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Ottawa Times (1865), 27 Dec 1875, p. 1

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ILLS lotices â€" ARTHUR L. HOLMES, lugs mEX ClMiratse ue omvel k h+ TNE RIVER DESMOINE, 493 SQUARE MILES Tl-.l. LIMITS FOR SALE Rich mond &.u“ ;ompriâ€"‘ng eightecn apartâ€" ments. a six stal nl-mblonu“uylwm elosed in with shed«; a drtving shed ft., with loft ML:‘" PUBLiC MEETINGS, DAN.ING Ha or GRANARY, The preâ€" mises «re #ituated within one mile of the city and have a frop to the Richmond toad of 109 leot b{ndo of 146 feet i0 inches, The whole will be on reasonable terms . Apply to JOs+EPH Mc@AW, on the premises, Or to H. MeLEAN, Auctioneer, Otiawa. ___ _ The undersigned has opened a Ston: â€"cutter‘s Yard, Cornur of King and t Andrew Sireet mommmmoiulmm be kept constantly on hand, Orders are respectiully solicited, for all kinds of Staueâ€" Of zeneral Literatnre. as weil as ( ollegiate and Fubitc School Text B oks and sehool Utensiis. Tumunu's FOR SALE. _ The undersigned is ;pued to nogodll.e for TIMBER LIMITS, @f all deseriptions at ONk HUNDRED AND T WENT Yâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILEY. ht Bituated on the Petewawa, Kippewa and River Desmoine. aed _ 0 C 0_â€" E. MGILLIVBAY, To CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS Wesleyan Conference TORONTO, Will always be kept in stock. A yery large ehoic« of Bibles Hymn Books, Church Services, &c. Compiisiag th Pilgrim‘s Progress, Vicar of Wakefield, Robinson Crusoe, Paul and Virginia, talliver‘s Travels, Eliszsabeth, o Vaihek, Picciola. Usdine, _ Taies from Arabian Nights. Co » pete i: ONE VO_UME of over 1,000 pag» s p autifully {llusirated with 34 full page Engrayâ€" Successor to W. K Thists & Co Office, as formarly, cver Man‘‘s Ha Stor~ â€" A WILSON & ORR, Carvers& Gilder Frivae Re«de ces ny hign or ste m and bot waltr a s secially GIBBS & COURSOLLE, BOOKS & STATIONERY Wiil be fonnd every article used in the office of family. THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE Patents Large Commission & Cash Premuims PLUMEER, GAS ~TEAM PIITEB, Coruer Wellington and Bank streeis, OttaWa. Heat.o« of Public Rul ding, Green Houses, Privee &-».@o ces ny hign or low pressure, |TRADE MAKK REGISTERED.] ~1+TORIA CBAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET. OTTAWA 88 4 lo ret ring from the prictice of my profession 1 bare lef _ with my former Assistani, Mr. 1 F COTITVN, my tians aud Kecords ot @urveys in Uttawa and vicinity, and have n uch pieasure io~recommend‘ug cim as my sucâ€" Flour & Farm Produce. â€"CORNER OPâ€" RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND STS. V Qttawa. Sept, 13, 1873 m"h&‘!‘ » D BHOW CSE3 MALDE TO ORDERK March 12, 1874. P . liis tne WORLDS ST RY BQUK, and ail ao‘ to read it Agent‘s Outft free to ail who eau busiuess ant (lihfuily ean vess. VOL. IX., NO. 4029. fhat well frequented Hotel, (Cave Creek, NOR SALE. ALEX. TAYVLOR, udaair o5 oys Actioy, 6O Suonark sâ€"st NLOUE AND FEED STORE. 1875. COAL LOOKINGâ€"GLASS and PICTURE FRA M B GENTS OUTFIT FREE. BTHUER F. COTTON, ATENTS ! IN STATIONERY 38 Sparks Street. R. 0. v. WoOobp, M. JOHNSTON, T. L aAYWBERT,‘a co:np‘ete t of BHST OF RKFERKNCES GIVEN Suceessor to D. McLarnon, BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, Has opened at â€"N &4 Welington Street, Rajotte‘s iwa Oul * E.rWS loutr * MANUFACT URERS BOOK 8 Â¥ A, Couant SOLICITORs OF â€"â€"DEALER3 INXâ€" CONTALNING Ten J wels of Imaginative L teritare : RKD & CO.. Onturio Ofice 4 Kivg s.te=l West, Hamilion W & As~IGNE®E, Or Mathewman‘s Block, Weilington Stre J, W. McRaES, wt the us® of the kniie, woeedy aod almo<t painâ€" treet, Ceritre Town ros dence, Maria sir et Vicar of Wakefield, Paul and Virginia, Elisabeth, s Picciola. Arabian Nights. R COAL { Carleton Invention, THISTLE & CO n hand to sult al ttended go. R AND DRATGHTS 3‘ ced. MERCIANT A0C0UCHEUR, rner of O‘ o et, ne r Glouâ€" 1875. s Hartwere goi9t( perties sucâ€" *044m 3002 m1 917 Tijt asgu 240 5t( Mr. BEN. HUOCKELL begs to announce to the generel and traveiling public, that he has entered mpon the Proprieto -ul'yof the above Hotel. Iately conducied by Mr. Fred. Evans. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars wre kept and the promptest atte tion is paid to Guests Dinner l-lrnvldod from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" able rates. Toe above gopulu Reutaurant has been enlarged by the addition of nvqrwulonl and we‘l firnished rooms on the se ltmr{'i The fin st Luncheon and Dining Kooms the city. S Gentlommen honpuring this establishment with their "“"’“'fl:. may rely on strict attention betng peid o ir order» Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. _OFFICKEâ€"Comer of _ O‘Connor and Queen streets, iormerly occupled by Dr. Corbett. _ The "Feathers" Hotel 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. BARKISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICITNRS, CON« VEYANCERS, &C, (Of the late tirm of Lewis & Pinbey,) Offlces â€"E‘gin street, Ot:awa. C. B.PINHE®Y.â€" A. J. Cimisti® H P.HILL Temporary Uffice at Dr. Jos, Beaudin‘s, Main street, Hull, Hull, March 9, 1975. ____ _ 22lyl Dl. TUPPER uiay oe cnsulted pro‘esâ€" stomaiiy at his residence, Metcalfe street, hocse fotmerly cccupied by the Hon.P. Mitâ€" chell. _ | i 3817y1 O. ARCHAMBAULT, ‘NOTARY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE, Has openied an office in the city of Hull. Prcâ€" vince of {} elec. for the transaction of all Noâ€" tarial and Lega) business, either in the Proâ€" viace of Quebec or Outario, Special care given to the c «llection of accounts in both proâ€" vinces, _| Huil, Oct. 26, 1<74, 2464y1 BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, ETC, OfMee over Wr. B. Huckel‘s Elour Store, corner of Suss x aud York streâ€"ts, OltaWa. _ l)l!\'lll:'. CHRISTIE & HILL, HOMCEDPATIIIC PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND AcCoUCH KUR. R»sidepceâ€"Albert street. Offica hours from 9 to LL cn and 2 wu(f.m. Special attention .iven disca es a displacements of the uteras. 1758 may~ 83â€"SPARKs STREETâ€"S6 ~@a HOLESALE AND RETAIL Jewelier, Watchmaker, &c. BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, “w, \For the Provines of Quebec.) * BALRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR IN CHAN« ; CERY, 01:., (For the Province of Ontario.) * Main street. Hull, P.qQ. | ~â€" szm6 (VMeeâ€"Master in Ub:neer.v Cham bers, Coart House, Oitawa, Canada. JAS. ANGUS,: No. 22, Russeli House Block, Sparks St. Wi.1 be soid at 40 per cent. below first cost, 2s the purchasers are about to open a Fashionable Tailoring Kstablishment on the first of January BARRISTEES AND ATTrORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SoLtâ€" ClTtoRs, CONYv EYANCERS ETC , Ot awa, Ont. DaNIEL O‘CONNR. w. D. HOGGâ€" A iarge ent of Gold and Silver Watghes, Ladies‘ Q era and Victoria Chains, Gentiemen‘s Alibert @baing, Kings and Goild Sets, Bracelets, and Jefvelle.y cf ovo& description, Plated Ware, @)ocks, &c, at Iu'.ltgpfioo.. The best Hdbse iq the city. Wholesale buyers can !ia( tneif stock as cheap from me as any other ouse ih tae Dom‘nion. s Tllllmun ATTRACTIO % ! BANKRUPT STOCK ! Ridean Street, near|Sapper‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprietor. Have received cf their Fall Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CUERTAINS. Embracing all the novelties, out for the season to which they confidently SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! OorFIC Hox, R_W. Soort, ? C. McLROLD NTISW ART, J . J,. GORMULLY Oct. 17, 187 4 Barristers, Attorneys, Nolicitors, Nota« ries, ito,, &o. OFFI‘Eâ€"Bell‘s kioek, Ceucre Town, Oppoâ€" site Russetl H use, W., L W ALKKER. | P. PENNOCK. | A. F. MCLNTYRE. Nov. 8. I870. 3985 Coenveyancers, &oâ€" T@r osgrove‘s Building, Rideau st., Ottawa. Hox. Joix /CoN®NoR® Q.C,. G J. O°DoKERTY Dec. 4, 1871, . â€" BARTRISTERS solICTTORS, . ATTORNEYS, . AND CoNvEÂ¥ANCERS, ETC. i Bell‘s Block, Elgio st. MV . SHOOLBRED & CO GOO. oOs WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" ’v» of zood bedâ€"rooms with boird, ms be had at MRS KERR‘3, corner of Elgin galter atroeta 40041f Salter atroets Â¥ _ McCormick‘s Terrace_ O‘Connor street. Apply at NOUNAN‘3 R ESTAURANT, Sparks stseet S8It RY}! Oltawa, Sept, 4 1875 Board & Lodging. Luncheon served at all nours Otiawa, Mov.] 3rd,f18784 . | 300616 CLOTHING. Av less than Auction prices. Shup Fixtures, Giass Cases, etC., for The extenaive stock of the Estate of m W. +HRYSLER, BARR!STER AND ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLIâ€" ClToR LN CHANCEKRY, NOTARY, Eto. EWELLERY. ept COTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, THE " LONDON," TTAWA CARPET HoUSKE. Barristers, Attormeys, Solicitors, ‘CONNOR & O DoMERTY, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, & u. 1LO0GAN, R. ROGERS, ACANCIES FOR BOARDERS, No. i Invite Inspection. CONNOR & HOGG, Special Value in Lace Curtains. TALMER, PENNOCK & McINTYRE, V, H. FERLAND, W. W. WaARD, wW. . COUTLEE, B.C.L,, D. â€"MORGAN & SONS. MARSHAL MATHESON, A CALL IS SOLICIT ED. uk Leqal Cards. N. MARKS, Hardy‘s Block, Rideau street Now is your time to buy OR READYâ€"MADE Zlotels. ADVOCATE, etc,, for sale 3934m6 ~J the undersigned, endorsed .‘ Tender for Lachine Canal," will be received at this Office for thelenlargement o?thia Canal, consisting of the widening and deepening from a short distance above Lock No..3 or St. Gabriel Lock, upwards to the River St. Lawrence at Lachine ; en:bracing the construction of a new Jockjn Cote St. Paul, taking down and reâ€" building the upper portions of the present lock at that place,"construction of regulating weirs, culverutbndge piers, and a new enâ€" trance lock at Lachine, and the formation of a"channel and basin onâ€"theâ€"south or river side of the existing entrance. â€" PVE For the due fulfilment of the contrncti satisâ€" factory security will be required on real estate or by deposit of money, public or municig.l securities, or bank stock to the amount of five per cent on the bulk sum . of the contract, of which the sym sent in with the Tender will be considered a part. _ _ _ _ To each Tender must be attached the actual signatures of two responsible and solvent perâ€" sons, residents of the Dominion, willing to beâ€" come â€"sureties for the mrging out of these conditions, as well as the due performance of works embraced in the contract. The works will be let in sections of the reâ€" spective lengths indicated on a map of the line, which, together with plsnltnd specificaâ€" tions of the various works, can be seen at this Office, and at the Laching Canal Office, Monâ€" treal ; ateither of which shou printed Forms of Tender gan be obtained. Tenders for Section No. 9, or what is called the " Rock Cut," and Section No. 10 at Laâ€" chine, will be received until the arrival of the eastern and western mails on Wednesday the 12th day of January next, plans and specifiâ€" cations for which can be seen at the places above mentioned on and after Wednesday the 5th day of January next. _ _ sn For other parts of the works, tenders will be received until Tuesday, the 21st day of March next‘,:nd for which plans and Tcmutiou can be seen at the ‘respective places above :;afiol;ed, on and after Tuesday, the Tth day arch, Contractors are requested to bear in mind that Tenders will not be considered nnla made strictly in accordance with the prin forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual fignntnnuhe nature of the occupation and place of residence of each member of the same ; and further, an accepted bank cheque, or other available seâ€" curity, for the sum of from one to three thousand doilars, according to the extent of work on the section, must accompany each Tender, which shall be forteited if the party tendering deâ€" clines or fails to enter into contract for the works when called ugon to do so, at the rates stated in the offer submitted. Mnotleer cent only of the progreu estiâ€" nu:eks. will be paid until the completion of the works. The amount required in each case will be stated on the form of Tender.© The cheque or money thus sentin, will be returned to the respeciive parties whose Tenâ€" ders are not accepted. . d nads bound fo efesant olook. "" P**" SoSt / ANTEDâ€"A situation as Butler or Valet. Y a Sikodishyes Qhana * "Rh,° °lAu goods, delivered free to any part of the & 4027y1 FUII ! FURS ! FURS ! 'VICK'I orag."Ii toniniie gentiy 10) pagon, hundredé 3. Tds itlueGations, Sad Four Chromo Piatee CANAL ENLARGEMENT Great Reduction in the price of Hardware at THOS. BIRKETT*S, NO. 6! RIDEAU STREET. C * 00 NH ET 49ils per kes, 100 Ins. w&::h-rlofid:&w Also Paints, Astrachan, South Sea Seal and Beaver Made up in Jackets, Caps, &c., ar ° m’l;t:‘e Inspectors invite Tenders for the Stcok Clisby and Commerdial Houses, on Eigin Street, Cttawa,. Lists of same can be seen at the office of MB, H.G, ROCHE, Eigin Street. CHRISTMA S CANPBELLâ€"Dec@@ber %th, Elizabeth Campâ€" bel‘, of Glasgow, relictof the late James Black burn, Ksq. Aged 70 years. Funeral, Monday, Daceraber 27th, from the residence of her sonâ€"inâ€"law, Henry Uhepmell, at 2 o‘ clock, p.MRB. Win'i':n â€"Outom Cards Scond hnd or New. Address, 36 P.O B x, Ottawa. Hatters & K urriers. Notice to Contractors. Ottawa, Dec, 23, 1875. P.B â€"Agont for American Blasting Powdor A call is respectfully solicited. * THO8. BIRKETT, lak 0 Riaeah strook December Zith, 187 56 SPARKSâ€"ST., Opposito the British Lion Hotel. Nov. 27, 18758, % 400 New Advertisements. FLOMWER & VEGETABLE GARDEN NSOLVENT ESTATE, H. HODGE S . EALED TENDERS addressed to JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES FOR 1876, EVLLN‘S CUSTOM 3 .DKFPARTMENT, Ottawa, 24th December, 1875. UTMORISED DIS NF on American _ lnvoloes uutil im ther botice: 12 per cent. ____ J, JOHNBON, _ TL ACHIN E L. K. CLISBY. FUR S. Commisstoner of Customs . MEADOWS Pmaét 2Â¥ _ His Holiness Pope Piuns IX. has proâ€" mised to lend some of the Exposition Works of Art from the galleries of the Vatican to the Centennial Exhibition :at Philadelphia. His Holiness has expréssed the most kincdly feeling towards t hat obâ€" jeot. _ _ General Callabero de Rodas is not doad as was reported. + The duration of the Court of Comâ€", missioners on the Alabama Claims has been extended to the 22nd July next. Dsar Sir,â€"1n your report of the m eet iniof the electors of Victoria Ward published in your edition of yesterâ€" day, I am _ reported _ as Lnn; characterized the Board of Police Commisâ€" Loxpox, Dec. 24.â€"A Times‘ roia! teleâ€" s:: from Penang is to the following effect. Colborne reports that he % taken Kimbah without any loss. ] jahs Ismael and Lela fied to Poland.. The Turkish Difficulty. LoxDox, Dec. 26. â€" A special from Vienna to ultuho Times says mh; polt;t & c}‘r- 0 to powers pledgi to the execution of reforms promhr:i by the A telegram to the ‘Morning| Post from Berlin reports that the ludm' % American residents in that city have called a meet ing for the purpose of protesting against the strictures of the 8erman; press, on American character in their comments on the Bremerhaven plot. " A Newspaper Correspondent in Trouble® ‘Herr Rennerd, the correspondent of the Schleische Zeiiung, in Bosnia, has been imprisoned and . maltreated by the A report from Avon, New York, brings the tidings of a most destructive fire which seems to have made a clean sweep of most of the principal stores and places of business in the village. The property destroyed is valued at about $100,000. sioners in a very rough manner. . Allow me to say I mje use of no such language as that described. Your reporter must have miscoustrued the manner in which I complained of the many violations of the License Aot into a denunciation of: â€" the Police issioners. Much as [ think that could improve the gereoont condition of things,. I could not guilty of refé to it in the lanâ€" guage attributed to me. I am, Mr. Editor, Sincergly Yours, _ â€" The Penang Imbroglioâ€"British Success. imprisoned and . maitreated li! the Turkish troops, and the Berlin Foreign Office is asked to interfere. instrument® of radical passions." ~ M. Laboulaye objected that M. Buffet averâ€" Mthntb;uownfiyguuuuhdp«:lid: out a republic. revy‘s proj lqinl.hpupmhlyon'au g’nnlm andflunuool%wu jected by a vote of 376 to Tho%oupnfibh voted with the Government. y al hh-poo’ohhthowblylut m on the Press Bill. Exâ€"President Thhnhunmhd.minfiufimofm town of to stand for the Senate. He has received and declined similar inâ€" vitations from eleven departments. . The moderate Republican party will secure a To the Editor of THE TIMES, Unele Sam gets his back up in Berlin. PA: Dec. 26.â€"President MacMahon has written a letter to Minister Buffet, Owing to the retirement of Mr. Tarte the Hon. Mr. Cauchon, President of the Council, has been elected for the constituâ€" ency of Quebec Centre. Our telegraph despatches this morning show a long catalogue of crime. One boy dies by the hand of his brotner, a man persuades his wife with a poker, and then sets her on fire with kerosene. Some negroes get into a row with some _ whites, and a couple of them are sent to their long account. The festive season of Christmas has been celobrated on the other side of the line by flling its gaols. Minister Foster has stated that if the Mexican Government did not afford proâ€" tection to the citizens of Texas from the raids of marauders, the United States authorities would take the matter into their @vn hands. j Adespatch from Madrid says that the old Royal Palace in Barcelona was parâ€" tially destroyed by fire yesterday . â€"~ Herr Rennerd, the correspondent of the Schleische Zeitung, in Bosnia, has been imprisoned by the Turkish troops. and the Berlin iloreign office has been asked to interfere in his behalf. ate Bills; that the state of siege be raised t mevaifos of the Srom Blli Sn pretponett Bic 0 postpon: M. Buffet defended the Gogzmmout Bill as it stood. He denied, notwithstanding the result of the Senatorial elections, the existance of an Opposition majority. ‘The Ministry would support the Conservative union both at the elections and in the Chamber. He pointed to the overthrow of nver;lof.nviom Governments, to which the w Conservative _ population freely adhered. _ The Conservative union would qzfi;d to all partisans with those Govérnments,. He showed how the Bonapartists had supported the Senatorial candidate of the Left, and gained nothing in return, and asked, «Will our al‘iance afford them any less ?" He concluded as follows:â€" Constitution of Febrnm'fith,inmt the last work of political wi but we must admit that it is the hw.i If the country requires reorganization it must ntur:’wthochnnbermon who m'ld:: to pursue, in conjunction P rnaldiont AacMahon, a policy Of sbolkl reservation and give aid to the victor of &\pnh who will never become a dosile Paris, Dec. 24.â€"At the Assembly toâ€" day the Press Bill was under debate. M. Grevy proposed that the Press Law and (Grevy proposed that the Fress LAw and the state of siege be dealt with in kepara The Hon. Mr. and Mrs. Blake have gone West to spend the Christmas vaca. Civil Service. The Quebec Legislature was prorogued on Friday afternoon at 3 o‘clock by His Honour Lieutenantâ€"Governor Caron. _ Mr. Henry J. Morgan, Keeper of the ceived that the disorders in Northern Records of the Dominion, hés been proâ€"| Khokand will soon be made the occasion moted to the rank of a Chief Clerk in the PY Russia for the annexation of the TEBELEGHRAPHIC. Ottawa, Dec. 25th 1875. OTTAWA; MONDAY, DECBMBER 27, 1875. TELEGRAPIIC SUMMARY. FPO R E 1 G N . Debate in the Assembly of both Houses of the new GREAT BRITACN. A CORRFECIION The Press Bill. FRANCE. The Pope and the Ceontennial. Painravetruta, Deo. 24.â€"There has just been received in this city tlie formal ‘acceptance by i‘ope Pius IX of an invitaâ€" tion by the Centennial authorities, reâ€" soden io ho entergrite‘ 19 m niribamne 0 en y contril to the Exog ;ifiovnmworh ‘1 art from the Galleries e or from over which he has m Tho,romww +the â€"Popeâ€"areâ€"couched in the warmest terms offriendship for the United States. surance ; Calyert‘s frame house, $3,000, insured for $2,500 ; E. M. Price, $10,000, insured for $7,000 ; 8t George‘s Hotel, $13,000, insured for $12,000 ; Smith, Hall and: Morey dry goods. $15,000, insured for $7,000; Henry W. â€" Duffy, $11,100, insured, $5,000. Hedinberg, _ tenement house and hall, $7,000; insured. Loss, Avon F.k:.nd A. M. foda‘l,mo. %«::l- ey, stoo ; insured,$3,000. re were a nufi&) of other ‘small losse=, Charles Armstead, son of the proprietor of St. George‘s Hotel, was struck on the head with a ladder, and it is feared fatally injured. Barney Lee, conductor on the Erie Railroad, had. his leg broken. hardware store, where by dint of extir exertion the fire was stopped ; the en tire business portion of the village is in ashes. Incendiarigm is suspected, and the village had no fire apparatus, The losses andâ€"insurance are as follows :â€" Price‘s barn and contents, $2,500, na inâ€" 300 0_=_____ CAn Raiders. | 00 00 . 0 &: Wasuixctox, Dec. 26.â€"Last evening a colored man named Simms, whilst drivâ€" ing howc, crossing an old bridge, his horse From oflicial correspondence it appears that some time since Minister Foster asked permission of the Mexican Governâ€" ment for the regular troops of the United States to follow raiders across the border. The reply of the Mexican Secretary of Foreign Affairs was that the Executive had no authority to grant such permisâ€" sion without the consent of Congress, and it would not be prudent to ask such conâ€" u::’ as the sentiment of the country would not approve of it. Mr. Foster stated that he was authorized t.oii:s an assurance that the Government no design of acquiring an extension of the territory, but said the acknowledgment of the Mexican Government of its inability to restrain the lawlessness of its own citiâ€" zens would afford the strongest possible argument to all advocates of the acquisiâ€" tion of the territory may be in the United States. . ter further stated that the citizens of must be afforded protection, «nd if n ven by the Mexiâ€" can Government it would come from the The Presilent has signed a bill further oxtondm%otho time of the duration of the Court of Commissioners of the Alabama Claims to the 22nd of July next. The Erie R.B. Compauny‘s Mortgages Mi1woro, Déc. 25.â€"In the foreclosure of what is: known u‘tha.'»thnodpg against the Krie Railway Company, the vert‘s dwelling, occupied by J. Burlinâ€" 6, thence it lpteuf to Price‘s cabinet m which was filled with furniture, The flames seized St. George Hotel, C. H. Armstead, proprietor, thence to Taylor‘s shop, from there to Smith, Hall & Morris‘ dry goods store. The fire then swept eastward, takin‘g in its course the frame ‘building occupied by Michacl Dowlé as a harness shop, and over head by Giberts shoe factory; thence the fire communicated to Ferricks Heldenâ€" burg‘s tenement house,and by. D. Kowley‘s WARJEINGTON. > ~â€"omemmn A Sad Drawniug Accideut~The Mexi« ing howc, crossing an old bxi;lge, his horse became mmnnag’-bleh;bwk overboard with the wegon, and his wife and child and adopted son were drowned. A Wife Beaterâ€"=He Sets Hor on Fire with KMeorosene Last niiht John Flannery beat bis wis. with a Fo er, infliefi:g injuries which will probably prove fa Afterwards he saturated her clothing with kerosene, and set fire to them, burning her about the body in a most sickening manner. While the pgor woman‘s clothing was in flames and she writhing with agony, the brute dragged her about the room by tne hair beating her with a broom handle _ Flan: nery has been arrested. * Railroad Accident. & Jaxestowx, Dec.â€"An express train was thrown from the track near Salamanca toâ€"day by the spreading of the rails. Several persons were injurel. Mary Durwin, of Hancock, N. \;., was badly injured in the head. y ings in Lquity were ¢ in the Pike County Upirts Wazreumme, Dec.. 27.â€"A special to the ter, from W on the ni a tho thre malant Joun Wasl â€"and hig son Edward, were assassinated while reâ€" turning from church. Destructive Fire, RoonestEr, N. Y., Dec. 25.â€"A fire at Avon broke out at 1 a.m. on Saturday in E, M. Price‘s barn. The building and contents were destroyed, including three horses. It communicated at W. B. Cal United States. H. Y.Jewett was appointed receiver. Sax Fraxoisoo, Dec. 27.â€"A despetch from Camp Grant, Arizona Terri&oqp:gn that two companies of cavairy left last evening for the frontier ; Colonel Biddle, 81. Ausaxs, Dec, 26. Welcome, ssunped ww pimopiest might ano oo ceseded in crossing to Canada. : Look out from Camp Lowell.; No late news has been received concerning the Mexican diad RhOorlly after the antirmance â€" ‘Ths | 4# Wrist hoontfna it horribly. died shortly after the occurrence. ‘The Last Right, in Monroe Giobs dispute cccurred between him «&nd Wm. ’ sh5% and killed xk.dmm, for the «lâ€" Johan in regard to the possession of APAKZ leged seduction of his wife, and then shot of pigeons. His companions in the quarâ€" !her, inflicting a severe wound. Gibbs rel named %:fi" Ross, Win. Johan, Jacob | 5y }, attempted suicide, but was surâ€" Ross, John ‘Ii"‘d Henry C, Smith, . roundedâ€" by a party of negroes, one of were arrested and locked up to awnit the whom throy a handful of mud in his result of the coroner‘s investigation. | eyes, captured him and delivered him at Ausaxy, Dec. 24.â€"The dry goods store of Crapo & Co. was robbed last evening of aboui $8,000 worth of siliks, allfof which were afterwards recovered. * _ Mere hooting £ffrays. Nzw York, Dec. 26.â€"During a fracas in Second street this forencon, Augustus Zornow wra shot in the abdomen, and died shortly after the occurrence. ‘The dispute cccurred between him «nd Wum. A Madrid telegram to the Morning Standard gives a denial to the report that Gen. Callabero de Rodas is dead. â€" Loxnox, Dec. 25.â€"A Berlin despacth to the Times says information has been reâ€" remainder of that country. Mapr, Dec. 26.â€"The Royal Palace at Barcelona was almost entirely destroyed by fire toâ€"day. mAsLI®® ©200, MEROW . ENAIEE OLapBIRY roceedings m.Equ.i‘r'?mx wmmgn;z A Father and Soy, The Northern Khokand Affatrs, The Row with the Mexicans. anding, will be joined by a company A MERICA N. Extensive Silk Robbery. "Yho Alabama Clmiars. An Eseaped Cenvict. Not a Dead General. PENXNSTLYASIA. A Palace Burnt. CALIFORNIA. NEW ‘YORK YERMONT. YIRGINIA. RUSSLA. SPAIN. males born between January 1, 1885, and December 31; 107. Dualters will mow & varying in amount from 16 to 200 ‘fi% besides imprisonment from 15 days to 3 months. .} ... . * It was Polly‘Bancroft‘s habit for many ‘Goat, â€": Woop =â€" Coan, WOb â€" Coal, Woov.â€"Wm. M. Beattie & Co., George street, have for ~sale the very finest M'tfil“d stove sizes in Lackaâ€" wanna Anthracite Coal, Briar Hill and Black Diamond for grates. â€" All coal deâ€" A Conflict botween Whites and m â€"A Fatah Affrayâ€"A ‘Wife M % New Orueixs, Dec. 26.â€"A difficulty occurred in the forencon between a few whites and negroes, which resulted in one or tw6 of the latter being roughly handled. After that quiet reigned until about seven o‘clock, when Bsmegc(}.bo, John Roussette and Jeantiss Roussett, while standing in a bar in Bower‘s Coffee House, were fired upon by nemu; the first two named were instantly killed, and the latâ€" ter probably mortally wounded. The police have made some arrests. .. _A School Boy Suffocated. Acoxta, N. H., 26.â€"Chas,. Knowles, aged nine years, ?uo.fonnd last evening in the window of s school house. He atâ€" tempted to climb in, when the window sash fall upon his neck and suffocated That the French are determined to have gvoay;:vu’!gblo'mundulm. hah::.n ‘Gen. Cissey‘s last order, requiring m repratiitege tor :E‘WAMfl all good Board and comfort, second to nta,.tmnblemwth. Clarâ€" cmn Hoase. Wm.JMi I;mfl.h. late of Quebec. *‘ mli livered at sour prices free of cartage, and dry from under cover, Birch, Beech and Maple, sawn or unsawn. 4014m1 | House Keepers! If you desire to get a profitable tea call on flafliflo& g:l. gi'hanv;thmm zhotforyou. If'fl:om P elund the maney for whnt you Tobpk. __V. Weingartner, at Gretna, while drunk, out his wife‘s throat last night. The murâ€" derer was arrested. â€" mdetind mt much diffionity in obisining a i}rman tor bis second expedition. ale College, having withdrawn from the Rowing Association of American Colâ€" leges, has challenged Harvard to row a fourâ€"mile race in eightâ€"oared boats with go%:;-nim, time and place to be hereafter 1X the station coloured. Their wines, liquots and general groceries 'mom.bu&.md. of horses have been saved du'psth Efl'“’d the credit is due to Dum it.ioa” Pw'l‘:l:" and Anbl-:l Heave Remedy. preparation being extensively ulodkmdmnundl the highest praise. â€" Nothing of the kind ‘has way, editor of the Appeal, in the face, in flio’t%ng wounds whhgpw?lll' probably prove fatal. Another piece struck a negro on ho wrikh Inoorating it horriofy, highest 1 Nothing of the kind bas ever moon h_tlf'_.._ successful, or given such universal satisfaction ; it canâ€" not be oamllod. We can confidently recommend it, and would advise all who own horses to keep a supply of it on hwadâ€"it mibo the means of saving your horse‘s 1 Remember the name, undelhod%Hmd&Oo., is on each package. Northrup & Lyman, eee lt + hoolin "thh "f con camy, under oath, if you wish.â€"* Rev. J. Malâ€" d’Wy-m N. Y., writes " Dr. 'lh‘h&u’:mmm:dnodll- chitis in one week." > Dealers all over the country say, «We have never sol i a mediâ€" Firearm _ Accident â€" Several People Killed and Wounded ~Murder~The Green Eyed Monster. Muzfu& Dec. ‘;?.â€"-To-d.y, while ‘: ty of ‘boys were firing a toy cannon, ?r:)rn‘t ‘ot_‘ Spoojhtil oonm?b‘ofiugrymn Rean tHis 1 wiog.â€"Five to thirty drops of Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil, will cure common Sore Throat. It never fails in Croup. It will cdre a Cold or Cough in twentyâ€"four to forgyci;ht %Ono I,:otth has R hiti t o recent cases are cured flthm to !x' days. It has restored the voice where the rnmhunotipohn.hwn.wmm ve years. â€" As an outward appli in all cases of pain or laments, nothing like it has ever been known. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in the Back. : For diseases of the Spine and Con oflholuolnithmznhd. sppientin goee you goute it stope Her 8 oob s minutes, medicine ever dhnd“ntbo m’:flo doyo:rod. It is composed of six of the best known, and nothing but oils., Is worth lt-mfi in _ gold. m\ ¢ buy : it <toâ€" day ?â€"A. â€"B. Des M' A"M kaville, [P,0., writes :â€"*Thirteon I seized by a â€"severe .m m in the head, from ‘which I > -“Sv- c-:"htor {Sold by all medicine dealers. Price hud Nowtthor m ty wl thronie, | pube poohni y tone matls aay bane o-.;,souuuuundfi-. 'u&bhmgi:}hu;vmh wiknd, _ as 2 oue pot bog. _ * 402 _ Montreal Stock Market. MoxtrEAL, Dec. 24.â€"The stock market was dull and inactive. Bank stock was somewhat affected by rumours of a failure in Toronto, which caused slight distrust. The tendency of the market at present is to firmness, in consequence of easy money, so long as there is notuin&ro affect con: fidence, but mercantile ures, which would have no effect at other times, are sufficient to weaken Bank Stocks at gnâ€" sent. Salesâ€"Montreal, 181 to lgit $ T on tapeing. 9?‘”‘““".!“ wiyia ian to ues fie{ 94â€"to 25 + ,TA%AM?\“? i lkmn sans exploded, and a portion of it struck W&yfllhul"] the nephew of Col. Galloâ€" way, editor of the Appeal, in the face. in ho it Neamtny kike Td ) 9 ueS UAE tier, 24 to 25 ; ‘Telegraph, 160 to 1604. There are buyers ofmu at 224. Horsrs Sav«v.â€"â€"The lives of thousands C O M M ER C I A L NEW HAMNPSHIRE, house. All the parties were TENNESSEE. LOi ISTANA lo‘s Tea c .. oo nsta suibet Toroxto, Dec. 26.â€"There was an unâ€" (G::unu )ndnth?po‘l:liz Mfilfl‘m.flfim mput five this es t m‘s ols comied ther 0" it in a v &lm and ot: named %:: venthis moming. .. _<____ _ . |....... â€". Afolbwuuine’hlm::l.f(}mo)lmhu mmw-mmm by <Richard wx and . called him out to fight. he made his appearance the three ofthcnutng:hin.mdwrhmhfly mhin, him insonsible on the thofm.'::nhll luhoq:w * was arâ€" poaee . hem. Pring Aarnd Ahnced4ky the In the afternoon, two men becoming noisy in a saloon, were turned out One of them, on getting cutside, fired a shot through the window, mnnmly missing the head of one man, shot another The . weather â€" was fin Ton. s ui. Hapectunuing io ipeapen ie "alkg 5 snow T e anntans very + of handsome new mmvund the Metropolitan Church was blown down. ing of the Leglslature, Wm. McDouâ€" fiwfllm for a committee of nine, to inquire into the working of the Crown Lands Department. _ _ ‘This morning a body w s found in the Bay, which has been identified as that of Toroxto, Dec. 27.â€"The usual Cristmas distribution of charity by the St. George‘s Society is now in progress, The wants of five hundred famili¢s are being attended Follis Johnston, a candidate for the fore the Eolice Magisterie, this moring, for selling liquor contrary to law.. _ _ _ The weather is cold, with the appearâ€" ance of snow ; wind very strong. A Drugtken Christmasâ€"Full Celisâ€"A Btabbing Caseâ€"Rowdyismâ€"A Shootâ€" 10g Affrey ~Counterfeiters at Workâ€" m.buur. {ohn Holdcnn:‘ is also d.;; tributi pounds of muj Mr. Gn-(f.,fl;hnd two hnndl::.ll'mm the _ windor wmm" of one m&u. T the shot was arrested. Several mea are h&ounhrhitlfiyng Churoh are organizing , ciation. In response P. W. Dorion, Mr. W. H. Kerr, Q. C., Ald. G. W. Stephens, Mr. A. F. Gault, Mr. Fred McKenzie, and Mr. D. Macmaster, B. C. L., Rev. Gavin Lang was the officiat ing clergyman. St. Georgo‘s Society Distributionâ€"Priâ€" Lvate Charityâ€"An Embryo School Trusâ€" tee in the Police Courtâ€"The Weather® Special to THE 1 IMRS, the top of the head, John 8, a lad 18 of age, who mm““?&m’“"m"’:w of 15, two or three days ago, died at the Wharies Webster, an Englishman and & labouring man. He had been missing about & and was known to have been ;fidopmud in spiwits from his to find employment. through his hand. ‘The man who fired the shot was arrested. Several mea are under arrest for utterâ€" hh-m?ozd tglohopolihn Churoh are organizing a temperance assoâ€" ciation. In response to a circular sent New Year‘s day. â€" T have used other preparations of h e ie it ni on m P mars Thich 1 think is the bast imacioine ff the QuUzBEC, Dec. 24.â€"Mr. Tarte has retired %ntho contest in Quebec Centre, and Mr. Cauchon is therefore reâ€"elected to Ten: the bize cont 0f remoring ove frosem e cos earth over the unbu-m contracâ€" tors will leave the calo: to the Govâ€" erament Engineer exclusively. A ‘g_ paper gives a. list of manilics wher vevler Aostor conf t o z:d their Christmas ~without fire and â€" A man is i i 5 in hospital sick from sheer _ Christmas this year promises to be muohl‘ E. â€"-M"â€" £CCAACC W . VC At the funeral of the late Mr. Perkins, Advocate, the pallâ€"bearsrs were Judge V. nervous system I ever used. I will aid all I can and tirough tos prosyms 1 poliere it creant be too generally known. _ _ Yours truly, _ W.T. Horxes, Bros. commmmins 8076. * GENDREEAU‘® and baircutting No. 3 W saloon, No. na?wh .lk‘fu._ the Commons: Tsiough the City Menbers weey ty we are repared to commence i Soek on the Canal aon sep iaooeape t You y W. T. Horxes, mmmd Bufflalo Journal. Whynboildmmhud‘:lfi’m :'d'n::.fs“-flmuum and lungs, and add much to their p 1 mnaterae hoarseness, &6., they act like a charm, Russell, in btuart‘s Block, Rideau street and they are now running off the stock recently in the possession of Mr. Russell. They are selling at a great sacrifice. Parâ€" zmfinwmwoms Thé Metropolitan Church and the Temperance Causeâ€"The Fraticideâ€" The ‘Weatherâ€"Clhurch Property Doâ€" s<reyedâ€"The ‘‘rown> Lands : of Ounâ€" CTimes Burraro, N. Y., Februazy, 1874. Simon was MONTREAL:â€" Cauchon‘s Election. ToRostao QuUE 4 D I A N. two hundred loaves at so8#tf ber, the fo ufi.dn'-flnh uestion. ~It was drafted by Mr.â€"James k&-n.dthjmflwfih.-h supervision of a was mhoq_flymmd which the Duke of Manchester is Presiâ€" dent. < Valuable information n‘m- lied by Mr. Carter, the preéesent, and Mr. gM_&huPn-i- of Newfoundâ€" of the Fire Brigade, but owing» to the weak state of the ioe, it was found imposâ€" shighe or ies‘ ce 3 o Sntlne e mated at $30,000, and is said to be covered by insurance. ineam y the ftoral Cntonia) (hotisure on mnfi.m on tw . â€" The Council of the Royal Colonial Inâ€" e iaey Sbout o publith an mpotiont The circulation for the week is at su, at ‘Aifferent poin ”,alh' '& Held in mlrv:' Spodo.av,xufi. f SAVINGS BAXK A0000KY, £ ;0 The balsuce in the ‘hands of the Reâ€" odv;'Gon&d to the credit of deâ€" posi in Post Office Banks mmmdxmm possession of an authentic statement of the whole case. ‘The report quotes the text of the treatios of Utrecht, %mwds& N. £, to be B: ad = .:& b: & Euhdo,‘(hpo&n-o, . 8. to I The is a statement of the and i t of meurine n November, 1875 : â€"Revenue : Oflo?;. $928,78279 ; Excise, $533,832.07 ; Post Office, $97,734.83 ; Public orks, includâ€" ing Railways, $160,049.49 ; Bill Stamps, $17,208.82 ; Miscellaneous, $65,746.43. Toutl, $1,004815,6 Expenaiiue : @1â€" THE NEWFOUNDLAKD risHERIEs. Report of the Colonial Lestitute. mm;:q::::&.m burgh Scetsman, to that en anaine evidence to such effect has been proâ€" Am-fihr sent to the Chief of the B:.l.’d:.-bnzo'i-uhun Authorized discount on American Inâ€" voices until further notice : 12 per cent. 'l‘hinhoonicumtnfi ; to fishing was unibdhth‘und e fi::: mod taking cod m That fisheries are not prohibited from mh hnmwhl:: of ve no no are on the French by the treaties, and thereâ€" fore the interference of their Commission: ers is unjustifiable. Lastly, that there is “DW Aâ€"q'l-â€"--. wc“ m7 5" wed #6 soverâ€" Mhm."m ~ . Full directions in fiofibc-d . For full particulars, obtain free, of the The Barracks and Amory Burned. Special to THE TIMES, MoxTrEiL, Dec. 24. â€"A fire caught i m,hfluhmq“h lu,htthol-hurd I#-. lnifiomhdy,-o&“mfi berley‘s -?-h,.hz its views in a series of resolutions which, it is beâ€" lieved, now form the basis of negotistions ments. The arethe conclusions bwhhhtbowdhflfw Institute arrived>~â€"1. "That French have only been allowed certain rights of fishing in the waters of Newfoundland, concurrently with British subjects. & That the ;M have only a right to This well known medicine is no imposiâ€" tion, but a sure and safe remedy for Feâ€" male Difficulties and Obstructions, from fimm,-flm.m totbc-mn. In all cases of nervous -d‘?h-l“- fections, Pain in the Back and Limbs, means have failed ; and although a powâ€" srful remedy, danot contele inow elomey to Rorthrop & igman, Torouk, Ontario, sure a containing over,;50 pills, by For sale by all druggists. agent a pamphlet, or refer to Pills will effect a cure when all other FIRE AT ST, HELEN‘S ISLAKD, JOB MOSES FEMALE PLLL®, PRICE 3 CENTS. REVENUE ‘AND EXPENDITURE Everything Destroyed. CAKADA GAZETTE

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