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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Feb 1876, p. 1

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Linfin.' )0DS 1 apkins, ews, TLJON, At. n Street 4070y1 GANY ney will bs a of Ga# Out rere BJ ded 40. Setts, Barner d in on@ Rign 0 farate® C%, St. IRY, with grté en By appointment, Chemist and Apothecar}/@@o His | _ Erceiiency the Governor General. or of tie Canadian Ccu;h. Emulson Mnuu ‘holera Mixture, * W1l be he‘d at the Com pany‘s Office in Ottawa, On WEDNESD A Y, the First day of March next At 2 ociock in the afternoor. A 1 suffsrers from D. ar aecte, shou‘!d consu t t cnmnunn DRUGGIST 29, Bussex street, Ottawa, Or To THE AFFLICTED, Discouraged and Tormented. Heating of Public Buildings, Graen Houses. Private hd‘noe- by high or io# pressur,e Bteam aad hot water a spâ€"cialiy. TB Pestcl refâ€"rences glyvâ€"n o Look for 29 Snssex street, and the Roya Armis in the window. Otfawa, Jan. 2/, )876 4056 m3 Ottawa Iron & Steel Manufacturing Co‘y., Wirbout delay. Spe does not belong to the Wibe of nostrum venmdors #ho degeive and #®inule sick l»ewle, until a faith ‘s gone, but Weats .1l disease ugon Physiolog cal ‘prinâ€" Giples au ! beâ€"ldes rest ring bor‘:nllon'u o Beabh. sue engâ€"avau‘s to teach them i0 reâ€" ® ain heuliny _I» her window miy be seen & Cerlidcate the womt case she hus ever trsatd. The perso: referred in, is mother of the mfinn...lmem. of the Wi«c psin (UB.) Va ty & It.] and hT s ammidintne ndienmen t qh Terms: 5 cen s per mouth, or 2 c~n‘s day, with a uepost‘. We se reaa e io e C wite Royai kxenange Hotel o‘:&lulu Fob. 5, 1476 nge Over 1,000 Voliames EBRATUK®, embracing TRADE MARK REGISTZTREp.) | _ TICTORIA CRAMBERS, WELLINGTON STREET, OTTAWA. 38 New Novels added every week. GIBBS & COURSOLLE, York Steet, near Sussex Stroct Agent for the foillowing @rst class Com panies EQUITABLE LIFE ASâ€"UCRANCE soc‘ETY of the U.sted States, Assets over $ 6,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSURANCE COM~ANY of Loudon, Eogland. Capital 31.,000,000 DOMINION PLATE GLASS INSURANCE COMPA NY uf Montreal SUN MUTUA!. ACCIDENT INSURANCE COPA ~Y of wontreal. > OTTAWA RIVE@ NaVIGATI®N COMP‘NY. RICHELIEU NAVIGATION COMPANY. WR.Coa! and Wood for saie. Ww Citizens Insurance Co‘y fgs, UFE & MAANE MSUrct Oitawa, Feb. 12 1874 fect order every day. _ _ Family Tickets far Seasou Ladies‘ Singe Tckets..... Gentiemen‘s sincle Tickots t logle Admi:.tinoe......... Ottawa, Fe‘. 10, 1876 Frrz, Luir®, AccipeNt a®D GCasaxtis. PLUMBER, GAS AXD STEAM FITTER, Cor. Wellington and Bank street, Ott«wa. Cttawa, Jan. 23 Go.- ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A conâ€" f‘e of zeod bedâ€"rovms with bo‘rd, mng be at MRS K&R&‘3, corner of Eigin an Salter streets . 40040f Suuos. â€" Tnree or four Members of Pariiement can find comfortavle accomâ€" modat‘on with or withont Board, by appâ€"y!ng: at 78 Susser street, {opposite French cat‘eâ€" drall. 40554( NEORGE MORTIMER Annual CGeneral Meeting Tllt‘ TEMPERANCE _ mOUSF, 205 Sbarks stree?, corner of Bank®, is now ©: en and tne patronag : of the public ‘s respectâ€" fvly solicited, Tnasi uation is central, being qui‘e bear tbe Parliament Buildings; the reoms mare we‘l furnisbed, cheerful and airy, a d is onbs‘deâ€"ati~n of the bard times, beara will be given at the low price of $1.00 per day. Those wisbing comiortabie board abd lodeing will do well to call. 107z atents of Invention, This is the largest shret of STEAMBOAT TICKET AND G»NESRAL COMMIS%ION AGENCY. CAPITAL, Â¥Y _ ANXD Bor»xDisapri ae fam‘lly, b?' i ®uxie g nieman, near the House of Parlia ® ent, 1i pessible, Appis to H., Triss l&g&e @TICE. SKA TING RINK, ENDING LIBRARY. ATEXT : HAS. DESJARDINS, Hhoaril A W +X \‘l]’l‘A'lox wWANTED â€"A x® Howekeeper is in want of lest of refe emeâ€"s. Apply to MB [MRSTâ€"CLASS Board and Lodging ; pri ,‘ $33 per month. * R. W ." Tlxmg_fl_lo_o.c.' VOL. xX., NO. 410717. MRS. DR. COCHRANE, TTAWA T. SUTToNx, & take wrd and . JOHWNStuoNr, ba Plumbers, &c. L.A DY "M..codent of the Wi«c nsin (UB.) ®.. and ary enquiries addresscd in will Jeich her; Weliirgtooa strcet, General Agent ANTED Amuscments. k, fo thi< cl‘y, and is kept in pe FE&â€"CANAL BASIN. Gar Zusurance. femporary Ofiice _ "ATTLE BRO3.. Next Co.. Rideau and Sursexâ€"sts, SOLICITORs Or LIMLTED,] , ACCIDENT INSURANCE of wontreal. s EQ NAVIGATI®N COMP‘NY. NAVIGATION COMPANY. lers of the OTTAWA colants. D sease, whether chronic W of SELECTED LIT. Histor)y, Blography Aj 1. WERT, Fecretary. ca ever? entos d scaguig. mJ §4, to MRS. McR \F wDSLC 2,000,000 HONO years of »ge, t us OrFFIC® A â€" first . class f a stuaion, 408 C67 m 1 Oi6y1 $s 0 40731f Thuxs 40G8UC 10 ZAâ€" kvery deâ€"crip ion of House Decoration, Inciuding Judlw, puralnln‘. ll.rhnnw executed is a supericr style and at pi t suit the times. P30VINCIAL LAND #UQRVEYOR AND DEAUGHTSâ€" MAN, Buccessor to W. R. Thaiitls & Co. _ Office, as {.rmerly, over Mana‘s Hardware 1 bave left with my former / ant, Mrâ€" &. F. COTTON, my mm‘ 3urveys in Uttawa and vieinity, and have & pleasure in recommending :\m as my £06â€" Rideau ~tree city Furniture can te pu chased 2 rer cent cbcaper at DoCHERTV‘S, ___ HOUSE, SIGN AND rm:o;fxnll. Wellington street, â€", â€" Near I‘Coley‘s Bridge. Easy Arrangemepts Made to Snit Pur chasers. WILSON & ORR, Carvers &Gilder TAK® NOTICEâ€"Parcels delivered in ai pauts of the city for (/ive cents each O®FICEâ€"Rijo‘ite‘s B.ock, Welltpgton street. Als: numerous Illustrative and other searce Nove!s, 10,000 vcis, of second haod books in stock compriâ€"ibg Agricuitare, Architecture, Engineering Classics, Dietionaries, t+themaâ€" ties, M.dic}, Philcsorhy, Natural History Poetry, Theolog;, A cient and Modern Hisâ€" tor es. Travels asd Adventures, Oratoryâ€" searce Novels; besides. the largest coliection of works relxiing to Canada on sa e in the Dominion, at P. NAUGHTEN‘s, s _ â€" Bo kseller, 178 Rideau stre i. FOR SAL ", also , EMBROIDERED §ILK APRONS FoR SALE, at HAVANA CIGARS, | BROCK & CO.‘S "CABINETS." | do " RELN A VICTORIAV." do "RELNA MARIE YICT ARSIL" | CABARGA‘3 “%flLO.VIALs” | do "@ORO NAS." Omees and Cellars : Cor. O‘CONNOR & SPaRK3 RT«RETS Ottawa, :an. 16, 1876 mi 956 iurisc' luf Miscellazeous French Books Leovilie, *83, CLOSSMAN «& CO)3 SAUTERNE L CALVETS C3 CHABLIS, KERMNEL‘3 BURGUNDY. MISA & PEMARTIN‘3 SHERRIES. . BANDEMA ~‘8, KLNGST )N + ©0.‘1 PORTS OTARD DUPUY & CO‘3 BRANDIES. ; CaRLING‘3 e.x;gmud AMBER ALE} In bulx and bottle. | JUST ARRIVED, do CLOSSM a N N rand. CLOS ~MA N do do do Leovilie, * GIESLERS CHAMPAGNEF, CH, FARRK:3 do DELNAART‘3 MOSELLE, ALLMANN & SCHNAUISER1T‘8 MOSELLE. DELNHART‘3 HOCKâ€"Rudesheim. do do â€"Ltsbfranmi{lch. CLOSSMA NN (& C9.‘3 CLARET â€"Montfer In ret‘ring from the practice of Otiawa, Feb, 14, 1876 SHOMW 02 SKS MADE TO ORDEK March 12, 1374, 3 Wed Call and get prices before gcirg elsewhere. Ottawa, Jan. 15, 1876. 4045y1 An Insoivent The Insolvent has made an Assignmeut of his Estate to me, and the Creditor«s mre no Hflad to meet at my office, Rideaustrâ€"et in ‘he City 0° OQ.tawa, Ccunty of Curieton, on WEDN EM3 DAY, the Eigh*‘h day of Mareh, at Ten o‘ci oK, a m., to receive statements of nis affiirs, and appoint an Assimee If they see dt. WILLEAM °FIN4LAND, & Uiticial As yree, Ottaw>, Feb 17, 1376 _ 4073w2 Ottawa, Feb. 13 1876. Ottawa, Jan. 1%, 1476 In the matter of J AM S3 City, @60 sSbnbarksâ€"st. In the matter oOf DUNCAN McARTHU®, Ar Ausolvert. A Writ of Aitachment h s i#sued in this cause, and the Creditors are notited t > me+t at my o tice, No. 3) Rideau street, Ollawa« City; County of Carieton, on Thusday, the Secona day of March, at Tea o‘ciogk, ».« , to roceive statemeta ot his affuirs, and to appoint an Assigtee if they see At _ _ __ _ _ __ _ A Wri 'e;me. an< y o tice County of Dttawa, Fo o. 5, 148 * _ ‘An Insolvent The Insolvent has madeo an Assignmeat of him imte to me aud the Crefitors are not fied ‘o meet at my effice, 3) Rideau street, on W Dâ€" NE DAY, the First day ot March next, at Ten 2c.004, a.w , to receive »tatements of his miâ€" "aire, and appolnt a0 Assignes If thâ€"y s e fit, wWiLLLIAM i INGLAND, Ouific‘al Ass‘gnee Ottawa, Feb. 17, 1376 1073t4 HAS. W. LEONAU, OFFICEâ€"Cor. Craig streot aud Place a‘Armes Rours, 10 to i2 a m and 2 to i p m. Ottawa, Feb. 1 , 1876 473 ud Formerly C.inigal Assistantin the Von Grafaâ€" > wers Rye infirmâ€"<ry, Berlio. + russia; late Resid«nt Surgeop, Royal Loodon Opnthailmic Hospital, m nyland. PICTURE FRA M EB BTHUR F..COTTON, MBROIDERED OPER\ C*A)lK! R quired in opt line of busine As Twio:, we presume our well known toroâ€"hout Canxda Pubne patronage respectfully s Th OcHERTY NSoOLYyENT ACT OF W. F. BUCHANAN, Wine Merchant, 00KS, Bj}OKS Ris Fxceliency th MERCHANT‘S ! In the ma NSOLVENT AUT OF 1873 NSOLYENT ACT OF 1875. tawa, Fo REVOLYER AND WATOH belocgin: w PAUL LaDENN ,] wl be sold by tor, on Liewer fown warke‘, at 10 a m., R. BULLER, Â¥.R.C 8, Eogland, wa, Feb LOOKING=â€"GLASS and D. MORGAN & SONS. moRGaN & soNns®, MANURAQT URERS A cdifect !‘mportation (f HAS NOW [late White=ide‘s} than anby other ®tore in the OCULIST AND AURIST TAILORS TD W, R. TaiSTLE &.CO; \ f BARNARD MU .LEN, of ALSO Duke strcet, Chandlere 406 ty 1 1878 22 SPARKS STRE®T, IN STOCK MRS. VEN®‘3, R {fa® PR do do 1870 Governorâ€"General, has establsh4d ocr the best ant most orma the elt‘zens of generil, that they wise la connection L. /N. NYE | _ 4048g1l TT, of Cttawa H â€"Labards. â€"St. Julien. â€"Margaax® â€"Chateau Mceited 4 7lyl rep. tatlon is \t&}l_g'u»e 1CTO Bt ck a076¢ 1 0 td #o‘e Agents for Ontari» .The und has opened a Ston â€"cutter‘t ré.a Corarr of, king a20 C Andrew i vavkept Symntemicy bostn ooael Cnnserp ine ".','..‘,.'..u.tly sallcited, or a1} %iade of Stoseâ€" ie @QUERARD RRY THE M STSIAGOURATF, THEAMOST DURABLS, TAE MOST CONVENIZNT In every respect worlbyjof the most implicit confidence. MMILLLAN THE BEST IN USRâ€"GIVE IT A TRIAL | _ Forsale atall Firstâ€"class Grocers. T“ “_",‘“’“: & HUILDERS @ENTS WAN« EDâ€"BIG INDUCEMENTA 4G@BN OFPERED. McMillan & Arless Who/Jesale Agents for Eastern Ontario, REO CLoU0 CLEANSING | POWOER pHUn»**s O APNHANC â€"... c2l0s crser doL Cvevieees His llvaliunl Life, m novel by Marcus Cl rke &z Fortunate Mer,â€" how they maue monry ADG WOD Fo NOW..........l..kk k.k k0k The C nada Edwu Directory and Year BooK fe 0 e es is evene oat C?nvl;;& Boy .‘ Edinburgh Almanae, for 6 sls (enniarersarserarce‘s y Young Alcides, +y Charlotts M. )“ Youge, autâ€"~or cf The Heir of Radâ€" "olffo. BÂ¥OB â€"..)rerssts) sshrsaresrclss &nlel Deroda, by Geo Eiiot. Book I.. pal Infallibii.ty,â€"reasons why a Roâ€" man Catholi¢ cannot arcept the Docâ€" trine s deflued by the Vatican Counci!â€"by a Romau Catholic l1yâ€" Wyii«‘s History _of Protestantism ....... Tue‘ \C.nm.e_ln Charge, a novel by Mrs. HIGREST PRIZES AT PARIS, VIENNA AND MONTREAL _ |HECTOR WeLEAN has received instrusâ€" tin« from James Dunloa Esq., to sell the house an j Jot now occup} by nim, situ«ted ah the Sherwooi Estate. adjaining Primrose HU}, known as lot No, 82, measuring 662156, with a goo.} frame house thereon 20x28, 2 atories b‘gh, well laid out and nearly new, having been bui t within thelast )$ months, contain ing good pariour and dl‘w roo‘=, entrance n-i’u 6 feet, three sized beâ€"iroome, iarge kitcren, 1 x!> fitte‘ vp *ith nine cupâ€" b ards, and a c.mmo#ious woodshed a *) wnine The property will be sold on WEDNw3DAY nex:, lst March, at 12 wclock precisely, at his Avc‘ion Koomas, No. 6)Sparks street Term« and cond.ti ns made known at the time of Fal«, i HETTOR MeLEAN, | C LUMBER AX> COMMISSIONX AGENT, BROKER, Cttawna Feb, 22 1876 Rajotte‘s Block, Wellingtnn streot» Cttawa, Jan. 15, 1878. * ~| Ottewa, Jan 27, 176. HENDERSON & Co.‘s | MR. KAVANAiH, jong an! favourably nownias cat â€"er in the r{u-o ot Com n ons &nd Rideau Club. bas uow the n‘icest uvi{ning oom iu ihe city. and capah‘e of accomo laiiag * number of gues‘s at reasnnable prices. WELLINGTON STRERT, * Opp. Parliament Bulldlv\‘l. | Feb 22, 878 | 4071 O tawa, Feb 42, 1876 depo !t. E: & e ZAB~ Old Magesine« so‘d choap. BATTLE BR 8, Next cor Rdeau and Sussox atraets _Ottawa, Feb 24, 1376. 4 7iy1 REAL ESTATE. Try 0 i Lendi g Library, the best colleo loa of the most p puiarc Novel, in the c ty. â€" l OST OR STOLEN, between nine aud ten o‘clock, S«tn dar nisht, in Lowar ‘own. a Buffalo Itobs, lined and trimmed wi h Dirk Linen and Sc«riet and Plue Trimming The finge: wili he rewarded by lemving it at L N NYh‘3 Shop, Welliugton atreet. oru € sHOW FLAKt BAKINE POWDEA, TANDARD SCALES Are requested to send in a dessriptinn of the‘r Custume, in additlon to the dosignation of the character they represont to For the beneflt ot ths Press. RU isE‘ HoUsSsS 1 Ottawa, Fer. 22, 1876. * I?L)Ck ADIES AND GENTLEMEN L ATTENDING Their Excellencies‘ Fancy Ball FAIRBANKS & CO., EW BuvOKS! INVITATION CARDS Are reminded that it is abrolutely n ce %1ry that they shosid bring their With theu , the nigbt of the Ba AFTENDIXG Their Excellencies‘ Fancy Ball T0 MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, Ottaw ‘, Feb, 22, 1876 UCTION SiLE T. LAMBERT, AR D. New Advertisements. | DOMINION LEGSLATURE â€" |, Right Hon. SirJ. A. MACDONALDâ€" g&r Loacs on Mon‘?-co on Real Feiate, T. W. KENNY & RONS, Merchant Tatiors, Agout "Star" Life Assurâ€"rce N clety, ~parks street. Ottawa. *,*Jurt received, ez ~canâ€" dinaviap," 24 cases N.w Spring Wo 1 ns. EAD AND LEARN! F. A. DIXON, Esq., ADIES AND GENTLEMEN Feb. 21, 76 43 ST. PAUL STHEET, MONTREAL. FOR SALE AT »*ELGIN STRERT, ' OTTAW A. 176. Whyl ARLESS, F. HAMILTQN, A.D.0. 11 Walting. SX Aas E. R. WARD Auctioneer, 40.81f 40:7. 02 4077y A.b.0 40712 8 15 2 15 75 'l-i%_flon. Sir JOHN A. MACDOâ€" NDALDâ€"I thought the site was settled some time ago. % friend is mistaken. There bhas been noâ€" intimation of the Government, I am sure, or of any member of the Government, that it was settled, â€" ¢ ment up!NcCers are at present examiring the present sites, ms the Government eun come to no determinftion until their report is received. ©. =~â€"=â€" }shm. Tho&hu are now ready, and ‘inviut.ionl tenders will be issued during the week. __ Mr, FRECHETTE asked whether it is the intention of the Government to have the South Shore represented among the five Commissioners to be appointed hy the Executive for the Harbour of Quebec?t Hon, Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The matter is under the consideration of the Govern: ment at t. w Mr. b'mnm'n enquired whether: the Government have come to a desision with regard to the site of the Graving Dock for the Harbour of i or wh.t:nr J‘ is .t:io intention of 3°.'; erpomen send: their Ingineers & amine the different contemplated sites, in the proper season to ascertain the action of the ice? Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The Governâ€" ment Engineers are at present examiring Mr. BLAIN enquired whether it is the intention of the Government in comâ€" mencing the work of consolidating the Statute Law to take any steps to bring in:o uniformity all o:n;ny (:lf the laws relative to pro civi ts in Ontario, Novl: Sm and New Brxl‘liughwiok. and of the procedure of all or any of the intention of the Government to propose anything of the kind this session, either there or elsewhere. courts of those three Provinces under Section 94 of the British North America Act? Hon. Mr. BLAKEâ€"Two matters are referred to in the question which may, no doubt, be convected with each other. 1t is not the intention of the Government to take anyguto towards the letter. Mr. IGs.AR enquired whether the Government intend constructing a lfl::.- house on the Islaod of Bald Head in Ontario, in the Province of Ontario, for whiol: an appropriation was made last vear Hon. Mr. SMITiâ€"I can inform my hon. friend that it is the intention of the Government to construct a lighthouse t_Hon. Mr. MACKE}E‘IE;TM amount of salary is gradua y the popuâ€" lation of the _ districts. Nearly p.u the _ salaries, _ however, are $500, except in some of the larger cities and districts, where there is a much larger amount of work, The salaries will date from the time of the inspector‘s sending in their bonds. The return of expenses will be made according to the Act. The Inspection Law will come into %lzeution as soon n:u the Inland Revenue partment have their arrangements completed, and I believe they are finâ€" ished now. I may add the inspectors are paid not exactly according to population, tor in the large cities of Montreal, Quebec, and Tomn.t:hu:; morommgti.lo banninou o;: trols the to a ex as times the business will be dono:’n these particular cities as in the rural districts of the same population. _ _ _ _ the same population. Mr GOBBON asked whether it is the intention of the Government to create & harbour of refuge on Lake Ontario beâ€" tween Toronto and Kingston with suffi cient depth of water to accommodate vessels drawing fourteen feet of water? Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The matter has not been biought under the considâ€" eration of the Government in any way further than this, that I requested a year Mgo the Chief Engineer of the Northern Colonization Ro:fu:o join with the two other engineers and ascertain whether a crossing could be had and connection made at that point. There has been no further communication, I think, between any of the companies interested, and the Government on the subject up to the present time. I may say I will be very glad to show my hon. friend the report of these engineers, if he desires it & Mr, GOKkDUN asked, 1st. What amount of salary is intended to be paid to Disâ€" trict Inspectors of Weights and Measures ; 2nd. Amount of salary to be paid to Depâ€" uty Inspectors ; 3rd, From what date will salaries of Inspectors and Deputy Inspectors be paid ; 4th. Will returns ot expenses of Inspectors and De;mfiu be required to be certified to under oath ; 5th. When will the Inspection Act come inte operation? _ _ _ _ line of Railway to connect Portage du Fort, the proposed terminus of the project» ed Quebec Government Railway, with the subsidized portion of the Canada Central Railway? _ _ Mr. MASSON asked whether it is the intention of the Government to udt?)t any means to assure the construction of a Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The Govern« ment did not accept any tenders. They were all oonlidormr too high, and instrucâ€" tions have been given to the engineers in charge of the road to get out some of the materials in order to do the fencing by days‘ labour. garding it ? Mr. MclNTYRE asked whether the Government has accepted any of the tenders for the construction of the Prince Edward Island Railway Fence; if not, what avtion they intuiUl W Like 10 Hon. Mr. BLAKEâ€"There is no present intention to amend the Patent Act. I took the opportunity of seeing my hon. friend with reference to the frociu meanâ€" ing of this question, and I will confer further with him on the subject, but as I at present understand it, I do not propose to make any amendment to the Act. OTTAWA, TUES~DAY, FEBRUARY 24 1876 Any suon steps, but he wou‘d be very glad l such as . they are, will of course be pre« to have them Prlnt.od. sented to the House, in conformity with After a brief discussion, the Statute. I may perhaps take advanâ€" Hon. Mr, MITGHELL moved that the | tage of this, although scarcely within the papersâ€" be referred to the Printing Comâ€" | scope of the subject, to inform the House mittee. _ Carried. that the Government find a difficulty in Hon, Mr. MACKAY (Cape Breton)â€" |obtaining accurate statistics under the Asked whether the Government intend |law to which my hon. friend refers. We constructing the Guyon Island Light | have taken steps to get complete and acâ€" House, for which an appropriation was t""“ statistics of .’1? railways, and those made last year ? â€"Awill ba published in a volume, together Hon. Mr. SMITHâ€"Tenders were inâ€" | With a statement of the railways in the vited last summer, and a man by the| Dominion, showing the location of all name of Cameron sent in the lowest, | roads built, in course of construction and The contract was awarded to him. He | the lines projected, so as to place implicit was notified accordingly, but he declined | information on this subject in the hands to enter into the contract. His bid was | of the Kubho. | $2,130. The next lowest was $2,960, and | Mr. BLANCHET enquired whether it is the contract was awarded to that conâ€" | the intention of the Governmeut to build tractor, who has entered intd‘it, and by | & branch railway from St. Charles, County the tertos of the agreement, the light | of Bellechasse, to St. Joseph de Levis, in house will be finish#d b{ August next. order that the western terminus of the . Mr. LANDE«KIN asked whether it is | Intercolonial Railway should be fixed near . ge intention of the Government during | the harbour of Quebec? | e present Session, to introduce any | Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"It is not the , amendments bt: the Patent Act so that the i!:itlendon of the Government to build this | public may better ed against way. ‘ persons selling patent r;.‘flur 1 Hou. Mf. TUPPER inouired whathar asels drawing fourteen feet of water ? Hon. Mr. )fACKENZIEâ€"-Ici-not the Hon. Mr. SMITH said he had not taken any such steps, but he would be very glad to have them Frlntod. After a brief discussion, Hon. Mr. MITCGHELL moved that the papersâ€" be referred to the Printing Comâ€" mittee. Carried. Hon. Mr. MACKAY (Cape Breton)â€" Asked whether the Government intend constructing the Guyon Island Light House, for which an apprtopriation was made last year? _ __ _ =_ 5 Mon. Mr. MITCHELL asked of the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, whether any lle{Jl hbad been taken to get the papers laid before the House, relating to these shipping interests, printed for dig« tribution. Hon. Mr. SMI\H brougbt down the supplementary report of the Marine and Fisheries Department. _ _ . _ _ BILLA INTRODUCED. . Mr, WOOD (Hamilton) â€"To amend the Act to authorize the incorporation of bg-rdn of trade in the Dominion of Canâ€" ada. _ Mr. CHARLTONâ€"To amend the Act regarding the transportation of cattle. Moxnar, Feb, 21. The SPEAKER took the chair at 3 o‘clock. â€" â€" Third Parli+mentâ€"Third Session HoTSE oF COMMoNs. | Hon. Mr,. MACKEGZIEâ€" The hon. | gentleman is aware, I believe, that we | invited tenders last {ur for steam mail | serviceâ€"ostensivly for the mail service, | but really with an endeavour to open up a | trade between Canada and the West Incies, ‘ l’housre tenders were no:h-olmodento‘h.: to justify us in accepti e lowest of them. | Since that fime w:l:fvo been endeavourâ€" ing to collect such information as would ) enable us to take some action with regard to the West In lian trade. The abncrmal political state in some of the principal islands, however, is such that we cannot make much prxnu until political differâ€" ences are settled. No person has been formally appointed to go there on behalf of the Government, but we are at present engaged in prosecuting some inquiries which we hope will lead to some result. We ha ing to bring down to the House on m subject, but I will infor m the hon gentleman, privately, at any time of all the facts in our possession. Hon. Mr,â€" MITCHELL moved for an " Address to His Excellency the Governor General, for all orders in Council, instrucâ€" tions to officers, reports from officers, with all currespondence to or from officials or private individuals, or public bodies, in connection with the u-bmnx:tbempt of . the Govemfiont to compel occupants of fisheries in the Maritine Provinces to an enforced| .tta-nm.:: to the Gg::;nr | ment,and an arbitrary deprivation o i rights, which forâ€"at least a quarter of a century been used and enjoyed by them." In movinfiofor this address Mr. MiTCHâ€" ELL said was surprised to find that thohon.lfinhteroflhrinolndi‘hhoriui had spqung |tipon the country. orders in Council which revolutionized and created { more excitement in the country he &K‘:. Mitchell,) represents tran anything } done -inoer?cnfodontion. The pledges . given at the time when the terms of union were being Aitouued have been broken by the Minister of Marine and Fisheries, Mr. Mitchell entered fully into the considerâ€" ation of the pubfioc. Hon. Mr. SMITH thought his hon. friend had pursued a somewheut unusual course with respect to this motion. He should have waited until the papers were before. the Houso before he delivered ‘ himself, when hon. members would be in a position to judge of the issue between them. He thonght the p(;g:l would show that his hoo. friend in was an entirely different man from what he is out of officeâ€"that every step he took when presiding over the Department of Marine and Fisheries pointed to the ultimate assimilation of the rights and relations with regard to this particular matter over the entire Dominion. Hon. Mr. MITCHELLâ€"" That is not earrect," Hon, Mr. SHI}‘E .u.:id if the hon. gentleâ€" man.had waited for the every one would see that what he (m. 8.) I:Zrnd was correct, and that testimon: hbvforo the courts clearly proved it, e hon. member said that this Government had | bou:‘?uilty ofan act of arbitrary conduct in reference to the fishermen of New | Brunswick. He th#ht he couid conâ€" ‘:?:h? hon. friend dl:in ownevgonoo ‘ hlguc acts yrauny, e reâ€" ferred to the riparian proprietors in â€"New Brunswick who, his hon. friend claimed, had the exolusive right to Moppaito their own lands, and said that this quesâ€" tion had been adjudicated by the Courts in «New Brunswick, 'W were of tfi.n 3 se 5 sis! %” “d‘.é.ht Hannay‘s k&w Reports.. He denied the| Mr. LANGEVIN moved for statement charge made by his hon. friend that the | of wages paid to crew of medical efficers‘ Government had arrogated to itself powâ€" | boat at the city of Quebec in 1874, 76, ers which it did not possess. . Mr. Smith | &o. Carried. continued _ at considerable length in |. Mr. LANGEVIN moved for copies of answer to Mr, Mitchell‘s speech, quoting | instructions to M. Talbot, of mm the law bearing upon the points at issue mwmuhdoutohhvflu between them. | . .iz | to theelectoral district of Charlevaix durâ€" Hon. Mr, MITCHELL replied... He\ing the Dominion election in the month stated that the motives umw;;d-'fmgrlus * by the Minister of Marine and s > Hon. Mr. HUNTINGTON said no in= were unjust and incorrect, and he trusted â€" structions had been issued. Do allLs q We 8 CC PmR EAN qHou ETe existed. Mr. Smith read the case * Rose vs. Belyes,‘" from the first volume of Hannay‘s Law Reports.. He denied the charge made by his houn. friend that the Government had arrogated to itself powâ€" ers which it did not possess.. Mr. Smith continued _ at considerable length in fublet beanly uioh the hisiy si. mank W ng u Tolween theme. .. * . _ I hk ivers Hon. Mr. MITCHELL enquired Whethâ€" er any.and â€"what steps have been taken by the Government to open up trade with the British and Foreign West Indies and South America ; whether any and what person has been appointed in con nection with that service ; also what instructions have been given by the Government to such person or agent in connection with the same ? s en y Tuicy 300105000 00000 7 SAnt pOCEILS OL HIG Hon. Mr, MACKENZIEâ€"The Governâ€" | kind during all my speechos. ment have entered into a contract with | _ Hon. Mr. MITCHELLâ€"I can show the Messrs. Cantin, they being the lowest of â€"hon. gentleman‘s speecches in which they the uhipbnifldi_ng firms to whom ciroulars ‘wmru)i.‘ duire s tp C wo i n r.. â€"â€" ouge it» M Sieg tent inviting fenders for this ser ' fheo: S ut cHebe=vel in g Mr. RQSCOE asked whether the Govâ€" | will endeavour to hunt them up. He ernment had taken any steps to procure said no more violent speeches were made & ssttiement of the bouns:ry lll’no be. . than those delivered by the hon. gentleâ€" Eween‘ Aliska and British Columbia,â€" man, and to carry out the predictions and especially where said line crosses the to grind the people, he had adopted that Stikeen fiiur f j policy. He(Mr. M.) did not propose to Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"The Govern~ continue this discussion further, but hope ment took‘steps by asking a note for this he should have another opportunity to purpose, we have not found a willing. : refer to it dflrifi the session. ness on the other side of the line to join |_Hon,. Mr. SMITH suggested that the in a commussion at the present time to hon. gentleman should strike out the ascertain the boundary. We have, thereâ€" arbitrary words in the address, or probably fore, invited the United States Bovem- no papers would be forth :om. ment to fix upon a boundary upon the | Hon. Mr. MITCHELL s out the river, That Government have complainâ€" , words, and the, motion was carried. _ . ed that some Canadian settlers have I The House took ‘recess. y settled upon the United States side of the | After recess Mr, Young . moved â€"an . line of that river. The Government will address for statement of newspapers and endeavour to obtain & settlement of that periodicals which have paid postage on 1 particular point, but we cannot proceed papers "sent from the office of publicaâ€" without the sanction of the other Govâ€" tion," &c., &c. Hon. Mr. Huntington saw ernment. _ ‘no oblaction th diving tha AasicaÂ¥ se * l Hon. Mr. MACKENZIEâ€"It is not the intention of the Government to build this railway. Hon. Mr. TUPPER inquired whether the Government entered into a contract with the Messrs. Gantin of Montreal for the construction of a steim tender to transport mails from Father Point to the ocean steamers; and if so whether tenâ€" ders were publicly invited before such contract was entered into ? ol the Kubfio. € Mr. BLANCHET enquired whether it is the intention of the Governmeut to build a branch railway from St. Charles, County of Bellechasse, to St. Joseph de Levis, in order that the western terminus of the Intercolonial Railway should be fixed near the harbour of Quebec ? | Orozooh;' git to be? _ _ | . Hon. Mr: MACKENZIEâ€"Or expectâ€" ing <| f I fir ‘asked what railway comâ€" | panies Beve made returns to the honourâ€" flfbl. © :Minister of Publicâ€"Works in £000/ ce ‘with the second and third | sections of the Aot of last Session? en« | titled { An Aot to extend and amend the Hon. Mr/ MACKENZIEâ€"I did not obâ€" serve the first part of my hon. friend‘s question in order to give the names bf the oompwii; but I may say that the reâ€" turns have not been very well furnished. Comparatively few, I believe, have sent returns, although I have issued circulars ropuudghon the l'l:lllalieot. The returns, such as . they are, will of course be preâ€" law requiring railway companies to furnâ€" ish :%urm of their onpi:t:‘;tnEo and working expenditure ;" whether the returng required by the fifth section of of the said Act will be laid before Parliaâ€" ment within days from the commencement of this Session in pur | suince of qhe said Act? %conupchndono:b to the Printâ€" i ittee, on. . Burpee, in l'!:glyo said he was not aware that the letter as stated by Dr. Tupper was in the correspondence, sand promised that all the correspondence would be brought forward. _ Mr. Workman thought the Government was wro:fg in remitting the duties complained by .Dr. Tupper. Hon. Mr. Mackenzie rose to explain, and :i;l that the meredfsct of a few scrows ing unloosed and put together again made no practical difl‘grenoo, and that the whole charge of Dr. Tu was a mere farce. Sir _John nnog-pm.:ld said the Toeu, is Gie if Un croret Hioges, e e action of present ille, ; Hon. Mr, Mackenzie asked if the late : Government had acted under the law, : what was the necessity for the Order in Council? Sir John Macdonali replied fhat the late Government had been obliged to do so by force of circumstances. Hon. Mr. Cartwright reminded his hon. friend opposite that the Government of Canada had power to remit any duties where they deemed itd '::d bomngm gn any particular party, an : the documents the actual facts of the case. After some further remarks from Sir John Macdonald, Hon Mr. Blake said he (Sir John) had been delivering a very gevere commentary on the actioas of his own Government, and proceeded to read from letters of the late Commissioner of Customs, Mr, Bouchette, showing the reasons given at the time for the exemp t‘oas specified, which he said had been allowed by custom by the late Govern ment, and which by them then regarded as un expediency was now lookedâ€"upon as a crime. Hon. Mr. Burpee said the remission of duties complainedâ€" of were: quite parallel to those of the late Governâ€" finding the position & difficult one, had brought in a bill to impose a duty on the free parts of engines. _ | Hon. Mr. BLAKE reiterated his state ment that it was in following out the interpretation of the law rendered by the late Governmentjthat the action comâ€" plained of had occurred, making a satiri cal exrsure of the inconsistent actions of the late Minister of Customs, Dr, dTolngffi . again. ";;.Tufu over : the groun is arguments, still insisting that part of the oormupon:ionoo had been manufactured, and accusing the Minister Mr. HULTON thought the discussion wouzg:nebunmorobei? ax}ler had . the inted papers been before the members, 5d'oomphlud_of the ifconvenience of gf.pqg.whwh the members had no chance After some desul discussi mofionme-rrhd.wq cussion,. the Hon. Dr. TUPPER again violenily acâ€" cused the Government of manufacturing correspondencs, amidet loud cries of 4 Order," of Justice of not stating whether the Order in Council was the result of an order of the Treasury Board or of a Comâ€" mittee. Hon. Mr. BLAKE said the Hon. Minisâ€" ter of Customs had stated that before he hudriunto?uk. Tt >A Hon. Mr. BURPEE said ho head not scen the order since it had gone from the House, but all t-horpenwmon hand, and migh: be seen by everyons.. tain FomEm of locomotives, contrary to law, for the purpose, as he zd, ol’mn & revenue, which they were nfnis to ask the House to vote them. He _ called upon thé Government to supply the missing link in the corresâ€" pondence and to withdraw a letter from the Commissioner of Customs before and in doing so charged the Government with the manufacture of â€"correspondence, and in hnin&unt circulars to officials, instructing them to charge duty on cerâ€" kion. Mr. MITCHELL struck out the words, and the motion was carried. . The House took recess. A After recess Mr. Young . moved an address for statement of newspapers and periodicals which have paid postage on papers "sent from the office of publicaâ€" tion," &¢., &c. Hon. Mr. Huntington saw no objection to giving the desired inforâ€" mation asked. Dr. Tupper moved to reier copies of oormpomfenoe relating to refund of duties to the Great Western Railway Company to Printing Commiitee, reler to iL durim the session. is Hon,. Mr. SMITH suggested that the hon. gonflomninuboul:i strike omb:l:. arbitrary words in the address, or pro ho papers would be forth:oming," _ _‘ 1 Mn t mt Pm PRCE OOE rect. The people did not know that he was oomingfiown. He goes every year. They had wtitten for him to come. He never induced & single person to get up a moeting or isfluencs them in any | way, _ He| committed no act of rebellion and excited ro bostility to the powers that be. He instructed them to the best of his ability «and gave sound advice as to their remedies. He did not think the hon. gentleman had satisfied the House that he had acted I faurly tow the Provinces. He did not make a case or touched the question which he (Mr. M.) éinth stated. %. (the Speaker) recollected the ~time when we ’m trying to carry Confoderation that the hon. gentleman predic‘ed that if we united with Canadaâ€" our fishery rights among other things would be taken aw«y .ndon&“ the p:ople would be ground down,. His hon. friehd finding his proâ€" phetic vision. Hon. Mr. SMITHâ€"I said nothing of the kind during all my speechos. Hon. Mr. MACKENZIE thought there was too much in this debate of the opinions and views of some princi&tl officers in the department. Those officers have no ‘mpouihility, no officer in the depart mont has. . [t would be far better to aroid mention of departmental officers by name when referring to their oginiotu. as they have nothing to do with the House. Hon. Mr. MIBCHELL thanked the hon. Premier for reading him a lecture but it would have come with beiter taste if delivered balf an hour ago when the Minister of Marine~and Fisheries began the reference to those officers. _ â€" __Hon. Mr. SMITH â€"I read from a paper. Hon. Mm,dl:[lTCHELL--Ye!;. and re« ferred to th¢ nt too. He said the hon. ;ontlo:unm that he (Mr. M.) had gone ;n his oo:xlllzgd for ‘th?i erpress urpose of creati ing and excitin foboliign. fi'l'hnn:‘ta_go_ment was not cof- n Aib Arnan ouf __ z_: 400 _ _AUF â€" pUrsuG a fâ€"ir course when he knew the position the people took on the qgestion. . Mr. Mitchell having referred different times to the officers of the department. in OPOF yipesttuk. _Aulh csmdeme: 2 |bien‘appesing fon, eoeios hoi never ap rom. He was pré pared to accept as conclusive the decision of a single Court in m single case in a matter of such ‘importance, His hon. friend did not . pursue a foir course when he knew the position OO CCC NCO UOVU EVAE i raise false issues would not succeed. â€" He had attempted to quote the decision of the Courts of Law to which be (Mr. M.) ho nnfumnie .2 M DL o3 0 oo on o ghe Ad ‘ the attempt which had been made to| Mr. E::t.nx t se l":fw'.w;o-,xm virr sentiment 8. Grant, President of the United states of America, hereby direct that all business in the Executive Departments of the Sotrme n mm forfrest uin t the -dd%uun-t-lhd'lbo on that day . 8 G , By theâ€" President, muurn-,;:-,asw' Intesded Resignation. ‘ ~ Representative Jones, of Kentucky, : Â¥ LE 44 ;‘,‘fl neo.w.l::'ufy#‘ C ablivian for gm&mdznmdfio appt ion â€" of at services rendâ€" wendmho pl?:fg‘mdnw Huiingne t iect‘s,omnen ooo Y e ‘préven month 'hh:xixl d.l;o treated and d a%u. States. In the Government business and so as is consistent with the public welfére, in all of the departments of the Government. employment shall be susâ€" pended forâ€"that day, and whereas the spirit and sentiment expressed in the nld1 resolution meets with my warmest apâ€" proval, now, therefore, in pursuance of resolved that for the promotion of mutual feeling . througbout the union on the ieterenaiton ted telforie danss ho‘ % proper time for the expression of our Tex., for New Orleans, with 1,100 bales of cotton,sunk in Lake Charles. The boat is believed to be a total loss, The cargo will be saved in a damaged condition, Wrshington‘s Birthday. Wasummerox, Feb. 21.â€"The President toâ€"day issued the Executive order :â€"* Whereas the con current resolution has been adopted Iz Steamer Baraed. Nsw Ortzaxs, Feb. 20.â€"â€"The steamer Mary Lowery, from Red River for New Orleans, with 1,300 bales of cotton and other freight, took fire to day and burned to the water‘s edge. A small portion of the cargo was saved ; no lives lost. Loss, about $4,000. <= _ . this morning that© Holland‘s Woolien Mill at mok.m burned on Sunday morning, loss $100,000. Conflagration. Oovexssuron, Feb.: 21.â€"Yesterday a fire brokoontinfioriflnpof&nh.fl and destroyed property valued at $15, An Impostor BurraALo, Feb. 21. â€"The alleged heir to feturdey or Genending s ow propnn y & tor, &6., in default of bail, was remanded to jail. â€"A im':.h.: is. on fook society people w ve. been 5 his representations, to Ep"q hhfi.d :fmm w“i'u“’ém{ "W. Longfeliow were contradicted by a letter from Longâ€" follov,nldnlotwf:anflu_m Conâ€" sul at New York contradicts hisstatement regarding the members of the family he claims to represent, and ‘decieres him an impo«tor, tural societies of the country, and ?veremy and intelligent, he had over heard of this subject being brought up, but if he thought that this Comâ€" mittee would attain the _ object sought, he for one would gire it hbis heartiest support. He refuted in a logical manner the arguments which had m e ty a protective farm, and showed how‘# clearly for tbo(lrmnr'uinw pracâ€" tical farmerâ€"to have‘ in this matter. If he & ve tariff would benefit, the . cent in the dollar he .. certai s0 for it. AFC Y o k Mr. CASEY : cocincided tlum gpn-od by%ehmn-mh x ellington (Mr. Stirton), the rarmers of CanaUa had not m any dissatisfaction with the present state of things. ® motion of Hon. Mr. Mackenzie. Mr. S[IRITON thought they might indulge the hon. member and {ot him have the committes he aesired, which was a harmless one and had been repested three times already, In all the agrieul tural societies of the ooun&y,-m Mr. MoCALLUM and Mr. PATTERSON expressed themselves in farour of the motion at some length. _ M TROW said he mx:i.du e * ve ;“Pmd télvo efiaotwn u‘ff t:: hon. nuxu- or Centre ington i only saw reason for it, but he did not. May course and pressed his motion in its en report from time to fi;ncr_'i;q-&mi?- his &peech, t'l:‘.th‘m' ‘:::olmn, *. Oc ut at its & > ‘‘ Hop. Mr n&c:xxuzm-uh&r:h: objection to motion provi that portion of it which. empowered the Committee to send for persons be struck out, and complained of the fact that this committee had been asked for and often grauted for several years in succession. Bmorromp,; Feb. 21 â€"It is Mr. ORTN moved for a committee on tl;o wfign}\wm interests of the Dominion, nsisting of Messrs. MoGregor, Wallace, Gaudet, Fergusson, . Harwsod, Biggar, :({“““"" Ross (P‘nEdf,h Bunster, FBurko. ontplaisir, McQu Coupal, Farron, and the mover, be appointed a committee to consider the u:fiulhml interests of the Dominion. with bowar ta sand 6. RPiromimren Poox, ebiebairantiocndiicerss. ... pondence; : â€"Dr. TUPPER moved for cop ies of corâ€" responce between the Government and the Hon. Ambrose Shea, respecting a aim in connection with & luppg of Jabour for the construction of the Inter polonial Railway. Carried. | Hon. Mr. LANGEVIN movred for copies of correspondence, &c., in relation to the despatching to the electoral Disâ€" trict of Charlevoix in the month of Januâ€" ary last of some t"lx.d'th men comâ€" m in summer Quebec Water K)r. SMITH said there was no COrresâ€" Mr. LANGEVIN at considerable length violently accused Mr. Cauchon of sending ‘li:onoyandnticlu for the use of elecâ€" ons . Hon. Mr. CAUCHOX denied the asserâ€" S:m, and defied Mr. Langevin to prove Mr. MASSON took part in the discusâ€" sion, and spoke of certain officials tamâ€" pering with the letters and altering them to suit their own purposes in the elecâ€" tion. y After remaerks by Mr. CARRON. anted Tor several in sucéession. Mr. ORTON decidediy objected 1o this Langevin. _ Mr. LANGEVIN moved for ies of instructions to Mr. Edmond TE.:.pu‘: of the Customs Department at Quebec, on the occasion of his visit to the electoral dhtrlotorandonixduin‘thoboniniq election held in January last. | A M 1 4sA CA N: WASHINGTON. Cimes Vessel Sunk. LOUISIAN A. NEW YORK. um’.“,-?’ y to act promptly. Hodid not recommend the purchase as a financial inve:tment b.t as a political measure it was calculated to strengthen the Empire. mmu&mmmmwm benefit the country would gain by the shares. Sir Stafford Northoote that mcovommtmp.fw.â€"b at the time of the purchase of shares Dmraalt sild, he thought 102 difoussion showed unmistakeably that if Mr. Gladâ€" land ran by ab:ndoning her pos as the i om.'m.qup. pooume the shampion of het oite sellisch not have been purchased, lie delended ;T ommenny . o un td n l m B ll x s..."'n' n'-u th wc,&:" -hh" aware ey % ares that they only carried ten votes Mr. Gladstone pointed out the greut risk Engâ€" Their principal objection was the extravaâ€" Emperor is dead. Loxnox, Feb. 21.â€"â€"In the House of Commons toâ€"-ifll a debate u&r upon the vote for the purchase of the Sr. Persrssure, Feb. 21.â€"The Grand Duchess, Marie Nicolserna, sister of the & capias for $1,400, the amount of his ofinudel;g;“&mdudmmm- Saturday & was quietly : till Monday morning touko&o‘l: for ottohniéthou:m. Wh}:m-d liged to pay the money, be subsequently .umd.d,p.ndnm'um }&.c..u-u Police Station toâ€"day in anâ€" ticipation of a meeting of unemployed ’nn,busumodn(mkphu mh&o&ctfiml:;cmud", Benton and m'ohmbnut'-dn- CS and the Police Magitraiee" . â€"" * Rey. Father «‘Reilly, Editor of the True Witness, lectured this "fl“. large audience in Mechanics‘ on :lg‘lnd’lnbuuqy amid the Nations of A. C. Sutherland, late goods merâ€" ohmtboro,mdwhon&#%m stove .. patent, odt "at ffty fet oi io o on e near , rnidanoesuh’ohlh l‘n‘mb,b:gn- m&\’l-.B:fbi Hfln Md‘h“'* u‘i'ci"o. tor was bentonunchm{oof;flu:g-q,“du Toronto, taking with them Mr. Burnett, of Bellevilie, a lawyer, who soon got out TELEGRAPHIC charges Reinhardt with the seduction of his wife. * _A force of policemen were ‘posted in ight, and without any reason put him in mlglludoondua’hbnhrlfl- ht e mpet/Redtiin apies A quarrel u'ln: out of fih‘md Spenard, which is now pending in t:.’ pesrance at the polise opurt this aftertoony and gave bail to answer to fln‘;r an vated assault, preferred met him on Wolfe street, on Saturday night, and without any reasorn put him in with a of ten. â€" stop, m .zs;mo. Hdl,lzto--o.- tinue their journey: to Ottawa to attend tbo'raovsqm'oBgll. 6 ien Publique says, in reference Sir A. T. Gait‘s ptuph&:â€"“W.d.“ partake of the opinion of Mr. Galt when the cause of the which he depiores, but what we have wmh injustice commited in her name." _ merchant of St. Mary street,.and Thomas Newton, e:‘:rz.?.e:fim.-- apâ€" Moxterar, Fob. 21.â€"Last night James Gordon Bennett, of the New York Herald, arrived by a special train in Speciai to THE TIMES Visit of James Gorden . Bennettâ€"Sir A. T. Galt‘s Pam phictâ€"Charged with "Assault â€"Seductionâ€"A Bcoareâ€"Police Investigationâ€"Lecture =A Dishonest is bs. MMbGREateR t bracs Ibe: B5 ic oc t sible, and for some minutes it was h::d life was extinct. Medical aid wue C cuped"" oc net _Medical aid â€"was: proâ€" cnn:,na:dhowu taken to his h*, where he lies in a precarious condition . Mr: John Wilkie was exercising a trot ting horee this morning in the Park, when at a crossing he cameints collision with a baker‘s cart, and was violently | thrown :’:-hlnud He was picked ‘up insenâ€" | & es( Ineniiies n oR anet: + T doubtediy, commund a certain amsunt of &oqhfiuluhnmfmdlp-d. Mr. T, A. Thompson delivered an adâ€" dre«s on Saturday evening, the adv C 0000( "olaictPes Pss The City Council to night passed a re«â€" solution roduoin;thu::fiiuof ths whole fire brigade. It is understood to be their inunfiautouducotho*i.w- out every civic department. Sir â€"A. T. Gait‘s letter is creating the liveliest Moninpolh‘od&nh,ud is the sole topic o(onm‘“y- where. It is generally admired for its mlnduhpaEQmu,pl-lfl, unâ€" The Law Society of Ontario will present Hon. J. H. Cameron, Q C., their Treasurer, with an address and testimonial in plate, valued at $500, early in April. Â¥resentationâ€"Red of Salariesâ€" W ..t;umzmum-.- Spocial to THE 11Mi3. Toroxto, Feb. 31.â€"The case of Cuthâ€" bert vs. the Commercial Travellers Assoâ€" ciation was continued today at the Assize Court. Mr. Justice Patterson nonâ€" suited the Plaintiff on the growad that where a society any of its memâ€" m.mofhw:ndmnwhm damage sustained y such ap T mhlsodotvofOnhfln will susencls jrom Joidedo are here chartering and hldil";n..hwithiooforthupofl. respected citizens, died this evening.after & protracted illness. e o. scalded on Saturday that she morning & num from Toldedo are hore chasmin. ""H wufl:!:l'r:fi."â€" eC The "'l:‘mvfldm&om :l‘.':;:"“‘“' comes off toâ€"morrow A‘".“"i"“""k"""Ni!!lAid put on .“;'mmfiou!u:; im races posponed h"zs:l:dmflw o Kimmostox, Feb, 21.â€"Mr. Raper, the celebrated English temperance lecturer, speaks here toâ€"morrow ni k â€" The revenue of the Post Office for the year ending the 30th June Death of the Emperor‘s Sister Temperance Lectureâ€"P. 0. Revenueâ€" mMasoure â€"Racesâ€"Soakded ... a s ore®~ FOREIGN . C A N A D I 4 N @BEAT BRITALN PRICE 3 CENTS. MON T<EAL. TORONTG. Kincston named Crotty was so on Saturday that she

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