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Ottawa Times (1865), 16 Nov 1875, p. 1

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RhK S, EE RANGE, &£C ) is published® WORKS. »vlous, 1 off t to DJA AR, a furâ€" oDS VES. h Goods, 3RY, smac stube â€" Coce + latce and cpam exaivezmat, ~ad Â¥i Street. lcers ti>~On «i1 goods eusept Coy. ACRES, IELD, ils, Conl Hods, *% "otel, 1875. rpg or Project fai fatl Street. Cmamndes 74 r 4: «e tnr cnats RIETOR. 4otel, 1475. 8 Ner T RAPS &o Da possiu dy remted if required Wiiawa, Soutiâ€"side of Rideau street, near Glou cester. sui~ Consullations at all hours. l oex Momwepathic Physician, Sargeon Aceoucheur. gives w Ji% May be consulted al Ois wor a:d a.bers slrcdls. UtlaWa, UGL 44 1374. OrTawa, OST, Day Office â€"Hmu street, Centre Town ‘Night ufficeâ€"At residence, Maria Stree! Centrs To# a, Cancers cured without the use of the knife, by a rew but ceriain, speedy and eimost painâ€" le«s process. Reference yiven 1 ariies sucâ€" R. C. W, MacCUAIG. Trade Assignee. Lity of TTA A A, County of Carleton Flumber, Gas and Steam ;Fitter, Corner Weilington and Bank streets Ottawa. Hnun&:l‘ Public Buildings, Green Houses, Puvase denceâ€" by higu or low pressure, steam aud DOL WaLer a 8; ecialty. V A OFFICKâ€"No. 1 Bioek, Orlawa, Ont in retiring from the praclice of my profession, i bhave ief, with imy former Assistan:, Mr. A. F. CuTTON, my Piaus and Iecurds 0i surveys in @iiawa and vicinity, and have much pleasuce i0; recummeuding Lim as Mmy s2¢â€" 19 Â¥ . Agent‘s Outft | _frge l Large Commission & Cash Premiums m Attormeys, Solicitors, Nota» GI1BBS & COURSOLLE, i _ BOLLCITORs OF Lom plete in ONE VOLU MK of over i, 00 pages JMW'MUMMMF on ghir boaca im Larristor®, COMPRISING THE _ TEN Jewels of Imaginative . Literature : Pligrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Waketield, whng..ot ame Pompe.d â€" Â¥ Gulliver‘s Travels, Elizsabeth, Undige, | Tales from Arablan Nights, U Barr}ster Patents of Invention, |YKADE MARK RLGISTERED.]. NOTOREIA CHAMEEES, WELLING ro® BTREET, OTTAWA. _ 3884 LBmdY of FAMMOS FCTION, n c giusdOr®, it is the WORLD‘S STâ€"RY OOK, and all wani to read it . Agent‘s Qulit {ree to ail who mean business and w 1ii f«thfuily canvas$. M Resigenceâ€" Albert Street VOL. VIIIL., NO. 3996. M \ y.M. FEXLAND, ""‘"in-" an 4z n s aam on h. Suecéssor to ‘W . K. Thistle & Co.; Ofce, as formeriy, over Maun‘s Hardware bovies: t 3619â€"L VaASLAL Licentiage of the Roval College of Surgcons 1 i.nburgh. rC@I I, »iNHEY. paurister LUMBER AND CommIssio® MesCHANT, BROKEER, &0C. oc [OR R JGERS, P ATENTS. Ns Basrister, Ablormey . FFI gaie is b€ R. 0. C. WoOD, voNNOR & Hous, ETHUE F. CoOTrON, M edical C€ards. l4 Bt. J «.+ os Streot, T. LAMBEKT. rALKEE, PENNOCK & FeINIYRE, Provincial Land Surveyor and A KCM AMEAULT, i M. JOHNSTON, U. CMEYSL ER, Barrister, 3. P. LYXS, M A RS L A L. M ATH ESO N, ue un Aitorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Soli« v4Aorm, «woaveyancers, &C., rP.COUTLEE, B.C. wW. WARD, BEST oF REFERENCES GIVEN Advoeo: to, Soliectior, Zcoal C ards. NOR & ODoHMERTY, #f D. K. MACDONELL, , Selieitor®, _ vconyey ancec , Atiorney, TEWART & GoRMULLY, :Cl;ur-ey. Solicitor FORD & CHRISTIE & MILL, Attormeys, Soltc vey ancers, «&€.. ~, Actorneys, Selicitors, >uvey ancers, &Cc. in Chancery %, Weilington S¢t., Rajote‘s ut seabâ€"ly _ P. PSNNOCK | A F. MCLNTYR®, ad J of&â€"sliveL ; Street. . Uiflce hours from: o 4 r, m. Epeciali astentiOn an dupnougulu ul'stme 4 Bi A TroRN EY Adsvcate, & da B al Coflege oi Physicians, he Obsictical Suciety of t Asistact Ascoucueur . Lo »i>u, Anglaad. Untario Oilice, w Kiug strvot Wesk HamÂ¥t>2 n Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" Lewis & Piuney.) and Accoucheur Solicttiors, &e..} Ceâ€"te Town, oppo bas wial W. B. THISTLE Notary, &¢. Attorneys 3. J. GoR®ULLY ATâ€"LAW, SOLI rA®Y, KrC. wW. D. Hoge , & e.. anâ€" $6, OLLIWA 3. Q‘Do# r®TY xGN LK EA} i6gar=, Con« Mouse H in Cban 3917â€"3m 37 ly 3765=LC for the Queen store 2401 ~« 200 ARB°C Is novoplfi#tbo mi?)t.lnnof Guests, â€" This Hotel has beer| furnished new throughout, re gariless 0. exponse. Choicest wixes, liquors, cigars, &0. Good =ta bling. % WM, ALEXANDER, Proprietor. Ottawa, Sept, 17, 1873, $946m 1 anlarged by the addition of several -rcbl-’ m-i":eu m.’ nished rowms on the seconi I‘Orfi; The fiuest Luncheon avd Dining Rooms it Angloâ€"American Hotel, Mr. BEN. HUCKELL begs to announce the genernl u‘;{uu avelling public, that be h ectered @pou [the Pmprtew-uh.!pof the abov Hotcl. lately condacted by Mr. Fred. Kvans. The bes brunds of wines, liquors and cf are kept. and the prowmptest aitetion is paid to Guests. I 3 Dinner Is;tovldod from 12 A.YL, unti 2 P.M., at very reasom» t able rates. s beartiful and furnished with the choicest vrands of Liquors, Cig irs, etc. Â¥our call wiil be kindly +ollcited, . E. J. HENBRY, | | Bou‘n with or without rooms, and rooms without ‘boar?. Table and rooms firstâ€" Class _ Corner Sparks and Bank streets, and wisin two milnutes‘ walk of the Parliament bBuidings. w._ Choic st Wines, Liquors, Cigars Exhibition Visitors will be well accom modated daring Exhibi« tion Week. The "Feathers" Hotel Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Ston ALWAY3 OÂ¥ HAND. The Royal Oak Hotel, hne city. Uaul{emen honoring this Establishment with béir patrooage may rely on strict atiention »elng paid to their orders. __ _ ______ ___ _ _._, quality. _ s 1y Luncheon served at al} boursâ€" The Dufferin House, Cormne Bank aund Wellington sts., OPPoSITE FHE GOVERXNMENT WorRK SHors [8 now 6pen for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfort and wccomodation of the travelling community. he cit @~ $5â€"SPiRK3S STREFTâ€"85 "«u» wHOLESALE AND RETAI, Jeweller, Wgtihmaket.? &o "A(‘.\ NC IP for Boarders, No. 4 McCorâ€" __ migk‘s Ferrace, O‘Comnor street. Apnoly Kideau Street, ncar Sapper‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprietor. (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS,) I P HOTOGRAPHE R A iarge assortment of Gold and Silver llehe% tadies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, gen en Albert Chains, Rings and Goid s.xa,m' 1m ind Jewelte:y cf every del&p | Pint Wu% Ulogks, ao‘.‘m the low prices. The sest Housein the city. Wholesale buyers can ret their stac* as chasp from me as aay othar Aamas ip the Nerainian AP Applications from Female ‘l‘.nehon‘”dulmnl of »«mployment und=r the Board. will reoeiy~, ed"h) molt;-;:irmun H, RO ‘INSON, Eq. Ni d MURL CCE LNOVE, HSQ. 00 th w , .oX Ferrace, O‘Comnor street, Apply it NQONAN‘S RESTAURANT, Sparks street. "V Bsb t.:é?lin m?ol;\‘l‘:urlfi':(;fl' n busl a ress _ w real name posiyuisa p Adiers with real name BOOTS & SHOES. WA The lub-erlber‘ having purchased another Ext«te of Boots, Shoes, &c., at 65 cts, on the Doila:, Great Sigughter in prices will be made for cas in order to effect an entire clearauce. before ecelvirg Fall Sock. _ ht The above puiar Restaurant has been nlarged by I: addition of several spacious Ottaw», Sept. 2. 1878 Have received of their Spring Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTAINS. Em bracing ali the novelties, out for the season, o which the confiiently Moard SHOOLBRED & CO. Il‘ .rmn?. CHues July °K. 1873 To all who are suflering from the errors and ndiscretions of youth, nervous weakness, catly uuy.louonmahuii.‘g- l'mlnfl that will cure you, F. or C K. ( onrlip ons Arugh mâ€" yioge dA io gei ks America. Send a selfâ€"addressed enveâ€" SIGN WRITER, EuUSHEâ€" DECORAâ€" * hod: PATWTES, PA PBR â€" the shortest notlee, and in a workmaniizec style. , A assortment of N PAP: m:as,“.e... 'Mned'nd. _.u"ww onvn‘os" Opposite the Post Office, EKlgin |Streot. Tikle fowse, Haw [mEL ) House, %:"‘ York (X.Uh Bapt. 1, 1875 Phe anovo Hotelis weil suppliod with the Wellingion Street, Near Pooley‘s Bridge. oE Pitmat wrath ies Uhdine on d i ERVANTS WANTED.â€"Three or tour Spocial Valne in Lace Curtains. mss M nds kB |.= nm&mflfl.:slllm-m EWELLERY. THE â€" " LONDON," Charles W. Leonard, TTAWA CARPET HoUSE ANK RUPT,§A LE $~ A CALL IS SOLICIT ED . &R oarRDp oF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUS:â€" TEES. good Howâ€"emaids can find employmebta LISEY HOUSE. Apply immediately, ,0 LaBOURERS WANTED !mmeâ€" dirtely at Cobden, on the Pembroke ch i the C.U. Railroad, Wages il.%gar Board in the village yery reas~n ble. FK®, KkKLLY $ C0 399411 Wellington Street, near Bank. Invite Inspeéection. J A R V I 8. W. E. BROWN, 69, SPARKS STREET. NTEDâ€"A young man with a smail 197 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. BIGN PAINTER AND GR+INER, N. MARKS, Tilants. CHAUDIERE, Htotels, H. LETCH, Proprietor. OF J. Bar Lodging. 15 Sussex Street. Tht¢ Wly1&w 3003f I The tide in the Thames this mort was the highest on record. Greent and the lowlands along the river partially inundated. ‘The weather aro the qoast continues very heavy. Further Pariiculars of the Mutiny. Loxpbox, Nov, 15.â€"The Times‘ Paris letter contains additional particulars of the mutiny on the ship Ln«, which shows that the bottle contaming the inâ€" telligence of the affair was thrown over board by Mr. Hoydonek, the steward, who, with a sailor and the cabin boy, enâ€" deavoured to defend the officers at the _ The British ship Astrida, Captain Meo:â€" Gregor, which sailed from this g’t for the United States, had been ‘lost off Undrenelles, near Baulosno. Nine of the crew were drowned, and the vessel has gone to pieces. George Belmore, a distinguished Eng: lish actor, who has been performing at Booth‘s Theatre in New York, died in that city yesterday morning, of . consumpâ€" risk of their lives. The~debate on the French Municipa} Law has been posponed until after the general elections. + The inhabitants of the southern part of Texas make great complaint of the depreâ€" dations committed upon them by Mexi can banditis, who are said to be guilty of the grossest excesses, as ;well as stealing thousands of cattle. Loxpox, Nov. 15.â€"The Pall Mall Gazette this evening, in its nfln weekly review of the British Corn ket, has the folâ€" lowing; â€""The recent unfavourable weather has much impeded field work, which was already much behind. The condition of samples has considerably deteriorated. This, with a continuance of heavy foreign supplies, has militated aga‘nst the price of wheat. Several markets have declined 1s. {;ar q:n;hgor, whflgfll,mmouorloudul. Atâ€"Paris the est wheat, owing to a few offers, has advanced 1s. per ?Lwtor Complaints comée fi?nl;hli.::lw ets, as well as from those of Ho udium Germany of short delivorie'l wit! hnmng priou: In Austria, wintry weather and generally fellowship. short nufpllu have occasioned a rise in wheat of from 1s. to 1s. 6d. per quarter. Should the present early frosts herald a severe and fmx winter, we must expect to witness an advance in prices, notwithâ€" standing the present heaviness of granary Dr. Buddington says Mrs. Moulton is justified in demanding a Council of Churches, and thinks that such a council will be called; he also considers that Plymouth Church has forfeited its right of TELEGR APHIC. The ship Lennie hes arrived at Rocheâ€" fort All the sailors found on board were arrested. The six Greek sgilors remain imprisoned at Sables Delonne. Refused to Chant. j The Pro&adu Nord states that the clergy of Roubaizx refused to chant the prayer beginning with the words "Domine Fac Salvam Rempublicam" on the 17th In the late battle between the Turkish and Insurgent forces, the former lost from 800 to 1,000 men,â€"besides all‘their baggage and several cannon, 4 A meeting of the bondholders: of the Toronto, Grey & Bruce Railway is to be held in Toronto on the 23rd inst. The damage done to property in the neighbourhood of London, by the recent high tides, will reach $5,000,000, .. The third reading of the French Eleoâ€" tion Bill takes place on Friday next. The reply of the Madrid Government to the last note of Mr. Cushing is mode:â€" rate and dignified, manifesting a Strong desire for a good understdnding with the United States, but expressing at the same tims the hope that this feeling. may be reciprocated ‘by the authorities at Washâ€" ington, . f inst., as requested in a circular of the Minister of Public Worship. Debrte Postponed. Pagis, Nov. 15.â€"In the Assembly toâ€" day, the debate was upon . the motion of M. Delacour for the postponement of the Major General Selby Smyth, with Capt. the Hon. Miles Stapleton, arrived in this city by.the train from Toronto last evening. The Major General and party have just returned from their transâ€"continental trip, an interesting account of which our readers will have noticed in yesterday‘s issue of this journal. consideration of the W law till after the general élections. M. Duprat and other Republicans opposed the post ponement, and charged the Government with designing to influence the elections S ied en moouned ip faf on existing laws, gre appoin! y â€" ernment. i Buffet refused tg " abandon the mayors, to whom the Goverment are indebted for their devoted services, ‘The Government has a right to make m- and support its opinions at elections." The party of the Right fheef:d We understand that is the intention of their Excellencies the Govesnor General and the Countess of Dufferin to give a Grand Fangy Ball on the 23rd of February next. oi wore "greally. inilated, ~. Ths were irri postponement was then yoted by a large majority, and the result is considered important and very antagonistic to the Republicans, as the present Conservative ir‘mgomibl. mayors will manage the nbbuditc 110 4. 4 C 70 dionâ€"Aiiet.. 1 utterances, the Left, rewd? the s; as a defence.of the system fiohf.::: more or less injured. Srooxmorx, Nov. 15.â€"A serious railway llision has occurred on the road beâ€" Capture of the Mutinous Crew. TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. F0 R E 1 G N . Corn Market Review, GBEAT BRITALN. Migh Tide. FRANUE, SWEEDEN. BPALN. outright, and twelve pmporty e jury found. e decisive ac and General inals and p sold here toâ€"day at from 120 t c gund. Make dull."" . to ie per E.’r?d;:;is leave m;gn h“omoo' by u:.:d l(&x.i; can raiders, .on desath, hundreds of thousands of stolen cattle are driven to Mexico annually by the Mexican marauders. Numbers of Federal officials have been ;:nmtcd. post offices burne custom robbed, mail mfi inspectors of customs killed while in the discharge of their duties, and the perpe: trators of these crimes have gone unpunâ€" ished, and a general insecurity of life and st:n I:&u, _ov.s.l.'».;‘l;rovimu to }»iu sen tu , Colonel Joyse declared the Court his innocence of the against him in the most emphatic terms, and asserted that his conviction was secured b&pqiumd testiâ€" mony of self.convisted thieves, who aoâ€" At the session of the Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, toâ€" day, the following appropriations were the following riations were gn.’uio: Donm;gz, %%%?pGoms‘;Egaad Bweden, â€"$25,500 ; â€" California, ‘Chinese mitted. The prisoner now begins to realize his awful position, and expresses remorse, knfll::s that two human lives have boon p to his account. whn on butaingreg sag abeut ro Rey/ Dr. Buddington said toâ€"day to a pioraes mames ton was justi in calli r a Conâ€" zfcquiaml O't’)unoil to settle &o difiâ€" ulties between herself and Plymouth Church, and | he believed such a council would be called. Of course it will be ex parte, as Plymouth Church will refuse to join in the call. Dr. Buddington also ship, by its recent, course, and he could not see how churches that joined in the {hr:vinun call, could n?:g: any other course t to refuse it fellowship. expressed _ his" belief that %mou&h e on had furfsited the. right of Tellow. kuowledge to their robbery of the Gov»â€" ernment for years, Thirteen distillers and rectifiers, seven gaugers and store» keepers, and one Deputy Collector, have withdrawn pleas of not guilty, and entered pleas of ngty. Taat ' | Cinxommnam, Nov, 15.â€"A -mohl des patch to the Commercial says the schooner Conrad Reed, owned at Sandusky, O,, sunk yesterday off the Canadian coast, lmdtho entire crew are mppoudw be ost. | f fired at the former ; the ball missed nan, but in the groin of Severan, a of 17, who was ding about twenty feet away, inflicting‘a danâ€" gerous wound. Alamand was ted. | the fact that the â€"urfortunate woman was in the child, though the motiier had been duduthhm'm. nfio murderer was comâ€" from any ‘fire, and that no other t of an inflnmmr:,flo nature was on bw | Mufianly Affrayâ€"A Young Mau Shot. Last night James Riernan and Frederâ€" ick Alamand| quarrelled, and the lattof New Ozuaaxs, Nov. 15â€"Mrs Jas. Fagan was bitten to death by dogs near her resi~ dence, in the vicinity ‘of atcherz, "Miss., on Sundzy morning, : Te en oo e o oi o upper e steamer, part s part forward ; that it was distant 1 Vieeâ€"Presidont Wilson Recovering. _Wu:mmm, Nov. 15.â€"Viceâ€"President Wilson continues to regain strength quite had on hfi any kerosene, or| pettoâ€" leum oil. e evidence of Ri J. Holmes, a> stevedore, who stowed the BuzrxErr‘s Cooamn®.â€"A Perpygor Desss LxG FOR .;n; Haig.~â€"The OoooQineo‘hr: in a liquid form, a proportion dm'fi Cooonâ€"nutl(‘);f‘pnpuad expressly for t.hht hp:n-pou. No other W sosses uliar properties ‘which ‘so exactly _lu_itmi;v’_-dgm conditions of the ill of consumption, and itmfill' ing against death ever .l:ince' his . arriv hof-d.“ months ago. Investigation of the " Wado" Bisaster. An investigation was held to y the Local Board of Steamboat n.‘;,‘.i s, ‘to ascertain if the steamer City of | W’aco, which was burned off Galveston Bar, e o on e es eP c ols 1 human hair,: A finfl:.pplie.fion renders the hair, no matter how stiff and dry, soft and glossy for several days. It is conced+ ed by all who have used it to be the best and cheapest hair dressing in %wxdd. Nuw York, Nov, 15. â€"George‘ Belmore, & fonmri.:‘ English : actor, who has been performing recently at Booth‘s ‘Theatre, died this morning. He has been Ir is Srroxe Testmmoxy to tbopo&lz larity and usefulness of the Cocoaine it has had a host of ‘imitators. Consumers will do well to observe that the full name, "Burnett‘s Coconine," is printed on the Schooner Sunkâ€"COrew Probably Lost. wrapper, and is blown in the glass. Our Tear) Pubsoss in desling. with inftinge: M‘ a‘:-.:?‘}‘.’}i?.’n?;.fll-’.;b..fim ts maid ta used. This tribute of imitation is paid to all meritorious and successful W ‘~4Jpar as Goop."‘â€"â€"One of my friends who had. ybmo:x using your ic n tin. Pamption, Ras indaced by one of our druggists to take #hother PrcP has o just Hypoph“u‘phitu, which he said was “‘L:“ as good, if not better." â€" The use of a bottle taught him, that if he would consult his safety, he must return to your Urica, Nov. 15â€"Cheese, 5,000 boxes Depredations of Mexican Bandittl. A Wife Murderer‘s Repiorse. An autopsy on the Mrs. Burâ€" ughs, who was shot in Brooklyn by her gnant at the timg of her dougond t thete were strong indications of life h Showet Tuat throu Aunorou jns at Death of a OTTAWA, TUESDAY,NOYVEMBER 16, 1875,/ A MERICA N. & LOUISIANA. $29,000 ; $12,284 ; WASHKINGTON. bfiih °3w$en a o ty indi gn the pnt:?tr; 8“032 overnment to _puninh crimâ€" tect the inhabitants against sts His Innocence. itti; NEW YORK. Gzo. C, Fout, Mansion House Hotel. Cl i 4 t KA .99 . 4 18 w9 ; s ° 4 n e tm ho .. o y mminr‘ + x es .."\:"“, U ) P + ol 7 + P 4 esaar i ol o 4. 0 i j / g Ne CC t 42% 1O Whe. TeR V e ie o 4 1} -n“’:%!lv‘* Â¥ » . “ m have been orâ€" and miudi' 1, 51%o per bushel bid for spot; 51 1 â€"8¢ seller _ov?e_mpl:(; 48 to 47 1-@_'31?« year; rejected, 500. Oats dull and lower; No. 2, 31fe psrbudulfa-ngot; 32 1â€"8¢ seller Tecomber; rejected, 254 to 260. . Bncloy CBr1oaco, Nov. 15.â€"Flour easier, but not %uohbly lower, Wheat in fair demand, ut lower; No. 1 Chicage s&ring. $1 094 bushe! ; No, 2 do, 1 06$ for spot; WOG} seller December ; $1 06 1â€"8 seller year ; No. 3 do, 80c ; rfl'ooted T7 1 8c. Corn in good demand, and lower; No. 2 E:&h. Steam butter 23 to 326 per lb for ‘and Pennsylvania. . Petroleumâ€" crude 6§; refined 12§ to 12%c. seller Nov. Market unchanged . # Horses Sivrv.â€"~The hves of thousands of horses have vneen saved dm‘p’ the Fut year, and the credit is due to * Darley‘s ear, and the credit ia due to * Daricy‘s 60&&01,1’ Pm“ and Al.-bh; 1{?" oxmuiv'ely modkmd exacts zom all fiu:g highest praise. Nothing of the kind has Ahighest praisé. lNothing oi the kind has mrberanbm half as successful, or $1 25 to 145 for white western. ~Rye quiet‘ and steady, Cornâ€" quiet and without a decided change; receipts, 280,000 bushels ; sales, 380,000 bushels, at 74 to 74}e for for steam western hm to 76c for sail do ; 764 to 77c for high mixed and yellow. Barley, dull and declining; receipts, $50,000;â€" sules none â€" Oats, dull and heavy ; receipts, $88,000 ; s=les, 35,000 bushels at 44 to 50s for mixed wesâ€" tern and state ; 46 to 53¢ for white do. Pork{ quiet at $22 per barrel | Lard 124¢ per l o Skunbubg:r%tofloperlbfor No use of lo: taking the large, r'lfi:llive, p-l.;i'u.nfim m nauseaus pills, :o:p.:dod p:t‘ crude and bulky inâ€" gredie d up in cheap wood us tstoned Abores, wiibh â€"we can, by m ments strorng ; State bonds steady ; railâ€" rogds quiet and firm. ~‘The stock market was gonerally strong and higher toâ€"day, and closed firm atsome reaction from the best quotations. x Nzew "York, Nov. 15.â€"Cotton dull and nominal, at 13 1â€"16 for middling \?Mdl. Flour dull, and prices without a decided ohnoxase; receipts, 18,000 barrels ; sales, 13, barrels; quotations unchauged. Rye Flour lh.&y. at $4 30 to 5 00. y hear onl steady, at $4 30 to 5 00. heat dull and nominal ; receipts, 204,â€" 000 bushels ; sales small, at $1 15 to 1 17 for No 2 culc-{o;nzs to 1 30 for No 2 Miiwaukee; $1 35 to 1 40 for 1 spring ; $1 20 to 1 40 â€"for winter: red western ; careful application of chemical science,‘ extract alg the cathartic and other mediâ€" cinal : pfierhu' from the most valuable roots herbs, and concentrate them into a minute énnuh. searcely larger than a mustard seed, that can be readily swallowed by those of: the most sensitive stomachs and fastidious tastes. Each of Dr. Pierce‘s Pleasant Purgative Pellets represents, in a most conoent_nbd: t‘o;‘rny Nzw Yorr, Nov. 15.â€"â€"Money easy ; sterling stron atggwfi& Gold open: ed at 14} ufi}l d at 144. . Governâ€" represonts, In S INQBD UOTMDWIIREGNAST . TMTL as much cathartic power as is ombbd:z in any of the large pills found for sale in the drug stores. From their wonderfal cathartic power, in proportion to their size, people whq have not tried them are apt to su that thoLqN harsh or drufioinmmnluch not at all the case, the different active medicinal prinâ€" ciples of which they are ‘composed being Nsw York, Nov. 15.â€"Pacific Maib 404 ; Télegraph, 75%; American, 59; N estern, 39 18 ; preferred, 58} ; 8t. 36 1â€"3; Rrie, 164; S6. Joseph; 224 ; Haflam, 132 ; Lake Shore, 617 ; New York so harmonized, one by the others,‘as to produce a most searching and thorough, mgnfly and kindly operating cathartic. â€"Pellets are sold by dealers in mediâ€" cines. wommemmim . , 8992 < Reip tuis Twiox.â€"Kive to thirty drops of Thomas‘ Eelectric Oil, will eure eommon Sore Throat. . It never fails in Croup. It will cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four to fortyâ€"sight hours. One‘ bottle has eured Bronchitis of eight years‘ nhndin.f; recent cases are cured in three to six Loxpox, Nov. 15.â€" is for both n,one{y and aoccount, 94 516 ; Erie, 14} ; rate nt‘lr:ooynt' e Stock Exchange, c M pas. »ususaip 99 516. A both ~. 4 pm.â€" + or mon and account; Erie prefor;-od, 26. ., (Moxrrzar, Nov, 15.â€"Stocks ‘are Â¥ery firm ;:sales were. made of Mon at 186} to 1864 ; extra dividend, 180 to 1804 ; Peoples‘, 92) to 934; Merchahts, 91% ; days. It has restored the voice where the Eo:mhunonpokon.bovo.whhgorin ve years. â€" As an outward ~application in all cases of pain or laments, nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Oontmfionofthonmcle-ithmmdod. In Rheumatic or any other pain the first application does you good.. It stops Kar .Miomdtlupiol a Burn in three minutes, and is altogether the best and chufutmodidm ever offered to the peopleâ€"the cheapest, because it takes so little to do yoqud. It is composed of six of the best oilsâ€"known, and nothing but oils. . Is worth its weight. in gold. not buy it toâ€"day?â€"A. B. Des assistant postmaster, Arthabasâ€" kavi P.O, writes :=â€""Thirteen years I was seized by a severe .mo{ of Thowumantism in the head, from , whigh I . hitt Bd §Badiiiat‘ 1 Phed 5 ©"8 9 mroo._hi to 125 e h. ‘l%iwusz- i; to :‘u%uanp, ve constantly suffered. _ After Evipg::l{"l‘ham' Eoloctrio Oil" / for nine days, bathing the forehead, I have bedén completely cured, and have only used half a bottle. This I â€"can certif unduod%if youwilh.-“Rev.'J.lh{- lory, of : Wyoming, N. Y, writes © Dr. Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil cured me of Bronâ€" chitis in one week." . Dealers all over the country say, "We have never sold a mediâ€" coun "We have never soid a medi« aine that his g:.n such ‘complete satis faction as this." * Sold by all medicine dealers, _ Price, * uns us arfOAS, Phelps, NY and howrioe & Bnng, Toronto, O M M BE R C I A L. , 105 ; Panama, 130; Union Paciâ€" New York Movrey Market. New"York Siock Market. Kew York Markots. Chicago Markets London Markets. 50¢c to 50%, 3 _ lower, vy and articles 114p Mr. Whiteheau will be t.lnovfi â€" ing off the moen at this end of qgo toâ€"day, and will go to Pembina on Monday to settle with the teamsters and other ‘?ploy“‘to“b:h;:ld »'l‘h. amount of money : ou W nearly $60,000. "The monthly disburseâ€" ments for wages during the summerhave averaged $40,000. _ . . 18 Wobolievotlunheworkrfirui‘h dmohfibmw“ meets with the full app of the Engineer in We noticed that the men were all highly&l:uod with the liberal manner in which contractor settled with them, and are all anxious to take unpflui under him again whenever he be enabled to resume wark. 4 'ot_l‘l‘n‘drito;oq 1 56 Bonimes to ts ready a sufficient force of men and teamy to complet.ext\.ho six miles of road that lie between Point Douglas and / the &hoe at which he began work beforé, but :hwuthorillufiht::flhoca go on with the work. _ He is prepared ver, in the event of mila weather/setting in for a short time, to finish these six miles this fall, Of bis ability to do this there is no doubt, for he ‘hdod nixmn:t the south end of the road in nine days. _ . when needed. There has been little or no crime or disorderly conduct upoxt the men em~â€" ployed on this road, whi‘ ciroum: stance is. in & fi:mt butable to the inflâ€"xibi 't{ with whic'h Mr. Whiteâ€" head enforced the, rule that no liquor shops should be allowed near the line of the works. » The shortness of the serson is a serious drawbrack in the prosecution of public works in this country, 4s it is seldoam pasâ€" sible to get ftir‘liy started before the midâ€" die of June, and there is no cerlainty of being able to work later than the 1st of November. * Mr. Whitehead intends to go to Ontario as soon as he has paid his men and closed up his business, and will spen d the winter a .t Dn‘k’annhah with o?d pohoos.. gean & were soon on 8 '3:: which an ontrmoemoflhcfiodbuyfmnndmrn the same time, and the‘ pu?' subseâ€" quently arrested Pierre Calcot, Jean Carâ€" ‘l])onnefi,e I.ou'u.nd(:hns:gh_ Flora Brlduy“i ean ie Bcudalz i,nnntuof:l':o hfime.p'l‘hililtw‘ ntâ€" ical house in which the unfortunale Verâ€" hung met his death someâ€"months ago by being struck on the head with a bottle and guten with a candlestick. The young man Mclugh, shot last night, was it: tended by Drs. Mount and Perrigo. ‘l 'ioot:m:i wuhhh‘n lwmo.hund is â€"not. ex e to live, hisientrails were protruding End matter oonn’ from the wounds.â€" Monitreal Gazette Nov. 15. d there, and will return: in tboq;r:alo fi:do_tbo_um&nmthu city northward to junction, * Fromi#the Manitoba Standard, Oct, 30. | * Work on this line has been suspended for the pmentwmd the men are being paid off. Mr. Whitehead brought down l_lufl: from ,l.-:&..w ln.; Roonssrze, N. Y., Jan. 13th, 1874 i. Â¥. Pmreqn »., Sake q. Â¥,"° â€" It, Y. FIBROR, M. D,, Bublalo, N. .t _ > Dear sir=â€"~l had suffered from Catarrh in an fluntod form for about twelve years, and for several years from Bronchial trouble. . Tried many doctors and things with no lasting benefit. . In May, ‘72, beâ€" oo%mly worn: out with excessive DSH labours on a paper in New York city, I was attacked.with Bronchitis in a severe form, suffering almost a total loss of voice. . I returned from here, but had boonplm; only two we?= when I was com prostrated w llnww from the L\m%lnving four severe e ing . spells wi ntwoweolz:nd firat three inside of nine days.â€" In Septem:â€" ber following, I improved sufficiently to be able to be sbout.dxmh in a very feeble state. My Bronchial trouble reâ€" mained and the Catarrh was tenfold worse than before. â€" Every effort for ~relief seemed fruitless. I seemed to be losing ground daily.â€"I continued in this feeble state, ~raising blood almost daily, until about the first of March, *73, when ' tod e r‘:;odiu. B;:tl ""o your was ex> .t:mlynkaptiodthsttheymfido-o wood, as I had lost all heart in remedies, K YOUNG MAX KILLED LABT NIGBT IN, a CC 3 T Abelandnentwss + 399 +.: C 24â€" > .. ‘_ _ DISORDERLY . HoUSE â€" THE | vERRPNG TON AÂ¥PATRâ€"A MURDERER‘s DBX. [ * s A report was brought to Police Station . THE REFORM CANDIDATE No. 2. corner of Gain and Craig streets, SUSTAINED. last night by Patrick Coyle and Jobn â€" ©~ | i® s Dmflln, & man named Frank | McHugh had bz::n:.lmz.m(nm The tion Dismissed with Costs. h:m‘o I:: St.unl(uyF -tnotl.w oppo-iuul‘ pommipem the e .0 It pears about 9 #elook ;u‘.';’mi..:fomdom brod ""g'g.‘m"-n d'""l c re in company with McHugh and pontroverted election the mm;.othou,wontto this house, which °°0" o mm%x. h‘flmbo a house of ‘bad* repute, and mymwhh '“'n: * démanded admittance ; one of the women llored the costs. ied Lordship of the house came to the door, and on mo mthdh pure, seeing the number of the parties did not * w"g:*fl“” used every wish to let them in,; whereupon they . @848 possible to have it so conducted. and began to look upon medicine and doctors with : disgust. However, I ob tained one of your circulers, and read it carefully, from which I came to the conâ€" clusion that iou understood your busiâ€" ness, at least. 1 finally obtained a quantity of Dr. Sage‘s Catarrh Remedy l oiden. Aemedy: Diccovery aint" Peliste, and commenced their vigorous use acâ€" cording to directions. â€" To my surprise I noon‘bm'to improve. The Discovery and â€"P. in a short â€"time, broaght out a severe eruption, which conâ€" l;'h:md for several weeks. mnuh tter, my appetite improved, gained in strength and flesh. In three months every vestige of the Catarrh was gone, the Bronchitis had â€" nearly d-g ared, had | _ A meeting of bondholders of no Cough whatever: and I mylch. Gmn.l,ildlgd ceased to raise blood:: mdoanfi-xototh for the 23d u,“-wm expectation of some of my friends,the cure | lation sought for by that C @.* ‘.. > has remained t. â€" I have had no minimemmmmmmemmenipmmmimmenammemmmey, . â€" mflmm.;:ndnhu'.nd m am entirely free from Catarrh, from which | ‘Tzs Lirerary axp Boouety. Ihvou&ndwmfldll‘d“h& The ; â€"â€"The formal opening of the lecture sea~ debt of gratitude L owe for the blessing‘ I ,.son of the Literary and Bociety have received at your hands, knows no took in yhe rooms on Sparks street bounds. _Iu_:thanughly.t‘h.hdfion!m‘ ..aumpmbn@. Ww,mmm}'m,nlnfism Mr. E. A. miaster the worst forms of that odious ; dith, ., cccupied the chair, and in a dhmhcn.:..rrh,uvcu as Throat and | few words introduced the lecturer of Lung I "have m&d;%l& Jo K.A..wb:: thoutpvam::nyudshnmw to deliver the i: address. .. t .. . .o drsichal ’fig' the ,.J:t‘ P. O. Box 507, Rochester, N.Y. > 3095. | was an‘eloquent and exhaustive one, and e put a guard at front and back of the muises, and sent for help, to the Central Tne Pembiua Branch Railway. PHOBABLE MURDEE. Mowtreas : Nov. 16 ‘l‘hnn:l Moâ€" Tying _ “u.s"nou:“’ vulforing at fi'oll': injuries received fr one of the rioters, recentl; taken into cus tody, has made deposition in the case, his injaries being of such a nature that fatal uences s " ind rve aveee e mc ns se 0s a poinard. When found in‘ a>room of & house on Wolfe street, a gasping wound, her. steani . Loss, $25,000 ; insur â€" Thos â€"~Provinvisl §5.1 w,-tgn.'@ London, Lirerpooi & Gidbe, $5500, &A pohudi;o\;b-hnd in‘ aroom of & house on e street, a gasping wound, mm&%%fi was an immense stain of blood three feet uP on se â€"â€"â€"i--w-. i ty A;::::nuso, Nov. llifâ€"szow on morning erty‘s trame . mn:m dineovdndr‘{obom fil‘:’. minapetfwt nest of wooden buildâ€" on Murray street; flames A!bortflohlnd-hbl‘ were consumed, at the dock, rendered good assistance wi! Deathâ€"b d Depositionâ€"An Italian Murâ€" derâ€" Inquestâ€"Banq t*et to Hon. Frod® MacKouzsie â€" * Doadhchdiug " Abol« mm&q&m‘a was an immense stain of blood three feet long, and about a foot in width. â€" No clear reasons for the stabbing is given. Angelos is dying this evening. [ ol c "Pk The inquest on the murdered of inss A dinner is being given this evening to Ir.l"r'edfirokon‘:‘l,u&h.&lflmu Hall, the Premier and ‘fifty other guests at the table. ; Fire â€" Seve n! _l-!m Destroyed It is stated the Kutndw direction :lf‘outfin‘o.lfi "Mmh‘” business, with the exception of the railâ€" &LWMMM“: pany‘s over their lines, it is this course will add i to their receipts. : mond, Cassells & Co., of Montreal, offer: ing to take the whole of the debentures of ::1.1 dto“b.uud ?ufi an voted on 5 purposes, & sa 1 cost of the erection of a dri if the oitywouldry&hoofiht Natina af a matinn wes sivan ‘tn tha Shedâ€"The Piigrim Rioctsâ€"Toronts, Grey & Bruce Railway, â€" Toroxto, Nov. 15.â€"At the meeting of the City Council toâ€"night, a motion to ex: undshofinofouzxthyukw morrow was defeated by a vote of 12 to 10, 4H ur.Aufl/-nflu&"'qm’ ing : from p"‘;.‘."'“-lhfl which miotion was City â€" Counci} â€"Taxationâ€"Short Mora INVESTIGATIO®, Mr, Wurtsux asked whether it is the inâ€" mm it e arapiens o metmaareine Hon. Mr. Cnuson said he had already hknohpommdh(nhv.x‘ tion, which if was intention of ‘ Gonrnmon&wo-rrylhwgh. § ] LEAYE OF Abssxp2 dRaxtED. Hon. Mr. Axours ‘that ‘leave of "’!!'”Shmt@dbz.m Mr. Jouy would not oppose the motion, but he thought it 3?.( nnecessary, and it certainly was °°w~°;9-n- pot. | _CA N A D 1 A N. HALTON CONTESTED ELECTiON. _ After You the following bills were huoduood:â€"‘&l:-lr. tTrHIRV, a Bill to secure the lien of raftsmen. o Hon. M‘rfun-n_‘v::d foo the atr tment of a w on m g‘:oopponhwith a|similar Committee from the Legislative Council. . Toâ€"day was the first day of the term, fimc:‘s:nmm hmhu on MuOmb an address was presented to him in the name of the Bar, byEa.J.Hflm. Amduolmm of du‘lhm&t{‘g:y& R. R,, is called for the 23d to consider certain legis lation sought for by that Company. . Tas Literary AxD Bagnw Boocuery. â€"â€"The formal opening of the lecture sea~ son of the Literary and Scientific Society took place in she rooms on Sparks street last night, and it was gratifying to notice The House adjourned at 3.45. Third Parliament~â€"First Session. QuzBEC, No. 15,â€"The House met QUEBEC â€" LEGISLATURE. AMHERSTBURC NT _ OFtFI1L.J TORCNTO Tig M ols make io tor nolk of m.mdmmhw' E the funeral dirges on the march. L t Catl “"I agl & ‘ S‘.::u:m:m.fl-, moumwu-F_.' m ns io ie reag e 7 are ;.:‘?'(.‘ vm'fl..n=¢w.\- Ailles, Hooheingh Julaniey, AEOAHDOLAIAE THE CATHOLIO OBMETERY TO BB G @wm»_mw-"d: yifee, under the command of Uhip® Meâ€" &"......,mm".’.a.w in ing of the Victorise, Prince‘ of Waele« M’“wh’“’ 7'." m Te as it goes up to the Prote street, in the city, but the Mayor and THE PROCBSSION RRAOERS THE CRAYER, | | which will have been under guard & 9 am., at which hour the grave down the living. ‘These are s rds, but true. We lwnbd:.inm weeks to the time when volunteers vocifericusly chesred at the Quebec sub» um ts tnam by t poient Doioheband save out t & O?flp‘ occasionally reassured of the anxious zeal of heroic defenders to distinguish themâ€" selves in the Guibord matter. | Its no in: feak on the qit win: for a prage. dhpieg n on nwuuulnnda-aâ€"m thhs‘ these statements to ‘be true, and much astonished at the sudden made on the 11th hour to dispense the stone coftin. Orders are issuéd to _ ALL THE vouUnTeER roroms . . || | u-o::miudnirmfl’ respective armouries,at ?:';m-,_m and to be along. Bands of music will also gurn will be placed in the u-.,-u-hg sent up thistevening in readiness, and t pmflh&mw,g country road benind Mount hed till toâ€"day been in fatour of hat the procession pass the other way about wers talked of, but 2+ a yelling maoh .of it B Mn Thptand prople fi Pfifl'f"&'.'_‘f‘&k- OB re it is probable the (burial will be, it Airce en a rere ertee. pat Gnindiony 220 o goard frould borich N I on the grave, nm-b'rh‘fi“ rage it very soon after the «of the troops and the as no stone casket will intervene them and did not originate the ; that the stt too on ons nemue E0d meane, forgptfal of the fwot that wm-:n:::hnbdflcwz Higee" 1. ml“.?“m".n‘“",g'& lics to stop at home, saying : ,..u“"":'.‘“u.. y tm Suhoy ant pastor, make any demonstration of inter= _The Wilness briefly : " All Proâ€" testants are -imy advised to st away, as their presence can do no % and only tend to irritate the opponents the Institut." ‘The Mayor, in â€" 0_ ~AN INTREVIDW WITE A REPORTEE, and 7 T .m.-_ not .* 2o C k than those to his people, clergy, Canadien had a meeting this mor which the former stated informed him that the d ndm:fifio-hd and THE AVOIDANOE OF itn-dwtht the " An atimated discussion| x :I eventually the mi?fi?ififi? on no account be admitted to Cemeâ€" tho Wingate Chemical Company, Montreal, and retail by all druggists c‘lilldbb 1. 1J i Beltnete 205 Howe Same siraks _ House Keepers! If you desire to got a profitable tea call on &vflb&n. ind have them to select for you. l’_‘.f refund the money for what you return. Their wines, liquots and gener: se o the best t Sn 4t 36 Rideau street if sured ‘by Matkiows Phe Ciktment, on ty cured by Mathieu‘s File iniment, ‘or refunded. Price $1 six ce 2s aoka nuvlomiy anirommbar of be No organ thoq:'c action :5. uood.l and no organ can be employed safely or with impunity without a supply eafely or with 1 without & aped, whether they be muscular or intelâ€" lectual. By the use of Fellows Comâ€" and so made capable of producing a sound mind and a sound , "* Porsons sutâ€" The Sacrophagus Not to be â€"Used. THE YoLUXNTEERS is giving away, either as min or those neosrea gna on totes to keep them there:" Dr. Cuatr. _ 3005 THE GUIBORD AFFAIR. Nov. 15 g_@uml::"h b\d House Keepers! 1f you desire to vemments of the Montreal FPross. NOT TO USE THE 81R00PEAGUS PRICE 8 CENTB. A SIGN OF BACKING DWE BURYING THE DEAD, TING GUIBORD‘$ BOXES, t Infantry, Garrison Artil We

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