’m-:ut HMotices P. \T MeoeUNE, @TTAWAa PAKLIA\®ENT. 1OE of Fa wa, ATE BILLS ary bag for Cadaiian A4@a an 1.3. p on . buj#â€"v n mtÂ¥ o. i6 a th is k. BP vo 10 PB > l caiug e# a uy ali cuen 220 us Vous [% careioude Daily Kammon pud‘® : day (and w:;_l{“‘ «7» by Al“i‘gl MED 3L000 MILTOBE aia â€"**Bian is MLETO ak." ‘ luwd Parsfer and Restw6» 10 C on l ag Lie bi d F0R 4E Mwmm.4;uu».ï¬ sCullyy S& u Asumers eut « cV »Loniad tagf mnland Priffen ane. close every rild / ab be m ie d Departure of Mails, ZT LETTER d0X M3 the wÂ¥ us P. ), CuAn KE, Chemn. s Woest in 54 »,40: soubary pet aue S en yis sc cot L&MIP ) on aud 3 p on D bli.l V sY L â€" 100 4 baguy NloTA. in The Annual Meeling of the Corpormtion L"%"‘f»‘“‘" Home :fl::"&wu w% AY, iWuh Januar . | Froums «4 u: mtv'n‘m t‘ w:mm lnvited to 'm"m e L 1o !ge{‘gw Brening, 13th inst., gt 7 Estate of E. Martineau Otered at a great sacrifice. Siock completâ€" and m:s be sold without reseâ€"ve, during the month of Janvary_ _ CALL EARLY AND srCURE BikG INS, «oo yu will o satls Nec th «is the niace to lay out your money to adv»n a 6. Nodâ€"cept‘on, judze for yourselves. A $5 .urchase wil enâ€"ure a valaable present. Note tue sdoires~: ©o;, Clarence and Susser 8t eet St TAKE NOTICEâ€"Parcel« elivered in all p_rts of the city fuot Zive cents each Tend+rs wil be received, addressed to the urdersicued, untl 2 o‘clock, p m., ou MONâ€" DAY, i7th January lost , for the ‘ollowing supâ€" plies recuired jor ths County of Carieton General Protesant 4osp tâ€"l, for one year, from the !st of February nex* B genviem«n with his wiie aod chi d, who w .l be in «ttebdance at the forthcoming Sesâ€" sion of Parl ment, desires mOUMS AND BOAKLD in a p ivate house. Apply to A.8.C., TUMEs Office. 408 uf Applicatin, with refâ€"rences, to be adiressed to RICHARKD BULL, sec $ Moutreal. _Oitawa, Jan 14, 1875, _________ s$s _ MERCHANTS ! ‘VA!‘I‘EDâ€"L»\u-mg the Session, RUOMS AND BOarbi api ate fimil;. by a siuyie goul eman, nea? the House of Pau‘{tu-v ment, it possible, Apply to H., Trks gg&o TIIE SESSION OF PARLILAMENTâ€"A genuem=«n with his Wiie mod chi d, who For particulars apply to Bo ARD.â€"A Ladv can be accomodated with h-n‘ï¬. or rooms without board in a pri= vate family, in a ceatral locality, Address G., Timxs Ofice. 40404f THNREMENDOUS ATTRACTIO® ! BANKRUPT STOCK ! BEST COAL OIL 30c PER GALLON: No. 24 Russell House Block, Sparks St. W11 be soid «t 40 per cent. below first cost AS the p..rchasers uï¬m;wumfl Fusbionabie next SHIRTS ! CQOLLARS ! mpoard A &oidgiug. Ottawa, Jan 18 1876 Sh.p Fixtures, Gla«rs Cases, ett., 1Or very iow. D. MORGAN & SONS. “'AN‘I’EDâ€".\ Smart Man, with a modetate Cavital, to join advertiser in a good pay ing business; Job>ing House, a rare ~penâ€" ny ~_a young mas. None ue d -lpply unless masnics" bus e s. _ Aduress ENTERPR!®E® F0 Rox i O fuwal Ocb 0316 T. oonncl'o:_ & BU ll-.l.l» ibe undersigned has ned a Ston â€"Qutter‘s Yard, Corusr of King 3 L Aldrow Bireci where Duilding stone and posts 01 «il desoription will be kept constanuy on bind, Urd@Is 0 respectiuily soli¢ites, 1or all kinds of Bianeâ€" culling. VOL. X., NO. 4046. PmI'A.“I' U« FICKâ€"Rajo.te‘, Bioc«, Weilington ®‘reet O‘clock, O‘tawa, Jap. 8, 175 MMENSE CHEAP SALE. AG t-:.\'l‘ WANTED for the City of Ottawa Ottawa, Jan. 11, 1\76 30c. PER GALLON ! The extensive sluck oi tue Estate of 1E x DERS DRYVYV G0 0 DS lad at MRKS K~R& OAL OIL oob ROoOMs WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" ple 0( wood betâ€"rouims Wite bo‘rd, may LFE ASSOCIATION OF SCOT «_AND & € FREE OF CHARGE lta wa, Nov. 3rd, 1875. AND READYâ€"MADE CLOTHING ORPHAN‘S HOMLE. wing Extabilshment on the first of January M C. S. Shaw & Co., CLOTHING . JAS. ANGU®S, at MRKS RoRi@~ corner of Eigin and whe s 1004uf 1NcLES FOR BOARDERS, No. i \o _ 10K whace +"C on r street i ~OQ NON‘) RESTAURANT, Sparts 398 LU UNDERTAKER, NICHOLAS STREET, Everythi u-“I fcund in a unxr.}(:mmm.- ':{mem can be ootaimed on shbort notice. HKe idenee cver the Store. _ FOR ONE YONTH ONLY S. ROGCRS, FOR At lersthan Aucton $10,000 WORTH OF Now is your ume to buy IN THE MARKET . 12 1476 OR ReADYâ€"MAD®s @dlants. AROCXRIES, BUTCHER S MEAT, _ BAKERS BREAD, VEG ET ABLES, MILK, DRUGS & MEDICINES OTT AW A â€"_TDt DELIVERED DoWN To AVE LATRFMOUILLE 6. 404216 WM. COUSEN3, GUERARD BRY THE FOR ALISON 8BCO7T, Cor. ee. 0 adddy 1 hase‘s Steam . 10 siw / . street 40. 1if 1048y 1 | New Advertisements. cnl;::ir"fl{e can, be purchased 2 per DOCHERTYV‘S, Has received (nstructions from a Torcuto firm to dispoâ€"e of a cho ce lot of ORGANS AND MELODEOâ€"N8, by Public Auction, at the Real Estate Exchange, 65 SraRKs srREST, oY _ | WEDNESDAY, Jan. 19th Inst., qt 7 P M. . ZAr Some of the Instruments ca\ be seeD at my prace prévious to Sale. _ ___ _ _ _ Ports, Sherries, Brandy, | Old Rye, Ginger Wine, Family Proof, | [late Whitemde‘s} l}t&m‘mg than any other Store in the e I JAMES JACKSON, Easy ‘Arrangements Made to Suit Purchasers. GEQ. HOLMAN â€" . â€" Manager Four Nights of Opera, commancing Wednesday Evening, Jan. 19. Miss Sallie Holman, Miss Julia Hoiman, Mr. Joseph |Brandisi, Mr, Ellis Ryse, Mr. Brookâ€" house Bowler, Mr. A. D. Holman, supported by a company of Kighieen Efficient Ar tistes. Wedne@ay Eivenin®, Jan. 19th. â€"Lecocq‘s * Gregtest Triumph; GIROFLE G.LROFLA. Thursday Evenine, Jan. 20thâ€"L4 FILLE Teas, _ DUMME. ANGQT. _ _ _ _ Friday | Evening, Jan. 2ist.â€"Benefit . f _Miss uafqa Hoiman, LA GRANDE D UC, TESSE. Saturday Evening, Jan, 20d.â€"BOHE MLAN &ubm Even! Doors at 7} | POPLULAR SCALE OF PRICES, e Orchestra Chairs, T5cts; Parguette and = oony.%; Uulery1 25cte, hgo extra chi W§e {')'o M“. Suarks street. pow open) wan at Oftawia, J»n. 16, 1376 404616 N B.â€"Atsam=time« will be sold, a flue lot of s WL G iA CHINES 'Qll\f a Bimkrupt <too«, or ha ¢ver price they will bring H. MC.r AN. Ottawa. Jan. 47. 1876. 401813 oo n o m en n c K4 street and Biling‘s Bnags. via the Canal wnd lower mndlot‘:gï¬y. a BLACK BUFFAâ€" LO ROBE. The finiler will be reWarded on retamibg it to PHIY DFFICE PELUMBER, GAS AND STEAM FITTER .Cor. Woulnnon .qd Bank street, OttaWa. Heatipe of Public iBu.udlng-, Green Houses, Private Residences by high or low pressure, Steam aad hot 'Mol.qp cialty. ze %os&of referefces given oul, Hâ€"ve removed thei |Law Office to their New Law Chaub rs, in the buil ml adjoining the Montieal Telegraph ffice on Metcaife ;uu'la&t- I £0. FFIC&: Hardy‘s Block, Ridenu street. BARRISTERS mt Acpnanhaiiah. "lt CITORS, CONYÂ¥EYANCERS, ETO., |Ov awa, Out. â€" lt Office over iif. B. Huckeli‘s rlour Store, corner of Susssx ind York strests, OttaWa. vaNIEL O‘00 » ~ept + 18 4 lq'INvfl Punxr. CHRISTIE & HILL, (Of the late firm of Lewis & Pinhey,) Offices ~Eigin Otiawa. C. H. PINHEY, A. ?' CuRisti®. K. P.Hiu. Wu.nu:l. rxfyxocx & MeINTYRE, | WELLINGFON sTREEr, Ot‘awa, Jan, 17 1876. . 0 Of@iceâ€"Master in O Cham.bers, Co27$ Ti one, orewe, Canalp. on 11 1 "" TE reet, ‘Hull. _ | ""22u), March 9, 1875, Ottawa, Jan. 17, 1876. MRGANS & MELODEONS BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, «0. * \For the Provine: of Qu@sbec.) _ *‘ â€" BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SoLICLTOR IN CHAN* CERBY, &0., (For the Province of (Jntario.) Main street, Hull, P.Q. â€" s2z8m6 Call and get prices before going elsewhere, Ottaiwa, Jan. 15, 1876. 4045y Ottawa, Jan. 17, 1876 SKATING RINK,§ BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICITNRE, VEYANCKRS, «0. rristersy Attornoys, Solicitors, Nota«â€" * ries, &¢., &¢. OFFICEâ€"Beil‘s 3%, Cenire Town, oppoâ€" t.o.an.eu H use. . WALKER. | P. OCK. | A. F. MCINTYRE, "ov. 8, i8T0. 1 s 1 3086 _____. venveynncers, &¢ i $ Mosgrove‘s Buiiding, Ridâ€"au st., Ott&W@.. @x. JOHN ‘CONNOR Q.C. G J. O*DOHEBTY 1)e0. 4, 1874 5. \ ARRISTER AND AfTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"T.AW, SOLIâ€" CltuR LN CHANCERY, NOTARY, ETU. AMES JACKSON. CENERAL CROCERIES wbtâ€"ined from ‘best Markets. ce ADVOCATE, Toem porary Offlce at Dr. J os, Bnaudin‘s, Main reet, "Hull. _ ; _ . Auntcst TTAWA Owan‘s OPERA HOUSE OCHERTY COTT, STEWART & GOBMULLT, USTâ€"Un the l5th Inst., between Bank CUSTOM ) |DisrARTMENT, Qitawa, tit Jacuary, 1876. UTHORISED DISCOUNT on American â€" Involces uniil iurtuer notice / 11 per cent. J. JOHNSON, Commissioner of Customs. Barristers, Atiorm:ys, Solicitors, ‘CONNUR & O‘H0:iERTY, ‘CONNOR & HoGG, BARRISTEER, ATTORNEY. SOLIC[TOE, ®TC, Sugars, | uoffees, i+ spices, Fruits, Hops, § Oysters, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, NOTABY, &c. #lumbers, H. CHRYSLER, vÂ¥, H. FERLAND, W. P. COUTLEE, B.G.L.,, AND A FULL ASSORTMENT OF . JOKNSTON, Amusecn.ents. MARSHAL MATHESON, H. McLEAN cqgal C ards. H. McLH AN, Auctioneer. Opera at 8 o‘c tock. 4046y1 â€" ‘The Pall Mall Gazette‘s correspondent at Copenhagen says there is no truth in the proposed sale of the Island of St Thomas, W. L. to Germany. This Island, one of the most unhealthy in the West Indies, was offered to the United States some years ago, but the terms of the transfer could not be agreed upon. It is more useful as a calling place for mail steamers than anyâ€" thing else, there being no export trade. A verdict was given in favour of Eliza Benson for $4,250, s@ainst the Philade!. phia and Reading Railway Company, last week, for having taken her beyond a stated station. The company has moved for a new trial. Hon. G. D. Lamon, Justice of the Suâ€" preme Court, died in Lockport, N. Y., on Saturday evening. The New York Herald‘s Madrid specia; reports that the Spanish Government has sent out a diplomatic note in reply to the American circular on Cuban affairs, ‘The reply is quite belligerent in tone and takes high ground on all questions raised by the United States. C A number of leading hotels at Orchard Beach, some distance from Portland, in the State of Maine, have been burned. ‘The loss is estimated at $15,000, with an insurance of $7,500. The fire is supposed to be the result of incendiarism. ‘The N. Y. /lerald has a special desâ€" patch from Washington in which it is said that exâ€"Gov. Morgan holds a letter from Gen. Grant in which he expresses himself as opposed to a third term, and asserts positively that he will refuse a nominaâ€" tion . The New York Superintendent ot Police was informed on Saturday that Mr. Wm. R. Thomassen, of Bremerhaven motoriety, had a trunk in the Fifth Avenue Hotel. He proceeded there and found it, and when operied it was found to contain a quantity of clothing and a coil of gutta percha covered with fuse, such as i~ used for submarine purposes. The wife of exâ€"President Johnson died at her daughter‘s (Mrs. Judge Patterson‘s) residence near Greenville, at eleven o‘clock on Saturday night. ‘ The New York Sun says it is rumoured that Fitz John Porter will be appointed Superintendent of Police of New York at a salary of $10,000 per annum. . Mr. John Kelly has been re chosen Chairman of the Executive Committee of Tammaay: Hall, New York. s A despatch from Montreal states that the wife and daughter of the Hon. Peter Mitchell are engaged in conducting revival services in that city, and that last night they lectured to a crowded. congregation in Ottawa Street Methodist Church _ Miss Mitchell, who is about twenty years of age, is described as being quite eloquent. There seems a disposition on the part of European powers to strongly sus tain the position assumed by the United States in the President‘s Message, and approve the policy adopted ) in seekâ€" ing the pacification of the Island of Cuba. It:’)xm:;c.l]:ln.ï¬ol;â€"'l'ho Pall Moll Gal zette‘s speci Coptnhlgn says :â€"IL am authorized to contradict the report of the proposed sale of the island of St. Thomas, in the West Indies, to Germany. The idea was that in 1873 an exchange of St. Thomas for North Sleswick, but it was dismissed as impracticable.. | The Wreck of the Island Bolle. The inquiry ‘by the Board of Trade at Bideford into the loss of the British Bark, Island Belle, was concluded yesterday. It has transpired that the Channel Island vessels sailing from the port where regisâ€" zetiy‘s special from Beviin $ mat & sele ot Cemmittee of \Be Imp::{d Parlinâ€" meiit, to whom the clovernment‘s proâ€" pos ed amendment to the Criminal Code was referred, has resolved UpPOR & direct opposition to the Govom?enfn and to favcrar Jury trial for all pres.s offences. tered, the captain is Mr;!ndnind and are accustomed to have a captain,who is mate to the real captain, but uncertifiâ€" .cated master,: The Court suspended the «cortificate of the nominal captain, Hewitt, for two years, but expressed no opinion as to the dy“t.hfl Ib.:ï¬, who was alleged to 1 mye been britally kicked by Hewitt. sele ct Cemmittee of ABe Impeéria! Farliaâ€" Amnesty me:it, to whom the Clovernment‘s proâ€" | . Nay y nn.s. A W e despate pos od amondment to 14e Criminal Code | pys i; is thy oo tany toy Amace h was referred, has resolved tipon & direct :’:monl:iod, d fuudAto-dly fta opposition to the Govern@ment, and to Blnim,aï¬art::. Ho:n rned to-dlg favcrur Jury trial for all pres s offences. ;tgndinfhin front of the E;ukar’l duk,' The Marine Disasters. ;l:;;o n.xIth’ o‘:‘n{hw ork ;« If on rorond Confe of German | ay you will permit my amend: Mu’it-img tates on th:mr of inquir. | ment to be voted on, the rules onn be ies into marine disasters, has bec\M post | suspended and the bill passed, for I know ies dnto matien es te""uge, ho pvovne | ht prong nevuonom ml, oue Opaiteh $ y it /y 3 mmclude vis. Poike 0 i6 uedigets he Aug‘th l-m-nh.wwdmwm could o qt iq) p O | [omliiiinn) . be done, and so amnesty rests until Monâ€" O'ï¬ngto‘hoggpfliï¬onofmdï¬l. smaller States, the Government has, for the jresent, limited the scheme for purâ€" chasing all railways to Prussia alone, in which no serious difficulties sre antici~ pated. Bixhundred weavers of Lower Heyes nnllt at M&ï¬ddfh;o been bot:i out in consequence of a lngouuni tween the proprietors and Beocretary of the Weavers Union. Collier Strike. A p@‘di:n of thko zronh x'du oollioa have struc wages. is fou-.:a‘ that others wi‘llll,ollow Tronmonger‘s Strike. There w. is a meeting held yesterday at Derby of t:\e Iron Trade Employer‘s Asâ€" sociation to Consider matters connected with m strik “ against piooo“dw;r: by 200 mem of t m‘x‘nm‘ gineer‘s Society at East, an and Anderson‘s works at Erith, Kent, a id threatened aggressive i naaica _ ly resolved that t he e s Association will r. wist any attempt of the TELEGERAPHIC men in their soci ®ties to restrict 1'5““ work in the shops ;Of members.. 1t was resolved that the , teneral lock out reâ€" SWeUlnen{ EuNU ARECE _ Wluibs a commen executive committee lhouling:db:’r:t:ru‘d to at present, as such a lock out would â€" throw out of ‘:; ployment 70,000 m.\“fib’m‘ greatest strife between capital and 3 since 1851 and 1852 s Bismarck Amending i b* Ponal Code ‘A telegram from Berl im to the PS asserts that Prince Bisman. °K is personally drafting an additional claus. ® for the penal code againat crimes like th. % Of ThOMA® seu, a; Bremerhaven. hi Further Results of the 1 "“"'.‘"‘. Lowpox, Jan. 16.â€"The Parle. npiter.~ mprt t Times, re k ELC Sisotforn tor Aermioiin Aulrgart toek 50 towns, 42 ) Republicans and 8 ahi- vatives : have n‘u elected. ‘‘or Radâ€" elects Conservatives and Montp ‘ sesult, jcals, This does not influence the ‘*""".° Contradiction of Sale of St. German Criminal Code. TLoxpox, Jan. 15.â€"The Pall Mall Ga TELEGRAPHIO SUMMARY. FOR EIG N. Purchase of Railways. Weavers Locked Out. GEKEAT BRCTAIS. s that. a Paris advices state that President Macâ€" Mahon‘s proclamation has fallen rather flat. Republican newspapers which were expected to greet it with sharp criti¢isams appear, with the exception of a few irreâ€" concilables, delighted with the ropublic and appeal for a fair trial of constitutional laws. _ At the Bourse it produced no efâ€" fect, and in political circles the ir:ulant opinion is that it leaves things where they were,. ‘Satisfaction is generally felt at the adjustment of the Ministerial crisis, but it is utterly devoid of enthusiasm. Royalist Victorics. A despatch from St. Jean De Luz to the Times reports that Gen Moriones has advanced from San Sebastian, capturing the heights of Aratzin and silencing the Carlist artillery. Important operations were momentarily expected. A Vienna telegram to the Daily News states that the British Viceâ€"Consul in Crete has received numerous invitations from inâ€" fluential inhabitants that they are in favor of the annexation of the Island by Groat Britain. A Greek party, which receives its instructions from Athens, opposes the movement, and there is much agitation. It is in consequence of this state of affairs that the Porte reappointed Raouf Pasha to the â€" Governorship of the Island, with enlarged powers.‘ Supporting MacMahon. | Electoral addresses of almost all Senaâ€" torial candidates in the Departments are couched in general terms supporting*the Republic and President MacMahon. Conservatives Elected. The maiority of Senatorial delegates The maiority of Senatorial delegates elected in the M¢rtmb of Seine, Et Morne, Finistere, Vienna, and Allier are Conservatives. Result of the Elections, The elections for delog:tel who are to choose Senatorswere held toâ€"day throughâ€" out France. The Municipal Council here have elected Victor Hugo to the Senate, and M. Puller, editor of La Republiqae Francais a substitute. Delegate returns indicate that the majority of doloï¬: elected in the Department of the Seine are moderate Republicans and the minory ity Radicals, _ ~ f â€" 4 § called a meeting of Senatorial Delegates on Monday, for the purpose of deciding upon a definite list of candidates for the Senate in the Department of the Seine. This list will certainly contain the names Tuk ie fu the »Deparimienis ars returns ts are not expected for several days. The Delâ€" egates elected in Valence and that neigbourhood are Radicals. Prefects of several lg:rrtmonta have issued proclaâ€" mations ordering that the freedom of the The Reputlican De‘mtiu and De mental and Municipal Councillors . Banquet to, Gambetta. M Gambetta arrived yesterday in Mar. seilles, where arrangemeants are. being made to give him s banquet. elections be respected. especially acceptance of evidence ot Christians in courts. ‘The note proposes establishment of :oommindonoom_leod an equal number of Christians and ks, as an effective guarantee of the execution of the reforms. It intimates that some ofth-othélsrinoipdgrouubljdfm't of equality ofreligious dmmï¬mz alteration of system of taxation an The . Turkish Reforms., Virxxa, Jan 16. â€"Count Andrassy‘s note mentions several reforms as urgent ; time may possibly be required before the execution of the proposed changes in reference to the Agrarian question and some other points are practicable, Sale of Railways. AurXaworia, Jan. 15.â€"It is rej that Egypt is n.gotlnï¬:? with R’::l': h capitalists for the sale of Egyptian railâ€" PovenxkeEprstm, Jan. 15.â€"The body of Capt. Briggs, one of the v&udfll‘ Coxsackie disaster, was found yesterday. Submarine divers have been sent for to search for other bodies. . _ ,, Death of Judge Lamon. LockProRt, Jan. 15.â€"Hon. G. D. Lamon, Justice of the Supreme Court, died here this evening, of heart disease. The Cuban Question. A Washington despatch to the Zimes says ‘ replies of mnflmeu nations tothoogronhtofmsuu' partment it is understood have been received, and they will beé transmitted next week to the Senate Committee on Foreign Rela tions, not, however, to be made public. It is mot doubted that Great Britain, France, Germany and Russia _ besides other lesser powers, have -ï¬onv sustained the position assumed by the nited States in PM Hotat amaing in setoins adop of the Island of Cuba. ‘ veral of these Wr.b.ummuniuhdwos‘rdnm |muoxpmodtothoflnit States. Retiring from Insurance. < An Albarty despatch says Superintendâ€" ent of Insurance Chapmah yesterday‘ announced his intention of resigning, for ‘the sake of his profession. K 'lt;‘-mue'mu- Settled. uw Yorx, Jan. 15.â€"The Post‘s from Washington says: Mr. Cox m Bhinï¬hl:"o had a eounlt:‘u:.n‘ the latter on behalf Repubâ€" liuntom fight ;ï¬n o:uuv Tided an opportuni fored M ?m' amendments. lg. Cox will mw draw up an ani bill and present it to the House on , and move its s:; under â€" of the rules, ;-‘h.‘idhgtol’r. ine to offer an amendâ€" ment to exclude Jeff. Davis. This is as Blaine has told the Democratic leaders OTTAWA,. MONDAY, JANU \RY 17, 1876. A MJ 4 [ OA N Annexation of Crete. Senatorial Elections Affairs in Paris. Body Found. NEW YORK FRANCOE AUSTRLIA,. ve has the following remarks fl;‘a;l:ï¬o matâ€" ters :â€"*"In order that any of the English Universities may accept the invitation to the contest in the International College boatrace in America,it is indispensable that the day for the event be fixed considerably later than propored, owing to the late Easter this year. The great interâ€"Uniâ€" versity contest on the Thames will be rowed in t.ho'mnoond nrolo::.tkh in ï¬:;il. The same cause e term at Oxford and Gunbri?a,whioh will probably delay the annual Henley Regstte until delay the annual Henley Bflfu until about the middle of June. The present erican FaAce ecide to participa American races, it is quite certain that men selected for that contest would be unable to row, at Herley or ‘Thames. Greater misfortune, could not befall our aquatio carnival, and no British rowing man wouid consent to it. That our Universities may take part in an international.collegiate race,and also the international regattta at Philadelphia, Till be negermry for se Qigude pcrows the n our across Athnï¬om' ay. The internationâ€" .lgopfm;t I’I:tilmlollt A is fixed for the end o e probable that Eul-:: will . be ted .there by two or three m% t of the U’nivoniï¬u Why not the Collegiate race the same regatte or within a few days of it When the invitations from the New York Regatta Committee reached England all three of the Universities had separated for Christmas vacation. At the resumption of their term the matter will be discussed, and "m;.a,m date h:f the proposed oong:t is c it is P:l)o to say what the decision will be, Katuit is at the present date fixed it will be impossible for either. of the Universiâ€" ties to accept the invitation. 19th of July, The English Universities will then have barely four weeks time to es thloir“ their fraburatin tluu. 'l.‘nd comple preparations wo months or ten weeks would be required. The Propored Reforms. E ConstaxtrwoPL®, Jan. 15.â€"The Powers have relinquished their intention of mak:â€" ing & collective or identical communica tion to the Porte on the basis of Count Andrassy‘s scheme for reform in dis: affected provinces. Ambassadors are now confining themselves to verbal and friendly communication, counsel, and Sr. Pereessuren, Jan. 16.A report is publinhdtht@e.-dxmï¬unn.vhoh in this city, will not return to Turkestan. Admiral Krabbe, Minister of Marine, is dead, and Vice Admiral Lessowsky ‘has been appointed his successor. Release of Prisoners apz, J¢u.15.=â€"The Government has decided to grant mmnuqtthz{'w sons who are now in prison er in e on the occasion of the anniversary of King Alfonso‘s entry into Madrid. |; Clerical Admenitions. RoaJn. 16.â€"The Vatican has inâ€" structed thoArdxbi.ln::fOologne and Treves to endeavour to md&: Liverpool to Portland, via Londonderry, Proposed ‘International Contests. f PEXNSYLYASIA. â€"_ Verdict Against sâ€"l-ll'm‘. Jom pany. Lesaxox, Jan. 15.â€"The ‘m the Noi ] way L having her Ayon tion in March l:t, 'hm?dlho became muy disabled by exposure to it weather.. The jury gave a $4,250. The Ldompany moved ‘Tor a new Sa00, Jan. 15.â€"The Russell House, Atlantio House, and Orchard Beach House, at Old Orchard Beach, was burned this morning and are & total loss. (Dam+ ages estimated at about $15,000. Insur: Loxnox, Jan. 15.â€"Bell‘s Life in London ance $7,500. ‘The fire was caused by an Cumf‘l..lnt;uy 18.â€"This morning, wovin Bro "hore pertenday is 955 The losses are $38, M(Chorchans? old tolsayy havel Can "Tkko, Inpurmiied Oï¬nflv ‘br, Noyai Oan: Adian, 93 to 934; Montreal, 1814 to 181}; adian, 93 to oai; Montre Commerce, 117} to 118 Loxnox, â€"Jan. 15, 1230 pm.â€"U.) t, Jan. 15, 3:30 pam.â€"Tallow, 51s. Pafarr whdrews from the bank 1oâ€"day; Orleans, 7d. Laverroou, Jan. 30 p.m.â€"Uotton w..,._._..;,‘.};"’.'.’.flaï¬â€˜-fu; New Jsum 934 to lO}i pclq.li‘:)_ 4 an un w @0 por ont, ‘butier, in 6d par ons #Beit‘s Life" .on the Situation. rmx-†the * Sarmatian." PortLaxp, Jan. 16. â€"Passengers | C O M M E R C I A L. AQVATIC NEWS. , and injuring Wm. Roubert . seâ€" Fire Among the Hotels. Montreal Stock Market. Bursting of a Boiler. Official Changes. which Porte is disposed to The Mcbile Fire. Liverpool N Lendon Market TURKEY. Jan. 15, 230 â€"â€"Refined 14 to 124d; spliita of petto .":3.‘.’."1!"1;":6 potieciactyibe RUSSIA. ITALY MAJNE, SPAIN. + Q MATINE. OHIO. on . the i_ The failure is announced of Messrs. . Leslie, Skirrow & Smith. agents for the | Thalberg Piano, with liabilities of $11,000 | and assets $8,000 ; forty cents on the | dollar has been offéred. W. T. Sexton, charged with arson, was | committed for trial by the Police Magisâ€" The assize court is still occupied with ï¬ouiflo:.tbpil;dmhl..:"liogimdwlg mb.bly rising I oonnu‘mm ghic On Tuesday morning the first case callâ€" | ed will be that of John Clemants, charged with being accessory before the fact to . the murder of Jane Vaughan Gilmour. AryrEioR, Jan. 15.â€"The Arnprior Carl+ ing Club played for the Silver Tankard tod:y. : Sixteen players made 217 points. Eight of the players made in the aggre gate a score of 129 points. Masoniecâ€"Fallure~â€"Arsonâ€"1he Clements Bpecial to THE TIMES 'falom Jan. 15.â€"-'1'50 annual festival of King Solomon‘s Arch Chapter is to be held at the Wn:l,{er House on Monâ€" day evening next. o Epeci1l.â€"to THE TIMES, BHoar i otmmfl-‘l“?r“ Commanication to the Ga the subject ‘of extension of i bid communication to the Gulfm rence. Ho.i.vlu the Qnrï¬o‘::noffln many valuable ships, cargoes Mh'vï¬nnlmtinth.(hlï¬nm qmu:‘.h‘rpc.pum“:h'imz w communicate with Quebec for assistancs. He also shows the route the telegraph . line should follow. l‘bobtbri.m‘ able and exhaustive one, and coming from: one who has had so much practical~@xâ€" perience in all matters connected with the Gulf ports, will ; doubtless carry groat Free Seats â€"Judgeo Coursol â€"Stealing Bibles from G. T. &.â€"Fireâ€"Mr. and Miss Mitchell Eugaged in Revival Servicesâ€"B. Deviin‘s Pamphlst â€"Faâ€" Bpeci«l t> THE L1M@S. MoxtreaL, Jan. 16.â€"The owï¬un of St. Audrew‘s Church has ed to have the seats free at Sunday evening services, Judge Coursol is able to attend to his .. ~ en ‘ar some time past the bibles in the e mt en n n away, :?ro made led to no satisfactory result. A few days since a number of bibles were found in‘ the snow ‘near Bonaventure Depot, but by whom they were thrown out remains a mystery. . * ) P i ‘gun C?n:lq‘ ?hinm which oint Saint es, this evening, ‘, logiged threatening but was .m,-nm promptly by the brigade. _ _ . | _ __ . _ ;‘ï¬{;"riia‘,f&'d.m""*h in sond Hon. éter Mitche mwdinoon ucting revival services in city . ‘They leoâ€" tured ‘in the Ottawa street Methodist Church this ovening and drew & crowded house. Miss Mitchell, aged about 20, is g“‘;}?pw-ng’. t protection in the poâ€" lice stations on tludz‘m;h'- This is the largest number yet this wintéer. _ _ B. Deviin, M.P., has issued a pamphlet defending his conduct while the City Atâ€" torney, and maintains that but for him the city would have lost large sums of * On Saturday afternoon the steam jacket an the boiler of the hoisting engine of the new reservoir burst, killing Duracher the T PI GPHER v".li"" a 3. wl un tices of thi piat tooud: Ladies and gonihun; in appearing: before you as President of this religious . s.bh.,&.hprm temperance meeting, I do not.come as a stranger, for from the mmf'. origin,..and up to the present time [ have always taken ‘the most . lively hwu.mxm not ed . much of your .yaluable time, yet I claim to have been instrumenâ€" tal in some measure in securing the serâ€" vices of those who have delivered stirring â€" Mr. J. M. T. Haxxux, occupied the Chair, and delivered the following eloâ€" a ce saasted ons figod tie ts ioty‘s continued dumdtblflw of temperauce and prohibition. . [ ing, as I do, that the eyes of the whole Dominion are watching . our every moveâ€" ment,: and: should we step in the wrong dlnoï¬on.w-Mwnyi:Silmm this great question, as well as upon any other movement caloulated to elevate man and clothe, him in his <right .mind, we should arouse a hdlu.o( indignation wu.,“udqahu dï¬n'nfldflu :m&idmhlmh t direction, ‘ our city‘s on as a lawâ€" mflu,-dmm communâ€" ity, ever ready â€"to â€"lend a m hand to .every . laudable \nmumnymnummu that which calls us together from Sabbath to Sabbathâ€"the spreading of temperance priulm Let us then, my dear friends, assem as,we are at the commencé ment of a new year, pledge ourselves to renewed action, and go forth with a deterâ€" mination to secure that which we so long to seeâ€"a Prohibii Liquor Lawâ€"once and for ever -«-:3. _upon our Statute sUNDAY TEMPER\ANCE MEE (ING. book. _ Let us do all: that lies: in our wn-.hthn.lud fact. In ao= cepting this high position, ladies and. genâ€" k 1 20200204 Rutiscco ncï¬ aanafily nina rre nde? NP + in ‘uhauntar peotation of discharging the duties in any wary in keeping my . painsâ€"taking tlemen, I hare not done so with the ex way in keeping with my pai § [ricoeamitorsior witool egetgon bqvt:.booq phtfn,&.!-:'mï¬ o omm d lt c tiâ€"aig. ~-bdnburï¬oulv.hpwht|¢kmw° per dozen; “b‘m so necessary. â€" As you may mllnnmzflwwm leeks, 10c per bunch; ‘one of my predecessors _onions, 150 per gallon. in compieting the ol his â€"‘Gzant.â€"Oate, 80 to 320. per /bushe}; address. Iam happy, nowever, pease, 50c. to youthat whhtever my shortcom. , Fopos®.â€"Hay, from $12 to 14 60 per ings may be, they will be more than made ton. ad. &lefd'l:woflom M::thud. ,Ilgm"'lf_"l."'?‘"d' s en hom se 4 Shom e mill . Woopâ€"From 82 to $4 per 00 to $4 per cord. Tavm the pitance of Peaang. Snd / M.S'MJ n.mm dmbmlzh our power to Au Interesting Time. Again the meeting in the Temperâ€" C ACNH DTA N: , and the services were ARNPRIOR. The officers elected on MON xkA TORQNTEG @VEB °C and ADDRESS, and that is in your to help on this great Eu.gam tglnrtaon lnv»t not . been ient pay current expenses. We _ require during â€" the quarter which < we have â€" now . entered upon $25 for rent, $12 for printing, some $7 irn-nrof’h& quarter, and $8 or $10 to enable us to purchase a suitable quanâ€" quarter freed from debt and witha large the during our term of m’withmmbkm-summ‘ In return, we ask you, ladies -ful.l to give us that countenance nt“lpasby your contin: ml:&unnooud t contribuâ€" tions, as will enable us to go out the next increase of members. I am satisfied when I state one or two facts, that it will be sufficient to stimulate you to do all ï¬rmubm latd'l“ 'J'ay,nld if we expeot lessing upon : our efforts, ‘we xlnm&m lnhupnt"h His holy will. mos tfully ; hnd anamoitenee whtyouburinutbm»dng‘w hands or pattering of fest, as I doâ€"not think it is right or in keepingâ€"with the day. Whh%mm-ddl.flumw pliments of season, and ‘tmany returns of the New Year, 1 assume ‘the duty apâ€" ~ ‘‘The Pusstexr then called upon stt t se es ehou Protletk oi it to mxm::mb his bow, and as he on the same subject, he had nothing new pertaining to my office, to say, but it was a time to muke a declaration : of pfl;- He miked mqnudol."Whym &mg proceeded to answer & -m&nnummmu.u was not food, that it went into the sysâ€" tem as aloohol, and came out aghain as alâ€" eohol. That physicians said taking alooâ€" hol into the ‘system : was detrimental to health.: â€" It was said chat alochoi kept the pointed out the very opposite.‘ On that ground it should be rejected. Asa medi cine, too, it was losing ground.. These were some of the reasons, selfish â€"reasons, R?r:â€' why.: he was, a teototaller, mtwoeh-,whooflï¬b\n Aeetotallers ; those who ~were and â€" those: ~who; threatened ~to <beâ€" vome so. The only way to become tteâ€" tot«llers for such as the former was to let go the bower anchor and pull right up. ‘The other‘ class were more difficult to deal with. They would ask was it neces= :;-‘yh{-flaâ€"to:‘oflo“dae He it was not necessary, but expé â€" r.m:.'.lmbcmmwhyï¬zy:mfl become abstainers was because ‘were their : brother‘s ~"keepers, and it â€"became \::.-tz-idcvhdï¬'“&“h“fl' to prev/ them from class. They had hmm ‘and: say, "Came‘ with us, my ‘brother." ‘l‘hmw-tmrhm-mu;. ::‘H“ and : the . power which drag men down would also help to ‘elevate them. . He had heard it said that mmoo sotieties had au: obsoure that they rose from© the «masses ; but the greatest principles which had ever Clpiraaiie e showen mmusto be the omm T ngier Pine eporsntetagin mith Je w & fl n mmd-d it would ;.go on dl;‘g society was sfll“l‘ o oi oecaine . iF mar barigg o 10 ‘mo one e orariamien,. heart than he, and he thanked them : very sincerely for the ‘honour they had. done him Homddn-o future time to be able to take hispart of the work on ‘‘Me. Parranso, Becrelary of the Do r. PavTBRSON, minion Board_of Trade, was then. "fl nm‘:‘;-uh:‘uvcnhdhfl‘" * a few words at a temperance, T1s was an old mak and a6. old Absthinet; and he hoped ï¬omd@ddT‘ to remain so. bfl.um people power bohltvth‘-bbndv. nent.© The sympathy of the human heart but who let it severely d-z were not mdï¬' They who used it in the most limi manner, : no ‘matter what they were, were always in danger. / Hehad yet hponnn:‘hoomu:hhlnh-a & glass of liquor for many a yoar u:lnxfl'wuiund*d hunl.; drunkard. He had been amused with a ractice of the rum sellers putting out a red glgk‘.d?huo ud“ T 4 look upon theso red lights as~ a ‘dangor signal, for assuredly if ‘a man went in theré, he came out & poorer and & tmore. miserable man. ~He animadverted upon: the licensing system, the only exouse ‘though he no that :a proâ€" %wfllflb‘ mdm‘ll' they bo:.-m e i5 ï¬*†m»mmm hands to their friends who were in danger and ask them to " Come with us." Mr. Parrersox, junr., followed with a few wellâ€"timed | remarks, after which the mmmn\iï¬o audience dise plies were of a rather more varied charâ€" acter. There was again a large supply of no material alteration. â€" Vegetablesâ€"werse more abundant than they have ‘been for produce was limited in quantity, but the PFC NOR UE TSE T wm qm% pork, $8 to 8 50 par : 100 wnvsh (éian * Â¥BA 5 to mutton, 7 to 8s in Tors <an Shnd quarvers Tespectively; «00 per pite Duiry Peopvornâ€"Butter remains firm at a)opcrlbtornbudflopclb.pfl lï¬.mponh.l- $ 1x» Povurreyr.â€"Quotations for fish remain at last quotations. . Chickens 40 geese, 50 to 60s; : live: chickens, 80c per pair; partridges, 40 to 30c per pair. __.__. uu.:ta;:-nm, es 30e 40 uoolnlr“dum leeks, 106 per bunch; o..m..& ix.â€"Oats, 30 to 320 per <bushel; ore one other we never had to uh:-’ooh&.‘h_.‘..- _â€" SME OTTAWA MARKETS. Saruzmpay, Jan. 15.â€"The market toâ€"day Roots axp Vsezrisums.â€"Potatoes, 25 ints Fire ox Dauy Stmmut. â€" Yesterday morning about seven o‘clock a fire was discorered in the shop of Mr. Thonipson (late on Daly sktroet. The alarm was and the redls were soon on the spot, and an exsthine tion disclosed the fact that the fire was underneath the Aoor of the wood shop. uu:un:.u-umd Nmuwwmg much being done, m6t more than $200. The loss, it is understood, is not sovered by insurance.. These premises pear to be most unlucky in the matéer of Bres, as this is the fourth that has oc0urâ€" red in them within the past few years. AxoruEr Firsz.â€"At twentyâ€"minutes twelve last night the alarm was from!box 32 on the corner of Ridean Glousester streots, and there was an im« Mhhmdthndltothtr.b in rormad it in o m‘ s horges heads in that direction, and then The following is the of fire mgmmu&m‘-:â€" cm&no-mâ€"o.mm om&-mflbunc-d f box. 53, on the corner of Cathoart and Cumberiand streets, and the reels mm m heom e mtaer ce stree tiren out | 4 oomebeanths on ids of Je ten post huu_i but their gervices: were not reâ€" quired . cause of the alarm was a chimney on fire on O‘Connor street, owned by Mr. R. W. Cruige. No o hog shmt e se Rorcts "‘3oseph Fortin, brought up 0h remand fuuhh%‘ . ::'w‘ duty, was Sned -u,o:.:ns ‘ least it appeared to be there, though the D estiee ievubip omm POLILUE vwdKRT. Before M. O‘Gaka, P. M. ko Sarvmoay, Jan. 15. ‘ ) in of larceny mentioned in Sat: ‘Tar Pouds Sramiox.â€"At a late bour Mafl!bnflndh’“* were devoid of occupants, so that the Magistrate will have but little to do this drites wonp Poarh un prraed ohihe County‘s Chair, Mr. Oummings and Dr. Boate. {t is soarcaly pomible to preint January iimnmense redustion of prices is matle to oash. ‘purchasers in sllâ€"dings of > Mimin e parns, E""maa:t%’-"': s mstthen wl Disonpmacy Bors.â€"Last evening. Nichoâ€" lgtMu::M'h a number nolee Whs e 204006 01. mhol thad to the residents =of" the locality. street is gotting to be as bad on a.Sunday as Clarence street used to be. and the four Jameses of the Ottawa Olub, the various natidnal socicties of the city aberitenen on t the anee $ Sheictn: mul l:xâ€".â€"thl-‘&su winter goods. at J. . A. Pinard‘s,.. Bussex tion who livd 16 the suburban ~districts of tage K wï¬ i26) prasisntliy in the neighbouriooa t Bay and Gloucester_streets, Rideau and PmA Mesoaraiihh 4* memoeopook assistant tendence of the Fire Alarm A l rore opfuantt peniendnindoths chairman of .the Board, after whigh the Exx1xvit Ontron.â€"The attendance®w this popular place of worship last night subject which, it is neediess to say, was most eloquently handled ‘by the Rev. M+. common of besetting sins, and held the best way to get ofth-vn people found it a \difficult to find out which seldom misled. . A Christian might have a fow sins &mnm talked of by his or mentioned ï¬_a.mnby&“t,bw‘ not feel much put out about, but when his PP C s T o E II h concluded his able address onuh.w:mm against the opposite sins. | nkzm. .“(b.' Commissioners, whichwas read at the an~ nusl meeting of that Board O“': irenpiie n e ind es Iriich h 910 was derived from Hcenses, may :mtï¬.& lOu::‘?bm» ‘ $100, wb $1,000 ; 1-.J-hmâ€"-smw T2 shop lisenses at $75, $5,400 ; tothl eleven were for selling liquor late of Quebec. of the Sunday liquor layw was. the cause of was derived Trom ue ‘%un-mom ; gmdflo in thet year 51 tions, the fines and 00M sting 40 $14,910 $15,665, or Brook Taktxe.â€" #$781. Tas LaÂ¥e ~Arrawr>rteb © Moroueâ€"The Tus Lare Cusrixo Maron â€"â€"As a result A CATALOLUE or ®imegs. _ |_ PRICE J GENTS. ds c chach s the Vi ml m