The. "TIMES®" OFFIGE Neatly, Cheaply, and on the shortest gud. We hare a First Class_Cutter. Brd. Weemploy Pirst (lass Workmen. &rh. We guarantee a First Closs Fit. Sth. Wedono saorifice our goods or pretend Mercnant Tajlors and ;Gentiemen‘s Oulfitter® Sparks Streoet, Ottawa. RH@ Pure Irisk Frieczs albways in stock. present Government with having violated the law, trampled ‘upon their own princiâ€" ples,.and set cur system of parliamentary government at defiance, by refunding to the Great Western Railway some $87,000, locomptives, imported from the United States, deojared. free. in the tariff. . Mr. Mackensié in his reply, which we publish toâ€"day, disposes pretty satisfactorily of th« Doctor‘s charge.. But there is a history Let. Weikeep aFirst Class stock of Cloths and _ _ _ _ 1@ sell them at leas than they cost. oh. We for ...’....... w r price a good ai jr., of Barrie. Whils in North Renfrew the other day, sayimg a word on behalf of his friend Mr. privilége© withheld~from them which has been afforded to every other railway in Canade, without one solitary exception. ‘This history we propose to give, not only for the benefit of the electors of North Renfrew, to whom it will be ancther of Mr. Adam Brown,â€"of Hamilton, one of the Vice Pesidents of the Dominion that unless this refund had been made, a very great wrong would have been done to the Great Western Company, and a WO OLD ADVERTISEMENTS INSERTED W Tais Ameriean Invoicesâ€"J}.,Joh son. COt:awa Skating Rinkâ€"Bradbury & Munro. Plum biogâ€"W . Johnstod. Russell House yesterday. There will be a meeting of the Executive Committee to day, and the regular proceedings of the Board wil} commenee at ten o‘clock toâ€" mittee room of the House of Commons. treacherous nature of Dr. Tupper‘s memory, and of the complete unreliabilâ€" ity of his statements, but from its general intereat. On. the 21st of May, 1868, Mr. Brydges,â€" then manager of the Grand Trunk Reilway, wrote a letter to the Hon, Mr. (now Sir John) Rose, Fimancs Minister, enclosing copies of correspond, encewhich bad taken place between the olficers of the railway and the Collector of Customs at Montreal in reference to twentyâ€"fite engines which were then be ing imported for use by the company. :Mr. Groceries,. &0.â€"James Jackson. Buffa o Robe Loetâ€" Returs to This Offic® Gowan‘s Opera Houseâ€"Holman. noon. After the election of Auditors and the sppointment of s Committee to strike the Standing Committees, the Council will adjourn till evening. such arrangement having. been effecteds application was made to the Collector of Customs at. Montreal in regard to the mudonmfhoumolthon- Brydges, it appears, in his capacity as Manager of the Grand Trunok, had form erly urged upon the Government such an arrangament of their new tariff as would admit of locomotive engines being import ed free of duty, assisting, as they did, in providing very important, accom» gines which were declared by the! tariff not ‘subject to duty; The Collector‘s re ply was to the effect that, although parts of the angines came out separately, and some of these parte, under the tariff, were not subject ‘to duty, the levy must be made upon the whole of the engine, as The following list of visitors from Canâ€" ada have recorded their names in the Library of the Dominion Ageney, in Lonâ€" don, for the week ending January !, 1876:â€"Mr. E. B. S. Bobillard, Hamilâ€" ton ; Mr. W. D. Ardagh and Geo. Browne, comprising the new Board of Aldermen will be duly sworn into office toâ€"day at had been <purposéely sent‘ out in ‘parts, with the. infention of being put together Ake Hiimes. Print‘ng of all desortptions executed OQTTAWA, MONDAY, JAN. 17, 1876 T. W. Kenny & Sons, RAJOTTE‘S BLOCK, Hew Aduecrtisements, E K 0 Y A L. iawa, Nov. 3 1875 REMOVED o snn i~s / trnsst #4+° m PA NY ta~Cith <> WELLINGTON sTREET. and Instriments at Aa tionâ€"H. M CUSTOMS REFUNDS. its / justice and legality still PRINTER AND PUBLISHER A. M. BURGESS, SE OBSEAYE. thereto, arrived at the in Glasgow, and which No cordiag to his view, the exemption *f | Dose of electing directors is to be held in > g directors is to be held in \p.rh of locomotives, to which referenoo1§~.' Edinburgh on the (¢th of March had been made in the tariff, had no relaâ€" ‘ next. p k 3 n tion whatever to engines built abroad | _ The Kingston & Pembroke R. R. Co‘s. l complete in all respects and so imported: k::‘:;“.l m“&:n:: belif at Kingston | The only»deduction on the regular duty | _ (Oue thousand shares in the Quebec and which he dould see his way clear to allow, |Lake Superior MininÂ¥ uAuchI.;ion, bl:r- ‘ th t of â€" transportation and longing to the estate of Mre. J, Lemeusier, ;:c.hze: °i!“om::or, the Government of 8® 2‘3&‘ sold at auction in Montreal on s the inst.. that time, the friends and colleagues of | A‘Bpu“tion will be made mext session Dr. Tupper, took a different view otf the it-"; rd‘m.zi Au‘,uutux Lol%go. h;z,ntor ; matter, and Mfr. Tilley wroté a memoranâ€" | Warden King, founder ; »bert Mitchell, duth to Mr. Bouchette, dated the 26th | DFaséfounder;, Davit _ k)‘(dd“* Stoddard, day of the same month in which Mr: | menagen all of ’»‘a‘o'i.m.n,f'éï¬â€˜.’;’d?.""r.m tent Brydges‘ letter was addressed to Mr, Rose, ‘ to incorporate them and others under the of which the following, read by Mr. Macâ€" | nlme'?:o“_ P(hotlo-Elio:tno'T'elwh Con:' : : + suel ) pany introduce Leggo‘ s improvemen Eanmbd. 3:“:::"“’ is & SOD7 C *in teiegnphy: Montreal being the chief Rose brought accompanying pAPOCT3 | place of business ; capital stock $20,000, «(this qorrespondence between * Mr. | in 500 shares of $40 each. " Brydges and the Collector of Customs [ o s wie I erce it ie coue mrmmene #at Montreal) before the Countil. 01| onsraures or THE LATE MHR, PEAâ€" " Saturday last, and it . was de-“‘ cecu., h45 © cided that the parts of the locomotives | _ * declared free in tarif should be entered | m:“f‘wwf::e;‘ll .2: ::fl Aale & nl:;oe-'*iig P:r « free, the remainder to pay 15 per C@Dt: | yiqusly announced arraugements on Sat. " Please instruct the collector .owrd"urd‘y .fumqon ..; two o'e.look. .Ip?‘ be able to have the portions ol them, stated by the tariff to be exempt, im« ported duty free. The opinion of the Collector at Montreal upon this point was a very decided one to the contrary. Acâ€" It is evident Dr. Tupper must either ; have forgotten this circumstance, 0r, beâ€" | lieving that other people were ignorant of its accurrence, he chose to ignore it, when he rade his charges against the Governâ€" ment in North Renfrew. It is true, when he found that Mr. Mackenzie was prepared to meet him with facts upon the point, he ‘ endeavoured to got out of the difficulty â€" by coutending that the tariff covered the case of the Grand Trunk Railway, becauseâ€" the engines were imported in parts, alâ€" though complete before leaving Seotland, while the Great Western engines were run into Canada from the United States in working order. It is very clear, as a matâ€" ter of fact, that the law never contem: plated _ any _ such | nonsensical disâ€" tinction. â€" The collector of customs at Montreal, believing, as he did, thit the whole engine being manufacturedâ€" abroad, no part of it should be admitted free of duty, very properly insisted that no ex. emption should be made, even in the case of the Grand Trunk Railway. But the Government of that time took a difâ€" ferent view of the matter, and put an _ entirely opposite _ construction upon the law. They decided, as Mr. Tilley | states in _ his . note, that the parts of the locomotires declared free in the tariff should be entered free, notwithstanding that the entire engine was manufactured abroad and imported When an, Inspector or an Assistant Inspector of Artillery assists at a Board of Survey his duties. thereat may cease | when the inspection of tuoninnoe, arms, maunitions, and Warlike . Stores |specuuyapporhunn¢ thereto has been of Canad», and $8,056,312: goods of the product of Canada. ‘This latter sum was eomprised of the following ‘items :â€"Proâ€" duce â€" of :| . the ‘mine, : $271,309; ‘ fisheries, !7!2,301 ; . forest, . $8,978, | 086 ; and their produce, Ols.;::{- 531 ; agricultural products, $4,01 ; ; manutaetures, © .5&7": â€" miscellarienns articles, $34,343; ships sold to other ‘«countries, $34,000. j | ~ The total value of the imports of Canada , during the same period, $6,684,630, of Dr. Tupper did say, or that it vas in deâ€" fiance of the law, is to charge his own colleagues and political:friends, as well as the members of the present (Government, with a gross offence. This, we presume, he never intended to do, but. merely winted to make a little capital against his opponents, never suppOsâ€" ing for a moment that they were ready to refute the arguments which he had advanced in support of it. As we have already pointed out, this is in exact MILITIA GENERAL ORDERS. Military (College ~ Ezaminations.â€" Reâ€" ferring to the regulations . for the " preâ€" the Millary Coliege at, Kingeton, it is to 1 h at Ki is &.w that. although a madern language (French or German) is set down as an obligatory subject, this will not be insisted upon at, the examination to comâ€" mence on 8th February next, although proficiency in a modern language will give a higher educational r:ihon. | ,prxï¬onï¬f Warlike Stores. â€" With reference to No. 4 of General Orders (32), 4thD_oo?h.r, lgfl, it willnat:ruo‘p- sary, in future, for an or an Assistant Inspector of Amnd‘vm like Stores to assist as a member of the "Board of Survey at places where there are no Reserves or Wnrfiko Stores. â€" complete. It is true that the Great Western Company were not aware, at the time they brought their engines across the border, that the Government had come to any such concluaion ; but, having learned it afterwards, they very properly made application to be accordance |with the hon. gentleman‘s general mode of argument, and the people of North Renfrew are justified in accept® ing it as a fair sathple of the logic which i6 is considered necessary to apply to them in order to woo them over from their support ‘of the Government. (That they will be led by the nose in this way we do not for a moment believe. the Grand Trunk, which was with equal propriety agreed to. To say that there was any violation of principle in this, as i ::bbthd ivi &?.Md ,....,:l‘ 18 ) & eonwnï¬anls::o‘en the Governments of Great Britain and Tunis. The Canada Gazette of Saturday conâ€" tains the npt:ht-ent of Hon. Alexander Morris ‘to Commissioner â€" respecting cenflicting claims to lands ‘of occupants in completed. it e ene # Staff.â€"Lieutensnt Colonel De la Uherois T Irwiv, an, Assistant . Inspector of Aftilâ€" lay and Warlike Stores, is hereby proâ€" wed to be an Inspector.of. Artillery and arlike Stores for the Dominion, his duties until further orders to be oonbnod to the Pravince of Ontario. . â€" AMERICAN INVOLOES} The authorized discount on American Invoices until further notgb is 11 per The statement of circulation and specie shows ; Notes in circulation, $11,32, 465.26 ; specie held, $2,991,987 ; amount The valne of .:r)m from the Dominion: of Canada(exclusive of British Columbia), d ing the month of November, 1875, was $8,556,936, : Of this $101,400 was coin and bullion ; $339,224 goods not the product muin’:jo be held by law, $2,962,232.50. Excess of specie, $29,75§ 30, | POBT OFFICER saÂ¥iNGS Bank. t iainianatorage eral to credit of deposi in FPost Sayings Banks, on mm«m, 1875, $2,8069,352 68. | @LRCULATION AND $PECIE, CaSADA GAZETTE. EXPORTS 4 TRBATY WITH TUXIS ANB ‘ collected amounted to $836, | Exoess of exports over 872,306. ‘The Kingston & Pembroke R. R. Co‘s. .nnulmootingbnhohddn Kingston on the 9th of February. One thousand shares in the Quebec and Lake Superior Mining Association, beâ€" longing to the estate of Mre. J, Lemeusier, are to be sold at auction in Montreal on the 29th inst.. _ 1 The annual meeting of th dreuil & Montreal Railway gon of electing directors i ow Edinhurgh on the ( next. IM The funeral of the late James Hay Pea cock took place in accordance with g:o viously announced arraugements on Satâ€" urday afternoon at two o‘slock. Long previous to that hour, members of the Dorie Lodge of A. F. and A. M., to which the deceased belonged, as well as those of St. Andrew‘s Society, began to assemâ€" ble at their respective halls to pay the last tribute of respect to a brother and friend. : Owing to the deceased having made his funeral arrangements before death, and having expressed a desire that it shoula be strictly private, neither of the above institu‘ions made any,. public demonstration other than attsnding the funeral in a bod{lwith the usual badges of mourning‘ ‘The funeral sewice was sonducted in accordance with the Presâ€" byterian faith, in the hous» of the late Mr, Peacock by the Rev. D. M. Gordon, B D., Pastor of St. Audrew‘s Church, of which the deceased was an old and reâ€" spected member. At i*s conclusion, the mournful El:)(!elllo n started, the Mason‘s and members of st. Andrew‘s Society taking the lead on foot, nd}rvooo-dm%: far as the Protestant Hospital.‘ / the undertaker and clergyman, the physiâ€" cians, and the pallâ€"bearers. It was EII- lowed by a couple of close sleighs containâ€" ing the five sons of Mr. Pescock as chief mourners, and the longest arrray of vehicles we ever remember seeing at a funeral in"t.hil city. I:uh accordance foflo:ii:: a previous exgmnd ish, the Pnuomen, old citizens and intimate riends of the late Mr. Peasock, acted as gdl- bearers : _ Messrs. â€" A *orklnn, ohn Roberts, E. Griffin, C. W. Bangs,C. R. Cunningham, Andrew Drummond Jas. Lindsay and Andrew Mann, ; As the mournful cortege o,)u-od throuch Rideau street, all pluces of business were closed oubsof â€"respect to the memory of the decessed, who had for so long a time been & merchant in the city. At the Hospital theâ€" two societies on [{foot halted, and allowed the hearse to pass through their r:-msftor which the members took vehicles and drove to Beechwood Ceméeâ€" tery, where all that was mortal of the late James Hay Pescock was deposited in the : Mortuary Vault. o’{.‘:::of:rp ~turnout will be a source of t‘on to the bereavcd family, and will prove an incenâ€" tive to each and every one of them to so act their part in life as to command the respect and esteem of the community, as did their father before,them. Requicscat in pace Choral Union, both vocal and instrumenâ€" tal, should mind thl;t the oono:tb't is arranged to be given early next mon and that in order to give the conductor and committee a fair chance of making the concert the success which it is anticipated it will be, their puns::‘d attendance at eve tice is absolutely n % Having ombarked in â€" the undertaking aad become members of the Choral Union, they should remember that on their in divnduality rests the reputation of the conductor and success of the society. It is ‘ to be m:}:w that thnml&otwu brought ir notice, no will be shown in the matter, but that éach t wone the litk puil s pertinaoee of to crown t :0 the society with unequivocal success. The next practice takes place toâ€"morrow, Tuesday evening, when all members he Kennedy‘s, Scotch Vocalists, apâ€" po':r here for tlm nights, commencing on 31st inst. n the 24th inst. the McKinley Com:â€" , from the Royal Upera House, To open here for a short season. The its of this organizstion are said to 8 those of ordinary travelling comâ€" i ‘Their repertoire consists specially of representations of a burlesque characâ€" ter, and ‘includes m“ Mothu’ w:l‘. kno'nF extravagansas : * 4 or ort Thieves," and ® Cinderelia," botuo(whioi have been pronounced <by the press as &Mnoflm; otunmblo meorit. ï¬; cKinley ith him a corps de let of Wvlm* ues 1. ed Operatic Company,commences a season of omumAmudo,Now York, on the Tth prox. _ _ en Wemï¬tm street, has a varied mssort» ment of colours in | silks, satins, tarlatans, and grenadines, which he offers at exoeed» ingly low prices. | 4si11. __Theodore Thomas <is ‘giving a series of symphony concerts at Steinway Hall. His programme for the 22d inst. consists enâ€" tirely of the works of Beethoven,> The symphony > No. 9 in D minor, ?. 125, which is the greutest effurt of the uakz will be given with full effect. Mrs. H. Smith, who created such a favourable imâ€" pression on her visit to this city, jis the soprano on this occasion. | For tus Fixor Derss Biunâ€" will bear in mind that J W. Ry shqoulid be present. The Hogmn Oï¬en Comp.w open in Gowan‘s Opera House on Wednesday next, 19th inst, for a seasor of four n%u. In addition to the company which performed here at the opening of the Opera House last year, Mr. Vernon Sidney, teutor. has been engaged. In all ility a successful season awaits the ‘s, as Ottawa has been so deserted by 'L:vellim companies this winter, that no maiter in what shape an entertainment comes it is pretty sure of success. A Mrâ€" Carter, of Oid Trinity Church, New York, is giving a series ‘of thirty organ recitals. ‘His eleventh Wt:iphoo atithe above church on the 13th inst., and was attended by an overflowing audiencs, several persons having to ‘stand the per: formance out. His programme consisted chiefly of secutar classical works. | In London, Eng., <the ‘play of the Shaughraun has been the rlï¬:l the seaâ€" son, with the ‘author, Dion cicqult, in the title role. Its success ‘was so great, considering that the plot hézd l:m the forgiveness~of a Fenian £, the dramatist ‘undértook to bring the | fact under the notice of the Government, and petitioned for the: reloase of the Fenian prisoners. The London press, however, only ridiculed the idea, and thegoliï¬on was laid aside by the ministers. â€" By those who knew of Boucicault‘s desire after popularity, it was believed to be"but an other stroke in that‘ direction, in order to advertise his play and make money out of the sympathy created. like the Holman‘s is therefore ml;l’.y"oorm of commanding large Theé active members of the Ottawa and Miss Adelaide Phillips, with her talentâ€" MUSICAL AND DRAM iTIUC NoTES. NOTICES. 727 33. imports, $1, for the purâ€" to be held in th of March Ottawa, Vau TIMES, OTTAWA, MONDAY, JANUARY 17, 1876 foundation nine feet deep, and is taced with the best Tmo white brick. <The frontage on Metcalfe street is 60 feet, and on Wellington street 58 feet. It is three stories hlg. with a | Mangard roof.‘ The flate in the building are considerably highoo; than is oommon;?i bu;:xont beâ€" i eet from ‘Alodr ‘to ddiling, ?:: 15 feet 6 inches uocado. ltomghird do. 13, the Mansard having 10 feet of a clear, these dimensions glvi;s ‘« spacious» ness to the interior very seldom seen in buildings of this class. ‘The internal arâ€". rangements appear to have been plauned with a vie:. to h::&ovidifn; ovoryflreqtï¬n-. ment in the‘s! ‘of room ‘recessaty‘ to an esuhlilhmlz.of this kind. ‘In the basem@nt is a ‘spacious lauudry, with drying room ‘ attached, and h?' cellar, ‘The ground floor will be let for MopAperat that floor, the ) only occup ose above. dntbc first floor there will be two dinning rooms, coffee room, reading Mather pre the plans, and M Gd%d’; tp?.:x;kinl; the contr $17,000. If is built on a solid The new buildinf recently erected on the corner of Wellington and Metoalfe streets, by the members of the Rideau Club, is rapidly approaching completion, Club, is rapidly approaching completion, nndb’wilm rud{:'f:r ooourtlon by the opening of Parliament. It was comâ€" THE RIDEAU CLUB NEW BUILDING menced on the 17th of May last, Mr. Jas. Mather preparinig the plans, and Mr. Thos. room, carving room and ‘pantries, 'sllhru- well lighted and mï¬l"::d apartmen On the second floor is the ‘card ‘room, billiard room, smoking room, washroom, &o., and the mansard contains a number of bedrooms and the steward‘s .tmmnu, the whole being heated by a hot water apparatus, designed and placed in the & designed and placed in the mlm Blyth &im, but there builaing by Meéssrs Biyth & Aerr, out there wilhlnobl!e ogx Kn phou’ in every public room. ‘The roof is slated and the whole work ap to have been done in â€" tiï¬; mi:xt u&% manner. th’l;llo buildâ€" & t tion to d.rnx nummmdnmo‘ structures of whi Ottawa can bou‘:‘::d for ‘convenience it is doubtful wheo! it can be "surpassed ‘market ‘purposts‘ several shades shubblerl:hflltdnrï¬kl.*huwhï¬ld' whiuhhï¬uï¬phfltwnhn-luhe:g this city, was‘cormmenced in May last Yyear‘ and ‘it §#‘ expected that it will be opened for business ‘about the 1st of April next. (It is built with a solid stone foundation of gréeat lmm'md above the ground ‘the outside‘walls are of white briek, of which 100,000 ‘have been used in its construction. The ‘interior is lined with red brick, ‘and ‘of ‘this material 306,000 have been utilzed.. The front proper is on Selly street,and is 190 feet by any of its Kind in"the Dominion THE WELLINGTON WARD MARBKE .. The new Wellington Ward Market Buildâ€" ing, on the ‘corner ‘of‘ Sparks, Sally and Queen ‘street#, is all but completed, and it forms a handsorme ‘orkament to the loâ€" cality, the old wobdew‘ structure, ~which up to the present time ‘has been used for hng:‘he widtlh ‘of «th6 gentre aisio being 64 The height from the floor to the: ceiling is 48 feet,and to the top of the tower ;l;igl;â€m and .&:Illï¬olm» t3 the shape is:almost i y and tho:rohiuotumi-nthc m as to ~style. < Thirtyâ€"four handsomelyi carved wooden pillars nr! the clear story walls which form :centre roof, The accommodation provided for traders .. ve received of their| Fall . Importations, 48 BALES CARPETS and OURTAINS, : Mmbracing althé‘noveltied, out for the : season to which they confidently FRIDAY EVENING, the t/th and every ."“t same whu&%. Tais is (eieie devagm ane sod whe werldy n.B.â€"_on BatURDIY EVENING at 7:30, YFlelitn of Eunmalurs, M h00 wgaiy Sugirs, tanied: obo.. db well as Several hair oo eh:u"!.,untu, , as well as oo:l :gu‘\luz.monuver fine cral oo’;k WRL wil ‘U by suction M"flb r0o i % "J. BERMINGH a w, | + Auctloneer. Ottawa, Dee. 16, 1 75 403110 _ MBivaur io ‘ w idigse â€" zEADY ‘MÂ¥aD4CCLITHILNG Estab Toâ€"day,‘at 2 o‘clock a14 7 oclock, ROWE & ERBRA!" 6111!17 CaARPET HovsE, brought to this city. comprises some excél.ent Waler "piichore. lnivors urne," baigo / Hays, ivive Aemle® Un mies rooes anfon, Soldery U H‘Noolvon,“%iny dlom sUver blen | rings,. siiver :cups, m.; 0i4 T d% spoons ‘â€"'flnu(;' ;!‘l'lq. seveâ€" il dow -im:m Flotontine Mmarbie vases, is ample for the requirements of the neighbourhood for some time to come, and consists of sixteen stalls, four sh >ps, and ‘three fish stalls in the rear, they being placed sufficiently far awity from other merchandise to prevent the â€"latter wall 4 -viâ€"- v-â€"l ~-7--râ€"-l WFontine Marbie vases: &ï¬#mnh i ete. A‘"i‘.'«p n‘?m.,é P ces ianiint t : ~_E?:."‘_"!!_‘!‘_“_."°!_“';.'.19_'"EF!'~!_:‘J_‘E',!L,o ‘ I ï¬ I Ib l.h .'m + ‘. "â€"‘ the fish. flomo’oon:idonhh pumm formin:ltbho}dfh&;!i.:d ";h. portâ€" e gothic rils or archesâ€" su; ing the roof, and between Ghopilhrll), are really tasteful in design, andâ€"exceliently :h::onbd. There m-?tlm:.d-.uto streetzâ€"and two separate ones for the fish stalls.© The ~basement is «ocoupied: as a cellar,: which. runs the entire length nn;f bl;msd&h ft;f' the . building, ‘r wi used storageâ€" those,who rentstalls. At present, Eoniu!, it, presents more the appearance of a skating rink than anything elso as the water which necessarily got in during time the building wuinommd ereo â€" tion has fr solid. : The is abd the cormiden are on qairaisnd qign, Athe ridges and cresting are of ornamental fron work w icli nsm ts a 1086 pleasing _ll'*l:mm of appearance to the structure. . flooril:’wood, is very solidly laid, nxnrddm-lonl Ikl.fl.ln‘:flh!lln..'l . Alexander Sparks is the con " the total cost 0‘ construction being :l?,-‘ 975, a sum, judging from the work ® which appears to be a remarkably rea« sonrble one. Upper.. Town has now got what , it has been nohnt.for some rm.z:ct,nd it remains to be seen wheâ€" a‘r residents thereof ;.u patronize, new market suffh recompense those who nuohlmp or > ELECT ROâ€"PLATED WARE, ITALIAN MARBLE GOODS, FANCY GuOoD$ GoLD AND SILYER WAT 0HRS, CBROMOS, ETC., ETC., Whi he by . Public dmtm_"gt h.l'lum,mun, Im SHOOLBRED=: & CO been bestowed upon making ‘the interior E XTENSIVE AUCOTION SALE CHRISTMAS & NEW YeAR‘S G000S. 1 G"‘.‘A‘.' CLEimING: â€" FRADE»SALE. Every Evening, at. 7:80, UNTIL ALL IS SOLD. ; ‘| Invité Inspection. â€". The subseriber is in reovipt of a coasignment $3,000 WORTH | aUCTIQONEESs ber se REAT CLEARING By Howe & Eirratt, Special Value in Lace Curtains. le without reserve comment on UAF BV ENING: the Lith task, and cvery Anclion Sales. magotficent ‘Flotentine marb "'fo'nua" es, d Feobivers,. Ol6. A large: variety» of Remernber thejiaie ing the contract for tion being $17,â€" | Jrton sars. :t.:: worfdou;.. That: woll" frok Fhiigg: dqpendioerg ooo gpripo o. own h‘::‘"‘“ ï¬d“"l‘l‘“m utoLon.uw& ) 01‘1:.6.‘&; pof will patronize, %‘%‘%" tly to recompense a '{!Hé |__Flour & Feed. | «â€"CORNER OFâ€" RIDEAU AND CUMBER F;ouTATn_mn\'" sToRE. Flour& Farm Produce. ALEX. TAYLOR, . Buceessor to D. MeLarnon, A sol . hand "2D . tb RegppINF. aih So mils w in kifds of F iprice w ““lll’ï¬. U+ &+ e M2OMA 14 Mb NOR BLE VE * mss fouin o iy.a, ts terest Alliowed on Devosits, â€"| _ T ides‘ Department. OoF THE ‘ Bhâ€"reh~‘ders of the Ottawa Agricaltural Iosurâ€" Gnee Lomnany will be held at the ottice of the nn;.ny, in the City of Ottawa, on TUASDAY, the Eighteenth day of January Inst.| »t Twelve o‘ci moon, for the putpose ddau?:mmq vh.h.ol::'r the f :.;“;':M ""::"'«"3"" iinst: the Ius. Ivest '-‘.E-; 013'1;1 E‘d 'a.:lmb N-l T ï¬:‘&b’ § \m;o.' 3‘. the Vityâ€" of 'mn Ottawa, this Pth day of December, 3 FRANCIS OLEMOW, Of the said Company shall be INCRE to an Amouut u0t exceed‘ng in vhe wholo l‘" oTTAWA Agricultural Insurance Companye CAPITAL STOS!K. Of the said Company shall be INCREASE > &wov*&;dp}'iu'i& incorporating the said as Ottawa . ‘.Dï¬z , this Tth day of . January, By ‘Onter," ( ic ‘° !~" I, the u: , FRANOIS OLEMOW offeiat‘ u.w'g’m County of Carietod and Izol wa, havs hu::mm Assigâ€" nee ia uï¬wau-l Oredi are requested un n ree mooop en m d in t wcmol 0 a-.,on'num day of J aNâ€" of Upmiposthion and _ Disstmatge deposted Wwita -gm rerms of. which are the payment of Rapidiy selling at â€" In the matter of JAMES ALFRED GOUIN of QUawa, tHotel Keeper, , DLA ENVE ICS O 500 :Wellington Street, SOcts per Mlqna CROCKERY AND GLASSWARE me, the ierms of which are the payment of is No oo Son oi oao e S aaraent of COAL ~OIL, Pmmuu . .. Tho underslened is prepered to soll his: TIM~ onE HUNDRED AND T WENT Yâ€"FOUR BQUARKE MILES, [ _OOMPA®Y of montreal. o .. ©.. .. _( OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATIIN COMPNY, RICHELIEU NAVIGATIONâ€"COMPANY. â€" _ %Â¥@,Coal and Wood for sele. â€" . ; Suy wULUAL _ AOOLDLENT ‘INSURA&NO® . |_ General Agent . Citizens lnsuranco-Co'y; CAPITAL, ~. â€" . |©$2,000,000, Myrtle Navy Tobacco, Invifagrs d ) o 3000003 €300 T Ottawa, Nov. 17, 1475 BANK OF OTTAWA. ts, a six ad hay .loft ; & 7 closed in with snea. e artriog shod sok T. Eï¬"m .banhzth 0 MEETINGS, UING HALL or G ARY. The preâ€" and unvto‘a frontege to the Richmond ‘Road, of 10# leot by .de'zd 146; feet: 40 Anches, The ctn. DESJARDIN®S, wohmt by a de pit of 146; ; 40 Amal w i1 on reagonable jerm 5 ;?E’.‘.,i??ma...."ï¬&w Agent for the following first olitks ‘Obni‘paniés EQUITABLE LIFE ASYURN®NoR"WooErc u“ï¬i&;’m'ltï¬ Btates, "“M"“; CesiaLoFipg NsU savg of Loudon, Eqgla«d, . C# $ poyINION PLATK GLASS ; D N \ 86 Rassalit WMMS& f rigg, . LE & MAgIE . ASvaice etaamioo‘r 1J e AyBOeNHBAAL _ Diamond Yeast Cakas ‘.l'Alg Notige That a Spocial General Mesting ; NOKERS ! Ottawa,. Jan. 23 Ot‘awa, Jan 8. 1875, bufotactedl 1 it is made of the Finest Virginia Leat ___ _ un each Plug, Each Ping Weighs j of a Pound. Ottawa, Jan. 8, 1876. NSOLYENT ACT OF 1875. That® woll : froquented Hotel, Cave ;Credk, ,w.i'.-.-dmd- l¢ and hay Joft ; a yard 11%75. RIVER»»DESMOINE, Â¥F YoU WAXT GOO0D BEBEAD Branch now :Open, One Million of Dollars; Bank Rotitea T. SUTroN, pst Allowed on Deposite, . | ___ _ Thrée Reasons for Using the (NRAR PooLEY‘S BRIDGE.) Temporary Ofilces UNLESS STAMPED =â€"DEALERS IXâ€" &t.Jess than . W at both Shops, @TTAWA. PE EtPy PoDoWT TILY vamaih Miniott awera for gï¬:&o ‘MEETINGS, m dn tane oo uns ts J AB. BLAUKBURN, AT PATRIOK RoRERTHoRm, JOBEPH SMITH, se y NY PAPER RULEE, AND ~ _ Account Book Manufacturer, Cfln‘ CENTRBAL | datev of | Passay s fromk : Quebes® :« rgae waksork conkihnonnes: For m > o s s ,[® L’sr.-.w_-yn. We ie o Cls BB PMR p. Brockyhile: â€" . _â€" â€" â€" &u6 p.m, 825 pm. #@~10.50 a.m. T ain from Ottaws makes mm&l« mouumnx'ln‘n-‘ &mwwnmm Utica & Black ::‘vu Iway ew York, Aibany, Utica. " ii#"1.05 p.m. Train from Brockville makes 50, 000 CUBIC FEET ‘ofâ€"sOuARt PnE TWO mm TRALNS DALLY. | _ LRAVE Broskville G. T. Junction â€" 9.35 a.m. 4.05 p.m. Ottawa, Nov. 25, 1875. BOOKBINDE R, Z204.05 p. Train from Brockvilie makes close ~with Grand Trunk ixptess rain hom ins i:_w'_-sgua the Utrlce and aud from Pembroke. . . . _ â€" _ _ _ . . _ 'rrun.i.m- lmhzfl-‘nm. o l .0 10â€" _ Manag:ng Director t OF M 4 xnhuh-‘«uum'm:m‘ Black River Reailway from::New York, Aibany, OTTAWA RAILWAY,; ALTERATION . OF,; . RUNNING . TIMZ. On and after FRIDAY, ©10th ‘December, 1476 Trains Wili cun &*.. olloweaâ€" < ; T“‘"’ LAWRENCE Otnnm:mgn%nh the Grand Trunk . _ roure, _Tbe to all poinis East, West and South. Royal ‘Mail Steamships: Liver pool, LondondetTy and Glazsgow; . Th No. Brockvillé & Ottawa ' Raa'lzays. or â€" Ottawa via Brockville: Brockville, Des, 8, @7A _ ___ _ â€"=â€" 4018 Dec. 8. 1875. NCns PO0e .: _0 . ... jiatien 71 â€">~.~4 ons |Junstion Rookbinders. 145 P.9. nevalto beve brrnae ne ue n ns e n en o8 i+ joe RedIMLC: thiy 6. .. 00cb remaviers â€" "| > Wiraanhtnmnr oo anirenttiharannt : us but made at Rerfrow with stages to GoING NuRTH "CECBON â€" T.0 &.M, £.15 .DD «__»_ +105 aim 4.45 pm « â€"». ~» 93 em. 840. pam all points South ... rand Trur k Expres from the East and with the ‘Rome /4 Waterto #»a Railw‘y Managiug "rector, Ot REZT, OTTAWA saes« anes:20040 9 *& Â¥ offiing tieo "v. a. ‘EVENING DRESS. WELLINGTON: STREET, esn A=~First Class Family and Commercial, . Hotel _ IS NOW OPEN. PARIS AND BERLIN MODELS, . J All of which are now offered at less than half first cost. ‘To those who have not yé.seen } | AGENTS FOR * { CA 4. i W. BELL & Co.‘s PRIZE MEDAL: ORGANS |~ aAnvdhean@rrEs, Theâ€" Royal: Exchange Hotel, b w * * T natit wiil be a long uige bence belore such vaine in Rob S in olered agath * to s Bog So announce that they will make a bâ€"na Ade clesring palé Of all theireipek CLUFF & MILL, GENERA:. AGENTS. j B8PECIAL NOTICK. 5 {shereby given to our niunmoulvulzs m‘ u &.4 to & m ce in â€" thpy have OPERNED "k nder the mibiicome newlyâ€"appointed. «General Agents for the QtawaiBmuch ! °\ â€" â€" * For Cash ‘onlyv SMITH &â€"STEWAR . ROBERTSTEWART Begs to call attention to the Reduction in the Prices,of the following Blankets Cleared at Cost. | Black Lustres, the best.value ever offe: â€" _ 1875â€"PROVINCIAL â€"EXHIBITIONâ€"187. Jackets at Manufacturers! Priges, . .. i All Fancy Dress=Goods at Cost. _ __â€" â€" L_llul!u-#g Okewa, Nov. 1, 1876. Agricultural Insuranceâ€"Co‘y. HEAD . OFFICE,. MOMNIREAL: ~A A@aill Goods in the Show Room .MUST BEK38 )1LD previous to the Renioval of Ataire, C P Sorice NesuTanICE. 4 l The . Ottawa Agricultural lnwm~£ Incorporatéd"1874. â€" ~ Capital, $1,000,000. FIRST â€" FIFTEEN,. DAYS OF JANUARY, |" Deposited with‘ Government for the Protertion <of coniedesaced Call adranras Danetian Agent. besuaken an extre pine Abr .M Yoolop HBRIDâ€"OFFICE:â€"Victorin Chambers, Wellington Street,}Oitawa. v. ces o P YA cEL , poomince of :u;fl% i&"This Company covers Loss by Lightning, â€" â€" Hallett, Davis & Co.‘s, H. Hardman‘s 66 & 68 SPARKS STREET. Ottaws, Jan, I4, 1876. Alex. Russell Ottawa, Dec. 80,â€"1875. Insures against Loss or Damage byiFire and Lightni If Horses or Cattie are Killied on thelOwner‘sâ€"Grounds.â€"> ‘*m Agents wanted ‘for territory notyet taken up. Apply for partionJars ai the l'-‘..u any of the Branches. o ___ ATATIONERS, â€" | Sparks Street, opposite the Russell House, Show : Room,. at. Cost: for Carpots,~ Mantles,, Millinery . an EXTENSIVE â€" ALTERATION®S ; Having nearly completed the NE Wâ€"ABDUITION to present premises, _ _ D. S. MKINNON®@& €CO4 C 78, Sparks Street, €o d l onl s 1 9 e OTTaAWA, _ Farmers will find it to their"ad gantage to Insure ash oplv. & con:jst of Ftationery Cabinets«, Work Boxes, W nte‘ Oon;.ms m‘c‘i' Oomr-k-nv 'g,nlonu. ausic P Tr o-Ml,AAbunkhxnw 1d Oâ€"#ex Ivo‘y 48 dets, Berep * Retregee £eacic, rerr t so, Ioaigh, Brovk m s rere a . Remenber ihis is a real Clcuri g raile, al g od> being reâ€"marked al .â€"~~ W,~M.;SOMERVILLE, , { MARBLE & GRANITE WORKS, <~ CLEARING SALE:â€"OF FANCY GOODS 1 va, Jan. 14, 1 74. COL .. A..0..DL HABWOQOD,â€"â€"...« SDWARD A. GOFF, Premtdbnt. WILLIAM Amgus, _ **** JAMES A. surfé® 67 Yonge Street, Toronto, i. 5& Hsq,. Agent, 15 rimc mm:f"â€'. % m %ï¬:ï¬un BLACK AND COLOURED SILKS, C. D, PEASE & 008 PIANO PORTES, ""4 â€" Montaly on Querterty Parme io ._Sprcial asyentte 1 peid 4o Orlers op Mb FORâ€"ONE MONTH, CHAS.: BRY IN:\THE " OTTAWA." Ray*186‘ & 188 "RIDEAU STREET: mA AMarble Chorks. EVENINC DRESS, MO NU ‘um““* gh Holy Th Areg u1‘ + Syl 4) 1. â€"~ wl CANADA guLL ALLâ€"GOODE «K\ WERE TAKES BÂ¥ WILL FOR THE & Lmdrmere, i; NeY rrvsamoe 1" W Qoward, Mao . , £&. BLACKBURN, ESQ, MX. P. k se ~~ >‘ a ROBERT STEWAERBT,, . U REREEAS bHabiive TRAPS , Agont. GEORGE ACRES, & Co., # we make i ! * Birnie! I lo never get rid of never have left it, adv108," he ssid, a o4 ditint thoige sneer the orders that time the triciti ner at Mr. Ma to the charge. mï¬nq 0 desite 10 returs to a fatality, he saw t s it bhas ai up and downs, re Lavd Laiporne? m stock, he talked m nged to quit. tht h‘noow ,:'mi?'l- mt: he grow us took no pains to Contraction of the In Rhoumatic or . yoe n five years, As a all cases of â€" uhmg cure any case of . foe the tr:umph of him from Milany 1 brave it out ; . but With ginpets, bones A Lars pumber 25 cents. Night a interview w bus it it