I A most pleasant musical and Literary EBoirce was given last night by the pupils of the Convent ‘of the Congregation de Notre Dame, Gloucester street, in festive ‘t;o?our of M_i‘hr:-pocto? Pastor, Father themselyes . mt"muy,o both = Dnstanls" nencs sus eodiplonitt Baid cises, and the reverand gentloman in whose honour the entertainment was ï¬m, well <eserved the bon-'h h.d?“:im is mmuuwm' i i since he in charge of the at St. Patrick‘s Cburch, have been of such a nature as to endesr o. Apart hom Tos duime in Sn masigh s & i in his Eies uim at mohee alp ve the Convent also to mm as The Convent of the Coungregation Be Notre Dame. Chaerles Cbristianp was charged with ussaulting Thomas Bambrick. The case was dismissed with costé," Coarn, Woonp â€"Coat, Woon â€" Coal, Woob.â€"Wm. M. Beattie & Co., George street, have for sale the very finost chestnut, egg and stove Que- in lackaâ€" wanua Aothracite Coal, Briar Hill and Black Diamond for grates. All coal de livered at our prices free of ouh.e,m-I dry from under cover. Birch, Beech and flph. sawn or unsawn. 40}4m1 | Thomas Postlethwaite, assauliing his wife, case dismissed. Preasixe Trtsuts.â€"The young ladies in conmection with the bindery of the Parliamentary and Departmental Printing establishment of this office, presented the forewoman, Mrs. Fraser, with a beautifu} Album and a pair of slippers, on Christâ€" mas Eve, as a token of the esteem and regard in which she is held by them. 1t is with pleasure we note a pleasing tribute of this iind. For good Board and comiort, second to none, at reasonable rates, go to the Clar endon Home Wm.Z}Mills, Proprietcr, late of Quebec. 3995 m1 : Tas MavoraLty Camoioatss asv tas% Texrsraxcs QUE~TiON. â€" A deputation from the Sons of Temperance yesterday waited on the candidates for the Mayor alty, Messrs. Featherston and: Bangs, to ascertain what position they cecupied with regard to the temperance movement and whether either would favour a reduc« tion of licenses. _ Mayor Featherston stated that he would oppose any incre of the present number, but that alt hou.;g desirous to reduce the ';v‘illla arising from intem to as & dofn a% pouibgo, still he could not rzee his way clear to promise any reduction of the number now existing. In response to the damuuo- which waited on Mr, Bangs, that gentlieman stated his unwil lingness to commit.himse‘}f, by giving any pledge, as to how he would act, as hg wished to be unfettered in every way. _ Mary Aune Counolly was ohrcd with non payment of wages to Ellen McPher sou. . She was ordered to pay $9° 90. James Guinan, drunk, $2 and costs, or two weeks. Kate Carson, vagrancy, was given three woeks nard nbogr _ * 19e "" t Robert Burns, for being drunk, was fined $2.and costs or two weeks. ,; 4 William Tobin, drunk, $2 and costs. Robert Patton, drunk and disorderly, fined $10 and costs. Margaret McManus,for a similaroffence, was given $5 20 and costs, or three weeks. James Dunsmore, for the sgme offence, Dr. J. Garvey has opened his oflice over â€"John ‘Thompson‘s ï¬roeery store, Rideau street, where he will treat all old standing or chronic diseases. Office hours from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and 2 p.m. to 7 p in Bofore M. O‘Gazr.a. P. M (PENDREAU‘® unnni and baircutting saloon, No 3 Rajotte‘s Block, Wellingion street. . Adele M. Gendrean, proprietor. «w__â€" #Â¥rraaf A DisorpzaLt Puace.â€"The attention of the police officers is called to the fact that a disreputable house exists on the west Meot'gnnk street, near Queen, and the rows that take place there each night are somewnat objectionable to the resi dents of that locaity. Exterminuate the nuisance, and impart an air of respectabiâ€" lity to the neighbourhood. â€" , Pressxtation â€"The _ employees _ of Messrs. T. W. Currier & Co., Canal ta«in, presented their foreman, Mr. Poter Mcâ€" Donald, with a Meerschaum Pips on Christmas Eve, as a token of frienwhhig and .esteem. It was accompanied wit au address, couched in the most flattaring terms of regard and esteem for the reciâ€" giont. You will save time and trouble with your sewing machite by using Cuark® & Co.‘s best six cord extra qunliit)' sewing cotton. _ Notice the axcuor on each spool. 396)y1 Bt Waro.â€"By an advertisement which appears in anotber coluron it wi‘l be seen that three of the candidates for alder manic honours in By Ward have re«igned in favour of Mr. P. 1. Chabot, who has been a moâ€"t efficient representative of the ward during the past year. The op» position to him is not strong. THzzr® have been 20 (furney BHase Burnâ€" ers sold to one of any other stove, and we never had to take one back. Eswoxps Bzros. «w ~_ 3976 Prores:axt Hosprtai.â€"The Treasurer of the G"of Carleton General Proâ€" testant Hospital l;::n:wledge-mt of the following ; â€" mï¬ A o behalf of thu:‘Prflbytari.n urch. Wakeâ€" field, $15; Mrs. Gordop, on behaif of the Jadies of St. Andrew‘s Church, Ottawa, #}7.2> ; Thomas Bramly, §12. tenanted by a few inebriated individuals who had been seeing too many friends during the recent festivities. The Magia trate will have zo serious cases to try. Greart Accrion Sare or Basgaurt Stoox.â€"hRemember the great auction salo of Dry Goods now going on in ‘litus‘ Block. Mr. H. McLean is Auctioneser. | _â€"_â€"â€" 40313 Tus Potios Station.â€"Last night the cells of the Police Station were only Grand Trunk Railway. Leaves Prescott Junetion :â€" Going West...............1:35 p.m., 208 a.m. Going East...............4:45 p.m.,, 440 am. Rome, Watertown & Ogdensbarg Railway. Leaves Ogdensburg....7:30 a.m , 2:45 pan. Arrives in New York 10:00 p.m., 7:00 am. Leaves New York....i:00 a.m., 10:00 pam. Arrives in Ogdens _ _ â€" 8t. Lawrence & Ottawa CSailway. Leaves.... 10:50 am,, 200 p.m., 10:00 p.m. Arrives......9:10 a.m., 4:10 p.m., 7:00 p.m. Canada Central Railway. f Arrives.. burg.................l:15 am, 7:45 pau. Central Vermount Railway. p Leaves Ogdensburg for Boston............ 10:40 a m., 6:00 p.m. Artives in ()ï¬mâ€" ~ burg from ...\ 7;:00 am., 8: 10 p.us. Traucllers‘ Quide. HLgt: A CHRISTHAS vAR0L, svsnvessersssen LHBO Pobityp 7100 pMER : POLMUES wuZT il iuntelliaecncee. .........10:50 a m,, 4:45 p.m. Moxpayr, Dec. 27. and they. were in pdintâ€"of: f40t further from bankruptcy than any other city in ebx: D;.nimon. Hcg advised them to com:â€" te present civic works before : gommonood fresh ones ; there was u:.::l m.cll of ntur;hmont and qoon&my, and such should practiced in the t rigid manner. Hie wished them to um stand that he was not anxious to be re electad, bunf:q chose to once more Ns naue guide es cersinly n cagh n e w ide her y pncom oi narntt i any 6 k terests. © If they m one of his opponents he would do all in his Thise So might poieecs * (them Nuan )h whi e possess. . | Mr. &nmwaut:r’nan during which he disclaimed any idea of | Ald. Baxasâ€" was called m d review» at length the | hich had %’i -'.nr:;‘ly' endorsed lg. j M&Im‘.:f id Bange. h4 po i _ Ring." He had not intended to become # candidate for the Mayoralty, but when :‘nw the character of the men who. lex saned thowreqpitificnqaling hm to was about 14,000 and 15,000}. (New the population was about 26,000, and the debt about $850,000, but the assessment was fourteen to fifteen millions of dollars. In:1865 the whole of the available assets nmnu‘ to somewhere about % and that included the By market, the City Hill, Wellington Ward market, andâ€" the band engines, Now _ there _ was from _ $250,000 to $300,000 between them and the Sheriff, establishment of the Water Works they had been paying some $75,000 per annum for water for domestic consumpâ€" tion a_d fire extinction. Now they ‘ï¬g splendid system aud at about the same ‘annual cost _ He pointed out that for ti@) ‘past two years they had been almost free from ‘those disastrous conflngrmoxaj which up till then had been the cause of so mm& suffering. He spoke of the, bridges which had cost about $10), hutdhoyhn'd;lh&:‘tho oflecth:: increasing the value roperty in thei vicinity, and had added Pt‘o the beauty of the city. With reference to the m% of the new City Hall, he said, he look upon it being a wwk_o{_g!vsoiugo necesâ€" sity -1'in e present building there not’-ur mxcscr;:mmdm hofot- th:l :(f’ cers 0| ration, who woul . able to carry on their business more cn ciently, â€" In speaking of the City Clerk‘sâ€" Office, he said that there was not a pm §ntl:doitywhon there was so much loatâ€" ing Mr. m&% #o, but a good desl. of the loafing is done by aldermen. _ _ _ _ Mr. Fearuszstox then reviewed .the, present fire brigade, argui a money spent upon it Wb&n ‘ out, relating in that connection an.&Re¢ dote ol a gentleman who had o the water works and who on going a store where a fire had beéen, and see: the goods thoroughly soaked, o_xohimx "it‘s no use, ~now, goods won‘t burn _ in Ottawa." _ . He thofl that little fact was the ‘best comp! which mï¬hmw&ooï¬dmyd the brigade. (Hear, hear) In alluding to the $10,000 which had been spent on the Maor‘s Hill vements, hop.:td.ï¬ that in time to the return in the inansesod walna afitho nnanortv in that increased value of |the plï¬cfly in that neighbourhood, would be to 30&: ts a_ow by asserting ythowr done in the city during the last few yearzchad been paying ones, and had in point of fact Lon economies. He said the nunmm debt of Ottawa w-nof-}f‘hrou of other cities. The debt was &mponioamly less now than in 1865, when it was mion House, when Mr. Bangs was aght forward as a~candidate. Mr. Clemow had acted with a rather extraorâ€" dinary want of generosity. Sheriff, Powell had charaeterized him as a pppularity hunter, but the gentleman nevertheless had promized him (Mr. Featherston) his support all through. _ _ Mr. Fratusrstox said if it was to be a question of veracity between himself and the Sheriff he would leave it thereâ€"if to endeavour to gain. the good will of his fellow men was to hunt popularity, then he wisa popularityâ€"hunter, (Hear) A charge of extravagance had been brought against him. He claimed that there was no undue liberality of expenditure in the carrying out of the various great works of the city. _ Instead of its m lavish,. it â€" had been moet It had been said that the constitution of the Water Works had been carried on in the most lavish manner. This he denied. ‘ The work could not have been done for less money. They had not costâ€" $900,000, as had been s but about $700,000, which was but little more than the estimate of the Engineers. Ho h: proceeded to compare | the Ottawa. 1865 and the Ottawa today. Then there :lumr::d}y & e house in the cit e mar its rapid proj ‘ ulerest adt that up" til the" tige of ho Bheriff Powsirâ€"I give that a most flat contradiction. had been made upon him by Mr. E. C. Barber, at one time one of the auditors of the _ city, . and _ whom he _ had oceasion â€" to find fault with on the ground of non-q\uliï¬caf?iou. He felt it hard that the chairman of the Waâ€" ter Commissioners should have spoken so barshly of him at the meeting in the a disadvantage, as it enabled| others to come after him, but he claimea‘the right of replying to any attacks which might be made on bim. He stated that had he. known there was going to be; so much opposition to his election he would not bhave become a caudidste. Seteral of thdse who had promised him their supâ€" port were now opposing him. : He 'E'- ceeded: to advert to some attacks which yesterday in the City Hall, and there was Ald. Haxzr told them to hurry up, as he had toâ€" meekâ€"his> constituent»in=By Ward. (Lmal.ner) He then spoke in favour of Aid. Waller, whom he nomiâ€" nated for the office of Mayor. s Thos. Kinsella, J. C. Jamieson, &0,, &o. At twenty minutes past ten o‘clock Mr, W. P. Letrr announced that the Emloun minutes were passing away, and e thought it was time they proceeded to business. _~ , Finally it was‘rmoved by Mr, MoCuarg, seconded by Mr. A. H. Taymo®, that Mr. John Heney is a fit and proper person to fill the office of Mayor. _ The following nominations were also received: â€" s J. P. Fedhentonâ€"Prorod by W.a. Pennock, seconded by E. Laverdure. C. W Bangsâ€"Proposed by George May, seconded by E. Clemow aund others. _ W. cil, Waller ~Pm£uod by Ald. Henoyésooondod by E. I;u:zn Y j F. Clemowâ€"P ). Magee, seconded by R. Amd Â¥ Dr. Swoethndâ€"Pm‘and by H. Meaâ€" dows, seconded by J. C. Jamieson. _ _ _G. B. L Fellowesâ€"Proposed by. P. O‘Meara, seconded by W. G. Bedaid. Â¥r. Fearusrston said he would open the bail, | Spenking first he was plestda 9e a‘large attendance of the «ratepayers. Among those present we. noticed Mesars. H. Meadows, (C. P. Dorion, C. Magee, A« Taylor,R. C. W. MoCuaig, F. Clemow, Thos: Langrel!, H. MoLoan, P. Egleson, Ald. Bangs, Ald. Birkett, Ald. Robertson, Ald. Ald. Walier, Ald. O‘Connor, J.H.P. Heney, Gibeon, John Graham, Alex. Jacques, Dr. Sweetland, Dr. Boaubien, Ald. Rowe, Thos. Kinsella, J. C. Jamieson, &0., &o. At twenty minutes past ten o‘clock Mr. W. P. Lert announced that the TXE MAYORALTY NOMINANYL A Lively Contest Expected. The Finance Question. e was mixed up in the ® Brick tion for Mayor took place d M o \RA Ki the gity collector, When he m:bym- Alderman, he had conâ€" sulted the late Mr. Lewis, and had been informed by that gentleman, that there was no point of law could be; raised to dj.rlib him. He would tell them that he had given over hbis businessi|to his son, aed hnd’-ndo up his mind to |retire into private life. Ha said that during Mr. Fea: therston‘s mmyoralty he hal not acted with that firmnesa and stability he should have done; he signed @beques for which there were no funds, and now laboyring men were. going : about with the Oor%)ntion ; and not: onsirent could they get. 1 {aou,m He did not call that honest. ) He prageededâ€"t@>allade to the Market | Extension, â€" which , could â€" not . be | paid for. If he was o{eo(od he wdi" m set is _ face ?.?m putting name to cheques which could not bo.sci_d, he‘would not have his name hawked about the city at twentyâ€"five per cent. discount. (Hear, mportant one, and the.ity affurs would nqw“}nsu ;:'Mtnlt tion the Mayor ‘conld .. bestois ... fliliflnt‘ magistrate «be Hirmty pledged to the people from Upper Town. He nrh& that soms ogllx,\;m shonld effecsted among the candidates, and that: Messre. Featherston and Waller should graceful* the desire of the majority of . the.citizens, he was quite to give way toAld. interfgre with the canvass of ~the: labter, H.u'wonld ifl.\ï¬v M. appoint siz men on six were . on mu%mmmm should retire, and he would.rest. by, ‘thein fined his dumes as Mayor, and deciared it ‘Decasions, and said that he esteemed it a was unfair to expect tnat one man‘ could ~YOry m honour~to ~thus on{z ‘the keep track of-Ylâ€um went on in the respect of those whom he had eorporation, and have theâ€"sins of others. lived, for upwards of ‘ncul. mfluhï¬ shoulders. : (Hear, hear,); He trusted, if again elected, that byâ€"the He had been trying forysears o obtain a.. experience he had already.gained at the been prevented by Ald, Banks, v putinas Siihlle ily Udisanne. is bet Peeteenely Rpritomtnt a t vareretises ssraugurthing anat antable 1 ou! assistance had to be ull?d‘h. find :oat howunoitl{. -tao&d. Froux::h\;h':. lokn'u: personally id not t resen miggign . oguid, . Bomage) the Langled w 3 '-“fl'xw" C He blamed the Counitil for thelitâ€"¥éectional style of voting He had been trying ?&’M"Eo'ib‘.""iflgm†prience he had already.gained at the ness. (Hear,: bear,) Alluding to=the aisessmient of the city, he said that 42 higee ward, ant ho. siged tiat Te rewson nhy the Mayor thoult bo aistnd Waller had oï¬mtlnd'ht he had E‘obod the city would have been ima tter position to day than it was, i Sheriff Powsut said that he would. have exercisei his rl’oht as an el to address them except for the fact y had been made the subjectof" an B Seiarmen m mis ot i ons n the Umon House. â€" He m the athure of the piigr but that sviiy $er 0 . Wes, not exercised m?&:t!'n:&m end â€" :::u..ghlhm{l“ ooo * nod * spuinet Tnrourably "â€"with those who had §ose Bangs of belonging to a <brick ring, Ha didaloub:rl’h‘xthhdw of the true metal of honesty and | i inst the other, T o o i o o o io cafony whig wheam the causesqf much iot. ., He m«l that if they re they would have & faithful servant, who would urvo_tm' honest!y. In conclusion, he said |if Ald. . ‘:ugm-â€"†it ,@8 order all moâ€" Wï¬.qdin’ wmzm of public monok un:!n the Finngo“%mpitm w portei®‘there‘ wers imâ€" ers.:" _ JIa. su . JH4t the various candidetessbquidâ€"/mast h& Wm en'l:uourto agree among themselves as to who would be the .best mian. He would be quite he had ever been to the spendin: of ©~$30,000 or m the By Ward ma‘ket, .. A. building which wmii have cost w or â€"* #1,000| . could bave made â€" to serve all o o merandl Ap ies uts soan & msu s chair, wbâ€u-hnu.._htho present critical state of the city affairs, . be exer= cised. _ The coming year would be a most _ a be qui sined. zs saree Gath hm and uy to oo n s o o t ie na *ldd Bapos Said shan oBbL. Waller had ALi, Waruer was called for, and in the course of some very lengthy remarks,took ‘becasion to comment on ‘the duties of Mayors generally. He confessed that he felt, as a.bydonng nnn,d he had nflol‘l l.lk]xo necessary ability an i ito fill the civic chair with m cit{ or credit tohimself.. He then referred to the financia: question, and expressed a hope that the commission now sitting would not show that the money matters onhoc‘i? were worse thanâ€"ha had reâ€" presented them to be. He asserted that _ Ald. Baxos said it soemed now that Ald. Waller was to be acandidate. °~ > .«AAA MWarsLer did.nat.reply to| this asâ€" C onlsanenin »bikcoriin pF sone ition was given to any other, influential :nmhwogfl withdraw. At this juncture, it boln, nearly twelve o‘elock, a large number of these present left for the nrh:dphoa of nomination in the Ward:, and Mr. Bangs had to hear.) He passed someâ€"very sgvere stricâ€" tures upon tholdcmmil.'}ben had been too much "I‘ll scratch your back if you‘ll scrateh mine," (lu;l‘-n in au the e:‘g. business. If Mr. Fpatherston had dohe bhis duty, the city would never have been in the impal-Lhd‘l state it was at the present time Hethpught that Ald. Waller had made some miscal~ culations, or else when m%ooo he was going to wipe out the debt of the city with, Their debt thin'g:mfum they were in a more se state : than Mr. Featherston would hayvs them beâ€" lieve. The position of Mayor was not an enviable ~ne; he got more kicks than copâ€" pers. Mr. Featherston was ge some of the kicks now, and he t he deâ€" served them. (He accused Mr.\ Feathersâ€" ton of transferting $2,000 from, one fund main sewer contract, denying that in giving it he had been actuated by a geounnry' motive. It had been said, and y an Alderman too, that they: had reâ€" received $7,000. This he denied ; he had never made a eo;por out :of the City Council. He concluded a lengthy speech by assuring them that if he was elected he should ever be careful to the interests of the city. (Hear, hear.) 14 _ y Ennifileny * favour of . Ald, . Bangs. ughhr. & _ Mayor Fzarnunstox said that if it was to another to ?ï¬n"ati&mo pet scheme of his own. . Fraru xâ€"I never did an; of the kind. Ald. Baxos said that he had, and he could prove it by the Chamberâ€" lain. _ He then touched upon the W ho on t t 4. i4 in oo of ‘his ‘ature, stating that Mayor Feather: ston had distinctly stated his intention of withdrawing from the contest in his (Ald. Bm;)‘ favour,. He was aversp to having foh' _enter into municipal: elections. f he was elected to the ‘s chair, he should always do his duty b}ltho he should always do his duty by the M and he trusted wu: oan to ‘imself, He had always done his best for the Ward which he had for the last nine years represanted. He had been termed 4# Seotional," but he would tell them that whatever Ward he was elegted for, he shou!d sot honorably by his cqonstituents. Hmnon::nl had been made out of the fact of brotherâ€"<in law, Mr. Thomas m"i‘u&:muï¬howmld not detain long, as he was not so flowery a speaker as Mr. Featherston. those who * gom y â€" had mu:i § ‘to a <brick ring Ha, g, but he had the. ring THE TIMES®, QTTAWA, TUESDAY, DECE â€" Dr. Swaentcraxo. hereiiidenied> that he had been inattentive to the :duties of the Mnï¬iud he had no intention of K ult 4 that he had nazmwimt ‘his consent, and he must decline en t ninnre Miten radures the eleot ors brichy on his Giniinct Adrihthes paot in the City Council,; expl the ,{:ndim in : cot ) with_the Board.of Works and Fire : Comâ€" mittee, : He had m&wunm from: the:Council for the next year, but a m mm To athin son "‘I:f 3 eovas | 6 consen me a candidate. mhwouldif‘ hin elected mwdohhwh’ ) future as in the past in the interests .of:â€"the Ward he represented and the ‘city.generally, (Mr'!")Wthd.q&p >nut. ols hop uoo He found. wmï¬;. mdma the; part ï¬o% there as -xn'nhd' enomy and reâ€" mx.m &u view to t a ::wx“ To wan in the 8913, the aloo are pirant for municipal honours, but learning that the doctor was going to h@:m a few months next. summer, he‘ifelt someâ€"one should‘be eledted ‘who could attend to "the d ‘ of «Oom i * i meateragace s orms the Commission. (Applanse.) =s: _ _ ito the returning officer. t THE srecouns. is H?r. Swertcaxp was the first speaker. . thanked those who had plaged him not a word to against the present Chnmbarhln‘::flo was getting agad, and the city nno-n beyond him. He suggested that Mr. Thoumwho had served the city faithfully, d be penâ€" sloned, and J ‘ man appointed. . He oonolndufln"m more going over the deficit q § Ald. Baxas denied that he had ever dnowunyuzohhdohflnwdï¬n .p‘rdnmnt a new treasurer. Invu‘ a direct falsehood, and if Mr. Kirby had never taken the collectorship, he: would have been better off than he now was. Ald. Warcer made a few more remarks, in which he stated that he was not a can= Mr. Lavzox said Ald. Waller was in the hands of is friends, and they would not withdraw him from the contest. Sheriff Powris, proposed a vyote of thanks to Mr. Lett, who officiated as re= turning officer, which was carried. officials were sufficiently tyrannical "to crush poor: people in their‘:endeavours to enforce the terms of the Act. He found faultâ€" with Dr. ‘Sweetland â€" in‘~that he did not give sufficient attention to the duties ‘ . William H. Waller was W ‘!gir P. O‘Mears, noo:;od by Mr. Wm. Mr. J. W. Webste L NP Foseph R. Bemoud, se .eoe.aodwm-'z; P James Doran. questiongble.whether he will run, or not. K:Honryh:lu tendered his resignation At noon the nomination of candidates for the representation of the different wards at the Council Board came off, and the result is that there are in every case more aspirants than offices, and the prob ability of a hot contest ailâ€"round. Wel lington Ward is especially favoured, nine goutiemen having expressed their willingâ€" néss to sacrifice themselves upon thé: Mr, Thomas Birkett was by Mr. R. 8. Montgomery, m&. AJm counnection with the above it may be stated that Mr. W. H. Waller was not present to ratify his nomination, wed‘1t is municipal altar. A rush was made by a crowd from the City Hall precisely at noon for the differâ€" ent wards ; a large number of them fyled :a:fl»tnm at No. 3 fire station to the nomination for Aldermen and ;Y':t:ir(}onmmen for the Keystone Mr. J&mes Joynt acted as rotnrning y siock osmite he reid the aveat Tw o‘clock came tion, after which he mmrm was prepared to receive nominations. Dr. J. Sweetland was mb’ Mr. John Stewart,.seconded h Mr. William Cowan was by Mr. Rob»rt Johnston, by‘. Mr. Mr, Wilkham Wall was bs Mr. William Cowan, seconded by Mr. John Me. Henry Ingli roposed by Mr, James ï¬umwmbyurm ALDERMANIC NOMINATIONS. A Host of Candidates. A Contest in Every Ward. WATER public 8T. GEORGR‘s WARD. #o the‘ ‘Council should" be med who will do all in his. power to advano ' interests. . In M::w > To Luicn, arked pirpimion go aght in tiating for the sale of the city deberiâ€" m K.."fï¬.i- Lt miieer g.,r.: m;â€"-umm after th8" Interests of all; s#pÂ¥oially the é%-n.) hflou. (Qu:id Mr. J. W. Wanstun next addressed the Jas. Horn if the electora be» electors, stating that he had not come | lieved him to be ilnnntoflllflulgul- mflum'nmmm Mtb:ntbo:‘hfl.;h&oumtg: to make, but would reserve himâ€"elf until time was come: when a division of the Mr. J. W. Wanstun next addressed the electors, â€"stating that he had not come prepared to criticise the actions of the retiring aldermen. : He had some charges tomnh.bntwouldnnao himeelf until & public meeting would be called when would deal more fully, with -uu:: affairs. He might, however, in the meanâ€" with. He had a large property® interest in the w:fl.g. " 10Una t * _ 1 &4 Mr. R. A. Sus saidhe had » inated to tike Ald. m'..&?&:' would do all in his power $0~ advanc keep.the Water Commis u'fmdv-‘mhu time announce himself as a candidate for Ald. Rowe, nominated by Sheriff\Por Mr. iob-n.rohn-m,u-:g; wi}:'.'f'c.:m nnimhdbm 'h.; t ‘ ‘\'.Ҡ. * ME im taaed + T o onl hee memaniyy ie ; . Jameés +. P. AeSueur, nowinated by Mt, £. Howell, secondéd by Mr. J. Skitiugr. |â€" Mr. E. C.. Barber, nominated by Mr. â€" ho i o beven neaiatet hy a uf.g Mai m fow savdptheuge mhe Thon in fm â€" After three cheers for the Returning officer, and three more for the Q the meeting dispersed. (eess the eaffrage« of the eleiiest There was s'lr'a- -nnbl’poffln electors of this at Bedard‘s building, York street, at noon, at which. the retirâ€" lng‘ui?m.nuduhatduwumu ua an appearance, together & ll:umborol’;:-n-dcdnu of running for the position of Water Commissioners. Mr.Gzo. O‘Kzeru <acted as Returning Officer and discharged his onerous duty with much ability. . Hoe no:nodd nominations lmn«{hulym bour of 12 o‘glock. aud Faulkner retired in favour of ‘Ald. Chbolb:ithnvhwhm 4 scatter» Frendlyjvote .: i. Dr feaabiety eaiiGtadl t Eiectory on the F . ORTAW A W ARD, > } M_n&nmmo&om . OFe in 1 %’1 Reilly wuium s , Dn-.mb- was re elected, Water "Connor was _1 % Mr. J. McDougall, Mby .b’Pohr ‘Returning Ofllbu" es ms Dreâ€" can:m i ,J. l[ol.)gqpll‘ m :n: ac mw,m Gotige Morlihict smiIYd of e 5. ,_Ald. Roeque, nominatei by Mr. I.. Du+ n metarage Amaverie ons Jmnee, Dfuthony seepided $p ME Phai ¢. g’mï¬ +8 nbycl-‘:l ioi 6 Sotiert, seconacd by is 4. on uime apari Robitaille. He, however, afterwards re tired in gavour of:MpeLyous. by J. Lyons, seconded by Mr P; Tombeau, «Mr/P.; H,,Chabot:was F. X. L‘Heureux, secon MrSH. Pelitiér was propo Mr. Thomas Coffey was proposed Mr. John Heney was proposed by Mr. iarles McCarron, uogndod byqzr. ®. L:.«n to. make & if he was elected he WATBR COMMISSIONBRS, BY WARD. in 9 An a. 5 NE yerrand 18750 Te 2o2 Sutatpdie sko morne leugth. He held that we are too utnntnl in mflmhw He upon our new City Hall as a monâ€" ument of extravagance, and would ask every elector who desired economy, who desired (a mhlmmnq:hof our 1 to name pedopah eoed not fo forget _ Mr. LeSvsur on being called up said he believed it was the desire of a very considerable number of the ratepayers of Wellington Ward that he: should offer hese We lathan Yer egmese hns self to‘ the consideration <£. he mss Cl in every man bearing his own proper burdens and not shifting them on ro the shoulders of his neighbours. : Then he shoulders of Ilhugl.)louu. Then hbe held that the whole system of the city needed revision and probably a reâ€" cast. Itwumc‘iliï¬:nl,t to ooiI:lo upt:l: things well, | was it would be to the pnm: advantage that anew form of bnng:&.t‘:.mm to account should. be . Toronto, Montreal and other large cities had deâ€" vin:&mwhiohit would | probably is is proniiy 10 min o squnthing mars we are wan! more clegr and certain than the statements m%u%m“mm‘ % : were faote, ‘was possible to envelo them in mists vlu:.dwwm roqdc.s;iu": matters of thu?‘nd certainty andde: finiteness â€"were of â€" importance. Hmthtbflu%bo;hd to help in bringing about a more satis‘acâ€" year by year desired him tovoccupy that e ooo r excellent ofl&- of those schools in e y EL the ?tllu w endesvour to do his é.‘w "i:h “l“& fidelity, and ‘if he might &i:udal thare :mpxgmmbm". & w.a:;i io d oparigel Iouring roupost of _-.',g-e';en.h'. e arn ie the assessment and: not that year only but ever sinve the tazes had been more equitably levied than ever. He believed tory condition of things in these respects. He was notdhpo-altod:ru'r in regard to the financial prospects of the city. : It what exceed6d the income, but ‘the inâ€" volvrement was not beyond r , Year by year a deficit had been braught forâ€" ward and if. theâ€"addito® miade to it durâ€" Joq.ruf;i:(o_mï¬;b{éi;ï¬; believed in the eï¬ of tru d as the leaven in the m» truth pinced honestly and urged perseveringly would m'flumofflnha?nud Public School / % i norcof The time cï¬:u‘-?’?%m'ï¬sï¬'« Te by rop; osited bam ntduedpy Thnk AL o Comoki himw dor the purpose of taking INlo consideration the best means Of 1d L : «us T' “rl oi e e e on i Quain, &&-‘&gr’f‘ { Albert. 'Fbifoh‘seriâ€"g MP-‘. WAm was declared reâ€"elooted : * _va:’denwzd ï¬ Messre. We would oif.ooan;mn:a'b ;EE Mrudm OUP > Mwiï¬thuhmof_(oodhfl' we n« rvaspay‘ mra Pair oP DroRMrER, mesre ns neas m’""'“f« of a #’:. ";E}'li*viy:mh-&' est in 'E it .,' Wâ€"â€"- I_I! iTI !‘ P aitali * } i 1i Minad, ‘on "he 27 Oof A. M. pors "HALEEâ€" \Now Advertisements. SWE dn ZA3UE BANKRUP T Oitawa, D: 0,84, 1876, _____ «*‘ ~NBREAT Avottor KHALe® rysryy> ;_fli._m AT + 3# Lo ot houn ainld feva hnd a0, 131 T Ginwa. Don ts Tots. __ _ _ * m o An sdjourned meeting, will be held j1 tre Burgess, of a son >QAT3%,H ALL, t 10000 i ~BSurtioht ales.| fGo ue emmienr of Flowers, beautifully drawn and coloured hipioets prandioti¢in ies joge t In the of the.kiod in ‘the WoHd, it contniie nearh io veger bnguntt® Emn AVOTION sApc Eaistaas & ow Yanrs couns 1 At 7:80, and each mkn same hour, uotil Allllm!a“:?oa‘oel'h h is he finest ever s 0 ty mfl $ e exosliont md seven pleoss, some u;l);giu crue‘s, water pitche s, salvers, urns, umom Poiee Reies mre oi moen cnpe boiiens B t 9 8 m":l, ;nrlngl. sliver c ':u:r eto e ups, « 50 doz. ‘plated table and dessert rq:-'.'a don. MMMlulï¬omâ€"nn-t late, seve« ral dozon magolficent Florentine marble v-a Dretase Sninas. Solfomian . vason ‘nnd . us S.. china, M.;nd‘mnq Sang? puoks wik be imugdernonnly of rort I N6 BLEROTROâ€"PLATBD WARR, ITALIAN MARBLE GOODS8, FANOY G00D8 @oLD AND saILYER â€" warours} CRROMOS, "ETO., ~RTC. 1 oi rii is in ind se Ae d anigh T ne ru.-‘rm 1t rooms, i)gn sureet, | Friday Evening, Dec. 17, Clisby and Commercial Houses, FRIVAY EVENING, the 1/th inst., . Iniro'v.'z‘ evening al same hour until all is sold . This a srand Christmas Sale and well: worthy ‘of public attent on. \iï¬â€˜;onO?ATUBDAY EVENING .ltv:‘ a !:y' tables, WM ; Riak e chairs, tables, eto : me well as sovoogl hall -'-“:) stoves, and on â€" very flae coal cook. stoves, sold by auction at z“tnnbe s ro# ms. J. mnulgkql. f Ottawa, Dea. 16, 175. sieedes T ORener * METCALFES Wholosale READY ._ MKaD« CLOTHILNG Esetab . . lishment. S SPARKSISTREET. | _ Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clook,‘p.m. . . _ 6 oWE & RAuni$* plebrooiiee mpbeBttuntihe diges. pf MB braids, c~iguons, swilches, imucy door SESERAT® BWI : EBTAB u 4 # «6 ‘l‘m the abov.| celobrated Oysters just x wB‘t ©~ NODNAN‘E RHSTAURANT. BPARKS STREET, OTTAWA Ruling, Perforating, Numbering 106A .:Kysi x «> y <K>~CLISBY. i orders for Booics: enils 2 eedegoed bf"" e printed noulttnk ias C s mm“w ~ Oltawa, Nov. 26, 1875.~ ~4005tf RUBILXBQN &# ‘HENEYA BLOCK, SPARKE K A 4 gm%".;?:’:{.'ï¬'rï¬ besuiin luh:ll:;'flmmsm m 1.~.+, Manufacture of. Sausages: Emmanuel {Reformed Episcopal) Church, Useful and.Fancyâ€"Acticles on Sale. To the Rditor of Tâ€"HE TIMES, 61 chitlike 4 _ 5 Are,=Daring the past two or three weoks ! have been ‘daily asked nyln\nthq‘ ae us the To: remoyeâ€"furtzer questions and | doubt in this mmuttor, I ‘Tesye Sfully: rnform jmy: follow â€" Sitizens‘"hat +stinll be @ Onndidate, uhiéas thioy by an MNM.ML:‘“ tion to auoher person, or by do me Otuer deâ€" PaPFR RULER, AND Account Book Manufacturer. Commc? of e on ie Oy tuial neeu "witl He of the ZA NEWâ€"BUITA OF ROOMS, ANEW WRITINGJMASTER, < |_A NEW,COUR@E OF ISBSTRUDIION : YOUNG MBN PREPARED for BURLNES®: Rale without reserve commencing on '%AY EV wfle. the L/th inst., and every (Bags £8 J4form the onizens of O tanta thist BOOKBINDER, mudetaiipai onn~. * * *E A Latge an‘ Beautiful Colleotion of FLONER & VEGETABLE CAROA i3 "flf"“"' «t any time. Afl? m’ ‘*‘â€" D. McARTHUR!\& CO, .. |, Ottawa, Oct. 27, 1876, 8N3midde® ( © Under she Alsploes of the Ladies of Parties reqniring a firsiâ€"class ariicle ban . rely TRADE SALE. ARBAQUETTs OÂ¥STERS. Te AUCNONEERS REAT CLEARING SAUSAGES, JOHN. SATOHELL:; By H:owe & Erratt, MEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! MORTIMEE , Bookbinders. cums'% wisi â€"Ottawa, 2th , 18784 EtAE SprbnSe novi oo 11 per cont. y J. JOHNBON, Commmissioner of Customs. _ RememberIthefsa ie [LATE oÂ¥ Presoort?f C‘A R D. invite ‘Tenders for the Stook OF A NEW PRINCIPAL, W. tuoop B .. MEA DOW! mMQ!6, Wl:ou:fl.}fl‘f ‘.dun.if' s with L& advige : tue ‘ts ‘or Uaue ‘s, D’.‘b“‘ pie ? umfpornyek io danks u:-..utd g«mn. 419 Truy 401 a Weletodnny Paa th tainefoot irom. u;rmz“yu- x 3 . As HLL h8 0 JQLp in she Candda (Gas aopup oo, ono Caaide Gazcite, and Au’r&ï¬iiï¬?flw hepue! 30 oo O rreelhree weel T wo Hundred m t Te M | Nn Ts 1e 1 t tits ibeanin o td #wo s (clea ‘..U“ Lo Olfllfll:t MB Lae PS val z9 PA22Atge, the rig P arlia exelus powe; Dia mand* Yeast Cakes 1. ; WINTER: B »remt eR t Ottawa Nov.11, 1875 Arrival and Departure of «4* #o s pacif OVERNKENT HoUuse, DLE «ie c 0 08 be uire s inihoieatseleraine OtEHH time, PRIVATE ws, Oct, 21 1875 FripaYy, 6th day of s PBesmrNr: / Ety uk i0 t N N OPPLUKE O# DA Wa, o0 fear AL"RED Pa vo coxsynrmvy@s®> .. c tA p ry â€"8 _X _ FHLSY NOQPL 4e dirll00fy spev t th Mng mies tikes are see "of. Priy _‘h ihe U @4 LChatyl P PE YOL. _ orpok LK onr‘on: Har A1*C0NXNOR BARRISTERS waNTEL Pfl."- BARRISD&HS, ONB HUO. 1Of the Jou® FRED TH JO