DS |! nengs, he â€" en rket iPT. _ s NS #EAL Ins, **t Marce 35, 1274 Milis‘ Supply Agercy No. 11 ap.r:;:: ;: .Ruull House CaLDWELL & CO, â€" â€" Ms & Baws, Beiting, Filss, Packing, Files Axes, Judson‘s Mtandad Uo'vumw " e in ns Ageney of the GLOBE GAB LIGH1 COMPAN Y . &c. UGreat Re arefQQW 0+ 50) uaus 10 0OBt EB .J:;Tlmy Offjce at Dr. Jos, Beandin‘s, Ma n _ Ruil, March 8, 1875. ) _ n o arim nc ons AEREY T fQ. ABRCHAXBAdLFE NOTARY PUBLIC AXD ADYVOCATE, Has opened an orfice in theâ€"city of Hull. Proâ€" Yipnce of (Q .elec. for the transaction of all Noâ€" tarial and Lega) business, either in the Proâ€" vince of Quebec or Ontatin Special cure fl"ltotboeileeuonolmtl in both proâ€" Â¥i Mess Hul:, Oct 2%, 1â€"74 .“'.'C’"JW UBRERS #BO =narksâ€"st BARRISTER, / TTORNEY, Mocâ€"Master in Chancer Hoose, Ouawa, Cinada. L. w. P. COUTLEE, B.C.L,, BARRISTER, ADVOCATE, &c., ° (Fir the Provines of Quebec.) BARRIGTER, ATTORNEY, SOLICITOR IN CHAx« CERY, &c., . (Tor the Province of Ontario.} _ Main street, BHuil, P.Q. 3283ms6 n?v. H. FERKLANE, â€"~~~1â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€" P1CTURE FRAM B WILSON & ORR, arvers & Gilder DC+ over Mr. B. Huckeli‘as #lour Stor corner ot Sussex and York stre .ts, Oth';n, Pl!-er CHARISTIE & Hilt, THOS, BIRKETT‘S, PaNIEL OCONNUOR _rept . 18 4 BARRISTERS Ayp ATTORX EYSâ€"ATâ€"L, C!ToRS, CONVEYANCERY ETC Ot‘awa, Ont. BAR&ISTERS, AttortErs 00K HERE. BarRtsTER Axp Arror: ClTOR In CHaNceRry uFFIC@: Hardy‘s Block, 1 {p‘coxxor® «& ornourrtr, se s o Te M+«ve removed their Law Office to their New Law Chamors, in tha bnllnlz.d)omm: tne Imuql Telegraph utlice on cu‘o;)l:.&t e rmmmemme,oummmmmegene on 4 ons nc n( *B~ Mosgrove‘s M'B'ld-cuu.. Ottawa ox. Joi® u‘Coxxor, o. 0. 4. n'uova wJec. 4, 1874 « W bends f r Prig_ie a}; C )C@D piaced in my I uperi=«endent ct the wi‘a‘,l0"e" 0! | bands for Priva‘e Sul, and wili ‘be s d at a the Superi=«endent ct the Wihe tsin (U.S.) | great sac:ifice, the price deman baing less Vaiey R R.. and anyâ€"enquiries addressed in thas the coâ€"tief erecting the burlding, his care wiil lr;weh ber ;8 Wol:uncton stm l | _ To aoy one:u-ul *bg lol;vaall. :h i9, ‘::thont ¢Fposite Roya ‘xehange Hote doubt a m=st desirable oppor tun »® proâ€" Uttawa, Feb. 5, 1876. #0Um2 | perty c:n be maode to produce over fifteen per m to:u. per &nuum, of the sum invakta . * . 1 VRe P treary °106. 20046 ubtil a" faith ‘s gone lreats ull disease upon Physiolog cal fiples ard besides rest riog ber patien‘ ‘ealth. she end»®avou s to teach them i wain healihy In her window m 1y be se ce:tifeate from the worst case she has Wreateéd. The persou referrmi is L6 288 BARRISTER, ATTORNEY. SOLICIrOR, ce:tifieate from ,,. .. ___ !COw my be seen a NET RENTaL or 35 ce:tiGcate from the worst case she has eve | The ab>ve property, has treated. Tte perso: râ€"fetred to, is mother of bands f t Priva‘e Sar, am the Superi=«sendent et the Whe tsin (U.S.) | great sac:ifice, the price vijey B R.. and avyâ€"enqutries addressed in | thna.. i . _, 100 L280 Price is care wiil resch har. ‘up hi Adt € OFFICEâ€"Beli‘s ‘~ Rassell H us Pwindle sc treats all . p, COTT, STEWARF Witbout delsy ‘CONNXOR & HoGgo, O[ the late firm of Lewis & Pintey,) *s â€"Eigin street, Ottawa. PiNu®Yy. A. J. CmmIsTTE f[ P. HrLI LOOKINH=GLASS ana of College of Physicians COTOE PVO Auplbter torl fln Mlnhie ut MBE LC : ad earies Company, Loadon ; Liceotiate in Midâ€" l"uery and aheuxn r: women, l‘.anhnd. #c ate pbysician to Minc lnnam pton spensary, 1>St. Mary‘s Hospital and Hurst Coilege. Susâ€" +°ex. Testimonials from King s College, Lonâ€" :’!«-n: Saves P' llr? lta;;fladmln. Ganerale e# bopiaut, Paris ; e infirmaries L na ic Asylums, 4g ur'lc:’-r. Vikkwia 1 mescx l2 1 w ER | P.PEXNOCK, A. F. MCINTYRE 1 W AREKER | P.P I Y "inkrson. p_ i03 NOFal College of Phys clans, E inbcrgh; Felio= of the Ubs:etrical S ciory of Lonjon; late Râ€"sident Assisa t Accouâ€" cgeur fS . Tnomas flos(p'nl. London, Eug. OFFICEâ€"Comneâ€" of Comnor aod Queen streets, sormerly cecupled by Dr. Corbett. duction in the price of Hardware st POP P Poar tb hac ind cA cesafu‘ly tâ€"eated, 1rraqx:lr:¢. Â¥i°. Logaix, posite Par MARSH L MATHESON OUftawa, "outh s:de ot Ceste ~. . W. WaARD, ardware, &r. Licentiate of ALn ER, &J _ slonaily a bouse formerly chell Ma Licentiate o the Royal kinds of ‘iseases by Nkiz and Chrosie Di cles furpishe by m does DR fDiLTo 10MCROPATHIC PHYSICIA®, ACCoUCHECR EINSLEY XÂ¥_ Wwartox ber Of Rovalt nlaca Snâ€" MRS. DR. COCHRANE, $&@~ Contultations at a}. houre â€"â€"_______S RIRE homre ).. 0 v. woop, PMYSICIAN, SURGEON AXD a _ THE AFFLICTED, and Tormented. . «HRYSLER, suffâ€"rers from l)ni. te, should cor su ; ' VOL. xX., NO. 4081 E. ROGERS, s detceâ€"Albert street. oufc\ hours from 1 =.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. Special attention 2 i0 d sea o+ mod displacements of the is . Acgal C€ards SURGEONX, OCULIST ANXD AURIS Special attent 0n to Disgas»s of the ar _ Artificiai eyes nsert>‘. @@FOM « Hours 3 to §A nd 7 to 9 p 1 Reaitenceâ€"3? Boaver Hill Terrace, 3 Feb 3 176 K. J. P. LYNN, ers, Attorneys, Solicitors, l:o-rqueon-. de be comsuited at hi« ind Albe 1 s reets, @. TUPPEK may ve c delsy. Sbe does not belong to tha posirum vendors who degsive ard CK afale messcudecect ns @~OM « Hours /3 to Snd 7 to@ p m * altenceâ€"3? Boaver Hill Terrace, Montreal reb;ll.-psr P lt _ taemé I.Hrl'l.‘l‘.!: of MeG!ll Univera‘ty anc VEYANCKRS, &c, Kedical Cards. iiarneys, Solicitors, Notaâ€" ries, &¢., &c. DK PULTON, Hea street, Monutreal. BARRISTERS, 4C ADVOCATE, 187 & A. PROUDFOOT, um O Fun ceb t t o t _ OFFICE «i Vietoria U bam bers, lan ent Buil.iinas ‘TORNEY, NOTARY, &c. . Chancery Cham bers, Co .rt ‘s Block, Ride=u street PENNOCK & MeINTYRE, Bicew, Cen‘re T ~Sparks +treet, Ceatre Town cAt nis rusidence, Maria sir et, ed without the use of the knie, certain, apeedy and aimo<t ; ainâ€" 29"9;00&1 given by puries sucâ€" ATTORNEYâ€"AT I > Royal C I °e EuN, AxD_Accorcuzur®, UTTAW A, uNT. at his restdence y cccupeu by : from Kings College, Lon.â€" Hoapital; admin. G=nerale ; Eye Infirmaries L na ic _ R: Col ‘m"’:';l'â€_kwd Surgeons, MACDONELL, , SOLICITER=®, cox XEYSâ€"ATâ€"LA W WALTON, W.D., Mem»â€" 0‘leve Surgeons, Engi=nd ; 2" 2200 Univera‘ty and iâ€"t, successtully treats a l by sett=r. Nervius Derdlty, RepOROCouen on w # GORMXULLY, NOTARY, KTrc Rkl\w stree‘, ne r Glon eases a specielity . Remi teach them 10 rs. Office, corn rof O‘ ‘o~â€" wW. D. HOGG , Whether chronic *Sers. eland ; of apotheâ€" scentiate in Midâ€" Fees e c netited pro esâ€" moe, Metcaifq »treet, by the Hon, P. Mit. 381 yl , SURGEON AXD 2i6iy1 A W, SOLT Discounraged Zyi Jwn, mnderate _ Ad erâ€" Terrace, 7 be seen a one, but al prinâ€" len‘s to oppoâ€" the Eye and T. colmm: & BUILDERS THE MCST AcCuRATE, THE MOST DURABLY,] THE MOâ€"T CONVENISNT. HIGREST PRIZEY AaAT PARIS, VIENNA ~ AND MONTREAL $900f Uttewns Feb, °2 1876 GIBBS & COURSOLLE, SOLICITORS OF t Patents of Invention, PA'I'B!'I‘ U FOR saLy, EMBROIDERED SILK . 4 Sm3 HOU+SE, SIGN AND FRES o PAINTER, Wellington street, . â€" Near Fcoley‘s Bridge. Z~ svery deserip ion of House Devcration, Inciudiog G:1ding, purulnln;. Marbiing, ete.. executd in a supericr style ani at prices to suit the times > Ottawa, I'U[;. 14, 1876. _ Lt nedt (TRADE MARK RSGWSTERED,] ICTORIA CHBAMBEERS, WELLINGToXNX STREET. OTTAwWA as 2°0 T.NXD+RD SCALES Citawa, Fob. 5, 1876 Rideau ~tree‘, than rity Ensy Arrangemoents Made chasers. 2451 Furnitare cheaper 1 DO(‘IBI". Bajotte‘s: Blook, w.E'.w. street, _ Uttawa, JaD. 14 1876, TAK® NOTICEâ€"Parcels delivered parts of the city fort Ave cents each _ | O«FICEâ€"Rejo:ty‘« Biges, Weilington LUMBER Ax Call and get prices before going elsewhere, O.tawa, Jan. 15, 1876, 1045y1 =â€"â€"_â€"_____________ 0000000000 4 9P 3/s _ nhumerous INustrat‘ve and other searce Nove!s, 10 00 veis, of second havd books in StoCk _ comprixiag Agricu‘tare, Afchitecture, Eugineer:: g Classtes. Dictionaiies,| u â€"thema. tes, _ M« d c«!, Philcsophy, â€" Natural Aistory Portry, Theo!0gâ€", A cent a d R)darn Hisâ€" tor es | Travels and Adventure« Oratoryâ€" searce Novel* ; beid‘s the l.rged col:ertion of works relstioy io Canada on ?. in the Pominion, at P. NaUGBTEKN‘4 Po ksejer, 178 Ridedu *t‘e i. Ottawn RWan 11 rese Ma MBROIDERED OPERi Ottawa, Jan. 1%, 1476 9sf Vt;lk; ;f Iliscellaueuus Fretich Books HAS. W. LEONAxu, e&,j Ottawa, Faon Fo rerms, which »re y all par lculars, apply to Two very fine‘y sitnate1 Friek diflll s recontly buiit, an ! now bringluz it a fng DOCHERTY‘S, do do â€" Leovil‘e, *83. > CLOSSMaAN & CO‘3 SAUPERNE L CaLVET3 CO./3 CHABLIS, KERSELS BURGUXNDY. MISA & PEMARTIN‘S SHERRIES BANDEMA N‘3, KINGSBPON & CO‘% 4 OTARD DUPUY & Co‘s RBRANDIEY l CARLING‘Scelebrated AMBER AL} In bui and bottle. T. LAMBERT, CABARGA‘3 "OnZLONIALS® do â€" | «coro~as" _ | Ofices and Cellars Cor. OCONNOR & SPARKS . ___Ottawa, Jan. 16, 1376 h 4 Otrawa, Feb. 1~, 18 43 ST. PAUL STREET, MONTREA L. HAVANA CIG ARS, BROCK & COJS "C.4 do y‘y JUST ARRIVED, | HAS Now IN sTtock : ,GU.S .ERS CHAMPAGNE, CH. FARRE3 do _ | | DZINHARTS MOSELLE, i ALLYMANN & SCHNAUSERT‘S NMOSELLE. ; DEINHART3 HOCKâ€"Rudesbeim. | co do â€"L{ebfranmiléh. MERCHANTsS ; CLogiNANN & CO/3 CLARETâ€"Montfr ra + CLOSSMAYN & CO/S . do | â€"Tanird. 00okKS, BooKs hsn e ies en i en e n m e ong [u quire! in our line of businew. |__As Tailo«, we presume our reputation is we‘l known tormughout Canada r Pab.ic patronage respecifuily solleited TDt * quarte of a century bas established o~r nr‘ug{-m as Importer of the best aud most s loct We u‘d most respeotfuily intorm the .c‘t‘zens of Cit«wa and the public in general, that thery have opene! a tiranch House i1 ‘conpection with their Qveb»c house ENGLISH GOODS MOST DESIRABLE lis Exceliency the Governorâ€"General, Miawer, Feb. 21, 1874 can le pu chased 2; LD SILK APRONS FOR SALE, at . F. BUCHANAN, Wine Merchant, [late Wh tende‘s] D. MORGAN & SONS. co COMMISSro® AGzxT property, has been CGUEKARD BRY Po 15. A direct Importation (f MORGAN & soNS, MBRY. VENN‘3, Duke street, Chandiere. Pull2 d CP PCPPUIT rable Opportunity, »s the proâ€" e to protuce over fifteen per Of the sum investe ‘. ch -‘m Â¥ ry easy, location and PY to } 4. BERHINQ“!A‘.\’L * uction< et, 1875 a074tr now inctmages 2 frfâ€" ‘H0M any other Stote in TAILORS CaABINERT&"\ _ RELNA YICTORIAS." RELNA MARIE Yicro U iaxras 12 8.\ 22 SPARKS STRERT, ___ Russell Hou:e B« 2) PER ANNUM, CLOAKs to Suit Pur N & CO‘+ PORTS. INVESTMENT , BROKE®, do do do do t THEETS, 404351 + Tlyi n Atreet 4045tf ALE â€"Labards. â€"St. Jub‘en,. â€"Margaur â€"Chatean in al the For terms and gonâ€"ition, mtA 4 mhce le i. V. Most uen spplention, miat be ComTatmtxg aNZg HUNDRZED ax» 7 eZh cridon uesd is propared to ue} bis |T!M RIVER DESMOINE, Bole Agents for Onjario Mâ€"MILLAN BCO CLoUD qlenigivg fowoee, GENTSs WAN, ED â€"BIG INDUCEMERENTA 44 C tA rsiihâ€" MENT McMillan & Arless, Whuolesale Agents for Exstern Qatario, CELKEBRATED l SHOW FLAKt BAKING ;POWDGR, THE BEST IN USERâ€"GIYVE IT A f"RIAL Forsale at all Firstâ€"class Grâ€"cers. sB [LIMXITED,]) j W1li be held at the Company‘s Offire in Ottar 2: WEDNESD A Y, tha;lntday of March n t 2 ‘clock in the afternoon. _ * PLU..II’I Ottawa Iron & Stee! Manufagturing Co‘ Annual General Meeting Uf the Sharei.olders of the # just No‘l‘lc& ~ _ Rzxc I f“f;râ€"l â€"-râ€"â€"rmw AWCW Proprietor of the Canadian Ccuzgh Emulson and Colornlg holors Mixturs, OÂ¥ ZB* Look toâ€" 20 Sussex street, and the Raya Arms in thal wrin aur Arms in the window. Olt â€"wa, Jan. 2/, 1876 CHEMIST/AND DRUGGIST, 29, Sussex street, Ottaws, By appotn{ment, Chemist and O_tuwa. Feb. 12 1876. PLUMBER, GAS ANXD STEAM tmq.‘ Cor. Weilington and Bank street, Ottawa. Heatine of Public Buildin Green House Private Residences by m‘h'z'r low | pressur, Bteam aad hot wrter a sp â€"C‘alty. j ZB~ Eest of refstences given. ; â€" The acjourned York Steet, near Sussex‘ Street, Citizens Insurance Co‘y. CaPiTaL | .. $2,000,000. Fizz, hn.-Aoom;m Guaraxtea. ‘I‘o-po:r; Ofllcos | Ottawa, Jan. 23, STEAMBOAT TI°KRET AND gw.lltmx. COMMISSION AGEN IÂ¥. Agent for the fallowing first class Companies EQUITABLE LLFE AS*U8ANUR 8s0cETY ot the U.sited States, Aâ€"sets over $ $,000,000 IMPERIAL FIRE INSUrANQE COM_ANY of London, Eagla~d, Capit«] ;x ,009,000 IN:ON PLATE GLASS INSURANOE (COMPA NY of Montreal 24 3UN w»UIUAL ACCIDSNT INSURANCE COMPARXY of »outre al, TTAWA RIVER NAvIGATION CorPNY RICHELIEU NAVIGATION QOMPANY, ®&.(oal and Wood for saie. i Aeg, ue & MAE Msuwace EORGE MORTIMER, Tickets can be had at Orme & "on‘ Rink, : This is the largest sheet of Icq ever enc in oue Rizk, in this city, and is kept in lect order every day. 1 Family Tickets for Season......;... ... $ Ledies‘ Single T ORAWS: c+ese vrars feveriy 2 Gentiemen‘s single Titkels..:â€"+disclss. d single Admiitange....... .. [I!UUPA**C* O'I'I'AWA Ottawa, Feb. 2, 1878 SanBD 125.3 T wIh ‘rd, ma be had at MRS K Z?i'n’»‘i“é’ém..? orl);l;idv'n ...5 Salter streets aNndv # @EYYMON. â€" Thee or far Members of Parilament can find couifirta â€"le accomâ€" mod_rn;’ugq with or without B ar "ir by !ino yl.h" at . ussex street. [oppost rengh cal >eâ€" drai). BHee} lopposite Frendh SS 7 IRSTâ€"CLASS Board and ‘Lodgirg ; price F $33 per month. " k. W." TruEs Office. _‘ SKATING RINK r Plumbers, &rc. TIIE TEMPERANCE . »m:OUSE, Boarks steet, corner of Bak, is A N YEDâ€"‘ urog the Nession, RuOMS w AND BOArDis a pHi ate fataily. b{ a fim«le g nieman, nâ€"ar the Ho‘me of Paritaâ€" tient, it possible, Apply to H., Trargs Office. . JOHNStTON, n nitnd CCE S AHEMRT _ _ei room on firt flo r, in | private awellâ€" lg, on Albert stree!, only a lew| minutes‘ walk rom Farliament ï¬uuuin“ pply at ihis UGice. , 4 64( M WAN’I‘EDâ€" AND Bo Ka uwlm?»i&t'ï¬i-','b&ii’m oi Pariâ€"ment, at MaS. McRA «treet, corcer of Bank. i moard RARE CHANCE is now Ooffered to A one cesirous of ru.l'd-.ln‘ & bunall;,! prvate site jor a gen o-qn'nolldw and a balf ucres, opposite Messrs. Gar & Mutechmor®, on Bank street Road, ove mile {rom toe city l‘Tai‘s, Terms moderate, Amy w M. ST AIRS, (ttawa City. 401 00D ROOMS WITH BOARD ple of znod bedâ€"rovms wih be SQUARE hrcgy, Uitice, re fme abiasll0 [ LCCCD COPRTY, WOWrd £M. take four children, over 6‘mo¢ age, to bourd and nstract. A pply at THIS OFFIC®E, ANTENDâ€"Evenine emp‘oyment by a ly shorthand Writer."" PeHONQ, Tpure e ~ Uninualasc2. 104C CAI.â€"A first class oo pcareies. y No shk Soricy Arbert sti ect old ~__ 40. 6t( A LADY liying in a pleasant localiy, would General Agent SUTTox, AREBLE HALLâ€"To rent :ï¬ the night or _ Seasen. \ lean, warm, w ligoted and nest nm\nerd hail or l!- sita in Ottawa. l SUMERVILLE, 186 & Rideau street. DESJARDLIN®, ARBLE HALLâ€" 00!“ TO RENXT, well {furnisued pe wishise o2 o BXE 1TVATION wastE&o i | A muscirncuts, 9 ELGIN STRERT Ensurance. ZarcaNaAL B EIN, gz LETâ€"ODuring sessions, hooms to KRet,. oTTAWA. ARLESS, JOBSEPH SM T WENT Yâ€"FOUR 1. WEST, °e & "on‘s, or at the JOHN MUNRO. soidging. Recretar; .. WTIMBER LLMITs, ©0i6y1 nice‘y furnishâ€" bimura us 3e 0 L e M ht â€" : Bituates on the retowa r Desmoine. wa, Kippowa and River irnisued with for Members ‘3, 106 Spachs 4064‘f | Ottawa, Sopt. 2 1975,, * ZXUILLYVRAY. 4.63mleod pin®®s ulmâ€"m sALE . * 493 SQUARE MILES * Ten Thousand ihice 5; },‘.:\éa:.j"bg“‘.“s ho c“:f%flg’l::}'l:fll's hm;' 8 atic nery, ARTHUR L. HOLMES Valentines in Great Variety, O8stf !STp;eches of the Hon, I Hacken;le James Campbell & Son, FRONT STREET, Torant>», a ‘or saie by all Pooksellers. Price, [with )‘nggdvu portm{tou wo‘d] 25 cents ; [wi n photograph by ®otman & Fraser} 50 conts. } Uttawa, seb 11, $76. : Shit Oitawa. Utu_.jq 1875 *ne speech*3 of Mr. l-otenq‘&.the head of the Canadian Ministry, have right ring about them, exhibitiag not oniy that hardâ€" headedness and cauti>n Wwhich are so Tr eiy imputed to Scouchmen, but likewise & dash of thit sentiment or pretry wniâ€"h our neighb urs are sonewhat more slow ln_ viging as part ofour natiâ€"nat characier. Canads would seem for the ;resent to pnt the t myn in the right plase, and ‘t is natural t a man shopld magoify the plac», and teli us, as he does with apparent truth how . the disposition, how pros: erous the and how magnificent t‘ e prospects of the vzt coantry over which he presides. â€" T‘he Scatsman, . an, 17, 1875, Visit to Scotland, wiITH HIs | ? PRINCIPAL SPERCBES IN CaNaba Puruinit and Stotch To ons PS pantedt by kinds of Farm A selected stock always PATties. / Orders prompily â€"â€"DEALERS n * Flour & Farm Produce. RIDEAU AND The speech s of Mr ALEX. TAYLOR, FMUI AND FEED lï¬â€œ 4068 f MHMave recelved of their Tall: importations, 48 RALES CARPETS -in CORTAIN®. Embracing ali the noulu.q! out for the season to which they éonfidently â€"| Have STERBROONK‘s PENS, 83 Sparks Street. SHOOLBRED & co. QTrTAWwA caspet wouse. hedc dA _A _ ~’ MEDICAL HALL, Wel‘in;ton street. ® bottles BLOOD COMPOU ND for beautifyâ€". Ing thâ€" compi xion, . | BARAPARILLA 0: BL, }0D COMPOUXN, the ovly su e remedy forre> oving all kinds ? "kin + iseases an i (lvlfl‘ health and b auty % th* comp exion.. t m nPrraPisccas Ahoc "kin + iseases an i ivin ?1 th* comp exion, * . Otiaws, Jan. 41, 1876. Roots, Barks, & Herbs, EXT F, 0T TILDEN‘3 CELRBRATED zxn&fï¬â€˜x’“ EN EBR A1 EADY â€" Kow ; ° _ OCULIsT Axb avrisr Formerly C inical Assistant in the Wwrare 1822‘ CHEL ASf Spssial Valus taLiso] Cu rtal ns. \Olainin o. fdnt mt ts 4928 mnk 12is. i. Catalogues n-iy B:iï¬, -n:'“;';h @x:ensive T:, f{l“ o will tak, f h father‘s a A e funerai e p‘ace from her aud varied colls stion e minâ€"d, on MUNAY, !tno Tth in=t, at the Rxm- of the subscriber, | residence, Rideaus reet, on Funday, at 2 oolner, Elgin street. } p.m , and wili proceed to St. Joseph‘s Chureb ; o i Weyh ver :m'i 3;.::‘:0}:‘; us is slack | from thence t> he Oâ€"tholle Cometery. Frienas x‘ohune of the ww'v:ll& :a .;-1:. n‘z.udm reasve; l;d';tlfll::mo‘- mmzonmr requeste! to e pportunity shou »ken advantaze atlend wi out further not‘cs. by uf’l;gg '.l:hxlo r;u lenish their L N‘.‘l’l"l. e mm emmmmmmmmmmnt emmmmmmmating sSale at7:30 each Evening. J. %znmngg;gu. Ni mer h salclo iss 1 Et e VC %‘ un mm In »daition to the absve. the oom‘tnnentl uzns a'rnaka ov::n 6mrl-‘y "‘,;gl °§n§.""Ԥ.‘i§ REGAXâ€"O3 Fride ::n':t.hlnnt Mary a 28 as ames CLs â€"Oa Y, + Anne, SICAL AU : HORS. me Thousand pleces of third daughter ‘of John Ksq. sHEET M USIO, wUsua) BuOK® oth. 2 yeu 8." Regan, Esq, aged Cnulo‘l:u may b+ had, «nd this exiensiva hn L SnA warbnd alar lc fl _2 0 & L. HOLMES, hn l lip, _ _ anike t. HoLsr®=: us bu diy at B | ans x » t o4 .l'mr.flrvd- M Hove, p‘.:“., Ahe ms of BYRON, ipufrsuas. ynISES UHAUCE4, lnds'other * Invite Inspection. Fathers of In »daition u?u\.E.?g."‘.h A_Pm o oo s eV â€"Works of Fiction bracirg such names :n, BULWER, And Â¥iP eAuabafilndndi 4. k c.â€" any over 100 Volumes Medical Works UST RECEIVED, || An immense supply of fresh subjects : OTTAWA. SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26 ELGIN STREET The subscriber sell by Public Au Tss , AE“ PEREXPToRY . Lnsesr corcecrion or so0ts . F. MacCARTHY‘ BR. BULLER, M.4.C.8s â€"‘Parme amd 220822 CPRCKE SLrOeL u;erm;sn"d cond:it! ns made known at the e 0 e. t § HE TOR McLEAN, The tnfionnt Rlaw t TFrmadh c ts e e *â€"â€"@._ SÂ¥RAi/L L. | 823 1 A J P%, , Mr. George W-:;M‘:; of °°‘°?t;. N. H., CREAT BRITAIX HE TOR YoLRAN has received llflm“‘,mm MG. 1 Agent of the Riot Q.‘.“‘ tiins from James %nnb& Eâ€"q. to sall the #p neral Age Loxvox, Feb. 25.â€"The fiot hm“"flmvgflm hy bim, situ ted Amuiun&dingl(whho(!onpmy,un k * on the Sherwond Extate, ad) ining t‘rim rose C iR sop yesterday on the occasion . B EBown as lot" No, §2," meaanti @. 601166, salary of $3,600 per year, and will also |;;],, yesterday, were caused b ;":‘lln. ‘w'fx? 'ui’:‘«"i’....-.m.“.’.'.'.‘.?;'.':’.'i;’ir,’,'.‘:: | have charge of their department at the operatives from a neighbourin lboon-bum vrl'uhln :?dhd.l"nr movths, :}.’P.':,{',?.!Conhnnhl lxhiblï¬on at Philad iphia . Nquriomdnnq‘.m d°°‘p P oi e nds thnens | un fror i eall toom ie ameien, | rdction Disnater at Sen, braras and &mm:(;ilodfl "oodma'.l; Jnine: | men in the principal cities of Canada, | ;, is the! American whal goh;.';':tp:l'&:.’nnt 12 n?&':rknp vc'noly," at his | with whom he has had business relatian« |n‘".!* the! America Auc‘ion Roows®, No. 6)Sparis street _ Sheeman t O tawa2, Fob 2?, 1876 DiC BOCK3RELLER, DURISG TS RECENT By J. sermingham. REALI ‘ngla UCTION sor to D. McLarnon, â€"â€"CORNER 0% ~â€" ~RUC THACKERAY, 8OoTT, PuE, , 1875 vols., at AT COMMENCING ox CELEBSRATED Mrmmrciks A L) HOLMES. ageded 0 0 Will be pald for.tbe EO C TEUT ECY b_, standard authors PJV n _ O ho Bay Street Presbyterian * coore®. Chureb, Toronto, died yesterday mornâ€" vRow Lo*«:;g't'.lf)rc' ing, at the age of 62. .. { ;uwz,hru.‘ as wen ai| ~A deputation: on sugar . and syrup MILTON, â€" BPENCER: | qntigg left Toronto for Ottawa yesterday nxzlish Postrv, °%"‘m“ nnnnaonr .. absve. the consignment uzns Vo! FRENCH DIEp. s %&ï¬u"&&u}fw‘xï¬u‘ n":&’i’i% Frday, toe 25th lnst , Mary_Anne, u m h 300 nuox's;;oto. o yeu 8." Of John Regan, Eesd aged i ies Woige . o MuNva 42 | _ The faneral will take prace from her fathers ogms of the -ublcrlbsr'. residence, Rideaus mt,oavlnd.y.l&lo‘d'nr, } p.m , and wilt procsed to St. Jmph" Churcb ; %P“b"‘:e}"_‘: lirgest 8‘06K } from thenos +. ,, . 4"., °V Ob JOsePH‘s Chu ou UAW.} oe Aukk: ton Sales. ALE |ESTATE. rerelved instructions at his Sclom... to 4 England, ay, | @77 Alesnames ge e zen e vmd‘:‘."cï¬'?-..-. y Auctimecr, 406Lut Auctioneer,. @RDER DE°PARTXMENT, _ this Depar mont : 3 In * par -.nbl:'a‘.l‘:(. tarnd < very inrge VER OMATINGS # C 0&.&0090!!‘;_1_3†. Avommmedio-t'ov-nry large stock of VE ‘COATE â€" â€"_â€" & axxor 8z vxnzERsor». Made wup in Tackets, Caps, &c., id e 4 H. HODGESs, | .« 56 SPARKSST., â€" . Opposito the British Lian Hotel. VHinwna Oetâ€"z ray, 118 SP4RKS STRAKREET 4077.7 Astrachan, « â€" â€"â€" South Sea Seal j and Beaver youses:rues: FUBS 1 PROVISCIAL LAND u::‘s‘v:m AND praAvantsâ€" SBugcessor to W. B, Thistle & Co. Office, as formorly,.cver Manu‘a Haniwere Stars, f * * SS19LU retiring from the practice of rofession lï¬n% with n:y former m'i Mr. m" h ln(nusi:x{vlrm .I:dlun T uch p eastre io rmmmeudlh;‘{lh @8 my enc« Raxkay b y ; |. * / PEA JACKETS, : Â¥ory | of d Win Auet ebord "ai neriptiny or Pairand Watee UNDS RCLOTHIKNG, CLOTHING HoUSE, JOHN .§@T§ & Co cce 2o 0_ PUANNEL sHirt, d a Large Arkortmont of Men‘s Furnishings Cl H‘..â€" C2003 0C AOCVC! o7 . marcus r Iu",â€""" t'h;: ;.‘.&.......; mlnud m.r.m..m Year Book tor 1476 m wlen rannta en eaes 7 c* FOR SALE AP HENDERSON & Co.‘s JUST RECEIVED ALL THE NEW STYLES POR 1876, Board of Public Schol Trusees _ Ottawa, Fob, 20, 1876, ________ _ arsita y the City of Ottawa Board of Pablic Srhoo! Trustâ€"e®, for the e ection of a Ari 21 in Weliington Ward. % mary Seho: leas and specifientions geen ‘at t % * of J:III.S u‘mel'.o";l?-.hlm .Ilm"‘ #°° WIG Mag"zines sa‘d cheap. # m eseltE, Btins, _ Next cor And Bussox strasty Oitawh, Feb. 22, 1878 40Tiy1 + wnmâ€"omiemmmensmmmndmanmmennatsingcasmnntson o e cce UZ Thursday, 2nd March RUsELU Hâ€"UsSS BLOCK& Ottawa, Fob. 22. 1578. s Tty our Lendirg L:ibrary, the best collection r t popu‘ar Novels in tre oity, Tigi in 22 52 weget enc s Sanrreny ;l’ol!'-."v'l.scnmm:â€"z cents rer day, with a 'a‘i-ou Magezines said cheap. BTRHUR F. COTroN, The lowest or any one bringing it to OSTâ€"On reterning from L Gâ€"neral‘s lfmr'smc Bi y _LVET CAP®, Jined with braided with God. Reward w BWV nma Luailla 2101 CIPT OnEâ€"Last hit, bâ€"iween Metca fo «nd t es t snn ~ m & 6 o" will u retur 1‘ to TRIS OEFIOR P by returni g ioi i t a Ee 2000 m except on such raw â€" materials as lhnotpmdnopdinCumd., so far as the United States is concerned, as long as they continue to impose he«vy duties on artip OCles now included in that list." A resoluâ€" tion to the effect that the tariff should be increased to 25 per cent. was voted down. Hon. John McMurrick has been elected President of the Beform Association of | Toronto. _ f Rev. Dr. Jennings, for thirtyâ€"six years Pastor of the Bay Street Presbyterian Churcb, Toronto, died yesterday mornâ€" iflB, at the lgod 62. % f New Advertisemént.g to TBIS OEFIOE, COMPAR® THE pa:Cxze An TH® tL was ‘â€" batried: © by~ | 4210 _ 16 :~â€" "Phat this Board favours an . increase of duties.on imports in the interest of mative manufactures, and they also reâ€" quest their representatives in Parliament to urge upon the Government the necessity of rescinding the free list, except on such raw â€" materials as OSTâ€"Last @untntary of Hews, ferday, on motion of Mr. W. ~H. Howland, _ the following _ resolution 1 p m gr c 100C *00 HP. FOrkâ€" | T1 ... 0° $5,000 per yeéar, and will also ':.%'L'y“m:d.y?w&'m b"y‘:‘"‘“&‘ | have charge of their department at the operatives from a neighbouring omy | Contemnial Exhibition at Philadelphia. | No serious damage was done, and all is Mr. Drew is well known to many business | 44i¢5 now. Diénster at Sen. men in the principal cities of Canada, | ;, is the! American whalet, Y with whom he has had business relations, Ponix, of New Bedford, that nom’ who will be pleased tolearn of his appointâ€" | fortyâ€"one of the survivors of th'm" ment and we take this opportunity of ;2‘?:.%“;"’“â€â€˜: ?h?m of | wishing him success in his new sphere of |,, , .2 o7 0‘ Yuly, and on the 26th of | action. 1 ""Q‘ï¬hm the . town of â€" Perth indicates that the Huron and Queâ€" bee railway Bâ€"Law has been defeated in all places heard from by large majorities. | AND LEARXN: WEL be recelved up till IJWEEDQ r'b'."i'"""i"l;} «ar9che 6n ;l-:\v they made money iMor‘ions oun be seen ‘at the $ . Mather, Architeot, Eigia any Tonder rot teosssarily HIRAM ROBINSO*~, f o , Dhhirmamn, : :c( *> W, R. T ISTLR &.00. House. Snttite apein kess MQUrke, (deredene"is in Yon o chow ie 2064 /A i e _ _‘ _‘ es , MLunroe Block, Syracus2, N. Y '?ï¬tn% THI3 OFPFICE, th woite satial wi!l be given to the Gover a MAOVE 8 15 408 f 15 Sno indifcretions of youth, nervous weakâ€" |_ Goverxuzeytr Hovuss â€" Senvaxts‘ :;.,urlyd‘e_ny,huo{mhood,h.l Bart.â€"Last‘ni th‘:llflmdflhlx Oym.mpmtwmmmrnzn cellency mn&“ General gave : discovered by a ..m.. nedy was most enjoysble ball at Rideau ï¬.m. A CARD, To all wbom.u&n'n'ifm the errors and indiscretions ‘1,120:! nervous z:ki will send a recipe that will oure you EREE C TY Cl N dnc oi ntyrctreaintcemsrncid A !-â€"'â€"!‘ 9 use â€"" Bryan‘s Pulmonic Wafers" »they |time. 2 allay irritation at once, and exert a most . to either al ulmon organs ‘{streat ;hupnnd em‘u‘?t.rydm Prhozsm to Mr, M ger box. 4078 l 5 va 2 sB t ie dreer t APlcresBNnacd well to call on Mr.Jarvis at his studio 140 Sparks street. His motto is * First d-uwrkatmodentepï¬oeg" Call and see specimens. 4061« Arter war, pestilence and intemper ancéâ€"colds lead to the greatest destruc« tion of human hife, mainly, because it is considered by many to be of no conseâ€" quence and hence systematically na. it yous: photographed, will do 4 to ozllb::)'l(r. Jarvis ‘:':.g,n studin don‘‘ is, without exception, the best and ohnp:; in Ottawa. â€" _ Perkins Horse ï¬;ï¬&np;;; ;:;:.b:m.:; B se n wopre,rey were em and the producing canacitv wan a tan .. , 1876. | Exhorbitant Hotel Charges. , Nzw York, Feb, 25.â€"The Times‘ Washâ€" ington -p:;:l says it is reported that the Cincinnati hotels are raising to extortion~ ate rates their prices for roums during the Republican convention. This is denied from Cincinnati,â€" but whatever the facts 'mybo&hmiloornin'y an effort being to take the convention to so ne other city â€" Rog D D40 . oo LCCCTCC @Ho us OK= Confederates. There is a strong 1 ently sincere and klnd‘z::in. m thoéonord among all . of ouh: i""f““" of political sentimect, nearly ":3 one expresses pleasure at the acquittal. _ friendly and , ‘enaiy and symyathctic letters received byt.bo{}.wz-g.hhmmthn come from: the South and fram . aw_ MrxuBers or Paruoorext and strangers gions, of kindness ‘towards him. Mr. Storrs ‘stated: thatsome of the most A F T3 c ie o onnomae -;yvu&v:‘.ll SHC rsenal,‘ accompanied . Arsenal !bm:ig;nthowjlm Col. made & brief speech, in which he said the verdict was another evidence of the closing of the gap between the North and South, and the restoration of peace ;."ddfl‘-wph ‘f“"lppm.'";m:dhdontbo nd to play ixti was accordâ€" ingly done. ‘ General Babcock then thanked the assemblage for their expresâ€" Provinexcs, Feb. 25.â€"The works of the called an ovation. Since his aequittal his rooms at the Lindell Hotel were crowded with callers for several hours after his dl:;ninontb:iï¬ï¬‚::u ing “gt:. among the num ber, and this prening tho omon s Pu, 41UD80®, Feb. 25.â€"On Woednesday night two masked men seized Charles Lacy, Collector of the town | of Austerlitz, on his way home from a collecting tour in that town, and p revolvers to his head, compelied him to : eliver up all the monéy he had in his P ion, amountâ€" ing to $80. ‘The rogbon fied, and no clue has been obtained to them. o a mt o ooo on on oneitniey atter noon a mu Curling: Clab of Hamilion, nt., and the Caledonians of this city, took :Lo., and m;éudinthodofou of the former,â€"49 w * â€" ~~ flhhw Robbory. I NEwW YoRK®. _ A ccident .t-l‘bc-h"g New ~York, {ï¬h. 25.â€"Two brothers g"l‘:"}'b RolhndB from: ':' ‘gup‘“; at the °20 rooklyn, night ; one being f‘“ltl';'lnd the other dangerously injured. o + Cuarl‘ng Mateh. | Indemanity Payment. Paris, Feb. 25. â€"It is stated that Spain h"::'â€d to pay an indemnity to the family of Reggondeau, executed in Caba and ‘to court martial the officer who ordered the execution. were employed by '{E{"m'"',' e P'ï¬ucglll:,apmity mum‘ Loss, $50,000; insured for about W details, «â€"The dGey board at "The Lonâ€" Disaster at Son, It is the! American whalet, Y Ponix, of New Bedford, that no;nnns fortyâ€"one of the survivors of flâ€'m ship Strathmore. She took them tiat month mnstored Croue 2 oo 0! that mon wen to the Sierra Marena. â€"The Mcrm which has arrived at Galle and ‘iih? . unfortunates, reports the above. vneral Habcock‘s Aequittal, Lovts, Feb. 25.â€"Last evening Gen. ck received what can almost be RHODE ISLAND. Afli’.la IGAN OMIO. Disputed ilg.u.., SPAIN, , and all ";, | ~_"~°"*° ~Arrestedâ€" Frand â€" Judicialâ€" No. n, APARKS 87 e was done, and all is . Iniportsâ€"Investigation, / ma&â€" Boots and Bbors in g Spécial to TRE TIMES, Goods marked in platn figures, M errkt hon, Mowranar, Feb. 25.â€"Hon. Mr. McDou: F.____% _ :mre. {_|_ _ merican whalet, °Y I M.P.P., is in town, ikn «combanmranys Bedford, that ‘received ’%uhA.ï¬dn,chrk for Riddell & Co., | TJME COMPANION oac urvivors of “".‘m.’h been arrestad an . .. _ q101 &# L sounmeme BB i the : those who have ‘to do with the were m-.dw:om themselves . â€" The supper, was laid Out hxom used ï¬. the Fancy ‘Ball, was a credit to the chef de to Mr, McKenna, Bussex streot. w city go to «4h 19 o0‘ PPE “’ 1 10 _ "RCELINHENE,=â€" BAF, . W , E Thompson, M.P. h&hconvdd Wel 1‘ land, entertained a séleot ;::m-r.-t_aonu..&::,'u Tsz Loxbox.â€"No delay in served atthe London. _A hot lareh bohdhn?huy. f g‘uflumnmn!kh‘an wm foned to mm hn maced mioe hastened to him and him if he had hurt his spine. "I don‘t know," was the reply ; * just look in my hat and see." 18E . Loxnox.â€"The best mn* the city for meals. Served at all hours, conciusion, Master Bangs was warmly ap. Phfldl;dbythomdhaoo. mm in well measured tones, gave a reference w&ohtuosnduhn,nd was yery warmly applauded. Miss Mcâ€" Naughton sang a song in a voice that in dicstedculture and power of voice, She was followed by Rev. Mr. Borthwick, who nvonu;d“h:fmlnit. *zxv. 35, und he was foll lfln'“haudhflonb{ Master Martin, who spoke well and eviâ€" dently understood his duty in the premâ€" Ts Loxpox v PAE / td m / C edfenrt ze sc hich well delivered, taking into l'coount_'t.h.o Eoudlofllu reciter. At the plauded by the audience. Mr. Camebal,. Ottawa â€" Pa‘t . _ parents, Ottamwa _ ‘had _ a * school . _ system second ‘G’nnholn the Province, a fact elvhiohhbhltmflypmd. He did not intend tobub:n the _udi-ubwita a long proficiency by the manner in which they ‘POI'hrmt{tho,nn'onduï¬ami;udm oun, d several man, was executed in a manner ins dicated careful traicing, . which was followed by ":“S‘““"’Mkml w arne ewal kc Py o n TaR openéed the formal proceedings of the apprecited the hoi Somferyey‘ jun) u; him in veing called _ to es chair on the occasion more especiall he ~anticipated that he was uflnn:i. boys who in the fature may h‘a&n i0 reach the Legislature, and in fact the at the same time he was aware and boped that he was also speaking to those who in days to come would be thomoth«:hofmum;ldh.p ©@x e both lmwouldp."oidd-"â€n m »-;-‘,mua-' ies at mither." m the aoe00,008 of Mr, LeSueur‘s wouunodnnd-ndbb u 4 m in an artistic manner Srero td _&> musical melange . on the &"""Mm the warm fplaudits of Mr. Barssr being called upon by the .drml-flthoc.bjootofflnmquu ;""""“"’.L. was to excite a warmer interest opened the ~20sC present were R.'. l’."'" |â€"|â€"-| M LeSueur, Barber, Kirby, and other Wm.“n tldvoo'tt. oloduo.'lh. Mr. AeSusur hating makes q486 ohiair by reâ€" quest, in: feow but well chosen remarks mmamadl 4ruloe 00. place in the Central School West. yess S Doi weore Rer. Mr.. Bo Tagk Teacher‘s -â€"Jmu...... evening an entertain ment i 'liho mlmg:?.nto(u. Common School Teachers of theâ€" City of Ottawa, trok w . > > o > L/ ~41" -â€"â€"--â€"-J""l"-'l" lau::.vout-m fll;-o-oollhofltflln;y AxD -:fmJ%mmul&dh{ Statesman‘s Register for 1876. | © ï¬uco?ggtum:: t wunmni‘::nu,ta-i-.; l < Twen '.lm lm * + " n â€" hh’:bmmmn-l RNLARGED AND IXPRovYED, ; ; i:':_, ,:rlho'l&ad&omdfl Mar uy soiing! 2t the Booxetores of %t A. .. a% i“:sthwu:’c«nauu.h&-ï¬m "Chawe, pourgg 4. m°0N @00 " © P 99| e & ts founder t mmme | | | . F -ï¬unfuï¬u‘tom.g ttomney | (if," 19 ~1.4" jaal uuhmub.mma:'o:m.,a Queen Restaurant. +128 nvohbeh;hku,u&zlofdu, e â€" i _A}gon_nw_-mhh.d Mr. I in hLis ud T M 4M mpidiatint o P\ ctcas ie wan w5 If | t in interest And" usopainew} oat Wonenint Rorennte on f-l;""‘-'-&"m"-?:'_--""‘f‘z;.z.fl-‘. a= ’mmh&.#,.:w‘: rmaoy anext wank. simamtcainntat on ce ue |The Comtan Paftenestay Conporin mï¬'ï¬â€˜t‘.m f UENTRAL sSCHoOL waesr. his usual gener his usual generous * 44AMLL) 11 M : style, restaurant, meals at all CTimtesy cls in I IVEN AWAY ;:;: :-ll-- Byâ€"Law. ’ < tht, is "0", "os Hurn & Quebes | CASH PURCHASERS OF $1.00 & mproigns~ Areftercls l vaz i Bot % uaine mrunle, they |onost. miree o No Deenin mm nnar in which they / £.0.G.T., tonk ua-.our'a’:: rendered . by eseveral | B Prwrg : * io i Sagy se s / â€" by ‘several w i+ toa, was ot " Professor â€" Worke: | Mt; ol wP 60 wer id chai in a manner that in~ '..::“â€, Pm““l'l.dth:* i ivered Banes, [ £. H. and T. W. Kenny, Cthots op ulc taking into /a reading by Mr. T. W. sen., and eug: mas worml the | sn able temperance address by Rev. M. ience. Mr. * | L Pearson, of Iroquois. Short â€"addresses nt.l.""'. G;’“‘:’a“""“*’l‘vh t dm cr“ !h'.. pp?.ud.d. ays, aud ...‘“"L.-"‘:'« d everything _.: ALr. » in h.ifl on‘ Aldermen ‘Glephone 4081i? Among loud applause. Mr. ‘lim'l.flonmnhw&o(u. The proceedings commenced punctu “‘g""uo.dhlï¬c-dï¬, may be well to mention for the benefit of ‘few'ho_panohuhsBWb their better enj if in future they oonkloanh-in,uclï¬msï¬ï¬‚otï¬o rather than ‘a little after the hourâ€"cight O'chnk-â€".‘hfb. m“nu order, _ Aiter a .ew 2 __ LCC3 MCeunng, MF, BroOdie § °CA Brower ; Song, by eight ME Tt so well aiouded. "Foure . 000 Aalt M :ttln a most substantial, result will mh“"""fluï¬s“hn umfllMdog;. The voos! and instru« ‘u;‘.‘:“.."‘:"..‘i'_'_'_“}'-‘-nz_ Tez Loxnox bar is stooked with the finest liquors, cigars, &o. pak “:a'o:,,..u“"“' C S esm1 was Ahomdene® and syorytiing ma :mï¬oulnlmmm gmmï¬ LO.G.T, tosk place in the Odd E‘“ Rideau Az tea, which was u:%...u w.":".c, took the chair, ndï¬.l" ,h'““‘, Pm“‘h'l. ï¬th:v* every convenience tc% Photos in °°z,‘n-rbuu8umâ€"'l‘ at 10 a. m. a 23""""’ m-ï¬n?!’l_;x'-"z Run&vmmnrau n‘v‘. erection d.mdï¬ï¬‚l&dh&h*, Preovio Hnx.â€"On » etme my tm O5, menter aigt mnonmeds epprrsvur deven, Heving no M.ppmnfl',* have him placed in one of the where the ..poor old .man would be proâ€" perly taken care of, Duncanville on Saturday, by m.‘:ab-.w at a u. Tas Loxvos.â€"The Artexrptep Surcrs.â€" LA in m“_u.sf‘%’? td. : me -u"-'.â€"o-a.. Mont Lunch Bill of Fare Kocul Autellinence. PALACE SHOESTORE Tes and Ooffee. _ _ _ 40~ Dinner at 6 e‘clock. C NO. M, APARKS 8T R&rr gm'.!‘..;".".'_-__m ve € l“vï¬ Round of Jystersâ€"fried, stewed and raw. Saturday, Feb‘y the Governor General. cannot bo oquatied it + Vegetabies, |Mutt 3u Pie, Cold Joints, AT RESTONG to commit suicide at cutting his