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Ottawa Times (1865), 31 Dec 1875, p. 1

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ILLS. a of Mails. es WITHOUT oTTAWA. Alotices ouday 8.00 P on :9 m wwid by Letter Oarâ€" adlan sicamere which cuty anâ€" )X us me 6e tor, at his the City of Cakas. mentary paoK» owder, e Honourable 4 EN T Wontrea) time ST 4A« 875 10i1 «i | ieent/nts of the Hoyal Cotlege of Pbys‘cians, E Inburgh; Feliow of the Obsietsical Scciety of L n on ; iste Resiievt Assisia it Aceouâ€" creur ~f S . Thoreas Hosp‘tay, Londom, Eng. UFFICXâ€"Corner of O‘Comnor and Qveen streets, :ormerly occupled by Dr. Courbett. _ O. D O W . peyt SSâ€"SPARK: SThEETâ€"S6 "wor O WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. Barristers, Attorneys, Nolicitors, ries, &o., &c. A .arge assortmen t of Gold and S:lver Watches, Ladie=‘ O:era and Victoria Chains, Gentlemen‘s Aibert Chaine, Kings and goid Sets, Bracelets. und Jeweils.y cf every description, Plated lmhclmn. &e., at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers can s( we!r stock as cheap from me as any other ouse im the Dom‘nion. M Have received cf their Fall Importations, 18 RALES CARPETS and CURTAILNS. Embracing ali the novelties, out for Te se«son to which they confidently s __ Hotels. ____ The ‘”fi'eathers” Hotel. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. SHOOLBRED & CO. V YOL. x., NOo. 4032. Gentlemen ho. this estabit«hment with their ptl.:'l ."?:I'y'" rely on striet attent ou be tag wlmr orders, Liquors, Wines l.dO&l_l'l_?!thc best quality. » Ibo upgenisned in preopared to seli his TIM+ RIVER DESMOINE, Mz. BEN. HUCKELL to announce to the general mnd travelling pMbile, that he has entered spon lhe Pwdolo'luyof the above Hotei. iately conducted by Mr. Fred. Kvans. The bes. brands of wines, liquors and cigars :fi!‘ulvfl and the promptlest alte tiou is paid oNE HUNDRED AND TWENTYâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILEY. livray Hideau Streot, near|Sappor‘s Bridge,) FRED POOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprictor. Parties requiring a frstâ€"class article can rely ms everything used will be of the m‘m- ARp Vn Dinner h’nvud from 12 A.M..‘until 2 P.M., at very reason» Chat weil frequented Hotel, fave [Creek, Richmond Road, compri=‘ng eighieen @partâ€" ments, a siz stailed siabie aod hay !wm closed in wito shed:; = driving shed fi., with loft .bovol‘:uor PUBLLC MEETINGS, DANUING Ha or GRANARY. The preâ€" mises are situated within one mile of the dz -ndh-n.mnns to the Richmond Road 1#9 teot by -d:‘v. of 146 “‘L‘..w inches. . The wnoie will ve sold on reasonable terms . Apply t JOsEPH Mc \W, on the premises, or t H. McLEAN, Auct‘oneer, Otiawa. ___ _ »INILET, CHRISTIE & HILL, Je 1 Â¥. H. FERLAND icentiate of the Royal Col Surgeons, L.. & M.bwh.uwv t "THE " LONDON 1~ al. CHRYSLER, Luncheon served al al) bours The finâ€"st Luncheon apd Dining kooms in Begs to inform the citizens of Otiawa that be has commenced the Otiawa, Nov. 17, 1875 EWELLERY cort. STEWART & GORMULLY, Barristers, Artormeys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &¢ TTAWA CABPET HOUSE. R.TUPPE® voNNOR & O‘VOHMERTY, Invite Inspection. covNOoR & Special Value in Lace Curtains. 7 A Li« ER, sSAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, «&c wW. W. WiABRD, ARCHAMEAULT w. P. COUTLEE, B.€.L,, NOTARY P ot Suss March 9 Manufacture of Sausages. ALK®H MARSHAL MATHMESON, Master In Lia wa, Ca Hox, R. W ) STEW ART ed an ofilce in th he ry ARRISTER, ADVOCATE, «C ER AND ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€" LA W, SOLJ» m LN CHANCERY, NOTAWY, KTC, 1A L E. Hardy‘s Bloek, Ridesu street N. MARKS, coral Cards Albort street. Office hours from id 2 to 4 p.m. Special mitention « es mud displacements of the [LATE oÂ¥ PRESCOTT] PENNOCK & McINXTYRE, B Tovine: of Quebec.) CONTAINING H0GG, weY, SoLICITOR IN CHAN» ray ve c usoltel pro‘es residence, Metcalfe street, pied by the Hop.P. Mitâ€" | S8liy1 roks, _ ATTORNEYS3, _ ANI a NCERsS, ETC. roRNEY®â€" A Tâ€"1.A W NEY. SOLICIPOR KT apcery Cham bers, Co~rt MTT, ? C. J J.GORMULLY AND ADVOCATE, uckeli‘s Flour Store k streâ€"ts, Ottawa. ig. RiJ au st., Oltawa. C. G J _ ODomERTY )CK. | A. F. MCINTY RK )n Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main IsT1E â€" HOP. HILL JOSEPH SMITH. city of Hull. Proâ€" siction of all Noâ€" s & Pinbey,) )n SURGEQN AND LICITNRS, CONâ€" w. D. HO9G Special care s in both proâ€" wn, opp 328 m6 22lyl 26 y 4998 m1 6ly1l 17 SoLL or ELECT ROâ€"PLATED â€" WARE, ITALIAN MARBELE GOODS, FANCY GOODS GoLDp AND sILYER â€" WATCHES, CRROMO$, ETC., RTC., , Which be wiil sell by Pubile Auction, without reserve,.ai his Sale rooms, Eigin street, commencing on Friday Evening, Dec. 17, At 7:30, and each eventng at same hwur, until all is sold. | The stock which is the finest ever brought to this city comprises some excelient tea setts of seven pieces, some splendid erueis, wa‘ler pitchers, saivers, urns, large . trays, mc'lle r-a‘xaen, breakfast eruots, butter :«olon. swing kottles, tete atete setts, spoun Qldoa card‘recdvcn. berty dishes, sllver blad knives, napkin rings, silyer cups, IIIUCB etc., 50 doz. plated table and deskert forks, doz. table dessert and tea spoousâ€"finest plate, seveâ€" ral dozen mnagrificent Florentine marblovun& urus, card receivers, elc. A large variety Pre~den china, Bohemian wases, and fancy zoods, books, brushes chandéliers, etc. A mong other goods wiil be on a supply of real h»ir, braids, chvignous, swilches, [fancy door mais, elc.. eto. I N.B.â€"QnSATURDAY EVENING at 7:%, a qusutity of Furniture comprising lou ‘ges, iancy tables, bureaus, bedsfeads, m‘tm“l chairs, twbles, etc., as well as several hall coa soves, aud onâ€" very fine coall cook stoves, will sold by auction at the subseribe~‘s rooms. J. B INGH aM, Auctioneer. Ottawa. Dee. 16. 175 402Lut Sule witheu any reserve commencing on FRIDAY EVENING, the ll‘:flmk. and every evening at same hour until all is sold. ‘This is a sraud Christmas Sale and well worthy of public attent on . Goods away for very little pay. Uflaw&.&(km. 28, 151!. )( Neagonable Staple Dry Goods. _ | Th > subsortber begs to call the atten of the Cltiséns of Otiawa, »nd -nrmundlnlftm:r- try to ;:.op{nd that he wiil ofter at Pubile Aucâ€" tion and rlvt‘t.o wale, commencing c oN T UESDAY, Bth AT 1 ANDT P. In Titus‘ iBivk, Spearks stroot. â€" The fmd- maist as followx: 100 pi of Printed %\u 150 pleces of White and Cottons, L-l ted Tlowiug, wumv ie and l“lmfl“‘ uel, 100 pleco, Biack amt Fancy Lustres, ces Scotoh ard Fre ch Tweeds, 1Â¥ pairs of Blankeis, 150 White and ? Coverlids, 200 piecss n-oawd Dross Good «; 60 pairs Lace mid Pamask Window n‘uru‘l.&w Snaw!s, 100 Ladies® Arncques 150 Ladios‘ Ih White and Fhingy, 50 dos Lisen Tow 1 doz Trole Clotus and Table Cover®, wo;h- Woo‘lle . Ehirts, 19 doz. readyâ€"madie Underâ€" clothing for Ladtes, 16 a0z. Aprons, Ladies Gent ) "Ja digeranlefs in large quantity, ditto Kid Gloves anf! other (Gloves, together with a great many other articles, such as Ladies and Gent«‘ salchéls, ditto Ugibreliaa Hosieries, eto , ote M s e ie en CHAISTMAS & NEW YéAm‘s E0008 | Toâ€"day, at 2 o‘ciock and 7 o‘elock, p. m, ROWE & ERRATT, METCALFEWS Wholosale READY MaDsg CLOTHAI[NG Estab _ple of good bedâ€"rooms with ma be had at MHS: KERWS, comer of Bigin and Salter streets 400416 TVit ~The above spods‘ belong to the we‘!l known firm of DALLIS, CAPRON & Co,, and must be ACANCIES FOR BOARDERS, No. i McCormnick‘s Terrace. u'O(nm\‘ street. Appl{ulOUNAN's RESTAURA N .W streot. 1 # A RARE UHANCE is now offéred to sg ong desirous ‘of J:u'eh-lln( & private site for a gen mn’lnddomo[.t:‘p. and a haif weres, opposite Messra. Gar & Mutehmor*», on street Koad, one mile from the dl{‘lflfll'_l. Terms moderate, AW to M STAKRS, Ottawa City. 401 "s the most beautiful work of the kind in the world. Iltcontains cearly 150 bundreds of five ll\ustrations, aud Fowr Chromo Piates of Flowers, beautifully drawn| and coloured from nature, Price 85 cents, in paper cover ; #5 conts bound in elegant cloth. 408( VICK'I for cireulars, &0., ‘WNEEMXENXDOUS ATTRACTIONX ! BANKRUPT STOCK a NEW WRITINGIMASTER, 25 a NE vÂ¥ COURSE 0Â¥ INSTRUCIION rOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSINESS, Board ®& HLodging. The supseriber is in ree |pt of a cousignment OF OvER W1 ! be sold at 4) per cent. |below first‘ cost, s the p=rohazers are about mfl & l'uglonsblo Talloring Establishment first of January Ottawa, Dee. 16, 175 next $3,000 WORTH Mg‘!i@i“%t:m SHIRTS 1 COLLARS BANKRUPT STOUCK MRS. ALEX, finwu is llr to reeel‘ o KR Sce, tn" * mor m "Talae t OdaWs, Bert2, 175, \ . Wmm ‘The subscriber having purchased another Eetate of ~boes, "Ae. at 6 on the Doila‘, u.‘."'.i"a.n.....m.:.,u...n‘."s...a. for eas im ordsr to effect an entire. clearance. hefore eceivirg Fail Stock. _ TOWWH y arxnert 4s BOOTS‘& SHOES "The undersigned nas opened a Ston Ym&nwolxmmsuzndnm '‘ n’lunuyonhgd..u are w apt co wmmwu‘:‘flu« A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, Ottawa Oct 27, 1875. ‘The extansive stock of tile Estate of fLONER & VEGETABLE GARDEN TRADE SALE. Ottawa, Nov, 3rd, 1875 XTENSIVE AUCTION SALE aAUCTIONEERS REAT CLEARING 00D ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" REAT AUVCTION SALE By Howe & Birratt, JAS. ANGUS, No. %2,> Russell House Block, Sparks St. HEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! CLOTHING. Xuction Sales D. MORGAN & SONS. W. £. BROWN At less than Auction prices. SPARKSISTREET. vVocal Music. Remember.thejsale OR READY:MADE enter at any time. Address D. MeARTHUR & CO, _ HE GUERARD BHRO A NEW PRINCIPAL, ORS TV &Y 15 Sussex gfiut. Proprietors. Cassius M. Clay, of Kentucky, states that his State will present‘ his name to the National Democratic Convention in 1876 as nominee for Vice President. A terrific tormado has passed over a portion of Kentucky, causing great desâ€" truction of life and property. Houses and even a whole forest were blown down, many people being crushed to death by falling timber and buildings. George W. Schuyler, of Ithaca, Tompâ€" kins county, has been invited to take the Auditorship of the Canal Department, vice Thayer, suspended and has accepted. A New York policeman found a man named Myers, his wife and child in bed. All three had been shot, but the child only was dead. The other two were inâ€" sensible, and their wounds must prove fatal. It is thought to be a case of mur. der and suicide. | ¢f! as the present FPremier of New{ound: consequence of the ohunko of Mr. Haliâ€" burton in Prince Edward island, the reâ€" port was drafted by Mr. James Whitman, M. A., of the Nova Sootia bar. As MrJ Young states in his. prefage, valuable in‘ formation was furnished by the late as well The National Rifle Association of Great Britain have accepted the challenge of the New York Association, to take part in a match for small bores, to be held in the United States during the Centennial celebration It is a«serted that Spain will shortly address an important communication to the European Cabinets, relative to the Cuban difficulty. The French Assembly has agreed to accept the recommendations of the comâ€" mittee on dissolution: after all the Bills presently before it, seven in ‘number, are passed. ‘ It is considered probable that the Assembly will meet again in January. It would seem that the United States is fully resolved to step in between Cuba and Spain, with the sanction of Great On and after toâ€"morrow, the first day of the year, the Angloâ€"American Telegraph Company‘s tariff for general news de spatches will be one shilling, or twenty> five cents gold, per word. Colotial Institute to draw up the report on the Newfoundland fisheries question, which has now been published, consisted of the following gentlemen :â€"Sir John Rose, Bart, K.C.M.G., Mr, Edward Jenâ€" kins, M.P., AgentGeneral for Canada, Major Carpenter, R.A., Mr. Gisborne Molineux, Mr. R. G. Halibnrton, Mr. Fâ€" W. Chesson, Mr. Charles: Fitzgerald, Mr° H. E. Montgomerie, md} Mr. Frederick Youn(,hon.mto‘hlmumh. In Britain ndr)um European Powers, if such can be ‘got. It remains to be seen whether the American Government will An unknown steamer went. ashore on Long Island last. evening, and no assistâ€" ance could be sent to her on account of the density of the fog which prevailed at We think, says the London Canadian News, it is desirable to place on record the fact that the committee which was appointed by the Council of the Royal An attempt to lynuch two murderers at Charlestown was frustrated by the reâ€" moval of the prisoners from the place of confiement, _ The wouldâ€"be lynchers threatened to hang the gaoler if he would not divulge the plac@of their whereâ€" abouts. They started in pursuit of the Sheriff, and it was supposed the |gacler had split. Loxpox, Dec. 30,â€"The American meetâ€" ing at Berlin, in regard to the Bremenâ€" haven plot, was presided over by Mr. Haynés, of Boston. 1 %o, x Challenge Accepted. The Times makes the ‘following anâ€" nouncement :â€"The National Hifle Assoâ€" ciation of ~Great Britain have accepted the challege of the New York Associaâ€" fion,tohtpm in the match for small bores, to ‘be held in the United States during the Centennial Celebration. Sir Henry Halford hubmnpg:ln“d&- tain of the English team, and enp:odhnrunfingpulimimx * ‘| Ohange of Tariff. On and after January !, 1876, the Anglo American teriff general news w-mum.fiumuuu The, Bank of England. mbfllflmhmm‘ko{wlflm M,zofiooo the week. 'lt::.mou:ft bnlflodwi&bdl;’:v:fiu; £28,000. The proportion of the Bank of England reserve to liability is now 33 1â€"8 TELEG R APHIC. utting a stop to the bloodshed in Cubs. g‘ho British Government has deferred authentic source. Paris, Dec. 30.â€"In the Assembly toâ€"day the debate on the report of the Commitâ€" tee on dissolution was continued. The Committee had submitted a motion that &â€"â€"VV" . m ww _ C T Psn YR crouing i revon Bais whity sulll oomaiders tion should not be disposed of. M. Caiâ€" lonx,lmu"tcoll’nbthc%u:dm House not to adjourn until ie Bills were passed. This was sgreed to, and it is therefore that the will meet again in January. The Left mittee on dissolution, viz., " That deleâ€" Safianty Tok ; thmt they procesd 10 ths an doofio-oln:ntcu.fmuqm; that tho.-nr:l.;hdan trb.nnflur!d the 24 ahe Soth Hiathes moot on March Sih 200. . dU, â€" INO . JmMDGTOHLIE mn:'olthin city asserts that Spain mm a communication of importance to the various European cabs inets on the subject of Cuba. TELEGBAPHO SUMXARY. fly}ififid‘d&htfioflwintho MMdm Dissolution of the Assembly. F O R E1 G N . The Bremenhaven Plot. The Ouban Question. GBEAT BRITALN. FRANCE. OTTAWA, FRIDA Y DECEMBER 31, 1875. timber. â€" Death and destructionfeft their trace mfln entire track of the torâ€" nado, made a noise for miles. â€"© LATHR Later advices with to the tragedy inw‘-turdltnfl,wfiut the name of the man was Monroe 8. Minster. The maen and his wife were taken to the hosâ€" mh.o the dostors pronounced their is 1ed, in in sypporta thes uns * ter m& ohild,n:{nmb,nd lastly himself. _ All parties were in their night clothino. There was no evidence in the aggregating one hundred thousand dolâ€" lars m brought against <«MoeAnâ€" drews, the contractor::on the Deleware and Lackawanna Tunnel, in Jersey hfity, for the death of four workmen in what is known as the Death Shait, _ Suits are also threatened in the cases of two or three other men who lost their lives in the &‘?,*"’%..mfi.‘fx .?""n..w""x.u"‘f..: ds waee bavly Tnuned" op io dyick m&ifi‘;wfil&hnhmdinthofhom No. 536 West 53rd street, a man Myers and his wife and child in The bilg ‘Tasd aitaine "Fom puind frot ility . suffering 4 wounds, while the child was n&udydud, having been shot in the corner of the teoey ot tne police ts tikt Myich Tise m&mmd then M:rmulf. imfifi;lyrfiokfifiwlhvthlr lives. ‘The worm m the b:mm n& were lifted own away, At e two pormmcruhodtodufi:dor the ruins of a House ; & negro was killed outright. At another point 1 ed Secaie m 1 oi) samed Sliss Sameey, Tniee in n ingnas 5;. on biomay, afternoon, sweeping down a whole forest! in its following, '?“wolvo dwelling houses and barns were blown down ; oom‘:hof .‘f.‘.'.‘..‘!"i‘.'..,. .......E?-uh‘mchlu: Fatal Aoccidents and Great \Destruction Served Wim Right. â€" |_ Nsw Yorx, Dec. 30.â€"In the United States‘ Circuit Court toâ€"day, J E. Grant, publisher of the vile and xm Toledo Sun, and recently convicted for sending it through t.ho‘ngh, was sen~â€" tenced to imprisonment ‘for eightsen months and to pay a fine of $500. Shipment of Specie. . | One hundred and fift M‘dhr indublougluwmn{ippodh m: toâ€"day. 4 * T 4 Boss Tweed‘s Securities Pay Down. > Judqo Donohue‘s â€" order ‘ 'rwood-murifiuoupnn.qdm dictments, receutly found to have forâ€" was Wm. Amtdéafi was out on the spot, which has the effect of stay. : . . A Buccessor to Thayer, * Ausaxy, N.Y., Deo. 30 â€"Hon. Geo. W. Schuyler, of Tompkins County. who was in enironim ragand m will assume the duties d”m toâ€" . Few Youg e Il. dense fog Nuaw York, Deo. 30. â€"In & which m.dfllhonflu,l whoul::mooouldgnothonnm went ashore off Babylon, L. L. SluhL blowing her whistle for assistance, but the heary mist no help could be sent to with railroads in operation. . A committee was :fid to cansider the propriety of organising a plan of opera ropriety of organizing a piMN ol Operae gaufo:’mflmhnnoodth interests of the company. boom The Commibies on Clatmt Grievances against the extreme low rates brnmon the New York railroads. What they want is uniformity of rmates. The Committee also express dissent to the practice of giving special contracts as being no protection to New York commerce. mm.‘{m regard to the rates now ruling that it is roh.bbflnywluutbomdmm fair basis at this time be 85, 30 and 25. on both Kast and W estly lhllu:‘ mnm.:leoddh .libcmirflofioinvms 'fix Committee on Canal reâ€" e o oh. new of the Vermont Central ; of #umaawn .-dm&w.n. m bilt, and Mr. Reuter, of the ;New York Central roads, met at the Brevoort House. After two hours deliberation it was reâ€" solved to increase to the old basis of 75 cents per h to Chicago. A Despatches from |various ts" anâ€" Foaig. reging. of ‘pnilyed meotlignt name to the National Demooratic Conâ€" vention in 1876 as the nominee for Viee Naw YomD&Nâ€"&fihbd‘m vregating one hundred thousand About â€" halfâ€"past seven o‘clock this Nuw Yorr, Deo. 30.â€"A Nashville desâ€" BOREAS ON THE RAMPAGE. A special meeting of the Cheap Transâ€" TERRIFIC TORNADO. A MERICA N .â€" that a struggle had taken place A Prospective Viceâ€"President. * Mysterious Affair. «ommc autiie ts t EPAAAE Meavy, Damages. No Treops Needed: NEW YORK. of organizing a _ Loxnox, 1 12:30 p.m â€"The Di« rectorn o(fl?’c?:‘?:l‘lwzd‘h:‘w‘w Sont Umitch Sleter honds, ts 1i0f; fves, 103 , 14 ; New York Cen oys in ho o dson in ope } per cent. bolowpt:o B'ok"olkndmd Nzw York, Deéc. 30.â€"Monéy closed easier at 4 to 5 per cent; extreme.â€"rates were 1â€"32 Jordiom,ud &’ .rr cent. annum, â€" htlillilmy 484&045: Gold opened at 113 1â€"8, fell of to 112}, and closed at 113 Governments firm; State bonds quiet. Stocks dull and in the main strong. < m‘mm "?'fio. on u:‘ 314 Nd:l' new a:..,...“â€"":-‘* es m steady‘; a ol ® Pgfi‘h 588 4 rate, Nzaw Yorx, Deo. 30.â€"Pacific Mail, 39 ; ;Vutom gfil“:&m 13% 6 A:lnuie-n i western, ferred, 964 ; Rook lsland, 105 ;‘ Bt. Paul, erred, kock isiand, 109 ; St, Faul e ees=ins in efuacle mlronid 125 ; Mébile, 3; Union Pacific, 74. wrrnat, Dec. 30.â€"The stock market 1 801 to 1 81%}; Molson‘s, 104} to 1054 ; MD} c ie AhmieF . vitins 16 00 19. ofi cc Dec. 30.â€"Cotton quiet, 13gor per poond "for â€" acdbtieg uplen bushels ; sales at $1 07 to 1 08 : buhdLNo. 8&'.0' $1 IV to lpl.; for No. 3 Milwaukee; $1 29 to 1 32 for No.'lh:gu;.l 16 to 1 35 for new and old red western; $1 18 for amber western ; $1 30 to 1 50 for white western. mm Ownnhdoflrnu;mdpz, 59 to 660 per bushel for new western mixed and yellow ; 71 to 74c for old do. â€" Barley dull and unchange ; receipts, 9,000 btshâ€" els. : Oats quiet and MM; roo.ip: 19,000 bushels ; sales, 33 bushels, at 45 to 490 per bushel â€"for; mixed ‘western and State ; 46 to 500 for white do. Pork quiet, at $20 75 to 21 per barrel for new Freen.." Boiten 2) ‘to S12 por oded 10 s , 23 to 8lo per State and Pennsylvania, Ppm- Crude, 7}c per galilon ;â€"refined, 130, Berux, Dec. 30.â€"The statement pub= fs meppae ies res an fipofaounimz:b esnt Point &zdmhfimm is, according to reliable information, inâ€" cotrrect, ‘Count Moltke, besides never having made use of the observation= at= tributed â€"to him, wodd-uafluwlfi :::yhoftho .‘o’fin entertaining Spimions droncly tpporite | barrels ; sales, 9,000 barrels ; quoâ€" s uopennonanged. Ayy Figur unshnagat C#1oa0o, D. 30.â€"Flour nominally unâ€" ghanged. _â€"Whont |active "but & | shade 9 for J y; 819 271 for Febâ€" fhart. * Lard quiet aug decay M Fia ts E!poc;.m. to 12 Fo # o eeregu ols m 10,000 _ hrnlnt i nomatmesoman bushels; Oats, 5,000 bushels ; Barley, 4,000 Wheat quiet and steady ; receipts, 6,000 lower ; No 2 ‘spring, 95%c bid lougi; for J 96%6 for February ; 1 ?&”u‘."m‘?m ..‘.3.:" have -dn'naoj: n epal o e erol aee 48io x ’;c;omg‘iw. ( mt on d aentnnt Fiye : dull and . a shade ‘lower, at" 670. Rye dull and a shade lower, at 6: Barley in fair demand and ‘lower, at 81 u & m citizens to illuminate M.bog-:nul display tomorrow and Saturd: ioi‘ An l dinpther Maring t BAmnmpoo,hI:og. IO‘;:“N «Nes Perce Indians, a tribe hay wars rbnwn:n_-#-w dr“':o flnmm the Walla Walla Valley in Oregon. Gen. Howard has ordered his companies of cavairy from Walla Walla to protect the was at first supposed, it is thought that mnlythrn::gmnd a million of dolâ€" lars will be found to be due to the Govâ€" + mee, m‘ revenue frauds involved in the M% xu first mpuod.{t'?'! Wareumwa, Dec. 40.â€"A special says :=â€" Since the murder of Thomas Lee, at Maiâ€" den, in this State, by Rufus Eastep and John Dawson, the miners organized for the purpose of lynching the murderers this evening. A mob of masked men, e e raries mm.&u“'fl:‘u."‘?:&"‘:' formed f the whereabouts of the murder, ts mclue pat ud gonme develoned the whereabouts om?-ir Flies fifth of all the f in thit Suele. This i‘ the optaien of a A woman of Pekin, H1., was asked by :u.m if her husband feared: the , .Bhe replied, "Fear him! Bless you, he‘s so afeared of him that he never ::a:"'. Sunday without taking his uuu"i@'lm)rfi&m fourths of the books in brisk demand at the public libraries aré. " vapid ‘and sensaâ€" tional.‘" Heâ€"thinks Mwa to guide the children‘s tasto in the I LAverpool markos. â€" * of reading more than they do, CO II ME RCIT A L * The Year is Geing, lot 1t Go." Thicago Live?Stock Market. New York Produce Market. Ne# York itock Muritet. New ‘York Money Markot. Chicageo Produce Market. Montreal Stock Market. PENXNSYLVASLA. + caurrorsta. Indian Troubles, WEST VIRGINIA. grexnainy. , &b _ An evening t‘ states that a man tromâ€" mflumhm oyfq'n&lqm-m,bnt met with no success. esterday forencon some heard crhlfm:dthmholi:dmi-fl'w cupied, and on entering it was ascertained ‘they had not tasted food : for three «E The father was beyond recovery, and A Ho 101 ol a od Hin suni« omm aftegantt Aumie § tel ut ~ 1 bignâ€"â€"asta ‘Broorvitt®, Deo. 30.â€"The cand which take place on ‘m. are very hm:lh.mflhwmm'flz ver :flt;uvytut would afford a good ise ige. f Last evening a number of loading uithh: puuni‘qd Dr. Evans, ;“b is lear: ing the town, with a handsomely filled 1nd io. Briin ie s o9 Tuing raand m'flwm-um moni@l. _ [.. .. ,4'7 sA Business atill Sdatinude very dull. â€" ; miild, with a heavy thaw in progress, : thmeniuuin.w tiis reported an organiized conspirâ€" acy among trainmen to rob an express train between Port Hope and Toronto, has beeu discovered. Not much credence is put in the statement, however. * y The Weathrâ€"in Unliasety Died fr=m Starvyation â€"1 trom ‘starvation. _ ME Y« Eddasl . .&%mfldfi‘ m p& ks find that they had been victimized,as BROCKVILLE. Municipal _ Elections â€" Floating the was a dodge to gain time. . . O:'-Rnhy"lut Khfiaur Justice Torrance was mirried in Georgia, U.8;, to a named gAP il++44 s xr"ghmol;"xtmw.‘wm. is here, and believes Boâ€"s Twoed is hidâ€" ing somewhere in Cansia. | Mr. Fields, of Tammany notoriety is living in a house m& Gailey shippod a quantity of trout procured by him in pecial to TH#® TIMES. qp which could place the earth. The ?onmt;'l:.l'.un to Ottawa was to the effect that in ‘order to give help to the distressed they would be willing to comâ€"" disposal d + extra not be over 15 cents‘a year, which they asked the Government~to pay,: g i nfieememtata s was â€" the unde ing that Gover 1ment bare the extra‘expense, and the ‘City Clerk otrun&utmnn trom deciaring & halfy .m.nflb per cent, upon judgment been mfi&-m@ug@ 'fl": this Co. by one lbt, Kane, which proceedâ€" and order this advised ii:'vdfi. nd"m&m; :3 whereas this Company. has made profits during the last siz n:u exceeding fire K:fim nihlg‘l: :Jp::‘lum s A bie of being iegally divided " among m shareholders of mufl. upon its capita‘, and this is therefore in n Loaud iouey muoh diridend at Ahey y deem. .saie amvil expedient, which e 1 4 anndes To cond on it se rvpaol trike mien of e rompatens Judge, however unju‘t or illegal ; that: so soon as the suid or order shail bodbdmdi:lg Company shall deciare a dividend the present half year of five per cent, on its capital ; that an inâ€" terim payment on the amount of dividend be made to each shareholder on the 18th of January at the rate of 4} per cent. ufion{%fio bdmc&.ou half cent. id ‘as soon fiuwmm&&um as provided in the rqdod-& that while thus order Judge Mondelet as a mark of respect for o(mg cent. d;b?hnl and evie market value of its stook for ve ohinh,mhwmbndem from theworst of for the embarrassâ€" ment and even the ruin of the largest instiâ€" tutions of the country,.which depend for their existence qmi‘o maintenance of their credit, and that the great business i i cooat to Topul in th extraordinary and of a tendency * aPi or d t heuint arastp ie mmam&m this Company be issued to the Shareâ€" m'?'cr,d-fifizonu before -ua A4s Board -mq'd:rd::nvdu n.....:‘.E: of the Company.. ~The stock books of Company Ti be . clesed on mz otder, and that this resolution be subâ€" | Shore Bailwayy and thatit is eaid Hir Hugh mitted for approval at . the next meeting | Allan is <at hbead of the of the Company . 'l'h-“bmd: and all his vessels will tranship Company will be clesed on Friday l Rouge. jA 3let. * : celebration of the 100th anniâ€" C A KX AsD PA N. MONTREAL. " n wigk) or order shall dops bes ,moll n kuvo? od x _Jm *A very respectable® meeting of ‘clectors '..fl!'c the _%Em of this County. that â€" he been mssailed in a Protestant t censorship was a car of ‘those who were ‘fighting in Caâ€" ie s ie on duties of the reformer were the dominaâ€" White 10 atiempt Imiggiing .out of this position. mmmorm speech. > ‘Twenty :years of British Proâ€" in w e dn tmtiieg oo maenangen acted and which would control him was esc Spectal to TAE TIM EB. Liberal Party, The majority of those d which Mr. White was the ally. The aflimb:-inh:;uu'hbb would fought fought soon. There was nothing for it but that the Canada must ally themselves with the French Liberals, who were and always are friends of ‘ free ‘institutions. . No more powerful aid could be afforded. to the aguce ut witeh wis to eate Ohinch and object of which was to unite® and BState, and to subordinate the latter to the former, ‘The intolerance mtd by the Conservatives of : Lower Canada durâ€" irug oo o Pn Arcigg / l nget hprrand the fealty to 6:-:.;! the w muh#mu “hl.j‘ thoqm.w‘uldhmu:;%‘ settled ‘soon. ‘‘ He répeated ‘that the whole %um.udp.& mmnnm%t and freeâ€" speech. Letâ€" Mr. White stand mfhinhbm‘d-?nd htd:rz‘ speaking Argenteuil, Y Mnnmhmulb ally of the programme, and the apostle of make the State the .mere machinery for regis the decrees. of the church,. He to at this critical hour to maintain the , and to send Mr, White back to to take fresh from the statesâ€" men were dominant at and the policy of . whose was to plunge Lower Canada back into the dark ness of the middle ages. It duly reâ€" quired gotion on the part of the English speaking people, ana all would be well his own pi h'dulnfih'mmn‘ no trines, and be at once prepared to his position if he believe‘l the with whom he acted was not equal Mbm.fimbdfih Province British Tunt ~ Aoiecance.: ~and" â€" feir. â€"â€" plag have no charms, for them, and tuat their highest pleasure and duty is td his own ; &"a."‘g mwo?: let them assert fln:;lnl as mfl% of British would be silenced, w :"_flu reactionists “s...m“'" o pugtnlesy ....."..‘.'&"z..u..” reee Loperal groueds fur their operetions. For for the year show that 9550 immigrants arrired o this ofty in 1870, against 11,664 in 1874. WW the following: â€" $ ‘ 610; hl $,338 ; » S Pniten Porng, a youn man 1t {::'di-d'nph.nt'fi:“ “-‘. du?mmmm & A friend hsopoarm m ‘ his arm. â€" ”u 0s to day on the body Immigration Special to Ti TIME3, Tonxowzo, Dec. : 30.~ at s young iL naiecd Manock Welon, Iimka ie ‘nek releds t in returned & drownâ€" rehurnt a verdict of % e being so careless in leaying their wells o e n. mc vace nhite thet chil ARCENTEUIL ‘?..“#1 Giuaries: Sessions to â€"day was hmdulmo%i James O‘Neil and Thomas ‘ armed ‘trank. Taop nose Hind guily mmmd'tz.m--iv e ie in may that the '“',..‘e::.“&*fi‘xm ;::‘ the Penitentliary for a term of | A dense fog enveloped the. city this . Topnn aud .. > * f _ ciationâ€"lee Bridgeâ€"Cape Rouge and Â¥orth Shore Railwayâ€"Weather. Bpocial to THE TIM&B, â€" . Quzezo, Dec. 80,.â€"The Literary â€"and Mud?m last night the centenary :E-;’dlmk gomery‘s attack on terâ€" tainment in Morris oys > b.rh.hd:c“h:!wr.s s n-tiu. to take place evening Association. . The ise bridge at the Chan mfi“zi.;.‘.‘..‘::,‘:..‘““" mm_fln!hfln!ie.m connect uge <with the North fiml-il%mhh“&m Oistermâ€"Court of Quarter Sessionsâ€" Hon. Mr. Huntington Speaks. Mr. White Gots a Roasting. Foâ€" P vrer PE RLOLZLS TORONATGO QUVEBITC, al Result of a fi’{; T,mootJoW 1 1008 % The New York Herald %â€"mdu American newspapers failed day wfih-“‘“@: can be no doubt that there has exâ€" Tc o in fant Atane mon EoSheon‘a mpory Infd baints Chartenat W a has produced u-(hI: results. Political .-1 in the States has‘ been _ exercised m-n- planations of this unwonted of ''m' h‘:a:% nA:-hn 5 in search of y &« hn-dguhuu-‘:nfun in one direction only was a * black cloud on the horison." : Mr. Fish is taken at his word when he asserts that there is “<Ma....s70...=- it &)‘fiol‘hd“‘. * there is one nation with whom‘we have .mmsm-.u that is England." The lion, in faot, has duakgn copsroted ar Aeiole (e mothing s poriond BHY is bolig egelipith Gimong m&-dhhfi.u‘tbw& ‘once more ‘to subjection. The dark Hotaq and paid ; but the latterâ€"not boirg 4n Amstion: domandn ies reâ€" mained," as our Awerican informants say, "unorganized," and therefore it was outrageous to Brgid ams on the "Wathingien Optem ers in America, and the "faotw" are not Todinne i is prosigent‘s Rotenge bnm'd-fl-fl-:' dAlabama claims and the Canadian fichery ‘claims. pressed at all. B'q'flfi:fi.uiu Government, with the: of the Eng lish Government, has presented an enorâ€" mous claim for damages,"‘ on the score of ment to of the bayonet.= Unluckily for its n’:v.‘-&-t&m has not found believâ€" Pfi&‘i’rfli{ Medicines represent the entire extent of his resources E curing discase. is â€"an. error. m that while the Golden EC\ o Smartâ€"Woed, 'T!d Dr. “\w Remedy, would, if faithfully f & im Fiing o ralvotle se mpinngle thare t oo imathen would e hn a thorough examination into their sympâ€" toms, to ascertain the exact natureand was nudqndh_dhh-:‘.‘ overcome the same. »This led to the :hblflndo{fl;'afl'-_nhhq of Physicians Jt‘lfi. t ? o! â€" whom is skilled in the hi&iunuu-h I -ou..;: e eoroes :l':m-nifl organs ; to another, es edeanatmlumn o por n “flâ€"wbm the Doctor to meet a longâ€"felt want in the treatment of the more severe chronic :f:ofiou. By nmmrd symptoms as given in writing, he suoâ€" cessfully treats thousands of cases at their person. The q'fitfi. for L. eig ty on tndfioou'h.tbw cines do not have the d :A oan ourse by a p CE to proprietor of the wm Dispensary. .. A young by révivalists meâ€"esoner creâ€"] was of an exaggerated sort. Henry is the Ticce where Sfoodiniing negins. ened in his desire to get back to the more genial cliniate of the fact that ad‘dfl.afi-‘bfi& a fortune. : P 4 e k and inventor of m for the Buss isthmus, announces that the ffteen scienâ€" doke meuafininaty prore Ahakn ranuat J”" that a uniting England and France is feasible. The matter now is only one of time and Ads Foy, the was married in m“ “*cm,-mo After three days of | she has sued for a divoree; and . has also ln--mudhx-v. accusation muh a lioense for the was over 18 years of age. ~> he suite of exâ€"City Attorney Oameron and his wife of Chicago, -‘fii divoree from the cfi-.:‘:nlh c character of the witnosses. The busâ€" ‘band‘s own daughter, by a previous marâ€" [ m’ mt:.datm ufiuw.rnu'm or tissue paper..â€"In the: cantre of | this i a"'io'â€"â€"?-;* other, sister, and o. ie of inpeaper Wies is the in the sun and the â€"other end in the mouth, and sing or speak init. The ray on e in i ks igh And pioaint â€"Aik t6. fame dinaiions give oo uo yOR a c e RLOIEL . m«:-m;â€"uwu: brought up by her mother at Hs 22d Shiihe thet have wan for ber connid. tes t hn nerambplmeer a gentleman dm:ofldfl es suppoes hat Do as a church. Unlimited Remedial Resources. [F3 From the Pall Mail Gazeite. o0 »mP 3. . .manthaed T< I H T of V H it would be , at the

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