INns, bis ns, 9 tÂ¥ ot Bo‘e MMILLAN RED CL#U0 CLEANSIYE POWOGA, SNOW FLAKt BAKING POWDER, : THE BEST IN USRâ€"GIVE IT A TRIAL For sale at all Firstâ€"class Grccers. Pl.u-lll‘l Wi five Cac with all . and Suss CiaALDWELL & CO. â€" â€" Ma ; ers N>. 17 Sparks Street, Near Russel! House Morray Pac , Ovawa. N.’"(‘l 1+ hereby given (ni wabed wili appiy to the Par Domivion of Canaca. at it next ! Aet 0" Incorporation tor the "I Ma‘ual Lite Insur@nce Cmn;l;r] Cltawe Jab. 3i isfe. Ottawa, Jav, 27, 1476, !AH goods delivered free to any part cliy _ ttawa, Dec. 28, 1§75, Mills‘ Supply Ager Cut Nails, all sfze Great Reduction in the And ai) othâ€"r zoods in pro O1l, Giass, Putty, etc,, etc P.B.â€"Ageut for Ameri Ba Nalting, F1 Pucking, F1 8 M e Judson‘s }:&.'nndud Govoru':- ro-':.nL M’nm Steam Pumps, aie, aSoacy thike Siiut Un Ls., ar s OOMPANY &o. Y * Has opened an ofice in the city of Hall Prcâ€" vince Of Qâ€"elec. for thé transaction of all Noâ€" tarial and Lega} business, eitter in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec or Ontain. Special care (:wulothoe llection of secounts in both proâ€" Â¥inces, & Ot‘awa, Fol.‘1â€", 18°6 McMillan & <Arless, Jesale Agents for Eistern Colart Tempnrary Cffice at Dr. Jos. Beaudim‘s, Ma Street, Hull. â€" A call is respectfully soticited Oficeâ€"Master in Chancery Cham bers, Co House, Ottawa, Canadla. l IRST @ L188 BUSINESS FoR SiLE. Agents for Ontari» BARRISTER Office over . Corner 0: Suss PIXBIZY. CHRISTIE & HILL W . Buill, March 9, 1875 PaNIEL â€" "ept . Main street _ Huil, P.Q. ~ _ v,. H. FERLAND, BARRISTERS AND BAZRISTEZAS, ATTORNEYTS, SoLICITNR:, VEYANCeRS, «0. (O‘the late Arm of Lexis & Pint ey.) Officesâ€"Eigin street, Ottawa., , H. PIXHEY. A. J Curistiz o P l THOS. BIRKETT‘S, ©0K HERE UFFICE: Hardy‘s Bloc_h Rideau street ___° C > HMardy‘s Block fpcoxxor «& oroarrtyr, Â¥oistores, .um_r ney s En removed the!~ Law Oiflc» to their New w Chambrs, in the builling adjo‘vint tne Montieal Telegraph wiflce on Me'cu[e;otrl ?z. Et Ternnmme._________ SOHH [ wm PENNOCK & MelNTYRE, Ox. JoHN G‘Cexxor, Q,é G. J 2ec. 4, 1874, 4 St, Maury‘s Hospital asd Hu #ex. Testimonials from Kin d n; Susex Co, Hoay iBat; dos popitaur, Paris; Eye Ini Asy.ums, &@ OFFICE mt Vic 0. posite Parlian ent puil :inas OFFICEâ€"Bell‘s Bicex tC Russeil H use. o College earies Com wifery and Late poysie BARRISTER, ) TTORNEY, NOTARY hasgs 2020 210006E UCounor Aud ( ®:reets, sormeriy occupled by D. Corbett Licenitaie 0/ the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh. Licentiate of ths Royal Col ege of Phys‘cians, 1) iobirgh; Felio® of the Obs:etrical Sccigly Of l njon; late Râ€"sident Assista t Ae&‘. e sno fiâ€" Lhom us Hospita), London, Eng. OFFICEâ€"Corne of O‘Connor asd Queen 4 000C BP T OAE eppirinie ta h aierâ€" ids 4 .0 x COTT, Res:denceâ€"Aib $ to i1 v.m,. ana : & ven t0 d sea e uierus. ARCHAMBAULT Barristers, ‘CONXNOR & HoGG IF NOTARY PUBLIC AND apydcats Oct ‘ance.s cured withovut the use of the k nile, by a new but Cortain, apeedy and aimoit tainâ€" I @s n ocess References viven b, periles sucâ€" cessfully treated, if reauiret. ® Day OfMceâ€"Spa ks Nignht Officeâ€"at his NO. 6 RIDEAU STREET *)‘ta wa veste~ Dl. TUPPEWK may oe cousnlted proesâ€" sionaily at his reâ€"iJence, Metomife *treet, hovuse formerly «ccupre: by the Hon, P. Mit: cheil &i‘yl Licentiate o the VOL. X., NO. .4078. HOMGEOPATHE D Ma RRISTER AXxDp ATTORNEYâ€"AT 1. CITOR IN CHANCERY, NOTaARY w m s f .u.xn | P,PRNNoc. [ A. F. MCINTY MARSHAL MATHESON, RI ‘!l._l}_' N WALTON ardware, &r. H. CHRYSLER, . W. WiRDb, F~ Con<ulta PHYSI ber of Foyai lege o Puys R. LOGAN, 18 4 11 alzes, aro °~"-'.‘8-'6 per keg, 100 }bs _ _(‘gnfql!apiox_:s at al R. 0 ©. woon, R. J GTTAWA Oxt er &r. B. Huckeli‘s elour Sl."u' iss >x nod Yoâ€"k streâ€"ts, Ottawa. ARcgal €ards,. Kedical Cards. CELEBRATED RoGrRS , STEWARC & GORMULLY, the | 9 ELGIN SZREET ers, Atiormeys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, &c ove‘s Builling, Ridâ€"an st., Otta American Basting Powdoer THOS. B!RKETT, No. 67 Kidcau treet A TTORNEY, SOLICITOR ETC 0y, 1 of Jise ases n to Min uth s ARLESS ADYVOCATE BARRISTERS, &c ries, &c., &c. to the Par:is mer t of ‘he t it: next & ssion for an or the "The 1 mirion ATTORNEY+â€" ATâ€"L A w given tnat the urderâ€" P‘rc priet .r Mesar, “.'«’71-1 ted at bis Office. corn rof O‘ ‘oz. C PMYsICIAN, gURGEON AXD ACCoCcH®UR. bort street. Cffic> hours from 2 to 4 p.m _ Special attention e< aad displacements of the LÂ¥XX. price of Hardware at . 2oR S eV t Hrapitat; admin. Gene ; Eye Infirmaries, L n ICE mt Victoria Cbumb UkG®oN AND AccocCHEUR, TTAW ®, ONT. portion, Also P: alnts, HRISTIE HOP.HILL MACDONELL, J. T. PESNOCR To aday f ot Rileau strea‘, ne r Glou .0 e Surgeons, Enginnd us, L‘ eland ; of apotheâ€" on ; [acentiate In Midâ€" _ women, Eugland, &c. can<mpton O:1+pensary, acd Hurst Coilege Nu‘.â€" m Kings College. Lonâ€" . Solicitors, Nota« Cen re Town, oppcâ€" OTTAW A. treet, Centre Town s‘deoce, Maria sir et w. p. 4OGG an st., Ottawa SHCY urs (‘DoHERTY , M.D., Memâ€" 2i61y1 AW, soLtT , ETo 2521y1l of the Zry1 203 on 6 &c. 26 Oy CoN Generale 1 TRADE MARK REGISTEREL.] | ~IVTORIA CHAMBERS, WELLINGTON | STREET, OTTAWA. 3 The undersigned has »$ened a Ston Yard, Cornâ€"r of King and 4 A:If' where building stone and posts 0f 3 will be kept constantly on l& respectinily salicited, jur all € $000tF Wirhout délay, Sze does not belong to the tribe of nostrom vendors who deceive and a#indle -lcg‘x eople, uniii a‘ faith ‘s gone, but treats all ‘disease upon Physiologicsl prinâ€" viples and{besides rest ring her patien‘s to realih ahe endâ€"avou‘ s to teach them io reâ€" main heaithy In her window maiy be seen a certificate from the wormt case she has eve: treated. ‘The person r<ferred to, is mother of ine Bugorlpund-m of the Wise psin (UA.) Va ley , and ary epquiries addresscd in his care, will mesch her; Wellington street, P‘\'l'“" I GIBBS & COURSOITLE. SOLICITORs OF A 1 suff:rers from D sease, whether chronle or aovte, should consu t MRS. DR. COCHRANE, Recretary, Oitawa, l_:ab. 12 1s76. W « mtd_ TNo THE AFRLICTED Dhunm l‘ and Tormented. ~ _ W Ilt be Ro!d at the Com pany‘s Office i~ Ottawa, On WEDNESD A Y, the First dity of March next At 2 o‘cigei in the atternoor. LUOMBER AN : COMMISSION AGENT, BROKZEB, Rajot‘«‘s Block, We‘li« gtou street» . UttnWa Jan. 1§, 1876. Of the Shareuolders cf the Ottawa Iron & Stee! Manufacturing Co‘y., CHEMIST.AND DRUTGGIST, 29, Suasex street, Ott .wa. By appointment, Chemist and A hecary to His 454 Rxceliency the Gmmor"lemL Proprietor of t‘ e Canadian ©cugh Emuison an t Celet rated ~holers Mixtar®. A PLUMBER, G:S AND STEAM FITTER Cor Weiling:on and Bank street, Oftawa. u-ulua‘or Pubiic Buildin.s, Grsen Houses,. Private sidences by high or lo r pressur,e Steam aad hot water a spâ€"cialty. TB Rest cf ref:rencâ€"s given I 193 atents of Invention, Ww Tempornry vilice | York Steet, near Sussox shreet I ARE,LFE & MAANE IMSu iCE Citizens Insurance Co‘y The a<jo irned / OTICE. STSAMBOAT TI ‘RET AND G®NERAL COMaMISION aGgENCY, Agent for the following Atst class Compinies EQUITABLE LIFE AY" CRANCR S0cCiETy ot the U.:ted States, A~sets over $ 8,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INsU<aANOE COMrANY ef Loudo3, Hagla d. | Capit«l $1,000,000 DOMINION_ PLATE Guas33 INSURANCE COMPA NY of Montreal SUN‘ “!:T.(:U'ï¬,", _ACCIDSNT INSURANCE Annual General Meseting Fir®, Lirs, Aocio®Nt asp Goazastce T. LAMBERT, COMPA vY of montreal, _ _ _ _ TTAWA RIVER NAVIGATLION CcomPNy RICHELIEU NAViG@TION COMPANY. ~Wq.Coal and Wood for s«te. | G in oce lick, in thi. city. and is kept i4 perâ€" ect order every day. B Famly Ticke‘s for Feason. ... ... .. $8 09 . Lisdies‘ Sing‘eâ€". 200 Gentlemen‘s sincle To kyts.......... ... $00 riogle AdmMitan®@...................... 10 Tickets can bs had at Or~ec & "ou‘s, or at the Rink NHAS. DESJARDiNS, ttawa, Jan. 23. CAPITAL EORGE MORTIMER COSTRACTOR® & BUILDERS®Sâ€" Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1876 K ple of scod bedâ€"rowms with boâ€"rd, may be had at MRS K&RW:3, cornar of E‘gin and Salter streeta | 10041f | SBQ““!. â€" Phee or foar Memners of Parilameot can fiod comfortacle accomâ€" modaton with er withoot Bwir!. by appying at 76 Sussex street, [opposite French cat‘eâ€" dral}. * _ 405%uf} THE TEMPERANCE _ :m0OUSF, 205 Sparks speet, corner of RarF, is now oren and the patronag « of the public <s respectâ€" fu‘ly solicited, Tiarsi ustion is cen‘ral, being qu‘* near the Parliament Bulidings; the room: are we l furnisheg, cheerful and airy, and 1 â€" eons‘deratlon of the hard times, bâ€"ara will be give» at the low price of $1.00 per day. Those wishing comfortable board ard lodging wiil do well to cal‘, â€"4072tf Fl-n'r-CLA!s Board and Todging ; price, $33 per month. ‘ 8. W." Txusi49£ti'e. J C031 This 1â€" the lirgest sh>et of Iq SKATING RINK single g nteman, nea rieat, i; peesible, Appl th . best armmanged ball W , M S‘JMERQHJLF. AJ Doh Odice ‘VA NTEDâ€"tur ag AND BOoaxbi To LETâ€"Ouring seasions, & nice‘y furnish. ea room on flat flo r, in private dwell lug, ou Albert strâ€"e‘, only a few minures‘ wallk from bFarliaweot Bolid‘ugs. ‘Appiy at 1his 412 Roo_us TO RENVT, well furnisued with or without Bours, suit=Dle for Members ot Parniâ€"ment, at M>S. McRAE‘3, 100 Sparks street, corner of Baok. 4064tf T. SUTTor, TT iWA A RARE CHANCE is now offerel to any ons cexlrou> of P-:rcha»lng a beautitul prvate site ror ang â€"ntlema‘s residence, three and > ba‘f weres, opp sits Megars. Garland & Mutchm@‘, on Bink siâ€"eet soad, ove mile from the ¢ty Prot‘s. Terms modsrate. Avnp‘y . JOHNSTON, Othice. 00D ROOMS WITH BOARD.â€"A corâ€" A LADY living in a pleasant loca‘t‘y, would take four tliidrew, over 5 years of age, to buard and nstruc‘. Apply a) Tuts UFFICS 10/31f ‘VAN'I'I»‘.I)-!-:»'â€I w« émpoiment by & mhortband Write=. PHONO, Triks SITI'ATIOX WANTED.â€"A first _ class Housekeeper is in want of a stuation, test of references. Apply to MK3. McR \E, Aibert stieet. 4005( ?lummbers, &r. i0 General Agent ARBLE HALLâ€"To rent by the bight or [LIMITED,] iVlL * Fusurimuce. Z@â€"CAaNAL BA=IN. q GUERARD BHO 10011sS cty OTTAWA on Bink siâ€"eet sord, 0e mile brot‘s, Terms moderate,. Anp‘y S.. tawa City 40 OUf uscircuts. Clean, warm, well ligated and dilants. arâ€"ag the Session, RuOMS a bisa pri ate fumnily. b{ A near the Honse of Parltaâ€" Appls to H.. TiMES OfMce * a OSSU 1. WEST 10OHN MUNRO 4060 m 2 of its siza in Ottawa 80 & 1°$ Ridean stret T % ~ I im U u g l 119' ? ozlzil;ecwt'ter «f BARNARD MULLEN, of $2,000,000 4042m2 eve" encios a <046y 1 4 dJmleod PIOVINCIAL LAYD SURYVEYOR ANXD DRAVGHTSâ€" s MAN. & ocm Successor to W. R. Thistls & Co. q. crl~® 28 formerly, cver Mann‘s Hardweare Semes M ."a1 d . mape io n hepmencnouaitntae, 1 bake ns Tith 1ay formetr Mt, Barrers is onast aal, ‘and bave m uch m in re::.mmeuml.‘. my sutâ€" Rersor HOU+E, SIGN AXD FRESt PAINTER, Wellington street, â€" â€" Near Fcoloy‘s Bricge. Z0"* Every descr.p ion of House Decoration, Inei G:idin>, etc., :‘:‘?Tnl??ulu o siporh? SiFIP and ‘at pilces t. "Oltawa, Fob. 14, 1876, 4 Gif C.AS. W. LEONAXu, !33““ *tree‘, than mavy other EZtore in the € i Kasy Arrangemeots Made to Suit Pur chasers. I-‘nrnlu_lze can be purchased 25 per cent DOCHERTYV‘S, EMBROIDERED SILK APRONS F‘R SALE, at - 400% Als> numerous lllustrative and other scarce Novels, 10. 00 vels. of second hand books in stock comprising Agricuitare, Architecture Eungineering Classics, Dictionaries, â€"themaâ€" tics M.d‘c<!, Philcsophy, Natural History Poetry, Theology, A cient a~d Modern Hisâ€" Travals and Adventures, Omwr“dro: searce Novels; besides, the largest coli of works relating to Canada on sae in the Dominion, at $ P. NAUGHTEN‘3, w2 _ . Bo.kseller, 178 Rideau stre i. RHOW C# SES MADE TO ORIL ER. Harch 12, 1874. on Just received | â€" 950 Vols. of Miscellaneous French Books Call and get pr‘ces before geing elsewhere,. Ottawa, Jan. 15, 1876. 4045yl ARSL® ooo e en s CABARGA‘3 "CLONIALS® do "CORONAS." Offices and Cellars ; Ottawa, Fe‘, 5, 1876 JUST ARRIVED, HAVANA CIGARS, BROCK & CO.‘S "C4 TAK® NOTICEâ€"Parcels delivered in ah rts of the city fot Ave cents each O«FICEâ€"Râ€"Jo‘te‘« B.oos, Wellington street. Ottawa, Jan. 1%, 1476 HAS NOW IN STOCK : GIESLERS CHAMPAGNE, CH, FAKRKS _ do _ _ ‘DEINHART‘S MOSELLE, LLMANN & SCHNAUSERT‘S MOSELLE. Bmusma'rs HJCKâ€"Rudesheim. | do do â€"Liabfranmilich. & CO.‘3 CLARET â€"Montferâ€" | ran i. | C€LOS MA N & CO/S _ do _ â€"Labards. | d> do _ â€"St. Jullen, | do do â€"Margaur* i do do â€"Chateau _| _ Leovite, 85. LOSSMAN & CO/3 S4UTERNE CaALVETS C0/8 CHABLIS, y ERMEL‘3 BURGUNDY. ISA & PEMARTLIN‘3 SHERRIES. NDEMAN‘8, KINGSTON 4 CO‘3 PORTS. ARD DUPUY & C)‘3 RRANDIES. CARLING‘3celebrated AMBER ALE, _ | ‘ | In bulk and bottle. | LOOKING=CGLASS ana * P1ICTURE FRA M 6 ; aNUPAOT URRERS #60 Hnarks st Ottawa, Feb. 15. 1876. HTHUR r, Cor. OCONNOR & SPAaRKS$ STHEETS _ Ottawe, Jan. 1671876 ‘ml nirve OcHERTY Wedn~day marning MBROIDERED OPER\ CLOiKs ns o e e o t e e e e en in s BVT DAY, the Eighth day of March, at Ten o‘cl: or, a m., to receive statemeuts of his| affairs, and appoint an Assirses if thoy see d WILLLAM FIN34LAND, T000 ADCRU CCR The Insolvent has made an \*B“'IIIIO“'- 0 his Estate to me, and the Creii ors are no Hfied to meet at my office, Ridsaustrâ€"et in ‘he City o‘ 0 tawae, Ccunty of Car:eton, on WEDN ES WIL=SON & ORR, In the matter otf JAMES PR City, MERCHANTS : OCKS, BO0OKS, : A: Insolvent. A Writ of Attachtsent h>s !ssued in ths cause, and the Creditors‘are noti0éd ty meâ€"t at my o fice, No, $) Rideau street, Oltaw» City; Coanty ot Carleton, on /Thursday, the Second day of Marco. at Ten o‘clser, .« , to regelve stiteme ts of his affuir®, and to «ppoint an Assigceo if they ®se fit WiLLIAM ,li“[_".uLAN_l\, Ottaws, Feb 17, 1374 An Insolvent The Insolvent has made an Assignmeat of h!s Astule to me and the Creitors are notified to meet at my office, 30 Rideau street, on W D â€" NEUAY, the Birsi day ot March nex"l? At Tep ‘c.00, am , to »eceive »tatements bis a(â€" ‘airs, avd appoilut a> Assignes it thâ€"y s e fil _ WiLLiAM FINGLAND, Offic‘al Au’gneo Oltawa, Feb, 17, 1876 a 40734 l y NSoLVENT AoT OF 1873 OCULIST AND AURIST, Formerly C.inical Assistant in the Von Grafeâ€" ®wers iEye lofirm ry, Berlin +rassia; late Resident uur‘:on, Royal London Ophthalmic Hospital, nglacd. OFFICEâ€"Cor. Craig streot and Place d‘Armes. Hours, 10 to i2 a m and 2 to 1 p m. Ouuwui.’l"eb. 1 , 1876. 4073 m3 2 tawa, Foo. 17, 1376. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1875 In the matter of DUNCAN McARTHUR, & quired in our line of business. As Tallor®, we presume our repsiation is well known taoroughout Canada. Pubite patrorage respectfully solicited \ quarte: of a century has established ocr :fjl!;;tiu:.’l?n as Importer of the best and most ENGLISH GOODS R quired in our line of business. REVOLVER AND WATOH beloâ€"ging o FAUL LADENN:, will be soid by tor, on Lower fown &a«rket, at 10 a m., Wou‘d mnst raspact{ully inform the cltizens of Ottawa and the public ‘in general, that they bave opened a Brauch House ia convection with their Q=ebse house . WB ue His Fxceliency the Governorâ€"General, NSOLVENT ACT Or 1875. Wine Merchant, 76 Miawa, Fob. 21, 18 . F. BUCHANAN, R. BULLER, Â¥.R.C.S, England, A direct Importation cf »>rs & #ilder [late Whiteside‘s] FOR SAL®, also D. MORGAN & SONS. MORGAN & soNS, "CABINET 8" "REINA VICTORIAS." "REINA MARIE YICTO W. E. THISTLE &,00. Duke street, Chaudiere. [ «06ly1 TAIL O RS AL80, MBRY. VEN®® 22 SPARES STREFT, Russell House Bcek. 407669 do do do do Official As_ gn * HAnkei" L. N. NYE * 4088yl W Offiglal assignee, Ts ns TT, of Ottawa Ain Insolvent \p‘z'nmeu'- o‘ rs are no ied â€"Labards. â€"St. Julien, â€"Margaur* â€"Chateau 4 Tlyl 2543 0728 _ _ NET RENT AL OF $59 PER ANNUM, The above has been paced 1 s“*“‘... .‘_‘;‘mï¬l-". and will be a /d a:.b:{ 2 ° auP Wishl~ # to invest, this is, : with doubt a most desirable opportunity, 23 the 1 perty can be m «de to produce over fiftee® ce:4., per annum, ~f the sum invested. R Afiâ€" Byc w““.{: very easy, location . BERMINGHAM. Two vory fine‘y situated Erick dwellings just recently l:zut, u{l now bringin? in a .M THE MOST ACCURATF, [ * THE MOST DURABLES, i TAE MO3T CONVENIENT Ob:awa, Feb, 1°, 1875, HIGBEST PRIZRY UADRBDE +1 1 +%45. .8 126kt +8 spercseer Hhcllv::m Life, a vovel by Marcus e h c sueeneasareeres ssree0 Fortunate Mer,â€" how they made money l'heu:.;' won.ra‘ommn Year BOOK 1o¢ 1§10 .......c....0,, o FOR SALE AT Counct!â€"by a Roman Cathol‘c ley. Wyii=‘s History cf Protestantiem ; ... c.l Tuo‘ lt;lg‘a.e.ln Charge, a novel by Mrs. Ottawa Feb, 22. 1876. _Young ADChn'louoH' n’Ylm:"lnt'xor :} Tho’ Heir of Radâ€" OURIO. 2 VO B ....c2ekr6k cnerrann sn sn en Daniel Uâ€"ro: da, by Geo Eiot, Book 1. . Papal InfallibiLity,â€"rearous why a Ro â€" man Catholic cannot aâ€"cept ibe Dorâ€" trine as deflined by the Vatican onvlo,rrm & Boy.‘s Edinburgh Aiman 2c, for Try our Lendi: g Library, the best collec:ion of the most p pn‘mr _Novolcln the o. ty, o hm: can be ar.anged monthly, quarterly r_yearlr. “l%x'tsvucmnm:â€"z cents per day, with a po ola zines sold cheap. in Ol4 Moge) BATTLE. & ®, i Next cor R deau and Sussex strsets Ottawa, Feb 22, 1876. . 407731 _ AHRUE T UD 26 BMR O .0 0 : MR. KAVANA#H, long and favourabl known as cat =er lnnlho u-‘vnn of (Jonnton{ and Rideau Club, bas now the nicest Dioing Roow i« :he city and capab‘e of accomolaring & number of guests at reasonable prices. WELLINGTON STRERT, â€" Opp. Parliament Buildings. HFeb 22, 1878, @73 sutrreemmmenboun td 2020020 i0004 _ In every respect:â€"worlhyjof the most impliclt HENDERSON & Co.‘s RIAD AND LEARN: Onatner, 300 .374°00 in & dessription of their Costume, in addition to the designation of the character they represent to OTTAWA, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 23 Are requested to send in a dessription of Costume, in addition to tha Analomstia_* LADIB AND GENTLEMEN : ATTEXDmG Their Excellencies‘ Fancy Ball, FAIRBANKS & CO., TANDARD SCALES INVITATION CARDS With tho:r, the night of the Ball. *. F. HAMILTON, A.D.C. 11 Waiting. â€"â€"_â€"____________ ADQ. 11 Waiting, RUISE:4. HoUSI BLJOR Ot‘awa, For. 22, 1876. MOST DESIRABLE INVESTMENT. Are reminded that it is abrolute that they shovid bring their & Their Excellencies‘ Fancy Ball Ottawa, Feb, 22, 1376, TO MEMBERS OF PARLIAMENT, rar book in Bo ml’ ,‘â€"; l:‘t')‘;h n Cloth, $.00. Soiu eysry: where. Either bxok sen‘, rostâ€"paid, for Rsta OLIVER DITSON & 0o. BUSTUON. ‘4 * C. H. Ditson & Co., | J. E. Ditson Ti y'u‘\y.hvny, Bus‘rs to Lee 4 ARD. _* z2 ° °_ 3004 n 04 CDALON+ 250 pages, Pianist s album. $30â€"pages Piano at Home. : pages. F1iNO DUET3 Pianoforte Gems. :s ,.,.. Home Circle. vair is pages Home Circle. Vol. II. 250 pages. Organ at HOME. is ».,.. MuSIC&I Treasure. 90 ravac Ottawa. Feb. 23, 1974, Gems of Strauss. Pianist s aAlbum Piano at Home. . The Best P.eces in Existe~0s #*r Piavo. For Recd Organ. Al of mâ€"derate difficulty. Bound io cony â€"nient Form, Soid at a low price, yrall s | was we D 120000 hi oc 00 Ro CY (AELO ~LHG The Rev. J. GAR:NER ROBR, M.A, of | Bank of England yesterday was £40,000. k /a C t + t~, has "ed to x l,‘,’.’.’;‘,‘::.'-.i’é‘&'i on the .bovom o in ml m s.s. Idaho, from Liverpool, has lecture ro m of Kicx OChurch. Cl'; Pfl l!l'cd:.c New York. . Square, n the eve wung of T -UB!DA‘ , 248| The wl dht:;.l:';cg"'l‘lalmmfv k “m’ "the submarine cable between Sydney &l.?.'h?-’ ;: nirem& Am;. &‘-11'& “‘,',‘,‘" :::cg'lt: f Ind New Zsaland has been successfully s C ieg Rocges Ier inl w2D" Hoot, ast |lald and opened for teatfio a a sse i s s . , o Ins. most favourahle and nm' o?lnlon. The .Steumhlp Circassian has arrived of his abtlity and pou e 88 & Leot ‘rer. . Ohair ‘ at Moville from Portland. taten at 8 /elock, CzO:8, 25 cea‘s ea h. ‘ L Ottawa, Fob. 2% 1876 it nditninrzagy 7 ""?" 10 _ *n mm mmmagn y?°°k8 of Piano and Organ Musie | M TV T T\ /N Ti a w we _a 2l the benefit of the Press. ADIES AND GENTLEMEN Bubject ...... les: Rewntiaka gul L0 DPCCR P CPNET TR . PWERUEY dies furnishe hK marl. Fers mnderate.: Adâ€" dâ€"as DH. FULTON, Hanoser Terrace, 77 Blenrv straet, Movitreal. 4078m% M o eP e o en en Smd KZ Homcewpatoist, suocessially treats â€" 1 kinds Of disemses b{ letter. Nervous Denilty, Skin and Ohronic Diseuses a specialty . Remi. MLCALLCL_ L CHIC Diseases a speciarlity Remi . A. DIXON, Esq., P g being photngraphed, will do well to oal! on MF, Jareis at his studio, 140 Sparks street. His motto is " First class work at moderate prices.‘" Call and see specimens. . 4067tf Frasgr â€" At Kinburn, ou ths 17th inst., the _ wife Of George A, il'mor, of & son. Nzw grey and whita cottons at Cliks. Bryson‘s, 110 Sparks street. i2 New Advertisements. PRIZEY AT PARIS, viENNA AND MONTREAL. 3 ECTURE : MrxBers or Parunincext and strangers ST. PAUL STREET, MONTEEAL. R. FULTON, of McGill Univers‘ty and ho ooo mtc 1e PART CO0AL MU «10. The above are al! uniform in style. have page Full Shro:â€" Music siza, vers d nsely packed, '{tn the mostâ€"vainâ€" Inurumgn al u._um-, and cos: RUU Roman Cathol‘c loy. ATTENDISG A RIRTH. J. F. Ditson a‘gvc..'_, Bus‘re ui,ll;ele & Waiker ' tla. E. R. WARD, , location and BRITISH LIBERTY, A9+ 216 pages, Vol. I. £16 pages . II. 250 pages. ne. 130 pages PC: 20 rages. Rstail prieg. _ilLd Dear Sirâ€"Ye Medical ai.e}. , have p w mmc. ï¬, c *) thought that I o 1â€" had a complicati 2 ';.P manifesting itee A.b.o« 40 12 n~cessary 078y 59 75 All delicacies of the season arrivin muuirwm’-mm. § 1re sewing cotton for hand or m!xin::?'h‘ h“g}thcm’noxln quality six cord. Nutice the anchor on each spool, _ â€"=â€"=â€"= . _ â€" _ 4047 remedial curing the most obstinâ€" ate and [g:tncitbh cases.â€" Bo.d by all dealers in medicines, â€" 4078 * / o Pn TTA pUnIHOr,â€" is & remedy of thirty years ago, and may well © give place, as it is doing, to the more positive and valuable veget sble alternatives which later medical investi tion and discovery has . brought to h‘;fl In Scrorfuls or King‘s Evil, White Swelling«, Uicers, Eryu'&elu, Swelled Neck, Goitre Scrofulâ€" ous Inflammations, Indolent Inflammaâ€" tion,â€" Mercurial Affections, Old Sores, Eruptions of the Skin and Sore Eyes, as in all otkrdheu-,Dr. Pierce‘s Golden Hcdurl‘ iscovery has shown its great being composed of the fluid extracts of native plants, barks and roots, will in no case produce injury, its effects being strengthening and curative only. . Sarsa parilla which used to enjoy quite a repuâ€" tation as, & blood pnm qu a remedy T To se n e Td E E2CE Te nï¬ en Cw mu[oould‘qoth.nmyhdr ; wmmmrmmmmmmmmemmem q R combed without “‘"h{f me mush sufferâ€" Is Phosphorus Thougbt? ing; also causing swollen glands, tonsils y covewe w"fl enlarged or " thick neck," and |_. The Medical and Surgic2l Reporter pub» large numerous boils. 1 als> suffer. , lishes as the result of the observations of ed . tm:r & terrible Chronic Catarrh, and | Dr.. L Hodges, M. D., whersin that genâ€" in fact l was so discased that life was a ; tleman proves that . plosphites are burdong‘o me. 1 had tried many dooâ€" | actually consumed during roental work kana!\ woi Sexvert fube 75009 an 10 Pmd ons Aabo oc 21008 CE A Vatican Decree. Roxs, Feb. 22. â€"It is anneunced that the Vatican has informed Don Carlos that he ought to stop fighting now that success is hopeless. } _PromotiOn. > Roxg, Feb. 22.â€"Tho Italian Minister at Vienna is to be createa an ambassador. Movements of the lnng.' Maprm, Feb. 22.â€"King Alfonso pected at &nï¬Sobuï¬m to day. °_ Army is marching upon Hernani.l ï¬ing _Alfonso entered Tolosa yukrd:‘i afteraoon." The Royalists had previously carried all heights near the town. :“‘Eâ€v Feb. 22.â€"Despratches received L"" y, announce that Don Carlos was Bagtion Valley. Gen. Martinez Cam â€" Disastrous Flood. Loxpox, Feb. 22.â€"The Daily News has a special telegram from Vienna announcâ€" ing the occurrence of most disastrous floods on the Provinces of Upper Austria and Moravia. So far as heard from one bundred and twenty houses have been destroyed. ; . _â€" Considered Hopeless. Parts, Feb, 22. â€"The Carlist General Dom?y has taken refuge on French soil. ‘The Carlist cause is now considered here as hopelessly lost. 1 % Political Matters. | | Parts, Feb. 22.â€"It is stated that Presiâ€" dent MacMszhon has called on M. Dufare to take charge of ‘the Ministry of the In terior until the meeting of the Chambers, M. Buffet resigned on the ground that he . was no longer possessed of sufficient | authority to conduct: the administration. It is said that M. Du‘are advised the‘ President to maintainâ€"the Cabinet as now constituted untii the Chawabar meets. Condition of the State. Paris, Fab. 22. â€"The last of the elecâ€" tion. returns are now in. The members elect are classified as follows :â€"Repubâ€" licans 198, Conservative Republicans 75, Bonapartists 64, Legitimists 26, Conser. , vatives 24, and Constitutionalists 20, Thanks *From the Depths of 1 Meart." | _Loxpox, Feb. 22.â€"A Berlin despatch to the /imes says the Great Powers are endeavouring to induce Servia and Montenegro to prevent their subjects from joining the insurgents. TELEGRAPHIC, ; _ James Gordon Bennett, of the New ,}ork Herald, is expected to arrive in this «elty this afternoon, by special train, accomâ€" _ jpanied by a party of ten persous. It is Minderetood that Mr. Bennett makes this trip for the purpose of attending the | fancy ball at the Governor General‘s toâ€" | pight, and this iluppoahion will, probably, ‘ * be found ta be porrect. If weare correot | , in our surmises} this is the first time Mr. | Bennett has visited Ottawa, and we trust that he will take away with him many ‘ pleasant remembrances of the city. As anewipaver min we welsome Mr. Benâ€" | nett to our city, and wish him & continuâ€" stion of the success which has always , heretofore attended the Herald. _ C 4A6 .amount of builion gone into the Bank of England yesterday was £40,000. The s. s. Idaho, from Liverpool, has s ifeiereg uon 0 C1 5_ Bnmmary of Hcows FOREIG N. Military Affairs. GREAT BRITALN ITALY, AUSTHIA. SPALX,. * A Rumour:; FRANCE. is eXxâ€" j Anumber of New York spcrismen have had l?veuld fox l(:m li; fNow Jersey recently, and each time t ox escaped, and a nu,mber of hounds were lost. Anâ€" other chase is announced, and to obviate similar mishars, â€"a fiftyâ€"six pound weight will be attached to the fox‘s hind leg, and the hounds will be tied on the hunters‘ horses to prevent them getting lost. Arter war, pestilence and intemper» anceâ€"co‘ds lead to the greatest destrucâ€" tion of human life, mainly, because it is eonndend’mbyl::ny to be of no conse quence and hence systematically neâ€" glected, until nunph curable disease, is converted â€" into ‘a pulmonary . one. E'“t' e?l: troubled with whi:‘iq called a sligh or cough, should immediately use =‘ Bryan‘s Pulmonic ‘Wafers" ~they allay irritation at once;, n{g& m most beneficial influence on ~all the Bronchial toinand conly Uned Bad a arus per box. v"? 3 4078 { ® What will you have ?" asked a waiter of one of the Indiana editors, at thedinner in Philadelphia, as he handed him a bill of fare. And the Hoosierswith the high forehead leaned back in his chair, wiped his forehead thoughtfully with a napkin, and ejaculated sternly, * (Fimme all !" Birmarck is baldheaded, but you don‘t catch any German newspapers saying that Mrs. Bismarck is a highâ€"tempered woman, or making auy jokes «bout baldheads generally. The baidhesd man in that country is looked up to. » On account of its adsptability, its safety, its quality of being easily adminisâ€" tered, and of its causing perfect assimilaâ€" tion of food, and above all of its insigâ€" nificant toning effect upon the nervous and muscular tissue. Fellows‘ Compound Syrup of Hypophosphites seems destined toouptphnt not onlp @ll other puu tions from phosphorus, but every tonic, a nd obtain general use. 4078 hy the process of thinking. His doctrine would imply the neoeui:.r of supplying the material !)hosphn'.e- irectly, during the period of great mentalâ€" toil, be it study, anxiety, the continued. contemplaâ€" tion of a single theme, or other labor, tending to weary the intellect. The weather toâ€"day was mild and rainâ€" ing. This evening .t changed and com menged snowing ; wind very strong, â€" 1 uit o ioi o ts E0C Oe imnmemebmike At a meeting of the Council tonight a long and excited discussion occurred on the license inspectorship. The present Inspector, Mr_B. Higgins, was re mppointed at a salary of $50 per annum. F rit vonnt ind iesd couccs c caoal 2 AThe ill feeling between Elder Jefferson and the recording‘steward of Bathemanuel Church, occasioned by a disturbance at! & recent mseting, and arising out of mongy matters, has been settled by referring the case to the City Treasurer for arbitration. Archdeacon â€" Cowley, _ forâ€"thirtyâ€"five yuntminiomq among the Indians of the Northâ€"west, is in town, and intends delivering several addresses. Rev. Mr. Greon, of Ailsa Craig, charged with forgery, appeared here to day for irl'n“l, but the case has been remanded. I Mibibe > ame? d dvtararier:cadle a».> morning about two o‘ciock at Messre. F. A: Fitsgerald & Co‘s. oil refinery. The fire broke out in one of the, stills, caused by the bursting of a llto;f» oo?ik. and coumu nic,audtonooup e of underground tanks filled with tar, about fifteen orsixteen feet deep, which will take a week to burn out. Loss about $500. â€" Ter on Firoâ€"Misstonry Lecture â€"Trinl Pmpo-odâ€"Arbllnuonâ€"ll-mtor of Licenses Appointed. Loxnox, Feb. 21.â€"A fire broke ont this Conflagration, ALDEX, Ia., Feb. 22.« â€"The elevators beâ€" longing to Taylor Bras , and Richardson & &beruon were burned yesterday. . Loss, , 000. â€" . Nomineo for Governcr. Cixomnart, 0., Feb. 2.â€"A special from Indianapolis, Ind., says that Godlove 8. Orth was unanimously nominated for Govâ€" ernor by the Republican Convention this nann . 1876. NoR e Te CHICAGO, Feb,. 22.â€"Shortly after twelve o‘clock last night two men, named George Cameron â€" and Frederick Schneider, enâ€" tered a saloon on State street, and while they were standing at the bar Cameron, aprarently without any provocation, drew x revolver, and holding it to Mr. Schnei der‘s head, fired... He than shot himself. Both men dlied almost instantly. ‘There | 18 & 'm?lfl'fl‘.‘:"fl two men had preâ€" arranged this mode of dying, P U0 Ssn h agtrndtiiieed RR..â€":â€" Washin, Light Infantry Corps. of this city, mgb;mcoded by the, Murine Bard, fnud up Pennsylvania avenue this orencon, and paid marcting salute to the President. K.ll the Government Departments are closed, and business is erally suspended. In Alexandria many ï¬:zm are decorated, and the streets are ï¬lleq‘ with people to witness the groat Washington‘s Birthday, Wasnrxorox, Feb. 22. â€"The celel of Washington‘s Birthday here is limited. ‘The Fiith Maryland N1 9,“",:"- of Baltimore, â€"escorted NEew YoRrK, Feb. 22â€" By the e: of firew ks in Greenville, F. Y., day five men and three childre dangerously, if not fatally, injured NEew York, Feb 22 â€"R. B. Irwin, forâ€" merly agent for the Pacific Mail Steamâ€" ship Company, was arrested ou complaint of Rufus Hatch, exâ€"Managing Director of that co npany, this evening, on a charge of having embezzled $250,000, the roperty . of the Pacific Mail Company, ï¬e gave bail in $50,000. 1 20000 PCE ! Gexeva, Feb 22.â€"The coroner‘s j the case of Ellen Henderson, whos was found: at the side of the r trick, near Geneva, rendered a : this morning, criminating James A dal, who was arrested . - . . jIV Of assets and liabilities of the Third Avenue Savings Bank, of whico Green was the Prelident‘ and Darling the Socn:tu-y, ad interim. & arrest of Wm. D Green, the charvse of March, 1871, g‘xl_nil_)il: of assets _ P OMRCRS XzEw York, Feb, 22. â€"The suspension is announced of Benjamin B. Tilt & Son, silk dealers ; liabilities, $300.000 to $400,000. ‘No estimate of assets made public _ The | firm is connected with a silk manufacturâ€" l ing firm at Paterson, N. J. AMidder & Co., 74 Broadway, liquor deal* ers and rectifiers, have suspended and assigned. â€" Linbilities about $200,000 ; assets not stated. P Arrested for Perjary. Warrants were issued yesterday for the est of Wm. Darling and Spencer K. han The aLiL C Ci e WOs E Kidder Donblp Tragedy. 4ME Ii¢FCA NX . LONDon. Cc m 0200 ApPEOT e charse being that on the o 1871.‘ they_ swore to a wasHixcron,. Coroner‘s El.b"ll.flf.l.. ILLING}8 10WA OHIO. Acc‘dent, Suspended. NEW YORK Fallure. Verdict. â€"The celebration By the explosion 4078 _\ ture. *. 1.,. yester children were or‘s jury, in whose body he : railroad 1 a verdict To morrow evening a mass meeting of ladies connected with the temperance cause is to be beld to discuss the clauses of‘womhqnorhdl. s rain storm lrflflulim hll'm-c'dnk, mild temperaâ€" groat mis ar, Bomme of the ‘post office depare late Mr. Burns, post office ment, a meeting of the directors of the Dominion of Canada Civil Service Benevoâ€" lent Society was held this evening, and voted to the widow of the deceased the amount she was entitled to This vote for payment is two months in adâ€" mooof{l.u(imoinwhichsewmeould be made f . James Peters, a boarder ina house on Cannon Street, was asked for two weeks‘ board over due. He then became insoâ€" lent, and threatened bodily harm. ~A Paredeand this momming ho. pned &7 uns reated i € Ts pinorminie maar ing an nolawful w which be nrentansd to kitl hn feadumg This evepin slivdydm&gf oau."?cnhfmoeï¬udnnaty cil in reference to the new liquor license bill, and the fixing of the rates to be charged for licenses, _ * _ â€" _ he l4th a fa‘se In Mourningâ€" Thie? Arrested â€" Disorâ€" â€"ihe Licewse L» .« â€" l :m’my-m†â€"mee .m:‘ Haxiutox, Feb. 22.â€"Kuox \Church was Sunday draped in mourning in conseâ€" quence of the death of their late pastor, %cv. W. H. Rennuelson. The morning and evening services were largely attended. ‘bO:S“ld'Y Mx;’th;.:tmonl sermon w::lf Knox Coliege, Toronto. * About three weeks ago a coloured man named Dancy, employed in Hog‘s barbar shop, Royal Hotel, robbed the store of $60 in cash, and other property worth about $30, and then deun#od. Dancy was arrested in Waverly, N. Y., at the inâ€" stance;of a detective from this city. j Riluss mers D: W 21 00% & & In the House of d%" d.â€. Mr. Woodworth introduced a ti to repeal the clause in the Educatien Act preventâ€" ing clergymen trom num toe Halifax Schoolrlgnd. Al.r? a bi repeal the Act,appointing a Provincial N o ema atten e e inti k Mrs. Kent Masson is drawing crowds here to hear her temperance lectures. HMaurax, Feb. 21.1â€"The â€"steamer Ber muda arrived this morning from Portland, The steamer Hibernian has sailed for Baltimore, the Bata for Bermuda, and the it_.. Thomas and George Shattuck for St, 1Grre. 100 00 COTCCCAICE Wos Unsadis momypundb{:uï¬on the council and to submit a byâ€"law to the w.; granting a bonus ‘of $200,000 instead $1000: 0; as previously proposed to a duly qualified company undertaking the erec« tion and running of the necessary works. B i= *‘ Ansemain * RIMe Assoptacten® perance Lectures. ers and their a minated in the The auditors st he now | erant wap; ___ ___""6, ©O0Cerded in ’ulQ',’.eel!l:i-‘l;)bh’ was d'mhm f, custody this forencon. The charge against Andrew Henderson, saloon keeper, of receiving pgor“y knowing . it to have been stolen, and try~ ing to dispose of by auction, is s investigated. "°_" being Theodore Tilton Jectures here: on the 28th instant, under the ‘auspices of the lec!nnigs_’ Institute. % \ __At _ the investigation into the muddle this afternoon, while t] tec‘ives were being exami the magistrate left the court in .im dence showed> that k6 went h'y.r, s office immediataly afe... 1 The lisbillties of the absconding mer lcln.nt,, Sutheriland, of the firm _ of Sutherland & Keinery, are about #25,000. It is also tnou‘hthh_umdita-im England, and it is believed â€" that tho1 fugitive has sone to San Francisco to join :lpmmy,mucmhmasybefml ed "vestardav wis. 3: __* CC VO. 8U6 penaed yesterday, with direct 1i ilities ,ofnbem $60,000, and indirect i““’"‘l dlities ‘oubouOWm Their failure was no doubt hastened by bard ti hi guo to tb:ou same causes which have t a t the sus ion of. n of capital and a too extensive use of acâ€"| commodation paper. Mr. ‘P. 8. Brown, official assignee, took possession of then‘ ‘ stock toâ€"day. [m De sworn, '[ho Cu, 3 Roy, said they had the rig him to answer and be sworn it to a vote it was ied, t that he be n'or:un.:g' c Friday. . If Mr., McDougall s is more thon probable the brought into requisition. The_‘ï¬m Oof Deslisle Bros 0OR bistcec sA l A .o y _ ; _ "ht he was the accused party The city Attorney said there were no accusers or accused persons; it was simâ€" ply an investigation. Mr. Kerr defended Mr. McDoug-lf and refused to allow hi. 7 i y L2. Monu“, Feb. 22.â€"At the Committee investigntion Mr. Mel the founder, refused to be sworn ground that ‘he was tha ansuue HAMILTON, of HALIFAX. state that the books of the s are badly kept, and conâ€" COUMteo C tyA UH Water Works Commission auditors, which to day cul« e resignation of the lnter 72e o0 ODOOe three to one, 1?0 sworn and examined on .mxla‘l j -‘ Lhn-.urn..L_Ll, T .uu.mfm i TORONTO, ‘W.wmin.m-l'i_ |â€"â€" that he went to â€" a immediately after leaving, nesnmmmmmmtinns............._. 1oon, while the deâ€" @xamined, the police Introduced in Mr. Kerr defended used to allow him ï¬â€˜, ‘MQ,' Mr. e right to compel nwom;_ On putting 29. WPVE ueS the Water McDougall, Uses Cmare ‘& ‘Co.‘s extra qualty saik cord cottan, with anckior on zpool. Leadâ€" ing sewing machine agents say it is the does not possess ~namely, the right endow one man with the goods of. Iti:uphhlyleuoddtn-bu;( , to all minds in which a strong sense ) right rules paramount, and I look to a timeâ€"perhaps long agai© in the h« Mmuur:‘wmu f understood, and wheon ‘duties â€"of gorv; ernment will be proportionately soribed. .. . J A. Auue®. | _ Certainly, if strings of, words ¢ Imtnrcnm-h;a ave it here with | a vengeance ; t s time bowoouldpxil d Par liament, be an injustice?. : 4 What, then, can an act of ut make a wrong & fight. if #0, . you g:;;ngm::tmt&r f acted rightly ; ir Jobn to i $ and here at least nnd“'ï¬- for this 1s <tr.A ngâ€"has it never cccurred to you, that a Government is possessed of no right which did not ï¬mb.lï¬:g‘- and me (the people), and was to it by us; but inasmuch as I cannot 'nbdlqyutwouko the money of . workman Jones to give it to n‘% man Workman; neither can I deligate a government & power l did not uulwlneh, consequently, a govern 1 police will be . | and â€".manufacturers fpu rise 1 | But the present has its rg ; | in some deeper czuse, than the want of f} higher protection to jour native r | tries. Onr::ghbou to the South of 1lâ€"us, with a tariff so 10 be > | almost prohibitive, and our aren in the old motherland with free t ; | feel equally with ourselves the wi | adversity {nnhng over their resp e 1{ hnd-._ Overmdmsqu!wm nndvn‘: x portation producing a plethors | markets must have ond«cfin stagnat | of bmhmwhhniudl:;m:u ’h: & consequences. ut there nro other | causes Likewise. If our Government coÂ¥ by a Midas touch croate money, I |not be unwilling to see them bestow it gonnit;nlfy to meet the pr;;ont list ut course proposed t with two v03 e diï¬culï¬zu c arising out tfl fact that, by inc the Customs Diuties, and thus checking the importations ‘you cu: off or so d » ish the revenue that, if resort d to, ) < mmdthordnkintomondb ; or forego theâ€"mdvantages of a civili : society and the pmaioujo;‘:c“ uol no revenue, no pay, no ju ; Â¥, t might not objectionable to bestow f our â€" manufacturets â€" in Kaw d Toronto and‘ elsewhere, if that money . dlopred down from Heaven .or out 'Dr. ‘upper‘s coffers ; yet where S; to its bestswal all this money hes first : be taken out of the pockets Ll: oralyâ€" handed sons of toil, or of orked â€" professional men, &s., the matter assu a quite different aspect, growlhio a mani« â€" fest injustice and most palpablé wron; taxing permanently our most ishport: 4 most extensive, aud least 4 +9 i interest, in order to eve [t! pdre > ary dnpmaionofnnotr‘:i&:@hioh depresâ€" . sion extends likewis : to hi ar '!‘, stowmd United States, and to i ~_ egree, that its manufactures are G K to be making a "slsuguter market" 0 * Canada, disposing of their goods here t _ azzncriï¬oe, if only they can get rid of _ t m, * se Ixrosren and Prize Periunes, for refillâ€" &d‘u. '.M,Dm‘ï¬ï¬‚.?mulo&h generally, the least opus our community, were and I am glad that thei Of course it would ad to largely to see our graat "wtle PROTECTION, i Btill the protection afforded is . quate to the requirements of the . Fake tRap® .o _ . ) "| | _‘ Or, say rather of the manu or %mmm.n ‘:,_ ‘ FREE TRADE, 2 1 â€" 1 OV 1t Free trade, indeed ! Why. tha word is a misnomer, There is no. such knownufmtnd-inthiloouohy, every important interest is by highcu-tomdna'uminum manufactarer and importer,. our present Government, instead of lo 3 the tariff of Sir John, have & rdind 3.“ t‘: I have hear? SirJohn pubâ€" icly disclaim all convnexion »with nbouond‘fluï¬n_“niï¬ï¬‚ ’ From the Hritigh \Gh‘. f ? 3 a s MR. ~PROTROCTIO®N, _ + Well, Mr. FmTrudo.lbp. you will dlo:lt.lf:u we a.e indebted for our manufscturing distrets to your f Reform Government; but we hope lt‘::. t:x: ::a. Sir John introd in of trade nonsense, a policy of protection ias will give ne life to our dying manufactures. "Â¥ ~3 MR FREE TEADE, . o _ = © hans. _ pop, _# * Vevn@ou & Tho‘uo?g.:fr'lli‘muo.m._r"h: t tw P upon snow EEN l::uinodl Mh Tok y ereon, | M C The new steam fire engi has bet terted tmicey with not aisopomer satitzn i ce s dapal) e ise starting a line of steamers h:'n ‘city to the Saskatchewan if the Dominion Government will snlni@i..u M&:. by.stage to morrow. â€" He wiil reti & his Pzflflhliyinluu.. return to his and dents ‘and "postal and oL Yaientine‘s n.,... rat a grand skating carnival atâ€" &k in :lhoevenm.:.d The costum=s farisk t and attracti hev numerous mthe former olm':'nh. The militaty band and elife of the city were in attendance. DLA LOGUE w ie TECTHON AXD MB. PE nive ..t11__, _, __ 107 0 HOOHBIG+ ter public affairs with tolerable effici=ney, Our delegates asked for an i af the subsidy to $106.000 The & consents #90,000, If the House advance $10,000 "more, Manitobs applaud and be satisfied. € _ "A""EG, Feb. 21.â€"The ,-t-" 10 ’or the Dominion â€" Parli i m mover aud seconder of the Address, the P'Omier, and the WQf the 0" osi â€" tion are regarded favourably here, the conclusion being that the House will sustain the Government in giving Maniâ€" oek another $10,000 which would place the Province upon its feet financially, and nable the Local Government to adini o. Wixxipec, Feb. 21.â€" l..n‘i"oh in the Snear ;A am not prepared so A Manitoba Subsidy â€" Carnival ~ Buildings â€" nlruu',â€"'.u‘h‘ I...u’- clety â€"oncert â€" Treops "on Suow.« shoesâ€"New Steam Fire Enzinsâ€"Fop Ottawa. Ottawa. PRICE 3 CENTS least obusidered 5 in , Wwore Hover 2o prmperion C 0 P M Y hh t <atrs J c ind the leader of the Opposi regarded favourably here, the : being that the House will ie Gorerament in giving Maniâ€" her $10,000 which woald place ce upon its feet ï¬nueid!,. and Fanstdeg . s "We 1° Sdeir turn has come. l ad hmy-ï¬.m ® commercial mer rs }::“ nt Thories MaANITOSA alphabetical list of CEN MEZ. PLG FLEE TRADE, other useful infor