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Ottawa Times (1865), 11 Jan 1876, p. 1

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E.mea 3800 MLW nrnmert VATHE BILLS. ARii \ w ® i Molx Daily Kaition) i# , day (and Week av). by â€" Alexa® 1 & Qwen. 3. vewga 6â€"8L, L 45 Farriugdonâ€"st., MnE se ts 4 ixfordâ€"st., Londofle Londuc Wholes@® wl N ;# 1N CA NADA. cas OMR Brown & Co. Ler} »ure 10@ \ « canls, Of pPMMpiC® F. J. CLARKE, C ons i B1 ~a y iNur BA M Ke ved as uais ofice,. lare & Co. . Whoiesale mals :com all pMKK Motites ores on the neck» "| | Albica inb Gene= T A,’: W mfl u,n‘u sâ€"s, by all NK fm.l e out, Greab . M r and » WV A W As « cor ;“g A1x OI maay 80 rridey &b e in NP and it ® herg. & Dig ow »C C Jos Wy‘*g give «t of A «arge »«sortment 0/ Gold and Siiver Watches, Ladies‘ Orera and Victoria Chains, Gentlemen‘s Aibert Chaing, kings and Goid Sets, Braceleis, and Jewelle.y cf every description, Plated 'lr%Clockl. &e., at the lowest prices. The best House in the city. Wholesale buyers can g( their stock as cheap from me as any other ouse in the Dom‘nioa. Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of the Boyal College of Phys‘cians, Ex Ir’b-u'n; Feliow of the Obsietrical Scciety of ndan; late Resideut Assista .t Aocouâ€" coeur f S . Thomas Hospital London, Eng. _ Dl. TUPPEK may oe consulted pro esâ€" sionawy alhis residance, Metcalfe street, ho. se formerly cocupiei b{ the Hou, P. Mitâ€" cheli. 3slyL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL Jeweller, Watchmaker, &c. *iz. BEN. HUCKELL begs to ann to ‘the general and tiaveiling public, that he entered u lhe Pwrhw.-mlpo! the Hotel. \Mafin conducted by Mr. Fred. is + Widean Street, near Sappor‘s Bridge,} FEED FOOKS â€" â€" â€" Proprietor. Tue above popuiar Restaurant has been @eniarged by the addition of several spacious «nd weil furnished rooms on the uoons sLry. m’fine finsst Luncheon and Dining kooms in cuuy. & Gentilemen honouring this estabiishment with their patronage may rely ou strict attention beinz piii o toeir orders_ Liquors, Wines aad Cigars of the best quality. Luncheou served al ao uuurs. HOMCEOPATIIIC PHYSICIAN. sURGEON AND AcCoUCHEUE. Rs denceâ€"Albâ€"rt street. Office hours from 9 to i1 >.m,. auu 2 w:‘p.m. Special attention y.ven 10 diseaes & displacements of the uterus. 1738 | _ OFFICEâ€"Cotner of O‘Connor _ and Queen str Cts, iormerly occupled by Ur. Corbett. | _ say~ §5â€"SPiRKS® StPREETâ€"S6 ~@a Have received of their Fall Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and CUETAINS. Em bracing ali the novelties, out for the season to which they confidentiy The "Feathers" Hotel. 33 to 37, WILLIAM ST. Offices â€"Eigin street, Otiawa. C. H. PINHE®Y. A.J CirRistre HOP. HILL Has opened an office in the city of Hall. Proâ€" vi: ce Of Q ebec. for the traussetion of ali Noâ€" tarial and Legal business, eitoer io the Proâ€" Vince of Quebec or Uutaria Special cure g..+n to the onileciion of accounts in both proâ€" SHOOLBRED & CO. O BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR ETC, Office over mr. B. Huckeli‘s rlour Store, eorner of Suss x and York strecls, OUaWA. _ st The bes. brands of wines, liquors and cigars :!uupt and the promptest alte tion is paid uests. TyUMBER LIMITS FOR SALE u’l_‘iomn“‘li;;g;ed&mpued to sel‘ his TIMâ€" RIVER DESMOINE, UFFICE: Hardy‘s Block, Rideau street BARRISTERS AND ATTORN®EySâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLLâ€" ClTORs, CONYEYANCERS ETC , Ovawa, Qut. vaNIEL O‘CONNâ€"R. wW. D. H.OQ(I Oféceâ€"Master in Coazcery Cham bers, Court House, Ottawa, Cava in. ~ â€" YOL. X., NO. 40411. ONEé HUNDRED AND T WENTYâ€"ROUR SQUARE MILEy. For terms and conditl piication may be maue to H, V. Noel, qafio‘funl,oa E. Mcgilâ€" . OsEPH SMITH I J & _ Ottawa. Nov. 17. 1475. 400Lf BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &C., (For the Province of Quebec.) BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SoLICITOR IN CHAN« CERY, &c., (For the Provinee of Ontario.) Main street. Hull, P.Q. 323m6 Dinner h‘nvuo‘ from 12 A.M., antil 2 P.M., at very reasonâ€"« M . w“.nl.l. PENNOCK & McINTYRE, rristers, Attorneys. Solicitors, Nota« ries, &c,, &c. OFFICEâ€"Bell‘s k. e«, Cenre Town, oppoâ€" FE% DaY. â€" Agonts 05“"20 Wailted, _ All ¢l:8008 u. wo ktrg poupi, u. either sex, young of old m““&fl’“&'&flfi&‘fifi&' Or + ‘tning else. Particulars free. card to the BStages cost but one cant. Address _ _‘ _ _ Parties requiring a rstâ€"class articie cau, TOIY on gettiny it 26 © used will bo of the BARRISTERS, ATTORNEY3, SoLICITNR3, CONâ€" OFFICEâ€"Bell‘s s e«, o Russell H use. *. waLKER, | P. PENNOCK. | A Now 3. 870. â€" Hui, Oct. 26, 1â€"74 Ottawa, Sept, 2 1873 ie ADVOCATE, lempnrary fficeat Dr. Jos. Beaudin‘s, Main reet, Huti. Huil. March 9, 1$75. 25@lyl . Vn-rrnul'. Attormeys, Soli¢itors, ctonveyancers, &60â€" g@m Mosgrove‘s Building, Ridcau st., Ottawa ‘x. JoitN u‘CoNN0® QC. G J. O‘DoHkRTY ~ MH. CHRBYSLER, Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1475 BSopt. iL EWELLERY [rATE or rsuour!j orner of Sparks and Bask Streotsâ€" Begs to inform the cilizens of QtiaWw& Wikt . he has commenced the ept TTAWA CABPET HOUSE. INHEY, CHRISTIE & HILL, *RRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLI CITOR LN CHANCERY, NOTARY, KTC Invite Inspection. E. ROGERS, THE "LONDON," BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, &0 R. LOGAN, Special Value in Lace Curtains. vo~NOR & HoGG, SAUSAGES., | JOHN SaATCHELL, voNNR & O‘DOMERTY, (Of the late firm of Lewis & Piahey,) BB A CALL IS 8O LICIT ED | wee wW. W. WaARD, ARCHAMBAULT, v. H. FEBLAND, w. P. COUTLEE, °B C.L,, NOTARY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE Manufacture of Sausages. Zegal €ards. MARSHAL MATHESON, N. MARKS, U, BLLNBQN & CQ,, Portinad, Mo, Hotels. CONTALNING F. MCLNTY &E 3984m6 2464yl 399801 260y oo on Ees o n i oo e en d n ons v MeGor ~lek‘, _ Nerrace_ «PC mnor street. A spfy «uNO ‘NAN‘s RESTAURA NT, Sparks st est =| 1 BW Take No&lee that on the $0th July, 1875, a Perâ€" petual Injunctior was granted i. the above cause by dis Hoocur, the Master of %>0 Bo‘lna restraining the Defendant from using the w * Waorcestershir«,‘ or any word only colourably differing tuerefrom in conseoton with any Hauce manufactured hy him, and any Labels or Wrappers resembling used by the Plainâ€" â€" _ AN agsN0r IN OPTAWA, :‘gr tne suipply ot rruit s and Ornaments rubs. || Those Trees being raised in Lower Cauada, are preferable io those from Amsrican Nurmse« mes, being thoroughly aceiimatized, and beite! adapted to stand the winters of this district Caml};wu :ur;‘snc«x can :e had on spp'}’lc tion 1 the undersigned, who mm‘ v# ceive onlers for the spring o“l.gfls u'.:el. wanting Trees should lose no time in ordering 1. t hh.‘.llEUXh â€"_â€" Obtawa® . bet Klng and Noalsoo Ste Students may enter at any time. Address for cireulars, &0., _ _ __ _ ; _ __... . L UK [ pie; of eood bedâ€"rovms with bourd. Ma b nad af MRS. KLRWs, corner of Eigin an Saltor stfeets â€" 40041f ryNREWE\DOUS BANKRUPT W 1 i be sbid ut 49 pervent. below first cost, as the p reBasers are bou! w‘&eu a Fashionable T«ilort: Estaoiishmient on the first of January next A NEW WRITLNGJMASTER, Worcestershire Sauce. All &ennns are hereby cautlonsd not to sall as * Worcestersaire" for " Wornester" n:nc-. acy Bavce other thanâ€"‘nat manulact by Messrs, Lea & Perrigs, Worcester, or to use a4Y Labels or Wrappors resemmemouI. THO4. sOUTH ALL, Worcester, Bolicitors for the gai1 Messrs. Lea & Perrins, O1t«wa, Sept. 2§, 18@5. t58o aw 181 The subscriber having purchased another Fatâ€"te of Boots, ~boes, &c., at 65 cts, on the Doila , â€" Gre it Nlaughter ia prices will be made for oa‘8 th orls* t> effoct an eatira clsaraucs. before eceiving Fall Siook. _ Cavg Auguste Dupuis, Esq., Proprietor of tae weli known Nurseries ab ~ Roch des Auinets, Province of Quebes, has es IN CHANCERY A FOR REED ORG ANS. This, for Reed Instruments, is jast what the o‘her is for the Piano. It has wiwastood extenâ€" s ve reviews ai d cocaparisons, and is procounâ€"> ced by teachers and musiciaus to be the best insiruction b oK of its kind ever published, For saie every where. Priox $250, 1+r which it will be mailed, postâ€" fre:, to any address. v;r;nfi)']i‘-inureq. Glass Cases, eto., for sale D. MORGAN & SONS. TREES, SHRUBS, &c Efiéfi&fifi:’&'& it will be ns .iled, pon- Clarke‘s New Method C AUTION. T'o GRaAND sSUCCESSES, ‘ FOR THE PIANOFVRTE. The ne plus ultra of Pisno®rts Instruction Books, Uaunot be exceglled, er even sg'auh.d by its countle :s compctitars, Stands above them all. Used byt.gouundl of the best music reachers and sold by all Boox and Music Dealers. Hundieds of thousands sold, and the SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! A NEW COURSE OF INSTRUCEION. FOUNG MEN PREPARED for BUBINESS VICK'.D FLOAER & VEGETABLE GARDEN BOOTS & SHOES ts I.:‘e mfiw beautiful '0“1.'3:‘ the nl;dum wori contains aearl ot fine i tustratio sndyFoer:‘mmo Plates of |~lowers, beautifuily drawn and coloured from pature. Price 4 ceols, .n paper COVOT; 6> ¢eats bound in elegant cloth. «Os8tf _ Successors leave & » call th tngir large and tiops of 19 Ri «ll wi is |warranted t fl,‘;"m‘u Feceppranticint ie i Abâ€"~4 [ inary Organs. in either se3 = stitatio ai, "Gravel, (nd Paiss in the Back solud in boxes, «4d each, by a 1 Unemists and ratent Medicine vendof=. â€" sole Pr prietors. F, J . Mfi Apothecaries‘ Hâ€"li, Lincoln, oBe EXPORE AGENTS. °. . _‘ goyne, Burvridge & Co, Nomlt“ i. idon. * oc ewbery & Sons, 37 Newgate streot, I’alldz- o ray & soane, 95 Farringdon svreet, » &N 207" _ buad ormasat T. ndon. 1 | _ CcauL ANDI|EXAMINE STOOK | AMM _« apairing ne#! and promptly executed Noae but the bes. Work .sen empioyed. > | TH }MAB SHORs® & C J,* | | !| sparksstreet, near Bank. 1, 1: 00N« a o:b:r; & Sons, 37 Newsate streot, Lond ray & soane, 95 Farringdon sureet, LOB J-rtuou. n;tadnn::hb ndon . ail t ie L ndo« Whol Houw@4, AgENTS IN CANADA, onu‘ouâ€"l‘.vw} Mercet & O â€" wuo vrusgls\s. C ontresiâ€"Lymaas, ‘are & CO, * es eâ€" _illot o , W nolesale Drug$ Board &A £odqing. o. ais fid The ex‘enulve stock of the Fstate of A NEW SUITE OF ROOMS, Coup _____ D. McARTHUR & CO, . Proprietors. Ottawa Oct. 27, 1875. $9808mdéw TDt Ottawa, Nov, 3rd, 1875 THOMAS 8H No. Z4 Russell House Block, Sparks 8t amtitooâ€"W .ner & OA _ _ allfaxâ€"avery, bro#n & Co HKEAD OF ALL OTHERS ! i1CANCIES FOR BOARDERS, No. Oliver Ditson & Co., Boston. 1. Ditson & Co. | J. E. Ditson &Co., i1 BRoADWAY, Suce‘ss to uee & Waike ANKRUPT SALE ich they ae ohsnn; to the public a the est rates. They havs also always On hand descriptions~\1 +eniiemen‘s and _ Ladies‘ ing_Saadies, Tranks, Valises, Satchels, s, Whips, @bd| everything in connection h their line of L@siness. RICHARDSON‘S NEW METHOD NE BOX OF CLARKE‘S B 41 PILLS. «_ â€"Shapter m +itouâ€" W .nor CLOTHING . New York JAS. ANGUS, FINE AND W. «. BROWN, # l N+76 Alless than Auction prices y MAvORMIRCTE 40,, may be lea{med On lm-& hour s of $wo neb m ALF ROBERT LEE, trad« Ing as A, R LXE &0U,, at Rn;lnhrd Junetion, Lancasâ€" shire. LEA & PERRINS ‘of Worcester, Now is your tims to buy Vvocal Music. OR R~ADYâ€"MADE _ Mhoeâ€" cb Autres ‘%o, W holesale Drugg!#!#> & wen. ® )RE & COMPANY, COARSE HARNESS, o Lee & Thompsion, + attention of the Public to d assortment 0i all descrip» ATTRAUTIO \ ! A NEW PRINCIPAL, OPr 15 Sussex Street. Sss 2 Mer creals Philade/phia sSTOCK ! A bill has been introduced into the United States Congress providing for the resumption of specie payments. It is proposed to utilize $700,000,000 four per cent bonds not yet negotiated and {reâ€" maining in the Treasury as a basis, by assuming small Treasury notes in lieu of the present legal tenders and National ‘Bank gurrency. Randall‘s Ammesty Bill was defeated in the United States Congress yesterday, it, not having received a two thirds vote necessary to its being adopted. It grants amnesty to all concerned in the late war. Dr, Samuel G. Howe, a well known philanthropist, and founder of the Instiâ€" tution for the Poor and Blind in Boston, died on Sunday at the age of 74 years. Reviow of the Grain Trade. Loxpox, Jan. 10â€"The Mark Lane press in its weekly review of the o"i"“til:o says :â€"* In Paris t{hz:srht re pesrahce : 0| t have rested t'h‘:&ywnwnrd teadency of pri but trade "is stagnant while in sev. provincial markets the quotations are shilling lower in some places. In Hol! Belgium and Germany they have been sympathy, but no where has there been 2o proport wige ths" nosead, retve. S6, of growers wi present rates. + Petersburg (Russia) is unchanged and Odessa closed so. Shipments from both â€" It is said that Her Majesty Queen Vicâ€" toria will open the coming session of the British Parliament in person. Chief Justice and Mrs. Draper celebrate their Golden Wedding in Toronto to morrow. ‘They were married in the year 1826. â€" A petition has been presented to the United States Senate, by Senator Sargent, from 26(016 women, asking for the repeal of the Antiâ€"Polygamy Law of 1862, and that Utah be admitted into the Union as a State. A man named Hugh Murray died in Brooklyn on Sunday of hydrophobia, caused by the bite of a Maltese cat which he had irritated. A colored man named Burgess, who was waiting trial for murder in Baton Rouge jail, was hanged by a mob on Friday. ‘The Pope has, through the Bavarian Ambassador at the Vatican, protested against the violation by Bavaria of the Concordatâ€"by the enactment of the Civil Marriage Law. The Bavarian Government have resolved to treat the protest with silent contempt. R Viscount Amberley, the eldest son of Earl Russell, is dead. Berious riots took place at Charleroi in ‘Belgium on Sunday in which a number og persons were killed and wounded. 1t has been found necessary to call out the military to quell the tumult. The Direct Cable is repaired and again doing business. Capt. Sawyer, of the steamer Urpheus, which collided with the illâ€"fated Pacific between San Francisco and Victoria, B. C., has been discharged after an examination by Commissioners. Loxpox, ‘Jan. 10.â€"Viscount Ambei the eldest son of Earl Russell, is dead. more powerful country than Spain was defaulting in her performance of her inâ€" ternational dufim the Times would not have adopted such a tone. We are unâ€" <ble to see any more creditable reason for resorting to it in thiis case than Spain‘s inability to resent it. Opening of Pnup-clt by the Queen. The Manchester to d.B states ‘Mrumoureninl urreincy that Her Maâ€" jesty Queen Vic will open the com:â€" ing session of Parliament in person, Teoubles in the Frewch Cabinet. places must cease for some time,. in Adelaide, Australia, whence we were rooentlg‘lod to expect lu?elhipmcnu, prices have suddenly ‘risen nhillm'fil per quarter, and is great difficulty in securing wholesale quantities. The Spanish) Coast Question. °. The Pall Mall ‘fiaem, this afternoon, bas an article on the Spanish question, in which it ridicules the leading article in the Times this morning. The writer says : "He cinnot avoid |the suspicion that if & From special telegrams from Paris to the London papers, it would seem that the Cabinet troubles have arisen from the fact that M. Leon . Say, Minister of Finance, is a candidate for the Senate. from the Department of Seime et Oise, while M. Dufaure, Minister of Justice, is oanvming:oin Charente in conmcert with Colonel hereau Deenfort, Jlately & member of the Assembly from Charenté lnfourier} a decided opponent to the Ministry, Yesterday Inong‘y'lnd two auâ€" diences with Marshal McMahon. The Moniâ€" teur says he spoke to the President about fi“wn him by newspapers which encouraged. he princi ender is the IMW which yesterday affirmed that, M. B etm ordered the Prefect of :ll:o Seine et Oise to vxgorou.lz' oppose the Senatorial ~list glqn which Leon Say‘s name appears. e Figaro also publishes a long and bitter diatribe against M. Say, of which the followin‘gh is an extract : ‘g:rel:,hundldw' gl:lnnt at li;t,hoknoyl vernment uhuné' e remaing ; he knows the head_ of the hto”robnb' his conduct, and he remains ; disav 4 condemned and rejected byhnoolla::\flpj as TELEGR APHIC esd 0000c £ en c isnn sain high. done, he drinks off every ouf:nd rem aing. A Pn‘rgn ulogn;n to ;:ho ndon l::" says the s e at the coming election will be vory%. Ne 4 Austria is Arming The Vienna correspondent of the Standâ€" ard reiterates his statoment that Austria is calling out her reserves and maintains that it is true, and he shows that it has not been officially contradicted. : ho n oiea P k ced o T that the pointing to thnw'ls en of Bosnia by Austria multiply, sud that of Bosnia by Austria multiply, and that places where troops a re to cross the Unna River are already fixed. Tas dat i Duilines neatgiation w writes that M. ‘s resignation was uenxpected. His withdrawal alone would not, have shaken the Cabinet, WQ‘”‘ HEuk Sats leprlec: ins Btinntt, of un wo ve depriv entire Liberal element, and mecessitated entire Liberal element and. meoessiAled :mll»ly. Ca:nqnoltly.wd‘bw io eemart mc ies Mihores the P resi y of . There was a waim scene between Say and The 1 complained of ‘OM‘!‘ by the |ml,>lim'&;l‘:‘’i““’0 S m&mmidudwm Bublication of a programine, sign#ed : by‘all More of the French A despatch to Deutschâ€" TELkGRAPHIC SUMMARY. FPOR El1 G N . Death of a Nableman. @GBEAT BBTALN,. Cabinet Troubles. OTTAwWA, TUESDAY, JANPARY 11, 1876 suggested a programme: conciliatory and nonâ€"exclusive, and framed to :cm the therefe o+ that Duffaure v;'u:" erefore ure, . Wallon, DoCuu,Mett should draw up s pro mo,wbioh will be submitted to the t to day. It was even suggested that President MacMahon d :also sign the programme feregoing his 8iti tion. . Ab th:nsnunt hour the, resign@â€" tians of Say and Duffaure hold RG‘d unless an agreement is effected , to day .. Paris, Jan. 10.â€"Speaking of the crisis in the French Cabinet, the Journal Des Debats, of this morning, says the Ministry was never completely homozenodus, alâ€" though it had the appearance of concord maintained by mutual concessions. Since the opening of the electoral period disâ€" ngml::::%u arisen between Ministers belonging to the Right and Left Centres respecting political alliance, and also on the question whether electoral candidates lho\fid be patronized by Government. The Journal Des Debats further alludes to the aggressive tone adoptad by some of the 8nmnll towards certain members of the Cabinet and the improper manner in which the present is brought into con: 1 troversy for| party purposes. | The Ministerial Troubles. gi_ Le Temps gives the followlnlt account of ! the crisis in the Ministry: Leon Say , Minister _of Finance, in oo:Lt::ofion | with M. M. Feray and Boucher, like | the Minister, are candidates for the Asâ€" sembly t the department of the Seine Et Oise, issued a joint manifesto to the electors. President MacMahon, who did not consider the manifesto lufloinntllz conservative, on Saturdsy summoned Say and iequested him to withdraw his name from (it. The latter asked time to reflect. At a second interview the Prasiâ€" dent says dissension in the Cabinet was booommlg patent. The name of the Mins ister of Fingnce figured on the list of can~ didates hostile to the Government. Mr/ Buffet cousidered the homogeneousness of the Csblne;cimpmbly compromised, consequently Bg;lnwi&hdnwnl was necessary. . M. Say upon said : "You ask me to resign?"> The President intiâ€" mated ;thn?ahe did. M. Say reminaed MacMahon that several times greviounly he had offéered to resign, and only reâ€" mained at the earnest *request of the Executive. He concluded by o?erinz his resignation, which was accepted. Minisâ€" ters Duffaure and Buffet had an interview with the President in the evening. M. Duffaure said he shared M. Say‘s views, and therefore offered his resignation. He | gorustodinl)n osflpit.e of the dissuasions of M. Buffet, who offered to replace Say with & minister of the same politi¢al shade. Afterwards M. Leon Renault, Prefect of Police, hearing of the decision of Say and Duffaure, threatened to resign. The withdrawal of the Duc de Cazes, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and M. Walion, Minisâ€" ter of Public Instruction, were also spoken of at the time. â€" It is now stated, however, that in a subsequent conforence the diffiâ€" ilhut’innlubo&l::t conference the ditfiâ€" culties in the Mi 'uyhsd::nm“e“ over ghm y through mediation ofd;o mf&n-., T Brzurx, Jan: 10.â€"â€"The Pope has handed to the Bavarian Ambassador at the Vatiâ€" can, a protest against the violation by Bavaria of the Concordat by the enaotâ€" ment. of the Civil Marrage Lew. The Bavarian Government does not intend ‘to notice the protest. »‘Buvssers, Jan. 10â€"It is reported that serious disturbances occurred at Charleroi last night, the military wore obliged to interfere and a number of persons were killed or wounded. A battalion of the Guards has gone from here to the scene of trouble. Viexxa, Jan.‘ 10.â€"The official Abend Post denies that the Austrian Ambgssador at Constantinople | has confidentially in formed the Porte of the contents of Count Andrassy‘s note. Mapzri, Jan. 10.â€"General Campos has ordered the local authorities to perâ€" mit all the inhabitants of Navarre under sentence of banishment, who are either abroad or with (Carlists, to return to their homes, and announces that the past conâ€" duct of those who came back will be Release of Gonpral Cortinas . Maramoras, Jan. 10.â€"A telegram from the city of Mexico says that General Corâ€" tinas has been released from arrest. It is probable with the understanding that he will not return to this border. !His partiâ€" sans, however, claim that he will soon be back in command of the frontier, and toâ€" day are publicly celebrating his release. 200 additional infd\tr{ have been ordered to this city to strengthen the garrison, forgotten. â€"People sometimes suppose that Dr. Pierce‘s Family Medicines ‘represent the entire extent of his resourges for curing disease. This is an errotr. | Experience proved that while the Golden Medical f)hoovery Favourite Prescription, Pleasant Purgative Pellets, Compound extract of Smartâ€"Woeed, and Dr. Sage‘s Catarrh Remedy, would, if futhfigl,z‘uud, cure & large variety of chronic plaints, there would be here and there a case which,‘ from its severity, or from its complication with other disorders, would. resist their‘ action. â€" These exceptional cases required a thorough examination into their sympâ€", toms, to ascertain the exact nature and . extent of the disease or diseases undet which the patient was labouring, and the use of specific remedies to meet and overcome the same. This led to the establishment of the World‘s Dispensary, at Buffalo, N. Y., with its Faculty of Physicians mri Burgeons, each ot whom _ is â€" skilled in . the treatment _ of chronic . disorders in general and those belonging to his own special department in rrfionhr. To one is assigned diseases of the throat and lungs ; tonnpthu,dheuuofthokidno&l and urogenital organs; to another, diâ€" seases of the digestive system ; to another, diseases of the nervous system; and to alnhot.h:;,.dm oftho:ypodud ear. us highest degree ection in medicine and surgery is atitained. The establishment of“:fiis institution enables the Doctor to meet a: longâ€"felt want in the treatment of the more severe chronic affections. By a careful consideration of the symptoms as given in writing, he sucâ€" cessfully treats thousands of cases at their homes. Others ‘visit the Dispensary in person. The amplest resources for the mtofu.‘t:inznfl'nofionlmm placed at the dispâ€"sal of every patient, mdthoumwhomtmmn&h' cines do not have the ect can procure a more thorough and efficient course ‘by a personal course b’.m«fl’m vo proprietor of the World‘s Dispensary. completely eradicated by the use of peofed imelf an aliost nover Unlimited Remedia\ Resources. KIN UIsRASES, Of Whatever, nature an@ Amnesty to Ins irgents. Projest by the Pope. Riot at Charlerof. French Affair [3 T T713 a FRANCE. MEXICO. SPALN. ; it has } ~:~‘‘The Oanal System. Aun Albany® despatch foreshadows the conclusion of the Commissioners to exâ€" amine lateral canals. They will report substantially that the Champlain canal though it‘ barely paid expenses last year, cannot be given up as it is the outlet for a large Canadian trade. The Black River canal will be repaired, not because its traftfic is of any account, but it is an i:nâ€" portant feeder to the Erie canal on the summit level of fifty miles, where without this feeder the bed of the Erie canal would run dry in the summer months. The Chemung, Chenango and Genesee Valley and Oneida canals will be aban: doned. Those & be reén;‘ined are '-h; Seneca, Cayuga, Oswego, amplain an Black River canals, inolu-ling of â€" course the Glen Falis feeor, seven miles long, which supplies the Champlain. Nzw . York, Jan. 10.â€"Hugh Murray, aged 19, died in Brooklyn yesterday of hydrophobia, caused by the bite of <a Maitese:eat which he had irritated . A Frigeriiic Wave. Despatefies state that within the past ten hours the mercury has fallen 48 Sq. at Milwaukes, 46 deg. at, 45 deg. at Detroit, and 30 at Buffalo. The frigoriâ€" at Demd'z.anii 30 at Buffalo, The frigoriâ€" fho wave is moving eastward rapidly, and the weather is growing colder here. t Cable Repaired. The Direct Cable is repaired and again doing business. :lfl‘umxmx, Jan. lO.â€";l‘?fl?o Senate today, Senator Sargent, 0 ifornia preâ€" sented the petition of 26,016 mmell: of Utah, asking for the repeal of the Antiâ€" Polygay Law of 1862, aund that Utah be admitted as a State in the Union. Ammesty Sifl Defeated. Wasummorox, San. 10.â€"Randall‘s Amâ€" nesty Bill was defeated. todniy, twoâ€"thirds not vofins in favour of it. It grants amâ€" nesty to all concerned in the lste war. ' The Mississippi Troubles. Senator Alcorn, of Mississippi, arrived , and was in his seet toâ€"day, . He speaks with considerable feeling against the Ames‘ regime in jhis state, and expresses ap opinion that the time has come, when designing men from other States, backed by an igrorant..element, can, no longer control a single Southern, State;; he is free in expmqin: the belief thatâ€" intimiâ€" dation was um:uuring the last political campaign in jssippi. . t Specie Payments. A‘bill, introduced by Mr. Woo i of New York, to repeal inâ€" part the resumption Act of January, 1871, an i provide for &. return to -lgecio payments ‘without conâ€" traction. He proposes to utilize $700,â€" 000,000 four per cent bonds, not yet megotiated, and remaining in the Treasâ€" ury as a basis, by the issuing of small Treasury notes, in lieu of the present legal tenders and national bank currency. Amnesty Bill Reconsidered. In the House of Bcpu_unhfim Mr. Blain moved to reconsider Mr. ‘s Ammesty Bill, and spoke at length in favour of ammesty to all, with the excepâ€" tion of Jefferson Davis, whom he deâ€" nounced as responsible for the horrors of Andersonville prison and other atrocities lied, favouri goneral § rep vouring & Amnesty Bill with no exceptions. ed Saturday, and held in $10,000 bail_ for memp%w fire his store in (prdet to obtain a heavy insurance onlml':ook- _ Bostox, Jan. 10. â€" Sti roprietor of = grokery siote in Reading: oo mrose ~ Dr. Samuel G..Howe, a well ki e lanthropist, and founder of the insti for the poor and ‘blind in this yesterday, aged 74. : i% â€" Change of Freight Tariff, . ©: ram neight rom Seuds to Oplcagh: wes o ight ton to Chi was toâ€"day $M by all linfim to T5¢. per 100 &ound-, the Grand Trunk being a party to the new consolidation. she had been murdered by her husband. The body, was disinterred and physicians testified that the. apparent .suspicious marks on it were from humor and ulcer. The jury exonerated the busband and the CouvaBus, Jan, 10.â€"The insuguration of Mr. R. B. Hayes as Governor, occurred toâ€"day in the State capital in presence of & vast crowd of spectators from all arb of Uhio. 3 r i p r Supposed Murder, â€" Parerso®, Jan, 10. â€"Mrs. W . Barkhart, aged 52, was buried on Saturdsy last, and on Sunday a report was circulated that body was reâ€"interred. ored man, confined in the Batoi jail for killinsnwhho man, : Was by a mob on Friday nightâ€" Saw Fzaxoco, Jan. 10.â€"The examineâ€" tion of Captain Sawyer, on the charge of wrecking the Orpheus, resulted in his disâ€" Spamxorteco, Jan â€" 10.â€"Rev. John Cad: ell, a Methodist minister of East Longâ€" neadow, died suddenly of heart disease, esterday afternoon, at a silver wedding, n this city. market in schooners are frozen up for the winter. â€" An attempt was made to cut the vessels out to a channel, but. it was unâ€" success© 1. At Summerside, P. E. !.. no less than 155,000 bushels of oats shipned for thet The Hungarian difficulty in regard to the establishment of a National Bank is yet unsettled. The neflfiatiom between the Ministers of State have not been su> cessful, and will ‘be resumed toâ€"da in Vienns. The Association of Importers, at Haliâ€" fax, have formed a committee to investiâ€" gate alleged infringements of the Customs Sle Shich are projudiont io the wadeot Halifax. The question of reduced and nnifamnh-offidg;hmnndum- sideration. St. John, tg.,ng:tomphh forming a similar associa! coâ€"operate Young‘s claim to the rship. â€" In Mr. m‘-’.fimz-pdvm :fim be abandoned by. the Mormons. : It must either be crushed out by superior power Polrgeey exisis bâ€"aay uy failure of the mf':'fu-.w.mxh- enforce own moral enactmentsâ€" Judgo Lynéti agata at Work, New Oruzaxs, Jan: 10.â€"Burgess, a Joséph Smith, son of the Mormon proâ€" Inauguration of the Governor. A ME RICA N. apt. Sawyer Discharged. a4 Arrested for Arson Meldmcholy Death. WASMINGTON. NEW YORK Mydrophobia. NEW JERSEY. Polygamy. CALIFORNIA. LOUDISIANA. O HIO. MontrRa1, Jar. 10.â€"Stocks quiet. Sales «â€"â€"Merchants‘, 94 to 94} ; Commerce, 117} to 118 ; Montreal Te 'lS‘le; Montreal, 1814 to 182; , 974 to 100 ; Royal Canadian, 95§ ; 94 ; Royal Canadian, 95§; Academy of Music, 100. Liverpoot, Jan. 10, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cot quiet ; _uplands, 6}d ; do, Urleans, 7 1â€"8d. " 1:30â€"Lard, 50s "Pork, 82s 6d for mess. Bacon, 5s 6d per owt, for short clear middles. discount in open -mnrhtE' 4} cent, whichinéperoontbolw e r&“oftho Bnnkkof F nghnd.h go rate for money on Stock Exchange cent.: Consols, 93 9â€"16 for money, '!‘_‘r;?!."' acoount. U. S. Bonds, 678, old, 107%; new fives, 105 1 8 ; Erie, 14}, 4:30 p m.â€"Consols, 98 3â€"16 for money ; 93 13 16 for account. Nsw York, Jan. 10.â€"I M-f..t 6 to T pwocn&,withmu 32. Pr@n::mufihtopmfltos. S:I:: uie Gold 0 Et 113 1-8,“:3 closed at 113. Governâ€" ments firm. State bonds quiet. Btocks opened strong and higher, the advance ranging from 4 to 1§% per cent ; at close, market was strong. New Yorzk, Jan. 10. â€"Pacific Mail, fh yc Exweu?:‘rrN:hmg' merican gz,“{)'roaf:‘rreddo.’:l; Boo;k m'l?fi 106} ;123 i U Bt J 214 ; etoe t 136‘;;Uniumifio.12.m 4 Nsw York, Jan. 10.â€"Cotton dull, at 13 5166 for middling uplands. .. Flour steady, and very moderate demand receipts, 19,000 barrels ; sales, 12.903 Cuicoago, Jan. 10.â€" 16,882, suiprionts, 2131 bushels ; 40,0000 bushels, a/ to 1 06 ‘for No 3 Chicago : S1 1 094 for No 3 Milwaukee; $1 22 barrele ; ; quotations . unchanged. ‘2,‘ Flour quiet and , at $4 25 to is 40. Whu;‘qu-flmmw 2 Chicago; $1 22 to 1 24 for No 2 Milwaukee ; $1 30 to 1 34 for No 1 ; $1 17 10 lfihuwnd‘ri ater red . weetern; $1 18 to 1 do amber western; $1 .30 to 1 for white western. 'Byqquiet. Corn a a in active dwglo, fio. Sprily srrady, To oughny i reodiple; 8 ady, Jair enquiry F 32 000 bushels ; . sales, ‘lm m&%; receipts, ls,ooovb-w;m 36, buhhé:t”“opt% for western and i to 526 tor white do. . Pork firm, at .814 to 21 00 for new mess. ) 12 15160 for steam ; 130 for kettle rendered, y 206 to 210 for Sflrfid Petroleumâ€"Crude, 7fto 78e : 134 to 13f0. | 6he c * for February ; 45§} to 45§e for _ new rejeoted, 25%0. Asf s nm!.’aoul“]1 to 30ke for 3046 _ for February, Rye firm, at 66 to 661c. : Barley in active: ddmnd,ndgtn-dvmod;duuno ramy Slw;:d"dfll, 3. #f 50 to {ebrua % 3 45. iioty aull "helk Aud Righary «motiv salee at $3 to & 95. .i’akwdmfivé but closed dull ; sales at $19 fl#tolfl for spot ; $19.:40 to $19 424 for Februaty ; $19 674 to 19 70 for March. . Lard steady aud firm, at $12 83# to 12 uhgd; $12 10 to 12424 for February ; $12 60 for March, Bulk Meats firmer; m Ti;0; clear ribs and clear ai 1 to 10§c. Receiptsâ€"Flour, lmhn* Wheat, 54,000._ bushels ; a,ou& bushels ; Oate, 19,000 bushels ; 670 bushels ; Barley, 9,000 . bushels, fie&tsâ€"lflour 13,000 m; 18, bushels Com, bushels ; ml:m Lfllh"fl Barley, . 15,000 > @ Atafternoon call of Board Whent higher, at 97 Jo for J ;fl}ofirl‘ohr-z Corn a M:.l%.t M%*h 45%° January ; . 43 : 1â€"8 to 43g0 FM. and higher ; No 2, 43tc bid for spot; 42f0 Cr1oaco, Jan. 1Q.â€"Flour quiet and unâ€" No 2 spring, 97 186 for-spot-‘l‘lk h’- Fobruaay} ‘96tc Murch ; $1 04§. for May ; some tm:meol' paper made 1TOW Teve oieed o Aotiegs Ts matk by were the Allan lhlmtm Two firstâ€"class passenger steamers will mwmmmmm the Maritime Provinces by the Monâ€" treal and the ~Acadian Steamship Comâ€" ‘Nova Scotis goes on vigorously, almost to some of the Montreal jewelry houses, hubunwmmhhdffikm.ahw of utfin&.flro to his sbop and trying to defraud Queen Insurgnce Company of the amount of the policy. The Dominion Fertilizer Company is the name of a new firm that has gone into the manufacture of prepared manure in Monâ€" treal.‘The material is m in the city and is pressed into in such a way that it retains all its fertilising quali~ ties. ACCV® HUVW® . DCE 00. TIRZICUB ; SEEOTe every shipyard having one or more vessels ongettooh. In'h:ga Btate of Maine, which builds the ‘bulk of the seaâ€"gomg vessels of the United States, this industry is very much depressed, the tonnage is very much depressed, built ia 1875 being less by 47,448 tons than in 1874 t | Sixtyâ€"three vessels recently sailed from a fishery on the ”'aunu:'ard, ring fis on the coast New Brunswick, and Nove Scotia, Losses in vessels and men from this point has been heavy this season. . No less than 16 schooners with. 123 fishermen were lost at sea. ‘The money value of the vessel property was about $100,000. gitiing in front of the fire, that she had "allers hd a great notion to learn to Loxpox, Jan. 10, 1239 p.:‘-.â€"m of scount in open mnrh% cent, rich is $ per cent below on’;to(tho |~Old Mrs. Duflicker stated to a tobacker." â€" Fhe added :â€"*"I would her Funst thets mt ht is tonpreparsiymed st that a man‘ ;ymlmtln',.ud that &- out. Lord knows I wouldn‘t want 7” paie i esn on es Hare old _ : *stmmmmtm fellow was thinking aboutâ€"no.© _ ‘Myonrbou flu&zhm factories in m m%fimu is a reâ€" C O M M ER C I 4A L yolver with five chambers, firing #4000s8"| ‘(Copoure, Jan. 10.â€"On SaturdayJmornâ€" i ¢ in mouth and +; of this the mt k uy on . JD &D ::fh'm'h:-im. Itviflm.:or. &"-fl?'&-b&‘udâ€"»mcu No ‘ ear. ‘A dostor was summoned, I" 1 1";"1 i RATE Some twenty tons of paper made from One Curry of North Sydney, well known "y4 Chicago Live Stock Market. New York Produce Market. New York Money Market. New York Steck Market Chicage Produce Market. Montreal Stock Market. Geatatatie rvanttyhane Aocabem: Inbratrss tore 4 ; sales, 40,0000 b at 06 : ‘for Ro 3 Chicago ; 81 E us Liverpool Market. Loudon Market in New Brunswick and 14. No \ them. . The other three were arrested shortly after . in their boardingâ€"house. They were taken before a Justice of the Feace and committed for trial. The civil side of the Assize Court was ned this morning, before Mr. Justice docket, which wm?..:lcln.o‘m:u.‘ about seven weeks. fore Chief ‘Ju&:mbo .hAu the Pilgrimage rioters tried in a body. The Clements and Fraser cases will not come on till next week. _A fire occurred in a small store near St. Toroxto, Jan. 10. â€"The Commercial Travellers‘ Association have transferred the insurance of their members against accident, ‘from â€"the: * Sunâ€" Mutual Life Insurancs Company " to the " Accident Insurance Company " of Canada. This means the change of abdut 1,000 policies from one to another. On!mhw-dhddfln houss of a Mrs. Lyle, on Marlborough av and asked for a young man named Alf‘:ie'PM against whom they had a grudge. They wire all tho worse for liquor, and Priest being out said they throw the furniture in all directions, and -Amh.donr{mufldo h&o% dmlflh-mnd to escape, but the ruffians caught hold of Changing Policies ~Rufianiy Conductâ€" The Assizesâ€"A Fireâ€"Protection fer Brakemenâ€"Ball for the Lunaticoâ€" Criminal Docketâ€"Monck Electionâ€" Golden Wedding â€"Burglaryâ€"Resigâ€" vation of an Oficial. ed. to ind ..d.....""f!r asssult her. 'l‘h.Y“ % r.,‘.' hndflnb-q'h-&nun-hol. but he gave chase and captured two of m its m‘:,-nd‘t.hmu- ;t.orhin strong suspicions of incéndiar Archibald of $5,000 notoriety, i:;':-u this "‘2“‘_-‘“"“.&"" the ce i on emeaanes s proseotitorm were recontly trind mt the and were honourably acquitted. Milligan was remandedâ€" tillâ€" the 19th. Hunter & Son also intend to enter an action for If a bill which is now Gefore the Legisâ€" "‘“""fw,. fll:.mfind brakemen be the companies threaten to plit on steam w do without men altogether. provides that hand rails shall be placed on topâ€"of all mmdth&bridp'-dunhonfiod six In ‘connection with the fire which occurred in a small toba0c0 store near St. Andrew‘s Market this morni W. F. en K F4 ko ie rested on a charge of The annual ball to the inmates of the lunatic asylum was held ‘this evening. . The following are the criminal cases to be tried at the assizes : Four for assault, two each for larceny and uttering mm‘gdtdn.ndnoouhhm. and manslaughter. There are a number last sitting of the Court to be tried. The sorutiny of ballots cast in the late election for the Commons in Monck at which Mr. MoCallum was declared elected by four votes over Mr. Kdgar, was comâ€" menced on %fll‘ continued toâ€" day, at the rising of the Couri no decision had ‘been given. â€" Several points were raised during: the scrutiny as to the legality of certain Ballots being reserved the most important of which was whether nnn-m'dan Returning Officer to initiel papers should invalidate the election. umult Mr. Edgar has the best of it, but holder. of the seat will be determined when decision is given on the points reserved. Chief : Justice and Mrs. Draper cele: h:oMGthfllzfib 12th HL'r.P.B.M, Station Master at the Great Western Railway depot here, and who has been for the past 22 years in the tions, no resolution was submitted asking for the payment of Mayor Medcalf‘s ex gfimlfl ul?n, u‘:'-:ou;u just closed, in m Erost nds mnk s t P cial Gorernment. ~The report said the duties of the inspector had been more than doubled during the last years, As a proof of which it is stated theat only 180 $16,425, Haxmtox, Jau. 10 â€"The annual sermon of ‘the Canadian 0. 0. F. was preached by the Rev. W. ‘in the Centen nary Churbh IÂ¥. 'l‘hlt.Gom St, Andrew, 1. P. B., Caledonian, and rev. gentleman took his text from the 10th verse of the 58th of Isaish, and delivered an : ve discourse. ** Srataterrctiere _ Bikke notleiy, . "* e Mb u.o.'P ty Add of the poor This " and en imatied Court records against them, were examâ€" ined before the magistrate on the charge of the Committee was presented, and mlmd&ddwuhu {n':u Watson was elected Pm%; -hl.m,&q'.w«d'u.,.d'.l. Bundford ; Treasurer, John W. Bickle. ined before the magistrate on the duflfi.mbh& mof hn“gurhm by them . wi the last fortnight. The mody was committed for trial ; Ryan was remanded for further evidence. The 3ith anniversary of the Hamilton Branch Bible Society was held in Knox Church, Seturday evening. The report house are pure fabrications. C A NA LEFT Aâ€"N . City Council of 1875 held their last in, his t trip to England. &nm.mi‘:u was tranâ€" Toroxto HAMILTON 181 COBOURC QVEBTC. lodged "by the prisoner, left over from the of the Government. . He was followed by Dr. Tupper, who ériticised the Adminâ€" istration and Mu‘h h.&-o than usuall me. was “y’mm ..i.n,fi In-howlb-t _Addresses were also delivered by the Bracusuron, Jan. 10.â€"There was a m&- lectors of North held this aftornoon, in the w-ma-lfidfi-“ s by Hon. Mr. Mackensie, and Mr. l.m,"-u:‘-u'hl the Mr. Mackensic addressed the moeting first in a masterly exposition of the policy Bpeci«l from our own Corresponient. orderly ever held in ‘the County. Three meeting broke up at midnight. â€" at hy i sb ols ehiertas day morning. A_::'&-- THE HAMILTON ~TRAGEDY. lim? Sbocty Colbre hin untoiee restean Mestingx at Beachburgh. addregmes by HMon. Mr. Meskourte, Dr of a . jury at eleven, comâ€" ';:.'.a.r'iuw, Mr. James was elected â€" The jury thes proseeded ‘to: the house ‘of ‘decensed 16 Fropie mifhcs the scune of e wegedy / a;?m, who in hot Arare that hh and is -mfl had not com: view the body, which resented a fistoee inss No mnng t t mm iome adjourned until 3 o‘clock tomarrow afternoon. In the afternoon a post morâ€" l;,‘io fih- mnm?“;-r ragatoen frevg C m-:-wr Dr of Toronto, goes ‘to Hamilton %)â€"hqdfl'fl this forencon. In gonsequence of g:.vx-:uudn who attended Hamilton ians of the fi.oebdmnfl’:'“m to as~ sist at the examination. se oo s u. tinnk e insd nos ”‘%' & of Proveots nunoubsitg ths saphip o S Broorriuu®, Jan. 10.'â€"‘;5::% named Smith setasse e yoee ies issued for their arrest on the charge of ship Wreckedâ€"Rife 6 AssdSF Eating touned Poodkes, *‘ Haurix, Jan. 10.â€"A‘ thrae masted schooner, supposed to be the â€"Fred. K. Scammell, has bscomes total wreck at Boaver Harbour, Kast Halifax. She was mmwuu John, N. B, 88 us equon moping If 1ht Rrodinomt c:-zuad‘mfi.m dgw-tomz A Sailor, named John Silver, it, was very canned pesches. The u-& of the can were analyzed, and found to contain Jan. 10â€"A afray octuned uis sight Doort ant "Geimean nine and ten o‘clock on Dirision ‘street, in which a young man named John Moâ€" From what we can learn it appears that James Mclaughlin and his brother were removing a nuisance from Johnston stteet :u.iod to Dr. lnlhm’;zcy, 1 was wound, school, and were interrupted by a party however, is not » three shots, the last of which took effect Lawâ€"Suitâ€"Lachine Canal~Clergy at the Hospitalâ€"Father Dowd on the suing Mr 3 Deviin b&:‘:"" i e uu&uuhm It is stated the labourers employed on verge m 9 in groceries. that the $7,000 ufiomd $15,000 or $20,000 that Mr. McNamse is mpqumhmd-fihbh‘ contracts, and this at the expense of Government. mmmafi:# muuuwm d the ferred to the death of : m. Melatyre in the General Hospital, and said he BM h. . §= on the point of receiwing was prevented, through no feult of bis own, and it was for them to more on * the autborities of the: be-rflji'..? repair the in Thiory Tor ie m Serend oc oren The mee more it is NORTH. RENFREW CaMPNGL PRICE 3 CENTS. imination was made. The aB nent of his death spread like wildâ€" BROCKVILLE MONTREAL. LINCETON. HALIFAX. Adar ced Tant Fores, it

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