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Ottawa Times (1865), 8 Feb 1876, p. 1

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y â€" Ball arket, countess of . nen i A M E6 a ind PENNOCK. )RR, ilders :i« ment of the <exsiqn fOf D HMENT ietor, at his a the City of ind RS, and paY, at Two REETSY oolens for Sale, (G s Barner, aL ESTATE 4 to fur ‘ne M& y overenme oY * PRIETOR RL canled the asse of Gas. uds st. 1054tf The Brothers of.Christian Schools will apply at its next Session of the Parliament of Canada Enabling them to boid proverty, and to act as Teact ers of Youia throughout the DominiOn. BROTHER ANDREW, For the ln~uguon. Ottawa, Jan. 25, 876. . uf Roots, Barks & Herbs, fi‘rfim’n of TILDEN‘3 CKLEBRATED H. F. MacQARTHY‘3, MEDICAL HALL, Welington street. 100 bottes BLOUD COMPOUND ter tmnud. Ing th» compiexion, e 1, the Indenlsn‘d. wu.m,;u }-n'?,;(')":r"'u . C C of the Town of Ushawa, have been appointed A-m in tais matter. Creditors who have not so are IM'OMM claims beâ€" fore me within one month. wW. F. COWAN, Ece 0 Assignes. TAK®E NOTICEâ€"Parcels elivered in ali parts of the city for /ve cents each. OZFICEâ€"Rajotte‘s Bioca, Weilington street. L. N. NYE. Ottawa, Jan 18, 1976 404871 Dated >; Oshaws, this 6t 1 day of January, 1876 Comprising works infail Classes of 350 Vols. of Miscellaneous Freach Books On sale, atâ€"Low Prices by BABSAPARILLA or BLOQD OOIPOUX:& the only sure remedy for rew oving all ki 0t ~Kin Liseases and givicg healta aod beauty &~ .the compilexion, __ Es N. B.â€"A commodious Hal "‘?&': of hold ng ©00 persons is attacheâ€" to the 1, Suitable tor u-lL and Publ‘c Meewngs Ottawa, Jan 11, 1870. . 4041â€"lm In the mstter of THE JOBSEPH HALL MAâ€" NUFACTURING C >MPANY, |_ _ _ PROVINCIAL LAND SURVEYOR AND DRAUGHTSâ€" MAN, Successor to W. R. Thistle & Co. .( > Office, as formerly, cver Mann‘s Hardware Store, g Ssl9U In retiring from l.ho"l.dnee of my profession 1\"‘;' left with my former ‘~ssistant, Mr. . _F. COTTON, my Pians and mfi-flg 3urveys in Ottawa and vicinity, and Tt pieasure lo recommending Dim as my #u6â€" en W.R. T I1STLE & CO. oughly fitted up Hotel, has bean opened by Mr. B MELLON, [:ate Steward at the kussell Houre) who respectfally solicits a shars of the public patropag~. which he hopes to merit by providicg biging ard attentive service, and grvishin, ouly the best qualities of Wines, Liquors ad C.gars. * Oyrters and Luncheon in first class style at Is in ebarse of a competent marker, where every attenti‘o: will be paid to Visitors. BILLIARD HALL BERNARD MELLON, Tll E "ALMAMBRA," 1 n (LATE METCALFE‘s) Are now prepared to show a very large stock of * oVE COaTS, i ane Act of Incorporation, FRED FOOKS "*London"‘ Restaurant, Ottawa, Jan. 22, 1876, In this Department wiil be ‘ound 2 verylarge itcoirzof QOVER COATIN: mAwl?&ga, The mast comforta and convenlent Houre to «tay at duriog the on. The Table d‘ote ig the rest anpointed, and the LIQUORS are he fAnest imporied Ottawa. Jan, 4, 1876 b. 0 PUANNEL SHIRtTS, Ard a Large Assortment of Men‘s Furnishicgs MEMBERS OFf PARLIAMENT The above, cony riently situate! and thorâ€" ©. mpt isos Ottewa Jan. 11 NSOLYENT AUT OF 1875. MR. JUBB._ [lste Montrem:) M ANAGER VOL. xX., NO. 4065. UST RECEIYVED, ; An im mense supply of fresh Russell & O‘Connell, Ottawa, Jan | = PEA JACKEIS, And every description of Fall and Winter MBISTIAN BROTHER®S. French Literature, JOHN SMITH & Cu., The best cooked and best servel L adies‘ Entrance: Main Enirance:â€" KAtaws, Oct‘ $, 1475. Commercial House, RTHUR F, COTION, Finest Accomodation | MERCHANTS :! )ttawa. Jan. 19. 1876 COMPAR: THE PRICES COLOTHING HOUSE, ANNOT BE UNDERSOLD. UNDERCLOT HING Boarders elsher U souaule charge . YSTER Sl'PPl‘.fil & LUNCHEON®. Eâ€"OPENED ME "COLARENXDON. RYAN‘3 BLOCK, Cor. Sparks and O‘Conzor Streets : House i«now fully stocked with choice rs, Cigars, ete., of the finest brand=, and e co: ducied on first class prineiples by w proprietiry . & ORDER DEPARTMENT, Suites of Rooms b SAPPERY‘ BRID2 M ELGIN STREET, PROPRIETORS PROPRIETOR est appointed Hotels in Oltawa, CL P. NAU(_)__K!”’ Htotcls. TW EEDs, AT®TH®E â€" e street. xstreet, Ottawa. WILLIAMJM1LLS, _ 118 APARKS STREET THE HBE FRENCA BOOK f Parliament and Visâ€" nds the FIND D STAND) 178 Ridean s$roct #5ly1 VESTT St. Lawrence Hall, ENDON la Ccms Tt 40+7 ra. 4041(f 4042tf ith, at UFFICE: Hardy‘s Block, Rideau street. [l‘i:vocn-ovd "':“{n Law Office to their Ntonw w ; in e buile u‘l’olnlnz e lmnmw Office onl?o‘oub mt. celsiers, Atto r "l" Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &¢,, &¢c. OFFICKâ€"Bell‘s Bioek, Cenie Town, oppoâ€" to Russell House. . _ £0} wW. H. WALKER. | P.;PENNOCK. | A. F. MCINTYRE. Nov. 8, 1870. (€ 1 3985 BARRISTERS AND ATTORNEYSâ€"ATâ€"LAW,â€" S06% CrToRs, CONVEYANCERS no.." &*% Ot‘awa, Ont. 0 _____ Cenveyancers, &o. _ _ $%@~Mosgrove‘s Building, Ridean st., Ottawa. Hox. JoN O‘CONNOR, Q.C. G. J. O‘DoKzRTY. wec. 4, 1874. Office over Mr., B. Huckell‘s Flour Store, corner ot Suss=x and York strests, Ottawa. vaANIEL O‘CONNOR ~ept + 184. . Pl!llli', CHBISTIE & HILL, BARRISTERS, ATTORNEYS, SOLICITNRS, CONâ€" vEvyaANCceRS, ac., (Of the late firm of Lewis & Pinbey,) Offlcesâ€"Eigin street, Ottawa., C.H. PISHEY, A.J. CHRISTIE H.P. HILL. BIINII.EY M. . WALTON, M.D., Memâ€" ber of Royai ©oliege Su Engiand ct College of Physicians, Ireland ; of Apotheâ€" caries Company, Landon ; uoan'fiu in Midâ€" wifery and discases of women, Dt:nd. &c. Lite physician to Miachinnam pton pensary, to> st. Mary‘s Hospital and Hurst ege, Busâ€" â€"ex. Testimonials from Kings Lonâ€" don; Sussex Co. Hpepital; Admin. tale des bopitaux, Paris;;Eye Infirmaries, L na‘ic Asymun\bac. OFFIGE at Victoria Unm::n, opposite Parlian:ent Buildings. *2 House, Ottawa, Canada [ W. P. COUTLEE, B.C,L,, e BARRISTER, ADVOGA§ &Câ€", . (For the Provincs of Quebec.) BARRIETER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR IN CHAN»« CERY, &0., . *... (For the Province of Ontario.) Main street, Hull, P.Q. â€" szsmé â€"_~ !‘NorARY PUBLIC AND ADVOCATE, â€" Has opened &n the. city of Hull, Proâ€" T n o op en ane i. vince of Quebec or Ontaria, Hpecial care given to the callection of gccounts in both proâ€" HOMGOPATHIO PHYSICIAN, SUBGEON AND ACC@UCKEUR. Residenceâ€"Albert street. Offics.hours from 9 to ll a.m. and 2 to4 p.m. Spegial attention wiven to discaâ€"es and displacements of the uterus. # 1753 OFFICEâ€"Cotner of O‘Counnor aid Queen streets, sormerly occupied by Dr. qM , Canee.s oured without the use of the kni‘e, by a new bat certain,speedy and almost painâ€" cas n Odess.‘ References given by parties suocâ€" cesafully t:eated, if required. Licentiate of the Bgtl College of Phys‘cians, E inburgh; Fellow of the Obstetrical Society of London; late Resident Assistaut Accouâ€" cueur of S8‘.Thomas Hospital, London, Eng. _ PHYSICIAN, SURGEON AND ACCOUCHEUR, OTTAWA, ONT. Day Officeâ€"Sparks flg Centre Town. Night Offlceâ€"At hisr nee, Maria Street, Centre Town. I 68. SE PES m’ nn:aa-’i!] l;zrpoek :l 14 1!.'.’"’_'_’_‘ 4"1 Uttawa, South side of Rideau strget, ne r Glouâ€" ceste.. . K6 _â€". . is 6d, per 00] 6 And subscribersâ€"are ed for the T. sicaoms mss beeal the P R=ots, 'C&.I:.ndlr of é‘:&m--. | nIOUr, "aaay‘ * uns. ROGER, _ _._ Dl. TUPPER may ve consuited pro‘s ~sionaliy xt his residence, Maetcalfo street, house former|y cceupied by the Hon,. P',',’"' chell. §#17v1 [ Htora. Six years experietice. Good references | Apply to C,A. M., TIMES Office. _ 408118 May be consulted at his Offlee, cornr of O‘Jozâ€" nor and Albe:t s‘reets Oet 24, 1874 A Treatise how to raise and Grow Potatoct, 4o ‘IA(‘A\N(‘IES FOR BOARDERS, No. i McCormick‘s Terrace, U‘Comnor t. Apply st NOâ€"NAN‘s RESTAURANT, ts street U Sli ON. â€" Three or fM)3r Mem ers of Farliameat can find comforta e acconâ€" wodation with or withoot B»ri, by apo‘ylut at 76 Sussex street, [opposite French caleâ€" dral}. 4055+f “;flé of good bedâ€"rooms with bord, may be had at MRS. KARR‘3, corner of Eigin and Salter streets 40041f B. ABD.â€"A Lady can ne aeccomodated with Bnaru, or roOms without board ju a priâ€" Â¥ute family, in a ceatral locality, Address @, Tlm®s Office. 4045tf the best arranged hall of its size in Ottawa. \9. M B«)HmlLLE. 186 & 188 Rideam street. 4+ 4 «ty agmns meimn oo .____Aj63mleod _ r LEYTâ€"Two Furnished Rooms in private l‘ family. about five mirates Jule from Parliameot . Bullcings ; . a‘dress BX â€" 257, Otta t ® f 40 2. WA!'I‘I\‘.Ibâ€"Durm? the Hesstoqa, RouUS AND BODaRKDis ap i ‘ate fimitv. by a single g nteman, nour the House of P-rfl:\- r.ent, ii possible, Apply to H., TMES Oftce CGf BARRISTER, / TTORNEY, NoTaARY, &c. Oflceâ€"Master in Chancery Cham bers, Coirt ARBLE HALLâ€"To rent by the night or 1‘1‘ senson. Cleau, "“I:::F"fl ‘Ll“.':g and BARRISTER AND ATTORNEYâ€"ATâ€"LAW, SOLIâ€" CITOR LN cpx.mnx. NOTARY, ®PO, reet, Hull Hail, Maron 9, 1876. ‘ RARE CHANCE is now offered to ul{ 4 one desirous of Jmmnuln( a beautifu private site fora goutleman‘s reside three »nd a half wores, opposite Messrs. tmanda Mutchmor‘s, on ufl&rmm Road, one mile from the cltwmn. ‘erms moderate. Ag&v io M. STARRS, ottawa City. 401 Hull, Oct. 26, 1874 WA‘!'rlDâ€"A tion as Clez Ottaws, Jan. 12, 1876. Roavid JB~ Consultations at al! bours COTT, STEWART & GORMULLY, Barristers, Attorneys, Solicitors, BARRISTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICLTOR, ETC. *CONNOR & HOoGG, ‘CONNOR & O‘DOHERTY, EW SEEDLING POTATO. E. 0 «. WoOoD, R. LOGAN, ©OoD ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" K. J. D. R. MA®DONELL, K. J. P.‘LYNXS, FVWedical Cards. W. W. WARD, ARCHAMBAULT, Mooms to Zct. Legal Cards. MARSHKAL MATHESON, Tdlants. PENNOCK & MeINTYRE, FPATERSON‘3 ~A Man wants a sitt JlormMn lr_ul_&. ADVOCAaTE, § Union odgtig. w oagpn@oush 2101 y1l Agent for the following first class Companies ~ EQUITABLE LIFE ASSUBANCE SOCIETY ___of the United States, Assets over $26,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANQE COMPANY of London, England. Capital $11,000,000. DOMINION {LA:HG GLASY INSURANCE COMPANY of Montreal. B M ACCIDE INSURAN SoWeRRNY or Mostreat _ s OTTAWA RIVER NAYVIG ATL )N COMEPNY. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION JOMPANY. W&.Coal and Wood for sale. Citizens Insurance Co‘y. H â€"of Public Buildings, Houses, m'."."}"hu-m by high Cwifi-fl- Bteam aad hot water a specialty. ZAB~ Pest of references given. unkkar FIRE, LIFE & MARINE INSURAKCE . mBâ€"CANAL BASIN. G2 a# This is the largest shédet of Ice ever endlosed in one Rink, in this city, and is kept in perâ€" fect order every day. . In aid of the Dorcas Society 0f St. Joseph‘s Church, to be neld in GOWAN‘S HALL, Laviles and gentlemen are to be tu Full Dress and to provide themselves with two G&rds,â€"with their names and address, legibly writter, ons to be given at the eatrance i0 Senate Cba ber, and one to the A.D,0, in fvaiting. F. ROWAN HAMI N, h 220 l, _ A.D.0. in Waiting, Under the of Their E: lencies the Earl and Countess of Dufferin. His Excellency will enter the Senate Chamâ€" berat 9 o‘siock, and the Drawing Rwom will commence, The Miuisters, Senators and Members of the innaie?s w oo beremieinligt Tok the aug wili present an hghg_mgo_nlhxpen in attardance. _‘ __ _ CHEAP 8 charanter of the articles, ance Sale so successful. Gentlemen‘s Furnishings. SHIRTS & DRAWERS, manupfimma‘mfl m&mm 3 0 _Lodies and gent‘emen (other than those abâ€"ve mentione1), are requsstel to euter at at the door where Red Lizbts are showna. _ __Members of the House of Commons and and thair wives and unnah'ot;om request ed to enter on the west side of the Tower. _ AT 9 O@‘CLOCK, ON THURSDAY! Evening, 10th FEBRUARY Ottawa, Jan. 28. The Countess of Dufferin Drawing Room in the Senate Chamber, Ottawa, Feb. 2,,1876 PuLuMBER, 648 AKP STEAX FITTER Cor. Wellington and Bank street, Ottawa. @SZ~ For particulars of each days Performâ€" ance, see programmes. GOVERNOR GENERAL Gentiemen‘s Single Tickets.............. 800 Plogle Adm{ittanoe.....................}. _ 10 u!;]l;kouunbehu‘ln Orme & Fon‘s, or at the * â€" JOHN MUNRO. Beason.......... .. .$8.00 l nee mds mMeneg in io coinl. CG GEQ, HOLMAN....................... Manager _orawa, Jav, 4, 1876. '[\llll EXCOELLENCIES STEAMBOAT ng[xrr ND GENERAL COMMISSION A%IHOY. Call and get prices before going elsewhere,. Ottawa, Jan. 15, 1§76..__â€" | 10457 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 7TH. SKA TING RINK, ‘Ot awe, Jan 27, 1876 CAPITAL â€" .< + ©>©$3%000,000. Breuss HOLMAN coagaay For One Week Only, $&" Buy ere it is 100 fates HAS. DESJARDLNS, REGULATIONS FoR THE DRAWING ROOM : TTAWA GRAND CONCERT. HE END APPROACE N >. 36 Russsll House Block, Sparks St. T. sUTTo®, OWAN‘S OPERA HoUSE. Plumbers, , &t. D. MORGAN & SONS. | Temporary Oflco: General Agent JOHKNSTON, Anusemenxnts. Insurance. cf Acomaxt aAxp Gvazraxts®s. OTTAWA. amem c homnne ce COMMENCING THE oF REGATTA BHIRTS ALE i OTTAwA. PUESDAY. KEBRUABY.8,â€"1876, .. 8 YYAUHSH ‘The London Times publishes#&letter from Seville this morning which ‘contains the xfollowin’ details of the recent elections 3&‘:{â€"!‘«' the new members 6f thé‘ e frauds and intimidation m tised by the Government have more to destroy th&. confidence and romote discord in rovincds than, gu possibly be udnuug. Not only was wholesale bribery practised l:;t voting papers were forged by thousan In one town in Andwuhb’fln Liberals lished hurried‘y yesterday. Stocks.: The Times‘ financial article says the market is bare of United States new five per couts, funded loan. Grain TFrade. Loxpox, Feb. T.â€"The Mark Lane Exâ€" press, in its review of the grain markets for the past "week, says the weathor has been muggy and, unfavourable to trade. f:flo;ou have‘ generally doelinod.bou:{o;e per quarter, in consequence of deâ€" are still short, compared with last year, Business has been heavy, and im&-h have been rather less, and: will probably continue to diminish until prices improve. At Paris flour has declined a franc. In Germany the markets . have. rather None has been to my knowledge proposed or opposed or dorflod in Rom..?' Audrassy‘s Note. The Daeily News‘ Vienna special says the pretmature lEuhliosfionof Countâ€" An drassey‘s note has caused much mnog: ance there. . The official text was pu improved, while in Belgium ar ‘tho’}wmdnn_udm!agnged: truth. He proceeds as follows : * No scheme whatsoever on the jsubject of ‘Riâ€" tualism has ever been conceived by‘ me. presented a protest whereupon five or ‘Loxpox, Feb. 7. â€" Cardinal Manning writes to the Times and states that the telegram from Rome that he intends to proceed thither to promote the union of & portion of the: English Ritualislic clergy men with the Roman Cataolio Church, and that he had made proposals to the Vatican, looking to that. end, are both, from first to h’t, wholly devoid of the Sultan‘s Note in Reply. \ Brrux, Feb. 7.â€"The Sublime Porte‘s ciroular in regard ‘to tie reforms promised in the Northern Provinces mentions as t:b‘ Northern Provinces. mentions : as basis of its desision not only the negoâ€" tiations with Austria, Russia, and Gerâ€" many, but also the support of the scheme time a millionaire in Wall street, New York, has departed life under very mysâ€" terious circumstances. In one day, Black Friday, he lost all he was worth, and was reduced to penury and want, His dead body was found in the closet of a house in Chi:ago, on Sunday. It is supposed that the deceased committed suicide. by other g Disability. The London Times‘ Berlin special says that Dr. Levyshou,fan, eminent Prussian )onrnnlinz and Vienna correspondent ‘of several newspapers, notwithâ€" standing the intercession of the German Ambassador, and despiteâ€"Dr. Levyshon‘s from Austria, charged with disseminatingâ€" intelligence nnfavourable to the realm. Lieut. Col. G. T. Denison, of the Lieut. Governor‘s (Ont.) Body Guards, is in the city, and stopping at the Russe!l House. The gallant Colonel is the author of a clever work on Cavalry Exercises, which has been adopted as a text book in the military schools in Austria. A Vienna journal contradicts the, ruâ€" mours of a change of the Cisleithan Min« istry, and states that Count Taafe was not received by the Emperor, as has been Mapz, Feb. 7.â€"It is stated that the Biscay and: Navarez Provincial .Doputies have told Don Carlos mot ito expect any further aid from them. . ‘ mew Storm. There was‘s heavy storm in Navarre and Guipusion yesterday. + of artill and . twenty bettal Aintry facing Gen, Morkgnes Loxpox, Feb, 7.â€"A «:::r‘toh from Vuâ€" The revival meetings of Moody and Sankey commenced at the Hippodrome, New | York, last night. _ About 9,000 people were present. TELEGRAPHIC holds everyjavenue into Alava and Biscay. nupc.fla’t at Tolosa with a large force of artillery and twenty battalions of : inâ€" the best flour and feed. in fl'fldz at 1 Rideau streat. took placelast night in the Ontario Le= gislature on a vote of 44 to 33, A numâ€" ber of amendments proposed in succession were defeated. . The Railway Aid Bill of the Govern: ment passed a third reading in the Onâ€" tario Legislature last night. The last amendment was defeated by a vote 31 for to 49 against it.‘ The steamship. Céreassian arrived at Portland yesterday from Liverpool. The Prince Edward local election 0886 has been postponed till the 14th of March, The new S:quuw'n Church, Torontd, now said be totlie finest church edifice in that city, {will be opened for Divine Serâ€" vice on Sunday next. The Rev. D. M. Gorâ€" don, B.D., of this city, will take part in the inaugural ‘services. } The third reading of the License Bill Giroux, Philip Valliere, Nazaire TurcoWWe, Darwinta.â€"The organs of human life $ummary of 31 r prevents any advance. FORETIG N. Cardinal Manzing. GBE iT BELTALN, The Rebellion. Deciines Aid. GERMANY. tesing powers. SPAIN. cius. his bottled up pet. com| eradicated the use of Fowrz‘gnmdflnmgam iih ‘Rii e Worm, and even Leprosy ; it has bopaly Pasief Motisba.® . "* } &A sitting on a slipaevts logge," 3 Theral was . rejoicing. is the Wigwifn of â€" was cing in m-mim booifieofth.dof evening, by H. M. Clarke, one of the ediâ€" tors of the Democrat, in a quarrel which grow out ~of a political dissussion which commenced in jest.. 74 son, Outside Guard; Alex. May, Past Worthy Chief Templar. ‘The officer who ‘proved itself an almost never (See special notice.) years delighting ‘the music ; people of Canada, fi‘:: «ouly : very m those of Oiltawa, gave another very sucesssful entertainment in the Opera night.. The audience which; * reapperrance was not so‘ As t have been expected from the numbers which attended their last short season, but the attractions of fine moonlight weather, skating and sleighing must have acted Cixomnar, Feb. 7.â€"Proceedings were commenced on Saturday by Hon. H. B. Hanning and mfil)odnhk Piatt: and wife, and Clinton Kirby, to set aside the will of the late ‘l‘lm“xirby, which made &rxvuio-for; 1 of illegitis mate children of the testator. uel Shore, Worthy UI in ; . Iobert Russel], (Inside Gmm Thompâ€" ml Timss that h‘m same gxov’d“_ rrflnolu. more f is taken into caonkideration that the sost is the same as when the piece was last presented on the Ottawa boards. Suffice it to say that Miss Sallie and Miss Jumndm-mqumw inthoir‘ctinfi;smflfl,md _not seem to suffer an the meagre attendange, present. 'Ih.ywmhlenbly wolla ported by the rest of :the veast, who‘ took, what action; if any, has been taken by the Emnfifiopufi’uut of the Government in‘relation to the connection of the United States Minister at the.â€"Courtrof ‘St. Jatnes * Tormictly. It it 40 retently sinvw the with the directory of the soâ€"called Emma mine, and with the prosecution of the Machada claim, ( The. resolution was WasHixatox, Feb.: 7.â€"Représentative Morrison is confident the Ways and Means Committee will. endorse the new Tariff Bill, and that the House will pass it The Emma Mine Swindie. f Mr. Pierce, of Massachussetts, offered a beside him . Ward was formerly a well known operator in Wall street, but in the panic ofPB.hok Friday lost his all, which is '.}'.'}fl:’d to have Leen over a million of c . Bince that time he has been living in penury and ‘istress in this city., It i-ioliopv.od heâ€"comr itted suicide; "\| ! * COnsSWit & . poiysiciag, Of To SUBOT HS :: dofir;:.éi.’;‘:"&'%hbfls ““Y's d n at im f. for Fowle‘s FPile and Humor Cure hichis an infailible cure. 129 Cider, in the" view of the M!‘g ponnoo-gnrnp It ‘cortainly ought, All the cider we‘ve «cen for the last ten years has been about two thirds townâ€" Caicaes, Feb. 7.â€" The body of Wm. F. } Ward was discos » i this evening, in the l closet ol a vaca: hmqonthwt Washington and (lion streets, in city. The body was partially decomposed, and was entirely »ude, but without marks‘ of violence. His"clothes lay on the floor| KFiLs« Mopasty.â€"* .+ veopie: to -I. . to become «» : > ;”uz th>~ consult a ply~.cian, or to suffer as and> eonfess@d his‘ guilts© Over 1,000 opened letters were found in his ma‘:l: greater part of ~which had never passed through the post office. 7 C L DCCCCTY C We Ax°~/OHRLNMU . AAWWIRDTy rdfl'l a saloon ioeper in the town, of ow w!mdnr. was committed to jail to ies Te Agoniy rasd o) nhote be 0 4 w !hotnfnt Ffid&n fi. injured man died this morning, and the prisoner pleads selfâ€" defence. »ega):~* i/~. Rebbing Letier Boxe#. Morris Bessitikys, a" collector ‘of letters from the street lettar?hoxes, was arrested on Saturday; ‘olarged ‘with stealing lotters 864, Nzew Yorsk,/Feb. 7.â€"â€"Last ‘evening fire deatroyed. a fire.storey brigk blook at 82 l n wl in wint & Co, 6@ aiso No: 86 and Mexenits, Feb. 7.â€"A Brownsville, Tenn., ecial says, Samuel Boyd, Deputy U. 8. srshall, was shot and killed/ Saturday b ted for. Trial. _ Mipoustox, ; ‘eb,. 7.â€"Jonathan .Radiker, AMLLITOAN: â€" Setting Aside a Will, Mysicrious Affair WASHLN« £O0N. HATTO .PMHTUT 5 TENNESSEE Officer Shot The Tariff. ILLINONS Great Fire. NEw Â¥o OHIO. and : clothing. the Committee on Leprosy ; it has was | Temple ‘fl?fiw Church that > wasdedi= cate1 on Sundav cost oxmuh{m @xtraordinary efforts of Dr. Ives, of N.Y., the !Ml:‘dmt was subscribed at the mmi service. t 4. the amount on Mr, Deviin‘s stock in the % Patrick‘s:â€" Hall . Association.: â€" Mr. Jm.myu;‘ ut Us mhurerdubs Judge w disnissed . Mr. »Deviin‘s motion, the costs to be divided. *. Mr, Kane having failed to the costs w,‘:fiu:‘?.mnw:gf ivin L. oond C s rooto‘npf'flufinh-l Tm Comâ€" pany, in the famous shares which he made the b«sis of his attack, were on Saturday seized in Execution. D w "Hon. T. W.}n‘lin, MP., editor of the St.John,rN.l rcqu-.ud-sgnhrdflm g:lulioo Commons, is at the huâ€";r Hall en route to Ottawa, Hon. P. H. Moore, of Mooretown : is als? at the Hall. a.% reach at all yesterday, but: his : pulpit at We Ru‘-nfi'l syesterday,.but his : pulpitnt th e!}u:oilfidl > supplied. â€" in the evening me Hal mas depgay cromded thomselves yery creditably, Toroxto, ‘Feb. 7.â€"!’_; ‘day _ Archâ€" bishop â€"Lynch announced k« d , io oi m.% ue recent jubilee and could. now be hci“ His wee:“ id particular The Worms‘ Caseâ€"Liberal Donation of Potaices â€"â€" Deviin‘s Protest â€" Legal Chiniquy Indisposed. Bpecial to THE TLUES, ‘ MoxtzrRaL, . Feb. â€" 7.â€"Toâ€"day, in â€" the Wonm'ouo,Juthohmm' 'n%- ment on the application of .Enn,&.. # to bnwb the: prosecution from P phin.db-ig:hbdo s0, and granting a remand of the prisoner for > ;'m‘b‘ Caseâ€"At. iAndrew‘s Church $paâ€"i l io 148 TLMHB:o iPpnsgebe: Gs ! stress upon their value as a memento of dntml::nblooocuh,mofi recially in viev;‘ of“thomdhmhmqm $ k. l” is s F .; for those: that on what walked on what His Grace termed" The ‘Martyi‘s Sunday, 3rd of W’_m‘mhnd,- i of martyrdom. i8 wohinn tds Ioys more aremied i7 His . Honour, 'hoh‘z'm ‘ ft «is‘ understood that the railway aid F-thac Aftidiigst other lines yet Te Mirtinoh. o he. Unal Opers H-lu: !lflfnm Tha trnctaan tha House, hias presented the trustees of the gq«onioffl‘;dll with :cz;;"vlo bust of t*‘m rince 0 &les, in W the various une’flumdkhm have been extended to her by the craft. The Woodbine‘ Park ice races, which were to have come off to morrow and the two following have been till rm';,"ia, and : 24, E conse â€" quence of th.ohm the w 307. Nudeli,) Police Court Clérk, was ‘Rev. Prof. ren, Knox College ; and in the evening the Rev. D. M. Gordon, B. D, of Ottaws. ‘The cost of the Church and land was $125,000, of which sum the presenited showed the institution esd County in the Legiahagure hk Goon 'mTtnh:. u@fl' new St. Andrew‘s which mma h”‘dmm“ difices in the m&wh divine ‘seryice on Sunday next. The fol: w{nnm ministers ou io n n nc se umflrh!' Robt, There were 1,175 instances 3‘3&5 ons a & ‘codssâ€" yem m«:! thow. f Mr. Nfl%hfiflbfl.w 10E i P mmatiere ralnt at t u un{»modenmuildu-d m-o-. t is proposed to locate another police station in the southern part of the city, near Clarke‘s Bridge, inâ€"which ‘cruse five more policemen will be appointed. sented with a handsom ‘was opened C nomngl--nofin‘mnq'gl!m was held this afternoon. ~The various reâ€" from coal oil yet discovered. W. Hearn, Sappery‘ Bridge. 4061ecodam Sent for Trialâ€"Banks Open on Satur® dayâ€"Soup Kitchenâ€"Maple Sugarâ€" Noa,,lbu. Station. Hatus Onirdity Shergen ioh robbing I fomdcmpflnnmadlobomfln:, of cash and papers to the amount of $250, have been committed for trial, bail being The ‘bauks have agreed to the request‘ of n business to ‘ 5t pumerous business man; to keop open Edward O‘Doherty, which was tota ""n, destroyed ; no iuu’n:o.. 'fl:uonu of the fire is unknown. . Total loss, $20,000, Destructive Fireâ€"Loas $20,000. _ Rurousk:, Que., Feb. 7.â€"On évening a fire broké out in the dwelling and sl0e owned . by J. C. Nolan. The $s soig ol ioA w Tith: â€" tb00f __iifass." The building stock and furniture are a total loss ; partly insured. fioflmmoxundo&toth adjoining building, owned â€" by the late Hixo "_'Q"'";.'b.'.;â€""'c""‘ iz Mr. Mer: ovonin:.:x’ fire broké out in the dwelling :M".m and store :rd by J. C. Nolan. The | means of in flames | sp rapidly, _ the 000u:| community. pants having barely time to : escape Dr. Grare with _ their _ lives. The _ building this resolutic stock and furniture are a total loss ; partly bait, and no insured. 'l'hoflunuo%o oxtond«hotlu temperance Haiso ies ‘ats t coot | mae tas # destroyed; no insurance. The cause of | T20°4 this 1 The opening of the new Masonic Hall, Wolls Islend, is ' evening, whena grand batt mif be tivess The Approaching Bpecial to rn::xum Haper. Kmastox, ‘Feb. 7. â€"Some fifty visiting horses are expected to i in the E?:”“hvhoooutfl ice here next Srumge foity of ‘the Church is about‘ 1,500. CA N A D FA N. MONTRAEAL. RIMou . s KLINCSTON LONDoOn. 1%08 Rribed o vocgA~ s ; in the afterncon «manner. .. s j ig:= 4 d "y in aeoreeqere i 20 CP T mmb ind Ably Mr. .1 upEr moved, in a g P es pen, on Hon. Mr, Macpovi qchhâ€"fic& on, Mr, OALL -fi?o:gdL-mHi-,uun&& &Amm «ud to some extent by ~ On division, th> amendment was lost. Yeas, 39 ; mays. 49. **+ â€" Mr. Oz;mxuqnd an| amendment 12,% said . it . was fi:lu uad:t sionl antonduionis." "The Hittle Wihay ware .. Mr. BE accused the‘ meamber faf c In#the third reading of the Bill grk to Hon: o.-m n ega -mififlnflfifly e Government in granting such aid as E*I‘*"m" n css sns miaded riay: ‘," condemning .nk:fib.% Otrm this dzn-t:.* plac6 on this motion, 'hol!_wu of enabli mop:u-':.u'-fi-' 2m‘m&b'bkflm Hon. Mr. MacpoveiiL availed himself of the: privilege â€"for nearly an hour, and was : still 0'-h? till ‘the: hour of six ‘clock, when the House adjourned. : :Ymfi Gnnpu:lm‘m“."l& i AE at killing the rad’th:t nc Cniads Pharis Soiiwag n n sn | 4t : Mr. Baic spoie in favour of the amend~ Hon. Mr. Crooxs held that the premises onâ€"to. show thuhbswnm-t’dhy was inconsistent in the manner they have "Hon Ms. Mow at length, and war $ ompennie ons Thon: Mn fnensight grte mde‘ a :fl.hq&h f-:‘dfiopdby:‘r the Government in this matter. h&:’“ gentiemen contraiing the con m-d&oe‘y. Efi!m that a portion of the amendâ€" Iment might be accepted. He continued at u’-vcfihw' port of his views. He ‘"Mr. Soorr moved another amendment plating towns and ‘villages in the same position as cities, which was lost on diviâ€" sion.. Yeas,29; nays, 41. <~ â€" 3 M‘ t upou the government and ts policy. 6 se 1> es mfl--dduhhhu‘&o i ioeime the motinee of ts mombar o t Puremant tnd pald s higheon m.q SPP vm- Lo icffmmmed m + figh ohe C . ‘ Hon. Mr. Parors held, in uflolmm out« was called amendment, M % .dflttht'hnthh-..-hd‘ M*LH z.: 3 ?dlh-onm--im”v.c their followars in~the House would not be found #xicking over the ‘traces" as often as they do.>~Heheld it was a com muunw-nu their ing so compact, and assumed that it lumart"bf the mdm;l"'"â€"i.'â€"'f e fl,.wu inhn'-cflb-.-,odm t h’uan.niritht&inh.fiontodom which is intended by the Bill, the House must not vote for this amendment. 52. 3 fl.mnm', in it ‘support, moved in ‘amendment to dout'nmll 7. _ Mr. MoDove1aur, (Middlesex), spoike in fai ‘-"&_â€"'â€"‘-' muâ€"_ , Rostxsox said . that . if the Govern« ment went any further than the present bill did, he would be compelied to oppose â€"~Hoen. Mr. Curem spoke against it, and held it x E""‘l“hfi.mww w&mmumm with ltP following reéesult:=â€"Yeas, 18 ; it. duced this resolution at a time when the House was in committee on the bill now about to be read a third time. _. Mr. Lavouz accused the hon. member temperance principles, because. .if the wmmu have intro Mr. ‘l(mm“didnotx.'wm.m .w'mr-olufion. now before the He felt it wrould ~be ‘the means of injuring a large number of the community. Dr.Qummodthmothx this resolution was intended merely as & Torpxto, Feb, 7â€"The Srmarem took the chair at 11:30. J After the presentation of some petiâ€" fim,rwun‘ndby i + Mr.â€"CRroors, that the Liguor Li cense law be now read. WO . _ Hon. Mr, Macbovearcmoved an amendâ€" ment in effect that the sale of liquors in shops be: confined to such shops as will sell liquor only, and in so doing spoke at Special to T 4€, T: Mugs. The â€"Sraacrs~ took "the clair©at 8 Third | Parliamentâ€" ONTARIO LEGISLATURE. support »of his â€"resolu~ AmnNttâ€" ~ . s of vote sonseâ€"‘ erres m%m_ alsory in so . faras they relate to hide, leather, butier, | ; :. BOARD OF TRADE E®etri8G." X Epfowes Fistoris Chambers lnst /n ols hss Â¥. Clemow, R. W. J.F, Detbet tor which be is so remarcaiie . h.n-ha:d- lost on difl.‘â€" "ml was n‘d . mnfl; Government to grant aid to mangâ€" %dfl?â€"»h‘ o in the behalf of this project. â€" M e An <able and exhaustive debate wast torsim omcs upon o t increased after which a ition was passed in that sense. * A number of other matters were ‘dis edPs will appear in Mn-:;dh-,i ataed i the Tentoit Eow makuee ts action of the Government hm Prvour of t Fecolonos oi‘ ie *3 n in paaivent in io aeute it mittee bo inted to take . steps 40â€"« Mr.:â€"Curmow ‘was of “g‘ should take the * bull ‘horas," not leave it. till ing.« A dow * of them should take metter up ab > onde: o ‘The Pameroexr expressed a ho pou seteaie s e e un, and show to the: e nm “.’"â€"â€"vv "to , “'â€" * -“-:| s mntonarpmmetees ies i e es (ate the Houssane of tode iood Hinded uous S ore OfH i fprn time and Ahe of unanimously. course of a fow days, opy "of 1e one copy "of which Jour . presented : to â€" each amember of * All of Which is respectively aubmitied by Mr. E. MoG:uuryz«r, Reconded by Mr. Cruics, moved the adoption of the report. C ies Taa! in anoag and the ‘Lumbermen‘ 1 uhod-nmm admission and annual fees were placed at "‘x.":".‘..'a"......; objected! or" the ground that they were not able . toâ€" pay The Cuarmuix made a few remarks in enc &-fldfiumw-filumg Mr. Carruthers, a member of the Commitâ€" rerpe o p rvly d cmady (apg w ce m s on se aree aen P sike t‘l:ll‘* vote, and spoke briefly in support Bht interpti of aus pasele 400 hero ma he had learned by observation he felt sa vers fy pooagn prorea on uin‘p rent ; assumed by hon. -.-s.'. for of his views. The amendment to the amendment thenp‘:tlndbtu.&viduâ€"rnq;: " "the sinendment was tied put ind lost * The Bill was then reed a third tiasg)! Hon. Mr. moved the third l:.dmgoffl:moo&hhfi.. ve Assembly. amendment to mw;m'aumu m'&”"".’" m-lnuddl‘n!ur. Hon. Mr. Caxmmox was satisfed the s erend Sollh qo e Tat: eitlafied .. 'iowlw.din favour of the amendment, w LE I-s-lm:.p* man n + :Ad‘thi- 3 4o se a lively attack _ the Governâ€" ment, because of its having granted any of conhdence resolution. A and o on Torwrey rsceniive Frony. aitee Stormont considered the Bill with that mfiufii‘i&d.crnd,homw mcquiesce in its provisions. His remarks Mr. Pexwock . then sead : the <~Lollowing Hon. Mr. Mowia*t were not correct in fact. PRICE 3 CENTS... Feb. 7 6, bflm}vlgr. (Bigned), Jis. Scmad,

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