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Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Nov 1875, p. 1

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IL,. duszcers s Street IELD, VE.S. Rh S, eaug or Frojeck ~lous, 1 offor to ILbLAB, a farâ€" ali goads except 35 Duke street. W holesaie and and MIL Coy. Hotel, «l!ways on hang, tora Biiters ag â€"â€"1875. ping, &c. Iron, ACRES, is published kly Edition ar Maciean E RANGE, &C *# ON, y Reduged. CHAMSER req uw h Goods, ms, Cosm EEKk~O0N‘3 56A, 1875 N‘S, ERSY RC ks ORKS. Takes oD§ ; Streot. ) KIYG fui Hal frrent pricem 105. )PRIETOR. 187A RIX Hotel, Oltawa, Hods, imb aod T RAPS Duntop &C VOL. VIIIL, NO. 3995. streeis, lor in *Â¥ .rrisier, Conveyancer, &ec.. Seol citor in Chancery. Hom«eopathic Physician, Surgeon and Accouchear. & Residenee= Albert Sireet. . Office hours from to ll & In., aBd 2 war. m. Bpecial atiention wiven to diseares aud displacements oll_y_m t-hynleh._. Surgeon and Accoucheurâ€" Orrawa, ONT, imy Office â€"sflnrn street, Centre TowD Night Ufficeâ€"Athis residence, Maria Streel Centr»« Town, â€" Cancers cured without the use of the knife, Ly a : ew but cer‘aim speedy and almust painâ€" ie & process. Reference given i ariles suCâ€" se ««fu 1y wreated if req ied s [3 .T omas Hos 1 l{ . W. MacCUAIG. Trade Assignee. City of OTTA w A, County of Carleton Barrister llmunaol Public Buildings, Green Hous#s, P.ivaie Rosidence. by high or low pressure, rleam and hot water a speciaity . he PT ester V esd Provincial Land Surveyor and Dn-’hu-u-. _ Muccessor to W . i. Tnisile & Co. Office, as formeriy, over Manp‘s Hard wage eigig " * 2 819â€"L cexsor 1# OFFICEâ€"No. 2 Weilington Bt., Rajotie‘s + oék. Orlawa, Ont ssi0â€"1y A in retiring from the practice of my profeasion, : have leff with my former Assistani, Mf. A. F. CUTTON, my Pimos avd Kecords of * 3rveys in Otftawa and vleuflq , and have much D20 200 CID2_Jino as my s0Gâ€" trisiers, | Soilctions, Atto Conyeynucers, & NXHEY, CHRISTIE & HiLL, 4 crisder® diceâ€" Masié rmisters, Aiiorney®s, Sol i cig@ie, veyancers, &¢., M sarrister, Aitorne G1BBS & COURSOLLE, risters, Ajtormeys, Nolicitors, Notaâ€" rites. &o., &c.. r aARCHAMBAULT, i e Notary Public snd Aqvocate, gyept. 9 Patents of Invention, AEent’s Qutfit bree! Large Commission & Cash Premiums wcoNNXOR & O‘DOHENTY, |TRADE MARK REGISTERED.]: v10TORIA CHBAMBERS, WELLINGTO!N STREET,. OTTAWA. asi4 coNxNOR a Howt vn;muor. Aitorney, Notary , &¢ LiBaARY 06 FAMOUS FICTION, rDeF COMPRISING THE TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature : Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wak efleld, Robinson Crusoe, _ Puaul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elisabeth, Yathek, Picciola. Undine, â€" Tales from Arabian Nights, Com plete in QNE VOLUME of over 1,000 pages | ___â€"2 _â€":____f i~ _ L_____ _2 beautifully illustrated with 34 full page Engrayâ€" carp j ga. who suffering frome It is the WORLD‘S STOBY 100K, and all m:?..:'mum acm.':-': want to read it _ Agent‘s Quillt free to &ll WhO |"paay jogs Of ., 1 will send a muean business and v i!! failhfuily canyas$. 'u..;"mmm.r or. OHARGK FORD & . $Totik Praarice." Send i relonddiomat OCTOR ROGERS, LCxBeg anD CoMMIsstON MEECMANT, BroK ®H, &0. i‘l--m. Gas and Steami®Fitter, ruer Wellingion and Bauk strects OllaW® Â¥.il. FEKLAND, R. LOGAN, w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., Barrister, Advocate, &c. for th uce o: Quebec F rrister Attormey, Solicitor in Chan R. J. P. LYNXS, P ATENTS. M. CHRYSLER, ii.lAM MOStGEKOYE, HMedical Cards. asuce ip recommending ‘sim as my aLKER, PENXNOCK & KciNJ XRE, z. 0. C. Woop, /M. JOMNSTON, ETHUR F. COTTON, ajoomaily ai is PERTUEIUCE T foameriy occcapied by the T LAMBERT ters amd Aitorney sâ€"ait .i w citors, Conveyancers, &Cc., WARSHAL MATHESON, wcreet, H Lcegal C€ards w. WARED, at ons BEST OF EEFERENCES GIVEN ers, Atiorneys, Noltctiors, UOqgereyancers, &c.. ath side of Rideau street, near Giouâ€" snited at his Office D R. MACDONELL, mse x 1EWART & GoRMULLY, o Street BULICITORS OF ns at all hours, y , Selictiors, &câ€"1 kâ€"streela. QLLiWi nmmumupuol:nmv-I CARD Cdate" a‘ tion, : BTORY 500K, and all Mdm m-m :'c:t.l! increa ut‘s Quillt free to ail vlw' ....,,lo-orm’\:::; 1 will send a ueuhcl 11 faith{ully can yast. M'mmm,lf dl‘O‘l.iM fary in THEB & ap imMm %‘m Cenveâ€" | ers sol 0 } the i“ JosEPE. Bts) 1on Dâ€" | never *"Wit SE weu â€" | Shte riggm hew teaonn. 0 00â€" | notel Hamiiton Qs, % f (Wilyaze * D0+ Attorueys mand W . R. THISTLE eqrner of O‘Conâ€" * 4236 W tion. 1‘. Mit« MCLNTYR® ti inhe} 3765=i( 3917â€"3nx sâ€"0m Store SoiL Lom* 2401 Ma sugâ€" ‘VA!'I‘!Dâ€"A young man with a small on ~ta: tojoin advertiser in a good ‘payâ€" ling »isines, Address «iin real name, t> B. SLN tss, P, O, box 331, city. WO LAaROURERS WANTED immeâ€" 200 Wale.y at\ cbden, 0 the i‘e n broite v.aun«h u. the C. C. Kailroud, Wages $1.25 per way, Board in the viliage very reas n .ble. ROW oRH. KkLLY ¢Cu. 3001u The mbove & f sul«rged by the and well funishe Litts . ox par Wines, Liquors, Cigars â€"| #0., «0. &0 Sass* Pale Ale and Guiuess‘ Extra Stout t _ ALWAYS ON BAND, Exhibition Visitors will be well aceom» modated during Exhibi« tion Week. The "Feathers" Hotel. 83 io 37, WILLIAM ST. Mr. BEN. HUCK®LL begs 'to announce to the gener«â€"l and travelling jDOH¢, that he bas eniered npon the Proprigu)â€" sis1p of the above i0tchk l{lely coaducted by Mr: Fred, ~vans. I‘ne bes branu» of wines, liquors and | ¢igars are Kept and Lhe promptest alte MOD is paid 10 Guesils f O: aws, Sept 3 imfm _ ; _______ smiung_ Angloâ€"American Hotel, Is now b;m ) ior the reception of Gnests, Howel har ~~on furnished new throozhout, yarilesg o0 expense. Chnoigesi wines, it quors, cigars, &6. . Goolaulbivng. oo EO ls now open for ‘business s . vated and newly fitted fur \ accomodation of the travelling o s beav=tiful and furnished with ti ® brauds of Liquors, Cigars, etc. Your call will be kindly »olicited. + K. J. HENRY, Te finest Lunc * he city. hueudemm bonor hour pacronage ma elag paid m“ndnn iiquers, Wines a The Duffer in House, uld;.;. Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) FRED ,YOOKS â€"â€"â€" â€" Proprictor, [he Royal Oak Hotel, pivard A &o0uging. OPPOSITE THE GOVERNMEN P HOTOGRAPH E R 69, SPARKS STREET. . e m q Sept. 1, 1875 b, ihe Cor None will be cale t an i ! ER VAN TS w@~ 85 â€"SPaRKR â€" STREFTâ€"85 ~«ay wHOLESALE AND RETAIL j Jeweller, Watchmaker, &C¢ | Corne Bank aad W A .arge assortment o Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, gentlemen‘s Albert Chaing, Hings and Goid Se Hracel + t g)d Jo:m y <f ovez tlle.orl P:"l“:: u’z J s. ao.‘n e lowest prices. sest Houseta the civy. Wholesale buyers can rot their stock as chear from me as auy other TaACÂ¥NCIE® for Boarders, No. 4 McCor f + ex‘s I rruee, O‘Connor sereet. Apply Nâ€"ONAN‘S KRisTAUita NT; Sparis st ect SDSLU Luarcheon ser BOOTS & SHOES. EBLAUY O Mn SSmp omm td Doila , Great Slaughter in prices will be made for ca‘s in »dor to effect an entire clearance. before eceivirg Fall ooX . _ have ‘The subscriber having" parchased another Estâ€"te of Boots, Sboes, &c., at 65 ots, on the ;n\..n with r w.thout rooms, «nd ooms without board. Table mad rooms firstâ€" s â€" Corper Sparks and Baok streets, and hin two imiuutes‘ walk of the Parliament lomgs Do o e oARD OF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUSâ€" TEE® OKâ€"MEEKPER.â€"‘Wanted a young man SHOOLBRED & CO. Have received of their Spring Importatiors 48 BALES CARPETS and CUERTAIXS. Krabracing alithe novelties, out for the seas0 : o which the confidently ily 1 HE "LONDON," EWELLERY wiue iz the Menal+ian LISBY HuUSE,â€" Apply immediately awa, Spocial Value in Lase Curtaings T Ottawa. Répt.21. 1575. Wellington Street, near Bank. â€"â€"?â€"- anoys Htel is well sqoplied with the ANKERUPT,SA LE TTAWA CARPET HoUSE. IMBER LLMEITS FOR SALE: p.3éha.noe‘, Invite Inspection. J A R V L S . un W. E. BROWN, (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) Tolants. N. MARKS, « sim «UÂ¥ t‘ of books and do colâ€" ess [ MERCHANT, Tixks OfMce, ane~, salary, Oto. 91L GALL IS 8O LICIT ED . *k from Female 'l‘ewhar;lmden‘mul t andor.the soand, will roman A. Ro_IN3SON, Esq. c mswerad holdL g a lower cerâ€" )e Secdad Grade W ANTED.â€"Three or tour mwaids can tind em ploymenta&. Htotcls. vpular Reataurant ras beon ~ addition Of sevâ€"ral p'{.eious 2 " CX Ma‘camand story. CHA&UDIERE, H. LETCH, Proprietor. 3900 dut able raies. i reoms oa the second &bory, tGeou aod Dining Rooms in â€"‘mgthis Establishment with m . Y rely on strict abtention ul SinEK : 1 M somt C es WM, ALEXANDER, | Proprietor. yy ANoms ournofh JAS. D. JOÂ¥NT, Becreta‘ y . $990:6 Bar & hnoure 15 Sussex Streoet. MBS. FoR I ‘ellington sts., \ T WoRK SHoPS @zer being renoâ€" tre «omfort and â€" upnucity. wri aah 0 ang e n Mfl‘nhrr glr m&lfi (IVE nreopfugoem | uid 'fflbmn 10 ad» arket is re â€" «ched, e c«‘nclcest 346m1 re Colonal Walker Powell; Adjutant (General of Militia, returned on Saturday evening from Kingston, where he fiad been on business connected with the new Military College. + Lieutenant Selby Smyth, $6th foot, son of Major (General Smyth, arrived in the city on Friday last. Mr. Smyth ‘ is to replace Captain Stapleton as A.D.C. to his father, Major General Smyth, _ * Majo: General Selby Smyth and Capâ€" tain the Hon. Miles Stapleton, A.D.C,, who have been absent for the past four months on & tour of inspection to Maniâ€" toba and British Columbia, will arrive here on Tuesday afternoon. B The following peuonl*.ro registered as having visited the ‘Library of the Agent General of the Dominion in London, Eng: Tand, for the week en ling:30th October : Mr. Robert A. Strickland, Rev. K. W. Sewell, Messrs Edward Lacroix, Jean Baptiste Lamontagne, jr., Quebec ; Henry Joseph, Montreal, P ~ Mr. Matthew Ryan, of Montreal, has been appointed as one of the Stipendiary Magistrates in ‘the Northâ€" West. He will be located for the present between : Forts Pelly and Ellice. Col. McLeod, the other Stipendiary Magistrate, will ‘be stationed in the neighbourhood of, the Mounted Police Force, at Belly River. f It is understood that Mr. Baker, M. P.P. for Russell, is likely to be: a candiâ€" date for*the Reeveship of Osgoode, in opposition to Mr. Morgan. Mr. Baker ought to be content with what he has ; to run against Mr. Morgan in Osg ode would be to court sure defeat. _ It is also understood that, were he successful in getting inito the County Council, he would be a candidate for Warden, but the probability ‘of his getting there at all, is so distant that his chances of election are not worth discussing. Mayor flinglwn has had an audience with Bishop Bourget, in reference to the interment of theâ€"remains of the late M. Guivord, and has received the gratifying assurance that he may rely upon the coâ€" operation of the Romish clergy in his efforts to preserve peace and order during the burial ceremonies. $ ; ‘The nominal author of a pamphlet on the von Arnim trial, has been arrested at Berlin, on the charge of slandering the Emperor. and libelling Prince Bismarck and the Foreign Office; the offence is punishable with several years‘ imprison: ment, and Count von Arnim is suspected of being the real author of the libellous D; publication. § A Turkish army under Selim Pasha ill surrounded by a large force of Insurgents, and fighting was still going on at the latest accounts~ Prince Miano, of Servia, has at last com > to the sensible conclusion of with= drawing his Army of Observation from . the Turkish frontier. : 1 Sultan Abdulia is a sensible, farâ€"sighted sort of a man, as may be instanced by his desire to remain on terms of peace and amity with the British commander at Penang; probably he has heard of the l Abyssinian and Ashantee expeditionsâ€" and their sequels, too. | There is great activity in Ras **~ "". _ tary: circles, but ~the Governme denies ; Nt it is for the purpose of hostilit;" * agg, ession. Of course not ! ~ â€" The â€" Herzegovinian Insurgents are about to send a deputation to London, Vienna, Berlin. and St. Petersburg, emâ€" bodying their wishes. ‘The volunteers of Montreal have been ordered, under arms for the purpose o preu.ving order at the Guibord burial. < 2o khe Lind 13.0% af sha * Rey, Jzmes B. ‘Mills, President of the American jPesce Association, died on Saturday, at W eester, Mass. t The tholora is ."%ging with great vio lence in Mulru,md. it is pro.babl.e. the Prince of Wales will foru‘®P Bi# Yis!t 40 that city in consequence. t__ nt. The Official Gazette of Saturday contains the following npgg:utmenh :â€"â€" Richard Mclutosh, of Kincardine, Onâ€" tario, to be collector in Her Majesty‘s Customs. â€" > us o 22 magt s _ Military College, Kingston, to be Comâ€" mandant, with rank of Lieutenantâ€"Colonel, from 16th September, 1875 : Major Edâ€" «ward Usborne Hewett, Royal Engineetrs. AMERICAN INVOICES, The authorized discount on American Inwwices until further orders is 12 per cent, REVENUE AND EXPENDITURE Statem ont of the revenue and expen‘ â€"diture, oi! sccount of the Mi&d Furd, of the Dominion of (anada, for the month ended 31st Oct,, 1875 :â€" Revenueâ€" > . CUSLODNB. .« ces cce e ccsese se nees $1,256,548. 28 zac onl OR OUISCUIICY John Davidson, of Silver Islet, 0““"3 Algoma. by NOTICES OP. PARLILAMENT, â€"/ * Notice is given that application will be made at the next session of the Parliament of Canada for an Aot.unondingP:hoehu- ter of The Mail Printing and Publishing never had to take . E;,"EJ‘ to amend the said Act increase the powers of.the Company. ~ THsRB have been ZJ Gurney Hase Burnâ€" ers sold to one of any other stove, and we TELEGRAPHIC ‘SUMMARY. Pogt OBIO®.....ccseccccsecse cs Public Works, including TAIWBYB. e cveece e secsscrse * Rill Shmpflunmnuu-non MiscellADO@OUS ..esevâ€"ssseesis MILITIA GENEEAL ORDBRA CANADA GAZETTE. 2s e cecteesessceses vee0e 6 as esses en teecses on ® aeesccscese see 20004 $1,256,548. 28 506,891 86 o _ 1T8,781 06 ; 182,364 95 _ 20,518 80 1 43,998 80 $2,069,103 75 $1,738,599 81 Loxnox, Nov. 13.â€"A tidal waveâ€"ten feet high swept up the river in Somersetshire, toâ€"day. One vessel was sunk and twentyâ€" one others were more or less damaged. _ Theâ€" Weather. The weatber is very inclement, and inâ€" ungdations are increasing. f _ Knighted. Mr. Wade, British Minister to China, has been knighted. i Particulars of the Mutiny on Board the * Lennie" Loxnox, Nov. 14.â€"Six Greek sailors arrived yesterday at Port of Sables D‘Olonne, France, stating they were part of the crew of the ship St. George, which they said had been lost at sea. The Preâ€" fect of the Polise, suspecting they belonged to the crew of the ship Lennie, ordered them to be argested. and taken before the Judge. According to another account received here of the mu:tiny on the British ship Lennie, it appoars that the vessel arrive | in the roads of Laflotte, on the evening 6th ‘nst. Hormovements TELEGRAPHIC. Mél;fi:ni&;h;(}apwnof the Trapâ€" ailleur despatched a boat and otd'o‘tLQd the master to appear. "A man who said he was Bdi;u: ougo forward, and was taken: to St. Martin, where he stat»s the master of: the Lennie ordered the crew to reduce: sail, when he was murdered ; the mate and boatewain were also killed. As the cook knew something of the navigation he was ordered by the mutineers to conâ€" duct the ship to Gibraliar. _ Heuvy weather compelled them to put into Lafiotte on the 10th inst., and the Lennie was still anchored a few miles northesst Lafiotte. The six Greeks escaped the evening before in a sm«ll boat, painted white, with a black band, when the weather moderated. ‘The Lennie will be taken to Rochfort. The von Arnim Caseâ€" . OTTAWA. MONVAY,â€"NOVEMBER 15,"1875. Loxpox, Nov. 13â€"A telegram from Berlin contains the following: . "Lhe Berlin Criminal Court has ordered, at the instance of the Public Prosecutor, the arâ€" raigniment ‘of the author of a recent pamphlet, containing a document con= nected with the Arnim trial, on the charge of insulting the Emperor and librfl_‘ling Prince, Bismarck and the Foreign Office. It is believed that Count yon Arnim himâ€" self, or some one ln hu oonfido:w&, ig t.h: MAE EL MVE C mc 00e NCOE °09 author, The offence is punishable with eéveral years‘ imprisonment. The Count is still at Vovay, in Switzerland. He had asked leave of t.{mgconrt to remain abroad longer on account of his health before undergoing imprisonment, but before the Court answered the application, there appeared the libellous pamphlet already described. & Psoxag, . Nov., 13.â€"The Prince Of Wales arrived here toâ€"day, and had an enthusiastic reception. His movements after leaving here are uncertain. ‘Cholera Raging in Madras. § ~There are bad accounts of the spread of cholera in various districts of the Madras Pmidencé.“’l'ho of the Prince of Wales to Gaersoppa Falls and his. shootâ€" ing expedition to Baypore have therefore been abandoned, and. it is doubtful whether he will even visit Madras. #HR ANUR m rnnwmala:n llclol wud . Paris, Novâ€" 14. â€"The Franco American Union for the erection of & Centennial Statue in New York Harbour is being organized. The grand fete is to take place at the Plais d‘Industrie on the 19th inst. _ President MacMahon, members of his Cabinet, many dfimu and other distinguished ve subscribed to the Statue K::i::nd several of the principal cities of France have voted con« {ributions.. * lfl L L aat Shvextlemadinnirtiyryenpy To ol i structions. . All troops stationed in South _n Bussia are said to be in readiness for a0, tyo service. VE B’l‘\- & MBAE TCOE T wes ce e n & a special notice from Lividia, three diâ€" visions of tmo;o -ufio-od% military district of 8t ctonburg%mtobo&hoed in readiness for service sthol% inst. 1t is rumoured that the Fourth Division of Infantry has also received Jim%'.'.. n’: EO C C OmpRTH a 4 ' Murlerers Conrvicted.‘ s RBowus, Nov. 14â€"Luciani Friza ArmaÂ¥ aacnt | Sitk ooroptolty in the 2 msg af c with c0r3; y in m Raffaelo ®onzogno, @ditor Of La Captale, have been @onvioted," #24 sentenced to poual servitude for life. Boarpetti, who | SOrEMPYT C200 "_n aLsrge, was ao Movements of the Prince of Wales. Ees i id 5 ibip ow f was tried on the same charg®, quitted. i & e l Friondsbip Dioctated by p.u, «t ‘ Puxaxa, : Nov. 13.A force «6f 300 troops are now garrisonéd in tho’Bdfis# ue & T â€" Coocaldarth Prinee Milanog Hopoln1,of Poace: Bstezaps, Nov. 13.â€"Prince _ Milano; while reviewing : troops . yesterday, | aD* nounped that the changed. politigal situs~ tion rendered it unnecessary to sand them to the frontier. f stoon send depu ‘*"* ind St. Petersbu: % unbodying its Wigh are nOW hoag Ad w c iinbit Residence at Perak. Sultan Abduligh 1# friendly to the British. | 14 : Great Activity in lm;-ry Cirdles. Sr. Peterspure, Nov, 14. â€"According to ‘Wolff, the Galveston pilot, who | "‘,, ,¢) Y®W * %, on board the ill-f.tgd tw VCÂ¥ tgf | zence’of A Waco, has been found near where ‘°l indefinite '.e-a;: 9‘zk. His: nmaimbb:u u(v}:A‘ :I;bu-klnx, marks which appear to be burns. p! racy. Wol#F was an experiensed pilot and seaâ€" man. . There is ng w no hope that any of C those on bondn;,evmolueqnd- It is A w1 thought that the bodies will be all reâ€" w covered within a, few days, : Memorial Sr. L"“"i‘ services ‘will be ‘held in the different hex:ic\â€" hurches, and all, vessels in port wl disâ€"| A ? t yo° play their colours at Halfâ€"m as a mark | months; iD Sf rospect for tho se who . on the | of $3,000. I Mff% C x y moh â€" T “'fij‘ ”’ *?w @a (RWATTO EAViT I i Â¥ o | . FOR EIG N . Destruetive Tidal Wave. GEEAT BRITALS. H ..”fl-‘u- Grievances. GER M ANY. Nov. 14. â€" Hnarsegoving Cl nm."‘.um to Vi‘.ni‘_.A:L{ Libel. INDIA: RUSSIA. SERVIAâ€" ITALY to present a sn ng D Hee‘s ; Thomas : Wolff, 1co, were taken ic fraternity this i onâ€" board the p Enoect . the | t "mn wd.% q 0B 0 C > | BaRI UCUR ASTCIATRY : " 3 n </ 3 Head â€"siv % Ne LCA har TA T bouln Rrmartes meng eC wanpatition | aaid was jeslous of hets .. 0 0 .â€"| SMtlopncatitinainting hi (Â¥Ek it Ni | Ror molcoeo o toe wares tnat were uonl | ltta recu t L20L 00 waSh (7 sesuuchy. .. goria, He was called upon by the Liout, :"thm-d. It was two o‘clock in w&-m‘ * ssiid: n-u-uot‘m'f'%m Prisoner fimm" and by Admiral Uoohnu‘fd afloenh a‘m"‘.““" '“.' .m“ m'.::a‘: } Lovigvices, Nov. 14--’““%: "O0" | 11. M. Fleet. Helalso visited most objects away her ~main (mast: in a â€" ....npalv“ on yesterday sentenced the Kluâ€" _uxru:l of interest in the locality, o ue n aig The 1e .-nr rew*v. 'o..,uofCtpt- ,,.,,Smo;lwmsgnnopommum Y® | > A Canadian named whflodflm,_ “mmg,hmm med. 0 O , weut OUt | years ; Jno. Q~an, throe yeats. 55| horses for the mounted had a water, â€" Olive Branck was a neWw ‘all meritorious and Bc cotiel "s adoieth oue | oo en imepatetie hrat ns feak metinet ie mel imemmiced |hess * indefinite «perl0d4« â€" named uring v\ ‘eaptain being owner, wems bear uve.‘llfilu-k‘::xx, :efl found n”hl.'l'.h" * 890 | with a kmg. The following morning m? ¢(m:‘¢mf'.1. 4Jusy as Goon,"â€" yurng. Clpt. Uepiracy.=<~; 1 CC s 20 Allen was mbubodbyoohhlild'm .‘“fl eB _.,.2_ in 186%;| who had been using ilot and seaâ€" Mss OURL + Indians â€" of the :Flathead.. tribe .and Ward a Humane Society of Eugâ€"! pound Syrup of that any of f * > C «*\ dend. The : horses . and {two . Other MR | japgrg prodal fil‘mfi'fl'“"‘-fiqufl caped. It is A wulskey Fraud Sentenced. . ... | were not molested., ~~ _\ Jane Aun Marsh. The new Toronto life boak | druggists to take ar At bi..url;i g, 1avis, Ndv.ngdhe xnll;:l senâ€" S e bonae en nnrntae & lt in teacinaics, 4 +/* Povigly qh h :mdmvmkh Wfi e morI®i | . :** xlonel John A. Joyce, exâ€"Revenue | _ . * d MW'AM. ‘s 4*3 / ) as bette different oc d Gaxoreay‘s .. sha an M , that $ â€" tri i Mitrm | efers oo ttt hi fen onl as | temmecon eteg esd arapiet | Ne Wertctiond m + aipemter [E un Sone h ist as a nvarkc | monthé bpfn’”' * o t street, : Adele M. Gendreauy pto ”fl.mwmdbdq'“h an | Syrup again. i?;odonth of $3,000. '..‘._'â€"-,-â€"â€"-.â€";:â€" § Fa ot tmz ‘cm?‘z m- m&_m.m . & 16 romas: WolP c lls mank employed without the. assistance of bh6 .. S 4 "~the â€" coming â€" session. | > Baltimore, Maryls fhare _ miken | _ "\/yme Biime AeÂ¥heRt Noi c 0. |boods and 0 O00LOrT.v00) 5J publety ( MB O soutet ) en s CAE onl 1 Sosneer‘sGoonts fratemnity this| " xgwiex, Nov. 14â€"The Dmlm nl-.:fl MGW&? > % m : recsire ©â€" the 3’ + | . Burwerr‘s Cocans nc boartG im o | Bank excitement basco8 ol macoprIng. Ahro amacied orghie esoonel (Aoeec 5o Ainporsd of 6y Ne m uaciyy hang® ystic, CODN» | for the present ; 18. f ‘ they be muscular or intelâ€" " i 1 '5"‘ ts e ‘ oped, whether d i o from Whitby in the Coconnut 0 ermen t 24 {4. | d6DOSit8e ___ccccks e [ \m;,n,a.mdubu’ Ong.l ‘:"'Mm,'hn,uw for this purpose. One body was fows & Esgirr; auctioneers, m Syrup . of HP‘!"""{“.&"" m I % & | sesses the " peculiar se dong xn iibeinen cprmen aeveremmedpetaienserint |pore mt o mnier ces rasne: |bess bat ol in e to wns‘{?‘,mgfifi“fi‘m-k. i: leau street;‘ mind and a ““““u..{: : .C“Mra-o::‘n; rested on a oharge of house bresking, has | the hair, no matter aters i :u, ‘are nPW rinnirg ot.! themoklrlfi.l;flwml’!‘&'“’. been re xt + € l-“.-'h." rees l M Sn oh. the pase >â€"10 : ol ‘mlr. Rassolk EM"&:‘" i1 up the | w’:‘d?‘- ed by all who he T Gs2%. 4a ant‘ recently in P * 0 CiGan i Por: iwhe study y fllu‘&m_:_ in toOwn, staying the “mm in will|yog peen married three months, .p“l 3?"‘““ said was jealous of her, P N## ©York,. Nov. 13.â€"Mrs, Moulton sent a letter to Plymouth Church last m nh.&nun reasons â€"for not ing against the action of the church in m ta tss that this wrong be righted, by joini with her in calling a ooun%il of c'hmx:.,! before ‘which ‘they may state : their reaâ€" sons fo® their action, and she can state hers," said‘ conncil to ju.igo impartiall between tiem. f‘they doâ€"not ioinflwit{\ hor in ‘calling this council in four weeks, she will procee } herself to asik: a council of the churches, in order to vindicate hor Christian character and name. . Sceisure of an HHicit Still. A raid was made by the revenue officers, sssisted by tha police, upou an illicit, still in operation in an Abbatoire, near the Noathâ€"River,and the property was.séiz»d to the extent of $15,000. Brutal and Deliberate Wife Murder, John J. Burroughs shot and killed his wife in Brooklyn this morning, and the murder was a most remarkable "gT. Immediately after committing the terrible crime he wulked ‘to the Station House on | Fifth Aveoue, and said to Sergt, Brown : "4‘ve shot my wife, and I haveâ€"come‘to give myself up." Mrs. Burroughs, who was his second â€"wife, was uniable to live «micably ‘with him, and so they separated, and for the last two or three months they have bean living apart., Héavy Sentonce on Bnrglars,; Urica, Nov. 13 â€"In the CountLSourt in Rome to day, John Sweetman, alias Buck C. Malone, charged with complicity in a 1 masked burglary at Peter Gorman‘s, near Utica, Aug. 9, was convicted end‘senâ€" i tenced to 18 years at hard {labour in Auburn Prison. Lumbard and Leaty,* .ooomrphoeo in the same crime, were sent each for similar terms to the Auburn Prison. In a few days John. Welch, an exâ€"policeman,‘ charged: (with the â€"same offence, is to be tried next week. All were oonvicwd’ni::l the testimony of Wm. J. Conroy, alias Christy, an: accomâ€" plice. â€" Huvso®, Nov. 13.â€"The trial of Eliza A. ‘Stone, charged with poisoning her husband, Charles â€" A. Stone, who died myster‘ously at the 'Pp‘gk‘ flm.ln,ghu‘flw} roc bomicinbars, Aimad & n oo ts PP T F Village, on the 23rd of last April, closed last night, the jury rendering a verdict of not guilty. A nolle fmcqui was entered in the case of Daniel G. Bosworth, indictâ€" ed as an accessory of Mrs. Stone in the poisoning of her hus band. * Trow, Nov. 14.â€"The Rev.. Peter A. Mcelling, of the German Methodist Church here, sccompanvied his daughter to Pier No. 22, East River, on the day of the steamship Cily a{BWaco sailing, and re mained ~with r , somg :time, durin% which time there were large numbers 0| barrels of oil taken on board, and stowed ‘along the deck rnnnini:‘lwod‘»t.hou'bim So many of these casks were on board that the whole space fore and aft was 00 h«nsion, and became danghter, and visits New Snlar yob npon the_suigect of & decision ob 6 , I . & decision in the case of the U?i?n Pacific Railway vs. the United States Government. Deciâ€" sion will be delivered <before next Februâ€" ary or March. ° & % # Patent Office Appointment. T. C:; Woodward, : of iows,ofha. bsn ap ied Extpineirn Chief of . wohe: Office. There was a sttefiuous contest for Lailroad Section Accepted. | The President has accopted a section of fifty mlhloflh&nllmfli”'." ructed in & as part of the road which the thern Pacific Railroad Company of California was authorized to build from Tid‘“"m Pass via Los Anm-. to connect with ‘Texas Pacific: Railroad ‘at or near the Colorado River. This makes 100 miles of ‘ u”d:bg:.'. meptior ed. extension accepted to tok. ( P ie Oe The Wasés. of {MIll @peratives to . he Koduced. Ba-ouz Nov. 13. â€"Eastern despatches contain following :â€""On .opl;;nt of the state of the market the Amoskesg Mills of Manchester, N. H,, have given notice of aout down of five to fifl.eewr . Tufogt old 1Glithich ns Railroad Litigsation. Wasnixorox, Nov, 13.â€"The nowoo C eRA s 4i d o i cent. on the wages of the operatives, from the ist of December;; othsr mills will probably follow suit, â€" en Did uot Poison HWer Husband. A MERICA N . Sooi§tl y siding in Stough fatally W?g _ About the City: of Wace"â€"W Clergyman Says about ine .01 ‘‘ Sentemee of K1uâ€"Klinx â€" Prisoners. Lovisvinis, Nov 14.â€"J uT Emmons yesterday sentenced the Kluâ€"klux gun- ers. Smoal was sentto M H i five years ; Jno. O ‘A1, throe years. senâ€" tence of Mefferts . was suspended for an indefinite period. A. w other Ktuâ€"kiux, was found not of con: Sr. L W* Nov. 14â€"Judge Krekel senâ€" BF q C.xonel John A. Joyce, exâ€"Revenue wheny, yestarday, ”‘h'“l“"‘nd fs Aatis in Penitentiaty, and to pay a fine Obit. mi‘oi., 13.â€"Rev..James B, g of ‘the ‘Autericah Peace ty, dxod«flm morning. Rr Attemplied Murder of A ‘Wife. 3 srow, Nov. 14.â€"Owen! Marshall, reâ€" g in Stoufihwn, shot, and probably e womnded ‘his wife last night, he NEW YORK. SEw Ki MPSHRE, WASMILNGTON, Moulion. MASSACHUSETTS Saturpay, Nov. |Lâ€"'l‘ha;uw‘l]n mot::rt very large market toâ€"day t was so active in sales as pn;vlondsyc,nd the ‘prices of many things had a marked dovuble extra, $6 50 ;1 single extra, $6 25, and No. 1 $5 75.â€" Oatmeal $5 a barrel ; cornmeal, $4. ~Bran, 800# hundred ; provender, $1 25 to $150 ; canaille, $1 25. Grammyâ€"Wheat is firm at the following prices : Fall, $1 10 to $1 15, and spring, g’iofl: Fail, . @1 10 to @1 1o, and spring, $105 to $1 10; oats plentiful, at 33¢ to 350 bushel , 60c ; buckwheat, 5o. * We basigy. oo l 1c‘ 02 00 _9 Mrarâ€"Boof evinces a downward tenâ€" dency, and also pork. The former sold at from ~$4 50 to $5 50 per hundred, and the latter at $7 50 to $8 ; mutton brought from 66 to 8c a pound, according to qual ity. Fruit.â€"Apples ‘are the only thing offered in this connection, and bring from $2 :50 ‘to $3 25, according to quality, | Dareyâ€"â€"The g:oductcof the dairy were in abundance, but with unchanged prices. ‘F‘rint butter 240 to 256 a lb.: Tub butter j 180 to 20c ~Eggs 200 a â€"dozen. Cheese 15¢ per lb. } Roors axp Vsertasuesâ€"Potatoss were vozu;.)lwtiful, andâ€"sold at from 226 to 25¢ ® hel ; none. exceeded this. price. . Onions $1:â€"per â€" bushel. > Parsnips 60c. Carrots 400. | Beets 600. â€" Turnips 806. | Foporzâ€"There was a large supply of* hay on the market toâ€"day, which sold from $14 to $16 a ton.: Straw averaged tS;Ut.on.m fityofl uwâ€"There was | a large .quan ‘wood of : all kinds oflomlrguhonflu! â€"Pourrzyâ€"Turkeys were sold from T5¢ to one each. Geese brought from 50e to 60c each. â€" Fowls average i 55¢ a pair, and chickens 450. market this morning. Soft wood : ranged from $275â€"to $3 25 per cord. Mixed wood: from $3 25 to $4 75. ~Hard wood from: $4 75¢ to $5 25. Coalâ€"remains steady at previous quotations. sterday was again dull, there being no Insterinl alteration lw:n from uore of Friday.‘ 10,000 ‘bushels of No. 2 barley sold at 700. eelger Moxtr®AL, Nov. 13.â€"The stock market is moderately active, with sales at an advance on yesterday‘s prices. Sales were made of l[ontru!, at 186 to IB&; extra dividend, 179%; to 180; City, 104; Merchants, 94 to 914%; Royal Canadian, 94} to 954 ; Comme 125 to l%i' Me tropolitan, 674 to 75 ; Telegraph, 143} to 143}. in ie etsine etetanderey droske in on Perry :aqn.,;ao.(l)l.t:o_gmwupmofmm Miners S OIM chlllll‘ « ?:3 Creek ;'.{Il prospects . well, lblupt. n#ibt. be a prosched by any number of C 0 M M BE R C I A L miners until a road is built by the Govâ€" ernment. . Wannaoott wumd on the road.down with fiftyâ€"cight of cattle for Victoria, : Allison was oxmd at Hope in a few days with a large from Hfl{n“ and Lowe‘s.. John Robes came in from Fort Edmonton and Fort Moâ€" Cloud, and reports a go>d market there for boe#priulfmm 10 to 12. conts on foot t from $1 to $5 a bushel ; onts Tots. per pornd. Beveral Ko»tenay ndéncy downwards. â€"â€" . 3 Frovurâ€"This market remains steadyâ€" e have gone into nm;lu: in that npffimm in consequence of the high prices. & The Oolonist â€"demands a census of Vic* toria, which: it believes must have con : siderably over 5,000 of a population. Navat Cmuu-.&ym Brennan, of the Myrmidon, been uppoim‘:i rivate Secretary to ‘Admiral Cochrane. gnymnhr Wood;.of tho"Befuhs, has been appointed Paymastor of ths Ayrâ€" Teronto Produce Market. s Toxowro, Nov. 14.â€"The produce market Axouioax ~Civron .Mission.â€" Rers J. . B. Good, Rector of 8t.. Panl‘s ‘Mission Church, Lytton; has ‘returned from a trip | through &nnh, the United States and lnfit‘n.i,dufiu which he delivered many leo! on ‘the ‘advantages o% British Columbia as a place of residence, an: the | importance of assisting the great work of | converting the ‘savage.â€" Tha audiences | were ‘always largeâ€"and: interested, and subscribed liberally. Rev. Mr. Ditchman | réturned with Mr. Good to aid in the mission: work. and threo other clerical aoll. is giving away, either as ministers or those . DO8A 16 §1°°5 °> sotk ing away, either Or hor Selb; the ‘ _ Major General Selby Smyth an‘ ons | material to build ‘them up, and NJ oo s ap n vinrbermiednmnates j ) .L. * to keep thom there". DR CLAT 6 PMR eorog â€" 2 BELTISHK COLUMBIA NEWS. Â¥.om the Colonist. Koorzxar.â€"From Mr. Wardle we learn gentlemen will come ont in the spring. . .| Coar Discoverzp. â€"Messrs. S'pxott&(b.‘ have learned that a seam of fine bituâ€" minouco..lthubeeq"found on the mill propert Bndx Sound, within a qwur’of. mile of whaif. The value of the seam will be tested. Should it rove extensive, the contiguity of Barclay goundtothoooeanwfllmndorit a favor ite resort for shipping seeking coil _ The first menagerie that ever visited Brilish Columbiawas. at Victoria and other districts of the Province, last month. Intelligence recently reached Victoria of the death . of Lieutenaut Commander Fitscera‘d, late of H.M.S. Bozer, of the Pacifis . Squadron,, which _ occurred : 61 Torquay,. on .‘ tha:. 230th ., AT' ‘fan years ago, when an officer of H. M. 8. Scbut one co‘d winter‘s day a, sailor fell ‘from the. yardarm of the H;‘:w the Straits near Cape Flattery, jeutenant Pitzgerald leaped overboard and held the man until m boat was lowered and. both were rescued, but not until the brave lieutenant hu&'omwud!mml the mfih'%wh‘rzfle:hu t fihn:fi thi nt. act. Lieutenani rgoteivedtho medal of the Humane Soâ€" ciety. ; ‘ 0 A Celestial recently artived from the ‘flnin'mflnr&:hho‘ mental aberas tion from misfortune in gambling opera: tions. n.t;:odtoogmml:hmhidom::: way, once by cutting nmihrum‘ by throwing hmm the deck of a steamer into the Fraser | River. He camenear being successful on CA oc antame in drn i ns matlint U in . PC EKT P < i gh, }1..:: edhdui)oabythol_‘_"‘,"-l vernor MPM““'“& mdbyAdmird(bchw‘f‘lM H. M. Fleet. Helalso visited most objects of interest in the locality. ‘ Awmwfima horses for the mounted had a di mltyonTobaoooPIfinwifiswh.-d.' Pamod Finlay, during which he cut Finiay with a h}.- Tholollurhc.wlin1 ‘Allen was ambushed by a chief and {ro Indians of the Flathead. tribe and shot B IPWOIT in # ! \:_.h.‘u':.a in mznnfldin.nhi.h ‘~ G@ENDREAU‘s .. sha‘ and. MAnUCCeAC® saloon, No mdou;’l:ikmk. W street. : Adele x.Go-dg-w. 9 mu'r No organ ".‘.‘h'."‘.tl‘_ “.-.:-l....?lz Montrcal Stock Markets. OTTAWA MARKETS. audiencées . morning; AUIAD! sted, â€"and | walls of the ¢ Ditchman | postert, signed id in tbo\-ndpfll’PM‘ er clerical z’tholhfitml > spring. . s on the da; proat & Co. Tlmmt.l:o'ml”n ho fine bituâ€" | Te uzouw m the till ) (1o crzan Atig ;, ficdwoodl" is dear and now ullil‘dv,“ 'wou-. . Mayor Kennedy has laid a report of ‘his Iyripprinfamairepieny ot «on ® Y ‘,o;mdi'uwm Tue: Weather and Navigationâ€"Staging . _â€"BDenr Cordweedâ€"Mayor Kennedy‘sâ€" \ Mission. +o b:\'mu, Nov. MM&E:- has n generally mild throughout and nevigation in portions of tho'm : River has re.opened. ‘The steamer Min uaolaisfiomhtbonl’embh;c:di- cleared as far as Grand Forks. Alph, frozen in at Grand Forks, also got cleat, loteh "Tect mss bter millee O + uvyno'il’nfihlhg. | ‘ Bince the close of mfimfi. Ii: nesota ‘a 4 run quently lengthened to three days, the suspension of navigation, is delain@d 8t now, â€" by Grand Forks, and will orders | from _be forwarded by team at | the Depot to make arrangements. ‘Ihis }Mnh‘wminvdnuwtm'h the expense owing to the want of sleighâ€" Firgz: Potw«t, Nov.) 14.â€"The 8. 4. Sardinian, from Liverpool, with eighteen cabin and fiftyâ€"eight steprage passengers, arrived at 4 a.m. | QuEBEC. / _ Qurseo, Nov. 13.â€"The contract for the nsA n e e es M 200 t aa l2 Montreal, Ottawa and Western Buhx was submitted <to the. contractor, McDonald this afternoon, and will most likely be signed on Monday. CE 1 ND » + be Sued for Libelâ€" E '.'.l:-::::: EM“ LAiterâ€" h.! ary Socicty. yos hi +9. of | ‘Toxoxro, Nov. 18.-2. Globe :?: ‘ morning; attributi :5'wdll of the city ‘ho mp‘-" in | poster:, signed . anâ€" «* Irish Catholic, bolmdpnmmwhw:l:h-d.n. cal \H._uf.;ufi.- 4..’."&. nailine in Wiaskt ' Political â€"Metropolitan Bank. â€" ; Moxtari1, Nov, 13.â€"The ?fl"“" ‘‘organs say that the report, of Mr. J. J. ~Curran‘s running against Mr. Deviin E | Montreal Centre, was circulsied b‘ & ~friends ‘without his hovl::s- | add, that though Curranâ€"w make & | strong candidate, numerous engagements, the crass hopper sufferers, by the xp.;':. o’ navigation, -bz"‘fl‘d“'x |"pu-m.'_’m';â€"mum nt of his guc». cession to the busi of the late Mr.. Kelly, compel fl to decline coming ffbtlumpo‘l.- ’Buk fl:fl o itam in f the U Starnes, who has € 54. 3e Pack To menicy mss heéary losses, : causing > dissatisfaction I-:ont.thorm The © new arrangements. ‘ ‘ Died from Starvationâ€"The Troops Urdered Outâ€" Iee 3 !ontluhsokonrl; 2nd, after being m off an express He had sold some af clothes for fodd ; mmhw brought his :b idy down ; : his â€"widome 1 Taother is in an agony of grief. f | . The Hocheliga Prinoe of Wales‘ Rifles an 1 Victorais, â€" Artillery, Light Field Battery, WWater Police, twonty men, : and one hundrsd of the City.Police, are ordered undas grms to muster at their respoctive hsa lquarters on Tuesiay foreâ€" Moxrkrziar, Nov. 14.A young duk.' named Mcintosh, was buried here to day, who died of starvation , c?'l'fig on & railway, near (%l: |, Ohio. He left here in September, and wen‘t to Chicago, but got no work, and was beating his way , osted Frow tminf and sat Haxt ol dentd rand Forks. â€" - About three of the seed, grain ndmmum for the relief of burial of Guibo®#. > ~~ > A heary frost prevails, and ico is mak h%.i;t.hnlosnuL in it past hok 4 oaly stcamehip in been loading all day. * _ s cAÂ¥ N A D 1 A N . FATHER POINT. lics on the day of the polling in West . Toronto, to Mr. John A. McDonell, that gentloman declares his intention to. sue the @lobe. for libel, Mr. Robinson‘s election is to bbpowwnd the principal charge is to be these fionpuunlhad an undue and corrupt uence. Aboutdquocmo-tyzbn‘dfi- zens left by special train on the Northern ‘milwnyumumlx.wb?‘w"“ ‘formdmd extension of that line to Gravenhurst _ _ _ _‘ A schoonér whith proved "to be the Olive Branch of. voal laden, bound for u..paql,. in the â€" eastern A terrible gale was raging at the pevertheless he put out in his boat, three men ; on coming within a hundred rs lying over at Pembina and at live lhiea i on Lues aMY JUM0® at six om‘w carry. out ‘the MANITOBA: MONTREAL. T ORONTO better known as Interview Between Mayor Hingston and Bishop Bourget. .: :#3 THE GUIBORD BURIAL is Worehip Assured of the Coâ€"operaâ€" tion of the Romish Clergys : INTEEVIEW +WITE, THE ROMAK CATBOLIC who furnished him with aletter to several mjuoffiodiw E'll;-d' the city iess .bhbuunrtb-hz d‘mani pri-h.o\rt“' sélected such as m-: and also begged His Lordship ‘Bishop Bourget to transmi similar lef to ceived every aksurance . from those with Hhs Worship. ~ | ; ;igqx_iputodflhdlh&” gentlemen WEITTEN® ASSURXNORS OF THEIR PULLSST 66â€" of the city, but tramelled by legal â€"difé« culties he could only indirectly seek an mfio-fio-mdw ?u-.. there â€" might © beâ€" on m'w&_muqtq’?ufi Worshin to send axflhhnhh& after them, the yuir'..s:" fullest possible coâ€"operation. â€" that A..‘-w-'.fiu-'vdu-c will. be called out or not. The m of , ®ours opr yz Pro0ESSION) uumo&"flwwu Wircagh Cote bas Ruigee viiiege is over rw.muwumh ons ob inuntpiion â€"A Wenderfal Moxrrzar, Nov, 18. _ In the Guibord case the Mayor has had ANOOE WBW W ty 216 . doag C Te 20000E &. V. p;..q.,u.'b.,nnmn,u.':\’. . bre e e net retend meaeatees Ar | with no lasting In , comisig nearly ‘worn out with l‘:dhu;um-on .'nph' Y;’t , I was of voice. I'nw:-nh::tu ‘been home only two weeks m I»was ing spells two finst three inside of nine days. In the Septem:â€" ber following, I P % bl...'.u. 4a & alsuarct . altian be able ‘to <be about, gh jin a very mained and the was worse than before. _ Every effort relief seemed fruitioess. T seemed to be losing ground daily, T continued in this feeble i / skeptical that fiq-d‘uu-o mxmumm remedies. and began to look upon -“.‘ dootors with ‘disgust. ~However, I obâ€" tained one of your eiroulars, and it .ldnllyag‘-nwhidl,"op comâ€" ‘‘!""!"'fi“ : â€"~PRICE 8 CENTS. The Police to Preserve Order. of Dr. Bage‘s Catarrh Remedy, you! and commenced their vigorous use aoâ€" cording to directions, ‘To my surprise I PR ns CC MR q better, my appetite tmproved, and I gained in strength and fesh. In three months mmfipdh“mflfi no Cough whatever and . I oouodtoai:'ouodé-d to the expectation of some cure has remained permanent. I havre had no mnâ€"-%fi-hu-l Ihuoubn-‘.luwm debt of gratitude I owe for the blessing I have received at your ‘hands, knows no bounds. x-zwfl-“‘fi my experience, your medicines l*hm forms of that odious Aisease. Catarrh. as well as ‘Throst and THE AID OF THE PoLic® roro®! larity and usefulness of the Coconine that it has had a host of imitatori. Consumers will do well to observe that the fall name, «Burnett‘s Coconing," is printed on the '“";inaf'"s.â€"u*-'-h'ur- Our tect the public, if only a little care is all meritorious and successful 4Jusr as M"â€"MW pound Syrup of Hypophosphites for ( Hypophosphites, which he said was fename venel a bottle taught him, that if ‘he consult his safety, he must return to f Burxerr‘s Cocarsu.â€"A Perpsor Dexssâ€" mwe por Tss Ham.â€"The Oominodb:l... .u' rised Cotontint Ou% prepured exproniy for this purpose. No other compound pos Mymth:mwm mw.m-.w-a’-ddmu& Ir is Sraowe Testrimory to several weeks. I felt much N. Y.. Jan. 18th, 1874. iblie, if hitle cate is w«%h:’uu MabiMOT House Hotel. it to be the best

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