Feet! RT use, al. ed in RAPES nants ‘oyles, fxveg I O wely omae, ers, stock o m l = meg Simon remained for some moments perfectly stunmred aud speechless ; when the news was broken to him. Fauny, in alarm at his increasing paleness, spraug to his breast. He pushed her away â€""Go Bauk, he, like many other misers, kept all he had, in notes or specie, under his own lock and key. His whole fortune, indeed, was far less than was supposed ; for money does not make money unless it is put out at interest,â€" and the miser cheated himself, Such portion as was in bank notes Mrs. Boxer probably had the prudence to. destroy ; for those numbers which Simon could remember were never_traced ; the gold, who could swear to? Except the pitâ€" tance in the savings‘ bank, and whatever might be the paitry worth of the house he rented, the tather who had enriched the menial to exile the son, was a beggar in his dotage. The news, however, was carefully concealed from him by the advice of the doctor, whom, on his own responsibility, the lawyer introduced, till he had recovered sufficiently to bear the shock without danger; and the delay naturally favoured Mrs. Boxer‘s escape. _ " Tostarye!" said Fanny, wonderingly; and she stole away, and sat herself down as if in deep thought. She then crept up to the lawyer as he was about to leave the room, after exhausting his stock of commonplace consolation ; and putting her b.-mfin his, whispered, " 1 want to talk to youâ€"this way:"â€"She led him through the passage into the open air. " Tell me," she eaid, " when poor people try not to starve, don‘t they work ?" " My dear, yes." "For rich people buy poor people‘s work ** Very well. Mrs. Boxer used to sell my work. Fanuy will feed grandpapa! Go and tell him never to say ‘starre‘ ‘gain"} The goodâ€"natured lawyer was moved,â€" " Can you work, indeed, my poor girl ? Well, put on your bonnet, and come and talk to my wife." â€"goâ€"go, child," he said ; "I can‘t feed you now. Leave me to starve." And that was the new era in Fanny‘s existence! Her schooling was stopped. But now life schooled her. Necessity ripened her intellect. And many an eye moistened,â€"as seeing her glide with her little basket of fancy work along the streets, still murmuring her happy and birdâ€"like snatches of unconnect: d songâ€" men and children alike said with respect, in which there was now no contempt, * It‘s the idiot girl who supports her blind grandiather |" They called her idiot still ! Frovr axo Fzzo.â€"R Johnston keeps the best flour and feed in the city at 120 Rideau street. 4063i4 Tarsstry, Wool and Hemp Carpets i good variety for moderate prices at inard‘s. 406412 luz sBEST sewing cotton for hand or machine sewing is Clark & Co.‘s extra quality six cord. Notice the anchor on each spool. e s 4047 Darwixta.â€"The organs of human life are so tender and delicate that rest or inactivity render them impotent through disuse. Hence indolance or sedentary knew tha Night and Morning. called her idiot still To be Continued l&d _ over the nmuser iuny, and she had seltishness against . And, as cerâ€" mimon had, many in her favour ; she altered that will : strey had been so of his son! Cerâ€" woman had exerâ€" o the intruder; hated as & dog ily for taking his uiated on suc whatever they renever Proviâ€" uard n iew era to her d never sot Fannv. â€" Her pieithing it iD y e recan tly aleng ) _ _ _ _ n would | Teas, whisp s goid ustom te 0 ght sh Sealed Tenders will be rece‘ved by the underâ€" si;:ned u>to noon of the ®¥tih day f February nex‘. Afor tse manufacture of the foliowing W. CHAMPN 38 begs to draw the attentio of his patroas and the public generaily to his extensive Livery Stables, Carriages, AND YEHICLES, which cannot be beaten. Carefuland attentive Orivers alw>ys in attendance when requfred. Conyayances can be had at all hours by leayâ€" ing orders ai the . Cantro Town Livery Stables. Bairisk Lion HorkL. ;"')J:â€Ml?lu: po,l:s. large, i et«, Marquee, 3,20)01_ do l' Tfl.rlxï¬nll.w( 5 0 Tent pins, uee, e, L500 " do _ _‘ 0o‘ medtam, 74,00) do Tent, small, L0 Hands Akes, 6 feet, 110 do 1 do 2 The lent F)'O'O are to be of the bast Pine. Mailet; of Hickory or Qak. Tent pins of Hickory, Oak or Hard Mapie. H: lkes of tickory. . u. M Lo. ( Samplas of any of the nbom articles may be seen on application to the Militia Storekee at Toronto O:tawa Montreal or Que at eftber of which phcendoflvorz must be to after iuspection on ofr before the Ist June next. _ "Tenders (o Wamp Equipment" to be w:itten on the upcer left hand corner of| the epvelope containing the ténder, _ _ | _ The iowest, or any tender not necessarily accepted. * | THOS, WILY, Ltâ€"Col, _ | _ , | Director of Stores, &c. FEBRUARY instant, fx‘v‘o"ï¬'r' o T of eâ€"ufiâ€"m‘ng a certain offer for pur chage of the Insoivent Estate: en bloc and| also In the mattor ot the JJSFP‘I HALL MANUâ€" FACIURIN+ COMPANY, | Insolyent. A MW; of the Credito:s of the Abovi inâ€" solv ute#‘state, will be held at the office ihe Iasoivents, at th« Town of t&iBAW ; on w EDNESDAY, the BIXTEENTH of In the matter of JOHN ER3KINE and EQOâ€" wAR H. TRURSTON, Boot and sShoe Manuâ€" facturers, Ottawa City donnty of Carletoj it a Writ of Attachment has Iua a this uause;nd "I%e C;c))dlxhl)‘ll‘l srg notifed 1o at my 000 0. eau Htreel : Cosnty® or, Carieton, on i crant ns VENTH day of FKBRUARY unext, at the hour of Teno‘cluck A. M . to teceive statements Of m:l;:nflum, and to appolgt an Assignee if they ? 8 WILUQM gn« ‘laA'g forfthe purpoâ€"e of transacting any otier busiâ€" eds which may be legibly transactei at such meeting Dated at Oshaws, this 28th day of January, 176. W From Gooderiam and Worts Colebrated N atiliery, SOLM Lo. L Ottawa, July 2, 1875 1{11G MA WiXNXES, JAMES JACKSON lll) | SEHEEPER® Storeâ€"Branch, Ottawa, Jan. 28, 1476 Ottawa, 1ith January, NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 NSOLVENXT ACT OF 1875, 134C0COS, L. ‘KLES, BALL BLUE STAROCH, RICE, RAISINS, | CHBERANTS, NUTS, CIGA@S, PAIL$§ and BKGOMS®, also, I Baskerville & Bros., EPAiRTMENT OF MILITIA AND DEFENCE Having just rec«ived a New TORK FOR ALL tuv‘te a trial of my Tem®* and Coffees, beâ€" in« they Will give entire gnmracuun. @"~ Remember .the plice Coffees, Wines, uw PRICES FOR CASH I «t isf WELLINGTON ST REET, OTUAW A. N. 36, Rideau St., Ottawa. uplet» Lin Marketa, /s uplé PROOF AND RYE Spices, Salt, 287 ts d Onlous, a *+% g g8 Â¥ B al Groceriâ€"s Wines and l LOW PRICEK to \ of Groceles, bought at nce the recent Fa:l of TTOM FIGURES Syrups, and Liqours ;F, COWAN,| Aulqeo ard 3906â€"tf hand, @1 405816 An&r ted up to 9.3)p.m., Will « “Mmï¬ :l‘:& ï¬:fl-m lupplm-uar.; n?l A su »plementary for o.nu:a steamert wmgoelaod % «, 1n. W only upâ€" WJ« ‘he sont * STREET LETTER BOXES. Collections will be made from the Street Letter Boxes at 9 a. m , 12 noon, and 8 p.82. hegen o5, SP i ReaATY foue on r8, vered by riers at 8 a.m., 10@.m:, and 5 p.m, 8t PésrA.(:a'i"s‘rAï¬s a wï¬‚ï¬ from any of the staw : vendors throughout the city. on M MONEY ORDERS he ) Dt oney Ordeér Oiflces throughout C « minion, anc Newtoundland, Great Britain India and Unite States, POST OFFICK SAVINGB BANK, Migwed at the rate on Fvur bor conn por anruo. at the rate of Four per cent, per anruo: ud doposite can be withdiawn at ghy time. _ Via New York, close every Monday 8.00 Per omhno. close every Fridey at ffll h. 20â€"fihs Arvmeadie en apprmants Nee B vear‘ / xxamoxu. MAGI.â€"M to Auli, New burgh, Rochestervilie, and Mourt Bherwood, 1 cout. pe> half ounce, gat-pdd g from 8 a.ni. to 7 p.m. or P ler and Saviugs Hank business from. f:ï¬â€˜.'u:'i 4 %..m.' * _ Post Oflice bos" » Ina"*"~ Worcestershire ~Sauce. shire. _ .. E~HVE Take Notice that on the }0th July, 1875, a Pérâ€" mlmjnnpï¬oavu grauted i1 the above by riis Houcur, the Master of tre % ml?l:’uugl&' or .ny‘word y io differing therefrom in eonaooï¬ any ~auce manufactured by him, and any or Wrappers resembling thuso used by the CAITI'IO iffw. | zse 000 C _ All persons are hereby cautioned not to IN CHANCERY. Labels or Wrappers resemb fig theirs. m'rfl?! * .om'aau'..‘ Worcester, Soliciors for the -g,f-n. w __Ottawa, Sept. 25, 1875, ____ $#05O®WIT _. Norwich Egg Powder, p.m. Royal Mail Steamships The shortest, cheapest and quickest Liverpool, % % is one of the largest, saf world. Vessels will be despatched as *""L y WaRRcs & Sele Agonts for Ontario GLASGOW, LIVERPOOL, _ } (‘ablnlo"- [%N‘i?aï¬pg&%b‘l::::’fu“ Stee es i oo en h o o anings., CO)(PANY’%:S'?-.ï¬léAIS:s‘YLa:ï¬u Green, ____ New York, or their Agents, making all kinds of CaKes 'Umfl:g. R’I‘A’I‘B MAIL snx;f:uns every NEW YoORR aNB '?a’ueoow NCOHOR LINE. Favourite route for Tourl Il:lenut'apwuuh to gm g‘&n‘“ D m ul Tpa8 & EATES OF_ PASSAGE: ___From NEW YORK to _ _ _ LEA & PERRINS of Worcester, aurneb Honeer uer tas. Stermships. LINE BRIFIBSH MAILS re" for " Worester" THB Trms, ‘0Â¥tAW a,wroyNEsdXy,/ FiEBRUDARY 0 ‘1s76 OP ........ Feb. 5th Cleansing and clearing the blood tw cannot h reeou 1w pariiles: cannot he to9 hugtly reson of all kinds it is a neverâ€"failing and permanent It cures old . Cures nlosrateq sores on the neek, j C\lr:cl:lmknoul. a'.ï¬-)lll Cures Scurvy sores, Cures cancerous ulcers. Works â€"HorxSEY AxDp HoMERTON, PURE CHE YMICALY ANV NEW MEDIOILN m and Bhipping orders executed .ï¬ From whatever sanse arising. . As this: mixture is pleasant to the ‘taste, Tnvet defieato opmatitalionof either son, 1 mmm‘nwuwnp trigl to Thousands of testimonials t all pa Sold in botties; 2s $d eaon, and in vancs Toec & esd t raaditant oand tonith 4 of by all chen ::Igoflz longâ€"standing cases, by Sole tor, F. J. CLARKE, Chemist (rirean l ons mon Burgoyne, & Co , Coloms Newbonason-hz !owlvo}{g:d'fnl? Barclay : Bo~s, 95 Farringdonâ€" st., London, And all the London Wholesale Houses. RZ Clare a Co. Torontoâ€"Hio@ & 0o., W Goiessle Drugels «tric juice. Bold in Powder, Loz : Seenaetnims saes wine An e % OflwBOD\’N i is of sach celebrity myeu scarcely be donsii=red a io eom position hel.:f known to practiâ€" tioners. Iui,r tt o Ohm betng unequalin -tna&a.' }‘o;.:.l ï¬.n pr -gg:: Soid in GELATINE*The purést Proparshiba is Morâ€" WORLO FAMED BL000 MHTVRE ‘sonts,. . ; _ c"~ ME esc ],Mlv,,â€nml gnd shipped. Orders:made THOMAS â€"MORSON & OON‘! Medallists and Ju%:rt.'m the Great Exh 81, 8 & 124 SOUTHAMPTON ROW, © RUSSELL ~SQUARE,â€" LONDON. _ And all the London Wholesale Houses. Aalm CANADA. Montrealâ€"Evans, Mercer & Co., Whol for Primary and Grammar Echools. All the mam%’f‘?"ï¬wfig Cheerful Voices. Ribons Foyma a ons onal HKymn & Tune Book [1Oet®] Coutemâ€" the best sollec 5 and C Schoo s. r QO-‘.*. -;-of"éi‘ï¬mmo.. to those excellent Rimme!‘s Violet, Rose, Leaf, Rice, and other Totlet Powd rs, Aliber=! nllonneoton?nu. Eugene Rmmei, Psrfumer to H. R. H. the Princass of Wales, 95 Strand. 12+ Regent "treet ;nd mpo«wnmn‘ ;“m l[;l BTInvu\l “d:l_ Ite« as, Parlg, an s Raal, Brigh + Said hy al) Perfumery Vandore. PEPSINEâ€"The popular an i protessional mediâ€" lâ€""'m’oï¬l '“.‘:mhu is Iouo':': PRPSINE, the act‘vs principle of the _ _______Shapter & Owen. _ Eunmoum & Co, e Halifaxâ€"Avery, Brown & Co, Aug. 20, 1876. ~ > High School Choir. fine music for Seminaries. . _ _ $1.00 American School Music Readers, ds $ boore u: Stets and ~ gi~ We also call atten tior wfho“ eulmemo?_hï¬am $ Robin," each 50 ots; to " ols ï¬g «©Panferon‘s A Bc.’-% Firew donts mt toghicinttpraten gmew- treatise nmm.m All books sent by mail, postâ€"free, for retail o OLrvER PiTSON 4 Co., : D. H, Ditson . E. Ditson * panes" | Aos ns ies ;Ff&melin'ï¬'o't' Vln?::r celebrated for use ‘Rimmet‘s Eatraot of Lime Inlce and Glye® rine, the best preparation for the Hair, eape clally in warm elimates. _ _ >â€" _ _ _ |___ _ Riramel‘s Dug ng Oil Soap, perfumed with A n pien on es as ngm «/ ; Floral Cragkere." very" Amuping fr Baily ut L Rlllll.’l CHOICE PERFUMES. in Patroniged .fl all the World, Rimmel‘s. 1 ~ Vanda, . Hanna groekoy ‘;':nb hwnm. abd other ‘perfumes exquisi‘e fragrance. Ru:mal'- Lavander Water. distilled from Mitcham Fiowers, __ Aehct Morson‘s Effectual Remedies | Greatâ€"Redustion; in the price of Hardw®re A! F‘ Observe our Tr. da â€"Mark and see that it i« on each Spo.1 that you buy. Ottawa, Jan. 29, 1876 _ 4000tf Manufacture an EXTRA QU, Y of $trick, suan Raies 5o0 on C cacm, 9P Tewing Cotton, comb ning SOFTN & Poimtroone aetay es Gan ns great a produced lm-r.'l kcE ° Sewing Machine or Hand Sewing. This Thread nas :wï¬lqh‘rvmmï¬on in the United States, under the nume "Anchor &;nd" Be;t E-:;xrd Extra Quality BEST SIXâ€" CORD SPOOL THrEAD, CLARK & CO., Anchor Thread Works, ‘Mills‘ Supply Agency CALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Manakers. Marok 28, 1874. Orfaw a / one., No. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel} House I trcrors.* The Great Blood Purifier and Restorer No. 6 Atbrav afrRrar Cut Nails, all.aises, aro â€"_ _ [uu BEST School Music Books â€a’ncuuni" fuating Valves, Steam Pumps, . Also, Agency of the GLOBE GAS* LioHT COMPANY, &o. Sa Files P Te Judsca‘s Srandard Goverauts aud " all Ls B, Glass; ‘Putly, oto,, Sto" 0 °* P.B.â€"Agent for American Blasting Powdor A call is respectfully soiicited, THO8. BIRKETT, _ No, 67 Rideau treot. All goods delivered !ree to any part "Tdeinm Dew 11264 . | THO$. BIRKETT‘S, TTA WA Sehools, Songs in 2 3 and 4 m" s. . $1.00 oice Trios. to, rsmale yoiees, 00K HERE,. ed . book for Acacemies, Semtnaries Schools, Bongs in %, 8 and 4 parts: ‘ @! on im blood fnom wiffenpure th Hardmarc, &t. d»mmww tnroughout the world gastric j the blood from al ing Dry Goods por keg, 100 Ibs. rtion, â€"Also Paints, of the C‘a‘alogues of Slides with direcâ€" "A‘:y“e.nu- az man cin make money with . crober 21, fll\ 297644 w.. is warranted to cure all from e memgad e ninan, Bold in boxes, 4s 6d each, by ail Onemists and A@ENTSâ€"IN CANADA. Montrealâ€"Eva®s, Mercer & Co.. Wholesalé sdeHoot LANT To wine i en 10 Paimatoremreds, Lomen panpar e bomaqaonl n is Agpedne, all the CROâ€"SCIBNTIFIC LANTEER » Hln%nl Pu"ï¬xnv.l oo REQ.PANOPTL ¢ t 5%1'1_ Rf ,'?,, -.ao'ni good standing for agencies in the diffe and towns ‘g‘l‘m“‘ tne Doeinion A nmllantiana far furthar Infarmati | FAMHe Fnou r'm-g“'uuu-nu. Whch style being the bert of its ind in the Mn oo d tors of A-pflso Mings of mont Seyssel, Ain, r‘rance, are now to supply to contractors and others, tl.&nmu these mun&.olthet in shape of patural rock. or in form of lnze. for use E the Dominvion of Canada, at GREATLY Uâ€" CBD PRICKS. ' The whole o(t:‘l """:W M.-~a $ m' ived with the :iu..ï¬ ies oo e tanet with ineanave Saphalile} Government : has specified the Pyrin Seyssel the 1 ible lnm;g lnh%m l-m"gh in contracts entered into with them. . _ * e won smm n e ons uen good standing for agencies tn the different cities L _ d Acpucd ullw_. have ho w Are s apnniorid w‘ a m_&o W. 0. CALLENDEK, 70 E.'.I.l Buildings, Old ‘Broad street, E.0., Londow, Eng‘and. \By+ o;mn me ted in o?u'y City, Mn t NORRIS® & SOPER, FULL AGRAFFE, 1â€"OCTAVE, FOR : $300. Pianos from other reliable nukonnm: TOM PRICES, 1 04 o au/3+ ~~""$4%00 1 caakr: C‘ y ‘ $ ém“a;:vm & PRICES It eives the most comp‘ete satisfac.ion, : For gva:tno-, 'mmhlw n:d richness of tone we * 9 <o. SMBABET, M. D., Foothi Tais is to certify that I purcha«e1 two of your Mathushek Pigno#s and find them all nn%t-t- ed a nrstâ€"claâ€"s, instrument. 1.consider_ second toBOR@: \/ | _ s=lg= y y iiprts ; oo The Mathushek I purchased from ye.n_ has given the,x‘nnn m’m‘ sorbeint lb aotoiran fhite poammibet are in use here, and all say they would rot exâ€" iWe b Em llugï¬w'm t e bave ure Jn n an instrument to lead the st ging in a 8. Sohool nothing c«n excelit. The tone isi:soft and fal}, 'lhcbuuurud,nnd when 600 vo‘ces are sing> zmho tinctly heard. Every note rings W a RERLNGR ENNREDY, Suporinteadent, 8. J smu'brg’ Pastor, faem BAMUEL FBIS3Y, Musical Conductor. It ba* given myâ€"fami‘y the very highest given my fami‘y * ns may: | JOHN BREOIN, Barric, Ithas given entire s«tisfaction, and delighted all who have seen it. /T JOMAS BEST, Toronto. Mathushek superior to a!l others; | """.cZ" NOoLLENHAURR, New York. 7 umhhuin P itep in ad. v-'.'.ï¬'a- muflflï¬w “ 4 M O o * )& A‘; 1 have heafd fiothing to equal it in sweetriesk of tone. Its notes are -:lq‘ like those:of Our sweetest singing‘biro, or those otxt.hofnurfl human vdoa,&h.n‘l\rwm ever heard. w.w.ammourmnm May you be with great and qeserved whinh uradinnd‘\Bnzw â€" um es adgl lc ard t m eefammias on l innttheate ult that is claimed for the hek. There g W ot\h:opptyml C;'-ln-l of ï¬l’.ï¬m. ‘e :mum R few MATHUSHEK | PIANOS. brief extracts ;â€" We, the under Fair of the .Qxl_!ll!!‘!!fa then and thiere exhibited, or khown to us elseâ€" where, * y [Signed] ~â€" HDWARD MOLLENHAUER, A. D. W. BESEMANN, M. J . GIANNETTL readers them by far the most durable, and the least Hlbh\o.&mgg’_tg_g_eg_ Do lc coge be *nese Fianos must take the lead instruments, and their pesuliar Wholesale Agents for Canada for PRINCE PYRIMOUT SEYSSEL ASPHALTE, o e 1 e P EXCEL in durabl nnmn"ï¬n EXCEL for &m. 44 EXCEL for teachicg schoolsâ€" and seminaries, EXCKL forthe drawingâ€"room. NE 8OX OF CLARKES B 41 °PILLS. EXCEL in firmness and These Pianos 1 Medicine vendors, _ _ . _ _____ _ Eo P en t VA puivn 2 illustratâ€"d and descriptive catalogue. No. 8 Adclaide Street, f ToRONTO. Sole Agents, : EXPORT AGENT3 4 Burbridge & Co., Colomun strsot 3 CHERUIRCIUICIS DB. A. BURNS, St. Thomas. RCaU /nstitute, after a careful the Consert Grands do award :KATHUBHE%&O honour ot t>Of this â€"olass: of instruments @E0.¢TA YLOR, Don!Â¥ills, TISBR®E STEREOPLMOON, ~H 18 N®w Y J. EXCOELLLMN® they have ever VB, "Ley view first .intr Gueed he has recéived maay thous» “dwm“kfln cure of th«" t" d is recommended for. n.n.-mum r und to be an almost infali ~». cure for the m:&‘:%lu "® f:-q-‘lpa u‘= Camomile Pitle." For Internal andâ€"External Use. wm-?g.auu mom‘lmuu Remie. ....,--*"'-"5....'..-:'.:4..*-â€".;...".:.‘3 ve itqa-on three bottles in all cases of _ Ihis remedy bas been faith :1‘y. tested and yor‘e DERERLET, DOPL., ‘900,â€" GSunO a duty 1 ow to you to express my gratitude for been troubled in the past with gummed or heaâ€" téd arbors, and journale : nd have been paying ancy price, use ‘Oraven‘s Arotic and Engine Olls Mwnmmmnï¬o-‘. All O1 / gusranteed and orders solicited; J rice 1$ per bot wnatiion snt o ERHY ty Te s ‘x Mn?dpn, W?nak{'?’émsgzw Ludqp,,.g,c., €3¢. ; and by Grocers and 4 bout the World. â€" == WORCESTERSHIRE MIE, DECLARED BY CONNOISSEURS To THE ONLY GOOD SAUCKE. efter this date, and wi *4 This dore tat apply is ‘shipments R not «apply to shij e Mpnbr/toflmxxh.f-i‘;n Ask for LEA PERRINS Seuce, and see Nani¢ on Tare calculated to ‘deceive the Public;, “zzï¬"apmminurm A New Label, In consequence LEA & â€"PERRINS‘ â€" HARRIS & CAMPBELL, | Cabinet Makers & Unholsterers 158, SPARKS â€"STREET. Worcestershire â€"Sauce, which will be placed on every bottle of Agents W arnted, Burnett‘s CGucoalne Durnett‘s=~GCocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s. Cocoaine Rurnstt‘s.Cocoaine Gurnett‘s Cocoaine Burnott‘s Cocoalne ..‘,..__.. Â¥Me Dasdra® ... Burnett‘s Cocoaine Gives New 1.ita to the Hair, â€" Burnéett‘s Cocoaine Burnett‘s Cocoaine Afford. h+ Richest Lustre, . _ Curnett‘s. Cocoaine â€" lrâ€"not an Alcobolic Wash, :+ % repay nayis & SON & LAWRENSE bearing their Signtature, thuis=» _g¢f =© -ll@- * mon)> u«k ‘P. 2. ~ _ _ c« «t n» Bominion ot Conadt Cieâ€" su%‘e;* 6 $D. @ABM PILE AND HUMOR OURE < Leaves no Visagroeable Odor. & as < 95 cente por Batile. Bvixines Refractory Hair. ndvd-H-""'s-gn" s tree. &4 A. card om which to send our : is uot Greazy nor Stioky. :%% is with no risks... & 16 yege ciraile Men ;;â€"-E“il}'l g- Enyhnsï¬ ma or women hutNTS WANTEd. se to 9102 thr puiteniend: W . 3.3 Â¥&>Look Out for Advertisement in this Space. K# r“.‘lsgntm‘ Cmm t and all others 11 tfv. 'f;-;:;;â€";;‘ .uJ seu * 1 5‘& Ig-izï¬ig PRA UORTIRKIEE:> .4 f PLUMBER, GAS & STEAM IPITTEE. | Sparks Street, 3rd Door West of Bank:Street, y B L Y T Hâ€" 4& LKE R &R . i 25 RIDEAU STREET, Plumbcn'? Gas endSt_oam!‘merl,Gflmd wILL MaCETNEEY or EyERY uesorterio®, BOOK DR ILLS, BELTLNG,JFILES, AND { 70 SPARKS STRRST, OPTAW A. h : Manufacturers‘ Agonts and Dsalors in Iron and Wood Working Machinery Exema®s ano Bomures, Nzw ano Szooxp» H IOQ >rrevuvurhuess‘s|PoRTER, pine andquarts put up to order, a" A LOQ 0+ chamer, 3i violets, special order, very fine, \EpQ Cone smenBy WiWk, Y.P,, fine Sayour, fine brandi. SBQ) 0w« Bass‘ Fine ALES, pints and quarts, por order. : 1( >>wN0 rine on BEANDY, 10 years old, direct order.; : | 4 1Q#»% FSOI PORT WiNE, unrivalled in quality, some 2 Yeur old, diterent, pricer Teasâ€"Biadk, the Anest Impirted ; Green, do. i , BRBANDIES, â€" PORT C &\ sHERRY WINE, ~GIN, â€"â€" PORTER PURE aAn > UNAPULTERATED, for Family use and Medicinal Purposes. Sut TReMt happifed." 207 lntimales on application. Ottaws, Sept. 2, 1875, Fust Received a spion‘ii assortment of Glass WALL PAPER. The Canadian Meat Canning Co.‘s\Fresh Goods, ~ ILUNCH, BREAKFAYTS and SUPPERS _ _ _ | SCOTT, CAYLEY & CAYLEY, _ . MACHINERY DEPOT, Bend for Cionalars and Catalogues, _‘ OFFICE AND WARKKOUSE..................70 SPFARK SF, OTEAWA. Oct, 17, 1875. ~| f Cofféeeâ€"V ory gupsrior, freth roasted and ground daily. } 2 & Syruptâ€"Mepié, Amber, Golden, &0., very fine. 5 A large and well selected siock of fancy groceries too numnerous to detall atways on hand Glasgow Poas Mcal, Mackensic‘s Digcstive Bisouits, and Angastora Bittors, Their Excellencies the Earlâ€" and Countess of Dufferin ESTABLISHED 1854. Purriros ro Hm Exontizwor rus Kare or Dorremn Cov-udâ€"n. Direct Importations from the Producers 1 12 Francs, England, Holland and Spain, DobA t en oies â€"bemeren fipectal Atgare Poowp : 4. Warerooms next to Daniels‘ Hotel. CHOICE AND BEAUTIFuUL Pl B' F_Q'_'gu_m' WHOLESALE â€" & UF THE SE8T CANADLAN, ENGLIB AND AMERICAN MAKE Agenits for the Improved Hot Air Furnace. half the prices of Imported fnwflAwum nw‘?:’--é McKAY‘ and T ongue ; R#lumbers, «. . â€"eaalise _ OMA is . ~PATTERSON CWHall Raper. Machinery. Tran OT T AW A: A Sal is solclted to eaamine Frieos and Memiies at â€"THOS. PATTERSON‘G_