Fi€d als | y 33 U it *4 b EJ 46 WK I a1 We have appoimted Mr. 8. N. Cuix 1. of Port Hope, Ontaric, Sole Ayw~‘ in the Dominion of Canada, for Ts T:.uss and Tux® Desates or Parâ€" piay>ar, Orderstand Subscriptions for Notice to the Public. wlhich is now acknowledged by many leading gentlemen with whom during his tour he care in coutact, but who have al along been at political variance with him | autl the great Liberal party. On the other hand, it is pretty well understood that the Premfier~is, on the whole, well satistied with what he saw in connection with the Intercoloniai Railway, and more than satistied with his reception by the peop‘e. As he remarked at St. John, it has been tho custom with the politicians of the Tory party to represent him as the eneiny of the Lower Provinces.; There may be some who; retain that idea yet, bur we undeitake to predict that it will not bs a genoration ere they, too, are enabied to see how short sighted was the policy of junconatitutionally favouring, or seeming to favour,the Maritime Provinces at the expense .of the Dominion, thus inciting sectional prejudices ani provinâ€" cial jealousies=a policy for opposing which , _ the Premier and bis collessues were [denounced, misrepre: sente«l, and misunderstood, to the preâ€" judice of their political interests and the interests of tlte whole country. That Mr. Mackenzie‘s boaring while in their midst, and his acts as leader of the Govâ€" ermmment, have succeeded in removing these false :mpressions from the minds oi many who yet entertained them, is appargrt. We do not suggest that this will finally dispose of the Opposition party of the Lower Provinces. Dr. Tupâ€" per will doubtless continue to represent in his own person the entire Conservative contingsnt of Nova Scotia, and the Hou. Peter Mitchell will lead the New Brunsâ€" wick " Lef Centre" and have his fling over the party traces all the same ; but the political reason of the electors aball have been informed on a subject regardâ€" ing which the evidences were previously ycontradictory, and until latterly very oneâ€" sided, Ahe Tiimes. been without an admixture of pleasure and gratification which do not freqwently attend the transaction of his ordinary duties, and that the recollections he wil} enterta‘n of it will be lively and agreeâ€" @ble. The general public of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, with a spirit which might be «emplated with advantage anongst umlllts occasionally, recogniz ing in their distinguished visitor not merely the leader of a party to which many of them did not belong, and with whose political principles they did not s)mpathize, but also a man whose career has been one of the most remarkable on record, and who now decupies the highest position to which the suffrages of his fel low cit.zens could raise him, united to do him honour. There is every reason to suppose that his personal intercourse wich the people of that section, conveying to thieir mivds, as it must have done, very ditterent impressions of the First Minister from those disseminated by interested politicians regarding him in the past, wil be productive of the best results, in so far as the future is concerne I. They have at last had the. opportunity of seeing and jal«ng for themselves, and were no longer under the necessity of accepting the deciarations of those whose estimate of the man has been prejudiced by pre conceiv x1 disliike or political spleen. Whatever the conâ€"equences, it is always better that people know the truth. Mr. Mackenzie, however, is one of those who always improve on acquaintanceâ€"a fact Messrs. H{. Crandell & Co., having erect» ed a pierâ€"dam some time ago on the Ottawa River, near the Chaudiere Falls, complaints weére addressed by several lumbe:ing firms to the Department OJ Public Works, of the interférence thus caused with their water privileges, and Me:~rs. Crandell were thereupon notified t remove the obstruction. Although some months have elapsed since the noti fication, no steps have been taken in the matter by Messrs. Crandell. ‘The Minis ter of Justice has now commenced the necessary proceedings to enforce obedi ence to the order of the Minister of Pub Â¥ir. Mackensie returned to the city on Baturday evening, after a tour extending ov r the railway system of the Lower Proâ€" vinces. ~llis trip was undertaken with & vyiew to business, a more thorough perâ€" sonal acq iaintance with the affairs of that branch of the department of the public s*rvice over which he presides being his aim ; but we should fancy that it has not e â€") ‘LTAW A, MONDAY, NOWV RETURN OF THE PREMIER CBSTRUCTIONS AT THE CHAUDIERE. ADVERTISEMEBNTS INSERTED IN TBI3 ‘ s AdJST, is authorized to receive on our MAacLEAN, ROGER & Co aifac p] i \Q»f"1-5 2 % 3_?.‘@;â€\:5 s ENee ~â€"J. Bermingham. sâ€"D, 8. MceKinnon & Co â€"J . Bermjng ham.. Iriskh Frieze always in Stock, W. KENNY & SONS Aerchant Tailors, and Outfitters, Sparks Street, Ottawa. AdGgucrtiscmeuts. 8. McKinnon S, M Aeyt 4"'7‘.,#:.‘:&‘6 *» 8, 1875 °* _\ set all calculations made in adrance of |. the fact, and the Conservative candidate |â€" rejoices in & substantial nmajority: Over his | opponent. Upon what grounds the chaice | ‘ | was made it is not very easy to conceive. An obsoure, secondâ€"rate lawyer, whose only merit is â€" respectability and his â€". | descent from the Family Compact, has been preferred by a large commercial con:â€" | stituency to an â€" equally respectable | and remarkably able merchant and manuâ€" y | facturer, _ Mr. John Beverley Robinson {hu served for some time in Parliament _____ | before now, and has proved himsel{â€"a | nobody. Mr. John Turner‘s has been & ‘ 5 | life remiarkable for enterprise, shrewdness 4 | and success. , First known to the public ppmtreed \n a clerk ‘in the office of the City L Chamberlain,Toronto, he rpeedily won his 75. «way to the confidence of his fellow citizens â€" until â€"he was returned as alderman for E one of the finest business wards of the Provincial Capital, and in this capaoity eregtâ€" 1 acted for many years with remairkable h the ‘1 mcceptance and ability as Chairman of Falls, i the Finance Committee. In business he everal | ®®s eqially successful, being at the mt 9; | present moment the owner of one of the a thus | most extensive boot and shoe manufacâ€" s, and | tories in Canada. ; He is, moreover, a man otifieq | of consideaable mental attainments, a hough | good ‘speaker, and, in all conscience, he e noti | Was surely better fitted to represent in the | West Toronto in the .louse of Commons Minis |than Mr. John B. Robinson, who has d the (never been able, with the most ample obedi [;dvanugeu in his favour, to make cven a f Pub | moderate position for himself in his proâ€" | fession, and â€"has never been heard of in L ‘ connection with a business ‘adventure of R. 'Iany kind. That a _ Conservative of equal calibre to _ Mr. * Turner ity on ’nhonld have defeated _ him would ending | ba â€" by no means surprising. _ The ir Proâ€" | record of the constituency proves that it with a| really belongs to that party. Mr. Moss i perâ€"| was returued over Mr. Robinson, we all f that | know, partly because of the desire of Con public | servatives to express their disapproval ng his | and censure of the transactions of Sir as not | John Macdonald in connection with the easure | Pacific Railway Charter, prrtly because of wently | having already been chosen in preference dimary | to a Conservative. candidate of doubtful ie wilj | character, but chiefly on account of his agree. | own exceptionally high personal recomâ€" Scotia | mendations. It is needless to say that which | we are disappointed {in the majority, intage | although defeat was not altogether unexâ€" ogniz. | pected. Toronto West will have the conâ€" r not | solation of knowing that for the remainder which | of the present Parliament its influence 1 with| will be ni? in the collective wisdom oi d not | the country, when its voice might have career | have been heard with effect if the choice le on | made hau fallen upon the rejected canâ€" The Conservative organs, which have. been scanning the political horizon with: great eagerness during the last year and a half for some signs of the reaction which they have prophecied, will doubt: less discern the speckâ€"they have watched for in the West Toronto _ elec: tion. Whatever comfort they may be enabled to _ draw from : the victory, we are sure nobody will begrudge them. . They have been labouring for sucoess under the most disheartening ciroumstances, they know how sick bope deferred makes the heart, and had this crumb of comfort been deni¢ed them, itis hard to say what desperate straits they might have been reduced to. They had wade themselves certain that Mon. treal West was going to be won, but it was uot. In this casé, the majority by which Mr. Robinson has been elected will be as great a surprise to his friends as to his dpponents. â€" Indopendent authoriâ€" ties up to the last moment predicted a close election, with the odds in fayour of Mr. Turner, while the strongest party men on both sides admitted the result of the contest as exceedingly doubiful. "The ballot, however, bearing out in practice the anticipations which were entertained by those who supported the theory, upâ€" didate. The pecuniary circumstances of the Duke of Kent after his retirement from active service, required him to exercise the «trictest economy. Both on the Conâ€" tinent and in England he lived in the simple style of & ‘gï¬nu entleman. When residing at oodbrooi‘Cotluge, near Sidmouth, he died suddenly of inâ€" flammation of the lungs, on the 23rd 0 Janu ry, 1820â€"eight months after the birth of his daughter, and only a few days hefore the death of his father, George IIL. After the death of His Royal Highness, the Duchess, his widowâ€"who had come with her infant dau hter to Kensington Palaceâ€"voluntarily .gb.ndonod the claim which she bad under his will to all his personal property, a&@ yielded up the whole amount to his croni itors ; An«f this, notwithstanding. that she had sarcrificed an annuity of £5,000 on Ler marriagé to the Duke. From 1820 to 1825 the _ Duchess had _ an ineiuno of only £6,000 a year, and from 1826 to ls3l she was compelled to n%:epf. a | ift of £3,000 a year from her brother, | Prince Leopold. When the death of George IV occurredâ€"which led to the accession of the Duke of Clu}onoo as William IV., and to the Princess Victoria becaming heir apparent to the throneâ€" Parliament voted an additional £10,000 a year to the income of the Duchess of Kent, and passed a bill by which it was settled that in the event of the King‘s death, and during the minority of her daughter, the rexenw should «levolre upon the duchess. hen those matters were before Parliament, statesmen of both varties vied with each other in the enco= miums on her lï¬oy.l»HiiI:neu for. the exemplary manner in which she had dxsch.rged her duty in the education of the future Queen of England. To this all important task the royal wother entirely devoted hersel!. ‘It was no slight testimony to the character and wisdom of the duchess that she was the only parent since the Restoration who had the uncontrolled power of bringing up the heir to the throne. From her earliest age the princess was taught to live simply, to practice self denial, to cultivate ‘her natural abilities by study, and to put her trust in God. As bearing on the education of the Princess Victoria, the following letter from the clever and humorous Duchess Dowager of Cobourg, addreâ€"sed to her daughter, the Duchess of Kent, may here be given. It is dated May 2ith, 1831, the eleven:h birthâ€"day _ of the " May Flower," as the (young princess was fondly termed by i or grandâ€" mother :â€"* My blessings and good wisues for the day which gave you the sweet blossom of" May! May uod preserve and protect the valuable {ife of that love ly tlower from all the dangers that will beset her rmhind and heart! The iays of the eun are scorching at the height to which she may one day attain. 1t is ouly l by the blessing of God that all the fiue «qualities he has put ‘into that young soul can be kept pure and untarnishe . tiow | well I e.nh:}ztp-th!u with the teelings ot unxiety that must possess you wnen that time comés| God, who has helped you} | inrough so imany bitter hours of grief, will be your help still, Put your trust in Him," * WEST TORONTO ELECTION. Quern Victoria‘s Parent‘s. 1 eisure Hour Mr. Ooravs Forort, of the t Terrebonme, Quebec, to be an Uili signee for the Judicial District © bonne, in the said Province, vi‘ the followtn intments :â€" *M. ()muel‘l’ggnnn. of th Mr. MEGI ï¬\'lz(ll. of Carib w, Ruitish Columbia, Sheriff of the District of Cari boo, to be an, Official Aâ€"‘:m»~s tor the Province of British Columbis. â€" Mr. Haexaey A. Haruey, Nova Sootia, to be a subâ€"( Majesty‘s Customs. _ _ â€" Mr. Wiruax H. Bu Nova Scotia, to be a Sub Majesty‘s Customs. _ _ Mr. Artaur M. Hius, of %‘. Nicplun, New Brumswick, to be e =veyor and Gw&or in Her Majosty‘s Co~U us. MILITIA GENERAL O« s. Militia Pensions, 181215. â€"tTha mmey voted by the Dominion ‘‘irllament for the Militiamen of 1812 15, |ein 4 nearly all appropriated, applications lor pensions for the present year shoul\ he fyled boâ€" fore the l5th inst. _ Coin mwications in connection with the above ure to be adâ€" dressed by the applicants «lirect to the Minister of Militia and Detonce. Bnider En{icld Ball Amu «nitionâ€"Snider Enfield ball au munition for extra pracâ€" tice will Loreafter be ~~‘d to officers in comman. of corps at$!5 per .0 X‘rounds, providing the ammunition is received by the purchaser at the migzazine and re moved in boxes supplied ut his axponse. An extra charge of $2 for each 300 rounds will be made if Government boxes are issued with the amimunitin. Pay ment to be made by deposit receipt to credit of Receiver Gen»ral, as directed in aragraph 177 of the " Regulations and Srden," 1870. Province .of Ontario.â€"Three months leave of absence, from lst Deceber next, is hereby grante l to Colo® rvis, C. M.G., Deputy Adjutant Genera!, Mili tary District No. 3, to P.vnwd to Europs The offictal Gazette of Saturday on"private alfairs. _ lhe duties of the Deputy Ajutant Geneial, Militiry D sâ€" trict No. 3, will, from Ist December next, until further orders, be taken over by Brigade Major Lieutenant Colonel Worsâ€" ley in addition to his takin‘s over the du: ties, also until furtner orders, of the Tth Brigade Division. > Province of Quebec.â€"Lie itenant Colonel \ Bacon, Buigade Major l<t Brigade Diviâ€" sion, will, witil furtfxer orders, take over the duties of all that portion of the 3rd Brigade Division lyins westerly of the River Richelieu, in awldition to the lst Brigade Dwisioii. The duties of all that poition of the 3rd Brigade Division lying easterly of the River Richelieu will re main as heretofore taken over by Major the Honourable Matthew Aylmer, Brigade Major 2ud Brigade Division. ACTIYE MILITIA, ; Prescott Troop of Cava ry.â€"To be Capâ€" tainâ€"Lieutenant John Raney, C.C., vice Brevet Major James Morrow ‘Valsh, who is hereby placed on the Retired List reâ€" taining his Brevet rank. â€"1 regained strengthâ€"then my cou;h gradually â€"left me, and finally the exâ€" pectoration ceased ; and although the benefit was ‘gmdua], I could note the‘ c‘ange for the better every day, .o Ehat. after baving taken ten bottles I considered myself well. ‘Inis was about five months from the tim> ! commented taking the syrup; A short time after I had considerable trouble, anrt feeling some of the old symptoms returnâ€" ing, I finished the other two bottles, and now I consider myself as well as [ ever was in my life. My present weight is i162, seyen pounds above my usual heaithy standard. Aiy nerve:l are good, my _ appetite _ good, â€" an eneral health Fl:earï¬ly recommend youg Syr to all persons troubled with any d-ï¬io&f- ties or disease of the Lungs or Nervous System, firmly believing that had I not used it, :1 would not now be living. As this is the first time [ have visited your city since, I feel under an obligation to let you know the effects produced by this Syrup. I continued taking the remedy regularly, At first my appetite improved Hoping this letter may meet the eyes of othpern similary affected, and induce them to use the same means of cure, I remain, yours very truly, The notes in circulation for the week are put at $11,055,729.84; amount of specie held at various points $2,866,261.15 ; specie required to be held by banks in reserve, 32,927,864; excess of specie, $38,397.15. Dear Sig,â€"In May, 1866, I was attacked with a severe dry cough, which continued in harshness for some time, when I comâ€" menced expectorating & thick, whitish substarice, LE:: I raised a greonili: yellow and slateâ€"coloured matter, then bleeding of the lungs setin, and other symptoms of a verf alarming character showed themâ€" selves. I consulted the leading physicians in Philadélphia and other citi¢s, who gave me no encouragement, as my | disease was Consumption. I spared no expense to obtain relief, but found none. : In August, I‘had fallen in fiesh from 155 t> 136 unds, and sinking > rapidly every day. ï¬)y friends in Philadelphia adv‘sed me to leave the ship and go home. â€" Atâ€" home they considered my case hopsless, and wisged me to remain there and not die in a foreign country. I visited St John in Uctober of the same year on my way to Philadelphia tojoin my ship,and was advisâ€" eil by a stranger, who noticed my shrug ken form and racking cougb, to try you; Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites ; and, as & drowning man will catch at straws, I saw pfy of hopeâ€"in the siiggesâ€" tion, and procured m bottle. ‘The efftect warranted a further tial, and I bought ‘a dozen bottlée, and left St. John, and have been knocking about the Atlantic ever since 1 Harets Corriuc, Master of brig Potosi, of Wind=or, N. 3. I recéntly heard from Captain Coffill that be continued to possessess vigorous health . Ixvextor. LETTER FROM CAPTAIN COFFILL, OF THE BRIG «* PoTOSI,‘‘ OF WINDSOR, N. . St. Joun, N.B., May 22, 1868. Mr. Jaxes L. Fercows, Chemist. Frl "Just as Goon.‘"â€"One of my friends who had been using your (Fellows‘) Com pound Syrup of Hypaphosphites for Conâ€" sumption, was induced by one of our druggists to take another preparation of Hypophosphites, which he nuf was " just as good, if not better." The use of half a bottle taught him, that if be would consult his safety, he must return to your Syrup again. $ > Gananoque Field Battery of Artillery.â€" To be Veterinaty Surgeonâ€"John Waldie, (Gentleman. M ' GNDREAU‘s mavm% and haircutting saloon, No 3 Rajotte‘s Block, Wellington street. Adele M. Gendreau, proprietor. ‘‘The authorized discount on American invoices until further notice is 14 per cent. M Dr. R, V. Pierce, of the World‘s Dispenâ€" sary, Buffalo, N. Y., whose Family Med!â€" cines bave won goldrn opinions and achieved . worldâ€"wide reputation, after patient study and much experimenting, succeeded in perfecting a Compound Exâ€" tract of Smatâ€"Weed, or Wa‘er Pepper, that is destined to become as colebrated as his other mediciues,> It owes it« efliâ€" cacy ‘not lentirely to the Smart Weed which, however, is a sovereign remedial agent, but largely to a happy cominnâ€" tion of that herb with the Jamaioa (Ginger and other vegetable agentr. Tbe comâ€" bination is such as to make it a very pleasant remedy to take. Takenâ€" inter nally, it cures Diarrbhcea, Dysentery (or Bloody:Flux;, Summer Complaint,Chalera Cho‘ers Morbus, Colic, Cramps and Pain n the stoma~®b, breaks up Colds,Febril=a=r i Inflamatory ‘ Attacks. It is sold !y a eppiiy sao Geniees in uons 1 Mansion House Hotel. Baltimore, Maryland. CANADA GAZETTE. CIRUULATION AND SPECIB, AMERICAN INYVOIOES. MILITIA STAFK Consumption. THF TIMES OTFAWA, MONDA\, NOVEMBER 8, 1875. Gzo. C. Fort, of Ches‘er, tor in Her 1 ewater;, w in Her por twins of the €0 a 39B if insl ’ n?n'amom 3984 ts â€" Ottawa. Se;, 175. â€" i irzRe nave been 20 Gurney Base Burnâ€" er« sold to one of any other stove, and we »: ver had to take one back. °kmmml Beos. (an P0 3076 Hzxormrnors for Piuss) are permanent ty cured by mï¬ï¬'w. Pilé Ointment, or m mey refunded. Price $1 per pot, or six m mez refunded. Pï¬oo.lpw or Bix pots for .5- Sold wholesale retail b: tho Wingate Chemical Company, l(ame&{ a id retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price »vy Dr. EMathieu, 198 Notre Dame stree, Montreal. Read teis Twick.â€"®ive to thirty drops of Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, will cure common Sore Throat. It never fails in Croup. It wi‘l cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four to fortyâ€"eight hours. One bottle has cured Bronchitis of eight years‘ |t|.ndin.{x; recent cases are cured in three to days. It has restored the yoice where the rerson has not spoken above a whisper in five years, ‘As an outward application in all cases of pain.or laments, nothing like it h+s ever been knowz. One bottle will cure any case of Lamé Back® or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Coutraction of the Muscles it is unequaleds In Rheumatic or any other pain the first application does you good. It stops Ear Acheand the pain of a Burn in three ‘minutn, and is altogethér the best and chuYut medicine ever | offered to the peopleâ€"the cheapest, becruse it takes so little to do yo:;‘ï¬ood. It is*Bomposed of six of the best oils known, and nothing but oils. Is worth its wei%ht in _ gold. Why not buy it toâ€"day?â€"A. B. Des Rochers, assistant postmaster, Arthabasâ€" kaville, P,0., writes:â€""Thirteen years kaville, F,0., writes :â€"*" Lhirteen {t ago I was seized by a severe attach theumatism in the head, from which I have nm.‘lf constantly suffered. â€" After having used "Thomas‘ écleotrie Oil" for nine days, bathing the forehead, L have been completely cured, and have only used half a bottle. This I _ c#h oerht(is under oath, if you wish. â€""Rev. J. + lory, of Wyoming, N. Y., writes * Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil cured me of Bronâ€" chitis in one week.". Dealers all over the country say, "We have never sold a medi« cine that has given such complete satisâ€" faction as this." _ â€" Sold by all medicine â€"dealers. "Price, 25 cents. ' "_ 8. N. THOMAS&Phel}fo, N.Y. And NORTHOP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. _ . Nornâ€" Eclectricâ€"Selected and Eleoâ€" trized. â€" OVER GoAT:NX i8 BBOADC, 0 South Sea Seal, â€" Persian Lamb, Astrachan, _ Baltic Seal, 1/ 4 English Rabbit. ho s t y y â€"__ FLANNEL SBIRT®, Ard a Large Assortment of Men‘s Furnishings DEVL!N’I FUR DEPOT. LADIEY AND CHILDREN 8 'L (LATE METCALFE‘3) are tfow prepired to show & very large stock of oveRrcoare, â€"0 _ |0 0|00 0_ m‘!‘ho -uuorutw-r n‘mm 'm':.. 1'.llmher Limits of »quare Les io exte tuated on m ulde:qullm Montreat River, a tributary to the Ottaws, on ranst «dvanta :enus termas, â€" _ P â€" | or R Felt, Silk and Straw Hats and Caps, Waterproof Coats, Umbrellas, &¢., witite PINE otin"Tnext vorsible deseripe H . t t‘on ; ;,:"l ;«:u‘m milli ns of feet of 'u-hz (it tor Sa w» : The limits are in their PRIMITIVE ouglnl‘rlu!!l. onlr a very few pleces of timber CONDITION, onl a very few pleces of . timber ha been catriet :J n n nc iB en w es m necestury i0 t Jotning Tamitx the Quesse Markes is Mmbz about invar‘anly, early ‘n July, For furtber p=tical ‘rs apoly to ‘A. Â¥. rowastL, $ GREAT CHEAP SaALE HAT!| HATS! HATS ! A large lot of slippers, at cost and under, all linig of Loather * * Atashade over first cost, at Lamb‘s Clearing wale, In fact you can save lots of -mqï¬ buying your feet wear at Lamb‘s Clearing which will be opened to t:e:blh only a ime, as the stock is fast ..-::s. A appeitunity for buying out a good well esâ€" tanilshed business. . Pe sonal application to W. A. LAMB, _ _ Tlllll LIMITS FOR SALE. AT ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES ! Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, Childrens‘ Rubbers at 85 ots. Miawes® ‘ s at 40 ets. Ladies‘ Loag Rubber Boots, at $1.50.9 And other goods ut proportionately low pricer, tirts, Caps &c, af cost for rash Hatters &« Furriers. hi EASO N A BLE, °_ FOR THE [MILLION. 5 TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCEKN 1, Hats! Hats!! ilats !!! An1 every d soription of Fall and Winter Clotning. _ In this Depar: ment will ‘be tound a very large Btcox of . Ottawa, Cot. 8, 1876 'Allï¬l rows Manufacture, and ty of jFur w â€" R: J. DEVLIN, s | 1 Manufacturer , 1 * 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposito the British Lion Hotel. March 12, 1875, t JOHN SMITH & Cu., March 10, 1878, In draer to clear the Stock"as soon as possible have decided to sell all the assortment of CLOTHING HOUSE, JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW | _ SPYLES FOR 1875, UNDERCLOTHING, FUR JACKETS ANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. ; MONTREAL AND OTTAWA. BOOTS & SHOES â€" MLO D GE S . A Rare Chance . _CO T E®‘S, , Oct, 5, 18 75. ORDER DEPARTMENT. COMPAR® THE PRICHSS AT TH® RIDE U ;STREET, UNION BANK BLOCK. 118 SPLRKS STREET. AT PEA JACKETS [ vistinas, #16% * BRANDIES, PORF & SHERRY WINE, GIN â€" PORTER, 4c 100 100 10 10 The Canadian Meat Caining Co.‘s Fresh Goods, BOLOGNASâ€"Ham, Chicken and Tongue; bath smoked, Brunswick, ete. +OUPSâ€"Oxâ€"tai), Hoich Potch, Kldno'{ Boup, Soup and énmlla, etc., etc. TLN GOODSâ€"Htoya) Cambridge, Beefsteak ; boiled, corned, spiced, seasoned and Collops, Veal 5'00“"1':1 is, Roast Duck, Scotch Maggis, Sheep Tongues, Ox Toogues, Lamb and etc. y About Sputéront kinds and varieties st half the pribes of Im ported Grode, and much it snge! The Largest assortment in the clty. A call is soli¢ited to examine Prices and Qua‘lties at BOOKS & STATIONERY ARTHUR L. H({LMES, Of general Literature, as well as Coll and Â¥ubilc School Text B oks n:flm Bchool Utensiis, Will be fonnd evéry article used in the office or Will always be kept in stock. A yery large choice of Blgl"fl. Hymn Books, & _,,_1____ Church Bervices, &o. _ ___ _ Kxolusive teritory given. , ; more (han. double m“â€' ‘A-m Dr. &,.. 5 AND VEHICLES,] mlch cannot be beaten. Carefu land attentive vers alwnys in attcodance when required. Conveyances can be had at all hours by leayâ€" ing orders at the : Centre Town Livery Etables. loke of Seras 4 w udarim o tooke sod‘k % * & household necessity, It inuopaente mt orerel, to, wovt e y normary tathor) gireh." _A';'&;;- iEZ This Bu':l;srkx COotton is PERFECT IN l%so FINISHED, EXTRA SM00TH, EL IC and YERY STRONG, which comâ€" bined with FREEDOM FROM KNOTS give it all the qualiites requisite for W . CHAMPNESS begs to draw the attention of his patrons and the public generaily to his Tosell Dr, Chase‘s Recipes; or Infor for Everybody, in every county in the Ftates and Canada. Eniarged by the 16 645 pages, _n_z"esd-wgr%ng BEST SX CORD EXTR QAVALMY, m&. Bank of B. N. America, â€"BT, the best and most con‘ UV:X stables in the city. u‘t‘end:;oo and Ts gble nu-."‘v‘hf nvor the underigned W a onin" _ _ _ N.B.â€"Horses boarded and groomed most satisfactory manner. Aspecialty 1 onis featurg: o0 . .000 u05 . c.. Teasâ€"Black, the fineet imported, Green, do. f i\(bllboâ€"\'ery superior, fresh roasted and ground daily. \Syrupsâ€"Meple, Amber, Golden, &c., very fine. i [Sugarsâ€"All grades, for preserving very s{ rong. ‘| A large and we‘l selected slock of fancy groceries too numerous to detail «lways on hand. Glasgow Peas Meal, Mackensic‘s Digestive Biscuits, and Angastora Bitters at â€" ALBO, C First Class Machine Sewing, As there are severai makes and qualiti CLARK & COB COTPON, ask for Bpecially Manufactured f)r use on the iSEWING MACHINE Livery Stables, Rideau Street, opposite "ANCHOR BRAN »" Best SIX CORD EXTRA Quality Kept by allLeading Dry Goods Houses. _\ ____Palbousie Street. _ _ _ _ . nruv-n:- horses and capital vehicles at a moment‘s nolice, and on reasonable terms, _ S1GN PAINTER AXD GRIXER, Welling:on Street, Near Pooley‘s WESLEYAN CONFERENCE, TORONTOy Brtrisy Lilox HorEL. Ottawa, July 2, 1875 f Ottew», Oct, 21. 1878, Ottawa, Se lpt,5, 1875 Livery Stables, Carriages, Marach 11. 1874 ESTABLISHED 1854. Charles W. Leonard, THOS. PATTERSON. LIVERY STABLES Puryzvom;ro His ExostLzxor tas Governos Gxnaziar, Ein Dorran®. Direct Importations from the Producers LARK & CO., ENTRE TOWN D Cases CLARET, Jas, Violets, special order, very fine. & » Casks SEXERBY WINE, Y.P., fine flavour, fine brands. Cases BABS‘ Fine ALES, pints and quarts, per order OVYERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Hogsheads Fine Old BRANDY, 10 years old, direct order. Hhds Fine Old PORT WENE, unrivaled in quality, some 20 years old different prices 38 Sparks Street. w thia comp‘ete assoriment of IN STATIONERY ANCHOR MILLS, LUNCH, BREAKFASTS and SUPPERS. THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE WHOLESALE & RETAIL. Barreis GUINNESS‘S PORTER, pint and quarts, put up to order, . _ The Victoria Stables PURE ANU JNANDULTERATED, for Fam{ly use and Medicinal Purposes. LOWRIE RICE, LLVE AGENTS, WANTED PAISLEY, Would call attention to their Warriages. BOOKS BROWNLEE & C Has opened at I1 France, England, Holland and Spain, ualities of Victoria Buildi Maclma;% Pr%ddnn:m J en Mage®, T 100- resid (éh%: Hate, E#q., Hon. L. R. Uhure C.T, Hate, Req., Hon. L. R. Ubhurch, M.P.F couere." Amapbuen," Hse,. HLp .. Ajeratram Robert.. Blaekturn, Ksq., ‘M.P., Alexandet ([;Hno‘:;r haq? George Hay, Bq & Gefloï¬kmtn( Business 7 Interest Allowed on Deposits, â€" ‘ B gids?;‘ gumncy.nd Steriing Drafts Purchased Bavings‘ Department. _ _‘ _ _ __ . _ SIGN WRITER BHuUSE D=CORA TOR, PALNTER, PAPRXE. Descriptions, Prices & Testimonials Every Instrument Warranted Five Years, m‘:-m:mm&-m::mfl.‘.yg Have received of their Spring Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTALNS. Embracing ali the novelties, out for the season, 0 which the confidently Invite â€" Inspection. Opposite the Post Office, [Eigin Street. A assortment of N PAPERS, B!mulilg':@, just received, Alszowmvuv s prices of the diflerent instruments, and our Tofust priove opnâ€"aie t whigh in Agente onk SHOOLBRED & CO. The 4 Journal w the piau cete eeg d en Poamct, dn uP t » as n setaadinnest Sn ire mate maid. art onl the oc Innuhï¬uu‘dq.g\unu hunareds of their Eï¬wmlim * _* _ About 17,000 â€"of ua are now in use Mmu:hflnfy the have agrafle treble : PIANO â€" FORTES, ORGANS, &c. retail prices â€"site at which our Agents can 21! them, m’;houw'o have no W.: wiil suply them_at the prices named : _ MATHUSHEK PIANO the most pow durable, pure ane musiâ€" 'u:od? -n:.n“hmum unanimous | nMMdflumunobd-#u | ,.Of Europe and America. : timonials sent free, and | comparison invited. BANK OF OTTAWA i1 Ottaws, Sept, 0 1876, (Made for Norris\& Soper.) * i1 modern improvements. Ovum:a(:t!:nhuo. . m rice. Our Retail Price. Special Value in Lace Csr riains. In the catalogue mak» s ppoq-%nt mwu“'m our FULL AGRAFFE AND TRICHORD, Makers Prices. Our Retail Prices., &. 8, 7 octave, $6% . .... $500 NORRIS & SOPER, 11 â€"2â€"75. TTAWA CARPET HoOUSE Office: . toria Buildi 0 ?"“' Wenrer: Block of P.m:-o: Buildings. DIRECTORS : 3 14 J * 880 | .... R 3 The Fischer Piano. PRINCE ORGANS | IMPORTERS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. A 7 obtave, __. $375 . gam PRUNEAU, Junr., 54A .498fg°45 Ax gs‘ieé"sg 535 ied ï¬a < 0 "RBoâ€"5*9% Bank Rotices Agents Wanted every. City, Town and Gounty of the MATHUSHEK BENT FREE ON APPLICATION. CaATALOGUE WITH FULL Oldest and bestâ€"56,000 in use, NORRIS & SOPER, THOS. PATTERSON‘8, No,@, Ridean St. Ottawa. 14 4 g,#9528 8t "TosBz44 ;’EiÃ©ï¬ $825%4 VE L8 o ayss}4DakX $4 E‘éfs?gsz Ne. OTTAWA 1874 TH E fid PATRICK reih, {0oRoXro. d Ourretail Price $ wwmr%l%momum 0 l“"-" l inctnininintir in e u* *A m%tâ€â€˜f&&“:‘\ï¬.‘&‘.«"&"" |@EwERAL BOOKB T.l ST. OTTAWA RAILWAY,! ALTERATION OF BUNNING TIMK | ayorders for Books reqyu. And roceleration of traing. | earefully attended to. On and aft Sii0 Sorporation to morigage the Byâ€"w Market property in. the Cit? of Oltaws, for pepnnmastes uaen tgiee is NOTICE. __; diggssraente CANVJA CEN T RAL On Money Order ‘Offices Tulmion. ans Hemgindinot hss uit » L ons Sries se eaviigs hlck Piaocm Pos, o. o 01 2A KEB, Posmrster, India and Unite: Btates, . _ _ _ . _ a POST OFBICE 8sAVINGs BANK and deposits can be withdrawn at any tin New 1 mm&vfl. ndbl | LEAVE. Brockvilie G. T. Janction « 9.3 a m. 4.05 p.m, Ottawa # + .. ® m am 445 pm. Renfrew *)\ /# l t -‘:n.-. %.50 p. m. ages the same night. Tuewing, â€" ut Bipdie, /.0 o oD 0000 00 ob Pc:-‘d:nh.‘d-nmh.fâ€du P. A for Canadian steamen siifenened bet h Onn wite. tery us 1egistered maiter can be sent . Brockville & Ottawa Railways For Ottawa _via Brockville. LWO EXJ°RESS T lAINS DAILL. wihtaed Hnmana & Are sold at this but be onennond mom m of the Ahouaed aiaint {Every aay including Sunday Train -«ï¬vf vat £00 pm. | _ _ _ _ _ #4r~4.05 m." Arain rom Brockville makes Tras Trour tae Wicartivirg n Oema d Lk Train from the West, arriÂ¥ig in Oigawa at 7. irantttion puade at Mone Proint wrigh Bonte »mmrâ€"& Trains run on Montreal time. A. B. FOSTER, _ _ Ronfrew Brookvitle POI'I' OFFICE "!A_!A. Oct. 8, 18751 1875. AUTUMN ARRANGEMENT. 1875 Brockville, June 7, 1876 $&" AllMails are closed by ‘Montreal tin $ minutes faster than ou.."-h-.. Arrival and Departure of Mails. Banimways. [( RBookbinders, FRIDAY, Ist OCT OBEE, 1875, o Eio ) catoer cent, per annum, P be Seailanp ahany time. _ GOING sOUTH. m. T ain from Ottawsa migkes lon with Grand Trunk Express BRLFISH MAILS to 10,J> will be jnn-.’i-’-uv:-- enied tus Cgurene nearel lanâ€"bigls=â€" = 1 t Director 1.90 y.m. 716 p, 210 pm. 800 p. BOOKBINDER, PAPER RULER, A®D Account Book Manufacturer FIRE; LIFE & MARME MSD 4 ¢c STEAMBOAT TFCKET 2 COMMIS<ION .‘.‘.'g".‘:{"l_“- Agent for the following first clusy sthes : BQUITABLE LIFE AS+ N \ yb M“ the Uuited States, m%. * IMPERLAL FIRE INSURAN a of London, Engla 1d. (,.“3'& asÂ¥ DOMINION _ PLATE GLASS iNSDRA: COMPANY of Montrea j Ol% BUN MUIUAL® A0O1 R C ol p a m y "or AroogeL NT 1NSUB seR OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATI )N Â¥, RICHELIEU NAVIGATION Â¥. %2. o«l and Waod for sele. * seli o A0cspL the aye per cont. on the buik sum of the coutract. _ fllflu“‘:mm for the due perfor» Fire and Marine InsuranceZs. HEAp OFFIOER . = _ * I’ CaAPIT AL, $1,000,000, PSinepaye »paoe, puch app nB 1y# ETS Board & Santi F aro GMMEI'MOK.% f 1. THOMERgM, Req s M.9..0000 0C _ s Ouilyo?u-‘lll;.‘. | CHAS. D. CORY, Keqg., Manager. _ < K. C, W. M «000 AIG, h Agent for Oltawn Vaiey, T.M OFFICE: \Russell House Blook, ETNA LIFE INSORANCE COMPAN, will nanaide ns 2C CLC® mpbeiewmes e Yeae bs ae 1e soid .'.r.“-*.....uwat'gz shid or o0 "hippod to oshier councries Will be« sipana 8 (on oc wre m‘!‘_m, mmis in Sepue sber.a id Ooâ€" “:ï¬m‘nï¬tu sScott mm ind mpare nong vae Citizens Insurance Co‘y, CaPITAL . © . > 5200000 Temporary Oflcet. York Steet, near Sussex Stres, Ottaws. Sent. 24 1875. Firs, Iirx, Aocivent axp» Guarantex. N. B. Residence north side of Albert, wert of ank sureeL. + Ottawas Rept. 7. 1875 awtt wvtraews, Sept. 16 1875. Ottewn. Jan. 23. No. 36 KRussall House Block, Bparis 1 Eastern Ontario District Agengy Office, Bparks streel, OMAWKL HAS. DESJARDINS, T. SUTTON, of Public sds o P io { #9§eadAd HAND IN HAND MUTV / L JoHN WINER, Eeq, Hamilion. a. MORTIHKER, General Agent Insurauce. Viceâ€"Presidents : 1874 OTTAWA. ; _ Smarle Uovporke CANADA tfl'Pv‘n‘ as muny not so w is 4" said way 1"