t 8 64 bQ Ui w4 " ¥€ Ig § if ¢4 The work upon the Canada Central Railway extension from Renfrew to Pemâ€" broke is making rapid, and in all res,:ects satisfactory progress, and the wisdom dis played by AMfr. Foster in selecting the most enterprising, energstic and experiâ€" enced railway men as contractors, is being very well exemplified. The rails and ties are already lying at Renfrew, and the rocess of laying the permanent way will E. commenced upon Monday next. It is exrocwd that this portion of the work will be completed as far as Cobde@n by the 20th of the present month. As to the rest of the line, it will be ready to have the rails laid in the course of a fortgight, with the exception: of the section in the vicinity of the Snake River, about seven miles from Pembroke, where there‘ is some rock to be excavated, which will necessarily take some time. The bridge across the river will also take time to conâ€" struct, but it is in the hands of an energetic contractor â€" Mr. McFarlaneâ€" who has a many men c-p!ged u it uuf';‘o opportunity . of p\um it. forward to an early completion is lost. In fact, there is little room to doubt that the rails will be laid from Renfrew to Pembroke without interruption before the ï¬mofuxtym.‘r‘l: is not & little reâ€" markable that, so as present ances indicate, the whole 37 milu.’oénw mfll have been begun and finished contrast to rogress made in building the NathornCogmuniou Railway. There have been twelve omtncmopp i over one hundred men ef ‘ upon the road, and they will.be in readiâ€" ness, as soon as their present contracts are cmgl:::.-:o start upon the main line to m;nm.;bd:’"; might oo Smol tend, i i most sai :ge- the vcz;poi . Foster deserves great credit for the way in which he has ied the work, as well as upon his of men withâ€"whom to entrust it Acvcipext on tus Main Szgwsr â€"A man named Maxwell, was severely injured yesâ€" terday at the main sewer, on Slater street. The accident was caused by the loosening of the catch on the iron bucket, which is elevated by means of the steamm trave ler from the bottom of the sewer. After it was raiseq and was being emptied, it slipped, i‘i.rutm‘ the man a heavy blow, fracturing ankle bone about the joint, also the thigh bone. In addition to this he received injuries in the back and face, but it is thought no internal injuries have 1boon sustained. lgrhlzlnn d'x':. xmfmodu&o- y summoned, and unfortunate sufferer removed to the Protestant Hosâ€" pital, On the arrival of the doctor, he asked if his back was broken * ‘The reply was that it was not ; whereupon he edfod for his pipe. ‘Ihe injured man is an old sailot, and has frequented many climes. He has been a resident of this city for only six months. He is a married man, but has no family, ‘The doctor says he will be laid upâ€"for some time, but there is no immediate danger to be apprehended on account of the injuries sustamed. The Brauch from Ronfrew to Pembroke Z.Dr. Garyzy.â€"The Doctor returns to Ottawa on Wednesday, the 3rd mlLi and may be consulted daily at the Albion liotel, where he has taken rooms. Persons wishing to see him should call at oncé, as his stay is short. 3984tf. city, will také place in their new Hall, Rideau street, on Tuesday evening next, the 9th inst. Inaugural addresses will be delivered by His Worship the Mayor, and Dr. Sweetliand. A splendid programme has been arranged, several talented amaâ€" teur vocalists having kindly consented to eing on the oecasin. Between the two parts of the Concert, Mr. J. Weldon will enteriain the audience with several won derful tricks in leierdemaino. Mr. Mer cer will presideat the Piano forte. Those desirous of spending a pleasant evening should accord a liberal patronage to the brethren of the mystic tie. The mana gers are putting forward every effort to make the affair a success, THs Westean Buock Extexsion.â€"Sheds are being erected for carrying on the stonecutting for the superstructure of the new extension to the Western Block durâ€" ing the winter. k ‘Tms StougN Leav,â€"Men were engaged yestenla";’ in refilling the joints on the wall of the Parliamentary fence on Welâ€" lington street, out of which lead was stblen some weeks ago. i Broxsx a Sxzconp 11ms.â€"A young lad of ten years of age, son of Mr. &cl?u;hlin. of the Tublic Works Department, met with an accident on Maria street yesterâ€" day,whereby he broke his right arm above the wrist. Drs. Lynn and Wright were immediately called in. The young lad seems unfortunate, as it is the second time that the same arm was injured, it baving just healed from a fracture susâ€" tsined a couple of months ago. Tez "Prerusss."â€"This steamer has been laid up for the season since the 1st inst. Her place has been taken by the Queen Victoria, which will run for the remainder of navigation. s Rxcoveaixo.â€"The Mother®Superior of the Order of Grey Nuns in this city, who has been very ill for several months, is improving in health, and great hopes are now entertained of her ultimate recovery. Tuz Nartua Liwrsâ€"Two men were employed yesterday in putting up a number of lamps along the north .idP. of Wellington street to try the newly paâ€" tented Naptha street lamps. They were lit last night and made a very brillant appearance. ‘The light seems a doeidotl Protectno SeRyics Pirg.â€"A large force of men have been engaged for the last few days in filling underneath the‘ sideâ€" walks, to protect the service water pipes from the intense frosts of winter. Fiui rgowu a Cagtâ€"A boy named Lawrenceâ€" Egan, while driving a cart down Bank street yesterday, fell out upon the ground so heavily that he fractured two of three of his ribs and sustrined, it is feared, internal ini'lurin. Dr. Horsey wias summoned, and the young lad reâ€" moved toâ€"his home on Ashburnham Hill. i he doctor will be able to tell this mornâ€" j« whether his wounds are of a fatal eharacter or not. readings, was well sustained throughout. ’?"!m Rev. Mr. Sgcrlmg very efficiently discharged the duties of the chair, and readings by H. Grant, Mr.. Campbell, A. Chalmers, J H. Bell; songs by Miss (lver, G. Munro, the Misses Andrew, Miss Page, L. Munro, and a recitation by F. Wood, weres all well ‘ren lered. The entertainment in every respect was a highly enjoyable one. Qov Fertows‘ INavgUurRaLâ€"A ~Grand Inaugural Concert, under the auspices of tho Metropolitan and Unity Lodges of the Canadian Order of Odd Fellows‘, in this improvement on the gas l‘ght ‘we have been enjoying for years. Curiixo Civz.â€"At the meeting of the Cttawa curling club, held onns(onday evening, . the following members were elected officers for the present season : â€" His Exceilency Earl of%)ufl'erin, gtlon; Allan Gilmour, president ; Thos. McKay, D.°". Eastwood and Col. Powell, vici- ggesi-!ents ; Rev. D.M. Gordon. chaplain ; eorge Hutchinson, secretary treasurer ; committee of management, J. Gallagher, H. inglis, J. Birkett and C. S. Scott. Tsz heating stove that drives all comâ€" petitors to the wall is the Gurney Base Burner. Buy it Esmoxps Bros. ExtERTAINNENt,â€"A literary and mu sical entertainment was given last night under the auspices of Ottawa City Temple 403 I. 0. G. T., in Rowe‘s Hall, Rideau St. The attendance was good and the proâ€" gramme, varied by songs, recitations: and CANADA CENTBAL RAILWAY Kocaul Entelligence. 2nd Viceâ€"President.â€"Mr. J. M. Taylor. Trea urer.â€"Mr. Andrew Mann. « Recording Seerctary.â€"Mr. D. C. Robertâ€" son. Corresponding Secretary.â€"Mr. G. Maoâ€" farlane. * s Physicians;â€"Drs. McDougall and Malâ€" loch. j Chaplain.â€"Rev. D. M. Gordon, B. D. Aolicitor.â€"â€"Mr. E. H. Chrysler, _ _ _ Managerssâ€"Megers.. J.. Smmth, ~Geo, Stockand, Hâ€" Inglis, A. H. Taylor, James Harris, R. Cassells, jr., J. Mather, Jas. W. Russel}, and Alex ylor. _ _ _Auditors â€"Messtrs, J, Paiglish and A.M. Your Committee have ‘much pleasure in stating that 17 new names have been wided to the roll of members, making the to:al membership 277. During. the year three of our members died, leaving the number on the roll, commencing the the new year, 274. Those whose deaths occu red were W. Sutherland, W. Hutchâ€" inson, and D. Forbes. * The election of officers for the ensuing year was next proceeded with and resultâ€" ed as follows :â€" Président.â€"Dr. J. A . Grant, F.R.C.3. 1st Vice.Presidentsâ€"Mr. J. P. Robert Recording Secretary of the Society for his services. 0 A resolution was passed, in accordance with the terms of the nict, authorizing the payment of a salary ~hereafter to the On motion of Mr. CasszLts, seconded by Mr. DarcuisH the report was received and adopted. Your Committee would recommend that inasmuch as the duties now devolyâ€" ing upon the Secretary have become so onerous, owing to the increased memberâ€" ship of the Society, a sum of say $50 per annum be paid that officer for discharging the duties pertaining to the office. . i * In oonclusioxtx“ your Committee beg to state that no effort has been wanting on their part to carry outâ€" suceessfully the working of â€" Society, aud, if submitting this report, trust to merit the approval of the members of the Saciety as to the mannéer in which these duties have been Your Committee are of the opinion that the Members‘ Roll should be revi and with aâ€"view to that end would s that a special committee be appoi to examine the roll and strike out those who have not complied with the Constiâ€" tutio v and By Laws. ; _ _ . « Your Committee would report that there were oishtoen regular meetings : of managers, and. two quarterly meetings of t.h:eiociety, at which business was trans ac CHARITABLE â€" FUND.| _ ; The Convener‘s disbursements were not so large as usual, but all cases of disâ€" tress broufbt. under his observation were immediately attended to. It is & source of congratulation to find so little destitu tion among their fellow countrymen in so largeâ€"and populous a district. Your Comâ€" mittee, in contemplating the ‘Convener‘s: statement, cannot help expressing their gratification at the vast amount otf good resulting from their actions in reélieving the distresâ€"ed, and aiding the unfortunate among our countryment, who may in purâ€". suit of labour or business, have come here. We are happy to state that our society is tfrowing in strength and useâ€" fulness, and though the funds in the h of the Treasurer have always been suffiâ€" cient to meet all the numerous claims that are made for relief, {our Committee hope that such a state of affairs may not continue to exist, when we take into consideration © the depre-io;: u;i: ‘various manufactures, the severity 0 coming winter, -n(?zxe scarcity of work. Th would, therefore, eatnestly urge ..:fl member not to relax the requisite zeal to place this institution in such a position financially, as would enable our onl fe relep oo jsy, o seoaes till no call for relief, no ory i and no appeal from mg.o' Scotland‘s warmest bairns will ever be uttered with out meeting"a prompt and satisfactory response. . l 4 With regard to the annual games your Conimittee have much pleasure in stating that they were & grand success. Had it | not been for t}w ix:ï¬lemency m l:r:ï¬â€" | ther, our surplus this year ve | been considerable. The novel feature of " tilting in the ring‘" was introduced for the first time in our dish of rts and proved a great attra ction.. _In addition to I the regular prizes your ittée have | to gratefully uknowladgo in | behalf of ‘ the society, the source of pride and gratiâ€" fication it has been to the members of this association, to have received from His Grace the Duke of Sutherland, & silver cup towards our prize list. Srch is in i'.sel&:ln evidencu‘:e that Scotia‘s sons are worthily remembered by an‘" hopoured chief in the land of their zutivity.‘ ber _ of the Society, Mr. Maxx secon ied the resolution. He was elected unanimously amid the loud applause of the members. TREASURER‘s REPORTA Mr. Maxx, Treasurer of the ioty, read the usual quarterly ‘and annual k»om, which proved highly satisfactory. ‘he annual statement showed the sum of $1,147 to the it of the. Society ‘to commence the new fiscal year. . tary remarks, s:‘r:pond His Grace Duke of Sutherland as an honorary m After the usual routine of business large number of new members were 5)1 posed and balloted for, and declared d: elected On motion of Mr. J. P. RosertsON Messrs. Alex. Taylor and Thomas pâ€" bell . were elected scrutineers for the evening. _ | _ 22 " he regular annuml preparatory méet ing of the above society took phoo in their hall, Elgin, street, last night, Dr. J, A. Grut‘anident, in the chgir. There was alarge attendance of mem The aunive‘sary of St. Andrew wus celebrated in a becoming manner by Scotchmen and the râ€" descendants. The procession uuuz:.r:di;I some fo:Lh‘undrod and great enthdsiasm was manifested. . The Annual Meetingâ€"A large Aitenâ€" danceâ€"Increase of Membershipâ€" Duke of Sutherlandâ€"Oficeâ€"Bearors Electâ€"Celebration of St. Andrew‘s In tie evening a social Promenade Concert, was held, under the auspices of the Society in tse Rink Music H £ which wes well attended, but your mit tee regret that financially it was not A success. ‘Fhe Rev. Mr. Gorpox, Chaplain of the Socgiety, preached an excellent discourse to the members and their friends in St. Andrew‘s Church, taking his h‘;t from 1. Corinthians, xii., 20th verse : " But now ;:)ed they many members yet but one (y." prmeal expense incurred hcx‘lprocm-xix; the servi ces of foreign musical talent, and making This can be accounted for by| the extra our concert one of a very high ord@r. Mr. J. THorsUur®, in a few complim ST. ANDREW‘S SOCIETY. ELECTION OF ~OFFICERS. A PAID SECREBTARY. ST. ANDREW S Day. CLOSING PESTIYALS. _ ~ Qn motion of Mr. LeSusuzr, seconded by Mr. Broxsox, the School Management Committee were instructed to arrange for holding the examinations at the close of the scholastic year, ant also for holding a social theeting of the Teachers and officers of the Central West, during the holidays. A resolution was pa sed mb. m to this, â€"granting one T t:.d or procuring prize books Christmas %nni:.m and also a far ther sum of one h dollars to mept the expenses in connection wit: the anâ€"‘ niversary festival and social reâ€"union reâ€" ferred to in a previous resolution. ‘bave been ZV Gurney Base Burnâ€" fa-Whmdn‘yo‘hu{on and we never had to stake one back. hnmna Bros: % 3076 lighting fires, suspending all rules of the the % stroet. DERY woop. » .On motion of Mr. Kizsy, it was ordered Mdï¬emgf&:n &:lhubo‘!;hcod at the disposal 0 i ‘ommittee _fpr_slpopyrnmofmriuaq wood for On motion of Mr. LaSuzur, seconded by Mr: Bevarp, the Secretary was . in structed to insert an advertisement in the Tnces newspaper, inviting applications from ladies desirous of employment as Teaoh:r;in thro Pu&lie‘Sohool; ofl this city, and specifying that none of a lower ptdet,hnzndig.wfll be considered. The attendance is large now and more regular than ever before and shows a steady increase for every month during is is wiiers ding: month las n the correspon mon Ne * year, the total average attendance in all the schools was.................. 1,243 Total on the Roll...... :. :....sszzssmsineky612 Ths report was referred to the‘ Comâ€" mittee on School Management. e in all Public Schools.......;.....s»..» Total number on the Roll............. Mr. Le Susur said he would only be too happy to accept of the schedule, and bring it before the committee. INSPECTOR‘s MONTHLY REPORT. The Rev, Mr. Bortuwiox, Inspector, next read hgnmomtgx report of attendâ€" ance at the Public ools, which was as follows : + Total average attendance for October Total average attendance in‘ the Pubi( SQROOLGâ€"â€"««s+arrssrrrkrrnee . .sesee Average attendance of boys............ Nuniber of Teachets......../............ Average to each teacher in attendâ€" Total number on the Roll............... Average attendance of girls in all the Mr. Rosszrsox, thinking the Commit were going to their report in its otiginal gom,m.pmpnm & nvi} schedule for submission to the Board, bu/ as the report had been withdrawn for amendment, he would simply submit the schedule with a view to having it incorâ€" porated with the proposed amendments to the report. 5 ud en .( The matter was finally compromised by the adoption of an amendment by Mr. Jares lÂ¥nnsws that instead of a Conâ€" cert, that the evening be celebrated by a Ball an J Supper in some suitable place. The Society then adjourned. CoNvENER OF COMMITTEE After the conclusion of the meeting, the Executive met,when Mr A. H. Taylor was unanimous!y chnosen convener of the committee for 1875 76. Board of Public School Trustees last night, iy the City Hall. Present: H. liobinson, Chairman, Messrs. E. C. Barâ€" ber, E. H. Brouson, J. P. Robertson, J. Graham, T. H. Kirby, W. G. Bedard, P. Le: Sucur and the Inspector, _ <_ The resolution was carried on the fol: lowing division :â€" Yeas,â€"Barber, Bronson, Graham, Kirby and LeSueur. _A long discussion here ensugd, some wishing a Dinner, others a Concert, and a few a Ball. i *e, $ gi=) _/A number of communications and acâ€" éounts were read and referred to their respective Committees. | a QHaro®. > On motion of Mr. LeSuzur the commu} nication of Mr. Jarvis, relative to ill treatâ€" ment of his daughter, was referred to the School Managemont Committee, with imtruc;ti&nl o':u inqu‘i"r;l}:hto the ot:rrï¬ot. ness of the gyes t against Mr. h‘(voDO\nll, teacher in the Central School ost. M A letter was read from Miss Hastey, complaining of a reduction in her salary. firstâ€"class teachers employed, and paid them good salaries for teaching these along with other subjects, The adoption of a resolution of this kind would be & serious reflection on our excellent staff. of teachers. Mr. Barsez thought sufficient attention had not been paid to these two subjects in the public schools. He thought the interest of the public, and not that of the teachers, should be considered in this matter. , Moved by Mr. J. P. Ronurtsox,seconded by Mr. Joux Suirs, that the members of the Society meet at Marble Hall, Rideau street, on St. Andrew‘s Day, at 1 ga‘olook rOARD OF PUBLIC sSCHOOL TRUSâ€" 4 TEES. Noutine Rusiness â€" Reâ€"engagemont of Teschers â€"â€" Average _ Attendance â€" \hristmas Examinations. . Ou motion of Mr. Broxsox, seconded by Mr. Ronsartsox,the communication was received and referred to the Finance &mmilm and lnnpqotm,th:ith instrucâ€" ms to repart thereon at the,next reguâ€" lar meeting of the Board. _ PAYING THS AROHITROT, A communication was read from Mr. James Mather, the Architect of the new Primary Schools, relative to the comâ€" pletion of the buildings and handing in the final estimate for them according to contract, and also for extras. He also asked for a sum of $250 on account of each building until the Board took them off the hands, of the contractors. Moved by Mr. Barssr, seconded by Mr. Kirsy, that the communication of the Revy. Mr. McMéeekin be received, and that the School Kmnant, Committeo be instructed to & temporary art rangement, if deemed desirable, with tha gentleman at such salary as they may deengproper. _ _ _ _ ‘ 0_ _ _ ; Mr. Rossrtsox thought the resolution a ridiculous one, and should never be alâ€" lowed to be pution record. They had p.m., and walk in procession to St. An: drew‘s Church, to attend Divine Service, and that a grand concert be. held in Gowan‘s Opera House in the evening. Un motion of Mr. BarBzr, seconded by Mr. Bzoxsox, the communication of James Mather was received, and the chairman was authorized to ligna cheque in his favour for the â€"sum of $500 on account of his professional services. : â€" _ READING AND ELOOUtIO®. A oxgmn;}l‘nhi:nt}gn was read from the Rev. Mr. McMeekin, praying to be apâ€" pointed a teacher ofl_nhn_nding and Elocuâ€" tion in the public schools. ance ncérly............... Primary SchoGls...........}.......4.... There |was a regular meeting of the COMPLAINT ABOUT SALARY. 8T. ANDREW!s Day. and Bedard THE TIMES ; OTTAWA, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1875 3: if 1,210 1471 L778 612 859 32 | Their wines, liquots and general groceries * sro of the best bragd ( _ _ * C~""* nbm doesn‘t Sweden havre to send for cattle? Bec@use she keeps her Stockâ€"holm. 1 114 C House Keepers! â€"If desire to get a proftitable tea call on ï¬-mlht% tea pleasing â€"to your taste refund the money for what you return. bads omigat>Alnmes â€" mt min debit uin c ctca 2l t ‘ P. C. Prvaxp‘said he was on duty yes torday afternoon, and was at Mrs. Malere s houee. on Nelson: street, between three and four o‘clock. He had a conversation with her about the apcident. She said she fired with the intention of fr:ghun ing them away On examining the shutter of the window, through which the shot was fired, he found a revolver bullet in it. He thought the bullet was in the shutter for some days. lï¬z. Malere said she So.dmmtl?â€â€œ ** a esterday rgeant â€" HoaxibDon | sai morning, about four o'ulockl Kyollyohm to the stationâ€"and told him he had been shot by some one in a house on Nelson street. He did not know who did it. The witness met P. C. TbomKoon and Kelly. Went to Nelson ‘street where Kelly point ed out Mrs, Malere‘s house the one from which the shot had boon:nd. Mrs. Malere gave him the revolver &:xluoqd in court, as the one from which the shot had been fired. . One chamber was empty. Malere denied that he had fired u;m ‘ He then arrested Mrs. lhhr:wbon she > pollopmen pi ‘f::l;:o t hem" The & s s door of the f::d -la:xk.d as if par ties had attempted to break it in. §5) ’ cock with Cetly net ewinp might . tm street wi elly last! night. standing opposite a house on that street, & shot was fired from the house and hit Kelly in the arm. He didn‘t see any one attemï¬ting to break a door. Kdl;xdn't know he was woundsd until he reached Rideau street. â€" There he felt some blood running down his erm. He (the witness) here said to him, “501 must .be shot." They then went to Dr, Church‘s and had Kelly‘s wound dressed. Both he and Kelly had several drinks during the night. Their business on Nelson street was to visit a house ofill-fm?lo, but (they didn‘t try to get into any. . He (withess) rap at the door of the honutln-hocmm from. Hï¬â€˜hm never been at the bouse befom e rapped to figd the address of a houseé of illfame. He didn‘t know what kind of a hous it was where he np})ed. ‘ Somebody answered the knock from “ inside and spoke French,. When the party were in St. George‘s Hotel, there was a row, in which Kelly took a hand. The party speaking French (if it was the gmrinoner) migh} have ordered them away the house, but he couldn‘t underâ€" stand French. ‘They might have threatâ€" ened to break into the house if the door was not opened. Kdl{ didn‘t kick at the door, neither did he (witness), but Patton might have done so. PA his companions was John Daly ; he didn‘t k the third party‘s name. He had a few drinks during the night. He was not when: the accident hapâ€" K:nod. He could not say whether or not was in any house of illâ€"fame that evening. He was standing on Nelson street when the shot was fired. _ He did not think he tried to break into any house. He stood opposite the house for five minutes. He pum:ly swore that he did not nungt to break. into Mrs. Hy vontdn/t. my Thethor. Baipir hi e couldn‘t . say tA i other friend did or not. "~"~ (.> prisoner.| Un _ Weulnesda momin; he was down on Nelson \stre Ltweell and 1 o‘clock. He was a on the siie walk on the east sidd ‘of Nelson nroo: when a shot came the window & house, and struck him in the arm. _ He was doing nothmi::ho time, and didn‘t know who shot hi Two young men were with him. . He couldn‘t l:g whose house the shot was fired out of. Drs. Church and : Leggo attended his wound. ‘The bullet was still in his arm. He didn‘t know whether he did anything to justify & person in shooting him. He only heard one shot. Hepointed out the house froui which the shot was fired to Sergt. Hornidge. _ _ ; In answerto Mr. Lapierre, Kelly said he qunpl:touur. The name of one of his companions was John Daly : ha curtain rose on the petite comedy entitled and other ‘officers of the Militia " & momhgcdl"â€"mofmmml at Headquarters, <were E:unt. amusing productions, which sometimes tenant Colonel Ross put men makes people wonder whether they could | through a variety of movements, which actually be so silly utho&,mb.npn- were p« with a precision and reâ€" sented, and almost bite off their: fingers | gularity worthy of . regular soldiers,. At at the idea of its po-ubalitn.'l'hb characâ€" | the conclusion of the drill, the Minister of ter of * Micawber," as it been trans: | Militia presented Captain Todd with the formodbyl(r.Hnilidny in the process of | medal won at the recent Dominion Rifle dramatization, is scarcely nbo‘fli-blo as | Match, for the highest aggregate soore. &o n:ai:m'zhiofh og:rulu in the " David | He mm::“d ¢°lm:m:' their ap« ‘‘ of Charles Dickens, and| pearance geueral‘ bearing, inm whatever merits the piece may u«a:.hoqhnhooor%:m second to none bave as a play are derived from the | in t Dominion. e said they would wonderful rendition of Mr. Rowe.. It is | have to look after their laurels, zowevor, fortunate, in this instance, that the | as a battalion was now forming in Monâ€" burden of the acting was so unfairly | treal, in which there was to be one comâ€" divided, for if we except Mrs. Morrison | pruy â€" of â€" Hisl;l:ndon, © most â€" of herself, who is charming in every | whom _ had e â€" signal _ service part she assumes, ‘ho caste was a wu‘ in | the _ regular army. . He _ regretâ€" one. Mr. Saw did ‘but poor justice | ted to find such a â€" miserable .drill to the "umble" merits of Uriak Heep, | shed in the capital, and thought it was and Mr. Roberts as David flm, neitheir a credit to the Militia Depart might as well have been any else : | ment nor to the municipal authorities. the stick with which Mr. Micauwber | He said if the local authorities would a«: chastised the back of the "perjured emâ€" | sist the Government they would be ready ployer‘ had about as much aptitude for | and willing to do their share in construc t the part, Mrs. Marlowe made a very good ing m suitable building, He said the Betsy Frotwood, and the little there is in | Active Militia throughout Canada, was inâ€" the characters of Mr. Wickfield and his | creasing in both efficiency and rumbers, daughter was fairly represented by Mr. | and were a credit to the Dominion. > Davis and Miss D.v{.. As between last | Ltâ€"Col. PowkuL, Adjutant. General, also night and his first appearance, we should | congratulated the men on their fine apâ€" say Mr. Rowe was scarcely so happy in | pearance. the latter instance as in~ the| Lt.Col. Ross, after the departure of the former. â€" The critie of the Toâ€"|staff officers, addressed a few words to routo Nation thinks his inpersonation | the officers and men of. the regiment, has, through frequent repetition, lost a | stating that he was proud‘ot‘ Lthe turnâ€"out sonian‘ character, " Wilkins Micawber," but before & very much smaller house than‘ on the previous occasion. The food deal of the sterling humour by which t was originally characterized, and has it was originally characterized, and has become too mechanical to be effective. (Un Wednesday evening, we were strongly inclined to doubt the justice of this criticism, and even _ yet consider the objection is couched in too strong terms. Uf this, however, there can be no doubt, that Mr, Rowe entered ‘less heartily into the spirit of the character he represonted last nighlhflnn on the frevioul accasion. ‘ It may have been the alling off in the attendante which disâ€" ooun&od him, or it may have been the doubtful merit of the support ; and it is by no means improbable that the Nation‘s remarks were called forth by circum: stances somewhat similar. There was, it is but just to say, ample evidence that Mr. Rowe is absolute master of his part, and his record, as an actor, amply justifies the enthusiasm with which he was received here. It is to be regretted that Mrs. Morrison, perhaps one of : the most sucâ€" cessful manageresses upan the stage of «ny country, and in whom the people of Canada believe they have & special proâ€" g:rty, could not be induced to prolong r visit, Perhaps she may soon return. Mr. Rowe has a world wideâ€"reputation in other parts than " Micawber," and would unquestionably have brought good houses through a more extended season. Let us add that "some one has blundered‘‘ with reâ€" ’ud to the orchestra, which was d:fp-m ully poorâ€"more frequently out harâ€" Mr. Rowe at Gowan‘s Opera House. Mr. G. F. Rowe appeared again last nifht at Gowan‘s Opl:n Souu in bis celebrated impersonation of the Dickenâ€" for the prisoner. called. He ‘.'it Roseline Melaire was up : before , the Police Magistrate yesterday for shooting one David Kelly on Nelson street the day before yesterday. Mr. Lapierre appeared mony than in it, and worse than common place in every respect. THE SHOOTING TRBAGEDY. " WILKINS MICAWBER." was the first witness adjourned until N. %, Russelt Howse Block, Aparks St.:~ Wi : be soid at 40 per cent, below first cost, as ‘the purchasers are about to a Fusbionab‘ !:l_l':lln' Wu‘&'flma Jm-r; BANKRUPT~ STOCK ! g‘nenxysbovs ATTRACT10 Â¥ 1 SHIRTS 1 COLLARS | A NEW WRITILNG MASTER, A NE Â¥ COUR<E OF IN8TRUOiION. YOUNG MBN PREPARED for BUSILNESY, b+ made Lo the lflb’ lature oi the Provinee â€"f Ontario, at the n=xt session tl%n fo" an Act «n provide for the r;flltmu-l of lfeo»hln Ia« dâ€"ntme. date the 12‘h A%uu, dil, from the Canada Cen‘ral Railway O n&w He Lancelo+ Hedhead, and to make other pl:a’- C Ped thk tiitrain se ts cooter, 1878 ‘eth day o r, . ; Eoo se~ke0@‘t" 'wu.xl-. PENNOCK 4r.olq’:rnn. sacristors, Attorneys, So::d‘. Nota« o:'r Kâ€"Boll u:::(x t‘ rnp site noion Spt ubfe"J owiy OpPpoâ€" W. H. WALKEE. | P. P&NNOCKE | * F. McizxTYR® Nov. 8, 1876. i , Wubs MB favie BCY F*:AARE: Ad fress "C _4 *VoJObidren .( 4« .. . .cc )=> :o 57 BUck * Genâ€"ral Admisson . . | = = > 80 * Chiidren under 12 yrs. . = i 64 Ru:rnd Beats for sa‘e at Gowan‘s, Sparks Ottawa, Nov. 4, 1875, | | | sosms wWONDERFUL MUSICOAL PRODL4Y, A thoro ghâ€"bred Negro Hoy, :.m, without inâ€" stru=t‘ playad ihe piano fouor old moz)' exequtes .-?-'-u to the llrn‘flz‘t:u =acee | Reserced Reats ° â€"â€" % 2 :.+ #5 ota "iy The extensive stock of the Estate of JAS. ANGUS, TUBSDAY & WEDNESUAY, Nv; 9th & 10.h ly for BUN »UIUAL)| ACCIDENT INSURANCE CO M PA n Y.0f â€"ontreal, | | OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATILIN COMPNY. RICHELIEU NAYVIG ATIIN ~GOMPaNY. \Â¥n. Joal and Woorl for sale, |. .. + A NEW SUITE OF ROOM3, in the Dominion. . He said unewu nave to look after their laurels, ver, as a battalion was now forming in Monâ€" treal, in which there was to be one comâ€" peuy . of . Hisl;l:ndon‘, © most â€" of whom _ had e â€" signal _ service in | the regular army,. . He regretâ€" ted to find such a miseiable «drill shed in the capital, and thought it was neitheir a credit to the Militia Depart ment nor to the municipal authorities. He said if the local authorities would as: sist the Government they would bé ready aud‘ willing to do their share in construc t ing m suitable building, He said the Active Militia throughout Canada, was inâ€" creasing in both efficiency and rumbers, and were a credit to the Dominion. > STEAMBOAT TINRETP Aiftb GxNERAL | :~, UOMMISSION AGEKNOY, _ Agent forthe following frst q:- Comp ies ; EQUITABLE LIFE &SURANUCE 80 ETi 1 Lt.Col. Ross, after the do(pnrtun of the staff officers, addressed a fow words to the officers and men of. the regiment, stating that he was proud of the turnâ€"out and general appearance the battalion had. DOMINION PLATE GLASI INSURANCE CUMPANY f Montreal o GUrRYâ€"At Highl‘nd Ripids, on Monday, the 1st lust, Andrew Gurry, agod 26 yo ars. The funeral Will take place toâ€"day, Friday, at 8 o‘clock, p.m., from his mother‘s resi tence, Cumberiand stree‘,to the Roman Catholic Cem â€" etery,[JFriend:and arquaintinces are respeot fully invited to attend without further notice. _ ‘The regiment next marched out,headed by its fine brass and fife and drum bands. They proceeded through Daly, Nelson, Rideau, Wellington, O‘Connor and Sparks streets and back mgain to the armory. There were ounly 25 men ahseut out of the entie battalion, it b::ï¬ one of the strongest parades ever e. FARE, LIFE & MABINE IMNSUBANCE Pllllhl.. â€" DRAR FR®Dâ€" For Hen: ven‘s sike don‘t air your magoificent qimro at the Theaire, as you nave ben dâ€"ing. ‘ou know how the r st of thsâ€"ladies a mire you already, and :t wi‘l bre k my heart it yu Eemu in your fascinatin; capers. . Yours ever, MILY. 398711 snmo RINK.â€"I have the hopour t : joform vhe gnbuo of uUttawa, that I will open a covered Skatirg Rivk in the Vietoria Boat House, at the Q@â€"en‘s Whar!. eontaming i#n feet 0f jce. miiting accommodation for adies und every co.:verience, ANTOINE RATTE, Boat Keeper, Otttawa. OS â€" Wi1ll be at home to receive visltors between the hours of Threeâ€"thirty a=d Fiveâ€"thirty, p.m., on Notic» is hereby eiven that application will First appearnés in three years, and positive~ > $. . ie s 1en,, * A F4 6 W Fghre Ottawa, Nov: 5, 1875. "3s713 New Advertisements. 2 NIGHTS ONLY UEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! TICE. GovERNOoR â€" GENERAL‘S â€" FgoT j GUARDS R fpaidhic ind inls / 4 t Th jtt Mc Sraiht sotuh dnb it u4 00. 4 & + w SATURDAY, the Sizth of November. Countess of Dufferin OR READYâ€"MADE CL 0_'!3 flEmG * RAND OPERA HoUSE, D.. MORGAN & sons P SALEâ€"A pair of Ri ‘Ad fress "OHARLTE‘ » No,.86 Russell House Blook, Sparks St. BLIND TOM : ER EXCELLENCY T. SUTTON, Ainmusch:cnuts. Aunual Inspection. . Â¥d, 174. D ir of Ring Daves and Ca .m.‘u?'%ln u,.";‘;f’"‘- A NEW PRINCIPAL, THE of MRS: ALFX, RORERTSON is prenared 16 Uenes, ais Ridead arcus" Pupils at ber resi TUiiom ts veawe, raly, Come and :erm.."“':::s‘.:.‘:.“:s nitâ€"f1, & KEXO4EN i OTLS, ‘Wholesale cosi 0i Gabiieis °46 Ortmping, 46. Iron, JAMESâ€" ASHFIELD, The . F\ ; Cured ont eraiment oget * * ** Lamps and Lamp Goods greatly Reduged. â€" . Sygr Special Line this week. COHAMEER ~nly, Owing to Main Sewer obstructions, 1 off r to m?nmov':runl DODLAR, n fore i acount cent on m“ Ooulcxeronumm "’ My stock is weliarsorted in 4 China, OCrockery, Rarihemoare, Glassware, . | A Lamps, Lamp Goods, &¢., ‘ M+*+** sEWER, © Age dee d e o nE Tt A m:in‘.ooou THER PoCKET BooK . Uiâ€"the vatue of from ‘lu a‘d aUoury®, I & n.b-a‘lmmm'd;s'mw a ‘".3 Aduress all orders, ‘letters, 6104 | e Unlud Possut Book *S uth Rant urmlnc‘muniu‘uhah.. I Philade! Penu. | P, 9.â€"Drawing absolute on W ednerday, Nov. cu.nnwr . “l‘: numluror:lleur‘::.us 200k® Ob C i h +/ ru:-uhuu;’unwk{n siynt redu:tion not e °râ€â€œ.‘."3e ‘1cer, a* 1 AP i M Oohws’i)u. 14th, 1495, 3900a2iwâ€" forttit uous chance escape them wi‘l have only H 0n Wis e i m':rn‘obw% same day as received repl me e We advise iotending chasers to forward orâ€" do:u m‘:u‘hwy J.‘a'.. mu’mm dixapâ€" T otee mvaneg hohsiba® seode Gas horâ€" ns Soffend Frouire prom s LAK bufore Muveimber adrm 19fn robe: con bâ€"un the purchasers and themseives, effecting n’lpoedy clearance stock which ln‘l:l;\:rmnt d~nl.lmelllthomd¢m io no o {xvar w.mb&:lroaufuuy uM"A:d.b lof mme be trgumnm;dpmm leather and m:a;t.;nlmung;‘mmmu the lowest ra rom A Tmhurmflï¬-&mmhlu &:u b.n..(.lm and lhould..o-bnoo thie ol realizing a m%m ..E?- can: oupay of $1 (one d jor which 20e C ive {ï¬m foid and those 'Iln let ‘this m'-lfl mm’qpoMnm have only 35 DUKE STREET, NEAR CHAUDIERE FALLS. Ottawa, Nov 3, 1875, ) Anction Sales. ep v menny 4 var oiï¬ en an ts aguigis 4 teies l in pany wo convert intomoney an olberwise surâ€" A PisWestatabas 2P e C s ipal P and New York g‘py MM'elghh,n:“"o‘: ork . newspapure Wi!i be forwarded in drafis, ‘backs, or tofleoqï¬rwwq by lnz’ 3:;‘- mottiog maills, November Â¥, or if preâ€" mrsnunhmw exl:vg.‘or in any same be signified by them when forwarding But: Goods m ust be sold and at saie pric s !~r cash on General Post Office, Pnilaceiphia, and draits 0: che first Natinnai ank, ; wiu THE m:"mo orF P".’. P & Orbee, 550 Loouet Streob Pabadclpnia, in ue e ot Pennsyivania. o --wâ€"-“r-â€"q 5.‘;‘.‘:.‘;‘«:..".‘#‘..4 hsn Weduesd«Is Foâ€"t Office orders ard draits to be made payâ€" able io favour of Frank Stewart (the &. pany‘s Manager) Post w (tce orders to be draw 1 Wy i1 be a4verce o 1n PoRe amnkns _ Will be adverused in this Journai and the pric Luese : tence, Italy, to sell by ‘Public Auction at bis o ‘ room®, 2.’.-.‘-’.'..; Commencing on Fridag next, at 2 o‘clock, The most imprtaut congigoment of rare and valuable works o[ «rt ever seen here, muthlm iu part of beautiful marbie ï¬ml and Y‘:m w&:‘“ o::i‘noelvnn. »nd ntuimero4® nmdu:un and ver u. This is the fingst assortment of the above goods ever offered by au: t‘on. On e&nibition, Fride woming | S«ieâ€"Friday, at % o‘alock, and aoi ey â€"nlug at7:80, without any reserve, until all is sold. Untalogues on Fciday. ol n o totil stagnation of trade is not to be woadered at; notwithstanding that our offer w.s oneâ€" tu.rd 1:#s that the actual cost of the m«nufuc» ture ofthe Pocket Bouks. Tue assignee hayâ€" Ing to at ance realize the ‘effects of the bankâ€" n%m in:erests of the creditorâ€" he nad no al tive but lonu&mullncflerlmun us the iot at\ ur : wh price, by enabling us t DISTRISUTE IN PRIZKS $100,000 Amungst the purchusers, and at the same sétain a fair marginal profii f.r ourse:iyes; tas x ou obtain fuily doub‘e the value of he amoun you forward us, and it depends on your witat amou‘wt you gain of the ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLAR MONEY AUCTIONEERS qmi CLEARBING C PCO CE" e 4 On Friday, the 29th inst:, at 2 o‘clock;. ‘The subscriber is instructed by © Panâ€" dolini & Co. who have l!ï¬â€˜;ef_:’!'fl,g;_? lor« O! the mouâ€""nlu""i‘ i clk 0E NuxkD TIOUSAND DOLLARS uuasu?c# The Company guarmotee w return to each purchaser at least,. trebie the value for his money. HOW CAK THIs BE moulirr.ulnnn? hox & ("m many doubtiess ask 5a,to.uuu:¢ this, we offer the ldbm exvianation . t The Trade anxious to aod real mmmflmxd mï¬mwdr in one sals, accopted our ofler of $200,000 tor the lot; @fter advertiâ€"log s»me forsale jor one Inupublmeabaepremnt a atle.orep maich u wvn_-mu Of trade is not to be woadered ;éum"" Pandolfint wilt be present at each 0. , Private sale at augtion prices, Anlumumomnï¬.and h day at same hour unt Jh-oll..†+ equal share in t opmnv.‘ wi h the certainty of receiving tr¢ble the vaiue for their swall inâ€" vestmeut&nd the further opportunity of surely gaining a share in e 1: goosisting of coosisting of m.tm"ï¬)aruoums (POUOKET BOOKs3.) thch pocket booe bakk made of ARtoat Morocto each pocket book bela® made of Leather; to effect Wem sale sad huvi. g in view.â€"the moio of the ho :=6, The Comnny uave asoided on giÂ¥ing ea ch e company nave on giving ea individua! purchaser _ _ Â¥ h‘l“?E UNIgl: ;’Ofll{l'l‘ B()b:K. CglPA‘!:‘Y' m seca y cash pare ) an pp;:‘p_pt}ugutat M<ais 1. Mortond & 00. 5 ___ THE FULL BENEFIT Of th‘s remunerative bargain oy & <‘Tue wbove prizâ€"s with the cost of advertising and other E“figfl'!‘_‘_"‘fl t GIVING THE PURCHASERS ‘woâ€"thirds of the profils that accrue on the enâ€" t‘re rale, and to enabie every one to bave an [ [ _ _ THE DISTRIBUTION OF $100 00%, Avd this ~y the a i $1 only. i be Union ‘oohatm w wili deilver free to any dd:ess on mo-% oue doliar. A GENUILNE MOR + LEATHER To itk POUCKET BOO; ‘ther w 4¢ Emï¬mm?mupg& ‘share in the t »Cr/ & dmwl1 of _| 1l. 0 _ 18 OaSH Puizms, And 2815 other money rlu- as fol 15 PRiZS3 OF $1000 CASH, _ COMMENCING THURSDAY, November 5th, 1875 IN @18 MONEY PRIZES. THE FIRST PRIZE BEING $2,00 CaSH AUCTION SALE, Ottaws, Oct. 27, 1876. ( th‘s remunerative bargain oy giving a ONE HUNDRED ï¬w.\fndb&‘.l.:a 100,000 Given Away. 100 ; 200 Fi By Rowe & Erratt, OST IMPORTANT «©MANCE FOR ALL DUK®E STRERT. _ . CHE P SALCE Vocal Music. BY J. BERMINGH AM, ~V CCC P | #S2M â€" mm [ J. BRRMINGHAM, Auctioneer. too with . goodâ€"profit to S ALE. WE neumxnos, Jarmery 14 toys After thirtyâ€"five years trial, it is still receiving “m:.“;:““‘“ uigvent densoa rave biny imend it as a mont ï¬:.. rlumhtmm«n. not onl y the best remedy ever known tor Bruises, Outs, tet eoe oo owe enninatat id ue sounadt o any sort of Bowe! complatut if is a une u"'m«'&m".ï¬. m 16 m&-w-&.. %%fln wm.“‘ : dithioultes‘ 1t hes Geon t !Voi.f.â€"Ivrï¬*â€"ll beper »Be teteidortmmam Brmssasennt, It is nsed Enternally and Externalty OFFICOE:â€"No, 121, firstâ€" f IHUIGH WINES, quanuty, or Mo, z Lavrador Herring, requo» Loh of $1.25 perâ€"bbl,, dry. Co#â€"fisn, M‘m ‘\“me hpfl:m:nd%“ni’:‘m-nh.u of which are selil hg at a reauction for YASt . Liiquors at ususualiy LOW PEIUCES,to _ / make room for their Bpring Stock,. 51bs. of sound "‘“;n.%l"‘" '1'- gï¬?@" o Pounthos un io Lineupoage "'lm yoR THE CAXADpA $ERxcAr®mer From Gooderham and Worts Cclebrated Distillery, SOLD LOW. A Ottawa Branch â€"â€"â€" â€" â€" + â€" â€" 38 Sparks Streot. CLUFF & MILL,~ GENERAL AGENTS. ~ â€" _ ; SPECIAL NOTICE + ‘ riag pant bave devided to conttont * urende @iise in tike oi) 208 fare lewied the inige nat colk Eons n en armls me o eev e un roeaiperam * First Prizefor MARBLE MANT LEPIEROE _ : First Prize for MONUMRNT AL HEADSTONRS, «tLas Plato or oanse@ CANADA Agricultural Insurance woy. > HEAD OFFICE, MONTREAL. hi sb CONSTELLA TEON, vBAOCCOS, F.CKLES, BALL BLUKE STARCH, RICK, RAISINB, CURRANTS, SUTS, CIGA4S, PAILA and BROOMS, also, O ~ »@"I186 & 188 RIDEKAU STREET. q + . M 80M ErQ .R, is sole has taken an extra p/ Awwgmï¬&%*&mmmhmmz Oo., for which he is also agent. Ottawa, Nov. 1, 1875 } s Maes®T s‘ The Largest snd Lesiâ€"wsiected assorument of * dy 34 ; e «4) +380 Monuments, Headstones, Obeliske â€"â€" . F in ‘Marbie, Scotch Granive, or Bandstone, ciag q The newest desigin in CEMRELERY FiNOLNG, suitable f>r the various Cemelerios. £ stock 4 erican, listan and Coloured (|~ > . n&m'rn r‘:-n“-l‘::‘ml Anmflt wn anu |:-¢N.n.m.buqn‘p Â¥ A Fall and Winter, 1875. Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, â€" . . TVerywhore. Pricé S ats, PERBY DAVIS * *"~~, Sble Proy OTTAWA MARBLE AND GRANITIE WORKS. ts New Wood &0 h 0«:1‘9:3«:91:"9 0:::'.:.. e mummmm All kindsâ€"of Jo bisg by careinl workmen. yis in iâ€" d OUSKEK EEP ERS, Ottawa, 78, Sparks Street, â€" s« = * is VIiAW A, 6 BELL & Co.‘s PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS yOL AND ORGANETTES, f Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s | â€"'T he Royal Exchange Hotel, WELLINGTON STREET, c l} First Class Family and Commercial Hotel, now showl very complete line ot HAllas mw Bg)%.%gm'lwm n.ll‘~."Az)U$ Au.u-\;un‘&": new and f Btove, burnished edges. * E. :s W. M. SOMERVILLE, MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, sSTOVES. CAPIIAL, â€" ~$1,000,000, j s 4 cmmenmnnen | + 4 + COL. A. C. D.LK“'W&M BUWARD A. O? WILLIAM aN®L oo o0 00 JAMBS A. BMT © PROOF AND RYE m 60 cis. to $100. accordins to BASKERVILLE BROSs. Grocers. BUTTERWORTH & ARGAND, S NOW OPEN. P.. A. ‘TAYLOR, Proprietor. cCrown JEwED, HMémarbdle eciorks.‘ Z.tte Assurauce. No. $1 and 234 "We.lingtoh Sireet. [ ESTABLISHED 1800 ) Tss D.Jase Tas NTANR MB First Prizes for SLONE SEWERAGE PIP KINNON & 00., wERE TAKEN BY s *eq enl a} Hitel t B Diamond Yeast Cakes. BCHOOL LANT Huch style being the beit Of ité kind in the W&.cur m u. : by all Oitmen, / P i namogs . every lawful day jand Week mmul k oo ced Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, . Aw%:.n.-‘.m -ynl-r ll.u.. Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in CHROMOS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes & Views, Â¥ YOU WANT Go0D HREAD PHOTOGRAPHIC â€"MATERIALS. *L &K. T. ATBONN & C0,, We q in ay of * ANKRUPT SALE ALBUMS, GRAFPHOSCOPEs and sUrtanu® RADILANT LIGHT, 501. BROADWA Y, NEW YORK \Opp. Metropuiliau Holée .) . ‘E SEWERAGE PIP 4nd STONE puu&n TRAP§ 5’.‘5-‘:?.%.%" L afecknnt GEORGE ACRES, : sTOVES. â€" «/ 51 j3,®~" of the Dominion. pais & / ~AAmBT tor the lnst 12 years been 2ged by the leading Maumâ€" MAGEE RANGE, &0 ;v nExe anl OTTAWA, us 3 i Sraniep geeaserss £ ; 4 J â€"aelt &‘(-: \y, WALKER. | 4 "':,;u-u. e n u. CwEX E e""_ _ . 1\ h aAMT suamie es M hi Pondnly meabnete Night Officeâ€"AL City of OTTA #A, -“-. tm s aiot. u.fl-._. steam and hot Cncnarnn‘s COBICCl ‘“'“l y 10 OFFIOERâ€"No. 2 Biock . 0: taw a, 0n Agent‘s Patents (Thkape *zams OA LIBmARY ~A ouls «*Pomnm, . _ Omocers cured wi Dec . 4, 184. Hig. 1 > St. Jaue 16 ibA s lmL «Q*00N Bept. 8 1574 sakumre® Axp . CI7OR IN OB o TLAIJAAM i ©0te, O hi Plumber, LUKEER AND ~‘onNoOR 4 «[@NNXOR & kTEKUR Â¥. peli‘s Biock 7.¢0 »*TEW we‘e