VA is BILLS. t. FOLLOW .N «@ FOM ALL1 ARLE\CENXT OC & 17,.)“8“' latices 63 wn‘s Camouwi@ i* ,a un»8§ #Fe ul ian . slow 10 dffit of Maily Kild y wl 44 er_ «eek, end valu ut the Do# Letier « vusines® sei Lotge® i0 8 was alk ues Mo, 18734 t of Sa_j 3 x6 The bes. brands of wines, liquors and ‘cigars :;eulop:. and the promptest alte tiob is paid uests. Mr. BEN. HUCKELL the general and tiavelling public, entered v the Proprieto lullip of t*o Hotel. latog‘ymaondncled by Mr. Fred. Ev Dinner h’nvldod from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" } able rates. The above gopulu Restaurant has been enjlarged by the addition of several spadious and well furnished rooms on the loogog‘-ur,y. Gentiemen honouring this establish ment with tbheir patronage may rely on strict altent on being p «14 ‘o their orders_ Liquors, Wines and Cigars of the best quality. Luncheou served at al} bours. Have received cf their Fall Importations, 18 BALES CARPETS and CURTAINS. Em bracing ali the novelties, out for the season to which they confidently The "Feathers‘" Hotel. A .arge assortment of Gold and Sil1ver Watches, Ladies‘ Opera and Victoria Chains, Gentiemen‘s Albert Cbaing, Rings â€"and Gold Bets, Bracalets. and Jeweile.y of every deséription, Plated Ware, Clocks, &e., at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers can gl their stock as cheap from me &s any other ouse in the Dom‘nion. The fluest Luncheon and Dining Rooms in the city. â€" Mos 4 TWVUMBER LIMITS FOR SALE »Elo orulere s preprred lecel hi DC RIVEKR DESMOINE, Ras~ 85â€"SPARKS STRLEETâ€"S6 ~a WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. SHOOLBRED & CO. of 12 Ridean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) ihat well frequented H_tel, (Cave Creek, Richmond Road, compri<‘ng eigh:een apartâ€" ments, a siz sialle . siabie aud hmg Iou':flyu’d elosed in with shed ; > diiving shed «3 T%., with loft above, fitfor PUBLiC MkELINGS, DANUING HaLL or GRANARY. Tue prcâ€" mises are slliated within one » lie of the ¢lty and have nmmu&o to ths K chmond Road of lt# leet by a de of 146 feet 10 inches. The whole -m{w nuB.I ou reasonable (erms . Apply to &0-\3?5 Mc@\W, on the premises, or to H. McLEAN, Auct oceer, OUiawa. _____ h ocp. ofn Corme: of _ O‘Comnor | and ts, .ortmerly cccnpiled by Lir. durbeu‘ CONTALNING ; es ONk HUNDRED AND TWENTYâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILEY. Residencâ€"Albert street. Office hours from 9 poil <m. aud 2 to 4 p.ta. I!:gadal attention given to disea es aod dispi ments of the uterus. | 1758 [kATE or PRESCOTT] s Corner of Sparks and Bank Streets. J’mtureq iring a firstâ€"class article can rely Liing it, us overything used will be of the v-.";!-!w'_"'fllv- n alead Has opened an offlce in the city 6of Hull Proâ€" vi ce of (Q etec:for the transs¢tiou of all Noâ€" tarial and Legal business, eitber in ihe Proâ€" Viace of Quebec or Ontaria Srecial care givâ€" n to the @ellection of accounts in both proâ€" Temp=rary Office at Dr.‘Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main atreet, Hull. â€" I BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &C., {Â¥For the Province of Qhetec.) BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, _Q)Ll(‘tT& IN CHAN® ZB A CALL IS SO LICIT ED. w Qilaws Sopt. 4 IOS ________ _i _ Su44 THE "LONDON," Ofticeâ€"Master in Chancery Cham bors, Coart House, Ottawa, Canada Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1875 For terms avd condit! Begs to inform the cilizens of Otiawa that to he has commenced the M . Licentiate of tha h j lyh rgh ; F--l’()‘: FRED FOOKS Ut awa, On PDaNLEL O‘CONNOR. NOR SALE, ("A @~NOR & Hcoo, Hu (For the Province of Ofitario.) Main street. Bull, P.Q. ! Hox, KR W. Soert, Q:C McLEODSTFH W ART, J‘ 1. G Licentiale of the Royal Uollege d Surgeons Ed nburgh. * _ V, H. FERLAND, Barristers, Attormeys, Nolioitors, Nota« i ur o mm Cho: CHRISTMAS & NEW YEAR‘S €0008 1 OFFIOR=â€"â€"Bell‘s Icek, Con t Town, oppo L aite Russell N onse, evese W, oW ALKKIt | P, PRNNOCK, | A. F. MOLNTYR®, Tha subscriber is ta regelpt of a cousignment Nov. 3, Isfo 39 46 | or oven BA IRISTERS . soD{CTToR\$ â€" ATPORNEY3, | ANI ConykvaNCER3$ ETC. &R@D Bell‘s Block, Elgin st. EWELLERY TTAWA CARPET HOUSKE. pINHEY, CMRINTIE a HILL SAUSAGES. . JOHN sSATCHELL, VOL. X., NO. 4085. )FFICEK: Mardy‘s Block, Ridea® street ‘v A L. ARRIST ERS, â€" ATRORNE®Y )tc s Eigin stree Invite Inspection. Special Value in Lace Curtains. E. ROGERS, De ull, March 9, 1875 K. LOGAN, R. TUPPEE Conveyancers, &e. > _ ®@~ Moegrove‘s Building, Ridiau st., Ottawa. N. JoitNX O‘CoNN0R® QC. G J. O‘Donxrty ~ M. CHRYSLER, coTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, &c lhrrl-to& “Altromoy-. Nolicitors, ‘CONNOR & O‘D0HERTY, ARCH A MBAULT Mapufacture of Squsages, ARRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"AIT LA Wy 80bJ CProR LN CHANCERY, NOTARY, #ro ARRISTER, a NOTARY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE EoPA THL wW. W. WaARD e over wr. K dbackelils slour Stor of susses aud York streJls, Oltaw i. wW. P. COUTLEE, BC.L,, 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST MARSHAL MATHESON, t 26, 1â€"% N. MARKS, h of tha hoyal L‘o:'ege o’ Phys‘cians, Felow©, the Obsieltical Scciety ‘ate Râ€"sident Assista t Aceouâ€" Tnomas Hosp:tal Logdon, Eng. Cu:no: of _U_'g,‘uu_qor&-r}d Queen .i B R, d condition, uwllnuon may be Noel Quebec Bav k, or &. Mcuilâ€" JOSEPH SMITH. . 17, 1875. 40080f leqal Cards,. AND AvrrorNRY"â€"ATâ€"T AW, SOLT 0RS. CoNviy s mmeitk here > ate fir Hotels. ADVOCATE HYSICIAN, YURGBEON ANI PENNOCK & MelNTYRE, l‘}“l".‘ll\'fl AVOTION SALE v ue c msgited pro‘es ~idence, Metcalfe strect, eu by the Hon.P. Mitâ€" 3slfy l CHRISTIE xEy, SoudoI roR J . J. GO&MULY Li€ET NR & Pisbey,) W. p. Hogu HOP. HTLL 3034m6 unce , to 328 m 6 2i6ly1 Hilyl 3000uf 26 0y TDE |__No. 22, Russell House Block, Sparks St. W1l be sold‘at 40 per cent. below first cost, As 4be purchasers are about to ngen a Fashionable ‘T«ilorieg Establishment on the first of January next. Studen‘s may enter at any time. Address for ciroulars, &6., _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ BANKRUPT STOCK ! The subscriber having purchased another Estate of Boouhl-boe-, &c., at 66 cte, on the Doila:,., Great Slaughter in prices will be made for cas in onler to effect au eatire clearance. before eceivirg Fall s.ock. _ 8 of Elowers, beautifolly drawn and‘ colgured trom naturé. Price 35 cents, in paper cover; 45 cents bound in elegant cloth. s025tp INIREMENDOUS ATTRACTIO \ ! Sh p Fixturés, Giass Cases, etc., for sale very Jow. D. MORGAN & SONS. MKS. ALEX. ROBERKTSON is prepared to tecely. a few addiuonal pupiis at her resiâ€" uence, 112 Rideay Streei. â€" o _ Terms, «c., imay be learoed on application as abuve, between the hour o( two and five, aay weekâ€"iay afternoon. _ _ ______ 1i The undersigned has opened a Ston â€"cutter‘% Yard, Carn»r of King and t. A: drew Street where building stone and posts oi a1l descriptiot will be Kept constantly on hand, Orders are respecttully solicited, for all kinds of Steas s the most beautiful work of the kind in the world.. 1t contains nearly 150 pu{u. hundreds ot fine illusgraticns, and Foir Chromo Plates BOOTS & SHOES sutting fl\"o L RLAX D SUCCESSE®, RICHARDSON‘S NEW METHOD FOK THE PLIANOF RTE The né plus ultra of Piâ€"noforte Instruction Books, Uxunot be excelled, er even 8f| oached by its countle s competitors, Etands far above them all, Used by sg:umndl of the best music leachers and soldt by mli Book and Musi¢ (l;ealel:i‘ Hnn:;ed-o( thousands sold, and. the ema: dias great a> OV@r. Pmu-;:':s}i. tor which it will be mailed, poStâ€" free, to any address. Clarke‘s New. Method rkeâ€ns“ wapemin in Ad s w ar e ET ie 20 t en n S mime EODCE and a half acr opposite Messrs. uulsndd Mutehmor‘s, one.hnnk street Road, one mile from the city limi‘s. Terms moderate. An{»'y upM STAnRS, Ottawa City. 40101f A NEW COUR3E OF INSTRUCAION FOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSINESS SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! £%. one gesirous of purchasing a beautiful private site for a g«eltn.’emm:’lronln:lonoei three and m half acres, opposite Messrs. (Garland & 1 NEW WRITINGJIMASTER, GOOD ROOMS wITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" ple of good bedâ€"rooms with bo ‘rd, ma: be bad at MRS. KERR‘3, corner of Eigin Ans Salter streots 40041f METCALFES Wholesale READY MAaDsS CLOCHING Estab lishment. SPARKSISTREET. Toâ€"day, at"2 o‘clock and 7 o‘clock, p. m. ROWE & ERRATT, Auctioneers. A ieffadondstiitanti Aiadct i D. McARTHUR & CO. Proprietors. Ottawa Oct 27, 1875. 39803md&w The extensive stock of the Estate of Ottawa, Nov, 3rd, 1875 A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, Sule wi hou ‘any reserve commenciug on FRIDAY EV FNING, the Lith Inst, and every eveniog at same hour until all is sold. . This is i srand Christmas sale aud W@Hl worthy of ubiic attent on. 7. » MBoard & ZLodging. RKidemai©® â€" dctiwe Ne 440 1975 wa‘er . itche.s, salvers, usns Jarge trays, mekle f â€"ames, breakfust cruet® butter asolers, swi g kettles, tete @tete setts, spoon holde! Cato r+celsers, bermy dishes, sllver bi“m' \nives, napkin rings, silver cups, mwB elc., 0 doz. nl«ted table and dessert forks, doz, table dessert aud ‘éa spoonsâ€"flnest plate, seveâ€" ral dozan maw: idcent Florentine m»u-buv-no& urus, eard rpceivers, etc. A laige variety Drevden china, Bohernian vases, and fancy yo ds, books, brushes chaud«liers, etc. Among other goods will be foun ! a supply of real hair, hraids, c ignous, switche», faocy door mats, ote., eto. [ At 7:%0, and each evening at.same hur, until all is sol .. The stock which is che fluest ever brought :o this e tv. comprises some exselient tea set‘s of seven nlecea some @plendid crue:s, Wheh he widl sell by Public Auction, without reserve, at his Saie roomg_ï¬lglu streot, c mmenciog on 2t i B i » Friday Evening, Dec. 17, FLONER & VEGETABLE GARDEN h TICK®8 Ottaw». Dee. 16, 1 75 ELRCT ROâ€" PLAT ED _ WARE, ITALIAN MARBELE â€"GOODS, FANCY GoODY GoLD _ AND â€" SILVYER _ WATCHEBS, ChROMOs, ETC., KTC., ~ ANKRUPT SALE 0 CONTRACTORS & HUILDERS HEAD OF ALL OTHERS! N. B.â€"On SATURD w,â€"c\mmï¬%n 7:30, a utity . of Furniture â€" comprising» lou wes, cy ‘ables, bureaus, bedsieads, ma‘ttuss #, uirs, t_b‘cs, eLe , as Well os several hall coml ves, and on very fine cwal conk stoves, wiil d by auction at the subseriber‘s roows. TRADE SALE. #3,000 WORTH a! CTIONEERS REAT 4 LEARING RARE CHANCE is now offere! to any CLOTHING . By Howe & tirratt, JAS. ANGUS, W. 6. BROWN, At less than Auction prices vYocal Music. Auction Sales. Now is your time to buy OR READYâ€"MADE Remember the sale SUERAORD RRY A NEW PRINCIPAL, oF J. BERMING HA x, ‘ Auctloneer 5 402lut 15 Sussex Street. o# or 3 4. of Foreign Affairs. turn to England ;: April nezt,wmd that Lytton will inte succeed mm of 1.32‘3 > The Pall Mall Gazeite is informed that the Khedive of Egypt has accepted the resignation of Pubar Rashe, his &imnor Conspiracy Dotected. A special from Vienna to the. Standerd says news has been received there that a conspirasy has been discovered in Belâ€" is sformed thar Ds mernolse n on grade to make Karageorgewitch i Prince of Servia. Sours arrests ï¬n been made. Prince Milan does not A London Company is now negotiating with the Murquie o‘flly‘to'- trustoes for g: reâ€"establishment of & stounnhi&lim tween Cardiff, Wales, and New Y ork. New Viceroy for India. Loxnox, Jan. 3.â€"A Berlin special to the Daily News says the meeting of Ameriâ€" cans on the 30th, in the matter of Thomâ€" assen, the dynamite conspirator, thorâ€" oughly attéined its object. The German jJournals, with the exception of the Naâ€" tional Zeitung, have withdrawn unfavourâ€" able reflections upon Americans ; the latter reiterates them. _ Death of a "Nobleman. LoxDox, Jan. 4.â€"Sir Anthofiy Roths child died toâ€"day. |â€" â€": . The Captain of the Deutschland. The Pall Mall Gazette says that Capâ€" tain ?iokomtoin of the wrecked steamer Deutschland leaves (ERugland for Bremen, on Saturday, where he will demand an enquiry into the losszof that steamer. Exportation of Meat. A farmer‘s newspa says, at the beâ€" ginning of last wâ€rr fortyâ€"two tons of meat were sold at Smithfield market ‘in this city, which was shipped from New York to Liverpool and '.gonoo by rail to C ateme Sueie: ht Rntup â€" fakeg istmas, » â€"boxi dayâ€"and the meat was '@m kept three days longer than is ordinarily necessary. . Yet, on Tuesday it was in exâ€" cellent condition, and sold rapiily at an average of six pence per pound. New Steamship Line. venture to leave his Palace. Imperial Decree. The Pekin G@azcite publishes an Imper: ial decree removing momein officials and missioner for trial for the murder of Margaray. hro Germany and the Cuban Question, Loxpo®, 5 am., Jan. 5.â€"A despatch from Berlin to the Pos! says the German government is reported to be favourable to the propositions containell in the American circular in relation to Cuba, as the German commerce is being seriously prejudiced by Cuban ‘disorders. German merchants settled in Havana recently presented a memorial to the Reichstag presented a memorial to the ReICNSIAG uk.i.n? for redress through the intervenâ€" tion of Germany. It is reported that the Spanish Minister at Berlin has notified the: German government dï¬ofl of grt_ininnplywAmmM ite contents. â€" wA 37 NEX â€" The Turkish Troubles, Loxnox, Jan. 5, 5:30 a.m.â€"A Paris deâ€" lrbohtothoflaa“it is stated that the French Government has d a desire to act in accord with foelin;onthonbrotdcomt note, proposing Tarkish reforms.. ‘The bubtrle P s y mt correspondent adds:â€""I do not think, notwithstanding the moderate tone of the note, that adhesion to Austria‘s proposi« tion should be looked for. I am assured that the note is about to give rise to Judge Gansevoort, an eminent jurist and of the oldest citizens of. Albany, died at his residence in that city yesterday. An arrangement is being madae whereby the celebrated race horse *‘Gallopin ‘ and the American racer "Preakness" will compete for the Alexandra Plate in May. Anidrassy the Austrian Foreign Minia ter‘s note in regard to the pacification of Turkish insurgents has met with the approval of Russia and Germany. It has now been sent to London, Paris and Rome. Another Hungarian revolution is imâ€" pending in Austria _ Negotiations are being made with a view to renewing the compromise of 1867. The trouble has b“lf caused by Hungary expressing the desite of establishing a National Bank. . TE LEGR A P HIC. There will be a meeting of the High School Masters held in the Normal School, Toronto, to day, to consider the new Proâ€" gramme of Studies. A poem entitled "«Christmes" will be published in the next number of the Canadian Monthlg. Sir Anthony Rothschild died yesterday in London. The State Legislature of New York meot at Albany yesterday. â€" Lord| Northbrook is to be recalled and Lord Lytton appointed his successor as Viceroy of India. The Deutschland Disaster. Erie hailway Company. FOREIG N. * Rosignation of a Pasha. TRLEQGRAPMIO SUMMARY. GREAT BRCTALILN, over to the Imperial Com v'l‘ho Cuban Question and Spain; neany Jan. A«â€"Tha S i CBinaa«~ has learned from confidential quarters in the middle of December the contents of a circular note of the United States to the European Powers nï¬in‘ Cubs. Spain there‘ ummtnoud rosonvunt- atives to explain to the various Governâ€" ments that wthe Cuban q{uudon was not only of American but of Europeun, inâ€" a pr o:rd resistance‘ and . revive the m’::l ° the Federalists, Republicans Socialists. ‘The Austrian Governâ€" ment received these declarations in a friendly manner and will not reply .to a long American despatch which was only read to Count Andrassy, and which not only repudiates any intention of annexing Cuba but in reality contains no definite Tm? Jan. 3.â€"The State Commisâ€" sioners of the School Fund state that the investigation of the case of brÂ¥d school bI:nds pir:ln- tl:_nth the late l“l.m;i‘ ppen, is one of the parties guilt fraud. Iappenhnhon.rruhg':“ * -mmnn, Jan. 3.â€"The price current estimates that the packing toâ€" day a all points is ap imately three millions c’pm:nr of hogs a year ago. . Burning of‘a Barn. Alnrphrn'bobnm;’n’tho Worth family of Shakers, at Lebanon, Ohio, was Wasuworox,}Jan. 4.â€"The United States steamer 8«@ now at New York, will be ordered to Civita Veochia, where ske terest, and that the com; ions between the United States and k n]i‘gbt‘hvo i ulable consequences for Europe as thdy would encourage the Carlists to make conclusion. ment to | be erected here to the memory of those in the naval service who fell in defence of the Union, also such contributions as American artists wish to send to the Centennial Exhibition, She will then proceed to Leghorn to take on board contributions from artists in that Jules De Mohl, Oriental scholar and member of the Institute, is dead. family of at Lebanon, Ohio, was burn:d o:%:f::ny night together 'with thirty seven head of fine imported cattle, and a full winter‘s supply of grain an hay. Loss heary Culge ncerdintian" of equalizing the local rates. This was on einnoten non t resuoaiop ’.;'5 will dnd; be ndmod..? : Paris, Jan. 4.â€"M. Gambetia has anâ€" nounced his intention of coming forward as a candidate for the Chamber of Depuâ€" ties in Paris, Lyons, Marseilles, Lilles and Bordeaux. _ His purpose in doing so is to ascertain‘ the judgment of large cities n roen %Ohun??’ $ ts Jailes porsjor tay esp« part of the session. The Moniteur gives notice that the Government will ‘not ~support Bonaâ€" partist candidates in the coming elections. Gone to . Egypt. M, Ontrey, Minister and Plenipo tentiary has gone to Eevnt an » «pecial :mission. Death of a Scholar. 8: D; Jan. 4.« last exraing, n tpor of ihe Speinalfeld o Company‘s mill was blown off, and the wall torn, Loss, $10,000... °> half oTT, of Hernani is slackening. Concentration .of Troops. tn;‘o‘x Sepastian, Jan. :.“â€"Tho RA:fonint are concentrati ween Renteria -nd_g:u.n. Gmn_lhwn_u appears to be ready to ':lpeu the attack on SanMarcos immediately.. A cannonade directed by the Carlists against Renteria and passages ters, under the cs:osidencyof the Ring, has full&. settled a })hn of eampaign against Carlists. Al liem '.Ei'l that Generals Campos and Qnuod}: ill leave for the North immediately. q Russia u'o'_&lrfly the cause of: the diffculty. e Gazcite, however, says the oomiiï¬on of affairs is largely influencâ€" ed by the misplaced activity of private h.nkmm' houses o:eh.ieh mmado credit u;b surdly easy and, ip, which occasioned a storm of fom speculation, and created ephemeral undertakings which are now forced to curtail credits. They have reduced to .a most awkward ro-ition many who thought such a state of things would last forever. Plan of {Camprign . Manzrin, Jan. 4.â€"The Council of Minisâ€" ters, under the presidency of the King, 'AL:;OIOO of their value and wheat is lying in the storehouses. Repeated fail ures of crops in the southern districts of scientific agriculturists, ~ The _ Gazette therefore urges Russian agriculturists to to incorporate new lands, use better ap. pliances and more skill, but says that cheaper inland transportation is the chief need. ‘The Gaszette‘s Odessa correspon dent writes that the oldest inhabitants declare that Odessa was never at such a standetill since its foundation. No trans actions are ofl‘oot«liI and bankruptey follows bankruptcy. Houses have fallen on the contrary, they have slightl innre&od. but Amoriojl have mcreuei much faster. The causes are declared chiefly to be America‘s superior transit advantages, her virgin‘soil, and her more Loxpox, Jan." 4.â€"The TÂ¥mes, in its #Anancial article to day, has the fbllowl:g: â€"â€""It seems from recent articles in the Iorcl l ht ue uis in efmilinh 8 ern \L‘ Russian ulture and comâ€" merce Are threatened with a collapse, chief unonithb causes is the keen comâ€" petition of América. Bince the Civil War in that country British imports of Amerâ€" ioan wheat has incréased until it stands now where Russian importation stood in 1867. Then Russia sent out fortyâ€"four hundredths of her total imports and the United States only fourteen. In 1875 the United States sent out fortyâ€"four hundâ€" reths and Russia only twentyâ€"one. This does not: represent a decrease to that extent of § Ruui,’Ll lc'{ul exports , T x A'u-‘:a:uu- p= j | t b evesncge w« d c s Cc c j#m case of*an â€" unâ€" PDeath of an @ricer, * hoion i oaiinny Ael mnmdnpinds . Abten dn nninbce at Chast o etb on tohen, by. Mr. M -mâ€"wu': ‘mu-b::uyq“gh@ ARawm AMBRICAN COMPETHITION . o o ues s t hi e o ie daare ced Honour to the Navy. Gambetta Ambitious. Guilty of Frand: COracl Treatment. Hard Times in Odessa. MHog Trade. TRADE IN RUSSIA. SPAIN. monu« . mas at San Diego, ‘mysterious character was found in the mroom of the White Star line of steamers, the box had been brouï¬t‘hm on board of the#teamer Celfic. Day before she sailed ‘Wm. K. Thomas, who caused the terrible disaster to the Mosel, had brought the box on board at Liverâ€" pool represented it to obtain $30,000 in gold coin, and wanted to effect an insurâ€" m the box, he was told that a1 insurance was not necessary that it would There is talk of: the celebrated race * n rfokeem. . snalle ~legoines ior ige coming or Alexander plate in May. & ] * Pew Rentals. At the annual sale of pews in Plymouth Church tonight, premiums and rentals realized. $63,680 against . $70,390 last :dplided where it would be safe,he demur red to having the box apened for inspecâ€" Thomas came as a passenger ï¬'_‘h Celtic, and h':!f:n ï¬!’qux was Captain Kennedy. of the Oth Precinot, was informed toâ€"day that a wooden box of & midï¬: which he brought to this counâ€" try for his own use, He asked leave to lace the box in s and he left it {hm,‘hut never called for it again. The curiosity of the officials of the steamship line was aroused by reports of the Mosel catastrophe, and | they tgoned the box, which was found to con smaller, and four bags of large bird shot. ‘Thomas took m room at the Avenue Hotel m’ tht: ashore ‘he ntm' ted to the om House Inspectar that it containgd . tno Mesrgimbg of the Cns maving Lnird"Gotiger hat revepied the oull of ts or gnd_(hyg’hin this city, and will u!l:: mole here mailin a fow wouke ’ F ;u-boot Inspection. Nzaw York, Jan. 4.â€"The SuFervining Steamboat Inspector has completed his report on the burning .of the steamship City of Waco off Galveston, Texas, and has forwarded it to Washington: He conâ€" cludes that %& Co., agents of the line, are liable to penalties of the law for carrying petroleum, and calls the atâ€" tention of the Department to the unsatisâ€" and undefined law in relation to the ion of that article. f Bowen Libel Suit. The second suit of H C. Bowen vs. the Brooklyn Eagle fo.rnlxe and suit of Bowen ys. McDermott has Leu disâ€" continued without costs. The counsel for the defense agreed that the damages given by the jury in the Kidd case are to be paid without appeal. _ _‘ ‘Death of a Judge. Judg'?om Gansevoort died here toâ€" day. He was one of the oldest and most eminent citizens of Albany. October 24th, and remained there three _ A| coroners {'ury in the case of Mrs. Kemp, killed by the South Boston gas of th ipes, and passed strong cenâ€" _-qr::nmwpyin which the pipes were nce, demoralizati d corruption have non checked, and the dard + | cations for public office higher and public officers have been found who perform their duties with fidelity to public trusts. The Message will show that the adtual indebtedness of this city has been dimished and that the | city ‘credit has become better. . The pstox, Jan. 4.â€"Mre. Wm. Fleming, h‘uï¬ in the town of Milton, rose from ‘bed early yesterday morning, procurâ€" ing & hayn a cellar, struck her sleep ing husband "with it on the forchead, CE ES MPATRROYq UWERCH VJ AZCICIE LWE ::l‘:sumod this mm'fzs'(% loss wilf ;000 ; insurance, Eighty hands are thrown out of omp'loymnnt. (‘ueuhon will receive a single brief allusion, in reference to which will gro bably be made to the Grey Nuns Bills and virtual repeal of that law by subseâ€" quent legislation. Upon the issue of hard mon:g, the Message will pronounce in favour of taking every step forward toward a specie currency. serious Fire in a Woolien Mili. Urica, Jan. 4.â€"The Otisk=ny woollen mill at Otiskany, owned by Alfred Teal, World says the Governor‘s Message, with consideration of state finances, wich in spite of the large reductions in the tolls of cana‘s, are in a most prosperous conâ€" dition. A large falling off in emigration during the year is noticed. The school Meetiog of the Legisiature. Aumaxy, Jan. 4.â€"Both Houses of the Legislature met this morning. Civic Affairs in New York. 1t is understood that the Mayor‘s Mesâ€" wage to be deli toâ€"day congratulates the Common cil that for the past year the City Gov t h=s been conâ€" ducted on business principles, extrava A genoral reduction of wages of shipâ€" wrights, caulkers, and spar makers from $4 lo‘&.bo perday is announced to take effect today. A strike is threatened though work is scarce. being hanged. He & over a book, and putdn,fl’-hï¬ head n.'m noose, his foot slipped under him, and before he could resover himself he was choked to death. Nuw York, Jan. 4.â€"Minster, who shot his wife and child, and then shot * CALIFORNIA. ‘Fhe Mosel Disaster. Kills Her Husband. Reduction of Wages. MASSACHUSETTS. NEW YORK:. ‘..ll » o & k 0. Neath of a Murderer, : Wantnant Meâ€" Accepts a Call. special upon his Dm..dh:f quiet, at $7 85 to 7 90. Po::.m‘n strong and but closed at inside figures ; sales at $19 20 for spot. Lard fairly active and a shade higher, and closed with continued upward tendency ; nluu.lzmihlgd. Bulk Meats &mcr;shauldoné‘fb }lsclur rib aad olurndezlo 18 to 10 38. M;pu- bushels ; Corn, 35, bushels ; Oats, 16,000 bushels ; Rye, bushels ; Barâ€" ley, 6,000 bushels. i hâ€"}lour, 11,000 barrels; Wheat, 6,000 bushels ; Corn, 54,000 bushels ; Oats, 17,000 bushâ€" els ; Rye, 1,400 bushels ; Barley, 11,000 bushels. ... At the afternoon call of the Board Wheat was unchanged ; Corn easier, at 42§ to 42%c for February ; Oats unâ€" changed ; Pork easier, at $19 15 for cash ; Lard unchanged. Cm;%o[‘g:‘n. 4.â€"Flour dull and nomâ€" inal, aotive, but lower; No 2 |prin? 95%c ; sales at 96%c for Fo‘mm-y; $1 0 _‘hmflq; No 3 78}; to 78i4e; $1 0) for May ; No l:.ok'ls; to'lsm rejec 62¢. I::’;hu, es.tiot:i‘;wedn No 2, 48fo bid for spot; options steady; No 2, 43%c bid for spot ; 43%c for January; ugmr Foh"p:y: Oats firm ; No 2, 30c for cash; 30} for Muskos Jan. ~3.â€"Major | Upham, nnduord::,-fmanhinmh_-hhn possession of the office: of the Indian at this place. The rfly has bunz:ehargo of Major G. .l:rlh, 'hoitilundmwod;nhgzupfld the public funds entrusted to care. â€" Mai. lynch him, he escaped from the mob: but was recaptured by the officers, put under a strong guard and removed to a place of orm"ly‘ Whs shot by Alford and died y.tadw.â€Gt-t o;’iumnt and saloous No 3 Rajotto‘s Blook, Wellingion Bavax‘s Warers, (the great â€" public remedy,) have now : been in use over twenty years, hence it cannot be said that Feb: .‘ Barley dull and prices a shade lower, at T5ke for spot; 768 for Februmy, Jefterson Ci s the Grand Jj have Tound indilofgents againet Genmeral Upor =:lfllthyy ‘M“ )nb?-g & i u&“u-hm 8r. Lovis, Jan. 8.â€"A from Jollereon Oity "mys the Graiih Jury nave tonnnd.:?,tho(}ei-‘llohnmbdu forgery entering bogus rants. Itdwm&um of Kansas Oim indicted for the same offence, _ Ad: from Kansas state that Harvey County has brought a suit against can: the most skeptical So -.mdnluulch.wbu 13N" YoRK, Jlnï¬..t.-.Coum dull,. at Tigu: banreng slightly in Puyere‘ Invour ) arich ..« quvintene unén:.f';.‘a""n""d : ye giumz.g,um 40 to 5 50 per bushel. cat t nmnmd receipts, 29,000 busluh&nl-, 41 ‘_bh,d $1 07 to 1 fg: bushel: for~No. 3 Chicago ; $1. UQ9 No. 3 Milwaukee; $1 22 for No . Chicago; $1° 23 tol 24 for No.!liilmbomwwluhblo 1 spring; $1â€"17 to 1 35 for new and old winter red western ;. $1 18 to 1 45 for do amber western. ‘RBye scarce and firm. Nsw Yorr, Jan. 4.â€"Pacific Mail, 384 ; Western Union 'l‘qlom 14 ; Ameriâ€" can Ex; 564 ; thwestern, 39 ; do, grom 56} ; Rock Island, 105 ; 8t.. Paul, 35§ : do, preferred. 67{ ; Erie, 6l1; St. Joe, 22; do, preferred, 284; Harlem, 130% ; Lake Slm 61} ; New York Central, 1047 ; Ohio lï¬-udz& 17} ; Panbandle, 127 ; Wabash, 3 ; U Pacific, 74 1â€"8. New York, Jan. 4.â€"Money closed at 7 per cent to gold interest, after loaning up to 1â€"64; prime mercantile paper, 7 to wm& Sterling quiet, at 484 to 488. opened and closed at 112§, with sales in the interim ‘at 112} to 1124. Governments ï¬n:. Btdao bonds steady, Etocks irregular, but in main higher, opening strong and advancing, closin ‘.‘ a fractional decline. CB1cago, Jan. 4. 5,327 ; shipments, 473. toâ€"day was £261,000. Consolsâ€" 346 for money ; 931115-120310:2‘.00@: bslid per gallon. I&w, 5&’ ï¬ï¬‚b 4 pm.â€"Erie, 14 Bnrilhhl‘wfï¬b ENNM 25f 12%06 llma-ti W.Jwï¬lï¬wvm.â€" new fives, 105} ; New York Central, 97 ; ie iotg: Pac 1001 57 10oabe, ieg: ww 0 ; Di€ P new Trce, 108 / Binle, 14¢ 7. do, proterred, 90 Conzols, 93 8â€"16, for cash. The rate of discount in open market is 3f per cent. which is } per cent. below the Bank of Bnglu:::u Com_laoguuxlmm acoount; U. s 8: p.m.â€"'l‘hunomdï¬linflh- drawn from the Bank of England on | Montreal Stock Market. aodaanieanaiiee 94 18 Tib a iB Phiaiela Pn neinyn s spring. Pork, 81s for mess. American. l o e i ns e 2:80 p.m.â€"Corn, 30s 6d to 31s for new Hnhioon eb e tm California white; 10s 10d to 11s 64 club do; 8s 1I0d to 10s for red western Receipts of Wheat for the past threa “91“!?% including 20,000 qu New York Produce Markest. NEew York, Jan. 4.â€"Cotton dull, 54 l.l;u’ool markets. JIVERPOOL J&n. 4, 12:30 p.m.«â€"â€"Cotton uict; uplands, 6 13â€"16 ; oteage, 7 $16 Thicage Live‘Stock Market. Grand Jury Indictments. is absent from the Territory. New York Stock Market New York Money Market. 1NDIAN TERRITORY. Lendon Markets, at country say, "We have never sol i a mediâ€" m-fl"'- w. 4 â€"Bold by all medicine: dealers. ~Price, cover, though he suffered from loss ‘of blood, and is too weak. to removed to the under oath, if you wish.â€"* Rer. J. Malâ€" of Wyâ€"a N. Â¥, writes * Dr. ‘lh'h&n’mwm:dmdh chitis in one week." Dealers all over the throat badly cut, yesterday evening. The dooouod)ndb:umdqlq-.t and : drinking; some â€"supposed he was depressed in spirits and commutted the deed with a small penknife which was bnndlyiib his side. He left the hotel by Lkduumnl hw "Thomas‘ Keolectric Oil" for oo onl e u._dw.bfl:'& lmg-jlï¬y, Braxtrorp, Jan. 4 â€"The of Robert Miller was found in the mm'a.,m. on the evening of the 2nd. William Tindill, row prabe id was nive it e east end, o lddd:b‘-hufln.“ himself{ with a pistol. ‘The Wednesday mhummum :.-D'&anpunh::c a* Ts Slater asteripted to murder his wile by shooting her with a shot gun, the: shot hhngdfootulh.nn‘kondhuu. He living‘ in different in Canads. He is a very character. . His wife had from him and refused to live with him.: She was employod as mh;ï¬'â€mh;bymu and :f“d“hh&u:'ws::-ï¬ eudmm by Dr. ice. â€" Her face is "Badly burat by with his throat : out on Mr, Jas. Smith‘s wright was sent for and dressed the wound. ‘The dootor reports he will reâ€" apj ion does you It stops Har oo ae rccaae h Pn medicine ever offered to the cheapest, because it takes -ohtfl.todoyo:zood. It is composed of six of the best known, and nothing but oils. Is worth h'ï¬h gold. Why not buy it " to day?â€"A. B. Des â€"Reip #uts L wicw.â€"ive to thirty drops of Thomas 'M%mm Bore Throat. It never in Croup. It will cure a Cold or Cough in twenty~â€"four to forty eight l:ln. One I’:oub has -“m m 9 recent cases are cured cthu to :; Attempted Murder and Suicideâ€"A Man Shoots His Wife and Outs His own person has i Tre nhath a44 te Suinmd meninatin in five years, As an outward application in all cases of pain or laments, nothing like ithucvorb:.:w. One bottle will cure any case of Lame Back or Crick in dian. Monthly Magazine will contain ‘ah orighal poem entitled «Christmas," by Bocietys:was . held‘â€"this© evening , Dr. A.Sniï¬l,'\.’ The financial report showed & balance on This morning a Jarge number‘of men mh:modswq‘ï¬::.&:lï¬â€˜htw refused some work which was given them mngmdngmm &db-uhflwm ie ie tss S eue arcte es Aikht nad_sivle oree onge s » over 300 worth of most :“rh. Post Office Savi n..x'.l.a.... withdrawals, $21,076. year, the same mpiy ds 3. makte=: Inhn.d Ronnuomdp‘-u the of Toronto, for the six months -d&" the duties, which show . $196,000. $112,000 in 1874. _ _ °_ _ __ _ " _ _ The anpual meeting ‘of the Caledonia joty. Special to THE TIMES. H eï¬ cpuey T d apoa‘ i v'â€"-z io tme mbfaninn n as io To e heate The Annual Revenue of the inar y of St. Buipice is $130,660..of 'W g(clr)t’- taxes to charities and to sup. schools. cb through mnm::cï¬pdn ditors of two prominent firms were to be held, whereas such was not the case. it uol out 'Mmj:: mesntenee & gen Ww‘:o lr:vho.:’: blm. bdzb’.‘ ulimplytp-n.. All the doctors Goat.m cashier of a Burlingâ€" ton, V arrested here Lory 33. Jumber Arm, cmas arreeted) b smwbyï¬wâ€";nm | Some them were intemperate. h A French Canadian this stole a piece of goods from a Notre Dame Jan. 4,â€"During the exâ€" esn mroluns wes n gaaronel Mï¬;flwfl:dwï¬h‘mhh lbddhhu&q; before log.n'. mission and substantiate their Lr.- and swear to them.. His evidence went mwm disorder existed in the 8..N. N.Y. And NORBEEROP & £YALAR, Terouto, u,wuhmn-d-.w Normâ€" ‘and Roleo: Haxiurox, Jan. 4.â€"On New Year‘s ove Cuiargay, Jan. 4.â€"A : and , ;nrlu-ot.g. om.‘: lourt :. MWouse Investigation â€" Stolen Goodesâ€"8t. Sulpice Beminaryâ€"Irre» prossible ‘Tom White in a new Ficld â€"Ohambly Election. pec al t> THE TLME®, "P ites :â€"* Thirteon i was Sfied by s severe ‘alinck "of atism in the head, from which I ‘:'3“"“"’"’ suffered. â€" A.ter 4 "Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil" for A N A D I A N. BRANTFORD CTinmmes _ HAMILTON Toroxta. Post OmMce Savings CHATHAM. Vanloon‘s MONTREAL. ie fhrew hp. euran6 : h number of with the * Virge wour _ Moxey.â€"Baskeryi Brothers are offering choice teas, ¢ iq“&nrrq-’ energy to ":“‘-“ For Mayor, Mr. Toole ; for Counciliors, Ward No. 1, Thomas M‘Q-‘ * %r.-d‘mni-npl‘u-- l:J E Em y arra â€"~.a lj_q._‘_,_;dn:nlul.l.m French and, Matthew West kid r.w'E-I. . . Soiciile and E. lin; South W dnaice ut Neabeld Ward: wTen T8 Tes B ons perionitiy 4 and aurcogh dhe grom ns 1 beliore is Meitichon Mofisit And erran, hm \. : M.â€"Em& Please e -fl-htdurllw JimBs * ® forward amt en abe teaton dame !h:iï¬(::"“"-"':A_ this), but the! which ! think is the best medioine for the Ward, it L. Godion ubatise Fububs and o:ï¬"u-,n.,m.& w. _ Veesgeste. .= ~| J. ‘R. Clelland, Beere; Whitonde, Hhotraq, and Mobicr eleoted acclamation ; -d?o. l,ï¬..m’ W. Stevenson and J.; Evans;â€"Ward No. 2. Dr. Herriman, P. K. Bendall and Hugh royden mt Joregh 0 Mr. A. G. MceDonell, Reeve ; Counciliors. Dewey and F. Tyrrell. f a Mayor, W. 8. Williams ; Reeve, J. C, ‘est Ward, F. Bartiett, H ter, W. Owens, P.G. Vanpatton. Reeve. > c.‘u.,w-&ï¬f%TGï¬.a,"' L%J‘- Bar; Ward, No. 7 John ~Field, Thomss Allen, David Mo‘ m D. C Maabotard, if S tneit S Tt 2‘.""51;.-._ No. 6 .d ..‘“.:: o 5-'@"&-: n»---.s---n(1 i y ,u m ???'é Ro. C Wark Chrisus w"‘â€â€œ"'""“"“‘L h. io. 6 L F '“ i Lowin, Dopu ; Compltine South 1nd We No. 6 Ward, Christie, Williams,fand Lewis, No. T Ward, Parpridge, Buo Pastridge Jnt John N.iTuttle, Reeve; L. !_K._{-, WQMA'& 496. . FOOIG, Mayor ; = Reeve acglamation ; To bout fln were eleoted, with the exception of the ï¬.& n egean d oo ie mzn‘.' en‘ h tapt 6 Iock "-vuI:: the :u. The result hes in the complexion of the boare: Gur of in io dneiinntt en ntames Mir. G. Guillet, Mayor; South, Ward, 2 Wutboliand, P. obatiany Ward, R. N. Pringle and J. St. Charles ; “nm"ï¬% o ind Patiersor, Pringle, St. Chaties ghd Fope: municipal election under the b-li:t‘m:t yesterday, _ and ;l-.-ndhx.:ht: ‘h.x_can- Wf uA. F*,hl ".'w“ : w‘“‘. ouu'.dfloq.l.fla-b- Samson Ward, N-%‘:. /R E‘_; Ketobeson W B‘ Hambly ;â€"Baldwin Ward, C. F. Bmith and aud M. Treleven, Mr. J. 1 LEs heatmg stove that drives all comâ€" titors to the wall is the Gurney Base Bpeoia! to THE Trarms, > Bowmanvilie. 'x'i'l.-'-u empson, elected .Mayor ; MUNICIPAL ElECTiONs, 2. H. Caltkice, and W 3. Ketohum and J. Manh ; North Feorge Ingle, J. Winters and E. PRICE 3 CENTS. at prices to enable all to enjoy Reeve, by acclamation