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Ottawa Times (1865), 30 Nov 1875, p. 4

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itl Ln, ill " Ill pleumu Ot the company was granny mural during the eunre eveumg by the commued gurgling awl unmuuuerly cou- duct of as puny occu pug the right con- no a: My hull. rm: audienee made .orerai “tempt. lo wt Joaquin: unnu- mmed interruption ot the programme, but were =umuccmlul in doing .0. Should will occur main,“ my tuturo tPtueriuti, In! than endeavour to procure named, wuh a View to greater pubhdit . Ihme who volunteered ttsais-tance for lie evening complain, and righteous” too, of the mucu- unerruption to their various be: mented encore fox Mr. Brodie read . tl sutctltttetice, entttl d " Luts Yoeumn's mu well rendered by the m, for which he mu de Jan]. Mr. McLean re l rncuru for " The Vaga- Ute read . selection on- 'oug on the Sorth,’ owned much ouee. At number stage .e to Master Sidney membered ' the astMIt a ”Entrust-sue“ un v. Nueby, d outbursts of Lewes in winch tt, Rev. Canon we took put, dly applauded. luste 131.; this vary a. do“. Tue wt aster ll uuton Xaminatou in MOD DA mew some n anmcan am“ the vacancy in th )utkne 't'ieparatoty cl s, .- Minn of Mr. N Robe upon by the Schm- t', on I mittee. The ep. 5} open: , stated that. e til ecu-.1 cam: lily e amine a :het unitex‘. and _it in» " recoarnvud t tlt' R at the Board, is; tis of Windsor; 1'. Du ',1 V es il A' at m .e m. Mu m LlVllhY thought, the teauhers e _ “we Just In unmet: for ’tbe change an , the scholnn. _ Mr. Pusan: said the long mess was l giseu N mums the pupil: to go home f) {or lutner, and he thought. before number Jr. amuse w s made it. would be well to P. remr the matter to a committee. tl Ate peulioix was. accord‘ngly sent to a the 3011001 Management Committee. C, xsw PROGRAMME up “was. n The Rector submitted the last reviied ' i'rogxumme of Studies adopted by the Council of Public Instruction. lt was retorred to. the Committee on School l Managentent to report upon is a future y meeting. _ f "Mum: Two of the , ', m;th tecoutrueuderl, bl ; '; Himmw, the former by l _ ‘it'CZOl' of lhgh Schools t like by L'mhnxul D.” , Mrngnew was also higt t" Mr. Main LtiltAY mo r I men: of Mr. Bristow, to v 1 1’; cya'uox'y C'rasstat a d l Mr Wme A sown-Ii .i, Mr. tro- unwed in Ns" CAVADA CENTRAL lhuoae.-A new bridge, designed by Mr. R. J. Harris, Chief l-jvigivineer of the Consult Central ex- ten,,ion in just been completed over Smith's Creek, near ltenftxtw. It in 246 feet long. and 23 feet, 21 inches wide at theiop, an as to give room, eventually, i‘oradoubh track of 4 feet 81 inches, though there is at present but one track, of Siam 6 the centre. The height. in the middle is about 39 feet flan the bed ot the creek to the bane of the rail. The tiooring tins ure 5 by 8 inchel, And en- placed 8 inches apart. A guard. ing mi], of 6 by 8 inches on each side, would, in the event of a tmin getting " the tack, prevent it from going over the bridge,” those guard. u-e so placed, thntwhen one wheel struck the outer mil the other wheel would strike the guard rail. The whole in uncommonly solid, and the work he: been excellently done by the oontractor/Mr. [dam Ax l'siotteiuuuar.-Thes notorious Mar. garet Doherty In. "rested yesterday afternoon on I eGrgu of drunkenness, she having bcery found lying on the tide- walk on Ridoad street, non Dalhousie. P. C, Gtinusr conveyed Ur in , and? to the police union. is wu a good jo for her that I!!! committed ber'fisult in the day time, had it been night, the would have been frozen to death. l . M. C. A.--u" 'mljourned business luv-mug of thus Anocmion will be held at their Rooms tonight at. 8 o‘clock. Re. ports of the Association for the put you will he read, All memben of the Auc- ciatiou are expected. to be present. _ MoNDav/Nov. 29. peorge Lefrene, charged with assault.» ini; Antoine Bovian, was fined $3 and " costs. The money wee paid. l Joseph Duuchesne. charged with "u, ing a ring from Andrew Burrows, was dU4, charged. I, Maxims Brisboin, charged with unwind wood from the By estate, Wu called upon to npponr. but failing to do so, a warl‘uq tor Ins limes: wu issued. ( The communication was referred to the School Management Committee, with in. sumcions to arrange for the closing of the present; Lermwgtb a suitable exhibition, and ask His Excellency to be in attend. ance to make the presentation of the medals to we successful students. The Bonn-1 then adjourned. net'ore Mr. Tmu. Luann, J.P. A letter may read from His Excellency the Governor-General deciding to Award the silver medal to Mantadb‘idney Hunton for his very successful gout-so in both classics and mathoamtimp, last you, glad asking that both it and a bronze medal be rycurned for the necessary inscription. Betbre M. U'GARIA. P.M The Chairman said that the water pipes c ouid not. be put down till spring, and some imrmydisru' rgmedy_ma_ necpsaary.» lt was iinideterdsiuod to lonve'the matter in the bands of the Building Com- mittee. nu motion of the Rev. Mr. Gannon, seconded by Mr. liar, the communica- tions were referred to the Building Com. mince, with instructions to procure double windows If deemed necessary. . - ' “new” or WATER. A letter was read from Mr. Nile com-. prAiningofthe dxtliculty he experienced in obtaining water for the use of the Ishool. _ Ur. Hay thought a well should be dug without delay. Mr. Wurnock thought it would be cheaper to have the water pipes laid, " be believed there was no good water in The Rector explained that the heating Bl paratus was ina,uifidient for so huge a budding, tsnd that unless something in: done the school would have to be dis. ruie,sed, Latter- were read from two or three of the teachers complaining of the coldneu of their class rooms. - mlxhtional ltr. HA\. unwed ended by the Rev. Acnew be appoints l be question hint the amendment wa- division. Vets-Messrs. Hay and Gordon. Nays-Messrs. McGillivray, Warnook an! Penqock. Mr. Erasmus then -moved another anwmlment, seconded ly Mr Eu. that Mr. Barnes be appointed to the charge of we {at term. We matter was referred to the school .1lamvgcaasut Committee. . AN EXUII\NHB REFI'\'ED. A letter was reul from the Rev. Mr. May, making a remittance of dues to Preparatory Class, owing to non-acceptance of a scuumrs‘np mm by autumn o his Wyn. Ott woman of Mr. i'ss?ocuc, t e applipa the makers, were Kuo in nundmw A mueuug of the Board of Trustttots of the (bllegive. Institute was hel-l in tho City llallyestemlaytr"terttoon at to'clock. Mr. J. P.. F'tsntherutone, chairman of the [haul presiding. Front“, News. May, Warnock, Mcriillivray, Pennook, and Rev. D M. Gordon. ': Messrn. J. 'l'horburn, limmr. and lass) T. D. Phillips, one of t' ll '.F.otATF. 'NN'rrTUTk: BIIAID or . .., “Imus Northern Colonization Railway. non Wm refused, the Board domid'eri he Preparatory Class 3 distinct 3:3 marine department. trom the Collegiate institute. ' buys-lie Y on; THE 1fmim.x1'unv cuss. Sumo H anylicants were received for e vacancy in the Mmqqnsuip of the eraratory c? s, wreaked by the resign- on of Mr. N Robertson. view reported on by the School Man-gamut". Com- ttee. The av. Mr.Gordon, chaiqmnn, ted that m application: had Ebeen o: {by e amino! by the ' om- :m-. and _it was conclu‘le'E to' "tarneud fur fox the dom'ilet Him the Board, is: mode ot'Mensrs. Bd new Windsor; 1'. Duncan, Ot Quebec? Mr. snow, of “minimal. my! Me. Agn w, of mam. Two of the candid-Ales Twore If. A rortry POLICE COURT. reunion, signed by nearly all the and girl. in the mama. was read, G for a reduction at the noon Utter. uu from one And a half hours to half 'ur, mm a new to getting home an em Her m the ovomug. 7 TEACHER F --51 ‘ l0 n" llrgh Schools Unwrio, nu the L’luhtllul Dasron, of Mon re n1. aw was also Uiguly common 1 d. (UH LtkitAY moved the up} int- Il r. Bristow. to take charge {the cry Ciass1 at a salary of tith)) mm. N sewn-led tho resolution. nt" waved in :1-uem‘luieuwwc 'the Rev. Mr (iuunox, titan Mr e appointed to tho poaitioxil. estiou Having been Fat to vote, THI COLD “EATILEK P01.“ I. \uu Rt uuiuntiou was regain-l from. ti, French umber. asking for compensation for two hours' per day imposed upon him for jot' IC H SHORT" HDL'R: REGAL MID\LS was carried on Lhe follow ' the _ cunxli-l-llés were Fl. Messrs. Burnt: and " bv Mr McLelltui, In- McUiihn-ny_ and War TUti ar. on the following ao RLI'AIATURY CLASS, run Hay and Gor oowxmnos BAILWAY 00., and of the Montreal, Ottawa and Western Company, omnidarod due by the Com-. mimoner, without reference to the auro- suto amount thereof. 20th. The con. I run wuous cox'rmcr I if the contractor fail to prosecute the work in a proper manner, or at a rate of pro- gran that will inaureits completion within the time specified. 15th. The contractor to furninh all earthworks, are, ao., neces- sary to conetruct a tint-clue road 3 no extra work allowed for unless approved by the Government engineer and commis- _ aionem , and the contractor ahall take no 1 advantage of any omiuion or error in the contract. 16th."l‘he Montrealcity bonde already aid to the contractor shall be kept by him at par, and he shall hereafter receive similar bonds, also at par or each, at the choice ot the Government. 17th. The contractor to protect the Govern- ment as auigneee or, purchasers of the roperty of the Montreal, Ottawa and Western Company, against all obligation concerning the bonds of the aid company. 18th. All bonds received by the contractor from the aid company to be returned to tlMHr'ovstrnmeut. 1N RATIFIOATION or run conquer BY we mountain, and shall be issued by the laid company , all returned bonda to be cancelled; this stipulation not to interfere with the right of the Commissioners to lune any bonds they may be authorized to incite or die pow of. 19th. The contractor to PAY ALL nan-rs or rm: MONTBIaL Holman our or MONTREAL T0 rna I'ERIINU!‘ m AYLIER, and for the St. Jerome branch; and also all engineering contingent, incidental of ottiee expenses now due and owing by the said 0 impany, or hereafter to become due for similar services i also the organization required to carry on the works till fully completed and accepted. The Govern- ment to pay the expenses of the engi- neer, the contractor to pay all further dis. bursements for the full construction and equipment of the road and branch, and also the interest puyable on the Montreal bonds, until the railway is open between Montreal and Aylmer; also, $5.000 per year-salary ot Government Inspectors, till the completion of the work; also repayments to the Province of Quebec of the money payable to the Montreal, Ottawa & Western Company on surrender of its assets, including repayment of all stock paid up by rivate thtmsholdera- except that of the contractors, which shall be held as surrendered and ' celled. which shall be 'refunded them by, the said contractor; also, all the accounts due for labor done, etc., etc., at present l unpaid; also, all such accounts against the Montreal & Western Gmtpunyraa the Commission may consider just. 12th.i The c0atraetor to faithfully perform the work, etc., etc. _ is eoxsiolu'rxox or $3,601,649 95. l3th. The road to be tirtiahed before the 21st of October, 1877. 14th. Work to be commenced at once and proceeded with all speed, according to the instructions of the Government Engineers , failing this, the work may be prosecuted by the Com- missioners at the cost of the contractor. run oovsnsnaxr an: rowan to clxcu, “Us? " APPROFBD or BY we oovssxusxr ENGINEER - before being accepted and paid for by the Government, and the decision of the Government Commissioners upon the tTV port of the Government Engineer shall be tinal and aonelusive--msterials to be of the best description, and such as shall insute a first class railway. 2nd. All divisional engineers and inspectors to be appointed by the commissioners, assistant engineers' appointments are to be ti proved of by them. 3rd. The work to he done according to wetritiestion annexed to the original contract with the Nor. thern Colonization Railroad, except as changed by this contract, also by the schedule of quantities annexed to the contract, especially work done on the St. Jerome branch. 4tlt. la case of any alteration in the location or constitution of the line, the contractor shall be paid suchudditional cost pro ram with the schedule then in force, and decrease with the same schedule. 5th. And it is agreed that as to the manner for settling for the work already done on the said line, the amount thereof shall be first as- certained by the Government en ineer; its value shall be iUred by a GMT, of prices annexed; amonthly estimate of the quantities and of the materials which are bottajide in the possession of the con- tractor on the-said railway shall be made by the Government, and the amount thereof paid on or before the 15th day of I the succeeding month, ‘Lsss sccu nsnucrioxs as ass suntan» l for under the contract, " a drarrbsidt tor the due and ultimate fulfilment pf the contract. The Gavemment en ineer may change the schedule rates , prices if found necessary to secure the full com- pletion of the road, or in case the sche~ dule already made bear too hard on the contractors, subject, however. to the tip proud and tatitication of the Lieutenant Governor in Council; but in no case shall the cost of the road exceed the gross price hereinafter mentioned. 7th. All material used to be free from any lien. 8th. Ten per cent. of each monthly pro. - estimate to be retained by the (lor. ernment, as security tor the fulfilment of the contract, till the sum reaches $100,. 000, and fire per cent. or monthly esti- mate afterwards. 9th. If, case of refusal or neglect within reasonable time to meet any obligationsor ayments he has as- sumed, or delayol) payment for labour heretofore perform or hereafter to be performed, or for ma rials, procured or cash advanced for or in connection with the road, the Govern ent shall Have the power to make such payments, and de- duet the amount from the contacting estimates. 10th. Steel rails of t 9 best quality and pattern, weighing 560 lbs. per line, already used for the main through track switchings and sittings; the re- minder of iron, same weight and pat- tern; the contractor to build iron truss bridges of the best quality and most ap- proved plans. Bridges of 49 feet and under may be of wood. 11th. The con- tractor to pay out of the gross amount he is entitled to for the right of way from the harbour in the T sail line, and that it is to the ublic interest thot the road be completmf: and that the intemsts of ll. Abbott nonma- tv-I‘red to McDonald, the contract con- tinues; that Duuean MoDonald binds himself to complete the_work which he was bound to do by his contract with the Company. subject to the following alterut tions and multiplications ..--w. All the works LU.rnd of Bwomher, 187.3; the contract. dual mm of November, 187:3. between tho Government end Duncan McDonald. After reciting, the previous relations of Ell-Hal's. Mulloumld and Abbott with the .Northeru Col mizztiou llailway, my! the moliun of the Montreal City Council fpr tue puylueut to tho Government of the balance of the 8l,0Or,ihj0 grant 'to the Ni l Company, null approval by the Mon- treal, 1)ttawa and Western Company; of the convnyance to the Govemment ofllthe There is included all the ssorrewtmdenees which took place on the subject of Gov- ernment. aiding or assuming the Montreal, Ottawa and Buster" Railroad, hetwedn the thh of June Ind the 2nd of Novomh her; all the correspondence in connec- ti n with the North Shore Rsilroad, between the 9th of February and the synopsis :or A rue-mun bolweon I Quebec tgowere"-t and (he I on- tron-torn. All the pawn in connection with the Northern Colonization Raifroad re l.. nuns have been brought down Murine recmving n great deal of attention, both (mm the public and railway men gener- allv. ' THE Ito 4D TO BE COMPLETED IN TWO YEARS. THE TIMES: OTTAWA, TUESDAY NOVEMBER M, 1875 denoee of the heathen end thSee men- tioned in Holy Writ, where deeming wee held " e religicue exerciee. He hel that the pleasure deuce of the peut dey wee to be condemned " being efrivcloue weete of time and " being conducive of injury both to moral end phyeicel health. It endengered unity end extreveaence in other: in not only youth, but eleo in than of more meture yen-e, end wee provoca- tive, by reeeon of the femielienty end embrecee ettendent on dencing, of iat. proper thoughte. The ergument that it wee e healthy phyeicel of?» wee e false one, inesmuch " the ted etmoe- phere of e bell room, with ite attendant late hours, inhuman; excitement, the eulnpfnoue ',th wince, '&o.,werees bed for the phyei health " the Pastime wee for the novel. If the on of either eex required' ith':,',',"',,') indulge did notwieh to deprive tpot, ill, there we: no occeeion for them liter. allrto"taketothtsirhV toobteinit.‘ He ergued that there were tttt of in- tellectuel recreetioue in whi they could come without having recouree to the merctricioue pleeeuree of the deuce. The welte He my condemned.‘ van . most eloquent and inductive one, the rev. gentleman trotting his subject in an able‘and wholnrly mmner. Some of the rrstnarkg and quotations he made were rather highly coloured, but appro- priate to his theme. Ho lookogL " the matter he had to deal with in on impu- tial manner, tuning the salutary at from tre most ‘m‘cioul. “gnu, ulludipg to the The Orange Hell last night was filled by s most intelligent tge,",yegee the occasion of. a concert given nder the auspices of the ‘Dominion Methodist Church Christian and Literary Society, to which was added the Additional attraction of a lecture by the Rev. Mi. Hunter on " The Pleasure ?r,"r'tts'T,g1, can." The musical portion of e prop-mine in. cluded some excellent selections by the Choir of the church, under the leadership of Mr. Sel'wyn, and their 4sirorta were most deservedly sppleuded by those present. The following is the pregame, and it is not necessary where each lady and gentleman acquitted themselves so admirably, "ttt,t"ast' anyone for his or her exoe enee. " Sweet Pence de tttatt'.','),"',,':", byChoir; Dutsttr"Tha Golden n" by Kisses 1am; "Calm 'l22htg, (t's11't'i',t1ueg'Pe by in g . . ere, Mr. Atkinson., 'Trio, “The Violet,"y by McDonald, Mr. and Mrs. 8.1 n; " Fare- well te the Forest," " 'iiiii'k',liii'i " . Dean, “The Fishermen," d end seltrrh. [especially . t any olaim t his late h wtner, In: for'tUt purpose Govern- ment retains 'sufficient (and. [my such .olnimn no won " the t bu .been boned. 22nd. The vernment bu {:ower to main 857,1, 9.95, pey- nble y tho uni Government to we said Railway Company under the contact between them and the Government. 23rd Any reduction ot' per contig- of aiding: approved by the C'ommuidisera' diminution in vnlue tobodeduoted from the you sum due to the contractor. 24th. The oontmt to be submitted for approval to the Legislnture by the Government Engineer, under said schedule by him prepaid, marked B, and the amount thereof paid on or before the 15:11 day of the succeeding month, lees such deduction as are stipulated for under this contract, he a drawback for the due and ultimate fulfilment of the aid nork. 6th. The Government Engineer may change the achedule ram of price: under certain conditions, but in no case shall the coat of the mad exceed the gross price hereinafter mentioned. 7th. No work oranuerUl on which any lien existe to be included at any progreu esti- mate ttttt by the Government Ilngi. near. 8th. en per oeett.otf each program eetimnte. w sum. an human BKTRI oovmnn annourit for the due taliilment of the work by the contractor. 9th. If the cou- tractor refuse or neglect. to meet, within a reasonable time, any of the obligations or payment: which he hnmnmed under these presents, and if he delays for an unreasonable length of time the pnyment of labours gerfcrmed or materials pur- chased for o in connection with the road then in any of said caeee run GOVERNillNT SHALL an: I'll rowan bridges over tt St. Ann, Betieoen, St. Maurice and ttwm Rivera . other bridges to remain of wood. 11th. ihe oontrwtor topey the right of way through the her- bour of Quebec. The following sections are similer to; those in the other contract: -13th. Considention for the work Her- formed to be $4,731,387 50. 14th. he road tobe delivered in fimeelaas order before the lat December, 1877. The re. maining section: are similar to those in the other contract. The contact is dated the 24th of September, 1875.-- The Rev. ark Ilmuer on tho “Plea-Ire T Dance.” to has: won 'n‘nmm and to deduct the emohnts thereof from the mid contractor’s estimate. 10th. Steelrails who used of 56 pounds per lineal yard for the main line; iron trus- bridges over Elle: SLMAnn, Regimen, _ St. u’ousvv is u follows ;-In the first clause the letter binds himself to make all altera- tions in grades, plans, sspetsifiatiumts and otherwise, In conformity with the Gov. ernment requisition; material and work to be upproved by the Government En. gineer; and all divisional engineers or inspectors to be appointed by the commissioners or trustees, although paid by the contractor; assistant engineers to be named bythe cuurraotor, subject to the approval of the commissioners, and to be removed by the Chief Engineer. 3rd. The work and materials, of the main line are to be gov- erned, fuat by schedule A of the 2nd of October, 1874, and by its amendments, dated the lat of husptembert1875 , on the Files Branch, to be governed by schedule marked u. 4th. Alterations in the loca- tion, or alteration of the line which wilt increase the cost to tlMs.ooateaotor, to be paid for, such additional cost to be com. piled from the schedule then in force; decrease in the cost of construction to be allowed for in a similar way. oth. And it is agreed that as to the manner of set- lt? for work already done on the said _ me. WEIR")! HETIIODIS'I' CHURCH CH.I§TIAI AND LITERARY BnCIE'l‘Y. and of iiuteriau which is born lueirt the posses-ion of the ootttmotor lbe made DURING in museum union, and if not upfroved, the contact to be null and voi , and all monie- aid to the aid connector shall be oomkfered M paid on account of work done on the said railway; under the exietlng law, and deducted from the uub~idy which the swd toad isentitled to receive. 25th, If the contract be rauiied by the Legislature, the contractor is hereby interdioted from any damage against the Province that he may claim he has tsuftismsd from the said company under the align-81 contract. 26th. The term " tiraro nmd" to apply to the mainroulonly. The con. tract is signed by “C. B. DeBouoherville," “Duncan Maodonald," and “L. N. pa- mouchel, N. P." The contact BETWEEN THE GOVERNMENT AND HON. THOMAS Citizen . was Axouxr rumor MIALL mm Bl As- annular) BY was aovnnxn I new“, T C ita value shall be fixed by the schedule of prices and the gross nun thereby ascer- taiped, after deducting drawback and amounts nlreedy psid, the balance Ihall be paid to the said party of the first part, and u to the manner of tending for the work to be done hereafter by “id con- tractor, it shell be done " follows: Molnhly estimatee_ 9f qentitietOtysrt xf tractor to pey the out of ell nations, except. those of the city of, Monteeat. 21n. The oontratttae to fy the Government. spin» tho Kiln-y compey by. my prayipm, TI." ROAD TO BE EMT-OLA“, mu LINUX! a, "if an . .. ot'PiiiESnii In iiiGWiiTiri nu 4%"att,'ra"f., Mr nus. up an an.“ 3"“ and moo-lbw b. team- and an“. BOBT. M up“, on the print-u. 46 wh Fol " Ba.-Ahramsl, Paw! _ _rtararytot at flaunt; as: The chow mo! ty, .upanv lawn. vomited. In.“ than nt romnctmuou with the Hunger Ind Arm-t. manner "puns pun-eh manned to me at my midsum- nn Sanif Hill, wlthlh me any mum, study one In In 1mm and! odlaa, And than“ DWI“. army yard! m 1tn,'11f2t hon-m Rt which their Inc-unto! do van other ml», run notice " to than.“ corn-prudent: to plow: devnuuno and“ tanks: whim-s by oxpnu man no); titrtq I. 3 arm canal-9mm: and 't,'t'itt,"hh,r'lt: puny luau he mama: to compete In ax- tll','.' bums- ul an. lured-av. all thriving o . . . W. P. WHITCHEB. Ham summon um. Ml Diamond Yeast Cakes Matt, up In Jakob, Capo, is., " _ AStrachan, i T South se) Seal C T mid Beaver lit remove further questions and doubt In um nutter. I M . Hull: Inform mix-110w- el'lzens um. I Insults "eo"", nah-they by an monolith] ml (one I - tequil- tlon to author person. or by son. “he! do- omed notion. no} their (III: tttr u m. I N FEATHEBSON. Rug-During the pun. two or three weeks I have been duly and my manual: an to tilt May n‘ty d 1876. 'ti Tuesday and Wednesday. 1th and Ill) v Af%r Law music by the click, i119 Rev. Mr. _ oung pronounced the benediction and the audience 36')!!an a T _ chemo ins oneoltheh-i rinse! Paris, t2t,tht mostot' tbsp ords of dancing meters came like locusts, de. vourinl - 'tttS' thing they come across. Cicero said that no " Sober men dance, unless they be either mad. men or foou," end he was of Cicero’s opinion. Let those who wanted bodily exercise go out into the fresh air of heaven and deuce forgo” but let the members of eseh sex 0 eo.sepantely. lie was particulsr in imsreeeing upon his bearer-e, this he di not condemn such dancing asthatkhut it was the so- oelled pleasure dance of the day to which he directed his remarks, and that pastime he decried in the strongest terms. After giving some particulars u to the histo and progress of dancing since the 133 century down to the preytut, day, he took occasion to allude to the ball jinn to their Extselleuoiets the aoreruorthrrMrra1 and the (‘ountess ot Morin by the citi- sens ot Ottawa two years ago. He said that the entertainment, patching of the nature it did, was the mrsns of preventing several prominent persons from paying their respects to their Exuel- lenciee; he had formed one of a trt; tion to weit upon those who h the management of the affair, but were un- able to prevail upon them to ultlzr their arrangements. He concluded a very in. teresting lecture by advising the young to betake themselves in their hours of lei ure to some pursuit ofe more intellectual ne- turei, than dancing, and thus improve themselves mental,»V and bodily, the former by literature, and the latter by hedtihful out of door exercise. He can gretu'leted the Society upon the auspici. ous manner in which the third year of its existence had been inaugurated, ahd trusted it would continue to prosper. rlANo-é'uwnc, MIRRORS, GAPSALIEBS, 03mm. rm'r umas AND woume WARE t"asts8rps -at the Ite" too, Hmckvlllr. on Bat- army. th, ammo: ruvmmyer, [no wi eat Hobart Camels, Jr., Tt-qutrtr of the Sup- nme Gnu tofunnmm. of 3 non. . DECEMBER Nt'sxt'. The subscriber ll ttround with lmlmnllonl fromJUriN THOMPSON, E-q . to Hell " his residence, Rideau drool. over an More. ell " Humanoid Furnlture cum’pnliuz In part, one cmuenug 7 oat-w rosawo d one piano, very tim) mummy centre and mi Iota tables. up (All. mirror: 3nd marble sums, 10m. .nir,hiutp and otherohsln window rung! In green and 1800. with gilt. g les, “chum framed pH-mres carpet-l c, Mug room 'tx. brtola, mammal. ohm“. Gunman b ozone and a wry tttt dunno dinttu' service or was. 100 places, wuu break But. an! event“ chins, Mute and Hold. t large Variety of one I cutlery, tn. Several b dmme fully [mafia with m uuguuy, black walnut a u wk new .omplne. .rou tred-rs, spring Ind hair m.nur.~'-e< feather beds. balls, 0 were, our. nuns. a . hall “and, Moral: alum, and In“ r Ida. A‘llu culluerg tie ‘ere In rs complete ennusunx feveryl. 1ng required in a weI'- un- l L01 hon 6. Sale m" day " '03Y mm" wl'hout r nerve, " Mr :ibhumylip has moved to the reamenoe " Mr l r"Q.NIth', has Int-v on Mr. Th a. canny. 1133.9 ll Household Furniture, To the may» e THE Inlay. Tim nndemlgnod ls prepared tone! " TIM, BER L1 nuts on the RIVER DESMOINE, ; ., mnAmmo ONE HUIDRED AND T WENT mm U8 'i, BQUA " um“. “poo-Ito In. lulu-h no} new. Noni]. an. m r you um m. an» The Canadian Express Company. on.“ Nov. M, 181} New Advertisements. II. HODGES. Ottnwx Nov. 30,1371 WpoggTAN'E ATN) "" X IA Ll JUST RECEIVED Ma. THE NEW SHIN Pogt "TS, DVBB'I'IIEIEN'I‘. Tata t [0.9 t III" t ‘IHBEB nuns ’0. SALE Black Walnut and Mahogany " BPMllrFtrr,, CARD. BIRTH. '3'." is EEIXNG HAM. Auctioneer. menu -1lstd.1Aut.is7t V 103' FGit “Indium": Ibed . t"llktlfAiLt 1Mi'ti ' m no Ffiirydi' mama nun-um», DA)! INa HA h (I GRANLBY. I). " . at... Montana! “ammunition!!!” OI" mun-Mas: to ttt, henna-u Hon: M ttttl or!!! ta'tiggi"t SP. 'l'l'A'l'UM nun-on: tuna A)?! to war MAW, a: a. Ame""., W a 4'.'i'dtu'fa'Sfatt.,"dt2fd - I HIM-noun lah so. J." Taeiiiah 33;: 9529.33.29}? !&.M by 1913; gnu! Peruvian 4,00" wililliijl. .000. m. rerueuA0miiiilT'.".:r'.'.T:.' .6 llth Stanislaw. '......'..-r..... " 18t.t Moravia ',imtma.....,...... " mu Momma...” -:-atet. at 9ymttsan.......l.CU..T..T.' " mu 'h-s..".".".:.:.'.",..",'.'.'.'.'."."..' " Bud,r.'C.".y.y. " an: soundings-anon ."tte.'- P.yy1ev-...-...............mtoo. Mom... ........... I no sun-math. n- 'e nndodto nun-u- “. at? fan. 'GrrllA"Gh"dl1hThWiluTGr1tm . 'Pft"em-mrma-t- - An n and curled fir.7iC,i'si)illi,?it',itiiiiieleite' i'tlf if. e . Wt tf't?l'?, 1'il'l'dBtl%'Wdt Mr JV: _ D. W. MAID (00. no“... u... m “yum" Ir, w- The Emu-on " In. hum I am M “Vernal our, In. ttom war: pm: “In! Fort. mm In“ Fu land “uncommon! nu- wu “A "ouimuertiiudiiFaaUs Royal Mail Ste'amships Th- Mama li'18g1',blfh"l,'lttTtttt iiiiiiiiiiiiii?ii' :i'dfi,it',il on. t warn. Von-chum "dirul"A'fdrWAu..e. otiriikiiLkEiA, aiwimtmm 80mm f othUmm‘u-m. A-smoms 6,010 IMPERIAL FIRE INV' A HOB CUM-'ANZ’ tClam-trs', Bun-“d. t "I "al 512.0004!» Doullnox PLATE amass INSURANCE o OOIPA NY l t “anneal BUN MUTUAL A0011») NI INSUR "n' I QOIPA N Y cf . mnure n. OTTAWA RIVE ' NA\ 10 "r"' ooMP'tr.. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY. ui""ifi""i"'iiiiiiii"i" IfiuhiicE General Agent Citizens Insurance Co'y. CAPITAL, . . 82.000.000. York Start, near Sussex Strut l 'tNiE owtrtqtoh0itn - ote nylon, I div 0 ai' out: purouuun our 'd. . mums. an > 'ttrtrdtryttoantot Ops: com 4: than”: Q"! t Can: a Ramona om. I, not I. we“ a 'sorted In 0mm, Crud-m, lithe was. Gum [am My: Undo, m. The bottom. smut 6M!) it" owe! P to q olelrod out a mm a: can.“ u Lamp- :nd lamp Good: _'4 any Redwood. "b_Bpoetia1 Lino um not. enum- 3 OFFICE: Buns“ But-e Block. Lam's Hops II; I?" - 7 meelolduio percent. below um esoM. the pnmhuon are about. to an I Fumm‘ Inga-lug manhunt. on ttmt (i "t no . CANADA Fire and Marine Insurance Ir.. in!) 01110: - T'" - Hamllhau 'M GEORGE R uc l 3311.. Mayor 01 the _ ity ol Bun won. D. renown. M._. M Pr, _ SHIRTS I COLLARS 911aia, 807.1531 lnsuranc , Co. SLIO Ageat t " Domestic l TURN“; " h cotuoi1 Um neu- _ ovnn con-mes Kiiimiiirkir Fla, ' TW L9 BANKRUPT STOCK uoootgtastttNrBoltt_sa1. ttrttt tre-ret tt only. Come and (at. but: u .15 Dun nu a. GOAL & KE‘UBENE 01A Whole-:19 . at new: In lurked Dru-m T IEIEIMUS ar ruc‘no I l J2,tugyLStT,,e1e2r.,.ytc.t1et 91-33. ILA" ruminant) An now prepared willow: very largo wit" d OVEBUOATB. -..- _ - - .---. - - - --"-t-"e" ---" iris!!!” 881513, And. (4m Anon-unomd Man's mm a Flu, kn, Anew-n no Gums. D. MORGAN & SONS. oera, Nov. an, ‘376. t IRE. LIFE t MARINE lISllmEE Brockvmé"& Ottawa 't,aragir2,rt"t,e/c"i."'"" “3112m- aitttsrthosatmrinorsteef?oy1r1tt'fe:. For Ottawa via Brockville ouawu..lnn.2? Jill. tr, 1875. gimp Elm (its. can, on p'knl and Wood (mule The extensive nacho! VI. mu or heal-penned "To. (MEWS. "rm, as DUKE ”with nun gamma“ nuns. ”this. Nov 5. Item -__ - In this Department Witt be and sun: or , ‘ "I, In?“ Amt every ""tltrg or Inland Vina ax. JOHN SMITH & Gr, No, CLOTHING HOUSE, GMuouria THURSDAY, November 5th, 1875. HAS. autumn“; u.“ un ‘AHHO'I' IE UNDBIWLI). UNDERCLOTHJ 159, All SEWER. T. ml- CLOTHING. BAND IN HAND MUTL L JAS. ANGUSJ was . Jorrr, mama t . It!“ W'NEE, Esq, unmet: VxesPrea‘d- n t CHEAP SAL E At [on than Ant-n n was. 0‘03. DIoA smut. CQMPABE THE PRICE l " nu Slamming. NmriaytmrtlrmstoNtr on - . - Human». CAPITAL ammo. temporary “loo- OR READY-WADE. In“ “Th-\I'I. DUK 3.5T mm ' u. , _ ““314le (VITA . A, {in .x uh md. )BY, an. Hunger. '. I‘N‘UA'G. Ann tor on." Vale! 118 SPARE BY mr. " . - PGmIIn PEA JACKIE "v'ahmsos £12m} ' Tan 81'. “uric: l, _PIu. '/l'IIlrl.ylir. ”RAJPM‘Y: u, to: 18t.t mm In It ' mu But arttt TE . lamlo'm I, ""'i'"auiaicisiE5 ram-.1: sllllhNPat,"g,',r,ttt, ...gz M'LWa'r, 0M ..r Pet on. Im- an» 'W""""'". a-Cir--'"-----"" - WRITE I Jum- Duo“. Mon. PAnl'nn. mm. A, man ‘h Til-We'll. (rm-Ill nghgmdml’mnm 'Jll'ddr. . '",,e.e,ts,.er.tyueeLtrAiiLa.iiN an. 7 -0oei FagiiCiriiii Fia""1W, Ill 3" mu“ .. .“ 't))i??ittitif, 'il'F!i.itl,fl,i,'rllii? in: ' 'tir-CCC-III-CCI)?- Sign”, not uni-ha. at. 3:: , on». _ , an. f b " g'girrp,,iifsiiiiit,tg,ggetgt (M an ' a W... MESS: ',taP2e1eieAtg%g,Eir5iijiifitiEtia] g! acumen-y. Brmkvule u. Y. Jett 9.83 LII. I.“ P II. on an - - - . It.“ I.“ - Beulruw - - . U “I. I.” P M. Ottawa . . .» . LID x... [It’ll] Ranrmw . - -, - 110,- "tir. Brock-hie . . - . m. “111.!“pr imam: m. In» Dom “a“. was one meow-n Ttu',",,?.',', Trunk up”). Tnug otghe Wait“. ts u m I )arvers childerr' Pant my ”All. Mich a 9513‘?" 'sFwlfu17 and will form W! ye.". V "I.“ u, . _ A - #436511: Trim mim “tuna“. my. Mom 'N3ie.Wtou mm urn-a Prank $1.%ptrRs Train from the West. a “m g m mun, - conneou‘n made " wen! " an u roar mun. H Ms a mam] than P uh 16" Trun- run on 31mm .- l n I): and - MONDAY, 2M1 Nova-her, ll I I 1.45 ""egr,g/ Trun- Ex- my“. ..... I N A00 A... tgr,r,tairtir" Mull, mourn-ta can: v-iiert' by me 1045 um. um" 'Nve um: udimrlt waned-u. - Putin-notations, J Moss l-ndl. ‘Bun almana- Inn! Hum hunt mu "W,e.T2'ghffgi,,et) Van. Ttme ult." than by 'my who: mute. Trun- In “1399 muggy-em (lung. ,ith TIMBER LUIITS We}; 90 an mun-“u. In»... and my. ALTERATIUN orTouiNuo, run Gown-fun"- nouns. - .7 _ A _-c.- .. _ -- _ f4 iir-,tstoaroro.atoV 'E""'" LII!!! to: In: a l ii"i"'"i'ii"i'tiiiiii' '"i7i'iiii' 'j, rhe 01d rennin “mus-vi. ma. and - mm :ouu. [AghquQQ le m an potnm Atalhldeovor ttr" out at w- our“, 30-h. Ill-myou can u lot-pt may tu' Mamba." nth-no" Gui-Inna.- 'rriMurirt9tntost_tou-oneura him 1',i',t='lly',e't',uuirg1tPyott'Ss at" myhrbmymunmn ..!- qu. eteral2taytiwhiiix, “ow iituiftiaiiuri. -"- iw‘FoT-ngl "eiiAsirieii tbit in ALEX. TAYLOR Flour '85 Farm Produce. _ -en , Th. Inn-saber hat“ puma-m me! " Mahatma-,m i'ati.',aigsuit..ekuref Dolh, Grenvilmum Jone-1 tint-m hr cum 'rite' mf: u: out” “an I mun mm can an, td2'tt'1t,12'ft'5tll- lb o" 'ittf " Mur . . o cum “to b. t that in“ nu nomad In ' unto! 'tMN',','.",',,,,', 2lrg2teftP"""s o'. can MN All“ BOOTS a SHOES ham o9etfry m’ I..." u u - - " u u on. e"" gnaw [an - ”an. .0 Oh..- Eudouut run M. pr gamma mu an: irsiili Lamb's Clearing Sale, Wéf" â€"â€" No. MI: Gonna-Mn; van. Ar " Jnnoua: 1 on“ BOOTS dip SHOES. Inn] ’11 iii $935 “no; in) Gum Ask-2.11m ot3INu1 10- " 71"] Bog-human tnu+t"oto-attrast t Minimum“. T amen“)... June t, u Nov. 18. WIS 1451714071311: .60 S n A, In: ‘st. um mum “ADA 03'1“]: or uniform tr "hah,', PICTURE FRAME. 1875. COAL SAUSAGES. ' JOHN SATOHELL, [an or m] In» MAILI- 11400. AND I‘ll” Hull. [AIKIUPI‘ up: r Ottawa via Brockville. TWO asxeiuruiFe.ums nun. LEAVE WILSON & ORR. leew., gnu: an. to own; £11145“; ad T -- West l I at! i?i'ie, Was. tat-to an. tl taut W 2.; an. Innufacturo of Susanna. 'titil'"' 3&0 WN, Sumner to p new MDa in? ' .. LOOK " ”an Old N01101:. T3597 {if 321359: 001“ 3mm Trunk an -al _Reetl.,4 "me ai Miran". waT.n no A. WM il En as?! Alla-“Vb. mu; ' dink!“ - dang In Us” QM“;- J. w. - COAL -rTerCq" . 'iiaouk. may}, he Grand Trunk Ptttn mu! . u- oTiro"ai" I FiiiiiFaGh"aiG1 ""a""C.7; ' an - ----- u /eBA'4.,1rrstl,'ltll,",) ,i,i,ir,iiiriii.ii.taliiie:"ti1 1876. Arr"e ll - . 0n the 6eosn mend-Lion " .he HM --- "asorhim4ror-atttretyanroy1_r a m linu- of u. tidt and as. Lam-tot mg no" 'rs-rata-toy-h' ear-UM“ »muuumg sun ”can Meikrwjet-r6rat1.i'"ehtt “in Do- -.- _ .., __--- . II... "P-pk---. ' " in 1innrerttttteut goth“ Im" by.“ Tl,' W311“ Wuhan-n;- .1 13:. .5',iii't,,tir'? v" 'tit?, "fiiiii'litij'i'iiiii?.'iiiiEa"i srriisnxs, no M0“: dar at M... 3.3;) will he", hot-1y qu- nodvul Pam: “' mm (“n/what ' ammo... _ _ ___, _ 1.1an A. Li!etir* AIM m ltr, a n mtamet.u'P7:1, hummus. .3“ In about". 55:03. itF'3."ieiil Plum in. . with run-1 nun M a 113hTar6t.A,'l'Jditr4aV4f,atlt Oman-u, and uh Uthtqt ”In; irnlitii “on manna-M mm Ina-lob! Dummy, I’m-mu ,ugn (XI-Mu hr- ',i'i,'tiEl ii"i'.d',?eu,'l.i1/t'iih'ir'il, A an wad- a. 'i',hfriii,uti',ti h,."',',', may. 'st/tSSI mm mm M. M ',llh'ltrl'ellueltl=tu that?" uttg MC" V“ opt, n. In“. um I... Dr. 4 Lydian». 30% 'ahtt'ttt o. a Oman. and nu riii'iiFriratGr, 72, WI with.“ nah-lamb” mung. Puma. ,mgu Ola-Mum, he! “no «imam ll'd."te/t'tatStt, a 8f.tri'l. no LI. V! MI, - I“. 'd,'h who done 'L"',',', My. s'ii',t'g,Rlil In!!!“ mm mm“ Imam-mum M. M wanton-unbound “MM“ Peter Ietet mu- m Arise. r,','.toeu1tp,"at,ittay are t?itk''l1,c.' '."iri'iiiihiii"iHa 11rs'glili Ilhte'e'lJA'lt, Asp-us! ",1tt,et, s/reuuouAtrem.Akrri di" ,tqA-G.u. il'fflLtdtfh'u"d'- my“... wen“ mpg-534m in wt." , _---- To columns-nu. The tr In)" I an 1118 In mun? hut A mum m urg‘uxggxgumr 5 mt: DIRV‘I. mug. _ h- m but» not: 'gh1'ldt.e'ylrtpa'c “mm-moon! 'eu4'. Per" - mum i.atsouup-ee".t-%r, - 31 MM]UT‘0ID;.LIA\ mo IN" p, t 4 1’“- e,'.' (now um“ I: Kim-nine). t'e,'i,tiiC, meP-tm a -. :th.|n he Pawn": r ”an“ n " no“, mammal I 2 " Anuy a d 'ft'Mt,tt Par, a. . tiettbn Nmm- G1'hCti Wat. [11qu _ -.. - nun maxim . ounuaanmoemuo .Inun’am ,w:a.uwm‘ warm-nun I. may: mimic... 'gg'ddefl :3: ”do. Mai. ”Newman”.- ‘01" unani- M . s ,/gttrgttrtgtuhfattal'l'klhil'lt “than!“ _ ---_--- f " low Yum-u mini-r iGiiauaiiaLaiGau0i_ min he r ULM'I, Nov iidiiiiiiriiiVirs in: 'tie nan. F $13M um. WINTER ”all“! 1.1:. m '01“ " - O'Il- I "ESP. Arriynl and 30mm of M “TEE :32 “HIKIGIS A‘ARIJA Inf. n Aauhii. ___ ib-rqria.iiGiaFar"a, - l 9.1.: 're/till-hr/ed *1" Mo; PRIVATE BILLS. rand”...- M: A“ " b ulnnwn‘urmu M 1m 33-33; ,"' TLTWW' - Ti, 1Ffii? " n5.) Inc-Indium“. H...» mar-mutant]. nan-1: .h'I'MQSH-Q hum". MA“ U " ‘énéiidid "a t.ce.W:3Me 1t, l 9f- r a . la' b, BlgEIt& an" I b- ttrseartitJR, - 1‘ Cursor we " a. ' Adm; twang-551k tr Prtust ad “a .-U- Wggt3trxsewag" 4 an 1 all lo , Prim. tt il wait 1.: AO n3. _ . “mm": “an.“ “A!!! “I. 1. 13:33:“ -fiaii'ME L'Amu I m Mele EEWUNJL - i-TGWE mu. " SAVLI“ m out“... I. gunman-l“ to mar ‘9'“..B b “a tit. tb. a» nor¢ru~ 2.33 'r I (mi sum-in" .1113. atwoUt, i HM M Uni-n; p ”UMAO al BBS Agent’s Patents nu- Canal - "can“: mum cW'dTA' unus- 50%|.“ aid-aid ”A” 0-1.2! cole PA (m0.- at. - FOIL. It In?“ (M urn-Io; no.“ I. 'ALK‘ [Ll-l F0

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