RT' tel, EET, owela mints hllG, 'Oyles 130, 513 APO, ers,, ENT “on With 5. speech delivered by U15 Ea" I may my that the schoolmaster has been eollftyy Which indeed woyl l tuiord.y? abroad. I hope that the Government wi,1 opportunity (br. such action, 0WD if I be forced to stop that useless pooe ot' Were " inclined. Ingres wttt1 the hon. work, the construction of the Georgian gentleman who moved the Addres, that Bay branch of the 1'ueilio Railway, a the first paragraph will bu received With premature and unwise undertaking as the great satisfaction from one end of the resolutions nlopted by the House country to the other, for the “CEO" of the solemnly stated, but these words are distinguished representative of Her hia- hardly strong enough for the expenditum jesty here, in all the ditferent circum- of public money being made in this stances in which he has been placed, relation is perfectly useless and.evcn calculated as it bu been to strengthen worse than useless in my opinion. Six the tie which unites us to h:'mgltu1d, and roads are already buht to "tford eccom the love we bear for Brituh ltuututiuns, modation for the tunic ol' that portion of has been at suchanatnre as to give us tho country, and when lllla brunch is tho greatest pleasure. We are ‘gii'ormod completed it will destroy the other lines that the gigantic enterprise of uildlng without ensuringits own success. II it the lntercolonlal Railway will be cour' talus the business from the other routes, pleted atanearly date, creating facilities it will destroy thorn. and if it for the conveyance of merchandise from fails to do (so, it will then he the most distant portions ofontario to Worse than valueless. I took ex. Ilalifax. and lorming the tirst part of that exception in H74 to the increased taritl', grout artery, whzoh will join the Atlantic I behaved thatl was right then, and I and P.citic Oceans, and which should be still hold that I was right. t thought that built in the general interest to the Pro the revenue at" the country was tsutiieient vincee of the Dominion. I do not doubt and more than sullicient at the time to that the completion of the railway on meet the ordinary expenses of the Prince Edward's Island. is a remarkable country. I gave tigures and was pleased to fact in Its history, and I am sure that notice that our Finance Minister. in his if the road under construction letter written in Lmdon, last October, from the limits of the Province ol'Manito- fully corroborated them - indeed he ha to Fort Garry, ie furnished during the quoted them almost line for line as to coming year, it will be a most important the results of the administration of public event. not only in the urinals of the "sirs,during, the eight years following Provinoq but of the Whole Dominion. the accomplishment ot'conl'eder-tion. It Among theditrerens measures whose sub seems strange, but I have on my desk, one mission is promised, I charm» that the of his statements riviug one account, ind Government intends to commence the another prepared in London only two revision of the Statute , a work requiring years afterwards ofquite a different clut- the most "srupulous care, as a large 'utter., In the course of the letternhe number of the laws of the Dominion were shows that at the very time I broughtiup taken en bloc from the legislation of its the matter in 1874, we had ten niilfiorthof dnferent Provincial parts, enacted pre- asurplus.as ithen declaredi and inftlt, nous to confederation, and itis almost though the figures are in‘ pounds, Irto impossible, under the circuitous for results over the same. This is doe 1.r Magistrates to perform their' titles with gratifying to me; and I say, the!) l glen-ideas“ to their proper powers. I former allegations rWtbrq, extremely l amgladw notice that the0ovartunent chievous; they did us harm,and1 l prom! to take into consideration pleased to tind that in. England he l matters touching the interests of the obliged to. make quite e ditthent" _ Indians, because the time has arrived what I believe to be a comet-ts t, when they should know what will be done, over his own ugnature: Was it i for their support, on the disappearance of to morons tho tariff m 1814? and“! the both-lo from their hunting ttrounds- 5000M ot “10 money? " “I nodistant event. Thetasktotobean- ,eititahothemntblouiexarninootsdl . lt Wu I matter of extreme surprise when he was appointed, mono seemed to know how it came about, and '1 tmnk the Government would tind it ditficuit to explain how it came tutouc. A more un. fortunate appointment could not have been made; he and no good, but he did harm, for he made himself a subject of ridicule all ow: Englmd and Scotland, and tirully wound up by a communication to a pnper in which he lays he bu lost his otiice through Ultramonttu'no infhurrvce. lfit has been Uluumoatams iafiustaee it has come from my hon. friend the Minis- ter of Agriculture. (Liughtor.) I proyoee to Oder no opposition to the speech and mu be glad tojoin in carrying it through theWousso. Hon. Mr. GllthRD--i will profit by the latitude permitted on an occasion “If? Pe,present, to make a few remarks, winch mu not contain any th team! to the Governtuent, bu mpeolful claim on m attenm part or the Province which I honour to reprewm. Beside: not thremn the Government i hon with a speech delivered t collonuy which indeed woull opportunity for- such Action, prosperity to the country. I join in the expression of gruiticatioa in the establish- ment of the supreme Court, H think the selections hive been trappLy made and that the gentlemen who have been called to the hub position will have the cond- dence of the‘ country so that they may look forward to a long and prosperoux career. I think that on various constitu lional points that bear on the future good government of the country. l am sorry that there is not I paragraph in the speecls About immigration, as I wish to congratu- late my hon. friend the Minister of Agri- culture on the appointment of the gentle- man who replaces Agent-General Jenkins, which will be a pest advantage to the country. I cannot say so much for his ii",'.d.rg,trg: When the appointment of r. Jenkins WM made it was {cit 'hn. he was totally unlit for the position, and these fears have been unhapptly-renlized. It In a matter of extreme surprise when he was appointed, nopne seemed to know tea, "u h can Pt Tilt: uI‘V crr and w math: ader w Mum“ moment, but lathe: It: attention on t Je which I inve t ttceg ma NY n a} completed it will destroy the other lirws to grbitr‘ation, and nothinbg was let without ensuring its own success. it it undone to hasten the conclusion 0 tak, 5 the Lulluusrl from the other routes, negotiations. We then believed tha it will destroy them. and if it l millions of dollars might be obtaine< this to do no, it will then ho I for the has by American fislusrmet worse than valueless, i took ex. t of our waters, but we nor exception its li74 to tho iuereased infill} kind that the Government. are checkini I believed thatl wits right then, and l the proceedings, instead of proceed“); still hold that l Wins right. 1 thought that with this arbitration, A Commiasiom, the revenue oi the country was authcient was sent to Washington to barter away and more than sumcient at the time to those rights ofareci may troatr-atnos meet the ordinary expenses of the ruinous .project, has not only. to bar-tel country. i gave ligures and was pleased to away our tisheritm, but 'gaoriliets all on: notice that our Finance Miniuter, in his rights, And give the American. the me tt letter written in London, last October, _ourltnarkest,tntrkittg ofourselvea forevortht fully corroborated them - indeed he beware of wood and the drawers of wotei quoted them almost line for line as to tor our neighbours on the opposite aide o: the results of the administration ot'publie the late , therefore, I say that I cannol mans, during the eight years fo,llowing approve of the second clause, the Govern the accomplishment ot'coufeder "mm It mant not having done everything in their seems strange, but I have on my desk, one power to expedite the termination of thit of his atatemente rivmg one account, md arbitration. I believe that we stand in I another prepared in London only two worse position pt present in this relation years afterwards ofuuite a diiferent chir- than we have occupied in the put, and we acter._ In the course of the 'atterrhts cannot expect to receive the compoun- ahows that at the very time I broughtiuP tion that we otherwiao would secure. the matter in H74, we luvi ten millionpof Hoa. Mr. vlDAL-in connection with aunrplua. as i then declared; and in tt the Speech from the Throne, I would I!" though the ligures are in pounds, in the amention of hon. member- " one results over the same. This is doc ly moment to a matter which I think_, owing gratifying to mu; and I lay, tho} . to in pruliar pomion, was entitled to former allegations were extremely . recognition, owing to the action of the chievoua; they did us harm, and1 House in this tepid. no up. ty . planned to iind that in England he , determination lat tuba thir punt. obliged to make quite o ditfererst, ill-ml ',titrstiC1ufd'dltht'h"lil',Ttil'l'illls' what I believe to be a correct at.“ t, Humid ends-wot" ter- out them over his own signature. Was it n I of this Home. I and it rounded on the minors-so the tariff in 1814? an t Jeth.ttPtthirchimbiihrt-- boo-mo of the money? if any t.teetjtNeite.r-iyi1eirttetr, ,riiitakothotroutatouxarnimrsho - irtgttto great qua-hone! tae$etinoer" methods of protecting themselves. and this was not all; most fresh projected enterprises of this country were stopped, and a general feelingofuncertaiuty began to prevail as to what was best to be done People shrink from entering into Pew unlertakings and spending money for were the measures proposed cair led through this Parliament and the Un ‘ed States Houses, it was a question whe her they would not entail direct tan on. This is to my mind one of the cause o' the present iepression affecting certain classes in this country, because I,deroy that the great mass of the peoples tutfer from this state of things. They, on the contrary, are prosperous, and in our history the farmers never occupied so excellent a position as they do today . no thanks, however, to the 'diu2iiihl of the day. Our farming population has mule greater progress than any other svction of our people, bcirg intel igent, enterprising, and alive any other auction of our people, bcirg intel igent, enterprising, and alive to tbexr interests-tlst: have always been industrious, and u one cause for this I What do we ti'ad7 'l'nat as soon as M. was pent there the manufacturers of this noun 'try took alarm. They saw that if he carried a Dix-Mum“ in awodance with his views, to them it meant. money. They buttoned up their buckets. and each man begun to be off, and contrive, not to ex. tenvl,but curtail them in every posuible manner. This wage-1e br the effects of sending Wat gentleman to Washington, and the class of the population which I have mentioned was not the only section in consequence mooted. Canadian tper chants began to look around and percviae that the success of this mission meant great loss to them, and seek methods of protecting themsetves. and this Wis I10talli most frcsls projected W Hon. Mr. viDAL-In connection with the Speech from the Throne, I would atsk the attention of hon. members for P"' moment to a matter which I think! omng to its peculiar position, wu conned to recognition, owing to the notion ot the House in this regard. Ho an. tr . determination int Bunion this point. nnd the Govermengu the atl',"iu'l'lll' should endeu'our to our: out the "I“ of this_llo_uao. 1 iisrl it Wan tho lion. Mr. KA0LBhcK--Wiu, reference to the depression of tra e. we hare proof that we have not only a delieit, but that we are likely to come t direct taxation. With regard to the Me ititne Provinces, I must say that despite t e taxes imposed upon this branch of industry, our fmheries have proved equal tolthe average. I must take exception to the second clause, owing to the neglect shown in connection with the settlement of claims tor the use by the Americans of our tistMstiee under the provisions of the Washington Treaty. While the late Government was in power, every step was taken to bring the matter to arbitration, and nothing was left undone to hasten the conclusion of negotiations. We then believed that millions of dollars might be obtained for the C use by American fishermen of our waters, but we new kind that the Government are checking the proceedings, instead of proceeding with this arbitration. A Commissioner was sent to Washington to barter away these rights of a reci may treaty - a most ruinous project, ans not only. to barter away our tisheritm, but 'gaoriliets all our rights, and give the Amerlcana the use of _ourltnarkest,tntrkittg ofourselvo forever the hewers of wood and the drawers of water tor our neighbours on the opposite side of the line; therefore,l any that I cannot, approve of the second clause, the Govern- l ment not having done everything in their) power to expedite the termination of this arbitration. I believe that we stand in a worse position pt present in this relation than we have occupied in the past, and we cannot expect to receive the compensa- tion that we otherwise would secun- of the country is to haven (meet-route across the continent, without diverging to the south of Ontario. The Government has gone on in good faith in building that road, and although I do not wish to see them hem along lease of power, I went to see them in power long enough tobuild this road. I am sorry @0100 the hon. gentleman so much wrapped up in the western part of the Province, and I think there are members enough in this House to oppose this sectional feeling. I hope that the Government will go on in e straight course‘ and that they will see this road completed. I do not sustain them in all their netionsmml l hope When there is a mange of Administration, that there will not be a maj nity in it who think as in}: hon. i'riendpn my left thinks. A Hon. Mr. SKEAD--hfy honourable friend on ", this side of the Home says he warned the Government last year of the dilh'euities they were drifting into on the Georgian Bay Branch Railway expenditure. It is very strange that that hon. gentleman, and others from his neighbourhood, can see only through ispectaeltstr-tlut see south of this district. He tells us there is no necessity for the Georgian Bay Branch Railway being built, as there are six existing railways atrot'clh ing out in that direction from one point. i think the question is a plain one; that this country is deeply interested in the opening up of the section through wh eh the road runs. The members from the Maritime Provinces and Quebec, and from Eastern Ontario, will see that the policy g in», it _ is to he remarked, l took place at 10 o‘clock on Saturday _ night, nud them-bale was adjourned until I we {dosing 'l'eslay. We havl not time I t n laugh l' it Prol. t’lly, an l in reality very l Little or imthing was sail ahout it. Like ( tdy ha l I fuel that anything that I can {do to has: the Government in the pas- l, in I: of good manures, I feel it my duty , toslo. A sharp revision of the ltgishttion _ of the 'lay is necessity. I hope that in this relation we will perform our part; at all events, 1 will try to do mine, and then i l shall leel that my duty will have been faithfully fu'tilled. Hon. Mr. C'AHROU-I do not rise to congratulate the Government on such a paucity of subjects a ohmcterizes their speech, for Lbelieve that subjects exist, but they hue been ignored. 1 refer particularly to tho British Colombian question andrthe great. and growing diffi. culties now existing in the relations between the Dominion and.that Province. I believe that the misunderstandings thnt have arisen (hove been, increasing in gravity, and that they hare perhaps iutensitied by the vallusioh in the speech. I feel convinced that these relations are beginning to assume a political com-l plexion of such importance that the Government will find before this session draws to a clone may threaten the peace of the Confederation. I view with some alarm the ilippant manner in which a subject of this import: ce is alluded to. $550,000. 'And Ere they to he med t They are distributed all over the country some in Manaimo and Esquimsult, and, others I don't know where. And this is not all, for are we not losing the interest of 41 per cent. for the space of at lean t'wo years, before which they can be em- ployed, making another dill'ereuce 'of te ,s:,)u,ow, and an aggregate loss to the country of $805000. This transaction war not etfected in the best interests of the country. I did not pur- pose saying very much in this remion, butldo hope that the Govern. mem wiii arrest the expenditure proceed- ing from day '0 may, but which would not have been perurtted had this Home had the power to prevent it. Of such power this House has been deposed, and how that little clause was inserted, by which this House was sham of such. 3:1" rogtstivu, I xix-Vor could understand, I. itty, Tommi of this country, they will find and the time he: now mired when Muy 11ml. the very mane ,so obtained was attention of the Government should to therein deposited, nml was it used? No, r given to this important much- nohibi- I declare that it won not emplo od, mun hon-and the introduction of Allin por thet it me not required. We this that at muting the urn-autumn, lmportat ion and that detethe Finance Minister ennouncml , susle ot intoxicating liquors. Hon. son- in his Budget Speech that the deposits in tltunen wilt Obie". thnt the record tutusduurllanu amounted to 37,2“,121; If)! . the view- of this Home l and what do we observe one year inter, , " oloar, definite end diatinot, and must"! the sum depmited by the Govern- ll " BN bound neturnlly to Buppore, mont in,tho banks of this country, attract a}. notice of the Government. reached 'l0,r2ii,210 - hence the extra unlma this Home i. to Mimd alto- taxation obtained was not needod, for tlte nether, and reelly in some reqeta it increased revenue only went into the seems to be ltrgely the “INNS. ll if our banks, in which. in addition. L‘wrawrre l010mn doohlonl were of no moment 1mm or live millions more. held for the whnlever. I mugt “Y tut Ithink that Government in England. This shouts, as the omtulon Pf any nllusion whatever tho bank statement will prove, that the to this "W important qutsatlott, is do. surplus wee not expended; and this in tudedly tx..mrrk of dim-root. to “Y tho no secret. We discover that the Amount: leaat of it, torrards this obember, What- delimitation the part of the Government ever ws tntV think ot the Titst" which "uting the twelve months following, at my bt takin by our ruler, of that gre" all eventa, exceeded three millions; that qvil, 'uttPepne, |tho cum of our was all very well, but the money had to pounty. Iti1uy,ttut.tiqtter9ttt “greater bo spent, and What, (lid [ho Goveruntont lmgortlnce relative toogr mterinl, moral do with it? Without the authority of te intellectunl EMUâ€! and interests Parliament they bought steel rails to the n any o.tht.s "r this without fetu. “11m of $2,7oty000. (if contradiction, and although the An hon. getithstsisn-ttol !itttntion of the 'dti,hhr"it', llon.Ur. ll00E--Yesl and although .l' ml the†(New: on! cd to the Government stated that they pur t by one 1mmoh,tutduGltnotst" strong chimed “in for 372 min of railway, ttrms bythe other bunch of the Pitt they in reality obtained a anilicient t ly, the 6orermmsnt MMM'" to *" quantity to lay 550 miles. To day t “Ed. with tIss grtse.ditrrtsTeeytus, mils of the some description, 6 en with contempt, “d m contemptuous freight for delivery in this country 5 once, the solemn resolution of this paid would cost 243 per ton, but the price l ou", ytd.. in reference to I matter g"vu m" LTU. F dteply enacting the very well being and An Item. GENTLEbrAN--t'43. P perity And harpiueu of the entire . Lon Mr. IloD--fll, the price at 9. untry. I must '"P."r" py deep 'rsgret or emu“ ever meet any one who did. C did appear, however, in the measure, 11 l the (ion-rumour. 5| crawl to know ib-. mt contracts were to be submitrtxrto le iioure'ot' quumuns alone, but in THE TIMES-"OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY," FEBRUARY 16 nt 2 CM. remarkgd, CAtDWlittt & so. . . Bazaars. No. 17 Spark: Strut. Nut Raul! Hem Mills’ Supply Agency d,n good- demand In. to mull" or "'0 tie-n Dre. Lt. 1375. * ml And all other moth in .proportion. All!) Puma. ou, (Hill, Putty, etc" cut. P3 -iarrrn tbe American muting Powder- A can h “Inseam, tgtttittitqd. CoNwytr'riosrto prevalent and so fetal, is dreaded “the greet scourge of our race, and yet. in the formative enact. ell pulmonary oompleinu mey be readily controlled l by min " Bryen’e Pulmonie Welen." They i'h relieve the vent cough in e few minutes, and have e most benistioitd iuflmrrtg. on the bronchial and pulmonary organs-but they Inuit. be used in time. Public speaken and img. ere wilt also derive gikrit benefit by win: them. ' Sold by all druggieu and country dealer; Price 25 cents per box. 4071 (in-at Reduction In the price of Hardware " "" Halls. .1 depression, I think it tht to state, and it may he pleasing to some hon. gentlemen to know, that the general depression did not affect our Province. During the first part of 1875 trade was good. The gold mines yielded well; our coal mining and lumbering interests were in a prosperous condition , our lirops were good, and owmg to the state of the California market, farmers obtained good prices. All that we want is a small mount of justice from this country. We do not demand all our rightshbut we do look for a portion. The reference in the speech from the Throne to the I'tteitio Railway is very brief. And we can well imagine the contents of the papers promised to be sent down on the subject. We will be told that the Government could not fulfil its obiigs. tions to British Columbia, in consequence of which an Omar was made to that Pro. vince, and declined. If hon. gentlemen would like to know why these obligations could not be fulfilled, I can tell them the- reason is the action of the House last; session, in refusing to do a simple act of, justice to one of the weakest ProvineV in the Dominion. A former Adminiatrv; tion entered into a bargain with us which i was objected to by the Opposition of tf) day as being more of a burden than the country could sustain. That Opposition -now the gentlemen who com the Government on coming into Jld1',edll no time in obtaining a modification and relaxation of the original bargain, more in keeping (according to their views) with the resources of the country , and when f an effort is made to _ into effect one of the conditions of the moddied bargain, a majority of this House prevent its being domr-thtsrebr inflitstittg a deep injury on the Province -destrdying all eonfideneer, and causing much ill feeling and discontent. The action of the House refltseta no credit on the honour of this country, retards, and interferes with all our industries, and a reaction is now being felt. Surely aGovornment thIt did all in its power to relieve the country of some of its burdens, could fairly be en. trusted with spending money in one Pro. Vince. There would be no danger of our getting too much. I do hope that when the "tsires of our Province comes agam before this House, it will not withhold justice. It is not our wish to overtax or burden thisoountry, in doing us Jusitce, and a thing not being necessary. The Ptutifie Railway is too commonly looked ' upon as a British Columbia affair, and it l, has been stated that the money afoot in that Province on construction wo d be a direct bemslit to its present population. Nothing can be more erroneous than such a View. No doubt we expect tttfit/s, but the work must be looked upon in its true character, as a good national under. taking. Although we are anxtous for its commencement, yet a very small per- centage on the out ay l,would go into the pockets of the people in the Browns: To be cautioned. his; 'a'll'ilru'%,,',t,"d Uo'vornou In _ 'l2i?i1tiilir,i't,tttlii'iiiie5 A“ A†at LOB “an: 00:33: T, i u Hon. Mr. MALDONALD (Victoria)- Although the trade and revenue of British Columbia form but an insumititsant part. of the trade and revenue of the Dominion, y.et in the Ridet of so may dismal orieq 9f tr e, the Government seems to have tested with the greatest dur-st-yea, eyeu with conteme and in contemptuous silence, the solemn resolution of this i on", and in reference to a matter deeply tdteoutsg the very well being and pl perity and happiness of the entire 0 untry. I must express my deep regret t atanntter of such extreme moment s ould receive no consideration whatever» il His Excellenoy'a sgeeoh; and, while t ‘us commenting an e omission, I tool bound to express my very great satisfac. tion with one clause I find in the address, bearing upon this point, and that is: the necessity which the Govern- niknt have discovered for the ool. lehtion of statistics concerning the commission of crime. I consider that this is a most important matter, more} especially aith reference to the greati question to which I have alluded, for I am perfectly tsatisfied that when we have " authentic statement of the vast amount of the crime and misery and the numbers of, deaths caused by the too free use of intoxicating liquors are presented to the Parliament of this country, it will be felt by members to be a question which on! not be set aside or ignored in the performance of their duty towards thear. selves, their families, and the country at large. I rejoice therefore in this respect that an intention is expressed of colleciing these statistics, and I do trust that in this relation very great care will be taken to delioy the more im :iediate causes leading to the commission of crimes, in order that we may have more authentic evidence on which to base our action with respect to the connection existing between intern. pernnce and crime _ to thin very important question, is de. cuiedly . met]: of ditepisot, to any tho least of it, towerde this ohember, what- ever we my think ot the viewe which any be teken by our ruler: of that greet evil, intempennoe. “he cum of our pounlrj. It " In teat . question of'greeter lpagortmce relative to ow- mterial, moral in intellectunl roam; end interests than any other. , Buy thie without {oer tif copuadietion, end although the dttention of the 'dti,hh"tit', “ 'ing :heen directly tsal od to i by one breach, and in elmoet " stroag t rms by the other bunch of the Legisla- THOS. BIRKETT’S, _00IE nuns. f,fartlttritve, ND. " â€BEAU 3TH]? t "ne are kn!“ - keg, loo lbs. rites. BIRKE'IT. Na W Eldon: "not. " ammo“ ttetttttmtt m ',rtttotii, in an “a. 1lll1'tltdtd1tti2,thtNt'lt,'tt Ile, '!p,t9y3oypriiqi9F4_ Cole, - "Atot mun an... an. â€an." Inn-hr '"mai6irdiiiiariiiiaiaiG. k Number 1874.. V This does no! apply to MW and: prior te the date given. Ask or LEA U PERRINS? Sana, and it Name .014 "rapper, Label, Bottle and Stopper. _ Melanie, tind for E: " kr MI and)", Worruler; Ganglia†London, (in; ltr... nd 05m“ VIM-u. tteieLt..Er, .---- 0". II T Flower and Vegetable Gillian "Hf "ml. rcwt." 18t. " I hol' lot m.flltl'4.'hflrl Julfuwapl ta 'tkt,tliftt ' - after (his date, and Without 'eur.rd an} T' -- - Air gaming. A Seedling than Putnam [Ingram PM. mm or Queen Potato; tn map. 3n mm "I" alum" . ot I Hot! drum odour with pink cya- 3 . tee 'iid early, tunable for tttttd or union onl- uvnzlon ; bony regular crapper; PIT, In 2'l'lll'if but cannot be Inrpuud; " - m a . _ armatio.urere,tr'arrrtzriners- a. M. â€copy. ' - And lumber: IF. wanted kw u" Second " union will comm: the te/ttf',',',' d any, Pinon- .M 8.0-, the ' mm of am cum-r at Montana, Put qtt glamour, do. Apply MM. 30933.}. _ _ _ Amour. nil-{v Rod-(Ed VERSE; Ind Paterson's Hung PerreosiorVitte lowing, " tht. per mm of MI d. _ . taaantiiilai.- CmFuk iiviiGrtG ti; iGGrTiviiiirii, Gaiii for the lamb gem and upward- the 8mm: ftirl'a'"a"l t'llG'et',1't'tihlf,'u%t1't'gr. 'i't',ii'ib,tt'r),'ta,' 'diihilit,1liii'i'lho,ilir'i'. F 0 III W n m... MW... ..... m... [r.tlllg8N't, good mum; tumult: In ttho am“ out. t'i'k1'itits,'e'F7.Pti'.iit,t 'tg,', . be _ r on any gamed†. o. 09.â€; N lug-roan I .tl?ePe,,t _Bu_lLd1ngl, Old “not, MAL, NPs SEMI-1N6 POTAT;: which an mimic!“ to deceive the Mitt, _ LEA y PEAuUNslat adgud In 1'rg'l"j1 "emt,"tittitmt4rt Lea dr mm Sauce, ll! Comm-Io Gael-ole do. In- T funk-Ins. who In now um Pun-lo- rock; g,t,!it,sy.i'i'iii'iiiiiiroaws, 959951131) BY tfisiiiGrismid FdTiil Jrorrestehihire" 7,7:S‘duce, A ta rated In ev tht In" and Column: lLt"Kulu'."" n Plano: Rom Ton 23101133. Wholenlo ants for um " WINE]: 033m. " 1'qu 1024mm, Locum: FOR saw LEA & PERmNS' The Mathushek I purchaso'l from you “In. â€mango has swan the must perfect and» Inn. hvmthlng you Is.†in regard lumen has been lywheout. 1Mttet a number a. In use hens. and nil I†may Ive-Id not, tx- 2tt their Mano " any they have we: DB. A. BURNS, St. Thoma. This In to comfy that I purebred two or your Muthuahek Puma and and them all rem-erm- ed a nut-clue Instrument. I consider Juan second to none. _ GEOJ'I‘AYLOR Don: Wills. It thEI the moat. comp‘nm saturation. For "memos-I, nmoothnecv an t richness of tone we have never bond in can II. _ A. O. EMME’I‘ il, M.D., Emmi]. THE ONLY 9601) and: which will it placed an geo, hottle f rrr I * _. A It hr Khan my {nary Its very Jim alarming. Rev. JOHN BREDIN, Burn. It hu- (wen ant!†summation, and delighted a1: w 70 have new it. I T IOMAS BEST. Mute- - -. -- ... .~-. V. .__. A... «mm... We have new. pleasure In mung ttttst ml In Initrumem to lend the 31' gin: In a 3. School nothing can excal u. The mm: in can no! full. l h a bass " grand. and when mo voices are sin;- n R"un be ustln a: hand. Every not: Fatg_ but. ole was a bell. WARRING K EN VEDY, "i'"?'""'"". T a. J -t9Nrlyi,'r, Puma The Mama-hot 01-01mm: Square Grand Plano " brilllm at Nragtrurtat power Ind meladlous in tone. ALFRED B. PEAS! Rowena - " I Wu! mlly convinced that. tho Mannheim the crown of m. K. BELLAIN. . My old ttmer, who bu taken are of my Mme for be p art tan you“, my. um the Mo. l0 mahrstrul Just recolved from you. In the but made and ttues Instrument. in thin city. - 1ft'ury, tttte, - - - l have heard nothing toequal ttto "will“. orwne. Ita notes are more the those tour sweeten thigh)! him, or tho-e Ot the urn human voice, thin my Inummem no“. I ever hoard. Wane doligh ed with our lunar! am. May you be blessed with ttreat and ueurvod Iuooe B. 6ttarm, Jun " mo. Paterson's National Beitaiit Kuhn not bu In reality taken a no) in an. vauoo ol'all maker'- ot Pl-nol In the world. J. u. " AW. , Musical 0mm. Baum. - __ "ktruifiii: J. magnum h F 1:00 the In!“ of 2lt Oonoort the Hub "it u an m r . ' .m J. J " WAABoN Watson'- connmuory at undo; Nu Vfork. No money would tempt In. to 1:11th it can my home. ‘Pvmmun mm ithiliE" "It/ht Connv mu . an 'ltr, P.2 'l The“ Plano- Imut who tho to on]! known Instrmnonu. :36 their 96le communion Le.1m tct,'t9, â€first: ‘mmt dmnble, And the ii/UT HERB iuaiii' fin; - -.. -nru. .. "an... vuu w an" m was tiny .3133“ or 'iii,iii'aii1iiil,'i)i'iioi'l: a nor It u a nloe-weuce. Tip-1r uncut. a an dumv‘lvo calalomo vntuh wound "I . o any. Iddrou. “pl-In. tn harm "I'm: not had nonhuman all um. In cal-laud for th Human“. J& gi, "in gtfl 3. ' 1tnr,gNtg,,g I u. a "I " r III excomm- We in" . hr but 'N',',' brursxtraeup-i . ' in Yoga can, nun. We, tho 'J"at%',tfdi,ftii, Plano- " the VIII! of tho we cant mu an. If“?! maul "auxin-Mon of the Men "mnrudo “7rd to FREDERICK MA amalgam booms-o! Tuning?" but 3th!“- clan Instrument- un-n .n-‘- u " __._, 7 A V fours lm‘y, SPENCER In. FINNEY Pastor Second Push. Church, Yucatan, iti Princess of Lorne, Mama-hex In L rtorto all other; . H. 'lWlt%lu'rh"h'l,' New rare MATHUSHEK i, PIANOS. NORRIS & SUPER, ' Bod EDWA D Mo LEVEAUER, Mtg I A. D. up 1.l'4.ltlf8, . M. a. 'di2"Arii'tli2 ozunm raw 2't'rtet.y.xeuirrjiestmt '.patrts *7-- GGG" - an Wu m. l €585? iiiiiiyiiEi?iEiirimt "ammo. beam their swan, /Ntr-. EXCEL ht volnm ortott.. $83: a: Pate', 'il1rslli'n'l'rdt.." Exam. Indunbm an. FiilGU'i;"Gu, {25959 'Ir. 9-1991: m. l -tavtit; Erma“; SAMUEL F314 W, mm: Conductor. A Area, tiGii, TOR ONTO. flphs Agents. Elm IR.. W. M25. Wrtpxtuquexrnto M." 30in; mum, Cleveland. o. PRICES No. 8 Aduaidereft, PATEBSON ’8 other roll-Me nuke)! at Bar. 83001 D. 50mm Balm is thUsn Btest, 5939190. tiiGird: Fest thGiiiiRhGTstTa 'i.aTit"i mBWAM, ft'WS', 2ggeitt tho Post 0 Wm to: n... “has. Incl. ar in: 'li4'fl, 'Mttaued Mt.tttehretarr-, “por'mu' "ll"?- 1te8tMte. Won-Id who". 3.. trs1.'g!igr'g3'.)f'Litd My. WiUt SKEW? aut u "I M - rmâ€: 'c. Gur- "nun-or naar have: an - it " Z“. - oorterfi 'dnt, at??? mountain? - WRITER. HOUSE BIOGRA- MOS, 1.t9.?.E'rgr9. gum run". Dept... Taiwan“ I an n. RdrttrSmritoyCmftorip_irfv an.†an an» mm 1 a“. duh by him. “NW: 'ifA"d Rd.2l'tAtttlf,1t'iltirt n r. or ' o 1%:ka In tho tlol,','."."}.',','.",',', 'nbh t '2A'llt excrnchunz â€In his Al, of “In. "I!“ mm - m rem Agatha! “mom-n: _ t s. an. ' tt2t, two bottles 'f,,'r.'t.Wg8'tAdt '. w. a "a. M'd 2a1 'IMll'ti mo! 2iâ€. no u" , no I n gnu t,'l'lh'lika.'l " In. 'str, you: may. Hun? "tgriiGiTiEhiiiii' aTihu, Juan and 0 ... rine. monutpnpnnunn In an h'rg,'l'4t any 1;. 1't"'l fA','t"a Aluminum. Runner: 0m Honey, 0031me R,'itl.."""'* m munch MMI. and w, mol'n Viol Ba “Bloc.“ m si'i"."ll'l,ti'l, n L1l'gttdlttM,'t lounging “an. Brunei. Permian to E u. . the 2Mt8 or wine-n. 06 wage. as s,',1tttld"gti. "3}mï¬rhé‘gumm- T UiiriiGii mau, Ciiiiiiir, an... "'i'l',"'&it Emu. and an: m- otyrqMMtsthtemai.. -. atl'rtt, Luann wan. dUttNd In. runner-mm Vine“: columnar-g Met “Elm was _ ' you, "'d’ "turiGFiriWt'r! "'" ER... gg' mm....... 'ttPte To tho Plow-Mon at Norma (hue-ll. u Won; 'llbt ,1!!L,,, W, ""e __ - -.__.._°.__ fltr='t'2ftBht)1id 'llfMittisttrg ayrtslW..,",trd't,tltdf, 32052532; -o nn’varul um an madam: mun-c mm to “one who we his as lunged!) - “has "tgBfttntt the non" pud- Flues“ VII Ill-tannins“ ho I. - - llam- usdl or tsunami; tf,'h'ltA',t',ttrtutt monkravmu am " Moon " lot. The PIIo-nd ,flgttgr'itfrgt'gStat “Me nmrompollu ',t.""gt, to tied with path". may in art m 1. to " nods!“ or it ','J.Qi't an. ',"a"dU'ta/) 'ISS, "in who. a m on y con- t‘null: “prom wat uncut mu mm; ' lthollmbotnh. Mi madman. - PILE’ AM) 50108 cm W " 1m W 'aurttnt the. muted . 803! Ind CUBE M II- kinh of“ ham mun. {null-w Ringworm. Bu-Hmm'nflnlldhuuolâ€˜ï¬ "itt. 0% home mn'odtoonr-Ill 0-0. Rtti '_romoesrr.totttms bottle: in sue-Inlet no". _ his round, bu NOB filth " to“ taunt! tobstinatmesqt Inf-H‘s are It 19ott.yteybAtnFaiirii." n- , a... n- FOIL" FiiN tifiitt FiAU ' V EGFvNaTittUT TPD if one: a lul- V' 03"†7 as N tuners. lackl- . 5i“! “can: ulna and III “II-- __ " tttL' k OIL Interested who have been troubled In the put with alumina or he.- tad urban, um Journal. nd hue been plying any price. use cnvon'l Arctic and mum. on. Imago .volda than complaint.- mm. mum. All 01 manned and order- mud; . J. 0 AV N 318 Wm cushy“; $631.» errata-Into Mum’s! ',2'.e'l2',',it2tA',Ur,tb,egfa"f, mwmwbum than Mtut-tquNttr,_sithtgtitr that umnthdynh may“ Br hull-f an: Inn- trltell P BIOLOGY AND “in“ of tho BYE'IGI’I‘o Y‘all. F Milli BIKINI-work - II. “1:11an Wasi . . I ll. 'i'Ei'i9iirirts's.,'ct??ters and...†can“ nu Sr . was" Nd non} â€may 1m HUG! GLAEBS "N 700- Nm Amt tlit PrlFtrerp_'t7gfos7tPdtW, P-grhutgtr mirdl1't.u" PM Sun! in!†Agents Wgnted. 'ta'vt't1'itri'th"litit'iiitilht a BALL 0-“ .' Ian 'tttt Emu-n mu- m a; " YOUR EYES! 1g.,l',,,'f,'S,1,igiil _ - Inca. vau. mu. . “can. "ttTam.. equiv. mot. mu. ' tttmV cannon. atom on. HARRIS t CAMPBELL, Cabinet» Makers & 1halhollsterers. mwymwmun all!!! clow- mu. ".vlht3rteteOrri1_utoJrem, - DWI-AU. Jinn. " URINE WEB 5161' 37-35133!“ "on {lined _ land you.“ 'e.Lt..tt2.yAfy11.ttspt1ain Shoot Tn: '01.!»me Dated mu May. 18 a from tlU%'lt bnbmnt of Harlan I. In nun-lonwms: “lulu! 2'St my tA",,'gl'i2,'iittgrtgi?, d media!» t no. a oe'tM o - 2tll'uog,t'2,'ttt lay-[cod triiliiif thit, u owlnpmm input “III. SM 11-... npl "ao...- ...-. __u.__ MMlMCm , "pre. Burnett’s B‘gmgtt’s Misha B..tgrrt,etthirtiiitraets Burnett's ttktiiiitia BurneterKiriFiiiiia ttqrptsttiExtraets tt-hhrtt--et-s â€Imam. B%gti1h" iii Gri Eco-H: pt' "Vii-9M - - 717m EXTRACT? 1801 A mm: I ind E uri - WV v- 2:33;} and?" wanna†u" "Bu-I It.". In“. fltal'tgltft2't and an irhkiu7iGrGVaiU, ouretr.rrpttm m r :wr M youâ€; ___ GGTi W rdeh'l'3l,'l'ifL, an!†halo: able with no risk; A I. no all-Q. 39919“. ,ses_ieu-iir" Mreiitres% irriaE' , 1876. 't?'ai(ii' __ all: AGENTS mum. PM“ "LB-w Bonn- 2.cyiiia Av. - Y. “$1.001: Out'for Advertisement in this Spam-at mum! - iii {than at li7GiiG" Vin; â€Tax-2;: 158; SPARKS STREET. Diamond Yeast Cakesa BLYTH &KEB-B. " mow! 1mm, . 7 Plumbers, Gas and Steam litters, Gum TH“! Baotou. y P n A o N? I ou I. "H PLUMBER, GAS a; STEAM mmm. Nahum,“ 12,30!“ mommy, a. " ' . load tum-momma. mm: o "an! ammonium: 1:an _ r, . can“. MILL Burham ' ati- 70 sum nun. out“ n _/rr.",. -, "amrf"ttm"'Nr"t'tttttihsaurthtrrrttt an local-m I†Emmi-m Bonanza. N " u At1h.hhn1uesiet . '5‘ .- "GE-Ra...“ mmnflmï¬gï¬wuufl iota-volt- 'Yet 'AthTeT4te"4 k77i t,t,84l 't,8ttt.ttf,,tifP" - “1"" â€lot-l.“ Jun - '09“ t at ‘-n'ot and in Wiiiei A t?orf.TWllou3rrfl?hTtvlt'r"o'l'tlrh'iltrfdtr, It. M Inâ€. ’mu m N I odY ', n " - 't F,ih','l. mgrn.mdnÂ¥rw%~iimd '?d1'lt'It,t,' = T 'v. .o 5W3, .3015; Back. - hut-II. an... vdnrNh'ri.'N8tmt "ri/atrlitgadi,,aL, muwrmmdmmu ttit 'irWa'Gl't"lrAlrlt."l'l1htWl'fp. L"lhrhtuh'a'NhTgrdMStttmtMM,i"g' ' row was-mm Ioo"""'""ma"ra-t.tru-, iiTiriaoG-r-a' _ y fibo “with"; mmwmncry no. V ft'tr'"""-mm,x.P,.ttnoammr,tmet-' T ' a sto""'""'""-----.-, . lo "-ett-"rueotttnnaarr.v.1-ou,--.. I . _ 3 so mun-cum": wan. -"t-"o-a-i'ri')'i'i'iiu" suk'-truemussis-timrarte,s,. Green, do. _ 7 ". ie T "e-ver, “pork-gnu]: Wu»! may. F - _ "me-hurts, Amber,Golden.u.vol1 a... , ' . i "---A11er- My." 1m. . 1:1 AWMNIWImtdnwmm-nnmbum an... Pun-col. mun-nu '"""-a-q.aitftut-rii The Canadian Meat CatmiogJh's mis Gama LUNCH, BBEAKPASTS and alumni. 1 BRAIDIES, PORT " SHERRY WIRE. Bil. t ornol an 'ranrmhmn.................m Inn Ir. â€A; up. an. scam CAYLEY & CAVE-991$" MACH..ktilJii7t1ir_g2,)ii1 ’ ::;_w Their Excellent“ . WHOLESALE lk RETAIL. ESTABLISHED 1854. 1'tm-rrrriyssrsuamrrmAun-rsi- surraLi-. Direct Importation from the Producer- It Ptanes, 'Me-e-trr-s .'_T'W?F. PATTERSON Mme mu PUB! AMI 0110101 Wareroon or m m on; can. new no Autumn- ’3' In? - "if BaTii'rdi, i Anal-II "in.“ an - unmtmrmurln. nor may no “In.“ P.- an Our Int orNertatmt, I!irsimaNt"- gaunt new, 6er. 1 Egrguson. unmumummm s the Earioitamtuotihigtiki. new dimot dub-t PPM fr,ftr1t'tc can: tiiiiallEiiiiiiriil- OTTAWA. [8 next to Dumas" w»...; v':,.'.:', AND BEAUTIFUL A.) athitterg. “an, PAPER. ;‘m P N'.; a; Lava-w: "e.?fI3?Perrv -e ' 0'11"" m Eri’