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Ottawa Times (1865), 9 Dec 1875, p. 4

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l i3# 44 i d i Jt 4 1 #4 i t $# {t» [ 1 43 & f 14 § U CunDrsaU‘s sha and baircutting saloon, No 3&&“:’?&0&, Wellington street. Adele M. Gendreau, P'wgo:r-r â€" M 1 A Faiss Auragaxt,â€"Last uight,l{'.liu as the Council adjourned, the City Hall bell rang out the alarm of fire from box No, 8, which is situated at Sally street l"ra Station. .His Worship the Mayor, Ald, Rowe, Ald. Pratt, and a Truxs Regrterj started from the Council Chamber for the scemne of the supposed conflagration, Arrived at the station, the gentlemen were informed that the alarm was struok from box 17, which is ‘situated on the Richmrond road, near Broad street. The reels all turned out, only to find that they were not wanted, and the men who run them were disturbed from their dinnet:zn at the Stevens‘ House. ‘:'hc mem of the Corporation went on their way along Wellington and finally discovering that wlmb the snow was to no purpose, went to their h%.innnrynni.* (?) frame of mi The annual supper of the members of No, | WOOd, and in the closest vicinity to a | the remuneration of the Returning Offi« 5 Company o};Peam Governor General‘s | pumber of bedrooms daily used by travâ€" | cers and Deputy Officers was concerned . Foot Guards took place on Tuesday night | Sllers ; and secondly, on the part of the | He thought it was altogether too high ; at the residence of Sergt. Walls, on the | son of the proprietor, who at the hour of | five dollars was quite sufficient for them, Deep Cut. A large number of the comâ€" | Cleven at night, when the air of the house | _ His Worsnir suggested that the Counâ€" missioned oflicers were present, and & | WAs ata high temperature, carried gaso |cil should go into Committee of the very pleasant evening was spent. There|line (a grodncz of P‘u‘?le‘m(x‘ highly I Whole, to consider the Byâ€"law, and report sppears to be the most perfect feeling of | inflammable and evaporative), from the ; it as smended. . . § hormony between the ofticers and men | Cellar to the farthest room on the first The suggestion of ‘His Worship was of that company, and social gatherings fisor in house in pails, repeating thn.Â¥m- ldogud, and : , such as these of Tuesday evening have & | C€s®, in company with a serving man, four | â€" Ald. Birxerr moved that the Returning tendency to cement the friendly spirif | times. All who have visited that hotel | Ufficers be paid $10, and the Deputies $5 aiready engendered. are aware that the ceilings were not very | for their services. sevicimoe | | high ; consequently, whatever light the| _ Ald. Roceur thought the figures should Coar, Woop â€" Coarn, Woun â€" Co.\L('I young men had to see to fll;i't'ho meter | remain as laid down in the Byâ€"Jaw. Woov.â€"Wm. M. Beattie & Co., George | with, must have been much lower than‘ The amendment was put, and cerried street, have for sale the very finest | than the ceiling, and within egsy distance | on the following division :â€" chestnut, egg and stove sizes in Lacka Of the open Tmm which they W’N! Yeasâ€" Ald. David, Christie, Waller, wanna A,,,_fiwn. Coal, Briar Hill and [ filling with oil. From the evidence of | Birkett, O‘Connor. Black Diamond for grates. _ All coal de.| N#poleon Lajeunesse, we learn that when f Naysâ€"Ald. Pratt, Rowe, Rooque, Bron« livered at our prices free of cartage, and | he tirst examined the gasometer,‘.;d son. dry from under cover. Birch, Beech and | the meter and opened the guage tap, "in l The Byâ€"law, as amended, was then read Maple, sawn or unsawu. 40l4m} | |order to see if there was enough 0il in ' & second and third time, and passed. wrrmrmmnce | the gasometer ;" but we do not learn that | © fur Ask sY Law, A Faisk Acasm,.â€"Last night, just ag be closed the tap again. He "h.fll;_““ | * the Council adjourned, the City l.{nll bel] | companied by the servant, procures from ' Ald. Rocqus: moved, seconded by Ald. rang out the alarm of fire from box No, &barrel in tae basement four buckets full | Broxsox, " That the Byâ€"law to provide for S, which is situated at Sally street Firg Of 0il, and 't=&°mzinw‘bmmhfln|‘h°w°‘ real property benefited Station. _His Worship the Mayor, Ald, | fifth, when he discovered that the floor. was | by local mm:euh be amended so as Rowe, Ald. Pratt, and a Truxs Reporter, O®./i"s, and also the door of the apartment. | to" read as : *First Clauseâ€"That started from the Council Chamber for thg | He then closed the door, "as he had a | no expenditure of monoi for local imâ€" sceme of the supposed conflagration, bucket of gasoline in his hands," cried , provements shall be uuless based Arrived at the station, the gentlemen Out, "jire," " fire," and ran down stairs; | Ob -nruh- therefor, the expense of were informed that the alarm was struok | but ho does not say what he did with the , which is proposed to be assessed from box 17, which is ‘situated on the bucket, in such haste. From a careful w ptowtywb-m:l Richnsond rosd, near Broad street. The perusal of the evidence, it would appear , which shall be signed,‘ &¢.; reels all turned out, only to find that|that the evidence of this witness, his and the fifth line of the fourth clause they were not wanted, and the men who brother Hormidas, and Moise _Tunuz be also amended by W run them were disturbed from their COntains the whole story, and that that ofâ€" "Assessors," "Assessment & g dinner, at the Stevens‘ House. The his fathér is unreliable It is moréâ€"than :Or “0‘1' a3 the gase may be, and members of the Corporation went on their froboble that t_herev.s:uem'n. after a Mthoz w, as so amended, be read a way along Wellington and finally lengthened drive at close of a busy 260084 arid third time and passed. liscovering that pml?::‘z:no‘h the day‘s work at their congenial studies, . A lOng discussion took mnputb mow was to no purpose, wentto their / retired reat, as stated by Napoleon. m-Am.{c was omes in a very amisble (?) frame of Tkstmgugmw carried, the Byâ€"law remaining in nind. slumbers, they hurried through statu quo,. commmmme mdbw’w.dw 43 J ge. * e +ofi ns CunDrcav‘s sha and haircutting | Arising from to THrEz® have been 2 (Gurney Hase Surnâ€" aloon. No 3&&&&"?&0&. W.ninnmf whur.whcothr;m':b‘ by mmuuamm.{m_.d.. Extraxes â€" Exawisxations.â€"The _ enâ€" trance exam‘mations to the Colleginte Institute commenced_yesterday mrning in the Normal school. There are about 62 candidates. ‘The examinations were to bhaye been conducted in the Collegiate Institute, but it was found that the canâ€" didates could not be accommodated with separate desks. The Examiners are:â€" Principal McCabe, of the Normal School ; Frofessor ThorBurn, of the Collegiste In: stitute ; Mayor Featherston, Chairman of the Collegiate Institute Board, and Mr, H. Robinson, Chairman of the Board of School Trustees. 5 Company of the Governor General‘s Foot Guards took place on Tuesday nig: at the residence of Sergt. Walls, on Deep Cut. A large number of the comâ€" missioned oflicers were present, and & very pleasant evening was spent. There appears to be the most perfect feeling of hermony between the ofticers and men of that company, and social gatherings such as these of Tuesday evenin1 have & tendency to cement the friendly spirit aiready engendered. | For good Board and comfort, secand to none, at reasonable rates, go to the Clar endon House. Wm. Mills, Proprietcr. late of Quebec. 3995 ml Tux Barsorat Swom Pac«k.â€"Children who wear Selby Lee‘s Baimoral Shoe Pack never have coughs, colds,‘or croup. â€" Tuz Rurosmeo Eriscorart Cauron.â€"To those who are interested in the Reformed Episcord Church moverent, it may be as well to intimate that the sermon preached by the Rev. Mr. Collisson on the anniversary of the establishment of the church will be published in toâ€"morrow‘s issue of the WezxkLy Timzs,. Those who wish to secure copies should leave their orders toâ€"day at the Tixxs office. ers are not at liberiy to state what trans pired. ~ 1 Sxow Stozy â€"A brisk snow storm preâ€" vailed during the greater {wfion of yesâ€" terdayâ€"a soft wind and humid atmosâ€" phere prevented the "feathery flakes" from remaining on the face of mother earth, and sleighing went bad in couseâ€" quence. â€" f No. 3 Coxrany or tur G. G. F. G.â€" The annual supper of the members of No, and service was held in the HRoman Catholic churches throughout the Dom inâ€" Tus â€" Carspoxia â€" Serinus HoteLâ€"A meeting of the stockholders of the Cule: donia sSprings Hotel Company was held yosterday at the Russell House. The méeting being a private one, our reportâ€" Tar Barmogar Swos Pack, made by Selby lLee, is just the thing for the feet during the damp or cold weather. Te _ Imaacurate _ Concertion.â€"Yes terday was the /c/ie of the Immaculate Conception, and the day was observed as @ close holiday in the public departments, Tus sSxow.â€"Towards twelve o clock last night, the snow, which had been falling n‘!1 day. degenerated into sleet, and a dis agreeable thaw set in, making things upcomfortable for pedestriens both over head and under foot us Bacrmorar SHog Pack takes the fancy b{ all who see it. To avoid: cold feet, and wear a stylish article,. get a pair of Selby Lee‘s Balmoral se Pucis. Inz ScrRzme Court.â€"It is more than likely that Mr. Justice Honry, pending his securing & house, will take up his residence at the Royal Exchange Hotel. Tuxz Poues Covgt.â€"There will be & lively morning‘s proceedings at the Police Court, as some nympAs du pave have to answer for their misdeeds before Mr. O Gara. I‘rs Barmogai SHos Pack, patented: by Selby Lee, is the nobbiest thing in the boot and shoe line. 4016( the wo take p night. Ens Barmogkai SHO®K Pack.â€"Ladies and gentlemen use them. Selby Lee‘s patent. \ Scaxr Avbisvcs.â€"There was not much intere:t manifested by the general public in the proceedings of theâ€"City Council, the quditorium only L'mg occupied by three people. Even Mr. Thomas Kinsella was not there. | Leay St. Gromuz‘s Waro.â€"An effort is being made in this Ward to induce Mr. J. H Plunimer, Manager of the Canadian Bank of Commerce, to present himself as a candidate for Alderman at the forthcomâ€" ing election. Leaves Ogdensburg....} :50 a.m , 2:40 p.m Arrives in New York 10:00 p.m., 7:00 a.m Leaves New York.. ..i:00 am., 10:00 p.m Arrives in Ogdens St. Lawrence & Ottawa Failway. Leaves...10:45 a.m., 12:20, 10:45 p.m Arrives......9:10 a.m., 4:10 pam., 7:00 p m Carada Central Railway. Leaygs:â€"................ 1(k50 ans 4:45 pm Arrives..................._. :25 pam., 7:30 pam Arrives in Ugdensâ€" bure from iiouton....T:UU &m., N: 10 p.m (\;kP\l Xravellers‘ Quide. Grand Trunk Railway. ves Prescott Juncetion :â€" ng West............... 1135 p.m., 2:03 a. ag East...............4:45 p.m., 4:40 a. lome, Watertewn .\ Oxdens burg Railway ery man, a pair of A0G; Central Vermont Railway. Ogdensburg Muxicirai Battue.â€" A meeting of uld be Aldermen for By Ward is to lece in the Union Hniyl toâ€"mortow More tongue warefare may be forward to. t the v.â€"A girl named Ryan was arâ€" : stealing a pair of boots from a v whom she was employed as a seTVa&nt. Cal !! >,.â€"some of the scatfold new City Hall building fell ernoon, but fortunately the not result in any person woman and child shouldi Nelby Lee‘s Balmoral Shoe utellincucsr. 4;10‘l.,m" 7:00 i, m. A mass meeting under ‘the auspices of ral Railway. the Young Men‘s Catholio Soc_iot{.ol' this 10:50 am., 4:45 pm, | City; was held in the Rink Music Hall last :25 pam., 7:30 pam . avening, fpr the purpose of paesing resoâ€" i h"“' lutions of condolence and regret at the ; 7: untimely and awful death of the Rev. “I‘?,“‘_-‘ s tis Fathers Murpby and Lynch, at the disâ€" «1:35 p.m,, 27:083 @.M+ ; astrous fire near Sault au Recollet, near ti45 pam,, 4:40 @10â€" Mountreal, The Chair was occupied by ny Oxdensburg Mr. C. O‘Keefe, President of the Rociety, ~30 42 p and on the platform were the following 10A pim. '_'.O‘(’bl‘m‘ gentlemen :â€"Rev. Father St. Laurent, [A pm.}NUA&D+~ Hor, R. W. Scott, Aldermen Henoy :00 am., 10:00 P1 angq MoDougall, and Messrs. J. G. Moyâ€" . oo ugy lar, A. Robertson, Mcintosh, J. Rowan, 15 am, 7:40 P â€" / j Baitle, W. McDougall and J. Goalden. ont Railnay. The Cuairxax briefly announced the . ‘object of the meeting, and called |:_&on 10:40 a m., 6:00 p.m« ‘ Mr. J . Goulden, who, with an nprrop to _ : speech, read the following resolution : â€" «:00 am., S: 10 p.m. " Whereas, it has pleased Almighty â€"â€"â€"~~ ‘ God to summon from the sphere of b‘s ellincucs. iearthly lnbour_s and usefulness, the pro ‘found tHeologian, the eloquent speaker, A and child shouk! | the polished who!ar. the réfined gentleâ€" 6 and onlid §H00M! I man, snd gifted prigst, _ _ _ parlour, where they were Ooverpowered by ‘ersi@old to one of any other stove, and we is naiCeney oo ‘The Aplenarr en taat harer pas to â€"take 205 oo Bagaak must have Tlis DISASTROUS FIRE AT SAULTâ€"AUX~RECOLâ€" From the evidence as given at the inquest on the remains of the unfortun~ ate lady and the two clergymen whoâ€"lost their live at Lajounesse‘s Hotel on Saturday night last there scarcely remains a doubt that that sweeping conflagration was theresult of gross ignorance and carelessness. First, on the part of the proprietor, in causing a machine conâ€" taining several ’fnllonn of a highly inflamâ€" mable gaseous fluid to be i)hood on the first floor of an h?tel ?ntire y o‘oppaod of _ Resoived, "That this meeting, convened i under the muspices of the citizens of | Ottawa, irrespective of creed or country, | has heard with sentiments of the deepest | sorrow the tidings of the disastrous calamâ€" ‘ ity by which the Rev. James J. Murphy | lost his life, in a manner so premature and I so melancholy." â€" _ _ Moved by F. MoDovear, seconded by J. Hexzy, "That the Secretary ‘of the Catholic Young Men‘s Society be in structed to request the tollowing papers to publish the foregoing resolutions:â€"Otâ€" tawa Citizen, Timzs, and Free Press , Monâ€" treal Herald, Gazetie and Sun ; Toronto Mail, Globe and Irisk Canadian." The proceedings then concluded. _ Mr. Ausx. Rosuatso®, in uooudm? the resolution, said that the lateness of the hour and the exhaustive remarks of preâ€" ceding speakers rendered it unnecessary for him to do more than ox{)reu heartfelt sorrow at the sudden loss of a member of the Canadian press, so recently added to ite ranks, who fiad brought to it so much intellect and such distinguished literary ability. He had folrifroud of the acces sion of the Rev, Mr. Murpby to the numâ€" â€"ber of Canadian journalists, and was sure the meeting would join with the mover and himself, in heartily endorsing the resolution. ; Mr. J G Moyrax moved, seconded by Mr. Jos, Rowax Resotved, " 'i‘h:t thi: meeting most cordially condale with Dr. Murphy, of Washington, Mr. Murphy, of Boston, the sorrowing |brothers, and with the other aiflio&o: members of the family of the distinguished and lamented deceased, to whom its mi;, earnest syimpathies are hereby tendered ; and, further, that copies of these resolutions be prepared by the Necretary, and placed in proper hands, to be transmitted to the relatives of the late Father Murphy, whose names and addresses can be ascertained." The _ fo ld?_p“d_:f Moved by Mr. Martix Bartus,secondod by Mr. Joseru Kaxnaxaes, "That this meeting a‘s> sincerely laments the shockâ€" ing death of the young and promising priest, the friend and oomfmion of Father Murphy, Rev. Father émh' by the sad catastrophe‘ . at t au Reccolet," in movinf the resolution, Mr. Moytax gave a brief history of the life of the late Father Murphy. W Resolsed, " That as a pulpit orator who held the highest rank ; as a contraversaâ€" list, whose courtesy towards those who differed from him in belief was surpassed only by his -'.rength of argument, his grasp of mind, and his mastery over the subject with which he treated ; as a lecturer who possessed the highest atâ€" tainments, and the bappy faculty of capâ€" tivating his audience by the literary charmms which he knew so well how to scatter around themy in rich profusion, and by the inimitable grace, and witchery of his mauner, that religion, literature and science in Canada have lost one of their abâ€" lest champions and advocates by the death which we have assembled to deplore ;" said, he felt it both a privilege and a duty. He felt it a privilege in being allowed, :n a few and feeble words, to show the chaâ€" racter of him who had been taken away from their midst,â€"and a duty, because they were under an obligation to him for having devoted his admirable gifts to their greatest interests, and, he might say, their pleasures. The late Rev. Father Murphy was a man whose like could not wasily be found in Canada No matter in what sphere he moved he excited the udmiration of those amongst whom he dwelt, in the pulpit as well as in the editorial chair, which he had but lately assumed. The rey. speaker concluded a most eloyuent and impressive address, thanking the YÂ¥. M. C. A. for »ffording the citizens of Ottawa an opportunity of expressing their regrets at the loss of the late liev. Father Murphy. _ ___ _ _ He moved that, " In the death of the Rev. Mr. Murphy the press of Canada has lost one of its ablest, most logical, and trenchant writers." Mr. Mclxtosn, in the course of an able aud interesting speech, referred to the liberal sentiments anl views of Father Rev. Father St. Lavkzxt in imoving the fallowing rosolution, via :â€" _ * The resolution was seconded by Ald. Hexsy. The resolution was ably seconded by Vir. Josera RowaN. ‘ Mupay, and concluded ‘by moving The ollowing resolution : â€" . _ _ _ ___ _ THE BACK RIVER TRAGEDY. Mo: ting of Condolence. following _ resolutions lasg were Ald. Rocqus: moved, seconded by Ald. Bzoxsox, " That the Byâ€"law to provide for the assessment of real property benefited bylooalimm:nnh be amended so as to" read as : *First Clauseâ€"That no expenditure of money for local imâ€" pronmfionu mubohm.&m uuless b-:d' on tions there A expense whicris proposed to be -nu;l..u‘)on the freal property immediately ted thereby, which shall be signed,‘ &¢.; and the fifth line of the â€"fourth clause be also amended by m * Assessors," "Assessment issi * m“hfl"ntboqnnm be, and Mtho.:{- v,unounond.d.yborud. s6éconid arid third time and passed. . A long discussion took upon the matter. .. A motion for was m_wmxmmin Yeas â€" Ald. David, Chris tie, Waller, Birkett, O‘Connor. Naysâ€"Ald. Pratt, Rowe, Rooque, Bron« son. The Byâ€"law, as amended, was then read & uoond’md 'thud time, and passed. The suggestion of ‘His Worship was Adollwod. and f Ald. Birxerr moved that the Returning Oflicers be paid #10, and the Deputies $5 The City Clerk, according to law, is the Returning Officer in the election of Mayor, and the voting will take place at the various sub divisions by b-Bot, the same as for the Aldermen. Ald. Birrett wanted to make rn amendment to‘ the By law, in so far as the remuneration of the Returning Offâ€" cers and Deputy Officers was concerned. He thought it was altogether too high ; five dollars was quite sufficient for them. His Worsnir suggested that the Counâ€" cil should go into Committee ‘of the Whole, to consider the Byâ€"law, and report it as smended. Victoria Wardâ€"Polling subâ€"divison No. 1, Wellington Ward ; division No. 5, St. Geornfe’u No. 6. By Ward: No. 8, Ottawas Ward, No. 10. No. s,~eilgxgb O‘Keefe; No. 9, E. A. Lapierre; No. 10, John O‘Rielly ; No. 11, Dr. Godin. | â€" McCloy; No, 3, A. Graham ; No. 4, W. Schofield; No. 5, J. H. P. Gibson ; No. 6, James Joynt; No. 7, James fluhtt; No. 8, George O‘Keefe; No. 9, E. A. Victoria Ward, No. 1â€"House of James Clarke, north side of Wellington street, and No. 2, at Victoria Ward Market House. Wellington Wardâ€"No. 4, House of H. )Icl(qlom;’io‘k‘ south -igo Quuns‘u,ntnot; at No. 3, the Enguu ouse, streot, and No. 5 at the Polhce Court. St. 000!‘?’. Wardâ€" No. 6 Engine House, St. Paul street ; No. 7 house of John gvuploton, south side Rideau street. By Wardâ€"No. 8. at the house of N. G. By Wardâ€"No. 8, at the house of N. G. Bedard, south side of York street ; No. 9, house of James Burns, north side of Clarence street. f Ottawa Wardâ€"No. 10, Thos. Costello‘s south side 8t. Andrew‘s street ; No. 11, house of Augustine DeGuise, east side of Dalhousie street. fol‘l?_winq o?‘gfim-‘!gr Another fact just learned, which tenis to bear out the supposition that the young men omitted to turn oif the gauge valve, is that the gasometer wis found among the ruins with its seams unsoldered and bearing no evidence of an explosion having taken place.â€"Montreal Herald. A special meeting of the City Conncil was held last night to consider the Muniâ€" cipal Election Byâ€"Law ; there were preâ€" sent His Worship the Mayor ; Aldermen Rooque, O‘Connor, Waller, Bk’kottiflan, Christie, Bronson, i ratt, and Davi own men. in case of fire the can be shut off from either the mfi: or outside of the residence. We are informed that Mr. Narcisse Lojeunesse is insured in the North British and Mercan: tile for $5,90U, ;]forfion of this sum is reâ€" insured in the Phconix, but it is probable that the payment of the insurance Wwill be disputed, as he failed to obtain a permit from the former y to have either the apparatus or t-E:fi:; on his premises. We understand thata permit was granted him by the Bellechasse and Montmagny Company. _ _ _ _ o The City Clerk aunounced that the Warde had Leen divided of Lim into the be level with that of the cellar of the house, to prevent danger from leakage or fire. p'l‘bo practice of carrying such an inflammable liquor as gosoline in house pails, or anything but a closely sealed metal vessel, cannot be too soverely censured ; nor can the p:actice of filling the gasometer at night time from a barrel of gasoline stored in the cellar of the house. gas | The only drawback to these useful machines is the (ict that they must be kept in a warn }â€"lace, to prevent the water nm}i oil from freezing, consequently in the hands of cureless persons, as on Saturday last, or &n incendiary, they are a sure instrtument of swilt destruction. ‘Their salety in the absence of a fire when pruâ€" dently u ed is demonstrated from the fact thit two o. them have been used by Mu«dime Masson, of Terrebonne, both in her private residence and l::r‘h hotel, for ten or twelve years past, wi e test satisfactioa. Her l'.l':,.l[r John fi:.-on, of the same place, and l{}r Desantels, Priucipal of the College at Varennes, have also usod the same patent apparatus for. lengthy periods with ufo:{‘nnd success. Another is about being shipped to illu~ minate a new Methodist Church at Corn Whilenadmitting ‘all this, we are of opinion t the generator, or machine hoiding the \oil, should not be allowed inside any building liable to be dut-mod by fire, but should be placed from rty ta forty feet away from the house, in & separate fireâ€"proof building erected for The most improved gas machine that lias come under our notice is that manuâ€" factured by the Canadian Gas Lighting Co., of which the Hon. Chas. C. Day an Hon. Judge Coursol are directors. This apparatus embodies every improvement, is perfect in design, and cannot freeze up in the coldest weather, tK:rtl{.owimg to the depth under ground that the generaâ€" tor is placed, and partly to the fact that steam and warm air made in the house at a distance of forty feet from the generator are usedl in the mnufwturins process. The Company, we understind, always supply their n?n oil, which is placed in the tanks, oné barrel at a time, by their se arate firo-&l:of buiiding erected Tor the purpose, the flooring of which should The Election Byâ€"Lawâ€"Assessment and Impre vements. struggles were heard by the young men BANIE OI"‘_:'N'A'A. as stated. i ual Meeting of §! ers» The apparatus used by Mr. Lsjeunesse ! Aui se finsohoid was that known as Allsopp‘s patent Of â€" ‘The first anuual mseting of the share which Mr. Young, tinsmith, of BleUury poiders of the Bank of Ottawa was beld stroet, ts the agent. It cousists Of tW9 jn the office of the bank y at 12 round drums, the larger one placed On & | prologk, ts esterday stand, and exactly resembles & w=!shing _ Oy motion of Dr. SwEumtraxp seconded machine in appearance. . This is half fille 1 by Mr A_ Bovrosat, the President, Mr. wifh water and contairs a revoiving diX® James Mclaren, took the chair, and Mr. which is kept slowly in motion by means . p, Robertson, the Cashier, acted as Secreâ€" of a cord wound round the shaft drove | , â€" through two legnrue pulleys attached to ; “El"ho CHaremax called upon the Cashier the ceiling and through another from ‘ to read the Directors‘ and geueral which is suspended a Leavy weight, & lhhmontufoum:â€""m‘ strong iron pipe connects the drum with ' "The Direstors bfi o submit the first the lower part of the zasometer, w!uoh Sunua! statement the of the being about half filled with a glvonl batk : â€" affairs quantity of oil, is penetrated by the Profits for the 30th forced air which escapes thmu‘nh another ; November, after d“f:rbd m tube in tha form ol gas. The gr?at-onwmt’ making pi cting Tor b.dmmd the quantity of ras used, the qmokor' doubtful debts, A °.'hh o due to does the disc revolve and pump more ; depositors, md".ro"b.'m.u m‘-. hachg air t.hro:é;h the oil which is '?‘gh lpood‘d,,»i counts, $21,346 95. â€" From whhhcm“nhu to counverted iuto gas again. e cost 18 ; pe geducted,â€"Dividend No. 1 16 auout $100 or $1.23 per 1,000 feey! be deduotelkâ€"Dividend No. 1, paysble The following is a list of polling officers : So. 1, James Cimke, No 4. thes. PL&ACES OF NOMINATION. RETURNING OPFICERS, ELEOTION OF MAYOR, CITY COUNCIL. lling places :â€"â€" r:ll?:ue of Jam THE TIMES ; OTTAWA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER! 9, 1875 3976 culate Burke is absolutely silent on the m of â€" this wmnfl,b it, for a very large nwu‘dhm ii:t‘neopyoffionurh.m Tep Es DOCH S2S _ JSeTe 10006 WEu . B brother thereupon became heir to a peerâ€" mfiohhamb_uqmfly and Infmamoey sorite the es the peerage and the estates. The immaâ€" tumine 59 m high hfy says mhe Lomion up in n World. A?’oorhin"in the Royal Navy was divorced from his nobly born wile in the last year of last century, The At Port Hope, Onterio, a competitive oonoctwupl;:'n a few days since, by two rival brummd now, rather thnhaveithr: 7 fl:;PortBopm would er wenty seven succes mfim‘c-& L. 0. I, No. 227.â€"At a méeting of this lodge, which was held in the OQrange Hall sem it the smaine rim : W H L cers ensuing year: W. M., Peter Atkinson ; D. M. i‘n:hhk Toms ; Cbaplain, William H. Bullen; Secretary. Donald Robertson (re elected) ; Treasurer, Francis Graham (re elected); D. of C., fiw g?l“dg..lgdo. ar'dwd.:.: itty ; $ Wm. Smith ; 4th do.,A.E. Peasock ; 5th do., John hcn.nou, _jr.; Tyler, James Cam Polly Wilson and Fanny Gib« mu. of a : disorderly house, ::n'nded until t;-mou-ow hikels ceny, remanded uutil toâ€" morrow. scrutineers, the poll to be closed whenâ€" ever five minutes shall havre elapsed without a vote being tendered.â€"Carried. All the old directors were then, by balâ€" lot, reâ€"elected. They mt hnod{luly after the general meeting closed, and elected Mr. James Macleren, President, and Mr. Chas. Magee, Viceâ€"President. The CBairkax then ohhtmrmy of the sharehoiders had any q to ask upon any of the items in the statement he wouldbogldtoglvothon all the inforâ€" Te repert appipend 16 repor ive eral satisfaction, um.iponnohortho.l?nlxu- To edopied aud sroend To br peivicd was int for the information of tblhnhow'. It was then moved â€"by Dr. Swertraxp, seconded :)L)Ir J. Mather, that the C e beeuky spedores to the Hremidpt se are hereby tendered to the t and directors for their careful attention to the Moved by Mr. A..8. WoopBuarx, secondâ€" ed by Mr. R. W. Cruics, that the ballot box be now orennd and nmnnbmon until 3 o‘clock, for the reception of ballot tickets for election of directors for the int »rests of the bank during the past year. the shareholders be g:oniotb cashier and other officers of bank for the effiâ€" cient manner in which they have disâ€" charged their several duties.â€"Carried. _ Jaxes Machazuy, # President. General statement of lisbilities and as« sets, as on November 30th, 1875 : LIABILITIES. Notes in circulation............ $102,239 00 Domin‘oa (Governmnt de posi yable on demand Provin:'uf.Govomment deâ€" Liabilities to the Public.... CADPIKML .. ...« ceevecesernarsrerrrcrer Dividend NO 1+â€"sssssverserrsaess Rebate of Interest on Current Di800UNbE......... + sveresrerser Accrued Interest on Deposit Balance of profit and loss Dominion Notes................ Notes of and cheques on Due from other. Banks in United Kingdom..........;.. Bank and furniture 25 00 Other Rrsstonorinstnden us . ©\‘‘ der the foregoing heads.... _ 3,0952 69 Moved by Mr. T. W. Krxxt, seconded by Mr. A. Bovi‘omav, that the thanks of or on a fixed day............. Other deposits payable on Other deposits pag;bla after notice or on a fixed day... Due to other banks in Canâ€" Assets immediately available $100,241 and ourrent.........«+ ...oo‘.u. Notes and bills discounted ObREY BDHUKS.â€"rerscess sesrestes Due from other Banks in Assets immediately available Notes and bills discounted 4 thorough inspection of the affairs of the bank at Arnprior sud in Ottawa was maje at the close of the year, and the casu aud securities have been regularly counted and examined. A general statement of the liabilities and assets on 30th November is herewith submitted. portant section of the Dominion on which its prosperity more immediately depends. _ (a e Profits for the Forlod ondi:? 30th November, after deducting cost of manâ€" agement, making provision for bad and doubtful debts, reserving interest due to depositors, and rebate on current disâ€" counts, $21,346 95. From which has to be deducted,â€"Dividend No. 1, payable first December, 1875, 315[821 85, leaving to credit of profit loss account, $5,519 10. _ 0 0 _0 _ dividend has been calculated upon all stock paymeuts from their date since Ist November, 1874, the Directors have every re°son to be satisfied with the reâ€" sults. Of course these results would have been better had the staple trade of the Ottawa Valley been in a more healthful condition. It is true high rates of interâ€" est have prevailed during the greater part of the year, but there has been no adequate compensation for the contracâ€" tion of circulation, and the slow growth of deposits consequent on the general deâ€" pression throughout the district _ _ When it is considered that owing to unforseen delays connected with fitting up the premises oocu%u-d by the bank, it was not opened for business before the last week in December, 1874, and that the _ The Directors have every confidence in the future of the bank, and of the imâ€" OVORMGs+: eeserservasserarrraches CADBRON: sacdree se s foreign countries............. posits, payable after notice, HOOBiPLG»..cicrreverers sesrersee Total limbilities............ «»»« $14,0838 63 ... _ €1,530 00 o â€"10,754 61 h;‘ 19,864 11 im 3,708 90 "in n'-. * ”,‘60 “ $303,591 85 343,875 00 15,827 85 4,220 76 1,764 80 $674,1799 36 $674,1799 36 $102,239 00 19,959 97 100,241 71 559,675 87 3,378 84 56452 94 121,560 10 to have 5,519 10 Will be fonnd m& used in the office or THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE Wesleyan Conference. Of general Liters Wiil «lways be in stocks A y k choice of %-”-7 img* ARTHUR L.â€"HOLMES, To remove further questions and doubt in this matter, I res, efully inform my fellowâ€" cltizens |mnmm-q-uun.,-d-tm by an influential an1 generally signed requisiâ€" tion to auoher person,; or by some other deâ€" cided action, show their desire for a change. BOOKS & STATIONERY To the Rditor of THE TIMES, Brr,â€"During the past two or three weekks I have been daily asked my intention as to the Mayoralty of 1876. | George street, last night. It may be as private R’E‘moai'ig"mm. Terms to M STARRSY, Ottawa Oity. Ten barrels of the above celebrated Oysters just reseived at : 4018tf NOONAN‘S R«BTAURANT. ay. 0. 8. GORDON will aive some * * Recollections of a Summer Holiday in Scotland. Admission 25 cents 7 Proceeds to be devoted to the Protestant Hosâ€" g‘t‘g_ _and the Young Women‘s Temperance Otawa, Sopt, Thompson, Esq., agod 49 years. | o The fuueral will tike place at 2 o‘ciock, Friâ€" day, the l0th inst. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend without furâ€" thet notice. | _ B Friday Ev‘ng, 10th inst., The Committee and Stewards of the St. n lerwort realneg apparen ‘or prode uf may cush, le/ weu!r .Tnl. or w kind toward the Bo'fiou approaching gnrhl mfiu Dis‘ribution. ts pou notify! e Becre Or â€" 1 o Oonmluo%ul mnmwn for the purpse of coliecting such cont AB may be mentinved b{ the donors. And uu{ will be if subscribers to the fund will recommend mm:.ul smm-ybouumm& o mm Di uk be held in the LECTURE ROOM 48 llin“ um Ladica‘ Aid Society, â€" e quspioe« Langford were then proposed, and reâ€" ?ondodtobythomyor,onbod[ufolu erman Heney, and Mr.Jacques, on behalf of exâ€"Chief Langford. . An alarm from Box No. 5 brought the ente: tainment to a sudden close. FUII FOR CHRISTMAS : LADIES®* THoMPSONâ€"In this city, on . the 6th Thrc: Loules Perpice, ths" wite of Puile number of invited nn‘l'mmha themâ€" selves at the table, was proâ€" vided sumptuously, the room being most tastefully dooont:fl ul:ith banners m intings. many em picturing punvloi-uud-in&holifoogufinm Searcely had those present entered upon their mission when the which, by the good fore! t of Mupofinun- dent of the Fire had been placed in fl:fi rc:gm, ann .n; fire at hochesâ€" terville,the guardians men could not, from force of habit resist, although the Chief had provided for their absence by substitutes, and rushed to the nala rotumin*g shortly, however, as it prov to be a false alarm. * After discussing the boards, the Chief, ywld," wis ably responded to by Mr. ues . * Our Guests," responded 15 by Mr. 3. M. Currier, M. P., who also :SAko in the highest terms, and signified his thorough ‘pETh' Iad.::,m rovatsh Nr. W. e res . W. PA n U arneng resent atives . Volunhr:r.:'outz ru'}:g::dedto by Capt. McCaffrey, W. D. Robertson and tue Capâ€" Atter duouuu:fi:ho boards, the Chidi, who occupied chair, proposed the following toasts :â€" "The Queen and Royal Family," resâ€" ponded to in a right loyal manner. _ _ "The Governor General of the Dominâ€" hike Ropor "am Corpoiuiion," "ree‘ e Mayor an on,‘‘ resâ€" ponded to by the Mayor, Alderman Birkâ€" ett, Waller and Christie, all speaking in Q“’ VTAINOE RMU UQIIINMC, 8H SPORRCB I* the most ouloglt:::mner of the efi ciency of the Bri and its manage At eight o‘slock about forty, including Mr. .I.Tcgrrior. Dr. Bt. Jean, M. Ps., Di Church, physician to the Bociety, and a wellfi::t:'m&fianuoufnh&&wh organi purpose of affording a ug:onqldwum-bmwhomyin any way receive accidents while in the dbohn;zolthdtudmdufiq,thom set aside for this purpose being $3 per week ; and they have in funds at present mbout §200.¢/â€". <= * : °c( s=p}=z 3. Ottawa, 0 TTAWA The first annual np&:r of the above Bociety took place at the Stevens House, Ottawa, Dec. 8, 1875. Otiawa, Doc. 9, 1875. Oltawa, Nov. 23, 1875. J. BLOCOMBE, Ottawa, Dec 9 CHILDREN‘S FURS New Advertisements. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 4 Qur Brother Firemen all over the T. GEORGE‘S SOCIETY. ARAQUETT® OYSTERS. IN STATIONERY Has opened at 38 Sparks Street, Literary Entertainment R. J. DEVLIN‘S ALU THE LATEST NOVELTIES a complete assortmen t of HOLIDAY GIFTS, AN APPEAL. BOOKS C A R D. TORONTO, DIED;: J P. FEATAERSON, FPUR DEPOT, ® ztl MEN‘S 401018 gfi WW‘ ; Aue AXiy k. 2o is l| > TO Eim t sreritees spare moments or s tpow Hro® hss ‘.‘.% MBS. ALEX, BERTBON Ma&n% N]Ihh.! ..I _.b INNQ‘.M M-dtam tually at 9 0‘c‘ock, a m. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTYâ€"FPOUR | AQUARE MILES, P terms and condition, may be fi» n l n in n ie . Oaainek uonts . Txlln LIMITS FOR SALE. aRno Phgeniened jo proparea to se his sn RIVER DESMOINE, .‘0:”.%0'! 8. " way, s *4 Broad .*“ TLE _qmn. N ov. 17, 1875 Amd&?.‘o:mumr,lmmm Organ at Home. |\__ Musical Treasure. _ Gems of German Song. Pianoforte Gems , Gems of Scottish Song. | _ Moore‘s Irish Melodias. *22100,$5.00, piain ; $1001n mosito; $100, fall Of the same form aund price, full music size, are A perfect collec! ‘plas o Sifnpmnmmeny Somiph ane uie 15 on hs chote> “Lt!o#, % and Quartets known ; o on n i a s n 232 pages, glll lll:guflu. * N.Y. Evening Mail ; "A most extraâ€" oié.l‘mryeolmmn olnd'l‘y'l'luw * + Ohe can hardly imagine so many vâ€"ri able gems could be contained in a siugle volume. . GENBRAL Ts troniticse ait sies nemesime io accept the lmvg auy 1 ender, o Oobkat SURTEES, FOI THE HOLIDAYS. Maie up in Jackets, Caps, &c , AF BPARKS STREET, OTTaAWA $ Ruling, Perforating, Numbering ud endcrsed "Tenier for Bridge Masonry," .wlll :o Nrodved”:t..tlh.o-.oé’:. of the G; Clerk, Ottawa, up to noon of MONDAY. the ZJh day olg}hn M“Ll.cwi .__;1; Gems of English Song SPARKSSTREET. Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clock, p.m. ROWE & ERRATT, FUlll FURS! FURS : Astrachan, South Sea Seal and Beaver METCALFES Wholesale READY MAD@ CLOTHING Estab Account Book Manufacturer, Gallery...... The Entrance‘ Examination to the Ottaws lleginte Institute, wili be held at the Coileâ€" mte Tnsfitater on I RumBsba‘t ahd n uns A T. tiie Stn" ano in Inste. Deginaing mt D-o?kron.fl 15. Performance commences at 8 o‘ i. Orohest"a Crairs and first two rows of sos «.. _â€"~â€" S THORBURK, Ottawa,"Dec. 7, 1875. Heaumh Parge (‘e TeBOT Ved« ... .»««> en lll kh soAke Cc toves B All orders for Books roquiring prinied neadings UNDER T HE DISTINGUISHED P AT RONâ€" 4GE OPF THEIR EXCOELLENOIES â€" _ TBE GOVERNOR GENERAL AND THE COUNT ESS OF DUFFERILN. THE RIVALS Auy of the above books sent, postâ€"paid, for Hatters & Furriers. BOOKI?;I NDE R, NOTICE TO OONTRACTORS Sealed T nders addressed to the signcd i ol m ororearitoared io the »ndanieh d GoP saAvE THE QUEEN. Ottawa, Dec 2, 1875.. H. HOD GE S . NO GIFTS BEITER APPRECIATED. Just Outâ€"New, Fresh and Handsome, NTRANCE EXAMINATIO x. THURSOAY EVENING, 8th December, JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR 18s76, 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., â€" Opposite the British Lion Hotel. TRADE SALE. AUCTIONEERS REAT CLEARING OwWaAN‘S OPERA HOUSE. By Howe & kEirratt, MORTIMER, Muction Sales. Yt.. Ottewan, Hev®2, 1875, Â¥ren Gems of Strauss. Mookbinders. Amusements. Vocal> Music. Remember the sale ...... Mr. Hamiiton Mr. Kimber 401014 &9 PH WILSON & ORR, Carversié& Gilders Parties requiring a firstâ€"class ariicle «1 all desoriptions at TIMBER LIMITS, Situated on the Potewawa, Kippewa and River very best quality. "Tex 4 Td SAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, (oener us ‘Rpariee frter Stank (ntgerots Begs to inform the cilizens of Otiawa that 493 â€" SQUARE â€" MILES Tlul-lll‘l'l”llm mwu?&mww- On and after FRIDAY, 10:h December, 1876, Bi‘pg And other goods at prop Of uniform with the Grand Trunk _ _ . C iigay. ® ‘The old %&%‘a-&n most direot Eas!, Woest rnd South. ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIML MANUPFAQT URERRB 60 Soarksâ€"st. $@~4.05 p.m. Train from Brocvilie miakes elose connection with Grand Trunk ®xpress Train from the West, and with the Uucs and Black River Rallway from New York, Aibany, $# 10.5a.m. Tain from (Otiawa ulakes elose connection with Grand Trunk trrâ€" Train tor the Weet and with the Utica & Rlack River Railway tor New York, Aibany, Utica, _ Connection madeat Renfrew with stages to and from Pembroke. 6 Trains ran on Montreal time. A. B. "ml.l Srockvilte, Don 3 m """t"t SA | OTTAWA RAILWAY, Brockville G. T. Junction â€" #.% a.m. 4.06 p.m, Ottâ€" wa « . _ _â€" +105 am 4.45 pame, Renirew .0 .0 . __â€" $Bam. 840 pm, ARRIVE. Ottawa & 00â€" o+ _+ 1%1.m. 730 pm, Renfrew _ â€" â€" â€"~ â€" 2% pm. £0p.». Brocksiile + â€" â€" â€" 246 ;-. u’:-.- T-l ST. LAWRENCE Brockville & Ottawa Ba.ilg_ays. For Ottawa via Brockville. TWO EXPRE®S TRAINS DAILY. No, Presoott i5 |â€" Connenting with. pausiees ht -&neuu.uvnr. m'm, wasu March 10, 1875 1 (| L46P.9. Des. 8, 1475. 6 110,00 r.u. PIOTURE FRA ME ANADA CENTRAL Manufacture of Sausages. 10 50 A.1¢. Trains witl run as ollows:~ GoINQ N @OING SOUTH s Ssn o7 $ 2";. ::("- .; ';i"%j:'fi iss J, W. MeRAE3, JRT 4 1875. Arrive at Amve iD same will be settled. _ _â€" _ _ ___. _ __ _ . ._. _ Dated at Uitawa, this 15th day of Novembeér, Norwich Egg Powder, 1 _“-l&.o _J.-ll‘ _~N‘ sevinst she said vartmornhip are io be prosenitd 4* and Unite ; Staies. l ; POST OFFLIUOE SAVINGS BAKE 1 Sligwed at ths rate of. ."‘.:‘,e""..-.““r--."""‘ F and deposits can be withdrawn al any Wume. . â€" BSherwood, 1 csul. «* nalf ounce, post j [ 39 e P in c ng B Aro from 9 a.m. to .P' . Post Omse Now m akf¢ * M.'i._ â€"â€"â€" STREET LETTER BOXES. | - Collections wili be made from the Stâ€"eet Lioer Boxes at 9 a.m , 10# am , and 8:80 p.m. FRCKE DEUVERY, Letters, il} be flz‘ Leiter riers u‘l;;.us.-.. l’.“. ,b watded tant ens Wos in supploshentery pagk» »age the same night | BHRLCISHK MALLA . b 3-3 mw.:m ut 10.99 Soucrument Zlotices | . * Phubsniesst o nasate oo valse on ue registered matler can be seat _ .. N.‘l’l('l- POSTAGE BTAMPS _ :. Are no longer sold at this oflce, buat SMAF be i Miofmier of (Ohoet sns and a sare Atl 0| w u stons of the 8 D aal »tx ux:lm?&h pase : in the Sexion of the Parija ada, neld in th: Sit year of ier Maj gn, chaptored 6 gad iotipule ! "An A0 res : mbge eemadak N oo Brthog d n / Onue ‘a, has beed plo #ed t > unler and mm owartt fcra e i :fi% HOre (Bow Enowa as Kinoatdine}, 2t od G gsricq, in the Provinesf Oute the P xt of G asricq, in tas Proviaes Kiy~ m ts i ioi in aes a m «i t es "A" a" Hi RowoRrte: * 6 h !n:n‘h:?w' profis, ofr for doing ADything tes O€ in rauke i mmrady :fa"n'."g.w 5 \o affeoy the rights or property of Ofker ; art "h'. :{mn:mod u“&mm‘&? 0:& ::n tvt‘)na‘:'m;g.l’um which urs Ewo mo ymiw (yout fn=de Qassite,) to give peOl Jusioms," His Sxcallanay, @9 With the adÂ¥ 05 uf to : Que "a" Pri +p O »ang ypyat k priiAxs, [ dng BK66R% 6fg fffififf! (iH Sharnt Witness: WILLIAM Mosonove â€" â€"â€" 4006 WNWotice is hereby given that the Ortawa, Oct. 21. 1875, purchased Lrom @9y of the nmmroqhn?m‘l‘e!‘t; 1Â¥b. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. s P ies is vieen thtkea retofore subsisting between us, 'ah-g med, as Builders and s in the th Omnsime in the Gounty of Caristn, hy t To be had of Arrival and Departure of Mails, OVERNMKENT HOUSE, OTTAWA. Frinay, Sth day of October, 18. making all kisds of Oakes WITHOUT @MINION PARLIA EEXNXT. tivute Bilis PRIVATE BILLS EXCELLE®NOY TAE AUMIN muurzfi’f‘%uufl? w u E gan s " m 0 aik, Privy Joung‘, TION. CIrk 4s A, as #5§ HMBBS & Patents Agent‘s LiBxulBY if rner of Husses * M "WMcsarcy vo Jewels of PA VYOL.* OPFICE : Hia n 700MA A ME (Of the late (TRADE ‘CONNOR

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