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Ottawa Times (1865), 30 Nov 1875, p. 2

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3’11 1'. ', Em H} '/l " an il I Ar T. W. Kenny & Sons, in circumstances under which Mr. D. B: Woodworth was excluded from the Ure,riolatire Assembly of Nova Sootiamust still be fresh in most people] memories ls may simply be widths.“ he lormnleted crrtain grave charges Against the Hon. W. 2. \'nil,then nmember of the Local Government, in ~upport of which he was unable to give e tittle of evidence. The Committee of the Auembly eppointed to investigate the matter accordingly com- plutely exonerated the Minister against whom the accusations were preferred. not one ningla member voting min-it the, adoption of their report in the House. A resolution “in then otfered, calling upon Mr. Woodward: to apologise to Mr. Vail and to the House for having made ntetementa which,_if true, would have convicted e member of the Govern ment ot" deliberate forgery, and being uhtrue, were of course gross and malicious lhbrxcetione, for which not the shadow of en excuee could be offered. The resolu- tion, before being put to the volcanic: mended, on t' c suggéetion of Mr. Veil himself, no In to demendnnepology to the Home only. Yo thin modilUd pro- position Mr. Woodworth replied with torrents of vulgar maolence, refusing to do inythmg ot' the kind. A intion for his expulxim w et'terwnrds carried by an overwhelming majority. An epology“ he» in; been 1lemaudisd'putd refused. it was open LO members to unholdthe dignity and honour of the Legiuhitnre by punishing in the Premium wey the penon who neglected to obey its mendete, or at ltify themselvee and set an evil prec t by acknowledging their inability to out e course upon which they bed feirl end legitimtely started. Dime they hole the proper tsltormstive,,tsnd Mr. ood. worth's exclusion, until the desired repe- ntion hind been made,.wu contaminated, to the natist'ection of the great mejority of the people, and In perfect. Accord with Parliamentary custom in such - Mr. Woodworth now turn: up u the panama in an notion for damages for assault against the Speaker md Abe majority of tho “Mime. .Thb cue II: M before Judges Madman“. and occupied six days, The defendants tiled l we misoiutiosu of the Legislature "rxelad ing Mr. Woodworth u juatitiuatioted waged that be had bun guilty of mint hbumvo, madam and violent haw obauuctod tho pubuc business And inter. fired with the good order "of the debut. In an the. of tho ovidgnce which '- produood by the defence in mpmof the» nlugstie-ioatst which bu ban on the public noon!- md hill. paucit- of tho country it n’ omtaider LN. duo-duo judge dimhd the Jury We Emma. i'otal 'rpmr$o Pun-rt. "Imus och' . " unsm§5 E at All “use municipa My to WOOD WOR TH A GA 1y ms of all foreign coun municipal dinners, whicl be the leading inmdent o And 11514 AL ol, defending ug the "TO' Committee, the Public. H ar, SUV m whose repr'sen RUG ER Ct ( n the se excitement and h is cuuomuy to manutives at the " other South BASES or SSERTID I! In! an: M a blues, ;ed intent ”y " ml fest In: ter- leclarm ;,50 mm 2,500,000 al .812 to 300,000 own the an Ml tr rind n verdict tor tho plorntiil‘. t on the ground that the House, in exclud- , ing Mr. Woodwith until he had npolo-' I grand fm hie conduct, had inflicted a 't penal oststartee,ared therefore exceeded , its powers. Upon this instruction, the iuty did give I verdict for the ';tipiii,i Assessing (lounges at 95m. 1f the diree, l non of thojudge and the verdict of the l jury be'aecordingto law and the constitu- '. ltion,lcgislnwrs will require to see whet l, texactly their powers ere. 'lhe judge did i. mot hold than the offence for which the l 1aintiirwaa excluded from the Legis- " ilntuie WN, insumcient to _ merit _ ‘such it punishment, but he in I i efect decided that n Lrgislaturtr hes not I I 'the power to exclude any one from it. :7 . deliberations who has received e majority ; 1 ofthe vote. of any constituency, no mat. i r tor " what crimes he any have been) grimy ngainat the character of his fellow i ‘ I member. [ind Mr. woalworthu charges l ibeen mode elsewhere than within the ‘y walls of the Local Pnrliainent, he would l, l hare been liable to be prosecuted on a i criminal charge of libel. He seemed Mr. l, ! Vail with forgery, and failing not only tol , prove his ollegation, but being unable to i otfer any jttatioatiort for having preferred ' such villainous accusations, no jury of his countrymen could possibly have a failed to convict hivn. But the impute- tioo having been made in the Assembly, it became the duty\of the members of what body to deal with, it. Proceeding laccording to the prescribed. form, they lguve him an opportunity tit retract his i slainderl and apologise for them; but he I refused to do so, and precedent pointed out to them.thnt their only resort who to l prevent him taking his seat sgian untilhe It.? qoruplied with their order. If the constitution sets forth night what they l irid the power to do, if they pleased, Mr. I Woodworth might have been formelly ex- pelled ; but it will be remembered this WM not done, and that he was only prevented I lt‘rom aiding and voting while he penal l vered in holding the legitimate demands _ lot the House in contempt. What lees ' was open to he done under the‘circuni- stances we he at A loss to understand. ;'Judge Moddenald‘, however. holds they )icou‘d not do even that "tuoh-that to ' I ptdh‘nt hi from taking hip seat was 1 , penal L'llt,,( and belonged to “other I 'jurindiction; If a judgment of this kind l i will not be dismissed on nppeal, we should [lire Very much surprised. If it should d not, all we have ' to say ‘ie i that the proper place for libellore L I and cowards who denim to follow out their criminal inclinations without the fear or punishment, is the Legislature of Nova Semis. They will evidently have all the liceme they desire than, ml all the protoation in the exercise of it, too. Thel‘uriher steps to be taken in thin Cane and their results will be eigerly watched by all who Are intersmtea'in' the conunuance of true liberty among the peoylo and Ge maintenance of the right- of Parliament. 3 I‘m-poets of Washington-Approaching new” on!" forty-fourth Contra-a -sumn or oreentrtehs--Co- for use Spealenhlp -Altel-p¢ or Cerul- Papon to ""uro1-'r?"rd Tenn. one. Spwml Correspondence of THE Trages. WAsmsoroy, Nov. 25, 1875. Washington is today, without doubt, the most prosperous city in the country- lt begins to till up with people, and it. streets and avenues present a busy and animated appearance. A Unlike other ulllOB, its many disadvantages bare, since the panic, been in iwfavour. Having no manufactures, it has no bout of idle operatives on its hands, and with but lit. tle commerce. the universal stagnation of trade has affected it but slightly. Home incomee, it u true, have been impaired, and the expenditure of a few families nocetcsuily lessened; but mt Executive Departments, which atand in the same relation to it as manufactures and com. merce do to other cities, pay out regularly their monthly stipends. There has been much work upon the streets and an unprecedented activity in loading, so that, with the exception of we numerous lazaaroui, the negroee, who will not work, it is safe to lay that all working men have been and are employ- ed, which is not the one in any other city. Taxes, to be sure, are high, but there is a great demand for, houses, and mate are hardly any unoccupied build. lugs. Although there ha- been some shrinkage in real estate values, the depre ciation ha been trifiing in banpnriaon to what it he: been in other pieces. my; comm wmun smelt. V The number of people who make WtsisintIton a winter resort, besides the» necessarily here, yeuly inc'reeses. The coming wmter la likely to be a very active one, both in the political end the sodml world. The next session of Con- gress. Which commences on the 6th December, will probably be prolonged into the summer, and I large proportxon ol'the Centennial visitors will fiook to pvrsuington during the summer. H.eyt.stso But. it is not my purpose ta Ipeak of the city now, but of some of ita inhAbi- taittte-tlus new members pf the Forty- fouth Congress wont mountable. Thu Congress will be for above in predeceo not: for the decade since the In, or gt least their poor. in the ability of its mem- beirm And certainty an immense improve. ment in moral tone. ' run nun": rosmox or mama 'ln great political revolution, the scum of' society mlwn a come: to the top.. In the wide awed revulsion of 1874,: the wtters 1g,',rh,',udeidti,', and the ecum which had so long acted on the nurfuce was pre eipitated. _ Ag in unturel, the madden aiad violent revered of element. door not present the Demoerotic puny st its heat, bat it is on thawhole in a tte: toi n strength ed cresiit fog in rep 'll'n't'lli%', G ius'"portamse Gf correct. knowledge about. wtsatUgoing on in thU truly ro- mukabla city. l'l the Forty-fourth Cong-glen. The l sweeping defeat of the Republican can. didates for reelection last you. and the election in their stead of new and untried Democrete, have produced the impreesion that the new Home of Repreeen- l tatiees might perpetrete many blunders. Thin u e mistake. More than the ever- ege proportion of old - rennin, not lese than one hundred of the bro hundred 1 and n not] two membere having served in preceding Conga-seen, " whom curl halt at lent are Democrats. This party t is represented by nearly ell of the oldl leaders, few of auunnnditrt nbilitiee or of such remarkable brim-nay as to tower ‘above their fellows, but All men of esp-I city and experience, capable of ooaltroh', ing and directing itrgia_latioit where it in I needed. The , Republican; have bmsd ', worse. The bald dome of 'vtg?t.', of their greet 1mhistop.ttalian. leeder, .1 F. Butler, will no It?" glean in the form} front of the Randi wlumm; the “Dent Howie, will be nowhere visible; Poland, of blue cont end bran buttons, and gagdaw notoriety, id pub to the ehadee foreVer. So on down the lint. Hewley e ornament Republican, in left, end Mr. heme come- down from the Speaker's "t ta lend the minority. , l l. The new Demetio manhunt“ strong in good m, ”doom . upper-Jaw men of gamma... ' F p19- I’RISINT CONDITION OF THE pAPIl‘AL. FRO.” WASH [3610! THE MEETING " CONGRESS Just now there m a race between the Democratic Congressmen end the nem- papers to see who shall elect the Speaker of the next House of 1aspr-tttatisrets. It is a singular fact that the papers moot and earnest in thie’work, Arc those qusai independent ones, that are upon every ixuportune occasion found covertly or . . ' A - n.-..LI:...... “gun: is a singular fact that the papers meet and earnest in thiafwork, ere those qusai independent ones, that are upon every ixuportune occasion found covertly or openly the Republican petty. Whoee editoni have no real "est/r, with the Democratic party or its prinoip en, or any piglet by virtue of put votee or services to ipeak for it, their nttempt to dictate in regard to the 1ttt,g,tt4 pure and umulultor .ted impudenoe. '0 one who sincerely desires e Demoontio euccees next your can wish to impair the usefulness of air er of the able end can immune candidates for the Speekerehip for Maura. Kendall, Kerr, Cox and Wood are all gentlenien or alternator end ability and worthy of the mntxdence of their party associates The teak of selecting e Speak?! he» been entrusted by the people -not to the news "tPere-but to the members elected to time Home of Repre- eenutivee; and the attempt of journll- ietic hhmeelitee to control the eventie rank importinence. 0fthe rovived third- term propeneitiee of Pro-idem Grout, of hie forthcoming lounge, and other topum which will prove of greet inure“ to the reedere of the Tune, I must defer notice Gilii next week, Jun mum dune-IL w oeduunctly underlined [Hummus tanning the oummunloulonl d . tmreuuudenm be in In no wny to be bold n npopslme ml the opinions “pro-ed TEE EC LISIASTICAL DISCUIIION. F the Editor of THE TIMES: r'rR,-Hswing noticed th communication in your issue of Saturday hat, over the name at " Luther il.," in which my not? is made use of as "one of the my movers in the .Reformed Episoopll Church," tpd as it is not the first time it has been used to bolster ll that neat, desiring it discogtinued,nl tdis'r'ltliil',ii'il new.“ .- _._-‘_. n, . . to set myself right before the public. When Bis op Cummins seceded, I signed a document' agreeing to a meeting to learn the particulars of the movement " whiéh meeting I was not present; hut being placed upon a Committee thereof I attended a meeting of the same, Gil being there informed that the Pit'), was to “revise the Prayer Book," rimme~ diately stated thatI did not feel myself capable, and would not in any respect join with thssm/rpreferrirM to remain in) " The Church" in which my mother‘ brought me up in days when we - heard of High and Low Church, and resist all encroaelumstttss thereon from either the High or Low side. I am told my name was usimrrrantably buriedas apillar in the corner stone of Emanuel Church,but that matters little, as itls not worth much. Yet I do not wish it to be traded on, as I neither gave anything towards the t5rt30- tion of the Church, nor have I visited is since its erection. The mhowever, is appropriate, as I have no doubt all the bodies or congregations (if an ) to which the Reformers belonged can 'lk',,',l tony, “God be with you." Allusion is also made to whet I may have said at arecent vestry meeting i but I claim in the Tom- poralities of the Church to hsve the right to speak my mind openl and above board, as I always do, not behind backs, or fearing 'f what man can do unto meg" That UG 'dny Reformer finds fault with An [icon clergymen for preaching t','ll,'lit'll mgesmsratitm, the power of the Keys, 9nd reelprecence. Of come. they preach theee doctrines, as their ordinetion vow. oblige them to do. They would be very dishonest, end very wenting in their duty if they did not. If Mr. Jack-t belongs to the Church of England, end objects to there doctrinee, there are the Cumminiata end Methodietl, and nil sort: of people foe him to go to; bat it in rather cheeky of him to expect the whole Anglican Cetholic Church to are his ways to suit him and his like. If e do not belong to the Church of Enxlend, it in plainly none of hie 'busineu what she deco. He ought not to en- otumouaartioio his neighbours for believing and teaching the doctrine. their church has :11qu believed end taughk The Prayer Book he: then doctrines, and if Mr. Luther will look into that "' open Bible" which Protest-nt- like so much bettortotalktrboutthanto mad, he will find them there also. . 7 t did, ua I write I do likewise not over the signature of another, but over that of 7 _Romptr Lrox. ti-Will you kindly permit me to my a ward ' reply_to [edger No. a. I " .. I make no attempt It denial or conceal- manor the fact thnt may High Church clergymeu have gone to Rome. This, from my isundpoint,is e Immutable tut. But in this connection there in mother fact, lees patent than the lint, but no leu true. My” Roman Cetholics have joined Nitualistrit churches. A: to the honesty Luther is kind enough to accredit the seceding person. with, no duubt they are honest in going to Rome if their convic- tion- impel them. So In those clergy- 1nen also who rennin in their own corn- munion and teach the doctrines they bind themselvee to tench when the bishop flay: hands on them. If Luther ind en 1 honest mind of his own he would see thin. n the Editor of THE TIHES Choral services no mother nbomibg- tion to Mr. Luther. “Then shell be and or mug," says our guide the Payer Book. According tost. John the Dirine, they hive nothing but choral services in Heaven, and they hove oandlemtiokes and all sorta‘ of ritualiam, too. What will you do there, Mr. Luther? _ _ _ I don't write this in any hope of msk. ing Mr. Luther see that he in u intolerant no any P03; ever was, and thUhia tr. nunicnl . position nod presumption ere as great as his intolerance. But whether hesamstluuornot, I willu1lhima.atotlter feet Which he will see, if he live: . few years longer, as I hope be my, that he may see it; and that in that just no the High Church party he! curled I” before it in England, " will it do here and ehe~ where g and for the some tee-ale, Le. netivity in good works, instead of out about the open Bible and the principle. of the Reformation, and attractive, 'p'or- on: and hearty eervioeo intend of) the feeble and dinoordent mumbling, we don't moonwgobacktotr _ _ - While my pen is in my bend, I my eel well tell Mr. Luther end his friends,” fact. about the Bible, which they seem to forget, The Citholic Church decided, in her councils, es to what ehculclbe Bible end what should not; and gen us the Bible es we have it, efter very much deliberation u to whet should be cc. cepted ”01110 eel, whetclsasedesepo- chrypnl, end I t rejected eltoxether. Yes, Mr. Luther you ere indebted to the Catholic Church for Cl" Bible. Don't think, Mr. Luther, t t the Church of England in going to elimiuete ell Cetholic doctrine from hes- teechina. and disobey her oments rubric, to pleue you: _'] Pardon m troop.“ it.. roar" “la-bl. 5pm, Mr. idiom, and behave no, Eve: trulyyoun. _ _ Ottawa, 29th Non, 1875. suv-ut appeal-I that the tusti-alooholitt contest. m . noighbouring townhip is ubout to be 'upplermmtod try mother, on A vikingsl? bursa: lager as: um. diloi . 0mm , it u to Nyreh with“ lumen in our own good any of ottaqm. Ag than in I probability an: Holly rod was," .111 Inhabit-[wr- W boom um um; In, to {Jim you it the deiatttitioit of your rudenwlth a. tttuf-r-ttsri of tho nut "trwaxtmredimqahrqett- d To the Editor of THE 17.38. iueieto Ottawa, 29th Nov., 1875. Cttttesmottttettt% " RE PRESENTATH’ES A VOID IN DWI. h Ersutrisstm 2n. mrr TIMES orrAw4, rmimrA__r1_1_rf_l]..r_li1B..l.llhrll1lr, I875- Sm“ ' whon'hiswgy bu 193 u ted.' Agni-mot: or two bob. the t iuvuion which reamed in the tue'. ment of the mount 1(0an 'lgtt', end placed e I'artar chief on the gum "t.rggue,Mi,ttgel",'t Inn-tu- of the Prince . w ar'ger,,'t in 1"'gdet Itittt led Stl ‘eepture of ton, e pummel: tion of Hong Kong, wee oelebreted to a. ut- most bounds of the vent empire, for " dunking powers. A: I ttttl ml. Huf- and Ce inet Mini-ten now very litt 9 ebout the Emma they sf,,?.",,',','; But u; no chanced t at Slang u, who we. then chanced fhit',tgf minim In: then monarch of Ill-an u tT/ “more than he annoyed-did our of En Bin and his repulstion. The you no Ite' orolly supposed to be affliqted with ennui " - __ ___: ,‘_., ou-., EY., Apa--t.-a on a GI GrdaGid, Stung Ha determined to command the attendenoo of Lin Bin It Court, and thoroughly to test his powers. (It,wu not univemlly be lieved that Stung Hu himull m . total ttttte, (3f coursed ttt Lin Sin obeyed t 000an en p inn co, having lfreviounly plead lfllaht"ll'lf2 ing, an eubjeoted 1ttfSo: trid- from which even my friend, B Blank. Esq" would hue shrunk Minted. At Int oeme the appointadd , the hult', matey" our hero J)), and T quor- “My, and put. to shune the men nipping Bacchus end all bin ainall beer votenee; 'Ili-ie trl him beck to ttis Province, ‘gnce u min: tor-ttr-tatt ,bottle man-in Mlll of Serpent. ‘O'Keefe. Behold the Brother of the Sun and Moon and Mn Sin at teblel By express order courtly etiquette was waived for the oceanic end Lin Sin was directed to ',i'iitiyl'il,iy " the guest of s more mo For the first time in oelestiel annals. Celestiel attributes were ignored, We edibles. as my well be supposed, - luxury of the season was provided. But as than not a mere bill bt fare, it is not intended to tsruumsrsta.ther unions delicacies; Buf- fioe it to say that, everything was highly seasoned,“ was befitting when thirsty souls were feasting. The serious busi- ness of the hour soon oomrrtasaaed and bottle succeeded bottle with a rapidity that. a little surprised the Celestial hung; Episodicslly, it may be as well mention that the world-swaying an; te,1, th te,'rutQtlu,tgNll, tle. to e e, an a . e f - est dignitaries of the gate t,'Stl, 'their gigt/,ittiig'tf1 of which anon. Ginn S eng whispered to Bren Small? Viceroy of Eastern Bantorie, that he cared the great Amperor was like}; to be outdone; in which case, who can] foresee the evils that might befall the Flowery Lend l The Lord o the Universe might even-eo- oursedrbe the to‘hed sober. In the momtime, the mutin- pro. ceeded " a furious we; it noon boo-mo artoo rapid for Mung Bu, and he wu forced to content. himself with m occa- sional moistener And uoontinunl urging of his gusststtodrinlrcd.rinhrr drink! Bo even booms posrtiaallr pltriotic, and improvised the verse - Mmug! Drink! your country need! your throes," - for which after egee sue credit to L outside barbarian poet, Cowper, but wttos l in truth, stole it es Flier Beoon stole the eecret of wonder, from the Chin one. The guest e no bonee shout obeying l the {Imperial tl"el'ur4 drank, tttly dren I t we eppeer " t like the fiorrem in Devideon’e window, he had been ohemioelly prepered. Bat if All things heve e ttttt the drop u as trite end " true they must heve an ending. And eo wee it with our dietinguiehed topere. Suddenly, the Grand Admire! of the Junk fltset, accompanied by the high and dia. tiatguUhed,.nm) ever-preeent otbsial, the bed-men, on head: end lines, orewled into the e',tgidrt1',r; The Imperial {Silence o " their approach, and e theni come noel-er. ithout 2tt /2t,tgdhttite', Imperial eer,theG " mirelwhieperedtheee epperently not very 1thttt mmU--lt inmate: out. “Greet en holy Confucian," exole'un- od_ysH.tgIrae"oui.ttttt". ... The G. Lkqomud but with . rent amid nod. The Brother of the Sun and Moon, moon; enough my! to“ (wit); guys-I309) my enough now,rou(wi uni-knot?) from his mt and din-p behind I 'Y""," smocked noto- an and. of tho yy. . , ... A _ Tii"; L'ir it; n in rtietls that gnxioty (Ind something also) not "503:"; however. no can. far may; fad the 'srreor'y 'tere'." wu'foi the tax-pose of 100' A that his orders hid goon oboyogi: is}. thy: the my ion. astounding GGGiiai'dt he had hard wu gutsstantially eon-not. It apps-n, that After inviting Lin Bin to court, he had oaumrd I hollow copper Mobile of thtstnantobeoonateutftidid had N. rooted that for - gnu turetig'tt bibber consumed, moths-ho dbopour- ed into the reoepkole In had provided. Alum-d been done moldy It $10,311 _-Vr__--,_ fifiâ€"Vm ,,v . iat van content; to “mauled? that ihffr, gin m a mimoU,ho VII an one" one, which in mom than who nidoftho generality of these tsiyroialitim, Ham I molt minute exunimdon; he "tthat the asffigy was full, full and not overBormd, and that he himself, " C1srIris mid of Hymn)” and H: prodigious learning, "iryi. in the do; I. ..._ - _ Thiswss enough. Shun; Eu returned to the Ull. He wss loud minis pnises of Lin Sin; be designated him . gem ; fave himhishsnl to kiss; was-bounti- ul in promises as emperors and you men; ',ttt'h,ug so rtlt,glt Fours“, tsrrsaund,tooriimtillroonti whim the golden_ keys of t._he 1rsqseti.t1.r1yr.. I have‘done'. -I hue Exhibitor! to I discriminating public a really batty drinker; and if he put: to chums, knit.- tors, [Minot hue thrown my work away. Rirg We? and sun ' , it " prowling. mama-tun: 'rur6 (Suspect-Indies.) Run um Chram.--Ftt thirtydnopa “Thoma-WM ',h'tl1it"t,t,','t'nt Bourbon. It never in Group. It willpuroqQold 91-0an intyougy-fgxr rm: Dumaaathot mun:- mud cam lately audio“ tet I. of '/',Q'J'l File t'tbhrg',','g so“ it“ ifrttarrttlous JWME: t Irherrb oux-od Bronohitis of eight i',rt",'tf"thir recentcuea mound induce to It days. Itttnarxsstomdthemitstswl-the germinal»: spokon eresatr.itia.eii.n Jf', 2S'i,, h"g'S1t,,tetitt"h't I: cue-o punor n it bu oval-Mm. Onobottlowill aux-empouo of ImB-ok orOliok in thoBack. Fordiuueld‘tho mound omtmetion of the Muscle: it in ghrlrd tdet.,',',',',',",',',:': my other? le up ioation Food. “top- " Legend the 'ldr, . Barn in “use mum,“ is “was: m Mud (about: undid» "or 126‘.th td tlst poop the chap-km it uh- Io-the chap-hm it uk- rhfdlrt'l'L was“. It incanpoud oriurortubeit . Marimba; butoih. I,","'.,'",.,','.",'?..'. in gold. lot not tray , tedqrf--A, ICD" Roeiuea,aaitat%t pt-miter, Am hvillo, no, write. tCDTrii%Ci {an It.',,',,',':,:,".,',:',',','. s noun I of cumin tho MM which I 'Garnntisrnin this MM which I has an! eon-tan sum After 'ii'ih"i?'hi'i'ii?ii", Oil" for nine minding the ftreitytttird hue 1».an aura-and hm only MWch. . I on '/Nt, umUroath,if ,morult.rrf'Ne'. J. - Immof Wyoming. Ft, miH."Dr. m’ 301ch Oil Windm- qhitisiuo-k." Man-[lover tho qnmter pr, “We have your Hld.a modi- 25 l fqry-eisbe. how-I9!- Math- The an. that! be lung. The ban- stun be run. . And we'll few t rum. nanny. Most obodien you", Tn Lou:- I’m-I, A very extent-Wu And Alt-noun TWO DAY? Lacuna Sale at own-at 1 . _ l. TEMPSOI. Em, Rideau Street, Will beadver bed immediate"? bw the subson- Bt whom: been [wanted '1 h Immouons to MB‘I‘QALFEB Wholesale READY MAD; CLOI'EING Rita!) . I luhmant. C SPAIKS STREET. 10-day. “2 o'clock and 7 o'olnek. tum. ROWK a mm trr, f Auctioneers. Household Ii'uiinitaire. ”your”! E South Sea 8931’ J rackets, AUCTION: SALE. GENERAL iyttyINtppm ESTA} Animist-I for Book: mgqium printout now many “and“! to. u, “I ' m . PAPER RULEB. All) Account Book Manufacturer, SPARKS mama. any“ Ruling, Perforating. Hubert-g Hatters a: Entricrs. Are and 9mm am Who- And Manon , gums-1U G'trt4bWs"t, nnh what to! t " Spun: stool. 43.3. "“"Ja n '" "a? .,"u'l'6ll5hu, I " on on If [hornpml and mnon 0.11m Human. mm 50 at: to sue mug to Lunacy, mile. a La radar ikeFiiiiE no- d31.3 no? Nil. dr Col-Mb. We (in). thine mm 8-1 "ultra. “ragga“ Walton: Apple- md Mons, H.) on the, which mull”: " mmo- tort)“ . , _ and.” m - “on.“ ammo", SOLID Low. , HIGH WINES, Ottawa, Nov. 'N, " BOOKBIN DE R, 10840008, nexus, BALL BLUE STABOH, B x, 1241mm, mun-n. It: qa6kAMk run _ “an “also. 38. an. HEB " I: ”of "gave . gr u'lfale,','Psh'N rll't.' tip. “1:00. (I! mam _ .. -- za- not out 'or Advormomem. ‘ hi?" --" “iii: hafnium alum-n a mom t . hour! of two-adj“. my .... - Ltttqt?too0. .. -* ._ --, T 001mm:- Q BUILD“. 1boundorl¢nod mwnammmn mu. Comte! Kim-mania. ,rherratmuaitomriadqstt.taoitu1tu-t will!» Kept eon-hull] "' In“ ordain W1, wad. M an than of t8tqq.. P Be Not!” IA her-by gtvets that dell!!! It: has: nude in the t trg,",',',', ot mm“. a money and Inherent us under by v afioo"nnnrerettaimsttisaabaitith V Dad harm; as“ as. Twain!- 10 DAY ot Nil 'iMl%hi “as you of [and “a made IZ, an: LICABT. ll “A30 MIA) 'ittl'lg'/i2et of mango! Unmbonand In the at (I ll all 'd,'l'g',lt, 0: (5:21:11. ttsole 'drl 1333' runwuwwm! 'l'lsl, llll"AAM,tt', Y,', TRADE SALE, a." "MW" but," -V Van], "rftftiif Earl" who!“ at an M T urn-Up of (lumbering. 1Figriiiirii LetWrlsitrttteeerouuxtttt_teti o wu- Indium"; or “gallant. u.:‘"§ tMt “New": 'ur 1tr0eutherrtn any” our m1”. dawn-wt: “no Hal mum: Io Ll'kgru"d'. 'rar,' i"ri'Ti7Niii'a"ir'u'lh"r'G'i' N'lltl'ghlt the ogthxi,'fgYStt, mum.) than be sold by bus hllt% and. an PIM"' at “I. rratatrtot mum lor- u an lav Chg-men d I” WALK PINNO.‘X a my 3:35.? Mfl8: 'lglt'll'xlt 1'."t n . W_.lilt4j, FREE! 'llll'd PM.“ And, By Rowe & Erratt, _ AUCTION was BEAT CLEANING M31t,,'ttt ,,t4htGA,'lk'iel18/tt'l Wt.itri,it-, 6irtFikiuT, "1iTiiRihiiir' - rii'k mu, Prowl of Wm but" ')'.i'iliiilt 330ml 'l'A.l It', of but” .. Baht-h tJoqoeaqttgt m liii'lllt ”31%? 'l7il'ilflll/AT mum. L5ht 57, (new. - """ Tatt M VIII mm W in by. an only. tht . Mot WALK“ mac V . a?!“ ”(It MEPEL, Baltic Seal Jacxets, Bankerville 1 & Bros., No. 36, Ride“ Sh, Ottawa, llVLll’I " I DEPOT. 'iBiilhLCriViGrTt In- " m. amnion 'ties. -.-e. --"--"-'"v trielaiidreTthiia 59:3 " as? Fit:,',",': S1"tt,f, 'lgfd"v'l,'S,' r’gl aunt:- C to ff/IS, “an,” ”NM-“m '0 UIBKEII’IRS. IOITI'I ll, "SWAG I " LB. $60 TO 8300. Btrtr1tlt,prt1trs. “marina, 8:2. $30 TO $455. ymt worn" or Remnant ”whale Vocal Mualo. PROOF AND BYE BASKERVILLE BR0ti, R. J.' DEVLIN, -AIrrr- FROM PROM CUE-II. I" Manufacturer , F 38 Rum Eugen The Ottawa-Agriwltural (Insurance company. Incorporated, 18:4. . Capital, $1,oot),ooo.oo. THE atm. IA.” MtitAD, gainful“: mnemonic when. . _ CANADA Agrieuhurral_.)hsyitty1tite, Coy. Ottawa. Branch - - - - - - - 88 Sparks Street. BLUFF & mu. GENERAL AGENTS. . swan. wane: , T unmby mun to our patron: agtdthet mutmtt ”who on.“ et am. sum - ,'i?h!lt,f,rir,iti','i'i1d,itt1'i,7i,tri'iiti mmmufif'mwormfif. i,iiri)riiifiiilltiii'rf,'i 'ttr/e,',',',',?,,"," " 01W! Immacula- wane-non . and II the newly appointed nan! mum in: m. on": Bunch mm- bump-.111 now:- be. by Lightning, nun orruNt-wuto." can-in. wan-gu- smiua-n. . must. P. r:._‘v;u;13._ "M . - _WPm__0,,, “a "ec'o'el traumas, pottr a was“ IIIE. all, Penna, m, 100 Daposited with 'tu've,mvrttt for the Protection of Policy- 10 10 _ - 172iTUi g aririia7itiru ""61:an L"TGiirririrthiwiti - "f id,] _ flEmOWO-nmluzu‘; d'd'l'd "gydh. 'NS', 335...: all! comp. VIII _Â¥,LA-.,._ -_-_= a.-- -__4_.. -___n. .u. M- no In“ YA-h And The ciiitiiaoisaiumiU Co.’s Fiesh Goods', I” 'iiiiiiiirf? iGrrtrGk' -w! M'm --'e-. -iiiiiiiacRiirf, - -'"e_"". I t'talltt,,sL-sa--tru,. 1KImprtetq' Hummus. 'teL'fl'lh'tN't'eltl'lt', may. Amu% to mammal-u: gum-n , 850,000.00. , lnsuros against Loss or oiTiG by Fire and Lightnihg. _ 1tms-aritoirmou1, . mrmBm6N--atm. "'" "T" "a)u'hs"iiq't.'rthasmeraga,,i,,,,,,,,, .. If Horses or Cattle are Killed on the Owner’QQGrounds. Farmers will and n. to their ad mumm- to [mum V EN THE " OTTAWA.” - W. I was" , o-ttina, “I . 'len A ce. only“ '.g,'lfyd's4et3'tg m xesritstttavrsttm tr gal. XVII PuVGeGihiiirftu- a: H T - __ on“; New. t, tla.""'". In my». amen out». 'ret-ts'" l The an; th-teta' In 02mm” "acme. Math ”In. A we“ stock in Amt-3 t. ' “I and on. rt'llki'ii,"1tsiti".lti1u'tsa unann- 18ll='Pf, I "an ""i'ig'i,Wlir'l'. . i' o0NfmtuiMSON, . WELLINGTON smut A First Class Family aM Commercial Hotel, The Royal iiilGiiiiriiiii" Hotel, STOVES. - STOVES. Fall and Wioter/tt0t5. ltr You“ anagram R. E. Ins-m. Elm. Agent. . . Kent an». Linda], K. A Whit. 'ht: at. Court. 301 Anlne mum A, 3 "11mm - t 15 tple 'Annu, E'iii?iiQ H. 2flt,"N2it - g :3 5513.3" 'Illia' Sir-o HI 't%Nt,'rtdfffltit. I: W . ' "I! In 3 Ohm Ant " lunged“, new alumna. and Prince WM “and. . new “but“ ummmyu ”up. Anna-Wuhan“ OTTAWA MARBLE AND} SHANE WORKS. ESTABLISHED 1854. Boer'"' BtnaAgalq,MrtttrarHqtmet-M.. "o"""""""""'"'"""""""'"'" [ "teo-'"'"'"""""""'"'"'"""'"'"";"""'""" no. melmwgamh ', oio-ber autumn-hm calm an. F t--aurra,am-.qi,atserrtus_ i wwwmm 1m. , , -ao-suaetr""mramt"r""ot""m"rm"toe'"'"'m'"'""t" ”mm-awn m-a-ai---.-. Garner: New Weather. “All. may?“ sung, WWII-$001M eating: th"ltt't'frtvtutN-,n. V -_,___lrr.r111llqtltl.l.llAF'olWrElr ar coo,, -_-..-, mrtaasematrtgiuditr, “30176 bonus ml not; on!) "in. In: THos. PATTERSON Direotampo'rtatiom' from the Pnduoers _ la Pmmss, mm nah-nu spun. ' . mmmmmmmnqm. can m “II. nr. t1notr-r,ttrtstrmmM. 001.. A. c. m. ""'"5'e, WW mug? - __.., LUNCH, BREAKFASTS and SUPPERS. w. M. SOMEBVILLE,§ MARBLE dt GRANITE WORKS, wi, no N't%rs"t'th1thef an. 'PAIIMB m oounm ,rTfrAl,'.rs'448El'tfte1t1ra"l'r, L"htehela11t'tl,i". m an Nauru] an! Bani-Gm!” an plan “quart. pm up ”an. run at!) uummmm a runny Inn-4mm Giaia%. Moo 'fttnetroo WHOLESALE & RETAIL. flu mm as! me'"'" a-I-d at Monuments, Headstones. Obelisk: IS . A. TAYLOR, Proprietbr. HEAD OFFICE, MNTREAL LT" __ _ PM” c. ' m, r" A Vino-Plum yawn: Works. Mrltr6 ' 188 moan ”and mm assurance. CAPII‘AL. . Ohm. narrate-a wager-22:19. 9.9-? NOW OPEN. [mm mo.) 'i In.“ ”no“ t 11mm m mung“ I .P. B. BLACKBURN, "@3348 l D . may.» A. egg-r1 3.19mi! nan-r. 'sa'te,hiirr, up. A And ITO aware I”! 0TH" Wth rain. “at. ttttam. 'ratia man, a. Lava-ammmm I ' lir- '-iilii7diauf mm'mn . “new. wine, I” on rumble wry. uluunurer -, wv-w nun . " or: ilaV.Viiuiifi . dmgtrtMan ot ”cm-an 5 ultimo, m mar-su- a MT r an and-mung with I_G $1.5m _ tih,rir1'iee"'dr'u2r's'= than“ Livery Stable, mania 4-. VIII“ : q?,kCi1tstlritii'i'ri'htii, Corny-nonunion“ who. " "qoettiruatthq . "F- ', 'cTikrGkiiiyiruiititiEjeta." a ”at if'2ut2ii'.if'Strt.'tfte tTgi"fierghrMh2u"dfftgt ' 01 the” who". ' on“ in! "e'lttk'rt.ifi,lyii'ii'7,'ii'liir', um Trunk-r urn-I " no“ m In Io the I'm Novemtrer--tto" In” a an. The-nu a'/h'hth'pli; ttttarf/tut tii2MtAut'd _ tea1tir"l't dad - . (them qrtit no madM’ Contra Twit Livery Sublet. atitCINt.5t JQ-a Inc .I == tqrdiiiltiiNity,'i uh.- View!“ "g'RMitifgn'tlt in mm".- ou-trg- LIVLRY STABLES lous- 1- Amy. tie, $12.! PIANO - warns; OBGANS, (Be. _ i/,'l,,fl'l", h"; ',7s5'tgSh1'h',.'lhthlr4t MATHUSHEK PIANQ TEaJ-xwwL-Zi?‘ GUi firrTiG 5,iiijSfi2VPft Til..." --_" "'Hr_e Itll “Hyman a a. llt2rlhttf, g - '0" BANK OF tym?A w GlitGi7irGiv.-i- "C-o-Tia-sri 1â€"" iteiiit','ii't' awn..." ““ 1itii'tiitr, ditll - was” $lt"4rhl't8A1r4'l'att Jtit322i'd Serdiifitfgtt - mar-- iiiiiit'ii'iiaii'iit as...“ w'” - ""‘ 7"." -7aia g1: ifgtllrfttt iiftEti"it'i22'ha, “was mob: . lulu-Pun. . (rum , .... " Pe"""'.,')""? T, ...'. s, -6iiiTrir m" k il'/i'i"iri,i,'ii,ii),).,iil, d3 t . C, I 'fi"t,ailiiilii [my In” I!!!“ HI: in WPt-Ieu‘f“ ammonium-m T2rGT7i,FgiQM7ii2%iiFriE.8Riiii to“ LTirEriE5rE -. _ w .. and- nub-ul- Ti tgai'i'iiligrittis'i1i'il? l at.“ or - tii.'"'"'),.'.'?.'."',',-,'."'-';, 'r- iitTtftiiS'Pt' mite. q-q-tteh-ttte. can Fir. "3." TREES, sunuss. 8w iiigr?lirii'lli.iilillittsrat. . “AIMIIMA. kgwd m In: a... WWW.“ Enigma-ml: . . C "In?!" LOWRIE RICE; lam-Pucc- ‘wl‘ll. NORRIS & SOPEB. "" Ont-nu banana-w. ="A'k"dtlhl'ffl'fl'llr. , - mu. y nun-unnu- if to. ' 101-“._. 'e a! 8 - The Victoria Stable: The Fischer Piano. "tit-ret-ea, gtt-baqtBa= WHOLEMLE AID new. “I! hi Bautt 1101mm. 'WMWI‘ ”a... “In“ Lu-.-, - 'iltSt' wing-l'?.".", w A “w all m marriages. PRINCE ORGKNS. MATHUSHEK maul-hm La Belle Piano. " Agent: Wanted. ”Dinah-I‘M do. ti - u. at It!“ nil-tout. Anal-log 0AM“ in: run. urn-am. , _,lit':,,)i.'i.ii'i'iii'.iiii;','i',i' 1 5 g it .1 3.: tdi/tiii'.,))):,:?,!':,']') meNLKB a Git "(HMS l ”PER, (“a hr m.~'-l than“ 'si.!',iirgl,tii,,bl M" an an. a may“ II“! unq- No. 334m“ III F‘mm PM I¢n1 mm m' u, Jtil d 553:! I»: am attrmiideGi 18 221a . in I = M.r.r RI aht,ttd"g Hi WrtiseseMi, ",e.TIftt', ,onrn 3cm anti-alder uYoursrht? hon-and Mtcyo‘lvi wwo‘ “have “a. Jd'll. lc' rl: .l. - 'e Wrt Jiiiithr ”it: Mother Mann-‘0! . q 1tth'ftSt antrHJ I “out.“ pundit-allit- fl”. him exhibit? 0...“! fl! [hove-nit in Yum.” wo-uIL" ' J,1tett, on, .1 Mad-‘1 jag-undid Wh- mhgnun,‘ ttttti/M ban”: ABeg I!“ ad "I' ytto -,etitl2,'ht tot a)“ min -ituSieruts w In"! In.“ ”our“ tamhoanM. and.” but 4elihvthaar, his 'rr-u t mun-1d bulb-rill: V I "it , ”it; than. t 1:»an dMsd Me".,'.", .1 any". anus,- “WI “and. "bi-- hung“ We Wu “Mund- “but Def!” MU tom “two: “a, iii-ht" " attes oafiaiif ”new and the r: at!!! rr-hes! -ebou “I Junk! alibib no!“ Tgut

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