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Ottawa Times (1865), 6 Jan 1876, p. 1

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ul bnTaig ut Foul par ceds, per _ fuF "| NN j ai Luo rmie s 66 13 can be withd: at any miasst eomieae nhaken‘ o THE "LONDON, ai. 2 coul. se naif ounce, g,,“""’ Ridean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) Bee nours from s a.m. to / p.MM. FRED FOOKS â€" â€" â€">~Proprietor. rival and recrtmment HMotic 1sed trom any of the 1iqeM# re Lhrougnout the city. MONKEY ORVERS ey Order unces tnrougnout Ples, Leprosy, Scrorfaim, Lel », Sautâ€"iHheum, an> a)l diso+804 » boutle warran‘ed to cureail C# m oue to icree bottles in all 6 ‘HE FOLLOWING 1NI0N PARLIAYXENXT EB (Daily Kaiton) is wfifldfl’u }7-4 fifi'h’); .tz. w RIVATE BILLS BBILCLLISH MAILS & Y close every Moaday .:.;.::lfgm close every Frid+7 i ERNMENT HoUsE, is FOR ALL », maie or fema ng. No capital i goods bYy mal [ OFPi thst and Woest in suppiem sams nighi. ed matter can be sent E STREET LETTER B0XES. is wili be made from the S6r0et1 . 4 a m , 12 s «on, and 3 p M. FR~E DELLVERBY,. > c.. wil be deiiverei by Lotter ey urder and saviugs Sank ulernal and External Use. a SURE and perfect CUR® aol of H «rolugsh nemt _ er, Wwiait : ul-uzflbfl \ou: I‘ll s are an excellent ie, asd i certainly 00 @DJOF n sounds cep and a g00d + owing to ta<ing yOur wAll ars ‘ohs." "Aersaibing, gentdl o 4 p.ul. ies 0. P. BAMER, m.-‘ ery â€" respect New!vindiand, GPO®® A ulle . Staies, rrics saViNG®S BAME pri€l es ‘asier chac Jlinwas Lume 1 1CP FROM A LBM T B es 02 xe®, or u\nipmn oc e imetoi se dn P Ma R _ RRANGEMsNIR «.m., and & p.R AG m JIAH-_ rs of Norton‘s AUMOR UURE Woyo : cuP p m.. in wuloh e ; §$35 per, w a of he ake a loat % M\h.??:w ": e Hcuse Chluorm mon _ 3Â¥im2â€"law a 4d 000 r«. 1/3 G oTTAWA, NC Mr. BEN. HUâ€"KSLL begs to announce to the genersl and travelling punlic, that be has entered npon the Proprieto ml‘i’ of the ab ve Hotel. lately oonduclurby Mr. Fred. Kyans. The bes. brand® of wines, liquors and cigars are Kept and the promptest alte tion is paid to Guests The above popular Reataurant has been eniarged by the addition of several ‘:slclouu and we‘l furpished rooms on the second stcry. Kor terms and condition, appilcation may be Eu.e to H, V. Noel, Quebec ga k, or K. McQilâ€" vray . Dinner I-’nvldod from 12 A.%., untit 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" ; able rates. The finâ€"st Luncheon and Dining Kooms tSe ty fl st Luncheon and Dining Kooms GentiemeD honouring this estab‘iâ€"hment with their ptlrolngo may rely on strict attent‘on being paid ‘o their orders, Liquors, Wines avd Cigars of the best quality. Luncheou served a‘ ali pours; [gATE OF PRESCoTT] Corner of Sparks and Bank Streets. Begs to inform the citizens of Ottawa that he has commenced the ‘WVUMBER LIMITS FOR sSALE CONTAINING oNE HUNDRED AND TWENT Yâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILES. M‘at well frequented Hotel, Cave Creek, Richmond Ruoad, compriâ€"‘ng cigheen apartâ€" ments a six sialle‘siable aud hay loft; a yard closed in with sned ; ~ d:iÂ¥ing shed 3§x22 ft , with loft above, ntior PUBLiC MKEKTINGS, LDAN. ING HALL or GRANARY. The proâ€" Iifes are »ituated within one m ii; of the City and have a flun%o to the K chmond: koa« of 149 leet b{ a deoth of 146 feet 10 incties. The whole w.!l ve suld on reasouable terms _ Apply Parties reqoiring a (irstâ€"class article can rely on getiing it, as everything used will be of the The "Feathers‘"‘ Hotel. to JOSEPH Mou\W, on the premises to H. MCLEAN, Auct‘oreer, Ottawa. cenl Have received cf their Fall Importations, 18 BALES CARPETS and CUKTAILNS. Embraciog ali the noveities, cut for the season to which they confidently SHOOLBRED & CO. A .@rge assortment 0( Gold and S:iver Watches, Lacies‘ 0, era and Victoria Chains, Gentlemen‘s Albert Chaing, Rings and Gold Sets, Braceleta. and Jewelle y cf every deseripiion, Plated Ware, Ciocks, &e., at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers can gl their stock as cheap from me as any other louse in the Dom niou. Bey> SSâ€"SPAXKsS SThEETâ€"3G ~g WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. OFFIC*â€"Corne: of G‘Conper ard QueeD streets, iormeriy cecupied by Dy. Corbett. _ _ Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1875 l}u. 14 P'l'l.:n BB A CALL IS SO LICIT ED. w& priawa SeptA 1 %___ __ S9H THE "LONDON," M . DA N O Hoyv, R_W.Sâ€"orT, Q C McLEOD STEW ART. J J G H sSAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, TTAWA CARPET HOoUSE. EWELLERY Barristors, Attorneys,. Nolicitors, Notaâ€" â€"_ ries. &o., &c. ‘VALnl‘.n. PENNOCK & McINTYRE, PINHEY, CHRISTIE & HILC Invite Inspection. Special Value in Lace Curtains. VYOL. X., NO. 4081. FFIC* : Hardy‘s Block, Rideau street OFF R. LOGAN, Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c ®M@~ Mosgrove‘s Building, Rideau st,, Ottawa. N. JouN »‘CoNnNoR, Q.0C. G. J. ODou R®tY * H. CHRYSLER, coTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, Manufacture of Sausages. ot CO~NOR & ARRISTER, ATTORN CONNOR & ‘DoHERTY, ARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NoTARY, &C W. W. WARD w. P. COUTLEE, BC.L,, SA LE. )* the late frm 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST MARSHAL MATHESON, ISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"AT LAW, sc TOR IN CHANCKRY, NOTARY, ®rc N. MARKS, zegal Cards. ARRISTER, ADVOCATE, & Hlotels. « or the Obs etrical R sidert Awisa t t street. Offic~ hours from w i p.m. Special attention wud displacements of the A FTORNEY@â€"ATâ€"LAW, SoLt HoGG, (ITOR®, ATTORNEY3, AND Y @NCERS, EPC. nce of Ontar.0.) Â¥, soLICITOR IN CHAXN® nce of ENNOCK, | A. F. MCLNTY LE College of Surgeons rgh. JOSEPH SMITH. 4 6LE IAN. <URGEON AND On â€" cnsilted pro es ce, M+tcalfe »treet, y the Hon.P. Mitâ€" 38 yl ege of Phys‘cians re ts, OttaWa J J GORMULLY i im bars, Co irt w. D. HOGG LFO n the Proâ€" ivecial care m both proâ€" HOP. Hri1 Holl Pr Town, oppoâ€" 3934m6@ 323 m6 Suciey Aecouâ€" 22iyl 16iy1 26 y Main MHKS. ALEX, RQBERTSON is prepared to tecelv. a g\v ‘ddmgnd piupils at her 1esiâ€" dence, 412 Rideau Streey. _ _ _ _â€"|| _ . _ .. _ Terms, a0,, may be leaued on application & above, between the hour of Lwo and fiye, &4 weokâ€"iay afternoon. _ _ ____ T6 FOR THE PLA NOFORTE The ne plus ulira of Piano@it: Instruction Books. Canuot be excelled, er eveh :r« orched by its countle s competitors, Etands far above them all. Usged by Lg;uundl of the best music leachers and sold by all Book and Music FOK REEKD ORG ANS. This, for Reed Instruments, is just what the o‘her is for thePiano. It has witostood estene s‘ve reviews a:%i comparisous, and is pronounâ€" outting demar d as great a> ever :::'»"f'g:‘;s';fi;d::‘ :‘KlE‘n' it will b: naziled, post» Clarke‘s New Method Ee en e n eP LK ced by l.euhefi und musiciaus to be the best instruction biok of its kind ever published., Fo_r sale 9!!!7’“‘"9' e hy NsÂ¥ annng The subscriber having purchased another ®state of Boots, Shoes, &c., at 65 cts, on the Doila:, Great Slaughter in prices will be made for ca 819 »rdor to effect au eutire clearaunce. before ecaivirg Fall Siock !_ uP The undersigned has opened a Ston â€"cutters Yard. Corn«r of King and â€"t. Andrew Btreet. whare building stone and post« o« all desoription wili be kept constantly on hand, Orders are respectfully solicited, fur all kinds of Stea~ £9 Pm s Price $ fr which it will be mailed, postâ€" free, to uf;'sidd.rm. C. H. Ditson & Co., | J. E. Ditson %00.- T11 BRoAPWAY, I Suce‘rs to Lee & Waike BANKRUPT Wiil be sold at 40 per cent. below first cost, &8 the porchasers are 2 bout to (men a Fashionable Ta«ilorieg E«tablishment on the first of January next. leachers and lolil&y all Boo% and DEUM!! Dealers. Hundreds of thousands sold, and the Tli::n:xnocs ATTRACTIO \ ! ver;; ro:'.lnuru. umg\Cmq etc., for sale D. MORGAN & sons. BOOTS & SHOES. A NEW WRITING JMASTER, A NEW COUR<E OF INSTRUCTION YOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSLNES$ Studen‘s may entor at any time. Address for cirealars, &0., _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ _ _ __ SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! "s the mo<t beautiftul work of the kind in the world. It contains oearly 150 pa%es, hundreds of Ane lilusGrati ns, and Fojr Cbromo Plates of Flowers, berutifully drawn afd colcured trom na‘nr-fi’ Price %5 cents, in paper cover ; 8: cents Louhd in elegant cloth. <08tf Vll‘.lN(‘ll'Zs FOR BOARDERS, No. 4 McCormick‘s Terrace. O‘Connor street. A »ply at NONAN‘3 RESTAURANT, Sparks st eet S$SLLf NSE CHANCE is now offere ! to any e aesirous of J)urchulng, a beautiful private site fora gebtleman‘s residence, three and a half mcres. opposits Messrs. Garland & Mutchmor‘, on Bank street Road, one mile {rom in city |‘mai‘s. Terms moderate, Aup‘y w M STAKRS, Gttawa City. 40/0Uf Goop ROOYMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" ple of rood bedâ€"rooms with bo rd, ma be had at MRS. K&GRR‘3, corner of Elgin mfi Salter streets 1004+f METCALFE3 Wholesale READY MAD3 CLOTAING Estab lishmont. I SPARKS!STREET. Toâ€"day, at2 o‘clock and 7 Mk, p. m. \ ROWE & ERRATT, wap, For sale by all Qilmen, Dec. 4 1§74, The extensive stock of the Fstate of 000 so _ D. McARTHUR & CO, Proprietors. Ottawa Oct 27, 1875, 398308md&w Do e enc Hldemn C5, cartawra. Se 42401975 ELROT ROâ€"PLAT ED _ WARE, ITALIAN MARBRLE _ GOODS, I~‘.4.Vg,'Y GuoDs GQLD _ AND _ SILVER WATCHES, CHROMOS®, ETC., ETC., Which he will «sell by Public Auction, without reserve at his Saie rooms, ilgin street, commenctng on Friday Evening, Dec.17, quantiPt o laucy tAble: chairs, tabie swyes, ud so‘d by auct male withou‘ any reservye commenting fon FhIDAY EVENING, the l/th nst, and every evaning at same hour until a‘l is soid. This is a «rand Christmas Sale and well worthy of Lublic sttent‘on. 1 A NEW SUITE OF ROOM® £GIVe®, NApRIM LIIg®, SUTC! MUER 1TCST CIDH 30 doz. plated table and dessert forks, 50 doz, table dessert and ‘ea spoonsâ€"finest plate, seveâ€" ral dozen nrawcificent Florentine marble nsea urns, card receivers, elC. A laige variety Dreden china, Bohemian vases, and fancy 2 1«, books, brushas chandeliers, etc. Among other gods will be fonud a supply Of real hair, <muds, c ignous, swilches, iabey goor mais, etcs. et8. â€" WO GEAND SUCCESSES. "At 7:90, and each evoning at same heur, until wll is sol‘. ‘The stock which is the fluest ever brought to this e ty. comprises some excelient ter set‘s of seven pleces. some splendid crue‘s, wa‘er litche:s, salvers, urmms, large . trays, pickle frame=, break(ast eruet© butter coolers, swi g kettles, fofe a tete setts, spoou holders cird ~ receivers, berty dishes, silver biaded kn{ves, napkin rings, s_\lyer gops, mugs, o}o., mourd A\ soidginug. ttawa, Nov, 3rd, 1875 No. 22, Russell House Block, Sparks St. TICK®‘8 fLOWER & VEGETABLE GARDEN O CONTRACTORS & BUILDERS CHRISTMAS:& NEW YiAR‘S G00DS ! ANKRUPT SALE Ottawa, Dee,. 16, 1 75 RICHARDSON‘S NEW METHOD HEAD OF ALL OTHERS! TRADE SALE. New York s#3,000 WORTH CLOTHING . 1“A XrENSIVE AUCTION SALE€ REAT (LEARING Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. JAS. ANGU®S, By Howe & tirratt, W. E. BROWN, A‘ less than| Auction prices. Vocal Music. ubscribdr 11 17 regeipt of a e~isignment F OF ovER Auction Sitles. Now is your time to buy nSiTURDAY EVTNING at 7:30 a Lmt OR READYâ€"MADE Remember thelSate Furniture . comprising | louâ€"ges, bureaus, beâ€"is{eads, maA‘lrass >s, etc., as well rs several hall co«l very fine coal cook stâ€"ves, will i at the subseriber‘s rooms. J. BERMINGHAx, Auctinneer. .16 175 / 4020 a! CTIONEERS anTERarn rRe TB 18 EXCELLLENT Machine Oil has for the last 12 years been ’nudbymu-?uuml (acturing -ublhh-utl of the Dominion. A NEW PRINCIPAL, 15 Sussex Street. Or Philade!phia. STOCK ! Auctioneers that the public â€"sympathy becomes very noodleull; excited when an Arctic voy! ager takes the field. Tae dangers and principal islands or countries of last perâ€" manent residence or citizenship of the immigrants were as follows : Countries. 1875. _ 1874 Dr. Hayes says that wintering in the Arctic regions is not so terrible a matter after all. He adds:â€"I would observe o oo o es ol o isl. > aots ‘The 747 ; females, 3,174 ; total, 7,031. The rivations are greatly exaggerated, an. it g&pp‘nl sometimes that men are forced to consider themselves heroes whether or no. I have never met with any one who lélsgovgrbuntothoANfio ugxo;;fm i notmttopnfm' â€"sure it is not such a terrible thing n&rauto sail among the ice floes and icobergs and to winter ‘near the North Pole. It must be confessed that the moral and mental |strain of the long winter is a severe ordeal ; but this can be alleviâ€" ated by cheerfulness and good discipline. Returns made to the Washington bureau of statistics show the number of immi« g’nnta whoarrived at ‘the port of New ork during the month of September, 1875, as compared with September, 1874, is as follows : September, 1875â€"gnleo, |4,949 ; feâ€" males, 4,400 ; total, 9,349. Sosghmber, 1875â€"â€"males, 8,796 ; féemales, 7.534; total, The Papal Consistory, which was to have assembled on the 7th instant, has been postponed until after the 15th. Four hundred and ninety men have been discharged from the Hrooklyn Navy Yard. The number employed is lower than it has been for twenty years. Andrassy‘s project, in regard to the insurrectionary Provinces of Turkey, has met with the approval of France and Italy, ~Exrâ€"Queen Isabella of S ously ill with the measles. The Prince of Wales arrived at Benares, India, yesterday morning. Travelling with a sledge, through deep snowdrifts and over rough ice hummocks, day after day, with no shelter in camp but a snow hut, when the thermometer is down in the uroa is most certainly 4 wearisome to the flesh," but it need not be dangerous. Shipwreck and disaster in various ways may and do happen ,to «*try men‘s souls," but these come else where, and so often, that a passing para The widew of Thomassen, who was im« plicated in the Mose! disaster, has handed over to the Berlin po[l}i&\yho correspondâ€" ence of her husband. Austrig has determined upon the ocouâ€" pation of the insurrectionary provinces of Turkey, with the object of protecting the Christiaus inhabiting them. A probaâ€" ble massacre is apprehended. while the exceptional exp of an Arctic tnnll:pin mmwnrikin. because dthow-uriomnmdhi-mnmd- ings. We are all awed by the contempla fio-of'.hltingkawnudwhiohn_cfl insccessible ; but actual experienc® quickly dispels the allusion. Home Rulers have been meeting in Council at Dublin, to agree upon some line of action on this question, at the approach ing session of the British Parliaâ€" ment.. A number of other measures were taiked over and discussed at the same meeting. TazR® have been 2) (turney Hase Burn: ers sold to one of any other stove, and we The section of the Brazilian Cable beâ€" tween Lisbon and Madrid is broken. The rumour that trouble had arisen between Mr. Cave, British Commissioner, and the Khedive of Egypt, is untrue. Neubar: Pasha resigned, owing to some dissatistaction with the commercial and foreign policy of the Khedive. The rumours had the effect of depreciating Egyptian securitiee on the Stock Ex: change. * Mr. Geor'ge Moss, of Watertown, New York, and late ‘y member of the press of this city, hes. accepted a position on the editorial staff of the New York World. Mr. Moss will be remembered as a live newspaper man while a resident of Ottawa and since his removal to another sphere has conducted with much ability the Watertown Morning Despatch. Mr. Moss is to be congratulated on his new appointâ€" ment, and we trust that his promotion to a higherâ€"sphere of action may not only prove & source .0 fit to himself, but that it will condumm of the excellent journal with which he is about to become identified. Mr. Moss was the recipient of an address, accomâ€" panied by a beautiful goid watch and chain, appropriately inscribed, ‘from leading citizens and friends, prior to his departure for New York. The @lobe says:â€"The question of reâ€" ciprocal trade relations with Canada has been introduced into the Washington House of Representatives by the Hon. Elijah Ward, who has long been an advoâ€" cate of a liheral fiscal policy on the part of the United States. Mr. Ward proposes in the resolution he has submitted :â€" "That Commissioners be appointed to negotiate with others on behalf of the " Dominion of Canada, to ascertain on " what basis a treaty of trade for the " mutual benefit of the people of the " United States and Canada can be arâ€" " ranged " ChiefJustice Richards, of the Supreme Court, who has been spending the Christâ€" mas holidays in Toronto, will arrive in town toâ€"day, The steamship Peruvian arrived from Liverpool yesterday afternoon. Her mails will arrive this evening. Hon. Mr. Smith, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, is expected to reach the city Hon. Edward Blake, Minister of Justioe, arrived in town last night from the Westâ€" The Immigration in September: Hon. R.; J. Cartwright, Minister of Finance,returned to the city yesterday. and so often, that a passing "‘:'i“ m-m?‘_'gefs_?_‘zcg TELEGRAPHIC SUMMARY. In the Arctic Regions. seems | _ Rox®, Jan. 5.â€"The President ‘of the rience | Italian Executive Committee on the Phihdelphiskxhihitlm,lm in April to take direction of the Italian section. :I:uin- r::l‘m_uflltw."- s we. P:Kd Consistory, which was fixed for the Tth instant, has been postponed 3976 'mh’{lafhrtholuh. OTTAWA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 1876. their services will be required. .. Furkish Reinforcements. Ragusa, Jan. 5â€"Five Turkish steamers recently arrived at Kloek and landed five battalions of uI:r- and ammunition and provisions. Nicsi and Duga have been reâ€" victlualed. C work. Itilhogedflut the strike is now ended. The .mx‘ut-r of Lauviare denies that the stri used fireâ€"arms in the recent disturbances or that the disâ€" turbances were serious. . Troops are still patrolling the district that it is now likely Officers Shot. : Iate advices from Tafalla state that ven.l!‘gulm officers and soldiers have fi.n t at Estella for a conspiracy inst Don Carlos. It is asserted at ?f".nd.y,v. that the Carlists raised the mf Hernani in consequence of a decision to that effect of the Council of _ Andrassy‘s Project Approved. Oolt:ni. Amd inGovernu:ol;t oirolr:c tlni: t Andrassy s proj or re the _in-mtwher.!"g:".m-. of 1:_:*"01 has been favourably received by France and Italy, t * Strike of Workmen. BrussaLs, Jan. 5â€"Many of the miners who were out on strike have resumed Mapain, ‘Jan. 5â€"A Royal decree has been issued creating a commission char; with imhl.linsmol:ihibitl from 8 colonies at the elphia Exâ€" hibition. The Commission will draw up a memorandum relative to the Exhibition. Govis of Cuba, Porto Rico and the Phil lipine Islands will appoint members. â€" _ Mfinister of War, Viexxa, Jan. 5â€"The Kontanogrln War Minister is now on his way to this city. The Health of Exâ€"Qusen Isabelia. Paris, Jan. 5.â€"Bulletins announcing the condition of the health of exâ€"Queen Isabella of Spain are issued daily. That o{flto-dny says her condition is less favourâ€" &DiG. The Elections. Thus far the candidates for the Assemâ€" bly in Paris have obtained promises in thofollowi% ratio: Advanced Republiâ€" cans, 95 ; Moderate Republicans, 105 ; Antiâ€"Republicans, 14.. > An Egyptiian Missionâ€" Paris, Jan. 6.â€"M. Outrey‘s mission to Eflpt is only of a temporary character. The object of the mission is to restore friendly relations, which were somewhat W ar. impaired during negotiations relative to the abolition :’ the jurisdiction of the French Consular Courts. â€" A despatch from Berlin to the Morning Post to the effect that the German Govâ€" ernment is favourable to the propositions contained in the American note regarding Cubs, is not confirmed, and nothing is known atâ€"Berlin respecting the views of the German Government in connection with Figh‘s circular. Rastoral Letters. j The Times Vienna correspondent writes that the Greek Motrorolihn of Mostar is following the example of his Catholic colleague and has issued a pastoral letter, in which he upbraided the clergy for the insurrection and requiring them to leave their evil ways and ‘return to their duties on pain of severe punishâ€" ment according to his Apostolic power. The Prince of Wales. A despatch from Benares reports the arrival there this morning of the Prince of Wales. ne?-o'roto to Prince Gortschakoff that by following the wishes of the Powers in maintaining neutrality, he directly imâ€" &:fl. ed his throne and life. Prince submitted this letter to the Emperor of Russia, who directed the Chancellor| to write to the Prince of Montenegro, to face courageously the present difficult position, and on no account to abandon hufln on neutralâ€" ity, expressing a hope t{u situation would soon improve. The Prince of Monteâ€" negro replied that he would follow the Czar‘s injurtittions. ° _ $ Prince of Montenegro. Loxvbox, Jan. 5.â€"A day or two ago the Times published a Vienna telegram, statâ€" ing that in reply to the request of the Prince of Montono‘ro, to be allowed to enter in action against Turkey, the Rusâ€" sian Government advise@i him on no ac count to dofi:t from neutrality. ‘This morning the ¢s publishes a letter from Vienna u‘nIplifyihg and confirming its telegram. It seems the Prince of Monte: * Protection to Christiansâ€" A limes‘ letter from Ragusa says that all information from official and unofiâ€" cial sources confirms the opinion that not only is the Austrian occunation of the inâ€" surrectionary Provinces determined upon, but that the same foreign occupation is absolutely neoeuari as a& prevention lfim‘ & most probable massacre of Christians wherever they are unarmed and helpless. It is announced this morning that the section of the Brazilian cable between Lisbon and Madrid is broken. ~ the severity of the Coercion Act, question of texation, the Cattle Trade and the Amnesty Bill. the Commons at the close of the recess invariably taken at Easter, when the attention of the House will Lo called to recovered to day. . Home RKule Conference. Yesterdn{l:t Dublin there was a conâ€" ference of the members of the House of Commons who belong to the Home Rule g:rty, in order wlfiu upon & course to ‘Junued during the oon:fing session of Parliament. Thel{ have decided to supâ€" port the Land Bill which is to be introâ€" duced by Isaac Butt the member for Limerick City. The basis of the Bill will befixity of tenure and fair rents, Butt will also ask leave of the House to introâ€" duce a Bill to make better provision for University Education in Ireland. The question of Home Rule will be raised in P'rtfolio-. both of which he had heretoâ€" ore administered. The London stock exchange was seriously disturbed yesâ€" terday on account of these rumours ; a hux fall occurred in Egyptian securities which, however, has been in a great part separation of commerce and the foreign No Trouble with the Khedive. Loxpox, Jan. 5.â€"A Reuter Telegram Company‘s correspondent at Cairo denies that there is any foundation for rep@rts of trouble between Mr. Cave, British Comâ€" missioner, and the Khedive. They are on the best of terms. â€" Neubar Pasha resignâ€" ed because he was dissatisfied with the TELEGRAPHIC. On his way to Philadeiphia, F10 R El G N . The Cuban Question. The Brazilian Cable. GBEAT BRITAIN. AUSTRLA. ITALY:. FRANCE. SPAIN. used insteadâ€"one, say that could give a | w# dinun{pnpau.n‘fl:udm(' machine. He says :â€"*"* Who is that has not which a nextâ€"door neighbour at a dinner table, or a: visâ€"aâ€"vis, has resumed his seat after being salled. upon to thump the table, stamp his feet, clap his hands, or knows exceedingly little about, and cares less ? What a relief it would be to such Mr. Brown tried to pass the matter off as a joke, but thetruth came outâ€"he had another domesticâ€"establishmant in a dif ferent quarter of the town. An ingenious American writer, who has evidently been a good deal bored by public to performâ€"manual labour of this m_itpnn_ppludg-(npnhho_qmlglu All of the arrangements for the Interâ€" national Chess Teurney between the Caâ€" nadian and American‘ players are comâ€" m.d. Thl:’ term‘;l olf the me’.fl each er will play two games omuhg&i-t, in one of which he will have first move. The side scoring the u{um number ofugmelbt;o be ‘ the victors, won mes to coun! y 5. i w2 t ioh it tagd ven, no entrance fee c s It is understood, as aâ€"matterof course and honour, that players areâ€"mot to accept *%% qmoee mie 15 be. piaged Surough sot. games are to be p through corâ€" mpoudo_noo.â€".'!alifulx”ordn. A Detroit wedding which was to have come off at Christmas was postponed indefinitely. The daughter of the prosâ€" perous merchant, having made the acâ€" quaintance of. a nice young man, listened to his suit, and the arrangements were nearly completed for the event which was to bring happiness to both. ~But, as the man was waiting in the parlour for m the latter‘s sister walked in with a female friend who at once recogâ€" nized the accepted lover, and said innoâ€" mtg“ " Mr. Brown, how is your wife and dnrlin{olmle baby of yours ?" Mr. Brown tried to pass the matter off asâ€" BuoyraLo, N. Y., February, 1873. Jaxms IL Fsctiows, Esq.â€"Dear Sir: Please forward another lot of your Syrup of Hypopmhihl. _T have use othgrpropu:tiom of hypo phosphites (not being able to Erooure this), but they do not compare with yours, which I think is the best medicine for the nervous system I ever used. _ I will gid you all I can E:rsomllysnd throughflle:mn,u I believe it cannot be too generally knowa. Yours truly W. T. Hor Rditor and Publisher of. Bulfsio Journkl. Death of a Journalist. New Ozuzaws, Jan. 5.â€"A. M. Holbrook, editor and pro'griefior of the New Orleans Picayume, died at Bladen Springs, Ala bama, this morning. Bostox, Jan. 5+â€"Orders have been reâ€" ceived at the Charlestown Navy Yard for a general reduction of the force, to go into effect on the first of next week. It throws out of employment â€"six hundred Priravetrsta, Jan. 5.â€"A call has been ;l‘ll:od for a oon;?nfion of ll.'ungolioa‘ll inisters, editors of religious pa; an others, to be held at t.holflfot ’Tug::'mole, in th‘s city, on January 19th and 20th next.~The meetings are to bo presided over by Mr. Moody. «& s Conood®r», Jan. 5.â€"In the Republican Convention toâ€"day resolutions were adoptâ€" ed favouring specie payment, a revenue tariff with incidental protection, true reconciliatin with our southra brethren, and proclaiming unalterable opposition to a third term. _ Boiler Explosion. Fort Scott, Jan. 5.â€"A large boiler in Goodlander‘s mill, in this city, owloded yesterday, killing the engineer, William Baboock, and fnfil; injuring the foreman, James West.. The ‘damage to the mill is about $10,000..= > Srovux Ciry, Jan. 5.â€"A special from Fort Sully states that a party of miners bave formed a supply depot near old St. Pierre, on the Missouri river, and are constant!y in communication with camps in the Black Hills. They claim to have found a nearer route, by which the Hills are reached in one hundred miles travel over‘an easy road. Their messengers make, the trip in two days. The river is now filled with anchor ice and the water is rising very fast,. The ropeller Syracuse, owned by Willian E’uung and James Boll, of this city, was sunk during Monday night, and the tug Eusion was also badly damaged by ice,. Thin ice at Hyde Park does not interfere with the work of the divers at work on the wreck of the Snnnyside. AuBaxy, Jan. 5.â€"The workingmen of this city are becoming unsasy at the want of employment. They have held several meetings and paraded the~streets with banners on which was inscribed " Bread or Work." A delegation called on the Mayor toâ€"day to inquire if anything could be done for their relief The Mayo: inâ€" formed them that the Water Commisâ€" sioners were éonsidering whether it would be advisable to commence building a new reservoir at this season, and thus furnish employmen‘!. He expressetl his disapâ€". proval of any demonstration such as had been made. whe The Tweed (ase. | New iork Mo Judge Westbrook gave his decision : New York, Jan. 5. toâ€"day, sustairing the challenge to 7 to 7 per cent. for Tweed‘s struck Jury. . 4 per cent: nrima me A A ME R I CA N . Evangelical Meeting NEW HAMPSHIEE. Feduction of Navy. NMASSACHUSETTS. PENNSY L vANIA. Decisive Measures. The Wenther, &c¢ The Black Hills. Incomparable. LO1 ISIANA. NEW YORK. K 4 NS AS. 1IOWA. Riots ho-mne-."&o.i' act like a charm. Ministers and w‘;:’-unthm,plv_li- clans recommend them, and singers and pnbhlpuhuuythcfymthvgbfl medicine in existence for the cure of such eomplaints. Sold by all medicine dealers, Two Qurstioxs Easity Axswerep.â€" Why should mean wear beards? Because they are uxutu)romfian to the throat and lungs, and add much to their . _ Why should we use ‘s" Because when used for coughs, colds, tickling in the throat, Brothers are offering choice teas, 'ooc.:'"' 8, fruits, spices, wines, liquors and gene groceries at prices to enable all to enjoy 'tl‘hi; fsotlve lemtrt;.n Beaenhor them. y desorve patronsge their energy to accommodate the public. _ 4020 i3 Throat and l.ung Affection, also a Posiâ€" tive afid Radical Cure for Nervous Debility ufferin tiohu- dm .nad“(f j"hr'ozk t 8 ing, he w ree «+f c 0 all who desire it, this r:fio, with directions for preparing successfully using.‘ Sent by return mail by nddIâ€"I# with stamp, naming this paper. Dr. W. C. Etevens, Munroe Block, Syracuss, N. Y. and all Nervous Complaints, after having thoroughly tested itf wunclul curative soworl in thousinds of cases, feels it his duty to make it known to ‘his suffering fellows. Actuated by this motive, and a Recalled by the Suitan, Coxstaxtinorus, Jan. 5.â€"I: is rumoured that Gerver Pasha who was despatched to Herzegovina at the outbreak of the Inâ€" surrection, as special commissioner of the Sultan, has been recalled. discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a selfâ€"addressed mvw to the Rev. Joseru T. Inxxax, Station D, Bible House, New York City. | 50â€" wim. An old physician, retired from active gmlice, having had placed in his hands &n Enst India Missionary the formuls q{ a simple Vegetable Remedy, for the speedy and x‘nrntnent Cure of dmmsi tion, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Asthmas, and al Arg Jan. §.â€"The .Chamber of glzgf:-:kaave resolved that all members Dulgario Ministry, except one shall be tried by the Co\m‘rz{ Justfo‘o for shall be tried ifln Court of J1 a violation of Electoral Law. To all who are suffering from the errors and mdulcr;hom clwf yo::&, nervous wnkl nees, early decay, loss manhood,'p.'m-mmmrfix OF CHARGE. This great remedy was Corn firm, and moderatively active ; reâ€" ceipts, 47,000 bunheh;ldu,S,WObulholz at 59 to 67c for new western mixed an: yellow; 73 to 746= for fll.lw; 18 to 74c for nominal old yellow. Barley in moâ€" e re wi ec change derate q;m ithout decided in prices ; receipts, 5,000 bushels ; sales, none. Oats quiet and unolnnfi; reâ€" ceipts, 36,000 bushels ; sales, 31,000 bushâ€" els, at 44 to 480 per bushel for mixed western and Statey 46 to 50c for white do. â€"Pork quiet, at $20 T5 to 20 90 per barrel for uninspected new mess. Lard at 12 15â€"16 to 13c per pound for steam. Butter, 23 to 31c pound for Btate and Pennsylvanie. (me, 6 to 12%e ]per pound for common to prime. Petroleumâ€"Crude, 74 to 7{c per gallon ; refined, 13%0. t 83. CHtcaco, Jan. 5.â€"Flour dull. Wheat activeé, but weak and lower; No 1 spring, $1 06 ; No 2 do, 95%c foe spot ; 26 1. 8¢ for Fobruary ; $1 044 l’or l-yi No 3 do, 78 $; rejected, 61 to 614c Corn dull, and a shade lower; No 2, 43fc bid for spot ; 43jc for January; 424 for February ; rejected ; new, 34 to 35c. Oats dull, heavy and 1â€"8¢ lower ; sales at, 297 for spot. Rye dull and heavy ; sales at 66c. Barley active, but a shadd lower, at 784c fer spot; T6le for Februaiy. Dressed hogs ;uiht and steady, at $7 75 to 8 00. ork _ quiet and steady; sales at $19 20 for spot, â€" IAH{ steady and buehels. NEew York, Jan. 5.â€"Pacific il, 38 ; Western Union Telegraph, 74 1â€"8 ; iâ€" can Express, 36 ; Northwestern, 38 ; do, greferrod, 55i ; Rock Island, 1 ; St. Paul, 35§% : do, preferred. 67i ; Ene, 1( ; St. Joe, 21; Harlem, 130 ; Lake Shore, 60%; New York Cenfin!, 105f ; Ohio and Miuiuifipi, 17; Panbandle, 1274 ; Wabash,3; Union Pacific, 734. N oga n e d e d CR e PnE sa‘es in the interim at 112} to 112%,; Governments firm. State bonds quiet and nominal. Stocks opened weak and lower ; a&t close of market was firm and higher. NEW YoRK, Jan. 5.â€"Money opened at 7 to 7 per cent. for gold ; closed easier, 4 per cent ; prime mero.ntho TMP‘" 7 to 8 per cent. Stetling steady, at 484 to 488. Gold open:d and closed at 112}, with Vatove ror Moxsy.â€"Baskerville & Montrrat, Jan. 5.â€"Stocks steady but dull. S:l.::’-Commme, 115} ; Gas, 139 ; Telegraph, 155 to 156} ; Montreal, 1814 to l?_}},; Merchants‘, 94} ; City Passenâ€" ots. per box. iONsUMPIIO® CURED : Chicago Produce Market. O M M E R C I 4 L New York Money Market. Trial of Ministers, York Stock Market & A CARD. TUBKEY. Uy. Dressed B 15 w8 6 6 es . at IAH{'M and :. 274 for spot. firm. Receiptsâ€" s ; Wheat, 52,000 Shinmonhâ€"lglmu. lyl 11%. so as to reserve the dese Unusual interest -”hbn'mfi-hh school trustee elections. . Several contests The evening prayer meeting in the variâ€" ous churches in connection with the week are expected. of prayer are well attended. and Mrs. y injured by blows doou hy w rrgent Trid wl t ons h c«:.z hdegk o‘ciock a m. ish and Thibadesu had bmmudmdhdpdin#ndu hwuwm soon be eaptured. ish, and Thibadeau were admitted to bail today in $2,000 ‘each. The case comes before Judge Betournay 104, Banni Jarvis 49. r&““"“\‘f.. *=*: ue *4 * ins of 31 as stated ’.dm.d Another outrage is thus i im & PFree Press extra issued b%xâ€"m ning o‘clock in the ing, F. C. Cornest, Aooomp.nhd%y Wm&& Cnmx:‘n,l:n%m other went to the for the West Ward. The three named po ul‘oflvlmomlnldl)tmk. .Ir Hw possession , and his wife endeavoured to resoue the book. Inâ€"the melee the lamp was put out, the stove knocked down, the flcoor fired, tion, that they have mccomplished a noble work. The whiskey trade has been broken up, the frontiee rowdy has reâ€" crossed the line, and the bowie knife and sixâ€"shooter are no longer fisunted about yesterday at the east ward poll, a new election was held for u-&'?‘w which resulted as follows: Mayor Kenâ€" nedy 69, Burrows 14; Alderman Breeden by an Indian would have involved the whole. country in an Indian war. No so?ormi.fl.ude'u message received an oxfln to them than they said, "That is all we wanted." In answer to till‘ a time for : was appointed lision wi white o tm reeaive 19 upprse the Innroduntiog of telegraph lines or the making of roads Buch . was the state of the native mind : on McDougall‘s arrival, that the question, "What his the Mounted Police effected in the Northwest?" Mr. McDougal is now able to reply from perâ€" Satisfactory Arrangements with Plains Indians â€"Good Work of the Mounted Policecâ€"Rowdyism at the Elections. Wikzteze, ‘Jan: 5. â€" Rev. George McDougall, who undertook last summer, at the n&MolflnGonm&n W e Crees and the Plains Inâ€" dllnl. Ml mw fimtbo:dc?’#nn‘thmm;fi o. visi t-ha including natives, all of whom, wi oucmopfiq received . the Governor‘s message ~with gratitude, and will anxionsly await the coming of the Comm thees pointe Coriimt, haiCiaey wookd se t ints :â€" reâ€" ceive no M“nw the Government A gontleman named Samuel Casper was fllmnfiomnsmoturoungonpm this morning, he alighted on his head and was picked up insensible. His recovery is considered doubtful.; s The weather is fine and milder. The interments in the city cemeteries for the six months ending 81st December, vm:â€"NoonTolh,m:SL James, 369 ; %!M’-, 77 ; showing a death rate thirtyâ€"thr ee thousand annum. * w«xW' promised ve opera are next we at â€" the al Opera House, with Miss Adeludonghlhp. as prima A Protestâ€"Tenchers‘ Assoriationâ€"Sceisâ€" of Pinnesâ€"Accidentâ€"The Weather. Special to THE TIMES. Toroxto, Jan. 5.â€"~Frank lldd.ll‘:on: didate for municipal honours, “f“::: by thml'wf:- umuu'h:h‘ intenti to & ) scrutiny c e I::g directors of the A meeting is being held of directors > mrogranmine jor thy unatn fasqiing * & or the ann & A seizure of several pianos addressed to & merchant in this city has been made by* the customs authorities here. They are said to have been bought gwrh- of most noted makers in the name taken off, and entered here as made by inferior manufacturers, and at very It is said that Pexton, the late teller of the Mechanics‘ Bank, will shortly return to town. } B‘dspfll;m’-w'-' houts Arte ite thiod The election contost in Chauibly waxes warm. Pmi.nmz labouring on behalf of Mr. Benoit, whose opponent,Dr.Fa_fic.u-u-lygumud by llr.“ll’nfonhmo. Pup:ahou on a e scale are hdynuh take voters ,:,rflrn nunb:. whom jreside in this city, over on ice bridge to Longueuil and St. Lambert, on Pndx:oxt to vote. _ It is said that Pexton, the late teller of MoxtrEaL, Jan. 5.â€"A seizure before judgment for $331,178.56 has been issued from the Superior Court, at the instance of Mr. James Baylis, against Mr. Hubbard, of Chambly, and the Mon: Portlzand and Boston Railway Company as holders of the property. . . of Froviden alleging that the Nuns have hfnu: on m‘wd the YÂ¥ ou will sare time ‘and ~trouble ml: .‘s best sixâ€"cord Lfiy sewing neisure of Propertyâ€"Infringement of a ‘!‘r-‘o Mark â€" Chambly Electionâ€" Mechanitcs‘ Bank. A N A D I A N. g::,r,-fin, "Gray‘s Syrup of MANITOBA MONTREAL. TORGONATO. AnNCS next Au;ust. 806ly1 m of @EXDREAU‘E wum saloon 3 Rajotte‘ ‘Wellington ‘streot. xfu. x.o:-lnq proprietor. during several days on sp Proads boon on M-&hrcdâ€"i’dm Aannearance Of sincere respest to the the cemetery, the marines 1Torines J2 w-p.d:‘:&.;"-lh.’.u marched to the, cars &_P'a_;' ,.,.-"" bling the coffin. On this pile each panvion" > e« m.h_-*-flfi"";"". in glnd hwmclr:hfiu e o d se was z.fluchnoftbh-.hl*d father was at work and told him of the adventure, when he ‘returned home with her and skinned and dressed the bear. It weighed over three hundred pounds, â€" made the sand into & A Japanese Funcral at San Franciseo, One dm-fi-dfilq steamer Trukuba died on night, -J-p-mv place yesterday morning. At e:‘o'nhukth- bdyhn.l : l'.f'...z:'m““" Rithint Inlapeg In accordance with the national oustom, hwwh.ikw about two â€"and a half feet high, lgifiduufi-dlmd z sixteen marines, in full dress armed. ‘ Four officers in full dreas uniform were in the steam launch. +On resching ts chisrtnies t seatim "aud Rovered with the flag. 'n-'z- -:fi in a carriage, while the marines cccupled panese wflfiL" uy w o y agtli hnd ow so that which | Three volleys of musketry were fired and the grave flled up by the usual attendants. s An-rfinn:câ€"bu“b ‘h‘m"fifi'fl‘;&.‘_.hg.n‘ her. Tounls ol t "Tarte ‘of "tee hue bail entered behind the prer‘e fore m,dhflnbw in a short time. ,It'.::m wln. to climb out of the and as soon as the excitement that =-â€" in a e, while the marines Cocupied m:mw «oars. <On ar» the wounds for the had ted it in the animal every time. When the on the mother, she shouted to \daughter to run to the house and the rifle. ‘While Jennie was her sucobeded in keepâ€" lngmou d&qhodon.i&. but when returned with the rifie she about exhausted, and was the bear irl in his embrace, it injury to |off the attack of the mother. * floor of the pen was now Tighting from s gorner into which the boik Toew Sarouit mt the mationnad n on its t It seized the dog and crushed it The girl rained in blows with ‘axe on the head of the bear, when #h bruin made for her. daughter were preparing to feed the pigs n an i black bear discovâ€" med irfing 40 ‘Tat Sot of the ‘noloner with a fine fat shote in his embrace. Mrs. beld on to the pig,ho and the pigâ€" used in driving wodges,; and her daughter took up an axe. With one swepp â€"of <«his. great paw Pelibi, N. Y, Dec. #, Cor. X, Y. Times, The head waters of the Delaware river are about thirty miles northwest of here, Caishill monntaine, in Sehobare epenty: in s There ;:nrybw settlements in the about a oc direap 3 one mountain g_ha-,hvh_(lw,nâ€"hh went out 40; Foster, 230; Johnson, 171 ; fnbird Depty Beate, and B s Coue & cillor was h:i”mfi the following result : Anderson, 230 ; Dawson, 192 ; Grant, 55; h-“dfiol?-&&m- %mu-fim en~ ie Jobnon, as Qurnlaiigt. J thonke hevbagt Mr. Foster for MA._M Reeve, have 3. e 1ty | e, he _h-mn Mchkes, 106; James Shannon, 125 ; A. Larkey, 99 ; Thomas Line, 61.. _ _‘ in Reeve, Dr. Ferguson; Deputy Reeve, gghn"fird:.“do-dnq NMesete Reeve, John Tytler; ‘Deputy Reeve, T. G. A.”’Bnidu. Counciliors, Isidere Riâ€" cher, Clement Potvin snd Abel Guindon. Mayor, Dr. f _ J W. ol on on en & iope shine mpaty Brave, Nee Palmer. Coun: kins ; Queen‘s W-:L m!;? Bpecial to THE TIM E®, M?E‘ H. Whitmarsh ; Counciliors, iram J. Meikle, P. Kyle, d J. H. Bower. 4. . Nepean. The only change in the Council for Ne MUNICIPAL ELECTiIONS, KR oA APhel w. Stubbs, Mr, Brant W B...x..d ley, D. Cosâ€" :;Ent. Wu.;,d,Jdn K-,: Thos. PRICE 3 CENTS. Woman vs. Boar.

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