“new Pttt.',titiJiiiiii,i: JiirdiaiTi." iii till pm to " . over-prod-tim. Ho conch-dud by up. â€in to th. Gent-amt to establish Innuu mum and: the "ctionalUm of venom members, who would divert qeltat In intended fora direct line new. the continent to no frontier. Senator Car- roil condom mommy of subject. in up "nook. Bo believed that abject. existed, but tint they had been ignored. Ho thought tha tiippant mm: in which LU Continuum “Rudd to, the anti-hm tt-tiott would inland!) the du-tihttioei new proving; and ':st1'ghtt,tttt of It. mfodenuon. Eco-tor -tssd diaaatimo. can that tho 0070mm: had not at... more Active mount-en to procure an ntuemow tho r‘i-hotiu qua-um. Senator mom! that the Govern new Lad mod the Suntan with dis- reapcci in Manning to the Prohibition 'ttit.on in a†web thtm the Throne, which it hidt had duel: pawl over in Ieteartgt nous si once. non. Hr. sum-land dqeie.t.otuoo1soeti, which would Illa. our public Maw Itehl the. no my khan:- m to an incl-undhvenuo obtained. ii7, trustod that the Government would cease making my and» on the Georgian Bay Bunch of the Ihiaiik Railroad; which be eonsidemd I mun-e and an unwiae underway {bum injure the Lines roam "on do“ tho' venom member; who we In intended far I direct continent» 'Its frondâ€. ran condemned It. pouch he "eh. "lo believe mm A pun-tare and an unwiae 'ulertakirt “would injure the lines I the south tfit, withonnmuting its own wees. He the condemned the “eel iis pumhuo. Seaator skeadmpported a uovonmem in m. 6min: Bay mgchtnheme‘. and _hopod _tlMs Home unto than“! Sandi 5 Special autumn-e mks charge of the to; rhere was very little Names i 's the Hon» of Commons ' no Speaker "tttounce/the of Mr. Gibmky, member for bins. Ite Prim Minister tsypointmeat of the Select Co you of is. hm Fer, In a for than. The Homo adjam nod tstiBeation 'irrue increm’in the '. In eorroumtioo of In: own Auto- :3, " thoucounu pubkuhod by the _. ttt established, . you after- ' such poi; ruched the tigure on mow, “alumna cprresponding f Mr. Grown. member for Two Moun- I to be consumatod 1aere. w, prelumo aias. no Prime Minister moved thertGt. with certxin limitations, the press appointment of the Select Committee to i have . right to " present at the deliber. :rtko the and Standing Committees, and _ aliens oi Parliament-a right upon Much, Special mumâ€, w†ttppoirctod to , in5raso there were my Attempt -to inter, xke charge of the re; mun; m.) printing fare with it, the electors would be pro- f the debates. Some convereatiou took pared toinaist. It is therefore wise and “we. e; to the desimthtty of antenna; just that this should be recognised in the "? rules of the 111mm,, es; ecirdy with ruies oi the House of Commons-tho nercnce to the m wanton ox'stmngera to , , . . . _ . . re gechrzes. {be krime Mini..,ter In in I House ,'eieh I? the mouth [trace of Il'.'.',") 'our at imitating w, action taken by tLtr opmtoa end the guardttn of popular to English Mimi!“ hut year in that I privilege ( 'apect. and the matter w. ' tiaally to: I ------.---------" rred to n commuter. A number of! - " . ' otiocs lor tapers were agreed to. TUE PL BLIC .{CLOUA TS REPORT. mocg the mutton: ut to the , _ - . mauy, .3. “lane by in Barpee, i The report of the Pubtie Aecounta, pro. .abury, taking wLetiuer u minority re- l sented yesterdar,ia tut extremely lengthy "F Horn 'lit,copas gong; Ippoimed It one, and contains a moat. exhaustive; up"; re am: we taut tty of con- V t 1 . . I men's; the Bate Wane r, I had been i statemen of no Dominion Pre. _It ) ceived by tho Government. Mr. Mac- gtves e tabulated statement of the habtl- F Inge, in mph. stated that A document I itiiss and atrsets from the year 1367 until vmg event appearance of being we): . ; NJ, the latter you ending lat July last. Drama“ 2t'ae/gtyi"2n'///v'i (’3‘; I From the statement it nppem that the .339 t yin" I . the production crib. Lawrence, Iii, fended debt payable m Lmam, " P! heated from the View: ofthe majority. time the tiseal year cloud, “8 11?dtyt pa;- lt hora", would be circulated 666.67; "ouiatG,a,iigr,l90,9ii3j,. a G. I. "s F , . rise noun. adjamaed at 3:30. ilrtti';;ii'1lh'ifll,' . - fei"h"htarpt? king; l0 English Punish“ hut opect. tad the mutter w. WPAWA. TUESDAY Elm Times. of THE 81:53 TE YESTERDAY an debates. S HOUSE " w.) s W 386.93% TEKDJ f W " ittle Names: transacted " .Y {new en etterday . sigtsatiou iterst nonpapou And periodicals, written or printed nutter not being of the nature ot. letter, books, pamphlet; and other trauma-ion: in on» covers, on. out per 4 on; 6. tte-papers or paeiedieals weighing It. In 1 " 'rattle. The report of the Postmaster Genet-e1 for the yeer ending 30'.h June, 1875, pro. eented the other day, "orrU the public ' the opportunity of being pieced in possession of many interesting facts 61 greet. importance to the mercentile end general community-perhaps more espe- cits'ly to the former than the latter. The report is an able end exhaustive one. It allude., in the prefatory remuks,-to the Act passed last session for the unending and consolidation of the Bhutto Lew regulating the postal service of Canada. It states that the stethte took partial effect. from the let Mar, 1876, end pro- vided for -e reduction in the rite of] poetege to he charged on nevepepen end periodical: lent to the United Stetee. After some preliminary “elements in that connection, the Postman: General proceed: to Mate that tome verietlone Eben been mede in the Jel-iiication of l the veriom nutter: cent by past, bringing beanie-ions within the Dominion under the following heads and pate-e nun- I. Letter: pee-ins by mail " three cent- per 4 or; 2. Lscal or.drop letters " one one per 5 on; 3. Feet eard- one cent eeeh; 4. Canadian new and pt. We, from the wee ot pnblieetion or new egenoy to regnler subscribe", at one cent per lb. of bulk weight; 5. Ctarr 'ett tie TRIS Beaks end their fittanoial condition pecu- {pies s large portion of the report, and “elements are given of their trmsactionl in s11 the Provinces. The statement of the revenue arising from T the customs duties show: s healthy late of stfeirs especially in the “one Provinces, the total smonnt arising from that sowce of revenue being ’315,351,011 M. The statement of Re. ceipu and Expenditures for the year 1374-5, isns follows o-Consolidated Fund, 924,648,715 04; Loans, $23,889,525 23; Open scconnta, 83,498,377 11 i Total, 852,. 036,617 38. Expenditure-Consolidated Fund, $23,713,071 04, Redemption, tu,' 324,731 22; Premium and Discount Loan Account, $221273 80; Open Accounts, $11,100,245 14. Detail statements of the) leleries of the oftieers in the Mons de. partments ere giwn, also the pensions graatedyutd superannuation, made during the pest years. The remainder of th. report ilomnrrised.oi records relative to the nilwnys, bx, M. REPOR? 01' my Penman}: GENERAL. WI _ ', """. _" ....Nr.r. .m. luv stun“... u. ivvyu... ' ti.urj,dfdiiii. _'iiTi.G"iriC'ui'i;"id.i'i'il' 1 "trivil"tr's. ', of the account for de sits Ind interest, F _ ------------.-- ---.-d. i t'"g,22thw0c48. The r rt then ‘prooeeds _ nu; PUBLIC -iocom‘rs ilEi'0RT'.'s to tclu.do to tlu, trea y "“10th tothe “urination J?. a Gen rail Portal Union, . q , . , t l atilied at demo. Swit or and, in October, i “re report of the Pubhc Accounts. pie. I 3574 b h., 1. ta . . F ' . ' . k y l 13 reprtacn twee of Ithe chief , sented â€new", lib tut extremelr me?†i nations or the world, iialuding tho United Jone, and contains a. meet exhaustiveismues. The agreement took pllce he. , statement of the Dominion finances. It , Ween all ttryygt',,s. tie,T"hf,i,rghl,r, _', "i . 1 S f h . bil- parties to e reaty. excep ‘rnnco, in I y".'"" a tabu ated tatoment 0 2:3†In I Jilly last, Fronce adopting-it in January l me; tad assets from the year tos un l [if this your. Tho treaty'did not include ( 1‘75), the Utter year ending lst July last.. ‘ rithh Provinces beyond the em, but i From the statement it appears that the Can-tie bars. with the concurrence of the Iruaced debt paytrble in Iamdoat, " the 535i?! 1iiolfJgttet,'tqtl','ol. 2rt,1t,it ' . , , . c s . i ume the tiseal yey claeed, w tly/f': lhiotuawiailb the letter rate of postage _ l 056.67; "able'utaede27,l00,00lcs9, 1 between (Janelle and the United Kingdom I,',',')':',,':.',',,','.", "2,3Sl,747.P2. Banking: has, ."y.Pr'apgePent with the lmperiel -r_ondoss agent), "006,47l.47., _ Post whee, has been reduced to the In. mi $144,2t'0 til . king a ternatioral rattle (13:55:. stherlutzjng canto mucous} e"- mV , _ __. currency esta is e y t a mon re u- total of bsnkingaccounts oft2,li5A752.3l ' lotions; and this reduction has 'lit the total liaylitim being '151,663,40l.62. been made epplicoble to correc- in» w - .,. -t83h6M/e3.60, and 'itt,'""Lgititi'1dy :2: 2:212: lhéf Are mtPTofiyettmettf m YBrtou8 ara. and the United Kingdom tta: 3mm Bard-of Sump Banks, Ci. at 5 oentl by whatever route oonv red. Non . New Bum-wick, and With re- ect to the Intern of money nada, Beotia, p . . . Montrenl Hubour Rondo and mndry order interchange with the United Satan, ities of a d il “an. They the report states that during this?" secun I - . month, from August to December,’ 75, "Ilium inthesggn‘eteto8l1,081,302.39. inclusive, the "emotion: amounted to l, Under the head of mucellanooua nuts $153,906. Facilities have been extended there is . total of $lt,405,i35.08. The 2 'ltd,",',,':,',',:;",,';:',', Ptdltt far /ldi . " ' t. c tuwng moneyo er: I e I Emu" atmouaU nhowntotnl “WAG" Staten through the medium of the‘1 or- J,yt).13. These fiosuresHo compiled/rom nngement made' by Connie. A! III the comp-retire Itetement given in the noticed in the lust year’I report, the. commencement of the report, the detail- l'dt,'e,1, of fe7,',tftte2,'ctitriit,e/t', . . . . common _ e e 1 as. being'gnen at length in venous carefully Dominion, 2idt1r,tui,ii,ttt Qubbeo compiled tables. lhe stheot of Sewage may", Hamilton St. John? .9. and Bunk: end their fittanoial condition _occu- Baht“, N..S. ii'il lyetem o delivo‘y by pies e large portion of the repert,end it?†'llT,ed', At tttJog/oN,',',".?;'. otnlemonte mgiven of their trmactione ei y of the ntwhrrandement that let-t I in All the Provimter. The statement te whim, under the old regi-ouid [ of the revenue arising from T the hae remained In the Pmt utBee' for l customs duties shin" A healthy days uncollod forum-e "g'lUJ,"'a1tgti: ,' note of am»: especially in the cepud of. at “mt â€OWN†I rho remi- of the report in outpaced ; “time Provinces, the total mt of none euefully ,eompilod atattnti_ti' of ', origin; from that moon! revenue being tho 'rorking ot. tht Pairoitiere. "rdi, the , $15,351,011 M. The statement of Re. tMMttmttts oonmsotedtnererrnh. , . ands, Non Seotia, Now Brunswick, and Manned Hubour Bonds and lunar] securities of a similar Mud. They uncut in the “gropte to 8U,78T,3it2.39. Under the head of mucollanooul aaaeta there is a total of $lt,405,i35.08. The banking account; thorn total of $10,462,- 536.l3. These tiosuresHo compiled/rom the compuntivo statement given in the commencement of the report, the detail- being given at length in various carefully l . _- F--"'" . -e___-_- yvuuuvlq v01 - Luna, ALP. for Loud), who, while protest. f 220.53; 'ittit, Eflwnrd hand, $39,311? ~. . _ . .. hichtul--total ,873,'-' "." Thtriuyitmro my against. the. mdrgmlzP to 37ch t de l sriirerohT; Odie“ u put downing 687- press and public had een lu Jec r, iviz,ontarloend 9u+tioir,turr'atruits. c astinued eacis day to turll the Speaker ' wick, OS; Nave .Scotin, 9,l,r.Mui.t.ym1i ettention to the preeencelof the "straw! British Columble, 6 , Frame iiiiCl gen" until he compelled the applicetion] islandr3. The tgtal ateourt.t at money ' _ . . f . . represented by the orders luued uptol ofthe reloru: which appoen m'e arr way I, 30th June, Iti75, amounted to the "It to be consumated here. TN' e presume l mm of 86,721,913, and we: msde up u that. with certtin limitations,'the press 1'0.t-,s.,t,-e','.tatr' asld. Pt?, t4 ly.." . . .la8t.loiaNew runsync. 71.276.7 . 1Tytgy,t,o "pre"n.tytthe “3.": 'New ’scom, $1,459,567.35 ' Minimal»; wens ot iurliau1ent-a right upon l " , li?:.',,),',")-,:.?'??., British C lumbie, 350,659.72; 'u4c.sse there were any attempt. .to utter- i Prince Edward Lela d.., $81,890.6§I 'lt' fete with it, the electors would be pre- 1 will be each by t on tiguro that An!- war n1 to insist. It is therefore wise and l, toba. with lbs one Mo 9y Order 06100, did ." ‘ . , nearly the largest av axe business. Tho as: that tics should be recogmsed m the l number of ngings Auk, which gre in we: o: the Home of Commons-the [operation only in Out io “fl that)†i. [louse which is the mouthpiece of popu- 303; the number °m°P°ilqu 23:294- ar" opinion an the guardiua of popular 'l'1u,.y,1e,ue,t dtiyyl during _tluirtsar, tutira'atettt are very inappropriately called, is especially model, and comes not ohe day too noon. That provi-‘ion is heppily one of which very few luve ever availed themselves in the Parliament of Canmle, but that is no reason why it would not he put beyond the reach of cwrice to inconvenience visitors, probehly for no higher reason, than to gratify personal spleen by hiwing them turned out. lt mu 9. case of that nature which called particular attention to the subject inthe British Parliament, And if we ' member rightly it we: Mr. A. M. Sul. Lvan, ALP. for bomb, who, while protest. ing agtrittst the indignity to prhieh the press and public had been subjected, c unmixed each day to cell the Sveaker'r attention to the presence of the "man-1 some very practica winter :inwa Mr. rl x Pet TG KA' communication between PNtseo Inland and the mainlmd. Hon. exander thought the dopmoion 10 :u rscessive enterprise and Am {whim which tho munlry WWI minim}: the period of prosperity Ir', t Info lemlmn. He alvocatcd U :xm'unn of a throiiglt mil I [Her Bay to Fun Garry and 9 Lin of th half tsilrlralt' ' to put. an ‘siou which at to have Commons yesterday, [amundmenu to the 'l by ths Funnier. ttt th GUI 19 Minn c to on any diaries md mud: fortnrd c T GiiiA' conduct, he will iind 'l'lWtt mm IE taken V b t i, If "Fidelu " decke- to continue, mew-y labour. in the vein of his la I amnion, ho needexpoct no replica!!!) me; butuuoon who in pnpmd meet my sulcmuh the sun. 'tatb my that they.†111?qu slum boo? htPd,ttrdbmitt.erttattiiiritiriria.' l I Yotudyulr, -- : mar. the - 'V “l r"'."l . V _ I hove no intention of criticizing lino last letter of “Fedefii,†as I can well atl'ord to treat all such attacks on myoelf with silent. contempt. I wish, howeter, 'Lo remind the ‘public that Mr. Ub'uinir ha: not “tempted to deny any of the ltntemenu made in my last letter."l‘hese automate are facts, and I tun pro med to prove them. I have charged Mr. ll'lJ,1',aelf,', with having sent letters to various teaeh' l en, ordering them to keep out of he paper: under threats of dismissal, éid l then proceeding to snack Mr.Smirle an " on munied name. I repent this ghetto. last Mr. LeSueuriden'y it if he dard. ( It will be remembered that thh "li. dolls†was one of the Commissioner! who carried on the late investigation in och l matters, and flat. the teacher whom tl, has attempted to defend was one all“. concerning when tsxtunination "trtydiiuki. ties had been proved before the Count lion. Let me oak how' much ilum could be expected from o Commiuiodor who has shown such a strong prom in favour of some of the “when tseries hare boon impugned. l If Mr. Utiueuo denim to remain tttt liolifh, he must be propmd to dolor: conduct in hm olhcinl op may, and it 0 thinks 3 letter like will» will be we t» ed by the public a on more.†. plan And air-:ahn- f-g-o _. , _ & q ‘ rid To [in Edna of THE TIMES. Su,-I no , in Tm: Tunis of a recent due mother ener from " Fidelin" on the wheel 1iiflieuhi, in which a great emu-t in nude to be ‘fqnny at the expeme 4f 'e "Hater of Hypocrisy.†Before proceed- ing furtheryithj thin C subject, it my ttt hep: be well for me " inform the pa io that the anonymous writer who dip-1 himself /.iFidssliir" is Alderman: LeSueur , I subscribe my own name to this tgt,' and state that I am responsible for t e ‘ liquid " A Meter of Hypocrisy." l LUNCH“ got tq/in best style it the Commercial House'on and mu Tuna!†next. -- . 4087M [he Fall." damn it to Indium magnum “emu the can Curtain ms, tit, I. In WI " {envy-lbw tor a coin! I 1 union: punt year‘s transactions. The . nun-u speak for themselves. The Postal Revenue for the year ending 30th Juno, 1875, were t--0ntario and Quebec 81 285,. 196.71 , New Brunswick, 336,203.89 , Nov. Scotie. $119,202.44 , Manitoba, -:10,b‘36.605 Bmuh Columbia, $16,678.72; Prince Br. ward Island, 8iN,3,3t'xi4--.tG grand total being 'l,ii'o'tr,509.50. The expenditure for the same period was, in Ontario and Que- bec,8l,is'trm,l0,y'.t)'o' , New Brunswick, tra,. ll4.hl ', Non Scotin, $205,940.02i‘nnni- tobn, 'u"-'.éi.'sHlsi Pirit.h. 90151119119, $74,- 1'31! th Winn po', Clotsod pa: cents per A table (mice. i I mm q -_ " -" "' - hm? homo}! found a g. jiii,"2e will find ae, pull, _ 1l.i'iiiiiiiiiii) m. duh:- to coqtin-ue, by St J", mg?! rs Itt the vem ot but Int m " h V“. seed ups; po replies (to: _ ti,'l,1t'i',,ite Jon " " "pared Lem-nu in_ tappumo may. £543!!! to ae. 001a DXFPI CU LWY. w oedII'JucUy Inna d in the cvmmnntcuu o t In In In war to be 1d 0. opinion- up Jon}: Hun-w Hugh} , cent each; riot containing letters 1 an; the number of Tost) showing that than) are in I when, 5,034: New Brunt l 'a Scam, 90lt Manitoba, nu tia, lo; Prince Edward I mm; a total of 4,89? ' males .of poaVrouto in mm) and Quebec, 23,515 , " 3,963; Non Scotin, , .110; I'rititls Cu,luusbia, ' 'srd Island, 1,046; total,3s',' lth‘ of miles Liavellod in uring 1.477), id All the H.384,v'~78. The number Hm] cards which passed ), otliees were: tn tynt'trio Mum , New llruturtriok,. , ticotia, 4,2m,090; Maui. iritult Columbia," 400,00); THETIMES, OTTAWA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1876 last you} pom was GiGi; 1:91;: in! gun ‘y of MA “loan. Tho mu. 1tyitefyr,aivurt", awn“ " ,M8 j: the; pnviom you. up of ttiq Mou- ' iGG"i" - "v" and of G'r'r'r'll'l'r1,'"Jp' $333.5†The expo in the Uat period "or: mm- ,'g'ilyff, srl?".': In In: van: 1,22dE Ir see, . f"" -.._- Tran", um "I. 359,809 ltrt, Mimi tho " of the four pmlpu you-- or 627,038.30. Tho gummy wmhmuo wn 3930,494 lbs, min» th Inns. of the {our preview unof l, 2,0171bl. Ayt.toetttrakoritii Gi' the umption of 013nm Inn (Allen on has par cent; that of and!» elm has increased 30.68 por out. 1h"t,ttf,tt', loam manhunt m 3819 mac-Inst num- -e--_r.. - -B.F._'h. "- f'P""t'"'" lbs. again-t. the new of three [minute years of 37,909,764; the quantity ' for consumption wee 33,016,082 lbs. \against the were? of than previom wears “31,244,464 be. The quantity BB. ported we: 4,677,960 IN. We! the net-age of three preview you" of 7,929,4031bs. The gummy in Wine It the end of the period of 18745 we; 7 962,939 lb... using: the Average of the ii5iir,iiiit' on ,169,0881be. The neu- tity o tobecoo menufactured In 1872 m 9567,152 ‘lbe, lgtinet 7704.145 lb... the ever e; of the ki; J,'T,t,t you". I e quentit ' or con- numpuon we: 6,6751“ In, minutiae 1'ls'ltht WOT?" previou- yeen of, e O Ylit,'t m- 2'l.'yPynitrexpiie-" __ --N V"! can enter thu: the "W9 in bum magi; tf, mob of tr thus prgviom ye . 0 export: o tspirits ttrini the past' yur Wore N491 sullen: against 197,676 in the previous you, while the avenge “pom for 1871 2 , war: 343,5l2gaotu.' The quantity of malt r",Yyft,trttrt,d in 18146)". 41,039,986 - u, - ---- - use ‘Iam inclined to believe that iirii'l In. been no greet amount of fndulent menu- fecture carried on. But if the prment dearth of employment continues I dull not be surpriued if illicit tstills are not up to en extent that will make tome imv preuion on the name of revenue ribbons the quantity consumed being " ell tea duced." The quantity iq bond at tho end 18745 In: greater thin my ire,',,',":,",'. you It was mom than double 0 quen- tityft the end if 1874 and needy MI per nan nun-‘h . .... Au, ___- . . "van, “an wt “lump“ in TI]. "Fe was 4,219,245 gsllona in 18708 baiijg ff/A" cent. “hen we: taken in 1874 . Beam the in T utility from 63 to " cent. per '4'l1"lllU, end to the foot that it but: 'll, checked IN?'" sum tiontoenyex n one I, 'l'ltt - to but i: 1tJl'rlt,det that tEere-i- eoortein - which my cheek oomgnntivo consumption under I high rate o duty, which he not yet had time to dovelope itasW, I meow illicit _distilluion. For several you‘- pu labor, of all kinda he been well ream and end no one has been 'tnet bye creed idleness Ito Pee ‘m . it, it undo, 9nd _---- - u; yuauvll ear. Tho urgent quantt prttiotuV {aide in gas you n- 5,547,?†we" in 1872-3, being ll per cent Ion than in 1874-5. while the small“: quantity pre- viously “ken for con-nuptial: in rt you in: 4,219,245 pump 1870.7 ' bein- The Report of the Mminter of blend! Revenue we: laid on the tattuorttto Home of can?“ on 2tx'atia'tt receipts during t eyeerwore , being I decree» of $686,607 from 1874.' The decrease ',',',',1,,',i',WI,e upon eooiee, $113,421 upon revenue mm public who,- 8A316 upon culling the"; end there wu on incl-one in bill stumps of 035,359. The two last years, on competed with the two preceding ones, show en increue of $1,542,822. The quantities of I irin '2rd,',rt'2g.,ti, "2.53 t, 1817?, 5,61%;27 I gal one want 5. so one In (thiujetifiJiiiiiiii?, :21: ii'jil m. , one . 1 ' t" 83t in 1874. Ttp, 'iiiiyi of spirit: unnuhotnred in 1874. h'gnet'er thia' In my previous you mentioned, while the quantity token for _ consump- tion le, then in “guy â€my; moaity which he seemingly bean towards some of the church Mandate, end in. duce him intend tom in Iii-hear. that love which it in so neoeuu-y e Pam should evince for 'tho people whose Kil- istor he u. count of the maul-factory tstate of afrairtr which emu, subscribed for the coat, hoping it mighi tend to dispel the ani- mouity whisk ht Pttnt9ryat' tom: The Rev. anaemia bouts that the coat given ls " Christmut is a token to him of np relation of the mane:- in which he has behnved. Not to, I an in- formed that numbers of than who would not give‘anythingfo the church on Io- Curb that ungov'emable temper of can Rev. Sir, and duplny a little more a? that Christina love which should Chet-entails every Minater of the Gospel, end you might be in a poaition to consider the real not: of your tlocks They ttak for the Breed of life, And you give than homi lien on the ceremonial end forma which you think Ihould be carried out In the ohurch,lnd Itvstruetioaa an to what he ctetu/,tet Fe Bible, tench". i - - " Wre9'-__'e -_.. I've-IAIN"- once it was proposed to stun hiqrout, he replied that' he would hold tho church in spite of everybody, evon If In did not reoeivp a cent from it. Busing over the frequent genuiuxioas and other little ceremonies to which w. mailman attache: great in portnnoe, we eome to that moat pertienlu- part of the ervioo where the collection, elwsys e _ mall one, in taken up. The congregation y some mistake in the progrnmme hen- en to sit down . In an instant the priest' s Iytderittg voice orie- out) “the oongre tion will stand when presenting their ot. Fritwtoood." WhatliimaautatuklsG ostentatious show when ‘gutting his smell donation on the plate. as this the way in which the poor widow threw her mite into the treasury? Stand up and make I display of giving to God that which already belongs to him i It hes been re- presented to Mr. Higginson frequently that many of his psrinhenera object to these thange. Whet is his re ly t Let these who object to them leave tlfe church, I nobody wants them teremein. l 1tis “who G neon tint he think- motor redlng the myu- in “riot? conformity with the ','du7St'l, ho "" before him, than in wiring up thou rayon in such a wig-it that they my be Band " the “l‘hmno on High.†He turn: his Inch upon tho goggle. Whyf Be- can†the ttitar to which he turns but, as he lays. " been erected to the honour of Our Saviour.†He does not adore _- it, he onl adores the place where th6 veritable holy and blood of Christ are hdd and no wont. to be hid. lxiiauxcl. New Edinburgh, Feb. 11, 1876. W, A .i', ._ wvv-w - VHIHUUI. The service: commences. If I poor sinner hummus to com. in late the Priest looks_ like a; atyrry aohoolmuter. -- - -, - ......... w w... with them. Still location whg disturb me? I V _ than . practices which _ T ' Ind and ( doctrine» which I hiar Sunday cite Sun- day, axe not becoming in the Chuiott ot Euginnd; but for the aka of A littie love between my household and his hoytiltold, I will shut mine eye: and stop minh out. I On catering the' church what do , ttttttt An altar covered with cloth, the. color being ditferent according to the beacon u in tho Rom. Catholic Church. my alter. turmounted by ' emu And $omur. decorating it, had a dozen or more erosion dUplsyod chant the Chancel. _ The Rev. Mr. Hlumaon bu surrounded himself byeooterie " very smell one) who for the uko ot a Imile from tholr beloved Pater would do mything. They, like the Jesuits, take for their motto “the end iustifies the menu.†The Church Wet-dons are men after the 1Pope of New Diiuburgh'a" own heart. Mr. Biathlon tolls them in well u the coma-option, Lhatjl’uny of his "little w s'urri (ll-pleu- mg to them they 't'lSNi'it then- eyes and bear mth ham II he I: wllllng to bisar .-HI. oI.A_ an I ALA "_--, . ' hm s'm..--With it,tgr't to 2tt,r signed "Protestant," w to ppm n your issue of 'lhtnrduy, permit me to Hutu briefly the Mate of whirl in Saint Bartholomoz'n Olhproh, Nay Edinburgh.‘ CLERICAL anl-‘ICUL'I'IE. In In" EDINBURGH- To the-Editor of the THE-TIME. INI. mo ntvhxrx. Anna-l Report Your- guly, VIII» oorN‘nw Edinburgh, In tho County of ( furlew'n. Pmvitttitfttmttue". In an mu wh‘locAUL, N , tt w u n um, tailali'Cl,1it'i'i was I on u a norm Inn-rum "m In no " Mn. :1:- Emma up: In“: can. show mum m. *ttrytiu, I willotrumr la by Public Anna: a th- “anon run-lb? an... Row. 0 Km], tn Ute any of mu; m the "on? or can... (on. a; #90331“. that!!!" th q of A to. am _ -'u must: 'lh"AW.ltR'gtt ltr, . "r to s w " ' undo! ' nan-lama! vty.i.tP.3ett9iiidi-iiii l in; wool mum: animating. and]: , In» bu an, In duck numb" ' a Hum “do or Ink-u an“. on WM 1. mun-mu. hound. thy-u ' at M ,udmuuruh. bung sixty tbet In an a, 1t1yyf.1aiiiiiii- no and»: Iran I'd 'fl,'Nltt Atiit',iLffii"r “M... , It.“ mm.or0uldol._ try 1"Ote. Pei. 1oilt%tif/,'fh'lh. I an l, an under! WILL!“ P. OOW‘N tltylllhll'4"ll8lle,rg, I». boon Again!“ In ml: unmet Daemon w o In titEr,lskittri1litiff,; the their chant m w nomon . I. w, r. uuRMr, - tom-w: thll . a may a! Mary. 1911 -- l It the matter of ROBERT B-KEA [ F _ An 1 ' vent; . I, the “lowland. Dal!“ 8m lut- tood, “me (my or out". have been up nuance In thin miner Cannot-I m can†totratheir cmml Dobro me within m month. - ' hi 1155' i7iiiia7iWgi'll"l'A'ah'"l, “if“ n ' n y r. 'gr1'attth"e [an t'Mgge, irii'iyifp,qii than] who respectful] tii an ttttts titiit'il?rr,iti'i'ii" l"El 'rldrirg 2:53;? I '4i'llfrlir, only 1 a goat mum!- at Wines, Manor. and an". ll QI,',,',', And Luncheon in an! elm-I "Me " irrzirCi oomuodlou Halt a ofhold' a; tlilo parlou- II mum: to (11%» mum. tor Ball. and Public Mowing: om", Jan It, Wm. AMI-lat Alia. n It! ' 'il'a?hhh'Ws', it Boots, Barks & Herbs, N35.- m In"); under-1 , “ILVEET ACT or I." Otsag Feb. 10, we. mimNAmi%iriiaitioN, l Tti an". I can t C maker. who“ 'alh'llthUt um be 'gr/lf, vumu. th BILLIARD HALL u',,',?,,', Bane 1ethtAwttgf In): ite . . . WI. ,'r'lPt'l',ule,'.'i,ht o'n am can: principles ths new random. XSOLVINI‘ ACT " "Ta. ..Pexttt?ve.r, The most switchable turd common; Boll. h In: a mutual the He‘hlnll- " The nu 4' a when“ updated and the yuuoig tt or the In“! lupin“ it] mid 'IP""""'"' fold/Inn Ava' or "ra, 2mm Jan. ll, gm 1u,'iteiru"it,r. by tho any of month. at MEMBERS; OF PARLIAMENT Stumble f P new.“ at Mum.“ an}: vu- ton lo the city; It IIold-lh. _ he nutter ot '13ch 1083?)! HA glGI'URJNd O ~MPANY, LL " MR. Jun}, ' we of " Inwnnao 11:11. Imam-j 's'/'udirflay I!" twin-1i. All launch as supply " ' ortarr, 1tetV"rh ___ Tut: Hondunlnox." Jam Received Russell ' O’Connell, Best Served and Best Cooked 93'. mm. mm OYSTER new JWstrrmoet-%orgs use». . has â€Imp-Mum. om “may. EWI'J any at. i? noon. At all noun " London" Restauran Il‘un Commercial House. Finest ,Atu3omodation LEAMEqCéBTHY’s. I un- Dm' uncut qhil In toumt a tart In“ u , men-“pr uvm common 1 . BROADOLO bosl . The dented" ha “than .m] w tho deptemon in tad tn â€yuan“! State: audit!» dunno: dong-d for out an lumber in that that» ttaeirti oeu- tributed vary mutant“, to prodtioetu mun. The revenue mind Madam levied on goods mmuftoturod inbound ',t.i,t9 vinegar and methyl.†'pirita in 18744 ' 3V76,Utttg 82,830 I." than for 187474. _ ‘ "w -WL'A2, Nit, 2mm A. d a burn Aswan“: of mm Mutiny. onnll pliant-m.» w Liquozl and and tho an." m THE oI,AmgNDON-., minim. Orv}. tttm Cor, (Lu-l xINAnn'n) - V "e " now preptred to show I v.11 lam moon 0! 0w: COATS. ---, A ------- ed T . t nu “curly.v Aud every» dual-139933! hum Win»: SHELL OYSTERS CLOTHING HOUSE, /roaltf1hf....r.7.7g.,& Co,, uNuchQLormxgq, MIND!“ ll UHDIIOOLD- “ALHAIBIA,†mums: BLOCK, t _ '.htar% 95d O'Cénnnr 5mm. Bumr mm, (Max's itat um) t?T,tt'>.trtlr.MhtatH w W COMPARE ran PRICE. AT TBI PROP!†[TOE BAPPIRS' BRIO i PRO PRt Trow, IN mun. WILL rum D, s. summon. ' Anna... Rote1s. g"MgrBIt, WILLIAM Inky?! TMgt 6iiuira'l {Ewing Tn! SUPPE RS murmur â€syn. FBI: 0 ran Frogâ€. "v%rvror, was? mm “IT Boro_A.6ntl taro-sum McMILLAN 40m: INN: 10-3 ' i 3:11:53.â€pr Bil] CHIN]; ttilltilllt nm m: Bur IN val-0W: Ir 1 rant. T,r ‘l'ouuo atlrteesqttt-tesem, [unmar- mumâ€, In. '"ttfm't, Commend"; In» vol. out. w Ton wan: luc- by m4 and bttitl LA. ao El. - Comment-.1. Grant and Inland Em and van; WI. . . "x, 'RTri0lUaaalli)l-iiiEs, _88, Sparks gin-eat. q ..‘ V "'a.t.attEi- Lola“ Hour. 3nd- u noun, Sunday lu- st w 1876 t tt In,“ 'l'2lt PU', s. Valentina In and. Vm, Esnlgnmx’a cynic-trim» r a. "a"""'""'-'!---.-, _ a: HOBLGES. 0th". lamina. um Fun , hid {in}: Astrach; McMillan & Arléés, Tnnn nn'n NI nu Thunder-um 13M It 'tttttl?,', 493 scum F, htl LEtt nu:- Auunl. _ atr ttf orestva. Mormon; gllllll HIKE BAKING POWER. we“ Agent- m Mn Ont-no. "u'ltdf"dllh8 dt â€00"?!1m ot"tAagte, In“. lama. not“ i “WWI-m. "r' mnlhonorlh' â€an“! aï¬ï¬mcmmwï¬o 't,'l"ltN,'g gift-lo 1'tdetf I!" u noun Pit fpAlltt.. 23. tCt'l'r,t.lltit'ltll4Bhllt.1i1lltd,,9itiLi klti',t,,S',2illi, m oommewe on the we“ aide ct the River Dllmolne n. the numb we“ mangle ot Lt- 2:21: "a...†lust gh" Wu Pg,'lgr,t vor .0 . . lit has; If, be I?†his? No. i?,iFt,ft'r; use t' . n m a. no III 0m 1 NT“: In“: " "no 'ti'e"t1l'ili'ilit'i'rl'igl “marina an}; â€In“ low bra dud Mltlltt vhlch e In: boundary 'd,UNettlt"2,'A', '4"lttulhr lat the ' run. on owns at“ In! ‘gagï¬aontyngm '" ygt to A' RIM.) manual. “I r. . and. a Ibo north e m _ iaae,1 mot mm. '2lli"LtftPM,vtee A... Itâ€. a. It. “I! of " - m (clawing m1. tunic! “mm on tho W.t'ljggg'r, Ghana-lain m um at 1Mmgttred unit". Tits '.e.y a“ M 1._mva:u annulus. Toma-wee on we we" ltd. ct ms Blur limo!“ “tho new: weat man-I- of m- ulo the 2an Day affirm " you» than†an um. um 1mm- , total-Jud Inn-unmet “1%- , 191.. one u it “drilled“: rt""uau'utriitruueG,' ' . Auction Room on Sparks street PT'" cm OlmWA, Jun lmgiignl. III '3' 'TrF" '0. 1m. In'adumon to the chant. tho eon-tame!" 0mm our tWit Voiumu of ERIN?! WORKsln you n 816 Volume-OHM CL S SKULL UTHORS. â€no Thoma-d Moon of SHEET HUSH), MUSIC 'lllPdif'it C Catalogue: may be Ind, Ind In ormnuve wand t?oWtsW-tiutaM,itti IUNnAY. the 11: t " the Room! of the lumbar, EX": no . ' I um to wlthont chub the has“ rock ot Mohawk 'Jll'llltbt'ltult Am u out Volume or we Ahn mu be told wx'umn marve- aha 1'l",TT,1',",% should be “ha minimum of I al who wi-h to rorlenllh can: [roan-a. an}. sum each Ever-mii J. EBMINGHAN. Tho m or BYRON mNaszww. rungs fYoiiiiii7ikiiii, u we†u 5mm min, mums, semen, UBAUCIR, And other Fathers of [MIIIII Poetry. -r-_-. vww- - _ ‘N-uv- -WIUII "or... Wart-I of Ilollon‘hy Inward tumm- Won't-nob men n atd, 2:03 9!29,m9.- Moi? $3.2: BU 'fat WIIDAY mum. “In. I, And continuing an an â€an eon-cue. ii da. posed or, _ , OVER 4000 VOLUMES Dt Standard Worn, comprising the (alluring .uhltrotat-. t PmmPHY l Firiiiil,6,i/tr, up l 1008351 1.1310“. Dlmnugcy, - -- - POLITICAL no IN old Y Tho subscriber bu rewind mum Motm to all by Public Aunt-Ion, n " Emmott. ELGIN STREET, Ottawa, Fab. A If?“ I!" 0mm! la an. any. And Prince suu fur Ladies It I p Pll1WMa Sa",', PEIIIP'I'OIY [ARREST COLLEEN!!! [If BOOKS ALBERT AND LADIRG' GOLD AND PLA TED CHAINS. 834014575, ‘BROOOHEB. MD RINGS. AN IMMENSE VARIETY. WATCHES, CLOCKS ALI or VALUABLI T TI‘IIIB l lag"Te. rre EOLME S, Othwn Fen. d, 1876. Every Evening, at 0: W. IMAC I ihtfWttt 1"lhiMatNi' ‘N‘ quar'g'aiiiid 1'IRi'ii' By J. Bermmgha; puru- Avonox u“; an "I. Maw-Lumpy". attd in}; mm}. - _ uwwvw, 8031313130 IIWX I24 Square Miles. Altman aaiiii, In an», TH 'WA,"' sou ' For. u â€mum, Minn-n exam anew. ARLEss, (â€ll-ICING OI " and: Beaver 000ng tspirka /ttryet. Maximiser “In (Ml 4002i? tour-"obi: lb LHIP: ... 18754PROVINOIAJ; tlmiltI1lmrMNr--Whr. in mm 1141;an Jun """"C'" I _ ' Pirtt mm" 'atietlltstnrsiras,,,a,,, -.. OttawaBranch " - - - 7.7. " 8ttasmrtti,gt"rid" 1% CLUFF& II new. mm F '.saattV:e I . Sa2l"if,,1if " s; 71 m?ï¬ï¬wwflMW%§§a%~ an; . , 391333553 'i'i'3Y Erlir. 'ii!th'thfi,Eeet' t/Pa'ltaM a if ili -- i, CANADA _ _ f " Atrritruhy.tal_lhtqttyype ttoy. Amanda I lemma! . - Wax}! Mini}??? â€1!me to extant. DIM k ht human-noon; Mo Ken,rj1iij.tj; Jilllro FaTii"iiilr'/ snréiiaï¬fa‘ï¬m "Lem:- for names 'USN Irma so“ "a. rik V " = IW' J NPf â€can tum- 1'th"fo'r't .s" arii,if,i'i1i1r)lfii,lt'llllllll CP. we" " II.. "A“ In A um 12" 0901’ My; m“) tS k' WELLINGTON smug,“ .' w/r"')'-")":,",,'"':,"'!:', A First Class Family and C0mmikittc8aiiiili 'r9._ty2tfl9yA1steB-pett.. Ala-s any": can! p be, or GR JOSEPH: 01MB w FA‘SHIOMBLE TAILO‘RING tt' y'HhER _ si'ol 311mm j..i.ii.iij'iijiiji."ir-rhAie,r?) , The Royal Excham “a“ ran 5, 1m much. I. 18rt NOW mo PERT“ BROADWA Y "rrt _'r-AtLeilraidih.ii, war can on! . The s I an“ at nub†13atrNem, In I. " ludmk' Coin nnlonI. an.» an Pwaum. I... Atetq .' In: Booty, Albaml. In: shah 0 " I, Vow his“, 'sms, Busier-i- rpm... woman-an! PM ml, farm“! um noun, I'm I In". , Tum 8.8.0an tttm 1- rail Clear!" We, Wt {an In“). M A 'r _ Ottawa, Jun. M. 1 " A - __- For Club. on! . The . - I nap-W Coin t.i'?ll'i"etst tlt.? 'teyhhhihiiiiji,' In; Mm w. M. iG'iG'h%aa, C MARBLE air GRANITE wows, -, m1wg'vmg, " announce tint. they'd" min I hm [fancy Joiti_ In". our from the tfold an, MIC“ TS SPNtlFtrMarmii1lrinr, T . _..', TUESDAY AFIERNOON,“AT 2 0'CuKitra'U" SMITH & STEWAHIS -_H -- vvvvvu " Bleached and Unbleached Linens, ; Damasks and Table Covers, 5 _ Table Napkins and .D’4 Carpets and General _--"----"""""!-;,; OPENING o\lt..uyuaatrEanti-.' g Important to Housekeeiaeri_i'_l otuwa. Jun. St, Ml Linen and Dunn. to“. u. Pro, ML. A. c. yum wmu mg. tlttaw '. rob. t trm, Ale)? Russell & cos, ft & RR '"thT2Nrqatarot,m- _' 'STATIONERS, 1 gig Sparks Street. oppcbsite the Russell Ebib, tonnnounca that a... -m ....-|.- - . -- - _ w. m Bhomne um WELLINGTON‘ STE-nut, CLEARING SALE‘OF FANCY GOODS! l'. '12me 1ti'/hl8rttPT _. W“ Fhiiwiul Hahn-u, ' Pvt ‘ ' ' """f:) Pall Badman not“. Chain. TWIN . ' V . 8"â€! m%.9&.__ -.- -- , .'t,vta sum CHAS. BRYttOlltir'tt and Cotton, Shirtings, Pillow Cottons, ‘ _ Pillow Linens, _ Linen and Cotton IS NOW OPEN, -186 d 188 819110 BRET." ST. ANDREWS l CHUBCJ alumna. onrnunm manna-rm HEAD OFFICE, MITRE“; 66 & 68 SPA nxssr iriiini, SPARKS “an: FOR ONE MONTH, KINDS OF 'P"yiiaroBli,ii!tr'),'i,i,, ' ROBmsoN's o-at-j/i-d PHOTOGRAPHY. Carpets and Oils oiotti" VERY CHEAP. Cottons. Rite gunman. WILL arm n- run noon hm“ 's'ft'l.NrlL'hhtltWllai'iu= '4a'Pkyl'ff month FAIOU! VALUE In TAI LORING. it" “a..." - imrrr"irii OPPOSITE lilW'fV ammo _ '6. P. Ci 'a"fflrfdliit; "AWL“ I 1"2l"ltai? TfGu'iirafiFiirfiiTrriiiie House I'urnitsripai' " oietrittg .1. or mun-tin Lia'n'm" ' Eifra GEORGE Acme. at: Wu. mm. To Mr Bum " by 73?...“ N _ Mom in In It a 51-11 'ttt ~.-9- s'ltlNlifet 334'? 'rx'ttt'tttl'.'tld Dm' aut in um a 1 tttttgg-tfate/ie/Fi/ie?, hi-u 1t,1t1irtie.d.ulGi1 pong the h [1. Bomb. m " thou. at thaw M“‘%;% “an!“ ‘ 1815 J15: VIE-oval peNNhftlirgpa W, tt"JlgNtMir.,titep,ihi are: f"qrttfNr.a 'IEITWDI-orm “ll. â€-‘lm iiiii:iii'i,iii,iiiiii will; my.“ " Musing-mum mammal-nu as“ M (b 'i2tifiiii!il,iiiigti,ii'i?, “at th"eiditiaVpt, Wat] uhwhhl‘d _ and“. Quantum»; th' Wham-mum II 'tuttitret, "" --diai __ "e.rtfyt-'-dttestku-tiAi. " tnimta" b on; an, don-band UM†Emit- Irgiiim duly-unto! in: an immune... Mil-u t,ltegli,td2xd,egeurt" b cud-of At 1,i,'i7iiiril'i'i'.i1,1,',lii',5?ietit i'ery11dfh'r1tt1tltt our elm Mi- W to nation “a IW'gtg t'ilitliiii - m.,,. t',i?ii'fitittliittit Nt", N I 1l'G'tl,'/ltd than. to In. "dittdtr,difiidiEa MI tnhhte "it. with. or tl Hum. 111mm nil-din} Ill- um an. umducnxzmw Ilflt1Tth't,'ltttdtisti,ie th-uo. BIKINI-ad 'ee. "horigbtidit in. m ', tod - Agatha “but, comp“. than: 'd'l'N"rh1'ffaf,2t tuit “Mm-Ilka: Wham-mm myth-Muhb‘c 'tttANLUtt2'hit Be tu- .ftuggim. .t't'l,.1rtttefi,it,.E.irt, iFiiiuhnra%'l'l"a' tho In. ll. “CRIME - tir-ua-rt- aft5.emt 1tpf9ed.tor- an: '2tfai'i1t/tt2?,'iiiiii . than“! met-, suntan... 'M!eeefte “. a-tr- manna-um; “Va m _MI-.‘M <Iuirik DDIINIOI new "BWtntrmsaaurmex tfPtPd _i ttitll/it than)“. with. '0“: or col-u: -.tt-remm. I. , - " L'J',';ttd'tt “out "flank nth ab yum _ ,,:B_____ -.eeygandrei dihed'd (hull-II 'tsn'rg .u.‘5 , m; Olih:l Cl =