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Ottawa Times (1865), 1 Feb 1876, p. 2

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Neatly. Cheaply, and who shortcut ' notice. _ @l’" and lemon“ Dunn K11 _ Heme-r3! (‘u'nll - mt. tum-s. AID 6|. " our AUTUMN?! LIST. Nam-9-31m Brynn" Mann-ed no... tO Let-P tr I. mfosm. u uni uuwrno Kurt-d" New Mao-r-Th u an): Cone. luxe-. The: T. IT. Kenny &' Sons, RMOTTE’S BLOCK The following person: no rod-“red us having visited the Library of the Dominion Agency in London. Eng., for the week ending January 13: - Hos-n. A. M. Dlv'ubon. Geo. Luekhurst, W. H. Perry, Frank B. Burnett. W. G. Turpin, Mon- tml; John J. Fury, London; Frank L Boyd, F. W. Kort, Galvin... 21nd February, will bi sent to them on their "rink in Ottawa, it being impouible to but!» end- soonor. “therein no m of neon-lining the ladies of their unmo- maintain; them until their name- havo boon entered in Her lax/col- leeterd with; book. ' We no summon! to mu that invite tipus to the members of the tseoMou- for their Extsel1oeseies {my Ull, on the E112 T.itttstis. Mr. Ruggles, a. member of the New York Sine Ugialatur", in .the author and oromotereiilitoaaurud thas portion of thoStuo IA“ relmng to “not“: requiring motors to appniu rod pro ponynnhenlue it wouldbot-konut Jud debt duo from a solvent down This change he prom-cow bring shout by providing that in awning micultunl land mama» mum: mom sandman Quin-u Ind - only the vslueolthoinurutoftho min-nah hndo, uur first deducting from the whole Talue to want of my mom given to new. tho purchase money which is an editing lion thereon : the, that nous- ing mallard; land again" n vendor in pun-don under All oxeoutory om- tnct for tho punch-0 than“ a spin“ my ”in” in pone-om, the m mm and” and use” only the value of the but“ of web vendor or “dune, the land remaining after tint deducting from the whole value the uncut of pur- oh-e money unpaid by the turns of the contract. lI.\AI. OTTAWA. TUESDAY. FEB new REMOVED 9 End A " BETTER TIMES NEAR AT HAND The glut report of the Commercial Agency oere-n. Durwmnn & Co., huge. hopoNl none about it regain; lm. eine- proe’ecu. " seem that, while hero! profit and went of amiidenee prevail in ‘meny quarters, -siatlr in the But-em section of the country, thom have been considerable activity and . momma of goods and incxeued porch-dug and Jeu-paying power in the [ We“ and portions of the South. The nmonnt of money realized by producer: ninoe the lot of August in All these latter eeotione, for cotton, tobscco, grain and pork, 01.6., in enjoined " ever '2i50,000, '(DU, . nun equiv-lent. to tmrthirrU of tho enuro issue. of nil the national banks in th<cinunry. The circulation of no Inge en mount. oi money has rendered fnirly active the jabbing and rehiliredee in 1883381510 T " XOR 704 0‘8. my quarters Hock: of new have but; moved, Ind “tincture" or maples have been kept. My if not fall, upland. This (“our-bk (more in tho retrospect u undoubted nadir was, to be still iurthi'r augmented, for ,though the dolivonea of apioulturd pm- duou have boon lianl, "Nun rennin A mpincy to ro', the Adam- Express Conway bu bun nepouedg outbid: I. give u fow yum“ -"A clerk in the may d-tem" of the m. to be [edited fully two-thirds of the wealth “mend during mm and Autumn. mm "all: “menu-hym- n». a "-attxumsa,hc. mm“ and Fund» E. Mom an: ll: _ am“, {all into bad Wu. Bee- onl dim may and by nick- I ELL! RUTON ITIEET Pure [rub "TIMES" UFHBE . I 103615" 01“ " A 00210 as comm“ CY. R I NT! N A N -Ne' M " Kirtt 3am in moments. t -st Jo ARI: ”58“" In I. BURGESS. t rat to no SOD.“ -1) Morguw a Son. If. ae always in stock an"; mgr " W , PUBL18HF. it “all?“ " THIS Ibr- gond aru‘e MIN mount-Id trs 'xmon w we and l, mu 'to undertake the job with him. (hunt i pve no decided answer, but reported the I the: to Pinkerton's Agency, lining charge 3 of tho deteotivts work of the oompeny. :McMnhon, when naked to uphill. pro" , Fenced utoniehment, and snorted met the _ suggestion of robbery cane from (hunt. I lle otured. however, to give up the key: l, on the day following. [named a letter I we: received from n criminnl le'yerof I Row York. dieting so give up the ken if mo prosecution were inaUtod on. Thue l suggestions were rejected, and Malina l bu since been missing. (ion. of the Nfemto he wu dinninndhy l the Superintendent, in Debi" IUt. i iSAumd Gaunt. mower clerk, Icon fol- 3 lowod, mtbout special cum“ beiag M- ugm-d a: th*1e‘ tuunt obtained Inu. ploymem . elsewhere; while lichhou'l manhunt: no and»; mutation until the ma instant, when ho ealled on Gaunt. showed some. key. which he aid iuNsuubou-rusrottriuututPritrfe norm. oomptny, and (proposed to (hunt The explwntion pu) upon the whole (ran-scum by the oirutsr. who have par, tally investigated it in that some shrewd acoundnls he" been muting n ou'rpew- ot' Moll-hon, with an intention of getting money by Hahn“ or otherwise from the company. With the evidence mu. far obtained a elm-go of Pettit Inceny only could be proceed agiutat McKnhon for the poeeesaion of the oompanr's keys. The Superintendent of the compeny ena- that even bed the keys been chained, it would be almost inipoeeible to use them, I “Madam-11m“ constentlycn the road, mvelling from point to point, mth- out my regulerity. Eeoh " is num- 1 bered, and . set of keys i. lodged in no l principal ottioea, while e messenger Unveil lwith the safe to prevent my tempering I with 1t in mic. Where my peniculnr I “fa might be en my given date not even l the oompeny'i olioore could tell, end 3 besides ehnngee hive been made in the: i locks, which would render the not: of keys which Mom claims M'hnve "Junie.“ The detective. ere " work mainly to tind ‘. oat who ere we beaker! if HOW. SANITARY CJNDIHONaOI 1'73 . CITY. d --. I The second mud reportoftho City ' Medial Heelth Ct11cer, which he jut ' been published, reviews in oloer end tone ' form our sanitary condition for the twelve , months which doped with the loud” . of the old year. From it we learn that l the city u, and he: been from the letter 1 end of July. notably free from epidemic, I end from contagious or other dine-loo, l end that although” of moulee, dip. l thorie, and typhoid fever mud then» I wives, they won of e mild type, l end not sadhsiantlr nanom- to l excite oppreheneion. The loot named- I disuse he: been on the} whole moot severely felt, Although ite severity he been on nothing when oomperod with that reechedin‘ otheioitleoend tawn- out. Dominiou,whore,feteononolthe,itw been aging with greet intensity. It a innriebly found, to n - or leo- ex- tent, in localities uiprovidod with o proper system alanine... and eniinent medical authoritiee hold that it in pne- gated by the erdreta ofp-n mooted. ToMthato the spludd the dial... in cue it {stained con-idenhle :piopertiou here, the report recommends thetiemh excreta be immedintely oovsmdrhritthuhe. or dry oath and e little mane, Iwhen they become quite inttdoetttt. Ind in- nocuous. Under leper“. heading, the m. port dale with the ebetemont of (nine: clones of nui-nnoo,_whioh ere productive ofdieeueotendingtoetypho‘dehnootew the pith end eubetmco being ttumtkitouti nutmeg exhortation to cladxline+ per. sonal and domestic, and to the non-it] oflnopin‘ the Air we breathe “the wner,uiirinemsetrmnimrtigitiU Ao- eept whet theaywe wille- whe piimarr cause of :typhoid fever, filth end ti-ral inatteetitat to details ot ole-alias: in our strong elliee of disorder end du. eeee, end so with“ tuuitnn shstornts that on its appunnoe thqr&lrmmdr victims. The on“ of the 11.0"! pf night soil, Dr. Lynn thinks in tether high, ( Indium-idea thutirosri-otastiti1 ground should be provided in amnion places, one for Upper ehd one fa 1m Town. whereby tho ”twouldbom rially lea-enod. brill, “Mien our Mitate e uninha- meet dad), in it. effecu; end the ”path deem forty- five cities and towns in the United Sign. all point to it u on. moitdittkmituo land-wry of s system of summi- the only mm by which it an be successfully W. Dr. Lynn very properly points out that whontho 1min new" in oompl “(In mambo of men will be toquirod t hop tho “not eunnela {no and an Monti he further an that. the oxfort ttf pale-ki- ans would be Promoted were the “not emu-m3: to be tarpt the Rom the and which wounds in tho Spring swift“. Those combined dutie- mould b. m- toriiy diachurgod by the man he noon- mnds to be employed If manning purposes. Tho city“ Mt my: for “no vol-k don in an no” god pl:- ’med fhahioetsaetd should tho present} t bo . little inclined by the ititerri auction of tho when propped; the thotoughnou with which. it would be done would ,nlply don. pen-Ito for the increuod outlay. .'rhe "ssspdctioa of yuda and pm u. boon ntudily maintained throughout. tho you: and their {audition antinuc- to Improve in n marked manner. tabs. Brown and Atkinnon, the two health Oman, yo "tigttireorru_dftsr “diminution _ to duty. The notion than! on would.” no, u n rub, readily complibd with, and' the on. bung!“ boron tho Polio. Engin- tnto won My tho.. of pow 90091. raider". input-in quarter- of Victoria By,md Ottawa Wadi, and were baud by prompt obodimoo to the up. of the Milli parment of can. _ The slaughter-tum- Vithin the oi limit. oomoinfor 001:de _;l'T1'f'l) phnic character. " Veer and: "list my [ " par-00d inclination, some Winona ‘“vu-howudnrin5thoyoujut tuned i',', in the aptitieatitm of the hm. cou- I " earning the” My nublinbmuu, l" wh'oh, it the atria loan of $110 luv “Imam-H out, could not “on to- "main on» within an city .l, my: a mm POW buyout. was“ " trrrtttrid ‘15"! both in Up”: 53d Loin: "Tomlin“ inn-III. Mini”. M " “a! on... m ot. M who no " and in this“, i" mild-b your in M I‘ll-6W " So ttt-qrlr tngtaaed - hum. ' ings tad their surroundings with blood ' tad butotmru' refuse, that, until u oom- l " plete dunno. is mule of than, they I " mun remain a standing mama to the l J health of the city, and . - of sore "duooetsfo.t to the neighbourhood: in " which any m aitan" 1 tool I in“ "be; untrue to the inter-u ottattud "to me were 1 to permit further in- " duh-mo; and during tho M " you etrict wetch will be kept over theee li “unbliebrnente, end legel prooeedinp t " will follow, without fear or femur, in l “every inetence where eleughterlng ie l “known to heve taken plece. The 1 " practice of emptying into the I “water blood end refuee from the 1 “eleuglrter houeee encircling the 1 “bond of the Rideeu River etthe foot I 'l of St. Andrew etreet he, mtwith- l " standing the" vigilence exercised, con- 1 " untied elmcet without ebeternent; and 3 " loud and continued coupleimeere rude l " of this disgusting pollution by reeidente " on either side of the river. " Lex- “pleined in my last report, there ere " torch of then plecee there in Lime I. proximity, ell of which ere 'ttttt " of wood, end unprovided with , " gutter, or reeervoir of my kindl In " utter violetion ot public rights, 'phey " hue 0903ij lathe floor, or lid“, “through which blood, otral,aasd heel “wetter ere covertly dropped intd the " weter. The letter in largely need in the " neighbourhood for daneetlo pnrpoeee; " end hence the euppliee of ice for' enm- " mar uee in thecityere may drewn- “The weter being totelly unfit " do. ”meetic pnrpoeee owing tetheceuee Il “here mentioned, the he must eleo " neoeeeerily be impure. For although, “the deceying perticlee whilet noun " ere innocuoue, they become " injuriou- Matt ever when the ice begins to "melt. Thus when thieice in nixed in _ " lerge quantities in our hotels end initi- f "tations during the new 'ttttest, it 1y,iiii? e nuieence the Moueneeeof a which is not omtterrtplatod, independ k " yen to you be eo wentonly pol. “land in simply intole‘reblen and If Pthe" bulldinae cannot be completely " removed, it will become my not "only to prevent magnum. therein, " byt do!) to enforce e complete covering " of ell holee and eporturee through “which t’efueeot eny'kind on: be on- " veyed to the wetet. In oitiee end town- "of Europe end the Unlted Suture- " workable the attention Jo leaner: . detail, the ebettoln no caulk-Mt- " ther by the municipelitlee or batched " ennui-tum. but on plene eppmed by “the local BoeedotM-tth, whlohnleo “excel-e- "meal-la: over their me- “wt. There no in this city up- “ went of sixty. We. “and“ “appentobeulerge ad u My. ( thou derived from my other bueineee. “I! it’benot the intention ofyourwor - ehipfnl body]: out-blink e public OM "toit,radrinaitt-haerttedto"slt " peyin‘oaoem, it is manifestly to the " intone-tot the bntohen then-eel"- to “inltiete mica with that client. " In each n building the not: " would be In low In those now “tho killing is! pupa-don of - “could in and“ out not only no "ot-lr,ttutalsomam economically,“ "tho “In-bl. m commuting the mai. 'nnoonawoomphodofooulddnnbo "madoommieofgeotk" ontly of WW8- poulbly, din-Io in“ consuming". That mums mom that. of m mam-m Thebectorm‘ th.tqrthegtaestitm of ”idiom-hath; mull, avid "turttsofdeattmttt-etform m . mull. Lumen-do d thug-noun! red-ter- forioi'io pupa-OI» M an. i- wuin to lead to ottmptitmtitm, and he "oammeatatheradtsetittetofasplaa'oert Mum of cane-of “up: forth. an: Ikmonth- of the year, after which all tmomtrf tho din.“ dith-d,sttm" tutourori-o-erud,43duds' 56o-er-dintu0.thorut,ersd m in an Puck-ant [Io-pin]. Then you 13 mo! Han-aqua: FarioloU, or,rutuvulerirtortnod"blsskpotrh" “which them were bum recoveries. Thehighsthruetudoetor"teitmt" ‘tonqloot of "otsinatioes,tho was trpaufth.di-,aatd Mumm- up. Altos-dunk. "part gin-nut, oUarinaight into the tstntttttioetoftho city frmn urba- nnlhry thudpoinu, udiunll 'ersethrtueasti" mids- agiemottuBoeedofBeetth. Fromm. Ohm". ' 'Naasis.-'N- for tho Mia, which “rel-It rook putty much upended, aging at?“ m ti. the any“ in tin-Bung pu- uppulym In large numb... Bum “by. and unchan- dredotua puny and”. Wanna ttrrrmm.-Mr.WiitumMkttN, tho newly electod Wudan tithe County -iattt catch-hind “Quinton!” I up“ when“. Thi- unhout tft/iii: an“ Mr.3rottuhasb-lroted who. I Anlulian 1.Netrtrrt.htnearh9t .911. exhibited molpiont lune, by buttonholing mmbon ttt ti. midw- of Mont. Citorio, and ft',ittltt, m ttsrtiiriittp-ntte fo -- ._ "an“: album," ho nid,b “Fond-vol. '2tr,'l',"'yll'll Chrilt. is" hm hm erium. 1 Cami-ions Jun- ot Goad. ilrs* tutthoat-rpot tho 8900 M7. dinin- Mfum512618in1870 to 310,325 in W". and “tribun- an dun-nu moth. chum“ that than no thirty-on. do, mevoryhumhodlbupi- Goorgin. Tho‘dogllm "artriihd 28,625 shop. A nun dog 1.“.de in to Map their (out. out. of and. tel with tuning” donbivod‘ t “a; funk? Jixod to numb: of " oo 'rtuvins but: pmp‘oud that tho-on- . mam w. and pin-Inbound iiiiiiiii tegg,'tet °" r'trhuf PNY " W _ V _ und- in London. I mum!“ out. Poll 1911 Budget further' mun-u that MM"??- MHM. fun-Mi '1‘? A religiou- mt among the not“ Aryan tribolof India [In spread “nong- pho wild Rheol- on the Keymr-Gunrn Mama... At, "Ion-mt. Soozieo. t,dht gum. or some yam as; w tort mg his 'l'dll2,TM',,', the “of 1rgg,Tt than. _ 2, g,T,tt Ml!” on God, We, . m. MY...“ at... cull J,'lfdifl,,tl pl! tsri-. arm W11 . “moan-midni- to n living n glued of the Su", to tt 't l hunt- “or!" new . 'ttthotties" Irwi- of Moo “min. or Maggi mun-MPH at mad-Inn [ I to M an! “an. _ Mimi-ion of public ham. and inflteiae-sommttatiti, PMOKI I.“ THE TIMES, OTTAWA, TUESDAY, l, Ttie munch of the Erie “My lil',',",,".:', but Ions felt tho my for incroanod minim! {toiling-A for tttvor- "-d' for-In! hell!“- m u- _ It" may. ith, 5:31.54 in Jon-“d on, dieuéed to gun from t -'er. mo of tho pad, ”magi-augm- a M- Mt iiuui"ih" have why-dim m of 'lffTnl'2t mum: what in! known a Walloon, til-wt“: frontage of MO foot. Of Hill are 19nd rcpt-our I In. anon. upto- t'l,t,T,'l'ld'lfd 's!irii'iii'i1t'i?iit, have been minim and builtupou, an! "tP,'ga'ert'oud2tit,,t,ht oompmywill 11,'t atlth It, (robin 'htiP,itf, " o m m " In to, w on, by building slug. at2lt and store dental-I, which It. My needed, it will b. Maury . lug. “mung ”nanny to the 30:3me Je ELI.}'"" 15553me In. u at.» ttg'tt,dt,ihMtrp,tl1 hare their and. MI. In .1“ng to this " the oom'peny’o does-cf Wed. stir,' elioilod no infer-I600 timber tttttent,',',', had boon drum for tttrf, movement In hr henk u l 187 . By theupluo the reclaimed land, which in low covered with “Veal feet of we: and uubjeot to overflow by the tide, will be in the dupe of e hone-hoe, upon which the worehoueeo and elevetor oen be elected. Within the. horseshoe circle the oath will be remov- oduntile Melon depth of utter for loo.“ em is “lined. thereby doiryr any with much trouble and furPt!.n"..'n the handling of freight and Wording nevenl thou-end feet of voter front. _ The probele mg of the 39m improve- {mini Akiiit is _ about 32,000,000. ttttao "I! ITmm.-rt" to "any drop. ofThomu’ Balm Oil Willem common Son The“. It - hiii in Group. It will euro . Cold'or Cough in twenty-four to ttty 013ng hours. . Ono outlawin- cured Btonohituof W,r,rg2t"ti,tti' manna men mthm to x ar. Ith-tor-ttuve-h-tttts pox-non bu not upohn than A tttg, in ilvesremrs. A. mammal spplion in alone-of piurort-ttsiiitAiry1ik..t “hovel-mm. oitotyotttirwill mmuiyouoo! MM orCriokin thoBatth. rordi-ot'the'tFtytt, oxtteitttttnsafthe nuclei ".',tglitlrlgt Itittuurnatioor my other? flmt Ittht,ir, . doe re, “upon:- At “an”? shun-n in three mungnd‘il War tho Mud chain» We ‘mr othNd to the _msoplo-th. (:th " taut iariGatlriGsGi; 5...... , "‘1. .1... Emma“. yougood. It inoa'npogod oraaottheuitot1i,enorm,-nttithina batons. hum-0| tatt'. 5 pH. m not buy it sonny-‘28.!)- ushum pmtmirttecAr- my.» WN mite-Mm“:- pe Ems" ‘3?!“ '7 ",koteio WW! nine "bathing tho MM I - boe.otieirurlr.aefr. wry-A313 Ga 'iiFTCiia oliibi’u ntt' t,ttu'tt, if you 1'tt'rc",1tJi Fl, Dr Thain-w New” on 'ui'd - of an. ahitk inmeweek." Mellon!“ may sq, “We line new - “not? elm the: has given such ample“ cede- {notion " this." F Sold by all medicine dealers. Price, 26 coal-.8 N THO PM N Y o,t.tyiaitiiii, ittiti'ii.,ti'iua u e Denim 'thte/tge,'.,,?-';',)',',,',':',' em! In!“ 4'i'ir'"i'ii"i'ii'i'ir'Ciri'i"iiii TIMBER LIMITS. Simulations“. ' “an if . II. Kim-a N M, “I” E. IeUlLLlVBAV. , ottatrit,'9____.'___f.e.te Large 3ommLssunI a can Pramulni Column. tho Ten Jaw-II at 1w . L alum: Hun-u “we... Vino! “a“ taupe-ens... p.IIIIIVIl.I-h unqua- but, ”I...“ nun-o. 'Tueaqum Anus-Inch“. Com who Evans: ttt r '9...- iii'i?FI) mgumd RM; 'k1'alm'gt.'et nim- wf-mrs at Ar.. mo! an; an? and". 7iiiirhfaAtw.'ihirw. not. unkind “M .- 454."- ih1lllt'8t.'?"" w'.. ' f out ”In.“ CI». :00. Truman! locum: mhbm‘o‘" Ctmntr1f9ttrAqort! stmtNttm3..e Hall: if“ .idiiaii'i5 .._~.. -tiricitai oTitri 1ili,itlirtil2! 'itrstirth't'eth'itt All can: mu am .Win" - “an!” um my 2310“” rdslllh.ofittrf. 'rulNttMi8tr',18yl'.t fiStliiit'ti'tf "hiitPdl9.tft2Selltt'lt Ennx‘afifiwmfim. ituac' i,'fii%"fe "_rur ,. m tly mu» tiiiit?), "laii15,t'fi'kt"i)iibCe,'t'fi'i! TNC. In. W pad Mon- com-nun ”W. "In. “'0 . ' _ luau. WINES; 1. "/iriiija', gem iuzr'iaah"( LIBRARY llf “WIS HEW". Oltowo. Jim.“ Ir6 II... "In "I IA“ jammy. was. papi, /.'.' ell-um Km (noun. run ' 'old stools. Isl-o. , can! out!!! [an Burbmril1e an Bros'" (zv.. as. m m, on... . I)!“ P3001. AND BY: Chargers. BAsxsnmLE 'tttm iii Tri -" rd iijh'Ju'llltt (,'/ll3t61We non-r up nu Ftkfiirii at on no" rm Stool out: at mm‘ ladl- dun-adv! a. Ind Mb 0' I 029.“: DIM _ “A...“ 't riaife0iuiiriaa ihtrrrt' 7“" I0.Gtiert UgttSiiii'Jirt2lti,% the -r'ti!!iifli's' I tft/lined', Wit-an be up ; nob mu at. w“... 'ghl'dlhuv, mg mg): dun-{rm nut. " mm Mao-k In "m "m" "haaaemreoa f on an. Drummer. 'tdt mm: or mums a t8riuamu 't . _ " . manna. _Trtit MIDIQHM‘QELPEJE Pee at! WINNING!!!" “ulna-ulna" Dom In.) sum: '.'lkT?xt%"I' out. - nunori [malnut- Tl}? gum ' pe' Him: 111.... :r:::r.:.'RI, g -. " iGEiiGu, " ................ at! Alp-r Inseam-I10! Imam-n be ‘0» n the TttNW, ixp.pVtyg to an “out. their“ a abuts. an; swag-$1011 our list! _ l . [mo '" th _ Pr a Itrookwo IU,' on Alanna)“. “W Mn: 1? new. , a o' nook. , On the ulna v.3 quarry of Mn? Emmanou. ‘. an pee-rt . ','dtlt'd tut'l2Mt.1,,y his nation-co. " A 1ttttuiehtltdf/tl'rl;,rve Isley 'ty.? ea wanna. use p own: o' A. bull )n. In but demo. on an: meet. u I crown. pm. {arms will be known? h'l'2S,"l at 2"aa, u, put: mung no a an an ' “0M0! Hum In If!” am y " m 'ey,hltt,t,or2utth,.-, nMWI, In: " mm, cHnmms t tiiirign nouns 1 Wino-PLAle rm HAW mu 0000‘. turd! Goons cow um um tuna-s. 0mm M'G, "0-. mm. in nu an try rum Am. wuuutnuno unmmmm Every Evening, at. 7:30. A33“?! I“ ILL-6;: 'emprWmmtrgttts,qt no. . tith,' 'fd',t,tftp, F2iii,'iii tr,t'tl lutr, ii?, mold 'M'l',lll'iltlL"l'fp,'1h'lr4fti1l'h'l'. J. IuhauNft?rhr.i. " - - .. "'iiieiiirai"firtvirBpmN on.“ Adina. on“. Jun. , 1m. - my; no normal»! In In use!” or I mum!» _ or on: DRY GOODS, $3,000 WORTH a'P,tN'rttMBu"4hl'l't, In: 'tiitifiiti'hr1iNlsWtviMsmhke AlKIUP‘l.‘ am Auction Bum on summon Ll was my orangwh. _ Iitthrlit mm M at MM] " “an.“ "Uttar"'""""' 1?tg'l"grhr, 'qnttsntBs “a: t1ltt'ltn'8tt 'drgtf'a'tm4Nrter ' y turn moms. , o2'pdtl'tt.B( .._ 1't,'Al'4','/htrfiltl.k"lp "iiriii'2hGtiNltttltitt4ti.t.k 0-0 "it. in“!!! "9e.yerLtet) - 'Gfi7sTGiiii5GGah7TG V. 7.--, - v-7, _ attains. 's,?i,',a'r'liii,tthi2,t,tlll'Eil,t 'luimitsrettioyyu..rrt3?,tete a an em. 'iftkVridiir-tieititmmu" pain at oun- loleoment. "'r. _ , , "s'," I; x . Wyn” 13010le 'ere,', v. . . t mm.“ _ T ' 1i,Pr.8llr4'l'lt, ., m‘éIWLLm...'w.?-..3 ‘mth'an t,tNgfnrglfttr 3,teitt,'i'.18t'l't a. m... chum; Ie..k 'jjtii,tF!,i',ill?i'tii,':1:1ei! 1tgtt15tltt' 3 ',iiiiigttrt,ttottg.tttct, a. an“ 'j'i'i'irlttgit)'ri'r' urrti1rf0tei,: , _:r tlbht/f',1.) -., as»? EEG XMIIVI LUCK“)! “LI "WEI: "iiihors.e.eerc In Tr,fitilth"ti' (rft'lti, Pointy-mm“ ALEX.- 714?!!939 mu m mum ,m _l'louf & him, Prqduce. “mmmw-E - kpmmflggifiw Iii?)! i.i1'jtFs" 'ili1'Riiit 'All " VALE“ 11m D ulna. t ,an "aidilia ”In”; . -____ w . , 'P1hi%Q'r"A'ataMnMtagtt" l . mu. ALL a now. ,)tsttttir,rltt,,,tt,,l8is,ll an or OTTAWA. Eistar k EUC r, Btubaipttictt, GiiiiFbirt .132, mood“- tn ho ml Int of mum! 'rr" tGjaurunistiarrrmi, w’ " c-oonn psa- or 'rJriSsririViaW7iiEe W: kifWi auiri in. iiiiiiit"t?ii .013th - "a-riisti1t.tiee, fiiie'iithi iFi " 1, 1376. ' Amount Book Miumhotamr, 9mm, 'Allotdafl f --r-” Fi _ .- 1ttatl"g."' “(immune-nu- imafigffimfii‘ii EVENING T DRESS. BOOKBINDE R.‘ EVENING Brookville 80 Ottawa . Builygays. _ For Ottawa via Brockvillo. TWO uranium“ DAILY. anon-m. run than "can what 'p,iiffp,ig'tgNtdtltt1ttr1/,'t"t 1». human» dumnmm~ u "‘I wk lg" Baum not Nor You! may who; , ‘4.“ pm. mm- ”may =ffl',l','fllift um]: and Trunk up- A. _ ttyenttyr1P_etoyyf, 'tyt mm-IEL‘E‘ Tuj'l'. u'IlIcl OTTAWA RAILWAY mm. be “an“ a. tle 5n.- 8lfltfll Maggi” Ammu'ldxi organza m opp-d u. "usi!ithtu hon-uh m rum-m "a .. mm:- H " -iiaTiiaiaritiii- _ .._.....- " w --_'"-i"-. -- ,- - "émmmnéwwwmwm .. “an: no: In at not. m with to new PA"d't ' a" limit-'3." ttt _ m- 'id=t)h'l., $31193. ht't,S'llrilP, " Gi'GaTFiiiiia; 'e.i.i,irleftu my: jiss.oms f,,?,"?,,',?,,'.'.?-".'}")' _ aoumronaor ...' ' T trruirriirrAiiibia. - LriiAilirtiiR' f”:- ikdaigiii.ltp.1tt.trtt.pym.asn? 'rrs?asiiitrai)jS?tii, '°'.-::"’-F"5‘3 SHOOLBREDT & co. ' T aar'ri'tim.'.ar-'aiti6ic' Iago-“Human“... gnu-cm-umnn. at-tet'""?"-"""""""'" Patents ' of Invéntion. Of mm with nu Gm! m "'WllW.' t.rtirtrtii-t-tr , Invite Inspection. l mum: tum: mm.) curl-om Alg&A?retlh meitraasqNet V m. -. a 4 ,V, ___ V 7,; - 1Ndltfh"gt,g,"Jl','d,fl (Mathews Loom arm mm. - #1875. a I' COAL Mtl A... .HA'A m IOU-l- {Mir-l. iTGiF.lirau, in" aii .mfi"* l I ii',iiiCt,iiiii '."C'.'lsm w. I. 'nou.‘ '_"'""--, - brWthiuhimrhtNe6 as 2t?,iij.'2it.5ll.til" mane any ot-. ltt a..x. In“ 2etgt. ti',tP., - .' - :.'Bt.h'i'al%t: Ava . . . . . . ”Enligh- my; oeaafrrtrtj1iii..g' *Wfiiaw’ifi'yfidqu 71an aiu. at... am dad-nu“, a hmnouwmmm‘ 2tht,ti'rgttJttutfrllUdttudh' " 'ljlf.lli,ltrllir") w," Tiblfdfséurui 'rgtfh"gtaNh= l f"g,ttMtP..e.t -fftlhL7iiitiiid 3.3175 (tii EFiiiTdl iii " "we“ 1 lug-1,85 up: ',a9Ctr3Pte'et, 'r," . H?tg?S'2lllft& .meu-Imfimwiwmmrmwmwg “3 rcs-asm-him-ia-al " " "i his)": 1ltutitstta't macTnn _, , c.ll,lwt,t.i,i'!?14) The Royal "Extthanatt ietis. ; “I a. no I... iii!-,'?,";',':.)","" & STEWART ROBE-RT STEWART , .. / B-toutset/mst-st-test-na-ttsoo-Ati' , Blankets Cleared " Uost. J ir _ ' A Black Lustros, the best value over oi.iiiiU ai-ttsat-rr-s-tsn-tist-c no” no 5""!quu'." . BLACK AND' 'OOLOUBED SILKS, . tl w. "in; n 'gdfl'ttt','fit/fMlUg,' itfgtt,,lP, an. "ttt'%ri'Na'l'attm - oour8n9.'". , ' "..n "m t-M‘ e. l, , WW s',"ei't'r)':':lt?et "jiiiiriao.ultl Jackets at Manufacturers’ Prices. All Fancy Dress Goods at acct. aMr'at't0"t't"u""o"o"""t"t""o"t'm"u""i"""m-avo- u mfg on man. nun. Alex. Russell a ths., ', -rttqasrtto'Grtoars kosi- "ftoisiVt-tr"-at-t 21ta' "".' .y‘l*. _ hing” C, it? can»! ._ " (" AgrioultytaL..lrnA1tttt1tm _ _ \ "?A'llNoNlllllllM$, _ Sparks Street, opposite the Russell Home, -crvet.tir aeagMtgM41rA'Earfard Mike-IQ“ .iffitPi"' PARIS AND BERLIN MODELS, A First Class ramwand Commercial H " .NGW OPEN. A Carpets, Mantle's, Hume? M racy Woolen Goo "T " £5 _ . a. p. rm: t are mum mm. t , I?“ "ent."gt'iTgatr,tga"traeut'atgtigtmmlt.o""""" ”I. Worn, WI. . . . _ . . . 3 mmmnamljw‘obmbuuw CLEARING SALE OF FANCY GOODS I . ' IN S. MoKINNOH a, 00.. 55 18,3th - - -‘:- .--. many? _ . magno- "l, '. BELL lic Co.’s Pm I-AI. OTME . “Domain-tn. "_t.ite. __", , Thimrttt,Hhrvit' an Gt.'a, 3. Btrdrptqp.'g .. ' i. EiFiiiiiiiairii_iLiaiikiiiibaa , riiFiir,-1Fii6VriREiCliapp?.Tn91r'i-" min; mama. "i MARBLE db GRANITE WORKS,“ 1f Show 66 & 88 SPARKS STREET. CHAS. BRYSON - ‘* - &MIU,, Iron ONE MONTH, 1P,Bi,'s%WMrktaksr.s, EVENING DRESS. "i' ' iii: ggsum macs-0n mum was in" Cost . for. Curl), Tfirttttthtm r," Lr, ttEtytttralltlEtt, ' 1 1.0. ED Ct) L33 it? won“ ""E to urn-u: t'tiiitySiiiil!iE boa-pd. h 'tke-., --. S l2S.t2tttd and... ni‘E-Llhun, hhuh“ d: in“ t . m. urn-t . _ Nahum 'rA Tttt tub-gh- ma “LT 334154-11; int. 'tre an.» - thinbu-w 0* ”In“ nib who.“ “thin h Nat-wad! I.- up; “It”! _"Thithst-a. MPH“ “in "ut-tiii/ia.' hound-z: “nu-Ilka - Vin-uni “and“ Tin-Mud" - , unwind-l“ wk“! lit. II. m '9: 1rh'Btr,ltdlt2 tGi ‘ww -'" ttgth'ttt"ILtt tho out! ”I: hi. lo “‘5‘ - Night and -r" “in: tui', if." ”ht ©

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