ce 0n FW : Daily [ U rown & CO. :gton stree!, Kcution) i# and Week BILLS, ‘lotices 100 M ses shllALiie 4 v100pl10® m the neek, 8 Gall® ol Mails, sn ofice. 1. 24# y wil CA W A, NT ln * T poraly ahq“. @2 ad is * uek Jestys wur ablg ind? im Parties reqairing a fArstâ€"class aril¢ld can rely W as everything used wW‘ll be of the es‘ * Hepth 14 |â€" HHi The bes. brands of wines, liquors and cigars are kept ani the promptest alle ‘tion is paid to Guests. Tae above popular Reutaurant has been enlarged by the addition Of uvwwul wnd weil furnished rooms on the second stry. [ATE or rrsescort) | Cormer of Sparks.and Bank Streets. Begs to inforu the cilizens of Otiawa thit he has commented the | Dinner h‘uvldod from 12 A.M., until 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€" able rates. Mr. BEN. HUCKSLL begs to announce to the general and travelling public, that he has entered upon the Proprieto snp» of the above Hotel. lately conducted by Mr. Fred. Kvans. Gentlemen honourIng this estabiish mant w ith their patrouage may rely On strict slient‘on being palid °o their orders, Liquors, Wines aod C:igars of the best quality. Luncheou served wi a) suurs. TJUMBER LIMILTS FOR sALE vbat well frequented l tel, Cave .Creek, Richmond Road, ompriâ€"‘ng cighreeo Apariâ€" menis, a slx staile) siabie aud hay Lu‘l.‘iyud elosed in wita shod ; « d.iving shed i ft., with l«u& above, Atfor PUBuiQ MKiGTINGS, DANLING HaLL or GRANARY. Th« proâ€" mises ure situmied Within one mile the city and have a frontage to ihe X ch ttomd of W leet by a deptn oi 116 feet i0 . The whoie will se sold on reasquabie 1eftus . Apply to JOsEPH scuaW, on e preinises, oF to H. McLinaN, Auci ucger, OllaWk. 1 | 993 on Rey> 85â€"SPARKS® â€" sSTREETâ€"S6 ~@a . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. Have received of their Fall Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CURTAINS. Embracing ali the novelties, out for tile season to which they confldently The finsst Luncheoo and Dining kooms in the city. CONTALNING | oN&é HUNDRrED® aND T WENI Yâ€"FOUR SQUARE MILEy. { For terms avd condition, application may be maue to H. V. N oeL, Gugbes ï¬ï¬;z.‘&†K. Mogiiâ€" N08 JOSEPH $M1TH. Ottawa,â€"N ov. 17, 1875. | 400LL A .«rge assortment 0| Gold and Silver Watches, Ladies‘ 0; era and Victoria Chaing, Gentlemen‘s Albert Chaing, Kings and Goid Sets, Bracelets, and Jewelle.y of every deseription, Plated Ware, Ciocks, &o. at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers can gl their stock as cheap from me‘| as any other ouse in the Dom nion. SHOOLBRED & CO. The "Feathers"‘ Hotel. K};fle&ufl:r}lg‘x}:uzweyuod to sal his TIMâ€" RIVER DESMOING, 91. 11 » m. aud 1 to 4 p.m. Spesia! atiention yiven 10. Jsea es and dispiacemeuts of the uierus. 1758 cueur cf8 . Thom»s Hosp‘tal, Londan, Eng. OFFICEâ€"Corner of O‘Counef & ‘1 Queen «weeus, jorprreriy cecupled by J)r+ w us Klidean Street, near Sapper‘s Bridge,) b l)ll:'Ili'l’.l’l:B O. I m ZB~ A CALL IS SOLICIT ED. w@a Ottawa, Sept, 2 1875 393 H Ottawa,â€"N ov. 17, 1875 [NOR SALE. M Y . O VOL. xX., NO. 40 10. Residenceâ€"Alb /A street. Offlk FRED FOOKS â€" + â€" Proprietor, V PINHEY, CHLRISNIIE t HILT 1 Â¥. H. FERLAND 10MGtOP ATI SAUSAGES. JOHN SATCHELL, EWELLERY TTAWA CABRPET HOUSE. ARRISTER®, A BARRISTER, A MBeeâ€"Master in THE "LONDON," -n.]'hnu: uil. March 9. 1875 Invite Inspection. Special Value in Lace Curtains. coTT, STEWART «& GORMULLY, K. L9GAN, rristers, Attormeys, Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &C. &o. Bar. isters, Atiormeys, Solicitors, wonveyancers, &¢ _ Co~NXOR & CONN~B & ObOouERTY, Manufacture of Sausagés. ARRISTER, AT TALimER, PENNOCK & McTNTYRE, ARCHAMRBAULT wW. W. WARD Be wW. P. COUTLEE, B C.L,, 33 to 37, MARSHAL MATHESO N Lcoal Cards. N. MARKS, ARRISTER, ADVOCATE, & Hox, R o s Ub W ART CONN.1 i EY A Zlotels. HOGG, WwILLIAM ST ig, Rid: aa st NÂ¥<+ATâ€"LA W Jos, Beaudin‘s, Main 8. sUBGBONX ANI 1 Quebec.) LICITOR INâ€"CHAN® e~nsulted pro es s M»fcalft street ho Hom.P. Mit. TX Ints ri0 ICITNR Town H St,, Ottawa. PDoMERTY d934m6 ). ti0uG 3607 IMULIY irStor awo . M2iyl D ruggis o. Moatrealâ€"i.vmaus, Jare & Co,. k Torout>â€"illiott & Co., Wholesals Druzgisi#» C. H. Ditson & €o., | J. E. Ditson &C0., 711 _ BroaDWAY, Suce‘rs to uee & Waike Now Y»rx.T Philadeiph‘a. Lordog. _ m | Newbery & Sous, 37 Newvwate street, London. Barcay & Sons, 95 Farrinydouw sweet, LondOn. &u?-r & Bous, aford street, L ndon. Aud wit io L ndou Wholssaile Mou:es. This, for Reed Instruments, is just what the o‘mer is for the Plano. It has wiiostood extenâ€" s‘ve reviews a; d ¢omparisons, and â€"s procounâ€" ced by teichers and musicians to be the best Instruction b oK of its kind ever publshed. For sale every where., PriCE $&50, {ir which it will be malled, postâ€" free, to any address. THOMAS SHORE & COMPANY, Success prg to Lee & Taompson, â€" Beg leave t ) call :,zo attention of the Public ‘0 t%xelr liurge and vafled assortment of all descrip= tions of . Which thâ€"y a e offering to the public at the lowest rates. They have aiso always on hand wl descriptioa= «& @enuemen‘s and _ Ladies® Ridiug Saddles, Tran«s, â€" Valises, Batchels, tk® Wmlr, wnd evorything in connection with their line of §Usiness. $ ls w wd t) guce all discharces from the Urinary Qfgaos, in a.meg sex, notu'roj or con» stitutio 3 Grave), and Pains la the Back. EXPORT AGENTS. f Burgoyme, Burbridge & Qo, Coleman straeb ‘* Worcestershire, ‘ or any w diffening thereffom. in con sauce mana‘actured by him, Wrappers resembling thiss VICK'S Haamoosy y i03"* Hamiitonuâ€"W.ner & C3 nallfixâ€"avery, Brown & Co ened, HB PR T * Terms, #€., m&b‘ leamed on ap; J abuve, betWeen the nour ; of tWo and O J c‘Henng thoreifom. in @nseo‘lon with any sauce mana‘actured by him, and any Labels or t‘lv.flpren resembling thse used by the Plainâ€" 3. AU&emflvs are bereny cautioned not to sell as * Worcestersbire" for " Worsester" Bauce, @oy Hauce other thab â€"bat manufactured by Mesers. Lea & Perrins, Worcester, or to use auy Labeis or Wrw‘gers rï¬;emb nLt.heln. THOS$ sOUTAALL, Worcester, Bo icitors for the said Mesars. Lea & Perrins, O‘te wa, Sept, 25, 185. 39580 «w 31 TWO G SRA ND SIâ€"C(VA';S!ES. â€"RICHARDSON‘S MEW METHOD r;el:’uxli;b: dï¬"?ah tj«:;zhléi: it will be n«iled, postâ€" Clarke‘s New Method NEW FIRM. THOMAS S$HORE & COMPANY, AGBENTS IN CeNAD& Montrealâ€"Evas, Merces & C0., Wholgsale The ne plus ultra of Piâ€"nofort> Instruction Booas, Uxauot by exceiled, er even aproached by its countless wmg:lltm‘s. stands far above them all. Usel by thousands of the best music eachers and sald by @l Booz rnd Music Veaies. Haudieds of thousands sold, and the demard as great as ever. _ _ _ 0 Rcsp‘h'ln‘l neul.‘v and promptly exe¢uted Noae but the bus, work men empioyed. THOMAS SHOR® & C ),, " Bpurksstreet, near Bank.. sold in ookes, is 6d each, by a 1 Unemists and Batout Ho‘g‘tm?‘: v.l;dm‘:. . 3. CuARKE | igie etors, . R. | Awwewï¬n' Holl, Lineoin, Lond m». | Take Notice that 0; the petual Injunctio; was ow câ€"use by «is ‘"‘bbcu~, the resvraining the Defendant ftudâ€"nt= may entor at time. Ad fot ciroulars, &¢., _ __-_f:’_'_“__ e- 0 t IN CHANCERY Worcestershire Sauce A NEW WRITINGJMASTER, A NEW COURSE OF INSTRUCIION YOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUSLNESS,. Camalogues fAui pillo ttoo i0 the und »rsi<te coive orders jtor the wanting Trece shoub â€"_â€"___ ANAw! For the supply of TREES®. SHRIJIBS, &c u.ous hed BOOT®S & S:I10E68. BANKRUPT W IRNREMENDOUS aTIRAUTIO \ 1 SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! MAS A NEW SUITE OF ROOMSY, Widcngd C},, OtaWs, 80743, 1875 9 ______ D. McARTHUR & CO, [ Proprietors. btu'n Oct 27, 1875. 308%¢Smd&w FLONER MEEETABLE GARDEN Shop Fixtures, Glass Aiadill NE BOX OF CLARKE®S B 41 PILLS. 'f\i‘A.\\‘l"'N FoR BOARDERS, No. i Mecosc d¢Ci) Torrace O# s nor stroet, wiy sy NO JNAN‘S RESTAURA NT, Sourks AUTIO N. HEAD OF ALL CTHERS ! lawa, N e a fow awddiuonal , 412 Rideau sureet. ANLRUPT SALE FINB AND COARSE HARNESS, BcX 2 lC $ Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. CA ul CLOT HING. RAKE CHANCE 0 JAS. ANGUS, D. MORGAN & SONS. W. s. BROWN, FOR THE PL \NOF»RTE Auynste Dupuis, Eng., Vocal Music. awe M . bet ,EX.! ROBERTSON is w‘ ‘@q widiuouai pupils 5{â€"" M LEA & PYRRINS ‘of Worcester, Al.l'lag ROBERT LEE, trad« Ing »s 4. KR L‘ iB & CO., at R:ivford Junetion, Lancasâ€" FOK RKEED ORGAN3 ANYJ EXAMINE STOOK, &8 L Instruments, is just what the Plano. It has whostood extenâ€" d ¢om parisons, and :s proconâ€" s and musicians to be the best k of its kind ever published. sQIF B cADYâ€"MADK IL it A NEW PRINCIPAL alsed in Lower Canada, from American Nurseâ€" agciimatized, and beite: igters of this distrigt s cao be had on applic ,\ eho is now reaa;w- 1 sorlug of 1875. Parties |ooe‘:'xy tAme in order‘ng 10â€" Sussex Street. Master of toe Ral;& rom usiag the wo! word only coloarably Dth Block, Sparks St chas DTA W A, s sud Ornamont M July, !875. a Perâ€" d i1 th> abové STOCK ! ou qlniy. M od stat et beauntiful ce, three tor sale gOsLt 1004tf IN5U Al A0r the Du iany to le Loxpox, Jan. 8.â€"The Pall Mall G@azette‘s telegram from Berlin says _ Count Andrass‘ys proposals are substantially identical with the suggestions made by the Foreign Consulu;sembhd at Moshbar. l‘:: autumn, and are desi to ‘riovmn;el. The mea m of guarantees is postponed till the Sublime Porte indicates the acceptance or rejecâ€" tion of the proposals. f Great Fire in a Cotton Factory. Loxpox, Jan. 8.â€"The Belgrade Cotton Mills near Oldham, Lancanshire,‘containâ€" ing 50,000 spindles, have been destrayed by fire. The loss is computed at a quarâ€" ter of & million dollars. A Barque‘s Crew Rescued. It is now ascorhin;d that the vessel ashore on the slip sand in the North Sea is the barque Hunter from Christiana for an English port. The tug which put out from Harwich at midnight has succeeded in saving the crew. _ _ _ and prevent an outlay of that influence which ianeounx in the settlement of vast interests involved. Austrian Movements, A speoi;ll t;'oï¬n;Vnnnn to the Standard contains the fo :â€"A re is c rent in Bosnia m‘:imgnhmï¬n m 40,% Austrian troops will very shortly occupy Bosnia. In Vienna official cireles assurm ances are, constantly given that no 00â€" cupation of Turkish provinces is intended, even if the Porte rejects Count Andrassy‘s proposals. If the Inmrionts‘ refuse to lay down their arms when the grest powers require them to, Austria will simply discontinue the lu‘)q'dy which she now gives to refugees from revolting disâ€" triots. * __ The Erie Railway. During the past week considerable commotion has been experienged in Rrie, but there is no material change in the affairs of the Company on this side, and prices fluctuate as usual, and opinion is divided concerning the result of pending antagonism. Aid for Persecuted Pricsts. _ The Duke of Norfolk, Presidient of the Catholic Association of Great Firitain calls for subscription to aid persecuted Gerâ€" man priests. The Duke subscribes $5,000 and &rdunl Manning $1,500. London Press on Gov. Tilden. The London Rceonomist opï¬oses the nomination of Gov. Tilden of New York as an agent in the new scheine of reâ€"orâ€" ganization, and while accordixtlg to him the highest honour, exprosses the opinion that because he may become a Democrat candidate for the Presidemcy of the United States, that event or preparations for it will necessary absorb lllp his energies Late advices from Khodjent says it is reported that 25,000 insurgent Turcomans are assembled in the neighbourhood of Andijan, which is expected to be the chiof theatre of war. Anx'\.i:n has been fortiâ€" fied, and is capable of offering a strenuous resistance. . elicited in the inquiry relative to Thomas will be officially published.; > Opposed by a Tarkish Ambassador. Loxnox, Jan. 10 (6 a.m.>â€"A Berlin despatch to the Daily News says it is reported that the Turkish Anibassador at Paris endeavoured to influence Count D‘Cazes against the ratification of Count Andrassy‘s note, and consequently it is inferred that the Porte was assured that (Great Britain would regret it. part of her territory. The G¢ of Spain is bound to protect the of our countrymen when: wit " The notice in the Gazette of January 8th, warning mariners not to appromch the Spanish Coast east of Bilbom:l account oi the danger from the ‘Carlist batterics planted there; will suggest, thoughts that our ‘Government is treating & S6rious matter too lightly. Being at peste with :smenmmmd:'nd 5: o:r= should . ‘insist & mfl ernment mighs A Berlin telegram to the Téimes flnm the assurance that the principal facts The Spanish Government has ordered from Herr Krupp‘s foundry, at Essein, six 11â€"inch breechâ€"loading steel cannon, with 600 rounds of ammunition, for de livery in |Cubs. Each guo will oost $120,000. | The Duke of Norfolk, President of the Catholic Association of Great Britain, is enlisting subscriptions in aid of the perâ€" secuted clergy in Germany. He subâ€" seribes $5,000 and Cardinal Manning $1,500. _ _ miles of her coust. Were :g’m seamen murdered or our ships RUMSE Rome hss consented to adhere to the terms of Count Andrassy‘s note concern« ing Turkigh reforms. A man named Wm. Thompson, conâ€" victed of an outrage on a girl 12 years of age last spring, was sentenced to 21 years‘ peniwntin{y on Saturday, in Baltimore. | Don Carlos has arrived at the town of Azpyia, some fifteen miles southwest of San Sebttiau, after an inspection of the Carlist lines. TELEGR A P HIC. The delay in answering Count Anâ€". drassy‘s note regarding Turkishjaffairs, on the part of France and England, is owing to the absence from London of Lord Derby the British Foreign Minister. A fearful railway accident occurred near Odessa, in Russia, on Friday last in which | sixtyâ€"four military reoruits were killed, and fiftyâ€"four wounded. The train ran off the track, fell over an emâ€" bankment and took fire. The cars were employed in transporting recruités for the army. The rumour that Austria was preparing for war is contradicted, by one of the Viâ€" enna journals. â€" The Prigce of Wales has reached Lucknow in India. While engaged in & pigsticking expedition on Saturday, Lord Carrington met with an accident by which his collar bone was broken. A suit has been brought by the Counsel of Tweed and h‘s bondsmen, to compel the other members of ‘Tammany to disâ€" gorge their share of the illâ€"gotten gains, and asking that a receiver be appointed. The new tariÂ¥f of freights from New York to the West goes into effect to day. It is on the basis of 75 per cent. per 1,000 pounds for first class freight to Chicago. ‘he Centennial of the battle of New Orleans wys duly celebrated throughout the United States on Saturday. The Belgrade Cotton Mills, near Oldâ€" bam,; . Lancashire, coutaining _ 50,000 spinT:s, have been destroyed by fire. The foss is computed at a quarter million dollats. Bs FO R E1 C N. h n ce i ui o n Wt t we have aright to % iwith any f hav tarcitgey â€" Tha T t TELEGRAPHiO SUNMMARY. The Turkish Imbroglio. The * Mosel" »isaster. The Spanish Coast. GBEAT BRITALS, The Seat of War m y _'tg.tâ€u fll‘l’ :': :l;-hvi: "iï¬m, f @ egow h6 GOver M. Ollivier has issued an address to the electors of the Department of Var. He ‘leclares that he is in favour of the alliance ofnemyaldlnb:'v by the hand of a strong and national er. Referring wtheputheuylthomw did not (}iie-i;lodtmnmhi:xb a conflict with Prussia. e di in hi er to preserve peace. If intrigues of momoihblu had not thwarted his plans and revealed his moveâ€" ments to the enemy, and if the Emperor had not been betrayed, and if the resources of the country had not been disorganizod and squandered by the Revolution, the Army of the Rhine would have been vicâ€" in regard to the proposed reforms in the Bultan‘s Vassal ZBorvin makes nodeâ€" flnihorropadlnr oonm.ln‘dum- tion of these reforms ; but as stated, he proposes virtual control through the superâ€" vision of the Consuls and the reports of the Ambassadors. ~ Released from Prison. .Berun, Jan. 9.â€"A tel from Mosâ€" cow says that Dr. Smum the bankâ€" rupt railway contractor, has been released from prison on condition that he will remain in Moscow until his trial has Snow Storm. â€"E thos in ho s ho ol mt in O Wwhich im o A« opeuminthnthm‘ + s Don Carlos Inspects his Troops. Sax Sesasttax, Jan. 9.â€"Don Carlos has arrived at the town of Azpytia, fifteen An official despatch has been received here which states that a Spanish manâ€"ofâ€" war has captured a vessel under the Gerâ€" man flag, laden with contraband of war. Will not Accept Resignation. Elav:a‘:nlain mï¬?t&trum Govâ€" ernment will not accep resignation of Senor Rubi, Financial Commissioner to torious, Permit to Exiles. Mapain, Jan. 9.â€"The Government has given permission to several Generals who are now in exile to return to Spain. of inspection along the Carlist line. Viexxa, . Jan. 9.â€"The Fremdenblatt anâ€" nounces that it is enabled to state posi: tively that dugt&ohufromvunquhvto- day‘s Londou mdcrdnpowm Austrian Government had all men here liable to military service to hold themselves in readiness to join their reâ€" spective Corps on 48 hours notice, is totally without foundation. Reserves have neither been called out, nor have any preâ€" parations been made for so doing. _ ; ye We OO ETHT rifiiimey reoriiee ‘Fan ol the waek porige recruits ran ipe m:ï¬;’wm momhumt. The cars caught fire, and before all the men could be extricated many were burned to death. The total number of killed is 64, and 54 are injured, several mmw.-.“...râ€"â€"unm-u l?lvunu,dnn. 9.â€"'1:0 battalions of caribineers have gone to Charleroi, where the strike continues. The troops of the to boln:idhuu' to Charlorgi {f&&mm 4 article concludes by mmnï¬d Spain tl,:l tolf?â€that she will l: acâ€" countable every shilli done to foreign vuul.?:ylh when dcmbt.lu& after preliminary y a remedy would be found easy, and Spai would see clearer the danger of with civil wars. +=> i| %France Accepts the Austrian Note. A Vienna correspondent of the Times announces that France has u% accepted the Austrian note. .A despatch to the Standard reports that the Turkish Government has ordered the Ciromssians settled in Belgravia, to be organized into twelve battalions, which is too weak to control its unruly subjects, and too poor to pay. If such an exouse were false, we -houfd invite that Governâ€" ment to do justice, or prepare for reâ€" h prisals, which would amount to a declaraâ€" tion of war. If the Government were reuuy poweriess, we snould have fue right The Austrian Note. Berum, Jan. 8. â€"Count Andrassy‘s note OTTAWA, MONDAY, JANUARY 10, 1876. Willing to Sever Allegiance. The Strike Continues. A Contradiction AUSTBIA, SPAXN, dre-umo on the conâ€" | _ . Andiet treacherous uâ€" tter for all partios if d"?;:.::‘: intable for ber a¢â€" | p, and Vict Hates might on , | dedlors, for 1 s f Tocka ie opan | of thokey » f the Antilles t es aee. in is by Saslict shoth, | has ordered preliminary bluster, | at Easein, si und easy, and 8 steal cannon danger of niton, for de of War. Osporx, Jan. 8.â€"On Thursd t hm eaninsar ienss 8 %‘:"ï¬m Tl':'oy mb‘u mh. al stores, and "meny private resiâ€" denges. They secured several thousand dollars and escaped. Day of Rejoicing. New Ozrizaxs, Jan. 8.â€" and | penâ€" :‘h were displayed thr t the city public offices closed in r of the day. The Continental Guards, recently and fired.the ‘Mr. of Tennessee, Chairman ofthoN.? Comimittoy of the House is strongly in favour of abolishing all the nz Mti.-l: Now_“k..ndnnd, nndl: bfllwm.ot. 4 Sr. Lobis, Jan. 8.â€"A Kansss city deâ€" ts Toh Separtomht of Sm in . Toaee aii rounch Srofi Reiiroadan Br. Josepu, Jan. 8.â€"Frank Brown,con« victed of murder, who, with sevéral other prisoners, .mm d from gaol in this cil on the 28th of Ootoli':lllnlbeen:& captured. No clue to other prisoners. PeOrganizod, UnGor GapS.. sEOsgugUmesy and fired the salute. f Bille, of |Yazroo, in twelve feet of water, twelve miles above that, plage. . No lives were lost. . It is beligved the boat can be to the West wxllrgo into effect on l{md&{; uande for fr9t diase Trhight "C’-m.g" 6 t to m&dlfloh to be uniform on all the |A special to the Picayune, from. Bayou sï¬-nw?.‘&' sinking, of‘ the steamer trunk lines going west from New York and Boston. A |deferential allowance is made in favour of Philadel$hia and Bsltiâ€" broughti,by Tweed‘s counsel and bondsâ€" men, asking that all members of the old ring éxcept Tweed be compelled to re« fund, and asking for the appointment of & recelver. It is announced that the new and adâ€" vanced rates on ï¬-oizl;h from New York to the West will go into effect on Monday, more{ on the und that the distance from those cities to Chim than from New York; The di is not considered enough to make it a matter of serious concern for the mercan~ tile community of this city . The United States Grand Jury, iosw- day, presented indictments against Joseph D. and Victor A. Malone, wholesale liquor alers, for having received nine barrels of whiskey which they did not enter on M'Hu%aï¬uudam be of cotton and sacks cotton seed. Muszoo®», Jan. 18.â€"A recgent decision dthoflooroï¬ydflnllnuï¬w poun:& torily closes all mining operations in t Retiring from the Stago. New Yorxk, Jan. 8. â€"Oskey Hall‘s retireâ€" ment from the nï¬;n-n tolerably well authenticated. is engagement at the Park Theatre terminates to night. . Indictments by Grand Jury. here toâ€"day :~â€"The ‘Spanish Government h-cd:z from Herr Krupp‘s foundry, at Essein, six eleven inch breech loading steal cannon, with 600 rounds of ammuâ€" nition, for delivery in Cubs. The contract hat been made at the special request of $120,000. Cioton Ration toe ho pres¢at .‘ ine hands, who ze thrown out of employâ€" PritapELPH81a,: Jan. 8.â€"Last evening reudk Elenpnely ag oive hn q h+ se t deigs . ie mcln adicr Mn mtirest in hh aiy. =" . / Ausaxy, Jan. 8.â€"There is sufficient flwix.ioo in the river here to interfere with the navigation of ferry boats. a Battlec of New OQricans. Sentenced for Rape: Baurniors, Jan. 9.â€"Wm. Thompson, convioted of n.:tup lnmm last on Tndionere i mreas ue reals fepiigan ment in the Penitentiary. _ _The Association of Importers, at Haliâ€" :‘!..h.ou-odaunnim:oumfl- u:m mhï¬t-‘"' Hflh&gflnduï¬lflllfl sideration. | St. John, N. B., contemplates sideration. . : St. John, N. B., contempia®es m.m“&mm with the Halifax body for sautual proteécâ€" * AMERICAN. ° New Feature of the Tweed Trial. Nzaw York, Jan. 8. â€"A suit has been Close of Mining Navigation Interrapied. New Tariff of Froights. A Chapter of Crime. A Defaulting Clerk. PENNSYLYANIA. Ordering Arms. NEW YORK LOUISIANA. NARYLAND. MISSOURL K A NSAS. consisted of 460 : bales cent. Prime mercantile p 64 to 8. i qMMMhmt Gold atâ€" 113, advanced: to 113}, and at 113 1â€"8. Governments firm. cent above yesterday‘s m“dohl:lrwnk.d.x.dh Montrnmar, Jar. 8.â€"Stocks quiet. Sales «â€"Merchants‘, 94 to 94} ; Commerce, 118 to 1184 ; Montreal Te 158} to 159 ; Dominion Telegraph, 974 ; 1814 Arrangements have been made for the mï¬uofmopumm on morning. ; stipulation ofmnoo is that sales mutb: lhl:;fhnbmhr. Those ‘wishing to or :}oohmll t.lm-hn:onoppot- tunity of seeing exactly when to operate. There are ten members now, and they will meet for.the pnnntntt‘-dooof Messrs. Bell & Withers, St. Francis Xavier street. The new association will, of course, have no connection with the present one, members of which cannot buy or sell outside of their Board Room, to CBioaco, Jan. 8. â€"Flour dull. Wheat active, firm and highor; No 2 spring, 96 1.8¢ No 3 do, 78%; rejected, 64%c. Corn in fn:demdznd i) ; No 2, 43f6 bid h&mmhl’. ; 45§c for May. Oate ; No wl& for© spot ; for February. dull and firm ;sales at 79%¢ for spot. higher ; sales at $19 25 for ; $19 i 119 4 Tor fepramy. * bull MoMe To ; to 10 18c¢, and 10} to 104. 3 "Floun 10000 buveb ; Wheat 20400 DUsiUis, TOLM omp00N UGBECIE q. MTDIE 000 buzhels ; Rye, 1,000 bushels ; Barâ€" ic otetalath 100 mmatech n ore m angâ€" els;‘ Rye, 1,000 bushels ; Barley, 9,500 New York Produce Market, nN;Y“Y::l, Jan. 8.â€"Cotton d-ll}"lo: m 19,000 barrels ; sales, IM rrels. Rye Flour. $4 25 to 5 40. ‘Wheat Tor huck, mad ho 1439 fon Tre. . Park ts to 84¢, per 100 pounds. Fisr axp P:‘vnmâ€"'l‘l:odm .li':t.lqo dastir d piet mc fade remos w&u. \ 350â€73.10 T50. Geese, mmâ€"m)gfmf and steady ;. receipis, 2/ Pushels -:..‘41,m&ow.‘u;f'£ tolO‘I‘tcr o 3 Chicago; #1â€"08 to 1 09 for No 1 Milwaukee; $1 22 for torNotmlmhof.llObl“hNo 1 spring; $1â€"17 to 1 85 for new and old winter red western; $1 18 to 1 45 for do amber western; $1 30 to 1 50 for white western Rye quiet. Corn about W,ndh.ï¬ddmnd;m bushels ; mhmhhb to 674c for new mixed; 71 to 730 fo old do. Barley firm and fair enquiry; receipts, Turnips, 200 per bushel. _ Cabbage, 400 dozen, Onions, $1 per bushel. Beets, ï¬g:por bushel. Cnpn.;orriu,]mo gallon. . Winter Apples, $3 50 hum Oranges, 350 WPSO“; llop:or case. Lemons, 40c per dozen; $11 per case. mâ€˜ï¬ I BP â€" U o e‘ o o0 Sony Faurr axp Veomriasues.â€"Potatoesâ€" Early Rose and Garden Chilis, 30c per bushel. western and State ; 460 to 526 tor white g:. Porku;l‘;lupd,um 15 toflll 00 unins new mees. Lard, t tss woues soone aie o Snd common to prime. Petroleumâ€"Crude, 7 to The ; refined, 181c. h t 13,000 Luoxxow, Jan.8.â€"While the Prince of | themselves manfully, were made to save Wnloundimmy were out on a ‘it Owing to the n‘ir-d sticking exhibition toâ€"day, Lord * the" Corporation the * Ocean ton met with an aocident by which his : Wave‘" steam purchased at collar bone was broken. | a cost of 00, was unfit for service. Sarurpar, Jan. 8.â€"There was a slight improvement in the mnrï¬todq, batia in the attendance of buyers and sellers, owing to the timely fall of snow, which enabled farmers to bring their produce to the city. There was a lmdlxplyd vegetables and dairy a fair supply of meat, which, however, for the most part looked as if it had been often there before. There were .godbw loads of h-y,Tgiou which was, as usual, supplied, a good many farmers preferred to drive their supplies back again to selling at the prices Jan. 9.â€"The report is confirmed ( o neniimeinn ho ing Turkish reforms. * . i ~tfertimametent | Gusurs, Jan. 8.â€"The Ontario ..O:&Thany. couple dd:l'q mw‘hm hm seven miles from town, met with a very show is expected, several American exhiâ€" oo e it CC tak iad :+ ~ chitlyr FOL I ue a d aa d S â€"‘ narrow escape. nunpouunï¬ m@uwm tree close to the road was broken 5 mAanthbm :"r.nh:.i'f.?u'ï¬' '.5- the. ooâ€" hnhvï¬-hnm. cupants had to 'Npim horses and _ The annual meeting of the Gueélph Mxar.â€"Beef, hind quarters, to ; re, 440 to 5o. Kui&n.“ to%:,!n?;; C 0O M M ER C I A L. TME OTTAWA MARKETS. Chicago Produce Market. ’m..'t 450 to 486 ï¬l"llrx: irm and hi No A ing, 40 1â€"50 .i“_l@mszmi Montreal Stock Market. Prince of Wales IXDIA. 236 10r prime lmrnbuz 113. 8T JOHN, N. B. MW‘JMâ€"M A coroner‘s inquest is held in m@uwd:&cw of Mary Melville. The woman admits that she threw the child: into the ditch, and deciared that it had died first. She said the child was ill when she was turned out of the house in which she had lived. The Board of Trade have reroived to memorialize the Dominion Government to procure the necessary legisiation for plac. bility of the building of the , Baie Verte Canal and trust our delegates will taka ‘an annortunity to interview the Bank, on a charge of stealing which he pretended to hare lost, m Dents stren: wLn the theft till he was stripped, the money, or $850 of it, was found attached to hisâ€"private parts by means of a thin elastic. A woman was found dead in her bed work ; the knot undar the chin, caused by strangulation. convulsively for two and a half and one minute later life was extinct. He made m%nd-hï¬ud to the last that the night of the murder was a blank to him. ‘ this morning in Kempi street. The supâ€" ths min‘ 1 streot. * fldm'“â€"lfl&!rla- "ling y ceation * amame Maxtrosa, Jan. 8.â€"Chief Justice Wood who is in poor health, has obtained three mouth‘s leave of absence, and will visit fu'BtJEhn“l:.rba{r in mz in approaching session Pm-nAot to define the limits of the harbour of St. John ; to vest the management thereof in a Board of Comâ€" e mitharvons, " fhe Dour| se pmsed the following resolution :â€"* That we view Minister of Public Works, pressing HAMILTON h090 !en ohy oduuiarie Roae * Hiaxiurox®, Jan. 8.â€"Nelson lnh‘who was stabbed by Michael McConnell, is still about completed his work in that capacity. m.s.-.m‘ left for home yesterday. ;n.ny-“ ptoOMln_’hn.n& is Do sA mdcon mt va tos ‘A warrant ‘for ‘the arrest of George B. mw«mn-â€".m an old parliamentary reporter and correspondent, has been issued,> the charge of being one dflnï¬'vh‘o a‘dsdfl:oWded. Elliott cannot be found, and is supposed to have fied '-.'T"_“;"b?*"il Ilill m Gm.‘ to lend to such Board such amounts from time to time as may be necessary to aoâ€" Pigh? Tot" Guring ‘the y he mas some: on fverint, L nhjeiones siaty taat bly, 52, in Longy p &HMWW»- S in has Fot but $300 out of 'mii;h‘nu;‘dhma* Sohool Board for the past year was held last evening, when the final reports of the homeAate J WPeass PooIOns AB CETVUOEE AML ommr“'iï¬ advanced for the m-a'mmu.w andmksnvz' Amfld Montreal branch of the Evangelical Alliance was President, in the chair. It;u i w opninont dooe en on oo tX Prilidh Since the demolition of the Okea Church mâ€"dx more .Indians have left the of Rome in Oke. This evening Detective Fahey arrested Tmiing. pusttctall ‘hall doti Phoe mmw&m :::‘ The case is very clear x Ryan, who has a bad record. _ A v for $331,778 has bm%bz.hu Baylis, iff. ‘This action is in Moxtreat, Jan. 9.â€"In the Prothono« hrhcmï¬ï¬‚ominvolï¬ptionngud rise of salaries was recommended by witâ€" nesses. The intemperate habits of emâ€" ployees were again referred to. The official returns of majorities at each in Chambly Ooqz‘m as follows: i Benoit in St. Hubert, 112, in ie pyk ko t in Tos bn. Forides if mmmonts 57, in chase. The Oka Indiansâ€"Bank Rebbery. Special to THE TIMES. â€" 'i'b-h“m m of the furniture was savred. was owned by A. 8. Newman. XKo insurance. y the $1,000 donated #o it by St. Patrick‘s C APHN A D 1 A‘N . CcaRLETON PLACK, _ MANITOBA MONTREAL. CUELPH. ges were received ‘and imts§s The Minister dgu-' 'w-um we unum'hoâ€:n.-dg‘::‘-d. on the occasion of his visit, undertaken at nq_-ny:d-h-hï¬:mâ€œï¬ Dominion, to address the on his way to Pembroke at l-nï¬h‘:l- day evening next, 10thiinsi,, at six o‘clook | snoath Mp ortr t ronsmecincns dity uit M C uu'elukp.-.;-du%u hie return to Renfrew, at halfâ€"past ten o‘clock, did services of the therbrooke steam r day ing, at 12.30, fire was dissovered h::z'wuduï¬'.m and before the flames could ecting» uished that struoture was â€"entirely deâ€" The flibrary also and was ohient animen new residence were saved through = wni'i._up"".ï¬-ht"" ge of the electors at each place in order to what the hon. â€ï¬‚nh to say for uh: swer many serious Mdï¬mufllm The Pr Bishop‘s College Partly Destroyed ‘by vessels out to a channel, but it was un> success fui Several deaths have occurred in country mmZEgulm and on Wednesday nine dead bodies were rd banquet in the Hall‘ The M“m-â€"nwm hasâ€" eroe‘s Family Medicines : the entire extent of his resources for curing disease. This is an error. Experience m&“-flnï¬bofl-w mmmwd Bmartâ€"Weed, ? Dr. Bage‘s Catarrh Mi'dd" faithfully used, oure a » . action. â€" Theseexceptional cases toms, to ascertain the exaei nature and extent of the disease or dissases usder which the patient was labouring, and the use of specific remedies to meat aa d overcome the same. This led to ths estéblishment of the World‘s Diswensary, at â€" Buffalo, N. Y., with its Fsacully in Feveive farites poots thine ooo lime: is wilt ipare Wingham on Toosisy moreâ€" ing for London, reac here at 1 p.m. l:‘-lnbï¬-lbmv.d:@u of belis, and music by the Tth Batt. han 4, will greet the arrival of the train. | Daring e P, K, 1L, no iess YAAA 158,000 buibels of onte shipped < 44 breaksman fell off the -n'df-’ d mmug t h meptand above the knee. § ing, and left PCO insy Fog c h p id t oo /+ h ameprman The coal miners in the mdh to mh* will greet the arrival of the tram. | Dari the Afrernoon there will be a parads of the fire brigade, and in the evening a The schooner Jona, Osborne.grain / laden, from Brontée and nwvivol I in harbour on Saturday. arbour Master usually gives anew hat t~ the captain of the first vessel to arrive in the season, but in this case he thimics the season has opened. Such anjoscurâ€" Ths inain will her Londos o" Moonp x; 1more Esmem®e, L2 Wa e otut s ts Words Dapmeer . . amounted to $7Â¥4,40245, the your‘s receipts" footing up $1,234,405.99, of gumsu.-" & at |oae of 'Im".“' ï¬,. i9 tawn whopl.dml. is to aemash shop windows then snatch anything olns» o on neither of | w Owing to the illness of four of the the visit of the Adelaide Philline on Troups in this oily 4us oo ns to England. was leaving Orangeville yesterday a in general and those belonging to ls F4 special department in mpular. To uï¬â€œâ€œ*‘flmw‘nl h?;bw,â€â€œ""""‘ Lus U [ ___l.} ansans: to are olinrt d placed at the disposal O° ©° °4 P * _ . ° and those on whom the «m cines do not have the uo procure a more thorough and alline «¢ e CWh, CGEL KA sua Hauwax, Jan. 8.â€"The from U'*w:'uh.d at 8t. v!-.h,-_-.a,.!- renoon, on Wednesday next, 12th inst. We have no doubt whatever that there vited guests number some seveh hasâ€" Laknoxviuum, Quebec, J and Searlot Fover Provalontâ€"Falling off in Customs Receipts. Unlimited Remedial Resources. HKOoN,. AuEX. MACKENEHIE. PRICE 3 â€"CENXNTS. LENNOXVILLE, Railway HALIFAX. 3 uit : revenue at Halifax for the the solicitations of his of every p / Jan. 8.â€"Y esterâ€" no less thar »Wij®, . OW in _ the there ders imie _ for lond4on, velf r im ba® Â¥ 14