i »TiY Bs t . «6 M 6.A iD & % & i zrowder, : ast Cakas us1C. «ces WiTiQUT i1LLg§ emoutary ; * t@ficeg appiicac!Of 43 wad 0 Yo, any UA W a C ule (oe, *tigg s@san ing to â€" SAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, [zATE or PRESCOTT] â€" & Begs w:&- the elh_unn':::.n that he has commenced the Barristers, vÂ¥OL. xX., NOo. 4031. MV BARRINTER, ATTORNEY. soLICIPOR ETC, Office over Mr. B. Huckell‘s ejour Store, goraer o° Sussex and York streâ€"ts, Oltawa. ae me H BARRISTERS _ S McLEOuD <TKW Ock. (7, 194 BARK paANIE! Tempnrary . filee street, Hu‘l. Hull, March 9, 1875 VW . cbel # Parties reqniring a firsiâ€"class article can : on getting it, as everything used will be of D Res denceâ€"Alb rt street. Offic» hours from 9 ;) l1 » m. aud 2 to {p.mu. Special attention given to disea es aod displacements of the uterus. 1738 _ Licentinte of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, I leentlate n‘ the Royal Coege of Phys‘cians E inborg! ; F.low oi the Obsetrical Society of L :{'iu ;‘i'“w Râ€",::doul Assisa t Accouâ€" caeur 5 . hom as uspi ta. 4 OFFICEâ€"Corner of &:Jul'lcl 'iï¬&- stm ets, :ormerly cccupled by D. Curbelt. " BA RK > CoTT Â¥ F wa~ $Sâ€"SPiRK: SThEETâ€"S6 ~wa WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. A .arge assortment 0‘ Gold and Sil ver Watches, Ladies® Oyera and Victoria Chains, Gentiemen‘s Albert Chaing, Rings ard Goid Sets, Bracelets. .‘“ Cbr.:;’ :a'. m m“pll::.- The a & bo-t‘ï¬om in the city. Wholesale buyers can Dpec. & O‘I'IA'A CARPET HOUSKE. SHOOLBRED & CO. PINHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, The "Feathers" Hotel. $3 to 37, WILLIAM ST. / Mr. BEN. HUCKELL begs to announce to the general and traveiling puviic, that he bas entered upon the P:rduo -hlzol the above Hotel. lately conducted by Mr. . Evans. The bes brands of wines, liquors and cigars :.:ului and the promptest alte tion is paid Hoi Oet 23. 174 Dinner is provided from 12 A.M., unti} The above popular Restaurant has been emlarzed by the addition of several spacious enlarzed by the addition of Wna and we‘} furnished rooms on the nlox'{’i the cit * y city. Gentlemenp honouring m&- uub'hhm&l.:.tn “m: their patronage may rely on strict ‘on being paid ‘o their ordere,, - Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. ept HOMGOPATHIC P t their stock as cheapfrom me as any other louse in the Dom nioa. Tlllll LIMITS FOR SALE p WALKER . Eho ondemigned is prepared to seli his TLMâ€" RIVER DESMOINE, COMTAINING ONEé HUNDRED AND T WENT Yâ€"FOUR ; SQUARE MILEY. For terms avd condition, appiica may be ma.e to H. V. Noel, Quebec &u.‘i.o'h McGiiâ€" livray ge, Otiewa, Canael T A L is ER, cox NOR & 0 sn0onERTyY, fhat well frequented Hotel, Cave Creok, Richmond Road m‘flh’w cighteen apart« ments, a siz stalled st omdmylonm elosed in with shed~; a d:iving shed 13. with loft above, fitfor PUBiiC MEKETINGS, DANCING HAaLi or GRANARY. Th» preâ€" mises are situated within one mile of the city nhdhmnarmnus to the Bichmond koad of 199 ‘eot b{ a de of 146 feet i0 incbes. The whole wil ooluIdonmsblo terms _ Apply to JOsEPH Mew@W, on the premises, or to H. McLEAN, Auctioneer, Oliawa. & Co~NOR & EARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, &c. Bcoeâ€"Master in (Chancery Cham berx Conrt EW ELLERY 8. LOGAN, R. ROG®RS, Luncheoun served at ai} bours R. TUPPER may w. W. WARD, Â¥, M. FERLAND, Invite Inspection. Be.l‘s B w. P. COUTLEE, B C.L,, Bpecial Value in Lace Curtains. ) the late d T Zenaul C€ards. isters, Attorneys, Solicitors, wouveyancers, &¢ MARSHAL MATHESON, BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &C., For the Provine > of Quebec.) t8, ATTORNEY, SoLICITOR IN CHAN« tMWRYSLER, Harcy sTEWART & GORUULLY, Manufacture of Sausages. CON NUE N. MARKS, 5A LE, \itorneys, Solicitors, ries. &eo., &c. the Prov nee of Ontario.) n st ree PENNOCK & MclNTYRE, s Buil.ling, Rid: an »t, Oltawa, xxom QC. G J. ODoHERTY LICITOR+, . ATTOR val aANCER3 ETC. k, Eigia st. R. W. Scort, Q ABRT. J 3.A al HoGG, Alotels. rENNOCK. J A s res<idence, Metcaife »treet, cupted by the Hoo. P. Miiâ€" 3lyl . ADVOCATE, mt Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main 17, ie tricskction of all iess eituer in the ~ Ontaria. . Soecial of accounts in both n the city AND ADVOCA1E, othe city of Hull m«istt® | HOP. HILL x®y=â€" ATâ€"LAW, SoLLâ€" a NCERS ETC , NEYâ€"AT LA W, SOLT Cen re Town, opp®â€" Ride <u street LEU i J J uoRMULLY ATTORNEYS, . AND soLICITNRI, CONâ€" in & Pinbey,) e nsulted pro‘es JOSEPH SMITH. 4u00uf sSURGEON AND w. D. HOGG Â¥. mern sy @®. | TZSmé 2%21yl 216 all 26 Ny yl | BANKRUPCL STOCK i Seaponable Scaple Dry Goods. » Thasibwriberâ€"bees to ca‘!l the altention the cg‘ ze is of Otrawa, {nd -nr'ouudlni cour â€" try tothe fiet, that he will ofter at Pul Augâ€" tion an i Pvite <ale, commiencing oN TUEiDAY, KA AT 2 AND 7 P.M., | In Titys‘ B! > k, Scarks atroetl. Tno;good- gon ist as foll>ws: 100 pieces Nf Printsed Cattous, 150 pleces of White and Gray Cottons, 50 precs . "«d Ti kiug, 100 pleces White and Fancy Flaunel, 100 pieco Binck apd Fan Lustres, 130 plsees Soote» an.l Fre on T weeds En mt n on e esd c ad 10 psi‘s of Biankets, 150 White snt Faney Coveriids, 200 ntecas nsuo#‘-d Dress good <, b0 3“"‘ uace ind Dama«t Window nrulg,ï¬) nâ€"wt, 100 Ladies‘ Sacques 150 Ladies‘ 3 rhs Whire an4 Faney. J dos | Li on Tow Is 2 doz Table Cloga+ aud Fable Covers, IC0 doz Woo‘len Shirts 10 doz, readyâ€"made Underâ€" ctothing for La Hes, ‘$ anz Aprons, Ladies and Gent® Ha dkercnlefs in largeâ€"quaptity, ditto Kid @ oves and othe® Gloves, mp&dmm & great many other avticles, such as) Lad‘es and TDt CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR‘S GO0DS ! or ELECT ROâ€"PLATED _ WARE, ITALIAN MARBLE GOODS, FANCY GOODS CoLD AND â€" SILVER â€" WATCHES, CRROMOY, ETC., ETO, _ Which «he wi‘l soll by Pub‘lc Anciion, without reserve, at his Saie rooms, Elgin street, commencing Qa . f Friday Evening, Dec. 17, At 7:30, and each evening at same heur, until all is sold. fl? stue« whtch is he faest ever brought ta thijge ty comprises some exse! ent tem seits of seyen plac s some snlendid crue!s, waier piiche s, smivere, ucus, la go trays, mekle frame , break‘ ist eruats, ontter gl)l.:r:. swi kKeftle® tete a tete setts, spoou hgrlo carrl‘ rtc"':L. berty «lmnu, silver “a‘ xnives, uapikth rings, silver caps, m eto., 50 das. pistel table aud) dessert mn‘:‘a dos. ‘abiexlessert apd tea spoonsâ€"flnest plate, seve. ral dozen t ificent Elnreatine mubl.vn'a; urns, card f%l«en. ewo. A ‘aige variety Dre<don calng, Bohemian fases, and fancy zood>, book». Brushos chandgliers, etc. Among ather g.ods wij! be fouo ) a supply of real h ir, rar‘s, c ignons, swilche~, aucy door mais, etc,, eto. Sale withn} any reserve commencing OB FRIDAY EVENING, the |/th inst., and ev.z eveniog at sante hour antil all is sold _ This a «rand Christmas sale and well worthy of public attent on. N.B.â€"OnSATURDAY BVENING at 7:304, a qu«atity :of Furniturs compriging lou ge8, uncy tables, bureans, beisieads, ma‘trass‘s chairs, tables, etc., as well as several hall coal stves, and on very fine coal copk stuves, Will sold by auction at the subseribe~‘s roomas, J. BERMINGH AM, Auctioneer; Ottaw«. Dea. 16. 1 75 402111 MKETCALFES Wholesale READY MaDi CLOFPYIING Estab Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘ciock and 7 o‘ciock, p. m. . ROWE & ERRATT, Auctioneers Ten barrels of the above celebrated Oysters just received at i at it Gvaila 2 The sobseriber is in reeâ€"ipt of a cousignment or ovk®‘ M of zood bedâ€" with 50 WC, t= had at MHS. KRRR‘3, corner of Eigin Seiker sireote ho vmxcnu FOR BOARDERS, No 4 McUormick‘s 1‘% U‘Connor street. Apply as NOUN AN‘3 AURANT, Sparks witcf Al.\ll!'l‘l is vow offere! t~ any ' one cesirous of purchasing a beautiful private site for a gon emu‘-roddonoo'lnm and a balf meres, 0j ite Mesers. Garland & Mutchmorts, reet Hoad, one mile from tae City t erms moderate. Apply £#$3,000 WORTH "s the most beomnnnuak of the kind in the world. 1t contains ty 150 pages, hundreds of fine lilustraticns, and Foâ€"r Chromo Plates of , #Jowers, bonm‘-m‘lflr drawn and colcured trom ‘nature. Price cents, in paper cover ; 65 cents bound in elegant cloth. 40286( vlCK’l on Elgin Street, Ottawa, List« of umowmnnunm of MB. H. G. ROCHE, Street. | Ottaw=. Dee, 16, 1 75 The Inspectors invite Tenders for the Stock in the~ , Clisby and Commercial Houses, MBoard ¢ AXodging. REAT AVCFTION SALE A NEW WRITISGJMASTER, A NE Â¥ COUR<E OF INSTRUCIION. YOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSINESS. Students may entor at any time. Address for cireulars, &0., _ _ _ _ ________ 0 __ XTENSIVE AUOTION SALE Tnxsmv- ATTRACTION! BANKRVPT STOCK ! No, 24 Russelt House Block, Aparks St. | W1 i be sold at 40 per cent. below first cost, 28 the porchisers are to a Fashionable ‘l‘dlgno( h\ouï¬hm,&nlm of January next. TRADE SALE. *A NEW SUITZ OF ROOMS, December Hth, 1875. . &s>, 402016 SHIRTS 1 COLLARS ! FLOWER & VEGETABLE GARDEN SSOLYVENT ESTATE, aAUCTIONEERS REAT OLEARLING By HRowe & rratt,; ARAQUETT® OYSTERS. 0O0D ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A couâ€" 0 * o_ _____~. D. McARTHUR & g& Ottawa. Oct. 27,1875. 39808mdéw The extensive stock of| the Estate of Shop Fistures, Giass Cases, et0., 10f 8810 : dentu‘e Auctiou Sales. HEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! SBHMEBS, » »#tawa City L K. CLISBY. CLOTHING. JAS. ANGUS, D. MORGAN & SONS. SPARKSISTREET. At less than Auction prices. Remember.thefsale NOONAN‘S R&STAURANT. OR RSADYâ€"MADE or A NEW PRINCIPAL, , G._ BOCH . sHOOLBI An Indignation Meeting of the Electors Of Ottawa, i1 be hel+ lflmu ar 1 o0r0o0K, ro paÂ¥, (Waowméisoar) For the pose of protesting against their :m c{u vartere.d u'-:‘by aoy clique Ottawa, vec. 29, 1875 sosur The Court of Director« hereby WQ notice that a haifâ€"year y dividend at tho rate of 1" p{r geut per annum, on the Capital of the Bank, \ i!l be payab‘a on the 5th vay of JANUARY, 1878, to the Proprietors of Shares registered in * rus dividead will be payable at the.rate of e e e Exflmg: cumntonthmm of J‘:%U ¢Y, 1876, to be fxed by the Managers, w4 No transfer can be made betwaen the 28rd inst. anâ€"t the 5th prox., as the Buoks must be glosed during that pariod. a ui " .‘.â€d“ o{.-."br‘- c‘-):n.:‘.h\;\n is No. 3 Clemant‘s :.an», Lombard Burset, E.C., Des. 7, 175. â€" _Ottawa and By Wards 8T. PATRIGEK‘ S HALL â€"*W edne inst., at 7:30 p m. _ DUKE STREET SCHOOL HOUSEâ€" amnou ce iflol! +« eandidate for tnosougon OL ï¬germ\n By Ward, at the comiog cleo= 8 H. PELTLER. Ottawa. Dac. 20. 1875. 4081td . vlect me, __ St. Gegrge‘s Ward. TEMPERANCE HALL,â€"Twors _ , 80th inst., at 7:3 p.m. â€" sn _ Wellington Ward. & GoWaN‘S HALLâ€"Friday, 3lst inst./ at 7:80 the 'éoh?e\'l"’nouue" ird, for the year of 1876, I hereby respecifully so‘icit your vm'nnd ln%noneo to TO TME ELECTORS OF THE CITY OF oTTAWA. GKNTLEMEN :â€"â€"â€" _ Having been nominated as acandidate for the Mayoraity at the City Hall yestâ€"rday, and some doubt being expressed as to my disposiâ€"> tion in toe matter, I beg tostate that, on soliâ€" citation of a large number of my fellow» elâ€"c ors, I am a dandidate, and that I will reâ€" mailua in the fiekl, to the en‘. guuï¬- ciroumstances I here solicit you M and tnfl ience to secure my return on Monday next. Uwlog to t :e shori lapse of time between this and prling day F shill make it nmiy Object to fully explain my views and position to you at meet‘ngs in the diferent Wards. In the meantime, be.leve me, gentliomen, Yours, etc., l G. B. L FELLOWES. Oltawa, I ec. 2, 1875. "~~ addltd _ ELECTORS OF BY W â€" At the request of mnï¬ï¬:n:m ohn:ool:."} annou ce :=yself : ciundidate for tae posit 0n of To the Electors of the City of Oitawa. GENTLEMEN,â€" Having beea nominated yestarday as a canâ€" didate for the Mayoraity of the city, I consider it but a matier Of justi¢e: :o my numerous friends, who thén so favourably endorsed my candidatare, to say that I felt quite confident, through their aid, my successful return eould begglied upon. But +s Mr. Featherston had of his own motionr proffered that our respective ‘\cm-uuouubo-mnumme arbitram *nt }o(nm-lmoml.!'um compliance therewith was the only course I coultadopt &wmmnt rendering myseif amendblQato the charge of causing an election tarmoil when it might have begu ayoided. ‘The propJsal seemed to be so faygurably entertained by the meeting, that I naturaily conc‘uded such a seitleméent would be spproved and & nsidered satixfactor} §0 the friendsâ€"&Ad supporters of each party, and to the ratepayers generaily.â€" This must plead my exouse for having assented to Mr. Featherstom‘s proposal. Cerlainly, I had no desire to restrict, or in any way iuterâ€" fere with the prerogativ{ the people, when I agreed to abide by the ulm-tnir.n be afrived at by the rai rs selecte: 10 proâ€" nounce upou the respective merits of Mr, Fea, therston and myrelf. | As I stated to you at e nomination, in beâ€" coming a dandid«te for the honourable position of Mayor of this risirg city, 1 am actuated by the sole motive of endeavouring by every meaus within my power io assist in placing its affairs in a satisfactory condition, The Electors of the ‘ity of Ottawa ars reâ€" uested to meet a. the fol owing places, where will bs prepar‘d t address them :â€" New Advertisements. l\l! E MAYORALTY. _ duy, Jau. 1, 1876, at 7:30 pm. e 4 d k Oitawa, Dec. 29, 174. Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1875. Ottawa, D 0. 29, 18°5 NDIGNATION MEETING. Ha\ ing been Ottawa, L ec. 2, 1875 My influence will be directed to curtail exâ€" psnditures aud to resist all illegal grants q‘ money; to the maintaintg of the rules of order, as enacted by byâ€"law, for the guidance of the Council; and in no cake will I consent to sign cheques until provision therefor has been made by the Ihqnum My aim will be to discharge the dutics of the office honestly and faithfully, in the best intarests of all classes of mm*flolw“ of Ҥ=nl‘5: BRITIS 4 NOBTH Incorporated by Royal Charter. Having retired,from ac.ive business pursults, I am now preparei to devote the necessary portion of my time to the transactions of civic business; and, believing my past serv.:ces and experience at the Council Board to have made me so famaliar with the affairs of the c‘ty that I am warranted in appealing to the Eectors of every section for their support on this occaâ€" sion, 1 remain, ° dentu‘e. dat# the 12th August, 1871, from the TO'I’II mu GENTLEMEN,â€" s W to that ba iaimmbeeis nunme fe MD Jouuesl for mnuot-mn{ s:elho the position, u’l:%' the duty and interest of every French Canadian berlt@vramwuh "-U‘E me! therefore, n;ll these grounds, it our duty to resign in favour of theâ€"n2086 lar and experienced candidate, MR. P. H. ~CHABOT. Ne is hereby «‘ven U be :";.S'. to the M &%‘ï¬: UOntario, at the next session thereo‘, for an Aot inpronagite tbs Tefintacce ©parcntjaie do, sions concer the same. Ottawa, Dec, 20, 1875, s4o81td Ottawa, Deo, 28, 1878 | _"â€" _ THE ELECTORS OF BY WARD. CITY HALL, [Signed] THE ELECTORS OF WELLINGâ€" MA YORALTY BYNYâ€" W ARD ! Victoria Ward. R. W . BRADFOR!», Feithfull» JyaMEISON, * Yours Faithfully, d to represent you at L. FELL )WES. aositd BHecretary, sO3L1 4031td OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1875. ‘The Montreal Witmess says that Col. ! A'.ME!(I.(I%JV:.“ 3 Bacén, of Montreal,Major Macdonald, > ; ju ow difee +1 sid . and Mr. Wainright, of St, Andréws, have ; : n‘fl t q been convicted by Mr. Beaton, local , ‘~:. 6 Hrat ) c Fishery Overseer, for catching trout:durâ€" ;. rgoy! vopy, ‘Deo, | ing the closeâ€"time. The ..Hf:dmu"of * setbr: pleaded guilty, in consideration of which |/ u6 83,000 . ~ e denontoant se on hnsua i boocnerentenies s aaat the‘ FinBeries Department [ to imposé a mmmm & ~ _ 40 HAL 2 Wikal wcpnsaet enas Enad §9. ; alâ€" To was: t nominal fine. Each person was fined $2, and the costs amounted to $60. Preity We noticed in the Queboc newspapers that Sir George Gore was ‘heavily fined for a similar offence, being a repetition. ‘These examples we hope may go far towards correcting the bad impréssion caused by sportsmen in disregarding the fishery laws. , An explosion of fire damp in a Pennâ€" sylranian mine caused the loss of thm A telegramâ€"to the London TÂ¥mes says the British now hold all important posiâ€" tions in the neighbourhood of Perak, and lives and a number of men injured. The editor"0f the New.â€"Orleans Findi â€" cator shot and instantly killed: E. L. Legislature, on Sunday. Charlie Ross is again said to have turned up, this time on a Montreal and Nashus train, but future developtents must be Wwaited for, F j Later details of the hurricane which passed over the Phillipine Islands, report aloss of 250 lives, and large quantities of property. The crgps have been entitely A large portion of the business part of: the town of Jasper, Florida, has been desâ€" troyed by fire. is 2 A strange outrage was committed . on Tuesday night in Louisville, Ky. A boardingâ€"house was :firedinto: byâ€" some parties ‘unknown, ‘when one man was killed and another seriously wonudw.:- No reason is assigned for the age | \ The United States Government will, it s said, resent any intervention on the, pért of the European Powers with\the affairs ‘of Cubay=&s ‘such ‘intervention: would imply a design of controlling affairs in localities contigious to the United States, thereby injuriously affecting the commercial and political m::i.“:fm â€" The United States Government has given notice to the British Postal authoriâ€" ties, that hereaftor ‘they will have to pay thofuurnqwomï¬â€˜Pcpwnd,ohn‘od by the Railway .Companies for the trans &?of mail matter across the American tinent, instead of six conts as. formerâ€" ljy.'l'hi-wtion,ontboputofl’q-tmntc ewell, seems to have been hurried on because home postal authorities have‘ deâ€" manded an immediste rensittan ce of the amount due on spcount of Intercolonial, Money Orders, amounting to: some £100 eBEAT ‘BRETALCN, Loxnpox, Déc. 28â€"A from P to the Times n{u pb‘ml mm all the important [positions in that neighâ€" bourhood. Makarajsh Lela has taken, refuge in the Siamese territory, British swiri-ng:omnhnk,oplyfluh.nr- derers of Mr. Birch, the resident, being xo'fwmm’;.pau‘_A thet ts Oricant Princes have decided not to take seats in the Senate or Chamber of Deputies. The Duc D‘Aumale has written a letter TE LEGRAPHEC:. Mapzm, Dec. &â€"Mt% . just been receired here from & Islands of a dreadful hurricane 00â€" eurred there on the 30th of u’]?“o WMWM the Provinees of and Camerines, which form the south east of the Tsland of Tane. ‘Tag huindréd: and fifty lives wore lost, and 3,800 dwelling ‘houses destroyed. M%flhwhm Parts, Dec. 28.â€"Exâ€"President Thiers has wï¬thnah“mmm on Pm sign ul ‘o‘ulll).ï¬m He adds that all his wishes are for the establishment of a Conâ€" servative Republic. The Assembly continues the considers& tion of the Press Bill in detail, and has adopted all as far as the 4th clause. An amendment has Mw Prefects of the power of n forâ€" bidding the sale of journals in the streets. The consequence will be to cancel arders mhmwmmflowm fve journals in the streets is & 4 PHILLIPLINE IsLAÂ¥DS. Hong Kong papers contain the : -mmmmM~ ment for terms with Mr. Wade appeared in P but were immediately removed by: ‘the guthorities. hm mm“t ree m. new evidence ng the in authorities in murder have been discovered." have Just been received indicating that any. just been received indicating.that mr % “‘l\qm tot:cn out Sax Supastiax, Dec. 29.â€"Co TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. F0 RELGN, member â€" of! the aot: tried; '&EM'"""»&-’- the basis ‘of this knit.cso:(; biffâ€"of we! k 1 4 this buit,os<: ;/ Biâ€"o® welslle stac ) * Bose Tweed‘"s Ball Forfelted. _‘ / . Judge D e gave decision this foreâ€" Tweed‘s Q‘L&n indictmsnts, I:: hh-:.w%u-’w 3 A :Postal Diffcnlty. : 8P ... a Naw York,; m uals «â€"A Wflw special t montus ho m@c-zrd Jewell called t:!? atten~â€" tion ‘of the "postal authorities ‘of Great Britrin : to ‘the inadequacy ‘ of ‘the>pay received for transporting British mails mcross our cantitient, as‘our government received only six denté‘p juad for were paid at the rate of thirtyâ€"three cents would have to be: geciie 40 this letter was dus wbun -‘nth..f';\.ht' none came. â€" Yesterdgy‘a cable despatch was received from the British offise, askâ€" ,.P;Igrr.'z“.zw;: cis |D. Moulton‘| u_%wh Government has paid railrdad companies mthcn.m“dth&n. Duncan, ‘Shernmian & Co, a Carue saodh @‘a"&“" ite Â¥ained Tc on Toi. hk# the failace of Dubcas, Shormen & Co., mns 8 C & tonh::’ himself on . a mlm Ts the B4 beadit? of the aradivore. gl;r;;llâ€"bo'uchmd ered in by the: ringing of Auditor Ttayor | Suspen ied‘ : ‘Ausiny, Déc. © 28â€"A (despatch was received tonight from Governor Tilden Auake Tunfer vatipinaiog. Ahiger mal Y' * seryed with a copy of the order for his suspension. ‘His suceessor‘s name, if uny m ~Commissioners of Canals that the‘ Hou. Francis 8. Th.m auditor of the Canal violated his duty â€" in‘ res to ‘public will pmsbunos thes Padlion Peedentensh y eremn en s days by Governor Tilden. 4 violated his duty â€" in 8 The Tax Levy. o saton stt an e e mlï¬@l the total sum heiv:g about Wiuxussarex, Deo. 28â€"â€"An explosion of fire .damp cccurred ~toâ€"day. in. the Hutchineon mines, near Kingston, killing gmmuraov-dybnmh‘n-umw others, explosion was in a portion of theâ€"mine not in use.. A.wall had been erected between the two ?tm.' but an onening was made through it toâ€"«day, and Pirrssurc, Dec. 28.â€"Thomas P. Hudton, one of the proprietors of the Pittsburg was placed. on the Montreal train at Nashus last nidn.t,i-by some men who failed to provide: with a ticket, He gave another name at. first, but Ml l'-idtho,mhd,ndohmhun- tious story, and that his name was Ross. Hoddhohdlindinhlwh&ï¬d' he had been carried awayâ€"wihilo playing answering the description of Charlie Ross ance and s4ory hn ve £0 Mc iateo sloat the persons who have him in m,.“"‘ The lad is now at St. Albans, Vt. mi_t circles that if, as reported London, there is a new advent of European intervention in Cubs, our Gov» ernment would iuforms such Powers as v | .. «: ABig Forfelt. â€" 4 8. P &., Deo. j ul shane Bs m S ererin dlal tax as A m% es Fyedâ€"â€"_k t would continue to act in the spirit of the hvmnu.mmud a boarding house on the Cincinnati South: Pririvsurata, Deos. 28.â€"The Centennial at will be m.fnnd in by a grand celeâ€" x The o-h- Em broglio. Wasimxerox, Des. 28.â€"It is asserted in : controlling AMERICOAN. & Collins, hat ‘déalers, have ';thw rtumhd at $100,000 to / Vropnntt m was aboutâ€"$20,000, while our PENXNSY LV ANIA, Charltio Â¥atal Explosion. M ASS uhjoftlnï¬r., by reâ€"con: .ggprtâ€gfln assignee for WASHINGTON. MINNESOTA. KENTUCKY. Moultony which were: cher‘s oath, and~were NIAIT AHT ‘ London Markets. LOK®DON, 1230 p.m.â€"Consols«= 94 116 hmndifs-lsm Uwuml& Bondsâ€"new fires, 104}; 3 p.m.~â€"The ‘amount of bullion withâ€" se ies wrimeie ioh Q!SQ,I& 1â€"8 ; 14§ ; do. preferred, ton market qmt?s'nlddlhl;:m 5t vhent Iop the gart tawy dagn, Aido quarters, . including : 1,000 _ quarters of EOS Â¥ °C NO Oge iy bnuaat Arrerliaicaed w&!. Gold opened at 1 and closed sls soeient ta im tos steady. higher ; the advance ranged from } to 1} 104;01-5?&%!- 125; Wabash, 3; Union Pacific, 75§ Cr1caco, D 6. 28.â€"Flour dull ; common to choice m=-wmum to‘4 50 ; Minnesota, $5 00 to 6 50; me «lium to choice winter extra, $4 75 to 7 50. flxiuï¬lprby. to j Q4ic bid ~for spot; 4c for January; for December ; 4834c ‘bid for January ; 42%6 bid ‘for February ; rejeoted, 35¢ to 40c. â€" Oats quict and unchanged ; No 2, 306 bwm 30 1â€"80 ‘for January. ‘By.: "quiet‘ unchanged. _ Barley firmer, g."‘ forspot ; 80c for: January. Dressed 94146 bid ~for spot;: 9410c for January; 952:00 96c for ; No 3 do, 75 refocted, 680 'ta%;:"m" sotire Pat lower ; No 2, 680 for ‘spot ; Tle bid i%’i’io 40 to 19 424 for March. w 12 12 ï¬rd‘lpot Â¥i2 so h,mo tlz“érhm * Bulk l(uhlh-q,n, shoulders, from 10 to 15 days in salt, To ; cloarâ€" HibauH glear si168, 10%0 ; 10je. Jurf Hoys in good demand at fall pi T 15 17 550. cogunotme ; talor s1 910 17) for * 1100F, â€"_ _ 10,000" _ DUEPONEg _ _ | E TeRT 61,000 ‘bushels ; om 109,000." bushâ€" Siuhco s Hatiop 215 â€" busnolss‘ _ Ship, bushels ; Buriey, 215 Shipâ€" monteâ€" Plou, I,ooawi ‘Wheat, ll%mtm: 6,000 bushels. C O M M E RCI A L. Cuicago, : Dec. 28.â€"â€"Hogsâ€"Reo going north on the Vermont Central Railâ€" way ran off the track at Middlesex. ©(imé enc tennts were none are reported seriously hurt, = â€" * f Serious Railroad A¢cident Montretiar, Doc. 28.â€"The acciden}t on thoVoern‘t.bontnle& this afterâ€" . The wi f wiiles an hour, and was thrown from the track" by‘a broken ‘rail.‘‘‘Two Pullman and another pm car went over the embankment or twenty feet. The wounded passengers ‘ have just arrivâ€" slightly in head ; N. Laffier, of H unnlycut in ’M;K&)owm West Brookfield,‘ Mass., internally , Etnotuï¬mly ; John Allen, of Three vers, Mass, injured in the head ; Mrs. Hioko'y,of Springfield, wounded in head and ‘face and internally ; Miss Mary Hickey, her daughter, out across the face ; embankment ° fifteen or twenty feet. The wounded passengers ‘ have just arrivâ€" ed,nnmiac.l)hn,dl!d]ohh slightly in head ; N. Laffier, of severe cut in head: Mrs. Bowdoin, Eopnergs Pntin,iajured signily i ths 1sg! r H Martshal, Boston, hart slightly leg ; F. H. on the leg. Crasuzsrtox, 8.. Dec. 28.â€" on mpiminip ts porlls maciinemke in Charleston this evening, in ref to Cham! in ing commissions Judges Whip ':?me were Adnaw.eflu‘ the, in them, and tei against their elevation to the Baurmors, Dec. 29.â€"The Mayor of this wumumumwu the City Hall, and that the of the fire stations be rung for half an hour, commencing at midnight, and that the dome on the City Hall be illuminated on Tam public mad prifate places 10. ports that a large 'r-u-""' of _ the business pmf_sum":' Jasper, Fia., has been Fraxcu®, Dec. 29.â€"The House, at Webster x..;..ih..’.'u.;m._.. m;flnq $15,000. er : John . Thompson‘s st Tdeen siatot, whare he millirent ait standing or ch & from 9 a.m. to 12 m., and 2 p.m. to 7 p.m. Savax=®ax, G1., Dec. 28.â€"A sposial New York Eteck Market Chicage Produce Market. Liverpool markets. NORTH CAROLINA. Left the Track. MARYLAND. FLOBRILDA, LOUISIANA. Committee have drawn set of ruies, “mhhnddlycred. Liberal bonds falling due. 3 r of Windsor, having phqhhmm.oms:-kit. The old gaol, or as it is now called, the Night Refuge and Shelter for the Homeâ€" less, is now full. ‘The Working Order Cominittee have drawn up a set of rules, _ A‘burglary ‘was committed last Iï¬ x bd-hn,l‘:n:u w Goods to in moont & about five hangred dotlars were stolen. _ At four o‘clock this morning a fire broke out at {& tavern on Bathurst street, called pany was held to day, at which the Diâ€" net-mmw a million and . a quarter of new to replace Clarke has been appointed to a %mmoï¬u * W mild ; wind south east light. ‘The annual meeting of the Commercial Travellers‘ Association was held to night. Mr. Warring xaud‘ was : reelected r.ummu. m.d. azy Union in. sollciting meane, any they onntsiaiar s en n e ner ‘h%n"(.h&mw‘:.hllm wER flu&'h'bw, the Government ponss of mnalaiphution, t iame Batoos nses, and making other provisions for The Bwrracks Fireâ€"De titution in St. Jean Baptiste Villageâ€"Quick ‘Pasâ€" Moxtrri1, Dec. 28.â€"Reporters were excluded from the Government. enquiry m:-thic afternoon into the cause of at St. Helen‘s Isliand Barracks & telegram was received this afternoon ordering the entire force under command of Captain Devine to proceed at once to Quebec. This leaves the Island without & but Mr. Phi the storeâ€" hopc% H-“Ph-n:r.'m'mbo' there as usual. The Inttes of ths plase mmoet overy Sundey Bes put i thel diapoott free . Of chargs 'flnpltl‘& Vincent ‘de Paul b;fl:'m out every wood and bread to P Riof Taninas w are in want,â€" A message to Allan & Co. anâ€" ; * cfl&ww%tmu- 170 s as hal Lasms io s St. Lewrence trade, sailed from New York on Monday: the 13theand nerired at Liver mdm-‘u-" uaiae of futeeg Broorviuus, Deo, 28.â€"About one o‘clock ::i-nd::wchnndhmu attached. & waggon ran down Main street as far, as Perth street, where they were â€" P P %m.muw Bunaway â€" of their recovery . the jewellery store of J. B..Fowler. . Beâ€" tween nine and ten o‘clock the policeman the store all night had been was then made, but it was found nothing h-db:dd-. The back door was Jbs hi bul too barglar had doem _ 'lmlwwufln Italisns at 8t. David‘s, whom the contracâ€" mhdhvttdhwkoflnuml, have joined the Stonscutters‘ Association, and are determined not to go to work until the seale of prices is accepted by .n..,.“"“'*,.;:..“":.':r.,- i mipinzmt; d-&usisv_-l.le!h*._:‘::.& grain.. Estimated insur ance ; supposed ‘toh-b'o.znw'c: of an Accident on G. T. R. Track. was walking on the Grand Trink :ntt,ï¬oflhbod:o:,dm injuries, both arms being broken at the C A+N A D4 A. N m.â€"auunmm Marrziu, Dec. 28.â€"On morns ing, about one o‘clock, a fire was disâ€" mm.mmm 8T. oa'_r__u_mnu. Attempt at Robberyâ€"Oa a Strike. !wwlh::ï¬.ho and trouble wu: en ic ake tton. â€" Notice the axouof on ool. â€" hes h 806ly1 &imts %Dfl. 28.«A bdd;t-b Eum-d:. 3.552.“&- to make such cloth as they we ‘into various. articles of TorRronto eived, many citizens supplyâ€" BROCKYVILLE BELLEVILLE MaARKHMHA t w â€" Searly Appoeiatmentâ€"The Jewell Entate. b::.Jon.Pu.ï¬o-Ju:n'GMhu deeds, proâ€" ;m-.m ï¬r!um.q,hmd A final settiement has been between £. D. Jewell & Co. and creditors. mwh:‘g:d U’Ed mzmnahnï¬-m promise 10,000. . The cash w n-dy,b:t‘?di‘qum in refereniée h&onarityhtbhopg-"’[t is now MJ:":B{ . Button‘s ?’?’M"In!{“l:_‘!z?‘v:; Commercial journals unite in laying H_o(thh!dï¬-unzm 4 a'-....,"fl-..:'..,...*--*.: hard up, and fail to pay their store Mr. W. B. of ingly, rnefeeer year. e of ln will send for exhibition a bushel of onts, growth of this Province. liv soug Awix, popular,®and learned lord on i‘h';nt::gufll’l . mnm.muu&uhhï¬; ,....i‘..‘;'.."?.,“".:& " My dear Amaes aâ€"alect at whichar Aaddo sublba Witien"you fas two» " * 2y hgbes that gangs to the ither man." . | Victor is said to be ud-lï¬ Cyeer" randson of Tathory® and delights in sepesting io tiat.. fntion of the Peing the nonterition thet mm efictsntinbied in Roore t rione :::omh is finished.‘ ': have come to© Rome and we will rerain ‘The other forencon a Vickeburg ma‘s awhal sick 1" -M&-E'-ï¬ Inis of WoreL im There, ane inap aprandy ing "to die!" *Can she talk yet?" %mm,-um is sleeves. "You" "Well, we‘ll it kind 0‘ slow, then, going home," said the w&.J.KM' Bâ€"flh}xl"r.(i.“ Oremgotiiiey Ma: o. 8. Pant" induce Chinese emigrants to settle in Atchin. _ The remuneration will, it is stated, be $3 per month for an ordinary labourer, $15 to for carpenters, $12 “flâ€"-.nï¬(km% all of them. Labour under ‘these conâ€" ditions is guaranteed to immigrants for two or three years, but no contracts are made; and it seems that the Dutch Govâ€" ernment trusts to the high rate of wages as a sufficient inducement to keep these workmen long to become accusâ€" tomed to the aad make them form a permanent é i The story is told of a Membe® t following + an old ‘neighbour, a voter, sent him a ; ine mnâ€"mu house. *I you i it," he said to the old man, when he , thankes, pretty well. But I 6 ’w.:u-tdpsbmut-dbn fine things, don‘t know how to eat met him a fow ‘om." &Kï¬ di}mwc:“&-xh†o yb ole â€" apple. * Yes, we boiled ‘em with a leg u-:ï¬' * been disinclined to believe in flmh~“ n\mâ€"-s w’mm-uï¬mï¬d his sciatio pains, and we said that politices -uhz:-llï¬ greater of the German r “mruwddfl.w fl‘o“::- ent of the Cologne Gaszefic declares that _, MAYous M"“Ufl. Milde,. Bismarck‘s malady is reduced to an excess of 111 temper. His militeary antecedents are highly honourable. He was promoted from the ranks for his heroic conduct at Woerth and Wissembourg, but he scems to have awurin, who has peen sentenced to ten w}umuï¬m he had an opportunity, and Aoaruing them in his quarters. Before the trial he twice attempted to escape from Forts Carre and Iamarque, and disliocated his Muv&o&mmn‘hï¬ muï¬.wâ€"uu‘:‘l-ï¬m m*;flb from put them beneath dress waists, and wear them indoors as well as out. Colville Inse is extensively used by lingeres. It is a combination of silk and wool, wheâ€" ther imitation or real, the colour is eoru. It is suitable for barbes for n uin Soiuly mad shadrenten { with the lace. muhm Bashes of deepest blue veivet, combined touch of to snowy ballâ€"dresses of chambery gauzse. As fashions come and fashions go rovoco jewellery is largely pat â€" Mmmtnbhnpdwd really i There are under petti« m-u.dwh-dphnz: as children formerly wore for The edges of these are soolloped and ouffs, dragged him along to prison. " says the Qonetituâ€" *We have always," says th PRICE 3 CENTS. A Paris despatch to the London Daily 8T.