uafis in the Maâ€" ton of 1%76,. Motices .2 sectacary picati¢n will + Frovinse of »i, foc ssm A66 1 ce:tair inâ€" aly Sduson » â€" Macieun T as€L e Aideroat Pro <:nop, 21 fect *d lastractors > 5., To qdhced. snop aa i sa.» Tl ABY BKLNS , aLUI eâ€"Making, ILLS, tawso. . Art olgs S m URG. naer wilt se W iA.or about ante . mad thas «s or dacaage #lil wieo Cufua®® 1 ~, oy PuotiG uy of ViteWa nission. @TTAWA. ue imsgant # W 4 * _\. :m mong, @ uns lmw l asoi vemld, : plan made , 1873, #91 5 law $§4, 1ib.9 44 $3,619.#4 usoivent. WOR, er« 1. 'P.ilh ȣ @059 0 he Minister ers, Amâ€" vser ve, >f sale, ments, £ LOts f the will #0A husd pageisters and “' & L. dW F xaeristers ,.ry‘_-";;. w ihe:ovince oi Mjic sur ces Hiudl, P. P3 C (H Â¥. H. t ERLAND, ® A & v o ce a t o T|asera unee mb T. JOS. trges, ‘ul. ghics. o 3, 1874. s TTR d cesmm 0 aRCH AMBAULT, . ® Notary Public and A, dis opec . au »uce in the Prfivce o moee. for cae wl N sarig «oud Lexal busine Proyince 0: puebec of Jntar ivsh to Lae codeciien of accou ringâ€"s _igu, vet. &. 1874, Tno-,u P. FORAN,. ff"‘ & C U Luprisicts, stree‘s, for me dous yOL. VIIIL., NO. 3999 Residenceâ€" Albert Street. Office hours fromm tolla, m.; and 4toi p. in. Special attentiod given to diseases anJ displace men«s olu;’ne Qiiawa, South side of Rideau street, near Glouâ€" cester. Zilt~ Consulsations al all hours» $V : Hoim ropathie Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur. May ve consulted at his Office, corner of O‘Conâ€" tor k1d Aluert streeis. Otftawa. Oct. 44, 1874. _ _ 9 _ taor . w Surgeon and Accoucheur OrTawa, OST. Day Office â€"-smn street, Centre Town Night Cificeâ€"At residence, Maria Street Ceutrs To#n Cancers cured Without the use of the knife, ny a ; ew but cemuiq speedy and almost painâ€" e « vrocess. Reference given o mrlies su¢â€" sowTF ga= [ w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L., 49 * Barrister, Advocate, &c. tov: Ce 0 se« BHarrister Aitorney, Solicttor _Il “. [. W. MacCUAIG. Trade Assignee. City of )TTA W A, County of Carleton. stgam and ho. waler a s; eclaliy. BEST OÂ¥ REFERENCES GIVEN Heati of Public Buiidings GTecu LMUTT P:ivaie Resuience by high or low pressure, â€" Plumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Uurner Weilington and Bank streets Ollawa. OFFICEâ€"No, 2 Bicesx, Otle wa, Ont in retiring from the practice of my profession, i have left with my former Assistant, Mt. A. F. CUTTN, my Wians and kecords of sarveys in UG&Wa and vnnu{luul have magih T T at4a 6w40( L L. O0 he‘adh gÂ¥FI Liceniiaie 0/ the Ro 19 G1BBS & COURSOLLE Agent‘s Outft Free! Large Commission & Cash Premiums Sarrisiers, Astorneys, selicitors, \on veyamcers, &c. SOLLCITOR3 OPF Patents of Invention, va % NoR aRU6H .IRADE MARK REGISTERED.] ; VICTORIA CHAMBEERS, WELLILNXGTON sYREET,. OTTAWA. s834 aRCH AMBAULT, . ® Notary Public and Aqvocate, h obsCcu mu vuce ID Lhe Vinage © Office, as formerly, over Mann‘s Hard ware ks . s819â€"tt coxxoR & Hoous, Heating of Public Buildings, Green Houses, LBaARY OF FAMOUS FCTON, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elisabeth, ‘o > pote in QNE YOLURME of aver 1,000 pages t.n&hlb illus crated 'xunumu‘htuac-w [OcToR ROGERS, Barristor | Itisshe WORLD‘S STâ€"RY 1QUK, and all want to read it _ Ageny‘s Qutit free to ai) who mead busincss and v iil Lithfuily ganvass, dic Undine, _ Tales fom Arabian Nights, % iLEY, CHRLS TIE & HILL, R. 106 AN, ster, Conveyancer. &C., sol citor in Chancery. R. TUPPER LUuMBER aND coMMIssION MERCHANT BROKER, «0. l1LI1ANX MOsugoYE, LK ER, PENNOCK & YeINlYRE R. J. P. LYNXN, atedical.Cards. E. 0. C. WOOD, COMPRISING THE TEX Jewels of Imaginative Literature : ligrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakefiold, obinson Crusoe, _ Paul and Virginia, u Jj treated 1f req Jred rister RTHUR P. CoOTTON, P ATENTS. T. LAMSBERT Provincial Land Surveyor and N. JOHNXSTON, CHBYSLER, w. WAiRD, J.D R. MACDONELL, gt -'ut-mun -::v:muï¬:w: Advecrte, Solicitor, &¢. â€"___â€" Draugh E: Huccessor 10 ',. . Thistle & Co. , Neoliqttors, Attorneys conveyaucer, &¢. tEWART & GORMULLY, Aitecmneys, Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &c.. &e., i‘s Biocs, Cest e Town, oppoâ€" ‘.“:u.""-,v«o&-l.u'. Soll« o veyancers, &c., s AL MATHESON, \ttormeys, Solici@@#s veyancers, &C., ruebec of _ntamo. SpeciIAl Pu‘s wleciicn of accounts in botb Proâ€" Aitgrney, Selfeitors, &¢., x .4 > treet, a neobEsTY, , Attorney, Notary, &¢. proer of @Connor aut QueeD y gecapieu oy uf. COrbeLL. conier ma is FORD &.Co., 11 Royal College of Surgcons, Ed.nburgh. 2, Weilington St., Rajotte‘s ut Si0â€"ty _ may be cousuiled profes residence Metcalfe Slrcel acd by the tion. ¢. Mite 38‘7 ly W . SCoTT, 4t Ul.â€"J os, seaudin‘s, MaiD 6 Vinage . Hull e transaction of mexs, either in the ege ot t j. J. GORMULLY, PARY. ETt AT W. R. THISTLE A. F. MCLNTYRE w. D. Hoga H rDsg MONTREA L. Qtia wa in Chan y<‘cians, sucieiy of wouc4eur , Comâ€" 4 KR CY 512y 3917â€"3m 3765=tI A TUI usilty 2154 the suc “' ANTEDâ€"A young man with a. sma‘ll @x; ita: to jJoin advertiser in a good pay â€" t~g ofsiness, Address with real nams, to BU SIN®EN3, P. 0, hox 33!, city, O3 BOII.n with or without rocan8, end room® without boar!. Table «a l rooms firstâ€" Ciass _ Coruer Nparks and B k streets, and wichin two minutes‘ walk 0f the Parliameat Buildings MBRSY. FORSGI i. Applic «tons trom Female Terchers, desirous f employ ment under the Hoird, will be receiyâ€" e« hs the Chairman H. RO_INSON, Eag. Noue will be e ns cored holdt ga lower cerâ€" uueate t\ &n the S cond «rade 200 Choic_st Wines, Liquors, Cigars &0., &0. 6. | Bass® Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra !lo‘t Exhibition Visitors will be well accom« > modated during Exhibiâ€" | tion Week, H. LETCH, Proprietor. July °K i73 j 3906 $uol The "Feathers" Hotel Dinner is .rnvu«l from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reason« able rates. Angloâ€"American Hotel Mr. BEN. HUCKSLL begs to announce to the general and tiavelling puvlic, thit be has niered npon (he Proprieto su1p of the above Hot«l latâ€"ly conducted by Mr. Fred. Kvans. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars we kept and the prowmpiest allention is paid w uuests Is now open for the N:Fuon of Guests. This Hotel has been furnished‘new throughout, reâ€" guriless 0 expeuse. ° Choicest wines, liquors, cigars, &0. GooA Hta biing. e e The above gopnhr Reataurant has been salarzed by the addition of several rxuciom ani well fuaished rooms dn the second story. mTk:‘nuw Luncheon avd Dining Rooms in e oity. Gentiemeo honoring this Establishment with th ir palr> af: may rely on strict attention veing paid uo their orders. I i. hn‘ L > °F FTVI hast TAC*NCIES for Bounders, No, 4 McCorâ€" ‘ » o@‘s Perraee, Q‘Conn r street. Apply 1 NOON ANS KESTAURA NT Spariks g‘mï¬, [he Royal Oak Hotel, ls pow open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly fitted for the comfortand accomodation of the travelling community. BHoard N\ &oidgiung. 1.quors Wines and Cigars af the juality. Luncheon served atall bours â€"________ The Dufferin House, Ridean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,] FRED FOOKS â€" + â€" Proprietor. s beartiful apd furnished with the cholcest brands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. M Your gawill beâ€"kindiy +dlicited..; . E. J. HENRY, Proprietor, NER VA Pas anoy> Hote! is wei supolied the P HOTOGRAPHE R OPPoSITE THE GOVERNMENT zim A CALL IS SO LICIT ED . BR Ottawa, Sept. 2 1878 Ml »i&~ 85â€"SPARK3 STREFTâ€"S85 @p wHOLESALE AND. RETAIL | Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c Ottawa, Sept. 17, 1875, A iarge assortmen t of Gold and Silver Watohes, Ladies‘ Opers and Victoria Chaing,.gentlemen‘s Albert Cua:ug, Kings and Gold Seis, Hracele and Jewellécy Cf bvo{‘. desort PJ Ware, Ulogits, &1.& lowest prices. nest Houseia the cluy. Wholesale Ww fl“ their stook as cheap frowh me as any anes im the Newinian D "taws, Novw Corne Bank and Wollington sts., SHOOLBRED & CO. Have received of their Spring Importations, 18 BALES CARPETS and OURTAINS. / Embracing ali the novelties, out for the season o which the confidently / oarkn orF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUS TEESN. ORNAM ENTAL WRiTING, G 49., executed in a haperiqr Style ll\.rll!lnl!. Junre 3IGN WRITE®. HuUSE DECORAâ€" TOKR, PALINTER, PA PRBâ€" HANGER, &o @Glaring, Whitewashing, Ooloring &¢,, dotie on he sportest uotice, and in a Workmanilze style. Wellington Street, Near Pooley‘s Bridge. Opposite . the Post Office, Eigin Su't BMA large assortment of NEW!PAPERS, EKRS, &¢., Just received, and now on view THE "LONDON," EWELLERY Sponial Value in Lace Curiains. Wellington Street, near Bank. TTAWA CARPET HOUSE, Charles W. Leonard, A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, Las Invite Inspection. Bitrrsaccomatil MHEAD OF ALL .'I{l."! J A R V 1 8. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. 69, SPARKS STREET. Y HOUSE u in (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS,) SIGN PAINTER AXD GRAINER, ABOURERS WANTED immeâ€" ‘mtery stUcbden, o the Pembroke ve (C, C. Raitroad, Wages $1,2 per in the ‘valluge very reas n ble. N. MARKS, ddlants. ALWAYS ON HAND, 9 CHAUDIERE, WANTED â€"{hree or tour n «1ds can n t em ploy ment & USE. Apply Immedh\lï¬".:. Â¥totecls. WM, ALEXANDER, JAS. D. JOYNT, BHecretat n of HOUSE §IGN, AND A NEW PRINCIPAL, W oRK SHopt Proprietor. 598 imn6 3946m1 on Glase Mr. Grindlay, Inspector of the Ban of British North Ameri¢s, is in the city, us.t Francis Hincks arrived Russell House yesterday morning. The Hon. Wm. MdDougall is in t city and stopping at the Russell House. J. Bell Carruthers, Mr. N. Merritt, Mr. Jas. R. Benson, St. Catharines ; Mr. J J. Vance, Toronto; Mr. R. Matthews, Moutreal ; Mr. R. S. De Veber, St. John ; Mr. J. Kirkpatrick, Goderich ; Mr. J White, Hanilton; Mr E. L Hopki Stoney Creek, OUnt. ; Miss Cairuthers, St. Catharines: The following havo registered th names at the Cansdian Government Agency, London (Eag.), during the w ending 6th Nov. inst : â€" Mr. H. Legge, Mr. The Hon. Joseph Royal, Provincial retary of Manitoba, is stopping at Russell House. t Bombay for Boroila. i r;l;hervrumour that Sir John Hook#r had been appointed Solicitor General of Great Britain, is denied., | A Berlin despatch says the Government are about to decree the deposition of the Archbishop of Cologne and the Bishop of Treeves. | : The American Electrical Society is in session at Chicago, many prominent elecâ€" tric men and others interested in the scientific development of electricity,.being present. . Te , The Burmese authorities at Rangoon have discovered a conspiracy to blow up. the military arsenal and . burn the town, natives being primarily impliâ€" A Compulsory Education Bill has been introduced into the Mexican Congress. Great activity prevails at the navy yard at Norfolk, Va., probably in anticipation of a war with Spain. ° . t The specie in the Bank of France has increased 2,060,000 fyancs during the past week. A couple of murderers will suffer the extreme perialty of the law at Harrisburg, Pa., on the 6th of January next. Advices from the seat of war in the East state that both sides are concen. trating their forces ncar Geransko, and that a great battle is imminent. ‘General Quesada has received a Royal order to the effect that he is to hold no communication with Don Carlos, unlesg it partakes of the character of an uncondiâ€" tional surrender of himself and his partiâ€" The United States National Grange is in séssion at Louisville, Ky., all the States being represented, with, bus one or two exceptions. The charge of contempt of Court preâ€" ferred against Brigham Young, for reâ€" fusing to pay alimony to Ann Eliza, his divorced wife, has been dismissed. || . ; Count von Arnim bas addressed & letter to. the London Times, denying in the strongest terms that he has in @any way attempted to interfere with Bismarck‘s policy. % Bishop,Whipple, of Minnesota, in & letter to President Grant, says that notâ€" withstanding all the clamour raised about the latter‘s peace policy towards the Inâ€" dians, it has been a success, and that large numbers of the Red men are forâ€" saking the war path for â€"that <of ®peace, embrating‘ Christianity, and . mifigling freely with the whites. _ 1Â¥ *84* °~ The Spanish Minister at Washington has received advices from Mddrid, to the effect that in future American citizens placed on trial before Cuban courts martial will have the privilege of retaining counsel of their own ‘selection for their defence. The termsiof the Treaty of 1795 appear, according to an ission ‘made by the Spanish unhoritii to have bee" most inadequate to meet t:xoh cases, and the present arrangement lis owing to the effect produced by a friendly note adâ€" dressed by Secretary Fish to the Spanish Government on the subject. â€" \1 4 Over one hundred priests and nine canons have given in their, adhesion to the German Ecclesiastical Laws. Despatches from Server Pasha fully fully confirm previous reports of the deâ€" feat and losses sustained by the Insurgent The Prince of Wales is shortly to les Loxnox, Nov. 13â€"â€"Â¥Fhe appointment Ol Sir John Hocker -ndIanunr Stanley Gifford to the Attorney an Solicitor Generalship respectively,: mentioned yesâ€" TELEGKRAPHIC. terday, are now denied. â€" Communication with the East Inter: Loxnox, Nov.~18.â€"In consequence of the interruption to the Cable between Madras and Penang, there is no further intelligence from Perak. The Late, Floods. Loxnox, Nov. 18.â€"The Morning Echo announces that on account of the recent floods, the sanitary authorities have deâ€" clared the District of B'W? with a popuâ€" lation of 60,000 souls, unfit for habitation Lownox, Nov. wt'h: & m.â€"lcnnnnt v:ln Arnim writes to Times, indignantly denying the charge of Bismarck, that he thwarted the latter‘s policy, by means of private influence with excommunications to the Emperor or Empress. . 4 pr : fg& under . water L throughout . the Havaxa, Nov, 18. â€"The steamer City of Meridia brings advices from the City of Mexico up to the 9th inst. The Mexican Senate has elected Romeo President, and Senor Saavedi Vice President and the Lower House has doogpdvuw., W.‘d Sebastian Vice President. * Cammnisory Education Bill has been Loxbox, Nov. 18â€"The appointment TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. The Crew of the * crew of the ‘:1;1‘[; IM has picked up and brought to Liverâ€" FPOR EIG N . of * The National Election. GREAT BRITALN. ‘a ‘Eoko announces von at OTTAWA, FRIDAY. NOVE In the Michaelis competition for the best play relating to the American Revoâ€" lution, twenty out of sixty manuscripts have been seiected, and on these a final decision will be rendered in eight days. Loxpox, Nov. 18â€"The Pall Mall Gaâ€" zette has a apecial Berlin telegram this afternoon, stating that the German Govâ€" erament are preparing proooodh_ &boï¬u the Ecclesiastical Court against Arghâ€" giahop of Cologne and the Bishop of reves. The object is to depose them. L2@ils> Prelates Submiiting. A Berlin dispatch to the Ionl-iv;g Post says over one hundred priests nine canons of Rhineland have given notificaâ€" tion of their submission to the Ecclesiasâ€" tical Laws. 7 5:80 a. m.â€"A special despatch to. the | Mï¬om(}om:s. says thaTurhu-ol assembling all their forces in Bosnia and | Hersegovina, for another effort to reâ€" : lafting reulied To thek defomt at Bat \ u&b..'{h'l\n'b.hnmmon-' trated 15,000 men, while the In to hmnooind-roinhummflw | Archbishop of Cologue to be Deposed. Political Conspiracy Exposed. Raxcoox, Nov. 19.â€"A conspitacy to seize the arsenal and burn the town of Rangoon has been discovered by the authorities. A great many Burmese have been arrested on suspicion of complicity in the affair. | Uncompromising Term s for N- Carlos i}Mapatp, Nov. 18.â€"General Quesada has been commanded by a royal order to henceforth receive no communication from Don Carlos, except an announcement of the unconditional submission of | himself Havaxa, Nov. 18.â€"Two men sentenced to be shot this afternoon were oned by the Captain General. at the instance of Senor Rtlx:';the Royal ioner, and several ladies. I Company, real estate brokers, 7{9‘“ way, Seiler & Maxwell, boot shoe manufacturers, Thomas stzeet, and Jonaâ€" than . T. Frost of: the Spinglert House, Union square, suspended yesterday. Judgment Against the Canal Ring. An Albany d:rtoh says in the Genâ€" eral Term yesterday Judges James and Boardlan rendered a decision which mainâ€" tains the power of the Canal Commission to.compel the production of papers. . The decision gives great satisfaction to the Governor and the members of the Comâ€" |\ _ Murderers to be Exeeuted. Hnmww, Nov. 18. â€"Governor Hartâ€" ranft toâ€"duy issued warrants for the exeâ€" cution on the 6th of January of William Murray and Frederick Meyers, convicted in“ï¬ogheny County on the 20th of March, 1875, of the murder of Gotthard Pirrssurces, Nov. 18.â€"A collision 0câ€" curred this morning on the Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and St. Louis Railroad, between a construction train and a freight train, near the Philadelphia crogs roads, three ;l"llll;];’“ of the construction train being illed . ILLINOIS. . History of the Black Hills Negotiations. CHicaco, Nov. 17â€"The Tribune, to morrow ~morning, will publish the report of the Indian Commissioners sent to treat for the possession of the ‘ Black Hills country, starting out with the history of the whole affair, j Meeting of the Electrical College. CH10a00, Nov. 18.â€"The American Elecâ€" trical Society held l“ï¬?â€˜ï¬ the Grand Pacific Hotel yesterday, Stager in the chair. There was a large attendance of ‘prominent electricians and uh.rn&: men, and of gentlemen interested in + scientific dovd:gnt of â€" electricity. Gen. Stager was ted President for the ensuing year, and a new constitution auâ€" Societies, was adopted. ‘ Suspensions. NEew York, Nov. 18.â€"Livingston Moxtcow®ry, Nov. 18.â€"The majority for the ratification of the new Constitution IWill not be less than 50,000, and may h 60,000. : . Avevusta, Nov. 18.â€"A r-uef train on the Chnlouaincolum ia & Augusta Railway, was run into by a train following it, and the ladies‘ car and smoking car both thrown from the track. â€"A number of passengers were injured and one child Majority for New Constitution, 60,000. ion, but is a good deal of ashock to €1 Death Sentence Commu A MERIOAN National Grange Convention. Fatal Railroad Collision. The Preas Bill. PENNSYLVYANIA. FRANUE, NEW YORK Railway Disaster. TURKEX BURMAH. KENIUCKY. SPAIN. CUBA. GEORGIA. Â¥C ; | WaASHINGTON. The flml\ Questionâ€"War Improbaâ€" ent arrangemeént gettilés thel question in advordancé with ï¬xe desirt!oi expreg‘e?i in a friendly note.addressed by Secretory Fish to the Spanish Government and disâ€" poses of exaggerated reports:on‘ this© stib ject. The frequent changes in . the Bpanish Government since the commenceâ€" ment of rebellion have in part delayed the settlement of the question until the ‘ present time. ; Wasuixorox, Nov. 18.â€"The Spanish Minister toâ€"day was officially advised from Madrid, that his Government has conced ed, that in future American .citizens on trial before courts martial in Cubs, shall have the prlvile? of selecting counsel for their defence. . The Treaty of 1795, in the apinion of the Spanish : Government, was not sutficently definite to meet the cases of courts martial, in the event of war or insurrection in the Island ; but the presâ€" Bisaop Wh;wlo of Minnesota, in a letter to President Grant, says that not withstanding all the clamours which have been made to the President‘s peace policy towards the Indians, has been a #uccess, and that thousands of them are learning to live as‘civilized men, and among . them are some as true Christiansâ€"as>can be found among the whites. campaign. &e., &o.â€"In additionâ€"toâ€" this, he says the recent dismissals of clerks employed at the Patent Office 2 donnd c an. Saiee medware hfo ht J Murderer Captured. Dexver e Ciry, No‘:. lxsl;;dmmkvdwde,‘ f one of the y who mui four Italians inp:h?n city â€"several w& n‘ï¬;t has boeno:g)tnmdnd brought to thi city;> (All the( assassins are now 860@ nm{ 'ï¬l be tried‘s0oun. ~ Several ‘:?‘tg band ‘have ~confessed the crime m& their incarceration, and it is believed ofthn,uminnumber,willboh&qgeg. Oxarga, .. Nov.. 18,â€"The recent . sleet storm extended from Laramie ‘City to Bitter Creek, and‘ how niuch farthor west is not yet ascertained, owing to the inter: ruption of rail and gelggup i qo:anuniou- tion. ‘The storm was fiercest, in the most western point heard from, _ . .. ... Jury Absent‘ ‘Twenty‘five HWours,. _ mmflwwm, No# }8.â€"‘11:& :fï¬n‘-oéh j in ) of . w“ Bum 1 thsl':u?ï¬er Woht twentyâ€"five hours, returned a verdict of guilty. ‘Lhe offence OHIO. H : Meeting of Railroad Managers the poot elmnings of the vaensaing in Sorks vad fik "Loals Iinew way formally A Victim of the "Waco‘ Disaster. _ . m thniiee rega enare on ge the re; & Y 'mppfls to be that of Rodgers; of Brooklyn. a nassenger on the Wace was Brooklyn, a passenger on the Wace , j Mnd,’:'nd buri:f“on the beach n}: High Island, 30 miles from Galveston. This well known medicine is no imposi tien, but & sure and: safe remedy for Feâ€" male Difficulties m«indot:lh-mï¬ou,m cause whatever a powerâ€" m'romedy, thejb‘lhh mlmrtful to the constitu fections, ui in The Back and Limbe e esd mike mo tile wit ‘otlcrt n o mm in effect "A cure when all means have failed ; and although a powâ€" $1, and 12} cents for postage, enclosed | "*4****** _ 0 " x bN’flNp&!qmbE“??:LOl!m ir 1s Srrone Trsrmonxy t al agents for the wil in and usefulness ofthe jure a bottle, containing :over 50 piller bY° lny Y 2 nad a host of! ititatol return mail. s _ ill do well to observe that For sale by all ri Caldl Coogaing," is : pr : aul buinisistdr n ie in uns mt t Wt on o mien ie mï¬dflomliu&qdb&-ï¬omofh success in dealing : Fow! 'lPlolnd‘tl ;J‘lhm ‘ments Apon our:namé and 1 is marvellous hm& Rheum,," tect the â€" public, if / only a Ri.s Worm, and cven Leprosy; it has ase,l. This tribute of imite nq’vvuoun *k e en T TTE ns ol C 0S Audhanks w lt t oadioatren t _*_'b g) Worm, and even IW n«TL mm-cwï¬% ved i \ all | meritorious land>successful A Fod itsoll wo slmost néver failing érire. all /n ‘ Graut‘s Policy Endorsed JOB MOSES FEMALE PLLLS, y wes Sha e itiadcn io suber. Shit A Heavy Sleet Storm. BER 19, 1875. COLORADO, WISCONXSLN. TEXAS. £To â€" 2MMUT 0 rates. Btocks are quiet. Sales, Montreal 180}0to 180%. â€"Merchants, 044 to 95. Commuoo,lmblfl&. Pmlo‘s,â€} Telegraph closing at 143} to 1 Livekroot, Nov. 18, 12. 30 p.m.â€"Cotton quiet and‘steady ; uplands, 67; Orleaus, 2 p.m.â€"Lard, 56s per : ewt ; pork, 1008 4 p.m.â€" Lard, 008 per ewt ; pork, 1008 erg-rrelibr new mess ; 62s gwt for: new short olec’mu. 'R: market is bare of old pork and bacon, and new will hereafter be quoted. the : bank duu'awgu cent. < United States: bonds, 67s, 108%; Erie. 14 1â€"8 ; ‘Loxvox, Nov. 18, 12.30 .â€"The Diâ€" reotors o* the Bank of @ndjoâ€"d-y fixed‘ the minimum rate of â€" discount at :;;l account j ©Erie, 14} ; do. preferred, ni},.m.-;z:..hmm in (the Bank of the put' week.: The phpwdib Bank of‘ England reserve to lisbility is now 43¢<per cent.:08 <o8 00 00 0 00â€" New York Central, 24. 4{.0.â€"'!& rate‘of discount in ethï¬lhï¬tpfoonl.,whidlic!to 4 1 or ‘cent. ‘below the hnko(-l!:nflnd rate. United ‘ States> bonds, ‘65s, 103f ; Erie preferred, 28 ; Consols, 94} for both money and account. 3iNn4r Yon&a& 18;-_-&?‘-5†closed at to 4 ; sterli to ; l o 31 i4 it wncd i 146 sitle honds quiet and nominal ; Reilway bonds, strong and higher ; ,qu‘-monhvclo“d strong. At the opening, stocks as, & rule . were strong and a higher improvement, ranging 4 to $ ;‘mbqogmLï¬f-' was a reaction of } to } per cent. the highest point. “mmtsf bullion withdrawn on balance toâ€"day is £59,000.8== _ =~ ~ . _Nuw York, Nov. 18.â€"Cotton quiet ; 13 5â€"11 for middling uï¬hndl. Flour quiet nng without d change ; reâ€" ceipts, 19,000 bbis ; sales, 12,000 bbis; quotations unc banged. Rye flour steady tions Hiour steady 2t $4 50 to 5 50. â€" Whoat quiet and firm ; receipts, 250,000 bush ; nlfl».l-â€-’*“’(gw xbmzs r N34 a do. 1 30 to 1 d8y horz Mi@sukeq, 3136 io T 38 ; No: T Spring, 1 20 to $s on Bd on mieloie mlae 1 40 ; new and old i; 6158 to $1 25 to 1 45; do. mbtrm’ s 1 50.‘ Rgo quiet t Coi, dute 'm(:l teady ; l'l’Oinil. 20,000 ; soaice ocviade yhine "Bakgr dalt ifammw wid yoild "39,000 ; 1'0 I en h f lwmtwh;mj ‘six flmm _ $1 10. WeBuUrd WHU DSRve q EC OP San (ot MERte Cont Pork, dull at $22 25 to 223;?0 per barrel for mess.‘ ‘Lard, 12} to 12%c per ib for steam . Bnmto 325 per 1b for State and‘ Pennsyl ‘Pétroleum â€"Crude 6%6; gefined 12%} to 12%c. ' 10,000 Bbushels; ‘six "rowed State $1 10. Oats, ‘shade dmer; receipts, ‘ 72,000 ; sales; 38,000 bushels at 42 to 496 for nu&i western uhnd State ; 46 to 526 for white do. Cag10aG0, ¢Nov.: ‘18.â€"Flour â€" inactive. Whtns mc t Pm wlmj; -gé?s?mh December, #$1073 No 3 do,‘880 to sspwm to 150. Corn: irregular, ‘but in the main § [ad 1. C 7 506. quiet : but y ut to 30jofor‘s ©Barley dull: and lower‘; sales at 86{c for spot, and ©"84%0 for Dec. R'Kmmwkm ohnglhi ut at is â€" un * pomosalunthcii‘hn’; g:Ll†r spot; $19 20 for weller year.> generally higer se‘ igni 90 sn en ml «t «BB 8 f ‘ ‘ ear, " Bulk Mrhwht fm rates ; © shoulders 74e ;\ short rib middles‘10%0; ‘short clear middleo 10J6. ‘At noon on call of Board, wheat firm and unchanged. Cormhigher‘at 516 to 51 1â€"86 ; Nov. 47%c to 486 year)" Markét ‘for other articles unchanged..©""Reoeipteâ€"Flour, 10,000 bris : © ‘Wheat, ‘11,100 bush. : Corn, 41,000 bush. : Gate, bush. ~Barley, 4000 : bush; <Rye, ue Flour, 9,000â€" bris. & bush. Corn, ©160,000 / 35,000 bush. Bariey, 60,000 b-hi"'nyywu- y \,.;) .. Momntreal Stook Market, <«Money market continues easior, Anduction of Canon Dixon,. B.Guun, Nov, 18,.â€"The ,‘,'&"" .of v. Canon Dixon, as rector George‘s Church, took place on Wednesday mornâ€"= aooanniineatd sarci on Sieg Thok: as institutor, and Rev. Rural Dean son as inductor.\~ :: P nc i cecithn To n well, T ic so s "question ?"" * I ;l.nou;luh:m't:-tg“ onr-mof so long to tell him what is going on‘ C 0 M M E R C I A L. * The Princess of Wales has caused a letter to be written ‘to the proprietors of the Castalis, thanking them for the comâ€"* fort she enjoyed ‘on board that vessel when recently crossivg the Channel, _ .. dAm -ol‘. it n togl tiou.f ::oh- on i06 ; mb â€" or. t | chase ‘ of acln:mdhh St. Pcl:l"l Cathedral. " :It is estimated that a suitable ;I;j,&.ï¬ be. procured for from $15,000 . to The â€"officers of theâ€"Pembroke Curling Club are:â€"Wm. Moffat, Pnlidfll;n:- ‘elected ; J. C. c«%vm * d&u,mlnlds H. K. #, Ind Viceâ€" President, :; ~Judge : Deacon, ‘, id Cngnin ï¬.’hnq ieving! @ecutive Committée, H.~ A. Irving, '%M R. White, Mmloh itchell ; Representative Wm. / Moffat, & Inving, §t. Lsns wis . brans jog 2 m o mteof may other love, and we ers one of any we never had to : take cuhe'k‘.w‘h‘g_u For good: Board and conifort, second to none, at reasonable rates, go ‘to the Clarâ€" endon . Hoase.. Ww lfln Wo lateof !Quebes.: !9%% / ul 1 {â€""t mds‘ . ( Fauss Movuery.â€"£or people to allow tu }v~:consult a ~physician, or to suller as i ;dohymwiï¬r%hb going at onice druy gist for F%e'u Pile and Humor Cure whichis an infallible cure. ©â€" < sT® "Mother, does the Lord take the daily New York Mowey Market. New York Markots Liverpool Markets Chicago Markets London Markets. CUELPH J mone both for> Â¥ , 04 ted upon them rather 14 Sule ‘of ‘"Bow Park" ‘to ‘an ‘English . ; Compmany. â€"Qredit <Valiey «Railroadâ€" South Ontario Election : Jndgment Confirmedâ€"The Local Houseâ€"Thea» "uricalâ€" Aécident as‘a Fire. "Toroxrb, ‘ ‘Nov. 18. â€" Lieut.Governor and ‘Miss Macdonald have issued 1,500 mmbw;wlti:,hm inst. _A Mail correspondent at Brantford says it is generally reported there that Hou. Gporge ‘Brown "has dispesed of " Bow Park" to ‘a Company ‘of Englishmen, for the purpose : of . carrying on ~short horn mï¬ï¬wq large extent, It is underâ€" stood s t Mr. Brown leaves for Englaad Imost Iminediately 16 compl f ments for‘the transference of the propâ€" A de})ukï¬oq from the, townsg, on the route of the Credit Valley Railway had an ifterview with‘ the Ohtaric Government yesterday, to: advovate the claims of that road. to further Governmentâ€"aid... The Premier promised to take the matter into consideration. . The _ deputation * was toms Hemges ape ts m dung, 3 W.s D. 3 Dr. dream Mebaind 0. Clarkey M . _ .â€" PR SEA Nib 3 on ogg sA coigl en > cise, ‘confitming his previous ‘m Mr. M-?Mhï¬o’ouw, gave.notice of appesl. Eo Sanhmm_n%( domestic servant in the employ of W. G. Schrieber on sherâ€" Voicas vflm'.wâ€"l?â€"-; ul%?.‘?fl“m' g ho. yss in Hns: It is understood that the Lock: ‘GOveD® | moorr of the pre ally low ment have formdlydotunh.d:rm "'"rioo'oflibo’urï¬d e i oA nominating . Mr. R. . M. Wells for . the| contract for the erection of the proposed Speakership, â€" Considérable . sp@CUIAtiON | ow Parlisment House and l partien‘on a test voley “w,mmm smm%_%; i omat | to the alleviation: ‘of‘ the :h: Mr. C, W, Couldock uhd the celâ€" Loity-dmm having . their erection ebrated United States actress, ar6 t0 take â€" nommensed ~and> to) completion alOROâ€l Opd.flomohm ffl.lh.""m.m. y f season, commencing> the ‘first week in |+mfros, My Garweav said, it had been the The return / of Doctor: McMahon : for ~ | maILwayY; XAREROR + Nwtthchkhboghde_d- |â€" ‘ Mr. Mosmnur moved for a statenient of It is understood, that 1 Hfllï¬lfl .u.u-‘mwf by the will be asked to approprinte ball a milâ€" | (}joyernment on the wooden or iron Rail« lion ‘of zurplus to the Railroad funds, ‘ way, the day of such payments, the auâ€" which are now exhausted, and © that in fu 'ï¬mwmï¬z were made and umymuwwbedm.wr'mï¬:thn-budni- road completed running east and west, as wel llfll"'hycnham‘ a running northward from trunk lines. . ‘ Hon,. Mr.. said . the Governâ€" The ‘Toronto, Grey and Bruce Railway | ment had no objection, and the motion meeting of ~mortgage bondholders, held ‘ was agreed to. _ ies on Tuesday, was convened with special;~ : Mr, Bacuaxno moved that a statement of utomnoow&holnwiof&oï¬m all the receipts and from to dispose of their [ ol 130&:-.1-:&1&» Dr. W. H. Miller, who some "time ‘ A80, ‘ be laid on the table of the was : instrumental,: on behalf of the>Colâ€" %m and Surgeons d& mmmm:% m&‘&m says he has no anâ€" Mechanics‘ Bank -uw Dosti« _ sution Among e Moxterar, "Nov. 18.â€"A meeting of the ‘Mechanics‘ Bank shareholders was»wfl&ï¬&mmu‘ n-donupott.lhowin( pent 0 the liability would be. cleared off, and a balance bo"lon'for.thomï¬oh_ f a : Committee . of six _stopkholders â€"was a2s sdGaine is hnd io repact examine® the books, and to 6 within & Alexander © Molson, â€" Managing Director, has:â€"made over all ‘his to be d, if n , for the LE Mr. Bry m he and Shanly, at tboElnof-ï¬ohnk,.hd taken $20,000 each of Etock, for which 0 in trust, as is often done in in mnontterelinl thought thapaboold pay the 1i § would not ‘shirk. % oo he m PooY oob on mcconnt and for shares which he held for his, the poor. Alnbï¬a“ respectable Mux iti and the suffering in many ‘maust be great. suemmninnenmaennetammezee T%. HAMILTON. Presentatlon â€"Contracts for Nor‘â€"Westâ€" ®rna‘‘ Rallway ‘ ‘Lot ~ Election _ of m?&n,hhiflhllï¬ufl'-borut Great Westérn been Peterocinge 1 i Supper aud presoured B ceontaining money, and a silver mumvu:&hu-’m The contracts for the .construction .Of the Hamilton & Nor‘â€"Western Railway have been let, and will be ratified by the has been contracted for, and the work 'i%lnoonmgi htbtrmh. e the mmnmacma‘ assembled in the Rebecca street Church ?l‘fll:phmdz:nhbl-.dodluh: mmpw D.D., of the Ep‘nï¬ww to preside, and were with him Bav.B.B.Dinny,Msrhud- ent of the Conference, and . R.R. Niller, the Secretary, Rev. Josephu : Obanâ€" an, the Superintendent of the Novea Em' Conference, and Rey. R. R. Morris, ;f ‘There s ::.“nl erence. were ent from Q-'uio.ngmqg CcA N A D 1 MA N. oc n on wanas Tie aol of praver by Bishop Wayman. roll of yer by Bishop Wayman. The roll of 5: last General Conference was called, and the credontials of the lay delegates examined. ‘The Conference will meet to mï¬dthlfpu; ning. l‘:mb eleven is set apart for prayer devoâ€" tional exercise. ~At eleven the election of the Bishop will take place. Rev. Josish Henson preached this evening. The Medical Actâ€"Trial for Murder. QuzBao, Nov. 18.â€"A special meeting of ï¬nOolh'olPhï¬i_-' and Burgeons of Lower Canada be held here on Wedâ€" nesday next in the Laval University, to amendments to the Medical Act. > In the Criminal Court !:umï¬n trial of Robert Murphy for t of Mbh&gkomwmw the illness of one of his lawyers. It was expected the case would have been comâ€" pri is ve A good deal of m-wfl“ ease, the Court being overcrow.Jed at all times during the best. ‘Try‘one! Haxturox, Nov. 18.â€"Mr.~John Weath= Ir will not cost you a cent more to put ToORoNTQ MONTREAL QuEkEC. silver Mr. MoGaurzix introduced a Bill to authorize the Restor and Church wardens of St. Stephen‘s Church bw Church, «nd rebuild the same + the Quebec d;ï¬: poration asking for leave amend the â€" and a number of ‘l:podo_ of Standingâ€" Committoes " were Hon. Mr. Maustor, in an answer to Mr. Beauchere, said that it was not the intenâ€" tion of the Government in future to sell timber m ut ‘the offices vof. Local of timber for mâ€"-mh :‘mb‘ *4 qb‘und-ubc:; lm M“ all kinds of } included within the extent of such limits. Hon. Mr. Mausztor said the Government had no intention "of changing the condiâ€" tions under which licenses ‘for timber To My. Avoancie repif to Mr. F6b on. Mr. the North Shore Railroad Montreal, Ottawa and Western were | tistios. | rated ter Un Lo ot taie ‘Province | be referred m&m 8A mer, and tenders had been advertised for, but the Government had not been able to obtain a-b-dih J ssuite‘. Barâ€" racks and been obliged to postpone the works in consequence. iammdeady : rmmdngre pivd comdbrnd bea Riatinay Ast of 2808, was road ar was a time and passed. v COoNTROYEETHD ELBCTIONS A0R))â€"; : of the Committee of the Whole of the House on the Bill to amend the Quebes cumumu% Mrâ€"Worrsus, while the provision of the Bill, preferred its being and taken part in by Mesers. Angers, Joly, i eiimmenaiet" Mr. Jour moved, in amendment assimilated to the Federal / an amendment, and the :-ï¬ M una har ttis i inoretnemmtotinhick .'-“ d* & M ion of the â€"same 'u†e an the matien for se third popdiing _ Mr. Jour moved, in amendment to the first clause, the same amendment as he Pogiion cnstede ant whioh tf UX atinck was adjourned till tomorrow."~ " ©*; _4# o eted T â€" [Lâ€"F awu-:f‘mr% Wedâ€" mhd% ï¬ï¬‚.h-‘ow.- He is supâ€" wbhnbunlddhnâ€" G@irl or Conrad Raid, both vessels mwu-ud_ta Mr. Kingsford, Government Engineer, ‘ made a final inspection of the repairs on nc h @r [ Nq Prong: $ 4 B â€"â€" the harbour which have been made here Fone ceproreasored sns Ielon wiithe 1 the will be %w‘ when it is known that no fewer than seven vessols have been ashore this season here, and between here and t'h.imnonhrbw below. Tw'dth:: hmï¬ï¬‚.bt:flflm EYGIENIC AND MORTUAEY sTAiTISTIOs Dr. Liarv®® moved that a select comâ€" Government to lay out the balance in extending the piers and dredging mext Marriage and Loxnox, Nov. 18.â€"C. W. Ross, MP,, for West Middlesex, was married yesterday silver tea set. After the wedding cereâ€" mony. Mr. and Mre. I-'tï¬ at age was taken of aum-flz occasion :th':.m friends of Mr. Ross in the West to present him with a handsome mony, Mr. and Mrs. Rose took train at * Tue Giand Jary baring finished their it ie pirc ths Lmade the cuad Ti bien jad cop To tove w tnd toe mr-ï¬umï¬r- ?.W’a' Pisforta "n"-fllww here for the winter. The latter is propar u.uyhn‘ï¬hhth& & * v School Inspector, iog e airaes c & Â¥igh: to Hellmath Boys ol Portâ€"Burswsiz, Nov. 18>â€"The body of PRICE £ CENTS. NEW PARDLANENT BUILDINGS . BIBCAYCEON Close of Navigation. PORT BURWELL GAMB Li&W& Five Years