« yiven io arties; sÂ¥eâ€" re«stu ty treateri if req itred M & arristers, Attormey®, Soticig@@s, Co veyancers, &¢., . w: the late uirm of Lewis & Pinbey.) rovince oi Quebec > Barrister An:my, Solicitor in Chanâ€" ery, &e, for theRiovince of Jniaiio. . M‘an <ureet, Hail, P. Q se-&n C.v. H. FERLAND, A d v o c a t e. & T muorary Qvige at Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main treet, rull, ; I PaL. OhYre c D.- J,. P. [F'.o . s May be consaltgd : at hix Office. corner of O‘Con= tC Barrister, Attorney, Solicitors, &c¢., Orlce Over Mr. B. buckel‘s: Flour Store, Qruer oi ~usses ind Yorkâ€"sleels Qliawa, __ Uity of OTTA w A, County of Crrieton, Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Corner Weilington and Bank streets Otiaw». Huum Public Buildings, Green Houses, . ignute dence by fiigh or low pressure, 1M > EL 1"CONNOR, Heit. 8, 1874 S o x ___Netary Publicand Advocate, Has opeued an |~lice in the Village ~f Hull roviuce of ‘;nguee. for ine transaction of ;1NHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, Dl. J. D. 4. MACDONELL, e3 :o:u:n. Mouth side of Rideau street near Gou» eatef . 4 Consullaticans at all hourse dibt B vl\o CONTRACTORS & BULLDEES & $ NTE ELL_LWCY 1 ean:" â€"Wishl 'l‘. Lt D M 3. 2A drctvanistiioe dibathiter verentontecatt The undersigned has zsmd a ston -CI“(GJ' Yard, Cornâ€"r of King and t Ardreow EStreot #here bn:lding suone and posts or all descriptior wili be kept e~nstantly on hand, Orders are -&oc\!nuy solicited, for all kinds of‘ Etoag» uiilng. everRiph rpA .‘ )Â¥ 1( ®»â€" ilgin Street, Ottawa. k. Pou®t A. J. Oarisortm®.} H.P. Arar. hegnPalr se 484â€"im “IT-U' E. COTTON, ‘s Provincial Land Surveyor and Hucéessor to W . & Thistle & Co. Office, as formery, over Manp‘s Mardware Le pu® or ard Albert "th." Ortawa,. Vot Â¥4, 1M74. _ 19 UARRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"AT:LAw, soLtâ€" (ITOR IN CHANCERY. NOFARY, ETC. l‘l!omu P. FORAN, Advod te, Solicitor, &¢. . No 1° St. Jan js Street, . . MONTREAL wnpt. +. 1XI8. | meegâ€"tm _ team and bot water a s: ecialty. REST oF REFERENCES GIVEN G1EBS & COURSOLLE, BOLICITORS OF _ Patents of Invention, Agent‘s Outft tree! Large Commission & Cash Premiums 1 H. CHRYSLER, Jewels of Imaginative Literature : Piigrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wak eficid, Robinson Crusoe, . Paul and Virginis, Gulliver‘s Travéels, Elisabeoth,~~~ Vathek, © ___ . Picgiola» \, . _ LiBaARY O9F FAMOUS FCNON, Uarristers, A“or-oy'-. Sqlicitors, Conveyancers, &¢., M@* o grove‘s Building: Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa. ~ J. h. J‘CoN®OR QC. 0. J O‘Dong®ty. ~o« plete in GNE VOLUMEâ€"Of over .,..‘°“.,£’ fuily Nipurated with 3 ui yage Rofrave mge. | pore 14 is tha. WORLD® STORY s00K, and all LUMBER AND Coxxmg MeRroMANT BROKER, | orFICEâ€"N Weilington St., Rajotte‘s ‘ock, O+ uv:u’n" ssi0â€"ly ‘coNNXOoR & HoGga, . F. COTTON, my Caus irveys in Obfawa ane virinit ‘CONNOR & O‘DoHEKTY, in retiring from the prsehudil profession, ha«ve left with my. former. A-’mulx, SMr. irveys in Ofawa aus vicinity, and Nave m »um,:'o in mmu.‘u(‘fin as my su seor. & y : wW.R. TBISTLE. w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., ® Barrister, Advocate, &c. uio Merob 9, 1874 [TRADE WARK REGIYTERED.] 1CTORIA CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET. OTTAW A. 8834 w. W. WARD, All. Oct. 26, 1874. ‘ALKER, & PENNOCK, u. LoGAX, R. 0. C. WoOub, P ATENTS. ILLIAM MOSGROVE, 11 . 185 ICR: Hard$‘® Block, t k!s>u Street. N. JOHNSTON, C. W. MaeCcUAIG. Zegqal Cards. TEWART & GORMULLYT, ‘Tales from ;l‘hnl“c J. J. GoRMULLY, TDt 3917â€"3m for the 262y Beechwood C itageâ€"close to Rideaun Hall, "Uur mnished for one o"*two yeats‘ It is well and comlnrablf furnished, containg six bedrovims, ¢rawing, dining and breakfast rooms, besides libr=ry, summer and winter kitchen, servants bedroom® tathrooms, &c, Good stabling, ecachâ€"house and wood sheds.. Tue grounds are well laid out with full grown shade trees, flower becs, croquet. law and large kitchen garden The distance from the street railway is fifleen minutes walk on a good plank side wa‘k (qAte dnor, All information can be had on applicaâ€" lskm “&0:‘1: !slu-yu:..lnlm Co‘y, corner parks in St: ee! \ c Nesz T. M.. CLARK. entered D the Pl:?rb'u'vlbl of the above Hotel. l-le?oondpcl by Mr. ';fll Kvans. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars are kept. and the promptest atte ‘tion is paid to Guests } 3 _ smali fami‘y, will be rented cheap,. Adâ€" dress C. W .. Tim®s Offic , 30531 The "Feathers"‘ Hotel ~ THE "LONDON," «t NOONAN‘S RESTAURA NT, Sparks st eet. BOARD with ur withont rooms, »nd ‘coom# withoat board. Table and rooms firstâ€" class _ Corner Sparks and BHank streets, and within two minutes‘ walk of the Pariiament Buildings. i MRS, FORCTE, Mr. BEN. HUCKELL begs to announce to the general and tiavelling public, that he has V M en onl Sirecl. cApjly __ mick‘s Terrace. O‘Connit street, Apply FU?H mlflb Dinner is :nvflo‘ from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" . able rates. '1\6 LET.â€"A turnished coltage sullable 4of & small fami‘y, will be rented cheap. Adâ€" 1s now open for the m.?Uonof Guests, This Hotel has been furnished new throughout, reâ€" SIBVAI‘I'! WANTED.â€"Three or tour ood Housem»ids can find omploYmnnu the CilsBY HOUBE. Apply immediately. > 00 LABOURFRS WANTED |immeâ€" dlnu%ut()obdon. on the Pem broke ch a; the 0. C. Rallrosd. ‘Wages £1.2% rer «‘&. Hoard in the village yery reas(nâ€"ble. ROGERS. K FLLY 4 Co 3954tf Angloâ€"American Hotel gardless 0 expense. Choicest wines, liquor®, cigars, &0. Good Btabiing. _ _____ _, . __ ... \Ridean Btreet, near Sappor‘s Bridge,) FRED POOKS® â€"«~+ /« Propristor. above popuiar Restauran evlargen hy hy muditioe o ' S%E'E’:::.-tfh.. toroagh fhon ~â€" _ Wellington Street, near Bank. v. n. CHALKER, BR }BERT GRAHAM ‘"Fentlomen nonort n ng this Kitablishment with t m fonthamat ol on sutet alinon The above Hotelis well supplied with the Choic; st Wines, Liquors, Cigars )mnilt us to and from the Cars and Bosats_free The Royal Oak Hotel, Â¥xnibition visitars will be well accom« modated during Exhibi« Moard & Lodging. Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout % ALWAYS ON HAND, The Dufferin . House ll now open : for business after being reno» . vated and.Rewly fitted for the comfortand sccomodation of the travelling community. s beaitiful and furnished with the choicest brands of Liquors, Cigars, etc, Your call will be kindly solicited. M s ds E. J. HENRY, P.HOTOGRAPHE R, Pursnant to the decree made in ‘@ certain of use ef the (‘anada Permanpent Loan and Savâ€" ings ‘Company verrus Johoxton. ther= will be fd Pite We P o thie Cral c aind/ ngony .0. es a r or} @t LA mi, bj mor ie ces oo Bhany doen t o meld ate steam m n t;e m yard of Meâ€"ars mnm at Haw s osâ€" bur‘, at the hour ofoue @cluckâ€"tu tue afterncon: of Friday, the twentyâ€"ninth day of Octobe 18 5, the fo.loWihg land aod premises; . ... . _ SBept. 1, 1875. $B@~ A CALL IS SOLICIT ED. We Oltawa, Sept, 2 1875 3984 Corner Bank and Wellington sts., OPPOSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRK S4or8 1 _ _â€"__ WM, ALEXANDERB, Propgzior, Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1875, m 1 Mill Site & Machinery. LA 30 O Accaigniaicce . banâ€"sete > 2 ic + Fart of lot twent yâ€"five (25) in the first conces» ston of the Township uf Kast Hawkesbury conâ€" taining $wo actes of Lndm or less and ds« as follows: commencing at the nt where the aide line between lots twebtyâ€"five id twentysix runs iuto the Ottawa Kiver, thence due east to the public Ferry Road, leadâ€" ing to the river, thence North alo%uu West shie of the F y road to the Ottawariver, "';."r'm'in'."rnm'" oi"umuuqâ€" inning. . _ flnmh- :ame but r(mmnud as a saw mill on said premises io w. are three large ctrcular raws, one shaft and wheel and saw frame=. The are a favourable innomiaianiatran, io alge or . :‘h_n Ferry w is now in erossin, the ‘There will also be sold at the zame time and skie of the F.rmy road O VDO GURIW®: M 700 thence West and "outh along the bank of said mill above men:ioned. stavdin g in the mil} ya }m(g ‘b f Poonc in sn rcctnaely bas been famaged For ars: \apply to JONES sn Ainmeiipreged Porent s * " peted at L‘Qrignal, this $0th day of Septemâ€" * fsigned) . JOHN BUTZEB®ISUDC . JSuoly 98, 1876 HOUSE TO RENT. A..BION HOTEL, ‘ourt Hoguse Avenue, HANCERY SALE PAE or Houses to Ket. J A R V I 8. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. 69, SPARKS STREET. (LATE JARVIS & Tdlants. OTTA W A, Ont. CHAUDIERK, Atotels. troh Weilk, Chike t Relbanss. ""Iys houre wo‘sbip of the above «Popric .o â€" The famous Dr. Storrs, who has figured 1 quite conspicuously in the Brooklyn scanâ€" dal, and one of Beecher‘s most steadfast friends, has resigned his pastorate of the Church of the Pilgrims, Brooklyn, and acâ€" éepted a call from one of the large con‘ gregations in New York. | The London Times is of opinion that the appointment of a Committee by the Great Powers to examine into the, internal affairs of the Turkish Empire, would reâ€" open the Eastern quéstion in a very formidable shape, and that England is not prepared to take upon herself such a grave responsibility, in the present unsettled condition of affairs on the Continent. A severe engagement has taken place between the Turkish troops and a body of Insurgents, near Zubsco, resulting in the defeat of the former, with a heavy loss in killed and wounded. : . | . Mr. Moody, in his discourse at the Brooklyn Rink yesterday, compared sinâ€" ful and fallen man to the sick in the Wilâ€" dervess, who were only healed by looking at the Brazen Serpent, which was held up by Moses. "Many," said he, "refused to look upon it, because they failed to see the philosophy of it ; so many were not converted, because they did not try to undérstand God‘s Word when it was beld up and expounded t> them." The Alfonsist troops have captured the city of Ordunna;, an important stronghold of the Carlists. Advices from the seat of war in Liberia, via Cape Palmas, state that a battle 0f considerable magnitude has taken place between the Free Negro Republican troops and several of the native tribes, resulting in the signal defeat of th? former. It is said that the law enacted by the Liberian Gongress, prohibiting trade between that Republic and the Native States, o(Aung- great dissatisfaction among the foreign mercbants of Mon: The Prince of Wales arrived at Aden, on his way to India, yesterday. > .« The London Times is |strongly opposed to the scheme advertised in London, of floating £500,000 of the bonds of the Keokuk and Kansas City Railroad. The French ironâ€"clad Magenia was blown up at Toulon the day before yesâ€" terday, and several persons were injured by the explosion. The Czar of Russia is taking vigorous steps towards the suppression of the Socialistic movementâ€"in his dominions, several of the leading agitators having been® arrested at ‘Moscow, Zula, Odessa and St. Petersburgh, and it is fln’mm of the Russian police that an ual blow has been struck at this organization of fanatical conspirators. . | The Mark Lane Fgpress; in its review of the corn trade, reports the market as rather depressed all over the Continent, and business at Odessa, Russia, at a coms plete standstill. ; f Loxpox, Nov. 1.«â€"â€"The Times of this‘ morning, in its fnancial column, deâ€" nounces as an impudent hnbn} the scemme advertised here for foating £500,â€" 000 worth of bonds of the KQ:k‘uk and Kansas City Railway. The Eastern Questio®. The Times this morning has a lndln, article on the utterances of tha Oficial G@azette of Nt. the effect that steps must be taken by foreign Cabi; néts to strengthen mfi({cnu so as to enable the Pom"'t‘?,fulflll its promises. The Times says :â€"" We presume Russia thinks that a conference of the Great Powers should review the Treaty of Paris, and examiue into the state of the Turkâ€" ish Empire. If a pressure is all she has in view, it can be more safely applied by a conferencé, . If she aims at a more soâ€" rious intervention, it must go so far, in order to be effectual, that it would raise infrsthe chape. Rigine i“d’;%‘c‘“"..{ml’ e midable . to take prominence and re-pondglll y «in the present unsettled state of Europe. Corn Market Review. , The Mark Lane Express, in its review of the corn trade for the past week, says the weather has been more moderaté, but there is little chance for field labour OTTAWA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1875. TELEGRAPHIC. in England yet.. Samples are . in‘ poor mfihfi. liut the oagtioulnul ‘of the illers ept prices at previous rates. At Paris, flour was a franc ohumhflo wheat was unchanged. ‘In the Proviuces wheat is 6d. to 1s. dearer; and in Belâ€" gium, Holland, Germany,. Dantzic .and Vienmpfloumfirn,ndinthohthr the market rather dearer.. At Odessa there has t‘::en scarcely any business, because of preétensions of holders at Plymouth. The Case of the "John Pascal." { Toâ€"day Lloyds‘ representatives examinâ€"| ed eight of the sailors belo‘:fl to ‘the crew of the John Pascal, b at sea, and were satisfied as to the &mfll truth of their depositions, and them they would be no longer retained. : The quesâ€" tion arises, what to do with them. The United States Consulconsiders that he is in no wise reaponsible for them, because they shipped at \Calcutta, and also beâ€" nuse, with one exception, they are beâ€" lieved to be Bnhihx:,:?.oh The men, wish,to go back to on. Battif â€"Republican Troops Defeated, Loxpox, Nov«. 1â€"Advices fromâ€"Cape Palmas, west coast of Africa, has been received, and â€"reported that on the 11th October‘a Liberian force of 900 troops had attacked some native villages, but were repulsed, and were obliged to retire, losing 24 in killed and wounded. Thes also abandoned three cannous. . It is said disturbances will result from the Liberian law, pnhibl&in‘ direct trade between the Pazis, Nov 1,â€"The ironâ€"clad Magenta, which took fire at Tulon th#day before yesterday, is a total wreck. The ‘t%:- oionwhi::do:::rnd uet fl;ou::hfi.- a toricuse Relaireur, e flames were almost immediately q‘xm w persons were sligh jured the explosion. o + natives and‘foreigners. £ arKRiT BRITALNR,. rnnjulono =:I'|m‘ Reheme The Ironâ€"clad *‘ Magenta®" a TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. ; almost immediately extinguished.| â€" ~Burglars entered Merrick‘s millinery w persons were slightly injured ‘byâ€" .pddrygod(huononY_onq street .last. explosion. + mht.mduwleuhrp quantity of silke, comenpemmemememmemen voh{nf“ther! and “h:‘f”d" They TURKEY, â€" | bored in the back door, and then unlock; Â¥ eaamm . . ed it. No trace of the thieves has been The Sultan‘s Treops Dofeated. found. | Goods ":.:[b’ ,k'g""'d $700, ,:. 0 Nov, . 1,â€"Ei en‘ hunâ€" | cluding [three. _ jackets, we Tuais wore defented regently; while C o eP inorayt Jured i oking a strong insurgerit position n« uo will go barefooted ? . Just look a ufim\w@ Beust Lex‘s window, ~A ,m b to the Insurgents in killed | Prundlia Boots and e ; waunded was ouly 24. â€" One Dollar and Fifteen Conte. F O R EIG N . LIBERIA. FRANCE, _ ~Soclalists Arrested. o . Loxvpox, Nov. 1.â€"â€"The Russian Governâ€" ment is engaged in a fresh and vigorous crusade against the Socialist agitators. Arrests have been effected in numerous places, among others at Moscow, Zula, )dessa, Riazan and St. Petersburg. In one yillage alone, near Moscow, thirty working men have been seized by tho police. «Some of the prisoners tttomi:'d iesistance, ard one named Rogatcheff, believed to be one of the principal leadâ€" Â¥rs, defended himself so desperately that he Had to be killed. ‘The Russian‘ police are reported to be under the impression that they have in the present in stance struck a blow at a very.stronghold and centre of the movement, which will put a1 effective stop to its further spread. Loxpox, Nov. 1â€"A Standard tele%}rlm fro% Santander says the Anfonsist Genâ€" erais Lamo and Quigje havs captured Or dunna. « Movements of tho Prince of Wales. losx, â€" Nov,; (1.â€"â€"The | steatmship. is, with: the PRrince of Wales on bogrd, arrived here toâ€"day, eh route to | London Markets. Loxnox; 3:30 p.m., Nov. 1â€"Bullion withâ€" drawn from the Bank of England on balâ€" ance to day, £39,000. Liverroot, 12:30 pm. â€"Cotton steady, uplands, 7d ; Orleans, 7id. Corn, 31s to 3& per quarter for mixed western. Talâ€" low, 47s per owt. Nzw York, Nov. 1.â€"Cotton quiet, j d&c;ilnef; 14c for middling d:mlmdn. sf.lgur steady for good grader ; shipping es shade firmer ;‘ receipts $22,000 ; sales 1t,000 bris ; quotations unchanged. Rye flour, steady at $4 25 u% Wheat iet, without decided change; receipts a‘]ltz,wO; sales $5,000 : Enubn at $1 14 to 1117 for No. 3 Chicago;: $1 31 to 133 November do; $1 34 to 1 35 for No. 2 ilwaukee; $138 to 143 for No. l ring ; $1 22 to 1 35 for winter red wesâ€" tern ; $1 2 to 1 38 for amber do; $1 40 1 50 white western. Rye qni’et and ::m. Corn, shade firmer; light supply ; qmipts $867,000 ; sales 38,000 bushs at 34 to 740 for steam western mixed ; 750 for sail do ; 754 to 70¢ for high mixed and yellow, Barley, quiet| and â€" steady ; receints $79,000. . O :tâ€", gteady ; .teoeij:,u $37,000; saies 30.000-@;::: 84 to 47e hite do. . Pork, h t $22 New meas incd $50 pec hh: Potrooomeâ€" @rude, 61 to 130. j § | The Quebec Budget of the 23rd instent says ;â€"â€"" While one of ourstaff was hklno’ the cars at Grenville, on Friday night last week, for Ou-lIlol:Ln most disgraceful scene took place at the rpot, caused no doubt bL th‘:' presende of Mr. Ohlllfl fi.... «a :we.can Kdunhnd. verend divine | took ‘steamer at L‘Orignal and disembarked at Grenville, where he took the first olass car en roule for Montreal, At the depot there were eongregated, no doubt to meet him, a low, disreputable set aot of ( profeas ing, we do really believe, no on what ever, for the moment ann bmkrumh disoovered Mr."Chiniquy iseated in 0%‘; A howunf nolse, mlnphd with J and ‘to hell with Ohlnlqvx, were ut till at length when the threats to the windows were heard in the. car, the matter took quite a formidable shape. A very prominent Romaa. Catholio gentle= to where the crowd was gathered, and in a few words brought them. to their senses . He said he felt ashamed of them declaring in unmistakable terms the fact that he was full sure that there were none of them of his‘ faith in the crowd who would be so low as to follow the teachings of :men who were urging on a disturbance of the nature in question, _ He coun selled them in feeling terms, and wound n;: by "assuring all preosent _ that ey were only ~giving â€" Mr. Chini §uy notoriety by acts of this "kind. otwithstanding .. the . interference to quell the row, two shots were fired and other disturbances took %lwe as thé o;: moved out of the station, but hn.p{:‘i'l‘y onomhur; The Rev. Mr. Borland, of Bt, John‘s, P. Q., <a gentleman of â€" the Government, and a lady from Quebec; were in the car at the time. very prominent Romaa. Ca‘holio bl nu{}-’ou from his seat, a?d woent runulx or mixed westeru and Atate; 46 to 520 A Pennsylyauia printer, who is the father of twentyâ€"six children, is puszsling himself to account for the hard times. . â€" ; Florida papers report an almost total failure of the Dpfif. erop, while Northern free lunch saloon clerks say that there are more sponges around this Fall than they ever saw before. f Nothing makes a Georgia manâ€"so mad as to run a block after Thomas to borrow money of him, and, reaching him, to find that he is Jones, a creditor who has been threatening to sue.â€"Detroit Free Press. They have found a petrified Mormon in Utah, and from t:)!,;, ‘mbor of dents in the hbead, evidently with‘ a poker and fiat iron, it is judged that he ‘had at Capture of Ordunmua by the Royal Troops., On Friday afternoon ‘last, the noted‘Otâ€" tawa runner, Mr. Geo. Irvine, ran five miles in twentg;reight minutes, on the Perth Driving Park. He had promised to do it inside of thirty: minutes, and had therefore, two minutes to the good when his five miles weie done, . . . F Mr. John Lister| retaurn*d: home â€" last week from Port Maitland, Ont., where he z:l been inspécting the building of & light use under the auspices of the Depart ment of Public Wor&. * He is at present in .Ottawa, submmitting his report to the Department. f & It was a‘good thing for her that she opened \ler â€"eyo. ‘She was in aâ€"coffin, ready for butrial, in Bradford, Mass, having been for two days in a state reâ€" oi oi s c hss Ronie ne h ts S Lag . sem death. A relative was astonished to l:oh:l’e supposed cor} '.o!pén am eye, .ndthenlhemrovivz,‘:mii:lihlyto _ A traveller, being at a coffeeâ€"house with some gentlemen, was largely dnmmou the credulity of theâ€"company.. "Where did you say all these "I_OIL acltad a/.sanfl sir?": asked a gontleman present. .. "‘4 ren.ll&l can‘t exactly say," replied the traveller; "but it was somewhere in Europe â€"â€"BRussia, I think " "I should rather thick in Asia Minor." * e x9 erald. .« Me. Olllh:{n.l.qu at Gremâ€" thirtyâ€"three ... wives, â€" Norristown Liverpool Markets New York Markets. ARABIA. SPALN,. 110} |~â€"BDay of Fasting and P » { Es | Nay {,5“, oos: 1. Moody pro.| THE OPPOSITION YICTORIOUS pbw at the Brooklynâ€"prayer meeting sommm: this momini‘thu Friday, the ~12th of Drfeat. of the Walkem Government, Noven(xlhar, ?ppén;)ntod !:r a day of fastâ€" / ronmmume ing and prayer for God‘s blessings. The / ark. i proposition was carried by a standing inv'::o;;'vifiég".o,:t'oa, Th.;h:laohon_._ vote in an assemblage of over 3"&” tion h turtied fourteen membor:pg‘o ple. It was then unsanimously vowr.& ‘ Inde ":l:;“ ix, and the Government invite all Christian Churches of Americ® ; fve, Nine seats filled by Ministerialists to unite in obpervmg the day. _ * in the late House have {..n won hmun Pastoral Calls and Resignations. |(\ppo|ition, and only one seat by St})t is ?n&ofingod that t!:;‘ Rev. Dr. | the Opposition has been lost by them. rrs, 0 4 Church : of Pilgrims, ; : coneprmmmnmemenmmnmenenmmemens Brooklyn, has accepted a call from the Old Erick Curch in New York, Thol dn k Rev. Dr. Fulton, of Hanson Place Bapâ€"| The Trial of Mr. and MNrs. Miller for tist Church, Brooklyn, yesterdry tonder-l Murderâ€"Enters upen his dutiesâ€" ed his resignation, because of dissension No Mestinzâ€"Shipments of Grainâ€" with his congtegation. Mass Meetingâ€"Absconded. > Railrond Qperantives Discharged. â€" | Toroxto, November lst.â€"The trial The Hudson River Railroad Co. have of Johnâ€" and _ Emma . Miller, for discharged over.100 trackmen between ; the murder of James and Mary N"h\;: New York.and Albny, and it is expected | May 30th last, had not concluded ‘w that further dismissals will be made. mcogrt -t:lmrnod gllll toâ€"morrow, and + prosecuton was still in progress. > ""Naw _ . o'::'- ';::‘d.x':'rhm wes | . Auo mitnoks testifed . that. sho â€"Artnd another large gathering at the revival 1ol" qasln inpauen A 5 s ‘xi moetlny, atuipirooklylilill ts qran body was in the house, and she said ing. ~Hankey sang, " Go bury thy hor: "‘g:;mstmm.z..-mau had any= row‘"‘ alone, and the congregation assisted k Mr. and Mrs Nash w j in another hymn. _Moody spolse of the | {ye houre, shey could cosi $ ud fail f l:{w > thei is at bet tbohm‘q;thoyoopldeguly have been duom; k o?'fnitfl the &mfl -fim&rmoe @‘ swore "that Miller of the Inrdfid their unbelief. ® 0M | insured his stock for $1,200 It was not %?rad sinne herototho»ickfitho worth more than $300. §RX ilderness, l{::: were only healed by | m fiddell, coroncr, said that just looking upon the Brass Serpent,which W85 ) mafors the inouest. M.ller bron#ht hiim a lifted up by Many refused to look upon the serpent, because they could not understand the philosophy of it ; sd many here were not converted, because they did not try to understand it, and did not mtEt God‘s Word, . He offered a prayer for the salyation of all those pregent. In:â€" 664.83; bonds bearing interest in lawful mmmf l;hvy Po&ix)on ‘Funz' 3 :le: cent. rincipal, $14 000,000 ; interest, $140,000; fiebt, on‘ which interest has been leased since maturity, principal, $25,860,180.26 ; ‘interest, ©664,2650.75 ; ~ debt ‘bearing no intamr, old ‘demand * and loid' tender notes, | $373,303,951.50; certificates of «deposit, $50,880,000 ; fractiqnal currency, $1‘,681,629.80; coin certi %ul- 100. / Total ‘principal, 12,681.39. Total / ‘debtc." principaly. . $2200,008; n y 161.65. Inter’::t. Ou.fiql(&'.& Notal, $2,252,797,822.07. ‘Cash in Trea* sury=â€"Coin, $73,783,439.66 ; currency, quiry meetings were afterwards‘held in the Simpso:lfi E. Church, ; 533»‘,01 1.01; special deposit heldfor ro. i ycrAgt oY W\ 4 o reity. ovent m * 211401‘ Ootober 1, ‘ 1875," ::.m,cg': 227.09. + ‘Decrease of debt durh month, %MQQl&Q!J-dOM..a..M month, €4,009,010,07 ; de of m aince J 18175, ‘g1 01 nfi'fifi%&#"‘%&' pany, e in la » esn mm tak 740,24 ) interest pald by United Blated, sitinbenity .c:‘.wr.wym ror tion maile, ‘Mfl.‘ml. 8 &““'o of Tlmtlw mld by the United e #21, NBVADA. ) "AEHIVs Proparntions tor nebnilding. y S‘f h&mm,b Nov. ‘loâ€"-lA & hrom ple Cit even Macikay, ohf_mlarm 3t Flood & U‘Brien, with the statement that with the menand material r\t(ow at ‘thdurl ool‘:lalmb:nd, s Oouolid:t:d irginia mine w working as usual in thirty dag; and | the mulnaividcnd will be paid from the bullion ‘tlu.dym ?'ut,'lnd t::.'lurplun on hmdmaw lt no or any a m of wfi in : the ({ongglidzkd Virginia, California, Ophir, Gould & Carry, n:flu, Noreross or Savage reservoir, which is the cause of the flood having exhausted itself. The work of clearing \'h burnt district and rebuilding is going on rapidly, New York, Nov. 1 â€"The Post‘s Washâ€" f:fitpn special says, President G>ant has ered the remom of the postmaster at Ogden, Utah, who is a Mormon, but not apolygamist. This is the first um toâ€" wards the removal of all Mormons holding Federal offices in U tah. * Ax EcosxtBic Nopusxax.â€"The Duke of Portland is the most eccentric of men. So far as society is concerned he is dead wtlxeworlgi. i:;mr.rt:undnmnlf with an atmosphere of my , which no one, puroroommonat,upgnmod' to. peneâ€" trate. Even his own solicitors,. the ago the, Duke‘s annugl , income ... was upward â€" of £300,000, ‘and since that time it has very considerably increased. His Grace has never .been married,; and has little or no faith in womankiad. ; His ruling passion is architecture. . He is tfi o.v:“?utt(ilng on h::l:mb’l-ltmm on ] es and cons| mdl:s like 1,500 workmenâ€"masons, smiths, joiners. . The old Abbey of \:m where he constantly resides, is ap by subterranean passages ong. There are motre . than fifteen miles tunneling. leading to it. When the Duke appears in ll:mtlllon..i‘:dh "d"fiiah?‘ unusual eight, & f ioned wig reaching to hfimcleu. Wet or fi::,s ‘be never slirs out without an umbrelia, and his trousers are invariably tied up below the knees with a pisce of common twine. : He never answers aletter, and,. although a tembor of four London, clubsâ€"Boodle‘s, Brook‘s, the Traveller‘s,. and White‘sâ€"he never goos near them. ; i Burxerr‘s Cocams.â€"â€"A ‘Puzprgor Daenssâ€" xc ror tH® Hair.â€"The: Cocoaine holds in & li uidforw,ntlarn'ppmpocficnddw- doun%Comn prepared expressly for this purpose.: No other compound posâ€" sesses the <peculiar properties which so Lh ’t."'.i“‘:""“"'m,‘ifl' uman ap Ts ’thqhdr,mmm stiff and dry, soft ind;hny.brunnldnp. It is conced> ed ‘by all who have used it to be the best and cheapest hair dressing in the world. s 3980 its i Tas Huxay Hare â€"To give it strength "and lustre, ‘to improve its texture, its ‘pment its falling oit and ‘qmicken to growthâ€"in short to make it as intended, ‘th. crowning personal charm : of both ‘um%hmmhfihm TtX mipratgeg property in tits propanse & s i is preparaâ€" \mwb&m the growth of the fibres,‘ at the sametime rendering "them smooth, silky and elastio, â€" ~ 8978 . managers of his enorpjous estates, are never allowed an interview. . Five . years At the Frontenac Assizes sitting‘ at Kingaton, a true bmwumumdt(thc Graad Ju&pghltnmktl’um conâ€" nected wif“ e establishment of Buck & MoClaren‘s booms," #&Wum’ been concluded. A MERICA N. Public Pebt Statement. The Mormon Question. WASHINGTON, D €. NEW YORK UHAH. mCs Vicror1s, B. C., Oct, 27â€"The elections in the Provincée are over. The Opposiâ€" tion have returtied fourteen members, the Independents six, and the Government five. Nine seats filled bg-nlmu' isterialiste in the late House have wonbmtho (pposition, and only one seat by the Opposition has been lost by them. Several witnesses swore that had any» body known Mr. and Mrs Nash were in the bhouge, they could easily have been saved. , Anin-&n.noesgmhm that Miller insured his stock for $1,200 It was not worth more than $300. is ‘ note saying > hbis wife was sick. Whenâ€" he ~went to ~see Mrs. Miller ske had only. a few bruises, and . was present at the "mqneog next day. . |. ; Dr. Riddell, coroner, said that just before the inquest, M.lier brought him a expected to be présent _â€"One witness £wore that oil was burning in the house, and ‘another aone said that the smell from the flames was not at all like burning wood. . . . .. x 14 Several people testified that they saw the prisoner ‘removing a sewing i and gther articles from the house i to the fire. .« > Eight hundred and tweive thousand four %xundrod eand fifty bushels of barley valued at $734,631, were o!:})pod | from this port, during the month of October. lorA mass meeting of c.on:r‘nfim called toâ€"maorrow â€"evening, been | post: ran-d tillâ€" Wednesday u%wbfiflir ohn A. Macdonald and DPr. Tupper are store, on Queen street west, has «.bsc¢ondâ€" ed leaving his landlord and other . grediâ€" tors to a large amount. . _ BR Ald Turner, Reform candidate, held a large inceting this evening. f There was no meeting of the City Counâ€" cil last night, for want of a quorum, | BRJTISH COLUMBIA ELECTIONS. Tried to Shaot Wimsc!ifâ€"Arrivals } Gare be Increasodâ€"In Transition Stateâ€"The Guibord Case in England â€"The Guibord Funcralâ€" Bavingss at the Bauksâ€"Stocks, *MoxrRtaL, Nov. 1.â€"J. E. Valin, a ung"man, registered ‘at the A: Shel domg ie o m aian m flce owing to a p 6. hhm:h\nbor S?or were wrm:nmaaov%l‘lu expressions, almost ille, i ho ine Rtlomind wores : * 1 have all be dead in twontyâ€"two minutes." Aylmer is and E css mese ts on t go on °' “ * ® 4 Tige . A"" Davin 'mflw" f the OD, a * g;wrnmont of Manitoba, are it (_0_:!‘. es taken the yow of chastity. Good bye. ~I des us dand in vnanige tro workinsd. . _ Tha garrizinm on 8t. [{elen‘s !s‘and is toz:.lnm \3 colhighu: Mh Minerve no presont in a tranaltion mu."&”im Du hmng' severed their connection !i\l l{ while in lnuna:but lor an« sistgnce to ‘help him tun the enterprise. Murphy and Stmmard will probebly ks an %nm:f in â€" the Oompl:w nowâ€" jbeing orm A Montroal who toâ€" day, .r::ummm_ m& states that pu% mmm is much 'J?;. uno::;omhc of the pt‘-‘“ | subject would indicate. 4 P'P No interments are to be ‘made in the Catholi¢ Cemetery after the 5th of Nov., mu‘lya&finbodiu“dutdmhm placed in the vault and kept over Aill TX Samnotto ‘gen‘Téman stated . %o day authorities of the ry that the body of ?hli:'bu‘gluhmldmt be :hi: apy t a. common Mn. morodoiay will be asked to decide as to the admisssion of the stone casket.! _ _ Toâ€"day being fete obligation, was i holiâ€" _ Guibord‘s funeral willâ€"not mk,n-. till Doutre‘s return from St. John, N.B. .. day, . i x > | 3 iuho banks business is quiet.| Fifty thousand loveuimarrind on the ;Mora~ vian for the Merc u'nu.k.“ f to‘ : Btocks were : unchanged quiet Mthporh;rsfirw *&h treal, 1834 to 183%; exâ€"divi 178 to 178}; Pe;?lu'. 90 to 923, Merâ€" chants‘, 91{ ‘to 92; Richeliou, Tele graph, 136 to ‘136} ; Commerce, 123} to 1M4. «. 5 §4 sempnpmmnnmemmmmen ce mgeat j P A "Sxar®" Sroray.â€"The Star,of : tou, N.C., publishes a curious froug one of the ‘inland counties. : It is to the effect that a man and â€"wife mt.z fi hou;: t:r tgpdchy, leavi WbO. ldren in c of a negro thoir retumn‘the four &udmuy%u the floor, andâ€"on the table was‘ia half eaten cabbage. : The girl said that the children had eaten of the and soon after were seized with con and vomiting, and died The * fik&". I:;panudd chilâ€" servant i & some of the cabbage. comâ€" plied, and partook burfily.% minâ€" m it o v found in the heart of it a small raitleâ€" snake, boiled to death. ‘The * does not vouch for the truth of the story, but says that it was told by a reliable| counâ€" ;-’tb“:v'i;drwof ;lhfldm m names e vic the dead rattlesnake." _ | Tas Eopy " Mepivus."â€"Dr. E. P. Miller has returned from &Jhit fi’tbe Eddy mediams. : He‘says in en days he attended thirty seances, and saw z?n number of spirits. ~He thi that Huntoon, ofthe Eddys, is most wonderful medium he ever saw, but the performance is peculiar in giving momenâ€" :l-?fl’fll"“ &mmaq%zmnym_maw- 8 «4 Your own personal friends," ‘the ie | mmmm.vdlh'd& .nn,“whom;oursoogmu._ ize, come to you | vliet, N.Y., and itb&.a‘ mh her. I saw ‘six spirits of my | of thirty feet. They had drilled a in iends in one evenin?, and shook hands | the rock at the bottom, flléd it with four. My own brother showed himâ€" pow‘loc.ndlid:hlth.fon. Then t self to me, I think, fifty/times. ""ne shouted to a boy who had been night he . came outnndtumod);imnlf;:?.dufl . ‘at a windlass: to drmw around twice for me to view him. ‘The them â€" out, but â€" he â€"had â€" quit spirits will tune a violin and pla m:.a post. The | scared .. men dmu?ut.m-ou'h | atou and again, while the fuse of or four voices, and will in ‘ was ‘ shortening, soon audible voices, while the medium is in . intothe hole, s6 Mmufl R plain sight of the audience. ‘fshe had a | extinguish. it, They knew cabinet arranged, sha could show ammw% fifty or more at once, she thinks. and. were m%“z mnedivar is the one who performed ‘most came just before the fuse was ‘buraed ut orhggoâ€" remarkable tests described in OQloott‘s book s occurring through the brothers ; yet ()ldatt did not mention her o o en pipal ha'n.-l.bhunfim. 4 ted to be présent. Daniel Desmond, keeper of a dry goods C A4 N A D LbA N. MONTREAL The |French Canadians of fl& just successfully formed a ci St. Mary‘s Publi¢ Sd:oalqflh-cn- gaged seven teachers for 1876, at an aggreâ€" gate salary of $2,350. cost about $10,750, when all M tdc;p,nsunebg'uny | pleted,. There are leid 2188 feet of iron piping, making a total of 4,044 feet, Hamilton. It is stated that large m of iron ore areâ€" being mined in‘ the township of David forges. s | At the Woodstock a George Thompson was found guilty of R. Ifli.ndoxl. P.P for ‘Wellington. The jury laid daniages at $50. i Great Wistom To The report of the Great Railâ€" way of Canada for the half announces that there will be no di The deâ€" ficiency in the revenue is ome hundred and fortyâ€"one thousand The question of ex ‘Whitby wod: Port ‘Pesy I‘ilwh‘iuld-'b being talkediup, * wh completion of the road to a market m one mornite, at one fare for the double Jour ing CANAOUX . AFFAIRS 11 |alGuaNd, It is rumoured that the flot vile lage of Ayr is thinking seriously of seekâ€" of_.u::m'm;:mnw Â¥ nsdy;ls()mmb':fibd u-ud'o. for the purchase or books, and it is 300. This, with the assistance mtomeny t e hagit i a :? f P The new Grand Trunk mhmdmwm 25 feet s The new bridge is of one lpcndwlut,ofltn resting on stone abutments of great s ’&ffifi\fihiflm abre in going to â€"a ch val, fi“u\.'a:.:::.wfimm. smvags aas ts of hok es apoins Of _gnn.pmmwhzsst% ticipation in a murder, has been imprisonment for welve days :chyurubowuz'.’hrkfl. 1. "«You would say it ird," am xn .:M,:m t mernt ied mt ago, absurd, but not astonishing.: . _ e H, M. Turner; of Savanngh, has‘a for establishing . "a somewhere in A frioa," Jllu K Ave millions of dollars to rfil‘ fiumm‘cv ‘to rnish the money. Â¥ hare Fecaived you m Jentennial Grounds at Philndelfhi®, & © ‘The Rev. Mr. uu,aounw formerly of Massachusseits, thinks th i omm n e i“hd bagged so meny u-a-'?h‘-‘.' or so many dee RF 1 ow w for the i1 the United Mwl‘} mg iA HE"‘ _'.m fnat preside over it, ex officie, : . } should # A pretty lawyer. of Chiongo Sn egar aine hn arvers hiel everywoiike who kocepte‘s bintend shabby, good, ba 1 or indifferent. been r of Moody and Sankey, deâ€" termingd 16 live a betrer life, and ‘onlling hhwqwmdphhq-n:'bdmf youlym’ skulking, wicked, | wbt, you‘ve got ito: ‘tend prayers every in a heap |!" ing decision ; * M e the jail is an old, rickety affeir, as cold as in tron Y ou epplied to this court ?;mmwremi&râ€":&'* ;:duk'foh. $ m-n--tfl"‘“umdm a:..s..u":z“u.. you at 4 o‘clock . this afternoon." * A lea* Cadiz recently, is :no:tho wwfim aflioat. It was built in 1808, in Navy Tout from ‘Npain... Mer T urdes m 2t tons in the registration of that time, and sot, ‘ve ko . "tend every norny::: orlfi‘hck the 'hr.l.: of you Brigham Young says that a woman who io.n'tnnhtdn-.;{x'tdd:‘v.y“: cloth will ‘find Heaven‘s gate too hhe'rmto -:t?r ~Mowever, D‘:.‘ woâ€" men rom twenty ~ men will use from eigteen to tmentr» throuil 1 Pile oC Seaing a dndiint io #9 her cost was $44,000 in Spanish gold. The frame is of Florids live *#” work of ‘red cedar. Bhe has been On duty sixtyâ€"seven years. . ¢ The ing of Mrs .. Moulton at. Camâ€"» bfidp,myhl:‘m,p tJieman, with the unp name of Le Chambellon de Hegarmaean Lenderiâ€" chroqn.hduddme-u.lm customs, one | feature being & o.rp.cb.u{htouthnllm for the occagion. It is a piece of, workmanship of quaint design and beauty and fabulous value, like an Indian shawl. Upon it uinnimbered Norwegian brides of: the liitle fee! uu'&:':'hucpm t w the mystic words ‘of bestowal. s Tvommm.vdlh'd» Â¥liet, N.Y., and had sunk it to the depth extinguish it. They knew that within two minutes thoexphdn'u%:l.‘- and. were frantic wita m boy came just before the fuse was ‘ out, and hurriedly drow them up; but they hai not been raised: more.than half the esc crk~â€" 222 tavting theth full, nearly killed, mong the broken roock at At the Romay"Catholic Church, Dunnâ€" UXITED ATATES BREVITIES (By Cablegram to the Loxpox OrFice ofTHE PRICE 8 CENTS. DOMUINION N: tds mile Rim mrimike mals

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