of Mails. TBA WA nlary peoke rder, ITHOUT . siea mere on vary am~ sed ropri@ als Uritein n ust the KETE. L§ resen ted p are to vem ber, ne Cliy pas ts y at 10.20 vasiness 40 46 tices ership > Holil, Mount 00 sach are garrister= garrister Hauupi~! W Barri> cery, & Ob yOoL. VIIL, NO. 4015, W sa c ris 4e o Y . kauisiers Homwepathic Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheur. Physician, Surgeon and Accoucheuar. OTTaAWA, ONP: _Duy Office â€" sparks streel, Centre Town Nigzht Offceâ€"Aihis residence, Maria Street City )|.\NI garrisicr voTI W Heating of Public Buildings, Green Houses, Private Hesidence, by higo or low pressure, steam and hoi waler a s; ecially. ___ Provincial Land Surveyor and Dnn,hu-n-. Huccessor to W. k. Thistle & Co. Office, as formerily, over Mann‘s Hardware Store . soldâ€"it in retiring from the practice of my profession, I have leff with imy former Assistant, Mr. A. F. COTTON, my Pians and Kecords of surveys in Ottawa and vicinity, and have imuch pleasure in recommeuding him as my sucâ€" Whrristers, Atiorneys, Solicitors, Convey ancers, Ac. GIBBS & COURSOLLE, vex NOR & 0‘DoHERTY Large Commission & Cash Premiums LIBgaARY OF. FAMOUS FICTION, NS® Bacrister, aitorney, Notary, & C Patents of Invention, Agent‘s Outï¬ti _f r(_ae! [TRADE MARKKâ€"REGUISTERED.] FICTOKIA CHAMBEEARS, WELLILNXGTON STREE E. OTTAW A. ~_ aske MHoMASs P. E0: uN (Pa COMPRISING THE TEX Jewels of Iniaginative Literature : Pillgrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakefiold, Robinson Crusoe, Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elizsabeth, Â¥athek, Picciola. Undine, _ Talcs from Arabian Nights. Complete in QNE YOLUME of over 1,000 pages beautifully illostraled with 44 full page Engrayâ€" voNNXoR® OcCTOR RoGERS, &. LOG AN, Itis the WORLD‘S STORY HOOK, and all want to read it . Agent‘s Qutdt free to ail who mean business and u lL failhfully canvass, â€" 1. CHMRYSL EK ILLIAYM Mosuroyt iLh ER, RJ. D. E. MACDONELL, Plamber, Gas and Steam Fitter, ruer Wellington and Bank streets Otlawa. aRCHAMBAULY, RTHUER F. COTTON, Barrist wAKSsiIAL WATHESON, PATENTS. T. LAMBERT H. FERLAND, Rcedisal C€ards. M. JOMASTON, TUPP ER Advocrte, Solicitor, &c Y, CHERISTIE & d1LL, sTEWART & GORMLLLY, W ellington coal €Cards. canveyancer, . in «<bancery BEST OF REFEKENCES GIVEN . Solicttors c ou y “’ wuan e W Aitormeys, Soltcitors, Notaâ€" \itormey, Solicitor im Chan Actorneys, veyanucers liiorucy, Sollcitors, &¢., PENNOCK & WcINIYRE, Trade Assigneo. & li0e«t FORD &21Co., ert Street. Office hours from 2 toip. m. Special attention s aud displacemenis ulï¬gm D LLE, B.C.L BULLCITORS OF td yocate out the use of the knife, , speedy and almost paip» ace given io arties sÂ¥câ€" ruey sâ€"s(â€" Law, Nolt« yancers, &C., MWISsION MERCHANT Ridead street, near Glou 0 :Tice, corner of )‘Conâ€" Ontario O fice, Solicig@rs, Conâ€" Aitorneys agton St., Rajotie‘s s80â€"ly W.R. THISTLE Carleton Me orbelt Sol cHtor gland, and Queen , Oftaws. 200 LaBOUREES WANTED immeâ€" loLKRTY. d ulc!t atCobden, oo the Pembroke | Branch 0: the C, C. Railroad, Wages il.'.lger | day, Board in the village yery reasonable,. ny. | ROG ERS, KELLY & 00. + 3951t( Hamilton On+ 1 profes ey.) 3â€"om zolly 3917â€"3m [ Huil on of | Wellington Street, near Bank. Main The above Hotel is well supplied with the LLL 2401 2104 bG=Lf Mile Y t | _ Ollawa, Sept, 3 1875 |\ Hoard (‘1 voDp ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A couâ€" M â€" pie of ioul bedâ€"roows with board, may be had at MRS. KERR‘3 corner of EISn and Slater streets. .‘ 4004 FENHOMAS No Chapel site McCKINNGN. C SV *AIER B Bo.lll) WANTED.â€"A member of the Contmouâ€" reqguires, during. the session of razltament, board ind lodging, day, a parlour a0d bedroow, both ¢omforitable, situation withâ€" in e@sy diâ€"lanee of. Houses of Parlisment. State price for roomq with or without board. ti:ve references, Address by letter, A. B. C., to tois Office s f 400412 BOAhIl with or without rooms, and rooms without boarnd. Table ard roonis firstâ€" class _ Corner Sparks and BHank streets, and within two minutes‘ walk of the Parliament Euildings. MBRS. FORGI:. The Royal Oak Hotel, Choic«st Wines, Liquors, Cigars The "Feathers"‘ Hotel Dinner The above popuiar Restaurant| has been enlarged by the addition of several )s‘ruclou and well fuinished rooimms on the second slory, mThqlnnest Luncheon and Dining Rooms in e city. I Gentiemen honoring this Esubllu;molt with their patronage may rely on stri attention quality. Luhcheoun served at all bours. their pau-onsio may fely On SEUW being paid to their orders. | Liquors, Wines and Cigars af The Dufferin House, ls now open for business afler being renoâ€" vated and newly fiited for the comfort and accomodation of the travelling community. Kideau Street, hear Sapper‘s Bridge,] FRED FOOKS â€" + â€" Proprietor; )tta wa, s bearmtiful and furnished with the, choitest brands of Liquors, Cigars, etc. i | Your call will be kindly rolicited, E. J. HENRY, _ ITUVAIION WANTEDâ€"A gjod reiiable man, best 0@ city rerences, wauts emâ€" vimeni ns Bookâ€"keg@per or to make himsel eraily usefui wbouf au . fiee, Address A. B., ks OfMee. + 4005tf ".\NTI‘.nâ€":\ young man with a small capital to joiradvertiser in a good vns{a ovsiness, . Addréess with real name, NIN®sS P. 0; box‘531, city. wo3uf July 78, 1875 M 1OMPORTABLE : BOARD.â€"One or two ‘ youug men ©an obtain comfortable Board 1 Lodging i~ a private family, with_no chil« o, 1M close nrvximl? to the Public Buildings, ply «t THIS OFFICE. 4006 3 Corna Bank and Waollington sts., OPPOSITE THE GOVERNMENT Vld’nx Buors TACANCIE®S for Boarders, No. 4 MeCorâ€" HEAD OF ALL OTHEE A e A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, NOUNAN‘s RESTAURANT, Sparks streot sSLU A NEW WRITINGJMASTER, A NEW COURSE OF 1NSTRUCEION YOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSILNESS. Students may eénl.:r at any time for circulars, &¢., EdE cumrervib s oiln orF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUS TEES. » P HOT OGRAPHE R. pt. 1 sa~ $5â€"SPaRKS STREFTâ€"S5 n wHOLESALE AND BRETAIL, Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c r. LEN. HUCKELL begs to announce to general and traveiling public, that he has ‘Ted npon ihe Prioprieto.ship of the above â€"l. lately conducted by Mr. Fred, Evans. ie bes. brands of wines, liquors Aud eigars kepi, and tie promptest attetJon is paid A iarge assortmen t of Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, gentlemen‘s Albert Chaing, Kings and Goid Sets Mlm and ‘Jewellescy ¢f every deoorlpdon. Pla Wueï¬ Clooks, de.[ st the lowest prices. The vest Housein th¢ cily, Wholesale buyers c@n get their stock as chseap from me as any other 19 °_0 0le shen iDavastndnet 1 m0 EOCIEUINETD, C0733 D. McARTHURE & CO. . Mc Irfprigt Ottawa. Oct, 27, 175. 3#s0gmd& THE " LONDON," uces toaad Honse i»p the Domainics SHOOLBRED & CO. Have réceived of their Spring Importations, 18 BALES CARPETS and cl)ll'ms. Embracing ali the novelties, out for the season o which the confidently _ | ANTED Donl:g:.\on of uousa] ixol. AND *k ENTAL W RITING, on Glase WMhnm Rilely â€" SIGN PAINTER AND GRAIXER, Wellingion Street, Near Pooley‘s Bridge. HEAD OF ALL OTHERS | EWELLERY. Spocial Value in Lace Curtainss Charles W. Leonard, TTAWA CARPET HoUSE. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. Invite Inspection. is provided from 12 A.M., until â€" Iolants. A CALL IS 8O LICIY ED. e J A R V L 8. s from Kom nt undar the wirmau H. R RODRBEN, waiter, First Cla«s and Evening partigs attanded. et, Ortawa. 401413 (LATE JARVIS & ARLESS.) N. MARKS, ,~SPARKS STREET. 1. 18 W anted n is H Htotcls. .. at very re able rates. Adi ui tat . LETCH, Proprietor. t 8900â€" im fomnle Teachers, desirous tthe Boand, will be receiyâ€" H. RORLNSON, Exg. dered holding a lower cerâ€" Nd wirade JAS. D JOYNT, Becretat y. & 309016 A NEW PRINCIPAL by a young Lady, a «¢k»eper, _ Best of s MiIsSS MAGGIE ‘odging. U ; Ont t street. Apply 4001}4 3934m6 TrHoxtpsonâ€"In this city, on Tuesday the 6th Imist., Loulsa Perkins, the wife of Philip Thompson, Esq., aged 49 years. Tem batre!s of the above celebrated Oysters just recelved at & 10131f NCOONAN‘S RHSTAURANT. â€" Friday Ev‘ng, 10th inst., Tea will be served at 7:20 w‘clock, when the Rev., 11, M. GORDON will sive some Recollections of a Summer Holiday in Scotland. Admission 25 cents Proceeds to be devoted to tha Protertant Hosâ€" gl\t.\l aud the Young Women‘s Temperance ome. Wilt be held in the LECTURE ROOM of St Andre=‘s Church, under the auspices of the Ladits‘ Ald Society, OTTAWA RAILWAY, TIIE ST. LAWRENCE AND On and after FRIDAY, 10th Deceifmber, 1875 Trains will run m« follows{â€" Of uniform guags with the Grand Truok _ Railway, | The old reliahle, qnmkosl‘ hest and most direot route. Toeshortest line to all qunu Kast, West and South./ ALTERATION OF â€"RUNNING TIMEB 13 Mixd with s1 ng sisgs Exâ€" press Mix a with for dinnér at Frescott Junetion. â€" Pullaan or Sofa Cars on Nos. 3 and 6. Sure cc nuection with Grand Trunk Train® to and from both Rast and Wost, and with. the Rome & Watertown at Ogdensburg to and from New York and all points South. , & 20 Si‘pg e o en en en stt Apartments in Slee Car running from Wateriown to New Yorkncan be secura ‘ alithe Compan": Ticket Office tta wa. > Time faster than bi“’ route. Trains are run on Montreal Time. THOS. REY NO 8 press New Advertisements. Dt The Entrance Examination to the wa Gol:egiate Insulul%wlllbo held at the ime‘mumze,on EDNESDAY and THURS . AY, the Sth and 9th insts., beginning punc tuaily at 9 0‘ciock, a. m. J. THORBURN, M.A Heaumaster, a 34. Ottawa. Dec. 7. 1875. 401413 Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1875 All mu having claims against the Estate o-l‘:‘ CIS SA[?BIOL., of Ottawa, Carriage er, 5 ’ An Insolvent, Are requested to fyle the same at my office, on or before the 10th inst. WILLIAM FINGLAND, Official As:ame Ottawa, Dec. 4th, 1875. 213 All ies having claims against the Estate of Wm aM AtBOTT, Grocer and China Merchant, of Ottawa City, > An Insolvent, Are requested to fyle the same at my office oa or before the 10th inst. WILLIAM FINGLAND, {Every aay including Sunday Are roqgeued to fyle the same at l:dy office, 5:0':)1'1 § ld:uu street, on or before Wedne day, e 8. ns Passeugers by the 10,50 a.m, train have time ARAQUETTH OYSTERS . Eho andersigned is prepared to sell his TIMâ€" RIVER DESMOINE, Dec. 8, 1875. Ottawa, Dec. 7, 1875. ; CONTATNING oNE HUNDRED AND TWENTYâ€"FOUR 1 SQUARE MILES. Ottawa, Vec, 3rd, 1875. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. To the Editor of T HE TIMES,. ‘ AIR,â€"During the past two or three weeks I have been daily asked my intention as to the Mayoralty of 1876. To remove further questions and doubt in this mmatter, I resrectfully inform my fellowâ€" cititens that I shall be a Candidate, unless they by &n influential and generally signed requisiâ€" tion to auother person, or by some Other deâ€" cidgd/action, show their desire for a change. All parties having claims against NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. SOCIAL Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1875 SSOLVENT ACT OF 1875. BOOKS & STATIONERY ART_HUR L. HOLMES, Literary Entertainment Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1875 BOOKS o ce n en eiterniich Chagt Books and _0 â€" NTRANCE EXAMINATIO N.\ Will be found évery article used in the office or THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE Wesleyan Conference TORONTO, w Toiie t Sidfes. tiyma Booka" * _"** Prescott| Connecting with. Junotion Oltawa. Nov. 26, 1875 4.45 P .M. IMBER LIMITS FOR SALE 10 50 A.M. 10,00 P.m. Leave Ottawa. L4 P.Â¥. 220 p.M Ottawa, BHopt,:15, 1676 Leave | 38 Sparks Street, with‘a complete assortmen t of IN STATIONERY L. K. CLISBY, GoiNae GOING sOUTH. Grand ; Trunk and Grand Trunk es _ from East & o ho |Grand Trunk West and Rome & Waâ€" tertown . Railways for New York and | all points South..... Grand Trunk Cxpress Grand Trark Express Grand Trunk East & West & Rome & Central _ Vermont from the Kast and with the Rome & Watertow n Railw‘y from New York and _ all points SOUbN:1:s+ s sre:rears Conmecting with. Watertown Rly Managing Uiredtor, Ottawa. . C A R D. WILLIAM FINGLAND, OfMcial Aldfneo. 1875. 401116 Bchool Uten AND uN NORTH J. P. FEATHERSON. .;,“ Arrive in Arrive at 9.10 A.M 410 P.M. 100 P.M. 401513 The Pekin Government has appointed Ambassadors to Japan, Peru and the United States. â€" ‘The whereabouts of the truant " Boss" is as much of a mystery to the astute detectives of New York as ever. The several benevolent societiee of Toronto are considering the most officient means to be adopted for the relief of ‘the poor in that city during the winter. A London despatch estimates the number of lives lost by the recent colliery explosion at 130 ; at first it was thought the number exceeded 200. §The leading newspapers of London attach no importance whatever to the rumours of an approaching war between Spain and the United States. ‘The School Board of Topeka, Kansas, have decided to admit coloured children into the public schools of that city. The London Times regards the escape of " Boss"‘ Tweed as the natural result of the political reaction which has placed the Government of New York City in the hands of politicians whom Tweed repreâ€" sented. / The report that the natives of Khokand have again risen in rebellion against Russian authority, proves ,to have been without foundation. The Bonapartists in the French National Assembly are endeavouring to effect a coalition with the, Republicans, for the purpose of bringing about the overthrow of the Government of the Septemate. OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1875. The German Government has formally requested the Archbishop of Cologne to resignâ€"which is regarded as a preliminâ€" ary step in his final deposition. President Grant‘s Message is as incoâ€" herent and unintelligible as it is compreâ€" hensive in scope. The demand of "Spotted Tail" that Nebraska should be moved further south, wis perhaps Utopian; but not more so than Grant‘s recommendation to his Congress that they should fix by special legislation the kind of property citizens of the United States in foreign countries should be allowed to invest in. fashion, and distributed openhandedly the lu;)erfluoul riches which he tock ?‘:?od‘ others. T&:om I‘t‘m:woonnoch s escape wi i reaction, which has carried back 'le::l;nmy into the hands of the politicians whom Tweed reâ€" presented. The Colliery Disasterâ€"Recovering the Loxnox, Dec. 7.â€"The Times says ediâ€" torially of Tweed‘s escape:â€"" The U. S. Reformers of the year 187011’1 have ;itillxer gone to slee in or turned mere politiâ€" cians and _)onj:u:g in with Tweed‘s succesâ€" ing the bodies f ierg, is still pi of ties is no tire district is sti will be\ day: of be fall of| a porti lnvi.n* of thelexplorers. Loxtiox, Deo. 7.â€"The work of recoverâ€" ing the bodies from the Swaithe main ier}, is still progressing. The number of ties is now ‘put at 130. The enâ€" tire district is still gre;:lty excited, as it will be\ days yet before the number of be exactly ascertainedâ€"a fall of| a portion of. the roof of the mine lnvin& occurred, which obstructs the work TELEGR APHIC. St. Petzrssure, Dec. 7.â€"The rumours that the City of Khohand was surrounded and that a majority of the small Russian garrisons in the different parts of the Khanate had been massacred, are without foundation, and there is no probability of a fresh outbreak of the natives. Archbishop of Cologne .Requested to Berux, Dec. 7.â€"The German Govern:â€" ment has formally summoned the Archâ€" bishop of Cologne to resign. This is preâ€" liminary to legal proceedings to depose CHirmax, Queen‘s Co., N.B. Mr. Jaxuss L Fsucows. Sir:â€"In the practice of medicine I have recommended your Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites, and have found nveninbly the Â¥9fl°";.ins.t°°“1“. & | 14L _ Greater freedom in the action of the Lungs, increased and more easy expectoâ€" ration in cases indicated by dry cough, and decided augmentation of tone to the whole nervous system. _ _ _ _ â€" I can safely and consistently recom mend your infaluable nï¬mpmï¬on in a variety of cases, especially for chest disâ€" eases, baving moceufullg prescribed it in Bronchitis, Asthma, Debility from Liver Col;rhint, Debility fro® Fevers, and Debility from impoverished Blood. > s I am, sir, yours truly, Jaxes Saratow. 4014 Practicing Physician and Surgeon. This well known medicine is no imposiâ€" tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Feâ€" male Difficulties and Obstructions, from wouue_wh_.hm;sqddtog;h.m:: The " Tim es " on Tw ced‘s Escape to the constitution. antimony, or anything hurtful to the conâ€" .ï¬l\ll.l directions in the p.nfl:lï¬ around each nackace. which should carefully each package, which should be carefully _ For full particulars, obtain of the wa::t.apmpuot,or refer wï¬:vcï¬u} men: j :;-l ::d-i;:' ronf:,'m PROPRIETOR. | bflm&mm. Ontaric» general agents for t.honnnig.'illfl- sure a bottle, containing over 50 pills, by TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. Letter from Rev. J. Salmon, M.D, For sale by all druggists. FPO R El G N . JOB MOSES FEMALE PILLS, Order Beigns in Khokand. GREAT BRITAIN. GEIMANY. FRANOE RUSSIA. New York, Dec. 7.â€"The German Uptown Savings Bank is suspended. ‘There are about _ 4,900 _ deposiâ€" tors, and the liabilities are estimated at $830,000. The officers expect to pay at least 80 cents on ‘the dollar. : Laraxts City, Dec. 7.â€"The strike at the mines is apparently ended without concession to the strikers, and the miliâ€" tary has been withdrawn. LeavyexwortH, Dec. 7.â€"The School Board of this City last night resolved to admit coloured children into the public New Commissioner of Indian Affairs. MARINE: DISASTER. ‘Leapxg sewing machineâ€"makers reâ€" commend Crarcks & Co.‘s best sixâ€"cord extra quelity sewing cotton. . Notice the Awogor cn each spool, _ 8061yl Mrssas. Fows & Errart, auctioneers, have secured that large and commodious store recently occupied by Mr. W. F. Russell, in Stuart‘s Block, Rideau street, and they are now running off the stock recently in the poseession of Mr. Kussell. They are selling at a great sacrifice. Par ties wanting turniture should give them a aslL 3976 th. Coan, Woop â€"Coanm _ Woop â€" Coal, Woop.â€"Wm. M. Beattie & Co., George street, have for sale the very finest chestnut, :ï¬-;nd stove sizes in Lackaâ€" wanna An ite Coal, Briar Hill and Black Diamond for grates. _ All coal deâ€" livered at our prices free of cartage, and dry from under cover. Birch, Beech and Maple, sawn or unsawn. 4014m1l â€" @ENDREAU‘8 mvmï¬ and haircutting saloon, No. 3 Rajotte‘s Block, Wellington street. Adele M. Gendreau, pmpar‘i)om; 4 t FaLrs« Mopzsrr.â€"Ffor people to allow dise:.~. to become seated upon|them rather h : consult a physician, or to suffer as mmany do for years with the different kinds ot‘pi{e-, without going at once to the druy gst for Fowle‘s Pile and Humor Cure whichis an infallible cure. HzxorrBIDs (or Piucs) are permanent ty cured by Mathieu‘s Pile Ointment, or m)n‘g.ref\mded. Price $1 per pot, or six pots for $3. _ Sold wholesale and retail b thoWingate Chemical Company, Iom.re-{ and retail by all druggists, or will be forâ€" warded to any address on receipt of price by Dr. E‘Mathieu, 198 Notre Dame stree, EMIGRANT YVESSEL SUNK. Burxert‘s Cocams®.â€"A PerrRor DRRSS Im¢ ror tur Haig.â€"The Cocoaine holds in a liquid form, a large proportion of deo dorized Cocoaâ€"nut Oil, prepared expressly for this purpose. No other compound posâ€" sesses the peculiar properties which so exactly suit the various conditions of the human hair, A ni.n%::pplie.tion renders the hair, no matter : stiff and dry, soft and glossy for several days. It is concedâ€" ed by all who have used it to be the best and cheapest hair dressing in ggmd. horses have been saved du the of horses have been saved durmg the year, and the credit is due to * Darley‘s &ndma'x Pwï¬d.:u and Arabian Hegve Remedy." preparation is being mdymdkndcnohfmmdl the highest praise. Nothing of the kind has highest praise. Nothing of the kind has ever b‘mun half as successful, or given suuch universal _ satisfaction ; it canâ€" not be equalled. We tanâ€" confidently mflit,.ndwould( advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hwdâ€"it may be the means of saving your horse‘s life. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, ‘Toronto, Ont., proprietors Sold by all medicul dealers. _ 3796. * have nearly constantly suffered. Horses Savzp.â€"The lives of thousands A ME RICA N . Fifty Lives Los‘. Savings Bauk Suspended. The Republic of Letters. Miners‘ Strike Ended. TO CONSUMPIIVES WASMINGTON. NEW YORK. WYOMING KANSAS. 3129 MoxtrEAr, Dec. 7.â€"The stock market is firm, but Montreal is a little off ; Teleâ€" graph excited and irregular, advancing to 162, closing at 161. Salesâ€"Montreal, 180 to 180%; Merchants, 96 to 961; Exâ€" change, 90 to 90%; Royal Cansadian, 914 to 924 ; Pegglu':'% to 93} ; Mon: Teleraph, 160} to 1611. Liverroot, Dec. 7, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cotton steady ; middling uplands, 67;d ; Orleans, 7 3â€"16d. _ Receipts of wheat for tho'm three days, 26,000 quarters, none of whi were Anierican. 2:30 p.m.â€"Breadstuffs quiet and steady, except corn, which is firmer, at 34s 3d to 34s 9d for mixed western. Loxpox, Dec. 7, 1:30 pmâ€"The rate of dl;soo:lrlllt in open mrkmor three months bills is 24 per cent, which is 4 per cent below the K:nk of England rate. Consolsâ€"93 13â€"16. United States Bonds â€"67‘s, 1594. _ s 2 . 8:30 pm.â€"The amount of bullion gone‘ into the Bank of England on hmo toâ€"day is £69,000. Consols, 93 13â€"16 for mone{, and 93 15â€"16 for account. Refined petroleum, 11id to lzdurcpllon. as5 p.m.â€"Tallow, 52s 6d per owt. 5 p.m.â€"Bacon, 55s 6d per cwt for long clear middles. Cnioaco, Dec. 7.â€" Hogs â€" Receipts 17,276 ; shipments, 2,482. Nsw Yorr, Dec. 7.â€"Pacific Mail, 40} ; Telegngh, 76};; American Exâ€" press, 60%; orthwestern, 39 ; preâ€" ferred, 54} ; Rock Island, 105} ; St. Flu.l, 35; Erie, 15] ; St. Joseph, 21§; Harlem, 132}; Lake Shore, 60; New York Central, 105% ; Ohio & Mississippi, 17 ; Panama, 124 ; Union Pacific, 76{; Wabâ€" ash, 6. New York Movwey* Market. New Yorx, Dec. / .â€"l(mez closed :K at 44. Gold opened at 114jâ€"and cl at 114}. Governments steady; State bonds quiet. The stock market opened firm, at a slight advauce. At the second call the market was weak, with a moderâ€" ate reaction from the highest point. ‘The weakness continued in later dealings without a marked decline in any stocks. Chicago Produge Market.. CHioaco, Dec. 7.â€"Flour gui Wheat active and higher ; No. 1 & spring, $1 03 ; No 2 do, 90}c for .poundgo.; $10 01â€"8 for seller January ; $1 094 for selléer May; No. 3 do, 85¢; March reâ€" jected, 70c. Cornâ€"Demand active and prices n?vunood; No. 2 mixed, 47%c for spot ; 47c for seller December ; 4404 for seller January ; 44}c for February. Oats quiet, firm and higher; No. 2, 30§jc for spot ; 30%c bid for seller Deceriber ; 30%¢ for January ; 3446 for March. Rye quiet and firm ; No 2, 674c. Barley active and higher; No 2 fn.lllï¬ic to 87c. Pa'ki $19 05 to 19 10. quiet, at $22 22 to 12 25. Bulk Meats steady ; shoulders, five to ten days in salt, 7o; short rib middles, 10c ; short clear middles, 10}c. 10%c. :Whinimy steady and firm, at $1 11. ° Receiptsâ€"Flour, 13,000 barrels ; Wheat, 135,000 bushels ; Corn, 3321206 bushels ; Oats, 19,000 bushels ; Y, 13,000 bushels; Rye, 4,000 bushels. Shi&%:onu-â€"Flour, 7,000 barrels ; Wheat, io cerinarcpoin igit gos ate, 15. j Y) * ‘els ;‘ Rye, 400 bushels. At Neg s noon call oftheBoudwhutï¬rnz.t $1 01 1â€"8 for January, $1 02, to 1 02§ for February ; corn firmer, at 47§c for Dec., 44fc for J’gnuary_; ostgmï¬rm.' &t ?0&0 for cash or Dscember, 30%c for January ; pork quiet and a lh'ld.g'kl-', at Oliflg to 19 17 for cash and December. A little fellow, who sat at aneighbour‘s house about noon the other dz, watched the preparations for dinner with a great deal of interest, but, when asked to |m and gat something he promï¬ly i Whv. ves. Johnnie. vou‘d better stay," C 0O M M E R C I A L “Wh‘{l,yu, Johnnie, you‘d better stay," said the lady ; "why can‘t you ?‘‘ “Woht ‘cause," said the little fellow, " ma said musn‘t unless you ask me t‘n'oe times." They invited him twice more right off. ‘TaEk® have been 20 (Gurney Sase Surnâ€" ers sold to one of any other stove, and we never had to take one back. ‘Eswoxp®s frung. 3976 Fowle‘s Pile :ndm_busï¬;lï¬ effect is marvellous for Scrofula, Rhoum, proved it self an almost never (See special notice.) Is health worth having? If it is, proâ€" tect itâ€"it is a jowel as easily lost as virâ€" tue, and in many cases as difficult to recover. In this olimaand more parâ€" ticularly at this season of the year, people are very apt to take cold and suffer from sore throat, coughs, spitting of blood and pulmonary W, which if not chécked i lead to serious The question ‘arisesâ€" which is the quickest and most effectual igï¬{ in such cases is found in Dr. Vé s Q'qmpou;d Extract of Smart or‘ Water Pepper. inâ€" uï¬g it cures B:an% D m Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Bowel Complaint Sudden ex y, it cures Bruises, Boi Cuts, Sprains, Swelling of the Joints, T Pain in the Face, Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Frostâ€"bitten Feet, etc. It is sold by dealers in medicine gun:aï¬ly. Reap THis Twics.â€"Five to thirty drops of Thomas‘ Eclestric Oil, will cure common | Sore Throat. It never fails in Croup. It | will cure a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four ‘to fm-g-oi?ï¬ï¬.l:;um One l’aotflo _has | oured Bron: eight unnundmx; | recent cases are cured x’nt.hno to & romoi? Br{:n’l Pulmonic Wafers have been before the public for twenty years, and have always given perfect satisfaction, and invariably effect pormanent cures when taken in season. â€"Sold by all mediâ€" LEIN D!llflfl,_?‘ W days. It has restored the voice where the genouhnnohpohnsbovenwhilguin ve years: _ As an outward application in all cases of pain or laments, nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. For diseases of the Spine and Contraction of the Muscles it ilmmflod.' In Rheumatic or any other pain the first application does you good. It stops Ear kaville, â€" P.O., writes :â€"*Thirteon .ï¬olmnindby a severe atts rheumatism in the head, from w Chicago aive Stock Market. Montreal Stock Market. New York Stock Market. Liverpool Markets London Markets @imits ever offered to the f est, because it takes| (Krmwosto®, gwod. It is composed given is known, and i by t liï¬'ï¬?‘ in ‘s Ca toâ€"day ?â€"A. B. Des | on eternity â€" postmaster, Arthabasâ€" ku:â€"“w o.-&m o hoad, from Mfl""n‘.‘.mf B ‘ antlv suffered. After | in a Christm: Sokiiew itfe: middles, and firm, at n, shels ;‘ Barley, ;00U _ bushels. arrels ; Wheat, J Loo bare .’A't w .M- ; it has 114}. The Assise Courtâ€"Toronto Typographiâ€" cal Unionâ€"The Weatherâ€"The Proâ€" posed Nermal Schoolâ€"Office of Regâ€" istrar Generalâ€"Tax upon Insurance Companiesâ€"Sale of City Bondsâ€"Reâ€" lief for the Poorâ€"An Escaped Luna tic Captured. Toroxto, Dec. 7.â€"At the Assize Court this morning, before Mr. Justise Moss, the ?&:fi‘hopu McLean H" Dun;:i man was in progress, Messrs. thune, Casten AndCLka being counsel for the plaintiffs, and Mesers. J. H. Camâ€" eron, M. C. Cameron, and Lash for the defendants. The latter say the character of E. M. Wilson, the absconding debtor, was given w.ghinï¬ï¬‚'in June, on informaâ€" tion received in March. The amount sued for is $525, the amount due to plaintiff at the time of Wilson‘s going away, for % supplied. _.Charles Roddy has been elected Presiâ€" dent of the Typographical Union ofâ€"this city. s A motion will be made in the Legislaâ€" ture to morrow by Mr. Ross, of West Te Propreed Sonal, onl sn it a P | it then expected that the Government will name the place where it is to be located. Members of the Legislature are pressâ€" ing upou the Government the abolition of the office of the Registrar General. Petitions are being constantly received inthelaod‘saidnuuï¬onmm the Lake asking for power to tax shipping and in favour of imposing & tax upon Insurance companies by the Govâ€" * Ts lest fseue of City boude, astount issue amountâ€" ing to $150,000 has been taken by ‘Messrs. Pellatt & Osler, at 954, by ‘Messrs. Pellatt & Osler, at 954, an advance of oneâ€"half per cent. upon a previous lot. _ _ s1 & ~a _ A meeting of the representatives of the various national societies of the city was lrl:llglthi.“p-ndbms George S::t; ution y St. ‘s i at a late special meeting. Its object was to consider the steps to be taken for the relief of its poor during the winter. Reâ€" solutions were passed in favour of uniting the efforts of societies calling for an exâ€" tension of the House of Industry and prom':::gnuppm ‘:ho the Y.M.C.A. in the 180 measures they are insugurating forqï¬ordinguligtmdnhelhrï¬_o_&!poin want. A committee was appointed conâ€" sisting of two of each benevolent society of the city to meet on the 13th inst., to form themselves into a Central Body for the purposes of mnouin‘bfl'u'xdidd- forded and seeing that it into the pumhuohuotook toâ€"day after a lunatic who axuposh::t of the front door of the Asylum. The keeper caught him, but was unable to hold him. Two policemen then joined in the chase, mdc.ï¬ornloug;:nnthfluphnnd him and conveyed him back to the Asylum, Weather wet. . . zail Church Torr Dowaâ€"The * Witness" on the Back River Inquestâ€"Arrest ed for being Visorderiyâ€"A Novel Moxtrzai, Dec. 7.â€"A telegram receivâ€" ed here this evui::g.fmm Oke, states that the enemies of the Protestant Indians were tearing down the church and the news causes considerable excitement. In regard to the Back River fire, the Witness says :â€"People are asking about town toâ€"day, whether the coroners inquest in the region is of value or not, as the inquest held upon the bodies: of those whoper’uh':lln that sad conflagration on Saturday, leaves peoples minds more conâ€" fused then before it commenced.. There seems a strong objection to hnmg.:s young Iajeunnesse as a withess, when the Coroner very properly insisted onthhhilovidmmnpm.flyvq contradictory to that of his fa Whatâ€" ever was intended by the hurried give reports damaging to the character Ef.t'r“twoobrym The fact seems to a criminally dangerous apparatus was in use in the building, and the pl.win.ofwhiohindunflhtof so much inflammable material and in a position sudadenly to cut off the retreat from .the house, should be made severely punâ€" on Saturday night for si in the lMMth&dM yesterday. Intsfummhndndy-fl-, armed with sticks and side arms, proâ€" ceeded up from Craig street and along St. Lawrence m.mx,?-' * Vive la Compagnic‘ at the top of their voices. The strains attracted crowds of spectators wmmmdb‘h‘d?la:& they went to the residence & Fenton on St. Dennis street, in front of which they yelled and shouted for some minutes. The mortality returns for the last week show that fifteen of the deaths were from small pox, the victims being all French Canadians, being over seventeen per cent. Rifles, a Canadian corps, were arrested of the total mortality. Insane â€" Temperance Delegates â€" Car kobbers Tried â€"Death in the Hospiâ€" talâ€"St. Andrew‘s Church.} Loxpox, Dec. 7.â€"A man from Nmo:r:;homdo.’é‘:s-m .tu: upon brother, was decided be insane tlnbonntyJHp- Ts were discovered this afternoon stealing mhï¬o.inho:i:(juthdnd’cm D:lophl ï¬otheflnn?%lvflmflou of Temperance, which meets at Brantford toâ€"morrow, left here to day. George Brown and Tom Ley were & stealing a quantity of brandy n.::moooom.ofn Great Western car. Brown was found guilty, and Ley was acâ€" quitted. There are other charges pendâ€" ing against both of them. 'Anfold mmdemthw,‘o sent from Sarnia as a paying patient tboA E-mtl holpiï¬h.l‘ Mof md'l.d yesterday. & mee! oanp‘gou d&m\v’- Church toâ€"night, â€"Â¥. A. Murray, of Lindsay, received a unaniâ€" mous call to Loudon. ; C a N A D 1 aAa N . ; i0 1 old Alingston dislilery, lq&%‘uxï¬mw-ï¬-mum in a Christmas benevolent concert. conclusion to reâ€"open the soup kitchen on Wednesday next. This will be a great benefit to the homeless and friendless. A number of vacant lots were sold here today for taxes. Bidding was apirited. | KINCSTON. . mm-oâ€"mâ€"cue- % Coneert. Kixastox, Dec. 7.â€"â€"Much attention is toâ€"day given to the sermon last night deâ€" i by the Rev. Henry Wilson in 8t. i’om He argues strongly eternity of punishment as well as of George Morton is about to begin maltâ€" MONTREA :« TORONTG its HAMILTON. LONDoOn. Toroxto, Dec. 7. The Srziarer took the chair at 3:30, _}ign.lr con brought down several Mr. Hoperxs introduced a Bill to equalâ€" ize the business of the Superior Courts, so as to dispose of the law business in arâ€" Hon. Mr. Mowar allowed there was sent system. Hon. Mr. Macpoveart accused the Govâ€" ernment with being to blame for the delay in the courts by reason of loose legisliaâ€" House that the premises assumed by the hon. member for South Simooe were not sccording to the book. _ On a motion to go into a Committee of suï¬.“immn complained that several necessary . reports were not yet brought would not press his motion until these reports were before the House. Hon. Mr. Croo! replied at Sum B?d“ went utmn-ltho of several items were passed, ..S‘ii’:'..?..m»m : The House rose. Committee of Supply with Mr. Hodgins fc The ormation ndnq were passed. hand *the Government held that the labourer is worthy of his hire. The Govrâ€" mtohd\?.dflnhn.m-bnu the other side of the House to lay a finger was to cut down the salaries of the emâ€" to be, so that it may be discuseâ€" i:ii»n?bm‘;_;i‘i{ the Crown Lands i::' hon. Commissioner challenged criticism in regard to the business of: this Depart« a:::t. Wx&mddto the question of superann: public servents,the Opposition urged for something definite enmunted" oflerm, eonl! wole hat e power in the _m..nv‘lt 'um very short time | nothing definite in reference oofln.g-ï¬mhyuh: done in the matter. With the exception items held ports of Depurvizants 55 onpicin iNb edvatan Me thgb‘i{ille&-mtyuQMfll nduhd.mfuntodtqin.m.ï¬uwï¬ The House adjourned. Guzurn, Det. 7.â€"Three men, named Charles Jackson, Jeremiah + and Frank Gernes, were gaol here toâ€"day, the two former been committed on a ‘charge of committing a rape m-dlnq'fl: ed fiftysix years, in the township gr:jlut{::k, the u:u for -n1 rape on a daughter of the said M Brown. The Browns are white women. Br Cargaroees, Dec. 7.â€"â€"A serious aoâ€" .‘da'.:p-d to two tinsmiths named Brady and Donsahue on Saturday. They mw'kl’ou the roof of a in course erection, and in a scuflile a portion of the top of wall mmi’szdpltdh‘ï¬- both to the ground , a distance of thirty» two feet. Brady‘s leg and soull were internal furie which fatal. may prove mmmadnubvdm has almost cleared the canal of ise. Winter f'WII Quzezeo, Dec. 7.â€"The steamer Progress The will shortly make a trip from Quebes to Halifax and return, in order to l}: the possibility of navigating the St. rence during the winter season. . amentenianans uk , are to oppose that of the Union Navigation Company. in;porhdhhndownumw . Weather very fine ; light west wind ; thermometeri@t 8 a. m. two degrees below zero. The sad fate of Father is much regretted by his nâ€".:nm and Sr. Jorx, Dec. Tâ€"â€"Hafidock. who swinâ€" dled the British Bank at St. John and St. mmh l::&-fl-y w unl.-u.lo'u l-lh.flï¬d muloted in costs. } 64 An enquiry into the numerous robberies in the town of Portland led to the disâ€" covery of a camp near Indiantown, where several young men live who to all appearâ€" ances depend for living on what they can _ Rev. H. Sprague, Wesleyan minister, Sont to the ONTARID LEGISLATURE. announced """'"L':‘ that he and some numerous of lectures, entertainments, &c., which they are constantly called upon to adverâ€" tise in this way. mon athletie appliances, and skilled inâ€" ber Unseated for Briberyâ€"Band of Robbers Broken Upâ€"Church Matâ€" PRICE * CENTS. 8T. CATHARINES,. IN COMMITTEE OF SUPPLY. $T. JOHN, N. B. most Cloar of Ice. CVELPH. QuEsEC. First Session.