NT rs,, Vela, . such commotion or roping 3rd. i sub-mom in dotail of ',t'gxhty ex- pectant-dung . Macho than“ fox-cum!) and Mug?I 4th. A list of the wanna: And barges gmployed for the said work; of in GGaiGG/iiii" the work. sltowiue their tounage and amount. paid for etch trio. ant tha uh K. Symmeu, in reference to lie em in the Peri-h of St. Irene. in the Illotttoral District of Charlovoix in 1814 or 157.3; duo e comer the m in“ to him on t nubioct, and of ell pantie“ and correspondence which my hare been sent in or exchanged in relation thereto. Hon. Mr. MACKhhh"ziE.-I my on] to the hon. gentlemen trtth mud to tll these "abject; that there u some very intorestink earn-pardon“. Would he like to have it an . lion. Mr. LANaEviN--0t course , this matter intonat- no and I hare no doubt the correspondence will prove moot interesting. . . The motion "I con-led. ' WIVIYS u an "mu _ub tr. lulu Han. Mr. LAXGEVIN moved In Ad. dreas to His Excellency the Gm General for copies of the report or-ta ot FM W30, min-m "tgi-rt.o tht head of the Public Works Department, on LL: surveys in the Pariah of St. Fidel. mum Simon: Ltr, the instruction- fumlahod him in mlatioa more!» and of all petitions And campondenco pu- Iontod or excnmgod on the subject. Carried. . . Hon. Mr. LAN0EWN moved " Ad- druo to Hi: Excellency tho Governor Genet-l for: -ut. Oopio- of mil uncount- Ind pay'liato ptuonud to the Govern. ment, and About All account. And pay- liau pnid by the Government. fo, the ','.ttt,"d'ttcr, repair in 1815 of the Villa": " baie, Lon Eboulomenu Ind Bay St. Pnul; 2nd. A list of the foreman And cloth employed in connection with 'orl. mount: their tonntge and the mount. u oreachtri .5111 the system of 1"dldltd'd of such Fiymnto; 5th. A minute amnion: o the out. of the work done on each of an aid utmo- and In Quinn“ alt-bacon of what ro- mimtobodono on mkofthom; 6th. Andaman-bowing now tNt.tof the timber purcbuod for each of the said works; 8th. A thaw allowing the 1'eoy,etteu.i-dedrtyeiasimrtoGkdid for the said works; 9th. Tho Report or Reporuof Henry R. Syn-u, Butt, and also the Report. or Report.- of I ederie Badlarye, Esq., Ania-Ant Engineer of the Departmem of Public Woru, on the subs gem. of the addicts: in the you: 1874, le75 and 1576. Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN moved on ad, dress to Hin Exoolloncy the. Governor (Jamal praying him to come to be laid Before this Home the Boponof Mr. Hoary my m_purchisod for the pings; 7313. A autumn showing the and umount pug byfho awn: tbe tho said Pars 1574 Pars H74 and 15?.) by the Inspector of the said District, with the names of per- sons convicted sud character of ommets-. Ibo number Ind aggregate mount of licenses to kill fish in the winter months hated by the said Inspector in the years mgtioned. Carried. works, mania; tho pricoof such timber per (not. an nun“?! the JTlfl'l faom when,“ 1tt?ephe, u: what quan- o-m ma run-n --- ., -‘ -- - t Hon. Mr. BOLTON said his re n: rather with the member f but he might be mukam carried and u this was I nutter pertaining so entirely to the government of the House, it ought to be left in the hands of the Committee. Hon. Mr. BLANCHET Med to Sir J ohn Macdonald to state tfi'dlt1' or not he (Mr. Blmchet) wu not correct in the stilement he had Just made, but Sir John Macdonald and his recollection on the subject We not very clear. He thought the member for Chmuguay might know something cf the matter. Hon. Mr. MITCHELL moved an Ad.. at.†u in the Lake .spmxiiiiaiiii,riiifl tings und_fqrf_e§tpm inflietod in the 333V"! " CBABLKVOLK mum might. be mistakintV“ _ m _ some discussion the motion A1133! or DICK m LAW. sen 5:134:33! LEG’SLATURE In LII“), a, would III ml member for Levis collection URE dress to Ilia Excellency the, Governor. l 5; 1“} i. ( 1'13. , General for copies at all f,';T'gc'1""f,,y , .. . l, _ _ . . ' , . l between the Government 0 Cupid's. and ‘ F - ---r. ' _ V --. T-r---- .._-. e I on ',", att) of its olllceH or w.itu tttty Pyy.eidyal L"" PRICES WP“ 018.“. u. or public body in mlaunin to v_lolaliom_s' of 1 , _ c-- l aha Dock Load Luv, Elk a so m relation I ll. V I . t t lob. ll. to violations ot tho Port ll ardons Act. a,†a, Jrts n° rod tk New 3'“. Fm.“ r m ,) p m. ' with any iustruetions that may. haveheen f .11 B. j _ that NF. _gu"'rt by the tlovorauwnt to its othcon reas, 1 _ osition n5 , :ur the enforcement, oflho laws relonwl , (3otf'ees _ of No i_t. My. Mneholl said: My ohxect In i r j naming this woman is (mull the attention ' Wi l or the Governm'oub m the fact t all. [we 1‘ Ines, ', '.h xcrv axiom violations of 1.1m lam to I . _ llc/r/dh,,'! winch l have xel'crrml have taken place E ' Spiees, '. T ." l, _ within the past )car. This runner is of; b . Quint? ‘tho grvitest imporunco, in v.itol' the , syrups! hue. I', legamlon of the 1mporial ll‘arlmment, and Liqours b ' "H'"., rsliitooincin.1, _ 1 May mm. which narrowly: “has ee K pp ng m P ttul I voappiotei Line ot Grace-lei. bought. " alye made terusm, and tb WI“) "Your, ryyo.P.'trtut.cis _ me but Mar-ea. une- um mount. “a or m" t '.' e,hould be nude then at. A crux: lika tho I Prices, will 5211 u Elmo“ FIGURE- cm‘r‘: g: present my violations shonld oecur of] t P I 'ii"i,t2'i , the charnclerat winch Enghsh legulation I 1 “w.†A "N or my To..- “a 00 be. as should _ stsikes so directly and dosimss t? have Levin: they wlllglvo ouure all-noun. ' fthe rhr- l Elm-Ll,- enforqell. l nuy state for the “filamentâ€: me p hl-conlll-J mforutatiou o! the how the Munster of ... l ' t . Manna that the cues to which I refer " l , . . . JI t' 'if,) , ulna mthm my own knowledge: l‘here JI‘NIES JACKSON of this . may have been more violation: which " I ‘ils; WELLINGTON STREET. _ have camped observation. One was s " _ mun _ , . V o t? A. g ot steamer ot one ‘of the steamshly lines ---- -._.__1'3.ft..yec., AW . I which loaded {nth grain, and tint ing by "o'"""""."""' the report which the Port Warden u . l the tur- required to make that she could not. be 3 l also' can}! rlert,1:,..trt,tt, nausea in 1.tti.yes of the law B,batskervi11e & Bros., Mb 0.1: -"- - _ ' '1a,iiihrGai M.e.P. t2rl'"tfdta,lt Wg., In. All-unz- l’nur. m†Boa. Brynn. Ann (ill-out. Goal: any. T A Gen. T Business: lateral. can Doped“. ‘ .r kttSl'""'"'"" Sammy-nun sawmmnhd_ ... __ 7 James lie . Pm Hunt. h.tltfll,5li'lA5lu.tu,7titp/at .see.ree.eHttrcuieyrt, Jaw" m‘l’". cmmna co. : . Manuel's, No. 17 Spark: Strut. Near Jh"ott Hon-u any Milli lion. Mr. MAcEENaE-u reply to my honourable friend, i mny any that no such report has been made to, the Govern- ment. 1 wasdnformed, however, by the Chairman of the Commission that one of the Comatitsaioners proposed to make a minority report, and i received yeaterday e copy of e printed pamphlet, purporting to be such report, but no communication he. been received from Mr. Inwrence to identify that pamphlet a the report. The presumption is, that it in the minority report. The pamphlet in printed in e ahepe not Iuited for our jouraala Such " it is, the pamphlet, of which there Are enumber of oopiee, will be distributed nmong the members. Hon. Mr. CARTWRIGIIT laid the Public Accounts on the table. . The House Adjourned In 3:50 pam Great. R daemon In the who ut Hummus ll ttdd/ht"',',',', Sign: 'lip"""'. AlstrPuau, P3 --.tgettt tar Ara-noun Bums: Powder. A all u relpooumy allotted. THOR. mRKRTr, Na. a KHz-nu 'treel. NO. " “BEAU STREET Put sun. n!)3!u:l, an Mr. BURPEE (Sunbury) enquired whether . minority report of one or- fnore of Cornmiaaiomsrs appointed by the Government to report upon and investi- gate the name and extent of the com mercial .dnntsges to be derived from the construction of the proposed we Verse Canal has not been made, if so, whether it will be printed and circulated for the infomgntion of the country. v-..“ w....‘, --.u., . 1L.lu" run "Wt. “$3.11?!" vrlfti.'," 1ttrr'lf,ta" Aintt, dd2, . 1t,tltallhh'"tt'a'?Aiia, &IPA111. to. 'NT: “em-.ymww. m.- nim- Hon. Mr. BLAKE-mum, has been some correspondence on the sattieet, which, however, is incomplete and not in condition to be presented to the House. If the hon. member will withdraw hie motion for the present I will give him private notice mm the correspondence is in such shape as to be brought down, and of course we will assent. to 'trenewal of the motion. Mr. KIRK PATRICK-uf course, it the correspondence u incoPplesas,, I shall withdraw the motion. I isope,howeverr, that another two years will not pass be. fore the matter " settled. All gouh delivered ttoe to un- partial tho '- ttWN the case now under examination. Where cases of this kind arise in is the duty of the Government to make a stringent. inquiry into the facts and _an oxmuplo of any shipowners or ngeuu ot ships who deliberately violate luvs ambushed for um purpose of saving life and property, end which to some extent. jt1sLcies legisla- tion which we looked forwshi to on Canadians with tome apprehension on the ground that the Imperiel Parliament abound not by its measures interfere with our shipping. I made this motion purely for the purpoee ot' drawing attention to the matter, in order that some decided stop: shall be taken in regard thereto. I should like to know what correspondence, if May, has been presented to the Depart» ment of l-‘inheriee and Marine. ASK " OTTAWA. passed, went to sea in dstiaaeo of the law and without the otrtiticsta necemry before clearing. The other instance wu but of the iN.t'lsuryuill,oich, after loading with I cargo of grain, proceeded to Quebec 3nd took on board . deck load of timber - a fact which came our in the evidence of to". IIIHI " an. We“ Block or 'aM2d2'rlll'al=: THOS. BIRK ET T’s, out "an. awn. Dot, " wa Biwtutratoe, 6tt.. 43am}: 11oti In BAKE VERY! CANAL. out can per Inc. we Ibo. PUBLIC ACCOUNTS ornvu Ost, Supply Agency - PAM mm. W. A_A if! N grrl .nunuu..n, yuan. \uu my w WIDWU' t M u. Writ or machine“ ttnt - If?“ a 'tsttdttteCrtydttqN If. my)“ " " once. Na, " Ride-n umgymu n C w or Carleton on NBA ' no v um dnvo! “damn! an, nun ir,ith'lre2,i."itt, Ad! ' m use". t'tlmt%l',' r A 3:1de “NW ltt"at W P†-___- u “A T; ..__ wxnuu ruining othe1cLtt_r_geevv, m ,7 _",: {'93 In the math)? ot JOHN EBKXHI "dWN W'ARU H, THUBMON â€It!!! tthott Illi- mnurers, Ottawa on: dam?!“ enigma. I - Instinct. A MoNing ne the (IMHO not the my. Att. BotT.gtt tihtate, Will be hcldll‘uuom an» {annulus " an Iowa at fiiiitn on annual)â€. m. surm- a at FEBRUARY lustm'. We. me the pupa-o of cull-mm: a cert-In cm - for an put cum o; the lamina: Elm "0toe Ind tho fur the purpoa of tun-noun no: one: bun. , or; |which may be Io¢1bly maul a Inch m et w. “ I v.1. COWAN, n . w-._R___-, ATM, “an... In I'm. their c Dated " (Mb-VA. this 25th dayol Juan". ma lathe matte! ot mo JJREPK HALL MANU- FAO'IURIN i COMPANY. _ - Otmprlalnz the Ten J we" ot “autumn L. rum: Pilgrim‘s Progress. - Wa$sqstMM. Rabin-on Crusoe. p . III and VII-gills. Gulliver‘s Tuvalu, autumn. anhok. “colon. ' [IA-tune. Talea trom Ann-- lulu. Co n plate In ONE VOLUME dt over 1,000 page. st', mummy “luau-ted with 81 must “a". 1143. _ - It I the WORLD'S BTJRY‘ HOOK. and u waut unread it “on?! own mom-u who m.- it Walnut- and v Ill mun-m: (Inn-I FORD a cow, Ontario Moe 40 King am Wow. . Elmllull. Largo Commission a cash Promulm LIBRARY OF “MINE FICTIUI. H W. CKAMPN .58 beg! to draw the “tonne o! tug W'"" and the public [quantum " ex‘ens we Livery Stables, Carriages, All) VEHICLES. which cannot be baton. 0mm had “but!“ Drivers “my; In tstterndaatp. when mun-0d. Conveyance: can be Ind “all hour: by Inv- ing onion at the Cantra To NN Livery Stables. Pam eidaiixia __ GrGaipm and I" From attendance. sud mum nun, - tNr:ttt1tyrsutttrnet 1m: (all. 7 _ ._, '1. -s.iC-uSFart%iiraxraiiCFopm on in the mast Mammy manor. A spa-1v - on nus m.tttrrr BROWN LEE ly 00 in. by an: on“; :5.‘ Adgymlug tho Rumor B. w. Anna. Ll CNN-81' tho but 1nd nut. cannula. LrfiirarbiiMnGriiiTrV, ___ __-- ----_--. Chemist & Diuggist, BIDIAIJ If“. CORNER or DALHOUSIE .u'BllT puuwmjgn. Ak lmf 11."? with: ot Muss A. count a 00.. SBOLVETI‘ LOT " 1875. NSOLVENT ACT " 1575 Wg0LWBNY ACT, 1875. Ban-13x new Earn. Ottawa. July 29, 1875 y le~h " ITT' Drug_Store. T, T. SHEPHERD. Are 4tttsrinst Lunar-a1 Groceries Wlnal ‘ud LN1)om at auusuatsy LOW PRICE†gmako room mr their Spun: Swot. 6 I3» of sound Tea for 01-00. FartMt m rum d, Qtt u reduotlon on a?" nun: to lbs. "runway , . reduction on o. 1 Labrador Herring», from so on. to 1% was to qnnIIHLv, or No. 2 thndur crux. no- ttou ot $13.?» mgr but., dry Cru-tHts. We this In law» uni; Flue tuli,291titm. por bag, Good "'eattlrtr Applumuud Unions. the on hand all Which we “11mg at a nowhlon (or call. LIVERY STABLES ol-Ke - OUTFIT I“) ENTIRE 'TOWN 05.40005, I‘."KLES, BALL BLUE STJRC'II, RICK, RAISINS, - rum-us“. NUTS.‘ can“. PA!" and lawns. also. AST' END Inv‘lvel'I. lrnlorrigned, D, h EASPWUJD. of the (LL-uâ€. mum unsound Mull“ mute-x. Cndlwn are leqne-lod to Ill. uuzs boron mp wlmlu 090 month. The Victoria Stables you. Na. 36, Rideau' St., mime. E. 1). g.' ita it iropri, Tu m ‘nxcm Icahn- (I! h terminals you.“ Mun-1nd -tnhttr. orthoDtmtrt'tm. walnut 40m 4thtgtf THE TIMES, OTTAWA, TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 15, 1876 $18! GIBBS & C6UBSOLLE, Norwich Egg Powder, It!†In and: a on. wnxom Pam». -.9£.Jn_v_entiom -- =="'-MP"' "tIF -__ -7.-- - - - - PJflt'g'ftt,t Sou I'dt?,altttt,tt l 2rirg'itgl "AIP/U 'tid, an "tth 0: Ban. A mu " Ilia; In III to. New gay-pd .-u 'Atitomrti ""'"tee!?..ePr1q. “ll-"lira waaiiTiirii, iGCiaE"a"i' 'i,ii5i"itlfEiti,it1,it,i I 10.†Pm., Watt Tm Y - ALTERATION 01' BURNING ETTA WA RAILWAY , U! uniform "ShffM". Grunt mu: m 'tattiygiiiiifsrst,tgrtv- THE " Ottawa . - - - 1.25 r... 130 pin. Murrow . . - . 25pm. mun. Bream]. - - - - mamas» nun-m. T m from on: like. one Won “manna r- NP at. mm'crthoWeIt-nd Thtttta. u 2" f flack 'll,'." Ilium “Jew York \.v“‘!" «Am a . ' -4.“ m. Mutton kWh-aka 310-0 magnet: with Git-Mn! Exp-cu mmuow“. nun-uh Rt can and Buck 'l.'."'"""" New on, Albany, he on mule-t Ronnov with to diofft,fftaag'g'g . M Tatum-n lump-1 mg“ Nos ' Brockville- & Ottawa Railways. For Ottawa via Jmreitrilts. TWO nxpunssTmss DAILY. . LIT-"u s'lt'i?li'l"?"rtr-A'i,'itil,iy'su)',tit: te.eLetgttM"ittetei] an baud Fir-33- mag-7M “W. "NP""'"' " l 100 an. 333mm; """ttyMiiih, tiaiiiirivTdiCC.'.1'.'.'.'C.' SpochLBed notion In nm- at Royal Mail Stemmps. tfee-sr' ' "'W --tV Eli .iidrr."riiairii u i'i?.'t',rdth"lti'irt'hti/,4 E! - In a» world. Vol-oil "rrg_"tuti.s-. IAIADA CIN'I'IAI: Hun: Tee mrmtmrsuai.i amt. chum-tun! t to fvlxotl,'lrka'l'l8'A"dffal=Ngt 'WI' mo Janna m "ra A.ll and d2'i:ih54 M New York and l araiiutiiiithr.".7 “mum! . wtth. A.06 P "e. Alonzo: inn. . axing 1959". any urn-1m I 0 saw Yoxgmw Favourite mm. Tool!“ Pt Fine-t unreal titil,)', 3-1:}: W 'l'1'jr"M W 'WWA','. YORK (Pi ' mm macaw, mvnxvgolh Blunt, c teii,hti'h'fl illi'e8s,,,,, I o s notâ€; Mt 33:13.1“ F,'Fll'i., Wm II .9, tiliiSiski'tl, um. COMPANY‘S onto t T man. emu. --', 3013?}. 'tr we" mm- _ myhTZI.‘ 1.05 par. Pee l My Vita. SLAM I!†mdlnavlln. . . . . . .. . .cJ.c.' - THE 1 BedastGit In nm- at Mo during J.rutur Month: m up“ t -7 - tlst. Tn . 1frE..iif7itiiqiiFiR= [Ill/lf/ii',')-',',.),,".':.":,',',': n u BOX-101W†.eLNFRi8tr an“ mu In: a) I I'm A a... ' page} Thu-k 1km} gteamsws'.‘ I' "o_o-o.... _'"p,i'l'i an. teat i Haw: tey iNiirti7wii -. Wa"turiirrririiiurr" from Now Yum :33. “i you“! ifiiriraCrimiaTi ARRIVE. r. ovum. -_H Ti "" “All.“ Dim. or 1.00 r. I m1) .JOLi " " 'm I... )Flmr and menu. andâ€. In: P,e.h'terA1yeite - page “ammmgwÃ©ï¬ -"mtrMtnir-ufiiriiit. “I MW lo 155de isiG ia'. T- A k 'LIA tt..?r7uutrtiAr-, 'g,'f the: on Aytper, m m. BNN" "rd st,tit'iiii"iJi', Lulu. 8i, 'ii'i)i'f,'i'i1rAil.ali. ileeteeet.gh " __ L' t t I 4't't, Mâ€; M. b _tht'taitetttt q/2vrm'rdate,eoreNnst “(a LG ' . - -- -v tiiiaTiai, "' -- tom Mfelr,ttMt, ,',ifi'5','tii',',',1,7',teir2ri,t maul. Soy-d. “mayâ€. h nipply _uMt?1ttm.e!toritttith.rs, the my moral-In L'mg Int! IN, 13E 'ili'fiii',ik' o: (kinda, u 8llL'%ru'lgl'g novmu'm m “I! um. Iâ€! ttittlri1tiRi't'stt 'ih,',l'h"i tn u 60mm Bpertittsd up on .- to. an!» an. m“, i T ca. iiiii,iiiiiii _'ll,ll'd.%lt8ild Mttttt 2i'aiF'lft . o. 31%: '.'tAtqyr.t.11AtrAdtt_ 0H mane. A hm’. an Tte. trilfi1.llihti,?sil; In 'itiF,',ie'iitlft mum, . ' 'i'ii'i'iii gill. ',l,l2t'it1tiirtt'i'i,1,,,rl! 'AtifA-.' nor a an m iiiiiiiR' hm 2am be 1'8%iu"'tG'lt ,',)1titt,ii,t,1',tir','i,ir', i'iti't/iiiii'ii1i; I "PJrlt"tlttltP'u?iNau'aii ' arma'tomettttetyttuhm.Pe- aw Wt“ new £33729" PERKINS but edftttd A Mat, Label. “nil: their SIM, and Iiiiie?jii2iha.'iia , -ori'Tiiiars I. WM!) Spur-id’IIUWJ Law & 'j'ts,t','f'g Saws, LEA t2'fji,,rtmNs' tlfolM8TElttMat “WE. new BY oomuamniii iiiria' my OMLQOOD “van. F0rearterir)rihr3fiirdir, mac-mm T rm uh"gf,t,%fgM,Stt Whole- 6mm PRICES A I'm 4034mm 7-001?!“ 108 m. .m.m osAi7dia, mun u m- wwwweae-ézmv WEE}? It live! the man on You â€Hammad. not â€was, announ- If,','] nm at who†I“. mm ttgary, 1.8% - mutant: _ 7.“. "w -7 --__ -- -.... "___.""........ _ _ “Mp-‘00". tiNl'llP,1tlt"dagn1tur,et Beitltgtd 1'h.1t'tte1tthqtstytr.,t. tht .m " ',w h ' 'la/ltd; 'gltgttiteitttit,, I . l I I. “I. M M iiiil'gl'lll'A'?, M1."%'rt2t, ta . am with! unenlt'rne nah-oft . l‘mbï¬nlsmnndwhcu‘mm'mmlu- 31m; iii; M*'"" oe. m“ . * . WAIRIN Er.ettrrY,thett-st. B. J fd . Mit, ' Btu r T, “all new. It. Mtl Geld " ha ghen my (nary tht very)“ nigh-won. ' T low. JOHN mm. 3911.. tt hrE’nn mun IIMMI'JII, ml all.“ luv! - F o . 3 k Joaeaa mar, mac. Paterson's National Bttttttiit amt“ ' _ '“"" V-"""'- “‘ a"h'Alh, a. PM! some» - t Tnranttt1trtsonvtntteitttntttt MAtttttirht- (hymn: om]. . Ir. 32m. - I: 'it.'drt,t It,' [an mm 'gi'?dGI','. o M an. I“ in Oman-mum MIM' 'k"iit'fe'i, II at: In: undo rad 'Re) lnztrumem In t In any. on o. D. M. arfl'iiswpam, I'it"tan6, a. Ejï¬'gi‘ï¬xgmwmhm It. Yaw-ml SMOIBLFIRH "'d'L'il'l2mdtPa%tMeJ,'P,Fa. - ' no mum-uh 01am Square Gnu Plan I ’0! mm pow i'ltll,uLttll,8t, . " a 2't,hrlre, 1uur'i,hi,t.tt',k,F2l' tn " m t J. o. SBA ' ' lulu! out“. â€an. -a.. In." hummus to with! who. often. In no“! no as}. um “a 'rettrte mind“ bin. or that. out!» an!“ :2: was. '2eah,th'egr,t,eeieidy2ii ouw ad with oatmeal-cat. Iâ€)? be tr with mat. all am Jthreyuagettatttrmat-muartm 3:122:12 ttrfl!t tApt 112%.!" - 1mm» ruiiittTetTriia""-"" - - ' 'MllrhriliiiGUi. Sinuthadntoonml Whitman: m I" I "a JAYW non WM“ Conan-m3: MAN" fork. 3rtrrry!ermtrttdtmsotm to hum ttttmy, â€no... A - 'flr1'1 . _ PYBIIW titgiitrrtrgTtlT, Than-nun 'ttl'A'lt1ttrAirrc,t, n non .'/,rtlG'.lltf.ittitr,'Mtgt,,tgftPUil, and the 1"a'lutri.ttteumttlsrir.iiiE _ ,7 q Princess of Lorne, m-.. . g 1-1. W the u Jug-a an Alfa' ltltgltgh,fgl " than PA'llt qtxntruttstttm of an ftta's1tllhriEfi, um ,t,t1f,lPtf'Pd'f, 'Ni'?Pl'a'ffi,iit" hunt a n but a“ 1mm t','tji?).'l:fit','x'fturt.ti'ttl'dlh1ul to III oh.- w on. . [signed] an?» uonmunam a. D. . me I 1.C4 JJdl81ri'fA? ' no In vol-n. 'ii, §§8§§ lt,ilittl,iffltt.?,,,i,iltt2iijii1ttu. URL “I “ “Inn“, cal 't,httt' 'lll'aff/g'lt'M! ' - Thus an blond Illa-um hm at pryqtA they m “an 'iiiiiii?.iiiiiiii not: . on. #1,: hll1fllllll 1(til'%t"dtftlfi' _ NORRIS at 30PM, No. 8 Adelaide 81nd, .' TORONTO. sour, 48011133- mum-hot Inform: to nu oth E. 'lE'G"M1h"ahro. York. MATHUSHEK PIANOS. ‘rhuq (I? EiiTr itftiii'2eituiEi?ii"itiii In 30.9313. _ _ ransom 'a $300 I ' m r.i2P,e,l" wiar. not - Elwin: by In" 9:; t)gba.mrnamssst.m-. .13“an W. m- a! '"mggt,utetertravatr, D. 80mm 1%tNith iii-m my. aawrasaavaisr,.,wait -ai--A. newâ€!!! not.†" 'Alltr 9 mtitgMb 'iiti'i3M'silt ts'L%ieittt. TP"""'"' a... “GLEEEQM 939M gliiig'iiiiliiigiiiiiiiiifs5ei5gi, a. I iiigj'5i 'tIii'),).,., :...., 'igtiigi'5N F,Eh'.fRiri'r) than“; "llil'i'giligi'iii?ga',jra? an... "M In“! LTiFiiylii7) .1th tii-lg))). ?Ei'iiiEii “to: Thr, laugh. flu-nu _i'iiieii5iiiliR'ie “who I “I; ,..‘ 'fi-ai"iii'rr, __., "'11-..- irE3iEiEl,ll,l We" "f"e riot Nil-51.": __V,_,VW __ mew on“: In ',i'i?tl,eitSW'L" m ï¬ï¬‚mw: hmagflqm ipiSit2the,iSirieiou if?!“ 'htttlthtflthett Vat-o mu m- 1'ltildiit __ â€I; - " ' 'ie"" Mt='dlllt=ttYP,'l',1'grdtht In!" - FtdtftTi%%WNriiri"i""""' 1rP'ih'riri' “humping-dint "'tarhrtt"hremtqe--egh. muvumhh‘u. any-“ tmstrrtHrmm-g--ei. 'f9""tom'rtreee.htgNr-r- 'h"Po-'t"tr-rt'i'rtr++ Ila-hi In... a 'tlNb'tdlltA'B', airiiifWETaiWFirri%ri' Ftaiiru" hegaamwia Agata Wanted. EriERiiii"iifr?iiiiaiiacrr; s": man LEM] w. as; all. and all - '- Ltttk 'nqqqe.tqe no but Pttttroq'rtmtt-rtttsrtmmeaoet-. to"rttttri.imtgoemuts 'dtllT2tt'gyg'g yPte1tettoree.iitIteeaptqtu "1uo-tttrmit-iN_fifimrttkitmm. "EMmi'B mum Ml81lehnl0t.. 'Pfte?mer1rey'ete "rec, 'a'reas, - HARRIS (k CAMPBELL. . Cabinet 'Makers a Uohollaterertr. i “El-Had“. “Imam. m BurmsteCEitiFiii% P.nara2rBmmttntttmas. PBt (.i'Pti'lti 'gn" 'tutr] iii!» A'tq3lt $1.00]: Out for Advertisement in this Space.†158, SPARKS STREET. JlPP"'"'""'"'"'" At u- m iiiu-rta1ttauj,tttlt.' 1""o1trtaou t . - . ' PLUMBER, 'i1A_,trdik..aelwttlijairEr'tt!tiiiialtbt BLYTnaxn-Ih. . 25-105mm, .1 Plumbers. an mmnmwv irsltty55h"thhtfft"'aPdit'Mrlth ' =%gtlNttdt,'tt WWW"; Exdmntomm N" u mm . ----""e-'-""'%rr_Bi" W “In“. GoLLaL'22ii"i"cCi' amnvbm _ "o"'"'".-.'----... . N “mmmrhmmu ' goo-unmannmmaamn-um ' /. To"""""""'"""'"----"-, l t _ . Irs, lo mmmmmlmu on.-." "MFttM..Fi' 'u-at-tOtt-ts-trica-sam ' _ The Canadian Meat Cami): th's FM and.“ LUNCH. Hangman sum " mums, Paar e um minim ‘ ulna an 1m “a... .................um a. ma. AmuwW-mui-q’miLm-I“ tee-tei. Glam- !I-Iall. MW 'i'l'l1'l1T2Tli'lfi'ltlttlltt mu Emulation It. an alien-unusual. ' WHOLESALE & 'P-r-es-m-ua-rt,. 1ttrrAButtmgrt nu. "'"ni‘NElIIII-I-m . an... nun-Q in» “if Jiri, Direct Importation: from no PM“ I? hummus-nu... “W 1“ mm - TEros. PATrERsoN Vb. " P,, It)., Ji'1trttttdoti,, PD“ “0 All“- " Misc-b... '%M1l"etumrt mrlrrmaummuttrqit _""""""""------- IgrtillUrirriE 6 . li A M» 3111.? I glam-mm, &r. OTTAWA; PA P-ER. BEAUTIFUL I? d; Au't%httgtielt; , at r