: Company. 000.000.00. e Coy. <ESS, rcial Hot=!. ORRKS, )Nâ€"1875. ART sPKks 3SGreet s Grounds. man‘s i NUARY, PROPRLETOR. ACRES, KE W4 t a i ORGANS lotel, Pancy 1) uers Y1NG TRAPS 1t A W A, «t uhe Head W M 1g. where NT iniop he habit, the nam a mind, and a lage tG INAD W fr U that brows, and w#ked awmay . * This dear Paris!" sa his eye carelossly aud un lowed the dark form ret the arches ;â€"" this dear . make the most of it while only been here a few w low Heir. â€" There w natural persona don‘t look " You think so, really? Still I don‘t know : the doctors say that | must either go to the German waters â€"the season is begunâ€"or â€"atâ€"" week " lave less w ons, my dear what is life wi ot his homh:f;l(mhu] passenger ting at ton checked the fior to his lips; and gazir form that hurried on Elysees, his eye ca: the bridge, aud a vo angel, whispered aga FAlTH, RNERGY !" the favorite a The expression of i grew calm at once, and . his rambles it was with a ing off the burdens of serenely and steadily on hardships of the future. that a scruple of conscie reluse the importunities of Gawlrey iOr less sordid raiment; the same feeling made it bis custon tGavoid sharing the luxurious and uainty food with .Whl_cil Gawtrey was wont to regale himself. For that strauge man, whose wonderful felicity of temperament and constitution renderâ€" ed him, in all circumstances, keenly Alive to the hearty and animal enjoyments Oof lhife, would still emerge, as the day der clined, from their ‘ wrétched apartment, and, trusiing to his disguises, in which indeed he possessed a masterly art repair, to; one of the better descripâ€" )n the " Women "Wine !" l none Of it And Arthu: Why h Clay | 0 Wealth 1 must go. . ooh,!â€"your health is t look like the same man. ou think a0, really? S serve a youn e withqu l dnlu ZaZNZ & APTER Vil i stern and masculing, have borrowed for his unade my lu What said BeauIo i QOFNIinNng. but as you say UL it tay it ette W 1 to ; through [ must 1 T â€"have and hext acy of cheek, A 1 W i V h n welâ€" don‘t with= 1118, U he Ns Of D4 | JOHN SMITIH & Co., Contro Town Livery Stables. Worcestershire Sauce Diavmsa thi x p :’he Boctat Births, Marriages and Deaths. would not have The oiicers administering NO * different Divisions. have been instUe strictly enf ce its requireraents, and to eure all parsous who fail to comply proViiioas, eom Whon. 7 wenty n.‘i?uu-uoneml’s Office, m“n' 1, 1876, taUTIO N. CLOTHING HOU sH, E YoU WANT GOOD BHEAD tAN3OQT to th BéHUADCLO ORDE LEA & P!RRINS ALFRED nuoBERT LEE OQ a # 20 Doliars® and Costs. administering the Act in WhA ions . have nri-‘oen insuructed| to its requireraents, and to r'. s who fail to comply with ts #. C. WhOD, _ 0| mis and feast away his oment. _ William Gawtrey cared throe straws for the 18 DERSO LID lis SPARKS ST REEI vhich kept him from etimes) all, the night 110 cold waterâ€"drink wh as a groom would estow on a horseâ€" ze for hall an hour, t, and collected, as if g to the precepts of ARTMENT. W in he had} been ellect of thp man and dulled; and at Morton | could _ Yet so great alth, that, after enough to have f fox hunters, netimes in up UE I strarâ€"General riages xC Pl , ETC y larg ,a1CA4 64 M word rab‘y any ) th 1 by juite Fod rad« . at ter, ed MONEY IRDELS On Money Order Oifi inroughout the Dc= minion, and New! , Great Britain India and Unite ! Statgs, PusT OFRiCi SAVINGS BANEK, Deposits will be received at this office. Inters allowed at the rate of Four per Cent, per ancug and isposits canbe withdrawn at any time, IExckRPrIONAL PostagE.â€"Postage to Hull, New bidinourgo, Rochesterville, acd Mourt Sberwood, 1 ceqi t> bhalf ounce, g(,lt-p‘ldf Fgg‘umce hours from s @.oa. to 7 p.ni ce Money Ordss ans savings sank busines. frowm 9 a.uu. 1O 4 p.in. * uk _____ STREET LETTER BOXES. (lollections wili be made from the Street Lette Boxes at 9 a. m , 12 o on, and 8 p.m. FRTE DELLVERY. Letters, etc., wil\ be deliverei by Letter Cai riers at 8a.m, 10 a.m., and 5 Fm. â€" POSTAG is. dl‘%t)n!’s u. t Are no 10 r sold at U ce, may ;-ur;;;us?ie from any $( the licensed staw vendors throughout clty. Getze‘s School for Parlour 0rgan! Via New York, close every Monday 8.00 ï¬f" P5r Canadian Line, cloge every f‘rid «y at 12.0 e e en e en on en o P n e o i1 purities, cannot be too high!y recommended PI:)r Sercfula Scurvy Sk lg D{uuu aad sore« of wll kinds it is a neverâ€"falling and per«anent A larze, elegant collection of Cbolce Fongs, with Piano or itee! Orgau nooom‘pwnlmom. +832 nige«s, Hheet Music size. $24) in Hoards ; $3 0) in Cloth, | All books maailed, postâ€"free for reail price. 1 _ Oliver Ditson & Co,, Boston. C. H. Ditson & Co., | J. E. Ditson wo... 711 BRoADWAY, Suco‘rs to Lee & Waiker WORLO FAMED 8L000 _ MIXTURE The oresy Hleod Purtier and Rutorsr . It is a‘rea‘y in the hands of 8‘)}0(1) learners a i players on Reed Urgans, a2d_doserves this +nd grealer.suecess . Contains 176 graded lesâ€" ous, i.cludirg ncarly 50 agreeable pleces, & ioze 2 3 »ug«, and 2 short Voluntaries, $2.50. Paper, 750 New. i0; Shining 'iuge'r. whe next book for your Sabbath Scuâ€"cl. 3i¢. Gems of English Song â€" _ Qures glandular lWe.lI‘?f-A Cures the blood from all im mattes From whatever gause arising. As this mixture is pl t to the un% any warranted free from anything injurious thâ€" most delicate constitution of either sex, Â¥he gt‘) prictor solicits sufferers to give it a triakto tes Thousands of testimonials trom all parts, Eold in bottles, 2s 3d esen, and in cases ccre« tlaining six imes the quautity, 11s .cachâ€"sufti« cle: t to effect a parmaubnt cure in the great n u};omy ot long=st= cases, by all chemists and patent medicine vendors throughout the Sole Proprietor, F. J. CLA] Chemis Mtouay t coge ons Burgoynes Burbri{ige & a Oolominqg Londot Newbery & Sons vewga‘eâ€"st, London. Barclay & Sons, 95 Farr onâ€"st., London, Sapger & Sons, 0: Mimmdon. slsn ana agrathe one 3 A w2z Montrealâ€"Evans, ll"(:lfgor & Co., Wanoles:iic Druggist«. | Torontoâ€"fibiot & Uo., W hioiesale Druggiste oron| ho 0. e o sh‘:'pv.er & 0" n. Hamiltonâ€"Winer & Co, Halifasâ€"Avery, Brown/& Co, GOVEBNIEN'I' npvsn. oTTAWA. FRIDAY, 8th day of October, 1875. . PRESENT : HIS EXCELLENOY T4E ADMINISTRA« TOR OF THE GOVERNMENT IN COUNCIL (n the reeommendation of the Honourable the Minister of Cush:g:. and under the provi« sions of the 8th and 54th scetions of the Act passed in the Session of the Parliament of Oan« e ar ie o o gu, chapter n a pectin« Cllllomll" His Excellency, a and with the advice of the Quesn‘s Privy for Cana ‘a, has been&loiued to order, and 1t i bereby ordered, that the Out Po‘t W wore (now known as Kincardine), to the Port of Gxierich, in the Province of On‘:; rio, be and it is hereby censtituted a Port J dutry aud a Wareh W taike effect trom the First day of , 1876, wW. A. HIMSWORTH, __, ts value W, A. HLMS WOUTRLA PWrMG® â€"::= 0. : i.) 200 P Cierk, Privy Counoil. "‘{}"" Ortaws, Oot. u1. urs, _2 °*‘ 7""_ MHet _ ' «baai mc noant lonk hiek ies sâ€"â€"â€"~ft~ . Eugene Rmmei, Perfuamer to 877 A WEEL to Agents, old and YOUDE | princess of W 9583 "mnn.‘.:-‘sm nmeaumï¬mwwg- msm%u des Itaâ€" Terms and OUTFIT FR Address P. 0. ua‘hnh 16 RBoad, VICKERY & CO,, Augusta, Me 8038 by all Porfumery Vendogs. $ c _ G. i. HAMKEI, Postmaster Po t Offlce Dec. 10, 173. Centenmial Coll. for Oli Folks Concerts, Bellak‘s Analytical Method Cleansing ‘and c‘learing the blood from al HIGH SCHOOL CHOIR. $1.00. For High Schools, Academies, Seminaries As the very first instruction book [for the st 3 months on th» Pisno] notbing could be <ter. Very omy plece , micely fiugered and @ ed. Djes away, mostly, with he d.rIl; ms and drudgery of the Arst quarter, Aug. 20, 187 n‘tor posted up to 9.3)p.m., will be O« ried East and West in supplementary pace s the same night. TCCESSFUL MUSIC BOOKS i~plementary bag for Canadian steamer: i1: be closed at 1.2>) p; m . in waich ouly un gistered meatter can be sent __ _ DosT OFFICE OTTAwa, | 0000 _ Arrival and Departure of Mails. LARKE‘S New York It cures old lox'gga | Cures ulcerated sores on the neck, Uures ulcerted sore legs, Cures blackoeads, or pimples on the Uurgs Scurvy sores, WINTERâ€" BRA NGEMENT _ 1875 &ada44kadq a ‘aflnï¬;igd C RG§GERese 8 FOR PLANOFORTE BRINSH MAILS re olosed by Monuremi Ume | rihar Otiswra time. 7 {1 Philadeiphia THE TIMES, OTTAwWA, THURSDAY. JANUARY 20, 1876. wh t 23 i AA Cutting and Edmg Only one belt required for the two operations. This is the best shingie machine for biock sawing ever introduced iuto Canada. #COTT, CAYLEY 4 OAYLEY, $906â€"1m 70 Spurcs Stract Ottewk. p,rhaUnsad, junk. SIGN WRITEi HuUSHB DECORAâ€" TOR, PAINTER, PA PER + HANGER, &o ts enorioet n9L0%, 200 to a warkia :m%: CALDWELL & CO.. â€" â€" Managerg. CHAMPION SHINGLE MACHINE! _ THOS. BIRKETT‘S, No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel} House Opposite the Post OMcs, Eizin Stree Maro® 26, 1874 SELFâ€"FEEDING & SELFSETTING A assortme W PAPERS, BO%I‘.‘&‘Q,“ :o.. just rm.:.lng.gl' fn% no:‘on view _____ AN AGBNOY IN OTTPAWA, l‘wt:.ompplyd Rruit s and Ornamenta These Trees being raised in Lower Canada are preferable to those from American Nurse» Mills‘ Supply Agency TREES, SHRUBS, &c Av Dapuis, Esq Proprietor of well n:uwn Nurn:rmn ~ Roch g:ll Auinets, Province of Quebec, has e« ries, b maongluowmmud. and better mpm-m wiuters of this district, ) Camw and prices m 3. h.donnm:grn- tion he un now +m celve orders for & apring of M':.“‘uuu wanting Trees nmuE lose no time in ordering J,. K. LEMLEUX, _: 9"!'. B+.. bet. King ani Notsnu At«. Now. 6 h 175. Is the most beautiftul work of the kind in th world. 1t contains aearly 150 mï¬% hundred of fine jllustrations, and Foir Chromo Plate of Flowers -T"bom"_d{ig; drawn and coloure from nature. Price cents, in paper cover 63 cents bound in elegant cloth. ______ 40##t(. PEPBINEâ€"The popular an i professional mediâ€" ci’lne for adlge:]:hu |‘l h;clu:‘oa"n ‘EPSINE, the act‘va principle e gastric 6!!00. Bold u'f Po«der, Loz enges, Gichules ; a d as Wine in } ‘) and one pict bottles. & CHLORODY N E& is of such celebrity it can scarcely be consi lered a 8| Ity to composition baln? known to practiâ€" tioners. Many of tre Chiorodyne * betng unequa: in strength, MoRSON M & BoN have pâ€"< prred this. Zold in } oz., 14 0z , and i oz. boities GELATINEâ€"The purest propuration is Morâ€" Are sold by Cheraists and Drug throughout the world. yey THOMAS .MORSON & SON, yiks Carefully packe i and shipped. Orders made payable llg «ngland pee | . ommeNs bevenier Water, | distilled from mfl%fl% ednbnudlwln "kmasets Reunst of Ltime Sulee and Giyseâ€" c aF ns B ues 9y noon perfamed wito :W\% Honey, Costume and Filoral Crackers, very‘ anusing for Balls and Morson‘s Effoctual Romedies Medallists and Jurcrs at all tne Great Exhi & b‘tions. Worksâ€"HoRXSEY AND HoMERTON, PURE CHEMICALS AN o NEW MEDIC es & Fuxnu K sl NO. 61 RIDEAU 8TREET Cut Nails, all sizes, are _______ And all other goods (n proportion, Also Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty, etc,, eto P.8.â€"Agent for American Blasting Powdor. A call is respectfually soiicited, THO8. BIRKETT, No, 6 Kideau <treet nAu goods delivered fee to any part of the Cl uyuawa. Dec. 23, 1876. 402771 . Great Reduction in the price of Hardwart HOTEL COOKING RANGES ! HOTEL CARVING TABLES ! ! HOTEL PASTRY OVENS!!! HOTEL 13111 BEDSTEADS ! _ HOTEL LAUNDRY STOVES ! 1 HOTEL HOT AIR FURNACES!!! Saws, Bolting, Files, Packing, Files reâ€" es pugea‘t mranimg Goverpers aud * Gudmunt' Valves, Steam Pumps, â€"__â€" Rus‘s Little Giant Injectorg _ _ _ Also, Agency of the GLOBE wAB LIGHT * COMPANY, &c. BIDEAU STREET, $ CORNER OF DALHOUSIE s{‘RAET Ottawa, Sept. !6, 1875. Manufactured only by the Originat Inventors DOMINION WAREKHOUSE, Drug Store. T. T. SHEPHERD. H. MEADOWS & CO., 85 Bussex Street, Ottawa, April 17th, 175 8831 FLONER & VEGETABLE GARDEN Railroad, Hay, Coal Chemist & Druggist, | 31, 8 & 12 8OUTHAAMPTON ROW, RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON. MoNTREAL. FAIRBANKS & CO. TTAWA AST END er attached. One man attends to both Jâ€"â€"â€"g «Qigâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" ANY SIZES of the above, supplied to order by 00K HERE. HRardmwa:ss, &t. __ PATENTED 18s73. 200 in Use in Canada. PLATFORM AND COUNTER SCALES 403 ST. PAUL ONL Y $3.25 per keg, 100 Ibs. QOTTAWA Ony., BTANDARD N\ 3945m2 at MATHUSHEK ‘ PIANO®S. | pog martes â€" gom. in firmmess -gd mgl'l FPULL AGRAFFE, Tâ€"OCTAVE, FOR §800. P _ J Pianos from other reliable makers at BOTâ€" TOM PRIOES, . g Complete Pictorial History of the ‘Times."â€"The best, cheapest and :cn ‘:-oo-m Family Paper in thc fui itusirmted periodical publish country, lis .nl’&u are scholarl country, lis edJitorials are ioi\liar"lr‘v‘ui cone« vi s lldmnneh.:%h:“h llh-t.l:‘- ctrou ;Ir& '&yï¬r'mnrd l Inal Sg se ¢ least haif a million persous, and its inflnence as It gives the most complete satisfac.ion. For sweetness, smoothness and richness of tone we have never heard its equal. _ _ _ _ _ . .. The Mathushek I purchased from you three mxszohunvenmmmpflmm ilou, . Ive you said in regard to them has been borne out. %flu.mwsm in use here, and all say they would not exâ€" gl:ï¬n their piano for any tey have ever DB. A, BURNS, St. Thomes. Wholesale Agents for Canada for PRINCE ORGANS. Agents wanted in every City, Town and County intheDomikion."" _ *‘ s is the ablést and most powerâ€" nut insd iration, cuoighed in the second to none. Weekly maintai+s a praitive positlo~, and exâ€" m decided mn on oomu aad social problems â€" W Its articles are nmodels of highâ€"toned disousâ€" sion, and its pictorial illustrations are often corroborative arguments of no smal‘ force.â€" N. Â¥.Examiner and Chroniole. ul 200 1 tWe ha Em "Bt w. ’s. Bchool.mw. e have grea‘ pleas n stati an instrument to lead thesirging l:‘s i. School ?%thln‘o;n-uol it. T t w:; ll'lofl-ndm]l, ‘I he bass when volces are sing» @g@pWhurd. Every note rings out clear as a bell. WARBLNG KEN NEDY, Superintedent, 8. J SUNTEB!‘ Pastor, BAMUEKL FRIS3Y, Musical Conductor, It hat given my fami‘y the very highest satisfaction. Rev. JOHN BRECIN, Barrie, Tt has given entire sat and ui w gl“. i isfaction, delighted f TAOMAS BEST, Toronto. have never heard its equal, C J. 0. uï¬nt,n.n, Fonthill. Tuis is to certify that I purchated two of your Mathushek Pianos and find them ail revres>ntâ€" ed a firstâ€"cla<s instrument. I consider them 47 & »AEBOVTTEECOT OOE ZTIOOIEIOTC its paprs upon existent ï¬m and its inimitab‘e cartoons be‘p to imould the senti ment of the mnntry.â€".?&aburvh Commercial. Harper‘s Weekly rtands ut the bead of tiius» tratea Journals in the United sum.]m clro mlaâ€" tion, editorials and pictorial illustration.â€" and Basar, to one addres: for onoyul‘.‘sl&w' or, two of Harrer‘s Perlodicals, to one ‘address for one , $7.00; p mtage An copy of cmurm&gu-. Vnkz or Basar will he suppliad gratis for every Clu of Five Bubscribers at $4.00 each. in one remit ALl _ _gi5 each, »95 a pair. Onester_ Coun!t lmdlu'l'n CORN, .nfl'-w Bll,eug oA 4 fas b: $‘; $1; 1 bushel $% tan oure &ï¬ paten 4 K. P. HOYER, Parkesburg, Chesterton. _ :y :,h;l tnmr,nw':o has ueu&m'ho(.my no pal n years, says tha, the No. fo Unhenmw received from mw.u. is the Fat made and finest instrument in this oity, of Five Bubscribers at $4.00 each. in one remit :nu.g on m.xl(r)::ln g .i‘o%.n‘mmz extra m:‘n‘ben can b"lul?)'\â€œï¬ at any time The Annual Volumes eekly, in neat cloth binding, will be sent hy express tree of expense. torâ€" $/.00 each .A complete ret comprising Ninâ€"teen Volnmes, sent on receipt lble in contracts entered into with them. _ _ The Company mu;ln gladly ouum 2090 evanaline for nevenes n ine didore ar ies 20d towhs throughout the Dominiin, â€" _ _ _ _ _ Applications for farther ‘information addrossed to ‘Wâ€"â€" 0. CALLEND SRDEE: 10 & 7 Palmerston Bulldings, Old street, £.C., Londor, England, hk I was fully convinced that the Mathushek /was the crown of all. a H. BELLAIN. CED PRICES. | _ _; |.._., % e m orgiln ko rre ols with the above Asphaite; w g‘vt&mlsv’osd md and ll!;l-tdl the ‘Bflg& Goveroment has specified the Pyrimont Seyssel Asphal "ï¬iï¬'mlï¬nï¬'mu-““"' ible lngom}::'pfo_dlnt_oy} them. . p Ni ce e on caan, K yi5 each, »2s a pair. Onester Uounty USE THE L Norwich Egg Powder, Mathushek superior to all others, H/.“ IBLLENHAUIB. New York. Mathoshek has in reality taken a step in ad. vauce of all lll’lt:dl’lzll in the wup-u. J â€" G. SHAW, Musical Critic, Baratoga. T‘have beard nothing to equal it in sweetness of tone. Its notes are n&% like those of our awoetest singing bir«, or those of the finest human voice, than any instrument notes I ever heard, We nw'ed with our instru‘« ent. May you be bi with great and ueserved suote.8. _ Yours tru‘y, _ SPENCER L. FINNEY, Pastor Becotid Preab, Uhurch, Princeton, N,J Plano is briliant, of wondertul power and melodious W' . KED H. PKASE, Rochester. of & the rate of $5.% per vol., freight at Prominent attention w1‘l n clvg: in Harâ€" per‘s Weekly to the illus of the Centen nial Inter .ationai Exposition. _ _ _ ____ _ ME paguie Generale des Mincs T d'mdu-. who are now the tors of the celebrated ) Mines of » mpnl‘ys:omm‘%:fl%: these mlnmomur in shape of the Datural rookr. or in form of %fll use in the Domivion of Canada, at G@ TLY REDUâ€" KFor making all kinds of Cakes WITHOUl _ Newspaners ara not to copy the advertiseâ€" ment wlbhouv?r‘;o express order of Harper These are brorid assertions, but capable of proof, they are unliie any other in eoumm ; all their Poenlurulu are points of excellence, Their illustrat d and descriptive cataietue. Their illustrat d and descriptive ca! g wuoich we send to any nddva ex in harm»ry with acoustics and mecbanics all that is claizaed for the Mathushek., antmaneis wiling i certliy to, thelp ruporior eir «upe excellance. We fln room here for but & few brief extracts ;â€" NEw YoRrK, Oct. 28, 1867, We, the m\dengned Judges of Pianos at the Fair of the Ame! e-n'lmun.uw. after a careful examination of the Consert rands do award toFREDERICK MATHUSHEK, the honour of making the best of this class of instruments mg:und thare exhibited, or known to us elseâ€" where. f EDW A MOLLENHAUER, PCO $3 Saaiaies CHARLES FRAbDEL. °07 Droadway, N.Y. § Thuoflmmmhkotholes«ulknovn instruments, and their peculiar construction readers them by far the most durable, and the least liable to get out of tune. _ _ ___ _ _ _ L Loo ioh y eb LE Lhnont ie Math ushek nÂ¥ Y y yay wATBON, > Watson‘s Conservatory of Music, New York. No money would tempt me to banish it from home,. d D. SCHUYLER, Buffalo, HA WEEELY, one year..... Four 3 lars includés prepayment The Mathushek Orchestra Square Grand w For sale by all Oilmen, Dec. 4 1874 ____| M.I. WEEKLB & Sele Agonts for Ontarie. gï¬â€œ for the concertâ€"room,. _ _ _: _ _ _ Ad for teaching schools ard seminaries. EXC forthe drawingâ€"room. CEL in voiceâ€"like qualit gom. t: firmmess -:l:rgg mn EXCEL in durability and keeping in tune. PYRIMONT SEYSSEL ~ASPRMTE NORRIS & SOPER, Postage free to all Subscribers in To be had of all Grocers. idrnth me : ap 15. * * 75 Harper‘s Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. D. M. BOMERVILLE, Oleveland, 0. No. 8 Adelaide Street, TORONTO. Sole Agents. + NOTICES OF THE PRESS. sMKS $ 3 00 ! PRICES TERMS : @EO, TAYLOR, Don Mills. MuUsIcAL ConsERvATORY, KUGENE J Tn 18 EXCELLLENT Mashine â€" O â€" has the last 12 years been Fawmlmm facturing establishment of the Dominion, / B8 4 BrcThend been troubled in the past with gummed or heaâ€" ted arbors, and journals + nd have been paying ancy price, use Craven‘s Arcticand Engine Ollé and_so avoids those complaints for the future. _ All Oflls guaranteed and orders solicited; W.J. CRAVEN& Co., 3813 444 St. Paulâ€"st., Montreal, a duty I ows E’yï¬'ï¬â€œâ€˜m"’iï¬i&iiâ€œï¬ the great benefil 1 have deri i comeat ce wctonils Patk." 4 repnod sogout agent, Mr. Bell, rerkeley, for the above mvmï¬naf.". mvnl&l# exernciatine wm'i:w of time, having tried nearly .m vrescribed. b withoun‘ &u t m« all ‘l“'w taking z.o aared to my weunt siate of heatin. Fiems give tored to my usual state of heatih. P -_._m t ob y ho oo s es se inro," on thus ted. / am. Hir, yours traly, Ha®ey Camemile Plils," uweum-â€"um Wfl""w They are wat* ranted free from the poisonous olls and acids which enter into the composition of many of the factitions frult fiavors now in the market, ‘They are not only true to their names, but are prepared from fruits of the best quality, and are so highly concentrated that a comparatively small quantity only nee® #B por."* For Internal and External Use, Warranted a SURE and m CUrk kinds of Piles, Leprosy, Berorfdlim, L Ringworm, Sa.tâ€"itheum, and all diseases of the akiDo ouhut&ommdhomnum-d Piles ; from one to three bottles in all cases of above u-udm Its ruccess has h-. so universal y :'m «uarantocs eure to those who uce mg.i‘l.ot failure to refund the money paid. it was first intr «‘uced he has received many thouse ands of testimeonia‘s, wov!nnluchqhth. oure of the awfui diseases it is for, The Pile and Humo cure is m mumn?lfln.nd-n bL g:-t-m all eases. There is no 1t dnm g: humor in, as it cures on tm improves while uncer this treat t _ This remedy faithfully tested oo i on on en mate Nints owre Tor the o pge h 2 o p d o P + n l which are calculated to deceive the Public, LEA &$ PERRINS have adopted A New Label, dbearing their Signature, thusâ€" LEA & PERRINS‘ WORCESTERSHIRE â€" SAUCE which will be placed on every bottle of Woreestershire Sauce, after this date, and without which none f ~__ is genuine. * November 1874; *.* This does not apply to shipments DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS TO BJ THE ONLY GOOD SAUOCE. *y" This does not zfly to shipments made prior to the date given. Ask for LEA & PERRINS® Sauce, and see Name on Wrapper, Label, Bottle and. Stopper. d Wholesale and for 'ï¬t'gd by (the Proprietors, Woreester; C: Blackwell, London, t3 ¢., {8¢.; and by Grocers and HARRIS & CAMPBELL, â€" Cabinet Makers & Upholsterers, 158, â€" SPARKS® STREET. | to cure Weak, Wai«/y, Infiamed, and Nearâ€"Sighted {fu. zn atl other Diss cases Syes> wWASTE No 'oï¬ MONEY BY %OU'R?NLG‘ ro"a‘n"um Pamphiet us also. LEMON, _ VANILLA, ___ ROSE, Agents Wanted, Hle it ot s y, h3 24L 4 00, 60. 0t FEEEKELEY, Bept., 1863,â€"Gont‘emen, 1 teol it L Dem worth Reafing!â€"A Diamwof worh Reing SAVE YOUR EYES! s Burnett‘s, Extracts Burnett‘s Extracts Ageute for Dominion of Canada. 1000PH BURNETT & CO, BOSTON%, ®Preâ€"aminenti} 2007 ." ns pogion, PILE AND HUMOR CURE Nen or women a week. Proc{ furmshed Business and honorâ€" able with no risks. Aimwaq m)-bu and all others OM / imtavartad. whn huws Men or women $ s . uces Homatnedhorse | CCR Ooein Conle Smb we Lom of d io as gh esn | Sos heaia h ds e i eges NeA | Li ootte t fanian o :3%."" La sR * ACENTS WANTED, Â¥&> Look Out for Advertisement in this Space. Z2Â¥ pomeoe «_i oo n m ) Horiows (Late Yarnov & Hspust,) ENGINEER3 AND SHIPBUILDERY, ISLE OF DOGS, â€" POPLAR Proipect uses may be obtained at the Office of this Journal, _ BLYTH &£KERR.â€" ‘ 25 RIDEAU ~STREET, Plumbers, Gas and Steam Fitters, Galvanized MILL MACHL Small Steamers & Steam Launches BUILT OF WOJD, IRON OR STEEL f TO MEET SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS. Wosk tTirking Maohines ; Amerisas Baw Oofapany, Froaton, N. v.; Soseph hn Mnasth e |__ 70 BPARKS STREET, OPFAWA. Oap <orap? if Manufacturers‘ Agents and Dealers in Iron and Wood Working Mackinery OF THE BEST CANKADIAN, ENGLIS â€" AND AMERICAN MAKE ENGINBSAIDBOMIB. NIW A | ____. PRA CTICAL PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM FITTEE. Sparks Streot, 3rd Door West of Bank Street, â€" i best m@mmmmdmwhwrwdu nrong & wi}hhtboh-h:lm d’;. d.lh inpigp teitiin it rciete frmimcodf uTess laerttess mt in mm ious to health. w mvhï¬i&:n-ho' N aw&mwm oo ie Wll hmh mzsmhwlmmwmuwuhwmï¬. W ALL P AP ER. Ottawa, Sopt. 2, 1875. SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, MACHINERY DEPOT, Send for Clonalars and Oatalogues. . OFFIQE AND WAREREOUSK..................70 BSPACR ST, OTTAWA, Oct, 17, 1826. § l Their Excellencies the Earl ani Countess of DuWerin. Bcrew Sticamers with spoods ranging up to 20 miles an bhour, ie Stcamers, with draughts ranging down to 6 inches of water Contracted for. ‘ Prices from £200 upwards. MNACHINERY CONSTRUOTED FOR, BOATS BUTUIgABROAD. * f WM. McKAY, Warerooms next to Daniels‘® Hotel. CHOICE AND BEAUTIFuUL ERY wwugmmonwun.nmmmq‘l- Y A RR O W‘S Y A R R O W & Agents for the Improved Hot Air 3 urnace. McKAY‘ o. 2l ds B 41 PILLS. TMcchinery. THall Paper. Tran . Ferguson. O ET AW A. til ki poimrelacth Miafimsrnan d dces: irwin: reael, "They nave cie ons ""“" THOMAS SHORE & OPNFANZ, Bussessors to Lee & Phompson, _ bF i !.>s. BARNESE fitted up on s\ L