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Ottawa Times (1865), 28 Dec 1875, p. 3

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rriages WAY, ockville. ttawa *Pposito tebies. ng trom rem o un + t wwmges 30 &1 > â€"sms »ikn ® t LC 3# when about . to _ leare, rendered a _ five franc _ piece in â€" payment The barber at once wared wrotd, and erclaimed, "Why, sir, you owe me E“,_ france." "How so?" asked the asâ€" officer. "You have had your haur cut, been shared, and had a shamâ€" m which 1 hare used two new apd two bottles worth five france apiece. You can take the brushes and bottles away . with you, but you owe me fifty irance." The officer refused to pay. him, and had him summoned before a magistrate. When the case came on, bowever, the barber dad not vremture to appear in support of hi onrinal mathad of arinetion \ ht Gay. Te was shaved and his Dh&ir Was CUL, | w . P. COUTLEE after which the officiqus attendant m-‘[;.' quired if he wanted & shampoo. The | BARRISTER, ADVO answer being in the affirmative, numerous | .F. F the Provines . bottles were produced and a vigorous |. lhnpom'ng -immp tered. The officer, * pAERISTEE, ‘m:';?\-v,': when about . to â€" leare, _ tendered | (For the Prevines 1 a _ five franc piece . in ayment iTae bateri mt lonce wared wrotd,! AMainstiset Bail2â€" + _ and exclaimed, "Why, sir, you owe me | C v, H. FERLAND, f*,france" "How so°"~ asked the asâ€" * EPYOcA tomished oficer. "You havre had you.rl > y Cifice &1 Dr. . haur cut, been shavred, and had & shamâ€" | siigeo puc m which 1 hare used womvl Bauil, March 8, 1<73. apd two boitles worth five francs °H A MBA apiece. Youmuk.&hobrmh“md‘Oom. w6 bottles â€" away with you, but â€" you ' NOTARY PUBELIC AX owe me fifty irance." The officer| Has opeved an ofice in th claams the Bamner of Light, ‘falling out ward under astrain they can no lopger ~bear, will but reveml to the world, and beâ€" queath to the keeping 0‘ the angels a spotiess soul, a priceless jewel, which be will probably die in prison, his health being very bad. "But the walls of the physical tabernacle," already er shai shine brighter as the years roll onâ€" ward to the millennium when "bigotry sball die, ignorance return to its native whall hear the truth and live!" _ A French officer entered & barber shop Dpear the Madeieine, in Paris, the other Wuiinpridiment ior & y®e&@r lor swindiing | whe public spirit photographs. . Two | ecompanions in the fraud, convicted simâ€" | ultaneously, have been pardoned ; but | they were the photographer and the medium, while Lecmarie‘s greater offence was tha: of using his journal to endorse the pistures as genuine. The suthorities refuse Â¥erefore to pardon the editor, and summoned before a magistrate. When the case came on, bowever, the barber dad not vremture to appear in support o‘ his omginal method of extortion, but backed down so compietely as to pay into court the coste, an i to return taree francs and a half out of the fiveâ€"franc piece paid by the officer. + seived from Rome that a disppensatign could not be granted, and that wife num ber two must .eave her husband and enter & sonvent The present Governor of Albama, Meâ€" bemed Ali Pasha, is a native of Prussis, and bis :ather, although eightyâ€"four years * Jaxes 1. Frrcows, Esq. â€"Dear Sir: lease forward another lot of your Syrup of Hypophosphites. of age. is stull cving in Germapy. in 13 Mebemed was a clerk in Magdeburg, but captain in the Turkish army. He disâ€" tinguisbed himsel{ in the Crimean war, and later on became a Pashea As Governmeni Commuissioner to Candia he | have used other preparations of hypo phosphites (not ‘being able wlgmcuro this), but they do pot compare with yours, which 1 think is the best medicine for the pervous system l ever used. 1 wii aid you & | can personaily and through lbe press, as | believe it cannot be too generally knowp. Edisor and Publisher of Bufflalo Journal aniagonisiu Deiween lhei" pOsiLiODs. The neme of ihe Episcopalian is nc A prominept Boman Catholic of, Port ‘api, Maine, who marred some time AFo, and a‘terwar: separmied from his wite, fuaiy got & d:vorce, in orderf that he mighi: marry &another woman, who did not know thai be badi been married pre mousiv. When this was discovered the There is probably no man to whom the community owe so much as to the honest, hrnm-phyucm who does his actual duty to himsel! and to his patients. Really skillful physicians are not so Bumerous that their virtues need no menâ€" tion, and bence the advertisement of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, may claim the foli of uhe church, but owing to the Bishop‘s illness be was unable to atiend w the matter. lLately news has been ne mousiy. When this was discovered the Busband pleadied with the late Bishop Bacon w gei him a Jipensation from the Pope for a divorce from the first wife, promusing thar be would return to the readers attenton. Dr. Pierce is a ty of a class of men vrboobmnmooeug careful and well directed effort, not aiâ€" tempting too much, or creating falseideas m to ability. The only reliable physician hth.oby-dcan%dmlnng‘ highâ€"pressure living is * Specialist, the man who understands his one branch of the business. For the benefit of his readers he has written a " Common Sense Medical Adviser," which is well worth reading by those who need such a work. With e curreni estimaie & proposed K ‘ : 'fi. @220 nmni.-m familiar as Burraco, N. Y., February, 187 % IS« @8 ELLANEOUS, o hold am exhibiton il m scence and its appli ul Physician. ble fees, and a large sKk@rS. ++ of the cotton W. T. Horxzz®, siobe rop D Offlice over Mr. B. Huckel‘s Flour Store, corner o‘ Sussex and York strests, OlteWa. _ Pl!nnl’. CHERISTIE & HILL, BAREfSTERS, ATTORNEYTS SOLICITNES, CONâ€" * VEY ANCERS, .&C., tOf the late firm of Lewis & Finbey,) Offices â€"Eigin street, | C. H.PIXHEY.[ H P.BmL Tempnrary (ffice at Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main street, Eu‘l _Ball, March 8 175. 2531yl vaNIEL O‘CONNUER. nept ~, 16 4 _ s OfMceâ€"Master in Cbancery Cham bars, Co1rt House, Oui«wa, Canaia We BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &0., «F. r the Provines of Quebec.) BARRISTER, ATPORNEY, SOLICITOR IX CHAK« OFFICE: Hardy‘s Block, Ridseu 0. ARCHAMEAULT, NOTARY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE, Has opened an ofice in the city of Hull. Proâ€" vince of QJ ebec. fof the transaetion of all Noâ€" rarial and Lega) business, eitber in the Proâ€" vince of Qusbec or Ontaria Special care given io Lne ewilectipn of accounts is both proâ€" _ Burristers, Astorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &câ€" mSB~ Mosgrove‘s Building, Rideau st., Ottawa. Hox. Jor® u‘Coxxoz QC. G J. O‘DogzEs&Tt Dec. 4, 1874 s Barristers, Aitorneys, Nolicitors, Notaâ€" w. H WALKEE, | P. PENEOCK. | A. F. MCLNTYRE Nov. 8, 187. 3986 The above popalar Roquuuru:l“lhu been eniarged by the mddition sev us and we‘l furnished rooms on the -.J::{. The fin««t Luncbeon and Dining Rooms the olp y (senilemeD bonourtng thisestabli<sh ment with tbeir patrouaze may rely on SLlNCt aitention betng p«i1 o thetr orders, / Liquors, Wines and Cigare of the bost quality. Ltpcheou served a! al) pours Dl- TUPPEE may ve cnsulted pro‘esâ€" sjonaily al hi# residance, Metcaife +treel, bouse formerly cogupied by the Hon.P. Mitâ€" _ BEN. HUCKELL begs to announce to th\ gener«l and traveiling public, th«t be bas enfered spon ihe Propriew umrp of the above Hotel. lately sonducted by Mr. Fred. Kvane. e bes brands of wines, liquors and cigare wRLlQ;“. ani loe prompuest maile tion is paid to Guests The "Feathers" Hotel. HOM@OPATHIC PHYSICIAX, sURGBON AXD A00ovcm itR Roa d-nwâ€"ub«tolum. CMcâ€"« hours from # 111 s.m. aud 2 fo 4 p.m. Speciai attention Dinser h;nvldod from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasomâ€" able rases. V uterus Licentiate of the fiofl College of Burgeons, mnburgh. Licetitiate of th> Koyal College of ?g‘m E. inbirgb; Pex.ue‘:u the Obstetr Bociety of Lonjon; late Resident Assista 1 Accou coeur +f 8 . Thom&s Hos(}wul. London, Eug. OFFICEâ€"Corner of O‘Conpor aud Queen streets, .ormeriy oboupled by Dr. Corkett. _ _ WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. tipns of curfent events are full and fre«h. and wre prenare@l by our bast ‘esigners. With » cifoulauon of 150 (X, the Weetly is read by mt t haifa mmillion person® and ii« influence m aÂ¥ orgâ€"o of $pinion is «!mply tremendous. The ly maiftmins a prsiuve !-muu«!'. aud ex p denided views on political aod sooim prtobiems â€"Lowisvilie Courierâ€"Journg ts arcicles are mode.s of hirnâ€"saned disous N $5â€"SPARKS STREETâ€"3 "@a A :arge assortmen { of Gold and S:)ver Watohes, RrICR Chtine: Rings and Gord Bots: Braqwets Albert Chaine, Kings and Gold Sets, and Jewelle y of every descriptiot, Pimted ‘Ware, Clocks. &6, at the lowest priges. The best House. in the city. Wholesale buyers can gtununoel as cheap from me as any other ouse in the Homtnion | FoTICEs oF THE PRESS.. irper‘s Weekly is the ablest and most powerâ€" i dliustmied periodical pmolished in this miry. lis editorials aremeboiarly and ‘con ecing, mand carry mush weight. Its illustraâ€" Have received of their Fall Importations 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTALNS. Em bracing ali the novelties, out for Lie sekson to which they confidently Ridean Strcet. near}Sapper‘s Bridge,) FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€". Proprietor. ARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLLâ€" CIToRS, CONVEYANCERS, ETC , Ot‘awa, Ont. O'I'I'A'A CABRPET HOUSE SHOOLBRED & CO. (For the Province of Ontaric.) Main street. Bull, P.Q. [Its papers upoo existent qoastinms and it« mit«be carloons be p i@ mould the sentiâ€" mt of the country,.â€"Pittsburgh Commercial. iâ€"per‘s Weekly +iauds .1 the head of I insâ€" rkie . journals in Lhe {( nited States, 1 ar circniaâ€" igu. elitoma» ani prctorial i lustration â€" é s Reposuory, Cinginnati. ___ries, &c.. &o. OFFICEâ€"Bell‘s Hiock, (Cenire Town, oppoâ€" ©OTT. STEWART & GORMULLT, BARRISTEE, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR, ETC. ARRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"AT LA W, SOLIâ€" CITOR IX CHANCERY. NOFARY, EIc. ‘COXNXOR & O‘DOHEETY, EWELLERY BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, FofARY, &0 st suecessful Family Paper in thc 1e m © TALmERE, PENNOCK & MclNTYRE, E. LOGAX, L. ROGERKS, Invite Inspection. Special Valne in Loce Curtains. Comphete Pictorial History of the W. P. COUTLEE, BC.L,, H. CHRERYSLEER, Harper‘s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. MARSHAL MATHESON, €coal Cards. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST rs can be supolied at ant timae Vo umes of Harper‘s Week‘y, in ling, will be sent by express, frre r $â€"+.00 each | A coinplete ‘el x:onn Volom=s sent on receip te of $1.25 par vol, freight ai EK LY, oue year ..... ... .$4 00 uciudes prepayment of posta e ® to Harner‘s Magazine, Weekly e wddres for one year, $10.00 ~s Periodicals to one ad iress W ; p «tage free. ol ul Hotcls. ADVOCATE; mode.s of hirnâ€"rened disousâ€" rial tla«trations| are ofteD imeni« of no smal force.â€" mod displacements of the r the Mapazine, I'a.ttg 1 grauis for every Clo 00 each in one remil J J. GORMULLY M, wilbhout extra street. 223m6 38l?yl Comprising the Ten Jewels of Imaginative + Literature : Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakeficld, Robinson Crusoc, . Paul and Virginia, Galliver‘s Travels, Elisaboth, Undine, _ Tales from Arabian Nights. Cow piete in QNE VOLU ME of over 1,000 pages beautifuily illustrated with 34 full page Hingravâ€" It is the WORLD‘S STJRY EOOK, and all wan‘ to read it Agent‘s Qutii free to ail who mean business and v i!! faithfully canvass. FORD & CO., PA'I'“‘I'I 1 GIBBS & COURSOLLE, Large Commission & Cash Premuims "ANCHOR BRANJ" .Best SIX CORD EXTRA Quality In rett from the of 1 Tate t i my Iumer Auietententy . F. CQTTON, my Pians and mng Burveys in Ottawa and vicinity, and have m pleasure in recommending tim as my ene cessor. W. R. THISTLE & CO. PROVINCIAL LAND 5URVETOR AXD DRAUVGHTSâ€" Patents +of Invention, sie «m and hot water a s pecially. .. BEST OF REFERENCES GIVEN BOOKS & STAMTIONERY ARTHUR L. HOLMES, â€"____ PLUMBER, GAS STEAM PITTER®, Corner Wellington Mhnx!lu‘ou. Ottawa. H of _ Pubtic muduv‘: Green Houses, r_'ff";“j!_’i,"!!'l‘!!_?’_"!",.._ l7w pressure, »â€"neral Literature. as wei as Col and of Fublic School -rmmx'“ scehool Utensiis. â€"___ OTTawa, oNT. 00000 _ Day Officeâ€"Sparks etreet, Centre Town. Night Offlceâ€"Al his rusidence, Maria street, Centre Town. Cance.s cured without the pnre of the kni‘e, by a D;:-hll wflo n, speedy ne uno._pm- cas ty lerences part sup» ceasfully treated, Urnnu&. * TRADE AssIGNEE, City of OTTA W A, County of Carieton. [TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] ‘ICTORIA CRANMEBERS, WELLIXGTON STREET, OTTAWA. 88 4 cessfully treated, if required. . , | R. C. W. MacCUAIQ@, TRADE waL& City of OTTA W A, County of (+n LV xX. JoKasrox, 1 u::‘ ed on the Petewawa, Kippowa and River + C 0 > K. MNSGILLIVRAY. â€"OORNER OPâ€" RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND ST6. om}l:vgflomhmulflunum'.mu Glouâ€" e | Z@~ Cons«ultations at ali bours 2451 THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE Wesleyan Conference. roxBxto, »prmnkk LEnl‘ts Pok SALE The undersigned is prepared to negociate for Flour & Farm Produce. A selected stock always on hand to sult a} '."-"#.n lest price wil oo:uum e wili un.allf-rnmno': May be consulted at his Office, corner of O‘Gozâ€" por and Albe 1 streels. uot 24, 1874 2401 . TIMBER LIMITS, This _ Sv Ontion i« "ERFBCT MAK & 80F1 FININHKkD, KXTRA fl‘\l"‘? £ LASTIC ard Â¥KKY STHONG, which eom bined with FREEDOM FROM ENUTS give i! all the quallites requisite for 493 SQUARE MILES of &11 descriptions at IN STATIONERY Will be found every article used in the office Of be in stock. A large Ottaws. Sept, 15, 1875 ; _ _ $iim _ ALEX.‘ TAYLOR A there are meverali makes sod quilics Of CLARK & 00# ~OTTUN. as« fur ‘â€" WILSON & ORR, Carvers&ék& Gilders Ti pneinPt pupmtasey bu neats Oe y solicited, all kinds _The undersigned has 28 than o ue aol on a BST SX C0H) OTM (MMAUMM, "Tgos. siRkeTr Buccessor to W . R. Thist]« & Co. Office, as formerly, over Mann‘s Hardware COttawa, Gept. & 1675 LIBRARY OF FAMOUS FACTHIO, "NLOUR AND FEED STORE. SEWING MACHINE SHOW C+SES MADE TO ORD&EK. March 12. 1874 | PR PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND_ ACCOUCHEUR, GENTS OUTFIT FREE. w#Â¥60 Snarksâ€"st. ETHUE F. COTTOX, E. 0. ©. WooD, PICTURE FRAMXE LARK & ©o., E. J. P. LYNXS, E. J. D. E. MACDONELL, e Sucesssor to D. McLarnon, Kept by allLeading "ry Goods Houses. Has opened at 38 Sparks Street, Specially Manufa~tured for use on the First Class Machine Sewing, ANCHOR MIELLS, PAISLEY, t lour & Fecd. _*BOOKSELLER & STATIONER, withia complete t of MANUPFAOT URERA BOOKS BOLICITORS OF INGâ€"GLASS and 40 King streot West, J,. W. NeRaE$, COAL IN»â€" 1875. THE TIMES, OTTAW\, TUESDAI nhhmm-u-g.mtrm sawing ever introduced Canada. CALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Mills‘ Supply Agency No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel?i House w ficâ€"d-blo“buou Edging. Only one required for the two operations. March 28, 1874 Myrtle Navy Tobacco. Pouned in chon Phay anf s Sade Reu Com NONE IS GENUINE! UNLESS STAMPED T.m Juar. SIGN WRITER, Ho clty _ ULtawa. Out Bails, all stze oxLY And aill other gands ‘n proporiion, . Ais Wil, Glass, Pully, etc,, olc. 1‘.B â€"Ageul for American Blusting A call is respectful‘y lmlcl,led. THOS. ‘B!RK®TT, No. € inideau Glasing, Ootaring mm-'fl-fi Opposite the Post Office, Elgin Stree A large !aissortment of NEW PAPERS, Mu..’ uwhhpuvlhcâ€"-dcz ted arbors, and journals + nd have been pa ancy price, use Craven‘s Arcticand ingine Olls uln-wfln”u-“'xfiom All Ofls guaranteed and orders solicised; s MOKERS ! Sa Files re on S rinke‘s Pnhwin‘d Obversors Ent _ ___ BOOTT,CAYLEY & CAYLEY, _ 2208â€"2m 7 Soarks Strast Uttews â€" Graduating Vaives, Steam Pumps, . Also, Agency of the g“l Gis LIGHT COMPANY . &c. 3 1t is made of the Finest Virginia LeaL. Each Plug Weighs 4 of a Pound. _ | Jn each Plug. Ottaws, Oct. 18th, 1875. _ MOoNTREAL. FAIRBANKS & CO. Ottawa, Sept. 16, 1875. 3045m2 COBNER OF DALHOUSIE STREET Manufactured only by the Original Inventors All AVOIDING HEAT 1N THE HOUSE CHAMPION HINGLE â€"MACHINE! BLYTH & KERR‘S. DTEL COOKING RANGES ! HOTEL CARVING TABLES |! HOTEL PASTRY OVEKNS!!! )TEL IRON BEDSTEADS ! HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES ! ! HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES!!! COAL OIL COOKING STOVES â€" H. MEADOWE & OO, %5 Russex Street, e wa, April 17th, 1§71. 8821 Railroad LFFEEDING & SELFSETTING. Drug Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. Chemist & Druggist, TT iWA ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to DOMINION WAREHOUSE, AIRBA N K8 goods Hart SAVING FUEL SCALES 200 in Use in Canada. PLATFORM AND GUU Trree Reasons for Using the 403 ST. PAUL STREET, HERr. PATEXTED 1s?73. delivered 6! QTTAWA Oxt., W.J.CRAVEN@ Co, . _ S0°Bt Paniâ€"st., Montreal, T C bnistt mied l othoers 2%, RIDEAU STREET STANDARD Ath $5.25 per keg, n proportion, . Al HUuUSE DECORAâ€" TER, PAPER iaro Iree Hay to Blusting Powd NTER y Coal Also f part 100 ibu. 1 w "Â¥7yl treet. of "Unquestiduably ihe bos! «ustained Notices dthol‘u-.“ § lent monthly provek its nued adaptar. m to mm desives and needs. indeed, whet. we k into how many homes it penetrates v« * month, we must cousider it s Ane of the eguce tors as welias entertainers af the public mind, tor its vast popularity has been won by no apâ€" CANAL ENLARGEMENT J the udcmpod‘ en4orsed : * Tender for Lachine Canal," will be received at this Office for the enlargement (fiiu Canal, consisting of the widening and deepening from a short distance above Lock Ko. 3 or St. Gabriel Lock, upwards to the Rirer St. Lawrence at ‘Lachine ; embracing the construction of a new bomos im mnn mncei s ie wire ilding the upper portions present lo*dll;n phe:.rho-nr_ucno:: regulating weirs, culver ige piers, a new enâ€" trange lock Ah.whme, and the formation of a channel and basin on the south or river side & the existing entrsnce. _ _ _ _ c lhliflTb'difiaT__' prear,freight at e pufrarer for $5 86 Pus slsn magies * ince the ds has been my [ Watson‘s C..1 Ko m oney w my bome. mrmdthmmflhf received until Tuesday, the 21st day of March next, and for which plans Mflnhl can be seen at the respective above ‘:'nnfi-d.aauhficrm,hlflhy Contractors are requested to bear inmind that Tenders ;111 mot be w:gq: unless made strietly in accordance printed forms, andâ€"in the case of firmsâ€"except there are attached the actual signatures, the nature of the occupation and place of}residence of These Pl«vos must take the ) instra nents, and their peeu‘ readers them by far uie mosi d lewst liable o gâ€"1 out of tune. £UsENE . SEALED TENDERS addressed to the undersipmed, en4orse@ * Tender for line, which, together iii;h’m‘tyq-eemw‘ tions of the various works, can be seen at this toay" Emimere) vmik meose prigteg Fqous ; a w ‘orms d‘l%'lduumheqhwy?. css _ _The works will be let in sections of the reâ€" spective lengths indicated on a map of the Tend«rs for Section No. 8 or what is called the " Rock Cut‘ and Section No. 10 at Laâ€" chine, will be. received until the arrival of the kpeg Spofetinei in d c d grer 5o 4/ + angary uekt, d cations for which can be seen at the places abore mentioned on «ud afier Wednesday the 5th day of January next. _ i wC MATH each â€" fiâ€"f the same ; and . f'uhr,‘u. an Curit, for the sum of from one ‘°p':':‘_{t':':‘ dollars, according to the extent of work on the section, must accompaay each which flh forteited af the party derl deâ€" otif.u;h to enter into mth the works a called u; 10 at Trates El m un vie neeeamg 11 * t The cheque or money thus sent in, will be m‘ughnq-wdnprfiuv‘:'ufl- dere are mot‘scorpicd. For the due fullilment of the contract, satisâ€" _ ‘The amount required in each case will be stated on the form of Tender. | _ _ _ __._|_ ctor -'..a":'i?fi be fiim‘mul‘lm or | ‘qnis mone or.uldfl n:id-,erhakno&rfi-nmtd per cent on the bulk sum of the contract, of which the ‘vum sentin with the Tender will blhq.y :ul of the ‘progress estiâ€" -gtflflmmmghmdtb e penrerge css vao repanibty ned peneniges mm«hmfim’.':â€"‘ conditions, as well as the performance of works embraced in the contract. hslg Notice to Contractors. Matl.u shei FXCEL io volgn FXCPL i= v(:li t XCBL in firam| FXCEL in dorab ywithou! the «xprem orders of HARPEE + aetuns ~: A tdrage HARPER SROTH E: 8 work of the kind in the World." HARPERS MAGAZEINE. ILLUSTRATXD. syamud projudites »" Jepraved inspee Mt ; DECEMBER, 28, 1875 mes of e Hike 0 300 1 USHEK PILANODOS $ o â€"; o . a« of :qpe. ie quailtv of tone. . «s & «d purity of tone. ty and seeping in tune 0 ons er ve \ume.Binglex foutum #Q4, Uloth cases, bir HITN 1© Coxnsery pad of i Iru lar coustru uable, «ind MEHERILAM. a TosY ON Baff lo. kuown York it from e10 the WOBLO FAMED 81000 MiITURE LEA & PERRINS‘ WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCE, ranted free from the poisonous ofls and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitious DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BB THE ONLY GOOD SAUCKE. In comgequence 0j es & rering which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA i? PERRINS_have adopied A New Label, bearing their Signature, thus=» fruit fisvors now in the market. ‘They are not caly true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, und are so highly concentrated For besnsing and clearing the blood trom all tm cannot be 100 hign ‘y recommended. m’nhm.ltm_-d.l- of it is a neverâ€"faiyng and perimmancni It cures old Oflfia‘d“-m'&. | 8::....-:.9 wm on the ) _ ‘Qures bisod and skin diseases. |~ Surer fhe blood from all impure mmatter, , _ From whatever gause arising. this mixture is pleasant to the taste, and fi-nmu-wu-iâ€"au mm:mdum-flh: prictor solicits sutferers to give it & trial to and see Neme on Wrayppor, Label, Bottle and 5‘11‘_-*}(' â€" | Wholesele end for Export by Hu Proprictors, Worcester; Crossets Blackwell, London. t&¢., 8. ; and ty Grocers and of Jals srom all paris. wmlull tles, gflw., uwnd in casâ€"s conâ€" taining «1x iimes the quantity, 11s cachâ€"soufllâ€" ciâ€""t to effect a porimazent oure in the great Woreestershire Sauce, after this date, and without which nome November 1874. | *,4* T/iis does not apply to shipments made prior to the date given. Ask for LEA & PERRINS® Seuce, Orlmen throwghout ihe World. L Oen outt Rextfnglâ€"t Poon! wad poag Sfi:E‘IOUR EYESI [ our Eow miy,-m h. * eases of ‘he 2L PC â€" WASTE NO .fimm& HUGE O'L’!B,;!a.fl‘mmu c.u&&.‘lfiu.lfim'.&. us also. 50 _f Gents or Ladies. $5 to $1021 which will be placed on cvery bottle of The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. Â¥he superiority of these | Trade Markâ€"*BLOOD MIXTURE) _ DR J. BALL O. Box ie . it3 400 g0f4" Bumettfs â€" Ex_ia_c? Pm nionntimsdimnmen M â€"â€" h 3 ~â€"â€"â€"â€" 7 remmcommmemenne Aoue ~ * 9. TA T Angreme m ( = . AyPt e â€"â€"â€"] L Po% .â€" 4 J ENe P es bat L .*%p . eP \\ t ] Hifâ€"â€" * i 2 â€"% An~» ithe As seb ~» h J i i bel" 0 " P o f LW 4. P ; es â€" i yoainpioape n w is TE en n [AAAE PY â€"ofz csir,} : * : Haket 3 * i aaeim " s : m «~ ® h e a E. . tA *JA ¢ o M ?>s â€"~ k <~B â€" 4 C > s hy d P § i 3 Em "o A ‘ ® | wme C B PPA ag P ‘ | S â€" aleest ~ £ ds I | | * s &\ . Cl " va t ] ) ; \“\\35 Py * A, [G ~oABF â€" _ »k~ 1;* NS + 39 S | is .” a e \ <‘ > "L > rapr h B < } A o >: $ . \‘,/ 4o /]/I”’" FARSEE >G¢)7 i‘ e ' im ée. b ME W, ( Emt A~ M # f lis,, ARLE ‘1'.“' \ â€"â€" . s % / g *** ‘ tal ‘I' hk uw _ns * 4 i /);â€" on l C £ 6 2 ; P ./;â€" k -H’/“\ & + e ee I &» ( .n" ) e A F* ise k T. THE FIEST OF OUR LAiPY OUD*TOMEES who wiil s > oo seug us a oufrect soluvou of Ioj» rebus, we will xive s heud. $ immpacert some WHATâ€"NUT; ani for the second correct sotution so recelved we : wili give a beaulifal WALNUT TEAPJNY, 296 to the tioung 5 gs an eleguot LAD1‘S WORK TABLE. Aunswers to be sent in seaied ‘ envelop & which will bsnumbersias eovived and on ite Hind A P T UE KMEE C they wili be opened and tae prices awurded, and ou the 241 the prizes will begiven ou‘. BB" INX THE MEANTLME CALL ANLD 84% WHat WE ' HAaVk in THE FURNLIY Chkk LiXxk p> > p . Harris & Campbell. t Ageats for Dominion of Canada. potre BUrNET & Cco, Dsl 15 Gemuine. ‘They are warâ€" W. BELL & Co.‘s PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS AN» ORGANETTES, & Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s inese Faperhangings are imported direct from the best Manufactaring Establish ments in England, France und United States. Great care has been taken in J especiall toned with silver mica; above all, they are fi-@â€"'lflp&suuyd‘&m of the day are surcharged with. The Subscriber‘s long experience as a and being w:m'i&thme-’-ld&.“-‘- inting, enables him to reject, in his selection of thase coloured with poisonous pigments, so deleterious to health. uk Mbronthull aayh.. \reanntnnd TT CEnecuDcds 10 nosun. ine Pubutc are invited to examine his STOCK of WALL P int < A.:....a.._':.“.__‘_'_‘_":‘ér..':‘)‘&'l"_'*- ing Company, &¢, &s. *‘ _ Send for Cloualars and Catalognes. ape °W saper stibhte anr P en â€"2ptat tz 3 <srr esz Ries immme c the & i of the â€" his 'An -t.l‘ 'mlmh:.:h--â€"- 40 SPAEKS STEREET OTTAWA. â€" _ ~ Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in iron and Wood Working Machinery x WESCRIPTION i AKD MILL MACHLNERY OF EVERY . EooX DBuiA BBUTING, PiL®s, SPECIAL AGENCIESâ€"Oameron Spocial Steam Fu :«h&”: American Saw Company, Trentou, Enxomss M.Bon.ns. New a (Late Yarznov & Hamzt,) ENGINEERS AND SBIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR, LOXDOK. Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal. Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL TO MEET SPRCIAL REQUIREMEXTSK W AL L. B L V T H & K E BR R . 25 RIDEAY STREET, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Galvanized * __PRA&CT ICAL i PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEER. C. D. PEASE & 008 PIANO FPORTES.. :;::: ::‘?nw". n Quanent hm:-.‘n eltention paid 10 Oders a» Ottara, Sept. 2, 1675, Just m.““dm‘ Shdiung A Complete stock of material in any of the above lines. â€" SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Their Exceliencies the Carl an Countess of Duferin. OFFICE 1XD WAKEREOUSE ................ mEPARb T. Oot, 17, 166. * C Paddie Stcamers, with draughts ranging down to 6 inchos of Contracted for. _ Prices from £200 upwards. MACHINLEY CONETRUCTED FOR BoaTs BUILT, ASRQAD. _ D. S. Mâ€"KINNON & Co.. T8, Sparks Street, | â€" 0 â€" 00 c 0 c 0 0 4 INCLUDING TRUSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTURER CHOICE AND BEAUTIFvUL WM. McKAY. Warerooms next to Dauniels‘ Hotel Or THE EROT CaRACIAX, ENGLIS aND AMKRICAN MAKE P. B. Ferguson, Y AR R O W‘S Y A R R O W & C00., â€" " _ Agents for the Improved Hot Air Burnace. McKAY‘S Erd Door West of Bank Street, $‘ LMitl Rall Paper. O TT AW A. €a 4 AGENTS FOR x-.-,.u-â€"..h’. tfi ivers ssinecru up to 20 miles an hour, <XC. W PBosv P / » sn c ~o Ti o , OTTAWaA. HTTawWaA,

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