5.000 CASH PURCHASE PALAC‘t Sl My; Lun position mom?! the was fortunate. Such 18 ide. Ture New )IARKET lxs Alderman Robertson assume of " new ottice " Market. the By Ward Market on :alur Ind hour his geruai and may will doubtless won tind fave! regular Attendants there. hl always had the interests 0 regular Attendants there. Mr. Robertson ulna†bad the Ann-rests of the city at. been in his efforts to secure for it good when accommodation, and will doubt lea bring that. interest to bear on the duties of his new ottice. We congratulate Mr. Robenson on his appomlment, sad the e.ty on securing the service- of one who has Alwuys been to it-s l'nllhful taunt. in the honounblo position of m Alderman, feel in; we that he will be equally huthtUl in the discharge of his duties I: a paid ofticer. ‘hw Doo ycusaxcr:,--ltesidents in every part of the city as loudly compiaimn; of the Alarming increase ofdogs, and of the almost tom unpossibilitr of gelling rest. or qmelneu by aigut,on account of these alumni». la any corner md every yard there seems to be about half adozen of these pests. which take it by turns to bay u Ibo moon, and render night hideous br their horrible din. People too, who are uufortunnte enough to Have to any out. late, tind it a matter of no sun“ Jan- out. late, tind it a matter of no sail dan- ger to return home, for they no often be.“ by I crowu of hungry ill-looking dogs The dog is undoubtedly a noble sauna}. but a law hundred of the mon :lcuuy to a rue m we prices or pou;Lry. Turkeys ranged from 'J'le. to $1 75 each. Liane, fro , 303.10 in. Chickens, from Mt. to 600; live do. were acid an high as 95c. per pan. hall unnamed lune u before, and there was no alteration in Natty produce. Butter, tub, 2w. per pound, print, 22e. Ear, 20c. to :30. per mm, nod for real from mu " high as . It: paid. Lard In oitered at Me. pf. pound. Frozen milk, at. per quart. Choose. mac. per pound in large quantity; tingle coeeso, lie, The quotation: In pnm remain much about the an» n for- merly. mm a market incl-one in the pnce of Cranberries, which “all as so; to $1 per yuan. Vega. table. wore in but: nupply, and Ido- we" much more smug plum tho, have boon Janna}. but a let hunt gut curs :th pIOWl rou G be sent down to the Lower Provinces, to be made into tish.uet buoys, so nut in death they misht be made of more use than in me. Jseriouoly, however, we City Council might do a mule in this manner. Tus BL'ST valu Sikh, " Chas unset. Bttttadancs ot win market on Saturd I33 As A 1 w I long time. Price: "will: the samt! a before, with m incteau to 75o pen-4‘ Joan on superior varieties of cabbage. A 10: of lbubarb In uhown, winch In soon tAnaght up " LGe per bunch; also n nup- Mrjsf1 “we“, which fetched Joe. ouch, amp-Ideal. Um warrerrom3lis., has» $1.10 per bushel. Taken that, the ttmo of the market iudi- um I using tomkncy, and under It 'tigeuntstaa- than is reuon , an in A few day- ullan w' in!!! oo-id-tttr improved. UGO“ H8811] W Mses m Isseecrot- i0'ifff " in our): of these an and every F, '. half adozen d; A by turns to C night hideous b 1:18 too, who Bl have to any 0 no sun“ Jan- , u $1.80 " Uuat dance I wit stole my pie: 1" n co tee nobody kn-w, and each pl p I up»: mart-nee, non» of thes h rem] sun the do icacie; ; they we y _ ginning to wish t ry Usd. 1 wan g ‘ made, but to no ptrpose, more We n I pies. The conch-Eon was then a " , at, that some gnu 3 had sneaked in 1 _ Lumen. walked o 'mth the gosilt 1 an i were peacefully browning on ti I s )me anfe lurking Flam. I‘ne of the /- i' cimracteriud the action as not tr t pious one. 4--- ood y Fitzsimmons acted 'ps M. C., and intro.': 1 duced the two atgra,’Jnmes Campbell and O Chu. Mncdonalit. They had in merry " bout for nearly wlfan hour. Campbell ‘ i0 appeared to have the best share r of science, the! other man aft-peering l- l to tlevend morempon bis strength than n bis knowledgeo the “noble art." The I); l ailnir was broug t to a sudden tannin!- le tion by the kin Denny caching fire , I the gfs would ndt burn, " three 0011 oil " lamps were placed ona bench on the 3, stage. While Wolonid And Campbell m were engaged, one knocked the other 18 over the bench and upset the lamps, one L] of which exploded. The oil blazed up 'r. furiously, and for a m ent or two mt- ters looked pretty serio s, as no one went "l near to ex'duguiisit the mica. Finally, a is man in the audience m 'ls a well on to the stage, and taking otf his coat smother- ml ad the blaze before any damage was tlone. met all connected with the Cory ,rutict, might confer upon matters of we public bealtU-from whom they could obtain such information 'as only a medical man can give. We venture to In] that the expense unending such an Odie. would be amply repaigl to the ratepayers in diminishing the death me and disease. we Aaliould have the services of a Health uilicer wiils whom the u gineer, the Crtr'rC?Tuireyot1y, SPARRING Exiirurios.--0a Saturday night. a sparring dxtubition took plnco in the Rink Muslc ilali, and it nu attended 'by about 300 peofle. The affair dbl not bring much talen! to the fore. The "kir iomrnencedn,y I number of amueurs knocking one not er about, for the amusement of those prggenc. Mr. John li.;l'1>.':.\lhD Eec,covst, U'iiurscu--r.ttt at l teudam-e at this church .yeeaerd iy was _ large hath morning anti evening, and the' ‘ "?iviCes pariicularly Einipressivo. In the l morning the lbw. Mvl Collisoa chose for his text the words, " he all do fade as al ie 1",†Isaiah xiv.,tilh erse,-words which he said were a favour 8 theme with poets [ and philosophers. At an illustration be' drew the attention of;his hearers, tirst, to I the great event of this year, the colehrw ( tion of American Independence, speaking of the manner in which it was being celebrated, and rapid y glancing over the ; names of the dist; guishad men who K tigured in that mom tuous time,sltowiug “ that now all that Waulel't of them, or ofi those who took a minor share in thesei events, was the recalliac tion of their deeds. He then proceeded to refer, in eloquent I 1 language, to a far more recent 'rr.,e,n'-,the A scene in the resnateilornber on lhiirsilay l afternoon, and later hill iu the evening l when that ttstd apartment Was crowded with prop paying their graceful I homage to V'iotolia'a represent two. l, Though such a topic was a gloomy one oaths minds of many, except the true Christian who had his faith tiratly founded upon Christ and the hum: of a life immor- l tal, he went on unhow that in a few more ( yearn all who ha! ilgured in that brilliant assembly would alto be numbered with the dead; that they, to", would also fade as d leaf, Ind " like the grass which groweth in the morning, in the evening is cut downand withered up. tt The tspeaker.. then -tly called upon his congrega- tion to “no number their days that they might app? their hum unto wisdom," and " flee ram the wrath to cone,†for I “both†believe“) on the Son of God 1 - orgrlasting_li_te, hut‘he that beneath GiNiii “ma 4.59;" s Harm 01731-11: MEDICAL )qusz 'rcit.--The 2hiil of: recent tidy says: , sW3 by war ‘ltawa exchanges lint Medical liea lb other of that any ecently presapted his report as to unitary condition of the capital, and 'est steps to be taken to .lurait dis arrl we rate of mortality. Tho ro- Junction WE may remark that :er ot wond+r to many, especu ms Visiting] foronto, that we In bun we are' . The facts )ur winning, reasons why " m W ly to In m r'rrst 1Isst-rnd,y Jane, atrl Parauleaa I M we were also entered but did not start, i only the four above named coming to the port. The homes got ott' pretty well to» V gem-r. Madame Rush Inning the I best o'. .a but was closely followed by Capt.‘ Smin. A: t'ue half nrle,til, marebroke, ' 1 ton l The first heat was a good one, and after 1 a fair start. had been erected, Hampton 3 got the lead and held it up to the three- l quarterl, when Bear collared him and after a short. struggle mapsged to gen [ his nose in from. A capital race ensued ( from that home, passing under the score , half" a length ahead of Hampton, Brown i Chm-he being, thir t-time 2-505. _ _ - The other race on the programme was for $75, " Green Purse," oped to all green horses owned in and within forty miles of Ottawa. since ist July, 1575. W. U. Baldwin, Ottawa, n's bk 3, Hamp- lie 'lho fourth and deciding heat was rather more like urunning race than I trot, all three gulloped the greater part of thesmxlo, and thtpttuirresttited in Capt. Smith taking the heat And race; and Madame Rush the aeehtd 'thoney-tthte, - Mr. Blais' Bear. County Girl, and Fills do L'Air were also.eutcred, but failed to start. Before sli"rting the second heat Dick wasfwithdrawn [or some reason or other. The contest wash game one, and resulted in Hampton landing himself in on] Wirtflei'. Brown Charley being second an l Bear 53rd. Time 2:15. In the third heat it was considered necessary by the owner pf the Bear to change his dripcr and the horse seemed to be bcnelittcd Ly the alteration, as he went much blather, though his paco was not tint enough to do lim uuy good unfair as winning was concerned. At the start 1istuptcut load, with the others close on his quuiugi-s. [he bau- stuck pretty close ( to him tl e whole way round, he won the ', hum. tol:- bly easy, Bear being second, an i Brow i Charley third. Time, 2:175, In the fourth heat Hampton :13: n started-o With the le.id,the Bar pushing him olcs" y, Bron-ii Uharluy being next. _ 'l‘hey held tlv-se position: all round and Hampton 'sicsliy won the beat and race, i the Bear taking a icond money. I ' This concluded the racing (or that day, i and it mint. be admitted that the sport j could scarcely be surpassed. The com- ( mince are deserving of every credit for the manner in which everything was con- I ducted. They could not have seleoted a I better site for the track, and it is a met- 1 ter of rurprise among sporting men, that i Loamy's Lake has not; been utilized for racing purposes long ago. l me ""-"-CiF 1"â€! ___ 77.. - There are a couple at gopl purse. to be trotted for today, and ifthei weather is anything like vim. it in: on Saturday, it is sale to predict a large attendance null mum-l lor sporl. Dr. Céleman, Utluwa, n's bk g, Dick. D. Vachon, Hull, u's br gs Brown Char Spear mus for .11 51th st 'hhrtye,lt, v'krpperts1Britls'e. 4061eod2m NEW I Bryson‘a iuctso ox nu s-s.-uet night about half-past tea o'elock,a couple of inebriated Frenchmen were to be seen traiioplar. their horses down Sussex street to the great danger of vehicle. pulling dong. This pruuco of racing on the streets is must. reprehensible, end a severe fittet put. on one or; two or the ot- fenders would hue a salutary effect. in Lixylain collared and passed her ; ttirc. came to the fore, and pushed szLh closely for tire premier posi- ll aural being in the luck groun i, aha wowed likely to rennin. The 10:11 thst paint item) was an exeeed, puny one, Capt. Smith only made renk throughout, winning in hand. style, Deceit being seem“ and md Rush thil . Tun 3, 2.32. the second heat than.) were about a 1 {.th starts,andos'"couiso tlsr usual was delay occnrral , t'snislly, when own, Ottawa, ts's b g, Deceit. uoude, Hiuwa, n's b m, Ms Luna a Vulkeubur . Smith. ditelsell, De at to all ho silk squares and ties " Chu Dd of an) t Bl.'l Aday l , .. - F l N"" 'l‘lmo. rib" Ivins: unpr0 l 1ho'l'etnpitan"is Hall wu . '. ' ’;h;0u‘L‘-nuy's ' itqut,trtrt (Nb-wily yosttspla “ lst'.', I :s'arurlsy, Um audience being drawn to: '__' i “J" :ativoailt,Gt less by tho reputation of tls 1'r't""s' , lt'.t i'.rtl t who had promismLto talio 's “"' its','.',":', r) 'i'fr i whom wu:o Mr. Rlper. of "“h'†1“" t'.trLt liuglnnJ, li-v. Mr. Know ' aul “11"â€: them :iutator Vidsl, lion. Malco W" ,'?i, l'r,o to.u.l hr. t'hrietie, M. P., Argentm "v.'c' â€â€˜2‘ 1'1"." “:1le don, H. i'., Nortltthtturio, M mssl al WW Fl/trd l'.,irnlt oxford; Mr. Motl 'co 1- "H iiv.lattop liaitow, Mr. H. Goudge, N a"; voi.:'ny adapted :unlu host, pt otlteta 000W 't:i1'oaiillt'ufty1tur tho t Iantf'orru. From 9ttea “-1.. o,:uul in" for .U,edrs. Johnson, V ' 1,r 1.1.‘11J3K'i of t.uo tour-', Wia.llpck, g v.',', r'tc-'-t"nu:rreslvit.t-'i/l,,,' Wm. Porter, t “V†t' , lul a rieli 5' men-vi '10, uml oths. 'l't' tot â€my "LIMP Yul-.4. u. '1'. liaanum l _ A t ““33 suesliol v vir, and after the usualde Itrx,,rls, arrl many c" ttis mtroducal the spake itttfectiy well 4 Una Mr. viosr. was lirst m: imoinrurs.s,lrutp:ih _ l. it excused himself ou t V' k i, tt iuyitig the _ him; too hoarse td spa k 'it,N i'rsw cittt'ti. “m do anu future time. . H“ Cu Mc-ian', dul 1 Mr. RAM“: was next cull, 'rOAt's' to uvaicc tloo uftvra littlo commotion, c resux tho mum)†at 'iditliru'tv of tiading, a. guy-um , iaLiuu ulf tl * stream _ " people ' a'.; £1th could lse ' pouring into the hall, I “' "'vrcuti1stxt1Cr'r', a _ he com-.neucetl by saying s' sranrl hsvvirrg, beyt _ the Mummy“ of Parliament [i. l1o ico V“ {n ' present. would taka steps ml puuctwlity Itt commujioua accommodui /ttS “Hm†oivvid, I uncanny. ' He might mud “Mud to lro toltorvcd i nnrfanxTu In [ha nunnlinn ll THE TIMES, OTTAWA, NORMA Y, FEBRUARY 14, 1876 on. n muuuhem mo: 0 p win otticined. Ucoisions ap- st tnvcisftustion. of the dsy's magmatic of 1010 pretea. A uni-w irrtV drunk-en or en, no lights,‘ oceurred was " into the n woman 1 than hurt,' mum. The leusburg n"s stlrwe never Re in ntmm Gwwity ymlgrhy afternoon, Um audience being drawn together sloubt. I less by the reputation of tho gentlemen ( wholmd promismLto take part, among) whom wuzo Mr. Rsper. OF Mmchesler, lyaglaurl, ll-v. Mr. Knowlas, Chelsea, :imUne 1'idal, (Ion. Malcolm Cameron, In: t'hristie, M. P., Argentouil; Mr. Gar- don, H. i'., Nortltthtttuio, Mr. Oliver. M. l'., Null! (Mord; Mr. MoCmney, M. P., llalwn: Mr. H. Goudge, M. I'., Hunts, aud a host, u! others occupied seats on tho , lulf‘omu. From 0mm, there were 1itssmrrc. clouyryt, _ml.iop_\al:_of Cas. ‘svsn " T221 mm mm: Marmara nuzn, Win. Fernandina. w.u, tl s'tety'ii do. "nil others. I Mimi. M. I'. llunnum occupied the " v irr,atsd utter the usual devotional exor- c' .es introduaei tho speakers. . t lion Mr. Yinuiwu lirst called upon, t hit excused himself on the ground of t ban; too hoarse to tilre k, promising to t do so ar a future time. , 1 t Mr. itirxn was next callellnpon, and E ul'lorn little cotumotiau, caused by the " dillicu'ty of fiading, eats for the El stream of people who, were l l pouring into the hall. had subsided,} he commenced by saying that he hoped I [ the Maurie“ of Parliament nnl Senators I l ptesout would take steps to get unro l comxnolioue accommodations tor they“ I meetings. ' He might attach too great im- 1 i, portsnce to the question they were con- l sidoring, but he really thought that was i I impossible. He hell the gisu:letnen l' around him responsible, ant they ought. l to provide better tvuxpurruoluion during _ the next three inmtlu It would do l {then M. P.'s good to see two or three t hundred people there for whom it would have been impOs-Sible to have made room for that day. 11. mad, every compli- mentary (illusion to the Hon. Malcolm) i‘ Cameron's csreer in the cause of tamper l Nice, and expressed a hope that bel'o'o , i he went back to the old country he would be able to say that he saw twenty Ff, per cent. ofthe ILP/s it a meeting 'in the 'l'etuperanets Hall in Ottawa. lie .thought if this grand new country could be kept sober," his-1 a. splendid cueer I before it, but if it went to the drink, then it had a poor prospect. He wss lo.tn to think that it was in tho my to become a drinking country. He had seen many drinking saloons in somo places, but he had also found evidences which but 10.1 . him to thank God and take courage in the "future of this grest Dominion. 113 ro- I , hated some of his experience in the West iwhere he found tho Mayor of Napanee ' and the chief constnb 9 taking the lend . l in the temperance cause, and he thought '. l that an extraorlinary sight. la Napsa ee , every tirm, or else some member of . it WAS a strict tompersnce mm, and ' the employees were also very much , the some. He felt sure that; it were were , any statistic; publighed of the amount of " drink c msnmed in the oouatry, Napanee , would come to the front, not witn the " Ingest but the reverse. He related some 1 experiences of old country emigrauts,aad contrasted them painfully with the cir- x icumstunces of the same class at home, l Wyey?.i/y, that if they could just keep tt away one class of emigrants they would y be allmglst. He referred t), the publi- e our“. lio had been up at the statistical p oilice and fnrad the great nun there n ' troubled with apprclsensimt tist he 0 NM l '-aarirer Julienne and an Intel-eating 'l‘lmo. l ho 'l'etuporau"is H.111 wu crowded u Hon. Mr. VIDAL protestel against the absurdity of calling a meeting to hear such a speaker as Mr. IUpar in so stirsll a. roqm as the present. . At this stage a. collection wns taken up, and the Chn'mnan announced thst on Thursday evening I mass meeting would be held in the up!) hall, when Mr. Raper would be present possibly for the last (me. Afton a short cansultation, it was an. nounced that' the Hon. Malcolm Csmeron had engagedvto get the Bank Slraet Church for the purpoae of holding the meeting. _ L - T The hour being Q Mr. RAPER lug gested that the time s ould be extended for a few 'minutes in order ttut they might hear some of the many members " Parliament present gx‘rreas an opinion on the subject. . This WAS not considered adiriaable, and the meeting was dismissed by singing. the usual doxology and benediction. some of the gentlemen present promismg to spank on Thursday evening. SATURDAY, 12m Feb. Alexandr Mntlhews was charged by Margaret Hughes with breaking in her door. The case was dismissed. _ Before M. U'Gnu, P. M. John Baptiste Cote was charged with assault'ng His wife, Emma Cote. He did not elegy the charge, and promised to take the pledge, under pain of being sent down for a month. - - IleonC'arJiRaI; assuulfing Ferdinlnd G'trrptin, wal rgmaqded {ill Tuydar William McDonald, charged on re- mand with stealing wood from the en- pine. house of the_tit. Lawrence A; Uttnwa Railway lan Sunday, was gent ta gacl .for three days. _ Mary Glassy was remanded for having renewed the wood before mentioned, but on account of her extreme' poverty, aad inability to obtain l living, was dir charged. L = Mlle. Ines Feruhudez gives her concert in Gowun's Opera Home on Wedupsday next. Thin distinguished artiste is a pianUte and prima dounn of consider. able merit Her performances in (land: and the titates are said to have been of unusual excellence. It is to-bo hoped her effort. will meet with due uppmia- lion ttthe rryyo. lovgrs of Ottawa Tho Holman's leave this morning to Brockville. Fuxnul. or rm. Lu: Me. Cassum -The tannins of the Me Mr. fitter, were con- veyodto their Int resting p we in the cuhoW0sme$ery yesterday. The funeral nu 1810116,“!!de by his late friendl, whore-pundit“, downed moat miratlr. :l‘ho'Chqrd Union Concert takes pisoe this frfnTtre. -- __ - - It iiprotfibU Mr. McDowell’s compmy will mm Uttarm " a short data. W m )IUSIC IL A "' DKA‘IATJ' 101.11}: It I “I wu crowded to ar lay artetyotyt, RAJ. M. T. Han- n about). W. M: The irparpositars, an! otlterinployir:s's of the Ttvisit/ut'.', ostublidnuant mot togorfs 1.I' (m Satunhy evon'm; in the " hlictuulrrt" auloon, unm- the corner of Sparks and U’Qounpr streets. for the pur. [mm Ofpremulxng Mr. J. P. Rabcr'son withatt address amltwal'gn'mial on the occasion of his retirement Iron the 'with att widrms and twal'gnuninl on ousi occasion of his retirement Iron the stair of this jmrml. Shordy after ( eight, o'clock, and when the ant-me party 91 to the number of twenty persons, had lu- 1] gambled, Mr. T. J. Crozier, {ommag (ii the eotuposing wow, was moved into the l chainanl Ur George Cloutier requeuled! to till tho Vim Emir. The chairman‘ then biielly stated tlseo'r.iriet oft'ue mcet- ing and called upon the committee ap pointed to make tho presentation to Mr. Robertson. lilo felt sorry that the association: l that llil’l for years existed between him- l sv.'.- azrl the employees alike 'l‘nuo oilice were n'oout to be tsevered-n bor lrow that was intensilial Ly the “not, ot, such a manifestation of ilri"ytriui.t', as: that. gives in tho ariress nmlvery' Jirelul anl appmpriate te,ti- maniul just receivel by him. He h'- ferred with pleasure to the cordial feeling Llut, subsisved between them. Illa tendered them his heartfelt thunk! l,for the kiuly sentimenu of their wrircss and for their besutit'ul gift, and said he would ever remmubcr with feelings of gratitu e and pleasure the nctim of the donors He concluded by asking ell pre; sent o surround the festive band and alo g with him partake ofsucll hospitality as Mr. Mellon, the genial "'uosv" of the "hllrumbra," wa, prepared to give them; News. McGowan, MACLEAN, sud BIRD, then stepped forward to the head of the morn,“hen the first mulled gentlemln read It short ml lress expressing regret it the determination of Mr. Robertson to sever his connection with the atatl'ot'the Tums, and asking that. gentle man to accept the accompmying testi- monial tlg n alight. token of the re..pect. in which he was at all times Held by than). f Mr. lioumzrsox in r-=ply regrette'l that. been“ no: been given an earlier inti- mitiou ol' the presentation in order that. he might. in some mare tangible form give expression to his feelings, than it was lpczsible to' do in a mere verbal reply. _ He felt sorry that the association! i that Irarl for years existed between him- _ wit-.3211 the employees Gillie Tutu odios ‘wcro about, to be tsevered-n sor- mummy; presiled, with the guest of the evening on his right all Mr. Mo. Cotter, who read the address) oahis left. hir.titio,iloutier ably filled the Vice chair. After the cloth was re moved to enable an company to do justice to the stsrviard and other was" usually honourel on such ‘futive oo. casions,_ ' , ' , t , -iiir'ouuorss proposed the bend“: of the Queen and Rnyal Family which was right loytlly hppgurgd.‘ . " "° __ ' l a The health of Mr. Robertson was next proposed, when the chairman paid a high Compliment. to that gentleman as a newt paper but: and private citizen. lhe toast was drunk mm enthusiasm accompanied with "For he's a jolly good fellow.†Mr. Robertson responded at. some leu'gth, and cloned by thanking the cuzupnui for the cordiU manner in which they wl hon- ourod the sentiment. just pmpased frpm {he chair. . . . . Mr. Runnauax Hex: propos 3d the hiultlr of the fostsracut and erapltVe'es of the l'lus‘otlim, paying a high 1soavplirurat to them as mammal“ and as qtisn. The Cuuumx, “as Cdnumx, wad Ur. MuCorcsut responded in shat: but up pro Wino speeches. "s'ilf. Mscurss, auto? the emnpositorr, .mnmzas AN" TmtxnuXLu. next. proporol the " 1 which WAS d sly honoured to by the members of the Air. Homausox said he blr. Ranging»: said he won†ask me company before parting to jun with him in drinking the beam. of Mr. A. M. Burgess. an proprietor of the fntta. lie wis'ued him every success, and rusted he might be enabled to no increase the usefulness ofthejourual M1111 which they new all irltsntitiod, that it might not. only have a local but also ban a general immense throughout we whole ooraiaioa. Ho commended ait present to be {tutu fat to their employer, as much of the success of anyjournal depended upon Ibo assist. ance given' by the quloyegg'. (.Applause.) ““‘W c--*-- “.1 --- ~ . . V -- The CIIAlRMAV re'ispt%dyl/ytt he absence of Mr Burgess, and thanked Mr. Robert.- sou for his kindly references to the present. proprieurrof the Tums. lle, too, wished the new enterprise every success. Ind bespoke for it a larger titytd of usefulness. l': this respect. the proprietor would have the cordial support. ot himself And the other employees of the establishment. (Applause) .. n m . . TP \“P I'm-u: Sguga-from Messrs. G. Cloutier, jr., Ea. right, Lightfoot, Maclean, Jsckson, and a resolution from Mr. Armstrong rather ene livened the proceedings, and the nation“ anthem by the company brought I very sociable gathering to a close. ' WW..." °_-_-,,,,° - The testimonial was a beautiful pork able Morocco leather writing desk and dressmg case. Tho following inscription appears on utt,P.1te.ir, Yesterday morning Air. Ellis Elyse and Mr. Vernon Sydney of tho Holman Opera Company, “healed ten o'clock mu: M St. Jasepli‘s Charoh, for the purpose of assisting in the musical service oi the day. The choir is in idaurisblts training, under. Father Chaborel, wuose musical abilities as a Director are now well known in om wa, and the musicaLservice at. St. J oseph's will bear comparison with the best churches in Canada. - _ -, A Noel d Tim , Alumni: Typos The iris, presentol is high‘y grind by tho recipient. Yesterday the fiae old Gregorian music was given by a choir of upward: of thirty members. mosrof whom are capable of giving the music of the masses thorough- ly, and yesterday, the fihe holy of tone which proceeded from such a. large num. bar of voices, had a. most solemn and over- powering effect throughout the extent of the church After the service Mame. Gelinus sang the new origins Maria, com- posed by Mrs. P. Keel-us, very faelingiy This beautiful, inspiring composition,‘ possesses such n grace in construction, that it must makes its wax Huang the ‘rcperlvires of all lovers of sacred music. Mr. Ellis Ryae sang Haydris spirit song- arranged to Are Regina, with great power, His fiue bane tells wonderfully in sacred music, and, he gave the aria or) well as to create is most favorable impression Mr. Vernon Sidney am; If with all your 1 hearts-Elijah, With great satislnctlon to l his listeners," his elem tenor voice sounded I with caeitahcihrct in this heautifnl aria. 'Mvs. P. Kearns presided at the organ and to this lady may the members of St Joseph’s choir attribute much of the success they have at present attained to, " her talent as a musician cannot. but be ofthe most invaluable service to them Thecltoid must be congratul‘ted on hav- ing so able an organist. and director, a Wo musical service of yesterday will bear trmple testimony. The musical, service in Christ Church last evening was of an unasally attractive nature, besides the ordinary chant. and hymns. The anthem “Jeruulem than that. killen†with the chorus " anpy and Blest" was sung. Miss Brokonki render- ed the solo with great, puma, her fine sympathetic voice being p titittu1arly Adamo to the air. After the lei-vio- Mr. Ryso uh; Gounod’s " N aaamtti," " Beck" and " Ark." Thus said the Lord, " Be- rhbld darkness shall cover the cum" and " {he pgoplo thy. walk‘ed la dariTe".." "Mr.'SidEey Vernon also nag the air "Thea shalt the 5t"a'er and the nail and aria, "Ye Peep 6 Bend Your Hearts" and "if with All Your Hurt: from Elijah. Mr. Mills pltyed an overture tr Butane, 3nd th very fats ozgan compou- , tion by’l‘anuhnuuz. A largo number or the congregation rcmuiucd ttfter the ttr/ vie? for the music, which wucf . most. enjoyablo 1fetde u who "pencil that public reel _ are not dun more frequently, us they would be of Mum-so to the church and increase lhcpublio tut. for clan-led music. I c" UBCIIJIIISICJL SERVICE". " neutral to J. P. Roman.- "-', Eu†By an . mployt-el of m n Times .1110 .u s “an ot ca 051nm] I'm: mm OLIRIS'I' CHURCH the emwpositorr, " Fourth Esate," rd ani responled he press present. no won“ ask the ' to jun with him We mini noticol incur Wasirwn and I Montreal exchanges accounts of various l tests made of the Wincholl Car Ventilator which is said. and we think has been proved, to be the solution of the problem of our ventilation, for it not only provides passengers with a constant supply of fresh l air, without any perceptible draft, but " . the same time thoroughly does ttWI" with i the nuisance ol'smoke, dust and Cinders, I evvn with the car windows open. A car l titted with this apparatus ‘nrrivei last . Friday at the St Lawn-nee and mum. r;1ilwtsrdtspot,anrl through the courtesy of Mr. lleynoldn the Managing Director l of the Bowl, in ssuor,t-exeutaioa was made I to Preseott and return on Saturday, when a few of our uirirsnsusnd.railway men had the opportunityof testing the merits of the system. A! was tiptlrsutol by Mr. I,',',',',',':,",." the Vice President Bud General I hunger of tho Winchell Car Ventilator Uompmy who has charge hr the car. there is no mechanical principle ot which tlm counterpart may not be louml in the human frame. , k "ttttta By the \Vui'chell mullnol the air is supplied to the railway car Miroag'a itsr-nosa, whichis alsuys the from. of the our, wisicittsvtway it is going. The per'fection of the Syntaxn‘wu' fully demmsprated during the mp on Suu_r- Air is supplied to the lungs uarus when) tlstoyglt the like. day. Many of the gagsts w:re constantly smoking,yon no inconvenience was no neeable by the most fasti‘dioa; ollur Lorim. The temperature of me our aha was obsa.ved by them )mecen to be even throughout, and the atmosphere of the car on in return from Prescott was as â€out and pure as before starting. The apparatus' can be Applied to old can: at. a very rrilliag cost, and absolutely 51mg (ram 820d to $300 in the cost. of construction at a new car, and we are glad to learn that all the roads that have inves tigsled the system are most fnvounbly impressed With its merits, and will unl- doubtedly Mommas many of the rail. wsys in the United Scams have already doue,nnd also the Pullman Palace Car Goggpauy. t " , We understand that the tight for the Dominion has been purchased by Messrs. Jones & Burland, of Mohtresi, and owner ctvpitaliats,,who will use every sstrort to have it universally adopted on all our rai_1_v_ray can. .,_ _ _ We wish them every success, and hops our railway managen will not be back- ward in atfordmg the full benefits at the Winchell system to their passengers. ca " "ES [ILATION OT LAST. particularly effective. in the evening the Opera House was w ell tille-l by an appreciative audience on the occasion of .tut lart night of the Holman Opera Conr pany. The opera selected for the even- ing's entertainment was the well known one of " Fra Diavolo,†which, old as it is, always tsppeartsfresh"m the hands of the Ilolnmns, and they have seldom rendered it to better Idvsntsge than they did on Saturday. “Zerlina†found ah able repre sentetive in Miss Sallie Holman, to whose excelleet singing and churning acting depended much of the success of the piece; her ability has been made so manifest to the music-loving public, that she requires no more laudation than has already been justly bestowed on her. “Lady Allcash" was played by Miss Julia Holman with her accustomed rim and piqusncy, and she was made the recipient of much deserved applause. The part of the opera " F rs Dievolo†was entrusted to l Mr. Brookhouse Bowler, and it found an able exponent in him i _ his acting, his good and was beautiful tenor voice, was universally admired. " Lard Allcash " was plated by Mr, Geo A H. Barton, an old and tried member of the company. and he did what he had to "io " ne dways does, excellently, his _ portrayal of the foppish English noble- man being humorous in the extreme. "Lorenzo," an important character, was carefully and well played by Mr Vernon Sydney, who possesses a capital tenor vane, and he used it to great advantage I This gentleman iss painstaking young actor, and with e little more experience and cultivation of the niceties of the dra- matic and operatic art, will make his mark in the profession. "Beppo" and “Giacomo " were represented Pr'f'g,t ' ly by Mr. Ellis Ryse and Mr. A. . Hol. f man respectively. The former gentleman ; sang " The Wait" splendidly, the song V being admirably adapted to his unusually j rich bass voice. Between the opera and the burlesque, "Black Eye'd Susan." Miss ' lda Carpenter danced a pa: dc seal in a style which fairly brought down the L house. She received an enthusixstio encore“ to which she responded. The ' young lady isa most graceful douseuse, i' and her personal charms are on a par with f her graceful movements. The burlesque _ sent every one home in a good humour, , and many wishes for a speedy return of _ the company were expressed. The matinee at the Opera House was liberally patronized on buturday afternoon when Balfe‘s Bohemian Girl was given.' Miss Sallie Holman sustained the prin- cipal role in a most effective manner, end Mr. Brandni,†"Thaddeus," sang with considereble ease, and his efforts crested a. very favourable impression i in fact, he sang to better advantage in this part than any we heve yet heard him in, Mr. ltyse still lacks expression in giving the music to "Count Amheim"; his singing, however is careful, and he succeeded in giving the music satisfactorily. The other ' puts were well sustained, especially that of MissJuliu Holman, Mr. A. D: Holman, uni Mr. Burton, all of which call for par- ticular mention. l he concerted music was ptuticularly well given, The quar- tetie in the second act and the duct 1 between "Thaddeus" and " Arline , being The SISTERS or we Goon S1nwmaur.-. An entertainment was given lest night in tit. Petrick's Hell, in aid of the funds of the institution, under the chemo of the Sisters of the Good shepherd. Ald. lieney occupied the chair, and the bend of St. Joseph’s College wss in the gallery, and during the evening performed F some selections in their mmtomed style. Home weil.icaown local nmsteurs also con tributed greatly to the enjoyment of the evening by their vocsl and instrumental music. Mr. Thog. MoUebe, of the Deput- ment of Agriculture deliverede meet inf! teresting lecture on " Dignity of Charac- ter," and he treated his subject in an able manner, enforcing his arguments by eev- eralmoet apt illustrations, lie pointed oat wherein true dignity of character, which he held did not consist in astertmg s superiority over those who were in the some social rank, but in securing a due 1 amount of forbearance to ell, overlooking differences in station, so long so honesty of purpose, and upright ness in- all the. trsnsactions of levery day life, ohara4sterissd ell cusses. lie made some trite remirks u to the Hollies and vices of modern society,“ proceeded to criticise the connection 1 between dignity of character and religion and its connection with hum-n pensions, concluding his remerks with some good, wholesome common sense observation upon the subject of disnity ot ohsncter " from n broad point of view. At the close of the lectuie e cordial vote of thsnke wss passed to Mr. KcCsbe for his eloquent remarks, which throughout were frequently interrupted by hearty rounds I of epplsuse It II to be hoped the cheritw able object for which the lecture wen delivered will be. materially benetitted thereby. Acetic: SAL: of Jewellery every 9'.- uitttr a N. Inn, Spukl street. Cloning oat the old stock " you begins. -- 405m “numb? P,tgeg.' ml “may; “we“. in; om h will £911 to 6:11 on 2'.tlt'Teh hwlio, no Sparks “pm. Hi: mono is " Hm clan vol-k a Balm-ate prices." Call m4 no amen. / 4067tt The Holman Opera roman-y. u (in "trtrrhva', an'ellln: osmauatry", . AMUSEMEX rn of the hu Linen and cotton Sheetmgs, Linen and _ cotton Towels, Bleached and unbleached Line Damasks and table Covers, - Chisholm & Brannen Winter Coeds at Cost. F ROBERT STE‘VART, ll, ustr, Inm'Ne l in And Hg 9 tttree'ts roan I313 mud. W. BELL & Co.'s PRIZE MEDAL OMAR Po the M h “no Sly-d & “'ka Mun-1n. Vtolia amps; tte, nrirns. In ,.'tort Ottawa, Ft?) It '56 _ Ottawa, Jan. V, 1870 SELLING 'AT cost, _,',:':"': China. mm Tea. html and Chambei Seth}; Cull mad hurt ct the Heck """'joii'ieir'"i'rarr" iiiaiar"-rr "CC"'"- __',',"; "?owland's Maccassar Oil, F _ - Q75 l'Floral Cream,--a Pomado scented can V - l Flowers. _ , BARGAINS t McKenzie & Morale: l 'ct'endid I leflrn of Ram†my»... tugs .1393, large V“ Bur, {Prunes aal 1tte9tres, U . Hair resser by Appointment to the Earl “I†'ll! tlt, ihiiterin and Suite. 9 "B i Gaunt-eh. 12, 1:0 A Magnitineat Stock of Real Hair, _ Also, a. base of Dr, - Latonelia'a -oelebn Ara preband to uncuto_UIdarl for LIVERPOOL HOUSE, . - Opening of Parliament. 3 IMPORTANT E‘~i'J‘T|CE. _ c.' At a kilns-l v11 Room; I' (vet I Brilliant I , {-11, M to the ml ML 1.. u an wig“: onvmm, Sol!- ofguuun]. and an! human“ lu", out cl e.1lcr. â€I.an m not “you. h [an ax- pan-'0 ' f (W (he. mud h 'bien anus-or than . o“Ker-Iseueh»mu" 01m nu. Tiled!!- n m luluunn m grad-1mm to uny manner of tt pa, nu ttarhar" anneal“ the onion-as “mine atttlsrBi,rrer' h v a: arst-ifrr.at r. D. " In! " "tta. Mot. "' - an .. tri.UL NSY? my. a Exam," for m. u. m-Ihio‘ anus m M' "Ml-l " 'ttu0art â€(Intrane- a: “was. due: M OMITK x 'r at ultil'dt ". on her ' -mr .\p trittt.tttt m (mu: m an. qtrettttt vial: a. upon “u. u .n - - p by Lu I av 1.04:0! me 9310th Barat _ I _ - sgriu Int â€MW: - media: 1/ obutm the we of area Hutu - Pym. aad is aumblc to any and Jana-a , IMPORTANI NOTICE. . A NEW G’AS LIGHT FOR THE "ilt STIFF BROT‘HE Y A R R O W " . SMALL STEAMERS and STEAM LAUNCH Buut of Wood, Iron or. Steel, . that... Feb. io, 1676, Uttlwaka. 3. “76 Jun, arrlv'd trout anymd, ', To SPARKS STIR ta It', _ iiiit"ia TUESDAY AFTERNOON, IT 21m Po.cuyey.?1t?""ated Electric mu- Dre, um rundown Int I†om"; Jam I. mu 't they rsspret.ruat' ro'igit . V Mt GLNEERS AND SHIPBUILDERSl ma t .9. man may ta-ttttsons"' alum-I Omar... lob. 8. tNE _ To MET" HECIAL l} 0.01qu! I. ‘Dcrew Baum-law- I.“ I...†In." nun e Inau- n. with Cm mu: down " I - A w.u..cm (I. am new Sill tum-ma. uncut.“ (OSSIBULTID r03 mac smut mun. , .955355? In Hallett, Davis as Co.’s, ll. Hardman’s CUTLERY AND PLATED GOODS, AL L KINDS OF PICTURE Ir vu-ie Nara-rm ns'n â€he "Ll 'BY H01)?†Br, “1'00 I'll" or W." "P w. te tne â€rem Boat 'r the turn-uncut with“, 'IF' at! 'st. 1 D. S. McKlNNON dig co.. ESTAB Ll!!! III! AND C. D. PEAS!) ' COM PIANO FORTE. mama our AND wsomorno'aLxq- tum, In the '01 owing 0 July, vig TO MAKE “HUM FOR KT‘XHNG (1)30“ " YARMLW. A. CHINA MALIL, A. J. PARKER. REMOVED. SPARKS STREET, PHOTOGRAPHY. Its Points of Morita an: wu L BFIL AT Ttom Room BELOW A'UCI‘IUK PRICE ILWdurm me, (on. emu-Au. '"-"nallttl WITHOUT RE‘EBVF, R0fyNS0N'8 BLOCK, A No ORGANETTB G"i" Tda Yum} i Lambert, Meech a Co., mum‘s r (m )EAU " SE " now in use. If " #465le at“ to , T'"""""""".",'"""'.-"","":".".,'.,"',)':--,)- sbea. Parks, Wd a " 1»qu 151% w m mu. 1" Union: far my“ Duncan“, - q , .~ ' . Mihl, Q Vt i Lawn and County light .9 " -grMikb' J "I " '- \(anm Rtr 1.5. mm nano- M t',1,t,t','tfirai'i', 31:1; wank fu"da'tl . .'P' 4, 04 must t a mu . m i _ A'IGLU'OVCIIIOUY Pttimtg'/2'a " mam-ah. . 7 c ' _ ','l,iW' own! “Hf†of Wrosp‘nlmu BalMutod. l T ‘n'hm‘w’ - ‘M " art. Meech & Co., _ m "grate'"'" ' I IW gtat. BARGAINS t “I! Table Napkin, Queen “not, 9kihrtims 6lp RIDRAU STREET. mayâ€; 3305, POPLMh m 1838. pr of Welfare: or. tBy. I to ii“ VI D91: oe,?:':.".',,'?.'.' ilii:viueerul “3"“- -_ -_' - . #31? and?! 'Ira.'"'"'""",' I10“ PM. Jag'?gtt can b. 3'wa I mom'rv “Vim â€Mm-y‘- ham...“ _ a†I?'"atf.eatfe'Mtl: ..e- 'f" “a. T u â€II-Ml. 'lied.",.'.',",':','.?::.-, ,,iGiii.,ciiiLN'ttiiyrrur Wealtiilr'aer"r: f'er a. hat-ad (I‘M ttteg-agus-...-.,..,-.) a .itt-. IS “an" Tiiiid "Jun"? a 'Ai?.?.'.??,)'-] and um '1liPd1%a"tNtTeght i,:,'i,iti!,tiitiiy; 'lifltIii1tll, wear.. - t, 'tq-it.--- “at“ VOL. X., N O. mnui’uhcmam -iirradri-ii riirvi' was 0-- - ard , 32m “.7.‘ “Ti_ _. was. "si-tai-i-air-iF- 21".!" to