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Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Dec 1875, p. 1

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Maclean proprie «aius 4 ours dMails Lxar y WA 1CGS ITHOUT s4e4 u0 of o toersit p ; underâ€" t Hol. _ Mount paid. the der, e Lik # KTT. em ber, claiunt meuted $01016 B â€"<14 and aro 7 8 8 5 8 3 »38 3 garrisier garrisiers, “' AI 4.4 garristors, had garristers aud O M IEWOMAN i K sarristers, Attorney®. Solicigges, Conâ€" vey ancers, & c.. & W . yOL. VIIL, NO. 4015, tolia, m., and given to diseas ule rus. ‘-mpslhle Physician, Surgcou Acceoucheur. May be consulted at hi Utiawa, South side of cester. Zay~ Consullaiions ai all hours, Bacryister ery, &¢â€" Caneers cured without the use of the knife, by a : ew but ceraim speedy and almost painâ€" less proce«s. Referepce given :o artics sucâ€" ses«in ly trew‘ed i‘ required Cerirs Tow p[jll}l\'. CHRISTIE & MHILL, Flumber, Gas and Steam Fitter, Corner Wellington and Bank streets Oliawa Heating of Public Buildings, Green Houses, hxmnni(cucgnre by high or low pressure, »team and hot water a s) eclally. $ HStore W joury i®+ GisBS & COURSOLLE 19 coTT Agent‘s Outft Free! La;uo Commission & c:}sh Premiums |TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] Â¥I: TORIA CHAMBERS, WELLINXGTON STREET, OTTAWA. Sudd Patents of Invention Harristers OFFICEâ€"No, 2, Weilington St., !5:1)91.'!79'- CBmAAY 0F FAMOUS,â€" AICTION, COMPRISING THE TEN Jewels of Imaginative Literature : Pilgrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakefleld, Keobiuson Crusoe, â€" Paul and Virginia, @ulliver‘s Travels, Elisabeth, (or NoR & Dob rEskTY, wrox NoR & Sarrister, Attormey Undine, _ Talcs fom Arabian Nights. Com plete in QNE VOLUME oftover 1,000 pages besutifuily illasirated With 34 full page ugrayâ€" raALKER, PENXXOCK & Â¥cINIYRE, â€"ltis the WORLD‘S STORY BOOE, and all wunt toread it . Agent‘s Outtt free to a:l who mean buriness and w i1} faith{uily canvass. ecTteR R20GYRS, H. CHEYSLER, R. J. P. LYXXN, LUMBER AND CoMMIssION MERCHANT, E. J. D. R. MACDONELL, R. 0. €. WOoD, ARCH AMBAULT, sHledical €ards. RTHUR F. COTTON, Notary Public and Aqvocate, "M. JOMASTON, P ATENT S. Barrisier, Advocate, &c. C. LAMBERT Provincial Land Surveyor and 6 llrul!hum Bageessor to "W . K. Thistle & Co. co, as formerly, over Mann‘s Hardwore $819â€" L W i RNH AL MATH ESON, Pegqal Cards. H. FERLAND, w. WARrD ».COUTLEE, B.C.L.. Advoente, Solicitor, &c. grov liM MOSGROYE, BEST OF REFKERENCES GIYVEN STEWAET & W. MacCUAIG. ers, Aitorneys, Selicitors, Couveyancers, & c.. Conveyancer, / in Chancery , seiic Comnve> Attorneys, Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &c.. &Câ€". Atiorney, Solicitor in Char A d v o C Aitorney, Nolicitors, &6., Trade Assignee. W A, County of Carletor loert Streot _ Office hours from d 2to4 p. m. Bpecial attention ses and displacemenis mn;:e FORD & Co-, EOLICITORSâ€"OF Aitorncysâ€"atâ€" Law, Soli »uveyancers, &c., â€" HOoGG, al Real s leau street near Glou )if>e, corner of O‘Conâ€" woRMULLY, , Notary, &c, Aitormeys 4. J. GoRauLr Y e. Melcalle Sireet the ou. P. Mite W,.R. PEHISTUL] AT Fown, oppoâ€" st., Ottawa ) DoHERTY D. 1OGG® MOLNTYRE Sol citor din‘s, Maio he Soauâ€" 1y 4163« LC GKA 917â€"3m 240L nad the 1y (â€" Exhibition Visitors will be well accom« f medated d-rl-ckl;xhnu- & £ tion Week. H. LETCH, Proprietor. July 78, 1875 8905 dn . 'l\llol.ll RODDEN, waiter, First Class LAinver: and Evening parties attandea. 88 Cha pel sireet, OKtawa. 401418 | _ Thebes. brands of wines, Hquors and cigars | are kept and the promptest alte ‘tion is paid } to Guests. | Dinnmer l.u’rovldod from 12 A.IL, until | 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" f | â€" able rates. x°¥ man, beâ€"t of city references, wants emâ€" p ov iment as Bookâ€"keeper or to make himsel veneraily useful about an uflice. Address A. B, Tiw®s Of®ee. 400511 V WV 200 *\ ds DT _ cately at Cobden, on the Pembroke Branch o:; the C. . Railroad, Wages;r tay, Board in the villege very reason=ble. BOGIERS, KELLY & Co. 3951 Bo.llb WANTED.â€"A\ member of the Common . requires, dur ng the session of rarliament, board and lo-l%lug.d»w.a pariour aud bedrod .:,h)l.h eomfortable, situntion withâ€" in easy di unn%of #ouse. ol Parli mont. State price for rioms with or without board. iive references. Address, by letter, A. B. C., to t is Office 400412 Bo Ai.I» with or withont rooms, and rooms without boart. . ‘Table and rooms firstâ€" class _ Oorner Sparks and Bavk streets, and withio two miloutcs‘ wouk of the Pariiament Buildings. (Noon ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A couâ€" K pie of good bedâ€"roows with bourd, may be bad at MRS. KERW‘3 corner of Kigin ind Siater st reets. 400 4f (\o-ronl'Am.B BOARD.â€"One or two ) yeung men can obtain comfort+ble Board and Lxiging 1 â€" a private (amll,puvuh no chil« Ireo, to close proeximity to the biie Buildings, Apply at PHIS OFFICE, 1006 3 Choic_st Wines, Liquors, Cigars Bass‘ Pale Ale and Guiness‘ Extra Stout ALWAYS ON HAND, Mr. BEN. HUCKELL beg‘wannouucmz the general and travelling public, that he entered upon the Proprbwrlnlllpof the above lotel lately conducted by Mr. Fred. ®vans. Th above gopnhr Reutaurant has been enlarged by the addition of several s‘ru:lou and well funished rootnus on the secon uorz;’ .l’r'.:;i‘rluen Luncheon aud Dining Rooms the â€" \iev,demen bonoring this Establishment with their pntron-ia may rely on strict attention being paid to their orders. l.ntuoru. Wines and Cigars of the best quality. Luncheon served at all boursâ€" The Royal Oak Hotel, Wellington Street, near Bank. The "Feathers" Hotel 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. Moard ~ XLodqing. ‘The :bovse Hote! is we supplied with the The Dufferin House Ortawa, N ls now open for business after being renoâ€" vated and newly fiited for the comfort and accomodation of the travelling community. TACANCIE®N for Hoinders, No. 4 McCor ‘ nleg‘s Teriues, U Cunin‘ strook Apply L NOONAN‘S RESTAURA NT, Sparkts &r&s {ITUATION WANTEDâ€"A good reiiable Rideau Street, near Sappor‘s Bridge,} FRED FPOOKS. â€" â€" â€" Proprietor. s beartiful and furnished with the choicest brands of Liquors, Cigars, ¢16 Your call wiil ‘be kindly solicited. 7 E. J. HENBY, \pp Sept. 1, 187 OPPoSITETHE (G@OVERNMENT WoRrK SHort cate Ls au the Second Gruis A NEW WRITINGJMASTER, | A NEW COURSE OF LNXSTRU oN YOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSL ES Studen:ts may enlerâ€":t auy time. dres for eireulars, 6g:., ) O_ _ l2 . kh NINiCS Corne Bank and Wollingt>n sts., P HOTOGRAPHE R. l);ll:l orF PUBLIC SCHOOL TRUS TEE®. wayâ€" $5â€"SPARK: | STREFTâ€"S85 "wp w HOLESALE 'AND BETAH. Jeweller, Watchmaker, &o A MIGE EPC ET1 Culiâ€"sia (Whaine cantliamen‘s Ladies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, gentlemen‘s Albert Chaing, Hings and Goid Se &mm qwnd Jewellesy Cf ovo‘rg. m PI T as Vloeis, toalfl prices, m:{?louol- the cizy. _ Wholesale brv~~> can Lsnhdrmk as cheap from me as ruy other ngse t the Domimnw 3P ,',\s"n-n â€"Wanted by a young Lady, a miloation as Hcusekeeper, Best of ences given. _ Address© MISS MAGGIE LN No . Cannington P O , Out, _ 40014 A NEW SUITE OF ROOMY, Wate A iarge assortmen t of Gold and Silver W atohes, P OUIECRRES, 0H3 D. McARTHUR & CO, Proprietors. Oltawa Oct. Z7, 1875. $9803mdé w tlave received of their Spring Importations, 18 BALES CARPETS and CURTAINS. Em bracing ali the novelties, out for the season o which the confidentiy SHOOLBRED & CO. THE " LONDON," ANTEDâ€" gamaAa CALL IS SOLICIT ED . "®&A HEAD OF ALL OTHERS! Spocial Vaize in Lacse Curtainss EWELLERY TTAWA CARPET HOUSE. Ap tion« from Female 'l‘eaehqrsi”des! rous ment undor the Houwrd, will receivâ€" Cuairman H. RO ‘LNSON, Esq. 1li be e chaidered hoiding a lower cerâ€" Invite J A R VY I 8. EIDâ€"A young man with a emall tat m{.-lu advertiser in a good p;{‘; =._ Address wi‘h real name, , P. 0. box 581, clty. SIOBL ABOURERS WANTED !mmeâ€" Tolants. (LATE JARYVIS & ARLESS.) pt, 2, 1875 . .SPARKS STREET. ), 1873 Htotels. JAS. D JOY NT, 3 RHecretat y A NEW PRINCIPAL, MRS. FOR 1 TJt 3981m6 Lieut. Michsel Girdwoyn is commisâ€" sioned by the Russian Government to visit the artificial fishâ€"breeding establishâ€" ments in Europe and America, to obtain information for applying the system in In the immediate neighbourhood of New York City 2000 men ard 1,000 vessels are embloyod in the oyster fishery. "The Auniversary of American Indeâ€" pondence," is to be the subject of this year‘s poom in the competition for the Chancellor‘s Medal at Cambridge (Eug ) Stirling, Abrens & Co., the celebrated sugar refiners, whose failure in August last, created such a sensation in commerâ€" cial circles, were adjudged bankrupts in the United States District Court at Baltiâ€" more yesterday. University. Rev. Wm. McLaren, S.T.D., was consecrated Bishop of the Northern Diocese of Illinios, at Chicago yesterdry. Yesterday was undoubtedly the " fieldâ€" day " in the TClements trial at Torontoj; and a most disastrous field it will prove to the exâ€"Alderman, if the word of " Doctor ‘‘ Davishas any weight with the Jury, as his testimony was of the most damaging character, proving Clemenits to have been a most heartless and abandoned libertine. Josemh Chaisson, one of the Caraquet rioters, has been found guilty of mur: der, with a strong recommendation to mercy. The jury were absent five@ hours, and the prisoner broke completely down upon hearing the verdict. Sergt.â€"Instructor Porteous, of the Prince of Wales‘ Rifles, made an attempt to commit suicide at Montreal yesterday, while labouring under temporary insanityâ€" He was immediately removed to Beauâ€" port Asylum. â€" So far, fiftyâ€"nine bodies have been re. covered from the Swaithe main colliery. Une hundred artizans were discharged from the Washington navy yard yesterâ€" day. Loxpox, Dec. 8 â€"The Viceâ€"Chancellor of Cambridge University has announced as the subject of this year‘s lf)oom in the competition for the Chancellor‘s medal, " The Centennary of American Independâ€" ence." The * Deutchland " Disaster â€"Names of Lost and Saved. Loxpox, Dec. 8.â€"The following is a complete and corrected list of the first and second cabin pasengers by the Deutchland. Saved : ~ First cabinâ€"Wilâ€" helm Leick, of Cleveland, O.; _ Carl Meyer, jr., of Bremen. Missing : Julius Grossman, of Hunbu{g. Second cabin, saved : 1. Petzhold, Theodoreé Tiedman, Geo. F. Sauter, of New York; Hermann Nathan, of New York; Ed. Stamm and T BELEGRAPHIC. snn is caap at Harwich todALgiveo the 1oliowing . fufiouhnoftho of his vessel : " We eft Bremechafen on Sundayâ€" morning, and early the following morning we encountered a heavy northâ€"east snow storm. The weather was so thick that we found it necessary to throw the lead constantly, and to slacken the mod of the vessel. â€" At halfpast five o‘clock the she struck, and _ shortly afterwards commenced thumping very hard Several vessels passed us quite close, but paid no attention whatever to _ our signals of â€" distress. _ I ordered the life boats â€" to . be got in _ readiness, and soon had them lwun&, but I did rot deem it safe to lower them in such a heavy sea. _ One boat was lmurd.rimt\ my positive orders, and she was almost immediately swamped, and six persons who were in her were drowned. A treâ€" mendous sea u:?t over her a few minutes later, and wul:o ':v;r:t‘)nd many of the passengers, w previously been provided with life preservers, . After this I ordered the passengers to take to the rigging, and some sought safety on ‘the wheelâ€"house, from which <position they were rescued by atug boat about 10 i o clock in the morning." Coudition of the " Deutchland," The ltoamll;i‘p DeuicAiand . now 1168 OR the west edge of Kentish Knock, in four fathoms of water. Her stern is about five feet out of the water at high tide. Her wood ::2- have started, but ‘her spars, sails, everything are standing ; her hatches over.go cargo are undisâ€" turbed, and her deck is dry at lo!v wsbu;_ The owners of the vessel, together with the agents in London, and Capt. Brickens stein, went to the wreck toâ€"day / ‘The Colliery Risaster. Up to this time 59 bodies have been recovered from the Swaithe Main Golliery at Bnmnleg. It ?nmmidmdoofllg; t.h;t 4:150 ead will number between l and 140. Â¥A little boy in a Scotch school was asked if he did not wish to be born again. "Born again!" said Tommy; "no, I wadna.". "You wouldn‘t?" gried the teacher sadly ; "why not ?" "For fear I‘d be born a lassie," said Tommy. . f ;"â€" d« the .other. * J Iniliteos tcough fo somlortably Ail te _ "Was the crowd tumultuous,?"‘ inquired one man of another who had just come pounds fellin Missouri last week s Rights TELEGRAPHTC SUMMARY. F O R E 1 G@ N . The (hancellor‘s Medal, GBREAT BRITAIS. ]mT uff..f'flm' '. 19 , no, just about now lies on OTTAWA, THURSDAY ninety 6 ooune y T M\! ; °{j & mfi«fimmg_ J k. "” i The German Savings Bank. | _ The Secretary of the German Up town | Savings Bank says the bank is able to pay ! 90 to 95 per cent. to depositors, and an and eifort will be made to resume busiâ€" The " World" on the President‘s Mesâ€" g)emoonfio& i:ritlchu mCuE::.m“ essage, an regard to s :â€" " Although his ‘language is lfl.lgwhlt cloudy and obscure, yet his diq{ooit.iou is to observe strict justice in dealings with Spain. If the President, however, could have frankly stated that he had brought Spain to the point of indemnity for the past and guarantee for the future no cause of trouble would remain between the two church pmfly in the Message is but a reinforcement to that which proposes sectarian‘ strife on the common school question," Will Not Accept the Reduced Scale. RoousstEr, Deo. 8. â€"The " Cfisgim" in a card state that they cannot submit to the reduction of wages, as they cannot even now earn $12 a woek, and female operatives are earning from $3 to $5 per companies. â€" The rorlfion to tax church property mtno essage is but a The rectifying establisement of Well« ing, Kidder &ngo., 74 Broad street, was seized to day, and the proprietors arrested Commissioner Shields. Ruinous Discrimination. A meeting of merchants was held this aiternoon at the Chamber of Commerce wo;:;ider the discriminatio '&hmultby rail companies against city on freights to the West. Mr. B. G. Arnold, Chairman, said that. the business of New York merchants was being ruined by the discrimination of trunk lines in favour .of other cities, particularly Boston. â€"Mr. H. K. Thurber said cargo after cargo of coffee and raisins had been imported by Chiâ€" cago merchants, by way of Boston, and transported on both the main competing lines ruaning from that city to the West at less rates than from,, > »A Committee was appointed to visit the mnqeuofthoo:&tnnumdm what can be done. | Western Union Telegraph Companyâ€" for conducting their business without revenue license. ‘The prisoners were held for examination by United Statew : Sularies Reduced. . ... .. The report submitted at a mieetin (g of the Western Union Telegxh mâ€" pany toâ€"day shows the net profits of the last six months of 1875 to be $1,752, 781. A quarterly dividend of 2 per cent was ALMD ME Py _ CA00Y DF PV EmE CNNOGE! lsaac Van Mess, at Waterford, Sn::;gl County was robbed by burglars last night of $8,000 in notes given by various parties, a gold watch and chain and a small sum declared. The salaries of all officers and or::‘ployou above $600‘ per annum were uced on a sliding scale 25 to 35 per cent. nc 0 00 y > .( Recovered. Povuenxruersts, Dec. 8.â€"Grapplers toâ€" day succeeded in recovering the body of Samuel Rutledge from the water at the Sunnyside wreek.~ The body of "Mre. %wwu.t.h ':od also b’l:u‘:ht to {hmrfaoo, ut it alip from grapple went down again. It will problblyto recovered toâ€" morrow. Captain Teson .mdwColonel Waloott, of the Sunnyside, will remain at bondblutie commibedbiters.4 ~vevenabent o7 to morrow. Captain Teson and Colonel Waloott, of the will remain at the wreck until all hbodies are found and sent to their , P.Dlx.OI, Dec. 8.â€"A stabbing affray at ine Creek, near here, esterday in an old mnmd W-kofl_ffi stabbing his son to the héart. W Cricaco, Dec. 8.â€"The consecration 0° Rev. William Edward McLaren, S.T.D., as Bishop of the Northern Diocese of Illinois ‘éo"i?;,'{x.';."':{ih';”c.mdm“'" adral of St. Peter and St. Paul this morning, f Boynton Packing Company. é: Bostox, Dec. 8.â€"The Boynton Packing Oompmyzptnmqofiygfofiu o:odxton z day, t.@bmffl.’rm Tha MnmmittaA New Yorr, Deco. 7.â€"The World « A wife will hardly evernotice whether her husband ‘has had his hair cut or not, but let him go home with a strango hairâ€" pin sticking in his overcoat ‘and she‘ll see it before ‘he reaches the gate.""â€"Déeirgit Free Press. _ A{min Berks County, Pennsylvania, m‘z&m old, rises daily at 4, am., F irteen : cows, and prepares a breakfast for the family. © Her bair isn‘t ‘"banged". and she doesn‘t wear & On@ legged dress. :© :. wlekt C iuge "Now," said a citizen of Rewlings, Wy~â€" oml:eg.’llemur{l,l at a recent dance ; "you see heifer in a red dress ; that‘s y wite; an‘ of you dance with her more‘n two Lme-, pard, I‘ll shute the hull top OÂ¥ yer hed off. What‘ll yer daink ?" > Monoure Conway lectured on Sunday 1 ioiA b€ dentt the Pnd so e e 'fiflplzfléhm is so familiar, that Ausaxy, Dec. 8.â€"The residence of with which Chicago is so IAMIlAT, LNND reiterated applause testified the PW':P‘ recognition by the audience of their old friend.â€"Co+rierâ€" Journal. «. > :>» i 4 § A new telescope in Paris brings the moon" within ten> miles of the earth. When it gets only eight miles off, and we can sling a hawser abroad, the ‘members ofm,pwnmhhlpvmhhdlh“ the Herald every morning at earth‘rise. N. Y Herald. f The bones . of a thousand ‘deparied Chinamen will be started fromSan. Franâ€" Withe tio on fan 9 04 npaiy o. 9e : w of ; no M wh,dtdw&'“@ffl“ [+ 14 . 0 K2A Nh0 Sm aintermmnndiarer mt rane P arer tion are inclined to think . John is nmmmwâ€"m.l?â€";:; ‘A Vassar girl wrote home :â€""Deé . Faw : PBaw, we study Latinâ€"fo‘ {owahs‘ a© day: secrete of the green :zo »m has «discovered that Sothern and Dion Boucicault! never -‘-wâ€"mmv’â€"m .w â€" m-:flodedrmw'diflm“ A innrmung" cce i9 y*. pbfored Tmmgu were Y that do'nndpdnhdfl."‘m Iroamed no one. who saw‘ theti ; play .4 of the deception. k ce urme ho Sunnyside ul‘l:.lur-lon Bodtes A MERICA N . id Bs nalithgps oo re: 201 4E AP NCE TT 1N T 8 ench seven tip and [sdience! eval so m&*T';‘,“.’:’I ““?...,‘S’micfiu“ ns d skates for t!r:’“fi!"l“"l’!’ liyes Defrauding the KEevenue. Rishep Consecrated .] _ Captain ‘Teson an f the sfiq will antil all hodies o their uen mnmememmnmmmemmnamment ILLINOIS.. MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK. Who ‘has ‘peeped into the consecration of greignt + i"-fi'i.: hn -jf‘ en . Mowrazit, Dec. 8.â€"The stock market is quiet and unchanged.. Salesâ€"Montreal, 180} to: 180}‘% Merchants, 954 to 96 ; Ex dt#6, 98 ; Molson‘s, 102} to 1031 ; Com:â€" mm,‘lm to 123 ; Montreal Teleraph, Cifioaco, Dec. 8. â€" Hogs â€"Receipts T0,460; shipments, 2,375, ; ons loxbox; Des 8, 1:30 pmâ€"The rate for money at the Stock Exchange on Government securitios is 1} per cent. United States Bondsâ€"67‘s, 109} ; 1040, Nsw York, Dec. 8.â€"Pacific. Mail, 413. Telegraph, . 76}; American, Exâ€" ?reu, 603; Northwestern, 39 ; l ‘erred, 55§ ; Rock Islaud, 1044 ; St. lml, 35%; Erie, 16; St. Joseph, 21 ;. Harlem, 132{; Lake Shorew 60;â€" New York Central, 1051 ; . Qhio & Miu’nsipgi; 174 ; Panams, 126%; Union Pacific, 78; Wabâ€" ash, 6 ; St. Paul preferred, 664. 106 ; Erie, 144. Nzw Yorxk, Dec. 8.â€"Cotton 1â€"16¢ better ; 13%0 for middling uplands, Flour â€"â€"A moderaté business doing, and &l;ioe- without decided change; receipts, 20,000 barrels ; sales, 14,000 barrels ; quotations unchanged.‘ Rye Flour steady, 4 25 to 5 30 Eer barrel. Wheat dull ; receipts, 39,000 bushels ; sales, 39,000 â€" bushels, at ($1 10 to 1 12 for No. 3 Chicago ; No. 2 do, nominal ; $1 25 to 1 26 for No. 2 Milwaukee; $1 32 to 1 35 for No 1 spring; $1 14 to 1 35 for new and old winter red western; :8l 17 to 1 36] for d%“:mbor vuternn; $1 32 to .1'1003:;: white‘ western. ye quiet; i 3,000 ll;‘ulhell; -liel.u’naig;“ncom & shade better; rece bushâ€" els ;. sales, 41,000 gunholl. at 740 for steam western mixed ; 75c for . sail do ; T4je to 76¢ for h'%h western mixed Bs oo mt o uiet and 8 i » h bulhe?n; sales 38,«5 bush at 43¢ to 49jc for mixed western and Slate; 45¢ to 526 for white do. Pork (})uiot, at $21 90 for new mess, Lard, 1215â€"16¢ to 13¢ for steam. Butter, 236 to 326 for Btate and Pennsylvania. Choun 6e‘ to 12%c for common to prime. Pél umâ€" Crude, 6Jc to 7c ; refined, 12§c. T Loh C ut »ABtrncaie. Jn hok o samme m:'iou. flo quiet and firm.: . Dressed Hogs quiet steady ; sales at$7.75 to 8 00. _ Pork strong and: higher, at $19 40. Bulk Meatsâ€"Domand fair and prices . ad« . vanced; shoulders, 7 1â€"80 fto 7}; short rib middles, JO}c;.short clear middles, 10}0; to llic. Whiskey steady and firm, at $1 11. . Bo;ceeg)uâ€"‘l"lvur, 14,000 barrels ; Wheat, â€"89,00)° ‘bushels Corn, 15,000 bushels ;: Yats, 23,000 bushels ; ~Barley, 19,000> bushels; Rre, 2,000 bushels. Sh,i&)zsonbâ€"l"lonr 11,000 barrels ; Wheat, 27,000 bushels ; Corn, 12,000 : bushels ; Oats, 7,000 bushels; Barley, 45,000 buish. ols ; Ry.,; 2000 bushels. _ At the afterâ€" noon call of the Board: wheat fln? at 1â€"80 w ”‘ corn unchanged ; oats firm, 30}o for‘cash ; provisions unchanged. The woman suffragists of New Haven are wrestling with the question, "Who is the superfluous woman ?‘‘ .. Of .course we $’t tell, but we knov;‘ a number of fi: men: whom has m..3£° ho Norwich olsn * 4 A female 'trologil advertises _in the Cahfm%o nemt;):::n under the heading, "S a ::d‘ ng:'oi;lft‘." ublishes strong recom a th er &m. * W b'eif:bm the editorial 'Mtng %flu adon , Times and «the . Mew _ York mes. € C O M M E RC 1 A L. «Now,‘" said. the Professor, as he grow animated in the discussion, "all matter constant] u_;}ngu. h';e.h‘;‘.‘ "changed sinde uking y seat ‘Here."* Every single moment in body areâ€"tens ?M& ands "of blfi, cor puscles: smashed . to Soicse mid Wherel dorprored. . Builor on the â€"back seat â€"(in a _V déep ,yond'::)â€"‘-“eo‘h I versity (,'Qv:ynic!c. s DECEMBER 9, 1875, & uol uy n d Wa uk dJ &0 While three boys. were playinz on Eager . street, near . Morton alley,. Baltiâ€" more, on the 29th ult., one fell .over â€"a garbage box, which, in, tumbling, threw out a pocketbook containing $1,200 in backs. (T‘he: treasure trove Was funded io-M-mhniw 2:,“«10‘623%31 day Congf(’m n burn evaia claimed tho purse, but insisted that :m oc c acch ds lb cubdit Acmcatt Pubogeitcinge Py uP : he knaw not how, «it ‘held <$2;200; 1I‘i,::'eof the boys"hiave appeared to ‘ ask for & rewards ; scucuwo L o W‘WMM\M nfries.ofthe, Servite â€" order are exâ€" horting the peoplé to: repent. ‘Jne of the missionaries is from Belgium, One from Switzetladd, one fram Bavaria one from ht o Tess toiyy the fis vegiming our sery daily, t 1 inning at 5 W‘elock in the morning for the beneâ€" fit.of the wum:fl:‘ futher and son; with injunctions ~for "its the book as English scholars do on Welgh P e s “ ‘podigroos, but admit that it a forgery,: it pwvw, ME on ces eorit maclis -M Sncinarsiine, Th ine on &%‘h the ticity of lhobocg,'x!!' well hy_’lfifin"ag that first pirt records a visit to lake mp of Switzerland, thé ‘reâ€" mainsiof which were:not discovered until by Dr, Keller: An En’lhh tran§â€"| 12th 26 the ‘= linds . ole" , has been | \pn_b mu;..:.w. R.~ Sandbach, and â€"will / Mov To Shho fos w soted,. 260.‘ Barleyâ€"Dow spot The Roman Catholics have started a re‘ Chicago uive Siock Market. New York Produce Market New York Stock Ma:ket. Montreal Stock Market. Chicago Produce New York Marey Market. London Markets: ago i 3B A 4.4 hok n o on ol â€""Gosh ‘â€"â€"Mickigan : Untâ€" as= little® ‘reliance on Ko. 2, 3040 to: 30}e Market. Another is held aud CIUBOU " & p) MowtrEAL, Doc. 8.«â€"A special se=_ n1 Do |to the Wifness from Okn says: ""The 12 £ seller | Protestant Indian Church at.Oka was comâ€" February ; | pletely wrecked; by‘a crowd‘of ‘French March re» | Canadian Roman Catholics â€" yesterday Piich the | rromateop ® m mase neatnnnd !1_4‘8.‘.°. f?f hy the. bell fallins â€"on : his head. l'.zm Dutch Theatrical â€"* Dr." ‘ Davis‘ Evidenceâ€" Manhood Suffrageâ€" McLean vs. Dun, dTonom Dec, 8. â€"Mr. J. H. McKinly, Hamilton, opens French‘s & House on Monday next, m lor‘s Overl.:g Route, Dt;!.lgBid'dlh:_ been engaged as lfidfl y. . Prices admission have been reduced. The trial of exâ€"Alderman Clements, on the charge of seducing and aiding and abetting mome an abortion upon the victim of the Davises, was resumed this afternoon. This ing Mr. J. H. Cameron, counsel for% was eng'fieduthom Court in the Merâ€" cantile Agency case, and could not thereâ€" fmboprmntnnfiithm when Davis was placed in the witnes box. Mrs. Davis‘ evidence will not be taken till the Assizes. 6 ‘Two Bills are before the Local lm lature, introduced by the member Welland, making manhood suffrage the basis of Parliamentary representation, and another making municipal franchise on real property, only assigning additional votes in pro(rouion to the amountâ€" of property held by each eléctor. . ~___ _ The case of McLean vs. Dun, Wiman, was concluded at the Assizes toâ€"day. The verdict for the plaintiff was given on the two questions submitted. to them, as Phgs i Pn ho o ol i ho oag ie mm ue obtuining informa tion ; 2d, Did the plaintiff exercise proper care in trusting only on thuopfi:’f the agency. The judge declined to the jury to decide the measure of damages, au he believed the Court aboye should ooidqwhothuornonh&.wd be for a nominal amount only .. : important g;dnuweren.ho reserved, which. cannot disposed o( for same months to come, and even after a. decision on these is reached the case will probably be mpâ€" â€" Mr, James Ward, Sor a . bet of $50, undertook this afternoon to shoot 85 birds out of 100, but shot. anly 91. ied An: advertised "a meeting: of the sportsmen wis hetio:hh evening at the Rossin House. About. forty gentlemen }vm resent flndb'm association .: was omet! having for its object it of a strict . observance of, m Fish Laws by prosecuting any person found Fish Laws b cuting any person found breaking thzglm‘“ogumblumhdbu- tions in the existingâ€"laws as may . be unoqhs‘dunm’ le. ... A. committee was appointed to drait a constitution and byâ€" laws, and a resolution. was passed. asking tink ‘af oo netien fapacche thlpmand ose of the season for ( snipe and. woodcock to September 1st. : Peter Curran, James O‘Niel and Thos. Smith, employees. of . the Grand Trunk M'.'c;fuul: M?h&apinm charge g while in on that road. .Gfxm‘;homwum-i\- edamd‘qu.nfityofcloth:.fula lb":oo and other W foun: w benpsflo%&bopl:;.dor.' lipp‘ t MowtrEAL, Doc. 8.«â€"A special hhm to the: Witness from Okanâ€"says: , Protestant Indian Church atâ€"Oka was comâ€" pletely wrecked: by‘a crowd~‘of ‘French Canadianâ€" Roman :Catholics â€" yesterday shomaf,ch;zh.nndndh bfihhvdhl to the grou QOne manâ€"was : badly out by theâ€" bell {alling â€"on: : his head. :It was an act of the: mostâ€" infamous intolerance. Commentingâ€"or this, the Witness 3° "In Lower ~Canada, it < has> been pre Destruction of© the Indian ‘Church at Okaâ€"Attempted Suicide. A toleration, ; freedomâ€"and > ;justice ‘being found wherever the Union Jd ‘waves, is pretty much of a shamâ€"atâ€"leastâ€"so far ‘as the poor Indians are concerned. Their Proâ€" testant white brethron seem powerless to belp them, and . the. Government fear to lose political lupgo‘rt“by doing anything but "whatâ€"willip their f m‘zmmmumqm «* Kick them |for they have no friénds." If it is mu:d: t.::la.:u:dm penée s beidealt ‘to::our very Mv.mnhlnn for this latest exploit <of theirs, no: time: should be lost in dttend= ing to the matter ; a pm:f'th ruined:church, and| its . when Pfimd‘Wflum:-mLudo.-nm to commit suicide while:labouring under temporary insauity. ::~He had to: be reâ€" moved to .Beauport Asylum.s~ 0+ =| The Gaol Questionâ€"UCounty Councll UP~* posed to the Priion Tuspectorâ€"Freo Markets and Free Roadsâ€"Municipal Eleetion. T Loxpox, Dec. 8.â€"The County Council of Middlesex opened the December sese sion on , Monday. The most impuq:" tiistng £ ues padtoand provetly fartver erec! a now aad p . action on the hm‘;.tio‘:-‘ In regard to the former, the. cll‘ is at, direct Fariance with the Prison mc;om. The county appears determined to make the present gaol do. for several years at loast, t sahn in medpetion mud improperty ing is or decupatio im pr ;comtruéud,-o thas it would Te wals to remodel it than build a new Op@.. 'l:bo Wiman; Verdict for the Plaintiftâ€" Sporting Newsâ€"The Game Lawsâ€" Railway Laws. .« f city ‘fears that townships acting indeâ€" pex’ui.nuy might reimpose fl»% ‘and pendently might reimpose the WOHS, alll shgcit&sket Committee recommends fi“:,l &: tx:ukeq fees be not fi“ until the townships a bond they will not mawtbq‘fl?n.‘ It is not unâ€" %‘oly:htthomw hitch will break up e whole scheme of free roads and free markets. + The electors ‘of ~the _l"‘int.Wud_'hflo C A N A D 1 aA N . held a meeting:to hear the views © of canâ€" delates f0f AiGermanic ‘honours. â€"~ This is CALL fl:myAndcmh.omdidmh the Reeveship iof Lond in East. : Mr. Isasc : Waterman, cone ~of. fi'g""‘ Councillors, is also said ‘ to ‘be in ‘the field for the Reeveship. Relie{ to Unem ployed â€"Asscasment Act i â€"License Law. refugsed grants to n&;fl'fi“ for street MEENR : Tor tm ngvatrous men out of e s en ... oukkes wdhzr P . eompany oi remonees mnemate Prion of all examption from taxation, for a law to license butchers, assess ships six comB&:ehf'M & ‘Co."s Â¥x ,w"' the e‘k\fi!({r'h““’*“;-tf Hm “famu“i# : camnibh J ~.2] MONTREA® â€" TORONTO. Instructor KINCSTON. LONpOn. Cimts ty Council Opâ€" of »the Tomoxro, Dec. 8.â€"â€"The postponed case of exâ€"Alderman : Clements, charged with being accessory to fllmoiuumnvemm was called at 11 o‘clock this morning, M-d"onm.dmfill o‘clock this afterâ€" noon, for the convenience of Mr. J. H. Cameron, Q. C., counsel for the accused, who was engaged in another court. ThE MURDER OF JEANNIE GILMOUR, Arraignment of Exâ€"Ald. Clements. t from in the â€" Tng man totitned 15 the Megistiaters reom m‘ht-nlfl evidence with re correctness and nerve. At 1 o‘clock the Police Court was filled with the members of the Bar and of the Press mnd the friends and relatives of the qoM_Ahmouwdw\th sat on the Bench with Mr. McNabb, togethâ€" omen qi diopped for io or thewe days m.:ur:dw friend « & dthomh-n.-dh-lbfi-,luwing girl, at Fisher‘s and Mrs. Wade, a washerâ€" or material elicited. j » THE PRISONBR indulged in occasional levity, and made oflnrmvdlh;dl&b‘noulbh er with Aldermen Baxter, Farley, Close, Tinning, and Britton. Durimg the afterâ€" street outside. Lug&w:odbd.flhombdutdth Strate‘s room into the witnessâ€"box, and . .. Terminer;â€"first â€"saw . the . deâ€" ceased the first week of July last, when sbe came to : his office, and : preducing Clement‘s: card, ~said .ho'ntd*-.-& thing to .wv was mm¢ and bottle of mh'w.wm five ‘ ; about two afterward TESTIMONY OF THE CONVICT DAVIS CUILTY OF THE MURDEBROF JRANXNIE VAUGHAN @ILMOUR, at came to witnesses‘ office, and said those pills and drops had had mo effect ; wit Clements said the pills and. iven to asked if Clements was the ‘irl’nfiicnd’, to which the. l:tter replied,â€"*Yes ; witness asked. if nnylflh'w of her «No;" witness then asked if..the girl 1 uk‘“m’wu'sydhi‘wz a week or Clements said that he bad arranged at home for her to go on a visit ; Clements said the girl was 2 minister‘s daughter and he was a mar MATTER WOULDâ€" HAYVE O BE KEPT â€"QUIZT ‘Witness said he would one hundred a,omun#t'u job, .;'.'m.- said it was‘* worth‘ it." Clements then gave the mmmdthmmmmm & second ~$50 _ on ofdlovflng,&tme; a week or so after this‘ oocurred J came ‘to witnesses office in Exchan, alley," and Mrs. Davis took Tier to their h;ooan&o:t%hfimg the ‘ednesday or before the body wmr-m‘fll# aod" a vflm She hnd a miscarriage one ‘day after, is, on F\ , 28th of July, and died on y night ; the foetus was thrown into the ;on"flmndlynisht. tmE NIGHT BEFORE JBANNIE DIBD, valled at "the prisoner‘s office, and everything was sl!w ness to(lo-il:ifh-lnd he was ; ' ie 200 fictnnles ; Ofeioentenaked fiom The Prisener‘s Guilt Davib knéw"thist he(Clemenits) was an Aldermat, ahd ‘Witness ‘said "that a man had p&:&lh but on ‘the ~street ; Clements nflfitlf«mm out all Yight, he would give wit: an On Saturday morning, Jeannie having died on Friday night, witness went to Clements‘ lumber yard, but Clements was not there ; wentâ€" there a second time, but could not find hims. «> ~~) © ~ . failed to shake his testimony in any par. C. Warmoll, attorney for Davis during the murder trial, acting on Davis‘s instrucâ€" tions he arranged for an interview with Clements; and â€" asked him ‘to assist Davis as a friend ; Clements said he was not a friend of Davis, but promised to see him arded. hy two â€"gaol turnkeys and the m-ifl’udou. wol Davis stated that he had been tried and quently spoke to Clements about his fore .&,' Neil, who was or the jury ‘mwnrwdfi; rendered himself, was then placed in the dock, charged with being AN AcoBssoEY To ‘THE MURDER OF JRANXXIE se YAUGHAN GILLMOUR, The convict Davis was again â€" placed and he went to witnessess house and measured. the body with a carpenter‘s “‘h‘!“m.. A?:A,L-L..I-Lk. Wl‘fiâ€"mâ€"fi;mbh&fi. boards to Davis‘ house and nailed them together. while, Davis. held. them ; they :\% he would h‘;‘t bbrw AQ said the job. was worth $100, to w Mrs. Davis and .gaÂ¥e it 40. F”P::flull.fl‘d '%”Fm‘m‘ flmm‘fiminsfldme to witness® house, and helped witness * ”‘vw‘,’mwwmvgm Fraséer then: jumped ‘into the waggon, took the lines and drove off; witness and h’w&mlbmmm the hfi::hi m hdu:no'. Fraser was the only person he a-flmkol.likdy“d' As it was now four o‘clock, the case was ye THs coxvior " pE." Davyis THE PRISONEE OLEMENTS ARTEUR PAUL DAVIS A BOX TO PUT A BODY IN tiot®of ‘the witness TRIAL OF THt CARAQUET MURDERERS. BiarBurst, N. B, Deo. 8. â€"After five hours‘ retirement the jury returned a verâ€" dict of murder, and &A strong recommenâ€" dation in favor of Joseph Chaisson, one of MWMM&.M“'flT fell upon the ears of the prisoner, broke completely down. * It is understood that a proposition has td Hast waile 4 enearaiint one 9 served for the Supreme Court. The Culprit ‘Torowto, Dec. 8.â€"The Speaker took s the chair at 3:40. The report of the Committee i t af Commit~ on nompyantment of fanaine Cmy muafnoy..l.&lmndflnlh; of Ontarico, praying for the passage of an property in YÂ¥ an Act to incorporate the Union Fire an Act to incorporate the Uni: Fire Insurance Company, of the same Mr. O‘Donoghue. L2 R VORORIRIE w-'u. oo pl:ol:‘u:‘;.o to z.qufi-ldh- quests of caroners in 1874, the general ophmo-m::hl being that it was MMM&# ahine. 2 U shit o t Goramnaiint, The House rose. ts | The Sreare® resumed the chaif at 7:30. After some routine business, moved the second reading of the Bill to amend the Administration of Justice Act of 1874, in zo far asâ€"it refers to County Printing in Ontario. y sintorate sprook, datfaned the grocnds uk:.byth Gw-?t -hm; o blicati C vertisements . in Counties : Ontario, and moved an in m‘hfinâ€"n&u&. N to introduce a law such advertising, the Bill be not read a x point of order being raised, and ruled should be sustained in the case. Hon. Mr. MeDovesit *to the toe Shuce oc Sonane Govenafein . the ‘hands of the Hon. Mr. Mowar waid â€" the u@bq_gwmq_dihf: the Government in this maiter to that which was pursued. 4 should ,m‘ 7 w pa The 3!; M,.*:;_m’-m:m _He resrn"reup > Siecarapecnipen on 2e e of mommn:n fl th-b.“:u to that called upon the House not away by'th.w of the Government in reference hm*- mnw«w itiwas only reasonable Coun have something to say in the matter of adver legislation io ‘that direction uuuw ernment he would not vote for the second _ DISOUSSION POSTPONKD, bi'}'&“-;'?:';“’"m nh'u“‘-::l Ins appiiiitne aige in «on that shortnd oiaa i en ioi i 44 ag hn certain information by the production of in erndincen, mth the ol ment to the ame ent, with the fol mmwuld“m Beveral addresses were moved for and Alleged Deficieney in . Chamberiain‘s Accountsâ€"Lumbermen‘s Exchangeâ€" Trial of Store Mobbers=Ose Turas Queen‘s Evidence ‘ Hixturox," Dec. 8.â€"At the regular ...._h.o:&.mâ€"l held on Monday m%nbfll‘;?nm:-o-fiq to $2,600, which deficiency was made up by the Chamberlain. A competent auditors to examine the bagks. The public have every confidence in the change in this city. on 'nnfinb?! arrested on SBunday night have an examination before aw:flnh: of commitâ€" .m m #‘l One of the prisoners, --'§"5-m fmon Of this : district <have ting a robbery in Guelph on night. One of the prisoners, -mudv MGM&,““‘-M divuiged the whole operation. Three of the prisoners were committed for trial on the charge of stealing and two for. â€"conâ€" Mr. Beraux® held that the Government Ueeed io Aninecee qoate tok macks mgs LEs heating stove that drives all comâ€"~ petitors to the wall is the. Gurney Base store recently Occupied by Mr. W. F. Tussoll, in »J:"fi:u"h--m LAG. .. acin: Prrett trramind â€"â€"vvâ€"v‘a’:h L ndthy:o"now mdlr. Iimll uqmalfiuunput-ufln. P-.« ties wanting turniture should give them Musers. Rows & ‘-'fi h""".'.‘.hf,m ~s«¥ is marvellous for Dall BROUID, Rh:.g 'fl and even y/it has proved an almost never cure. (See special notice.) is health worth having 1 If it is, proâ€" itâ€"it is a jowel as easily To and in many cases as difficult to ONTARE) LEGISLATURE. har o _A umc tiee es :o +. BC : NeR T recover. In this and more parâ€" msum:urmmb mnapmhbqh";“","_‘: -fl?fi"“vm&‘.‘.“_n. usirertiren SOP® METCIT aB Conga is pM]W,MK not checked inmed lead to merions AREEREEeg CC aEe t us ET L <Afenke wrfifizn Pulmonic Wafers have been before the public for t+wenty years, and have SOemen â€"“'l 54 T Haes t Pinty Woren M ts cine dealers i '.'-'“ W Sxinx Diszasus, 6t whatever mature and on fone : Rpary e y Aboag ap e ‘s Pile and Humour Cure; its effect PRICE $ CENTS. Chaisson Found: Guilty of * result: Yeas, 33; nays, 44. msent of voroners, the disâ€" cantinued up to six o‘clook. HAMILTON. to Mercy.

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