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Ottawa Times (1865), 29 Nov 1875, p. 2

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3111 [I] I I " m in ll ill Ell [I] V,', Sree appm'ntrd MR. S. ”V. C1. am, N" Fur! trope, Ontario. Jr $geerr? it”: Domitian of Conada, or has Tums and Tits Ihaarss up P n- . 1.5x I31. Ordety and truberipfiorts nr ”but is atsthenaatto was“ on Ray ha SP1! I- n. Sth Luau be seen elsewhere, the purchase t, Mr. Dianeli's Government of the Ibo-live} interest in the Suez Canal, has moat deservedly met with the unqualified approval ol the Bxitish press and people. Certainly the acquisition of that all- caNortar" highway to Britain's Indian 9hphv. in the moat masterly atroke of “time, ever consummated by " Eng $ih mum-n tines the a.» of Loni Wham. a the control of the canal " Hiagwmnble to the eontinunmte of BritistiMominion in the East," in the i:'isg"t"l of Quebeé to Camacho! uib. tar to the control of the “We” so; The event itself in a complete vin- dication of Mr. Disraeli) Eastern polic'y, and ought to be sufficient to allay the 'appmhemiom of " alumina " in the “tin-ii Pnrliament. The Car must be h n was! unholy rage at hits Han Friday tt9ortschakofn for allowing that irra. ciaiaalde “nation of tandem” to interpow inch an insurmountable otmuolo in the In) of the oarrying out of the aspirations bi?lte {1311125. T. w. Kenny & Sons of "Holy orthodox itumia"-tlmt in. Much: othet mum: to the am degree l '0! igdorance and degradation " b.5910 M. ollivier badly permitted him-01f to hmeoampb‘oly ouwiued by Met in 1370, than oortirukoff bu beenin the ”can: moo by tho' British Pre- Grd,', ; and it u not n .u improbable, that wasp it. no; for enlighmnod public opinion, a... aw of an Chan would and his DUI-Io Minis“: I 0mm present of l behaving. The ninety of the pmont Sue: Canal, owl-load in 1869, is invested with u ”afar but.“ Awading to Stu-duo, henna u., the most illutxioua of the mm, who reigned in Egypt 1,300 at. C.. mud the Ubrriaath, the famous Temple of Laser. and tho the“ Pym- aids, mi also built . canal seven] tailes in 1.113111, whichwu “unmade maimed“ darted Saturn bythe gram monarch Dun-in: Hyatt-pin by “whom Favour. Train, and by tht Ambi- Cdiphu. But it thtrlly follinto Giana-minus ordereiby module hue! to be jntirelr filled up. If to- wineiinthu madman tili1858, who the com of the pro-om and in command under tho sup-litem of be you. French Engineer, M.Dous. new.“ commend in1869,nt loo-to! a l6,000.000. The cement” unending 'ieroreuing were on the moat magnifitsettt filth, and the event was regarded as the handing math-r of Eaten: and Western cc,iczstio-t which the, Christin prioit aedNduammsdan hum, {oi-pubs the mayhem: "rminiaseasoeaafthe Canada. "te' bysido ht prayer. The Eat. 1ttoe of Auatria and the Empress of the Enact we" present on the occasion. Whoa the cum in. fimt Md it was divided mg 4at,000 Itockholdelgh, each shun beingworth GOO Erma; And its con-auction may involved an immense mm of labor. The can] a oue hundred miles in, length, twenty tlt? at which it run- thmugh lakes. ip; WW it, About 325 feat, And 26 a hm, uvipblo it. unit. length. 3 Whoa " was BNt rumoured an: tuk- an} Gnu: had addraaud a new; hohtoSpdu on the Mttto of affair- in this. the Modem preaa tuba: applaud“ aha action. The Hour specially law the mares: "not” all] the United Sula should insist upon a quiet adhere-co by the tiptutUls authon'tha a; the Treaty of "95, or for that mum take any team Mo- opportuitity that offeted for demand- ng ”If-gonnath if not indemdenqe (a Cuba, and the liberation of the slave Human n; W or THE ovum 901:5 was. r otice to the Public) poyulatiou. But then aresomsrotmsid. muon- HIM by put and pun-in. m whiohzdo not mm toluvopn- oomed themsdva to the minds of hu- Con humbling when writing on the sub 190$. and “but Ihioh might with not popciety he“, but In” not been I.- umbered br, the pro-- of thojhiu’d Sign; Lou! Housman I» may bummed with . public "nymph! an. of wounding also! New York,amdin tt-issotnearrtssihtsmtuayestitrr tr: cums, in which m. Load-him trumulce for the Unit'od Shh- dining tho can.” was MM enthusiasm, the following quitt- Mn has: no ot his npuohu‘ in tuo It“ How. of Com‘ m tho-dam of the Alum II. under diseussioet,-dt-'elir,rtrtut t'tPtPs-i11smsuinuo for may". 4...... but ubovo all runs. .1. "-thro"--*"rtedrHt. 'itatttl'l'tt1'feWatc'ti',t frtu1eer/tihtl qCrmratrimo.ii.r 19ibiutti--iqafb_it. Walbmo'mjyu _,tteltttPetertt ‘kaémmw "iiriaaueiiiFtru. B-ttree D ADVERTXSKHBITS [HMO I! 1313 m. w l WI, MONDAY. NOT TM t'rm rut Gem'pmon'! .pll’ll Street. (“awn JAoLEAN. ROG " & Co, THE bUIs'Z CANAL. LEASE oBsEIVI‘. " e.3. Juan-tan. --Jimeptt Binnie“ a co :4 alway: in stock. mrntq N ttttttttte n pate Cube without bei 'prepered to l occupy itr-not only a b hing down of I the novel lulpoknde of Spain and . sub- _ jection of coast defences of the Island woul beneeeuary, hut else " real milit occupation" or every part of it, health and unhealthy. .The etresota upon Uni States troops of e dnmpaign in the tropi 1 climate of Cuba, the Gen- erel does n t hesitate to any, wouldhe ‘most dhsna one; di'seueend expouure would do forSpIin what she mightbe urinble to do for herself; and “printe sorrows," arising our _ of the deducting influences unlined, would soon render the expedition so arapopular as m Justify its nbendonment. This is I sensible wey of Impkittg At the nutter, end Gamer-i Sherman might hove quota the history pf British occupation of (Tuba in euppwtbf his eonteattion-ths experience of ire.)wun, alter the island bed been thoroughly suhjected. the con- queroN were only ' glad to ebendon it. Speaking of Gen rel Show in con- nection with. Meagan“: name facts in the recent. history of then country, which the United Stolen euthoritiee nught in the meentime remember with einntege. Britain, Spain, end'Frenoe interfered in theethirtot' 1roxioorspaetttatotumr pre- text " Preeident Grunt would of» for interfering in those of Cube. There was: they contended, no "tGGu Mimi meat in the country, endure: their duty wereate Inch-n lamination u would ne- cure their own snhiecte peece to pro-ecute their business end protection in the panes-ion of their property. The peoples _ of the United Sbtea were then involved in their civil we; and therefore were un- eble to do enything further than protest L egalnnt the proceeding, whieh they did most vigorously. And again, when the I friendly odioea of Russia were ofrered to make pace between the Federal end Caliban“ States, they wen u once refused. Their own expressed principles, to which they may fairly be naked ii, be consistent, em Mommy opposed ta the people of the United Mates neddlingAin the elf-in of Cuba , they relented foreign interference in their own skin, ofeted in the best and mat pane-hie spirit, when an iosurreetiors which long detied them toquell was damaging the commerce 015th. whole world; and when the result In to "phat; Repairman Int-d pummel“ by tb limited transmuta- tioual monarchy in u neighbouring coun' trr-ts result away the upped“ blunt [ which tho, would bring‘ M in ou-tur protected again“ We course pursued by Eumpocn ‘Pe'di‘l, 39d would In" Mammal " 9111911;in being con-ind into effect if turemly could. It will thus Ibo can that: principle pad bxporiencd in both op ' plied to what President but“; tried to make the peogloof his own country be- have he in learned. in threatening to do. Pony”. ‘when any have time to which th tabled. over,.the convicgion may come that; it were bum “at the matter Ind been left ontinly done. This discussion of it has served topic" not ionly the motto;- whicli it was raised, but the cumin itnpmotieOuitr of Amari- oIn inurpolit'nn, won that madly anti, truly oot3templaterd. _ ' . M. Customs: The otBtal Mao turdll “TIN” appoiP‘Eggt‘gfkT, j ILA Hugh Mnéki' of P Shund an: to pg , Landing tu"., :3 ii'iiriilii' iihr. '%'GriiiiiGv,tti, of Welland. On to bi a Landing Wniter Ind Smoker in . tC CuJoma. _ W“ A _ 'i. l I - Egg}; T. bupont. otvietoria; td th in Oftiei.1 Au‘gneo for the Provinotof British Columbia. _ i ' _! F = _ 1sGritii,GiGUptiut Juno- Bum Elna! Goth», of Harbour an M9, to bole-unru- uld Surveyor of Shim Forth. metofrurttourtmBtmqh.. Coot. Chains, of VM 3.0., tit be I Commit-knot of Pilot: to! British Parliament imam“! till the 8th of Jun-r]! neat. 1 I J. L. lawman: in mud Benoith of “Each for't-w . . to “bid from Fox Path... 00. 2'ttlt't'a'l'ti',', bouncy” liu bow-tn .- and Bi,, 1'i,it',ii.ij,'it ii ltd',', that “it; menu. oiut Bloc poniu’ T up“ nogkot‘uum. ad :Bim h'teiitttp Company in inctgaud from '10th000 to .u'TIWVL _ V ' _ . . : . The usual moldy and shown notesiri amnion m. the umount of $11,188., 882 10. Wet-bald tt “riot- ttet “997.423 in, -tt.M. _ . ,oitpN-.; 'eith h'_..W " t),4"dl'll". mot-mammal» tii,iifiittie,.til/i;',treg i/iid tt “W‘Ww? VGiFiiiiiia'qsot "iriiiiriiiils'iir,iCidii tt1erfln,.tst,o A IUII‘HII PHDIDOAIION. (“ADJ (ultra; 131qusz Annual; In: " council. he Siam" MN M aw""' - "W 5'"! v _ v . t't', Michel rl'itusht,t,'t',t of ot?,),,','?:'),',' to eunion ot two onng . " t couples his consent wah cemdi- lions which relate to the when our-l eater of Imise's Emily; He ',sr,'tlpt2t, _ iiu'rpoiatsedtuoltmsii,.ttttttr new! consent to the union or,biy sou with the. 1 member of my fsmiiy’ which he the slightest shin upon its honour. Rose-Mi- chel assures him of the spotless diameter of her husband, end there sppeurl td be l no obstacle in the my of the"lovers.| When Rose Hichel returns to her husband to tell him of the aid news which she, has learned from ,tdgh,1fti,t her surprise and horror that er svufimous hushsnd hes re,rg1rittgTl, to sellhls child to the Boron do levie, .iihetttno. _ A quarrel ensues between Fret, end his wile, during which Pierre, igpi,llt'. his wife's ogresition will MM“ ur. mountable 0 holes to the mammoth): of his schemes, suddenly conceives the ides of murdering the Benn in order tb secure the lugs sum of money which he knows he will eve upon his person. He promises hiwlfeso theahr%rpromisso to the Baron, and sum " he "tee, inseam; her " to bed. [new thereufter the Baton strives with 1 livres upon his persuwhioh have been puidhim bythe Com deVei-my upon the condition that h.vuorill leave France forever, sud never spin seek to mills wife, who is now living under the protec- tioitafthocpt9st., u, i.. . . . "Giiii IRE-'30 Movie having noon Louise had Ellen pudonaulaign low with but, bu 9.1de pfl'erlbdA m rulit..e CiiiGira, Gia 3! jihnty tape Pf £0“er with‘ “an to tt i, land, Gisioukauiinrtaatoibit butinfnclhiam‘ilu-oss; 1hsiapdrrgt'er. entpryPien-o his monoymdtobko poem-Ion of Louise. _ Pierre promin- 'ii' .t uni}. MEET-5w to so in: him his? 'gg,',',",',' . t d '... e Aron. hem; we en cells fora glue of tpt ','edhtQ _ drugged were him. nder it; em the " r,,t,te,t,,teti'2n)tt coed: and??? take prepentione for murder. ile he in committing the at he in discovered by " wife Bose, end horror-tstruck, 8h. fella weasel“- to the ground, 8tirtlod tit her criel, Pier-n ruehee into'the loom, discover! her pree- "t065 md-te.ebont today her to her chamber, when she mine ind may him with tenth "re-ofthe murder. Pierre, mum is determined to f,tgrttt h" Lihttlit'i tNath I y ere e e (hlit'te irft,t,'fr, t,1t:1.:!,i2 fu! . er I” e hevinaheerdthet hempnpoeed to' ii) [ou‘ue Into degradation. comes (mt. fetst tsf 'ltdgi"t2lift. 'tii:) m“‘% make his wife meme to Jeanna» him would be to destroy the future if her own deufhter, end perhepe to kill her. .‘ He then We herb tiijm1httetr,y..e att " Denounce me if yew M’. bile 1tia','", Role retolvee w hem her hue I guilt, hurt when Mil inno- out daughter eaten, 'her tett)ti)AHit overcome by the stealth of ttdr i+tkteitai lore. Pierre new the Prefect it“ he never intended to eel! his ehild, with“ he gladly bum her IS',' NeditBl, eon; Afterimage» __‘u;’rvm the body of the - deBelleyie meme giver that new. bub-nu: the ,ftithtrt'ttrhlt' one. " _ 3mm having instinct). hIIanMomhin' a; in. q».h-har ttr.tFryrttitsh,_tres ”Hut-nth. Band-body. am1rtieitahsse.tru.s. tasausoighi0ttuatdrVgmar, Mill. acronym» in it thn - W, fooling " the more.“ fro-I'm igstvildrotttnstohim. humans». Bum do qi.iuristitrdi-irttd, and“. Com“ do Vornsy Mona mania. The oinrairtstantiaI ovH-agtinqbltitn iama-dortsrwhelmutg, hr that!“ cry in his omseqrtarrqr,tttoomlls6Mhtt. Baron whims ttyt PM! w1itt.te-tt,o had previously paid him. Ron Michel, horritisdiat tindinttotrtt'urhernrtt him no- trrf,'c2t,'g . ve- o'hrttt,t19ttaft, t o ButIPMuor" . .mn, who gnom- oonvimd am, also he” more than she in Vining-to “not tho murder. Thu inducer but In So With up ' unc's mu,.,m. the inn of Pi Michel. whmuhl examine-Pia”, . t-rttMtpaaliaa_ Bozo handf- T . auspicious ”synon- firmed,aatd,atur duvouringby al1tur, means to induce totall the “I; ho at him to the "but” men-uronnd qondems hor at “In lathe hatmtwo mum been Meow-l. Bad. 1.oqrAtr,lrr child “31%|th to “than“ Tho Count You” imam-ad to tMet an). wound “was!” he on. laatintarvietrqrith my]. hrpetinurtteoyet:trmnth?9e.t.Fot thatortarxs. 1?in nppodl miitlitt yyl main: pi, 3eteiurt.otxmttsDi. "aurktutiuvioesoft-tttashqa4, u a posing-ash. dem, 'ldTllTlrltdlltr' to glad lounIiI-oond visit. ‘2” " an; Pierre, raring that if this“ empe- u will leave nothing . V discover (he as! o . i20itttttt, his on when: -,t_uutNr'rea'ttit and WMMME about to fgave th? pguon_ho_il waged, glad Begs, Mum dates-ma" ar.itW1at Iain-u thatituthrunta-t-e. _ an discovering her husband's Wuh- noun-Jim in amt ofn 1.. r, thus-wing t'l'l1'lll'lel'U'8,'t'r, m an thud “at... nought: “an M , - attr , T,rd'll t'lttat.'ti,titt'eC1t Fasiry by 'tdlQti"itfifd1t ad and! Atrtti.tteeselPaiAtiamhu , Inn-Mo Dun-rd wild: Hawaii-No ttttgg-gt to the and. oh!- dd it. Buckingham ',r _ . " C'"", DgtAgBAht' NEW. mac‘s my muss ,,ri!,tsisq.4llttite,ra?,iigjggt. EB sit, 1975. a Ell2t& (In. won ms, wm’rw ' I that m... and win- 'i'Gi"irGT27il I mutual: tut. an unusable amtet" by l Jmnnynpotitiom, and tho minted-8” .wen brought out with nvivid-u nod: you“, tbat to the e,rglttglgtgt', i new. Thom itmslf provoditn' no l .b! ohohnininx tho intend.“ tho Indiana. l “on“. it- Ati-hind' in ma, never 1m until the omit Ate, We» no strongly marked and omen-Md, and tho dialogue in forcibl often may !pmionnto, ',a,ii,i'i"ii'iiil,i,,iF'i'iiiri, sud dreams. T e titanium,“ up and of V the second, thirdtnnd tet,li'i'tlit no Warm] and new, nod ttti/is, r . of the L h not prove: n marine. 'thrdn l 'l’h Rue EM tdl the uduoun l task of impounding .9119 heroine ; i mother. Nothing no dmtip . bu . L bqon given to her during heir suiting: L “the Union Squats My ele- r , menu involved In her tgttr,fl no than u 'of maternal)». nod . 'atttFtgittttt ' of her hulband. One in ingeniously cow , and!» balance- tho otttiiosothait her taGGerotutupint-omeyli:.ttt+ttr i risnbligod to... an 1rrno_sti.ttotteP- 'ldunnod to _deatha'ithtm' want the. as: am pm W'evi- demo in its dnvdopMd-{hl ttt and scrupulous Winn which . it; hull. Tb.” “R “29.“? - 'yeilr,tttytth u it was a ram Imp-mo and. 'fdkUllt'Tt, Ill. 91. 2lu'lrk'l'l'i'l'lllllll In - . . Will-or! Mafiaoouidtmfdid'uwlwhculho‘ discovered ha huh-uln- nn min- The end of this to“! ii,'tgtglt d-tio. Whegtirttrtrtur.hitktri' _ 8 sud In WRIJIIM‘C'iI mid by the. but! husband tutittrdtstmr in: .wm kin ur ohild, my... Sr, the Juridnd ahetiraey duh-is t ino- anooof youth'n humankind!- l imam}. thgoogttga" huh” . ', T . “in“: um. um (m any. l Rumour bu tor lanolin-Dumb!!! mambo we can. “to? will“ bani-tel: Mum‘d') Hahn common with ttto M49?! an him. In the some with M Ima- hnd immod' grt,2ttt murder uh. [no but WWW: a. mum and." of piaiio- they wiriii'iiriiiiTiiirT 1â€"17 ' {Elisa-macaw {and that he “1M wind“ W tru 'tle" tttft rim Hermie Ofthopot mun World WNW” . t=tStjfe'l'lg'lh,' 9no. mm" ff»: jiijaGUu"d - " we , mu- mn.odihoriully.nd m.w Mr. 1ra11iahiaatqtrrdqaetg' .le,, 2 A new wo-d/ru-o'-"' I .n Ik... -»1' 'tep-at-co I I 31.3. “Pam, Input the Wae14'pi '. Di . ABE-Mild? Juniors! = 'd2iJ'l7o1'llrl1liullt nadi- ialitflrp',' ass, " o' ti, M _ t we I g'gl"eg", (ili?iliitiil?iir'i 'r'dl',2fll'l, - _ -e mun uey ' 'd1tt'lll longer it in 1elrJ2Pl'l',3)fdt Joris-tdude-cts-thar.):?' irfotmrrourttattryoie new” hid-n. who an daily consulted hymen d‘qoureemdeeire to uptown-MI an mainly mean; vial those who invoke-vacated for duh MRI unth- Mthe being but!!!“ tlttrAttt hut, until: they. hm beatttatiratfrtMt Mung“! Ill be" tl.",',',',','.',],')',":'.",' ttoiratgiiiht-_atatttH'i'ttVt medicine, or be torturedby my Atettttt teeumesrft.-mrrrrtmhutturrhiiehry1 hue their thet by“? to 2t and militate, "e e ' yen worn ot'tt)'u'thtiiTlht0iil',' made ”MW of, “no” iiiiiittk magnum . ttet oultH. My ', " H V " o we). ttsed, " 'll AOP, of 2ttt..trytdts%t1tl =' ' mad-um mm m, " " dictum-lob! in. m“. 't1i1itii M momma iTiiF6Tii) 311% mm: mama-m g'rlffit'iif,: ' hr" I Wiririi “a - ' "'f Chii r,t,itgiite1'ttilit,t'd'f',l'dt1 WM alum-attain?" tun. A T . _ mastic!“ tatta 1t)'t'stit' medians- will we! - m..n..‘m Nani; will never out. . .JI'. ' ,eutsMttieimttqpatns-,si _ 'iitiriéi " le: In' lady/tako nick Ins-(3&- up Ombody the "a but in'vlgm‘m and nominal, tttpage,'; vi . '0 fungi catering-u . ntgpyooyh- ii'ihi)'iit"iil 191.99%“ teId.el .3: (i!ii,ii(if,!lg"i,i,',i',iliii in. tlt) 3253 a; ','itfiiiii',;'s,'iiit1'; _l,iliir,S,ii Irdl ii'iikiiiiri7i'i'aiTr'ii7?rpRNki .; F. . my»; MWNEE" u, - iitii,iltSr,2 tr,rt'egatti2ti's , 't'd,'l'iu'"'li tt vtttiiti'ttiitt';..f) ’ an: “a... mm? , 1.5..- "i 'iiilijt?iii'iifie'f'iil?,) i,'iidhi t'liiiE4 fiafikfimfisfi 1ltl't,llll11 Run to t d I',",', 2'd',tirdl.1,tt'dt'g amp- Sou'nuou. Mt,fh'tllt Ihoup. It ''rrtyqt.itdtrar tttttlt,', my . ind 'dyi.ltiti.iiii fhltet at, .puh an _ {by It at do: but; 'tei _ - uh ours“: st, or riot in the 'lld,'fK of mo Spine and 9ttetstitm-ak1rhrirautytu9mlyd, I9 ' .m "Nd i' titi tin! h . Mtl! l , ijiitllliNigtt 1‘11»wa KER“ “Roum” t - ',1ttPs'dt'2r,trt ih)r,'ti/l)'lr,lilllll)itl) I at. mm. veTWO DAYS": , 2r T.' is“ ' 5 _'i H T"7. aesuirriviifsr,si,,,,,,. t,'ii?,'iti'1'r! 1teil's,7,'ix7llll.l';", r.." F, ur'isr't- "",k.'At,r,l tuLiid, _ I. ' -Vii, our!" 1rEiiitifiitEr"t", V ' tret :Household Furniture. r,,,,ipamltM-aritt,itt-"rr h.isti_ii,d)iti bl M?” T _ C,':'." ' a m ' .',. ": , F 2 a; '., 1,24 "A f, .1 unwx- J!“ .. V " . I r“ . "', .. 'erotr , “a r" .'f-o's- ..ri'. r" 1attsoptkiti.,dti, ", . , ' a; ' ' ', . F "“""z'_*""" a'b "T" 'c, T . ,. ,- s-Al.Qi9-"P"" "i, . q" ' i F T ‘i ti I ,- "' l . .‘:‘,'thu ,i _ _ _ . . . , I. . , ' "rd, tr' . ' 1 in): '.-l .- T . ..- _ . - A _ o . . LTHUIPSUI 'pq,iiJttitrttr8t,tttttr'. "d ' ._cu I 2. L'.'; ' . .. . ' . .. V . _ i ‘ I ' l',' I, I 'liCc':l",'.y)B't'ityt',u'r"utr,t Loss or humans by Fire 'd",uirl?ttil.,1. Will "trvrrtrmd hem ‘“1 bm'mmt . J, ' _ str _ . ‘. h t I ' i. mgommnhl 'a, _, . i 'r-og/ol,'.",',--',",,')',". .- ,' (: V nd . I M,. JV' , . ' .. ' J BERM Ye,,,',','::,)'. 1“,"ng 9”er 1tturie_,itt,t tttow."""., any / 5 G?! fml"f'l"' rRmE‘ SALE. Intestines 12itt1 at: T nuns char LIWEWI I., .2 . "EW‘IIU e, V5410 tsatiiat#ireht.atarr, . rm. an eetoesk on! ‘IM'E, Whrc 'n, . - now: a may”. Inn“! "iiiirii"iiii"irii"iirir. jjiiiitlrr 333.89a1 Imam aNttr ~70 15930106 "'/'"i 'v) inItic "s'a2"i1ii'iiiiiiitiiiii/.j, t'riir"iitrm minim. - [not out lot when Ottawa, Nov. 24,1815. C 9mm " hr: I yui . P ia'F, 't .um E ztw'n‘“ A1. / I'.rgh' hf'K; "W--- A. --- ..__._‘... 4smirdt'aita.aNWtj)tatrad lo u '. Nlilt1tttttttit', ima‘u‘ , t ,;, 'e""T"ee"-"""rtr .-,.; " l 1' . F ' 't V . l I I I fR. ’1: Roma Ill/iii?, i " k LI ttttmr', PVs " abBMmeK-w ..'. new a tissocwcii,'1itt Elévj’ffi' "Soi, odrttArm'trNttr, 4b"B.rmmf ::;:;rg~,‘mw%~W“ ',ttdtittta'ttxtittttt'attS'et By. wa5 iii VEiratt; _ ' ' nudiokma T . limi- an”? HIGH ji' ',1Bl'aatyt,1r'i' my“. _.':rp,Ait,rie,r_tt,,_tt,ltl1si'.', It 11”” ct lung-.11 um r'nr.ui1;'uit g .noimav -tigreui-'-fNM1ttt.0't' Mbunmwmu It, wow.”- ni “Juli-rim s-ttage-tmth""'".'? otcFiiUiiiiiuCiiiiirrtiEeet11e" t1'i'94ttiilSs1t!s'Jit.ltiret1.t1l't1t,F 9mm. BiaUiiicetttmri"o fri- I '9: . 0710:. m ouvs'ett-ri i, trctt by , . - ' t v." 3;... '. St,' 1+“: ,I' q. , gm; tth _ "tut. “Ll " I t 5%,.ng '.. ""iiiuiRiiir"iiraGtutrtmrhw -e --" - um. m-"eer?lP"'uh Pm 33mm x ',ruiiritito'! /, J aramqmumwa q ly.] Ilhcr PM INC-”1’3 _, *.'-' ttAtt? no vat-'2' , arm on:- 'iiej'f,jiiiiili.iii.!ii I": 't. y" 'lrih",' Er i?u'iiiti'iliii'iiEr':, tt1l1i1Elita=,E2li'Wt2'ra1 Sufi-nan frq..E,.'i'M.r.%er3hiFruLa9Kr mm: gtn'h".Ni'eP,', m. Vana- u."l'6l m- c-h an. “all... A‘lummmuxrlm, a Await“. - _ X 'v%att3lieadmtthh% dhovofk .12 .vu'd mull Ws'"' 1'lla'A"a'iaidtaiii'iigh'b'ltkl'du ml! Mimi." 3iiriiii1irirti't1iiiiii'. 3530‘ Yttrgalr. iiT.,jiTir)etittiiei? , Bomb“ aid-mo "vv."4t 'il.A " 'rdF..arPr.P% JirTirikai “v (1 Huh“ “agony r was. Fun! iili"A', Gh%k '. mvmm Manufacture t i .. I 2am Atsttt. i - Auwonoer. lnm ale-uni! 4mm - ”balk! $3M v', tlc, on A _u 10: WW b vt' ety" ‘3? aim-ii» My; It'd , rm? F0111 99913 93355; $tlf,9ctipk,'i, " A", .t (ltltttrtrir1fdl'fPi"'Je Ag'ricu’lwraLJnsiatm» Emit-i l Jr may)»; mm mm mm MIA-egg!» i ' 'or',itaa'acri2'i, mus-mm":- witugmm L f__HJ;_‘_;_1 T ' _ , _ "aaa.:uaci"oge,s,r, N "e KN M"25 Itt I -l I _ ii7ri ...e-P"e"'- --,., _ 1w . . I O _ ' 1tPe.f1tt3.?ate lolu‘l i poi) a an an mm Ml) m 'nm trg T _ -.. .. ii: H LII uiuldo lo ltr, , ',ry'),,it,,ttt,t,t 0% “141! p" rl. iiihiEiqrwesyrmiet"Hitere"etie ml f t.. In yuan-1": w . e.'" ”W” h f,, r,'," i ':r, ',.iiiiidqiigtajtiigyitpe 'ititgh6,' a” nun -.-d ao"., l, p JO V T V , “any" " . th' 'uhi'itiUl t'ilid, t. 4' ax ti l "'s Hun-.1 ', . 1 " . ' "r, httii, 'r'ui,T'oru 'i,1'i'iih'it,i'is mm~° I, 3.. I... F _ f ._ ' mummy“- (t'ti0'ik"a. " 1 ' l l " WWW M‘MWf' 'i"ilA'iitii/' ' sr'.t . if; . "’ it .1” .’.,. . .,.4 "d8MteW'rR"h"m"m'", ll'au'au'w.'Cis'c): "13.1.? gr6."t n w,“ h ri; I.Il‘o£ moon- in” - a nun chad: ’d mad-Jung ad: “a Ct imam .w 13.1mm IMP" '.!jliiiSiiii: a 'ihiki'itiiuri'iti"ii'it'it', ,4.“ r x ts" Wt. 'rt A _ __¢_ ____‘ T . aaria V T _ (ttit memWWMWM§ " ;t “I! NOE“ athpgiglias,t"' a»! 3min? tf,3r,laJ.8u2,),lilt T 'attltl , . .-.._ U , l f 'tliilt)uttleitt8lirt'ta,nt31',5tt 'i.tNtilt',te __ )ttttt't,t1",r,'C.t., “37;; ld ttl " I ,3. ' I _ " ru- 'Kr' .. r n, r _ " F,rirt"i'tT, '_I u ~.J. TN M ‘ '"* _ tlit iis'gli)iiiitiil) 'l!,r?.!!.t.',y,11tlsit ”7‘7 we! ,1':'ii'fijiiifiitlgiii b. Al N hullAYIHxl ma i, n was an.“ a; " . m,- " " - 9iiriiiiiiiWriiw Ily? 1rrteeee W“ , .mm-m. . 'rtsrsttrrtgt-emtti.te_ttaeMyt..A+ _ T ' _ . .. " ," I "', ., ' ' I "iii11tigp1af,iittriletglrlta2tiit, ' ' , - CA", _ ' 1‘5 (Maw .. u - i f r oboe, Q: FA, r0 I . 'Ftp .'l M 1%: mm. ca. a. Mo swam?! b! “PM ty""'"""'":)', AL“: . " I U I '"t.1 aagu" u . owed 9.... Jiri .1” f,ytqisaet,t,rt,tir,i'.i'i',' Fstiiiti $95233: "not 5010qu one in. and no" otil ':'iiiriiiili.ii',ii'ii'ii5'f!'i'i"i'iii'iiis 'ii'iiiiiii J aiaramiatrarsl"'a"iitu, t v A aTau"oiagusrstt totusao ooistees?te- 3: m va,,'?,',',',',),','?,,.,'--';'), . mu ot v min-Int 0mm Ldt,b? a can aiaraiareaiai irtisk'iii, - “nil-Tim - My: 3M9 h.rqerist. bin miniad‘oil 3959010 on .1101va an odotUd 499(01qu ani - do.” 79001, vihrritttH cifii:jiifihi5itTiifiiiit00riii mum 010$st od Mssot, 13 M, uii'Ib‘H‘l-Lf Wu r. anY‘\:: 'leLJ xeu" ..,, y re " = r- - - j 1 ' I Pe , _ ' . .J TU U _ a (a. "A ,1p1lv' Wu: -rY n "'1' F l l bcs . 91¢; I undid J bio-Mt l, A]: "". V J J, u t ' ' .4 _ . #1!” fri "t T l (V) I F astt IF-- " _ .l 1tf,ttttft -~-â€" Hiq-rru." .nomoqum 8307111 gnwmmvmn'rn w” _lltWt"i,'Wt't'.'i'i),'r7lit,iieatii- Hate! Ind yawn-u w (“nun .wu-wwu v on . v." w v - , _ , " _ - I , iiiiiiiijiiiiiiiigiiiiiiiiiihkg HIM. .. - A . - bt arab,' Dav". " G7iiriiiUii-Titii iiiia aaria ""UL1"5Ai" - __ -NEF" W no “on! “in hum-"Tl”: I... lg BalaEMaler1 Tttug I." odt unwbm nun - "trifial ', ltr' on ". ' W M 9‘“! W l Jim-“'9'" W'Wl -.--" -77 . aad 113mm“ "..n “Ln-Hy: '15:;le __ Igr'xfggwm no“: a 1AM!) rivaled) mm uthtgf V - WWW -------_ “a m was" 'CdH u' n . "canvas BI amt-u arA lbw trs-tSur-ABN," 37‘“ -Atmts 'i'i1111rirk'iit,',htiiir',r Cfid,',,," Jprttmgt , th nos. gnaw all: 311191 .e-quohb 'D 'tttAtt, "th in .h t &'d'a'i'kta'a'lt; _ - auyy_v§~m .1 we} to doo B. slum eTrttoei -' ' . ji'iii'bh'1iii'Wi, hili'i'ibiiiGi'ruie-, Mantle-nu..- Ll--. .....n ’nn-IIU Iva-all - an! nobim‘i a mum-um u-tte nu a can. 'oituiE ict9.rrWtKtG'rairo .. _ iiiaFU " l - "" -.hrrr'iiVlrtniXrr"tT ’* - W . dV col! J you mm id Ab, ttLl%"l'A Gluuriwp,t,1irp'vat co u ooh' _:.'),),,.:.),!,?.!,?,, nonh'l "flu-P,.: .vo "or'" 5 was; ol 517mb - ,. a?" *4 I',", eénaggxmsm 1: mm! , 8e a . sr"' 'E, . - 'fI'ZIJ~L I u. Luv prvi _ ban 1 W) W __ " pudl , marmo-a on: d nvuuav t Dull; Pi! ao7ii.rseRrii, 60T- -urtt In); on} 'hd)hui'l'l l .ti t mei . ' “I. “.5 , "d . 1 ' Lit a. a‘nd' =4 1 _... h Sf,"'),: SC'. _ . tt,'tirdlit"it'iio it”!!! Bi9aiiuliiiKia.- KHZ ,, fwd ad iu IWIW pm.” I 3, I Lau' ”mun-qt WI!” fig" " OTTAWA.” ICMWN“ ii mu“ Lt! oAlot ytf ,taiai3geat an.“ ' p .. i-IIIII w....uh‘ m n - .11, - 't"dff A i-t2gt,ltittr1t,r,)if,o1', _. j' l BI M‘ pawn“... " i "rMruraFrqiHiFkah'hliiin may: {Li F, irrhtor. i""irLririiiaiilki'il"""" 'iii1'rififtMtiNialh'ii MM Aaryttsrtifiriihrtt.) l,,,t,e,jtg,fau' aat0rt, .I ,,gga_t_a Qih,r,iithi, manna 'stron) TO u It!!! HIM-II PM"' - U an! "., U no; .070. ' . Tti'is'yktttrti3ahsir.i" ttgiBtthttttsttreratiiii. “I!“ IVE“ - - i,tG7rGRiii1iihhiif.i.. W; I'.‘ ' , O1-l "l., m V ,'i',itliii7i'ii'iiGitu'rr'i"il "r'ff, um i n re, . _ A Ju"iutiNbyrrtiylr'.t1'r"'hh' 'e _ lam-17;: fink)“ iiiirwGFP] “Jud t.t5!li'1iiitiRiill?iti "M" W Tire".?, up». i.irll7ari,,5qertaiiGE " LIVLBX ISIABLES cunnjlli‘ M, " -ee __ "Wie ,Mill'! In” 3m prom "'07“ _ ar, -- , boo ”on " .. a " 'igiiiiti,iiiii!itf,iiis; Ill mNM*I"H‘u‘s H,“ as; ariiiGl4iiitiit ma. -aamum1rw mm /llia80Mt orjrs1ao-isttPett1iii.f) Itu6tiiita.rr- A?!“ iiiiTii"t""ii'iiirliiiiEiNlly cumin-n? 1'a'5rdi,'l"Mirlltt ottr_eeef.L._.-...,.....e1 ,ooifltMtl The. tis,dttrc?iaw.e.d), "h.sii'aFiiiijiiiteme1t warrants. .",j,ii1ig,iiiiiihjii,tiiiiift? veftiiiet'1"riiiiiitiitsa not“ bad 'tsr,?irf1faWt.'at "tt1t11l?rritil ii.i,epittf" . N C Ft _ ' an???) -Eigaira 3 ll.- luvs; "Faeted. "saw-m Ji “if 13']. "an 0.0... .JOV ill'; till" T!tigrtg, et _ " Iflltl. Em: sr2'1'='i= a“ a air, In may" ”IQ? ON! W QM... Brie-Min. c:

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