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Ottawa Times (1865), 5 Jan 1876, p. 3

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[.’S Fresh Goods, d SUPPERS. re and Lightning. nce Coy,. put up to order â€"ad, seasoned and Collaps, igu>s, Oz Touguss, Limb ed. Soods, and much Frésher. »ing Prices and Qua itigs mt LBE, i WORKS, _RSON. he verious Cometeries. an% W.“lrblad”" * Aivases, Recou»uy or #Tojectin8g 8 Sparks Street. GENTS. EET, nmercial Hoteh nce Company, $1,000000.00.. wner‘s Crouncds EWERAGE PIPE i sT ONE DRALNILNG EORGE ACRES, PROPRIETOR, EAL. NITE WORKS. RLOUER and COOKING of Policyâ€"holders ge Hotel, GIN, PORTER, &e, e ®) year oid, different prices ITIONâ€"1875. ETAIL. n Street. ‘O(tawa. manufactured by H. BRYSON, Suarks Street. ietor. us to detail always on hand. our Frankling Cool Ho4t EET, , 1875 08. PATTERSOM‘®‘83, *;~* sTOV ES E4 OF TWEED, EN. "Tuces RANGE, #% YSON‘S, Obelisks CO., DLDSRIAMAD+ ! FOR â€" $13.75. Pr>ducers uTTawWA 1974 voed the large and _‘ ® Sparts t w mb e y nBaz.~" articuiars at the Head Fâ€"PRE~LDENy Dt nat this 8t joyed â€" nothingâ€"drank | hardâ€"btut was pever drunk. Somehow or other, he had evidently over Gawtrey an influence little less than that which (Gawtrey Bad over Morton, but it was of a different nature ; Morton had conceived an extraordinary atfection for bis friend, while Gawtrey seemed secretly to dislike Birnie, and to be glad whenever he quitted his presence It was, in truth, Gawtrey‘s custom when Birnie retired for the night, to rub his hands, bring out the punch bow!, squeeze the lemons, and while Philip, siretched on the sofa, listened to him, between sleep and waking, to talk on for the hour together, oiten till dayâ€"break, with, that bizarre mixture of knavery and feeling, drollery and sentiment, which made the dangerous charm of his society. . > â€" " Gawtrey ! there is so much in you that puzzles me, so much which I find it difficult to reconcile with your present pursuits, that if [ ask no indiscreet conâ€" fidence, I should like greatly to hear some account of your early life. It would please me to compare it with my own ; when I am your age, I will then look back and ses what 1 owed to your exâ€" ample." "My early life! wellâ€"you shall hear it. It will put you on your guard, I hope, betimes, against the two rocks of youthâ€" love and friendship.‘" Then, while squeez ing the lemon into his favourite bevéerage, which Morton observed he made stronger than usual, Gawtrey thus commenced THE HISTORY OF A GOODâ€"FORâ€"NOTHING. Te be cont ned Gawtrey himself did not seem to knoew much of the early life of this person, or at least he did not seem to me much to talk of ° him. Thez footstep of Mr. Birnie was gliding, noiseless, and catlike ; he had no sociality in himâ€"enâ€" One evening as they thus sat together, Morton, after listening for some time 6 his companion‘s comments on men and things, said abruptlyâ€" â€" him engaged in whispered conferences, to whici he was not admit‘ed. His eye, however, was less idle than his lips ; it was not a bright ecye; on the contrary, it was dull, ard, to the unobservant; lifeless, of a paie biue, with a dim film over itâ€" the eye of a vul:ure; but it had in it a calm, heavy, stea.tay watchfuiness, which inspired Morton with great distrust and avereion. Mr, Birnie not only spoke French like a native, but all his habits, bis gestures, bis tricks of manner, were Fremch ; mot the French of good society, but more idiomatic, as it were, and popuâ€" lar. He was not exactly a vulgar person, he was too silent for that, but he was evi dently of low extraction and coarse breeding ; his accomplisbments were of a mechanical nature; he was an extraorâ€" dinary arithmetician, he was a very skilful chemist, and kept a Jaboratory at his lodgings ; he memfed his own clothes and linen with incomparable neatness. Philip suspected him of blacking his own shoes, but that was prejudice. Once he found Morton sketching horses‘ headsâ€"pur se desennuyer ; and he made some short criticisms on the drawings, which showed him well acquainted with the art. Philip, surprised, sought to draw him into conâ€" versation ; but Birnie eluded the attempt, and observed that he had once been an engraver. There is probably no man to whom the community owe so much &s to the honest, fa&r-ufiken physician who does his actual duty both to himself and to his patients. Really skillful physicians are not so numerous that their virtues need no men: tion, and hence the advertisement of Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo, may claim the reader‘s attention. Dr. Pierce is a type of a class of men who obtaimsuccess by careful and well directed effort, not atâ€" tempting too much, or creating falseideas as to ability. The only reliable physician in these days cf complicated disorders and highâ€"pressure living is the " Specialist," the man who understands his one branch of the business. For the benefit of his readers he has written a " Common Sense Medical Adviser," which is well worth reading by those who need such a work. With strict business honour, high proâ€" fessional skill, reasonable fees, and a large corps of competent assistants, Dr. Pierce will doubtless make his name familiar as * household words." _ â€" 4025 Tuxz finest assortment of Lamps ever been in Ottaws, at W. Hnu':,fias Bappeor‘s Bridge. 4 Birme (MMr. Gawitrey‘s ;artuer) never accompanied them. lRefreshed by this change of life, the very person of this younyg man regained its bloom and vigour, as a plant, removed from some choked atmosphere and unwholesome soil, where it had struggled for light and air, e*pmds on transplanting; the graceful leayes burst from the longâ€"drooping boughs, and the elastic crest springs upward to the sun in the glory of its young prime. If there was still a certain fiery sternness in his aspect, it had ceased, at least, to be haggard and savage, it even su ted the character of his dark aud expressive features He might not have lost something of the tiger in his fierce temper, but in the sleek hues and the sinewy symmetry of the frame, he began to put forth also something of the tiger‘s beauty. Mr. Birnie did rot sleep in the house, be went bhome nightly to a lodging at some litt‘e distance. We have said but little about this man, for, to all appearâ€" ance, there was little enough to say ; he rarely opened. his mouth except to Gaw. trey, witu whoum> Philip often observed impetuous and ardent spirits. Gawtrey himself was generaily a boon companion ; their society, if not select, was merry. When their evenings were diséngaged, Gawtrey was fond of haunting cayes and theatres, and Morton was his companion ; Birmie (Mr. Gawtrey‘s ;artnuer) never accompanied them. lRefreshed by this change of life, the very person of this young man regained its bloom and vigour, man â€" was the only friond (be had made. I _ have not thought; it necessary to «Jetail to the~ reader the _ conversations that had â€" taken place between them, that sage of Morton‘s life when he was be?:;h for some days Gawtrey‘s cowpaniOn; yet those conversations had sunk deep in his mind. He was struck, and almost awed, by the profound gloom which lurked under Gawtrey‘s broad bumorâ€".fi(’m not of temperament, but of knowledge. His views of life, of human justice and buman virtue, were (as, to be sure, is commonly the case with men who have had reason to quâ€"rrel with the world) dreary and despairing; and Morton‘s own experience had been so sad, that these opinions were more influential than they coua ever have been with the happy liowever, in this, their second re union, there was a greater gaiety than in their tirst : and under his host‘s roof Morton insensibly but rapidly, recovered someâ€" tuing of the early and naturai tone of his under current oi maliugnity and scorn, He had evidently received a) superior education, and could mmm:fi at will the manners of a man not unfamifliar with a politer class of society. From|the tirs| hour that Philip had seen him on the top of the coach on the Râ€"â€" ro d, this man had attracted his curiosity and interest ; the conversation be had heard! in the churchyard, the obligations he owed to Giawtrey in his escape from the oflicers of justice, the time afterwards passed in his society till they separated at the little inn, the rough and hbearty kindliness Gawtrey had shown bim at th&t period, and the hospitality extended to him now, â€"all contributed to excite his faucy, and in much,â€"indeed very much, entitled this singular person to his gratitude. Morton, in a woid, was fascirtated ; this man was the only friond (be had made. I _ have not thought; it necessary to detail to the reader CnaAPTER 11 William Gawtrey was one of those men who are born to exert a certain inâ€" fluence and ascendancy whergver they may be thrown; his vast strgngtb, his redundant hbealth, had a power of themâ€" selvesâ€"a moral as well as physical power. He maturally possessed high animal spi rits, bencath the surface of which, howâ€" ever, at times, there wasâ€"visible & certain under current of malignity aud scorn, He had evidently received a&) superior education, and could c«\mmfi at will the manners of a man not un{amiliar with The successful Pbysician. Night and Morning From the Si, Lonis (Hobe.] 1espa Book H. u‘fne the corruptions an : misdeeds 0‘ Grant‘s admainistration ; and will, it is to be hoped, lay the foundation tor & new and better gennd im >ur bational bistory. â€" Of all this Tux® sUN will contaia complete and accurate a¢counts, furâ€" oisoing it readers with early and tru tworthy inform«tion upon these top‘es. . _ _ Eigh een huodred and seventyâ€"sit is the Centennial year Itis alsoth» year in which an Opposition House of Revresentatives. the first sicee the war, will b in power at Washingâ€" tom; avd the y a" of the tweutyâ€"thind election of & Preâ€"ident of the United States. Ail cf those even‘x are sure 10 be of great interest and impcrtauce, (spâ€"cia‘ly the two latier, and all of them anil everything conn i1 eve C PMOC URRAT! will be ful o3 Tok ecwhd .::‘ m pounded in ?n:ngmsl.‘mv 1e 'hn m:l: _ Tre Opposition House of Representatives, taking ug the line of enquiry.opened years ago by 1HE SUN, will sterniy ana diligently Invesâ€" Lhe twentyâ€"third Presidential electivn, with the preparations for it will be memorable as leciding upen Grant‘s asptrations for a third term o. power and pt:ndu, mud still mor» as decldlgf who #halt the candidate of the party of the Ref rm, and as clecting that cauâ€" lidate. Concerning .1« these su jects, those who reai TH® SUx will have the constant meâ€"ns of being thorough«y we‘l informed. _ Tha W EEKLY mUS, which has altained a circulailoa of over eighty> thousand oo? h a ready MA« 1:= readâ€"rs in every Biate and & ritor , and we trust that the year 1876 wilt their numves doubled. !t will continue to be a thorouga uewspa. er. . All the generalnews of the day wiil be found in it, condensed whan unimportaâ€"t, at full leogth when iof moments and aiWays, we trast, treaied in a cleur, intorâ€" esting aod instructive manner. A â€" TBE WEEKLY SUN 1776. _ NEW YORK 1876. SCHOOL LANTsRN 1t is our aim to mase the WEEKLY SUN the best lamily newsp«per in the world, and we shall continue to give io its coldmns a large amount of mi#detaneous reading, suCD as stor ies tai~s, poemy, sclentific intelligence and I{ncaiufiru]'{.;filidfi fur woich we are not able l? "ml':f rou"m in ourdnuly edmux.or'l‘:l: agricul. ural department <sp:cially is one promtlnent featur s. 'l'hg MD%III are© also regularly reported in its columns; and so are the markets o( every kind. Cc e e We are Headquarters in everything in the way ¢f C . Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, Beirg Manufacturers of the‘ 5@1 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, _ * (Opp. Meu'opo‘lt.ln Hotel,) Manufacturers, Importers & Derlers in CHROMOS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes & Views, PHOTJGRAPH!IC MATERIALS. MICROâ€"SCIENTIFIC LANTERN, STEREOâ€"PANOPTIC >N, UAIVâ€"RSITY STERROPPIOON, ADVFRIISER® +TEREKQPTIOON, L. .. ___|_AaRroPIICON, ~ ; FAMILY LANTER&N, PEOPLEB LANTARN, @och sty‘e be‘ng the bert of its kind in the market, _ The WazkLy SUS, cight pages with fiftyâ€"six broad columas is l'):l" $1.2) a year, postage veliiog agonts. 404516 P HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, Advertising, Registry & Geneâ€" .ral Commission Office. 0‘CONN OR STREET, | KFor making all kisds of Cakes Eugs. Norwich Egg Powder, Ua‘a‘ognes of ! anterns and Slides with direcâ€" tons for using sent on apvlication. Avy ons rorsin man câ€"n maks money with Majlc i autern. c‘one %, 18 ~ SD76d&w. $3 * $#20 «4 working i«opi; of eithor sex, . OR ONL ie e meonee aarug mMmonents, or e :m“(oho. Particulars free, _ Post: card to.& gost but one cent. : Address _ ____ .. FOR EVERYBODY. j>»%s posted and balanced, and debts collected in the safest and moékt ~ uushetor! mâ€"«nner for‘ > ; Merchant ang Oreditor, * . ra~ HOUSES AND STORES TO LET IKN ALL PARTROP TBE CITYÂ¥Y®~~ C T HIRD, The Imitations Weigh Only «bout } of & Pound to each Plug, and are Made from Comâ€" mon |eaf. j NONE IS GENUINE! Myrtle Navy Tobacco. At a shade over first oo-} at Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, In fact you can <@ve log:ot money by buying your foet wear at | Lanib‘s Clearing Sale whjod will be opened to ithe pudlic only a short cime, as the stock is fast dl& ing. A good opportunity for buying oft a ¢< ms welT.. taoiished business. Pe:â€"sonal application to Sole Agents for Ontario. , If you have a house to rent or want a house It you have land or house prope? ty for sale. If you have any kind of propurty for sale. If you want a sevant or store assistant : CALL AT u:fim}e‘ml:lppers, mt cost and under, all BOOTS & SHOES .‘&‘nd other goods at proportionately low priges, Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, Un each Plug, Ottawa, Oct. 18th, 1875. LW‘@IIEI;F‘:‘&I. HIGHEST MEDAL at 6i & H T. ANTHONY & C6,, |Ropairing meatly and prowptly executed Noune but ne bes. work «en empioyed. THOMAS SHOR : 4°C )., Spurks street, near Bank. s‘ MOK ERS | NICHOLLS & CO FIRST, it is made of the Finest Virginia Leaf. SECOND, Each Plug Weighs } of a Pound Ridivg Saddl sacs, Whivs, with their line Which : lowest r ALEX. TAYLOR, tneir ALBUMS, GRAPHOSCOPES and SUITABLE VIEWS. Margh 10, 1875. Next Victoria Chambers. Commissions Undertaken, To be had of all Grocers. "H. J, WKEK B &00., Flour & Farm Produce. Childreus‘ Rubbers at 35 cts Missos‘ . _____*"* _ at 40 ets. Ladies® Loug Rubber Boots, at $1.50. " Nuceessor to Di Makharnon, j â€"OORNER Orâ€" RIDEAU AND CUMBERLAND STS. EW S EASONABLE, HOMAS s~HRE & COMPANY sueccess )rs to Lee & Thoru pson, TLoUR AND FEED sToRe. LW FiRM CALL AND EX 1MINE STOUCK, FINE ave t Three Reasons for Using the they iz ate8. ripton Baddl UNLESS STAMPED LVÂ¥ iL t «toet always on habnd to sull al «s sromptly attendted to, s aagnest price wilâ€"| be puid for the m Produce. al\ the attent on of i varled assortmen {YD COARSE HARNESS, e oilering to the public at the They havs also always on Aand is ot @entlemen‘s and l‘dlu‘ os, Trunks, | Vulises, Satthels, and everything io: connection of business. ______ Agdr THE AU N; Now York City â€"â€"DEALERS INâ€" PE% DaY. â€" 48. Sussexâ€"st the Public to ot all descripâ€" C iL. vi 408 Otm.mum-u:null?ln(.f.dmmm i Bchool Utensiis, _ Tumun'fla_nnnu. 493 SQUARE MILES TIMBER LIMITS, Situated on the Petewawa, Kippewa and River s * o 0 . _â€" . MeGILLIVRAY., will be fonnd every article used in the office of . ~THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE ARTHUR: L. HOLMES, TORONTO, i11 always be. in k. â€" A * * Undisede Bibles Hymn Books, Church Hervices, &6. Ottawa, Bopt, 15, 1875 _ of all descriptions jat BOOKS & STATIONERY Com plete in ONE VOLU ME of over 1,000 pages bsaudiaily Mustrated witn $ full page Engrey® It is the WORLD‘S STJ}RY .B0OK, and ail 'm';)udnc-nand ® 1D m‘u TD i FORD & CO., + ao[xmumm.j_v,q._ Comprising the ll“e'n Jovol:n of Imaginative Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of WaKkefteld, Robinson Crusoe, _ Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, «; Elizsabeth, Vathek, Picciola. _ â€" Undine, Talés from Arabian.Nights. Pn-n’x-n: GIBBS & COURSOLLE, & BOLICITORS OF Large Commission & Cash Premuims In re from the practice of ion L hnn“a?t‘ with nyl:_“flmu» Mm’hwm. \. F. COTTON, nxv.zhuand.-loouml of Burveys in Ottawa and llg! and have much pieasure in recommending ms my sucâ€" ° PLUMBER, GASâ€"STEAM FITTEEB, Corner Wellington and ‘Bank -gbou, OttaWa. * of. Public Bullding, G@reen Hotses, l"rlme.!eqldfina by high »r :low pressure Ste ita Autâ€"Not water a sposlaity. â€" Al‘l’lll!l F. COTTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AK® DRAUVGHTSâ€" Patents of (Invention, [TRADE MARK REGWSTERED.)J â€" _ "ICTORIA CRAMBERS, WELLINGTON â€" STBREET:O@OTIAW A. 38 4 TRADE ASSIGNEE, City of OTTA W A, County of Cariéton. Block, Ottewa, Sept. 2 1975 , _ OTTAWaA, ONT. _ _ _ Day Officeâ€"Sparks street, Centre Town. Night OfMceâ€"At his residence, Maria street, Centre Town. f bOancé.n £ ! without the use o t(:: ::Iuno. a neow | u. tain, speedy n% ’.l â€" le’e viocess. Reference#given bj suc» cessfully treated, if required. @ester. 00 0000 c0 . 0k c _ ZO~ Consultations at alt hours gb_t,!t. South side of Rideau street, near Glouâ€" May be ted at his Office, corner of O‘ jo~. nor Albe 1 streets. â€"Oct. 28, 1874 240| Buccessor to W. R. Thistle & Co. .ggco. as formerly, over Manu‘s |Hardware The proprietor of the City General: Labor Agency and Female Hervants Bfiw&omoo. hereby inforras the Enb)lo gene! , that the business of the office has this day b«en‘resumed at No, 28 Clarepce street,.â€"a few doors from Susâ€" nxâ€"u:s business will hereafter be exolusively confined to the above hranches, therefore emâ€" ployers and those requiring work, may: rest asâ€" sured that their waunts will be promptly and °md°nrt1;Â¥ attended to. Returhing thanks for the past patronage beâ€" stowed upon the e@tablishment,â€"a gontinnance thereof is respectfully solieited." _ lc bfoncmtmmass M s1 OFFICEâ€"No. 2 Wellington Street, s lock, Ottawa o.n'n. lfluoy"f LIBRAAY OF ~FAMOUs FctION, "ANCHOR BRAND" Best SIX CORD EXTRA iQuality Kept by allLeading Ury Goods Hotuses. 1875. . COAL MAK&. SOFT FINISHED *LASTIO and V ERY sm bined with FREEDOM FRQM all the qualiites requisite for First Clags lachina&yvlng, A thare are several makes a flmmlu of CLARK & COS COTTON, jor CGENTS OUTFIT FREE. rereof is respeci{ul1y uolirc;:td.' e e A thor mghLv efticient d: â€"viaker .rowod Ottawia, Sept. 10, 1875, J3 a¢ 3 Would oall etgeritién to their !u;n.g R :o.‘.ln:: mT ;;rm df Hariware at BBT SX L0N DTM OMUMI , ~ TROS~BIRKETTS, PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ‘ACCOUCHEURE, IN STATIONERY Has opened at . 38 Sparks Street, withia complete assortmen t of Bpecially Manu actured for use on the SEWING MACHINE. LUMBER AND ooulsn_u_u MBRQHANT, R. 0. 0. WOOB, R. J. D. R. MACDONELL, R. J. P. LYNN, ©C,. W. MacCUAI *BOOKSELLER 4 STATIONER, . JOHNSTON, EROT OF REFERENCES GIVEN ANCHOR MILLS, BOOKS PA"L.Y, Would oglt etgeritién to their A CARD. w. R. THISTLE & co. k in stock. . A yery large Mathewman‘s Block, _ _â€" . Wellington Stre J. W. MeRAF‘3, COAL , THE, TIMES,.OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY v5; 1876 1875. taword stet PEBFECT I BEECT I B EHCGora 3917m3 Opposite the Post‘Ofice, Eigin Stree SIGN_ HOUSE DECORAâ€" _ P wl RAimIPSE: oo pan A assortment ofâ€"NEW PAPERs, mbfifllg.:‘-, Tust reoetyed, and now on view T.uvmv. sunr., 9 oV‘ .; emmers; Machi« mg Juists and all others «k DiL/ interested ‘ who nave been troubled‘in the past with zummed or heaâ€" Mmmm{mnumnflu ancy price, use Cravers Arctic and Engine Olls aad;so avoids those doniplaints for the ifuture. 3813 'flfi?‘m‘i&flw. NT 2e mhaite at the onsuing Soealoo of, the amend the ut 199 Vine sup. it io incorporate L‘Institut Canadien Frangais de la Cit« | vhe; + VA Oln .. .. 139 Pseirrnd ce ts n( id ue 2 won of said, Association to r2‘se & larger suna of moâ€" OALDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Managers. SHINGLE MACHINE ! T 9. pupiatitan,, whe are now the eroprier Mills‘~Supply | Agency No. 17 BparkeStred, Near Rusiel! Holse March 36, 1874. RIDEAU: STREET, COBNEE _ OF DALHOUSIE STREET Fulm KMKS* Saws, Beiting,â€"Flle#, Packing, Files, reâ€"out, Drugâ€"Store. T. T. ‘SHEPHERD. HOTEL COOKING RANGES ! HOTEL CARVING TABLES !! .| C HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!! ! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS!| _ . HOTEL LAUNDBY 8TOVEsS 1 1 HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES!!! Ottawa, Sept. All goods delivereid free to any part of the ,?"3“-“ Deg: $%1878 |> .l anyt ~ . DOMINION . ~WAREHOUSE, PYBIMONT SEÂ¥SSEL ASPHALTE Chemist & Druggist, H. HlAgOWB& go., . 85 Bussex Street, Ouawa, April 17th, 1875. 8831 en in ire AST END "~ wo: K _RIDEAU STRRRT. Put wat are 4 i=: m.fl per keg, 100 ‘be. Railroad,» Hay, Coal ~_> PLATPORM AND CoUNTER BLYTH â€"& KERR‘S. f 3874 MONTREAL. FAIRBANKS & CO TTAWA AVOIDING HtAT IN THt KQUSE, P.B; ~Agent for American Blasting Powdor A call is respectfclly soiicited. _â€" _ ~COAL ~OIL COOKING STOVES ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to :cCHAMPION :SCALES 00K HeRE, 403.8T.. PAUL: STREET, Kardware, &t.. SAVING FU EL M a* * D&AWA Ony., 16, 1875. ALL SIZES, ia tm proport/on, ~ Als> Prints, MTHO8, BLRK ETT No. 6 ildean treet de in Cite Montreal, € style. mopt susvessra) Â¥eadliy Paper in vee NoTICES OF THE PRESS. pliac m eekly is the ablest and most powerâ€" ful i ‘44 modhl‘mfll&nold in . this m&r’. Its efi .s‘ll-muenebg‘ (“nrd eon. e o e m es our '"mfl@aa 0. me râ€"lrh"'m& w least half a apd its influence as an of, fl mn':-dou. The w’ wmalothlos a ve positio», and exâ€" presses desided views on poiitical mm s ailloren men modam of highâ€"roned diseins g::ou mmh in ::.él Dnlt:é wu::gfim voll o SOoneie OuY,piooil® ‘unstiaiens _'ifiifiééu' upon existent questions mod its inimitab ‘finnoonl he‘p to mould theisenttâ€" Ient of tb country ~â€"Plitsburgh Comnichatal. »Sion o sweetness, smoothnas and Fichness of tong we have never beard m J. 0. , M.D., Fonthill. FULL AGRAFFE;),â€"0CTAYVE,. FOR $300 y old tuner, who has taken care of my fio fot ‘the past ton y ears; I‘;l tha; the No. t tflehg. just received from you, is the best mai o-un}?::ulm in liumy. ~n.:umvxwm, Cleveland, 0. â€" <owe / ‘ . .E.m.St. W., M, 8. School. Toronto. * + ha A t (pemaataiin t c anat nothi 111. Tne tone is soft . ‘The &m&d when 600 yoices are sing» %m u. heard. Every note: rings f gfimg'gnnnm. @uperifitendent, :> BaMURED FRIGSY, Mustcal Conductor. It bas given family the very highest Mwflc{.‘- t . N 1 + Rev. JOHN BREOIN, Barrie. nangven entire satisfaction, and delighted all who have seen it. + i a * TAOMAS BEST, Toronto, . ed a firstâ€"cla‘#â€"Instrament: I consider them second 1o none. .. * GEO, TAYLOR, Don Â¥iits. The Mathushek I purchased from you three years ageâ€"hbas given the most pertcet zllsfio his been folly comne out" q ‘?.'"“,m“ ibet are {‘:'u here, and all uy%r: rld, POt exâ€" w.m yiamo for any tbey have eyâ€"r > 0 0n 0c 0 DB K. BSURNS, St. Thomes. Tais is to certify :purchated two‘of your l_li‘hlphgk_l’hng-t:nd“ fimun:m wil mngnb "i‘iuun'”'l of iwonderful power and meélodious in : ‘ Atriin a: PEASE, Rochester. Ias fnily convinced that the Mathushek was the crown.of all. i0 +244 H. BELLAIN. "NORRIS & SOPER, ihave heard nothing :toequal it in sweetness of tone, Its notes are: more .like: those of our swoetest singing bird, or those ot the finest human volce, than any instromont notes I ever heard. muwld with our instra® ent. May you bi with great and deserved Yours truly, .. SPENCER L EINNEY i Pastor Second Presb. Uhurch, Princeton, N,J. . Mathoshek has in‘reality taken‘@ step inâ€"ad« vauce of all makers.o Pianovin ie world. "Wwwfi', BNE. y l'n':‘hm Pignos must toke the "?.n.n of aU knou'n insiruqgents, and : pecu‘liar ‘copstrystion readers them by far the most d.uabic, and the ‘least liab;e to get out of tune. o j in i GENE J MERRIAM, R_Wyfiunld tem; t me to. bariish 1t from l hi ..-’ D. SCHUYLER, Buff«lo, Mathushek sporior to allothers, _ . > _ & date of Cenec‘t the Math nejek mm tlvoqrm'._ Carve ied d Agents wanted Wholesdle:Agents for Canada for PRINCE It gives the most compiete satis/ac ion, For Thes* are brovd assertions, but cupabla of "."x ‘Of, tlhov Are unundmv -;:orm«u&rm-; ‘ r s ns «of e c g’h.?:’g‘.WM rlolcrln!la %w;: Whhie‘rtre sehd rrs to any addre«/ ,,, in hoome y with ncoastics and ~mectames {bat )s claimmed ror tire MatbumiaekK.s | .9 ... . ... " Trere sr>‘thoisands .of baypy owniers of Matanch etwAliim® to @erfify 16 ‘their atperior Me%uou «We n here for bUt & few lr:l(~_.exltfll!;"â€" New Y Sat fi, Yhoy . TL C OkK, 0c ‘ r8ar. > _.. We.tbe fudersigned; Jm{tnof Fianus at the Fowr of w merigen LUf@.â€"@iLGT a ~ugf 190. m xi fl?\fl)f m‘x t‘(‘\mn%nn is do ugn-‘g to EREDIERE KWATHUSHEK, the honont of musking thebes! _Of this glass oi iustruments hn and th re exhiblled, or knowu to us elseâ€". "{signed] â€"/ BDWARD MODLENHAUER, Postage fr6e to all Subscribers in MATHUSHEK â€" f PEANO®. O unsl _6. |" (K SAÂ¥ WATSON, . . ‘s Congervatory of Music, New York. glo‘-ple:o'rlmrhl lzlhl.!tv of 3!: Harper‘s‘ Weekly. FX" *L in Yoldme~ of tone. EKKORL, in valceâ€"like quality of tone. €Xâ€"‘Bii in firm ces and ty of tone. | F§CE}. in darabl‘ity, keeping in tune. , FX"EL for th» con room. * HX ‘Kh far tescht"g s ard semincries t XCwL far the. dra i gâ€"room. \â€" No. 8 ‘Addaide Street ; TORONTO; Sole . Agents. ILLUSTRATED. Eli.%f}‘r):lfi‘gfilk%‘{?&?flew York. â€"$30 0 I PRICES other reliable makers at BOT» M. J _ GfFSNNRTTIL â€" CHAKLES FRADEL. TERMS : i”"v;-‘mg“:‘ 5. Y:ar aiip®*~ 8| g _ .. J @, SHAW, _ _ Musical cnfi& Baratoga cmnnl 5 vATORY, #he guperiority of these Eztracts consists in thalr perfect pyrity and great strength. They are wat» enter into the composition of many of the factitions fruit fzvors now in the market, : ‘They are not only tiue to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, and are so highly concentrated that a <omparatively: amall quantity only nee® MB ‘rllm-'â€"vAvery" ry, Brown & Co, Aug. 2, I87f ‘ " As this mixture is pleasant to the t and i aramene n im p;l:mmuumuwuuna TT ial 16 toet hm‘h mf:-. !k‘ndig casas eao l tmes Is ...5_.3: oi +o 45 ghroor a pormenatnt nore in the qrom assnny ‘%f‘nl?"%uff *mgw ‘5:"‘ mwhich wilk be “'nm byolflc.f Worecestershire" Saucte, afier 4this date, and wwithout ‘which nore r::‘. .ll!.:!lod Free. Send your n@ire® Agents Wanted, DECLARED BY CONNOTSSEURs To which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA i PERRINS have adobled and Goits or Ladies," $5 to $101 impurities, cannot be too hichly reanmimandad . l'm "mm@fi%u sores of all undut_)- a neverâ€"failing and permanent * It cures old sores, & Cures ulcerated sores on the neck, ~** Cures nloerited sore 1 ... Cures blaockneads, or pimbples on the Oures Onres Senostons aibors. fewd % and skin discases. ?B_“IL- aduiar sweilings, _ . ... ... WORCESTERSHIRE Iiwasflmlms of * ... oi aoert" Trade Markâ€""BLoop MIXTURE,‘ .. The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer. For sleansinz and Cleating the blood from all WORLOD FAMED BLO00=MiItURE LEA & â€"~PERRINS® THE ONLY GOO0D SAUCE. Bole Proprietor, F.: &Lrp_gt}:%fiExtracts i B a 2' Av.‘Hotel, M. Â¥, nDle n ;-â€"â€"l bantal Hotel, Puile. a; -W'T PP d Cep@rereit® ,‘u.â€"lw!. anf SNtve Loation Whotesite Houses. . vp_ AGENTS LN CANADA.. _ S erent minenae w ce Ar nc the T Burnett‘s. Extracts Burnett‘s Burnetts. Exiracts :: Rgosta for Dominion of Caneda. IOREPH ‘BURNETT & CO, BO8TO%, 24. New Labet gura hndmulvoxuyl, Proprictor, F J. CLARKE, C o PR 4A OT OR S oo es PLUOMBEE, CAS & STtEAM Piofhe. + (Late Yirzrow & HAxpust,) p boul in i4 28 ENarNEERs AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLEâ€"OF ~DOGS, POPLAR, LONDON, _ _ _ Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Jonrnal, _ }... BLY T Hâ€"A&KERR . %5. RIDEAU STREET, â€" |, |_.... Plumbers, " Gas "and Steam Fitters, Galvanized at un Homeremmin mny on on en Manufacturers‘ Agonts and Dealers in Irow :and Wood Working Machinery wiponie fguchioey a Small Steamers & / Steam Launthes, "BUILT OF WOOD, IRON OR STEEL TO MERT SPECLAL REQUIREMENIB, â€" > â€" < mt yacHINERY OP Â¥y Hky_piesonirr1oN, noor OB TLA BELFLNG, ®uBs, anp Enxnomass ax» Bomans, Nzw axo &mfld-. Ottaws, Sopt. 2 1675 . I.loul’l‘ar--l Ottawa, Nov, 1, ~SCOTT; CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEE Rend for Cidtalars and Catatogues. OFFIOE 1ND WAREHOUSE..... "€ vony ie « .nm-,m* Their ‘Excellencies the Earl aniCountess Qfm D. S. _ NKINNON &â€"€0., > T8 Mpark® BthGet, \|. .. 5 i. _ .o o0 2e t o 0o wl ol [ orfawk, 4 AGENTS rOR io stok Sehil t Wih: BELL & Co.‘s PRIZE MEDAL ORGANS 3 AND QRGANETTE®, ic W oqemia "Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s INCLUDINGâ€"THUSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTUREE Warerooms |next to Daniels*Kotel.. CHOICE |AND~BEAUTIFOT wow Stcamers with speod« ranging up <6 20 miles an hour, .. Séeamers, with draughts ranging down to ¢ inthes of water, Contracted for, â€"â€" Prices from £200 upwards, MACHINERY CONBTRUOTED FPOR, BOATS RUÂ¥gAaBRrOGAD.~" | OF THE BEBT CAKADLAN, ENGLIS Ziw&‘fi"mmaâ€" uy Mait Y ARR Oâ€"Wâ€"4& C001 .~B. Ferguson, Agents for the Improved Hol Air burnase. 3rd Door Wost of Bank Street, McKAY‘S â€" lanrecrs,"wo; Mechinvern. "Tean THall. Paper. O TITAWA: PAPER. 7, M’:.v fitted ap on Lae t 44

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