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Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Nov 1875, p. 1

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Ts ny Mail, ". H. Duniop . R. Ives & Street. 1008, , muPTiGON, MEDAL a AW A, & CD., ii be made cloarzace. ES, iAXGE, &C. » appiter RLETOR. GANS Hotel, Street. dariag. LNTER N . ad in the RIALS. al Mots 3M i Widdlaw 19. Canade, T & BLE tel, 1e.W3, 8¢rf RAP3 Aguun wi‘! bo madie ty the Corporat ‘ Uity of umaws, to the Legisiagare of LS 4 of Ontario, at iis neXt Session. for *, Act to anaple tha saf‘ ‘‘~rporaton «o change » names of cerfaimof ue streeis of the Cily Vtia wa. « F _ W M. P. LETY, _ â€" GUEBS & COURSOLLE, liis the WORLD‘S 8Tâ€"RY EOOK, and all Want toread it . Agent‘s Quift free to ail who Imean business and v i1} Ljihfully can vass, i Agent‘s OQutfit Free! i Large Commission & Cash Premiums » RM!OTICE. tmu Ing fremi the pructice of my profession, I bave lefy With my former Assistan:, Mr. Â¥. COTTON, my Â¥.ans aud iIecords of s in Uilawk and vicipity, and Dave much e in recommend Dg bim as my sucâ€" COMPRISING THE TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature : Pligrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakefield, Rebinsou Crusoe, _ Paul and Virginia, @ulliver‘s Travels, ElizsabetBh, .of Public But«dings, Green Houses, Muhnte by or low pressure, Seam and hot waler a s; eClally. * Com piete in QNE VQLU M E of over 1,000 pages Beautifuily illustrated with 34 full page Engrayâ€" dayry ister® Undine, _ Tales om Arabian Nights, C of OTTA r8, Y garrinter®m _ typrisiers Patents of Invention, OFFICEâ€"No, 2, Bidek. Oaw a. O [TERADE MakR REGISTERED.] TICToRIA CHAMEERS, WELLINXGTON BIREE1, OTIAW A. â€" 8804 UBMAN OP PANBUS f0L01, May be consuited al | seraad Albert «lree.s Uttewa.; Oet. 4, 137 4. ;...plhlc Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur. . T Provincial Land Surveyor and * Du-’lu-u-. Muccessor to W. !t. Inistie & Co. Office, as former‘y, over Maun‘s Hardware bote . 40â€" Il- M ‘ goL VIIL. NO. tolla m., auid . grea io disease 4e Oitews, 066 bt, 425 U Q® D‘lNll.' sefTJ® P ATENTS. Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, mer Wellington and Huok strecls Ollawa LOxBE®R AXD CoMMI<foN MKRCAANT BiRoKRKR, &C. mif‘f‘- kTHUR F. COFTON, oN XOR & vor NOK. »Hedical Cards. R.J. P. LYXNN, T. LAMBERT HL1LA®% Meve« wovt N. JOMNSION, M K. rister, A+t L0G AN, «1404 % 11PPER BEST OF REFERKNCKS GIVEN CMEYSLER, Advo¢»te, Solicitor, & c. gt ‘eail, Y ards ers, Aitorneys, selicitors, Lou vey ancurs, Avc.‘ . 1 solalrll-nr-. Atiorneys _ and «ons eyaucers, & C.â€" canyeyaecer in @hance IEWART & CORML LLY, w ARD FORD & Attormeys, Soltettors, Notaâ€" ries, A¢.. &C., CWEISTHE & HILL, Agtorme}~ xi witbout the use of the &n ger wo, s, medy and alm st p iD Reference wiven uo . «Ilies s9C eu if required MacCV ADQG Trade Asâ€"ignee. w A, County of Carieion . Attormcy, Notary . Public and Aqveocate, SULICiTORSâ€"OF w bdroe.t PENNOCK & Y clX i l RE, & Adtert ceomye> U Do NtR EY pmey. solicd meys. Seli« an cers. & C f Rideau street, near Glou s *‘reet, Centre Tow! resklence, Maria Stree Ontario Odice, w hing surcet W est Ham‘!lton On, Rea Office, corner of solicitor in Chan ry,ton St, Ryot‘e‘s sb.Uâ€"ly W. R. THISTLE FSO N fhee hours from Accoucheur Sgrs, Conmâ€" du ol citor NTB bAL P. Hil 391 30 .o Solt« 2404 2401 ppoâ€" Mil= € j" H. CHALKER wa _ %= Manager 6 ~â€" | RoBERT GRAHAM | .0. «Poprit» \ THOROUGHLY Experienced _ Bookâ€" £ 2&')0{ and Fiuancier, h-vlmpan of ns time uo ~seupted, !* open to m» an en vagemeat ior a few hours during the day io ba ancivg or kee,ing tradesmen‘s books Montrea! an ‘ glty ieferences. addiess "C _ F," Angloâ€"American Hotel, H 11 200 * The "Feathers‘"‘ Hotel. Dinuer Choic. st Wines, Liquors, Cigars ] wHOLESALE AND RETAT, | Jeweller, Watchmaker, &o l Aulld Ouufi'bol‘emnmm ul:uman'. | Aibert Chaing, ings apd %&wâ€"n | and Jeweliery Cf "-tZo Plat Wuz‘,untlm‘n lowest prices. The | best uox y. Wholesale bivers can u‘vu s as cheap from me as sny other | H‘«‘-.. » the Dere‘rton a» l;qn .D with cr without rooms, snd ooins withoat boar‘, Table amd rooms firstâ€" mas Corner Njarks and BHabk stâ€"eets. and wi uo two misules‘ walk of the Parliament Cass® Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAY3 ON HAND, Exbibition Visitors will be well accom» medated a-n-g.n;xuu- tion Week. The Royal Oak Hotel, The Dufferin House, kidlean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge.} Tho above gopuhr Re«taurant bas been tlarged by the addition of several s‘rlciouu n | well funished rooms.on the second story. 'T e fiuest Luncheon and Diging Roome in he cily. Ge :ilemen honoring this Establishment with h ir paironage may rely on s#trict attention s beavilful anid furnished with the chofcest brands of Liquors, Cig «r>, et€. â€" * Â¥Your call Wiil be kindly + olicited. E. J. HENRY, Proprietor. pa NAZARETH. + RING ON SWEXT ANGELUS. K~MERA .DA. LITILE MAID OF ARCADEE, . WEARY BY THE BLWVE SEA. ROSE MARIE. â€" Ths Gems of English Song is a book of T4 paszes, «.1 °f Idii stiset maso size. > Amon; the Authors are : Lady Seott, Campana, Lindsay, Guonod, Hatâ€" lon, Howe, Topliff, Saruby, Glaribel, Abt. â€"The Gems of English Song will be sent, pesiâ€"paid, . 0 A0Y u:o.-, fof the Retali Price, ‘v.llgn‘, in Boards, $2 .0, in Cloth, £3.00, Gilt, Do not forget our other receat books, . Soxg MoNARCH, 75 sent , for Singing Schoo s. 75 Song:, each & true Gem and unden‘ably Pop ulur, Amoog thea tractive titles a e : f Hoxg MoxARCH. 7 sent , for m&hoo 8. SHINING KIVER, $5 cents, for BSchools H1g k £cHooL CHOLTR, $1 00, for m‘u Sehools. LIvING WATERS, 80 conts for Praise Meetings. ULIVER DiTSON & Co., Boston. . CHAS, B. bITSON & Co., ___ TL Broadway, New York. P HOT OGRAPHE R. Hhoutrcd N Ot uow opeaiior the receptten of Guests, This ow! has been furished new throughout, reâ€" «roless 0 expense. Cho cest wines, Hquors, cigars, #¢. Loo : nta biing. xd s ECE Gems of English Song m $S$Sâ€"SPiRkS â€"sThEETâ€"85 8 opt. 1, 1873 Otawa, Sept, 17, 1875, To P VAY â€" $5,.., 80. :5 t anmen make |more money worki .1*5"' n ‘a spare moments, of all their than at aay bing elso, Particulare ireo. bust cardto the Corna Bank and Weollington st1., UrPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRK SHor ln bow open for business after being rencâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfortand ccomodation of the travelling community. M bing eilse, PariicuA®® kvx- yates _posts but one 80. t u. QPLaimuant, @ OQâ€"â€" TURNISB ED [ ERVANTS WANTED.â€"Three or: tour FRED ~FOOKS â€" â€" + Proprietor. )« peid to tnebi orders.. 6 qrors, Wines and Cigare A€C+ NCIES for Bo»gders, No. 4 Mc( voer‘s bormes. O‘Couner street, Ar THE "LONDON," HOUSE TO RENT. pt UST PUBLISH £ED, A.~.3I0ON *HOTEL, nelw on se ved at o EWELLERY. &@° 4 CALL IS SOLICIT ED. * wood Housemia1ds can ind em;{k?‘memn LIsBY HOUSE. Apply immed “'{;’,{ ftouses to RQet. = s on en Th c muctig + Wellington Street, near Bank. anovs Hotel is well supplied with the va, Sept. 2, 19i% Es ul:.- v.'(;‘ Railroad. rd in the villa PS, KELLY 4 Ca #* s to and from the Cars and,Boat« free J A R V I 8. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST is provided from 12 i.M., until 2 1.M., 10 very ieasons able rates. 69, SPARKS STREET. N. ~HUCK sUL .begs to announce to «1 and traveiling public, that he has ‘pou (he Proprieto «bip of the abuve ly conducied by Mr. Fred, Kvans. hbrands of wines, liquors and cigars ang the prowptest atietton is paid 1575 (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS,) uf andâ€"wo, d sheds. T; o(hu‘m «are with fud grown shade trees, flow»r t law aud large kitchen gerden e in m lue sireet railwey is Alleen K on a good pranuk si e wa k o1 e uforma:.ton ean be had or @pplic«â€" e R yi) Iusurance Co‘y, cornet s gned will reat his residence,â€" * t age ~close to Rldeaa Hagli, urâ€" be o two years lt is well and t ruisbed, containg stx bedtovms, i n: and bredkfast 1ooms, i es wer and winter kitche, s{rv is ithn oms, . &e, _ Good cbling, CUlants. aABOURERS WANTED |mmeâ€" iately atCobden, o the Pambrceke e C.C Railroad, ‘Wages $12 er in the village yery reas n ble. ELLY 4 Co 3054° t 8 RESTAURA NT, Sparks st ourt Hoase Avenus TTA WA Ont. St. eots, C HAaUDIERE, Hotecls. H. LETCH, Proprietor. WM, ALEXANDER, ‘} borr«> odgrimg. MRS, FOR 1. . 393¢m i T. M. CLARK , $041 af the best Proprietor 3931mé $346m 1 89813 #SIT 3 Apoly tmay | â€" Beriix, Nov, 5.â€"Robert vyon Mohi, hm‘ i 48 @ *5¢ | statesman and political | ©00020is6 or The Khedive of Egypt, like his master, the Sultan, has a civil war on his hands, a rebellion having broken out among the tribes inhabiting that position of the Val ley of the White Nile, recen‘ly explored and conquered by Baker Pacba (Sir Samuel Ssuker, of England). and a battle has already taken place, resulting disasâ€" trously to the tro ps of the Egyptian ruler. , A St. Petersburg despatch says that the failure of Dr. Strousberg, the Russian Kailway King, has had a most depressing effect upon Russian ciedit abroai, the reaction being strongly felt in the London money market. cases. By the judgment of the Court of original juris liction, the respondent in each case was deciared unseated and dis quahfied. _ So far as Mr. Jodoin, of Caambly, aml. Mr. Cushing, of Argen: téuil, are concerned that decesivn has been upheld; and both these gontlomen are thus deprived for a period of their political rights, as we‘l as their seats in Parliament. _ Mrc. Dviin. however, has simply been unseated, the decision of the Lower Cou:t in his case being reversed, and Mr. Kvan ordered to pay the costs. Mr. Devlin bas already announced himâ€" self a candidate for tho next election, and will doubtiess be rteturned by an increased majority. c ' The report that Gen. Ignatieffe, the Russian Atbassador, at Constantinople, had made an imperative demand upon the Turkish Government tocarry out certain reforms guaraiteed to Christian subjects of that Power by the Treaty of 1856, is authoritatively denied. There Las been a coalition of the Left with a portion of the Right in the French Assembly, resulting in the election of Duc D‘Audifret Pasquiar as| President of that body, which is regarded as a demonstraion of hostility against the Bonapartists. 6 â€" Judgment ‘was rendered yesterday by the Court of Review of the Province of Quebec in tha Chambly, Argenteuil and Montreal Centreé controverted election Minister Cusbing has addressed anothgr note to thé Madrid Government, in referâ€" ence to the jurisdiction of military tri bunals in the trial of political offenders, who claium <to be citizens of the United States. Herr Von Moh!, one of the most dis tinguighed politicil economists of Gerâ€" many, is dead. L 3 Miss Floreuce ‘Filton has sent a com munication to the Plymouth Charch Com mittee, asking for a letter of disimissal. The Servian Minister of Yar has orderâ€" ed the molilization of the Jandwebr, which,.is to proceed at once to the Turk: ish frontier, _ _ The Spanish authorities in Cuba are purchasing a large quantity of arms and munitions of :war, for the purpose of being thnrouzghly prepared to meet and repel any intervention‘ or aggression on the part of the United States. Descon West and Mrs. Moulton have been dropped from the roll of member ship of Plymouth Church. Mrs. Moulton was represented by counse‘!, who read a lengthy protest from thatâ€"lady, reiterating in | the , strongest terms _ her belief in Beecher‘s guilt of the crime of adultery. It is said that an Ecclesiastical Council is to be at once appointed, for the purpose of examining into the truth or falsity of Mrs. Moulton‘s accusation. j Rev.‘3. G. McMasters, D. D., L LD. one of the most prowinest divines of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States, died yésterday at New York. f The Republican majority in Minnesota is estima‘e at 12,000. Emall pox is said to be raging with gireat violence at Middletown, N. YJ many fatal cases being reported. The Democratic majority in New York is 13,000. | 1 Sr. Pargnssuro, Nov. 5.â€"It is semi‘ officially denied that Russia has sent a communicition regarding Turkish affairs to the signatories of the Treaty of Paris, as reported. A good understanding, and the continued exchange of yviews between the Great Powers, render such a commuâ€" nication urinecessary. Failure of the Russian Railway King. Loxpox, Nov. 5.â€"The fdilure of Dr. Sttouqber;t the great Tailway contractor, seriously threatens Russian commercial credit, and many failares have already occurred. ‘The banks are in a state of fear, which acts on the London money VersaitLes, Nov. 5.â€"Duke D‘Audifret Pasquiar iu itoâ€"day elected President of the Assenibly by a combination of the Leit with a portion of the. Right. The act is regarded as a demonstration against the Bonapartists. Viexxa, Nov. 5.â€"The Neue Free Presse of this city says that Inguatieffe, the Russian Minister at Constantinople, has had an interview with the Grand Vizier in which he tened an armed interven tion of the Great Powers if the ‘Furkish persecution of Christians continues. the Kaka, and defeat 100 of the Milsin Ordered to the Frontier. . iraps, Nov. 5.â€"The militia of this cim summoned under arms for three days‘ drill, after which they are to start immediately foc the frontier. TELEG RAPHIC. CONTROVERTED ELECTIONS. President of the Assembly Elected. I.omu,lNov. 5.â€"The Daily News this omins as a special telegram from rig saying that the inbabitants of e Kaka, on White Nile, have revolted d defeated the Egyptian troops, killing 0 of them, The Government has desâ€" Foreigu Intervention Threa‘ ened. No Demand made upon the Porte. TELFGRAPHIO SUMuARY, FO R El G N . inforcements thither, It of Vassalâ€" States. GERMANY. TURKEY. Bs A N O45. RUSSIA. SERVIA. EGYPT. knuown in Protestant Episcopal Church circles thronghout the country, died:to: day, after a long and painful sickness. Latest Election Returus. Uriga, Nov. 5.â€"Gilbert, Republican, for Senator in the Twentieth District, is re: ported elegted by 74 majority.. ~â€"__. | _ . I appear before this Church in loyal obedience to the summons which L have received, and I hereby declare my dispo sition and desire to discharge all the duties dâ€"volving on me, as. & mbu( that are consistent with my knowledge 0 the aduitery of the pastor, and his false swearing with regard to it. ‘The vote in both cases was s:lent, and only affirmaâ€" tive ; the vote annourced is said to be unanimoas. It is alleged that there has been a Committee appointed by ‘the Conâ€" gregational Associations of New York and Brooklyn, to enquire, on the part of the Bociety, into the truth or falsity of the;, charges against Henry Ward Beecher, and the Committee, it is said, will enter upon the discharge ‘of ‘ their duties at once. . ‘ | _ preataspaney gant Ns wolss. Hearvy Failare. iuâ€"City Engine se â€" kâ€" Forceâ€"L‘to Boatsâ€" Nsw York, Nov. 5.â€"The failure of J.|. (Y:;'l!:.":-.": % â€"Iov:n.s'lbr.‘n:.. i L. Phillips & Co , fur dealers, was reporteéd | Toroxto,, Nov. 5.â€"The Assizes wound this evening. The firm was embarrassed up yesterday | all on, with the trial of by extensive real estate operations, and bigamy against iam* McKay, who probably their liabilities are large. . _ married & with money in the Missouri Pacific Railway. w States, aud &“ of her, and Bs & :<: The stockholders of the lfiuour!l’a'lfl m in. guilty. The :w dismissed Railroad Company . held an £0/0Ur0®0 the jury, thaaking them for | their attend: meeunfi this evening, with Alderman Van ance, and saying had given a verdict Schaack presiding.. Half the entire that he did not entifely agree with. Eenâ€" capital »was â€" represented. _ ResOIURODS yonces were passed this morning as follows: were unanimously adopted, requesting the â€"William Irvine, 6 aughter of I. E. present â€" Board of Directors to resign., Burk, fourieen years ; John Miller, man« They also appointed a Committee to proâ€" slaughter, fourteen fears ; T.‘C. Sonofield, cure the resignation of the Dloroton..nd larcen .’.x mouthd ; Wim. Skelton, lorâ€" to name their successors. The Committee & {’lm‘a'o mont ; Johh Imhe; inâ€" were instructed to â€" coâ€"operate with the 5:0’;’“ mssault C Rachel « | County of St. Louis in gelting an assignee six mbuths ; Willient ~Henry, m in bankruptcy, if it becomes nooeuur{‘,‘x_‘n“”ven years : Thomas Eum', 1 M order to get a lease to the A. & P. l'!fouryenrl; W. H. {Williams, laroeny, foadicarcelled: U . | years ; Mary Shieilds, arrested at Gen. Babcock‘s Indiectment Discredited. | for stealing, two ears ; u‘vml 1 The Governimeut officials.bere have no| receiving, six m. Wm. | Lay, contirmation of the indictment of Gen. | bigamy, three month@;: John;i J t, Babcock in St. Louis, and the Gemeral‘s bigamy, one monthâ€" The bigam® sen: friends discredit the report. ; Miss Filton Asks tor Dismissal. Miss Florence Tilton seut a communiâ€" cation to the Piymouth Church, asking the Church Committee toâ€"night for ajlet tor of dismissal from the Church. > . Obit, The Sgaite Electionâ€"‘ emoeratie Majorâ€" \ | ity 18 00u. o _ Nzew York, Nov. 5 â€"The World figures out a majority of 13,370 for the Democratic ic State licket, an‘l the Times 12,578 © Ret supplied to reporters at at police headqharters made the Democratio maâ€" porit.y the city 30,401. | ®. ® "**"ad Hom Piymeuth tharen""""" Plymouth Church last night dropped ’De, con West and M.s. Moulton from its rolls. |Deacon West was not represented, and no opposition was offered on‘ his part. Mrs. Moulton, however, was present with }Roger A. Prior, as couns~l, and when the. resolution dropping her from the rolls for continued nonâ€"attendance was read, Mr. Frior read a protest from Mrs. Moulton, which, a‘ter stating she had ‘only heard on Thursday evening .of the intended action of the Church, and had no opporâ€" tunity to be heard by the Committee considering her case, and protesting The Rev. 3. G. Mc Masters, D. D., LL |D. Rector of Christ Church here, and well _. Ausixy, Nov. 5.â€"Returns ‘received by the Argus give a majority for Bigelow. of 16,798.© $ Roousstzr, Nov. 5.â€"Philo L. Schoville, of this city, was toâ€"n‘ght struck by a passing train, and completely jcut to pieces. > 4 ‘ C inst the proceedings, concludes as ffilown:â€"“ M? ahbsence is an enforced One, and is caused by the crime of adulâ€" tery committed by Henry Ward Beecher, pastor of this Cburch, with one of his parishoners, which [ know to be a fact, through Beecher‘s confessions to me, and _ through _ the _ confessions . of Mrs. Tilton, and throug‘ the : conclusive evidence of the crime from otherâ€" sources, The State Licciionâ€"A Mixod Asseimbly. Kaxsas City, Mo.,Nov. 5. â€"The Times has returns from 76 of the 103 Legislative Disâ€" tricts in Kansas, which show the election of 31 straight Republicans arnd 3] Oppoâ€" stion, classed underâ€"the head â€"of Demoâ€" crate, Independents and Reformers. (The proportion of Democrats and Reformers and (&;ponition local tickets were unusuâ€" ally large, and the result shows & larger number of such tigkets elected this. year than ever before in. the history of States. Detroir, Nov. 5. â€" Threexn fishern named Pascal Demond, James Shorst John «Hepbern. left Harrisville, on |L Huron, on ‘Tuesday mo‘ming‘. for |t nets, and up to this evening had np!{ turned. _A compass, lu&)pu& to to their boat, wis found on the € day, and there‘ is little doubt but| t b%at swamped, and that all the | ished. | St. Lovis, Nov. 4.â€"Col. John McFall, late United States p here, and who recently. wrote & very ;fl:?wnod lefter to prominent officers of the Treaswy Deâ€" partment on che subject of his removal District Court toâ€"lay, and withdrdw his plea of not guilty to the four indictments pending against him, and entered $ plea of guilty. {i~~ Nzw York, Nov. 5.â€"The Spanish ‘Gorâ€" erument has forwarded to their agent in this city, ordere to buy up and ship at once provisions and ammunition to the amount of: $500,000. hci for . this purpose was contributed in Havana on the 20th ult., upn receipt of a telegram from Madrid, to the effect that American intervention was feared, and that all that could be done to deter it was advisable, American Minister, has delivered to the Minister of Foreign Affairs another ‘note, similar to that presented early last mfi in regard to jurisd ction: of courts< h over citizens of the United States in Ouba. The Spanish Cabinet will speedily reply. Dificulties with the United States Ap= prehended | More Troops for Cuba. §3 Maprin, Nov. 5.â€"One thoussna more soldiers will embark at Santander on the 8th inst. for Cuba. The Government has transferred two brigades from Catalonia to El Conisia asserts that a meeting of the Cortes will aot be postponed. Amother, Noto from Minister Cushing. Le Imparcial states Mr. Cushing, the the north. Loxnow, Nov. 5.â€"The Colonial Office has received despatches from the Straits Settlemeut, ubowmhn the Englishmen murdered b’l’ the £uhm & Mfi t at Porak. . I g Sieo wi1ed, four of his salld waee deunged and are migsing. rom office, appeared in the United Em.. District Courf‘::-d.y, and withdrdw his A MERIOA N. An Englishman Mardered OTTAWA, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER: 6,, 1875 Fishermen Killed by a Pleads Guillty, NEW YORK. miCHIGAly. The Cortes. MAXLAY. E};k 4 '_â€"f â€" i tences were so lfilkii\_wl s Auks 120 pteminens. * | brvame Ufgationd Piibdia nor SPAIN. Train. h perâ€" Lake t reâ€" elong I Canada, and m again. He was brought in gailty. The Judge dismissed the jury, thaaking them for their attendâ€" ance, and saying they had given & verdict that he did not entirely agree with. Een â€" tences were passed this morning as follows: â€"William Irvine, manslaughter of I. E. Burk, fourieen years ; John Miller, man« slaughter, fourteen years ; T.‘C. Bonofield,/ larceny, six mouths; Wm. Skelton, for: 501)', three months ; John Leshey inâ€" ecent . mesault + Raghel « j six mbuths ; Willism <Héury,4 | seven years : Thomas Evans, 1: ‘ | four years ; W. H.Yilliame,Jareeny, | years ; Mary Sheilds, arrestedâ€" at for stealing, two years ; Margaret Johnspn, Hall; before Judge m:.’u & ‘The‘libel suit of Mac va ; Goa't Brown is expected to come on next week. A report ..has reached (here «that the propeller Quees of .the North, of this city, was wrecked, on Lake Erie the day before yesterday. ; She (was owned by Henry Jackman, anil was valued at $13, 000 ; imsuréd f6¢ $4,000. : 5| ) (~*"| The libel case, Bepudry uvs. Witness, has been going on all ‘day. â€" About twenty witnessesâ€"several ‘ keepers ol most preâ€" tentious houses of titution in the city â€"detectives and Qthers testified that Beaudry was a man|of bad charaster, so that no newspaper &rticle could :injure it, Judge . Torrance ved â€"his decision. The plaintiff sues for $25,000 damages. The Police Force of this city is being considerably iucreased, in accorlance with.the presentment. of the Grand Jury, yesterday. â€" To day eleven additional men were :put on, and ; dm%tho winter it is the intention of the Commissioners to add still more. | Five ‘thousand dollars» have dm been taised in hard cash ‘to proceed wil the life boat‘ station. ©Bir=John Macâ€" donald and Hon. G, W. Alian are trustees Di Jasa«l Lecarelion, of St.. Lanrent, is under â€" arrest on & e of: attempting nPe upon & youn ied ‘women. â€"He alleges, that the c is a trumped up one, As . the. wmi inant owed him ‘an aocount of which he has not been able to abtain payment, that she adopted this means to black him. f and in Hopper‘s case because his first wife was a prostitubse. . Nineteen prisoners were sentenced altogether, the"fo i being the princival. . _;;. ¢. ~ The investigation into the chlaon against C. W, Johnson, the dismissed City * Times â€" Ropeâ€"â€" Th sbbat" case . Stocks. | Buthind. + 4 MoXtrRAL, NoY . 5.â€"A.R. BQ'E&‘MQ sale liquor.idealer, apdâ€"his clerk, G. H. M James Foley, of 24 8t. Sacrament street, was arrested on a charge of perâ€" of the fund. * Toâ€"day being Guy Fawke‘s Day, it was nerepraioy haty ‘Titn" mate Hfle hoioll eclat in the evening by the younger por fimt;fthoeam::‘n ty . nml;e; nd"&o barrels were buPring in every direction, and the several drums and fife bands were parading the streets. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . * t e ons n on tE t jury. The.prisaner some time ago petiâ€" tioned against the Tanning Extract Company isguing additional |rtock, testiâ€" fying b::;?‘n Judge ty that ho was owner prop of capital stock in the aboze company,. to the extent. of £19,000. ‘The prosgcution allege that at the time. referreu Foley was not proâ€" prictor of stock to the amountâ€"mentioned in the petition . 7 f Pools on the West, Toronto election toâ€"morrow . wo(;o selling sti- exactly the same . rates<toâ€"night: ag~, last evening oothein TifotrhCly ‘at 410 4o $8 40 Turner. One enthusiastio Conservative bet $200 to $100 that Robinson would be elected. Exgitement never was . higher. Ned ECC CEReraRnZ «ur.cur-‘usm't 3 1Â¥ ug ‘ y «elpud.s -. L.‘bbo.‘won mm&ym a charge : lodpu-\ “f the Cour}\ or "Rovyiew. of altering two ~recéipts, :? complaint nll * 2| _ St. A mour, hotel Acton.. : Both| â€" Mo i Nov. 5.= The d. of the defendants deny having tampered : with C "'_' of-‘llovigw rendered j o in the plexand siate the (bandwriting these election cases toâ€"day. i2 td bears no resemblance to their own . | ECC ©‘00HION Cast mol Closing of Red ‘Riverâ€"Two‘ ‘Thoushnd | ‘Thoe on Eons eresen fevaaane® ‘_ Wiuter Weathcr. . t2 ~1 ’ €}1 _ Winxipzo, Nov. 5.â€"Red River navigaâ€" tion closed suddenly last n?ha,.fmun‘ for the winter, steamers an t boats between this point and Crookston. : ~ The Dakota with over twenty passen:â€" fan and a heavy load of freight is frozen n, forty miles by land from this city. The Cheyenne is fast at Emerson, ‘and the Alpha at Grand Forks, each luvinfi imâ€" C m enpemmeanan an river between, point a:d;‘gfil&;f’,'fuuy two thousand tons of freight is lying, which will have to be teamed into this Province, or wait the opening of ~navigation. U The .United smmm entering of Cana dian horses in bond into their territory. The Dominion Government lately retalâ€" iated by a similar veto on American horses onminf ‘(l}amdh& t;;r.iwry "l’z uestion now .is how is all thi bnqh C go'p&into Manitobs. . ***~!*+ * A motion in the City Council to abolish liquor u:‘gx altog;mher, muu'v‘ofig‘ the only one, Alderman Mc mm m{fimiwlu,lioenng of m each ; hotels, $200;â€" grocers‘ Jiquor liâ€" cense, $150 each. rg * Alarge number of Mennonites aré ‘in the city for winter supplies Owing to the closing:of the river, they get over|with their"laden teams. y iare growing comsiderably and M & Prof, Macoun, charged with making‘a botanical examination of the Pesge River country, has returned. He speaks of it in the most® enthusiastic terms as a country admirably fitted for settiement and the cultivation ‘of all the cereals. Many of the French half breeds are moving westward, intending to make Peace River their fuâ€" ture home. During t he week fully six inchesiof snow havé fallen. There is good sleighâ€" i':f, mild days and frosty nights. N&y weather. % Gep. A. Clark, & fast comtiission mer~ chant, has absconded, taking with him, it in na,fulty $8,000. _ Montreal merchants &re the principal sufférers.‘ $ C yoesth LONDOn. * l Meis. weme " usBEBC, Nov. 5.â€"â€"Pilot umars died °_ _ _y....__ wme Assines . ‘.d'QWod.:‘-dny.M h. robae of. the Loxbox, Nov, 5.â€" The Fall Assizes injuries received by him on board the aopened :today before Mr. Justice Moss, ‘‘\Qibson Oraig. \ > 4 but owing to the Chancery Court being _ ‘The cit mnp.p‘u‘fi-mli im ‘session no. business: was transacted. Mq{’mmdm i atb The criminal calendar is rather ~heavy, 3;..Famille, but.. accounts . are, yery and. includes two cases of, rape, One ‘of| contradiotory., ; There . will probably be W‘W.mflmm no .cortainty. -mm;i-& o mim dml u &W Wdu = on , C A NA D L sA N. , is now In MANITQBA 1oqE§To at the City liâ€" L judgment. ‘There was in it arrived at, ?hlida he d‘d not n.:thhgw concur in. The learned Jnmthu entered into the question of the treal Centre contested election as to Murphy‘s evidence. : It was clear ‘it: should <beâ€" received~ in the same‘way that it was received by the Hon. Judge in the Court ~below, and . even should the evidence ‘beâ€"entirely true, the Court would have a ‘hesitation in disâ€" qualifying the> responden t . Devlin. ~Reâ€" of his colleagues, holding that the Federal ‘â€" The members of the Legislative \Coun Government had not jurisdiction to name cil, being assembled, His. the -fi&“&’.m"‘ on of R o elgen on. g“".tma "':f the wl‘:i:hfi naming Judges of: the arce~ x re the Court, but it was left to the Provincial ; Council, and ‘the © Hotuse being presâ€" Government the naming of tke Court. ent «His ~Excellency: the Lientâ€"Gor He was of opinion that the Court had not ernor was pleased to open the first session jurisdictin, on the grounds that the of the third Parlisment of the Provinde of Controverted Election Act was a federal Qmflflimfolbfinxmfiflfi- and not a provincial one. â€" ; P jeâ€" Courts could have jurisdiction â€"over the ‘ House of Commons, was certainly strange ; but that power given by the:British North | American Act was clear on this matter=â€" giving exclusive right to the Pu'lim'nt’ of Canada to constitute laws for the gov . ernment® of the poofle. He cst.;auod at great‘ as ~to ‘jurig= I Ifien Srake doure of Review to ‘adjudi cate in controverted election muhr&nnd concluded by stating the mdty ‘of the Court were in favour â€"of divating in such oases, although Mr. Justice Beaudry / been ‘proved without doubt, but it was not to be ~said they‘were not to allow any Gther© explanation than that consistent with gull:.. : He>would : enterâ€"int > the uestion of ing.© The Judge who qfimd' the mmn.m as to fln-,ud.. and there/was no use in mworhgm alleged.‘ The judgment of the was, therefore, confirmed by the Court of Bommnmt:oo.htor Devlin. A;‘“ed.m at was quickly supâ€" p . In the A teuil County case, on » fio.ol&rgmdm.mblpdinqs:h{ fied,; Oweus, Conservative, petitioner, and Lemuel Cushing, Reform, respondent.© _ very ‘day‘ of) election. > ‘To ‘ prove: ‘this smnonuholumd.lnd&qn‘udlrm evidence of w itnesses as to mâ€"t hinmself.© The>Court unani held that the payments of ~Octaber; mém illéegal and contrary to theâ€"Act of 1874. {:lw already rendered was ‘inevitaâ€" ble, ‘ and is confirmed <by the Court of acté of bribery ‘had been committed, and had ‘beén clearlyâ€" proved in evidence adâ€" duced in the Court ‘below, and that ‘the illegalipsyments had been made‘on the ferring ito the case of: payment to Laren by Afi-m T Sohatiepths paymentrbad Justice Mackay remarked the only question bdou&:.dwhv.v:n:othu co t : practices or been otm ow ‘during the élection by reâ€" spondent, or with his actual knowledge. THE ARGHNTRUIL, . CHAMBLY, , AND, MONTREAL® CENTRE great ‘le: his objections to the finding ; Council in the gfm;wxnf:.héngb:{&mm.m' The member was: précluded‘from acquiescing in .the Kr.&.um‘l‘ohl:amnn-hd,“ “.oondd- ering great fiflnnoo case, it was evident that m&,.m is l.nm riiane“ er, was aware houles.. * There could ‘be ho dogbt ‘that Mdr:;ud.dp.n::i‘mp“ he quite As w concurred ~with Jufloom-dntq-th personal charges in two elections could only be regaraed as one before the Court. The <Court‘ had "a most painful duty to perform, but there was no: doubt that illegal bribery had been carried on, and gttt the respondent had: participated in 1bi" e Inâ€"the Cha: ; case ‘on the petition :of l?r‘:l’lmcmth unseated o 40â€" firfowitecthv inrendering Jo z Mr, Just30® Maokay in ren «. ment + referred ‘to the widomurwy adduced, ‘which .went ~to : prove corâ€" rupt practices,; had been extensively e e ermoge . 6‘ upon the evidence adduced with reference ( o on recanims fulmane is . Th fon i 3 raioa e B Recelloens § viow t i s C .0‘ these election cases toâ€"day. 4 m'fln ‘Ihnt;mtflmemor proceeded in Mr.~ Justios Beaupory explained, at state to the @hamber of the Legiglative Review, costs to be paid=by the respond= That y Frientcor #2. Jodain seomed 4b be walcome.: There tb?m provided with® meat‘ and : drink, free o(oxpcn:;l dinners were given to qinvassers, expenses of orators had bol:dpdd. Ao. om:dmdondby(}ibm i been paid: by‘ Jddoin, and© no return â€"whatever had been |made ‘by the RKeturning Officer of them, ‘Mr# Jodoin had been accessory to the general treating, and this was clearly Controverted Elect ons i%rmsoumupt ractices. The h‘c‘dthmfai ”ndh“!mdh denouncm, a&s corrup t ment of LCo\ut u':'w could not be Ns mihflm-h." for an energetio ; Mr. an cativass in Mon Centre. 4 New Railway Opened. Khowrrox, Q, Nov. 5.â€"The first train of cars nassed over the extension of the Southâ€"Eastern:â€"Railway from B-'gl June 3::001 Foster iandâ€"his yenerable . moâ€" over :eighty years of age, and his men, numbering .over. two hundnd‘:: ‘board, steamed to the station, c sfi Simer mays Ahndugithe air From the off amidst much enthusiasti¢ oburina 10r m‘fro:n.tb inhabitants, ‘and for the ..a.h-ds‘ hundred Ts the nd his two ; ees, :‘:fiud.ohuchbdk,fimcfidm; even the steam whistles in the village wwwwmfi delight at the advent of an engine. The city news, continue to publish Bt. Famille» w&m are, yery contradiotory . , ; There , will . probably be no .cortainty as to .the number lost . until Drowning Accident, KNOWLTON. QvEkEC. Tin measure baving that end in . view will be submitted to you, and [ hope it will meet your approbation. 1 have caused an P scpostng too ‘igen mad primboges 4t respecti to privi 'boti“g:t’noliu and.. Protestants, will modify the administration of the Departâ€" ment of Public Instruction, and render its working more efficacious. [ ‘am happy year will be duly submitted to you, and you will be called upon to the no‘ ounrymppliu-lun.hf:k:n&lob ’ml’orm&:u that, in spite of the financial a state. _ i4 Hon. Gentlemen and Gentlemen :. during last sessidhn to facilitate the settle: ment of our public lnld‘f. has been crowned with success. to infornf you that: the new plan adopted .d%“ you 'wmam ‘your hnmuuqm&find,-ficm‘ :mdoonqm,( earnestly pray that, with the blessing of Divine Providence, your In:â€"welcominag {:uh.olg h& eccasion :‘l yu::rthird gfi\hn Province, I congratulate you country upon the peace and good order which prevaried pt. Pottis, of the J. Z. Chandler, from wm»unvu,mpz-u{- washed overboard from his vessel, it is supposed, in â€"the . gale of Bunday«:~The evening, proves td be the schooner â€" 8c mb ime Ei bide Hame c ie reaing Opr cgeerr guring the : late elections,. . . 4 Bis ] result is, no doubt, due to the Mm the arrival of her new captain.=> |=>.:= The vessel n.::i as having . been Hon. Gentlemen of the Counâ€" S eariondy of ie ogeinier 4y vessel put into Mount â€"Desert, and awaite plaster, _ Sheâ€"willâ€"beâ€"a total doss. . The Dominion ~Government schooner Ella G. Mcelean is in port: : ® TTee: Warzen sharged hk forging a druky, C & â€"â€" The Minister of Marine and Fisheries agent of the Imperial Government ; â€" Mr. Bergne, who is in the same service in conâ€" nection ‘with> the Commission,: also Mr, TT oathorbes of Islifiny and 4e Davin of %thoamulhbmufls Mr. W hr,dtthDrt- ment, arrived in the city and are at the Victoria. : ‘Thuese gentlemen will hold a o7 Marimanmite piee sphey cptropane tor on! case ‘ to make before the Halifax Comm‘ssion» Ithtobozmt‘l that â€"Mr. Thomson is absent, as zhumbllhdby deputy.© It : -ueznoud'thc-th Commission ‘will mset fonq::til it meets then.: ‘It is understood the United States will appoint Jadge «Clifford as Commissioner, but ‘he is : abroad on r tfip,-&-wh--bdn» Spocial to THE TIMES. Gentlemen of the Legislative Assembly : The public accounts for the past fiscal In the County Court yesterday a woman named MoDonald;who complained against a "man ‘nsmed Pap::tn in a bastardy case, admitted that sworn information was false, that "the father"was named Regan, and she had been induced George Stockford to charge the parentage : In‘a case in the City Court ;fl-dqit was sworn that the wages of . Jabourers now.ate $1~ per ‘day® instead «of $3â€"as on‘sin innocent man. > The Jud:‘ said â€" af thogunl{:ry had not. been he would have her indicted fq'&dw]. ns Homttary m where he arrived at #ms and then proceeded by stage twenty _ The Princess Alexandra Mining Co. of Hillsboro‘, have struck a vein of coal from one to two feet thick, with the mm ‘This mine. is a short o eogen twie. aurohe noep will hevous y, an comâ€" pleted by Saturday. . _ struction, for next spring.. .A row of fiwmtum.pnphmqw QA n‘f!dfn_”._: o iget dom ink ie _ W P s 'l'to'.log. orke â€" New â€" Buildings Tarss Riyers, Que., Nov. 5. â€"Messrs A. Hogan and other. infuentialâ€"men from Montreal, J. E. Dorion, Treasurer of the Quebec City:Council, .and a number Faiting, it is roported, the opening of the for sewers, it is believed, will come on later. > ; < on‘ C 00 d T P0 a) . lame i on tpe aocher Solure the Rleotinn Gourt here, for trial on the 25th. ‘ _‘ " THE GOVERNORS SPEECH. Quesec Lecistatuge. Opening ‘of the Thiré Sesvion, Mr. THREE RIVERS, who are counsel in the , and in course of conâ€" { Aohan wes tasorred, 1 228 looked upon as a respectable fi';:rth‘m‘;um-n:dmw am'udofoud. e _ At the©Puti¢e Gourt this usorning a Shree Sthienth ‘od robpery oomtunmtes Tost Convicted of Rapeâ€"Pleaded Guilty. Hawiurox, Nov. 5.â€"At the Gourt of 2LVM» 0, "00.. . RUCHE: RUGIFy e . «u0. 0 190y en ies Te t fe $13 per ton.:= 8 ‘[i 1. .0 fl: Te o tem es sharging 40 for summarily settled the matter by ordering was keenly |contested and excited great ?ugfi& In bis charge to the % ‘m!‘uux-pokw&n 'tq&‘nt prisoners, on the ground that they were simply removing an ob Mhlm‘-, m‘?:o‘::n to through winw: sharese ths Sicting of "The dam was ~justifiable. ~â€"The jury, after a yqzammd.w of aequittal. Mr. James Bethune very defended the prisoners.: This case gnu,ydoddu the free passage of the fpornt Sipieting » The dolt siete of ptechhded rernrepevatee es ce noupetinani‘of oblgntions by "now Tals earanene n‘ en M m nad no right to charge toll for logs :23““" 'dn\hnfin?buihh 6 to gave him a right to control the stream by _ _ wew r;- MP.? Kew Yorr, Nov. 5. Hfl, westorn;‘ ;a;' d7 3 6t. b-'qa:‘; i enaaioges 1554 =.:..*!.-:?‘h.‘.’ Phoific, 621 ; Wabash, 014 j UT western and State; 460 to 510 for white do, Pork firm. at $28 25 t-':u..’ for TnG86. M steam. New m._,:x';au for Btate and M"*P*“fl-fix 6fe to 16; changed ; recaipts, 43,000 bushels ; on ho rerg on ind Barley quie and heavy ; receipts, 21000 pushcls); snite none. _ Onte quiot and MG Tane Nov. 5.â€"The . Queen of Hevmnneg io on ie â€" Dearsk or ons or «ue Nariow‘s Warps C. Bondy, one of the m:l!fi. mm-lndnw ‘at . Windsor twelve days before, at his home in Petite Cote, Sandwich West, at the.adâ€" at Seadeit. m tor. E?.Z"nfia in » gfiflufimm in the year 1 urndfinfio-‘ddnm He Raisin, Miami, and Gibraltar, but escaped. without a wound, His funeral was atâ€" tended ‘by the St. Jean Baptiste Society, of Bt. Joseph‘s Church; River Canard, who -uvhodhmeu.‘-bthmd about : 70. was buried in the graveâ€" yard at that church. Ahe township of Colchester being the fld in Essex Bouth, and the north 1 sepaâ€" Fark To manind onb aokhs. ered by many that the interests of both divisions would be better attended to, if it were divided into two unww.lho one haring Gesto as its centre, the Other Harrow, â€" ‘The question of a division has assumed no definite shape as yet. Mr.‘G. W. Smith was struck in the eye en prictlhe Araige i. in: Rropthrvn tira. + At a meeting of the ‘Presbyterian conâ€" Mam-mm .kovxn “.:&"p,:fl.du boatie Pss css o P roomel stipond and ear,: He â€"pleaded guilty, and the senâ€" SL1s Je w.--:‘ bite o io ~ sn <> ~oud mss ioi &4 ToroxTo, Nov. 5.â€"The Produce Market C OM M ERCI A L Lrvk®rodt, "Nov. 5.=â€"Cottou, "dull‘ Reâ€" ipt df wheat fTor the past three days, IMPORTANT : DECIS1ON. ...Al-'..-..-"-.t * s quarters ; American, 35,000 . PRICE 8 CENTS. Liverpool Warkeots HAMILTON. 18fc. The Qusen IlL. 2 do MNOLLAXD. rapBhrvedting +>

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