RK®, ran‘s s onl FRAMES, & Views, I A W a, 124 Oruzmetta ak ) qusit Ste. ussex Streek YÂ¥ ES. agic Lanterns, is published ekly Edition sole propric« ngLon str004, W i BS, &c Loo t C ks Street. HOES. ~lotel, LST MEDAL a and dn appii¢‘.» i se s ay LO +%e _ isl}. Partio® no 19 ofdaritg. cdiabiisinments ATERIALS. â€"1875 12 years been .sading Manueâ€" Cakass eryiticg in the Co y. rsorige ab! § RES, aud LA NT KB N & [0., RiEToR Hote 30 70 4 n W PICON, 10y ht GUK 190 12 | yV UR gaur bnt parristers ® ci4or® U taprisier xoi NHEY 0.:‘ garristers YOL Puysician, Surgeon l)l. 3. D How@spathic Physician, Surgeon W 1"" CAt B V * Eo m on on m es en e ts 1 , have left with my former Assistan., Mr. A. F. COTTUN, my Vians and Kecords of & irveys in UtlLawa and ‘k“mi' and have much pleasu e in recommeuding bim as my sucâ€" gessor . 19 W, R. THISTLE. OFFICHR F oel. Or 4* Patents of Invention, 1owAs P. FORANX, 1RADE MAXK RKGIST ERED.] Â¥ICTORIA CBAMNEEEK®, w ELLING FOX #IREET, OFVTA WA Jusd Agent‘s Outfit Free! arrister Attormey _l;'o Commission & Cash Preniiums LBaAQY 0f FAMAUS â€" FICTNON, j COMPRISING THE TEN Jewels of Imaginative Literature :. Pligrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakefield, Rebinson Crusoe, _ FPau)} and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, â€" Elisabeti®, Yathek, Picciola,. Undine, _ Tales om Arabian Nights, Homti Ofice, as former‘y Corr plete in QNE VQ!.U ME of over 1,000 pages benatifuily illustrated Wilh $ jull page ograyâ€" garris(or It is the WORLD‘S T ORY EOOB, and all want to read t . Agent‘s Qutilt free to ail Who mean business and \ i;\ fallbiuily CaD Vas#, in retiring from the practice of my profession, A ‘on wi!l be m« i« by the Corparal OM of tmm-r Utawa, to the Legisiature of €D6 Provines of Uniario, ut its nexi ~es>i0n. fOF &n Act to sumole the sail orporation to Ch&n® the names of certaiu of Loe streeis of the CitY ‘Of Otiawa. W M. P. LETT, _ LC Flumber, Gas w. p. CObFLEE, B.C P ATENTS. oN NOR & 0 DORM LR LY «N NOR ILLIAM WesekoVvE, HL CH B NA L R, OQtaws, Ootâ€"4l4, 1975, \LKER, PENXNOCK & FelNIYRE woris de r kTHUK F. corrON, T. LAMSER&T Notary 14 Barrister, Advocate Frovincial Land Surveyor and lln-r‘m snccessor t ‘4 . it. Thistle &. CO. sedical Cards. w aRsH Ad MBER AND CoMMISSION MKRCHANT, OTICE. xc M A M BAU L LUG A N, HU. FERLAND, 0. C. Woobp, TUTPPER Advocnte, Solicitor, &¢. W eilington 1TA C , Suliciters, Atiorneys and Convey nucers, &c., JOHUNsTON, â€"No. 2 Weiupgton St., Ryjot!¢ awa. On! 0 dsi0â€"ly w iRD 1EWARLE & GORMULLY, and Aitorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Solt« Attorneys, Seliciiors, Notaâ€" YÂ¥III.. NO.â€"~3990, i Pub Artorneys, Neti vey ancers, & C @itorney, Nolicitors, &e., .Aï¬ u vey: jal Catrds. nveynncer, &c., Nol citor in <hancery. HEiSTIE & HIL] R. M i« DONELL, & Hout Public and AqvocAte, ; o dDce in the Viliage »lt Ha FORD & Trade Assignee. Conveyancers, &c., Atiormney, Notary, & C Acconcheur suLICITORS OF REFEREKNCES GIVEN # A PM ESON, and Bauk streets OllLawa® over Maup‘s Hardware 3818â€"L UOntarto Ofire, 0 Kiug Sireet West solicitor in Chan and Accouncheur h ag*, Steam Fitter, { Carle sercitors, m & riubney wreen How»s, r low pressuUre, vONTREAL et. near Gion «& C H a m ! \hewh i1 184 rs from 91 KR TY Comâ€" 1124 2401 po M ‘on 200 The "Feathers‘"‘ Hotel. Dinuer Angloâ€"American Hotel, 1« now opé@n for the rp:{)non of Guests, This Hote! has been furnished new throughout, re yuar .less 0 expense. (Choicest wines, liquors, cigars, «0. Goou Sta blimg. _ _____ . ) ; |.2 l u2. l2 . h. CHALKER, «« _ »«__ Manager R . BLBT GRA H AM = & «Popric 9 slo0oatd Choic st Wines, Liquors, Cigars &0., &0. &0. Rasa® Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAYS ON HAND, â€" Exbhibition Visitors will be well accomâ€" meudated daring Exhibi« . tion Week. The {undersighed will reut his residence,â€" sseh ®aod C Tijageâ€"closs to Rideau Hal, .urâ€" sued for one{o two years lt is well and »mtorccbiy. fapiished, containg 8ix bad:o>ms, raw.ug, din n{fand break!‘ast rooms, besides voery, sumnjef and wicter kitchen, s rviats edroom»s, _ | athr.oms, &c, . Good stabling, aen house ang wood sheds. T oe ground, are elaid out With full grown shade t Aower ~~s, eroquet l&w and arge kitchen garden he cistauce friâ€"m the stree! railway is Afteen vinares »alk og a yood plank sii.e Wa‘k :o t: e or, All infortnation can b« had on applicaâ€" m at od e RKoya‘ Insurineé €o‘y, corner Kidean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) 8+ pt Mr BEN. HUCKSLL begs to announce to ie gzeneral and travelling puolic, that be bas ‘eted npon the Proprieto ship Of the above of 1. ‘ately conducted by Mr. Fred. vans. Pr.e bes branis of wines, liquofs and cigars e kep( ani he promptest altention is paid $ ERYV A NTS WANTED.â€"Three or toor ’ wee! Hogusemutds can find em ployment a c CLISBY HOUSK. Apply immediately, Ql‘awa, Sept, 2, 187 % s beaitiful and furnished with the choicest bi ands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. a Your ¢all wiil be kindly rolicited, E: J. HENRY, The â€" Dufferin House, NURNISHED ihe Royal Oak Hotel, Corne Bank and Wollington sts., PPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT WoRK SHoPS ls now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfort and iccomodation of the travelling community. 1 .. WM,/ALEXANDER, Proprietor. Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1875, 3946m 1 Th P HOTOGRAPHE R., 75 Squig+ each a trus Gem and andeniably Popâ€" ulam . Among the a tractive titles ae : _ * NAZARETH. RING ON SWEET AMGELUS. EBMERA _DA. LITLE MAID OF ARCADEE, WEARY BY THE BLWE SEKA. RUSE MARILE. , The Gems of English Song is a bool, of T4 pages, a 1 If fuil sheet music size. j Amon: the Authors are : | Lady Seott, Camnaua, L/ndsay, Guonod, Hatâ€" ton, Howe, Topliff, Jarmby, Clartbel, Abt. _ The Gems English Sopg will be ‘ T !!_ PVE CV ts tho ReigiH Pm Oir pmirodage may Tely on & ing paid to tneir or lets. Lquors (Wines aud Cigars Gems of English Song Luncheon served at al} bours Pas ahove Hote FRED FOOKS â€" > > TnHe EmE TT CIITCE frwe this posiâ€"paid, :0 any adares8, for the RotA which .s, in Boards, $2 2, in Cloth, i3 $4.‘0. ‘ Do not forget our other meol)l. books, Soxa Moxaron, 75 sent , for m:li SHINING kIVER, 33 cents, for ath #:Imu HCHooL QHOLR, $1,00, W‘Uah E Iv1~G WaArE®s, 3) couts, M P: B July ?8, 1875 vLIVER DiTSON 4& Co., Bost CH AS, 1. LITSON & Co., way_ $5 â€"SPaRKS .BTKEFTâ€"85 wHOLESALE AND RETAT, Jeweller, Watchmaker, A .arge assortment of Gold and Silyer Watches, Ladies‘ ommvmcmn gentl ‘m Aibert Chains, Hings and Gold Be '#Q Wae Bs on i io Ara, aice,, ts best House in the clwy, _ Who‘esale buyers can wat their o0X as shesp trom me nlny*og-l ACANCIES for Boarders, No. 4 MeéCor © ai.D With r without rooms, and . ooms without boarnt. Pableâ€"aad rooms tirstâ€" _ Corner Nparks and BHauk streets, and io Iwo minutes‘ walk of the Pariament HOUSE TO RENT. £5 ~ 820 Â¥3.«l al fhae P Sn xing people of either isex, young or old pt. 1, 1875 THOROUGHLY THE "LONDON," Aa.â€".31I0N HOYEL, Ings it us to &nd from the Cars and Boats free Htouses to Ket. mm A CALL 1S SO LICIT RD . * UST PUBLISHM £ED, $E ETTE C000 qsmmd ie armee im the Uneak 10. un °> io. the £ Board in EW ELLERY. Wellington Street, near Bank. ahove Hote!is weil supplied with the ck‘s Prrrace, O‘Connor street, Apply NAN‘S RESTAURKANT, Sparks stceet i i °> SSIt above popular Restaurant has been ed by the addition of several rJuclou\ i fulhished rovims on the second story fnest Luncheou a:d Dining Roome in L-men honor:pg this Establishmen‘ with mirodu@e mayâ€"rely on strict attention 1, ~878, 83 to 37, WILLIAM ST Iu.rmvhled from 12 3.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€"« able raes. 69, SPARKS STREET. or ATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) aBOURERS WANTED CGHLY Flperlenov\l Bookâ€" mnl Euaneler having part of cupled, !x open to m»ke an en: ia fow hours daring the day io _ kee ing . tradesmen‘s . books lt / seferencgs, »ddress "C F," 398613 TGltants. ourt Hoase Avenae, TTA WA, Ont. A R V I 8. CHAUDIERE, 11 Htotels. 711 Broad way H. LETCH, Proprietor. 3905 3in t obden, on the, Pe Railroad, . Wages 41 village very reass odging. MRS, FOR LE T. M. CLARK $9 i1 TDt a i+ 2 , New York, ime, than at aAY post card to the Rotail Price, , 23.00, Glit ng Schoo 8. ath Schools h Schools.. 3981m6 immeâ€" r brok o «n ble 3905 )( 1 Applications from Female Teachers, desirous of em.pioymont under the Board. will be receiyâ€" ed bs ‘he C airman i‘. RO_INSON, Esq. _ Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, | Edinburgh. Licentiate 0‘ the Royal College ot Physicians, K inhugh; Fellow Of the Obstetrical Society ef Loudon ; inte Resitent Assistaut A'\ooupneur of \!. T ‘omus Hos Ital, London, Kngland} OFFI‘ EKâ€" Corner of (YConnor and Queen streets, forme:iy occupled by Uir. (}otbet’t;.‘_w' Nomne will be a sw«dered holdiog a lower cérâ€" tiboate t. an the Second Grade ; JAas. D. JOYANT, BHecretary,. Ottawn. Nov. 9. °873A $99016 METCALFES Wholesa‘es READY MADs CLOTHING Est«b lishmont. sPARKS STREET. [ Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clock, p. m. ROWE & ERRATT, Auctioneers. TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY, Nov, 9th & 10ch A thoro whâ€"bred Negro 4%ov, w3o, without inâ€" struct on, played the plano when four y ars ol l ans now executes equa!l to the fi.st aruists, l\_hl‘i)r:v, appearance in Fhme years, and positiveâ€" @ NIGHTS ONLY 2 Reserved SReats â€" t Uhildren * Gen ral Admiss‘on Crildreo under 12 yrs, _â€" atreet, Uttawa, Nov. 4, 1875 Are oGpring Goneral Grooeflrn Wines And Liquors at nuncgally LOW PRICE3 to \ make room for their Spring Ntock. 5 Ibs. of sound Tea for $1.60, value war. ranteed, also, a reduction on Sl;"f taking 10 ips, or upwards . a reduction on No, 1 Labrador Hertings, from 5V ots .. to $1.00,‘ motd::g to quanuty, or No, 4 Labrador Herring, ug= uiou ol $1.% ser bol,, ary Couâ€"fisu, Onarse Sale in large bugs, Fine ww los. per bag, Good Western Apples and ORlous, aiso on hand, all 4 whuich are selil ty at a reqauction for UAah. From Gooderham and Worts Celebrated Distilliery, SOLD LOW. IIL1lGH WLNES, 10BACCOS, L. CKLES, BALL BLUE New Advertisements. Reserved Seats for sale at Gowal‘s, Sparks YHAND OPERA HOUSE. STAROH, RIOE, RAISINS, CURRANTS, NUTS, CIGA«8, PAILS and BROOMS, also, j a _ (LATE METCALFE‘s) Are now prepared to show a very large stock of OVERCOATS, k 22220 3. Jerr nes UNDERCLOTHING, FLANNEL SBIRT®, And a Large Assortmont of Men‘s Furnishings ovER COATINGS. BROADCLOTHS, TWEED3, TREAT CLEARING Baskerville & Bros., No. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa, THE wWONDER@UL â€" MUSICAL PRODIGY, ttawn, Nov ‘WIREMENXDOUS ATTRACTIO N ! BANKRUPT No. Russell House. Block, Sparks St. W1 i be sold at 40 per cent. below first cost, as the purchasers are .bou'.t.onrn a| Fashionable ’l‘.ll;')nu Establishment on the rm of January next. TRADE SALE. / And SHIRTS 1 COLLARS ! In this Department will be ound a very large Btcex of vAaARD OF PUBLIC sSCHOOL TRUSâ€" TEES. By Rowe & Erratt, JOHN SMITH & Co a NEW WRITINSG MASTER, OcToR ROGERS, Ottawa, Oct. 8, 1875. ‘The extensive stock of the Estate of youné MEN PREPARED for BUSINESS. OUSEKEKEPERS, CLOTHING HOUSE, 118 SPARKS STREET Shop Fixtures, Glass BLIND TOM ! Ottawa, Nov. 3rd, 1875. A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, qitawa, Qt #, 1876 HEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! AXmuscn.cuts. every dcsofl&mx m?‘.r Fall and Winter CLOTHING. D. MORGAN & SONS. ORDER DEP ARTMENT. A8. ANGU®S, COMPAR® THE PRICES PROOF AND RYE At less than Auction prices. Remember thefsale @vocors,. BASKERVILLE BROS. aUCTIONEERS 9, °87M OR RSADYâ€"MADE A NEW PRINCIPAL, PEA JACKETS. Cases, etc,, for sale VESTINGS, sTOCK ! 15 c‘s 5) â€" The Pall Mail Gazette says that in con sequence of the absence of Russian and American cereals, the Produce Markets on the Continéht have an upward tenâ€" dency. : The coal miners‘ strike still continues in the Hocking Valley, the operators reâ€" fusing to accede to the demands of the mivers for an increase of wages. The reception accorded to the Prince of Wales yesterday at Bombay, was a grand affair, unprecedented even in Oriental grandeur and magnificence, the descendants of Emperors and Sultans vieing with each other in doing honour to the heir apparent of the British Empire, â€" and . upwards . of 200,000 people _ witnessed â€"â€" the . imposing pageant . Toâ€"day being the Prince‘s birthday, the. ceremonies are to be on even a more magnificent scale, if possible, than those of yesterday, when â€" the Twentyâ€"first Native Indian Infantry, a In another column will be found a list of those who voted for and against the Dunkin Act in Nepean, which will in its way be found interesting reading. The trial of the libel suit of Henry C. Bowen vs. The Brooklyn Ragle, is called for the 15th inst., and Theodore Tilton is to be a witness for the defence. corps organized by Lord Clive, upwards of a century ago, are to be presented with a set of new colours by His Royal Highness. | 50s The Emperorof Germany regards the aspects of affairs on the Continent as eminently peaceful, and entertains "a strong hope that a peaceful solution of the Bosnian difficulty will soon be arrived at. A serious railrond accident occurred yesterday at Ludgate. Hill, the terminus of the Chatham and Dover Railway, at which thirty person# were injured. | The leaders of the Ultramontane party in Germany have published a manifesto, declaring that no authority has been given for the settlement of the Ecolesiasâ€" tical question. The French Assembly decided yesterâ€" day, by & vote of 684 to 4, that a two years‘ residence in onb place was necesâ€" sary to qualify an elector, but an amendaâ€" tory clause, allowing half year residents to vote, was reported to a special commitâ€" tee. It is said that : the party of th, Left, apprehensive of the defeat of the proposed system of scrutin de liste, are about making arrangements with the Le: The Khedive of Egypt hâ€"s officially applied to England for two financiers to take charge of the finances of his country. Direct mail communication has ‘been established ‘between Madrid and Barceâ€" lona, for the first time in two years. _A ;ob&llion has broken out in one of the Northern Provincesâ€"of China. PaovmmtSwnun’s OFPICR, | ‘Taroxto, 6th Nov., 1875. His HonouZ the Lieutenant Governor been pleased to make the following ï¬ointmonu, vis :â€" Hugh Sutherland and James McDonald, the District of Thunder Bay, to be mmissioners, per dedimus polesiatem, ithin and ior tie District or Thunder Bay. ud j Joseph James Gormully, of\the city of Ottawa, Barristerâ€"atâ€"Law, to be\ a Notary Public in aud for tie Province df\ Ontario LonDox, Nov. 8. â€"The Evening Eecho‘s ?ecial telegrim from Bombay says the iceroy, the Admiral of the fleeï¬ the Governor of Bombay, and many distinâ€" guished natives have gone on board the steamer Ferapis, now at anchor in the harbour, to meet the Prince of Wales. The Prince will disembark this evening. Preparations for his reception on shore Arrival of the P:ince of Wales at BQL- are immense. There will be a universal holiday all this week. ‘ TE LEGRAP HIC. Sixoapors, Oct. 8â€"Col. Clarke, Gov: ernor of the Straits Settlement, will go to Perak to day. Intélligence received here from Penang announces that the Malayans have besieged the British idency at Perak. _ All the native rajahs are ;t:focted of _ complicity _ in the murder of the late resident, Mr. Bierch. Itis reportgd that the yans are â€" preparing for resistance. | Sultan Ishmael is collecting a considerable force for the purpose of attempting expel the British from the country. OTTAWA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1875. ParRis, Nov. 8.â€"The nuniber on the subject of the America: tion, aubm{tted to M. Michaeli examination, is sixtyâ€"eight. Am are several of remarkable me Brile, however, will not be award ecember. . * eceRxixy. amovebe Central Government ‘for Alsaceâ€" LAMBDONSâ€" N040 . RACCOTUE ID UE pecohrc publishes a special telegram from Berlgn, stating that a Central Government for Alsaceâ€" Lorraine will be established iat Berlin. Probably a special ministry will be created for that Province. ‘The Ferocious Mussulman A Loxpox, Nov. 8. â€"The Morning Standâ€" ard‘s special from Vienna states that 36, 000 Servian troops are assembled at the frontier.â€" The Servian Government has sentagents to Paris and London to raise a 1t i0000 . A Canemadsperthrats AGUTEe! h»~ consult a physician, or to suffer as mnni{doforyurl:withlhodiflhm‘flnds of es,without‘m.tmwthodms tist for‘ Fowle‘s Pile and Humor Cure whichis an infallible cure. 3129 ‘I TsBsT to th u T 18 Srpnc IMONY e C hï¬tymdunfulnouofthomnl‘)o&“ it has had aâ€"host of imitators. Consumers will do well to observe that the full name, "Burnett‘s Cocoaine,‘"‘ is on the wrapper, and is blown in the glass, | Our 1.,5 success in dealing with infringe monhupononrmmomdrlï¬l'l'ml"?' tect the public, if only a little care is used. This tribute of imitation all meritorious and successful prep®! A PROVINCIAL APPOINTMENTS. FiLs Movrsry.â€"For people to allow lises~ . to become seated upon them rather Loxpox} TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. F O R EI1G N . Dramatic Competition Militaryâ€"New Loan. PENANG. FRANUE, INDIA. k 3129 r to the uâ€" “mm tors. Consumers at the full name, on the "tha glass, Our ill go to ed here layans idency of plays h Revolu* ;' for his )ng them ‘rit../h The GALLANT CONPUCT oF THE CAP TAIN AND CREW. Savut StE. Maris, Nov. 8.â€"The Cana dian steamer Francis Smith miraculously escaped foundering in Lake Superior during the storm of the 30th and 3‘st ult. Fiftyâ€"six heai of cattle were thrown overboard, and many sheep and swine drowned. On board the cookâ€"room was demolished and the supplies destroyed, leaving the passengers and crew without foo1 from Friday agcemoon until Sunday night.. Her rudder became unmanageâ€" able, and but for the daring exertion of the officers and crew, all would have perished. No human liyes were lost. Terrible Experiences .of the "Francis . â€"| .> Smith,." is Well Poisoned. Lewistox®, Nov.8.â€"There is some exâ€" citement in Leeds, Me,,over the discovery of arsenic in large quantities in the family well of B. C. Thomas, fortunately disâ€" covered in the first pail full pumi-ed up from the well, before anyone drank from it Mr. Keith,a neighbour, has been arâ€" rested on suspicion, he having purchased & large quantity of arsenic on last Thursâ€" THE STORM ON~ LAKE SUPERIO®, PASSENGERS WITHOUT FOOD FOR FORTYâ€"EIGHT HOURS® College Gymnasiam Burned. Wareevicus, Nov. 8.â€"This morning the Colby University Gymnasium was burned, ~Loss, $2,000 Loxbox, Nov. 8.â€"Consols 94 3â€"16 for money, and 94 5â€"16 for account ; U. S. bonds 65‘s old, 103} to 1044 ; Erie, 15 1â€"8, _1:30 p.m.â€"United States Mndn, new fives, 1031. 3:30 g.ï¬:.â€"A bad feeling is still existing in the Stock Exchange, here particularly in regard to the foreign list. LivErpoot, Nov. 8.â€"Cotton steady ; uplands, 6 1516 ;‘Orlenm:,, 14. f _ 1:30 p.m.â€"Lard 59s 6d per owt ; tal low, 46s 3d per cwt. f New York, Nov. 8.â€"Cotton quiet ana steady, 13 5â€"16 for middling ugl‘ndl. Flour dull and prices still in buyers‘ favour ; receipts, 27,000 bbls ; sales, 14,â€" 000 ; quotations unoh.n% Rye flour sready nt $4 20 to 5 50. Whent dull and in buyers‘ favour ; rooeiqu, 284,000 bush ; sales, 41,000 bush at $1 12 to 1 14 ; No. 3 Chicago, $1 25 to 1 27 ; No. 2 chmpi $1 30 ; No. 2 Milwaukee, $1 35 ; No. 1 Spring, $118 to 1 32 ; new winter red western, $1 23 to 1 35 ; do. amber‘ westâ€" ern ; $1 37 to 1 48 for white western: Rye quiet : receipts, 1,000 bush ; sales,* none. Corn scarce and firm ; receipts,* 22,000 bush ; sales, 36,000 at 75¢ ; steam western mixed, 760 ; sail do., 76e to 77 for high mixed ‘and _ yellow. â€" Barley quiet and .~ unchanged ; réceipts, 68,000 bush ; sales, none. Oats firmer ; receipts 23,00U0 bushels ; sales 34,000 bush els at 42¢ to 5Uc for mixed western and Etate; 460 th Acifor white do. â€" Pork heavy at $23 0V for: mees. Lard 13%c for steam. New butter 23¢ to 31c for State and Pennsylvania. Petro‘cumâ€"crade 6§¢ to 670 ; refined, 13}. The Primitive Methodiat Church, St, Catharines, was opened on Sunday,. The alligator that swallowed a corset is dead. It stayed on his stomach. Bridge street, Methodist Church, Belleâ€" ville, celebnbecf its fifty third anniversary on Sunday and Monday. . A small terrier in Meriden, Coun, & year ago,lost part of his tail, which is now growing out again at right angles, so that he carries behind him a kind of. stove pipe®elbow. $ 4I didn‘t steal no pound of terbacker, said a prisoner in Springfiâ€"ld, Mass., just as he was leaving Court, no proof having been pn:uoed against him ; Ididn‘t take more‘n & handful.‘" "Come back," said the Justice, " and be fined ten dollars. The Court convicts you on your own cOpâ€" fession." & LEapmc sewing machineâ€"makers re: commend Crarks & Co.‘s best .sixâ€"cord extra qvelify sewing cotton. . Notice the awonor cn each spool. 3061y1 ~Kkin Diszases, of whatever mt:n are oomi)letely ~eradicated bémtho of Fowle‘s Pile and Humour Cure ; its effect is marvellous for Sorofu.t Salt ~Rheum, Rh g Worl{? and even Leprosy ; it has proved itself an almost never fu].l.ng cure. (See special notice.) \ 733 House Keepers! If you delirowï¬otl profitable tea call on Baskerville & Bros. and have them to select for you, If the tea is not pleasing to your taste t):ey will refund the mh:ney for dwha,t. “y:u return. Their wines, liquoft# an groceries are of the best brand. fon d \ C 0 M M E R C I A L Reap THIs Twio®,â€"Kive to thirty drops of Thomas‘ Eclectric OiÂ¥will cure common Sore Throat. It never fails in Croup. It will cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four to fortyâ€"eight hours. One bottle has cured Bronchitis of eight years‘ standing ; recent cases are cured in three to six days. . It has restored the voice where the genon has not spoken above a whisper in ve years, _ As an outward application in all cases of pain or laments, nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle will oure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Contraction of the Muscles it is une&zdod. In Rheumatic or any other gun first a.lz&liouion does you good. It stops Ear Ache and the pain of a Burn in three minutes, and is altogether the best and ohetyat medicine ever Offered to the peopleâ€"the cheapest, because it takes having _ Sold by all medicine 25 cents. Nee o ) 0s . ’l"BOMAS&'I’helgm. N.Y. And NORTHOP & LYMAN, Toronto, Ont., Sole Agents for the Dominion. : Normâ€" Relectric â€"Selected and Eleoâ€" A MERICA N. Many Animals Lost. New York Markets Liverpool n!nrk:u London Markets. MALNE. Peoplé‘s Tea S stroet 115 More Cemetery Hioters in Custodyâ€" A Su ful Stratagem â€" Burglars at Work;loello- Trials Postponed â€"Taking Legal Proceedingsâ€"A Mass Meeting. . M f MoxtrEaL, Nov. 8.â€"Four more of the Cemetery rioters have been taken into custody since Saturday afternoon, making eight in all who have been arâ€" rested. They have all been liberated on bail. There are still warrants .gunu five othl?lu in the hands of the High Con: stable. Store Robbedâ€"84,000 Werth of Jewelâ€" lery Abstracted. GaxaxoguE, Nov. 8. â€"Last night* about eight o‘clock, the jewellery store of John Street was entered by burglars, and the safe unlocked with a keyâ€"lock, and about $4,000 worth of jewelléery and watches taken. The thieves quietly put back the customers‘ watches in the safe, and deâ€" camped, leaving the safe closed. Diliâ€" gent search is being made, but so far withâ€" out success. The lawyers applied to by the Mayor for advice ag to how to deal with emerâ€" gencies that may arise, have not met to discuss the problem. f M c Robert Patterson, a notorious thief, this forencon while in his cell at dn Water Police Station, complained cold, and induced Constable Sandiland to let him out of the cell. Some time afterwards, seizing an opportunity which presented itself, he made & bolt for the door and escaped. The circumstance was reported to Judge Coursol, Commissioner of the Water Police, who_has suspended Sandiland. Burglars got into the Bonsecours Marâ€" ket Saturday nigot, and made dreadful hovae with the stock in the ‘hucksters‘ stalls. No watchman is employed in this immense building, and the thieves had ‘it all their own way till Monday morning early. They stole thirty dollars in coppers from one butcher, being decidedly the "heaviest‘" haul of the season. A well dressed man who arrived in "Trois Rivieres‘" this morning,was robbed last night of $150. Toâ€"day Judge McKay granted a motion astponing the jtrial of the Hochelaga unty local contested election case, (Beaubien ragpondent), tiil after the close of the Session of the Local Legislature. It seems likely that the same decision will be arrived at in regard to the Montreal East and other election cases on the tapis, thus giving members a chance to sit out the Session. 3 A. E. Case, late advertising manager of the Sun newspaper; is taking legal proâ€" ceedings against the proprietor in con nection with the advertising managership of that jpurnal, which he claims to con: trol,at a salary of $1 ms!.u'. This evening Dovl'in held a large mass meeting in Chaboilles Siunn. Some dis ecord was manifested. torchlight gro- gusion is now in progress through Grifâ€" ntown. Governor Green ~]nvestigation â€"Before the Police Magistrateâ€"Left for Parts Unknownâ€"Philadelphia Ceutennial â€"iiritain and the Philadelphia® Ex« hivitionâ€"The " Lancashire House"â€" Arrested â€"Judgment Against the City. Toroxto, Nov. 8. â€"Governor Green, of the gaol, is very sick. .. w 866 h ing. . Nothing was done, and the enquiry was sdjournpil til Phurgday hext ... .. _ _ Investigation into the charges against the City Engineer was mlm this mornâ€" Michael Cahill, saloon keeper, who shot James Skelton for breaking into his place, was before the Police istrate this morning and was remanded, Skelton is doing well and will probably shortly be able to give evidence in the case. m M. A. Goldstone, a Jew, and owner of the well known horse, Jimâ€" Christie, that died at the Woodbine Park race meeting recently, has left for parts unknown. He leaves creditors to the amount of $6,000. The time for the entry of articles inâ€" tended for Exhibition at the Philadelâ€" hia Centennial has been extended from glqv. 1st to the 15th of December,all over Canada. It is the intention of Great Britain to erect at the Centennial Grounds in Philadelphia a building to be called the "Lancashire House," the representative of an Engligh oount{{.ltonu on a large seale.â€" One end of the ground floor will be oocugiorl by . Great Britain and the: other end by Cankds, with a common reâ€". ception room. The upper fioor will be taken up by India, Australia and other British Colonies. A room for the accomâ€" modation od‘:‘ Cauadian visitors, supplied witl;dperi cals and newspapers, is to be fitted up, and an ngon:{,\mll be estabâ€" lished for the purpose of procuring board in the city and making other arrangeâ€" m:lnu oclophto‘c,lf to enhance the comfort and enjoyment of. persons wisiting Philaâ€" delphia from{ithis ootmt.ry.‘.l y _ At the Citg Council meeting toâ€"night it was resolved to submit a Byâ€"law to the people to raise $148,973 onâ€"debentures . of the city for general purposes, . __ .. _ A Committee was> also appointed to constult with the Ontario Advisory Board, with a view to seeing that the interests of Toronto were properly represented at the Centennial Exhibiion. A bliom:uï¬:’ of |the Ontario Advisory Eud is ‘ for the 25th inst., at which it is expected over 1,000 manufacturers and business men of the Province of Ontario will be présent. % Daniel Desmond, keeper of a dry‘ goods store on Queen street West, in this city, who lately absconded, was arrested in Rochester, N.Y., to day, and will be broquht baok here during the present week. § Chief Justice Harrison presided at the lA;:;iuhCourt. to-(:;y, and tt.‘nod two actions ught against the city for damages susâ€" tained during the building of the sewer on Yonge street. In both cases the verâ€" dict was against the city, \In one instance for $300 and in another for $288. Weather dull and cold. our sewing machine by using Cuarce & %o.'n best gsi:x-om'cl exmnmty sewing Co.‘s best sixâ€"cord extra quality se cotton. ~© Notice the axcuor on . ,. Ir will not cost you a cent more to put up a Magee Range or Gurney Base Burnâ€" er on trial. ‘Thousands say they are they best. Try one! Esmox»®‘ Bros, "Jusr as Goon."_:BFiu of * my friends who had been using your (Fellows‘) Comâ€" pound Syrup of Hypophag)’hitu for Con~ sumption, was induced one of our druggists to take another prormtionof Hypophosphites, which he sai N“m as good, if not better." The use of & bottle taught him, that if he would consult his safety, he must réeturn to your Byrup again. o eb hegd BeaX Burxerr‘s Cocai®®.â€"A Perreor Dexssâ€" Nc Frok TsE Haiz.â€"The Cocoaine holds in a liquid form, a large proportion of deoâ€" dori:o% Cocoanut Oil, preépared expressly for this purpose. _ No other compound posâ€" sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the{various conditions of the human bair. A li.n{::ppliuï¬m renders the hair, no matter stiff and dry, soft and glossy for several days. It is concedâ€" ed byâ€"all who have used it to be the. best and cheapest hair dregsing in the world, C A N A D 1 A N . You willsave time and trouble with I 9e~ & C. Four, Mastion House Hotel Baltimore, Maryland. CANANCQUE., â€" MONTREAL. TORONTO. 8961y1 On the first order of the House being called for, the consideration of His Exâ€" cellency‘s speech at the opening of tha Session : Mr. Phillip Tandry, of Monteâ€" magny, in moving the adoption of an address in reply to the speech from the throne, commenced with a brilliant exorâ€" dium on the difficulty of his position and e ts meugihes of the Home! ce ouse, while he entered into the Railway ques. tion and generally reviewed the speech from the throne. He nde on the importance of the Railway question,which he n::foc'.od would occupy them for a considerable time during the Session. He briefly, but poetically referred to the elimate, soil, beauty of scenery aud im moo of unification throughout the ince. He pointed dut the duty of, the members to consider the question and their duty to their constituents as ï¬e_v wiu.;u;e ai;her to tell them " :: ve vot or this great enterprise, fore God and before man we believed it to be necessary to the country, or we have voted against it because the country would loose by it." With regard to the action of the Government, he felt that none could condemn it. The Governâ€" ment had not made any definite arrange ment with the companies. They had on}iy contracted to complete the works, and asked the representatives of the &oo ple to share with them the responsibility, and ‘ ratify {their aâ€"t. He praised the Gpovernment for so doing, ing as it did, full liberty of action to the &oun. The Srearer brought down the Report of the Library Committee. Mu S appointment of a Special Committee pnp::o and report lists ‘of members comgxe the Permanent Committees the House. Carried. Mr. Oarcviz presented a petition from the Montresl Permanent Benefit Society for leave to change its name. Ne QusBrEc, Nov, 8.â€"The House met at $:16 pmm. i .0 0 _0 C000 0_ _ He remarked on the benefit enjoyed by the sister Province, whose railways had n constructed as branches of the Paâ€" Railway, and thought if we were as strong in the counsels of the Dominion nnn,iht enjo{ the same advaniages. On the subject of public instruction he obâ€" served it was a delicumm' in a land where both spiritual and temporal bodies both gh‘iurcixud State are directly inâ€" teres: great change is announced, by which the rights of both Catholiss and Protestants will be respected. He reâ€" marked on the inconvenience of the presâ€" ent system, by which, annexed as it was to politics, the Minister of Instruction was not enabled to devote the whole of his time to the subject of instruction alone. That inconvenience would be obâ€" viated by ‘withdrawing the d;fltn‘d from political influences, and ng it under the high and ulnm‘duuï¬u of the Superior Council, in Bishops of our Province will have a right to enter those who have received their mission from the divine founder of Catholicism to a : vation of all the facts.. And will the Govâ€" ernment carry out this plan ?. They have Shom ts Sotapinint "bot Sninoimer at en, can complain ? © Not ; as this reform is asked for by the Catnolios, ‘The Protestants, then ? But, they, like o;in:lfvui, bh':u have . their â€" Coun: c u Instruction of â€" men of. their | own oom principles. They therefore need have no g:: Besides, have they not the ‘public and solemn assurance given that the rights and privileges of both beliefs will unite on a subject in the solution of which rights and privileges ol â€"both béliels. will be ncrupuromly respected 1 He then oong)ntuhtod the House and the country on the sucgess of their repatriation poli¢y, hamer bor framg moy spragce ap h omes $nd es now ‘sp! u the beautiful, rich and hï¬ï¬‚W\n the Counties of St, Maurice and Chamâ€" g.lsin. Referring to the Tanneries aftair, said the Ouimet Administration I‘x,lné made auneries exchange, u opinion was so cleverly huufbd ll:ldn violently excited that it caused by itsâ€" hostile attitude the downfall of the late Ministry, and the advancement to dplg'or of the nt Administrationu, It did not stop m however, frustrated in its hopu'ljymkingonpfl’uigu the C;- servative party, rendering W«m for“oa;hntd 4 d:?myod lc‘mi in an inci manner a Ministry nolens volens. The candidates â€" of the Conservative party had to accept the ~â€" struggle _ on the ground it had been placed, and the people ware warged. The hon. legder of the Opposition should remember that the present Government only kept their seats warm for the formsr one. They found the cry valuable. It served the turn of a certain press, and the peopleknew it, and what has happened ? . The great battle was fought, and the people had to choose between those styled the *‘Tanners," ‘Tanneurs" and the Tanners‘ lpmflal, both being Conservatives, and who appeared clad in their robes of innocence and political Y:‘x,lï¬ty. They were the new proteges of a holy childhood. The smoke of battle has drifted away, and what do we see ? TodnLtho hon. members for Two Mountains, for Terreboune, for (:::go, all -itï¬ngint.hiahon.ï¬onn‘hm.w have they not been arraigned the tribuâ€" nal of public opinion to receive that humiliating sentence which. was "to banish~ them for ever from public life. Yes, the â€" people _ have _ heard ‘ them and their accusers, and have passed ‘{)n.dgm.nt.. ("ne of them, who was said to the most fl:ilty, was elected by accla ion, and theâ€"other two were borne hither on the wave of an overwhelming REPLY TO THE SPEECHE FROM THE THRONE. Solicitor General Axorrs moved the majority, That is the first judgment renâ€" dered in those Counties represented by the men whose honour and reputation it was sought to blast. But what more do we see? The members of the present Governmentâ€"they whom avarice sup lic scornâ€"havé t.h?slmnnodtï¬opuol their constituents? No! the members who sit to day on the treasury benches, and we, the tried soldiers, are i under the same banner. We h-n.;::’ through the fire of the enemy‘s batteries, and the people, by electing us, haye renâ€" dered a second judgment on this disputâ€" ed question. Even the Judiciary resorted to in the end, has loudly proclaimed the calling you, Mr. Speaker, to preside over ihtm(u,ndultupmit an eclat of uprightness and Lono@r md the mmpicion. Ho&awl wu:l; iant peroration on the strength glory of the Conseryrtive party, which preseuts now a solid front to, the attacks of its enemies, The speaker sat down amid loud applause, and his speech throughbout was freqmlg interrupted by cheers an l other marks Q&I:Nion.o welcome to one making his t address in a Parliamentary sssembly. f u8 wa3lL vas not h, behoid ::ui&hgn. gouopï¬culbmdl by Third Parliament; First Session. QUEBEC LEGISLATURE. to be authorized, held up to pub~ it if of & m.?oot he ~(Jol had ‘~ not intended to touch. He ob to the manner in which the had. been referred, and alleged that the decision of Mr. Jory said the reason why the Govâ€" ernment declined to pass the Address h by paragraph was because there muw. in it, they were afraid to put it in any other way than en bloc, He congratulated the memSer for Montmagny on the fluency and length of his address, but complained of its being general, Hmhinuvoduduh‘:hl as it was the pressure from his side and public minmthutamdthmto' dt. was sorry the member for tmagny had referred to the soase ; the different classes of our people, and expressed his belief that the Act to be introduced would prove satisfactory. After some {eneral expressions of approâ€" bation on the Government, the hon. genâ€" tleman resumed his seat. Mr. Joryr asked whether the address would be put paragraph by paragraph. _ T. i Aormaf mean uk uin Judge Johnson was only based upon an unproperly laid case ; for that reason he hoped it would not go to an appeal. ~He remarked onâ€" the meagerness of the address in to the railroad policy. Bomud at,the Government had not & er stand in regard to the claims of the ‘Provwince, the North Shore The Srearer took the voice of the House, which declared against doing ko. and ‘Western‘ | Railroad formed> part of the great Pacifc line. When he had :â€"asked gentlemen . opposite to sa -ahtuni in reply to the member for b'tbl-l-u‘ "N":?W»mw taken â€" of the would â€" be ï¬:fl their friends then Tt dnl‘an'u, and a':'hu *hwfl was ; throw over Mpnhd:‘hrtbh- mfltdhhumy.ndnnhhuuh- fluence to phtain the Government mesist Mr. | Bravais® had not intended to speak on the subject, but felt obliged to Railroad chain, & such should } been fnk::wo.t.by\h bm:: .u&hot_iï¬unindu-mgdnu::ruh Georgian y Canadea Central Rai &c. Hemoved, secondâ€" ed by Mr. Marchand, that ‘this House madle in siding hn aro eniecpries thas e in aidi d C the Dominion of Canada .should .come take | such they could passed asking the Federal Govern« ment | to : ~oome ~to â€" the misistance oft::‘N O;lnl.huw on round was m (o}fotï¬o’-dï¬a q&“??-uԠvernment refused, was not.cuï¬nn.ï¬-otflomm He-:d’-dut.hpiduofn-?hna-d- tlonu_oppclw:tndthcmvfl party ‘to go cringing to Oitawa to ask the ml"?‘“#uflwm last ‘mession. went â€"on : to argue that the line was not in fact a continuation of vinge should alone build the North Shore and . Northern .Colonization : Railroads nth.rflnluki:uhidyï¬'-b&d-ll Government. . Marchind said Mr. Joly "warited only to establish by his takings on the North and Northern Colonization Railrosds are aâ€"continuation *mmr;«.mr.n.“" not ‘b & ing & % tion asking the Federal Government '.n ard and Laberge, ’.m-u lhef ‘did _ not / intend to _ say the Pacific, but only & <sonnection, and added ‘that .be‘r-!z!.'!!. that the Proâ€" He <| believed â€" the " principal credit for the ballot system. It from the imputation of gross corruption d unwmvwd to the Tanneries‘ question, it had conducted in an open mauner and im eont uomm esns mt . was ible to reach to the bottom of the . ‘He réferred to the petition ef the bly sent to the Federal Parliaâ€" ud-udbohlhnditunï¬ id it shou Mhohku&'im from a dying Parliament. member fcrr‘ S_-th,lnzd()u.-n pressed the subject as far as possible. refased ‘it. | He went on to .t: from the acts of the Federal Govâ€" tlu“!'twhpo of Quebec must diikne 2i ty hat upoct the Gorerke mohm th“.la,nhl'l“ there. . He stated that the ‘ could not be exâ€" to bring down the details of their i i when they . were not y: inted. He concluded by appealing House to su thogcun-‘t f m-mmnmmg y ~itself. renewing petition House then adjourned till toâ€" morrow. This well known medicine is no ion, but a sure asd safe remedy for Difficulties and Obstructions, any cause whatever ; and altough a ful‘remedy, they contain nothing to constitution. all cases of nervous and Spi As Pain in the Back 1 imnly on u‘ï¬: will effect a cure when all hvoï¬udglwq â€" antimadny, or anything w"gw * dnlt m an s s of &lflpfltml:!.obhh“ï¬:‘, the w } “-i""“t:’rm agents for the Dominion, will jurea bottle, containing over 5V pills, by eagh package, which should be £ orkszompe (or Pruss) are t MB rovig m h nï¬ h h 00 o y wl en eamaeigenn 4 n A ues To Boire iingse ky For sale by all druggists. y S ves py : Briveun dpres saireu(reg! 1/ 30B DOKKES FEAALE PILL®, PRICE & CENTS. not ‘do #o, U for his side of the e as it was side, and public i to dt. r for tmagny soase ; oly) | had‘~ not jeoted to the Py it