M" 'Al ii,Y 2m 1n; 311 'll ll) Hi an Pl] ill H ill tr, tfl If] ill Tu: an Paovmuu. Ilxammotr.-.At a mtingoftho Finnmtoatanmitto.ortho Joint-board or mute! tho his mvinci: Emmi“ hold the .nigh t on tin . 'ooe.ntHii.qin _ ntuomt of its tin-tint m In. road , me Secretary, Mr. A.S.Woo‘dburn. in Wot-hp the Mayor, Hon. Jum- 2rhttl Kan-1'0. J. M. f?",',igdfaPi and were t. to chewed them“ 1.'ll)'h1tllk hull In: num- to the "hitritimr-and pound to have troea83l,000. 0!anth y". rem-ins and iatdetrtednee. o6 810,407 [011qu Tho city id “5.00) and the County of 8l'r'd'llUttoo' of the total mount ttt “I. Ham In dung“! by the Hon. uni-Shaina Mallory from theme! th. city of orl't A 'onltunl . A muting wig]. il?ght',,"l'ti,dig'g will b. held Kxox artutca.--Ti-- l moods; ohm M)f man in connection with this Church in tho basement has night! to -siat . "Young mm Aaamtiatittgtr in connection with the can?“ Mr. John Honda-on paid“. that. won pea-ant the 8.1.1:. Fades, pater. and the Hon. D. uirdiMiaxutkotth. Intktae 't'r'lt'at'r,',g'!, '.'rtet 12"tt an in o p . t I'll v to organise An who! My.†shove salon-hand n candida, coni- red of tho an. D.Inild,(Cmvonc) nous. Campbell, J. B. Boll,J. Hondu- mv and C: ' Ct1nninghnm, V.†M" can and C. IL G _ won up- 'iiil'eii,' todmft . 8,t,'llrfl't, ad Br- ,reuaAedtoreportatttata4ittamed -tingitobouldUFrid-t. t unl- The moo’ than adjourned all-tho 2h/hrMSI'hdS"d g2ghe,rg,t.,et,'g"gt't thouâ€: and tlt""'""'" mmaw t. 1nmwomam- mean- etitoo2thtelirths funny 3-. Tun Em)! 351:1]..A meeting of the old creditors ofthh um. In: held yer Lenny in the luv dumber- of Mean. Walker, Pennook And Manny“. Mr. Shepherd of tho tinn of Shophud, Hall &Co.,und other! from Idisunoo were present, A. well a most of the creditor: mldingln tho Ottawa Valley. A pro- poritimttopay20-intherdpiurwith locum] inane undtwo nu- n- Incept- od, only fire (haunting voice. Mung b-sr-mud-ir-tit. This ends the warning-mad creditor-moon- oomod. Ten out. in Indollu willbe paidduriatg thotimt yak Md tho-idi- goal ten 9th in up! follortincrer. Susanna tJoamt-n.-urt nook thuiourml,intsoettmmoithirtheesoftu city,pvoashonohitmrynodoodouo Dr. 1Till't21ht,tttd2hit, anyâ€: mum" yids: was» Elem. “not forth “bomb, 1tudouhtheotagruiringnetovordtmrdt chloral. It would mum-my End in origin bun tho MMADr. Hamiltem Ad-ndmounophoohnd diodhmntuattovat mag-ad spur» grNstturingtt-s-1tru-vetfina 'I.t12,ul2t.1ii',2"iti't.Ptt pa. irnmedi-mn.tottii. city FFGiiuCGiiiiiLiirki5Ciiui"tl his up“ dunks. The no" of his drttypeo.ttintoth-tirtditie â€and an. in“. “an“, GGGriiG 2dTdtiStrg,t1,t'gtufdt,t,t,'; In "an; “Imp. yo them 'tttp, of ttii. iort aa, "iu.GtuiiGt" ""1 irir. rah», who raid. In We“ 0.- and Minna-linolth ... t'tq-oetittboitrtstttirdo- Auxcuurvnl. AND Am Aaattaartott.-. Mr. A. Mchbb, ER; Mr. Ira Mar and Mr. 'Androw Wilma hit,d",'flrC, leave for Tomato on Monday to attend I meeting of the Councilof momm- Lunl and Am Minion on Tuesday next On Thursday tiny will be preAnt " the Shut Horn Bastien month; the rooted†ofwhi m i no of I most. imperial“ And hm nature. ’Wu-nn A IAaer.--The midonbof Albert "met, botwoon O’Connor and 1eatg,ttl2toiytt,t',', tho Fin-ad Us!» Commit“. if y would he. a lamp In that neighbourhood. lion in nu. mambo: d that patient-r com mittee living there. PM that feet mar hue â€thing to do with the 'dt',.""'"" condition of tie} thorough. no. Warns: AND Wop-Tho wot weather of yeoterdny Bad the effect of stopping the building operations a the new City Hall and urban other “not“ now in com-u donation. The eon-equal“ was 1b.: I very lug. number of men were on the idle 1iat-. nation: mater for them " present. Sxow sutDBa.-A slide of snow from the roof ofoWeara'. clothing More. on Spa-ks street, yestm-dnv. neuly “and n stun. pale anon; some panning to.†Form rudely no person happened to be on the mlewnlk at the time, or also they might hm e been troubled with A hood aaha. Tun cu-So soon A. the water is lot out of the and themk ofeonnruct- ing the main - through in bod will be commenced. The cutting will be nude close to when the - pipe is. an: Maria Stu“ Bridge. The job will be no any one for tho men employed on it,iftho Into! tutkudporfbimedtaut be taken u a criteria; D-ruma.--hu.terday win one of the mo" di-trio days of the pro-out won. wut with rain and sloppy, slip- pery mum, more In: ttttt much pleasure in bring out of doors. (in; JUL.. and-slippery mm»: dt the lidewdh, undated it oxeoodingly dangerous in that locality. Hm: Lors.--Thq deer - clmee " the end of the preeent month, and this you all who infringe the law by killing the animals the! tf datasswi1i,ifde tectod,uvuitod vi then-ml punish mom. An ample or two nude of eome of the pot hunting fraternity would hare e salutary eiUek Grand Trunk Ian's). Leaves Heqoott Junction C-- Going West...............) p.m.,2203 Bath. Going Eut...............4;45 p.m., 4..40 sin. no-.. V-umw- a mot-bur. Bunny. lave: t)gdonsburtr...P.N m , 2:20 pan. Arrives in New York 10:me 7:00 Ban. Leaves New York.. ..6:00 MIL, 11:00 pan. Arrives in Ogden!- but-..........-) Ban., 7:45 pm. mm! Yer-out lull!!!- level Ugdenlbm's _ _ H " N A "acas.-Yetsutrxuy evening, about " o'c'sock, eeouple ofwelrdr-d rough insulted two gentlemen on Spain street, end came very newly getting tb good thrashing for their pains ; however. the new the" dnnger, and shulkodofr vii whole skins. [EA Lu? Nor: Iar.--Tho lamp gre: the corner of the Merchanu' Ban Wu not litrbtod lat. nigh}, which, eon.fr.urine th. Pnluox’s Baum-15“ 'tttgt,',' the close of the St. Petriok’l han Asylum Bum, which, considering the hard times, bu been most lucoeufu], I uadsomo sum having been reclined. The ladies who he" had charge of it have been most. uniduoue and well deserve the patm0ago they have received. Maves...i(h45 um, 1220pan., 1&45 pan Arrives......9:10 um, 4:10 p.m., T:00 pan and. Consul hum. Mavee......... . .........1(h45 3111., 4:45 pan .\rrivea.....................l:3) pm, 7:00 pan wives in _ burg Imam" ..7:00 um, 8:10)): Ernncllcrs’ (guide. Inca! Bttteutattrte. Lawn-co g on.“ Illlm. 1am I In, 6:00 pan BUDDlnlr-Kr. Fore, P. A. B., leo- tured In: night in we of the Ottawa Liana and . this dooie‘y on " Buddhism," end, not i,tdtttt?'iLtt extremely disepeeeble ‘ mm, waeagoodatteades, In the connect his molt intending lemme he an e samsinothutoeT of blue peninsular Orientel form of belief) 1"Itt/.' hom in founding by Sew-elem, B. . 600, to them- eent. century. Buddhism, he eeid wee a diuent from Bmhminiam, the old sub,- liehedfeithof nonhernlndignnditbowe e relation to thet religiou- eyetem which it 'su-ded-lag- in eeverel re- epecteso the mlatietn borne by Chi-itin- ifr to i2t,tt f,tgsl", ohie! It tinguiahing estate-were paueeeiono every l',i2 land-rd ot morelgend e mo" on!) eyetem of metapltrtioe. In the when NM muting? of con- eoloueneee. in ee yay" outoomoof "uteisoa. Mr Fat-1th illne- brewed hie nubieot by the reading of me mhble gtatmota fun 3e enoient Pf' I'ghigt than Seky-e-mouni, o w . be we min-mm Aote.. .3- ref-513.†tgr'?,',", of ihit p I. in tho about, " the bop" dour" mm“... dl is . . 'tpt nuclei. WV Luann Err-enm- M-..-.-' of e eeriee' of literary entertainmen partaking in e great nieesnre the n ture of aooial reedt' was held in th village of Roche-ta . le on Thursday e . g, in the lodge of the 15m of Tam rance, under whoee ane- picee they are be continued during the winter. Tho . waetaken by mam. G. Howe, Bi and Road, who made a few hapaily co oeived remain in intro- ducing el - and gentlementowhom it fell to one the evening’s intereet. The p minted of may by the Mieaee oKeoltnie and 001:1: and In. Venn; also by; Mean. n In. June, Newbigipn, Gown and Davideon. _ J. M. T. Hennum. White, Jonee, Dorie and McC . each read appropriate eeleo- tione 'l'elnh'l'll authore, which were much appreeieled. Mr. Joni, aleo we a recitation, which wan rendered with much ability. In fact, the whole programme wan well unstained, and gave evident 'tttrg', and t'ti',ittf,i,It in d", audience; preeent, hem " ' o Her Majesty, sans " at: an mu" with vigour end good bunny. which brought the enter . eat to a eloee. The ittenanoeritmw Tying to notice, wee yer} Inna, and not “intending lope leuer oontwiea, ttttr, out the extreme mane" of the ief " competed with Christianity, and the power of the letter. After some mt eloquent tenth, he concluded by equating e conviction that in timirtoooire,tb-litrooar mon to unanimity and Buddhism would be the menu of linking the lantern end Week": Inc: of mankind in e common faith and g,'."ttyt',1,tt d the Sn. promo Basins lecture thought: u, of e scholarly 'ttret an: evinced much march acquaint- no. with an mbjod. Ind: “In-bl. isgfoagtatitmwa. to be dotivodlmm it, And the lecturer MUM“. oordinlrotoofth_ded.dtohirtot hmdmpmoodinp. 3h. (indenting: 'of 3m__durhg the 1aram.Itorraagtarurr 'taatrtio-,,utnsttutiiir . Gariaiiiiird "ai".". hwomMMhpuam;M&-%svf " '?grt1dt,'tti',? tttlilies'.?,:,;; Mtua'. Ir, man a." b no nun-ulna. , . . . nautxy'in iprGrii'iiiiil1iir.tniRiiiirl erlkk'iliht'at8littru'ira TurGeeliini-eoy.aii.ihtt, Hr. ottii'lijFlieie2iiil5iiiiiii. 27.." " is'%t',t,t"U,".t:- an" Timothy Hun-shun and Michael Cronin were amid with attempting, by viol- ence, to to Michael O'Rourke. The first named prisoner m (ii-chum so than did not nppouto ha my evi 'onco con- neotiag bun with the biUtMte. Cronin Ill reminded hum gonads] nexk Janos Mchlum was charged with vagnncy; be In. Allowed to my pro- mising to favour some other p with his presence. Duncan Iowa, drunk, we. ska dis charged. _rr. B. Howe, drunk," fined " and IIBPICI'IOI " III‘I'I'I‘I- I". “an“. to bo â€I“... A meeting of tho onmincn Appointed " . recent meeting ot the on.» Board of Trude, m hold ttt the Victorh Cham. bers you. ottoman“ 3 o’clock. to "amino . . h for tho petition“ Inspector of Butter for thin district. There were pmnt Maul-I. John Hill, Tho.. Patterson, H.' N. Bates Jun“ DUKE-h And John Thompson. After the Board had been duly con-ti- sutod, Mr. John Hill in chosen Chair- mun,nnd Mr. W. M. Somerville, of the Board of Tmde, aettd on Search†" Before M. O‘GARA. P.V Mr. Tao)“: O'CoxzwI being called upomwu examined in rapid to hit knowledge of tho quality of butter. He did not proceed for however when it be- came "idem that he VII entirely un- suited for tty petition of Impeach ' , Mr. Hanan we: culled, bat failed to put in m Appeal-moo, and his Nrplioation m therefore cancelled. Mr. D. Mommas was the next onndi. ata. He pulled I good examination and although lacking in pneticd experi- ence, yet he appmntly was . good judge ot butter. Atthe request. of the Cheirmen, Mr. t,1r,g,1t reed 'tte/th' t,'tAtl. o owin none, o o V, o ten: MTI. T. P. Forfar, W. A, Mighton, Abel Kerrie, Thomee O’Connor, D. McDonnell, Deniel Mon-hon, Petrlok Kennedy, Nathaniel Home: end B. C. Brown. '» Mr. Faun wee tint celled, end wee critically examined br the ohairmnn, Mr. Patterson end Mr. Beta. The cen- dldete displayed oousietrleer,rPttlt and seem?! t'o be acquainted with the duties that would devolve upon an In. spector of butter. Mr. Mnemox we. next celled, but we. not by my mean u Iucoeuful u the prksisusr-eandidUf. He had opp-rend, little or no experience. Mr. Hulls we. the next exnmined. He penned the beat pumice! examination, and seemed to be well noquninted with all kinda of butter, having been connected with that trade for 25 - Mr. D. meson-u. m "next celled end pmed e thir examination. He wee somewhat reticent in ttis more and seemed to leek ultrelieneo. He had may you: experience in the butter trade, and we: seemingly I good judge of this ooxgmodity. .. " . " .. . Mr. PATE. Kano! wu the laat person enmined. Conaidesratrlo emu-omen: we: erected by the mowers of this mam. He knew good butter by its being worth hbout twenty eenhi second chm butter could be known by It. being worth about three cents lea. Al for the other kinds he would not buy them a All, and,, if offered on the whet, he would tell John Little to hove them one-ted for t'd,tt the "uh. Ifhe moppointed he wool give good security for bounty, Ao., ae. He retired, evidently impressed with the idea of lining planed I credit-bk enmi- notion. Mr. R. C. 330w! having felled topat in 'ers.'"'""""" his applieation we- con- ce The? preceding: won brought to I e.'ose about 6 o'olock pun. After some deliberation anon; the oxamimsra, it was agreed to)?" oertiii. cates of recommendation to all". Bar tis (15 points); Forfu' (12Mpoinu); no? riwn (3 points), lad Mdonutslt- (7 po.ieuJ. . ' . , , "ES; weevil! be submittodto tho Government, from amongst whom the proposed Inspector of: batter will be chasm. “but! um 31'. Fun“, Nov. 26. p and“ for the bohopedthou p and well At- ".h.i.ti.ny'Wsutseiirpn, “landm- ohit'amonowuk." Dmieesatlrrrttro ‘oonntrynyHWOHunuenouumdi- lawman-gnaw mph“ nin- a-tG-m-tsu , gel-non ha not upokon nbovo n whisper in 'S", you f Aa.an outward teltttht one o or human, mtth ing it ha- onr “swim. One bottle will manna-o of What orthiok in the Bnok. For dineuen of tho Spine and anttmotitmoftlto Made. it is 1ttirltd; In Rheumatic or my other gun itrst teiefee,1oe pu M. moan-r Run an Tmoa.-un" to thirty drop. ofThomu' Eclectic Oil willows com Soto 'l‘hrou. It now iGi in Camp. It will our. u Cold or thugh in twenty-four to fortreight howl. One bottle bu cured Bronchitis of tight. i',t2eth,it moat cue- “ cured in than to It ar. Ithaarstenhrmioewherrrs the bah". triad}; aa "in? E3355“? teispotpleing toyourtuto Emma 'lltaW,2"gf, you return. â€Winn, not: MM. aroofttutbUtNand. [ahead tt pd: of I Bug iii2i,ii" minutes,“ in mm:- o tegtbt medicine out (fond in use ttester-Pt WSW it take. ttttiiultt1sd9rrotfgood. It incompoud '.st.itx.?rthttuit.o.ifi..uo-at4no"thin_ butoill. Itmsethitaweiiht in gold. Wh not“, it want-AA. 3.1). L'lLTu'i'lu' mm. Ankh.- hvilla, no, writut--"Thiitoon an mlmubdby a norm TU of tuumngiamin the Milan which 1 luv. and may sum AfUe humid: 'iltrt'Plt'dt ru: nine bomb; ttreels-d 1 n “completely Mud have any ttrodhaifisttottu This I can “f3 HdtPetirr.moiyyrrin" J. . let, of I 1,r,tieiatgc.t.r. Y, may». 3 Mr. mohsel McCain, or the third line iac, mm. 3 of Buthurst, is now ninety yous of up, --------_ l and claims the following desoendents ij-ll Liverpool m 3 seven ohildrxm,fortr.tlums gmudottildmrt , mg, Nov. 25, 1 paHttet ts i fifueu greet grand ohildmn, He is yet of whest the .put three dar, 1'tlill ilysalthr sud vigorous, and shy: he ugly nor-tens] “which won Amerieen. 'live to see the fourth o'rln'll'al'i'oT8ll2"J,1 ahlodto 11s 1d fer-emu for I climbing on his kilo“. I ever-3e I 'fornis white L 1- ad to 11s l Fr ml the Hmlth's nu- New; l " for dpbxdo . 9e 4d , Rt t,','f, Jrt, l At s recent meeting of the School t.'.', 'P'mdf .hsoou, . or (Trustees, all the present Jrtrg were t',','t “Judah" W’ 4N6d por imngsged. meg to e “ermine. ‘ 3 -The cotton nuke“- Mend 1 tion of the present Agni-tent in the :1 l . . . q . [High School not to re-eugsge, s tmo. ti':!itriiiii'ii'l “PM“. "a, middling , censor to her has been advertised Jor in It"' . the Globe, l In York Inc m Guam!“ um and human Noon, No. 'i%t,'lto'll'ut', Wellington “no; Add. tM. Gouda“. prop??? - t Tutu In" been!) Gurney Buckn- on sold icons ofanrotUrstdr undue mmsrhadto take one but. U',',',',,',',', 3:01. 8976 Home Koo t tt as to a Ali't'lt'ltt2'T1 o,l'glT'f,fa'll & Ct thou pol-mum“ of union which “an and dootricity Alford t Th. titnq in com. when all (ova-amt, at, without much aur, do what M lubjoota wish. Gmwonot brth-v9.ororrp- M amen mm than white“ to uduoo their mammal to diam t 'sc, If there be one feet more evident than Another in that pose of the “my of ha. vanity Minnow being 'rrittan,itia tho attengthof whet we my cell the new fbree--thq tendency, the l . of men opeeking one tongue and Ki one common nationality. Why 1'ldh we done my the notion- eet out-elven opium. that desire fur netionnlity which in one of the mo" tgre idea of the no? What right "we to enhilon themenofourmethe f"'tgvtfg,',iti edventqee of_1iunnwn t ht should d of W? W ohtmld '."J,1'litrt1./1i.ft'l ot wig-m 2r. nequett The Rev. J. 1P,:eret,'t R 0 WT; “Plumes, . a. ortriaittohia o homo " ftlihlu' week. the polltioal right- Ind privilege. of other uubjocta, whatsoever he my trot in the realm; and lastly, must - not only] in maintaining . mutual Alliance in ulstwm' .with totally: slang 2fat . portitmingamong m no e 'le,',', imposed by ouch u: who“. Ono tariff for the whole Empire, gland m the policy of autumn lonod upon In low Article. " poulblo, with I corresponding excise, Mr. Foam otmtidsntlr oxpoota to we in the Ntam. In conclusion he ' From me Penn Louder. ThoGanInerciAl Hotel. Smith'e Felle, ha been pumbeeed by unpaid Wood. Price, 810.000. J udge Senkler, of Perth, he: been Ti aimed Martet.in-cunoee, for e unty of but The Regina: Miasiousry si'.t,',thig,ill, be held ip e ohepel, Perth, on - evening, 9th December. nyg tr- On Tneldey lent e drove of nheep num. bering between seven and eight hundred, And belonging to Mr. June- Noonen. drawer, paused through here, a route for the Boston when Mr. W. E, Forster, M.? has delivered a long end interesting 'iihi;i'i before the Philosophioal Institution " Edinburgh, or the " (Home! Empire of Greet Brit. ain." He believes that the union' with the colonies will not be severed, beceuee, no longer etriving to rule her coloniee " depen enciee where they beceme tTg enough to be independent, Britain wi welcome them " pertnere in e common end mighty empire. There ere my people who hold the o inion that ulti- metel euch coloniee ea Kllflh. Amtrelie and Nyew Zeelend will declere their inde- pendence. If this idea ie to begenerelly adopted, Englend my t'a well give up the hopirof continuing to girdle the world with her poeeeuione end ttttetttattgtmtq ell her endeevonre to appropriate new netione and obtain hom them friendly maiden- tioneecne byonetheyeeeert theirinde- rendenoe, or, " it were, teke up their nationality. But, better then this, Mr. Fonter coneiden the idea that England’e colonies, when strong enough to be inde- pendent, will yet be etronxer, more rich more intelligent, eblo to be better, if etill in union with the mother contra, end that their inhabitants they heve the edventegee of e 'e/2t,t% without au. owning their ellegience. hecoetd the c aloniee to the empire wee "nnlt-vreg, smell when ','tatd, with the perdits ee- cruing to Greet itain from their trede. A; to the feer of their enthralling the empire in wer.» “rice and Amtrelie were not likely ever to provoke e querrel with my civilized power. and in no recent wer hed mm proved e source of week. men. with her 4,000,000 of in- hebitenu, Md be eble to defend her- mtlntutrtrorttly epinst the United Stetee in the imprlcheble contingency of e wer. Mr. Fontér belivee in e {ederetion .not to with my pack propel? . . In order that the empin should . no, all “it. dithmat ielf- vermn' ' , tmiti mun - in flli',','h'l',lf,, Alloy-mo to one numb}, lo that: A Byline“ my firyl who 9- On Sunday "on? Inst a. fire broke out in the residence of r. B L. PM It Euton’l Corners. The house end farm~ tum unnamed considersble We. but fortunately the fire we: ot under con- trol. The - of the fr, is unknown. Oolonhl Ell-pit. “Gr-t Brim- hm“ IND. Manx. r. Wand. empire, . _though he , a,fortr.tltrms grand-children .,i mums, Nov. 25, 1 pan-Rood to grand children._ He in rot of who“ an the .put dim dun, s1'tlill vigorous, and an he my tttttMRI' of which were Ana-ion. so the fourth generation: 1'll'Jll'l,1 gum! to IU Id for mm for his kneel. l, "one. Tomi. whim:h II M to III the Smith's rau- News. l " for dybido . 9- id to l foe rod wat- m meeting or the Shoot 1ii"iiiiiiiiC2iiii" 1'at,utt'f,,t: Poopk’l To. Stan, " Rid.“ “I.“ THE ms: OTTAWA: turlmiur momma}:g 27,1875 Iii-hm mun-5d ,dGG. has. a. mu what can ind. Mikadwhpldb all -dMeiaas d m M You“. In]; ohm.- I u tttttpet than. cp/Mt'! Guanin- pa. qmmtaortEomtLq duo'clock'henlu‘mstT . th--Bmr. "i'. _ . turyttt Slrgi%'ialf,Tl'N u Wool. Evan-1n: Serviced? . Rov.‘A. A. and“. Galena Arum“. ortmmt.--M Son mu uo'oloot-Ivomwvhu1 out P--. J. ir.' was“. l CAI-noun Armmc 08ml; T -aoumottHrTiqtc. Would†I)...- 5 .m.tumt'n m, w ‘m.ln:5 Inland, ken-mt "or: sum. _ FiauiT If“ "T Htir, 1GF.ir.T 'flhtin" ll a!!! 1Jttqrrtt ttotorr3trr. Human Gnu, Notrttmrtdlttnd, ' 9th, 1871. lame. L Fallon,“ Sir: We "0’ waiving oedeed t daily fromtho‘outporu for your in w. .u. Syrup of HypopMphit-t, tho tai".yttudiir increasing. l .. _bo- nun-mu hang-in". I tirynlt.be 13"-â€: Juana" £31919! EFLJAIHOIUU mmg..- dunno a ll m- B'gu%tal'. 'lltrJg'fl5 P-t_. in. Jenn-on. chm-Ind muscu- Plush-mu annual. mms-am' t%eTttt.ntuo'ttitiagt.t Inn: sushi: 7Mp4n. 'll'3utlhu'l2l'li't .n. all-v. tt.3. 'iii,lii,?idii','t'Ciiti1'i'iFktaiif, . BtCagtqmn "WHO - .'t,'NM,,12,'fg a ll doing? tho. may 7 doing, he bulb. will u If i' Liiahi itGG W'â€" 'iiiiii,ii'ii,t,i',,iti,ttii'tsh' In tii Lt “Anon 'l'h0l'th' damn! all any _t?aoetfr'imsttiotne why-Mm “have“, ind-Mr Olun‘l ImmtmE.-Mnotirt. 5cm " u dam: 1tettaltPr-t'eahttrR. M- Tttq Ber. " War. ag.'fl,'l'flUq 'hdtti', In “mum.- Bge%ttqgb on“. Inning We. lt'Walt'. an my {um um ol- chuntI-lnodby the Kev. EW' Be. M’s 1,i'hhril'viaetWpgdt'.ttt a u Nook; Ivan!“ We. " T do R. 1utstere "-rue. T. Bodied Jana. 9.0. a Br, Jul-.0119". Hugh-em dame. 1211511010 Tumor?!» tho - us/Ili",','.".'?)".',',',';"','.',,,',',','-'.""; it_hAttat1itorirrsitytestt1trrr- 1tydoryAto+-tt1i"ttefyttase 'BM'IGoonilqu Find at tho and kilo-ninth 0n _lQlll.'pfda. h “-1.... - {use - Wm“: T"fPgSttt an mo.)-Ilnrnlna Home. a tt o' not; inning Bank» T (cloak. Pawn-Bu. "Mr,RT WAVA mwmra 12mmtm.9tgqt. tn-_nt11o'o9ueVSitrq â€â€œ1 caps. NTtiF.u'i'G01iEirGhia' __-- Lama Nov. 26, 12:30 The dtrl'i',',,dl't'iv','l'eli'1'LhllJri1/4 months bills h21to2hnrocnt blow tho bank rue. ooasitr.-4H16-16 tbe ttthyt,rpa,d, â€count United - M797; 109h 1040’s, 105}; new 2,ip,ti,rt'gfth?iht,rfJ,trriiiii,'d Litiirti.Tr,; - or no . u , Jag". "ator-tue. i'FG.' loan. Du: ti'p,tt,'g?dpggr.ytl', 0m 'ttm.-- It I also; Pa.tetr-rtqe. ME" M. Rio: Dunn-urn 0 " an: Hull‘s‘lornln‘ norm tt'ii,'.?ll.tr.ell'.e'b'.' noon Burma 1 mt. YW.-M. I. . _ - [mgr] _thatlrt WgnuAg Om - ",fL"flirluTt'l'hh 1',fJt,Wh' um - c. . a... 119. a. ' walnut. %lu"-"l'ft.id.' hangar. fives, 1041. . 3 itatr--ahf nmount of bunk: m'ttr- dm,httymnthitkofAndaqde8s ul- uaoo today in £10,000. th-slr-N' for Mummy and mount. U. 5. new the. 104; Eric, 141. demand: shoulders, T'res to Hts; lion rib middle» logo to logo; aha-t clan middlou, 10:0. Whitby “and and firm, It 8111; Rmseipta--nour,1 ham!- 0 out, 75,000 bushels, 'iii'il. b shels,. 00h, 39,000 bushel-L 01, 67,000 bushels; Rm, 350 bimbo 811g- nient.-Noar, 15,000 bunk; Ml " 000 burials; ',h.."Llle.00 bush!†fhtti, 53.000 bushel†ler, Moo bushels. tsee, 18o 1't,22", . u " or; can my: for November; out T2c'ltu', £08030 for cub the 102;ka un- ohnnpd; 1agdtimt,at8122lrto 1230. Miiittriiuiriiik "V ad fiT6rtarEiTtTUtirta - ionic-"w It] dolor}. Pnatolt.-our. D. I. w. 1il'ifitaiiiiii3N (kn-.00, 118; nouns-1. IT i; Exam-n30.95- T "doom who. high . tr1K ii, 2%. 'eii'iyi'ili' iii,,i'iitiiifil1 2: o I f to seller January; "mud. 170. In, glint Ind-tout" - 889M Idiot member. By. am ad mud; are-dam. Pork tinptnnduh1Ngttk, 820 00 to 20 25. bad wally un- ohmged, but Some “I. Windsor; also “.12 20foupot; 812 m fauna WW 1.3““. 'featirier, t2Y up“ - In!“ “In.“ Guano, Nov. 26.--nttar dull. WM opened firm but cloud dull.. No 1 Chi. OIBO Ipring, 81 'lh No 2 tl 05 1-8 for spot; $10618 or seller ' £1827 1'8 to LIN'." 1thet','gg, sag: iterated. yap-Ind t3,'d'8tggridt,'t md‘lowor; No2 nixed, 5030:0610 (mug-0:1 50in ttte all.- No- vo_mboc_; 47bsliid fy. - 9191.9; " . uéoipta, 8 000 bank; also, flttngeltie'defl,lh'lfl,'iut2. fine Sun; 35 90 for common†good ixtmt5tatei8570to600tbretommon to mpxmm and western. RyoFlour r2i,/enrt,'i,',,'.."/, M25to540. Wheat quiot and ia2'tPlftl bmholr saus, 41000 a s 10 i2ri'irlo'riiih 'liifiGri 31240.12» for iCiiui0isirirril forNa2Hil- mink“; irli to 140 torNtx1 wring- '116to138for-ndoid wine. mi msstomt8120to140fbrdonmtt-t- any .139 tol tiorotre.hit?Ayftm, B}. new York‘rndloo “at - LT,.ftrmt,','idt, tttdS,',',", easier 3 a- . ingu, our quiet 'Gii prjog 1'k')5t.ed1"id2'dl and heavy; mraisrtC1i8,000 bun-hob; “1.5231000 Ian-hols, " 44et to 48o y Inked -msetPpdAtur, ff? £94520 for white do. Pork 'quiot, d 822 25 to 2250 form. "ued,1Ntstttr_. Butgor, 2:19 to 32t fay 85999 and Pennyl- mu. Choc-o, 60 to 12br for commit to prime. Petroleum-Crude, T Mot m tinod, 130. firmer: msoaipt., 14A000 Mahdi; “In, 32,00 Emmi. n TSo to 754,0 for man vie-bra mind; 76ioto 77a for all do; 77o to m for high mind “duller 57o] tad-x1113: fg, new western mixed: Barley unohlngld; use]: 119090 babel-i PM 11090.0“. , qqiétrand firm Lnooipb, 4M00 _bul}di_; 'r. A‘PIIY' Its-sum: 0m:- Hm“ m Ema-en- NW:?2:-3.9§E' Mitt COMMERCIXL. Inn-ma but... CIUWKIIIV'IM t,ttt,trertegt'tt m. -. w. tt. mdmox. Lia 'cl IMI, HON WRITE-1. noun 153003.- ma. P.9r.M_a. PAPER. "I. P, J. Dunn "flB"th'tt 'ill , in?†sliiia,iiist' Lomb ' Damn... anâ€. Chou-nun! Atx, l..rfe am...†tr'dttA'A1'lggtt,tatt,'gttgt, wakmmmmm mum at on! . 'gttrr-b.uhe In dunk!“- tar,srA-litito.t,y MIX. on an mum-W3 his." â€"th - an" a orrtrdtrt1oPttBtoitttthlitetm" a: man "33-. 1'ltti fl tlf2rdtat'tt,tt A o mum: d I“ PM spMst,ltPat.', jun mound, “may“. thcl" â€I All. " hung-n- I.“ 'N 'rr,5,ii'itsi'i 2L†“m 'tttist A _.--__n ir.lltaCa'Firr', .2 _ an. 3313’ 5.3": -.e "i7iiariiirGak"la"u"l,2 mu; 'ali5st,'sj,r,,','i', an 'A'tltt1'lt2Fd,iit' up a Malt m.. 'Ni-trt". human M a. m miMNsiirtd-.Lee"..e,.i-tiiiti, "ranaao loam: . mt, '- .1... d'" law mu no pad " mum: mum‘s an: was: ktrl, “raw: a"gtfa',i JtLriiituyGioRiwiafii'iiaii%"WiiTG ',ioNf)ti'1'lf., but Inc-up thou“ £43.25. 94.92%â€... h '0"!- Int! Innu- -rN.iw_' - =e'.".e-."..--l.M- noâ€. Morrar, on the m1... Id w FthaiiiAii ---eeN._e iEaGaariik"'i ....y - Ital-I. Y/itil, Sid pun- In is. My: muummeMn-dhhw Wanna. , 10-50-1131.- DOA-W" li rkril's'l,lt?iiti't1,"/ N'e%'llt n .0 . a .In an {33, a nus origin" ummgomn‘ldllol T""""""""'""" oouunynte I ONE HUNDRED AND rwm 7-1003 SQUARE“ _ " “In. and attitettttmN iguana: In" no MOWEV. 1(me aha Lama. with. Eat In, and " clown. {an au- Oonormlng u than “than. “up. via rad Tn mm vrl In" to. mount. mun- ol bola: r't'gP',Sl',tf lntol'ned. Thu VII“! Hunvlohhums amalgam of our on!!! than.“ ",2: trend: hm In roman m our, I!†and - mom: dwotmw 'd'UN um wlll no (/ltlr,i',,"g'/gi', an... mm"- a: . u: 'or. no an ttar wlll 'lrtdl'h In u, condom than ummmm.um1 m than or mono-r; and amount. "on!“ In . our. lunch culn‘ macaw manor. hue-tun to In“. the Wm“ an! "no but - mt luau warm, and I. Ill-ll column to (In In It: was!“ n lug. tttl'itg,' 'p,tffs"'atlh2t1tNtt,2 'tg, 'ttt'iFii'g?ltte1'itd " mud: " ll. not tiht, , M1stJl'ftl'dhtt, datty “m. JI?, n on up no 'tEtttmgt hour-u. I‘ll. m. m an . In! â€noun-ill It: nun-nu In no no "no main; of any mu. I Tho Wm“ 80', out w Int-d: New column- In only I =ur'at mop-u. A. tum My lip-ll out onto ,Ilo Inhalation-don“ thln nu gal-lbs _ Pom or In) one. mom: an tummy-n am an?†"ttWorth-tti, (in m In. MVP-“g: two con a my. Bum-Emu. you†paid MIWUIIGMOM. i, 1"/l,','i tt'af"""eti W. In“ no tn- l n! can Adan-n, "A' In: 5011.!" You ge. g?Nhttat'ithlt-"'-"'"1"'t TIl RIVER DESMOINE, Mummy-Immune. .- .s-' tgot,-Drtrtng' thr pm we or than . may! m. boon any and â€gnu-nu atom Union": kuns. ’ 1b roman [unhol- qua-non- and doubt In an- natur, I uncanny mmhhlhv- um um I III-ll NINJA“, nub-tic! by In tntttattgtttn1 sad when“: signed mum- “on t) loo Myrna. of br. nomo other do. om: Mann. show their desire for u ohms. I“. up in “oxen, Cups, at, _ " h Royal "Mail Steamships mm on hundred And low-ball In tho Communal you nun-nun you In which an fPg'ghie", Emu or Romanian. the am nos an war. will b ' In no" u. Walnu- m; tad an y are! an tron 4mm about)! ot I Prawn-at of the at2illih1. -Att " {has "on“ are are] to: I', than“ 'ttf urn-nos. up†u’ y o r and of ham yytfi-t1iiaq, Vim man wut be Yr and ml! and cm pounded n 801. “I! n. S'Nete Je.e.t, tC.?te .93‘5. tho ttted tioiii%iiCiiiiii7iiiaiiauG ia'il". doc! a, - '8/lluu'll.iatt'ta tor . mm mo. pow“ plunder, uni mu no". '.tet.!!t.19rL1rtgtee 93."! MW; at an -"-- ,, _____._. --- - - w...“ may: {he “motel: ulryopon'o‘d you: no bym gun. will 'llfal'%' 019.!qu unu- 'L2l'rmt't,',',1.1egTg2 mild o' araaft lmunuon; unlit". “In totte hop“, in] an 'ttagtdnUttgt [or . 'JrhTfut"AgtglNlit own-um III-ton. (â€In all fun III will “alumni“. and mm was. M munumnu: mud uni-truth] 1|:th upon a... thumbing _teqrhtss.e ".P.t "222-9112 M2139“ 'yr31aNtrtth P""'"""'"""" Astrachan, . South Sea Seal and Beaver Tn unnatur- - . 1776. "eiiiimt. 18N. o-ao-hero Maureen the 1ttCt on the (human Run! and Pno or: go aetarp.tXavrr_i1iryr Bu. 'gt'WS'ht'd Imam Policy, BPO t onloojnvlnu k m pad other nudging. Tter undo: win 39 mm; iiora-ded 1%]th om or a w. c an. Womngmn street. Ottawa. rmmemm t g,!s,yiirltilri','iiitrliti%K!, Thoma mom “canâ€. “but": the qtIetd. Von-our“! Wank":- “We "t/r,g,"t at an Um! [an 'et r)')lll,"od'l'd', - aaiiio mun“! iforb, to maven mud and had Ind Manna-m! no. hull-l and "ttttned mimondod to MW F2h'trarga'1t,t (an: hed,", an . mm “been or“ tuna-Ix. 'ut-trm-tmi--. Van-d. north irriitViiikirar aiitfiriiiritiE" mailman-unmanag- R'lM,'J2ltll2'. -- - ______'_ -- â€Mimi -iiiGir Advent-em on“)! ttAre Mm Dawn. Nov. I, 11m Ottawa, Nov. n 1876 loTivTiziiTii. '.iiy.y.." Y.".."..".: y. an. " a Pun" an. M t-. vac: - Jr!!!“ "My. AN BOX "r CLARKE! B C! PILLS "in "mayâ€: Au. nu I“ nu:- ron no". - “ an arm, appellant. m Lbl Honk that Pom-LAID. Ppg,'getthl'pt,'it:c:.t::::y"' " tan l m IIOII-IIIII- LX2traY.'..t'e'.'.::r.::::::r. " mist: 4.000 ton....... .....J " sm...... ........... an. Baum-n r.....-..........-... " 0omtetoc....................... " 'trim..............,........ ff Ltys.v..i.....-.....-qyo no. value. I my I. RODGES. “FQW'FE-od'l“; Ti;- - the Inc " an Td a W. ol'kl'trmlt Hurst‘s!“ 1‘. Mt-9.t.eh, pt, 1d Pt aâ€... ':,t4r,ftt4tgfgla at'4'ltfllllt 7:. '52:? I‘ll! CARD. m I P. PETERSON. D. W. OOWABD‘ 00. wae.nurtretFeC. JOSEPH "AXA' mono-m gnu-mu ine-i-tr. tutr, an ts In in: ttth th',t'gryrgretirytt,t?, illtir% r 0n o Ono‘s-:1 'iqh' Om 'dltt 1'8llllr, Maul-mad and. Sign 'eeiil.tayytehdrtitreiiyiiiRTtc' (tliftitieiit%i, i,?th"l?f5iiitiitl'ii'1 'l'ii1i"t" Am“ flNn"fl2',l Mit. I... In. 11.... ,II a. 'md-tpres' all!) vau- “WAT 1'1"!" AID (“limb r common AGINOY. A“ I. ll. Ritttrqrtrtq am oh- Gourd-I , mum-5.5.1411 "aireparate.eoge,lpr laugh my than» a. m“, m lib-lulu to“ 2litttiiil'i'ttit,titi'g'i',',i?,ti!it ttits,?, iihihif mic-II 'duttt I. to ya " 'IW.' 'A'B'ih'MNh"tprLt,e -_ -v -.--- --.- ._._....... q to ittt,t/tttt.f.iiiftTi6'iii 'am'.". A""" can-.1:- mayor low-hit. - _..___'__ 1_lhhilsTE',t,tt . M, IN {mam Illtllllillti "'"1itiGTr1flt'l8Wlt tdTArak'i;i"ie Tm" 'l," 1191mm. PM muses 00101 MIMI), than. (haul numwo DOIIIIION PLATE GLASS â€SUBARU! count†at Hum-I ’ BriiirA.VAp1?11?rt.rrr “Emu“ mm ttthe Ptttrirat Igh,6riKiK on: 13mm gush". n. In. all! T.ttrdtJehts"a'ttf,t2ftdiil1t “In“. toms mam Baal 1".“be oeMBMq6_WtiiUn. The to 'h%'ll/h' "as a: R. -tmE, (I l 'oM.MIBAIhAmttit-,0tuiii' AA A None! or .m. "rxtitiirrirfaniiriiUT. __" --' - - â€AVA-Evil IA'IBAH DI WIPE! momma NAVIGATION â€PM. -0131 and Wood It 919. -itat mum and. in». M s,ii't"i'ih"g:,ri'i otrtq .mm- - llhthhN8t 'i?rj"ilhS,i'hiits),fi'iaftt t 001-7 " AI.“ Wm 5 M 929-9.!me mas-3.02 an. Te%hiatt un any ttititiiUiiir' 'ikiriHb7iia"riir. 'it'litt,riitr', boll. 'lrlult?urdut'lt .lll'g2tlffgT,'tti,2" noun In» In" cont-mu to “has“. ladl- a non nun-1:11,. and a?†'ftut an; 2%: 'rllkhtA't,t,'ll'l'i,'ith'tu - hey tirauia -- WiiariiiiiiiWi7 GEORGE BOAOE. Par Wot that, of " when. D. tuoma. Int M. P., 'a"Grni'icaih and. can. U. COBY, It... um. f 3.0. w. InocUAIG. ae" the om Viiâ€. o"Mm.. â€no.†A War-- 80253.“; . ._ ___"_"£ Fire and Iarino Insurance Co ab. a. M an. M but: a. - 'hlhonoldltlporoun. - In ad. I 1t.r..emhee..Ctft1qtt?it! 'h.tt9qrhhq V General Agent Citizens' Insurance Co'y. CAPITAL . . um TIIIII’DOUI munch.“ BANKRUPT STOCK I York Stat; near Sussex Street, sor'r'ii'ri'iiri1as I iTTEE3 'hrtrioMMnt5-tttqtoeuytjttnEtq tt',tg'2t=,rg,','g"utyi,D, whats, Bettes than: to! if unannou- my wamo . The m M W Ta r P h I). 'l'lhk'rlWtl%U.'l' an.“ lamp-munpuooaam-JW om OOA'I'IRISIOE Insurancu Gd. “mam Lu:- am {not 021qu 9otttiqrr1tetttAt1P,1y8 mocha-l "etV. Cet-its-kr/Dt-teo" 'g'f,f/itrl'lii'h'TS.elf W - otltM'llffdP'""" (unnamed-VI. JAMES ASHFIELD. C"""" I. 'P""""" (Ln-mm ', Maul-woman's.†by. “of --G-FLuar an. am And I [up maul Inn'- MttmMNrt.r. -v....,.., . _Wu-tmsaaa-iittr%i T"iiui "m--.------.--..-'--, Btmb1arp,Agtourttst-t4hra-n. mm...“ " - w.r.wtm' our; Jimâ€. Jun. 0. 18r& a» “hull“ In: N tho - d irAth, ANGUS, Sign“ Janka. m "nan-pom mg CLOTHING HOUSE, ' one»; an. m "M "Mfr. mmzzprméoqny. """'v'eettipg"'"'""" annivnnm. unto-“$39; tte Orme-.'- 5 DUKE an“. mun annual nun. on“. Nov 3, m _ JOHN SMITH & Co., â€mum-nomadi- Oluna, May, Itâ€! Ola-m “up, mac-u as, THURSDAY, NW ith, 1876. NQIMWMM“ mammary. All man. CLOTHING. AHCMAWM BAND IN lAND nun“. B. .036â€! & SONS. Join mm In. Ila-"m Vino-Wu: DUKE ERIN. CHEAP SALE lawman. comm an â€you " m out!“ 'IAM" an"? on human» . R. 0. w. Lacuna, Amt» out" mud we OTTAWA. Mm t Jenn. â€We on “cum $13991 Ont. ', vr,.,,.ecl'ltt.'l,ttgtteeet, For mum. IN x, on. n . Rainbow - 'fiiitii. . - - . Sl'h. it; “unto - .. '_. “Lap... .49. Ill. Til-Ito- “In - ohugounoouo '9'lri'S'hGrtthrttetr. "wi"al'r,'.,r.MM'gtni .4.Ip... with au'rpdl"t'gtttt mmmw-gsnmunmsan Phu-,,, and. "t5-Ptnntqrtttt but pmgpmgonqwqu mm with “in “mow-rou- a! my»; bull [augm- "s" WILsojN & ORR. C their. " Gilda:- Ola-Mr. ambit-Gandhi .. wr.. "Slll q. - at“ __- '1qfe"trrttur" rua- “who Id Tu Mr. MINCE NT/ill" RAILWAY, amnion or 331mm run 0' - 29,!(EPAE M,.1,'dp-h¢v M '"t"-'r"ertet" ‘W' m---...-- an l "i"."ak"5ri'iTi"iW6iirie ""rg,trttAut,taLtffil . t','ehtthWlti',h't aunt-Ill . no and: run-I'll“ unto-m a .r'tM. t'Tgff.'ti,i'ltl'd mm In “.0. my. Basal-95, MA TIMBER LIMITS, 'a1h1u're"t""yegUv",C',? flttttMtttt"f- _____1118t_' “chm q - We! â€_ Int - "orist1'r.etAt_t.teye11tff,8rr_ FIOIII AIO) "T lull- nun-damn all. u a." can“. an. hum " ha a m a; mum“ a. may...» tumult“: 1'llt=,'g1'/'lll.'%'dh' datum an» m. Mt â€mull 'N'lt'atnt,'fgltlU' one “was“ "Ewe-39.29 493 SQUARE MILES urprr,, .ieygpm Brodirvi11ii-W Ottawa Myâ€. , in Ottawa via Brockvlllo. "T sxr-rii'i'- DAILY. . 113:. - t _ _ ; la PM Mum. Anne . Jump. . I - gttttri'""e. tttttte. --qt%m rmutlaq yuan-(mu Nun-UM"! rum-Emu“. Yiaa JriiiiiilaftiitTH up; Win“, In Nov. II, mm, .oirih" ii tugging“ at can an can.» '60 do alL,,-i,t, JM‘WU. SAUSAGES. JOHN stream, P101031! FRAME 1875. C ' COAL mum h"lkh1'tf1P"""'""m, glow: ' iieed. BOOTS a SHOES In 'ltiltifraitd' fitlit "5"" it? comm III-mm. NOTICE. arampaoremyy" 99g 9 FL“! “A...“ '8'.an "If“ i.2CiFiiaT 1875. I m ... ibmertutrettt Boths mu t und a nu. n.9- sdi1'd2cl'lf,'.' I'gdl m and " mauve (lacuna, or m “we†lot en‘s“ or at" will. or [or t5Gttre unit-Inc “our 'titi1ltraotitiy,'l',l'fA". ".9tim. ti' mummy when in: an L'tPdrti,r,,a'llrat "a- , iii'i7ilii an! sou-4p I 'kt'a'h'stAi1 (0.9.! u 1ntuetur, W IM- o M In, i1t'ltli'ArttSll5"Eti'tlliFt luauâ€: palm-j l - - ci. than 0. Dana a“ t-F â€sprawl Q no 2"Nht " " mum-Prim a. are!“ - "l renum- [at l'tt. ao AIL.“ my ammwmh‘uu- "40;!- _rsoyrtpnJC- hr " PM Ti?“ mt mg; 7717; mi Lee," -'. 1iiig'Eii"iijiiiaiigji L=CrrCTE'C'r, I ==a==== has). on -. ~1an “.32... r _ (hazy-91"“ 1118 Elem. “I . ‘ rxirts"r'FWhy'lra"e t" iirouaeridF "_'-'-- - CiaGaF.HSarir. 'd'lrtlt'dh'ltt=e,ptrgeut' d an ffttreytteenelcra-, $21199:- a - brim M""" -aau9%%rih" - @q-ï¬mmwmï¬w ya “A? - kiriiiFTarird - aa i"i"iih'fi uni Jr18tgJl'utfa="il,urpitit I -- h 00-an nun-a ith', 1'l,'hTgr.' gee, _... 59m. 1ihji'ir;i'j',i,iiiiii "ggt,'gg',ra't'f " "I: 1NtMllut tt'att'nuafdUl St. ' V 10 's! on».- _ _ 0- - our â€to. morn-Ion â€in“ . 'tttttPattaya'.".'?.'.'.'.)' T?. '""r'""". - Immune-nun -' mums-Imm- “w , ',Pg.'h'rpttP.utta'l1't,'N'Ml. . , 1mm!“ l , w h , Pgthttig'tdtat'MtN."'" "T .'ffd'NMl',Na' in...“ a" ".33 all a. up. was Rt i'fu'fart'2rutm'v' an? at I! 'attrltll =%rdWL'3t%u'fJ'pl'gt â€rut-m ',.r, Ann-no!!! 19-291553! oxnleullu. V -iai.t3.i.E do. Ir, statlltth1ttgtd no. m- 'ht W. ï¬ï¬â€"uflf-fé-TTTW" panic! PM “I. is?! in pm I... - I Mmunmdomq Eli-33. PRIVATE BILLS. 3.1;: -ruiiiiir all i " t?l?E.:'l byl'otrdlhlt "I. _rut. d " #42:"! Blo PAT-IT“ .- _" Abe than“: ., g. £73331 Blunt.- T. M ELL-1'? ItgPhiMtl Egg: B, nun-mt. In. 339:3 Tuba- 3-73)}? 1EEi JNk VOL. but!!! â€T é-ci