LIAKES T. 6E BILLS. â€"~ naif ounte, post pms. froum s a,.%.. 10 7 puu and Sseuvings Sank cusines rous d1Cers, «nd skin diseasgs. mar sweiogs. d frum ai. im pure SAAtteC =n 6a VI1NGS HaM® &. eived as tute ofice. Latere: ie n us( & COs . \-nms_uo W o% ie .a;:..;.wâ€".-.: ore to give it a LFidl io ut Motices 68, ud sores on the neck, Led sore l@g#, _ _ _ «& Co., Voiemanâ€"st, Lon «ewgaieâ€"si, L..ndon. arringdonâ€"st., Londo® rdâ€"st., oudon, don Whoissale Houses: ) LN CANADA, _ 10U8SE, OTTAWA. va & 00. \. \.Mice 0. each House, vul~ Hiilâ€" must be pre Aree weeks oi the session, â€" lor a Priva.e Biul im g kLKaimon) is s every Monda+ 3 0 pC. close every Frid y ai .2 8#A 6 £E, y s«.a Disouses acul s © : orâ€"L:ming and pefwanooi 1820 wen. by Pursfier and Restorer. mug the blsod iroum 44 o nignly recodMn a.. Je 4 n‘als wou ail parts, BLO0D MIHTVA£ ay! of Oc.ober, 1875. is #a Lime re of Mails, & Hes opened an office in thie city of Hull. Proâ€" winee of Q=etec. jor the trausaction of ali Noâ€" tarial and Lega)l business, either id the Proâ€" wince of Quebec or Ontaric, Special care given to the coileciion 0f accounts i& both proâ€" 9 to l1 a.m. and 2 to4 p.». Special attention given to disemes anod displacements ol _':-no Edinburgh. Licentiate of the Royal Colliege of Pbys‘cians, Ex inburghb; Feliotr of the Obstetrical Sociely of Lenson; late Reeident Assisiat Aocouâ€" chear â€"f 8 . Tnomas Hu(uul. London, Eng. OFFICEâ€"Uorner of O‘Connor aud Queeb streets, forvseriy cocupled by Utr. Curbett. C Temporary Cffice at Dr. Jos. Bâ€"audin‘s, Main ‘lfliunll. _HMull, March 9, 1875. . Tt Rsgiyl Pll-lY. CHRISTIE & HILL, BARRISTERS, ATTCRNEYS, SOLICITNRS, CONâ€" VEYANCERS, «C (Of the late firm of Lewis & Pinbey,) Officesâ€"Kigin street, Ottawa. C. H. PINHE®Y. A, J. CuRrISTIEE â€" H.P.HILL Of@ceâ€"Master in Ohnacery Cham bers, Cort House, Ottawa, Canada. *A Office over Mr. B. Huckeli‘s Flour Stors, sorner ot Sussex and York streets, OtfaWa.. _ BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR IN CHAN= CERY, &C., (For the Province of Ontario.) |> _ Main street. Huil, P.Q. _ 3#3m6 DaNIEL O‘CONNOR. _ =ept %, 18"4 â€" "London" Restaurant BARRISTENS AND ATTORNEYS®â€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLLâ€" CITORS, CONVEYANCERS, ETC , Ot‘awa, Ont. UFFIOE: Hardy‘s Block, Ride:u street. FRED FOOKS â€" â€" + + Propri¢tor. â€"Ottawa, Jan. 12 1816 _ __________ 402 VOL. X., NO. 4041 Have nw-;;;; Law Offlc: (o their New Law Chambers in the buil .u;: .djoinine the Mont: onl Telegmph uffice on e.c‘.re;)t:vég, 1 BILLIARD HALL Is in of a competent marker, where mm_ will be paid to Visitors. This H: use is now fully stocked with choice finess brands, and be cond on first oimss principles by the new proprietary . BERNARD MELLON, W‘L“-‘ PENNOCK & MclNXTYRE, HOMCEOPATHIC PMYSICIAN, sURGEON AND A0CoUCKEUE R:sidecceâ€"Alber®: street. Offics hours from "The bes: cooked ard best served Huil, Oct. 26, 1874, The above, conyâ€"tlently situaied apd tho"â€" Wufloï¬khflh-n upened by Mr. B. LON, [late Bteward at the Husseil Houge] who respectfully solicits a shars of the on n e ie o o e public patronage, which he hopes to merit by m © bl‘ln&.ud atientive service. and only best qualities of Wines, uors and Onï¬-u 8 asod mcheon in first class s§y‘e at ’3â€"A commodious Hal! ngua of hold mhlrmbm to the Hotel, suitab e tor and Public Meelings. 1 d )I- ROGFRS, Licentiate of the Royal College of Surgsons, Mx. BEN. HUCKKLL begs to announce to %he general and tiaveiling puvlic, that he ha s The best brands of wines, liquors and cigat s are kept, and the prompiest alle tion is pat i to Guests. l-ll'h'hvudm-u&l.. unti i 8 P.M., at very reasonâ€" OFFICEâ€"Boil‘s kinc to Russeil H use. j Conveyancers, &¢. i gét~Mosgrove‘s Building, Ridcau st., Ottawa. ®x. JogX O‘ConNoRm QC. G J. O‘DoHsa&Ty Deo. 4 18974 . Russell & O‘Connell, \ armg=TEn AND ATTORNEYâ€"AT ! A W, solpâ€" CTTOR IN CHANCERY, NOTA®RY , a fo. Worcestershire Sauce. Ottawa, Jan. 11, 1876 The above, : guct O zo e OO OA L W isppare resommbling theay assy uy LBp Piai»â€" b -Ae‘-o-m M&W niot to nl.: any Bauce other thad <uat manumejured by muanm-. Worcester, or w> use any " Hakenivtaa d "‘*E. W » Solicitors for the Mesars Perrins, puawe, Sopt. 25, 1575. 1M IN OHANCERY Take Notice that goth J 15, a Porâ€" petual Injuneyoe é':'."&um"g"i:m eause by rils tioAcur, the Master of l;oloa rv:fln&-wm mu‘w.ho l * W oreestershire," or Juibring seerebrons io omm mmimd Aaie ‘any Commercial House, YEYER SU PYPERS & LUNCHEONS. BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICITOR ETC rristers, Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, ‘CONNOR & O‘DOHERTY, es B&. TUPPER may ve ov?‘nludh;:ro . ‘ sionaily ums,ren\donee.m‘em es e formeriy cectipies by "gBity1 B ‘*CONNXOR & HOGG, BAERISTERE, ATTORNEY, NOTARY, S A CALL IS 80 LICIT ED . ty Ottawa, S6pt, 2 1675 39g4mé Â¥, H. FERLAND, ARCHAMBAULT, W. W. WARD, NOTARY PUBLIC AN\ ADVOCAT®, W. P. COUTLEE, B C.L,, wALKER | P. PRNNOCK. J A. F. IOIH‘III’L H. CHRYS! ER, RYAN‘B « BLOCK, | Cor. Sparks and O‘Connor Streots MARSHAL MATHESON, BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &0., (For the Province cf Quebe¢.) * A LHK A MCB B A ,"* "Feathers" Hotel. 83 to 37, WILLIAM ST. (oumBt‘s OLD STAND) egal Cards. STEWART & GORMXULLY, | PROPRLIETORS. LEA & PERRINS of Wo reester, Attormeys, Solicitors, Nota ries, &6,, &cC. ELGIN STREET, BARRISTEXS, l1 Klotels. PROPBILETOR. ADVOCATE AT THE EED ROBERT LBEK, tradâ€" ing as A. K. LbB & UV., at Rainford Junetion, Lancasâ€" THE ‘ BRIDGE. re Town, oppoâ€" 2i6iyl 4041f Tht Friday, the l4th inst., Estate of E. Martineau Offered at a great sacrifice. Stock complet= and mus: be sold without reserve, during the* moath _ of Jnnn.r{. CALL EARLY AND BECURE BikGiIN3, anu you will oe satisâ€" @ed this is the place to lay out your money to advantaze. No deception, judge for yourselves, A $5 rumhue wiil ensure a valuable present. sl:lo“no address : Cor. Clarence and Sussex eets. OCTAVE LATREMOUILLE _ Ottawa, Jan, 12, 1876. 401216 from to M To gell : r. Chase‘s New Recipe Bonk, anltq»fl to nearly 700 It contains over 2000 tried ard provea Racipes, and is suited to all OI?{Y“ w«d c ad! lons of society A WONDERFU.. BOOK, and a cousenolid necessity. 1t will «ell at sight. Greatestlsduâ€"ement ever offered to BuoK Agents| Sampie copes sent by Mail postâ€"paid. fo §‘ Exciusive Te:r‘tory given Agoots more thao uouble their 1 Oney, is-ll‘e\l ® Manager," ir. : hase‘s Steem Printing House, Uillagton, »tier. 10 ~aaw WY asd soanbi. sing ie Â¥ int eman, n C men‘, if possible, ApPL7 ‘C"% TAKS NOTICEâ€"Parcels Callvered in all parts of the cit) for Ave cents edch. OFFICEâ€"Rsjote‘, Bioe«, Weiiingion stre. t. peif and E URRM P RRRITE N NC n l gentleman with his wite and chid. who will be in sttendanc« at the fortncoming Rex stion‘ of Parb=@=ment. destres isth)M4 AND BOARD in a p Ivase Mouse, Arply i0 A 6.C., TiMEs Office. 403 i1 GOOI) ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" Yle of wood bedâ€"roums with bo rd m»y be had at MRS. KERHK‘3, cornmer of E gin .m:‘d Salter strmets v “l‘;&;-uTc‘l'('«- T'u_rl'w"; â€"oPQobnor street Apply as NO ‘NaN‘s RESTAURA NT, Spark st¢eet SBSLU mds i en e e “rnm-i Amart M*n, Wwith a moderate _Qanital, to join advertixer in a good P.O 'l\lh DERS WAN’I'RI\â€"A ur ag AND BoanLD| FOR GROCERIES, 4 BUTOHERS MEAT, «_ BAKERS BREAV, . «_ PVEGET ABLES, a _ MILK " _ DRUGS & MEDICINES For particulars apply to _ _ ____ __._ WY Oanital, to join advertixer in a good ing business; Job>ing uonaa a tare npenâ€" ng for a young man. Nome need a oll{ vnjess méaning busi. e«s. _ Address Elllrl PRI®E, P.(. Box 5 i1, 0: tawa, Oat. 01816 COAL oL Board BEST COAL Ottawa, Jan 1% 1876 Grand Masquerade Carnival TsB &A Band wi‘lzb» in aitendance. Oltawa, Jan. 12, 1A7‘, MMENSE CHEAP SALE. O‘tawa, Jau. 8, 1°75. The subscriber having purcaased another Estâ€"ue of Boots, boes, &c., at 65 ots, O the Dolla~, Grea Siaugoter iu prices wili D8 made fot cas in wrdstto efoct ao patire ciearance. bafore ecelvicg Fall 3.00K. _ | 30c¢c. PER GALLON ! BANKRUPT BOOTS & SHOES. Tmllnou- ATTRAOTION ! K ATING OTTAWA RINK, Canal Basin. _____ _ Now is your fimg to bay SHIRTS ! COLLARS ! DRVYV G0 0 D8 IVEAGENTS WANTED. Ottawa, J :n. 11, 1+76 1COANCIES FOR BOABRDERS, No. 4 MERCHANTS ! RARE CHANCE is now offer>t to any one gesirous of P:rehm\lng a beautiful rte site ‘ora gontleman‘s residence, taree a ha‘f sores, opnnositâ€" Mesars, wGarland & chmor‘, on Bank sc"eet Koad, ove mile the C‘lf limi‘a Terms modsrate. ,Asr‘)' STA RR4, _ ttawa City 40104F m.xundvomxoqtb‘fm" ® Sho Ouawa, Nov. FREE OF CHARGE AND READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING 'ux-nn SALE o# C. 8. Shaw & Co., lnry'.hln‘ usually fouad in a Arstâ€"class E nbh:{mem can be obtain=d on short notice. Residence over the Store. _ T UNDERTAKER, NICHOLAS STREET, oTTAwWA. CE,IBEH@ING' Auption prices. $ SESSION OF PARLI \!.L‘Ai'l‘â€":‘k J :léo ‘ï¬naijâ€"s’ FOR ONE MONTH QNLY. D. MORGAN & SONS. S. ROGERS, $10,000 WORTH OF IN THE MARKET PEA GALLON: dilants. . s. BROWN, OR R £ADYâ€"MAD® DELIYPkEzD DOWN To WM. COUSENS, Ginss / THE avilglily. tne a p ne dession, RUOMS i p d ato famiis by a he Mouse of Pariia to H.. Tracks Office. ~â€" O8SIT 15 Sussex Street. sTOCK ‘ etc., 442m3 ; street 40â€" 1of «019 The specie in the Bank of France has increased 610,000 francs during the past The Egyptian contribution to the Cenâ€" tennial Exhibition has arrived at New York en row?e to Philadelphia, and is the first foreign ropruenuti?n to reach the Exposition. | . The Austrian Ambassador at Constantiâ€" nople will toâ€"day prenntito the Suitan of ‘Turkey Count Andrassy‘s note, supported by the Great Powers. It is thought the Porte will not refuse to accede to its The steamship Nove Scotian, from Liverpool, was signalled in Portland harâ€" bour this morning, at 1:20 o‘clock. The Canadian mails will be despatched immeâ€" diately on her arrival. It is said that the British Columbia Government have refused to accept the $750,000 affered by the Dominion Governâ€" ment, as compensatign for the delay in constructing the <Pacific Railway. The report lacks confirmation as yet, howâ€" ever. + sls . The State of California is a lpser to the extent of five million dollars by the Land Grab Swindle, which owcï¬ itsorigin to the Homestead Association. | terms. It was decided at a meeting of the Reâ€" publican National Comuittee, which sat in Washington yesterday, that the Repubâ€" lican Convention to nominate a candidate for the Presidency would meet on the 14th day of June next, at Cincinnati, A Proclamation of President McMahon countersigned by Buffet, was published yesterday. In it the President appeals for the support of law and order and good government at the coming general elecâ€" tion, ‘and hopes that the country will secure the necessary repose after being torn and distracted by agitation, discord and misfortune. â€" He says that it is known that he did not desire his present power, but having been invested with it, France could rely on his exercising it without weakness, he hopes that God will aid him in support of the nation, and will not tail him in the fulfilment of his mission. The President also says he thinks the counâ€" try‘s institutions ought not to be revised before they are honestly tried,and the Conâ€" servative and truly Liberal policy which he always intended to pursue should prevail. eite‘s Paris MacMahon‘s what they call, MacMahon‘s interference, and apprehensions of the recall of the. Assembly are expressed. | The fate of the Ministry is not yet doou'l&:f further anâ€" nouncements by the official journal are expected toâ€"morrow. f j Russia Preparing for War _ Loxnox, Jan, 13.â€"A Vienna despatch to the Daily News says that trustworthy persons from Russia represent fl;&t ‘i:- cessant prej ions are making for the tnmponmon%pl on a large stale next spring on the Orenburg Railway and lines running west of Moscow. A third track is being added to the line from Moscow to Polish Lithuania. Work proâ€" ceeds night and day. > TELEGRAPHIC. A Paris correspondent of the Times says the proclamation seems to have a tranquilizing effect on ministers. Buffet, Do&uzmn:d others were present at an official dinner given by President Macâ€" Mahon wdni, the termination of the crisis is thereby indicated. ‘The President at the. dinner expréessed thankfulness at the settlement of the trouble. C lmsret ts thige, Ms vae qoi aas it is i a: ves Capt. Comorin, thcq:uof wm alâ€" ready â€" been W came in collision off Tuskar last Friday, and all on board were lost. held toâ€"day. It was ststed that an agreement _ was reached whereby the tnreatened Ministerial defection is avertâ€" ed. The Council will reâ€"convene od Leon Say remains a candidate for the Senate for Seine Etoise the same list as The specie in the Bank of France has increased 610,000 francs during the past before. Paris, Jan: 13.â€"The ing is the :xt‘:‘f" the pmdmï¬ghp:mbd toâ€" F;nmu,-&ï¬h. first time in five ears you f uj participate in a gineral giechon. | Five years aso yoh in a general glection. I‘"l:;dyoan ago you desired ordo;:;d peace, at the price of a most 1 sacrifice, and after the greatest trials you obtained them and you still desire order and peace. The Senators and Deputies youare about to elect must coornto with the President of the Reâ€" public to maiptaip them.. We must apâ€" ply with, accord and sincerity the constitutional laws, the revision whereof I al until 1880, have a right to proj After so much agitation, discord, ind misfortune, repose is necesâ€" sary for the country, and I think her inâ€" stitutions‘ ought not to be revised before they are honestly tried, but to try them as the salvation of France requires, It is indispensable that a Conservative and truly Liberal policy which I intended to pursue should prevail to uphold it .. I appeal to have union among those who vplace the defence of social orders, respect French Proclamation. _ Loxpox, Jan. 13.â€"The Pall Mall Gasâ€" for law, and patriotie devotion, &AbOY@ their recollections, aspirations and engagements. I invite them : to around my Government. It is that the sacred rights which ve all governmental charges and legitimate interests which every Admlnu% bound to protect should enjoy the security under a strong: and respécted Government. It is necessary not only to disarm those who might, disturb the security now, butwdi.oouruothaflTho ia‘uturebyun prop® of antipooial "and, reyolutionary dootsins. ce knows that I neither . c.l; o mios may upon ““‘?ï¬n with out wukm’-. llim:l'd!l’w ilfil to the end the mission entrusted to me. 1 hope God will aid me and that the support of we k Mh !.A_A; mh‘h_ Mm,u&'« 'q:":r?-nll'l""‘? C Pee prosident of the Council. Paris, Jan. 13.â€"A Cabinet Council was _ Leon Say a Candidate. Cabinet Troubles Nearly Settled. Le Temps reports that at a me@eting of â€" the plaintiff, TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. FPO R E 1@ N . Text of the GBEAT BRCTALS, Final Settlemen t. Increase of Speci¢, FRANCE. The Vessels devotion, above < n g on nromg x * n «5 a »! 49e F . h. 994 5s .. 3 f P "st... _A TÂ¥ D y‘ ssr% s qB "kells,. 4y w;i‘-"ï¬ C 2;%- 31 e ;a#\ <H 19.¢. "\, is Fackigia, * #2) enE s is 3 SCn D: g. . a __*‘ P . l the Cabinet .President MacMabon d..m I%A'Lfl.“:;a._ Lb nh' Oe e t ET oC ccr dask "ap ter‘s name on the electoral list of the Beine et Oise. The Journal des Debats states that M. Buffet has informed Say that he will opâ€" pose the election of the other candidates on the list, but will make no opposition to hinw _ F The evening Journals reviewing the EVoseseetet . Et d e id E {'ho view they take of it is generally favourable, aithough they criticize details, and particuasly question â€"the o;:gortuno- ness of the proclamation and the expeâ€" diency of the President‘s personal interâ€" vention. The Republican organs approve of the constitutional tone of the procla: mation, and especially of the recommenâ€" dation that exuun? ‘institutions should not be reversed before they are honestly CoxstaNtINoPLE, Jan. 13â€"The Ambasâ€" sadors of the Powers which signed the treaty of Paris have commenced recomâ€" mem{ln‘ semiâ€"officially in an amicable manper Count Andrassy‘s schome of reform to the Sultan. Ali Pasha will go to Mostar next Saturday on a conciliatory Barutx, Jan. 13. â€"It is reported that the Austrian Ambassador at Constantiâ€" nople will deliver CountAndrassy‘s note, supported by the Powers, which it is thought will render the Porte‘s refusal difficult. The Journal Des Debais, however, reâ€" grets that the President does not {more cxslieitlyoonï¬rm the Republican rlnci&h and indicate the precise miu:s.ot e Government at elections. Rio Jaxzizo, Jan. 13â€"â€"The coffee mar ket is animated. Heavy sales have been made for the United States at previous griou. The average of daily receipts are 6,400 bags ; the week‘s sales faLpniLt_od States foot up 2lé()00bnp; week‘s shipâ€" ments for United States have been 10.(&) bags. Stock at Rio Janeiro is 255,000 bags. Stock at Santas is 99,000 bags. that her colonies be admitted into the postal union. At a time when the attention of all classes in England is directed to the value of historical memorials, it will be interâ€" esting to learn that the efforts of those who proposed, under the guise of imâ€" provement, to destroy the beauty of the city of Quebec have been foiled. Since the withdrawal of the Imperial forces the walls of Quebec: have been falling into decay, and the ~ramparts â€" considered useless jas a means of defence agâ€"inst modern artilleryâ€"have begun to crumble into ruins. The Town: Council, anxious to improve the thorough{fares of the city, and imbued with the idea that an Amer{â€" can rightâ€"angled town is the acme of beauty and utility, proposed to pull down the walls. Huppily, the, assent of the (Governor (General was necessary before this could be done, and by the exercise of considerable tact and jadgment he lins been able not only to induce the leading citizens of Quebec to ‘forego theiw proâ€" posed schemes, but even to agree wt.hoonfhymntof an eminent enginâ€" eer, Mr. Lynn, in br;loa:.lm the picturâ€" esque appearance â€"of ‘the city may be mlqrns; and at the‘ same timo{nu ities for increased trafiic may be afforded. The walls are to be repaired; and wherever pierced by the new streeis to be spanned by light arches such as are used for fthe same purpose at York ; and towers are to be erected to break ilie uniform line of the ramparts. Durhamâ€" mlmdin‘ one of the most views in the world, is to be pro longed beneath the walls ol the eiugell. and a park is to be laid out beyond the St. Lowis gate. There is even some talk of rovivi% «on the c?tdel " the ancient Qhateau of St. Lewis, form a summer residence for the Governor (General. To these improvements the town council w-ndhn even voted & conâ€" & sum of _money towards carrying them out. While hearily con:â€" gratulating them on this course, we ven ture to express a hope that they may be directly rewarded by the influx of Ameriâ€" m;câ€"l;mhinn \expreu !.'riot.u opinio:x‘s. can tourists, who will infinitely prefer the hm:mmonsh of Quebes lt:ou:o straight streets, numbered from 1 to 100 and crossed by avenues lettered from A to Z, of their own country. Quebes is, however, more than the chief city of the province that bears its name; it is the ancient metropolis of Canada, the standâ€" ing evidence of tho‘fluï¬n- of the French rule, as well as witness of one of the most splendid achievements of the British arms, As such it is the property, not only of Canada,but of the Empire; and Lord Dufferin and his Government will have earned the grati of many who live beyond u.m- ts of the Dominion by their efforts to preserve the historical eminiscences of this pictures que city. More than m..ta. nunmd'm bering m woods than Mfltb?uah many of them are small, yet it is stated that oneâ€"third more $2r000000 it more. out laat yoar on the y were out year on Snake and its tributaries, this year it will reach 80,000,000 if there is snow sufficient t}g haul! after: January first.â€"â€"RusAh City ost. s The number of men and teams we have voticed the past ‘few ‘days, headed for up River, indicates that our lumberâ€" men have commenced hauling logs in earnest. . We learn from various sources that there is a sufficient amount 0| snow to make gooddeigblnf, and as <most of the 1 have nearly their contracts onck&‘:’: few weeks sleighing will give our mills a full stock for next season. _ _ The prospects now ‘are ttat the stock of logs put in this winter will exceed the average of the last two years â€"Muskegon Buzrx®, Jan. 13.â€"Holland has requested Bn:g Wmmdm ; it has | uive anc g.ndil mnhm-tn.v‘:.zhi’m and all special notice.) | 33 . | thoroug The Chief Justice of Cape Colony, South Africa, has given & decision in & duty to lawsuit of an unprecedented kind. Kruger | fellows. sued Scbalkwyk for damages to reputa | COnscie! tion. A game of forfeits was in progress | sufferin at Schalkwyk‘s house, and Miss Schalkâ€" | all who wyk, a pretty: damsel, incurred the penâ€" | directic dtyofhï¬n{:.‘kh every man in the | using mds‘:: a dozea persons, but a‘_‘* PI M%Pm N Stey came to Kruger. in nqnm ~ams of forfeits itdwolnn.dowï¬â€˜ 5 f m"kw‘ 3 m 4 se u.mmmm w" which resulted in a farthing damages for | cotton. The Rehabiillation of Quobes TuaER® have beep YJ Gurney Base Surp Negotiations by 2 mbassadors. OTTAWA. FRIDAY, JANUCRY 14, 1876. Count Andrassy‘s Nete. From the Pail Mall Budget. This Winter‘s Operations. punced that he withdrew his ob to the appearance of the Minis The Coffee Market. BW ITZERLANXD GEmANY. TUBRKEY. BR AZIL. Union. | : A Fire. A despatch from Petrolia, Pa., says the Haysville Butler Omt{, a small oil town consisting of 1 hotel, 1 machine tch 1 hardware store and 6 or 8 private [ amailiuge; was "burgt last hight, Lose knothwwn. No insurancé. The Whiskey Cases A Washington: despatch â€"says there is the best authority for the assertion that the. Counsel: of the Government in the Whiskey cases have recovered their missâ€" ing witness Mr. Evmtzth. cashier of the Louis‘ Ring, and he is now ‘on his way to St. Louis and will:beâ€" on hand when needed. _ Recent d.vcbpmnhjmï¬ the : prediction that there .will be lively First Foreign Arrival to Contennial New Yort, Jan. 12,â€"The Egyptian conâ€" tribution to the Cenhnnnl‘?xpocw has arrived, and is the first foreign presentation ‘to ‘reach America. | New Commissioncr. | New Yorr, Jan. 13.â€"Mayor Wickham this afternoon withdrew the nomination of Fitz John Porter as Commissionsr of Public :â€" Works, aud nominated . Allan Campbell, instead. .. â€" uy wht, Cardinal McCloskey delivered an wor y i discussions in relation to the Bible in the publicschools, he said that if this. perseâ€" Louï¬on.whiohnfpnnhbothn.hnod,u ‘to come, . let it come, and _ they would . emerge â€" from _ it _ better Catholios . than ever. . This . trouble hotbmzhtwunotm tobosnh&;fl.‘ 1 one, but political. He cautioned them not to throw faggots on the fire, but to be cautious, hmnwmm they should be true to other and to their Chureh, and above all to their chilâ€" ~‘ Meeting of Dairymen. Rows#t, Jan 18.â€"The Convention of the. ‘American ‘Dairymen‘s Association _reâ€" assembled ‘this morning. J. H. Reall of Philadelphis invited, on behalf of the Philsdelphia Corn Exchange, the Associa tion to accept the hospitalities of the Three additional jurors, making yu?u‘owpdon&o’f\vfldvflm Sad Case of Drowning. Povencunrsts, Jan. 12. â€"Capt, Josish Bri of Coxsockie, his wife, and cl?l&n.m drowned in the Hudson, near Coxsockie, last night. They were umnhuï¬: church, the mother and children being on .hgl:ha.whichm Captain was shoving aptbss the river on Washmwarox, Jan. 13â€"The Republican National Committee met here to day, exâ€" Governor Morgan of New York, chairâ€" man ; members were beard in behalf of each city asking for Convention.‘ © > pation of the close of the debate on the Republican Convention. Wasuixgro®, Jan. 13.â€"The Republican $ cnl! seotacdsd to Tote for the place ing proceeded e place for holding the Convention. (Onâ€" the #hï¬ ballot the result fell in the choice Cincinnati.© The date is fixed for June 14. Planks for the Cincianati Cenvontion* ‘The‘ Republican Committee :in call for the National Convention at Cincinnati, naming the purpose of the Convention, naming the pj of the vonvenuoo, opposed to the impairing of the Nation by deprecating any of its obligations and in favour of sustaining. in every way the national faith and financial honour who hold that the Common School system is the nursery of American liberty, and ‘should boi maintained absolutely from sectarian control. _ Sax Fraxomoo, Jan. 12â€"It appears the Sl:s.::blaorof'flnnfllion&;ï¬nnbytho swindle‘ mentioned yesterday. The matter in brief is M&bw Association is holding groundâ€"bordering on the tide land tract procured by Patent to latter on condition of filling it from high land, but had failed to do so and m land among its members. § Paper Mills. Srimortsio, : Jan. 13.â€"The writing paper: workers‘ sonvertion decided â€" to ruan their mills on half time for siz nnfl: after January 17th, when the time of the present .stoppage: expires. of the producers of the country. To all who sring from the errors and mduon; of m'& nervous weakâ€" nees, early d&r. loss of manhood, I will send a Fecipe that will cure miï¬z OF CHARGE. This great remedy was discovered by a missionary in South America. Send a selfâ€"addressed envel? to the Rev. JosEru T. Ixmax, Station D, Bible House, New York City. _ 50â€"w3m. | â€" An old physician, retired from active gmï¬oo,huinx had placed in his hands y an East India Missionary tho*nml- of a simple Vegetable Remedy, for the .p.dg.andmmmt(.‘,mofda::m M-dl:;’fm-,-bo a Posiâ€" 3'53"»1 f Oanpl’:'nn after having ervous i w:;mudn--&-m!cnï¬n in thousands of cases, feels it his mmh it known to his suffering fellows. Actuated by t&lpodflillfll. conscientious desire to relieve human suffering, he will send (free 6f charge) to all who desire it, this 'fl" with full directions for preparing and successfully using. â€" Sent by return mail with stamp, n-in’b’ ng this P‘?‘fm C. Stevens, Munroe Block, Syracus>, ll‘-lY- se 1y Torgka, Jan. 12.â€"The Legislagure mot rd, colored, was Six Jurors got on Tweed Suit, AM L4i 1OA N . ren being on a han '.s.& which the ain was shoving river on ice, when t?o?.*.“ï¬sem The Amnesty Queostion ‘The Land Grab Swindle an air hole which was not susâ€" Their bodies have pot been re cONaUMPTIO® CURED! Bepublican‘ Csucus. cept â€" the hospitalities Of the -tpngm'-fmxen during the NASSACHUSETTS WABMLXGTON, CALIFORNIA. lieries of ‘the Hall of the resentatives and the apâ€" em are crowded in anticiâ€" K 4NSA8 A CAKD. 1 IP . Hubâ€" Tavespay, Jan. 13.â€"The market toâ€"day was not so well luppli.duitwuduï¬:ï¬ the earlier part of the week. Meat of 4 neuidht, sigpiy ral sie provaigrizes a iful: supply of â€"it, beli)ng maintained. < Dairy produce was notlo'xlonï¬fnl,bnt prices remain much about the same as formerly. No vegeâ€" tables were shown Mxar.â€"Beof, fore quarters from $4 70 tot5;hilddo,ï¬om35fl)to625perlm pounds. Mutton, 70 to 8c per pound. "Daitr Cwhbter, 900 per pound for tub, AIRY â€" , g_:dfliol)'grpoundfu}:::t. Eggs, 206 to slightly declining. Provender, 906 per bushel. Bran, wholesale price, $16 ; retail, $14. Ounmll.,putoo,mwn‘ Ont meal, $4 50 E:h.huul; also declining. Oate, 32¢ per b L. â€" Corn, 570 to 65¢. $6; single, $5 75; No 1, $5 25; pri ing from $2 to $3 for mixed and soft Chssinuty 85 15 ) oge, 00 ; siove, $9.00 ; soreoned srate, $10 ; ansorbened doy $9 50 qualities ; $10 to $12, secondary. mt; uplands, 0 13â€" , 895 per owt. uu,lwsto.uvw M hTr h LPD FG T HCl 'mpm.â€" i _hbnnkofmdud bas increaged 8,000 during week. Pmpwuonofnn:,to_ y 30}; cent, . Amount of bullion gone i:tzlmkofluhndmmw MaZAITUTg C WHe 40y AAMCOU . EDNE 93 13â€"16 for money, and 94 account. U. 8. Bm&b‘flb}old. 67s,108; new Aves, 104 1.9); Et . CB1oa00, ~Jan. 13.â€"Hogs â€"â€" Receipts, 32,267 ; shipments, 2,177. > New Yorr,Jan. llaâ€"m‘-y,dtb 10 57. Aiesling ms iss Gord to 8. Bwlhs at 484} to ranged from 1124 to 112} ; closed 112 18. State bonds quiet andâ€" strong. ~Governâ€" ments: steady. *Stocks continued strong New ‘York Stockâ€" Market. w‘l'lw Yoax. J";r u-m'l.â€lquzi 3 estern ‘Union O% ; ® ean Express, 59 ; .l!flï¬"l“;‘o t n do, preferred, 594 ; Rock Island, 106} ; g:’ g.u]. 88 : ‘.m fll;“PhEl. 154; St. Joe, ; do," preferred, 29 ; Harlem, 133 ;° Shore, 61§ ; New York Central, 104 , Ohio and Mississippi, 17} ; Pavams, 136 ; Wabash, 4; Uuion Pacific, 72. M bibartiouith? baunelst Avopeabedtividisteiratent dibeistatsbe n irndine meveng, 44 m‘ib.rrr 15,000 barrels ; sales, ‘ 11 ; _ quotations unohn‘ob. Floiu quiet and unohn'da.t $4 25 tp 543â€perbulhel. Wheat dull ; recei 69,000 bushels ; sales, emall, at $1 07 to 1 08 for No. 3 Chicago ; $1 12 to 1 13 for No.3lilmkoe;afl,23tolï¬ï¬rflo24 Chicago ; $1 24 to 1 26 for 2 Milwaukee ; $1 32 to 1 86 for No i nprln{l; $1 2U to 1 27 for winter red western ; $122 to 1 45 Fesima: fye quied 0. Comn gaies doo wituout ye t decided change ; recsipts, 46,000 bushels ; x-,:u,ooo,bmbeh,ussbï¬ï¬‚ogflpm Western tized ; 71 to 73¢ for old western mlzed and yellow.. Badiey quil, in Duyens‘ an ow. ull, in buyers mï¬;rgodph, lmh. 3;00.; bushels, at 41 to 480 for mixed western and State ; 46 to 526 for white do. Pork steady, at $21 for new mess. _ Lard heavy, at 12 13â€"160 for steam ; 12}c kettle rendered. Bnuer.mtoaleL'Mnd Penn:‘{lvmis. Petroleumâ€"Crude, 8c ; refined, 14 1â€"8¢. * Cricaoo, Jan. 13.â€"Flour unchanged. Wheat buoyant but unsettled ; opened hm,:lut?mdwuknndn, No 2 spring, or spot ; February sold early at ‘]P&"rl?}g for Fobnnry: $1 for March ; No 3 do, 81Jc to 81fe ; reâ€" Toctird. ban, fuk prives saked, but o s no demand ; No 2, 30% for spot. . Barley CO M M ERC PA L w l hn alind commmemrenm ic k rentoss cank A weiirs e TB T F i‘ full prices for cash ; lmid‘hru ‘:ono%nug?s&ï¬t .I;lal:;y; 86!0th. dnm prices declined ; sales at $8 15. Pork quiet Fuov® axp Gzraix.â€"Double extra flour, d s â€"..d'vf"â€"‘l' es at. $19 25 for spot; C st 6. .t. 6 .1953 To ;'fg;o far mhï¬k steady and firm, m:ï¬g‘?um $12 35 for February ; 1 1 . $12 50; for irch . BulkM7 ‘CdC: ib . middles 10fo; ‘:h:t, oï¬.- mid T rne. Wieat Ri€ Toi. ‘Dom, FuzL.â€"Wood, plentiful, at prices Fopopzz.â€"Hay, from $12 to $14 for first ‘ Liverpool Market. Livezrproot, Jan. 12, 12:30 p.m.â€"Cotton iiet ; uplands, 6 13â€"16 ; Orleans, 7: 1â€"16. he! ants trceesigoessstatendt RePazianiin, S h ayâ€"<a iiintome uyc n 4 ‘ 1,000 | bushels; Barley, 10,000 ies engme esc oo r ‘ d 1 wiembene es d uen $1 00§ for March Oate unchanged Comn 419 (36p o 15. 26 ut Februmy. fand quiet, at $12 374 for February. _ late of Quebec. For good Board. and comfort, second to m,.tromblem to the Clarâ€" endon House> W Proprietor, London Market Loxnow, Jan. 13, 1230 p.m.â€"Consols, diseaâ€" . to become seated upon tham rather n »+ wonsult a physician, or to suffer as of piles, without going At once to the druy ie injankoie h iee A of the St. J Mor Nakk this oofntndys a rempeey mhbie eulogizing . Fellowes‘ Syrup of Hypophosâ€" New York Produce Market. uN.:V Yolixs, {z ï¬l:.â€"OoM dull, irreâ€" ‘at middling uplands. our quiet, and without decided change ; KFAi1ss Mopms®r,â€"For people to allow ry x TME OTTAWA MARKETS. Chicago Live Stock Market. New York Money Market. Chicago Produce Market. 4 18 for 1d, 10418 ; Erie, preâ€" this city, was arrested on a warrant at the instance of Edward Evans, Official Asâ€" signee, on instructions from the English creditors of Auerbarch, obtained by Cable, for deliberately cencealing and taking away $22,000 worth of jewellery and diaâ€" monds before his failure. It appears that some days before his failure in Septemâ€" ber last, Auerbarch filled his trunk with jewellery to the amount of $22,000, which he took away and secreted in ‘the city. just sufficient stock in ‘the house to pay six shillings and. eight pence on the pound to his English creditors. He then sent a clerk to London to make & comâ€" position of the amount mentioned. â€" On the startling revelations being made by the clerk yesterday, Mr. Evans commu: The Governor General and Countess Dufferia at Montreal. Special to THE TLM i. g It is said ‘that the Hon. <Judge yitk voutnee »the ols Jud: Beaudry -ï¬:mnfth ‘Court of this “"““:.::“.3‘:."':',...." aint Olark :(fngnwith , Schiller. _ The Governor General and Countess of Dufferin will arrive in this city on the 3lst of January, and will remain some days. ‘Theyâ€"will be accompanied by two aidesdeâ€"camp and the usual retinue of servante. A suite of apartments has been engaged at the St. Lawrence Hall for the viceâ€"regal visitors. The Pacidc Railway â€"An lnteresting Letterâ€"The Clemeais Caseâ€"Comtmit® ted for Trialâ€"In=pection of Balioteâ€" Accident to M r. Boyd. Bpecia! to THc. TLMES,. Torowto, Jan. n-mm atelegram from British N states that the Local Government have refused to accept the $750,000 offered as _ An inspection of bailots rejected in the @lection for Alderman hâ€b. Andrew‘s Ward was held this m’iï¬a‘lt R.G. Daiton, QC., Clerk of the Crown, on application of Mr, F. Riddell, was returned as defeated by two votes by Mr. J. W. Burke. The result ofthe tion be decided on by. ‘Chie! Justice we on of the Leader, fell ‘through in n e es no bones were broken, and although vyery come up for trial. hopes of‘ speedily being on "his '.l A report issued. Mflnï¬. of the Toronto Univ-:q,lkwl 1876 was the coldest year since 1856, the mean temperature of the former being 40.77 or 8.31 below of latter, 42.16. Every mwmu«n.muu year just closed was hbwm The trial of the Pilgrimage at the Touh the Cown udjourned, 2t in probatte that the Clements and Frasorâ€"cases will be taken next, as the local authorities are ‘very anxious to be relieved of the care of the convicts Davis and wife. lag4 â€" Toâ€" the of , Vioeâ€" in hearing what is known as the Mercer Will case. The evidence for the plaintiff not being all in when the Court rose, some twenty witnesses having been examined and six more yet remaining. ‘There is a like number for the defence The testimony is very voluminous. _ _ ï¬o-sbrmï¬i-m-i-’d were examined before the Grand Jury. The doctor was very much altered, hayâ€" ing had his beard, in which he took much aeo. and . moustache: shaven off, and ir out short. â€"tie lookedâ€"very haggard, and as : though he> had : suffered much. Mrs. Davis was very little changed, and was apparently â€" none the worse for her nxd-nuolPMlih. .: A young man, 22 years of age, named John flhh-xlfl»nï¬-dï¬n Bt. ‘James‘ vub-hmth Bay this afternoon with five fell through the ice and was ‘drowned. before the fact andâ€" murder, corpse found, 1Tor DeIng ACCOSSOTY after. the Alot. . Dr. and Mrs. Davis both . arrived. here Fraser, the man alleged to have driven the wesgon and .made the box _ in which the Two important Discoveries! : The disâ€" covery of America by Columbus, and Dr. Pierce‘s Golden IJMM; the one mankind a new conâ€" dnootthe ofher s fruntain of healthnthich is indispensable to the full enjoyment Moxntrear, Jan. 13â€"This morning Zaâ€" Pensoxarâ€"â€"Mr. T. W. in Mndmuï¬oflm Hracte -B!ruf:'l‘o‘rwdc mï¬cnu:d uly.â€";.-l «" Bryan‘s Pulmonic ‘Wafers" â€"will as sure m inoinaankntmane pestilence will destroy. colds if not attended ‘to m‘:h::rhdb of the strongest ~faile nb-u !l\or-hfla means : known &heo-.d_@'.-“_-r!-!'?“"!';g An inspection of ballots rejected in the C 1A N A D 1 A N . Cimts MONTREAL. TOokonto. A TOAST. trial on the latter editor rome 500 othets of Oitama; proping for an some an amendment to the present game laws of Ontario, by Mr. O‘Donoghue. Several reports of standing committees ing the amounts granted to railways under the Railway Subsidy ‘the number of miles of railway ou-:h“ï¬tul. #&o., after which the House went into Committee of the Whole on & resolution respecting inâ€" surance. The resolution was concurred in, and the Mouse rose and 1321.-‘ 'MWPMb?- a “ officers of Ontario. F x â€" in mt aage ts mateecn es wA ï¬afln*hï¬_"ï¬ that the Bpecial to THE TIMER the report The House & went into '6:'.'.‘.'&'.‘."« bm.c‘:-t The following bills passed through Comâ€" mittee :â€"To suthorize the inspection of prisons ; to examine withesses under oath ; to continue the Act | for the better government of that part of the better government of that rt of Onn-ithhvlfln(m Falls ; to make further provision respect. jority : â€" The report «of sc e frieens cce . ts mpat se Jonanttfomm that in point of the value of owned as with utooks , the Montreal ' pree sents a most , conâ€" trast to other uph Companies Its indhorty Saiblte t the kntaiy Phinasion m%â€"mm‘ to : very neue mege Pngumali nang leg No 3y ~a> yc :m":i:?'mau-’â€"usm SOLRMK FUNERAL SERVIOE POR GENBRALS ly reâ€"eleoted President. pecial to THE TLMES . ®9} : Mowtnear, Jan. 13.â€"The annual Versailles this has been & busy day. ‘The event in Paris has been the solemn serâ€" vice at. the Church of <the Invalides in MONTREAL TELEGRAPH co‘¥. tribute to the two first victims of the Comâ€" ioi Shilnes. Ainfuntentt© witk tho hoisted hlf-q-ry'a_nb Piace Vendome. At Versailles the osâ€" mm«p nh‘:.wmu- mony, ~however, was by far the most inâ€" invalides and took up ther positions there. Inside the Chapel Ardente, with which every tourist ‘ is femiliar. the coffine the remains of Le Comte and Clement lay Bbeneath & bedecked with sable draperies aud trioplor fiam. Abore hung the colors captured by the French in more suspicious times ; and a couple of ship‘s w(uwmua:-d out amidet Prussian blackâ€" and = Austrian ~yellow. Thrd bf w:--afln';-ï¬o;p\'cl'ï¬. of i!ï¬dc‘;'";d!:._fl .g .. While tms‘was ic <p *>G0l i Cemies, the aftgy of the Pirst No Pave o thit i oiiccs on the ‘bop O the column in the Place Vendome from which it was pulled down ! !.v 1871 the voftas a ofaple of sguntrons of cer & 00 Sict, dregoons ahd mirthtiem, a battary Lus heating stove that (drives petitors to the wall is the Gur these memorials of the: "but by the arrival of the living. xlï¬o. K. Waiâ€" Mu“u& m._" Other well know of the Inolading 2t Schouer Apomer 2. Therd M. Cazot and others, 'l:oâ€". in mancuter of Pacit offomiiiy ahd meot of Tntanney (needed mt oref 9p the boulevards to the w:’h. la Chaise. â€" There the ooffins were trmasâ€" .(::d #o h‘h.E en pipe on â€M“dhh'l&ib gmï¬v into the church of M. Jules Simon Te mo. chat "ovenifal (dayâ€"frosty and e ai‘:-w ."; oo ie ns P ID "First No â€" weather was the & tune, ended Muflmm men who died on the 18th of March 1871.., 1# way The First Victims of the uouum‘zn forresposdence of the n Standard. PRICE 3 CENTS. IMPORTANT XEETING. Condition of its Affairs. i o e i o m s ts as a coincidence, that the 6 very tac aimile of what 1