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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Jan 1876, p. 3

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EN. ce Coy. AL. ORGE ACRES, PROPRIETOR. TIONâ€"1875. s TOVES. * , 1875. V ORK 8S, LOUR and COUKING w and beautifu} Hail at OLD wir Franilins, Coal Hod#, Sparks Street. JGHT, _ "MAGEE RANGE, &« 2 Hotel, us pecior. and Lightning. nid [E WORKS. ercial Hotel, > rers, >»r‘s Crounds reet. ‘Ottawa. aging Director J% Company. 00000.00., & 'cudF ha. ut â€" articulars at the Head E PIPE DRAINING TRAPS A[NUARY, eme arks Street, where F and mm *4 Fancy ves & or C'Hfi.l by H. 1 ho ders Secretary. e & C IDENT of zow and Tus finest assortment of ever been in Ottawa, at W. HEazx‘s, i Rappor‘s Bridge, ) 2 _ whom 18 skilled 1% the treatment of chronic _ disorders in general and those belonging g0 his own special department in particular. To one is assigned dissases of the throat and lungs ; to another, diseases of tie kidneys and urogenital organs ; to another, diâ€" seases of the digestive system ; to another, diseases of the nervous system; and to another, diseases of the eye and et Thus the highest dagree of perfection i medicine and surgery is attained. The establishment of this institution enables the Doctor to meet a longâ€"felt want in the treatment of the more severe chronic affections. By a careful consideration of the symptoms as given in writing, he sucâ€" cessfully treats thousands of cases at their homes. Others visit the Dispensary in person. The amplest resources for t treatment of lingering affections are th placed at the xinp.mfl of every ty and those on whom ti.e roprie i cines do not have the gooirod':?ect procure a more thorough and t course by a personal :f"u“““’ to proprietor of the World‘s Dispensary. | _ People sometimes suppose that Dr. Pierce‘s Family siedicines represent the entire extent of his resources for curing disease. This is an error. Experiénce proved that while the Golden Medical Discovery Favourite Prescription, Pleasaut Purgative Pellets, Compound extract of Smartâ€"Weed, and Dr. Sage‘s Catarmh Remedy, would, if faithfully used, .cure a large variety of chronic complaints, there would be here and there a case which, from its severity, or from its complication with other disorders, would resist their action. â€" These excepticnal cases required & thorough examination into their sympâ€" toms, to ascertain the exact nature and extent of the disease or diseases under which the patient was labouring, and the use of specific remedies to meet and overcome the same. ‘This led to the establishment of the World‘s Dispensary, at Buffalo, N. Y., with its Faculty of Physicians _ and _ Surgeons, each ot whom _ is _ skilled in . the treatment _ of _ chronic _ disorders Gawtrey‘s tale made a deep impression on Philip. He was too young, too inexâ€" perienced, too much burne awasy by the passion of the narrator, to see that Gawâ€" trey had less cause to biams Fate than himself. True, he had been unjustly im plicated in the disgrace of an unwortby cle, but he had lived with that uncle; §ough e knew him to be a common eat ; true, he had been betrayed by a friend, but he had before known that friend to be a man without principle or honour. But what wonder that an ardent boy saw nothing of thisâ€"saw only the good heart that had saved a poor girl from vice, and sighedâ€"to relieve a harsh and avaricious parent. ~Even the hints that Gawtrey unawares let fall of practices scarcely coverad by the jovial phrase of **& great schoolboy‘s scrapes,"" either esâ€" med the notice of Philip, or were chariâ€" y construed by him ia the compassion and the ignorance of young, hasty, and grateful heart. $ " If anything happen to me, Philip,‘ he said, abruptly, " perhaps he may yet be a father to poor Fanny ; and if he takes to her, she will repay him for whatever pain | may, perhaps, have cost him. Stop ! 3' I think of it, I will write down his dress for youâ€"never forget itâ€"there! It is time to go to bed." "Did you? will you swear to: that ?" exclaimed Gawtrey, with vehemence ; then shading his brow with his hand, he fell into a reverie that lasted some mo ments. with an ariiul old keeper, who might se me of magnesia .t coared him to ; favour. I sought hit you say you heard wh by name the tear: te legs new clutches of her own did what I could for &ABG w 4 W cht Unlimited Remedia\ Resources. ++ lh well as id &no W&s â€" sOOL 0 u«D in & Night and Morning and e Cham s To »e C t ouzn to my fathers sternâ€" re |atribute many of my us ~vâ€" "ad a sort of love for hâ€"n .. London, I accidentally > ra> ;ipwing blind.and living ful old jwe of a kouse might send him to rest with ignesia the nicht_ after she him to make e Will in her ought him out, and â€"â€"But i is copsum 1eeRs _ _ you swear to s and china; I have e set up a . weekly seen almost every made acquaintance .s: but a man who zenerally falls on his t (hem in prison . Lhe d not live upon air; I iad, and, in order to do hing which displeased wly escaped that time; very popular, and with , not overscrupulous, i yas released, 1 would , for my clothes were still watched me, and m harm in the world! s! they struggled so t yery little by his art, he was a cleverish e money I had given tor ever,. ‘They lived ‘ysees, and at night I and look at them } rac I loved that girl | as 1 the mother, though she was what I Rhad to be; still more fair, o winning, with a heart r mother‘s had beer of at child as if she had iter â€"I indueed her| to houseâ€"I secreted her im also call you 0 late, and I saw said Pmiip; and y of the converâ€" in the churchâ€" ruple. of natural pt him silent. s host, while & cheeks,"I will Tist for the mid. or I need mot tell all the parts 1 ave never been & r, or a highway calls a thief. 1 core, I have lived ey have been a whole. i have f Gawtrey‘s hand and the goodâ€"for ender, a phyâ€" nal magoetism it went out of me in again); Louse‘ agent, a man she loved no more, of Tais re:..ely has been f:l.hfol‘y tested and tcuadt io be an aimast infa:lible cure for the above named disâ€"ases. its sucéess has been so un versal rhit tha proprietor guarantees a cure to tmose who u e his me {icine, orin care of failure !o refund the money paid. Since it was first intr duce! ha has received many thous» «nds of testimonials, proving its efficacy for the ce of the awiut diseases it is recommendsd tor. The Pileand Humo cur» is entirely % iible n its composition, lndfiil be used pertert »atety in ai *aso@. is nod.ns: oi is driving the humor in, 28 1t cures on snriace, a»d the patients bodily heaith conâ€" Vanaliyimproves watle uj<or this treatm»nt, i rice 1$ per botule. Sold by alt drugz‘sts. The for me, aod [ certal do bnl!ba.'loundl'eop.nsnp:-ppga‘ 2 To veers oh. q Aloing, eaoel y .« malo mu.g \ yoms rery respectiuily, °> L. B." :To the Proprictors of Nogton‘s Camomile, Pijl«, i.ondon, July, 1875, â€" 377 A WEEK to Age! $TT " whige ia Rening io uagic It is our aim to maxe the WEr®xuy SWN the hest family newsp«per iuthe world, and we shail continue to give in its columns a large amgount (1 nmisceaneous reaiing, such as storâ€" log, tal s, pdems, scientific intelligence and «rigultural information, for wnich we are not able to make room in our daily edition, The wrignl ural dopartment especially is >ue of its :-mminenltgfiamrv s. The fashions are also regularly renorted in its columns; and so are the markets 0‘ every kind. VICKBRY & OJ., Augusta, l h r |l it 7~a-?i‘-1upv-uw3nud:vlun ;llulll wi e fu an eshly report ani ex» pounded in {Lll Sux. Sp_ The Opposition House of Representatives. takitg us the line of enquiry opened years agc by LE SUXN, will stermy wuwtu inves. ufnomeoormpuomm* mai o‘ Grant‘s adm pistration ; and will, it is to bo#npv'fly the pupdation for a new and beti gurlod in our national bistory, Of all this Tus SUN wil entsi~ complete and accurate accounts, furâ€" vishning it réaders with early and tru tworthy inform«tion updo these absorbing topios. ‘be Iwentyâ€"third Presidontial electi n, with the Fr:-mrau )n% for it, will be memorable as terit inf upin Gran!‘s asoirations for & third term of power and plunder, and still mors as leciding wlzx #hall be the candidate of the party ot the B>f rm, and as electing that canâ€" f#date, Congerning =!. these su Lo:u, those who read TrH® SUX wiil ve t constant mexns of being thoroughiy informed. _ _ The V‘EEKLY SUS, which has attained "a circ@lation of over eighty d oogu. a teady ! 4 â€" is readers inevery State and Terâ€" itor® , a: d we trust that the 1876 will see Lh&ir nuoj vefs doubled. All‘l 1 continue to Iz « thorough uewspa er. the general news the (day wi.l be found in it, condensed when nmmport;;!. atfull length en of moments and RiWays, we trust, treated in a clear, inter= esting and ingtructive manner. ‘ _The WEEKLY SUK, eight pages with fiftyâ€"six broad columps is only $1.2) a year, Et‘xv‘[o prepaid. As this price barely repays the cost of ‘he paper, no discouct can be made from this rite to clubs agents, Postmasters or any ouve, The DAILY SUx, a large four pase nawspaper of t *entyseightcolamnins, gives all the news for wo centy a copy, Sunseripton, postage preâ€" vaid d0â€"ts a months or $6,5/ a year. Sunday edily extra, $1,10 per yAr. We have no traâ€" FOWI.BI’H PILR aND HYMOR CURR | _‘ For Internal and Ezternal Use. > Watr .ntd a SURE and perfect CURK for all kin e of Plies, Leprosy, Scrofaim, Letter Ot BRiu ;woroa, S@.tâ€":theum, and allâ€"diseases of the iatin, O e bitt‘e warrat‘ed to cur»all cases of Plies; fom ome to snree bottles in all cases of El¢£]een bundred and seventyâ€"six is the Cenâ€"¢nnial year_ It s alsothe year in whict an Opposition House g( Rooresentatives the first stzce the war, willbs in power at Washing ton; and the y<ar of the twentyâ€"th‘rd electio: of a President of the United States. Ail C those events are sure to be of great interest and im portance, esmflym two latter, and al of t.fuim :mll everything connected yhh them P oamoal io P00 S PRA ce P Tlll WEEKLY SUXY 1776. _ NEW YORK_ i1876 i FIRST , it is made of the Finest Virginia Leaf. SECOND, _ . Each Plug Weighs } of a Pound. T HIRD, + n in ied ts 204 ars Shat Biled ut mon Leaf, NONE IS GENUINE! cl dag agents 10. 616 Myrtle Navy Tobacco. it ashade over first cost, at Lamb‘s Ciearing sale, In fact you can save lots of money by vuying your f:et wear at Lamb‘s Clearing Sale wiich will be opened to the public only a short ‘me, as tihe swc: u‘fq.s& dismpy earing.“ opportunity for baying out a good and well esâ€" {a olished Dusiness. Personal application to y 12 e ioh of sttppers, at cost and under, all BOOTS & SHOES On each Plug, O'r.nwa,ppt. 18th, 1875. Lamb‘s Clearing Sale, UChildrens‘ Rubbers at 35 ete® Misses® ad At 40 ets. Ladies‘ Long Rubber Boots, at s1.50.2 \And‘other govis at proportionately low priges, id USE THE Norwich Egg Powder Mecs 0 412 ; MOKERS ; 3 EASO «s ABLE, Sele Agants fme Ontario. HOUSE & LAND AGENTS, Aivertising, Registry & Geneâ€" ral Commission Office. 0‘CoNNOoR STREET, [ALEX. TANYLOR, FOR EVERYBODY Tl!l FOLLOWING IS AN .« EXTRACT FROM A LBETTER, Dated J5th May, 182, from: an old_ iD« mer wink: > i Shan nobng o. mag ‘that vyour Pil‘s are an excellent medicin® Flour & Farm Produce. RIDEAU AND cunnruusp 8Ts. To be had of all Glmrn. > H. J. WEEK S &Co., 1t It If making all kinds of Cakes WITHOUT NICHOLLS & CO., T EW ® A selveted stock always on SBand to sult all (lis. . Onders promptly alte 1 to. you have a house to rent or want a house you have land or house propat ty for sale. you have any kind of propâ€"rty for gale. you want a se: vantor <tore Assistant EEK to old and A ie ut amne on their ipoanegt Thred Reasons for Using the "lour & ;fzed. 1our anp fi:l-:. s'lq.;, | UNLE®S STAMPED ____ _ Address, _ _ _ _ _ THE SUN; New York City. iighest price Wil. be paid for the â€"CORNER OFPâ€"â€" ‘driner injformation xna‘ be 0. CALLENDEK, 70 & 71 * M« HRMCD 3311&'1!:. Toronto f as well as Coll ***"*Publlc Schont Peat Aroke a Hchool Utensiis, THE PUBLICATIONS OF THE Wesleyan â€" Conference. rgruser LIMITS;FOR SALE. > ~The undersigned is prepared to negociate for IN STATIONERY Will be found every article used in the office or Will always be kept in stock. A yery large 493 SQUARE MILES Situated on the Petewawa, Kippewa and River TIMBER LILIMITS, offall descriptionsfat ARTHUR L. HOLMES, BOOKS & STATIONERY nar tnfred 1t . Aqente onitt tige 5o ait ho waut to 8 mean business and. «11} canvass. Pilgrim‘s Progreas, Vicar of Wakefi¢ld, Robinson Crusoe, â€" Paul and Virginia, Gulliver‘s Travels, Elizaboeth, Yathek, Picciola. Undine, _ Tales from Arabtan Nights, Complete in ONE VOLU:~* ..of over 1,000 pages P'?_a_nt'.imn.v ilustrated wito 34 fult p." Engray» LIBRABY OF FAMOUS ACTION, choice of Bibles. Hymn B °(‘Jhnmh grflou. &o. Ottawa, Sept, 15, 1875 oul E. E, MoGILLIVRAY. Large Commission & Cash Premuims PA'I'“‘I'! 1 GIBBS & COURSOLLE BOLICITORS OF Patents of Invention, [TRADE MARK REGISTERED.] ; ~ICTORIA CRAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET. OTTAWA. # 14 In ret 1 have!l F. COTTON, PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AKD DRAUGHETSâ€" H of Public Green Houses, h'lvmmfiuidoncu omr l7w pressure, ste am and hot water a specialty. PLUMBEER, GAS STEAM FITTER, 00rnor‘ Woll;nslou and Bank streets, OttaWa. TRADE ASSIGNEE, City of OTTA W A, County of Carleton. Block, OTTAWA, ONT. 0 Day Officeâ€"Sparks street, Centre Town. Night Offlceâ€"At his residence, Maria stroet, Centre Town. 5 Cance.s cured without the use of the kniie, by a new but certain, speedy and almost painâ€" less nrocess. References given by parties sueâ€" cessfully treated, if required. 1875. COAL DI.J. D. R. MACDONELL, g:t:un, Houth side of Rideau street, near Glouâ€" ster. T=O"~ Consultations at ali hours. + 2454 Buccessor to W. R. Thistle & Co. 21_!4!00, as formerly, over Manu‘s Hardware May be consulted at al‘.om“. corner of O‘Gozâ€" nor and Albe t stree! Oct 44, 1874 2MO0L The proprietor of the City General Labor Agency and Female Servants mm hereby informs the Evbllo generally, that the business of the office hss this d Mw at No. 28 Clarence street,â€"a few Soorl Susâ€" sexâ€"the business will hereafter be exclusively c(lmnned u:' u&:: above {*r‘lncne\k\'homm u::.-_ ployersan 08e ulring work, may rest sured that their mreq ts v‘l.u be promptly and efficlently attended to. Returning thaaksâ€"for the past patronage beâ€" stowed upon the e=tablishment, a continuance thereofis respectfully soullcited. _ â€" ‘BEST SX CMI QTM (MULT,, THos. BmREKETT3S, LUMBER AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, = BROKER, 4C. OFFICEâ€"No, % Wellington Street, Bawl lock, Oftawa Ont. 0y 38 Sparks Street, with:a complete assoriment of GENTS OUTFIT FREE. "ANCHOR BRAND‘" Best SIX CORBD EXTRA Quality Kept by allLeading Dry Goods Houses. This Superior Cotton is PERFEOT MAKE: sorg?rmmugghoum SMoors FLASTIQ and V.%Y NG %h comâ€" bined with FREEDOM FROM ENOTS give i all the qualiltes requisite for A+ there are se makes and nflfiuo( ChaRk & oUs COTTON, ask for PHYSICIAN, 9"%1,‘}1.'&.&““““" CI-A.I‘M SEWING MACHINE. E. 0. ©. WOon, T. LAMBERT, R. J. P. LYNN, C, W. MaeCUALI . JOHNSTON, First Clasg Machine Sewing, Bpecially Manu actured for use on the BEST OF REFERENCES GIYVEN ANCHOR MILLS, BOOKS from the practice of my with, my former PAISLEY, Would call attention to their A CARD. 40 King s reot Mathow J, W. McRaF‘3, W. R. TEISTLE & 00. COAL _~_ THE TIMES; OTTAWA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 8: 1875. #4im 3917m8 »dfis h dares n wagt o my nare » 1 m Opposite ‘ the p.‘o-..;%“sfi'l T _ eRUVNEAV, Juar, | § NARBEn the HIGHEST MEDAL at CHROMQS AND FRAMES, Stereoscopes & Views ALBUMS, GRAPHOSCOPES and SUITABLE PHOTOGRAPHIC â€" MATERIALS. Stereopticons and Magic Lanterns, samig $ve Tibodneed 1ots Oapade C SELFâ€"FEEDING® & SELFSETTING. CHAMPION SHINGLE® MACHINE ! CORNER OF DALHOUSIE STREET OrrawWA ‘one., No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! House Mills‘ Supply Agency We are Headquarters in everything in the ol'l‘l'l Drug Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. 6: & U To ANTHONY & C0,, "Bn nds Radnt Manufacturers, Importers & Dealers in . Chemist & Druggist, FATIRBANKS & CO Ottawn; Sept. 16, 1875. 3048 HOTEL COOKING RANGES : HOTEL CARVING TABLES | | HOTEL : PASTRY OVENS ! ! ! HOTEL IRON BEDSTEADS! / HOTEL LAUNDRY 8TOVES ! ! HOTEL HOT: AIR FURNACES!!! ) L Ortawa, April 17th, 1875, Out Naitle, all ox-l.m per keg, 100 Ibs. And all other goods in proportiot. Oil, Glass, Putty, eto,, ete. Ahhml. P.8.â€"Agent for American Blasting Powdor. A gall is respectfally solicfted. ‘ THOB. BTRKETT, No. 61 Rideau atroot. BLYTH . & KERR‘S. Great Reduction in theiprice Of Hardware at AVOIDING HtAT IN THE HOUSE All goods delivered free to any patt of the &.n.n.o.n.m 4027y1 ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to COAL .OoIL COOKING STOVES *‘ order by 200 in‘Use in Canada. ilroad, Hay, Coal )MINION WAREKOUSE, Beirg Manufacturers of the factured only by the Original Inventors SCALES PLATFORM AND COUNTER 403 ST. PAUTL STREET, SAVING â€"FU EL Hardmware, &t. PATENTED 1873. NO. @ RIDEAU ATREET. MONTR mewnin! »f} fmmnmina STANDARD â€"AT 3874 oo-phgo c rial History of the Harper‘s â€" Wookly. ILLUSTRATED. â€" Its articles are models of highâ€"toned dijscus Pion, and its pictorial iMustratio. Corthborative Arguments "Of 20 aipal! 7 horoees ment of the country.~â€"Piitsburgh Commercial. â€" Horper‘ eekly stands at the head mé&ymvflflmmflfi Ti oi wond Aanien, duedicns and 1 imliithble dearfoohs he p to would the rents ies Mn tingimeti® and: picto aum-.uw |_The Mathushek I purchased from you t ree mrlfilu n the most perfect ratisfac» ;‘ e you said in regard to them ‘has been borne out. gu.number are in use here, and all say y would pot exâ€" (oaet m i ie uk "Tove Savor f DB. A, BURNS, St. Thomas. FPULL ( 4GRAFFE, Tâ€"0CTAVE, FOR $300. | Piangs from other réliable makers at BOTâ€" ed a firstâ€"clas instrument. I consider them sedond tongme. i. 2 0s cccot: i. ci We have z"w'n‘g'-i':u um-?" m}i an lumt‘Me ug:g l:‘ a 8. School m&m 1t. l:oh is soft and full, The i8 and 600 volces are sing» 5eanbo o héard. Every note rings WAKBLIG NEDY, Superintendent, Jms * 7 SUNTF’ % BAMUEL PBI%WM Conductor. & soamee It bas given my fami‘y ths very highest Rev. JOHN BREDIN, Barrie. .‘nm given entire satistaction, and delighted who have seen it. â€" f TAOMAS BEST, Toronto. It gives the mm&:’u -.&mo}on. â€"~ For sweetness, smoothness Fichness of toue we have never heard its equal. _ _ _ Lals is to certify that I purchased two of your Mathushek Pianos and findthem a)l repres Dtâ€" m-io for the fin‘fi'figoriiimâ€";(&:éfi made and finest instrument in this oity., Postage free to all Subscribers in SuCcoa§ melodious in tone. Mathushek has in reality taken a step in ad. vaice of all makers of Picnoe in the worid. J. u. SHAW, Musical Critic, Baratoga. 1 have heard nothing toequal itin sweetness of tone. Its notes are more like those of our sweetest singing birs, or those ot the flasst human wa,m:nylm&mmemmlmr heard; oludolé(hved with our Instrament. I"yg:l be with great and geserved Tais is to certify that I purchased two of your Whdesale Agents for Canada for: PRINCE No money would tempt me to banish it from my home, D. SCHUYLER, Buffelo, Eince the date of this Concert the Math ushek has beeh my favourite. J. J iY WATSON, Watson‘s Congervatory of Music, New York. MusicaL VATORY, 802 w. N.Y. i wnm!h. onl kan thale nefulin® enastranine e ullar loanomble® Sloutor fone Swable, and the ,. MUGENE J. MEBRILA M. C "TC DrORC AfserVions, but capable of proof, they are unlike any other in construetion ; all their Pmuumu are points of excellence, Their illustrat d and descriptive catalozue. which we send (Â¥RE : to any address, exphl..nd in harmawy with acoustics and mechanics thet is clatmed for the Mathushek, There ars 'Wu rgl”h:’ppv owners of Mathughelts willing to ce their «uperior g:lo:‘uweu We have room here for but a fow We, the j m?lrmYon&%lotfi,“l.‘h' w anos e Frir of the "“"if.“.. Institute, after a careful examin=tion of the Concert Grands do award to FREDERIOK MATHUSKHEK, the honour ot making the best of this class of instruments th:: and there exhibited, or known to us elseâ€" where, [Signed]: _ EDWARD MOLLENHAUER, My old tuner, who has taken care of my MATHUSHEK PIANOS. Mathushél s . perio~to a! ot+ers, H, MOLLEN HAUER, New York. EXORL E volume« of tone. EXOEL in voiceâ€"like quality of tone. EXCEL in firmness aud purity of tone. EXCEL in durabi‘ity an‘i keeping in tune. imx‘% L mm.m schools and seminaries. ® EX for the drawingâ€"room. ,| _PRICE®S o Iopon Agoe on SiP} torhk: sad DRRIS & SOPER, D. M. SOMERVILLE, Oleveland, O, Solo: Agents. are broad assertions, but capable of No. 8 Adelaide Street, $3 00 ! M. J. GI ANN Sn NEh 0 "{ Ro & 7 GEO, TAYLOR, Don Mills. TORONTO. The guperiority of these Entracts consists in thatp perfect purity and great strength. ‘They are was» ranted free from the poisonous olls and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitions fruit favors now in the market. ‘They are not omly true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively amail quantity only need BP _ made prior to the date given, > Ask LEA & PERRINS: and ‘/:r Name on Wrapper, Lahl.m and Stopper. s Who'lmlcwaud fo'z‘ 'fz.g; by â€"the etors, Worcester; lackwell, WMUc., t¢c.; and by Grocers and after this date, and without which none *,* This does not apply to shipments which are calculated to deceive the Publit, LEA S PERRINS have adopted A New Label, bearing their Signature, thiis=» Jn consequence 0j 75;)”::"-1’ Imitations of Lea & }gemns Sauce DECLARED BY CONN@IssEURs To BE THE ONLY GOOD SAUCE. for ditiner at g:m" cott Junetion. _ _ _ _ Snnr::‘n':mm_n‘l'!unk.i'uh to and from both EKast ...,“9.2'.. and '! Rome & Watertown uow-. to and from New York and all goulh h. Apartments to Sleeping Car runnl: from Watertown to New York, ean be recursd at th Ti s theler thak l'oag' "xguu.' me Trains are mnanÂ¥::h ms. THOB, REYNOLDS, |~â€" > which will be placed on every bottle of Woreestershire Sauce, LEA & PERRINS‘ uBd On and after FRIDAY, 10th December, Trains will run l?"uw- ts 7 7 ALTERATION OF RUNNING Dec. 8. !§7E Pn poructinon seturiect Wris bematent, .. {% 3 $8LLE $0, g o. pee ie Agents Wanted, OTTAWA RAILWAY, No. Tll.n. ‘LAWRENCE AND tEvery a2y including Sunday. 1 |L45r.v.lGrand Tr®k @i For Of uniforn (u%m:'l:'mcmam Brockville & Ottawa l Railv_mys. or Oftawa via Brockville. io Lo es Shopenth best and most direot 446 P .x. TWO EXPRESS TRAINS DAILY. De sbortest line to all points lglt, Wost l::‘ South. 1874. GOING SOUTH. GOING NORTH Oreie e Repres Managing Divector, Ottawa., from Kast & Watertown Railw‘y trom New Yu'kl and all : points Central _ Yermuut 5) a.m. train have time taeteetrebe o0 # Arrive in ’“ PM 9,10 A.m. 410 P.4. " ~PRAUCT IOXAL_.â€" â€" : / }" PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEER, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, 4 (Late Yaznow & Hsomt,) psq it ENGINEERS AND SHIPBUILDERS, ISLE OF DOGS, POPLAR, LONDOK, Prospectuses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal. | Small Steamers & Steam Launches, BUILT OF WOJD, IRON OR STEEL Ottawa, Sopt. 2 1875, SPEOIAL AGENO 8 wosk & M ee _w, Tog -fiuhr-sml.v s â€" â€" Send for Cioualars and Catalogues, § 70 SPARKE STRRET, OPFAWA _ *‘ Manufacturers‘ Agonts and‘Dealors in lron and Wood Working Machinsry Waterworks 4 .-huadwv-- Pes onl n aine anp are imported direct from the best their ‘selection with to colour. â€" The ground tones are so to the eye, especially toned with silver mica; but al from the mineral Mn-qycfflnohty“m day are with. _ The Subscriber‘s long s n dote thoroughly with ~the : chemical of the With poocnne ie io "ohror in his aetection of To poeonoms so to health. . ""“‘&:wl' is §To . of WALL PAPER before m‘“fih-qczhwwmhwul W A L L sig _ o ic C o oo o is Cb I Puryaror ro Hi Exoutrzxor tan Karu or Durrezix, Govenzor Garmaar | _ Direct Importations from the Producers | TA s 12 France, England, Holland and Apain. f Screw Stcamers with spoeeds ranging up to 20 miles an bour, Paddle Steamers, with draughts ranging down ‘to 6 inches of water, Contracted for. â€" Prices from £200 upwards, j MACHINEEY OONETRUCTKD FOR; BOATS BUILIGABROGAD, â€" ° SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, . _ MACHINERY DEPOT BQLOGNASâ€"Ham, Ohicken and T ongue ; % ere. | SOUP'-oxflKmhrmlm!-g : eto., eto. M s Wm Beotch Maggis, Shoop Tooguse Un Tongame Lins Cel OFFICE A1ND WAREEOUSE..................70 BFARE SF, Ost, 17, 1875. 3 The Canadian Meat "wrylvi'ng Co.‘s Fresh Goods. LUNOE, BBIA.%A:S-T; and SUPPERS. lwmmm pints and quarts, put up to order. 106 a-m-:.:-.'&u-ofilflc.m- 250‘!.._!'“&!.?.“!.‘-.!.“ so&-la- Fine ALES, pints and quarts, per order. . 10 nm-n-wmnp. 10 years old, direct arder, l-o Hhds. Fine Old PORT WENE, unrivalled in quality, some 20 year old, different pricer Teasâ€"Black, the finest imported ; Green, do.. mfv"mmmmm. MA-&.@-H-.“-.W& Sugareâ€"All grades, for preserving very irong. Awmflwuumm“ummum Glasgow Peas Meal, um:“ulâ€"-“g BBANDIES, PORT & Onawe, o. 1 M Shcct 4 Pook monls. "fieiit Apt onl nitttton phit se L‘ beral Terms Their Excellencies the Earl ani Countoss of Dufferin. U. 8. MNKINNON & CO., 78 Bparie Straot, . _ : ~>5. / C o e o biike 1 im o 4 ESTABLISHED 1854. 1y _ _ ; omm im THOS. PATTERSON INCLUDING TROSE DEDICATED BY THE MANUFACTUREE P. B. Ferguson. ‘uhuiLk & G0.8 PZRIAL â€" MEDALâ€" ORGiN3 AND ORGANETTEE, e ' Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s _ CHOICE AND BEAUTIFuL OF THE BEST CANADIAN, ENGQLIS B LVYVTH 4&K E BR R . WHOLESALE & Y A RR 0 W â€"& C 0., Y ARRO W‘ S TO MEET SPECIAL C. D. PEASE & 008 PIANO Agents for the Improved Hot Air 3 urnadé. 3rd Door West of Bank Street, McKAY!‘ #Wlumbets, #&t. Tran OTTAW A. WHall Paper. â€" AGENTS FOR AND AMERICAN MAKE Seoonp s ‘OUEAW A. to Orders 07 Ma1 oT yWaA, a 1 Mi4 t 4 t

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